tv Good Day DC FOX June 10, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EDT
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>> democrats unite. i'm with her. >> hillary clinton picking up some major endorsements one day after clinching her party's dlir nomichnaintion plus theg her pae nominee clap back that thatha social media all fired up.. vice-president joe biden jod reaching out to the stanfordtanr rape victim with a powerful pfu letter. what he told her and the latests twist in the case. a final farewell muhammedl d ali laid to rest in the statetae where his legendary careereer we'll show you how family, friends and fans plan to sendo n him off. ♪
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and later, a justin beiber beat down.down what spark the brawl and how tht pop star responded online. a special edition of good day at 9a starts now. ♪ ♪ >> it's already started. >> we started already. already it's a a p not only is it friday -- >> sunny.unny >> it's sunny. sunny. i'm here with erin and annie i'i up this morning. all the way up.the good day d.c. it is 9:00 sorry one it's fridaa june 10th much this morning wesi have a very special guest in thn loft. loft. >> very special guest.y >> we're talking about superbout special.sp not just any special, i'm littlt extra today.a i know, right? >> it's okay.ka we're not talking about theut lovely erin como, beautifuleautf annie yu. we are talking about the one,, the only, the outstanding mr. hollywood himself mr. ross matthews.hews
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>> taking time off fromak hollywood to come here today to join us right here. >> all right.ig. >> hello.el >> ross matthews. matthew >> good morning to you. >> what? wha (laughter).(l >> you know what -- >> come hereou. >> ross, welcome. >> hi. >> just own it. just own it,>> ross.os >> i own it. i >> own it, brother. own it. >> i'm so happy i even got my g good day d.c. mug. >> awesome. >> i'm so happy to be here. so happy to be hhaere. her >> worry happy for you to beouo here.he >> yes. >> i'm going to stick around if it's all right with all you can i stick around all day and hangn out with you. you. >> absolutely. absolely. sure. >> all weekend if you want. want >> you are here for all weekendd for variety of things.. >> for the festivities there's a storm brewing here in d.c. and.n it's a rainbow.. i'm here for the celebration.eba >> you're on one of the floats.t >> i partnered with marriotterma rewards i was here last year foe the love travels campaign.ign i'm here last year before marriageri equality i got ordained and a married a couple from texas
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float.flt. we're doing an art exhibitionion over 3500 entries of people expressing love and lovell travels altogether in bigaltoge installation tonight. ton we're doing that. i'm here hanging with everybodyy >> hanging out in out ind >> love it.>>ove it >> awesome. let's get it started then. sta >> i'm working i co-hosting. >> i'll do this whole thing youu >> we got is >> guess what?t? >> what?>> >> we're not only ones having some fun. some f >> we're not?>> w >> no, we're not.. >> who else is. is. >> allison and tucker are zip te tripping all morning. >> steve on his way down there.e >> i've been watching you all wh morning on tv. >> they're in anacostia,naco, southeast show us what you got.whou g a big crowd out there. the >> we are ready. we let's go. >> ready? yeah. >> we're here in anacostia.stia i wanted the girls little cheer.heer. >> they'll do it for us at theit end.. >> the panthers
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>> we're here in anacostia thist is one of the great schools the panthers. (applause).us >> they are the cutestt cheerleaders i've end scene. sce >> so adorable from the little left to the biggest in the backc let's hear for the cheerleadersd in the back, all right.. (applause).(applaus >> having great morning down here. got a very very supportive and boisterous crowd. cro thank you everybody for comingf down.wn >> yes, we dodge lots going on.o for good day.for good day. they have a lot going back in b the studio but we have fashionai show.ow vintage fashions.vintage fash >> got it. we got steve's segment coming up in the 10:00 o'clock hour. >> i like your burlesque segmeng by the way.. >> yes.>> yes >> good stuff. we have the smithsonian museum.u stay with us for good day.d day >> if you're in the neighborre come down and say hi. i owsteve is on his way down. >> that's right.>> >> and we'll be here untile herl 11:00 o'clock.ock great morning. >> thank you to the panthers.. >> allison, if you can just dotd that split they've been doing.oi >> this is as far as i
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down film we'll work on that split while we toss it back b inside to you guys. >> all right.llht. follow me,.. ready. go, go. >> give me a d,. >> d.. >> give me a c. >> put them together. what do you got, good day dc. d i should have stretched beforeet to >> put it there. >> okay. bring it back b >> bring it on home. >> try to contain ourselves.see. >> okay. beautiful day for a zip tripr ar right there.right ere. but --but -- >> yes. >> we're in store for a weekendd weather warmup. mike thomas our very own weather cheerleader -- >> i'm feeling inspired all of a sudden. sudd >> so much energy in here.y in e >> you know what make our cheere even better if you cheered whili you do the first part of your weather.r. ross, you want to show him -- hook him up ross. >> i know you're better thanr what i did. >> let's begin -- lift me up onp your >>
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>> let's go. (laughter).. >> i do appreciate that, though. (laughter).ghr). >> maybe we'll try again in hali hour. we got sunshine around theund he region today.. temperatures are veryerates a comfortable at this time. we got 70 degrees here in i washington. 70 manassas.s. 69 at dulles. 67 in baltimore.timore 63 at west minster. we do have a baseball game. g i will hit that forecast a a little later on or maybe i'llayi tweet it out. here's your forecast for today. 82 degrees. 81 for gaithersburg.aitherg 84 norman masses.asses. just a warm overall almostost perfect day.ect day. i will talk more about the abo t weekend coming up in just little bit. back over to you. >> oh, that's pretty good. goo >> pretty good.>> ptty >> not bad at all.>> not bad a >> it will be a little warm onar saturday for the parade. f i'll be there.e t >> it will be hot. >> hot.>> hot yeah. >> not warp, hot.>>arp, >> last year was real real bad. >> really? >> i saw the photos a lot oftos guys had the shorts with theithh blazers on. i loved that that look >> yeah i'm going to be wearingg like the least amount of clotheo i've worn in a long time.
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>> i'll be showing bear arms.. >> big party then.n. >> yes. >> get excited for my body.y. (laughter).(laughter). >> i love it. 9:07 right now. now the big story this morning, mnig comes from the campaign trail.ra democrats are quickly closinglyo ranks around their presumptive nominee hillary clinton. the high profile endorsementsse are rolling in even new polesneo show clinton and presumptive gop nominee donald trump they remain deeply unpopular. fox's doug luzader has the has e details. >> reporter: let's start with some of the numbers from ournu most recent fox news poll. you look at the current numbersm compared to last month.on hillary clinton has been very steady, 42% in may. 42% now.ow donald trump on the other handoe has fallen about six points ovee the course of the past month. still this is all within the t margin of error and meantimeeanm don't tell bernie sanders thatde the primaries are over. bernie sanders packed them uphem again last night at a rally here in washington.hing he is still on the hunt. >> let t
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being part of the political revolution.on. (applause). >> reporter: earlier in the earh day, sanders met with presidente obama at the white house. h and right after they were done,n hillary clinton's campaignig released a video that thehat the president had actually recordede two days earlier endorsing her. >> i'm with her. her i am fired up and i cannot wait to get out there and campaignamg for hillary.lary >> reporter: clinton also als wouldn't owns course. from vice-president joe biden and massachusettse- senatr elizabeth warren. donald trump who spent part of p the day trying to win overinve donors in new york, then touched off a twitter obama just endorsed crookeded hillary he wrote.te he wants four more years off obama, but nobody else does.oe clinton responded with a well well-known twitter meme. bloat your account. that was retweeted more than 300,000 but republicans pounced on on clinton's use of the word delete bringing up the on-going fbi investigation into her e-mailail use. and president's endorsementorsee
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is underway raises some legal questions. >> can the president and can tht attorney general who works forof him and can the director of thee fbi who works for her possiblyol be influenced by the president's wish that the subject of their criminal investigations shouldoo succeed him. h >> they shall follow they evidence where it leshads and te president has complete come confidence that that's exactlyt what they'll do. >> reporter: back to the pollshe for moment.for moment we know that donald trump andal hillary clinton are not terribly popular nationwide, all of thist may give rise to a third party candidate, gary johnson the the libertarian candidate forte president has actually gone upgu over the course of the past pas month from 10 to 12% ant at a at liesing close to that 15% 1 threshold that you need to makek it into the presidential debat debates. in washington, doug luzader, fox news. all right. so now we're getting down to the nitty-gritty getting down it dow looks like they'll go head toeat head. it will be clinton versus trump and the name calling is probably
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just going to escalate. wouldn't you think? >> we're already having wars right now with the name calling. >> yes. >> but look at that united from the dems yesterday.teay they really sort of came cam together from obama to elizabeti warren. i know we'll talk about that tht later really united front and ad republicans not so much rightnoc now. no >> right.>>ht >> some of the things thats tha donald has been saying. sing. >> backlash for that.ha right. >> the drop the mike moment from delete your account. account hard to argue. arg isn't moment of the dayment oth yesterday. >> it was cool. i said i, no she didn't. didn' yes, she did, hahn know, yes,nos she did. she did. >> did you see the video online where report captured bernieni sanders reaction when a reportee asked him about the endorsemente from president obama? he sat there silence sort of ignore tht reporter's question.stio >> um-hmm.>> um-m >> i felt bad for him. like he's still in it.ll i he's still fighting but i knoww he'll convent trait more on the issues rather than the victory.t >> supporting the party rathergh than his own run. >> i don't think you shall feel bad. he's been responsible for -- the voice for a movement that's b
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happening.happ >> absolutely. >> regardless it's a win, righta >> i think he's caused realusedl change, real shift.. we're having conversation we may not have had before. be i do --i do >> he's part of the party. part. >> whether you agree with him oe not the conversations are goingg on.. >> absolutely. >> and whether you agree with him or not you have to respect him for sticking in y this for s long and being so >> yeah. >> about everything.ut ething. >> yeah. yea energizing. >> that's someone you want on your team for team sure energizing a lot people.eople. we're just getting started here. 9:11. . still a head ross is sticking a round all morning long. worry not letting himal go. he's stuck here now. n >> guess what, i'm having more o coffee to get ready.eady >> oh my goodness. >> buckle up, honey.. >> little bit later he's telling us about his weight loss journen and how he drop 50 pounds andun keeping that weight off.tff. >> we'll see about that.ll >> we're heading back dow sn tot southeast d.c. for a look at the five places you have to visitves the neck time you're east of tht river. rive we'll be right back in just few. it's lynn 9:11.n 9:11.
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the roast looks good dad. how good? 162 likes. did i get any retweets on those green beans? yep! and they're blowing up on instagram. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet!!!! as it should. life is family mealtime and everything you need to make it picture perfect. now be sure to tag your mother because she needs more followers. ok.
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the roast looks good dad. how good? 162 likes. did i get any retweets on those green beans? yep! and they're blowing up on instagram. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet!!!! as it should. life is family mealtime and everything you need to make it picture perfect. now be sure to tag your mother because she needs more followers. ok. ♪ we don't want to stop.toto one big party here today.ere toy >> so much fun.. >> reading your tweets. tweets. funny.funny. >> in fact we want to you zenyoz some more tweets.wes. welcome ross to the show. show. say hi to ross.y hi to ross whatever you want to youtd >> good day dc and stepped him p your love. >> i'm hello
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send me your tweets.nde your we'll make out on twitter. (laughter). >> good deal. all right. in the meantime right now w want to go out to our zip trip anacostia because tucker andnd allison they have somethingav special for us. us. you guys are having good hag time in the studio, i hear.. i would be totally jealous if ii weren't out here with you tuckee and anacostia southeast d.c..c. >> having a great morning. morn. everybody out here has been soo friendly.friend we want to say hi to ross who w apparently hosting the show.ho >> hi ross. hi fantastic morning. we've been out on the river.the. we've been up to the frederickri douglas how. doug more to fashion we have, you know, models cominm through with that.hat. singer is going to be great good day d.c. and steve chenevey is on his way. >> and steve chenevey is on hish way. earlier in the week i stopped by five must stops -- wait.- wai five must stops here in i anacostia.os this is sponsored by mazda. take look. ♪
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craft studio this contemporary artist creates one of life livee sculptures by hand. if you love art there's more. mr number four, the anacostia art center. it's not just your average artrt center. it houses an array of boutiques, small businesses, a cafe andnd even a theater. theer check out their one of a kinda k free performances every tuesday. speaking of performances, number three, the anacostia playhouse. this black box theater hostsates array of plays, inmate concerts, spoken word and more.or hey it's number two. two the frederick douglas house. hou this historic home was built ini the mid 1800's and was purchaseh by douglas himself for 6,007 hun doctor dollars much take guidede tour of the home any day of thef week to discover more on thee life and legacy frederick douglas.dougs. drum roll r the number one must stop anacostia community museum.
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opened back if 1967. this museum offers exhibit thati is focus on preserving localsocl and african-american history. there's no excuse not to stop by admission and parking are both free. mazda is a sponsor of our zip trips and by the end of the summer, someone will win a new suv. we'll take sip trips everyve friday until labor day weekend. that's 15 trips.ri each week you have a chance to o register for a new 2016 mazda now to register, go to our website and look for the contest tab.ab 14 finalists will be selected se bi-weekly random drawing. dwi one of those 14 will win the 2016 mazda cx9. c so go ahead to fox5 to enter, and to learn more. and we are back out here h live once again good
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everybody trying to win thatnha pretty new car.ew one of the beautiful thingshi about this community is that the smithsonian has a museum righteg here in anacostia and we're so o honored to have with us representatives from the museumm let me let you introduce intdu yourself and your position withs the museum.mum. >> thank you allison. delighted to be i'm marsha burpr from the public affairs speciali with smithsonian anacostianastia community museum. museu >> all right.ll rig also could you please introduce yourself and tell us your roleoo here. >> i'm marjorie light man and i'm co curator of the currentur show at the museum which looks at 12 years of washington history and with me is my fellow curator william.. >> with all due respect i'llpecl start witness exhibit.ibit tell us about the this richh history and what captured abouta the district at the new exhibitt >> i want to start by saying s that never has it been more m important to see this >> yes. >> here we are in an electionctn year, and thi
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about how we came to be who wee are today. how we moved from a society that was segregated separated and rigid into a society that has tt the diverse the and change andnd the clinging and clanging sounds of opinions moving back and and forth among people. people. >> i cannot wait to see it myself. 12 years that shook and shapedpd washington. 1963 to 1975. 197 we're talking pivotal years. congratulations on this exhibit. i cannot wait to see it.. >> can we just brag on what elst the museum has to offer beforeer we let you go. >> absolutely. in addition to this very very special he can his big whichhi looks at everything from chuck u brown to neighborhood change too arts and crafts and all of thata makes washington special, theci, museum also has two other oth exhibitions.ti there's an
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our permanent gallery where we w look at the work of romar bail and dale woodruff during the 60s look how they can't affect allaa the protest movements and then we have another exhibition whicn looks at the relationshipatns between the panama canal and washington, d.c.gton, .c >> that's interesting.t's tere >> yes. >> really fun. plus our r pearograms we do maye 20, 30 programs a month. >> always commune watt in the out reach. >> absolutely. all kind of of programs thatamst look at go-go that look at community change, that look atht all the arts and crafts here, h and look at the river and look d at the issue issues that are imc our community.mmun. the museum started focusing on african-american history and hia culture.culture we're almost 50 years, 50 yearsy old next year. yr. >> wonderful. >> but we changed and used thats experience to now look at urban issues and so that's why thiss exhibition 12 years is verys v important, and the other workthr that wdo
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>> yes. give them the address. >> take a let's let them know where to go isn't 1901 ford place southeast. they can take our free shuttleeh on the weekends shuttlendsle anacostia it goes all throughouh the community starts at thetyrte douglas home and the art centerc and the moo seem.the moem >> you can find all the all the information on i'm surely ourons website but the smithsonian anacostia website. thank you, congratulations onuls this exciting exhibit. eib thank you very ve >> thank you. >> back to you in the loft.of thanks so much, al. time now is 9:21. coming up vice-president joe biden weighing in on stanford sf rape case and how city muhammedm ali called him the greatest wils say we have a check of what's comi g up this morning next. >> a cause close to russ' heartt we're heading down to anacostiao for a little fashion show.on s stay with us. we'll be right back.we'll be r look at thoseig cheerleaders.hed >> so cute. i want to join.n. (laughter).ter) >> sign me up.
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thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course... are you? nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios well you've come to the right place. great, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm you're all right bud? never better i don't know if he likes that. yeah part of the complete breakfast
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♪ >> look, ross matthews is here with us this morning. u want to you welcome him to the show by sendingou out some tweets.ts >> we've had great ones. greatns >> some of them on the screen. n >> love with the #gooddaydc.dayd >> you got another hash tag ashs well. #gooddaydc -- >> tweet me at hello ross.. there we've been reading allng a your tweets coming in. i >> answering them on thering the commercial breaks. >> we've been retweeting some oe guilianna ranc
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are coming up on the show laterr we just saw them. >> she's even more beautiful inl person. >> oh my goodness. >> glam, glam, glam.m, g >> headlights dot headlines right now at 9:25.ri time to check and see what elsee is making headlines thisines thi morning. first up this morning,his rni vice-president joe biden-pside weighing in and the controversial sentencing formerr stanford university studentrsit convicted of rape.ap mr. biden penning a letter forer buzz beat saying he's quote quo furious over the case. brock turner sentenced to sixeno months in jail for sexually assaulting unconscious biden titled the letter an openn letter to a courageous young woman and wrote it in responseoi to the powerful letter thete t victim wrote and read in court.c he told her she had the power tr change lives.. and 10 office thousands tus expected to tandy memorial todad for muhammed ali in his hometowt of louisville.ville. former president bill clintonli and actor billy crystal will beb among those who will deliverdelr eulalio jeez today.ay the boxing legend will be buriee in private ceremony before the public inter faith service. seri
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on beginning atng 2:00 o'clock this afternoon.. and this morning people inei california got a 1:00 a.m. wakew up call by an earthquake.ak the 5.2 magnitude earthquakearth could be felt from san diego all the way to los angeles. people say the ground shook fork 30 seconds.30 secon right now we haven't heard ofrdo any reports of so good news there and a birthday celebrationcb fit for a queen. right now queen elizabeth iss celebrating her 90th birthday bh and to mark the occasionasio buckingham palace released a new annie liebowitz portrait of thee queen and prince philip. philip. the queen celebrated her real r birthday of course back in aprin and will spend the neck threek days celebrating her official birthday in a tradition going back 250 years. final al seagull makingal sm headlines this morning thanks ta vat of very orange curry. the bird, oman, fell intoin container of chick zen marsala trying to scavenge a piece ofce meat from a food factory.acto poor thing he was rescued bycued workers
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clean the gull' oars ranchan feathers while they managed toag return them back to his originai white color they have not beenoe able to watch away the smell. se that smell will beginner for ar few.. >> anyone shouting out that thea bird was trying to eat chicken. >> that's karma. kar >> right, right. you get what you you don't cry a bit.ry a bit. >> all right.ll r we're just getting started here on good day.gooday coming up later on, justinusti beiber beat down. >> ♪ president obama joe slowide jamming to the news anjodto then summoning rihanna plus emmy emm award winner lesley jordan joinj us live and we have a mini e e reunion right here in the loft.l bill and guilianna rancican they'll join us live a little ll bit later.bit later. >> plus we'll have much morewe from southeast'l.east i'm so caught up in the day. d we're zip tripping all morninglr it's 9:27.:2 we're on good day. d keep it right here. h >> and tweet us. u we're rear ♪ ♪
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♪ 9:30 is the time. welcome back. we are welcoming your tweet twee because we're welcoming rossos matthews live to the loft hereof on good day did d.c. keep them coming #gooddaydc. #godayd follow him on his social media. >> hello ross. ros i just snap chatted too.ha too we're having a lot of fun durin the commercial break we are snapping and tweeting. >> i've been here, what, less
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so much fun.. >> that's good. good. >> you are definitely makingyak this fun friday.da >> for sure.>> f >> taking it to the left next >> maybe i'll stick around don monday, too. mo >> we'd love that.hat >> you can get rid of me. >> come on the weekend show.nd we've got two hours every day. >> don't tempt me. tpt >> i'm here for capital pride. i'll be on merit rewards float f waving to everybody. evebo i've been stretching. i like smiling, and selfies andd meeting everybody an hour and hr half of this -- >> sitting with that perfect posture. >> if you're on the back of a o convertible work out your core.c i'm telling you this fromsrom experience. >> okay. >> you know i got icy hot.ot. icy hot stuff for my elbow whenw i'm pitching.itch >> i use ben gay.>> i ben g >> same thing.e t same stuff.ff >> same stuff. >> you force me to sit up straight.ra. >> i call them cranks because they hurt my stomach so well.el >> i don't wear spanks. this body is all natural. enjoy
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soak it in.. >> oh, my goodness.oo >> let's get out to allison andt the cheerleaders outo in anacostia doing their thing on our zip trip.ouzip hello allison seymour.eymo >> i'm pretty sure ross just roj called me fat. >> no!? i would never. ever. you're perfect. >> let do some sit ups. i miss you guys in the studio su but before we get on and talk at with this wonderful cheerleading troop i just want to give a couple of thank yous because i u don't want to forget curtist cui brother force letting us use usu this lot. this we got people from almost theste big chair to so thank you.. hey, everybody. everybo everybody i want to thank tnk development corporation fort co helping us could coordinate everything and dj type knowe kno might for playing the tunes. tht i know you love his take on the meghan trainor song no. n her name is no.o thank you. now we're back.w we are back now.ack now we are already had little treat because we had the panthers do little something for us earlier but these are the co coaches for the -- do you your shout out. >> shout out to the p
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panthers.he >> the palmer panthers. whoo!wh! >> this is co donna stewart anda you're the one that's mikedhat'd you'll do all the talkin talkinr you can introduce your co coach. >> tiffany lancaster workingorki together for almost a decade ore maybe over decade. >> really? >> yes. >> i'm pretty sure if i asked yatt'll to drop cheer right nown you could did but i won't do i t that. i'll ask you to talk and brag on the girls a little bit.rls we ha ave the babies to the bigt girls. what's the age range?an >> we start at age three whichhh is pre k3 and four. a f this is our first year likeear really doing pre k3. k they have have been doingng phenomenal job, and keeping up p with the steps and following ali the leads of their olderld classmates and things.nd this. >> yes. >> we go to grade five up toe ut like 12 years old.s o >> tell me some of the t appearances because you guyselcs don't do lot ofe yo traveling yt but you hope to right. >> we have been in the emancipation day parade we go we there every year. >> all right.. >> and cheered in the citywideed competition this year and
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fourth place with advanced team. >> wow! wow >> coming from novice to thee advanced team and became fourtho place much that's a good shoutat out to them.t they did a wonderful job there.. and then next school year we'ree looking to cheer and come out oo top at six flags, right? sick flags! whoo! >> i'm going to come over here with you. i don't want to be in front offo anybody. i know you guys work hard.wo tell me about the commitmentt th that these girls put in.n >> so i give them a contractontr every year and every year theyee have to sign the contract thatat they will be responsible, right respectable, right? and alwaysw ready to learn. lrn because that is our school principals. every student has to be responsible, respectful andpectu ready to learn. l every single day.e d and these girls have put forthuf that. >> i want thank you coach and a coach for working with theseh te young bright minds. mds you guys look beautiful. whoo! >> you guys look gorgeous. gorgu okay. so this of course is palmerme panthers. you got to go, girl. >> yes. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> back to you
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talking about hbo. hbo. >> holly what's your day like. l >> i host hollywood today live.. we're national show it airs here at 2:00 o'clock right here onero fox5.fox5 >> right here on fox5.ig her >> you can watch me every day if you want. you >> you can watch him right now t because he's still sitting here. >> i'm here all day. i >> he's here all day.e's here ad in the meantime we want to watcw mike thomas because he's talkini weather right now.we >> i'm talking weather. weath a lot of weather going on this weekend.weekend. >> we got a lot of events goingt on this weekend hey i want to t start with this.hi this is for you ross. ross saturday national pride parade.e >> can i show you? >> come on over.>>ome >> it's like an hour and a halfh of waving like this. >> hi. hi. and all that is behind >> it will be an hour and a half of sweating,,oo >> yeah it will be warm? >> into degrees. >> that's the -- that's tomorrow. >> that's tomorrow. >> oh, man. be hot. ho someone get me one of those mist
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errs. er have the little fan ready into degrees tomorrow as the paradetr starts at dupont circle. by 6:00 o'clock -- have ik havi thunderstorms on here.derm i can't rule it out but theutut chances are very very low thatow we see one of those.hose here's current conditions con outside. beautiful day so far. 70 few clouds out humidity is low. it's a beautiful summer day.ay get out enjoy it.oy here's your future cast for f tomorrow.tomorrow 10:00 in the morning maybe a few showers out to the west.ers general al sunny day here att d.c.
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(laughter). >> but you didn't. (laughter).. >> close. c it was close. clo >> thank you mike thomas. thank you very much. m we'll head back out to anacostia because tucker barnes has our firehouse friday sponsored by b dunkin' donuts. dons you have quite the crowd out there.. yeah, we sure dork e it's my favorite time of fridayi firehouse friday, and this week we've got these em steamed em se gentlemen from --lemefrom >> where from you. >> engine company >> may i have your name. >> jeff. jeff. >> lieutenant. >> lieutenant. >> lieutenant.>> l let's get this straight. thank you so much for joining us. let me start by thanking for all the service do you to theoou toe community locally.mmunity tell me about your firehouse ana what makes it work. >> we're located 14th and bh a which is two blocks over behindi the big chair. engine company rescue ms supervisor.viso we're there for 24 hours at ahot time. so we do what we got to do too
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everybody gets along well.l. lot of comradery in then t firehouse. firehous >> how many calls do you averaga week? do you know. >> i don't know about a week long but on the engine companyny here in 24 hours we can go from 20 to 35 calls depending on then the rescue squad will runun anywhere from up to maybe 10. m1 chief usually around 10. ambulance is non-stop. non-s the busiest in the city. c >> what do you love most about l working in this community you've been here for while, haven'ten you? >> i mean on this side of the river we kind t of off the beata path of all the downtownownt politics and we kind of all likl to be over here and stay everybody gets along well in the firehouses. good place.good p >> i'm just looking around goodg looking group of gentlemen. gtl you guys do one of those those calendars where you raise money? >> no. no (laughter). >> no calendars.o cale >> no calendars? no caars? >> no calendar. >> you might want to kit, okay? >> no. >> fundraiser. >> i think we're good on funds. >> how about that mustache oreny one in the statio
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that. >> no.s a few people . >> good look.lo >> been here for 20 years.ea i'll keep it for while. whi >> i love. l i might grow one, too., t hey i want to -- i want to say o great big thank you and our wayr of saying thank to you give youy guys doughnuts. does everybody eat doughnuts? can't even open it. it. wait, wait, maybe we can find a box thatox t actually opens. all right. >> are you sure they're free fe doughnuts?do >> this is not impression seivee segment. >> here we go.>> here we go. >> yay! >> here we >> all >> i want to present you wayresy donut and great big thank >> all there we go.thwe go. >> come on. everybody eats doughnuts.. >> hold my donut. donut. >> all right. before i toss it back --ac >> all right. now, we'll give you on behalf of the fire department make you me honorary firefighter so nowry fr you're a member of our department. we'll be looking forward to seee you on medical calls and firesns throughout the evening. thening >> i appreciate this.ate this is official, right?? >> best money can guy bu
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>> i can tell. i all right, guys, great big thant you for all do you in the you ie community. >> thank you.>> >> enjoy the doughnuts.ounu >> okay. we like doughnuts, right.uts, rt >> absolutely. >> all right, guys that's the ftest from here.gutest everybody thank you for comingk over having a great time. (applause).use) >> i'll toss it back k >> all right. ross, did you notice theynoy want him to be honorarye hora firefighter but he couldn't evee open box of doughnuts.oughts that's all i'm saying. sin >> let me tell you something.omi i don't know much but i know hon to open bock of doughnuts. doug. >> me and you both.and yoboth yeah. >> we've got lots more ahead.hed still ahead at 9:00 getting a a little personal here on were d day. ross opening up about his weight loss journey. j how he shed the extra pounds ana how he's looking fabulous ful keeping it off. >> i'm a work in progress. progs >> ross, aren't we all, ross, aren't we all? the roast looks good dad. how good? 162 likes. did i get any retweets on those green beans? yep! and they're blowing up on instagram. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet!!!! as it should. life is family mealtime and everything you need to make it picture perfect. now be sure to tag your mother
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the roast looks good dad. how good? 162 likes. did i get any retweets on those green beans? yep! and they're blowing up on instagram. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet!!!! as it should. life is family mealtime and everything you need to make it picture perfect. now be sure to tag your mother because she needs more followers. ok.
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>> all right. keep the tweets coming. how much do you love the tweetst i know you're reading every singleu one'r retreating. reta. >> i'm liking everyone. writing back it's fun.back i f >> that's why we love uh-uh keee it real and eighty four ofhtour you're like everybody's best bes friend. friend will if you think ross looks aun little different.litt you're right because he's lostot 48 pounds. yes, 48 pounds.8 poun this is his before picture. pice before he started his journey in november. so ross everybody wants to knoww how did you do it? i know you y have
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you said that you basically basl broke up with pizza.ith izza >> i did. d listen i lost weight before anda found it. i choose a wait detection ifon i you're looking for weight i can fine i i have.ave. i've lot of weight on televisioo show.. i lost weight with a campaign.n i've never lot of weight with wt myself, for myself.ysel i decided to like just really find what worked for me and so d have been eating as much likee protein and vegetables as i cann little bit of cash here andhe ad there. th and then i don't like the gymhe nobody does even if you say youy don't do, you're lying. l i just walk around the enabledhe every day. ev >> which is kind of a fun way to get to know the hi, sues see, high helen, good morning. morning. >> you're like power walkinge li right through the neighborhood?e >> power -- power adjacent.djen sort of a nice stroll.eol but i keep track of the movement. mo it's been for me it's been at'sn slow journey since sin november 17th the day i brokey b up with pizza. i miss you.sou i love you. but it's been -- i think it'snks
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we should all love ourselvessees wherever we are. we are. you guys get it.ys get it. wherever you are you should lovs yourself right there.urself rigt we shall t always aspire to beas like thepi best version of ourselves that we can. wcan so i'm just always on thatt journey.urney >> you're on the healthierhe her when did it start for you.t f y so many people can relate to t your story.tory when did this -- were you alwayw yo-yo dieting? dng >> no, i was just always fat.ays i grew up and i didn't known't o about healthy. we were a lower middle classiddc family that was really working,i you know, just surviving.urvivig i grew up in washington statetae and so we ate what we ate. steak, potatoes, meat, all of ao that and so i just wasn'tasn't educated on how to eat.o how to eat right. rht >> then you finally decided i dd have to make a change.ha you went on celebrity fit club. >> yeah. which was fun because they go go see in you two weeks. w >> did you feel even more because you had to t prove like hey i can shed the pounds. >> if you ever want to loseu erw weight be weighed in every weekw on national television that. will work for you.r you i didn't eat any
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weight fell off as soon as iff a went back to eating i didn'tid educate on how to eat. eat. >> because losing 48 is a big thing but keeping it off is evee harder. how do you keep it off? >> i'll let you know if i figure it out. out (laughter).(lghte >> honestly i don't know.y >> you were telling us you'reinr cutting corners where you can.n. >> right. >> i -- we were talking about i live in palm springs in la i i have place in pam many springsa and we get the fish tacos there i don't eat the tortilla. the deep fried tortilla part oft it. it. >> that has the most >> girl, girl --l -- >> yes. yes >> i wanted to ask you also, yo, know, you won so many hearts onn late night tv america fell in f love with no really. and i think your weight sort of had this -- it became part ofe p your you were known as the fluffy intern, and i -- i use fluffy. f >> i'll take it.ak i i've been called worse.. >> and so do you think now thatt you've shed the 48 pounds, um, how that is a had and effect ono you and your fans have it become
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>> i'm growing up.>> i'm 36 i started on tv when iv was 21.wa i'm evolving, i'm changeing just like anybody else. els i think they're on with me.on i don't think my identity is i wrapped up in being plus i think my identity is wrappedsa up in being a good you know and making people smils and putting some positivity outt there. so i'm not worried about it.t >> that's great ooze that.zeha i love you for being you.ou. >> thank you honey. t you >> you're embracing you. what do you have to say to thost people that are ready to throw r in the towel after yo-yo dieting and after all the struggles off just weight loss? give them aha full words of encourage many.y >> make piece with where you are love yourself even or your worsw day, and just know that tomorrow is a new one, and you are like e said earlier a work in progresss so it's about making a goodoo choice by good choice by goodhod choice and they'll be bad and tb choices in between.choices but try toin just make more betr choices than poor ones.r one >> don't you think life getsets better as you explain yes,ou honey, look, look. i'm embracing premature gray. g >> exactly. i really do. i feel better now than i ever ie have
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better about who i am, in my body, owning myself, no i think that's crucial. c don't apologize for being you.. >> never let anyone dull your sparkle.kl >> don't put out my canal. >> we've got quotes for days.fod we live by life quotes. q thank you very much, ross.oss. you'll stick around all morningm >> i'm not going anywhere. goi >> we have more of ross coming m up. over to you guys.ov you know what, i love the attitude.attude embrace it. em just like i embraced pizzaza myself. >> i'm just saying.>> i'm just a ross you broke up with it but it still love itly.vetl >> pizza could make my stomachta flat.fl >> please tell pizza i said hiai and i miss.s. >> i will say hi to pizza todayd when i get home for. >> you're literally talking too guy who makes frozen pizzas for breakfast. >> i think i love you, too. >> 9:48 r iight now.igow coming up next, a segment nearnn and dear to ross' heart.ea we'll head back downtown tontown anacostia for little, um, u fashion show. show. featuring one of thefe neighborhood's most popularod vintage we'll be right back. b big crowd out there. there
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♪ all right. we want to keep the tweetshe coming in. give a big d.c. welcome to ross matthews.. >> the one and only.he one and . >> i got in last night and sohtd far i got coffee this morninghir and came here.d cameere. it's been great already.dy >> yes.>> y >> he's the nicest coolest dudee owes down to he's awesome.'s asome >> wait until you -- what you see is what you get he's the hst same way off camera. >> but more attractive in pers person. .> you're attractive always >> #gooddaydc. #oddayd all right we want to get to back out to our zip trip we gote a little bit more something, aei little extra, i'll say extra special.l. >> extra fabulous. >> s will that's a great word. you know what, this segmentg is near and dear to my very owny heart. we're talking fashion and vintage fashion. this is lynette mc neal we call her fee fee. good morning. >> good morning. goornin >> miss fee fee shop is vintagee and charms tell me where we fine you. i love everything you broughtryo today. >> thank you. i'm located inside the
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art center 1231 good hope road. >> and when you say that since s wasn't familiar with that venuen you call it a little georgetownw >> york it is.>> you guys have a mini georgetownt right here in the neighborhoodgo inside shops, a cafe, there's a theater, there's yoga. yog you can come and get little bitt of everything right here inre i anacostia. good please, i will definitely see you in the shop miss fee f fee. don't act like you don't knowli when you see me. see me. >> i promise.>> i >> she laughs. okay. we have the things here on the rack but you brought some livinn models with w >> i definitely did.ely did >> let's see some of the looks.e >> our first model is taylor. now, you can't get throughethr summer without seersucker.. so the seersucker pantsuit 1960s seersucker pantsuit and shale ll is second model. i love to mix and match prints. she has able to harem pants witw a shell. s. her outfit is '80. >> i'm scared to mix the thing.g i'm scared to do what's the key? is it the colol as long as you have the color. >> the key is a common
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and as long as one print ise prt smaller than the other, then tn you're good. goo i actually give workshops on hop to mix and match prints. p >> at the shouldn't.ldn >> at the shop. >> okay. this pink number is oh pretty.y. '60. >> 1960s.>>960s classic audry hepburn.urn you couldn't get away fromm vintage shop without seeing soms type of audrey help burn diamona wears the really well.y >> so beautiful.ut >> gorgeous, isn't it?>> >> last but not least. >> is jazz now the mini floral skirt is ala the rage of the season. s in order to get it right, so you don't look frumpy is the shoe.ho so the shoe nice heel strappyees sandal that's how you get thet t mini skirt right and she's alsoo mixing prints see how the top it a smaller print than the bottomb >> it works. it orks >> yes. it works. it's beautiful. ladk you, ladies. >> thank you.>> >> you all look beautiful.k beat on the rack here, what is all the rage is all the tribal. >> yes. >> yes. all the tribal prints.l the >> i want everybody to know iy will be buying these and wearing them.
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>> okay.>> this top here. >> straight from began in a.aitr >> we like to say tribal muchbac this is actually from wests africa. >> yes, it is. that piece is. th and this i actually mixed talket about mixing and matchingin principles, lou how well this goes >> these mixing and matchingixii when you do it it looks right. t >> i can teach you how to do iti too. >> in the last couple of secondc we have together, can you justco tell us about you a little bit.b you're born and raised rightorns here. >> born and raised here right ot maple view place.wla went to school here. chamberlain graduated from u d.c. hi u d.c. alumni. >> had another career and caree somebody said no you dress cute every day you should be inday uh fashion. >> full-time accountant i still stl have my full-time job. faa i'm here. h but this is always been my passion so i've always had alwad sales position, always been inni sales and always been inn i styling. >> you're wonderful. that's how hot you are. a you're so lit the fire department is here. and now they're going by.oing b
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come and visit miss fifi at her >> vintage and charm classicla clothing 1231 good hope hope hop inside the anacostia art centerc >> i'm wearing these on tv. let me know how much these are.a aren't these so cute. the tribal print is everything.i >> can you get -- miss fifi cann she get a miss fifi's hair on point. p >> they say your hair isy your everything. >> thank you. .> love those vintage fashions >> for sure.>> >> all right. 9:56. got another full hour of goodhel day coming up.cong >> my gosh the hour went by soo quickly. >> got another hour to hoo don't you worry.don't you wo all right. we've got a mini reunion on theo way ross and guilianna they'llnt be here -- ross is already herer guilianna back there.back there they'll bring them together. tog two of e's red carpet best live right here in the lot of grand n marshal lesley jordan joins usns live as well.el but first --irst >> big one -- >> it is coffee time.isoffe >> coffee time.e tim >> right here on good day d.c. d eve
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eyeing our cool good day mugayug ross has his own, yes, yes, listen up. u we now have new one new done d good day d.c. dunkin' donuts mut to good away the perfect cup foc that great dunkin' donutsn' don coffee. go to fox5 d.c fox5 go to our facebook page and pag enter. en one lucky winner selected by random drawing.wing hurry you now only have until ul 11am to render.ender. ross got his hands on one. >> it tastes so good. >> we'll be right back. >> i get to keep this, right? r >> it's yours. >> i might have a present forhtn you coming up, too.
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♪ hey what an epic fridayy we're having.avin you're watching a epic good dayd as welch this is anacostia. anaa this is our zip trip allison seymour, steve chenevey, tuckere barnes all there.baes all there. they'll tell us the highlightss of anacostia this morning. m >> a lot going on out there. on. but a lot going on here as well. we have a full good day guest g list joining us live here in thn lot of bill and guilianna rancic em award winning actor will be here lesley jordan will be her
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morning long the one, the only ross matthews.thews >> this is great. thiis g >> what lineup we have here. >> this is cool.s coo you kick it up a knowledge, knoe ross. kicked the up a notch. >> that's how i do. that's how d this is a great show you guysshu are a lot of fun.e a lo we've been having a lot of fun n all morning long reading your tweets. you were so kind to give me gooo day d.c. mug. m when i showed up i wanted to wte bring you a thing or two fromtwo hollywood today live.od liv isn't okay. >> i do host hollywood today live. live i co-host with my two friends aa 2:00 o'clock on fox5. >> yup. yup >> you you can watch every day.t >> i brought you -- >> what? wha >> how about that mojo. >> these are chic.sere chi >> hollywood today live --ay l >> all right kind gentleman.htie >> for you as well film thank ft you.. >> i'm in the pride parade here working with marriott rewardsotw i'll be in the parade i broughto everybody hollywood today livee sunglasses.lass. >> yes! >> nice. >> styling and profiling.ty p >> watch me turn.>> wch m >> wah
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i think we should all try that.a let's all try that.s aly th >> let's try together. togethe trying to >> turn and push them up. u >> turn and push them. t >> on the bridge.the >> on the bridge. >> one, two, three, turn.n. >> turn. >> i don't think i nail it. nai one more time.e t one more time.more t one more time. one more t >> is it turn and pull them down?wn >> turn and pull them down.anput >> here we go. three, two, one. one >> yeah. >> that was it. >> that was it. home.e. be careful if you try that at tt home it could be dangerous. dan >> leave it to the professiona professionals. >> come on back over to the couch. >> thank you very much. >> ross, this is great. i love the monugha.osug. >> it's a mug chair what they wt call it. ll you give me one of yours, i giv, you one of ours.u one our it's how you do. d >> mug share. love it, love it, love it. all right.l we know that we're having a gooo time here. they're having a good time out t at anacostia.naco this is the way do you fridays. >> yes. we are retweeting so many peoplo checking all your tweets.r twts i'm hello ross on twitter and tr instagram. >> hash tag good did you d.c.yo >> send us a message honey,
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>> all righty. we'll continue to have fun withw ross throughout the hour.ghou h. first though we want to kickbacc out and say hello to our friends allison, steve and tucker.ucker. steve you made it live inven anacostia. anac looking good. >> thank you annie. steve is here! her >> steve is here! >> amazing.>> azing >> so great. everybody back at thet station we expect ross to leavel presents for us as well. for uaw >> he has presents?nt >> what? >> second of all, i love this. i love everything about this. i've been saying for a long timt i wanted to come down.n. councilman ruby may met me at mm vehicle. >> she's here somewhere.ere >> she has -- trust me.- t she has a packed hour.ked hou she's going to try to get back g here before the hour is over. >> excellent. >> just like non-stop justt meeting great people from thepl parking lot all the way over tot here. tucker has been enjoying everything down here thisythi morning with the food and greatt people. >> burlesque dancer there's beee >> old friends who had been in n our studio dj rattle sna
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over here one of our dj's. >> we get the best compliment ai number of people would say dooud you know what i love about fox5 you're like family you act likee family. today you're all our family (cheers and applause). appla >> and we love it.nd wve very happy to be here.o bee. thank you everybody for beingybd down here.ere >> people might wonder why we'vw got a big gecko over here. >> you'll find out in the geico guy. >> one thing we love to do evere time we come down for the sip sp trips honor of nor people in thp communities in the neighborhoodh we visit for some of the great work that they do.ey >> that's >> and great people.reatpl absolutely right.solu we do have gecko -- the gecko, geico gecko and geico out with w us because we like to honor hon people that are in the the communities and we have joiningg us today our hometown heroes.ner >> this is perry and i want toa you tell -- i can talk about your organization but i want toz hear from you a little bitit because you guys are dedicated d to making sure that people ar
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taken care of.n care how are you doing that and telll us about your organization.izio >> right we're the far southeash family strengtheningin collaborative celebrating 20ebng years this year, and for 20 2 years we've been building bldin healthy families and thrivinghrv communities.un so you know we really look foror families to be able to grow and thrive in the community whereniw they grew up and to be a part op all the wonderful things here ir anacostia.tia >> when you look at 20 yearsu a now, what do you see that hasas changed? i'm sure the one thint that has not changed is the neen and the need that people have h for assistance for help and then need to provide that? what hava you seen over the last 20 yearss >> actually, i've been around for -- we've been friends for 22 years or better.s or b we met in previous life and i'vv been with him for 11 years. yrs throughout the 11 years, one ofe the most consistent things thati we see here the embracing therag residents that are here.s are h ward eight residents i'm a'm washingtonian i grew up in northwest d.c. but it wasutt nothing like being in wardn w eight.
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that are here not only are theyt thriving and pushing for succe success, they support the worhep that we do.ort so it make it a lot easier we're servant leaders it makes ittes i easier for to us serve the residents because in turn theyct support the work we do.ort wo >> you are a busy laid. by l you change changed shirts todayy >> you had on the cheers shirthr for one of businesses thrivingsr even want to thank you forhank f coming up and helping us to feef us today. >> yes, yes., we would like to present you as our hometown heroes here in >> thank you. >> southeast d.c.>> southeast >> thank you for the work thatou you do. (applause).. (cheers and applause).. >> thank you for your serviceere and commitment.mitm >> thank you so much.>> t >> to the area as well.the ea a >> yes.>> wonderful. right here just making the community that you're in bett.
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that's what it's all about. w one community at a time.a all right. tucker barnes is somewhere withw a junior reporter. repte every week somebody tries toodye take our job, steve and we helpp them. them >> getting closer and closer. we're enablers, al.bler >> go ahead, tuck.>> go ahead, . take it away. all right, guys.righ we're having great t it's been great morning i'm joined naomi cooper junior reporter. report tell me where you go to school. >> i go to penn elementaryary school on capitol hill.ol i'm in the fifth grade and i'mni 11 years old. >> i love it t meal aboutut project create real quick.ui >> project create is anates an organization where kids can go and have fun, do art and just get away from school like theyoe come after school and they painy and have fun. have fun we have fun there.we have fun tr >> do you love it there?you lovi >> yes. >> all right. any questionsstio m as i v do you have any questiont for me?? >> what is your favorite kind of art? >> my goodness.o my favorite kind of art. a. >> my favorite kind of art iskir dance.
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little bit.le >> no.>> >> i hear you're an amazingmazi dancer?? >> no.. >> yeah.>> we'll do that later. yha any other >> do you know who painted theat mona lisa? l >> that's a good question. leonardo davinci. din did i get it right.. >> yes. >> oh, my gosh. give me a high if i.ig that was a close call. >> maybe we're done asking askin questions. one more >> do you feel that all peopleel are artists? i think everybodye has an artist inside them, don't you? yo >> yes. >> all right. we got to toss it back inside. while we're dancing can you tost it back in to the crew that'sha inside? surure. >> okay. >> thank you for joining me today.y. i appreciate it.i >> you're welcome. wcome >> toss it inside.. >> wendy is next, right? >> you'll be went dough one daye toss it in. to >> look at the camera and tossan it inside. >> how?
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it away, back to you. >> wisdom, erin take it awaywa back to tou >> great job. >> from the junior reporter.ep cool. >> time now is 10:10.w is 1 that means it's time to checke c what's trending much first up, president obama spending part or his final months in office in cooking up late night tv laughs. mr. obama making an appearanceec on the tonight show with jim w knee fallon last night. nht he spent the sit down talking t about the race, of course, toe, replace him but also admittedd that after office he is lookingo forward to two things. thi number one a vacation and a normal smart phone calling the one providing for secret servict a toy.. >> love laugh. >> that's hilarious theilious highlight of the show theght ofh commander in chief slow jammingc the news. take listen. >> are you down with tv. >> yeah, you know me.. >> look, jimmy, they all
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american business tousle theirus products both at home and abreua the more we sell abroad the more high paying jobs we provide atve home. it's that simple. >> so what you're saying is this trade deal will help put every e day americans back to work! work, work, work, work. (laughter).. >> work, work, work, work.. >> isn't it amazing he stayse energy, not character but stays focused.cuse >> dead pan. >> straight face.>> s >> i think he's got a great comedic sense and do he's down to play.>> he's that's very cool.that'sery >> oh yeah, that is awesome. well look the president alsoredt talking about the emotional dayl he has in store today.reoday it's a big day. the big day for his daughterter malia because today she is graduating from high school.. (applause).(app >> congratulations.grat that's cool as's c >> big dole. >> yeah. he says it's going to be emotionally.emotionally. wearing sunglasses so you don't see the >> my goodness.>> m >> i can't even imagine that day coming. >> how old are your kids.ow
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>> 12, eight and seven. s >> did you cry at any of their graduation. >> i cry every time i see them. >> mine finish pre-school threel and i was -- boo-hoo. boo >> huge day. >> huge. >> i have three dogs when theyte potty outside i'm like -- boo-hoo. >> still ahead at 10 it's a red carpet reunion, ross matthewss h and guilianna rancic together tt white here in the good day loft. we'll also talk about theabou special event that brought her t and her husband bill rancic toco town. >> look at that couple.t cpl not bad, right?? >> styling. >> first though -- >> i'll be right over.htver. (laughter).ter) first though we'll talk about justin beiber and that tha beat down in cleveland.nd. madonna on the borderline andde how kesha help two fans make a memory they will never everwillr forget.. googood day celebrity dish isris coming up next. ♪
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he's your man boy.our maboy >> that's right. that's rig he's getting more than he bargained for this happened hap after the game three of the nbaa finals in cleveland much checknc this out the 22-year-old caughtc on camera get nothing ahing fistfight with a much taller m man. that man lamon richmond who byho the way is 6-foot five. >> yup.>> yup. >> says and two of his friendst saw beiber outside of a bar anda lamont says his friends dareddsr him to ask justin beiber for anf autograph and when he did, d, beiber apparently snapped. snapped. snapped. and next thing this happened hap beiber no match for lamont,am though, he ends up on the grou ground. butnt is suing beiber beiber doesn't seem very fazed d by this whole thing by the beatt down he took posted his image oe instagram with the cops "not ano scratch on this pretty boy".. oh, boy.,oy and later, snapping anotherg ano selfie saying "no hesitation". >> i have no patience for this.. i got to tell you something. sot i'm a belieber. i love justin beiber. bbe this album is incredible i evene saw the documentary in the
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theater. >> so talented. so talen >> you did.ou >> yes. i think we need to nation comee together and put justin in timee out sometimes.ometimes. >> you've been bad boy. >> i agree. >> you are grounded for a littlo bit. i don't approve of this behavi behavior. >> i agree with you.>> i mean i loved his documentary a women to the theater as well. i love his music. mic. i think he's super talupal lenderred. he's handsome. he's got it going on, >> right. >> but this behavior is just questionable.onable >> turned around.un i've been really proud of himf not only making good music but making good choices. cho this is three steps forward -- - two steps forward three steps te back there. when do you think he'll turn tht corner and grow up.corn this is the way it is right nown he's young. yng >> he's young and spoiled and successful. and people say yes to him h everywhere.erywre. eventual thly world will stay no him and he'll learn lot in his s moment. >> we'll never upped his way off thinking.king he reached stardom very youngrdu very quickly.very qui >> cut him a little slack.e s he's 22, 23? if time to grow tg up, justin. jus >> grow up, biebs. >> someone else not having hav beiber's
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employee the latest edition of billboards.bill he calls justin a quote clown on a pedestal ".esta >> that's a little mean.ha i was honest but not tt'hat mea. >> you just put him in time out. >> h seeems to defend him a bitb the pair have actually collaborated on few songsew sons andying in you were 18 or 19 can any, k have any girl you want,ou have all the money you what happened, expletive i would be o lot expletive crazier than him.n i mean i'm 37 and i'm just jt finally maturing now. >> okay. all right.l r maybe it's maturity thing. t >> kind of what we were talking about, too. a lot of yeses.of a lot of access.ccess. a lot of success.ucce. >> right. >> >> i understand the behavior bui come on. come we're better than that.bett he's also a peon of faith. esche focus on that and find tht goodness.odness. >> absolutely. president obama wasn't the only tonigha t show guest causing bu online last last n pop icon madonna brought down d the house with amazingng performance of borderline. >> borderline? >> borderline? >> what? >> kicking it it old school.l. >> ♪
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>> all right.>> all r she still has it.t she also got to meet theme president for the first timeirst during that visit. v >> i don't know if i expected - i was expecting a little more uu tempo. te >> i like that she gave -- g slowed it down.sled i >> okay. okay >> that madonna is good. she should think about doingou this for ald living. (laughter).(l >> she has a future maybe. m >> something tells -- chris talt ball tells me.. >> kesha helped pull off a off surprise engagement during a dug concert in orlando last weekendw it. it it went down disney's one magical weekend festival celebratincelebrating the llgbt. kesha responded and put him inum touch with her manager to hammem out all the details.. kesha wrote
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that proposal, love is a magicic of life, and really there iss nothing more important.. >> i think that is incredible. e that is amazing.mazing >> reaction when he sees so s sweet.sweet. kesha is takg control of herof career. she's been in the news of course for having issues. iss >> right. >> separating herself from her,h a lot going on this is the direction her careec is going these choices she'shois been making lately sinking at si the billboard music awards, i, i like kesha before. nomology you falling in lovegy g with kesha. >> taking lemons and making m lemonade. >> actually beyonce' did that.. >> okay. >> kesha is doing somethingng else. else she's moving on to somebodymongy else. all right. >> beyonce' perform in marylandn tonight everybody.verybody i know there's people here one o the staff that are goingaff thae tonight. to >> yes. >> okay, cool. >> very fun.>> >> awesome. >> take nap beforehand because you'll be up late. be lat >> okay, all right.>> okay, all that is your good day celebrityl dish with ross matthews! >> yay! >> all right. erin como, over to you.. >> love that spe
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celebrity dish.ity dis 10:20 right now.ght w. coming up later wisdom martin mr putting on little clinic forclic emmy award winning actor lesley jordan much he's in town to town grand marshal the pied parade.. we'll check with our zip trip team and talk to to tamika love we will be right back.neill it's good day at 10a. 10a ♪
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thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course... are you? nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios well you've come to the right place. great, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm you're all right bud? never better i don't know if he likes that. yeah part of the complete breakfast
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>> i tell was we're having the best time in anacostia this morning. it is our summer zip trip and this morning we're in anacostia and we're celebrating so much unof one of the beautiful things we're celebrating today is the music. we talk about thein jmmaze'ze fl earlier tucker was talking aboua that. we'll get more music from youou tamika love jones with me rightr and your sound is just so mazing. first of all, thank you foror welcoming to us yourour neighborhood because you live right up the street, right. b s. >> yes, i do.>> yes thank you for having me. >> washingtonian and you'rengto doing big things now. what do you cite as far as your influences when it comes to your music? >> oh, i love theme ma simon whn talks about social injustice ini her music ella fitzgerald. stevie wonder, deangelo and la
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those people who just have so much soul undeniable much those are the people i look up to. i p >> you guys have been -- we'vee' heard a little going and out of the commercial breaks from youal guys. this is all new stuff you'reff e putting together on your new miw tape isn't called summer madnesd with our music collective se3 s3 and this is the band we have hae today the rebels. beebee and the rebels one of th artists they're actually the t band and we're so excited weed w have this mix compilation withlt all of the artists on it and you can find it on band camp.. summer >> check that out on band campdm if people want to see you live l you have something coming up.inu don't y >> i have something coming forse the dc jazz fest in the hood inn columbia heights.eigh on 11th street.t. that's on father's day 8:30 p.m. >> look, what a great way to w t spend father's day, right?ig >> yes great people, greatre music. music. >> yes. >> speaking of great music you t want to do something for us noww >> sure. >> i'll leave it up to you, and
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still ahead at 10:00 from the red carpet to the good day cafec coming up next a mini reunioneu for ross. >> yes. >> e star guilianna rancic andca her husband bill. b show him how you can juggle. show him. show them.owm. >> hit it. >> nice. >> fake fruit.akuit. i love juggling fake fruit. frut this is my specialty.. >> we'll discuss juggling andcu the big event that brings them to the nation's capitol. it's 10:28. keep it good day at 10a we'll be right back.
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♪ all right.l right 10:31 for anyone who has everve watched red carpet coverage onee e, we've got a little reunion ru going on in the good day kitch kitchen. our next guests husband and wife power duo mind one of dc's hottest new restaurants rpm italian, bill and guilianna gli rancic and this morning they'ret joining rouse and i in the loftn to talk about the grand opening we'll catch up about everythinge e and fashion.e good hi. >> hello. >> i didn't know you'd be here. oh, my gosh.y g we love each other.eachther >> look at this.>> look >> i can't even let go. i c eve >> get away if moo.f >> when you said husband and hud wife i thought you were talking about the two of us.ab >> we do have a surprise for sur you, ross.oss. annie has a little something sot something in this segment.his st
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>> are you kidding me.ouiddi y i heard you like some wine.rd >> let me help you.. >> pinot agree yo.o >> you drink pinot with ice.ithi >> i live in palm spring.g it's a hundred i like pinot with ice. with i >> you go the to get ross beforf noon. >> we have to share. >> otherwise he's done.e'son >> look at the size of this tumbler. is this how you serve it at the restaurant. >> for you. >> pretty much.>> >> tell us about the restaurante when are you opening? >> opening in about a week and a half works weeks.orks. >> great. >> located at 601 massachusetts avenue. all homemade pastas made frome scratch every morning. great steaks, seafood, fish,is tell them more honey. h >> i'm excited because this is i my het >> you're from bethesda, right.d >> shout out bethesda! shout out walt whitman high school! >> shout out university ofve maryland college park.mary what's up? and american university grad school.ersi whoop whoop! whoop >> got to cover them all.ll under grad,
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>> she was doing doing the woote woot.wo >> we got off the plane lastas night and bill is like i walke w up, i'm like, d.c.! i literally start bill is like who are you. >> are you 16. >> when you're home i get it.t. >> what's your stomping ground.o what's your favorite place tocet go? >> well, rpm italian now. n >> bill taught me well. m i grew up in bethesda. bhesd i'm home a lot will the of my of friends live in potomac my dad has a store in chevy chase. shout out to pan d enough shout outs i hang outg with my family a will the and w eat at home lot. >> you talk about people whoeope have places here. pces what if you like to haveyoke t restaurant here your restauranta have been really takingur over.e you have them all over the tallv place. but to have one here, what doesd it feel like? fik >> it means the world to me.o it's pretty incredible. ibl i like to pretend we did it d because i'm from here.from but it wasn't that reason. r it was because d.c. is such a a great place. p the been booming for a long time now, and,. and,. >> food scene is . >> food scene is incredible.
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>> when this locate becameca available we said we got to havg it. >> i got the to see the space. i came out to interview. intervi it was under construction buton you can just see how it wasst ws coming together i'm so excitedmc to see the finish product.rodu >> i got to tell you how cool al it is and you can see shots ofts it, the food is unbelievable.e ross, you've been to the chicago one, right? one, >> i have been. can i get a reservation to this one. >> any time, doll. time, dol any time. but the popular dish -- were hew have a lot of great things butut mamma due pan dee's bucc teeny pom ma dora my mom's specialal recipe. so simple. everyone so simple ingredients. but it's so delicious.. it tastes like authentic itali italian. >> i'm dying to try it. >> unbelievable in every locate. >> you're doing meet and greette coming up. >> you can register within cwi tickets to the grand openingni which will be june 27th that's ' the grand opening party.ty. >> perfect. >> rpm or follow us on instagram and click in the bio and we'll
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on the 27th hopefully you'll you come back for it gloss if i'm'm invite. >> we are taking reservationsvan now. no like the phones -- they just thy opened reservations.. >> private parties, you name it. it will be fun.l f >> plenty of space. we seat up to 350 people. p we have great outdoor dining.g. >> um-hmm. um-. >> great wine list.e lis our wine director was named sollmon yeah of the year by fooo and wine magazine. >> don't judge me. jud i see you looking at me.e i know the r stands for ross ans the stands for matthews. matth what's the p stand for? >> perfect. perfe >> perfect. >> that is my middle name.y mi m good.od >> it's actually funny r standss for rancic p stands for partner doug and m is for melman.n. our partners. >> rj jared and molly. >> it's the pinot.. >> partners and it's going to be fun. i hope d.c. loves it as much asc chica
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have a feeling we will. >> yes. >> you see momma around there. people, forget me you and billnd we want momma. momma she'll be there i'm sure everyry night.nit. >> will you have a red carpet aa the big opening and if you dof y are we working.orng. >> amazing idea. >> i know.w. >> guilianna, yes, i'm live herv by the front door.oo let's toss it back to you at the --e -- >> kitchen in the kitchen. >> will you work for pasta andya wine. >> have were he met. h yes, yes, yes. >> i'm dying because i love watching you two on the red on d carpet. i mean ---- >> thank you. tha >> a dream come true.ue. the coverage you provide. p i need fashion tips. t tell me what's hot this summer.s >> actually i'll tell you this.t salvadore and i were in bed herr in the hotel before i came here -- >> is he here. >> i've love salvadore.vevadore. he's watching right now. n i love her dress. dre i love it, too.t, you don't need any fashion tips. >> bless your heart.r h >> he's a wardrobe stylist. sli >> i've been following him on
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>> i love your blazer and youra heels.he >> ross you and i are feeling each other rightu now. n >> can we swap? thank you. >> right over here.ight ove look at this.s. look at.t. >> i'm not so sad i ended up u standing over here.ere. >> back off. back >> new reality show coming to si fox.. >> hello.>> hel >> it's probably not new.lyot >> i also want to congratulate bill on the volume of your hair. i -- the second i saw him i go o look at this growth that'sh tha happening. >> it's real. >> i'm not talking about character growth as human ooh oh talking about this growth up here. here >> fix four, 6-foot five fromfie the hair. hai >> the sparkle from all three oe your smiles is almost blindingin from the cafe area today.he cafr loving itea. >> i miss you. >> emmys are coming up ininup september. >> right now it's summer. it's a little slow on the redht carptl. carp >> a little bit. lit >> quiet.>> quiet. >> i'm telling whenever i needli inspiration i literally googleol you and stalk your images. image your outfits are incredible.die >> that's very kind. >> i'm gushing.. thank uh-uh i
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>> look at her legs, everybody.o legs for days. d legs for days.ays. guilianna rancic. rci >> legs for days and you too guilianna. (laughter). >> oh, my gosh. my g >> and guilianna, you'll be bacb in d.c. right? >> barbie zone modeling bethelin today, shout out bash with son.n >> you go first and i follow. fl >> i paid a lot of money to gett that. show it off then. >> go. go >> work it. i >> work it. i we get to see capitol prideri tomorrow, ross. ross. >> what are you going to being oggles i stand in front ofn frof you. you. that's what models do.. >> you're going to miss i'll be here for capitol pride.p >> we're heading back to chicaga sadly this evening because our c son is staying with grandma. >> cute. >> grandma rancic.anci >> how is duke now, how old nown >> he'll be four at the end of f the august. august. loving le. such a big -- b -
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>> we were on flight the other day he started sinking bobinki marley don't worry about thing. >> everyone on the plane -- >> toss it back to wisdom and wo annie now. an i'm getting the hard wrap.ard w >> the fun can continue becausee julianne in a will be back withw us co-hosting.o-ho >> i'll come back soon. >> is that true i?rue >> did you know this.s. >> we just decided it.eced i >> we did right before we went n on. on >> that's how we roll on goods o day.y >> we call an audible and makeem it so. s still ahead at 10:00 emmy awarda winning and grand marshal of tht capitol pride parade comedianomd lesley jordan will join us livev next and this morning coachoach martin -- we'll teach him aeachh little lesson. lesso we'll tell you why.we'ltell y i just gave it away coming up next.od dad. how good? 162 likes. did i get any retweets on those green beans? yep! and they're blowing up on instagram. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet!!!! as it should. life is family mealtime and everything you need to make it picture perfect. now be sure to tag your mother because she needs more followers. ok.
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162 likes. did i get any retweets on those green beans? yep! and they're blowing up on instagram. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet!!!! as it should. life is family mealtime and everything you need to make it picture perfect. now be sure to tag your mother because she needs more followers. ok. ♪ welcome back. 10:42 taking live look inn anacostia.anosti our crew allison, tuckeruc spenting the morning t steve there as well. >> of course it's peas a fridayi it's not too late to go down ana say hello. you still have about 15 minutest entrance is on w street by they way. mlk avenue and w street. erin even just enjoy what isnj w this water?this wat >> this is a little pinot agreea joe no ice. >> our next guest an actor,
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and an advocate of very very v long resume >> oh yeah incredible resume. rm you might remember him as karen's nemesis beverly lesley l on the hill sitcom will and grace. roll that earned him an emmy award for best guest actor in at comedy series. ser this weekend he's here in d.c. c to serve as the grand marshal of the capital pride parade. >> and that's just part of whata lesley jordan has planned durind a busy visit here to the he nation's capitol next week he'sh also going to throw out the first pitch at nationals game -- game at nats park and during l lgbt themed he needs a little help. ltle he is so funny we met him a fewf minutes ago.nus >> so cool.o cool >> we hooked him up with ap h little fun and help from ourm o coach wisdom martin.. a few tips forgetting it overt the plate.the >> look at him. >> he's warping up. he's rpin ross, warm up. warmup.rmup >> do it one more more >> if i get the pitch to the the mound i'll
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>> that's what i'm talkinghat's about. mr. hur key he died this year.s >> the father of modern dayay cheerleading. maryland with five children. wic >> okay.. >> yeah, right. >> look. you got a big event coming youmy and you'll be'll you'll'll you'll toss the first pitch. tos you're not pitching the wholes h game just the first >> the washington nationalsnat versus the chicago cubs tuesdayy night before the game. next tuesday >> okay. we feel like we got to get you y ready because i've done thatuse >> uh-huh. >> it went okay. o it just went okay. o all right.t >> steve chenevey has done itone another anchorman.rman tucker barnes the weatherman haa done >> you'll have all thrown t pitches out.pitcheout >> it just wept okay.ep >> have you done this before?t i >> do you know how to do this? t >> this is all i know.ll kno >> what do you know?t do >> let me me see. listen there can't be any woman >> none. >> this is all i know.hi show us what you know so far.sof >> that's great.>> tha that's pretty good.ttyoo >> let's get it going.t going. you know i coach a little leagua baseball team f
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and six-year-olds.-year-olds. >> do you want to be the pitchep and i'll be the catcher.atch >> that would be fun >> here we go.>> he we here. ross you take this glove. g you give me your glove. g actually keep it. >> i want to be on >> you'll be on camera. cam stop right here.stht here. you go that way, ross.ay, r this the way it is in the game.g i walk out and give you theou ball. ross back up a little bit more. we're going through this becausb coach martin is trying to get t you ready. i'll walk out and give you theoe ball. get in position. there's i tell the little kids in the little league. le l take that.ha. >> okay.>> o >> line it -- wind it up justpus like you just put a steam on it and hit him right in the glove. g >> ross, don't miss ball andnd don't let it hit you. y. >> ross, ross, that's your monem maker. ma protect this right here.ig >> all right. >> don't destroy the money mak maker. >> i won't. won't. >> go >> let's see if coach can getan this right. >> that looks like it will bes i fast.fa. >> whoa! >> thank goodness there's nodnsh we'll give you three.we'll givet all right.hrl ri >> three? >> i want you to be ready.ant t
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>> how was that.ow w >> it was a little high and above --ab >> did i come off like a sissy. >> no. no. no. >> you came off as a big leagueu pitcher.tcher >> very budge. budge. very budge.veud >> let me show you. me sh you >> heat it >> you ready, one more time. t one more time. t >> right here.>> r right here.. >> okay.>> we're making progress. proess. okay. go. >> wait, where? >> oh, little bit better. >> that's okay.t's oka as a pitcher come on like i telt the little kids.e litt kids. like i tell the little kids you have to own the pitch, okay? oa own it if you make a bad pitchap it's okay. all right. come on, touchdown, let's do, l >> third one. >> bryce harper -- wearing brycy harper's jersey. jerse >> you're max scherzer now. here we go. >> see that's better. betr >> that's better.. that's better.'s bette that's better. high five. that's better. >> there you go.. ross, i know you're not pitch
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pitching. let ross --os >> ross you should have caughtgh that. >> ross.>> line him up with one ross. can you catch if he throws it. >> guilianna -- >> you're going to ch >> show off. >> i feel like we've gotten oute of control on this segment. seg i'm done a bad job coaching.chin >> ross, hook him >> back up. bac u ross don't injure him okay? we? don't have any money. >> i'm feeling so league ofo leo their own root now.thr ow >> go ahead. >> ready? >> >> go ahead, ross.d,oss >> hook them up, ross. r >> i like when they do this. >> okay. >> ahh!>> ahh! >> whoa, that's a nice catch.s . >> that was not bad.>> thawas n >> put some more steam on it, >> one more time.>> oneore last one. one last one. one last one. >> talk about the parade real quick. >> pride parade make magicagic happen i was promised a pony but
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i'll be in the parade on tuesda night i'm going to come out andt i want to tell all the boys that tease me and made fun of me and called me -- oh, no, no.o >> you can kiss my rich butt.t >> he's a hero in the communitym and grand marshal this year atha capital pride.pitapride. lesley jordan, heads up! >> last one. >> kiss my -- >> good job, fellas.. >> kiss my -->> >> oh, no.. back to you before we gete we canceled.cancel back to you, plea. please! pl >> that was awesome.hat wa >> that's great.>>hat' >> oh, my goodness.oodnes >> come back in. that was great. >> we've got chilled white winew and water perhaps.haps time now 10:48. 1 no zip trip is complete untilplt there's some food and someood drinks. coming up next we're getting axg taste of anacostia thanks to three must visit restaurants. the next time you're east of thm river you don't want to miss itt we'll be rye back. rye back.
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>> that is some stuff right there. >> 10:51 is the time. tim >> we're talking to lesley. >> we're having a conversation.s it's all goo >> sit down. >> don't be shy. shy >> come on. com >> let's go.>>et's go. come on.. >> have a seat right over therer we're good.. >> he's got to go. >> bye everybody.rybo come see me tomorrow night att the -- what am i doing tomorrowo night.. >> capital pride parade. >> it's sol out but i'll there l be at 9:00. mr. lesley jordan thank you very much, honey.muhone >> mr. jordan. jor you're not -- we're not goingoti anywhere but he is. he thank you so much hadn't knee.un thank you. >> let's get out to allison andd tucker and steve at the taste oo anacostia this morning.orni >> wisdom i heard you say don'tt stop until you get enough. enoug i got something for you we're y' sampling food right now and we got mamma's pizza kitchen fromcf right here in anacostia.stia i know how much wisdom martin mn loves his pizza.s zza i got kim with me right
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papa. he owns the joint and kim isim cooking up all this food for usu which looks oh, so good. so first of all you guys are gs literally right down the street, right. >> about a block or so away. >> yes. what did you make for us. us >> we have the meat loverss calzone, spinach feta, lasagna fresh made, cake and homemade hm bread.brea >> oh, man.>> you've been working here forg hf about five years or so. years s. >> yes. >> what is it that you loveis i about being able to work here in anacostia, cook up this food, f somebody literally came out thit is the best pizza in anacostia.a you're getting shout outs from f the neighborhood here.eighbod he what is it in you love aboutve o being here. >> the people coming and going,i the help, no matter what. anything we ask them.. >> you guys needed that helpuysd about year ago or so. awed little incident with a break in and what was that the w community did to make your place better? >> they sponsored a good fund mm campaign and they paid for out t security cameras and our, n our store. >> things have been better sincn then. >> yes.
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thing that you love and i'm i'm taking the cake as an example here this is made by people inyp the community and you said the d reason that you do to that is why?wh >> because you are going to be t altogether all the time every time.. >> everybody, right.,ight >> everybody to get it done. tg >> yes. >> right down the street right on martin luther king boulevarda i want to check it out. i'll dive in and try some ofe this pizza.this p i would love to say there willhw be some left for wisdom but there's not going to be. be i never struggle with pizza. allison i'll end send it over to you.yo one thing i love more than pizza might be crabcakes.rabces >> capital crabcakes.bcakes horatio davis. tell us why this crabcake is ths best in the city.ben th >> well, i consider it the besti because we use a lot of luxury products.prodts. um, we are who we are capitalitl crabcakes, born and rave in thei city. i just know dc love crabcakes and, you know, i just wanted toe bring them the best crabcakes. s >> did you see how i was likeees oh, no, that's m
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shoe, fly. >> gots to go. >> tell me where you're locatee. 1243 gilham road.m >> can i taste.>> >> yes.. >> i'm only tasting because it'i allison seymour. seymour. >> we got to taste it so much. hooray shaye go and visit shayeg capitol hill. >> that's good.s it's so good. >> no fillers. no fil r all right, tucker. all try to top that.op tt >> all right. >> allison --ll >> that looks good allison i'mon with sean art den lynn.en l tell us about your it's locate located at the anact arthur center 2031 good hopeope road. we bringing fresh farm to table experiences with all of our of fresh sandwiches, our salads. sd >> i love that. tell moo you got a new farm coming online. >> we have a farm coming lineari howard road, 631 howard road.dd. great partnership with red brici development and that's actuallya online now. the community wanted to come bye and check it out and get a get involved, come on down and get involved. >> you guys ar
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musearum. >> we're actually in anacostiaia art center. >> what are some of your y special. >> house salad what we do, weo, have a mixture of the garden itn has broccoli, brussel sprouts, u it has mixed greens, a ruling gula and great asian salad or sd wasabi -- dressing that you'llha add it to. we do fresh vegetables, sun dried tow 98 toes, port bella,, tuntuna chicken. you don't have to use mayo. may you can use pesto or hummus as a base. >> i love it.. we'll rap things up out here.. >> do quick shout out.. >> dj dynamite has been keeping the crowd thank you so much forr being with us. curtis brothers and art development.develot. (applause). >> so many people.>> thank you. >> i just want to say first ofir all the suppose did not last ont man when i came down here said s can you feel the love we'rere giving you guys? we're giving n the love to you guys that we absolutely feel. >> watch h
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live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." >> wendy: how you doin'? the kids have come to play today. all due respect, have several seats. my girls are always turned out. i give it to you straight, no chaser. come on. now, here's wendy! ♪ >> wendy: yes! yes! thank you for being here. thank you! i love good fashion, but
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