tv Good Day DC FOX June 3, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EDT
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♪ double down on your candy and coffee cravings with dunkin's new heath and almond joy candy bar flavored iced coffees. america runs on dunkin'. ♪ straight ahead on good daydy d.c., getting back on track. the first phase of metro's safes track plan kicking off in just a matter of hours.f what you need to know to avoid a commuting nightmare.. plus anti trump protesters turning violent once again. aga and his democratic rival also taking aim at the billionaireli turned politician.
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job. jo after police say a teacherer committed a heinous crime under his watch.. and we're kicking off theckt weekend with the zip trip to dee ray, virginia.. from the must see sites to the t best grub spots in town, goodn, day at 9a starts right now. ♪ >> perfect. we are on the road. each and every friday. everyrida it is one of our favorite things about summertime it is indeed a good day d.c. d.c we're so glad that you're withet us just after 9:00 o'clock here. let's see. allison --liso-- >> yes.>> >> you're unaccounted for.acco >> wisdom here and accounted f for. >> steve is doing leave weekeek early.ea >> yes. >> leave work early a day late. >> right. must the rest of the teamea be out in del ray. hey, m oval, his talker! >> hey.>> good morning, guys.od mning, gu yes, we are in beautiful delifud ray, virginia
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it's a quaint little suburb of alexandria.dria probably the best way tot wayo describe the for those of you wondering all two of you outou t there. th >> about 10 blocks on mountnt vernon avenue.venue. >> i've been having greaten havr been exploring all the localocal businesses. >> yeah. >> we got plenty more fun the next couple of hours. >> we have got a bunch of people out here they brought their dog geese.geese. such a beautiful quaintint community we'll be exploring it for the notion hours here onon h good day dc has we have been all morning long. we'll give you a little bit of o sites, the tastes, the people.e. it's an awesome community.munity it will be very good weather wise not >> not bad at all. all. >> i'm not sure if i'm doinge id weather. >> i'm just saying weather wisee >> i see, okay. oka let me comment on that.omment yes, you're right.ig it's cloudy out here. here. >> right.>>ight >> a little warm and mew it. mew >> it is.s >> we'll talk about the weather. >> people were concerned about c comincoming out because of the n or something.or s come on out, it's fine. f come say hi. hi. we're here all morning . >> what i found amazing how manm people have lived in thishi community since the '60s andand '70's co
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once you get here you never your live. >> you don't.>>ou don't we'll send it in to you while we explore beautiful del ray andeld see in you a couple of minutesus with more of what this town hasn to offer. oer >> all right.>> all looking forward to thanks, gang., gan >> well, we had the unofficialna weather report let's get thehe official weather report rightt r now from gary mcgrady.dy >> they're just talking aboutt a the weather, not the weathereatr >> gotcha. >> hold on. >> they're just talking aboutt a the weather.that they're not walking about thebot weather. >> exactly. >> you know what i'm saying.wh >> it's gloomy out but still not bad.d okay? we held the rain offn which is good, okay, because wee had a couple of showers early,l, early this morning nothing righr now out there other than an a little bit of mist here ore there. 73 in town now.ow temperatures pretty comfortablee little bit farther to the souths down towards fred burg it's 74. culpeper you're 74, too and frederick up to seventy twoy two degrees. listen don't expect a lot of suf today. it's a lot like yesterday.terday the clouds in place here, marinr layer has been moving in from io east to to st. and that's going u
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let the sun do its job.ob i don't necessarily think the tk sun does its job by by 11:00 o'clock.0 o' just mostly cloud dough. dou little bit more sunshine pok pok through later on this afternoon. again, not everybody gets theets sunshine. western northwesternwester neighborhoods look likes you'll see more sunshine than we'll ses here along the i-95 corridor anr certainly off to the east. eas later on this afternoon, weon w expect some showers andshers thunderstorms to pick up just at little bit. b. again, it's one of those thingss not everybody gets sunshineody s today. not everybody is going to gety i wet. but as these scattered showersts and thunderstorms pop up, that'' when we'll notice it aftert aft 2:00 o'clock or so two, three, e four, 5:00 o'clock and some ofao it extending into the eveninghee hours as well. wel temperatures will be making it i up into the low lower 80s todayy for just about everybody.rybody if you're close to the bayheay annapolis, leonardtown you'llou stay in the upper 70s.0s all things considered, not too t terribly bad. bad we're unsettled through theough weekend and we're talking talng thunderstorms this weekend somee that may be severe more detailsi coming you on that in just a jut bit.t. guys?ys >> all ig
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>> appreciate it.>> appreciat well brace yourself dmv. metro's safe track plan kicks off tomorrow.orrow. virginia you will get the baton first.first. this is phase one of the plan. a it runs from june 4th too june 16th. metro rail will close at midnight every night. it will affect the orange lineie between east falls church and trains single track or raffle and silver line trains will run everyone eight minutest of course, this is phase one. ahh.h. it will affect -- i already toll you all of al let me get on to the next storyo it's friday, isn't it? >> um-hmm. >> we have new information on ii fatal accident serious news here involving a 16-year-old cyclist yesterday in montgomery county. officials have now confirmedonrm that the victim was a student at gaithersburg high school.l grieve counselors will be at th school today to swipeak with students.students. also in the news thisn the s morning fox5 exclusive. a high school principal onip administrative leave after one o of his teachers was arrest
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foreheadly sexual al student att forestville high school. this is a picture of vincentinct mcduffie you're about to see arrested last week and charged with sex abuse of a minor forr r allegedly having sex with a 17-year-old student on schooloo grounds during the school day several times during march andga april. now one of m mcduffie's former e students who did not want toantt identified spoke exclusively to fox5 and toll us she was not w n surprised by any of this. t >> i don't want to say they in n you about it as far ass administrator.nistrar as far as other teachers some oo them i want to say they kind of had an look i said they was already --- some of the teachers are intoo the role student gossip, what, a girl is dating this boy.oy and stuff like that. they're so into that there's non way you couldn't -- you could cu not hear the rumor more whether they thought it was true or not. >> story our bob barnard was on earlier.ear you know, we just talk yesterdad to the chair of the personn who -- i mean the group who could put the task force
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together as far as to putting pi out their recommendations forior what to do after the deonte carraway story and princend george's's my comment to bob was, i didn't' remember seeing a principalrincl someone who didn't know of it be under administrative disciplinen so quickly.. >> right. >> but it seems to me that aftee that big-time case that maybetbe they're really not -- you know, zero tolerance for if you didn't know this still happened underne your watch. >> right. >> at at the school during din school hours on multiplee occasions.oc it was a couple months here andh he was in charge.asn charg >> if you have a student whoseve saying i'm not surprised.urpr you know what i mean.u ow w >> what's the people know?thpeop >> right exactly.xactly maybe he didn't know but, youyo know, kind of new. i don't know. >> i found it interi esting.erei i found it to be very swift andd proactive, you know.w. the principal also.e prpal >> it's sounds scary. scary. doesn't it seem like -- maybe it was always there and it just its wasn't revealed and now it's getting morey sealed but justust
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>> they should be.>> the >> schools should be a safe saf place. >> young minds are so vulnerabll and can easily be manipulatedanp also making news today formerorr d.c. mayor and current wardrentw seven candidate vincent grayce speaking out against violence in washington in a new op he had id the washington post.t. he stopped by fox5 last night tt talk about why he wrote the peace.peac take a listen.te >> well i just felt something sg needed to be done to create ann additional voice. we watched as homicides double back by comparison to this samem period last year. yea not a voice was heard, and then tripled. we're at 22 homicides in ward w seven in comparison at this samm time last year. as somebody who has been an elected official, somebody whooo is s now a candidate for officef i think we've got to stand upp and make our voices herd.oice that's what people want.ha they want leadership.hi. they want action.t actn and i'm prepared to be a part of the effort to do that. >> you can watch vincent gray's entire interview on fox5
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meanwhile time now 9:08. allison seymour back with ak wha check of the other storieshe making headlines this >> thanks, wis.>>hank chaos erupted at a trumprump rally in san jose yesterdayay evening.evin protesters spilled into thento streets holding signs, voicingci their dislike for presidentialsi candidate donald trump.ald tr several people also arrested after clashes ear rupped betweee protesters and supports somertse people in the crowd even througu eggs and punches at trump supporters.supporters. meanwhile democratic rivaliv hillary clinton says electings e trump would be a mistake of historic proportions protesters interrupted her rival bernieer r sanders during his rally in modesto california yesterday as well. we have just learned thatrnt five soldiers from fort hood texas sadly are dead and four others still missing after their transport truck flipped in a creek a few other soldiers were rescued this morning they are ie stable condition.onditi the area has been flooding aftet several days of heavy rainfall.
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this morning u.s. militaryil and faa investigating the cause of two separate military fightet jet crashes. the first happened in tennessee. u.s. marine captain was killedal when his blue angels fighter jet crashed happened outside nasas nashville and it happened as thh pilot w has taking off foror practice session ahead of a of a scheduled performance thishi weekend.end. meanwhile, in colorado springs, u.s. air force thunderbird jet also crashed following the elite air force group's flyover fov performance at the us air force academy commence many exercisess the pilot was able to safely sal bail out.baut president obama also there and a met with the pilot afterwards. boboxing great muhammed al sleigh in phoenix hospital being treated for serious respiratoryo problem.proble family spokesperson says thehe 74-year-old is in fairfa condition.cond ali has been battling parkinson's disease since the 1980s and has been hospitalizedi a few times in rent years.ears we wish him all the best. b he is the greatest of all timelm after all.r >> yes. the champ.the >> back to you guys.
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74. in my mind he was older.ld >> right. isn't little bit tt i thought he was a little bit older. >> i agree. >> we definitely wish him well.e still ahead, developingin details in the death of princee as we learn he did in fact diea of an accidental overdose.os what we know about the powerfulu drug that tragically took his life. >> all right. takingakingime we'reli live look outside. this is del ray, virginia, wherw we have our zip trip. t the crew is all there. tucker, maureen umeh. they're down there. there. we'll talk to them a little bitt later on. on.
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♪ ♪ we are working on friday. >> yeah we are but it doesn'tt d feel like it. it. >> nah.ah >> it never feels like work whe i'm with you missy mower and you mr. martin >> thank you.>> t wow!w! >> um-hmm. >> that's how i feel. >> i'm nicer on a friday. f >> is that what it is? ithat (laughter). >> everybody is great onofredy e day. it is 9:14 right now.. so if you have never been to ded ray, you're missing out on aut real treat. holly surprise i think i havek h been to del ray. >> really?>> really? >> shocker.>>hock >> i never -- allison -- - >> breaking news.reakg news. >> you stay within your -- >> right. but after this, i know where
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go exactly. >> we already sent people downat there. we kicked them out of the studio maureen -- actually, no, no, wen didn't kick them out.m o they went on their own. their o however you want to couch that.a maureen and tucker they're there all morning long and join us.n u they got five must stops in del ray. good morning. >> hey, good morning again togod you guys. m yo look, if you guys kick us out of the studio, this is probably the best place to be kicked to ifd o you will. del ray is an absolutelybsolut wonderful community as you'veou been saying. sayin allison i'm totally with you.wiu have i been here before? yes, you've been here quaint street. beautiful.auful. >> gorgeous. i've never been here and a absolutely love it. le it >> yeah. >> everybody is so friendly and it's totallys charming here.g h >> speaking of charming andof cn friendly people, delegate markar levine joining us this morning. how are you sir. >> thank you for celebrating del ray.ray >> absolute. >> like americana here, you'vehv got kids and dogs and picket anc fences and great restaurants ana art. love del del >> really is americana.ricana. you walk over here and you see u all these people who lived heree for, you know, for decades a lot them. them. born and raised.born and
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>> all the neighbors no eachghoh other. the kids play in each other's or yards it's a friendly warm w vibrant neighbor. taste of del ray.e of day this sunday one to 3:00. 3 that's another chance for to yoy come on out here.t in the meantime, you've got aot sneak peek of some of the othero things del ray had to offer. oer >> we do this every called fivei must stops and this is sponsores by mazda. ♪ del ray in alexandria wasndi one of the first commutingommu communities in our area and it'' been moving forward for moreor m than 100 >> so hop on board while we have a look around.. some residents call the areaa well ray because of all thehe health and fitness options here. let's countdown del ray startina with number five. mine the mat. pilates, yoga and clientele frof newborns t
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cool place to get a hot workout. after yorking roar muscles yorkk your mind.ur m it's down the street to number four. del ray artisans gallery. they've been promoting localinlo talent for nearly a quarterua century. they have new art shows each month and also offer classes. back on the main drag to number three. th the dairy you can get yummy frozen custars and other treats here and don'th forget your four leg friend. frn they have a freezer full of puppy pops for fido. number two on our list, the farmers market here operates ope year round. round. and you can find up to 20 vendors every saturday with everything from meat and cheesee to, hmm, fresh pasta and fresh cut
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our final stop is one of thehe most recognizable landmarks inas del ray, the birchmere.irch the music venue hosts blueos blu grass, country, folk and jazz. j you can have dinner and enjoy ay show in a venue that puts the audience close to the musician.. thank you erin for that. tha mazda is a proud sponsor of ouro sip trips by the end of summerfm someone will win this lovely new suv. su we'll take sip trips everyke sie friday until labor day weekend that is 15 trips each week youk have a chance to register to win new 2016 mazda cx9. to register go to our website and look for the contest tab. 14 final lists will be weeklyee random drawings one of those 14e will win the 2016 mazda cx9. c head to f
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learn more. le back here on our main stage delegate mark levine youlene represent del ray.. >> absolutely. absolutel >> and doing fine job.nd >> thank you.. >> who do we go to next. nt. >> somebody that represents fo5 fox5. you can hear him from here. hime mr. kevin are you out there.e yo >> yeah. hey, guys.hey, guys. thank you maureen and i'm hanging out with these awesome dog named cool luke.oo k he's name after cool hand luke you might know paul newmanknow e played that role. r this is henness see and my buddy kevin training the dogs and paul hair who actually owns thishi location and another location an well called your dogs' best b friend.frie talk about this location. this is your you sell a bunch of dog productu and talk about what the other oh location does in regards to bedroom boarding. brd >> bedroom boarding. bing sure. su this is the dog store part of your dogs' best friends and we opened it about two years ago, o and basic idea behind it was tot have everything in it that a dog lover lov
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tested, family tested products.s >> right. rig >> and we have about a thousand clients doing research for us great base from which to draw td from. >> here's the craziest thing.i they have this thing called youu dogs best friend and it's at's a doggie daycare.aycare >> it's a dog dee >> cool thing you do, you havedv this bedroom boarding where dogs sleep over with the employees eo and they can have up to 35 dogs in one bedroom sleeping in thegt bed with the employees. talk about that. >> not all 35 can get in the b bed. but -- bu >> they're all small they can. >> they can. we eventually debt a great danen in there and that's quiet challenging.le we did research and we figuree e out two-thirds of all dogs spens a night in the bedroom withom w their owners.owner >> yes. >> about half of them actuallyf spend the night in the bed.nit n since you want a dog to be as low stressed as possible whenosi they're away from their owner tr what we did was we created that boarding went literal val room r that converts to bed with a kinn sized bed. >> what? >> king sized
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pulled out pops up and one ofndo the staff spend the night so the dogs are never alone.lo >> that's really cool. c >> and the bond that's created e between the staff and the dogs g when they wake up in the mornini is just over the top. >> yes. my dog oscar sleeps in my bed b every single night with my wit y fiance' and i. we'll get tricks done hr kevin i need your help.el this guy does an mazing -- doin- the gentleman one much this ishh amazing. az perfect gentleman.ect watch this.hi >> hold it.>> >> look at that perfect gentleman.ntle that is amazing. i i want to hear henness see spe speak. henness see can speak. watch this. >> say >> you going to do it.ngt. >> what do you say? >> talk to me.k to m >> what do you say? wha >> i heard that. hrd tha >> i heard that.. >> he's definitely -- before wen go, i'm going tito get a smoocho from mr. cool luke here. smooch, smooch. smo >> yes, thank you so much. >> all right.>> rig they get their treats for beinge awesome. this place is incredible.ce is this is the dog store and your dog's best friend check themckhe
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i like the whole bedroom boarding idea. idea. thank to you paul.thank thank you so much kevin as well and cool luke.coo luk paul newman would be proud, myum friend. back to holly.back to thank you guys.thyou >> thanks, kevin. kev super cute.. >> so well behaved.l b >> yes. yes >> my dogs were always likeike >> hmm. (laughter). >> fib friday. fri >> mine are too.>> mine are too all right.all ght. >> 9:22 is the time.2 is the t it is friday and possible stormr weekend heading our way theyhe movies may be the perfect perct option. coming up kevin breaks down then three movies you want to checkoe out this weekend.. ♪ ♪
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♪ purple reign e re >> aww. >> still so hard to believe,o right? it's been a little bittl over a month now since mega star prince's death but tests now tes have confirmed that prince diedd due to an accidental overdose oo the powerful painkiller ten tenn knoll. that he self the it's idea stronger than t morphine and 50 times moreim m powerful to heroin.. fentanyl is so strong sip plea reserved for surgery. surge people who use strong opioidsgpi are highy
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music supper star was found dead at the age of just 57 at hisis paisley park mansion inon i minnesota. again that happened back on april 21st i believe that wasela the date, when i heard that ittt was this particular drug i know laura evans has done a wholele story in depth story on how addicting -- addictive this is. we've seen dr. oz in heren h raising awareness nationallyioll about these painkillers and i just don't know what's going tot happen.ppen >> i -- for it to reverse.o rev. >> i don't know. i think it's out there more than we even realize.we en real i recently had a good friend who had a friend who's son was --as- thought he was getting regular l heroin and it was laced withh fentanyl and he ended up passini on that young life was cut shors too suddenly.y so it's a scary time. >> yes. we did the story this morning mg about how it's now more -- it's big on the black-market right now. >> right exactly. >> when you consider hown powerful those numbers you justt read about how powerful this stuff it's frightening.rite way more powerful than her
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it is scary. >> hopefully, prince's deathe'ea very high profile will reallyea start to shine that spotlight ot how dangerous some of thesee o painkillers are.pakillers >> a good purpose that comesom from the tragic loss. >> exactly. 9:27.>>9:27 coming up on good day at 10a, alicia keys encouraging women tm take it off with powerful new social media campaign and thend biebs taking aim at drake. >> what? >> we'll serve that all up ineri the dish i'll il be but right now we'll go back to del ray life picture there livev music, such a beautiful morningf for a zip trip.ri all our crew, not all of ourf crew but a portion of our crew o out there this morning.ere thori coming up in just a few we'll fw have a special firehouse friday live from del ray virginia. vgi don't go anywhere.. good day at 9a continues on the other side.
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♪ newsaking newsith breaking ousts northern virginia.rthe vir multiple law enforcementleaw e agencies are serving up ap warrant to home in leesburg.sbg bob barnard live there with theh details.tail bob?b? >> reporter: hey wisdom.m this is leesburg police case c we're on apple tree drive northeast in leesburg.eesbur you see behind me that's a tha a heavily armed leesburg policepoe officer. you've got the fbi here as welll as they raided this house here at a about 5:00 o'clock this morningi at the end of a lengthy investigation.ion. not telling us what this is all about.abou they say they have tape severalr people out who were started this morning when police broke into b the house before dawn.
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for they're not saying that they'vet been arrested or taken anyonee into custody except that theyhe brought people out and are are questioning them.he you see there are other policeic here from loudoun county c sheriffs office, and the fbi and leesburg police are now gettingi ready to go back into the house to do some evidence gathering,ai and again, they say this is parr of a long standing investigation that culminated before dawn this morning with the raid on tisn house. several people in custody. in c. not sure whether they were thehe targets of the investigation. perhaps witnesses or people whow just happen to be here and haved nothing to do with theing do investigation. but they have gone into this ths house this morning.orning there's nobody else left in the house who they're looking foroor but as you can see you got two heavily armed leesburg policeuri officers still here in the front yard of this house on apple tree drive northeast with assistancec from federal investigators from the fbi and atf and we're toldol by leesburg police the leadhe la agency we should fine out aboutt noon today what this
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about. but on-going scene here.. this house and the one acrosss street you can't get to.o. but basically the streets around here are not affected by thiss hahn-going investigation.ti guys? >> bob, that's very startling tt see such heavily armed men in mi the front of just what lookst lo like a regular >> reporter: yeah, and again,, the people they were after havev already been taken out so it's not like there are troubleub people inside.le inse. but they're just kind ofuskind protecting the scene here her because this is on-goingin investigation and perhaps asio people are finding out about abt this maybe they're concernedrn about what police are going toen haul out of the this house. h >> it will be interesting to seg what it all is.whatall thanks, bob., bob. fresh it. 9:00 theme let's get anotherth truck of our weather with one mr. gary mcgrady.rady >> thank you very much.nk y not much has changed i mean thii morning. we still have clouds in place. little mist here or there.t here i don't think it's a problem.k a i know we talked about this morning. make sure you have your umbrelll today because we'll have showers developing later on. ler on. a little bit of sunshine will wl
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couple of thunderstorms.torms. okay. temperatures out there rightutrg now, 73 degrees and holding hol little warmer for quantico.ic. fredericksburg you guys have g h come up to 74.4. culpeper up to the northwest inn frederick is 72. 7 over the next two, three hours s think we'll start to see some oo these clouds burn off. little bit of sunshine.unshin it's still going to be mainly mi cloudy at 11:00 o'clock for moam of us by 2:00 o'clock somek som brighter skies in places sun and clouds. i mean some of you may see somee sunshine some of you won't.. later on this afternoon four,onu five, 6:00 o'clock we'll have some showers, or even a couplee of thunderstorms out there there possible. high temperatures make it up to the lowerre 80s it will be humid today.da already humid now.adhumi little bit of sunshine out there will make things even worse.ors. gaithersburg i think you're 80. dulles 83. fredericksburg 83 an lot of loto temperatures generally in then e lower 80s.0s a little cooler back over by the bay.bay. simply because i think you guysy stay cloudy there if you get any sunshine it's complete bonuse bn because i believe it just stayss cloudy of the the weekendke forecast looks like this.hi 85 tomorrow.w. so little bit
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showers, thunderstorms possiblee widely scattered in the inhe afternoon.te it looks like by sunday, thoughg temperatures will be back upac u into the middle 80s and there is u7d chance that we'll havellh strong thunderstorms sunday afternoon into sunday evening. n some of those could be severe.e. coming up a little bit after b t 10:00 o'clock i'll talk moremore about that timing, how strongtrn they'll be and exactly where i e think right now will be the besb risk of severe thunderstormsersr sunday afternoon. so that's the one weekend dayay guys we have to watch out for.. >> okay.y. appreciate it.precia it. >> thanks, gary.ary. >> we know it's friday.ay. not only is it zip trip friday, but it is also firehouse fridaya and that's --s - >> two for. twoor >> two for. a double. a do a double.ub that's when we take time towe t thank our men and women whoomeno serve our communities everyry single day. this morning tucker barnes has h that honor from del ray. good morning, tuck.uc >> good morning, wisdom. wm. we want to recognize our localal heroes here. her and i'm with the alexandria firf department firehouse we're going to hook you guys upp with d
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right. >> right. >> i'm joined by ashley. what's your last name. nam >> wis not.ot. what's your position with then alexandria fire department.e tmn >> i'm a truck driver now, n, firefighter but i get to driveri the back of the truck.. >> awesome. how long have you been with the fire department.yo >> i'm going on four o >> all right.n ou it.e about it. >> it's an awesome job. we get to work with alexandria and its citizens and help people and, um, meet new people andpled stuff like i love it. >> when did you know working th fire department was yourknenwas calling? >> when i started working there. >> yeah? yeah? (laughter). >> all right. that's pretty cool. tell me about some of your you recent works. you guys end up in del ray ray often. >> we were just here i think ite was last friday there was aere a house fire on east powell stre street. and we got to safe cat. that was prett gy cool. c did a little bit of work.or no one got hurt and that's alls we here to do.we h >> you saved a cat.ouaved >> yes we saved the cat. cat >> that's perfect. dell me about the lex look firee department. you guys -- how many stations do
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>> uh-huh.h-huh. >> so you're pretty big.rey big. >> pretty big. >> del ray encompass that is.t i >> yes. yes >> all right. >> um, i noticed with the goodhe looking group you have behindu n you.yo you guys like raise money withet like those calendars wherehere you're kind of showing.wi. >> no, but we are selling some t-shirts.irts >> yeah, all celebrating our 150th year of alexandria fire department.. >> congratulations, 150 years. (applause).. >> and you can find these t-shirts online facebook page.e. alexandria va/go get one. one >> i love it.>> before we give you guys the guyt doughnuts and coffee thank youny din did he do you nuts, i want to -- just mention really quick you do more than just work theoe fire department much she's got g little side gig watch do you do? >> i play football for the d.c. divas.di >> can you believe that?ou (applause). >> yeah. you guys got your last regulartr game before you go into playoffs?ayoffs >> yes. we're defending national champsc
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that's pretty cool as well.s >> that's big deal.s >> you're like the star on the t team aren't are >> i'm one of the parts.hear >> is she the star? >> yes.. >> she's the star. >> show me your touchdown move.m you got a little something. >> little heisman or whatever.oe >> yeah. >> all right. all right. thank you so much, again firehouse friday big thanks to a the lex locks fire department for coming down and joining us.o all right.l what are we doing sir. s >> we have doughnuts and heath a flavored iced coffee for you y guys to dry. to d >> all right. let's do it. firehouse friday.riy. i'm tossing it back inside tonse you. we're working off the doughnuts. this is like donut number sixbei for me. for i can do any more today. today. >> you have to celebrate the d day. >> national donut day. >> that heath flavored icedatavr coffee is --s -- >> coffee and chocolate.colate >> it's like a dessert and of of itself.. >> that's where i'm going. >> i highly suggest it. >> deal. >> didn't you drenk one lastrene week. >> oh, it was i had like three cups. cups. good stuff.tuff >> let's talk about last nightog and the basketball court.rt game 1nba finals goes to thehe golden state warriors. well, the
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came up huge they scored 45core5 points including a team hi 20 from sean living ton. ton he had 20 points. p now it was close up until the t fourth quarter the cavaliers cas actually had one point lead in l the third. third they couldn't keep up with theph warriors offense of attack thatt was despite steph curry and clac thomas having an off night. n they only had 20 points betweeni the two of them. >> wow!ow! >> lebron james briefly sat on t the bench in the fourth quarterq as the game slipped away clearle frustrate beside what was going on.. final in this one, 1024-89. lebron almost had triple doublel >> didn't the warriors coach geg mad and break his clipboard.lip. yeah. it work.. >> okay.>> okay. so this in line then with -- i'm stuck on your theory about the >> oh. >> this is -- yeah.hi >> all right. we'll see how it plays out. o all right. >> we'll see. meanwhile take look at thist these people looking good, right? last night was pee err garcias' white party to benefit boys and girls girls clubs ofbso
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redskins players, athletes, celebrities where deck out ink n white for a great cause last year the event raised $106,0001, for the boys and girls club. a number they hope to of courseu surpass this year.r >> once again no invite. >> yeah. >> kevin -- kevin -- >> ours got lost in the it's okay. okay >> how many days do we say that. >> kevin give us weekend moviee reviews neck in the fox beat. ba >> later the campaign trail gets even more heated. heate good day at 9a back right afterr ♪ ♪
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del ray, virginia, alexandria, virginia.driavirg our crews is maureen umeh, tucker barnes,s, kevin mccarthy are all downn there. they just celebrated firehouseoe friday. fr >> and the dunkin' donuts donutd is dancing to the music.ic >> i think it sounds likend l sprinkles. >> missing a good chance to be sprinkled.sp >> doughnuts day. >> national donut day. >> yeah.>> >> all right. y all >> which makes sense dough din n doughnuts would celebrate. like whoop whoop kit be tomorrot too? >> kevin mccarthy we talk aboutt him. he may be out zip tripping todat but that doesn't mean there mea aren't movies that need to be reviewed ninja turtles to a gripping love story kevin let'sl us know the films that he thinks we shall check out this weekend. ♪ hey
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mccarthy here with this week's e movie reviews three major filmsr hitting theaters that is weekend ninja turtle sequel. seq me before you starring a meme ym clark and finally pop star neven stop never stopping by thehe lonely island first off thehe ninja tougher tells sequel out e of the shadows.hehado the first film made over $493 million worldwide at the we box office and clearly they're ' making a sequel this is produceu by michael bay directed by daved green starring meghan fox.arrina huge cast including steven amn a mel who plays arrow on the shows arrow as well and the four t f turtles by the way are played by actual actors in performance pen capture suits.capt they had major suits on with wh actual she wills behind themd they have dots all over theirvet bodies and they have two camerac facing their faces just veryy similar to how andy did golam ii sue czar it feels realistic as a it possible confidential withent turtle that's over 6 feet tall. it's a very very fun filmunil
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characters there bebop and rock steady played by shaemus who who plays rock steady the famous very very fun film. the action that are a great sequence caseyc jones you see here played bylayd steven am mel is skating betweeb these cars and the cars ares a exploding to the left and rightg of him. of h that scene is incredible to watch. here's the thing. the script is not that greatt g there's some story tellingtoryei issues but overall, it's a very fun time at the film. t f slightly better than the first one oy gave the first one a three. i gave this one a 3.5 out of five worth seeing fun for the ft adults and kids don't expect ant oscar winning script from thisot movie. the action and the score ared th great. moving on next me before you this is one of the mostt beautiful devastating moviesov i've seen in long time. time. it sounds weird to put those two words together this film has sos many charming moments but very y very sad story at the same time. amelia clark who you know from game of thrones look very different there. you know her as the mother oferf dragons from game of thrones. tn she is playing a character
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who is hired to take care of of sam's character whose paralyzedl and gorgeous love story. there's a beautifulul cinematographer quality it to ii love this shot in the movie the they're at the wedding and the e camera is spinning around theming a dance scene.ce sce it is a movie that work becauseu of the lead. sam and amelia have incrediblebl chemistry. they are wonderful to watch on t camera and i really enjoy theire performance.rforma amelia clark you'll immediatelyy fall in love with her watchingan the film.ilm completely different from herlye character in game of thrones. tn that proves how great of anw grf actress she really really is. here's the spinning shot i was w telling you about. this shot is incredible.. it spins around while they're o' the dance floor and a beautifule shot to watch. i gave 84 out of five.f five. i do have some issues with the end hemoglobin i won't say aob y little bit of spoiler overalloil it's a very very well-made movim four out of five. finally, pop star never stop ner never stopping. stoin i'm seeing this film review wile be on my page my twitter page at kevin mccarthy tv and facebook
9:46 am mccarthy foxh andy sandberg stars in the movie created by the lonely island. in his character is a boy -- former boyfriend artist who comes out with a solo album that does note do well and he tries to maintait his celebrity status. sta oh that review is on my twitteri and my social media and faceboob as well and i'm kevin mccarthy, fox news. all right. we are going to head back out tc del ray leck lex coming up nextt and tucker is going to get a workout we hear. we'll see what the gang is up tt after break. bak live picture there right now.reg del ray is indeed our darling oi this zip trip friday. fda ♪ ♪ ♪ it's time to get out and explore. look beyond the expected.
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♪ wisdom is in here pop locking to this music.omg to th it is really funny. okay.okay. no life camera in here.ere he's spilling his coffee over holli' as adorable little romp romper. >> quite the scene we're checking out what you are looking at isut live look at del ray it's in alexandria in in virginia.. great little quaint neighborhooi there. and so awe
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the neighborhood what better way to get around than on bicycle. b our tucker barnes is checkin chn out velocity bike.ike >> hey, kev. beautiful --tifu >> he's walking over to veloci velocity. are you skipping through del r ray. that's so nice. >>th tucker, why don't we go foa bike ride. >> my god, kev, that's greatre idea. >> that man has had lot of sug sugar. let's go. we're looking at -- this placesc is a little different.fe >> i'm really excited to come in here much this place looks loo mazing. >> we're at velocity co-op is bike shop.p allison absolutely right. right we're joined by the co-founder.e your >> christian myers. >> tell us about your shop theut concept and how it's different d here. here >> okay.. well, this is something we started sick years ago. ago it was simply for -- wanted todo empower cyclists as opposed whee you go in a regular bike shop.ho we teach you how to change tire. we ask for small donation pern p hour you can use our bike stands overhear.ov and basically we'll te
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how to fix your bike.ix you >> tell us your story thoughry t because this is incredible. is you were trying -- wanted to do more work and obviously withit young children.yon. talk about what happened and whw you open the store.. >> well, i a little bit an atnt risk kid when i was younger all my fault but, you know, i wantew to work with wid i wanted to make a little bit oo a difference and kept on gettini doors shut because you need add two year degree to do social work. why not try this.whtr i volunteered at one of these 20 years ago.s a always in the back of my head h and came together with my otherh co-founder john paterson and wew put it together. together. >> what does it mean to be sta standing here this many yearsany later right here on channel five in washington, d.c. and del rayy how does it feel? >> it's mazing. maz it really is. six years.. may of this year was our sixth year date. fantastic.nttic i mean we've done a lot of hardh work.wo we run so many youth we have a ton of volunteers that do great work outside of here. we do --
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we do teen work program duringin the summer where kids come in c and work with us and the city at pays them and they learn how tot work on bikes. >> two parter for you.wo p couldn't september here is sep totally different. you can work on your own bikeyob and if you're not an expert, yoy guys are experts you kind ofd o show us what we're doing, right? >> that's correct. you have two expert mechanicsni myself and russell he works here troy days, saturdays and sundays and a shrew of volunteers that t come in wednesday nights, night, saturday and sundays to help. >> why did you choose del ray? y great community.muty. >> it's a fantastic we were in old town alexandriaxa and we lost our lease because bu they sol the building we wereg e in. that was three years ago.go found this spot due to patto p miller. del ray is awesome. ame >> when you work this close to t the dairy godmother how is it possible not to be eating that t every single day?? >> she's awesome first of all.fl she loves the fact that we workr with k that's one of our main goals here to work with children.n. teenagers and so on and so so forth.forth. she gives us free coupons to t give to the kids so there's the
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always going down there gettingi ice pops from her. from her. >> christian, war some of thee t trends in bike w i was growingwi up old school 10 speed. >> mine was a schwinn.winn i had schwinn when i was young younger. >> people went mountain bike. ouat are you looking at today. >> a lot of commuters.. with gas prices as they areey a metro shutting down we all knowk about that, you see a lot of l o people commuting a lot of people taking mountain bikes puttingti slick times on them making a a city bike as opposed to the to knobby the old bikes are still around.. those bmx bikes from the 80s you wish you didn't trash them so much they're wonton of money. my >> what's the most popular bikek you sell. >> hybrids. everybody wants a hybrid.y want hybrid in between a road biked and have a flat bar as opposed o to the drop handlebars you see up in here.n here >> cool.l. >> little bit of best of bothofh worlds.wo more easy comfort that sort of f >> all right. we'll wrap it up here in just a minute. what's your favorite bike? give us, you know a local view of like the secret best bike pathie to go on where you can get some
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nice scenery and, you know, notn too many other people.eople >> mount vernon trail. til i live down in fort hunt. i live maybe a couple miles froo mount vernon property. p i can get on that get to workk 35, 40 minutes via bicycle.icle >> if people want more want more information where do they finee you velocity orr facebook anything we put on o facebook goes out to our twitter account. >> awesome. >> you got a lot of volunteerss here.he. >> ton of volunteers.nteer >> that's the latest fromtest fm velocity co-op guys.. we'll toss it back inside to y you.yo >> mazing story by the way. amazing story what this guy horh done. very very cool. >> kev would like a bike as well.ll. >> i'll take a bike. i'll take dirt bike -- that bika over >> the one in the window.w. that will fit you just fine. >> hey, tuck. h can you hears?ears? >> what's up? what'p? >> i'll a little concern that t you guys have been there allherl morning and kevin still has hiss tighe, tighe and long sleeved shirt on with polo over the topt of it. relax a little bit brother, roww la
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>> i got my skinny tie, my captain america tie bar i'll get on this bike real fasts >> i found kev a bike. bike >> yea, yea, yea., yea,ea i'll see you guys later.. >> that shirt can be worn alone. >> please take this segment aw away. >> i thought kevin was going tot talk about favorite bicycleyc movies and of course you have ty say et.y et >> right. rig. >> where bike play as big role.r >> wizard of oz. >> mind blown.. you're right. that's that traumas.raumas >> i got nothing. nothi >> you got nothing.ou >> you don't need it.on'td i wizard of oz is the perfect onee i'll get you my pretty. >> and your little dog too. >> any way -- w - >> and scene. >> okay. all right. still ahead on good day, at 10a was tamar braxton giving theivig boot from the real? former fore american idol contestant finding himself at the center of ate lawsuit.wsui >> okay.>> oka and we have lots more from del ray in alexandria.xandri we're going to meet one lady l whose dedicating all of her timm to make the area even
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all you foodies out there listen up we'll check out del ray's best eats. eats. first, though, it's coffee timee gang. gang right here on good day d.c. if i you've been eauing our cool goog day mugs listen up we now havee good day d.c. dunkin' donuts mug to give away perfect cup for f that great done did youe did yo doughnuts coffee.dos head to fox or contest our facebook page to enter our mug contest.mug ntes one lucky winner will benell selected by random drawing butwg you need to hurry you only havee from now until 11:00 a.m. to enter. 9:56 i think i'll go get myselfs another cup of coffee and good o day at 10a is on the other side. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> good day at 10a live event. our zip trip this friday takes t us to del ray, virginia.. all new at 10a. meet our hometown hero. foodies unite.te we get taste of del ray. diy wait until you see what w tucker will be doing out in dell ray. >> trending at 10a wild weathera weekend.eken we have what you need to know, plus chaos on the campaign tra trail. and a new show forte march? tom cruise hasn't scene his daughteh in how long? and the biebs has a warning about drake.bout drak. we're dishing at 10:30. you know what, it's friday! let's do this. the 10a starts right now.. ♪ i love it. >> that's got to
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any way. way >> great song. great son >> we feel good onhis friday.s a good day d.c. live look there del ray,, it's our second zip trip of the having a good time. te i wasn't kidding when i said iai was going to get another cup ofo thank you din din doughnuts. dou i did just that and feelingndee good, too as a result.esult. >> all right. holly morris, allison seymour wisdom martin.. >> yes. you may have noticed some otherd people are not here because bau they're down in the aforementioned del ray. del r. >> they're working hard. we're hardly working.. >> right. >> we'll go ahead --head >> take it away. a >> you got behind you now. n >> good morning. morning >> good morning. >> good morning, hard to hear because we have goe an energetic crowd out hereut hr they've been keeping us company all morning lon in beautiful det ray. if you've never been here you are missing out.are miing out this is a gorgeous quaint towniw with so much to offer. so t >> so many creative smallmall businesses, too. too it's like everything is origin original. which i love. one word you hear over and over
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again is community.muni this is is community that is is together. they've made it such a successuc with beautiful restaurants andua beautiful shops.hops again, if you've never been doww here you're missing o get down here at some point. pnt perhaps taste of del ray thisoft weekend.ekend. >> sunday from 1:00 to throw. t it should be lot of fun.un. >> it should be. takes a lot of people to bring community like this up to one of those pat miller. (applause). >> yes. if you live in del ray, you knoo pat miller because you've beenoe around here for very long time.t you're community active visit.. you've done so much to help dele ray grow. g in your pin ma wakes thiswaketh community so special? >> the people.. totally totally the people.ple. we're very very giving peopleg when you need help your neighbob is there.he it's just overwhelmingly how how wonderful all the people hereplr are.. >> you've watched del ray grow.g you've been part of thishi bringing helping businesses com to this area. what are you most prou o
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seeing this community grow? is there one thing or a couple ofoe things that you're most proud of seeing its progression?greson >> well, you know, over timevere it's been probably, what, 30 wt3 years that we've been doingoing stuff, and it's just -- it'st i just it really is.eall is. besides the people there's we'r' really mom and pop businesses bn which is really what we have h been after for long time is thes owner when you walk into ourto r stores the owner is there. >> right. >> you can talk to the owner and that's what's important.mporta i think. >> one thing about pat she's a volunteer.eer. for so many differenty dif organizations. i want to you brag a little bitt about yourself.ou tell us about what you do,o, because there's so many wonderful agencies and things that you're a part of. >> i think the one that's very near and dear to my heart is i special needs kids. kid i do a lot with those.ho i help build the field they cant play on and stuff like that.e t i work with the police pic foundation i'm on their boardira the del
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which is very active doinge d everything on the avenue. ave i've work with them for i don'td know how many years. years. a lot of years.of yea. yeah. so there's not only just they business part of it, there's also community special needs nds kids i mean we've got here in our neighborhood and everybodyry is very focused on making sureue their life is really goo >> i had jokily asked if you ifu ever held public office becausec it sounds to me like you aree yo perhaps the unofficial mayor ofy del ray. i know we met allison earlier but you might very well be the t unofficial mayor of del ray. >> no.>>o. (laughter).. >> she's selfless, too. t there's so many people that makt it work you know, that they're all -- because you know when k w something happens, there's the 50 people that are alwayslws involved. they're always there.alys the and that's the critical thingcai here. re >> pat for all you do we areo wa honoring you with our hometownot hero award today.
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>> from geico.rogeico our geico hometown hero award. thank you so much for all you au you've done for del ray. r >> when he! >> we know you're stickingkn around to make this communitowyi even better than it already is. >> chop clap.p. >> indeed. i'm glad you're stamp has put oo this beautifully beautifulully community of del >> it's great. everybody you got to come.y u g. you got to goto come. it's wonderful. >> indeed it is. >> whoa! >> thank you. we're missing one of our cohorts here. here >> yeah, kevin is i think he'sh' got the junior report. r he does. probably hard hitting questionst here. take it away kevin. >> claire beak man -- -- >> nice to meet you. meet y >> you are too.>> you are too. you are are in talk about why you want to be a reporter. >> um, i like being on i kind of want to be like out there and bd known and i like being on like television.. reportg
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and you do have to act a lot to be reporter.r who are some of your favorite fr actresses outside of reporting,i who do you look up to.k >> i look up to emma watson. >> really? >> from harry potter.hay pott >> yes. why her? >> because i think she started t off like a little girl in a town and she grew up paris but then became a swan and like grew up and became, um, good actress and just because she was in one movie it made everything a difference. >> you speak very very eloquently you're incredible to talk to.ta t talk about what is it aboutt reporting that you love so much? what kind of stories do you wanw to tell? to >> i kind of want to tell abouta just the good things, because i feel like on tv there's alwayss these bad things in the world wd and hatred but it's like peoplel talked about the good things it might make people feel better.l >> i'm a hundred
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the good stories are out there. sadder particular good story s that made you feel good recentll like the chewbacca mom story. >> the chewbacca mom story.ry >> if tower report on that stort what would you say? what wouldo you say? >> um, she just -- she was inasi the car and she was filming fmi herself and she was had a chewbacca mask it was just funny.ny >> see, that's exactly -- we'll' have you toss back.. i want you had to it yourself. say i'm claire beak man in delnl ray reporting live for fox5 bacb to >> i'm dare beak ma mandel ray roaring for fox5. fox5. back to you.back tyou. >> excellent.ellent >> with authority.ri. >> excellent. >> love it.>>e >> yes. very nice. >> professional.ssio >> yes. >> cool.ool >> i hope she doesn't realize what this business really andeaa she goes into it. (laughter).. >> we need he replacements. >> we need her. 10:07. it's time to check what is tre tren
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here we government we've wve been spoiled.been spo these last days with our good weather. weathe gary mcgrady is here to tell usu on sunday we'll see some stormso i think so. tnk this is a pretty good we haven't seen a setup likeet l this in quite while.quite w let me show you what's wha happening. this is little bit geek key gee weather science stuff here.nce h we do have a pocket of upper u level energy coming acrossg a that's the colors there and ita moves right in on sunday anddaya sunday afternoon.noon and that really gives a lot of o lift to the atmosphere and we have the front at the surface se all of this comes togetheroghe perfectly to create the threat t of what we do believe will bee rather strong thunderstorms evee severe potential on sunday.. we have been out looked officially already this is the e day three outlook bite bite hurricane -- by the nationalna story diction center down inow norman oklahoma again thisgain really does lock like it'sik shaping up to be fairlybe fai significant event.ant it does look like it's going tog be mainly on sunday afternoon ao into sunday it looks like the entire areare here has a th
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strong thunderstorms.erst what are we talking about we'reb talking about severeabt se thunderstorms, winds gustingus over 60 miles per hour.r h that can do some damage. dam obviously some heavy downpours.s there's going to be lot of l available moisture in the air or sunday and sunday afternoon aer heavy rain is expected.xpecte hail with these as well.el cloud to ground lightning asni usual with thunderstorms andstod then we get into the risk of tornadoes.oes. so, again, no need to scare orar alarm.alar just need everybody tongue that by the time we get into sundaynn afternoon and sunday eveningy ei there will be this risk forisk f these strong to even severe thunderstorms and we have not seep set up yup locate this inei quite awhile.quite so again it look like it will bb likely that we'll have someave e severe thunderstorms in the ara area. there's real quick look at your weekend forecast.orast. showers thunderstorms today and tomorrow the strong stuff comesm in sunday afternoon.erno. back upstairs to you, guys.. >> gary mcgrady we appreciateppe you very much.u very let's talk news. news anti donald trump protesters prt turn violent again. violent agan this time attacking supporters t of the presumptive republicanepa nom 93 outside of a campaigna ca
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rally in california in the midst of all that he got a big endorsement from house speaker k paul ryan. pa meanwhile trump taking aim atinm his likely democratic opponent. melanie alnwick joins us no witw the latest on the campaign campa trail. melanie. >> they're getting feisty out ot there, you guys. >> getting feisty. fst >> feisty eighty three. all of this as the california primary just days away.s a a dozen or so people punched,, trump had snatched from theom heads of supporters and set on fire.. one police officer injured in on the melee. a trump supporter cornered andne pelted with an egg right here. others chased on foot and hair h rav as they tried to leave the t rally.lly some protesters raised the mexican flag. some channed support for berniei sanders.nd police finally moved out where w the presumptive gop nom know k went after hillary clinton. >> remember i said i was a counter puncher? i am. after what she said about me today in her phony speech, thatt was phony
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donald trump pitt job i will say this. hillary clinton has to go to jail. okay? she has to go to jail. >> so it was feisty comment byot hillary clinton earlier in theie day that provoke that classic cc trump reaction. clinton's campaign build herui appearance in san diego as ago major foreign policy address bud it was also a blistering attackt laying out case that trump trmp simply isn't qualified to occupy the oval office. >> he is not just unprepare, hee is temperamentally unfit to hold an office that requires knowledge, stability and immensi responsibility. >> i think a lot of people watching this speech literally r may have had their jaws drop.s so many people thinking theyg t couldn't believe she actuallyua went there as if hillary clintot finally said in public what she really thinks. thi she had a couple other singers.s some of the things she talk s about she said that trump thinki he has foreign policy experience because he ran the miss universe
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>> she said that there's no risi of people losing their lives iff you blow up a golf course dealur that it doesn't work that way in the real world. what else he said. she was going to leave to theeat psychiatrist to explain hisis affection for tire rants. i'm sure right now drum is thata sending out some more of hisis nasty tweets and of course heee did. >> he did. >> he did. she was right.she was righ here's one of them that donaldon put out there. saying bad performance by crooko hillary clinton reading poorlydg from the teleprompter shehe doesn't even look presidential. so i guess before it was lying ted now it's crooked hack a lott of people think she did bring b this on because she definitely l went on the attack in thatin tha speech.. >> well, you know, what she to do i suppose? this whole cycle has just been so unprecedented as far as nice is thes and a started early. so -- i'm not surprised.urprised >> i also think don't you thinki i mean these kind of attacksof t they don't do anything exc
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polarize the public even more. so if you're for trump you'rempr even more for him f you're for hillary you're even more for her. i think that's what we'ret we're seeing. when you take two magnets andtws try to push they will closerillo together you get more force apart and a lot of people sayinn is this going to work for f hillary clinton going negative?v some of her people say it's as a good idea because the morehe moe negative she is, against trump the less the attention is on h her. they both have very highy negative ratings much otherer people saying his negativeegiv ratings are so high she doesn'te need to go there.need she should be focusing on more r what she will do. s >> i can't wait to see what happens ifhe w these two -- it o like these two -- when they'reh' the nominees and they have andhy debate each other on real issu issues. ebate if youebatk d haven't made up your mindur m already i don't know who is out there has, if you haven't made up your mind you listen to thisi child, crazy talk on tv thatha means nothing. n
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calling each other names meansns absolutely nothing. nhing. what about policy? what are yoy going to take to make our lives better? which i think playhinka noose your point, though -- tug which is crazy to me. >> lot of people who don't knowt what they're voting for becausec they don't want either. ehe >> come on. we are calling people the top two candidates callingsl each other names. nes and nobody talking about a policies.cies >> tell us about how you reallyr feel, wisdom. wis >> those are the facts.ho they're calling each other namee and they want to lead the free f >> how do you explain it to youi children?children >> how do you explain it to other countries. >> right. >> i don't know how to explainno it to myself. >> thanks, mel.s, >> good to see you >> see you what you started. srt get out of here crooked take donut. take it's national donut day.t d >> because we love you.ecau y just joking.just still ahead on good day at 10a dishing up big celebrity stori stories. >> tamar braxton opens up about what really happenedon to her aa the real. calvin breaks his silence sn about calling it quits with tayt tay and the biebs has a warningr about drake.abouake. >> oh,
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>> unprecedented both of those t women are stalled tay tay.ay tamar is called tay tay too. we got tay tay news. we also have life tv down with w our zip trip because we're in del ray this morning.this mning up next a bubble of great great proportions. we'll explain what that's all about.n ou a bubble. ♪
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♪ >> this is a happy song for me. >> what does it take you back to. >> my family always goes to the dance noor and sings it and my a dad and i sadow cool in b tlyheg at kings island in cincinnati life and that's what i think of. >> i hate that song with a compassion. >> it makes you feel like amake pear, though.s .itthan playing it, thank you >> not to me. >> he turns it up. >> and your laughter, too. >> easiest song i've ever --ver cheesiest song i ever heard inhr my life. >> that's what makes it great. t >> come on now, >> i love cool and the gang bute any way. >> del ray is a treasure chestuc of things to do.ngto do. that includes plenty ofs plen resources and inspiration for dr it yourself projects so this t morning we are putting kevin's creativity to the test. what are you up to, kev.ou uto,v >> good morning to you guys.d in i'm out here in del ray.l this has been one of the mostost incredible days i've been lovinl to meet all the great fox5 fansf i'm hanging out with scott r
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key what great last name by theh way and teach mowing how to make massive bubbles. everything you'll see here you y can make yourself and dofnd d yourself at home. hom but scott, first of of all, sho, us a big bubble. a b b we'll explain how do you this. i >> look at the size of thisk t thing. watch s. (laughter). >> that is massive.asve. looks like a big gasoline ball. can i pop it? oh, all right. r scott real quick talk about whaw you have here. how creating this. these are like normal sticks yos get at a hardware store. s >> hardware store.>> he these are just like tomato sticks. >> okay. >> i got fishing swivels so that the rope doesn't get twisted.ed. >> right. right. >> the rope is partof a mop.a m just constructed mop. >> in here you have the materiah that helps make the bubbles.e te what exactly is that?t? >> this is dawn platinum -- >> dawn platinum. >> dawn platinum. pla get one of those super stores,, and it's one to 20 ratio and polly ethylene oxide long chainn polymer you can get at a
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shy store.y >> show me one more time how do you this. i want to try it myself. m this is lot fun. f like at the size of that bubblel what's the biggest one you he yu have made? look at the size --- whoa.whoa >> now -- >> pretty big. >> look at the size of thatat tz bubble. i want to try this.i i want to try this. take this right here.e. >> yeah. >> hold on. do i have to keep it together.og deep it together and open it upt and let the whipped blowed blo through. >> oh, no. let me do it do gain. get away from the trees. >> last one, it's going to go -- no. what am i doing wrong. w >> you just have to come thisome way a foot.oo >> there you go. >> look at the sides of thathat thing. in >> whoo! >> let's's did you guys see that? that was like 20 feed feet long.d feet that was mazing. that was so cool. scott ren key you are amazingn r man. thank you so much for showinguci this today.thisoday >> absolutely. >> anybody can do this at home go to your hardware star get the sticks a
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>> dawn platinum.n pnum. diy del ray you can find thed e instructions. >> very very cool.very c diy del >> yes. >> very very cool.>> v scott ren key, back to you guysu in studio and i'm going to keepp making >> yes,, kevin >> not a bad friday when you can keep making bubbles. bubbl thanks kev.than kev. >> calvin and tay tay may havean gone to splitsville gone downe d that road, but that doesn't meam there's bad blood between them.e how the pair is handling theirdt break upcoming up next.ex >> and we hope you're hun growen because we'll head back out tokt del ray for some good eats. e we'll show was they're working with when we come back. ♪ amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. it's the semi-annual sale! save $500 on the memorial day special edition mattress with sleepiq technology.
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♪ 10:24 on friday. we're back with the latest on♪he break news out of northernnews o virginia. where multiple enforcement agencies are serving a warrant w at a home in leesburg.urg. bob barnard live from the scenes now with the latest.att bob, what's going on now? >> reporter: hey, they havetheyv their crime scene investigatorsr dressed in these hazmat typematy suits. you can see them going into theo front door right now going g inside gathering evidence. you can see a member of thee a o leesburg police department heree heavily armed.heav you see this man here in the het front here much he's got -- he's undercover clearly. clearly the back of his shirt saysays northern virginia gang taskan t force and we see a number of people with gang unit vests onn here. so what we're reading from thatm that perhaps this has somethingm to do with gang activity here in northern virginia.rthe but you do have leesburg policep heading up this investigation.on assisted by the fbi and
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they came to this house atsouse 5:00 o'clock this morning. broke in through the thc they have taken a couple oftaa o people in for questioninguest they're not saying whether thesr people under arrest or chargedta but they are talking to peopleel who live in this house on applea tree drive northeast in d.c. d.. police are guarding the house te there's nobody left inside butne they are now inside with these protective suits to notot contaminate the evidence a number of crime scenecrimcene investigators inside right nowht and again we're seeing several people here wearing gang union task force vests basically and hardware and so they're in theye telling us what this is allus wi about but if you read between rn the lines it appears it has has something to do perhaps witherhs gang activity here in northern h virginia guys. gs. clearly a serious situation.uaon thanks, bob.ob appreciate it.apte we'll switch gears now and talkr a little celebrity dish. did tamar actually get the ax te from the real? that's the question.qu former american idol sued by the hit show and what is behindd mariah's unique
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>> how did i get the middle spog today. you're holding court for celebrity dishet. it's 10:29 and welcome to celebrity dish.y dis the good day edition. e >> here we go. okay. serving it up strong on friday. tamar braxton breaks down forfor real. we got a look of the aftermathfa of her learning that she was lel go from the real and the show with her sisters braxton family tamar explains to her sisterter tony how things went down. take look. >> about half hour ago i go downstairs because we're getting ready to leave -- >> okay. okay >> and i need to talk to you fou second. i was like what's up? he just s got off the phone with the production company at the real c and theyom said that i was basically fired. >> wow.. >> that's real. rea >> yeah.>> yh >> that's deep.. m man. okay. >> so because i think that vincv her husband i think he's one of the producers like on i
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somehow, too. >> he's like a media guy. he's couple of high profile artists managers.s. so -- so - >> do you think he kind of had an inkling and she was blind w b sided. >> i'm thinking is vince heris r manager? he might be. >> i think he is. h >> and so then they would tell t him probably.him prably >> right. rig >> right? rig >> initially -- >> he's not a producer of thet show. show. >> i kind of thought he had somt sort of credit on the show.hoho i need to double check that'shek what i heard at first but i'm b trying to remember -- i watch vince and tamar reality show and braxton family values i'm prette sure he's her manager it's completely not unimaginable.. >> but he will know and shew and wouldn't know?uldn >> yeah.ea >> when i heard this storyi initially it was that he was her manager and that when this all went down the person woldol him they were fired didn't likek vince because he was all in it.i was all in. like telling him what to do. d whatnot to do. d in regards i don't know if that's true or not.t. i remember when
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>> they're team for sure. >> yeah.>>h >> we need to get her back in bk here.he we love tamar. we loved -- some of her sisterse have been in. i >> here's the kicker. kic having spoken to her on mull mel occasions her persona on that show isn't necessarily who she is on on on the show thpee personality ii amped because everybody playsla their wrong on ensemble cast. c we play our roles here, you know what i mean. >> i would differ with you. i think we all play who we are.a i don't think any of us are totally out of character. >> totally differ than we are if real life.fe >> i would agree. i hope she wasn'>>t told to be e thing. >> and then -- that is a part o her personality and then they t didn't like that.dn't lthat >> you will like to hear this t shell be making a come backac hosting her own talk show underw steve harvey' product company. a >> boom. >> no details exactly yet onxa n when the show will air but we all know tamar will indeed keep it real.itea >> oh yeah. we know that she's got her --- she's got a
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her music. >> in other words she's doing all right. >> she'll be all right. >> she's going to be all rightl. >> all right. how about out live with anderson and kelly! >> as in cooper.oope >> right there on your screen. r according to news row rt from entertainment tonight anderson cooper --- >> that's an unfortunate picture of anderson cooper. cper >> he looks like a cartoonarto character on that picture.icre anderson cooper vying for theg e coveted chair recently vacatedac by michael strahan. str >> is that true.>> i >> according to sources s, bothh cnn and abc are hesitant about cooper co-hosting life becauseee he has such a big roll coveringg politics for cn inform this lecc season he needs to win over thee abc bosses who aren't totally ty sold on news anchor just yet. y. according to our sources, concerns of over his failedd daytime talk show anderson whicw was canceled after two seasons o in 2013. 201 >> maybe playing with somebodyla else it will beyi sometimes one thing doesn't work
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>> okay.y >> as we winning american idol o doesn't mean a hot career.eer phil phillips is catching tought break.eak. he's being sued by idoleiued producers for more than $5 million. 19 entertainment claims he stopped paying management fees to the company last year after tried to get out of his crack. . he argued to the california labor commission that 19 had violated state law by not payinn him for performances for idol sponsors but don't you thinkou i that was somewhere in his deal.a >> that seems like that was in his >> idol own you when you agreeou to be a part. it's in all those t fine prints when you sign thoset papers at the very firstrs audition.tion >> i think he was reluctant anyt way. he didn't want to dress likeresk they wanted him to dress. >> they own you. all those reality shows are likk that. that >> is it a bad thing? his musih is really good. goo i don't even like he like hisikh mega song the first one was itns home?home m. um-hmm. >> he didn
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that one. o >> it was a big hit.>> >> the record industry is prettt rough. >> oh, yeah. he is he special whole you'reiay first starting out.rst starting they pretty much own everythingn that you do and you owe them am bunch of money. m it is drama right out of the rig gate. you have to be in it for whilebe to get pretty much some of yourr own rights and deals and allls a that kind of stuff.ind tu >> it seems unfair. unfai >> apparently no bad blood i gei it between taylor swift and herr former bow calvin following the couple's highs hig profile and stunning break uprek harris tweeted the only truth t here a relationship came to anam end what remains is a hugeaug amount of love and respect.. swift then retweeted the messaga to her followers confirmingg rumors that they're break up was indeed amicable. >> it might be amicable butmica still sad. i think that they really -- howh about them? we don't often sees young people in super stardom being so mature. m >> i know. taking the high theh that's what i'm surprised about. >> i love it. >> they are on the high roadighr saying we're good.ying we're g >> right. >> they better have littleer hav animosity if tay tay wants somes more hits. hits >> that's true.s true. >> it usually turns into her hit
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>> this news is sad as wellell according to reports tom cruise hasn't scene or spoken to his daughter serrie in three years. >> really? rea >> people close to the stare tos points to tom's commitment to scientology as the reason forn f this estranged relationship.ns tom famou famously split with hs ex-wife katie holmes in 2012n 20 after five years of marriage. katie retained custody of thef daughter who's 10 years old. yed >> i'm surprised by that.urpris >> i am too.>> >> it seemed like he was doing o lot of daddy time. dad time. >> plus i thought he was kindi of -- i thought there werehe wee reports for while he was movingg away from scientology.en >> maybe not.>>aybe >> how about the reports that ts jamie foxx and they used to be -- be >> now with katie. >> settle bro code violation.coi >> big time violation.ig timolat >> nonetheless -- big no-no.o- >> surry is such a doll. d >> a doll baby.. >> her dad not being in her life that's sad.that >> three years. that's a long time. >> fresh off their break up, brk justin beiber found out to his ex girl friend haley baldwin was hanging out with drake bro coded once again
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>> he's not happy about it.happ >> beiber is not happy. >> okay.>>kay. >> i don't know. beiber and drake friends? fend that's what i was going to say.o were they friends. >> i did quite a leap there.he excuse me let me back in my lane. lan sources say beiber told haley that drake is a player and she s should watch herself around himm and i'm not a player he said --- >> really. >> any more. apparently haley laughed it offh and said beiber is just jealous. oh biebs. >> oh biebs.h bie he broke man code.he bro man you don't go around doing that.a >> now he broke man code. >> yeah. >> go around talking about thatt dude is a player. pla she's not with uh-uh any more. what difference does it make. ik >> play on player.>>lay >> that's what he should haveave said. play on, keep on playing.ying. i'm just saying.i'just >> all right. all right. >> this is your favorite storyot of the day.of day (laughter).au >> i do like all her music. the streets are red carpet mariah carey she made headlinesl yesterday when she stepped out wearing two different ball gownl in broad daylight. bad day now the diva donned her first hr dress as
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the style here, the styling.g. as she arrived at the studio for jimmy kimmel live and left the t show wearing an equally stunning ensemble. >> that looks like it could be a maxi dress.maxi dre >> is that right, okay.s th rig >> except for the little trumpet at the bottom.tom. >> here's what else -- >> fabulous, darling. >> here's what else she had toe add to her fabulous wardrobe she wore some sparkling jewels to accessorize her second look buto switched her shoes to platforme pair that actually matched the gown.. >> she's a diva.he a d that's how she rolls. >> that's how she gets down. >> you wear a ball gown in thewn middle of the day.mi >> the first she's going into the kimmel show. s is that what she wore on the t show. >> they tape and it airs atta night. >> i don't know what the problem s the lady is super talented. te she's been around for long timeg she's got magnificent voice. >> yeah.eah >> i don't know what the big't deal is. >> i remembe kr honest while fif heard vision of love her first r song when she was like 19 and ii was in te
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charleston and my little cousini was with me and he made me stopo turn it up much what's thisshi >> he's like an artsy type.yp oh yeah that will be big hit. bh look we're talking about her all these years later. >> wearing ball gowns.earing b >> i remember she was on arsenio hall singing that song.g. >> wasn't it a pretty song.tty >> it was amazing.a. >> can she hit those high notes. >> she can hit the high notes.. >> alicia keys finally taking ii off and i hope that this is a piece of clothing. but -- >> it's even better. it's even e >> it is. >> look how cute she is she's se adorable.adorable. i was hoping she was talkingal about brass. can i get an amen lady.y. >> amen. a >> except not in public.ubli (laughter). >> heck no.eck n (laughter).(lghte >> let the girls.. >> let them hang low we'rem low talking about makeup and the lovely miss keys posted thishi picture to instagram showing her fresh face and makeup free. she hash tag it no makeup keys also wrote empowering letterg le about her decision say
10:39 am easy for if you say when you'ree so cute like this, she says though she's sick of se the constant judgment of womentw and just wants to focus on being herself and, you know, maybekw, she's a natural list at a and so she doesn't want to wear it. wer >> she's super cute there. ce te >> the freckles.>> the f i didn't even know she had freckles. >> she looks fabulous. looks f yet again --t ag >> i hope she's doing that whene she's like 40 years old. >> our age. age >> another super talented singer performer.perfor >> she is sal lened.he is sal >> there you go. >> stick with us because we've got more treats ahead for you.s. we got a lot of treats. treat >> we're so generous right now. >> we head back out to del ray. tucker barnes checking out dairy godmother a local favorite. for and this morning they've got a sweet surprise for us. us. tucker likes a sweet surprise. ♪
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>> zip tripping in del ray in alexandria v have a with tucker barnes and crew. v tucker barn, maureen umeh andenn kevin mccarthy all down there. t all right.alght. >> i might most be lookinge forward to this, tucker, thisuc, place is amazing. >> cool.>> cl >> tuck, good morning. >> good morning allison andd in holly wisdom, good morningdor everybody. we're wrapping up our greatwrapu morning in del ray. with perhaps the institution off del ray what i've her, right?ht >> well, i've been here a longg time. ti let's put it that way
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>> this is lose davis thelose dt founder of the dairy godmother.h >> um-hmm. >> and tell me why people drivel so far to come to your >> i think there's a very strong nostalgia element with froze is he treats. almost everybody remembers your aunt or your grander parents ioa certainly do taking out, you o, know, to get ice cream or custard, and so i think it i really makes people heart sink n and reminds of them home. h >> before we start what makest k your ice cream and custard so s starred. tell mow do you del ray. >> i remember coming here when w was in high it reminded me a h lot of home e also felt like so i definitely settled here.edh i live here, too. t i open the dairy godmothermoth seniors ago next week. it's changed a lot but it stills feels like h >> it's changed for the good,d, right?ght? >> yeah.>> absolutely. >> all right. >> places are changed and dynamically and that's good. g >> and so you're getting in t
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summertime you're open seven days a week and all systems goe here for big summer, right. sumg >> hope so. the weather has been little colc and rainy.y. >> in fact let's talk about thet were there and how it affectsndc your business.your bines >> um-hmm. >> what's the best kind ofe kid weather for to you get a biget turn out.rn >> rain is a complete killer. ac i don't and if people theyeopleh they'll melt or not. not sunshine is good. good very hot weather is not good.otg when you warn people to stay ata home because the weather is thaa bad it's not good for myor business g they don't come out. >> no, they don't.>> >> all right. n let's get down to business. to n dell me about your cuss star, s your ice cream and what makeshat dairy godmother the dairy t godmother. style frozenzenre cuss which we don't have tooav much from here. i'm from wisconsin as pastrysty chef i did notice we didn't havh it.. so this comes out of the machinc like this.hi >> you are telling me this iss like innocent machine but it'sne expensive. >> it's very expensive.very eeni we got big compressors up on the roof. but if you really care aboutre o frozen custard you're not goingg to skimp and there's our carmell and the flavor of the day
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is tucker's caramel. >> i heard rumor more.eard this is the cold snap. s >> this is the cold and these t are the caramel snaps. sna so in frozen custard wisconsin s style you run the custard andusa then you going to put the snapss in when you want it. i. >> how do i know i'm havingav authentic wisconsin cream? >> it's not for one thing.hing this is not a soft serve machina it goes into the buck and we'll coop sometimes in the south or otherr places they'll run it out a sofs serve machine but also all ice cream type products regulated bd the department of agriculture su this has to have at least 10%as1 butter fat and one point 4% egg yolkyolks boy to make it reale l custard. >> i'm here to test.>> i tasted this it is amazing. amazi absolutely incredible.ree. >> we got the cold snap but thet cold snap for uh-uh got dairyry issues, got heat wave, right. r >> absolutely we have heat wavew our ice pops. pop pop culture.ptu tell me about the ice
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you have so many choices here. >> we have lot. e one we callne we the heat wave because it's at' little bit spicy. it's go the a slice of hal pinap in it. in >> what's your most popular p flavor this time of year?f >> oh, you know, they like theit real summer flavors likeav watermelon, starting to come upu starting to get that.t i do try to use a lot of -- youu were at the farmers mark earli earlier. i do lot of products from theprs farmer. >> thank you very much fornk joining me, liz. >> yup. >> before we toss it b ack, lizk, you had a special visitor here h couple of years ago whom came tt your place.. >> president obama and his girlr came right before the day beforb father's day and they came andnd got cuss star. star it was a lot of fun. >> i love that story.ove tory check it o you guys put on the chair thathc he sat in in there.he >> we thought that was a fun waf of, you know, of commemoratingmo it much more fun than a picturec >> this is as close as i'm he i have going to get to theoio ge he'll sit in it, too.'ll siin i guys, the latest from the dairyy godmother.godm >> thank you liz. >> thank you. >> toss it back inside to thanks tucker.thks t everything look good.ook good. li
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>> hey d.c., after good day at.o 10, let's keep it going at 11:00. join me wendy for all the latess dish and your daily dose ofof juicy, juicy hot topic. >> now how you doin'! >> hey everybody. hey. >> what's up? moved over to thm kitchen because we're feeling aa little hungry and to be quiteit honest i ate too many doughnutsd today. >> i know. >> i need some good food. >> overload. >> i ate one an cupcake, too. >> that's two pastries.two paste >> i forgot about the cupcakes.a >> i had two doughnuts.ounu we're jealous of our colleaguese out in del ray. we're jealous for many reasons o but right now they're enjoyingig the best grub that area has toht offer.of can you big some back it's the obligatory questio
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ask. bring some back.someac >> i'll be perfectly honest i'mm not sure anything will make it i back.back i ate doughnuts hours ago. i got pork barbecue.becu i've got >> and dan. >> and bill the owner. >> that's correct. tell me about pork barrelar barbecue. you got a whole block to yourself.urself. >> we've been here for fouror fr years got few things on theng o smoker here today. >> we wheeled our smoker overr e here so we can give you a nicee quick pork before this accident cut and ribs here on the smoker. >> smells fantastic isn't smoket all of our meats in house daily over oak and hickory wood. they've been going for 12 hourss i'll take one off, slice one ofe and make a quick sandwich.ic >> s were your go to.e g >> pork is our specialty teecial being in the name. the nam pork butt what we sell the mosts of by far. but also pretty well known for ribs and our before this accident kit, too. our before this
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any secrets for people to dople this at home.t they don't have a smoker.ker. actually some of our viewers probably do have smokers for for those of you who don't.on any secret? let things sit fort long time. >> it's labor of love.t' you got to put your heart intoo it. make sure you're taking time and doing things the right way and d good barbecue takes time. t >> all right. r phil you've been -- bill you've' been in del ray for four years. what make it special to you. to >> del ray is terrific.c. unlike any other neighborhood ih virginia or the country.thcounty so many mom and pop local up pent restaurants recent tailen shops and all of them do theirme part to make a great a neighborhood much it's ahb destination place and we're a small part of it.small pa >> i love it. >> all right. , guys, dan, what are you doingd >> let's get to work here. h we'll make a sandwich and toss t it oh ton maureen who's got -- - thank you very much for joining me, guys. toss it on to maureen.en >> new kid on the block this isi called stomping ground andmpg gr nicole is the proprietor for it. okay, this food looks amazing ai you guys about-year-old here inr
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>> had our one year anniversaryv on may 16th.on may >> all right.. >> yes. >> i'm looking at the food, youd have breakfast lunch lunch foodo all looks amazing what's yourou specialty. we've known for >> these big cuts. cs. >> look how big it is.t i made fresh in house every day and they're classic southern style. folded dough so there's nice and flaky. crisp on the outside and fluffyf and dough woe on the inside in want to talk about these righthe here. these beautiful salads healths t though food as well.ghood >> we try and mick it up. u if you're trying not to eat butter milk biscuits which we we highly don't recommend we do do farm fresh lunch every day.ay we try and do a little bit for r everything. >> look at this chicken sanicken witch. is this not insane? it's like'l the whole chicken on a sandwichw it's just the >> and you make all your saucesa fresh. >> we do. we make our jams and jellies inn house, butter is fresh, pimento cheese.chse >> lock at this forty three at a time at a. >> you see. azi amazing. >>
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>> food looks wonderful.rul. everyone who has gone there says you have got to try it stompingp ground the new kid on the blockd here in del ray. i think you're going to make iti here, kid.hekid. >> thanks. >> kevin, over to you. kevin, ot >> thank you very much, maureen. everything looks amazing i'mngos here with my buddy nathan. nha we've become best friends i feeb special i'm trying this for the first time because this placese isn't even opened yet.det >> not yet. talk about your location and hod you came up with the name of it and when you plan on opening upu >> we're at the corner of monroe and mount vernon.ernon. excuse the trash can. c we're opening in about three orr four week.ur w >> okay. >> specializing in fresh bake be breads, pastries, um, we're also have a full service breakfast, , lunch and dinner menu. what else did you ask me? ask >> i wanted to know the nameam itself. the history behind the name. nae >> we're at a cross street two r major roads in del ray mountou vernon and monroe so that's pars of the name. ne plus this used to be an oldld railroad yard. yd. >> right.>>ight >> up until i think the mid 80s8 early
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so that was part of the the inspiration.inirat there's a lot of that sort of inspiration throughout -- out of our design.r i'm sorry. i'm so >> talk about were we're seeing here. talk about these amazing food ti items.item exactly what is each of these. >> these are chocolate croissana made every day. d. beautiful european butterter wonderful delicious chocolate.t. >> good for your abs. >> so good. so od. good for your abs. >> in moderation.oderat yeah, yeah., yeah >> then next we have lemon poppp seed muffins. like i said everything is madeyd fresh every day. organic local when we can. >> yes.>> >> and then lastly we have h bakely our little take on monkee bread.d it's croissant dough cinema nonn sugar and cream cheese >> you're planning on opening un in throw or four week.ow o are you excited are you doingrei anything big for the opening. oi >> we're so excited probablyte o going to have a few special havp nights for few special people p and then we'll open it up for f >> that's awesome. >>
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>> listen, that looks phenomen phenomenal. what about the cake we made earlier this morning.ut it was mess.rlie people at happy tart look what they've done. they redecorated it andit looks amazing.g. we'll bring this back to thethie studio for you guys.ud in the meantime stomping groundo you guys amazing this looks soos good. tucker, oh my gosh.. >> come on over here nicole. nol you're hiding. hid >> good for your abs.r >> i'll work it off right now i'll sit back and bacd enjoy this.enjothis >> incredible.>> >> oh, my gosh.h, my . >> whoo! whoo! >> del ray it has been amazing a here. if you've never been to del rayy you owe it to yourself to stop o by, good eats, good people.eo community of love. >> incredible town. so much fun. i liked our skipping earlier, er too. >> we a great time.te we want to thank everybody her at del ray. very accommodating.dang wonderful down here. here. >> thank you so much, guys. g with that said we'll send itd it back because it's time to eat t del ray!! >> thanks, guys. >> all right. >> next week by the way fox5 zip trip number three anacostia. >> anacostia. acost >> yes.
11:00 am
. it's "live like a star" week, live on the "the wendy williams show"! ♪ >> wendy: you won't believe what i'm about to tell you. my girls have always turned out. i give it to you straight. ♪ >> announcer: here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] >> wendy: yes! come on, now! thank you for watching our show! say hello to my co hosts, my studio audience! [ cheers and applause ]
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