tv Good Day DC FOX June 7, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EDT
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>> straight ahead hillary clinton making history. the first woman to clinch a major party pn residentwoialntia nomination.nati. but with more primaries today, d her fight isn't over yet.. plus an apartment fire in fairfax cun tee takes a deadly l turn.. we're live on the scene. metro's safetrack facing its second rush hour test. local leaders say it will likely be worse than yesterday.rd so was it as bad as they fearede or have riders gotten the message?mess and later, more proof youofy should never turn your back on a jungle cat.jungle c wait until you see what happenss next. next good day at 9a starts right now. ♪
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, right, right, headbanger. >> good day d.c. 9:01 is the time.e i'm wisdom martin, allison seymour, steve chenevey andnd eddie murphy over there. tre >> well explain that later on. maury umeh.meh. >> ahead this morning as youhi might know there's growing ous trage over that stanford rae case you probably heard about iu in a sentence most critics callc slap on the wrist. wrist. well now supporters of theportse victim are taking out their t frustration on the judge. jud we'll tell you all about that. first at 9:00 another goodrg day to spend your lunch breakak outside. we're in store for another dayth of sunny skies. ski. temperatures in the 80 80s. 80s might be changes on the way.. they be change force the good oo the better i should say.houl s tucker barnes, good morningood r again.again. >> sunscreen if you're diningue outdoors. >> today. >> yes. >> what's happening behind yougu right now. n >> it was
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>> it's going to be in the mid t 80s later today, too. t >> i love the mid 80s. >> might lead a little spritzere allison.son. >> okay. >> all right. >> other than that it will be>>t great. >> all right.>> all >> i want to hear why maureen ii so funny today.oday >> she's given i was littleittl taste.tast >> 74 today in washington.n hey, your winds are out of ther south at seven.even relative humidity falling asng a temperatures starts to warm up u but still just little humid tout start your day. d that is the remnants or stillr i parts of colin tropical stormrm colin which continues to streams off the coast. that will all get pushed out tot seam we're waking up with w sunshine.sunshi. little ribbon of clouds to ourst north and we have that's a coldl front, and that will bring usngs some cloudiness during theri afternoon hours and it mighttig fire up a shower but what it'sts really going to do is allow cooler drier air which is off tt our north and west to get in gei here and we'll be in for couplel of absolutely gorgeous daysgeous starting with most of today will be it will be warm, however, aner little humid with highs in the e mid 80s but wait until you seenu the seven day 85 this afternoon i throughhr showers up there honestly mostot of the area won't get much of mf
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but just be on the look out forl a few scattered showers. shower but a very noise afternoon for f us. cooler weather i'll have those detailsor and oo more round of graduationduation pictures and very successful.ceu thank you everybody for zenningi those n tucker fox5.ox more round of graduationra pictures in a minute. ia mi >> us a some really enjoyed it.. >> thanks tuck. tuck. all right.ght. 9:03 the time. time. we continue to follow breakingre news in fairfax county.nty. we now know the identity the mam killed in an early morning apartment fire and what causedau that deadly blaze as well. >> fox5's jennifer davis is live on the scene with the veryith ee latest. jenny?nny? >> reporter: good morning to you all. well this is where the blaze bla started up in bedroom.. bedroom that belonged too firefighters say to 74-year-old william patton the second. sec he lived alone and he was foundd in that bedroom on the floor. firefighters say the origin of o the fire was the bedroom and tht cause appears to be smoking materials. ma his family is grieving.riing. neighbors here are so very sadyd to hear about the passing ofasng this they watched firefighters bringb him ou
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morning after they were alertedt at 2:30.0. they saw firefighters do theirsr best to resuscitate him and thet were not able to do so. there were 19 adults and two two children also in the building. b all of them were able to get ouo safely. thanks to woman who lived above mr. patton she went door to dooo knocking on these doors alertinn people the fire and telling thee to get out. out. here what some residents told us. >> it was just billowing out bit black smoke from the front, froo our -- from the front door, sons it was obviously pretty bad. >> next time i opened my door mr there was lot of smoke out there and oh, okay, i got to get outeo of here. >> reporter: firefighterss responded to the scene from from fairfax city and fairfax countyy and they were able to get it toe under control pretty quickly. qi they say what's really amazing is you have to worry in app in p buildings particularly in the middle of the night when there's will word get to everyone in time. how quickly will it spread. not only was everyone
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to get out but did it notid i n spread. sp the fire is couldn't taped to'to that one apartment.nt they're hopefully people will bl getting back in by this evening. they're also going to go door to door in this enabled thishi evening talking about smoke smoe detectors making sure peopleeoe have one because this morning shows just how crucial they canl be. back to you guys. >> no doubt about itba.t it date number two of rush hour metro safetrack right now riderr taking or raffle and silver sile lines between east falls churchh and ballston feeling the biggese impact. im trains there are single trackinn again this morning. >> fox5's bob barnard live at the boston metro station withont reaction. good morning, bob.odorni >> reporter: hey, maureen,au guys, good morning to you. i physical you it's been a mixem bag this morning.g this m you can see this is anor orangea line train that is here at theae station. people are running through theoe station here to get on the tra train. but they've been telling peoplei don't run, it's not going going anywhere.. it will leave soon. this is a train that came in i from the city, has stopped here, empty out and now is filled upsu and will head back in.k i if you look coming into theo tunnel right now,
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that is coming from the east e falls church metro station.taon this is the rail line that istht open and trains are coming in.g i people heading into the city cac get on these trains as well.sel so you can go into the city oniy both sides of the if you're heading out to eastt falls church and points beyond,, the next train coming in will bb on this track heading out and a that's how you get it's a little confusing forsingr people.ople but so far it's been working yoy see here's other people runningi because they know it's 18e minutes or so before the neck nk train will be and these trains have beeneen crowded. although i will tell through have been more trains here thann we thought we were see thisre ti morning. i can show you video tape from earlier this morning.ier is mori there are a lot of trains cominm and so in a sense you don't have to run. yeah they are spaced outarspac everyone eight minutes or so yoo have orange and silver liner trains backing into the stationi and heading out and comingg through. so there are plenty of options for people and yes, there haverv been delays, yes, the trains have been crowded but we haven't
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for long periods of and we spoken to couple metro mt riders on this second day to t gauge their reaction of howon o things are going. >> i was coming in earlier. ear i'm starting earlier.lier hopefully i'll be, you know,now, leaving earlier.g e i don't plan on it, though.ugh. >> reporter: how is the information been getting to you pretty well? theet stationtaon managers here letting peopleerlt know. >> i watch you at 10:00 o'clocko every night.t. so i've been paying attentiong that. i've got the apps on my phoneppo keeping an eye on it that way. so calling friends from work g getting males from friends ats m work warning me what it will beb like. >> the metro has been having log of issues.of like a lot of issue lately and,d you know, it makes things bad for your job sometimes when youy only depend on the metro and that's what um going so i have to let them know. i'm going through, um, a probation at my job because iaue just started and this iss affecting my probation because of the train.. it's bad. >> reporter: okay.ter: o so now we're back i don't know if you you can s
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in the tunnel that red flashinga lights telling trains you can'to go any further the track work ii on this left side rail and beyond. another train coming so the bottom line is, people are saying that, yeah, it's slow going. goin some say it's worse than it's w yesterday. some saying that it's betterettr than yesterday on my facebookebk mentions earlier i heard fromrdf some of our viewers saying thata hey, the roads are really bad today worse than yesterday. yesd before we leave you i want toano show you here. some of the track workers overre here.he they've been heading out intouti the tunnel and taking trains tot east falls church to do some dom work and you have a lot of metro staff here as well guiding guidi people both above ground andund here on the platform level justs to help people get to whereo they're going, guys. so it's been long and slow butlo it is moving and there arere enough trains from my vantagey a point to get people whereehere they're going if they givehe themselves a little extra time. >> it's not as bad -- i thoughtt it was going to be much harder e right at the beginning. >> you're not trying to getryint
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it's very spotty.itery >> on some of those, you know,no some of the cars are -- it justt depends. spotty in fact.ty i >> yeah. >> a lot of people also left ana hour before they normally leave. imagine if you had to start youo routine. >> it's a disrupt.t >> the true test is yet to come. day one day two. t. give it another week and a halff we'll see. >> i think somebody catching cah they can catch the train att 12:30 at night and realizingeazg it's not running after midnighth >> any way, we're happy about smooth sailing so in the race for the white house se , hillary clinton goini into today's presidentialside primaries with a huge boostoo despite there being more thanora 700 delegates up for grabs todat the associated press reported re that she does have enoughh delegates to clinch the democratic nomination.ination. but bernie sanders not giving uu any fight just he says that he plans to take tt his campaign all the way to the party convention next month. moh the sanders campaign alsono blasting the associated pressre saying that it could suppresses voters today basically they
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hillary is done deal.e dea lots of big contests left. >> watchinwatching the guy behid hillary.hillar took the picture. i'm going to post it.go are people looking at me and --- >> i'm not doing egg another boost could come for f hillary clinton in master days with an endorsement from president barack tomorrow he is schedule toe is l address donors at a democraticri committee convention in new yo york. >> all right.ight maybe they'll know something byg then.. mathematically it will be overly and you still go i through -- >> you mentioned earl yes whatly do they say about if berniebe sanders who is bound to go to the convention how damaging wil that be for hillary even ifve she's got the super >> it won't be.>> it won't be. the only thing he can do right now is hope that some super delegates somewhere decides to change their pledge or support.t those votes don't count untiloul the end of july, and so if inn fact, you know, somebody decidee well i was going to vote for f hillary and now i'll supportpo bernie instead, but -- >> likelihood of that happening? >> virtually nil. virtuly n >> right. >> it could.>> it could
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but virtually >> i do think bernie sanderserni he's caused such a movement thaa he probably feels responsibilitl to the thousands of people who are saying this is a viable option.on for him to just concede at thiss point and not tacket all the waw to the end i understand that. >> democratic party to sort ofto survive and move on, he at somem point will say listen we foughtf the good fight, let's move on.e. let's see how we can supportuppo whoever the nominee is to i actually go out and win this t thing in the fall.g in the fal because right now there's so's s much contention between his followers and hillary's.lary it's a divided party. >> look, this is not florida with al gore that is neck andecd neck. this is 3 million popular votes apart. as much as bernie sanders wants to think that he's right there,e he's still behind in the votes,v he's still behind in theehin t delegates. >> this is what steve gives in n my live. the voice of reason.voice rea >> the voice of reason. of reas. >> still ahead good month foror murder.. best selling author dell wilburw will join us live with more on his brand new book it tells thet inside story, you know, of course a national book but
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tells the story of how prince p george's county a homicide squau does its almost impossible job.j >> all right. later, steph curry -- curry >> with the shot boy -- boy >> i was slow. i was slo all right. next time >> you were slow. you wow >> i'm taking a day off. o >> live tv. >> he may not play in thepl in olympic either.r. we'll tell you why and kim bow w slice passed away at the young g age. we'll tell you what's trending in srts. ♪
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♪ best selling author dellelle wilbur tells the inside story of prince george's homicide unit in february 2013 when after a couple of quiet months suddenlye every deck in the squad isquad i scrambling to solve one shooting or stabbing after anh and this was the inspiration fof his new book called "a good month for murder inside story oy a hmm side squad in" and dellel joins us this morning to talk tk about what it takes to succeedaa when the stakes couldn't be any higher. thank you so much for joining ug once again. it's good to see you.d to s y so i guess my quiversyui question is of course you're a nationally bell-selling author.o why focus on prince george'srge' county for your book.un for youo >> i really wanted to write ad i book that appealed, we're having
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a huge national conversationl about policing and how they do d their jobs. i wanted to peel back the veil,v pure reporting what it's like t do the most consequence shallce job in late which is speak for i the dead. these guys are the voices for those who have no voices anyo ha more and i wanted to tell that t story in depth, you know, the smells of the room, the banterhe they used, you know, the trickst of the trade, and that's what it wanted to do, i was fortunate pg county this suburb massive suburb that is so diverse was right there and they have, you u know, they have the, a good, a squad that does this work. thisr >> prince george's county is very interestingly sill sitter.l you have dc with ending rightg r there and some spots you gopots right into prince george'sto prc county.. we'll tell two different stories. st the most affluente mo african-american county in the country arguably and then you te have another side where you whe could have all of these crimess win just one month shortestth ss month of the year it really is a tale of two different counties,t
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>> it's amazing.azing like there's part that's outsid' the beltway the part that's t inside the thetw you know when you're drivinge d along eastern avenue, the only o way you know if you're in pg oro d.c. is street sign if there's a northwest at the end.he end. >> right. >> there's no difference. i just found it just fascinatheg place to dill dig into and to bo the kind of the setting of how these detectives, you know, do , this job and what it takes andea why it matters, and to get really into those stories.tori >> every victim everybody who loses their life that mattersate too. let's get into the book. b what was one of the stories that really stuck with you? i'm surm you saw some really gruesome gru scenes.scenes >> oh, my gosh. o you know, i saw more than 25 corporations i slipped on brainp matter ruined a bear of boots io puddle of blood.f blo i was right there. as reporter, you would wantou w to -- if you had to pick like pk three things you would love toso see as a reporter, to be upo front and right there for it,t, you know, being in the homicidem squad would be one of of and i was very fortunate to bent able to tell that sto
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readers, and that's what i was really looking in terms of a story, you know, , have 71-year-old lady who was lw killed for her tv. her i have a 15-year-old boy shot s for his shoes. sho and amber stanley, you know,, arising potential jenn 93 sift3t honor student and the scramble r to solve those cases, this is, t not csi. this not law and order. ord >> not an hour.ot an hr. >> no. >> not an hour long.>> >> no. >> no. >> talk about the challengesabo that these police officers andec homicide detectives face.etves >> all right. allight. so to be good homicide deck youu need three or four things. doingedness, creativity and zero ren pip did tee and luck. tee ac if you're not dogged you don'te get lucky. get >> if you're not creative and dogg you don't get lucky allll those things go together evenog got to ooh that up front andt personal. detective solve murderolve murr just because he wanted another o guy to watch surveillance videoe and he's watching it. wating he doesn't recognize anyone in it. it the deck makes a side commente and the guy goes
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those two guys are responsible.e you know.yo kno oh, my gosh, he races and gets these tapes and solves this murder. >> pieces it together. p >> what's it like in thatt's ik interrogation room?terrogn r >> it is very intense. intense i was in that interrogation room first of all these guys work a g lot of hours all the time. t i fell asleep during februar february 2013 pumping gas at a3 red light. i was exhausted. i was in interrogation room whem the homicide detective fell asleep while questioning someo someone. just nodded off. it happens. and it's a 15 by 15 enclose 15nc insures with no windows with this kind of osh in the cornerdh where they video tape these tse thing. thin and these guys it's like -- ine- some ways it's actually kind ofd like tv tw. kind of hard what is life andfe what is art and what is real and what is, like, television andnd fiction? they all we've together as they're kind of, you know, playing good cop bad toppt in getting people's faces andnd using trickery to gety to information and you can see the desperation sometimes as they're
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case they need a confession anda so hard for them to get it. to e >> how do these officers go homo at night, take shower and get ut and not have this stick withit them? what's the effect as farc as what you saw? there's a lot of gallows humor and momentsom some people -- this book will be a roar check for people.e i did pure reporting. i make no judgments. judgmen >> you see what you >> i write it.rite i >> right.>> right. some people look at it these t guys go too far much these guys are too land dish or these guysg are hilarious interestingesting fascinating people.g peo it's going to be -- people willl come at it from two ways part or that is the gallows humor jokinn about sex acts over a ove corporation and stuff like thatt they have to do that. havto d i found that bite end i had i h watched -- it wasn't just the bodies that bothered me by thebe end i had a hard time watchingch over and over again a securityey video of a guy getting killed, l and his little boy was with himm and by the end of like the the hundredth time i wash it, run, get out of t
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to change history and ind couldn't. i think it's very hard -- veryey very difficult job on the psyche. >> at the end any murders solved? any criminals brought b to justice.ce >> they actually solved almostem all the murders.. two double murder they're stills trying to solve but they solved in that month, you know, they did very good job solve those hurts. hurts. >> the take home when peoplee ho pick up book. pick up >> i want them tboo understand n entertaining way what it'shat i really like to be a homicideic detective on the streets today. we have this national debatena b going on.going people will make policyic decisions and these are thes an elite. el i didn't -- these are the elite. >> wilbert. thank you. >> if as naying.>> >> back to you guys.>> >> that is really >> it's so disturbing.rb how many times do you watch discovery id. >> right. >> watching that last night. >> on tv all the time and you'ru fascinating what happens in rear life around us all the time.e. going behind the scenes. scene >> book signing on t
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>> yup. >> thank you. thank y. 9:21 time.ime. coming up next, a man found deaa in police custody and now his nh family says they have proof that his death was no accident. a we'll have life report.e repor plus advice for littleite league coach who got unwanted sex text from the mother of oneo of his players.laye we're talking love and order a d little later on.litt ♪ ♪
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♪ nine toll cory. prince george's county woman looking for justice after her husband died in police custody. >> shields died back in 2014 an4 his widow is sharing with fox5ox video of his last moments alive. melanie alnwick joining us livel in the stewed with more mel. >> forty nine-year-old samuel shields was arrested in a dispute over a $2 bus fair. fai 12 hours later he was pronounceo the video recorded by a corrections officer inside theit counsel tow jal was obtained byy shields widow and their tir attorney. before the video begins, samuelm has been in full restraints hels in isolation for seven hours.ou jail personnel put him thereim t because of bizarre and a incoherent behavior. it's june 17th, 2014, now more than nine hours after samuels sm shields was arrested he's hs handcuffed and pushed into the strip search room so officersff can force him into a prison jumpsuit. you can hear shields yellingelli murder, makin
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distress. officers addressed the camera occasionally saying that shield is combative.ombative we can't see what's happeninghae inside the room. room but a lawsuit says shields hasia been struck and stunned intonnei submission and blasted with andd pepper spray.pray despite jail personnel knowing he's asthmatic.. suddenly officers help for helpp quick. ic shields is pulled from the roome unresponsive.spve officers then nurses attempt tom cpr for nearly 12 minutes beforr an ambulance arrives. samuels widow says in difference and negligence could caused his death.. >> he was a good person. pso it wasn't like he done -- metrot bus fair him in his right selfit would have never done that. he would never go on metro and o not pay. t pa i knew something had to be wro wrong. >> on the justice for samuelsam shields facebook page friendsags say he was an aspiring reggaereg artist. st his wife also told us that he ta suffered from health problems pm and asthma as well ass schizophrenia.hiph the medical examiner ruled thatt
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causes, now in the lawsuitheawsu against the county, the officerc and jail medical staff, his wife's attorney says it wass it clear that samuel was having a mental health episode and shoula have given access to his medication and mental healthtal treatment.trtmen the prince george's cun tee jaio has not yet responded trgo our o requests for comment. back to you in the studio.u he s all right, mel, thank you. still ahead on good day -- >> i can't wait for this. t i can't wait. w >> i cannot wait.t wait. >> didn't get the words out.theu >> wisdom martin goes mono e mono --- >> not really. >> mono e --o - >> with olympic hopeful. hop >> you cannot hit a girl.not hig i don't care.i doca >> i'm in the violent >> he's a lover, not fighter.. >> hugging doesn't count.ging du >> or wrestling.>> o >> i mean really? i'm getting a bad rap.ap you better hurry up and get tond this commercial. we're learning what it takes tok be elite boxer from a local woman training for real.for rea that's how we're doing itre doit people. >> i hope she hits you so hard.h >> one person not heading to rir
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inappropriate allegations withiw 12-year-old girl.12 employees say this happened atae least two times in the past feww months. cruz was arrested last fridayy fairfax high school where he ish a student -- rather was student. tropical storm colin beginning g strength hammer it is expected to dump 8-inchesc of rain across that state beforf moving up the east coast. coa people in carolinas spent the t night sand bagging and swimmersr being told to stay unfortunate u water.. these are some of the last official portraits of muhammed d ali before he died you're bow to see that they come from theome t british photographer -- took tht pictures at phoenix arizona home
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>> lurking. >> slowly sneaking.y snkin >> creeping. >> up behind him. >> it's about get ->>- >> oh!>> >> hi, daddy. hi, d >> whoa, whoa, whoa. wa, w >> hi, daddy.>> >> the man who's a zookeeperer spins around and the jaguaragua jumps but all he wanted to do wn was play. the man gave the animal kiss. >> yeah.>> >> are you kidding me. >> not one kiss but a couple ofo kisses. >> they start to make k >> they real did.>> ty >> this happened is a sanctuaryy >> going to get weird in agen minute here.ere >> little kisses, little kisses and then -- >> no.. no. got the tongue involved. >> really? >> what a beautiful big catbeauu though. >> beautiful cat.iful c >> that would made me have ann accident. >> 9:32. let's check what's trending in sports.sports. professional mixed martialed mti artist fighter got his start on i was tube y kimbo slice passed way in florida.a. you know his nay face and name.. his real name kevin ferguson.eru he had been hospitalized earlier in the day for undisclosedndiscs reason no foul play suspected ss one of the biggest pay per viewv fighters of all time. okay.
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caps fans cover your ears.. because the pittsburgh penguinss one winey with from winning thet stanley cup.. last night they scored a goal g and the penguins beat the sharks three-one in san jose that givev them a 31 lead. l they can close it out at home on thursday. nba finals resume tomorrow m steph curry --sth curry >> with the shot boy. >> looking i was towed his toweh summer vacation though. >> ♪ >> the mvw are you drew his namn from consideration for playing r in the rio olympics he's nots n going to go to rio. r he says his recent ankle andnk d knee injuries are a factor. fto he plans on focus owing andwing healing up for next season.ea still question whether will he been will my on the olympic team or not.or. that's next. >> and there is zika. zik >> green bay big cheese ditchinh dairy? what.. >> new interview packers interep quarterback aaron rodgers saysgs he will stop bringing milk andnd dagger to packers wisconsin hecs will stop eating cheese. cese. he says it's part of new focus f on nutrition ahead of the upcoming kate football season.
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32-year-old says he's the he's slimmest he's ever been. is that good for quarterback ana hopes it will help extent his pro career. no word on how cheese heads aree happened link the news. >> brady has that weird diet ase in super healthy.hy >> as long as you're winning iti doesn't matter. >> all right. check in with tucker barnes finn out what's happening in the out of doors today.rsay tuck?tu? >> thanks, steve b we get tove t weather let's quick dollark dol graduation pictures.on pture yes. graduation pictures. yes. there we go. yes. yes. thank you so much everybody for zenning these n role righte r through them henry wise high h school i encouraged earlier toar send in your graduation picturen we love all your smiles. s there's ebony graduated fromedro albert einstein high school a sl few week ago. a and there you go.o. samantha, thomas stone onn saturday. i love all the happy faces andaa all the flowers.. there you go. katarina from weiss high schooll it look like and there is a pre-school graduation in whoop o wh
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let's see. let' my four-year-old nephew setterwt set to graduate fromro kindergarten this weekend. there we go.we g we got graduation from richard d write school of journalism andis media arts looking beautiful anf let's see. s charles flowers i think we hadtd few of those represented earlier today.da that is a graduation from u d.c. thanks everybody sending for sending them in.hem i all kinds of great graduationsio across the area and the weathere is cooperating.. sean tell sutton from fenleym fl high school in prince george'sin county. there we go.. music surges and we're proud ofd each and everyone of you.f we got started here early thiss morning. looks great. let's do the weather.s the we're lkiic. 74 graduating today or tomorrowo or thursday or friday, couldn'td ask for nicer conditions. rain to the south and east. very weak cold front here north and west. that is going to bring us just j chance of sprinkle actually nota weak front as it will bring muci cooler and drier air. we'll have a few scatter showero this afternoon this front rolesr through and drier air moves in.n toll will be a g
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temps in the mid 70s with plentn of sunshine and a breezy afternoon how about this forhis seven day. this is what you call graduatiou weather. good pool weather, too.oo 85 today spotty shower this afternoon 73 tomorrow. thursday and friday our zip trip in anacostia perfect.. daytime highs about 80.ut0. the weekend right now generallyr good conditions with temps in ts the 80s might be a few showers on saturday but general al nicen weekend to look forward. f to guys, that's a wrap up on tht graduation pictures. pic thanks for sending them in.endie we'll try to do it again soon. wisdom, back to you.o you. >> tucker barnes, would you move hundreds of miles away in in pursuit of one of your dreams? m would you? >> ask yourself that question right now as your watching thiss television.tele our next guest just did just jut that. that she moved hundreds of miles away just to pursue her am i selling this? >> big fear is what >> i am. >> local amateur female boxer br jess is a raising beauty lane ln moved from atlanto d.c. to to pursue her dream of becoming ana olympic boxer and she joins us live
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about her journey and to give g them some boxing lessons. >> good morning to to you i see through with the belt.h we i see what's going on here.n he. good morning to you, jessica.esa thank you very much for comingv in. >> good morning.ood morning. >> hanging out -- you got strons grip. (laughter). >> tell mow your story.ell you moved from atlanta.. >> yes. >> to here.>>o he >> yes. >> tell me why you decided to dd that. that's bold move.that >> in atlanta boxing is very small.. >> okay. >> there aren't a lot of woman georgia is not a bocking state.s atlanta is not a boxing city. ct when it came to me progressingrr and getting better i wasn'ti wn' getting better, i wasn't ias sparring and in order to fight you can hit a bag all day long. >> right.>> right >> but it doesn't matter and man punches are coming back at you. >> i say that to myself all thel time isn't i just needed to como up here to get experience ixpere needed. >> okay. >> i want to know how youan started bocking.d bocking. what is it about bocking that -t you look at it one day and saids i have to do this. >> okay. okay i always wanted to box. b point blank period my parents are like, no. blah, blah, blah my mom was ablo beauty queen.
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>> okay. >> oka >> she was like, queen of her of school, queen of her college, ce everything, and my grandmotherrh always had her in pageants shepa was no, you're not bocking. boci you're crazy. crazy. >> okay. okay. >> then i graduated -- i went to spellman.splman in school, i got job just so it could pay for bocking and doingi it ever evesinc because i always wanted to do t it, it was something that camena so natural to me. >> really? rll >> yeah. >> natural? bocking.ural? ocki >> yeah, it was natural. >> okay. look, we've been talking about this. this muhammed ali, clearly, he'sly, h touched everybody's lives a lotl of people's loves he was such ac big figure.biigur >> right. uenchat kind of influence did he have on you?n you >> you know, muhammed ali wasw,h one of my favoriteam fighters. r he and sugar ray robinsonso actually his favorite fighter it used to bock in the '40s and 50s and you know my muhammed ali first off, as a woman layla alii was very -- she was an inspiration to me and muhammedmu ali one of those people -- ppl >> is that you? >> that's me and his son. i won the north carolina g
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glove and i met his son there,h, and you know, after my fight hee came up to me and whatever and d just look up to their wholeirhoe family.faly like muhammed ali is one ofi ne those people he's universal.veal >> oh yes.. >> to everything.very he's not just big in boxing mucc he's big in the world. in thword and his lessons are applicablell not only in boxing but to live suffer now and win the rest ofne your life a champion.a c >> i'm looking at your picture.e that doesn't look like a bockinc picture. pictur look like a modeling picture. pe >> i mean, you know.ou know. >> you got to have multiple mul layers, right? >> it's okay to be versatile. >> verse at a tile. -- versatile. could you consider yourself ael knock out artist or someone whoo does the sweet science approachh like --like- >> sweet science definitely. den the sweet science definitely.eft you know muhammed ali first offo float like a butterfly stingrf like a bee. my trainer trained me under und sugar ray robinson. he was his favorite fighter. fit whoo i learned to fight, it was move aro
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face, jab to the body.ody. >> you used to be college colge student doing all that, right? t >> show me a little something si something. all right.right >> so i am -- a >> i'm good.>>ood. i'm good. >> you need vaseline. nee >> i'm good.d. >> head gear.ear you need head gear. g >> okay. i got your watch. >> this is waiting me down, too. >> no, no, no. (laughter).. >> so i am in no way shape or o form a boxing trainer. >> okay. o >> okay. i'm going to do what you do.o. give me something real quick. give me 10 seconds. son >> we start out with a jumpum rope. >> all right. >> okay. >> that's the first thing. thi what's next? move to the next x one while i do this one. o keep going. gng >> i got to show you technique.e >> you get ready i'm not going g to do this long. >> let's go.>> l look at that.ok with my jacket on. this ain't a game, folk.olk.
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>> let's go.>> l >> this ain't game.gam come on. >> this where it's going get gng crazy.azy. wrong hand. >> ut-oh.. >> here's where i need thatha greece.eece put my gloves on.put loves let's go.t's g let's go. i'll need better music thann rocky. >> so in bocking first two fst t punches you going to jab andg tn when you do it step your foot. so jab --ab -- >> okay.kay. >> jab, jab. jab >> jab, jab, jab.. >> jab, jab. j hook to the body.boy >> okay next. there it is. that's my music right there. >> jab. j. jab. all right. go ahead.. i'm listening. listening. >> if you and were a boxer and a you want to work out in boxing,n boxing can intimidate peoplepl sometimes. >> you have boxing aerobics.xing follow me, okay. o >> follow you.loyou. >> two jumping
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one works. come on. >> one, two.. one, two. t >> wait, hold on. hold and let me get with you. >> follow me. >> one, two.wo one -- ah. , ah. a this is too easy.y. >> that's because it's not reala bocking. >> that's true.t's >> we doing it for people tryinn to get in shape.n shape >> i got you. what's next?what >> so like you can target alsogt like your legs. your glutes when you're doing ih this is for women who just likel think bocking is fun but they'r' not trying to box. toox isn't okay. is >> what you goingn' to do, squau down.wn >> got it. >> one, two --- >> ut-oh. ut-. >> one, two, three, four, squatt up.. >> okay. >> ready. >> one work, three, four, uh-h uh-huh. >> oh, man. ..aughter) >> i got a little carried away. i went back to college. clege what's next? >> that's pretty much it. >> but like serious
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in terms of real form -- (laughter).. >> you notice how she said in si terms of real form. fm >> the right way to throw a jabj step and throw your right thisii way. y. >> step like that?teke t >> yeah. >> so step this way and throwanw with this hand? han >> yeah. y >> do it again. let me see.. >> so step, go ahead. >> wait. >> okay. oka >> no. >> first off, let me explain exp something. >> we'll be here forever.. >> a jab is to get somebody off. >> jab.. >> jab. >> am i stepping. >> yes. >> good job. >> jab and then you throw your right.ri >> hey wisdom.>> wis save a bill bit.l b your wife called.ur wifalled. somebody else wants to box youeo when you get h >> thank you. good luck to you.gouck we hope you get all the way to t rio.o (applause). >> yes. yes >> wait, wait. wai wrong foot.wr >> there's no hope. >> they'll keep sparring overl p there. >> sparring. >> thank you wisdom.haou w >> still ahead in the fox beatet wishing her the best in rio
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>> how are you feeling. >> he's sweating. >> my makeup is coming off. is o i'm not sweating.g. >> awesome.some. >> you got kanye west news.. >> we'll start with kanye storys the pop-unconcert that went wen wrong.wr it was shut down by the mayordo after massive amount of people showed up at webster hall for h the 2am show. s fans were gathered around webster hall thousands lining up on the streets and in response,s mayor bill diblasio tweeted out kanye west and his wife kim carrying saying quote greatng block parties are planned.rt i can throw one with to youh toy benefit the new york city kids d and you can see that pictureseee attach to the tweet.ta the mayor on the phone with thee caption, does someone have kanye's number? a loud speaker emoji.oji. >> he's serious. he's se wants to do this?? >> set it up and do it foror charity i'm sure the city wouldu love that. tha >> that would be great he's ther mayor.mayo. >> kanye can make it happen.ake make it happen. >> needs to be organized. less chaos. >> they have to want to.haveo wa >> that's true, too.. >> you like lie
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front of his fans if he doesn't. >> the pressure is on. >> it was dangerous becauseusece there were 4,000 people and the venue only held 1500. >> great benefit for whateverter charity they decide to get thedo money to. mo >> you want to hit this virals v video. video. >> this video insane a huge hug viral video on the web posted on youtube may 29th, and i saw saw this on twitter yesterday.rday. has almost 40,000 retweets. rwet it's believed to be the filmingi of fast and fewer your eight ini cleveland.cleveland >> oh, my goodness.. >> here's the crazy thing.razy i you can see helicopter headingra tour the camera then a fewew shooting sounds and cars fallinl out of the parking one person tweeted the videohe v saying imagine if you weren't aware this was happening andning suddenly just saw this? fast it do you out next april. apr cool thing about this video it o shows the practical effects effc thallous to make that movie if you saw the last fast and fewerf yourself when the cars werecarse flying out of the airplane theye really did that. the car actually flew out of thh airplane.
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happen, wisdomt', they'll take e from boat and go up into planenl and leave that plane helicopter will swing into that parking par garage and then into the streetr >> i got it. i >> ben dice sell will drove off >> that was in cleveland, rightg >> that was lebron's car, kevin love's car and everybodying's's car. car. >> crashing the burning the way they've been playinge . playing >> good one. thanks kev. >> time now 9 coming up advice for a coachor dealing with some unwanted sex -- text texts from players . is it wrong to ditch a date if f you're a germophobe.. sarah fraser is back withac another edition of love and order. that's next.
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♪ >> i like this. it means a little love and ordel for us here at the fox5 loft with our friend sarah fraser whose got all sorts of problemsl we're going to solve.. >> sarah, i'm not going to tryry to -- go with the firstheir situation.situatn >> what do you do.>> wha so this person wrote to me they're a youth sports coach.rth they recently went away on a a tournament, and he woke up to ao voice message from one of the player's moms. okay this is youth
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somebody. >> i do understand that.o you don't want this coming backc on you. >> i would have said ignore it.t >> i would say go and talkalk alone.e. >> talk to her?>> tal >> yeah. >> the person, yeah. >> i get it. it. i'd rather document it becausets then -- th >> it comes down to he said shes said and you're out.. >> right.>> right. >> i feel like nancy just leave it alone.lone move o >> she said ignore i >> she was drunk. dru i don't know if she was.if sheas ignore it. >> won't the child be penalizedl some way, like the child get cld kick out? you don't want'tan torque,. >> how do you explain that to the kid? >> i don't see how you can movee forward coaching.forward so i would say yavou he to putao this kid on different team,ntea right? that's the on the thingt puts in you a bad spot. s >> i don't think you move the tu kid. >> yeah, do you.>> yh, d what happens --pens - >> once you -- this goes this t far the commissioner whoever isr running the league -- lgu >> the commissioner?missioner? >> we don't have to get themve m involved, wis.involvwi >> allison, trust me.e >> have you third the big linehl why below up my spot because wee got got hot?
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>> oh, my gosh.yos >> i heard the biggy song, seeee my one go get my gun. okay.. >> ignore and the commissioner i think there's an answer.. >> commissioner would probablyra move the child or the coach.ld at that point it can get stickyi or i mean like you said you cann go talk to them and hope it stops. you're leaving yourself open fon lot of drama. >> i mean these youth sports teams, my gosh.os don't let these parents away on weekend.d >> if it goes -- if it happens p again the mother should behod b banned. but not the kid.but not the ki they're playing with -- my chilh plays on rec team. rec tea don't ban the kid. >> move the coach. here the other one much this gug is dating a woman she's veryhe'y very nice he feels like chef a connection but she's an extreme germophobe.. she brings her wipes, she wipess down tables and the movieane m theater much this woman iswoman extreme extreme. extre is it a shallow reason to let to her go. >> no. get rid of her. her >> she should talk to somebodyu and see what the problem is andd
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it would annoy me.nnoy >> where is the is i can unthe wipe.ntip >> why you looking a the mow? tw >> i'm going to take her out of the equation, okay.y. >> the line is he's not being honest with her, because she'sas annoyed by this and not not addressing the fact he's annoyey bite situation.uation if he he continues to go througo this relationship pretendingrete like it's okay it will blow upab eventually. >> exactly. >> it's irritating.tati >> what's wrong with her wantinn to be clea you know how some peo go overboard.rboard >> i can understand.>> i'm getting to this i point. >> germaphobe. ge. >> i may be having -- hin >> you're touching me. (laughter).. >> sorry.>>. ignore those texts.s. ignore the texts. >> i'm sorry -- >> i have your wipes,,s i know how you are.know y >> sit over here from now on. >> thank you fraser. >> thanks.>> >> coming up at 10a, ironic tribute for prince perhaps playboy mansion has been we'll tell about you knew owner and stipulation heff has to livs
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will deal with that and muchh >> julianne moore will join us.u >> all coming up on the 10a. >> and 4ye will be here. to ey. >> and coffee mugs a bound asoua well. one is up for grabs if you wantn it good day d.c. dunkin' donuts mug.. up for grabs. f the perfect cup of course forour that perfect joe.that p. we need to row write this.hi >> yes. >> head to fox5 did the com/contests or facebook pagek p enter the mug contest one lucky winner selected by randomd ran drawing you have until 11am tonl enter much it is now 9:57. 9:57. see you at the 10a. >> ♪ 162 likes. did i get any retweets on those green beans? yep! and they're blowing up on instagram. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet!!!! as it should. life is family mealtime and everything you need to make it picture perfect. now be sure to tag your mother because she needs more followers. ok.
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the roast looks good dad. how good? 162 likes. did i get any retweets on those green beans? yep! and they're blowing up on instagram. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet!!!! as it should. life is family mealtime and everything you need to make it picture perfect. now be sure to tag your mother because she needs more followers. ok. ♪
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hottest guests sizzling sizl stories only on 10a.a >> taylor and drake hacked. hac popular host has challenge for f eminem.em plus momma mia inn sigh the epic abba reunion. reuni oscar winner julianne mooreianne joins us live to talk about hero new movie and from the vault wet have a surprise for her.or her. >> two epic performances on the 10a.10a. 4ey is here with their new songs plus september africa is heres and boy are they ready to dance. well, let's not wait any w longer. the 10a let's do this right now. ♪
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wow! >> all right. they're warming up right here. >> did ya'll do that. tha >> i did not do that. did n do all right.. (laughter).. >> that's work out. out. >> steve, i can't do two a day.. >> that's how we like to start a good day dc at 10:00 o'clock.'c >> step africa in studio. >> chat with them later on. the >> okay. >> that's the way to get thingst start. >> i know right. >> step africa, thank you.hank y >> good job, everybody.. >> thank you so much for stayinr with us for the 10a.r th i'm steve alongside wisdom,, allison and maureen. maure holly is off today. today >> let's get right it rigt first up this morning, we're,e'e talking about an ironic tributei to the purple one. people in minnesota payingta pay tribute to prince today on
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would be -- what would have beeb his 58th birthday.irth now the governor has declared da day prince day in the late singer's home state. irony prince would not have evee celebrated his birthday becausec he was a gentlemen shoeff have a witness and didn't observe birthdays. meanwhile, here in d.c. we arewe celebrating prince's lives liv tonight at the howard theater. r there will be special moviespecm screening of the great movie purple the show starts 8:00 p.m. 8:00 you may recall that prince diedd in april due to overdose off fentanyl.. >> so hard to believe he's goneg >> really so hard.ard. >> yeah. >> all that purple reign seems s like y >> it does. >> 1984 '85. '85 >> that was while ago. ago >> yeah. >> all right. in fact we were just talking vhs tapes yesterday and i had purplp reign on vhs tape. >> i had it too. too i definitely remember listening to the radio and the countdownou every week when little rede corvette was on. o what's going to be number one ne this week? did it again. >> number one
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>> let's check what's trendingh now throw minutes past the houru first up, big story thatt still has people college athleta sentenced to six months in jaill for raping unconscious woman ata a frat party at stanford university.un brock turner could have spent 1c years behind bars. some say a judge was leant centc zen sentenced to six months ins jail. meanwhile cnn anchor ashley banb field devoted half of her lauerr long show legal views to readleo the victim's powerful letter thr letter was published in full ono friday.friday ban feel says the letter is one of the most powerful statementsn she's ever read. rea it's been shared nearly 7 million and backlash growing for thewint california judge who issuedue turner's sentence two petitionst on calling for judge aaron per ski to be remove frome the bench for saying jail would have had a severe impact on turner. >> i think the one has 200,00000 signatures.. >> unbelievable. >> and still going the this inint. >> the judge would it say itt sy would have an impact on
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>> on anybody i would think. thi >> that's insane. idling to understand hessd h rationale for other than thatera saying what he just said. s i mean ---- >> what about the impact on the victim? vi >> yeah. >> right. >> she was the one assaulted. ts yeah. >> seems quite quite . >> york indeed. >> next up buzz feed now.feed dropping out of dole with thehe republican national committee saying drum is that to blame.lae buzz feed doesn't wanting to w forward with $1 million1 mi agreement because of what it wha describes as offensive comments made by donald trump about women and immigrants deal signed before trump became theecamehe presumptive nominee. buzz feed said it's decision had not affect it's coverage of thet campaign h essentially they cut the dealllc for whomever would be theulbe nominee and now that it'ss mr. trump they're saying no de deal. >> buzz feed is wildly popular but buzz feed news and all ofll that. a lot of people probably get tht bulk of their news so i feel like it's unfortunate, because he is the presumptivesu nominee.nominee like it or it or not. and could be the president. pree and so you don't sort of get to
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pick and choose. we certainly don't when it comet who we report it and try to do it in fair sticking with politics on thepo democratic side now, six statese including california head to tho polls today. hillary clinton is going in to these contests making history h and with big despite they're being more thann 700 delegates up for grabs todad the associated press is rhee r reporting she does have enoughh delegates to clinch thech t democratic nomination that makes err had the first woman in our nation's history to lead theoea ticket of a major political party.y. whether you like her politics oc not history being m bernie sanders not giving up hip fight just yet. he says he plans to take hise campaign all the way to theo party convention next month.onth sanders saying he has no reason to concede because clinton will not have enough dell delegateseg and depend on super delegatesel who vote at the end of july. bernie sanders campaign blasting the associated press sayingay their prediction could expressle voters in today's primaries. p i believe that is true but do b you
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on. on but some people might look at ia and say what's the point tonto vote? vote? >> another boost though could come for clinton i bn master dad with an endorsement from president barack obama.ent ra tomorrow he is scheduled address donors at a national committee i convention in the great state oi new york.n >> it will be interesting to see what happens when she getss enough -- when she gets enoughso delegates to win this whole w thing if bernie change changes s or not or stick on the out tohet the very end.. >> he sounds like he's going to stick it out for his supporterst at some point he'll have toe t realize, look, only one persone can go forward. >> here's news that may surprism you as well new study found thau people are spending less time oo social mode ya apps. really? >> that's weird. >> it's hard to believe. to bel all right. >> let me put my phone w >> okay. >> we shall all put them down.ld report by marketing intelligence firm monitored social mediaedia usage from january to march of o this year, and it look at timest spent on instagram, twitter, twt snap chat and facebook.eboo so let's look at the us
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>> all right. >> instagram drop the most usage is down 36%. as tour twitter, it experiencede the second biggest drop around 28%. that was followed by snap chat,c snap chat at -- usage there down 19%. 19 and finally how about our our favorite facebook? which? experienced the lowest drop at t just over six-point 5%. >> i wonder what everybody elsee is spending that are time on.ree >> maybe actually talking tota each other. ea >> no, no, no that's nonsense.. >> let's not go too i don't use as many apps as itst used tom every week let's seeee what the cool app is kof the wee and download it.oa just to have it.just to have >> right. >> now there's only handful inld use. e. but --bu-- >> those i still use. >> i feel like it junxt of myy phone because i'm always over mo data. i can just go to it and not a commit to it by having it on mym phone all the time.e all ti >> i would love what that studya actually did say that people arp getting away from the internethi and actually are interfacing ier with each other i would love ifv that's what it meant but --- >> i think
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>> silly me.>> >> i want to say steven hawkingw or somebody like that one of our great thinkers said it willaidll start to reverse itself. >> to which i was like, no way.. that jeannie is out of the bottle. >> it will start witness kids. s when the kids find it's cool tol hang out with other kids again,a then that will just spread likee wildfire. wi >> the biggest problem with the dropping off the most, kids ares like let's move on and us old ud folks are starting to catch up. >> it's what's fun trending andg cool. >> we are totally behind.y beh how do you the snap chat? >> yeah. >> meantime sidney had snap cha three years ago.e yes ag >> exactly.>>ct >> skip it now. don't even worry about it i'mrym not even doing i'm done.e they say laughter is the sas best medicine but that may be my also the best paycheck. so called chewbacca mom you remember hershey's cashing in on her hilarious facebook video which dons chew back ba mask ans launch nos fit of laughed overve the sound that it make. m candace pain is her name muchamm she's gotten more than $400,0
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in gifts. in >> what. >> all because of her chewbacca laughing mask.ughing mas >> i'll be doing a yoga maskak later.ter. >> it includes a walt disney d vacation, college scholarshipsch for her entire family. fam >> go girl. g g work it.. >> gift cards,. cards,. >> work it out. >> she's like made appearancesda across the country and got to ct meet jj abrams. >> right there in the white i te >> and paid a visit to facebookb headquarters her video now the most watched facebook live video ever amassing -- 150 million mli views. >> you're doing yoda.. >> i'll do yoda later. >> i'll do landover -- >> don't nobody do it. i >> we made a deal. >> and lord fifty eight do you want my hand to fall off?? >> no. that's not the right movie. (laughter).. >> that's the cross >> you want my hand to fall off? >> if you're in the market for f new home, maybe a mansionsion
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maybe on the west coast, a housu full of bunnies, and an old mand that comes with it.t. (laughter).(laughr) >> you're too late because youee cannot get any of the above geta right now because the playboy pa mansion with hugh heffner insids has apparently been sold.old. >> yes, you get hugh with thehe deal. de new owner is a twinkieie millionaire gary metropolispolis heads to private equity firm that bought hostess out ofght ss bankruptcy three years ago. he lives right next door to thee mansion already.mansio as part of the deal 90-year-old hugh heffner gets to spend his remaining days at the >> sweet deal for hugh.>> >> he doesn't to move.don't neither side detailed how muchhm the mansion sold for.the mansiod it was listed for $200 million0o but word it sold for closer to 100 million. >> even that. >> not a bad deal. >> 2 million -- a million when e he bought it back in the day. >> yeah. >> he still gets to live there.e >> after that pool gets good ges cleaning it's a nice pool.
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mansion seven bedrooms, eight bathroom... swimming poolwiin covered by the gratto he boughth it for a little over millionr mi dollars in 1970. >> i've seen documentary on thio because i love he's got secret room nobody goey in but him. but i wonder what will happen withie that room. >> he'll be living in thereg ine until --l -- (laughter).r) >> he doesn't get the wholele house. >> he doesn't get the wholen't e house.ho >> my goodness.>> m >> she's former soap actress a turned into one of hollywood's most prolific and oscar winnerin julianne moore back on the bigon screen now. new romantic comedy called maggie's planishes morning she'g joining us live with a sneakh ae preview.priew >> more celebrities hack theesa latest on the list plus at p broadway version of carpoolol karaoke and pop reunion threeonr decades in the making. celebrity dish is coming upominp next. next.
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>> come on.>> come on. >> come on. let's do my thing h i got work to do.too. i got work to do.. hey. hey. >> go ahead. go d. >> you through?ou? >> yes. >> celebrity dish right now. yesterday drake's twitter account was hack making him atai least the third celebrity in thn last week to have such auch a security breach.rity breach. now the hacker he post add linkn to follow someone on snap chat.p it is unclear if it was the hacker, the second tweet, theete hacker posted said, follow aided for follow. flo >> i'll give aiden --id >> that's probably a fake. bogomips as much as were quickli deleted but not before they were retreated by hundreds people. p it's not clear who was behindeh the stunt and aiden's accountcct has now been suspected good witw don't we think it's you have all the facts are notac in.. allison, you have to couldn't cu the investigation.gati. >> let's continue celebrity di dish. >> drake has not comment on thet hacking. you remind me of somebody right
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now.w >> drake has not commented on cm the hacking. but he joins the lights of kylie jenner and katie perry.. >> oh, man that's too bad. okay. >> it's chain many since we'ren talking about twitter hacking ai least two of taylor swifts -- s >> see what happens when you'ren mean. >> i think it's one too many i people over here. >> i'm let's go.let's go >> at least two taylor swiftrwit dancers had twitter pagestter hacked. one of whom the nemesis katieie perry stole from the shake ithae off singer hacker released a dm the 26-year-old calls her now ex cal rin harris the one.hene message is dated july 4th, 2014. >> justin beiber followed ex e selena gomez on instagram again. i'm so board to this.s. they're waiting to see if selena will follow him back. don't do it girl. beiber followed gomez on sociall ed
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and i sa nope. nop you're bye-bye baby.bye-bye >> i'm tired of those two. tir move on.ed >> love has no limits.has no lim >> yes, it does. >> okay.. it does. recent interview uk radioio station nick cannon wanted to prove he's a >> he challenged eminem to raprp battle. battle. >> oh, no.>> oh, n >> what's he got on his head. >> to $100,000.000. cannon was so confident he would win that he promised to donate e the winnings to a children's hospital. can nan, eminem goes back to 2009 when nick then wife ma royr ya cary debut the song obsessed targeted at eminem. >> well, because, do you, remember that?remembhat? >> i remember it exactly. >> that beef was real. was >> that was real.s real >> of course, eminem hit back in typical eminem mean fax with his
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which got two seconds played on the >> i like eminem but that was real. >> can nan taken ever opportunity to take shots at th detroit rapper.trt rappe >> do it different way.o itiffe do it like -- >> come on, year talking about eminem.emin >> fiance' who said best revengn is your you do that instead.nste you won't within a rap battle. >> he's got limited vocabulary. >> in a surprise -- this is nots meant for throw people.roeopl however in surprise appearance beyonce' sparkling pinstripes os monday evening to speakpe emotional bowel family andy and fashion at the annual cfda award ceremony. look. beyonce' was honored with this w year's fashion icon award.wa she attend thed event with her lovely daughter blue ivy and her husband aakk bill big homey h jay-z it's the first time that queen bee had been at the sameae public
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designer rachel war. w becky with the good hair. good hair. in fact it's the first timeirstt they've been together since thee infamous elevator incident iid because that -- they say soley l lang got bad because jay-z was s too cozy with rachel ward who'sw had a a beautiful fashion liness >> were shots fired.e sh >> apparently they got got alo along. >> i don't remember it. there's rachel. >> she is beautiful.'tth is beau >> she is pretty.l>> s >> okahey. she says she's not becky withect the good hair. you know who says she is? >> who? who >> what's her name?am >> what's her roll name? >> corrine >> they call her super. >> i know exact hal you'reno talking about. >> she says she's the real becky with the good hair. she's long begun jay-z's beau. >> she's been everybody's boo thing. >> mccreery and -- columbiabi shorts.orts >> i thought you were -- >> off of he can kell show.el so >> all right. whole lot of background. >> corrine stephen.
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who knows who abba is. >> i do. do >> we know who abba is. i i don't like abba. abb >> i didn't realize it's been 30 they reunited for the first time in 30 years. y did you know they hadn't beeny t together in 30 yours.gethn 30 >> good. >> abba celebrated their 50th 50th -- if they haven't beenen in 30 years. 3s. >> i do like dancing queen.cingq >> they celebrated their 50th 5t anniversary of the day the grouo started and they did it on stags in stock holme for a private gala in their honor this is an taken gram photo of theho performance while on stage theyt sang their 1980 hit "me and i". >> how does that go.ow d >> i don't know. i never heard that.ver hethat. >> this was the first time theye perform together in public since 1989.1989. >> really? >> how about that. how does me and i go. >> somebody find that.ebody >> they're sitting back laughing sitting on money. >> for $1 billion they would non get together g what's the deal.. >> they hated each other.. >> that's why the bees arere backwards because they didn'
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>> is that right.s that >> bs are backwards in the logo. >> that's why.hat' >> they refused to look at eache other.ot that's not --'s not >> i like that story. >> finally, this is too many.s m i'm sorry. >> finally --al >> say please.>> >> please wisdom hit thehe prompter.ompter. >> finally there's no businesshe like carpool business.s. broadway star lynn miranda stars in hamilton joined the late latl show host james corden forordenf special broadway themed edition of carpool karaoke.. listen to this.s. ♪ >> grow up to be hero and a scholar but word got around thet said kid is insane, man, took up a collection to of just to sendd him to the main land. mai l get your education don't forget from which you came and the the world is going to know yourou name. what's your name, man?? >> he's very good. and versatile everybody sits iny that passenger seat he nailseatn their songs. >> miranda -->>
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>> including adele.. >> rapping two shows from twohos hamilton.milt corden is hosting this year's ya tony awards.rds >> that should be pretty >> he'll leave us and i'll never see him on broadway. >> too many.. >> july 9th is the last show.ast >> it's supposed to be twopped people. peop >> i thought i was going to the couch.uc >> why not? carry on, steve.rye we're just doing our thing. thig >> still to come this morning,mr enjoy the summer preview whilehe it lasts because spring is aboun to make a come back.ack. actually we never really hadad spring. ng we'll get our first taste. tas we see you mo. mo. tucker is back with the detailsi coming up next.comingne scoot over, you know that songg 4ey the future back with newith single and we're not wasting any time bringing it to you live.oul we'll be right back. back.
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♪ ♪ 10:26. happening right now, dc mayor murielt bowser about to share a details of a compromise agreement on raising the city'ss minimum wage. we live pictures here.ser earlier this year the mayor the called for minimum wage in thehe district to go up to $15 an houh bite year 2020.02 last week a d.c. councilou committee approve the first version of leach laying to make the hike. hik this new deal is with laboritab unions. unio bowser and the council have apparently agreed to tie futuree wage hikes with inflation. infln much more on this to comeome throughout date today.roughout on the 5:0o'
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course on our social media mia platforms through outdate. outda nice taste of summer recentlyf l but soon it will feel likeike spring tucker is down in the weather ih center with details. wdeta a little cool down coming our o way. >> hey, maureen absolutely.bsoll cold front off to our north andh that will likely bring us a fewa scattered showers this afternoor and then the drier and coolerooe air gets in here tonight andonhd what a nice seven day forecast.r but you know what nice out thero early.y we're currently 78 inn washington. 77 in leonardtown. 79 now in frederick big bounceiu in temperature in the last houru culpeper and fredericksburgg already 80 or better.80 oet there's your satellite and youru radar. all that heavy rain you see offe to the south and east is compliments of colin.of colin. that will continue to be push out to sntea. and our focus very very thiny t little ribbon of cloud cover ana rain shower that is will workilw through west virginia the pastsr couple of hours.cole of ho when that gets over the or t mountains it will re-emerge ass scattered showers and then behind it the cooler and drier d air will get a chance to filtere in and again later tonighter tig things will get very very v comfortable around here.ou her here's future cast w
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showers blossom there athere 2:00 o'clock. i guess teak umbrella here. showers could be chic moving but bring us cloud cover and light l showers and we clear it out look at the seven day.en d springtime 73 much cooler and breezyre very very nice tuesday, tueay wednesday, thursday, fridayri right into our weekend.kend. that's good news. g toss it back upstairs to you.iro >> that is great news. t still ahead on ghaood day step e right up we're back with more om the electrifying step africa. planner extraordinary andredinaa wells is here to talk about thet group and a major event. ♪ >> step african the members of the organization...
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it's all in an evident to raiseo funds for the organization whicn is noted as the firstst professional company in then world dedicated to the tradition of stepping joining us now overo here in the big studio with mort on how you can get involved andl catch a night of incredibleble performances the founder of stes africa brian williams alwayss ay good to see >> good to see you. gooto see y. thanks for having me.than for >> all right.ll and the adventure this yearr andre wells always good to seedt you too.yo >> good to see you. >> let's talk first -- where- there was a lot of stepping steg going >> shoutly. back in the day. let's talk about step africa ana what it means to the community u andly world. an what are you doing brian. bri >> step africa is the first company in the world dedicated d to stepping. we're celebrating 21 years. yeas andre wells has served as allvel right gala chair to help us raid money to do work not just in jut stages but communities allti across the world. w we've been to 50 countries at this point and every state in the union.nt we want to
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>> including at the white househ >> this is our lucky white house >> the president invited us toes it went incredible we almost broke the chandelierss in the east room. e >> sometimes you got to knock to them down and the roof shake. an dry, why did you get involvel in this? i love the arts. a my wife robin she love the arts, and brian had built this from t the ground up. and, you know, stepping, danc dancing, young people,pl everything about love. i'm excited to be part of it. you know,d it helped young men and young women so i'm happy.'mh >> i know that you put that p t little andre wells spin on it,t, too. to >> of course. of >> when you go, tell me what you're hoping that these folkshs will come out and buy ticketsbuc what are you hoping their t experience is. >> first i ooh it want them to be over combed by step africanfr they're dance performance we'ree all excited about that.bout that's the number one thing.e t just going to be really fun, beautiful evening, occasionsns caterers is catering
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food and fellowship and fun. f >> and raising though funds.h fs >> and raising foes those funds. >> this doesn't happen for freep writ. >> no. how far will this money go? >> step africa requires to the ott community for support.y fo s we're in schools every day. in the sense at the same timesae we're on stages all over the s world so how do we keep thatpha going? how do i employ theselot wonderful artists you're about u to see perform keep them employed and making good thingsm happen in the lives of ouren i children. >> i love it. i l >> we took 10 young ladies fromo d.c. public schools to croatiaro with us.s it was live changing opportunitu we'll talk more about that atoru the gala on thursday night. nig >> tickets still available. a >> on our website.n r webs we'd love to see people >> we got to get out of this thi spot.ot. we will be stomped upon. >> okay. >> okay. all right. what are we going to see brian. >> a little something from thego company we might do a new work.w >> all right.>> all right.
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>> all righty. righty that is step afrika after dark the vip gala thursday, jun june 9th. stop by the union mark ink northeast. 7:00 until cocktail attire wearr your nice gear. let they will do all the i'm sure you'll stand up and trd to stomp your feet a little bitb too. thank you so much and thank youa for joining us.for back to you on the couch. thanks.thanks wowow! >> impressive. >> 10:00 arthritic. still ahead on the 10a today sh1 went from soap op frees becominc an oscar winner and today she'ss with us. maggie's plan star julianne jul moore will join us live. us l we'll talk with her about her new role in the new romanticoman comedy and what else she's els
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♪ you know john harding.di he's one of bad boys. b his wife apparently she's somehm sort of monster. >> again i've heard myselfys described as a psychotic bleep b but i think i'll chummily prette nice.e >> ♪ >> i'm curious about you. >> what as spec of me.pec o me. >> every aspect of you. >> what does your wife think about. >> they doesn't know about it. their marriage fell apart andge now he's trapped in it. >> i don't want to be marriedtom any more. m i'm in love with you. >> you going to get divorced doe yet. ye >> no. >> he's totally self absor
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>> i'm terrified that i'm i'm falling in love with >> too bad you can't give him't back to his ex-wife. ♪ >> maggie? what are you doing u here. >> john and i are in there might be an opportunity tt get the two of you back b together. togeth >> you want to mick sure youou don't feel gate tee so you'll yu manipulate us all.. >> okay, i'm leaving. lving. okay, sorry. >> you know when there's bad bob of anthropology that's -- the ie is part of the trailer thee t romantic com dough calledald maggie's plan. greg georgia way is maggie falle in and out of love with marriedi man played by ethan hawk and haw hatches a plan to get him backic with his ex she took him away ha from the first time. t >> exactly much hess ex is is played by oscar winner juliannea moore and who you might alsols know from so many mazing rolls obviously films like children oe men, obviously the big lebowski, alice won the academy award ford that film as well.. hunger games, hanibel, lot of l world jurassic park.
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>> what did you like her the h best >> the big lebowski. >> lebowski or children of men.m children of men is probably thee best thing she's ever d >> i loved that film so much. m >> have you seen children of mn men. >> have i not.>> have i no clive owen fantastic. we were hoping to talk witho tah julianne moore this morning.ori she's in new york. n she's not able to join usin u but the moviert itself do we knn when the movie is coming out. o >> it's playing right now.playri >> check the out. check theut >> hopefully we'll talk to herah in an hour or so and we'll tape' it and use it for tomorrowor morning. >> that will be great. look forward to talking to her g10:42. back over to you the movie is in d.c. friday. >> new york and la last weekende and dc this >> noise twist. >> he have fromming. h good i like her accent. >> steal a guy away and getet bored with him and give him back to his ex-wife.. >> right. >> it happens every day.ha >> like i tell selena gomez, >> anthropology style i know you like -- >> archaeologist. >> that's right.ght. (laughter). >> 10:42 is the time non time to waste because coming up next r
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and b trio 4ey the futurehe fut returns to the good day lost anl they are going to perform theirt new hit single. sin there they are.ey a. hey, guys.hey, g stay with we're back right after this. thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course... are you? nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios well you've come to the right place. great, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm you're all right bud? never better i don't know if he likes that. yeah part of the complete breakfast
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♪ yeah. wisdom getting down with that.n scoot over. ove next guest stars up and coming r and b trio who made their goodoo day debut last year with theirit score move over. over. this morning they're back toy'rt perform their new song live l called "no time to waste" without further a do welcome known the 4ey the future. fut guys, take it away.. >> thank you for having us fox5. >> ya'll ready. yll r >> yes. >> let's get it. let's go. let' ♪
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♪ whoo!o! >> no time to waste 4ey the future.ture how are you guys >> we're doing great. >> you sound good. w >> thank you.>> t >> a lot of people wonder wagonn exact system 4ey. >> 4ey stands for forever young. >> you are young, have lostave t energy. where you from. >> we're in wads shout too mckinley technology high schooll >> northeast in t h
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>> i'm from maryland.yld. >> okay. >> i'm from northeast d.c. hometown gentlemen here.em we love it. you guys are doing big thingsigs your second time here to theon loft with new single.nesin talk about what you've gone've e through in performing? have yoe been on tour yet? have youeou performed for big names? what'' been going on with you guys. gu. >> we've been touring all overve the united states so far, man. , we've been to la, we've been to florida. new jersey, new york.y,or we just -- we just came off a tour, the juice tour promotesr r non bullying and also helpingel kids find a way after highfter h school where to go.hool where >> i love did you guys know each otherth from the area? how did you ho meet. >> how did the group form. >> we got signed to a new musicc group. he got signed first even gotvego second. se he said we need to put you guys in group we knew leo.eo we called up leo. >> there you have it. havt. >> you know there are a lot oft groups out here and each of thee have their own sun.wn sun what makes you different from some of the other groups youe might see out there todayreod
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fantastic.fant >> thank you.>> >> i think we go back to the motown days like our label 4ey big on artist every day we have vocal lessonss dance rehearsals, mode ya, mode training, shout out to jay-z and shout out to joshua and doo wopw let's get it.. >> you guys full mack catch.k isn't were i do like there arere no sound everybodies you sipping and i heard your voices.oice so you guys >> yes. yes >> none of that doctored upre stuff. >> no. >> no. >> that's what you're getting who you noor mew si si cal ssi influences. d where does it come from. >> when i was growing up i usedu to listen to mychal jackson.. justin timberlake i found newoun favorite now. now >> who?? >> jason did he raoul low.oulow >> okay. he's amazing. ama >> he is a hidden talent.. people think dancing when theyct think about jason he can blow.hb >> he can sing. >> he's mazing vocal list. >> what about you? what about >> i'm going to go with chrisis brown.own. >> i knew it. kw i >> i saw that.ha >> he's pe
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>> he's a great all aroundround performer.pemer. singer, actor, you know, dancere what about you? >> oh, man, i love me some michael jackson, whitney houston, marvin gay.ay >> okay.>> o >> bon jovi.i >> old school lover. lov >> i love all types of music.. jimmy hendrick is one of my of m favorites.. piece in peace to prince, youiny know.know but as group he love new editi edition. >> cool it now. >> that's my j. >> very quickly you know for those ofor the younger ones looking up to you guys i want tn do that what advice one-on-oneno would you give them about aut getting into this business andss making it happen?tap >> we like to go about the 3hs.3 stay humble, hungry and honest.. with those throw you can't go yc >> wow. >> got great team.ea stay hungry, honest and humble m to your fans. >> one more thing. >> stay >> of course.>> >> consistency is the key. >> because a lot of times ites doesn't happen over like a day. >> overnight. >> i
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sometimes. >> people can pick up singlee ca right now. >> right now. >> apple music, i tunes,, instagram. amazon.amon >> where can they see youhe perform next?rform next? >> we're going to atlanta nextex weekend for week. wk we have a step show we're doingd and we're doing bet weekend. >> we can find you online and find out all the dietz. >> 44ey you're awesome.weme we're always do it big much the proof is in the pudding. >> i like the logo, too., >> the logo on the, g i needg n some of those boots when i gotso out on the town. >> all right.ight. (laughter).r) >> looking sharp.. >> thanks m oval. t come on we'll read some tweets. tet >> let's see what everybody isew talking about.abut there you go wisdom just ickt i some people up here may have been saying one head dread granr to give away eminem would crush him.m. >> i wouldn't be in the sameldte room with
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>> you got carried away withit that segment.egme. >> i wonder -->> i w >> you said you were smooth baco in the day, right,u wis? w >> oh yeah.h i used to throw them hands backs in the day.heay >> i'm sure you don't will he the suit fool youy >> blow up my spot. s big talker.alker. thank you very >> you goant the salute. salut they said this is the quote on o tv ever.. >> they call me little miss i guess. big poppa.big popp >> how about this. abo this. wisdom straight up clown he's cs having way too much fun this ths morning. >> you got to have fun. g >> we love it. >> i was being dead serious.eado i don't know why everybody was s talking about i was playing. (laughter).. >> oh, man.. >> you want to road this one.hio >> i called you jj evans whenjje you did it but ronnie tayloray says you look like the black bla pee-wee herman with those jumping jax. olympian. olympian. >> you did put your spin on theo just a little bit. ltl
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>> jessica is still here. is sth you got timing to another roundo if you want. >> you know, we'll see. s >> apparently she's waiting for you right (laughter).aughter) >> in the parking lot, right? rt >> tucker i really enjoyed allod the graduation pictures today. d >> i love that you did >> thank you. tnk y maybe we'll do it again soon.n. beautiful afternoon, actually ay got round of showers like middaa like two, three, 4:00 o'clock:0' around of showers. of shrs. and then cooler and drier air di works in. 85 today.. much more refreshing dry airg dr gets if here tight look at your daytime highs. higs wednesday, thursday, friday, an, into our weekend really really a pleasant air mass in place anacostia friday morning greatne for our zip trip right now the t weekend plans if you have as ifv wedding that kind of thing lookl great. >> we should have 4ey stay andta teach us some dances. dances. >> they were good. g on thursday, you know, every evy dollar helps these guys reallyy ambassadors wherever they go tot step dancing so still tickets te available. we'll put it on our >> try to get that julianneulnn moore interview for you tomorrou or later th w
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live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." >> you won't believe what i'm about to tell you. >> my girls are always turned out. >> i give it to you straight, no chaser. >> now here's wendy! ♪ >> wendy: so nice. >> kwhwhooo, whooo! >> wendy: thank you for watching. say hello to my co-host, my studio audience. the girls are in the building.
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