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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  June 9, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪ straight ahead, democratic drama. dram today the president sits downs n with senator bernie sanders here in d.c. as he tries unite him behind presumptive presidential nominen hillary clinton.hi can he convince the popularar candidate to quit? emergency action.ncctio dc police desperately searchingg for whomever shot four people yesterday.yest now, they're taking action and trying to reassure a worriedri neighborhood. we'll a have live report.rt. cashing in on the greatestrs of all time. tim how people are trying to makeak money on muhammed ali's funeraln as his final goodbye getss underway. ♪ and later, ed sheeran sued e for $20 million. million. did the singer rip off one of oo his biggest hits? good day at a 9a starts now.ow ♪
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this may or may not be ed sheeran. (laughter).(l >> it is ed sheeran he's beingsi sued for something that soundset just like it. we'll talhik about it coming up. >> i heard it last hour.r >> sounds lot like it is. i i >> thanks for staying with us for good day.for good it's 9:00 o' dclock.clock. it's thursday june 9th, i'm'm steve alongside maureen, alen little son and wisdom.. holly off this week. wee >> a founding farmers fail? the washington post food critictic releasing an absolutely savageya review of the pom lar d.c. d.c restaurant and this morning he'' joining us live to explaino elan exactly why he gave the eateryht bup kiss, zero star. sta >> i'm fascinated by this. this. i used to like that place.t pla. >> i think a lot of people of except him. >> what time are we doing thisrs they have 15 minutes they cany deliver us some food.. >> 9:30.>> >> that's a good point.s a good. we can give our honest review as well. we >> that's a great idea.ea idea. >> i'm just trying to helpt tryi everybody out.ev >> if you're watching, you knowk you're watg. >> look, before we get to all of that, summer break continues.ti temperatures today staying stayg
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mid 70s.0s but more changes on the way. way for more details now let's go lt over to tucker barnes with a wit first check of the forecast. >> always safe to say there'says changing on the way in the world of weather.. >> in life there are always changes on the way.geon t >> deep thought. i like that. what's the most stars you cantac get as a food critic four orfour five. >> i think it depends on the ide critic. crit >> well in this >> tom gives five. giv >> i'll give the weather fiveer for today.for today. >> are you sure you want toure a throw five at it today. tod >> i'll give 85. i'lgive >> that's setting the bar realle high. >> i'm like kev i don't give oue fives very easily. e >> was that a t >> no. i'm just saying. >> that's savage exactly.ctly. >> i'm just saying we don't havv too many five -- fiv >> i understand tuck. underand >> let me wrap this up. (laughter).te >> you're like kev or unlikeike kev. kev. >> i just just like kev -- we -w thought you said unlike kev -- - >> i thought so, too. too >> never mind.>> nev continue. >> i still think it was a shotwh fired. i'm just saying.g. >> 69 right now in washington.iw relative humidity 45% much windn out of the west at 13. 1
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lovely and will be five stars ii promise look at that.. satellite/radar is extremelyly quiet. quie if you're traveling today, hey,y get down to the beaches daychesy early if you're lucky enough to be going down beautiful at theu beaches. mountains look perfect.erct can't think of anything otherinr than high marks for this day asy we'll keep it dry. d let me mention that uv index isi still very high.h. even with the coolere coer temperatures.te so it won't take lot to burn t b your skin.your skin. protect yourself if you'll be out later 80 your daytime high in washington.wash 82 quantico.o 79 frederick and five star.five can't look at that.. i'll have the seven day comingan up in a coupleg of minutes. mint >> we didn't see a thing. thing i didn't say it was a five stara forecast i just gave you.t gaveu i said five star weather. >> i understand. >> big story at 9:00 o'clockt 0o takes us to baltimore today.oday the driver of the vanity freddid gray case goes before a this the start of his bench hisb trial. this same judge will also hold a hearing whether prosecutors withheld conversations they had with a potential witness.itness lawyers for officer caesar begug son say that's violation of of
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want the judge to dismiss the goodson on on trial for seconden degree murder. mur >> d.c. police taking action ton find a gunman following alo violent day in washington, d.c.d >> this as we learned overnightg of plans for an emergencyency meeting between police and a and concerned public. fox5's annie yu is live in northwest near new york avenueen and north capitol street busy area where a frightening daytime shooting all happened yesterdaya annie? >> reporter: hey, good morningin to all of you. you're're right this happened in the middle ofd the afternoon ainround 4:30 40 yesterday in broad daylight.. and we're just blocks from thesr capitol.pi so i mean as you mentionedenti allison this is a very busy busy intersection here.on you can see straight ahead d.c. police officer right at the rige corner.corn that's exactly where there t shooting took place.lace four people still recoveringerin this morning after being shothot here this north capitol streetee and new york avenue.york avenu and if you're familiar with thee area, the big ben's liquor storo is right on the corner there.r e d.c. police are still s
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for the gunman and you just saws the police officer there handinn out the flyers.t the flyers. he's been doing that all morning long and on this flyer, is a is description of the person thatet they are looking for.. along with the details of yesterday's event. e and also police have organizedrd an emergency community meetingne taking place tonight att 7:00 o'clock inside the fifthth district community room.ty they are asking for the public'l help. help now i want to you take a look aa an image that police have released of the suspect.ct. it's not very good. i know but exactly what they w have to work with at this point. there's also surveillance videod that d.c. police are hoping tog release.e so stand by for that but we have this image on our website meantime yesterday around 4:30d3 they got the 911 call for the quadruple shooting out hereg ut apparently a gunman approached d man right outside the liquorr shot him and then fired shots at three bystanders and so all four victims were transported tortedo nearby hospitals where they are expected to really that is the good news ouo of this chaotic
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i also want to mention chiefhief lanier did speak out about thist yesterday that a d.c. police poc officer who on his bikeis b responding to the scene was hitt by a car that did stay on the scene.en he was treated for non-life-lif threatening injuries. he'll be just fine.l be as you can imagine it was just chaos out here in the middle ofl the afternoon.e afteon a lot of homes arc lot of of businesses, a lot of cars near nearby. so hopefully dc police hoping that someone saw something andha will let them know. themnow. just want to put out the number and. two sorry 27279099 if you have any information in yesterday'sty event. back to you in the studio.. >> good information from youfo there, thank you. want to turn to prmoliterics now hillary clinton may be theclin democratic party's presumptivesi nom know but today the drama continues.contues. her chief rival vermont senator bernie sanders has refused too concede, and today he heads todt d.c. to meet with presidentrede obama.obama. fox's doug lou shader later hass more on the democratic divide.. ♪ >> reporter: for democrats onero of the missing pieces here is an en
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by president obama. obama. the white house making it clearr that that is not going to happee before the president meets witht bernie sanders later this morning.g bernie sanders arrived back inrs his home state a of vermont last night greeted by supporters anda he seemed none too pleased thata the media was still following fg his every move.. >> i was told the press was nots here. >> reporter: the questionr: then swirls around sanders.round nde what will he do next? and whenn he arrives at the white house te this morning, will the presideni convince him to step aside? yesterday the president flew too new york for political fundraisers and to make ane an appearance for this evening'sveg tonight show with jimmy fallonao talking about party unity. uni >> so my hope is that over theoe next couple of weeks we're ablea to pull things together and --nd >> no endorsement of clinton the least not yet until the sanderse issue is sorted out. >> first i applaud senator sanders vigorous determinedermi campaign. >> reporter: hillary clinton h may still be celebrating her bir within this week but she knows o if she's in the careful in how w she handles
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alien 88ing huge numbers of young energetic supporters.s. massachusetts senator elizabeth warren who has been a notable clinton hold out democrat sourcu says she will offer an shel endorsement next week. week. but sanders is another matter.te and presumptive republicanubca nominee donald trump is making a play for his supporters. >> bernie sanders said that herh judgment is terrible. tribl she doesn't have the judgment,en got judgment to be president. he got something right. >> reporter: this is notis not expected to be long meeting between the president and bernii sanders. it's scheduled for less than anh hour and the white house is verv clear about the fact that thisti meeting was requested by sanders, not the president.resit at the white house, dougse, luzader, fox news. apparently --- >> something i hadn't heard before. i >> apparently the white house hu has said they've spoken they the times in the past couple ofle months much this is the first time they've gotten together to chat. we'll see what comes out of it.. >> that makes it even morekes im interesting. >> ice and ears on the white hous
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keeping track of everything else that is making headlines thisins morning. hello again, erin.n,n >> good morning again.oomorn we begin overseas.ea. israeli prime minister calling a deadly terror tack in the city of tell have a leave savage. four people killed and five ande others injured when two gunmen e opened fire at a popular open oe air market. those gunmen described asibed as palestinians are now in custody. israel's military has now banned palestinians from traveling tolg visit holy sites in israel in ir during the holy month of ramad ramadan. israel says it will also deployp two additional battalions to west bang in response to that tt shooting. well update now on a story y we told you about yesterday.tery a judge has ordered the releasea of a woman accused of deliberately causing her twinngr sister's death by driving theirt suv off a cliff in maui. that judge determined there wasr no probable cause for a murder witnesses said alexandra and anna stay is it a is a duvalls u were arguing inside a vehicle
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before the crash.he csh up credible picture of that tha crashed vehicle.le. anastasia died on the scene.ce. alexandra the one behind theind wheel was injury. stain glass windowswdows featuring the couldn't federal'd flag will come down at the t washington national cathedral.dl the windows were installed in i the 1950s at the time theyy honored couldn't federal generals stone wall jackson and robert e lee. l church loaderings said there wae no place in the cathedral forrer the windows as the nation faces intense racial tension andsind violence right now plain glass will be inn called as cathedrall officials figure out a permanent stain glass replace many. to health news now, how man times -- who how many of youanyu guys actually floss your teeth? if you have never ah you're actual not a loan. cd. c asked 9,000 people over thehe age that's right about that aret dental hygiene and nearly 33% said they don't floss theirheir teeth.eth. another 30% said they flosshey l
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that grosses me out.ut and finally, evenn billionaires got their richard branson catching one ofn his employees taking a nap atapt work.. so he trolled him by snapping ag picture.e. then afterwards richard branson says he woke him up after unexpectedly meeting his boss b branson says the guy wept backea to sleep but branson wasnson actually pretty understanding about the whole thing saying the guy quote needed the i am a great napper if richard branson needs any additionaly ao help. >> i'm not. mine are too a >> nap away.>> n >> they're g >> i'd be embarrassed if that ih was guy finally meet the bigthe boss and there you are snoozingn away.away. >> um-hmm. >> thanks, erin. tha >> thanks.>> >> still ahead students headdent back to glass at clarksburg high school one day after the deathhh of three we'll show you how they're they' remembering them.met that's coming up next.. >> king james what a come back it was for cleveland getting thi job done on the home court. crt highlights and a look at the
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coming up next.
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>> students returning totu clarksburg his school today. just day aft losing three of their classmates in tragicde car accident. the accident happened latene lae tuesday night.ght. police now saying alcohol mostos likely was not a
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pointing instead to the to inexperience of the car's driv driver. >> lindsay watts joining us liv from clarksburg on this simply m tragic story. sto. lindsay, good morning. >> reporter: good morning,orning steve and maureen.steve an i was talking to student beforet she went in earlier, and she says she was apprehensive comeic to school today because of whata the mood was going to be like.ek surely just a difficult day forf these there was no school yesterday because of graduation so this it the first day back in class cla since that awful crash onrash o tuesday night.. student jacob dennis was behindn the wheel of the truck that wenn off the road and slammed into a tree.. patrick shiv let and cary greene were passengers in that vehiclee the community here is just heara broken. last night people came togethero for candlelight vigil.ligh v there was a huge crowd out and people were sobbing as the boysy friends and families rememberede them. people also went out to theohe crash site on burn hill roadd yesterday, and there were soheee many people police had to set up a common center to help directit
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clearly these boys were veryboyv popular here at clarksburg highg school. two of them played football anda the student i talk to thisohi morning says the juniors especially are leaning on eachnn other during such a painful ti time. >> i think we all like come inei to support each other, and sincs there were very well known, to they like touched a lot of aot people. a lot of differet people an lotn of different groups and then that -- their death bring us bnu closer and it like bringsri alcoholics kind of and just you want to support everyone becausu you know they're going through r lot. >> and in addition to that to support from each other,, clarksburg high school also has extra counselors griefors counselors on hand today for any student who might need somebody to talk to. guys, just heartbreaking way foy these kids to end the school soo back to you. to yo. >> indeed it is. >> lindsay, thank you.thank ou time now is 9:16.6. coming up next, final goodbye te a boxing legend and the ugly
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muhammed ali's funeral wereere given away for >> not free any more and later past meets meets p last night on jimmy kimmel live. we'll show was happened had the new ghost busters met the old g's. we'll be right back. ♪
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♪ 9:19 is the time.s the saying goodbye to legend. lend city of louisville kentucky kenu playing host to
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public goodbyes honoring native son muhammed ali this week. but now appears some people are looking to profit on upcominging ali memorial service trying toct sell a limited number of free f tickets to the service online.. now, his as the boxing legendg l this comes as the bocking legend who suffered from parkinson'snss disease for years helped to pre-plan his own funeral and a insist tickets to his memorial a service be free to the public. fox's patricia stark has thehe latest. >> reporter: children andhild community members i in louisvill kentucky releasing butterflies t in honor of muhammed ali wednesday. saluting his famous boxing boasg that he can "float likee butterfly and sting like a bee"" this as the city prepares to sao a public goodbye to the 20thh century icon.n. ali a louisville native diedivee friday at age 74.. >> he was not a afraid to speako his mind, and when a lot of of african americans reallyns r wouldn't give him thatuldn opportunity, he was like, hey, , put my neck out on the line andt
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was on his mind. so not only influential inial boxing but internationally.ti >> a public islamic service will take place thursday. >> then on friday large public b inter faith service will takeile place at the city's sports arena that seats tens of thousands. followed by a funeral processioo through louisville all the way y to historic cade hill cemetery.c people lined up for hoursor h wednesday for free tickets to tt friday's memorial.or they were gone in little moretl than an hour. hr >> i mean, he's a hometown hero basically. great at the time boxer ever. tm >> reporter: now it appearst a some are looking to profit onon friday's former president bill clinton,li actor will smith and comedianom billy crystal are set to a 10. 1 this as some who receivedved tickets immediately offered off theirs for sale for hundreds ofs dollars online. ali's family saying they arethey quote disgusted an mazed that anyone would profit from thefr death of their loved one.oved in new york, patricia stark, fox news. news. >>st
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zero stars post food criticriti joining us live to explainin exactly why he laid into one ofe did the c region's most popularr restaurants. >> another inform ba final employee blow out but this oneut went the on the way. the w this time cleveland was doingng the blow out. >> coming up at 10:00 a little boy sneaking into a neighbor'sgo garage to hug the dog. d the heartbreaking reason he wasg doing it. i i don't think i could take itina and the heart warming end towarn this s let's stick for the good. 9:22. back in a in a moment.
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oh, man. doesn't always go as planned. but you know what,ys he's gote' great music career to fall backl on. >> yes, he does baseball thingab didn't work out. awwww. >> that's snoop and to be honesh this is far from the worst we'vr seen. if you want to see bad queue up 50 crept throwing out the first pitch.pi >> that was really bad. >> snoop dog throwing out theg o first pitch at the padres gamehs last night. a little bit outside.. here's what people dopeople d understand.understand. okay. >> what's that. >> first of all not everybody has the skills o to throw out baseball. okay. if you don't play baseball it'si not the easiest thing to do thid second of all when you throw ouu the first pitch and i know this from experience, they don't givy you a chance warm up. you're like literally going outi there cold and you're just guessing how hard you want toant throw that >> i thought snoop had athleticc abilities. wasn't and he foot paul player. >> he played football. h his son is ac
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player. >> you would think the arm woult be a little -- >> it's different. >> steve, you get yours over thh plate. >> it came up -- hit right inht front of the plate came up a pla little bit short.little bit short hopped it.. >> i lost mine.t mine. >> i put a little mustard on it. >> you look at the still photos it looks like i know what i'mhat doing. >> he's not by himselfly will teen of bad. bad >> tons of them. those are the ones you hearyou about. you got 30 major league baseball teamings of night somebody is s throwing out a first pitch. how many of those do you see? oo only the bad ones. >> he got for wearing the dadrie jeans. >> he wore a white sox hat inhii d.c.d. >> you know what they do at the white sox game.itsox >> what?>> >> you can put it on the board! >> i set that up for you so eaay easy. >> i tried to set this up foro u you, too. >> what's that?hat' >> snoop wasn't the only one to have a bad first >> i thought we were going to roll with it in okay.kay >> that was 50-cent. >> 50.
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>> this was the mets piratesir game in new york.. >> oops. >> the good news for him there't nobody in the stands for that >> okay. >> let's watch it again. >> yeah.>> yeah. >> right. that's what we were saying. >> let's take look at >> oh, okay. i didn't know. look at this. >> when was this?>> w >> get it wis >> over the plate. >> guess what wisdom did, thou though. >> here's the best part.e'the bt >> took out a >> oh, my gosh. >> do you ever stop? d >> clearly not.. >> no.>> look at that. that's not bad.that's the form is okay, right?? >> it actually looked a little bit like steph curry. c >> it did.>> iid it did. because if it was a real game it would have been over thed have batter's head. hea >> you look like a little ball b player right >> i don't know about all ofon't that allison. >> yeah do you. >> he looks good in polo shirt. >> 1985.>> 198 >> this it was 2014 a differentt era back then.n >> no steve chenevey video, wha, is this? >> i was going to say. i was equal time. >> you know what it is.ou know i >> i didn't choose the picks. >> tha
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>> we got another hour and aanot half to get steve chenevey vid video. that's all i'm saying. all right. checking some other sportsking e headlines this morning.r line so far the 2016nba finals f they've been all blow outs.w o all blow outs.s. all blow outs allison seymour.eo >> all of them.>> all of them. >> of one of them.>> last night cleveland cavaliers v took the opportunity to blow out golden state. s cavs defense shut down stephowsp curry. curr they shut down clay thompson. they shot down the three of them together had 35 points.s. normally 35 would get -- would d get 35 all by themselves. final score, 120-90 in favor ofv the cavs.e c that's all's a cleveland got another home game and probably within that win ani golden state will winter >> you think so.>>ou t >> yes. >> we'll see want what happens.h >> i didn't say that. >> caps fans hate to hear thishs pittsburgh penguins won victoryo away from their fourth stanley a cup and they can do it at homee they can seal the deal at homea tonight.t. game five against the sharkinsts kicks off 8:00 o'clock. o'
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guess historical thing for the penguins they would become theee first pittsburgh team to win a n major championship at home sincn 1960. 1960 >> what? >> you know what -- >> when the pirates>> and beat e mighty new york yankees at thest world series.. assume per bowls are all on thet road and unfortunately for f baltimore fans last time thensti pirates won the series was in baltimore in the '70's.ore in te >> all right. >> long time ago. long me >> here's another story peoples are talking about this morning.. tenn star maria sharipova willil appeal that two-year suspensione from the game of tennis over the claims she knowingly kept takinn performance enhancing drugs d after it was banned. now, the harsh punishment isn'tt driving away her sponsors.ponss her tennis racket supplier headh calls the suspension quote auote flawed decision.ecisn. nike has also saixd it stands y sharipova.ova >> she can keep making money cma from her sponsors.fromer s because she's not going to bengo making it on the court. >> that's true. tucker tucove on to barnes let's show another fantastic video
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of someone throwing out a knuckle ball pitch. pch >> that would be one stevewoulbo chenevey.. >> a little bounce.ittle b >> yeah. had a little bounce.. >> more bounce to >> check out the walk, though. he's got the swagger now. n >> i wasn't happy about that. >> man. man >> he's got the little soule shake with screech. he's got it going on. y you hear those boos.he >> i heard them.. >> what is that, steve. >> i was there that day. i was e that was t not the crowd. cwd >> that did not happen.t happe >> that's a little tomfoolery ir the studio.stud >> i will say this. wsay thi i did actually hear -- it wast s daytime. it was like a packed sell out so crowd. you guys were all down there. te literal whole they announce youe first pitch, you know, fox5 -- somebody booed. i can literally like hear everye person in the ballgame.lg if you don't think for a seconds those ball players can't hearrsh you in the stands --nd >> steve, i said i'm sorry. >> you have very distinctivery i voice. voic >> i said i'm sorry.>> sai >> steve is giving us the a little steve garvey with they ih walk.
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>> tucker walk nobody noticed you had swagger walking too. t >> god put me in the right ballpark.rk. got the right environment. seam is a leisure lever pitcher for the nats. >> who was your catcher. 1pr person backed up by up b steve.e. >> they didn't know how it wask going to turn out they wouldn'tl put a real athlete back there. >> won of those manny machado,.m >> they didn't want him toim to charging the mound. mound. no, we're not doing that.gha >> tuck have you ever tossedou s out ---- >> tuck did well. >> i did a couple years ago. co >> how was that? did you get i over the plate? over the pla >> it was solid across the pte plate. >> bay socks, right. tucker i love you. >> bowie bay socks. s >> manny machado used to play u for the bowie bay socks. bay s >> nothing wrong with the bowieb bay socks.oc you through to tyler moore thatt caught you >> tyler caught mine. it was a little bit high but hh across the plate.te
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what steve was trying to do noto throw a pitch that could be hith i get what he was doing there.ot you know what i mean.know wt i >> trying to inn tame date.ame technically it did cross thero t plate a strike which seam ask a lease was kind enough to point out to me. m >> if we were playing cricket it would have been beautiful.havee (laughter). >> right in the wheel house. i >> all right. let's go.go we got beautiful day if youf get to be lucky enough to go oug and play baseball.ay ball. sunny and less breezy out there. temps about 80 this afternoon at absolutely beautiful weatherea with not a lot of humidity and a still a nice breeze out of the t north and west. west the breeze won't be as gusty ass yesterday. annapolis 65. leonardtown 68.8. let's see.t's see check in hagerstown 64 degrees.e 70 in culpeper.ulpe we had 40s just out to the wests early this morning upper 40s incredible.ible high pressure quite conditions.i high pressure right about here r and just control our weather col later today and tonight. otodado we'll keep the sunshine in the for just a few passing clouds cd later today.lar really a mostly sunny day eithee way a dry afternoon.erno dr
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dry friday.y fri our next chance for shower orhor thunderstorm will arrive withl w little thunderstorm complex thap will get in here saturdayatur afternoon. we'll be warmer with more with humidity for the weekend.eeke there's your surface map high mp pressure and quiet conditions cn absolutely beautiful out there.e very very nice. nic again, daytime highs about 80 at today just a few degrees beloweb normal temperature wise butre wb without the humidity it's goingg feel great. 80 today. t 81 tomorrow. tom zip trip anacostia come out andt join us. i will be at six am m along witw allison and steve will come outt and join us later in the mornint so we're looking forward towa that. and there's your weekendth forecast. isolated storm on saturday.. sunday hot but it should be dryd most of your weekend nice and nc dry if you getting married, you, going to be out in the yard, y you're doing barbecue, going toi the pool -- -- >> got a kids play off game thi saturday good a lot of make upsm game for for may should be nice for it.ou be ni >> >> thanks, tuck. tuc talk about savage, washington post food critic tom, set off some hahn lineah l
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handed down a nearly unheard of zero starry view of foundingound farmers one of the dc's region's most popular restaurant.estat the review panned the chicken wings to the blimp to the roast chicken claiming the only only highlight was the bar. we want to know more about the burn. rack up major michelin announcen it would become one of its reviewed cities.ed cit the man behind the rye viewye v washington post food critic tom is in silhouette.houett you are a food critic and dond d this secret. s we don't want to give away youru identity.en tom, you game out guns blazing.a what happened >> you know i think i gave eigha fare shot. i went total of seven times. >> wow.>>ow >> i usual goal three or fourl o times before reviewing a revie a restaurant in the magazine.ranta but you know it was so interes restresting because on al levels on service and ambiance and food, founding farmersrs just -- you really have to w
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to be a bad restaurant like thae i think. thi. >> man. man >> and i think i gave eight farf shot. one of things that i came awayea with is if you're serving bad bd food, don't serve it in huge hug portions the way they do at d founding >> wow. >> w >> they're flaws are simply magnified.magnifie if something is too salty tastes salt times 1 if something is too dry you'lll get dry bite after dry bite bit after dry bite, and i just felt like, um, you know when you walw into a restaurant and you expect good cooking smells or somethinm like that? um, it's not justotj about the food it's about the ambiance and everything else.vee i didn't get any sense of thatfa at founding >> tom this is one of the mostso popular restaurants.r r i mean at any given day, weeke weekend. it's packed. >> yeah. tell me about it. they don't need hostesses there so much as air trafficraffic controllecontrollers.controller i think at the podium it's podiu really crazy.really c you know what i think it boilsh down to three things.s. location, location, location.ion founding farmers
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from the white house. it's in the shadow of georgetoww university university -- george- washington university and imf. i lots of tourists.rist you've got lots of executives.ce you've got lots of students andd their families, um, willing to go there. t not a lot of competition either. there's not too many restauranta of that size in the foggy bottom.foy bottom. >> we're looking a part of youry review there.ewre wow! it is brutal.ruta have you heard from the managers there, the owners?wn >> you know, i haven't. (laughter).(laute >> you probably will after thisa >> i have heard from a number of former employees who worked wore there, however, who sort of sor cheered me on in that you know o this is supposedly a restaurant that celebrates farm to tableoae cooking and what i discovered was farm to fable cooking.. more factory experience than a n chef or cooks slicingnd
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and sauteeing and doing allng al those things that you do tothina create a beautiful meal. >> we should point out that toma and correct me if i'm wrong tom is only given out 30s in all thl years that he has been doing d this and i know at least one ofe those restaurants already shut down.wn but you went seven times.nim was it just one bad experience r that led to this or was it equal all seven times?imes? >> no, it was all -- it was a a what i do is, you know, i go aso many times as i feel i need to o go, and the reason i went so w many times this time was becausb it was so hard to get and so what i did the first fout times i went by myself whichelfw doesn't give you a lot of timee to eat much food, right? especially with large portionsgr but i sat at the bar the firsthe four times by myself ordered asr much as i can without lookingooi suspicious. and the next few times i i actually ate in the dining room with groups of people. so that explains why i wenthy i seven times.sevenim i also think when you're goingog to come out this hard on restaurant, you really have to do
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i eat bad food so you don't have to. >> there is one founding farmerr in maryland. marylan so you haven't gone to that one, right? >> i've been to -- there are tre three and the reason i went bacc here is originally i wanted too put my spring dining guide i look back at previously reviewev restaurant.. the company has expansion plansn and i thought, you know, let'swl look at the original and seend where it is.whit see if it's gotten any betteret since my last review.iew and actually it's gotten worse.. >> we just showed part of thewee response that we got fromhat weo founding farmers. fmers they said look we've servedd almost 600,000 people ever everr is end tilinged to theiro opinion. we welcome guests to come in and formulate their own opinion.n oi let me ask you the biggerme aout question. . we talk about recently michelini coming and making dc only the fourth city in the united stated to get the michelin stars or at least be graded.ra your take right now on the foode seen in 2016 and where we'rere w headed from here. her >> i think it's very exciting.g. last
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most of the year looking for america's best food cities, and, i wasn't sure until the very end whether or not washington wouldg be in the top 10, and it was in fact in the top 10. it was number nine. n i think we're in very excitingxt mace right now.ce right now you know, we have a first familm that really enjoys eating i think that helps. we have a number of really talented chefs in the city who c are pushing the envelope in terms of fine dining but also, a you know, in lower price ranges, too. evening, um, what we lackedd earlier were really goodood affordable neighborhood nghbo restaurants and we're gettingd g more and more of that all the te time. particularly in the neighborhooh of shaw and logan circle. >> ending with founding farmers now, did you like anything likan anything about it? yes.. i loved the drinks. (laughter).gh >> tom, do you have a favorite restaurant in d.c.? >> you know that's like asking a parent, you know -- favoriteite child.ild. >> right. >> is there a place that i wou
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go and spend my own money? yeay there are about 10 of them right now. and they would include placesdep like the new pineapplepple pearls which opened up. up. it's a high-end restaurant sortn of pushing the envelope in terms of fine end dining. d rah circa is the best indian restaurant in the country rightg now. now. there are all sorts of places aa different price levels.el >> can you give us one for aneoa family of five? >> for a family five, you knowou where i would go.whld i would go to all purpose in pue shaw it's from the people who own red hen and boundary stoneas in bloomingdale, and it's affordable. they have some of the best pizzh in town right now it's italian i american restaurant went don'tun have many of those. t >> all purpose.urse. >> al -- all purpose.-- all pur >> you need to make reservationi for six because i'll join youe i now. >> oh, no. >> tom thank you for joining usg we appreciate your honestate ht reviews as as aly >> happy to be here. >> when you get ready to go tooo fast food places let me know.w. that's while right in my wheell house. >> will do. (laughter). >> thanks, tom. >> what >> wisdom chick-fil-a five stars stars.
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founding farmers in rockville.ll >> what did you think.>> what dn >> i thought it was good. i thought i was doinhog some fif ngning but now i have toni re-evaluate.. >> well, look, everybody isdy entitled to their opinion.pini >> exactly. >> that's true. all right. >> exactly.>> >> what was the name of placewa i'm i' >> all purpose.>>ll purpose >> all purpose.ll pur. >> right.>> r ought purpose. i'm going. shaw we'll see you later. still ahead in the fox beat past and present collide on jim kneek kimmel we'll show when you the cast of the two ghost buster franchises finally get together and talk about things. i love bill murray in his answ answer. ♪ ♪
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>> deep and side that you feels so familiar you have to listenr to it. >> my mom, my dad, i have ae a family many. >> we will never for you dory. d >> i'll never forget you.rget y >> i miss them. do you know what that feelsat f like. >> aww. >> that's part of the trailert' from the new moviepa finding do. but there's one scene in sce i particular that has a lot of l people talking.alng kevin is back with that story an little ghost busters match hey, kev.hey, >> good morning to you i'm actually seeing that filmthf tonight. tonight i'm flying out to los angeles ii the next couple of hours here tu see the movie i'm sitting down with ellen tomorrow.or >> so cool.o >> my mom used to write letters to ellen's show when i was kid d trying to get me on there shet knew i loved movies and i don'tn know her and
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>> if you were kid when the helh shown len show was on.n sh was >> teenager. what year was her first show. s >> i would say 90's. would say . >> i was born in '84. she also wrote to oprah as welll film what? (laughter).(lau >> here's the deal. a lot of speculation that pixar finding dory fetches featuresfec the first gay characters in the disney animated film. film. the new trailer it showed two se women next to baby stroller i believe we have the video here at the bike octopus some some speculate this is a lesbianesbi couple. coup this is speculation.s specation those who have seen early screening of the movie finding f dory say the women in questionst make a brief appearance in the e sequel leaving it to the viewers to decide for themselves.heelve disney has yet to comment by thb way the director andrew stantonn did say that there's no wrightoi right or wrong answer here. and according to glad study 22 y of the 126 films released lastas year featured lgbt charactersrar most of them low budget not blockbuster hits.kbuster hit the only studio that
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feature gay character disney any para mount movie hits theatersat in couple of week.ouple of i'm trying to figure out whatut people think about this,hi because, again, it's speculati speculation. >> right. >> no one knows for sure what the scene is. .'m seeing the film tonightow but you know what are yourre y thoughts on this?ough on this >> i'm trying to figure out whoo cares. cares. >> why does it matter if twortw people standing near a baby aab stroller they could be sisters,, they could be girlfriends. >> exactly who cares? whoes? w brought this sun my point.yoi >> i thought the one in thehohtt purple was boy.rple >> i did, too at first. at fir >> how do you know it's a womanw >> who cares?ho c >> all speculation. all >> not even -- they're not evene central characters in the moviee why does it matter. itat >> when that trailer came outero and the reason -- you're askingk a good question.a good que why does it matter? i agreette with what i'm saying when that tt trailer came out everyone saw the image.. huge viral story about all of ao this. >> i think people wanted this tt happen.haen >> right. >> so i think -- is this disneys or >> disney pixar.ix >> i feel like what they'rey're doing putting a baby toe in the water. >> test it.
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so they're not going to makere people angry who don't want toan see it. they're going to make peoplee po happy who do want to see it. it's like a wore shack test full you see what you want to see.ouo >> ellen is in the film was there any push from ellen yes. s >> right. >> to have that in there. >> i expect that question fro oo you today. >> i'm asking her tomorrow hopefully.hopefully. >> tomorrow. >> i'm sitting down with hern wr tomorrow. >> wait a minute a minute wet.e. pump the brakes. they are not in a movie but a bt couple of seconds, right?ht? >> yes. >> i don't understand. i ellen -- you're saying thate sag ellen would have a hand inan having them in the movie -- mov could have a hand, speculation.n >> could have hand in these two characters who in the movie forf like maybe five seconds or 10ec seconds. >> right. >> right. >> makes absolutely no sense. al >> that's the question.t' >> no sense at all. >> i think testing the waters.s. >> for five seconds. forive >> yes. >> the directors have respondedd saying there's no right or wronw answer. >> they put it in there.t itn t >> or did we put it in >> that's the question.stio to me it's like don't ask don'tn tell the on the militaryy standard.
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>> i don't know why it matters k make such deal out of it trying to alien 88 people frompp seeing the movie.seei the i don't care if dory is gay in the movie. i'm going see the movie.ovie >> i don't care if the characters are >> why make a big deal about it. >> wisdom, you know when inowhen breathe your air i feel healthy. (laughter). >> i like that. you know i do.yo >> i like that allison. ais let me also say for the couplesu who are same sex couples who are raising children it does make a difference. >> of course.course >> but it's not direct and tondo the point. poi >> how i felt when teyona was african-american princess i felt included.inuded >> right. >> in this dialogue. in th dialo and with this happening, and --d >> i'm with allison here filmerm that's why i'm saying.g. >> that's why i'm with you.ith >> to that point it's like, oka, f you're going to do a disneyise pixar why have them in for a second. second why is it for second?fo sec >> why is so short. >> it's like -- we'll test thell water a little bit an
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we won't anger people. peoe. >> right. >> rig >> see what they say. let's see where the conversation goes. then next time perhaps now you say actually --ctuall >> if it was a huge buzz aboutua it. everybody is talking about thekt film.lm >> it's just like disney when hn that had teyona but her prince p was sort of racially ambiguous. so they're doing it but they'ree not giving you a black man and a black woman they're giving -- >> i'm with you. y if it is happening in the film m that obviously people -- make ie happen.en >> same sex marriage.e semarr >> if you're going to do it -- >> do it.>> do >> if you're going to sit on the fence, then i don't have timet h for it.for >> we don't even know for surewf if that's the case. c >> i agree with you. you >> that's my point. that's my p >> make it more obvious.e obvios >> or don't. don >> do it or don't. i was going to say somethingay t else. but do it or don't, because thii right here is just two people in a movie for five seconds.e s it doesn't dsn't if you're going to go, go all in. it's the'she trailer >> this is the trailer.s is tra there's a reason why it's in th trailer.aile >> the trailer is -- all in or r not at all inform we don't o
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until you see the movie if it'sf bigger d >> if you're going to go, go. to >> sorry about that.>> sorry abt >> people have seen the >> just that scene. scene >> they're putting it there for people to make their own to ma judgment. >> it's funny the director camen out. he didn't actually say it wasacy right or wrong that -- speculation was. i don't know.don't k i'm actually curious one of th, the,, what dot viewers think? let us know. >> #gooddaydc. #good >> i don't know if we have -- df we have more >> ghost busters real quick. bua jim kim pell last night they ha the old and new cast on it wasnt so cool to see bill murray, dann akroid, ernie hudson, andn, a there's the new cast lesley jones, indicate mckeon nan,n n, melissa mccarthy and kristin kri wig. to we have time for a sound bitd from the show. t sho is chris saying we do or not.rot >> we're hearing >> no time. noim >> they look great.>>hey lo that was a no. trust us. trust us. they were funny. were bill murray actually said thed e reason that he was green lighting this because he thinkss these ladies are funny. >> funny. >> funny. there's nothing more than that. >> speculation behind this movin because everyones
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can remake ghost busters with aa all female cast.le cas i completely disagree. d i love the t ide >> do anything you want to do.h. >> i love the idea of all female cast ghost buster. >> we got to go. >> we'l1yl carry on that>>e'll conversation later on.conversa in the meantime 9:51 coming up next worse place productivitydut killer what is it that is it th causing you to be distracted so much at work and how much yourr manager hates you for it. hates. we'll talk about that coming up.
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♪ >> i need my reading glasses. >> you need x-ray vision to road that. o sml.o small. r >> keep running tweetsng t throughout the show. put them on the show.the keep an eye on the bottom screes f you're headed out to work thik morning you might think twicehit about when and where you useou your cell phone.ho new study out by career builderi and it finds smart phones arehor proving costly for employers. ee three out of four bosses so byo far majority say their employeee are too distracted by smart by phones he is special physical pa they have the old black berriess it resultsi
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productivity and i assume thatss is daily. is now this issue not just limit tt do a few employees either.her. 83% of employees have smartmart phones. phon 82% of which are within eye eye contact of employees during work hours. and while only 10% of people opo with smart phones say it issay s decreasing their productivity at work --wo >> some of them ring whilee of you're on tv. >> i'm getting a aex 66% of people say they use it te several times a day whilea day e working.rkg. so what exactly do we do on ourr phones while we're on the clocko most of the time, we're textingg 65% of the time. 44% of the time checking the news. thank you everybody for that. 24% of the time gaming anding shopping and 3% using the mobile dating apps while at work.k. >> that's gutsy. >> full disclosure you see us on our phones going into commercial field or out of commercial bre break. some fields you are mandated to use your phones social medias sd weiss. that's what we're doing most of the time.we >> for me, sometimes i get -- ma, i don't feel
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in the middle of the show. basically, we're tethered toredt these devices now. you're in constant communication which is a good thing.hi and also a bad thing if a familm member needs to get in touch i t with me they're going to -- they are going to pick up the phone p and call me. >> people complain about us oncu our phones. our ph it's work.'s w we're not being rude.ei r we're distracted by other partsr of work but we get it. >> we will try to do near the commercials. >> we always try. >> we don't talk back. >> ed sheeran s did he rip off one of his h biggest hits? we'll play i wasw little sample of each.plof eac you be the judge plus how much u perfect summer would cost? thee best shows to binge on netflix. and later we're celebrating some big milestones wbcg throwing thn their 17th birthday bash andh historic dance school near and d dear to my heart jones haywarday school of dance celebrating 75 years of excellence.xcellence. yup they're here with us and dod little you can finally do your
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>> okay. o first coffee time on good daye d d.c. you've been looking at our cool good day mug. m we have new dunkin' donuts mugom to give away perfect cup for tht done dip doughnuts coffee head to fox5 d.c facebo. one lucky winner selected byy random drawing.ndom you have from now until 11am tot enter. en our time now 9:57. rear back with more good day after the break.
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vo: for dominion, part of delivering affordable energy includes supporting those in our community who need help. our energyshare program does just that, assisting with bill pay and providing free, energy-saving upgrades. it's more than helping customers, it's helping neighbors. ♪ stand by me
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♪ must see stories, big guests only in one place, good day at a 10a.10 >> trending at 10a we have aave clip of president obama's oba appearance on the tonight show.w bobby brown drops more bombe shells about whitney. wait until you see why beyonce'
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is burning up the internet.erne >> a birthday bash. joe claire, dj flex and young greatness here to tell us alltes about their epic concert. conr >> live in the lost three time tone 93 award winner hinton hino battle is here and celebrating n major milestone for local dancee studio.ud >> all right. looks like somebody is going to be dancing today. (laughter). >> let's do it. the 10a starts now. ow. ♪ you know, dolly parton migh still be in town. good really? rll >> maybe she is watching. >> hey, hey, miss dolly. dol >> we love dolly parton. pto i saw her when many, many yearss ago. >> did you. >> ruth chris steakhouse i was on job interview. jnter she was in there.was in the >> i'm not going to get distra distracted by this wholeed b situation going on in front ofg mow. >> did you get the you >> i got the job and i saw dolld parton and.nd >> and awed good >> i had a good steak.ak your future boss probablyrobl planted her there to see if youo were get distracted by thed t situation. >> it could have been. >> wisdom was so oo
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handling the situation. >> right. >> i want him to work for me.k r pardon so much respect for dolly d parton. i was watching this thing abouto her life.e. >> yeah.>>h >> and a lot of people don'tfeol realize in the '70's she was a big song writer. >> prolific song writer.roli >> no, no, no.>> no, but wait. so -- so -- >> i didn't know that.n't >> she wrote a song that elvis manager wanted elvis to sing and they said that if you want elvie to do this song you have to sigg the rights away.. elvis gets all the rights to the song gets to do whatever he dte wants to it and dolly parton par took a stand and she said therei were no other prominent femaleel song writers in country music as that point that would do this ta and she said no. it's my song. i'm keeping it. i don't care if it's elvisca presley or anybody else this is my my >> good for her.for her. >> she kept the rights to all o her songs.. >> she did her thing and she did it right, and --nd >> i will always love you.e you >> just to see the strength ofet that as a person. pso >> oh yeah. >> standing up against the the machine. >> she's this big. >> thousa
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>> if you're watching this dolly we love you. you. >> a lot of clips online at thet wolf trap.ra >> perfect venue.enue >> thanks for staying with usith eau for the 10a.. i'm steve, alongside allison,lln maureen and wisdom and today allison -- perfect.fe. >> june 9th -- perfect.fe. >> is what? >> unofficially national sex day. so why can't we say the word t w sex. >> i don't know. >> i think you shied away from a saying the word sex.he word sex >> it said allison. >> that's my read.s my read. it's my read.. >> so today seymour wisdom we de it on facebook.aceb. here's the question can we sayso the question?estio >> why not?hy n >> let's put it out there for the whole world. wor everybody is at school now. n >> if you are at home and youe have children.hahild >> get them out of the room for 10 seconds while we say this.s. okay? >> bad sex a deal breaker.. >> it's that >> this is like your first sta starting to date somebody and the whole thing and all ofo tht i say absolutely
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>> our producer -- >> we have an audience in here.. >> wisdom says no. >> i am shocked. >> i'll rei verve judgment untit we get ready to do our -- >> weigh in right now. >> it's conditional.s c >> weigh in #gooddaydc in honor of national sex day we will bee on life.if it's already on my facebookacebo page, yours too when these twowo weigh in on it. >> 11:30 we'll do it for you live. live. >> live at 11:00 their.ive at all the hate mail straight to me. me (laughter). >> yes.>> yes all right. all ri four past the hour.urast let's check what is trending ong this thursday among.rsday amo for the fourth time in hisime is presidency president obamasi staying up past his bedtime forf laughs as the chapter in chief appeared on the tonight showtog with jimmy fallon.lon now the episode airs tonight.ig. here's a little sneak previewew comedian and president discussing the current electione cycle and some of his concernsrn going into november.em take a listen. >> you think the republicans are happy with their choice
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>> um, we are, but i don't know --k -- (applause). >> i don't know how they actually, you know what -- (laughter). >> that was too easy, but -- but -- the truth is actually iyi am worried about the republicann party, and i know that sounds, d you know,. >> yeah.h >> you know what it sound like. um, but democracy works, thishis country works when you have two parties -- >> president also offering somee words of encouragement andnt a support for the hillaryry clinton -- for hillary clinton f and for bernie the president is expected totedt endorse hillary he says heays h thinks sanders brings energy tog the election.the election. those two meeting today at theeo white house.. clinton may be getting get support from president obama not everyone is on board.oa following her claim she has shes enough delegates to secure theet democratic nomination the hashas tag girl i guess i'm with her wh began trending on
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(laughter). >> i know. i hash tag i'm with her thousandss of twitter users joined in ond the fun the hash tag to couldo c shed light on the uphill battlee hillary clinton still as well as those don't who don'd like trump. hash tag sparking t-shirts for-f sale oine. featuring the girl i guess i'msm with her slogan right there onho the front.. >> hmm. what's the chances that a littll sexism is playing no this? thi >> i'm sure there is. >> i would think.nk >> always a twinge of thatha somewhere. i don't know how much but i'm m' sure there's -- there's >> i feel bad about it. feebad it's like this is a moment tot o celebrate.. whether you vote republican or democrat, and to have that sortr of asterisk by it seems a little bit -- people do what they wantw to do but it feels >> i also think there's an antia clinton in there, too i think ti there's a lot more anti clintonn than anti woman. wan >> right. >> i think there's a lot of people that don't like thenkhatt clintons. they really don't like hillaryli
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>> right. >> they just don't like her.r >> pretty obvious when you looko at the polls whether or not thet like her. >> and the t-shirt.-s you know what, also, too, io got a lot of feedback on sociall media yesterday what about shirley chris shop we arehop we celebrating -- steve look it upt i look it up yesterday wete w couldn't find -- she did run onn the democratic ticket.ic she was the first woman and thed first african-american woman to be a major party candidate asdaa she ran on the democratic partyp in 1972.2. but hillary clinton will becomee the first person to have the party's name nation. shirley chisholm did not get tht nomination.nomi >> and the delegates.nd t we know who shirley chisholm isl we honor the accomplishments ofo her.her. she was a, you know, ground-breaking -- broke the--re glass ceiling in a couple ofpl o ways.ys. >> trailblazer. trailbl >> you're it. hillary clinton has the ar whatever.d a lot of people saying sheaying probably should have becauseec george mcgovern only onenlne wouldn't state.uldn't >> did it in the early 70's. >> 1972. >> 1 >> very significant.97 very sigf >> that's done.ics
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summer is the perfect time to t catch up on your favorite showis on netflix but just how much hoc time do we spend binging? gi that's the big question.he big now according to kneww accord information from netflix mostos members twos choose to bingeose their way through entire seriesr instead of taking things ones e episode at a time. atime now this means most finish a a series in one week. netflix says most users spend ae little over two hours a day watching their favorite shows ii order to get through themm quickly. netflix also reveal the service is most bingable shows whichhich tend to fall into the drama anda thriller genres.res. series like the walking dead, orange is the new black, theyck top the list of most bingedinged shows.s >> true story i never bingeerin watched a show.sho >> really?lly >> who has time to binge watch.t i've done it in chunks.s. >> the vampire diaries. i started oning episodes i epide watched the entire series.s >> i feel guilty if i'm sittingg >> i feel guilty if i'm sitting there. i watched them in chunks. i i watched like the affair thn a
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through it. it you know what's back on the air, though.thou >> wayward pines. >> i would binge watch that. b >> allison told me on that one.o >> that's a good one. o >> allison was all in and i saws one episode and i binge watchedt a couple of weeks ago and i wasw thinking allison seymour wasuras dead o next episode -- i sat there.he >> you couldn't help yourself. u >> i was locked in with all this stuff going on.stuf allison was so right. rig she's so right. >> i guess i don't plan it thent again i'm guilty i watch three t episodes of diners drive ins and dives or your man jeremy on rifr monsters.te >> i love you jeremy on river rr monsters. it.. >> happens. >> you know what else i bingee n watch 80 >> what's that?s that >> super hero show. >> i don't even know what that n is. >> what? >> all i'm saying i bingeaying e watched it with the kids.d wit that's all i'm saying. s am i proud of it, no, i'm noto,i proud of it. >> okay.kay. >> wisdom in the recliner.dom ie >> we talk about this storytory earlier. quite a debate for.ite a debate. >> if you ever watch the 8:00 o'clock hour you know about 8:15 we show the fox5 first five which used to be our first fiver and it usual fly
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like this. >> what's going on? >> what's going on, dude? dud >> i love all these faces. >> aww.>>ww. >> cute cheeks, too.>>ute >> those eyes, though. old soul.d ul. beautiful little baby. >> josh knee josh.. >> cuteness all the little -- we have affectionately come to call this our cuteness factor of the day. >> cutie baby baby. >> 8:15 every morning we talkmo about how cute all of our littlt babies are here across the dc region.on a new study this morning reveals that babies cuteness is actually a key element to their survival. >> what do babies have to worryr about yes.t yes. >> what is it that makes them so cute, though? okay.kay. apparently, it's their eyes.. >> those big eyes.. >> yes. yes. >> huge relative to their faces because we're talking anatomy here, eye balls actually don't grow all that much after bir
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>> really?>> >> you see those big eyes --ye let's see some babies who are a not newborns.t n so we can see it.cae it >> let's go back to our 8:155 picture.ure also baby heads al you talk t about this, big heads and you ay said it actually makes them cu cute. cute >> oh yeah. >> that's another fact. those heads that are too big fog their beds -- >> like pandas. >> pinchable cheeks. >> that's why we love pandas ans that's why we love the japanesee cartoons the anna maes we loveel >> all that little chubb keyey cheeks, tiny chins all things tg that just draw our attention our eyes the little babies. bie >> my grandmother used to say to that i, um, that she always uses to say you have to grow into grn your eyes because they were so o big. i know she thought i was reallya cute. >> i heard grow into your head.o there's big headed baby.. >> but we find that many cute.t >> true story.>> true a woman when sidney was about six months we're at the metrot t and i'm a nerow mom she comes oe and goes that baby has a big head.head. >> really?? >> eye at the moment i didn'tid know --
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something but i was like --ike >> did you. y >> what? >> you know what i mean. i was just like, okay.ka looking back if you're watching and you tell somebody their baby had a big head 15 years ago, ago don't tell people that.e it's not nice.. >> here's the downside.ownse. unfortunately, people tend too judge babies because theause t research shows if there is a non cute baby go ahead and try tory find one, they said if peoplepl are trying to give a toy or toyo something to the baby they'll typically favor the cute baby to the non cute baby. b >> that's human nature human nature. nate. >> my question i posed earliersr and i did this tongue and cheekk if somebody says this is aebodys picture of my baby t, funk deepd down inside maybe it's not the cutest baby you've ever seense would you ever tell them that. t >> what a sweet -- that's sweetw baby. >> this is what you say fromt s grown ups from living in theinge south. all you say is bless theirss tir hearts.hearts >> no bless their heart is -- >> in south carolina they did. >> that's cold.. >> the nod.od the nod. the >> that's cold for i'm nots n
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>> i would never do it.ever d. >> i'd be like -- >> nobody here from the southheo but me. who you pointing at? >> maryland is not the south.. >> moving on. m >> don't get him angry.. >> bless your hard wisdom. wdom. >> a woman from louisianana discovered someone was sneakinge into her garage every day whilei she was at work. w but it's not what you're thinking.thinking security footage showed a little boy would run and cuddle witheit her dog and run back out so theo woman posted the video toideo facebook to find out who that t little boy was. was within 24 hours the boy's mothee commented he talks about the dog all the time but she didn't knoo he was cuddling with him everywm day.da the mom reveal the family dog dg died last year.ea >> oh, my goodness. >> get your tissues out. boy and the dog best friends frn they take daily selfies. selfies >> you know what the nice thingc is, he just wanted a little fixf you know what i mean.ha mea >> give that dog love.og love. >> he wasn't taking up his timem ran him gave him acute littlee dog. dog >> you know -- hug. know h
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too. >> the dog would miss it if he m didn't do it one't do you know o still ahead on good day a couple of milestones celebrating wbgcbg and the 75th diamondia anniversary? is it the diamond. >> jones award school of dancewa is celebrating whaterdver it isi >> i know they're near and deara to you. >> five years. love it. ed sheeran sued. did he rip off one of his of his biggest hits? the interneternet showing zero chill when beyonce' sneezed.snd. lord, she cannot do anything. an and madonna's wish granted. may she never speak about princc that's what her wish was. w. no, it wasn't.asn't. that was our wish.that w our wis celebrity dish when we comedi we back. ♪
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♪ ♪ maxx life in store and online. find brands you love at prices that work as hard as you do.
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>> it is time for the often imitated never duplicated fox5ox good day celebrity dish. >> nothing. >> what's going on.s gog >> i have pretzels in my mouth.. >> how about this. how first up on the friday evey e edition of celebrity dish let'st talk about bobby brown.wn. bobby brown confirmed rumors tor us weekly magazine that his late wife whitney houston did haveidv secret same sex romance with her best friend and assistant robinr craw for. >> wayne, stop. >> yes, stop.. >> break.reak. fo y
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mean you know it was an open an secret, but i had not heard that bobby brown came out. this is huge news. n >> yeah. i mean he officially said it ant like he said --aid >> i know robin is feel like >> you think she's relieved.elve >> yes, i feel like you have a relationship and then you'ren yr sort of pushed aside when -- i think wasn't she fired from herm >> she was. >> bobby didn't like her. h >> bobby didn't like her g probably for that reason.t rea >> okay. bobby got with her he alreadywie knew because the rumor more back in the day whitney dated alled a these stars athletes, and peopll like eddie murphy to mask her lesbian i but, so bobby shouldhd have had clue. clu by all appearances and seemingng them together i think they had a love.lo so perhaps like bisexual or whar have you, there you go >> that's huge >> big news. >> he said this morning on goodg morning america.meri >> the on this story.ry houston and crawford met asdet teens when they both work at a
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community center in much and shs became houston's assistant and director traveling the world wod with houston and brown told the magazine quote we were marriedar for 14 years there are some things we talked about that were personal to us. u new edition front man allegesans that -- former new edition frono man houston denied theie t relationship claims because ofls her family houston fire crawforr and feels houston would still bl alive today if crawford wasor ws september flood her life. >> i agree. >> this is huge news.ew. that's news huge. >> the demons she fought wereshe based on the fact she had toact hide so much of who she was was related to this relationship.p. it doesn't work to hide who youu are.are. >> my gosh, that's huge. h >> it's sad. >> and for bobby brown to say very selfless thing for him to t >> i think he's matured and sosn selfless now.lf i like the person he's become.. >> okay. okay let's talk about more stories.. >> let's talk about madonna. >> okay. >> shall we? >> madonna's wish to meet toee president barack obama wasrack a granted last night she
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introduced to the president p during an appearance on then ape tonight show starring jimmy fallon. she posted two photos of herselr with the president. the first one read for witch i'i speechless much the second oneen read a meeting least yos aos cosmic convergence much this thi comes after the 57-year-old told us weekly last year president p obama was the person she mosthe wanted to meet. she was still waiting for invitv to the white house and not any >> i'm surprised she hadn't.adnt >> i thought it would havewoul happened. happened >> she's an icon i'm surprisedis she hasn't been able to makeak that happen. >> shares hope for me still.or . >> trouble this morning fors ngr singer ed sheeran.nger ed sheer. have you heard about this one? o he's being sued for $20 millioni by two song writers who claim hh plagiarized one of their songs e to create his song photograph.p. sheeran song came out in 2014 a4 part of the album multiply most recently been used in the sounds track for hollywood me before b you. we'll listen to both of them ant sun off at the end much this ed
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sheeran's photograph first. ♪ >> that was ed sheeran's hit song. this is the one they say sheerar plagiarized.plag here we go.. >> oh, yeah. >> yeah. eorrington and leonard they sayl they penned that song back ing i 2009 and they have a problemhave with the music behind the lyri lyrics, and how similar sheeran's hit to their x factorc winning song.nn i agree. i you hear them back to back b definitely similarities. wrists. sorry ed you may have pay up.p >> he can afford it.ff >> that's true.>> >> we'll do beyonce' news? >> yes.>>es. >> always.>> a >> go ahead.head >> beyonce' sneezed on the beach and she got during her sold outt formation world tour in new yory beyonce' h
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sneeze right before singing her song. so you hear it? she probably pbabl already did it, right? right rt before singing her hit song love on top. shall we do a little bit of it. >> ♪ >> she already sneezed okay.y all right. r so funny.unny >> she sneezed on the beat andnt the beat got sicker. >> beyonce' -- >> that's too grown. g >> you got to finish it out. the crowd says bless you. of course people took to twitter to talk about the sneeze sne etiquette.etiquette. she did it correctl correctly. r she sneezed like steve always a did into the arm.d into steve i'll throw it back to you. maureen was doing dab that's a little bit more.. >> put a little extra on it. i. >> thanks guys. guy 10:22. coming up next senator bernieorb sanders has landed back in thekn nation's capitol and later fewew more tricks up their sleeve. s kevin sitting down with the cast of the new movie now you see me
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we'll be right back. back. the roast looks good dad. how good? 162 likes. did i get any retweets on those green beans? yep! and they're blowing up on instagram. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet!!!! as it should. life is family mealtime and everything you need to make it picture perfect. now be sure to tag your mother because she needs more followers. ok.
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the roast looks good dad. how good? 162 likes. did i get any retweets on those green beans? yep! and they're blowing up on instagram. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet!!!! as it should. life is family mealtime and everything you need to make it picture perfect. now be sure to tag your mother because she needs more followers. ok. ♪ caught up on your news of the day right now. and happening right now y, berni sanders back in the d.c. area. a arriving at dulles just about 15 minutes ago.go the democratic presidentialrede candidate now headed to thed to white house for that meeting mee with president obama today. tod then a rally this eveningni outside of rfk s
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parking lot number three. tee now to maryland where prince george's county leaders alongdeo with metro officials areia briefing the media right now ted about the expected impact of next phase of safetrack ofetck o course the metro program. >> this is happening there youre see county 60 tiff rah sheer baker talking at the newg at t w carrollton metro station.taon the next phase begins june june 18th and it will go untilnl july 3rd.july 3rd this the one that will actuallyy shut down few stations.w sti there will be no service between eastern market and minnesota avenue benning road.oa just a heads up there. still over week away but we'llel see more disruptions were they e start shutting down actual a stations. >> definitely a okay. also happening today the driver kil tled two wootteno wtten high school graduates will be b sentenced this is the case ofe samuel ellis who pleaded guiltyi in march 2 counts much vehicular fox5 lindsay watts with what is exactly at stake today. lindsay? li >> reporter: maureen, youngen, y man being sentenced today sam
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in prison for his crimes. cri that's maximum penalty thattyha we're looking at today. t back in april, ellis plead ple guilty to two counts ofount vehicular homicide and he's he' looking at 10 years for each ofo those charges.ha that's after the drunk drivingng accident a year ago now thatow t killed two passengers in his car alex merck calvin lee.. the teens attended an underagedd drinking party before the crash and ellis was driving more than 100 miles an hour when his caris went off the road hit a fencece and flipped. the sentencing hearing here ater the montgomery county courthouss is going to be starting at 1:30 today. we just found out that the roomo has been moved to a bigger spaca because such a large crowd is expected.expe this is also expected to beted e quite a lengthy hearing. three hours long and that's tha' because ellis' attorney is going to be making a case for why his client should get a more lenient sentence.seen trying to avoid that 20 years behind bars. bs. we're live in rockville, lindsay watts fox5 localn
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>> still ahead on good day,d d we're celebrating a couple ofou milestones.mistones. first up, wpgc 17th birthday.. this morning joe claire,ing. cln >> birthday bash anniversary,y right? >> yes. it feels like wbgc has been around since i was in college. >> there's joe claire over the there. >> joe claire, what's up? rapper young greatness.. (laughter). >> that's old -- old -- >> greatness right there. >> we're back at 10:28 with more after this.hi >> now that's young greatness. what's up?
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♪ hey, listen d.c. area we have must see morning tv for youv f y tomorrow on good day d.c. now first of all we'll be zipzi tripping in anacostia tomorrow.w so tucker and allison will be w down there at 6:00 o'clock0 o'ck tomorrow i'm going to head down thereead i'll be down there athe 10:00 tomorrow morning. morng. i want everybody to come down.ry here in the studio -- >> big chair. cha. >> wisdom will be here. co-host tomorrow ross matthewsot is going to be coast hosting tht show from 9:00 until 11 a.m..m. >> yes. yes you heard right.ight ross matthews will be with us wu also in studio bill and julianna rancic going rob right here inhr the loft and you know him fromrm will and grace and lesley jordar will be joining us tomorrow tor morning as well.l >> that will be a fun show. sw >> it will be a good show sw tomorrow.torrow between our zip tri
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anacostia and everybody elserybo will be here in the loft. l why would you do anything else.e >> it will be friday. you better bring your don't come in weak. w >> speaking of bringing itt strong, mow you got strength stn over there why right here. >> get ready to celebrate wb -- >> ♪ >> fattish joe, designer, young greatness, tabby bow nay and and jay jenn for. f. the birthday bash will feature e very special birthday tribute tt prince and for more on the event and how you can catch it, we'ree joined by some of the peopletheo taking part wpgc joe claire and dj flex and this is rapper extraordinary young greatness! >> whoo! >> mullah, baby.. >> man.>> this is a lineup and a happy birthday to ya'll. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> 17 years.>> >> 17 years we'
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stage is a little older thaneldr that. we're a little older than 25. we don't like to say our age,, maureen.maureen. >> i feel you. you look good.u ok g >> thank you, thank you, thankko you, thank you. >> how are you. >> i'm doing good. good to see you guys coming>>u n back. >> yes indeed.>> yes indeed. >> lineup is spectacular you gog everybody whose hot right nowosi including this young man overan here. >> we going to have a great tim tonight. let me tell you howard theater t will be off the chain tonighton with we're doing it big for ouro birthday.birt the lineup is sick.s s plus we have a special prince p tribute that you have to see, te and we have, a special guest in that special tribute.bute. >> surprise guest. >> a surprise guest. sur >> several surprise guestser tonightal. toni that we're not promoting.romo >> here's the thing.. how can i be part of thet of celebration tonight if i'm -- im >> you have to ask youngouave greatness. >> how can he be down with thehe greatness. >> oh, man, you know, you got to show up, baby.ab you know like, you know, we inwn d.c. i'm just happy to be here, man.m >> we're happy you're here.ou h >> i want all ya'll to come oute man, i know it's online wpgc birthday bash, man, you knowyo
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information and find out how yo can get tickets to come to theoo show, man. ow it will be live.eiv >> i got tickets. got >> you got tickets?ou g >> you got tickets yes.ou g tic >> i got tickets.>>ot tickets ou you got tickets.>> y >> i want to give away tickets. ou i think you shall give away y tickets. >> i tell was.l here's what me and joe going to do. do if you are follow us on a fol instagram leave us a video on instagram follow us and we'llll hit you back and leave yourve y tickets at will call. c mine is djflexx d.c.. i got your tickets right here. e >> i'm at joe claire but yourt u video better be funny. if you send me a weak video -- >> you're relatively new to theo scene for lost people the song t mullah.muah. >> yes. >> where are you from and how has it been goingre this new fod success of yours.f y i'm from new orleans, louisianas born and raised. rsed. downtown area.wn a >> yes indeed. >> it's been fun.>> it's been f you know what i'm saying? it's getting harder but it's a blessinblessing you know what i saying to be in my position anda come from my city and to have an opportunity to showcase my d
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lengths to the world. it's a blessing. >> the song mullah. son talk about that. how did it come >> i just was in the studio witw jazz creating it.g it just happened the like 10, 11 minutes you get the feelings flg when you're doing somethingg thg special. a special record for me. you know what i'm saying. >> i'll to confess something i m feel old as hell when i listen s season to you and designer. i don't understand what word -- little words here and there.d t >> we can all understand -- >> all his life he hustled toedt get in mileage that makes senses >> i love the beat. love e be i love the really good song.g flex, you're bringing it.g i you're bringing it you you participate obviously in theio i celebrations over and over aga again. how do you keep topping every gep r and betterig bringing even hotter stars yount did the year before. bor >> you just got to do it.t i've been working at wpgc for 22 years. we got to bring it better. b i wish i can tell you about somt of the surprises and if you gotu tickets i'm telling you get
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there early because if you read at the bottom of the ticketheic ticket does not guarantee entryt we gave away too many ticketstik the building can hold. h >> just because you have aou hav ticket doesn't mean you'ren y necessarily getting in. >> doors open at 6:00, show:0 so starts at 7:00. it's open at 10:00. 100 the metro closes at 12. at we got to get you home. >> i forgot about the metro meto safetrack. the prince tribute a lot of a lf people will be talking about.l l some other places tried to do it not as successfully.ucssfully. how you going to make sure youou play homage to the prince.ri >> tell him.. >> son. tell them.. >> look key here. here. maureen. i'm looking.g we're not messing around.not me we're not getting shade thrownha at us. we have sound in the city bandyn coming. behind that tribute. tribute they're powering that tribute.te i get to actual introduce therou tribute i'm the biggest princeep fan in america. ame you might have to rival wisdomm martin. >> i don't care who you got ona your set. i crush everybody in princeri trivia. don't play with me, maureen. the trivia -- yesterday you just going to love it and the the t theater will be lit up
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love it and anybody whoever juss thought about prince a little bit will really enjoy this ts tribute. tr >> i love what you guys the dayy we her about his passing youou guys sort of came out and shutus everything down and just honoren him and i thought that was tt wa amazinamazing.amg. >> must. come on it's prince. pnc come on.come don't even get me started. srt it's >> i know. i know. kno young greatness who are figurerf out who are your influencesluene besides rapper?rapr? >> um, i would say, you know, k i'm a huge sports fan.. >> okay.ka >> just coming up watchingg sports randy moss, emmitt emm summit, barry sanders., barry s. >> do you play. >> i did. >> did you? >> yeah. i did. >> you know what i'm saying. s they were some of my influencese just to s oee them be successfus and growing up as kids a lot ofo kids looked up to them and t t wanted to be just like them.e t >> all right. that was, you know, some of theo people that influenced me inme m younger days.. ur you're tour right now doingto the birthday bash.y b >> of course. my own tour right now called i try to tell me tour. i recent the toward with kevin gates a great experience for mer i'm excited.ited.
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my second time in d.c.on >> welcome back. we hope to see more of you.ore y >> it will be fun.willfun. >> birthday bash you got the g information right there ticketsh still available hit upt joe orj flex to get tickets. it's free ya'll. howard theater tonight. it's on and popping fat... the list goes on and on.. that prince tribute will be offi the >> shout on the one way nucci. dmv spotlight winners openingrsi the show.the >> all right. yes, indeed. id. >> thank you gentlemen. >> thank you. >> allison, over to you. hey, you guys. guys. okay still ahead, celebrating 75 years of dance in the nation'sn' capitol. coming up next one of thext o school's most prestigious prestg graduate twos of them will joini us live with a look at how youow can help dancers like these nill la and noel have the experiencet of a lifetime. let stay with us.ay witus. go, ladies.,adies. time right now 10:38. 10:38.
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>> welcome back 10:41 now. and that means it's time to put on your dancing ir in because this morning we are celebrating the dmv' old d' defendant african-american dance school as it turns 75 years old this year. y founded in 1941. the jones hayward dance schoolch has trained students who have gone on to great successful careers in dance and some whoho have come back home to make itak happen and keep on going for
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future.futu to mark this occasion the schoos is hosting a special event too raise funds for current studente travels to cannes france thiss summer to study dance.dy d how beautiful.utul joining us in studio to talk to about this exciting time and especially event that you can cn still get in on how you can help is jones hayward dance schoolaye alumni and three time tony award winner mr. >> good morning mr. battle. mr.t >> the school's artisticti director san today fourgon frgon green. good morning. >> good morning. i feel like i need to hug you. . >> i need to hug you.eed to hugu >> we have known each other for -- since i was five years old. old. truth be told. so i mean it's like been all myl life, and i feel like thise thi moment is a moment in time for d.c. i don't care whether you'rereher black, young low, green, white,i what have you. can you just brag on jones on hayward for moment. >> i can brag on jones heywoodeo because it is the sole t s responsibility of who i am
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through that school i have learned how to not be intimidated by the work.k. >> yes.>>es >> resilience. i have learned how to accept rejection with poise and panachn and i have learned to work ethii and i have also learned to not ever let your standards drop. >> i know that's right.that'sigt >> we were happy to be enough tg be invited to do a peace. pea i hope you can fine it on our oo website, this is a little bit ot it. a beautiful piece about jones haywood and the rich legacy hish battle you have gone from d.c. to broadway done your thing leff your mark on the dance world.ld. >> yes. >> it all started right here inn d.c. >> jones tell us by jones heywood needsws to continue for future generations.raon >> parents couldn't afford fortr me to go go class. cla it changes your life. it gave me a career. car now i go and i work with kidsitd and get a chance to come backk and and work with the kids atid the school always rewarding. so it's got to continue
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everybody is not academia.. everybody doesn't 35 here.'t 3 and for me that's not where ihe thing was. was. >> right. >> i was the arts. arts, dance, sing, act. act. >> you had a placing to.ouad a >> i had a place to go. a pce t >> right.>> we want to talk about event e coming up, but, you know, 755 years ago i don't need to remind you about an ugly history inisry this country and the segregation laws. laws >> thank god it was ugly becausc i don't think -- i wouldn't havt gone. gone >> jones haywood provided a place where young men, young yng women could come and get a classical ballet training. trai. thank you for comin coming backk keeping it >> thank you for inviting us.itu let's talk about what's going og tomorrow, june 10th aowjune wonderful affair. which you're being honored for.. i know you won't say it. say i >> you're welcome to say it.t >> yeah.>> y tell us about this event and hoh we can still get in on it. i. i'll let you brag on sandraandr fortune green.. (ing her with the lifetime lifim achievement award
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wells deserves.erve i've known sandra -- we were in class together. tet we were dance mates. to see what she's continued tinn and continue the leg gas soon he continue the school and takingan these kids to paris francera opening up whole new world forlf these kids. kid >> when you buy your tickets at the greenberg theater american i university tickets still s available some of that goes tosg helping some of these studentsoe go to cannes, france and study.y >> for two weeks.>> for two wee. two weeks? >> actually it's two weeks.wo w. >> beautiful.eaul >> two weeks the roselle la higg tower summer dance intensive ine the south of france. >> okay. oka. >> so jones haywood offers manys confident disciplines of dance.n today we'll see a sample. mr. battle you choreographed two pieces for this f thi it's sort of like other dancerse from other places all coming ing >> that's right. tt' >> if you love ballet of thet t arts get your ticket. your ic what are we going to see today and we do have the music for it. know yell and nila. nila >> i was ready to count them ini five, six, seven, eight..
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is choreographed by quinn johnson one of our tap instructors.. >> nila and noel. ♪ ♪
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>> get your tickets.>> this event is june 10th at the e green burg theater. theater. 8:00 p.m. there's a vip vip reception. yes!yes >> vip reception earlier dance d starts 8:00 p.m. green burg theater once again. thank you so much. >> thank you for having us.. >> in full doctors close closuro my daughter do's dance the jonen hayward dance back to you in the loft. lof >> we love it. we love i >> we love it. >> goodness.oodn >> that is gorgeous.hat i have to get zula in part of i that troop. they look good.go >> very nicely done.ery cely 10:48 is the time. and you ain't seen nothing yet. the four horsemen ride again in all new sequel it's called nowow you see me two. t kevin sits down with two stars of that show of that movie mov coming up next.p nex
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ahh! >> hold on.d on. hold up. >> all >> really?? >> we going to here.o h we got to keep reading a clip a from the new movie now you see s me two.. sequel to the 2013 act heist. ah this time around four horsemenoe are still on the run and pulling off crime dilusions.ilusns. -- grand dilusions.. >> with a flip of the wrist. wrt wad dee harrelson and markk
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kevin mccarthy got a chance tohe sit down with the stars. sta check it out. >> i want to know this. know th. when you're shooting the scene e when you're going down the blacb tube how are they getting theint camera angles of you guys. g were you holding a camera? howw would one they do that shot.ha i think we had some kind ofo go pro deal. we had nice black tube to go down and it was really fun. it i think we just held something.i >> while you were going down.. >> little self camera. >> you two work -- wor-- >> we did it in the first. fir i went down the tube. te. >> yup. >> and now they get to go downgw the tube.the tu. >> right. >> you guys have work on gs ha greatest film makers of all all time.. i look back natural born killers one of my favorite movies over. oliver stone's direction.irecon david fincher, when you work wk with people like that, do you utilize aspects of fincher and d stone here at all or if is it i completely different?nt? >> in this ripe old age of minen i'm just founding out from himim fincher toll
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the best seat to sit in, for example, or if you're in a a scene, better to be on the thist side because people read left to right.righ >> really?>> really? >> yeah. they're going to look first tooo this side -- >> just now -- >> they're noticing him in thehe interview. >> they didn't even know i was't here. yes, ruffalo is money scene, t too. >> fincher thinks like that. t he thinks the person is on thes left side of -- >> yes. >> but he doesn't think likee he actually did a -- saw a study u of it and it's the way people's' eyes move on screen. scr they start on the right and thee they work -- w >> the left. >> they start on the left andont work their way in a circle. >> whoa! >> around the screen.. and so that position, thisitiont position is a dominant positionn on screen.. >> now you see me now you don't. >> kevin likes that title.
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>> i like now you've seen it. i (laughter).. >> drop the mike this movie hitt theaters on friday. friday steve, that was good.wagoo >> all right.llight >> let's do some tweets, shallet we. >> let's do it. >> you guys started a fire storm with your questions taroday. tay >> join us at 11:30 on our facebook page.e >> ease our way into it.nto i a little love. >> setting the tone now.ettie isn't we're talking about. a >> first of all, yes, we'll gett lesley jordan, ross matthews,s, julianna rancic all in studio tomorrow.ow so don't miss the show tomorrowo we'll be zip tripping to anacostia.anacosti huge show tomorrow.. >> not too get too ahead of ourselves.el >> she loves good day d.c. >> daddy always told me to tryam the mill become you buy the cow. let me know when it's good or teachable g is bad sex a deal breaker. >> first time must be
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memorable. i messed up. u >> i agree it's a deal breakerle if we don't have chemistry inryi the bedroom.. my best tee and i were talking i about this last night. i thought she was goingas going somewhere else last night. >> bad sex is not a deal breakek but i'll have to get a side s piece. >> no side pieces, folks.s, f. >> not indoor side piece. pce >> non starter danielle says ify you don't bring your a game in the first end count. >> wow.>>ow. okay. >> we did get a lot.. >> absolutely.>> i'm married by the way but a any way -- (laughter). >> that's my hash hash tag.h t >> i hear you. you. >> okay. oka >> okay. give a shout out to mrs. essiers may williams who's 103 years old today.toda >> wow! >> hi. >> yes. granddaughter katrina sent ineni this photo saying happy birthdaa to 103 years old.ld >> very nice.. >> styling and >> happy birthday.>> happy wish you all the best.
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morning starring at sick a.m.cka come down and say hello. h we'll see you then. >> 11:30 join us.
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>> announcer: live from new york city, it's the wendy williams show. >> how you doin'? the kids have come to play today. you won't believe what i'm about to tell you. with all due respect, my girls are always turned out. i give it to you straight, no chasers. >> announcer: now here's wendy! >> wendy: thank you. thank you for watching the show! say hello to my beautiful


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