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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  June 15, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪ straight ahead, horror at h the happiest place on a two-year-old attacked by an an alligator at disney world. w his parents just feet away.y we'll have the latest fromt fm florida. what exactly would using this label accomplish? what ha exactly would it change? would it make isil less c >> tough talk from the commande in in president obama lashing out atna donald trumpt over his responses to the orlando terror attack.
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meanwhile, investigators nowgaow trying to figure out what the te gunman's wife knew about his plan beforehand and for theor first time we hear fromrrom survivors of the nightclubigcl and later, a political come bacc former d.c. mayor vince gray gra wins the ward seven primary.ry. now this morning he's joining ug live. good day at 9a starts now. ♪ you know that.ow tt. don't you? dj cool is with us u this morning he'll be hanginge i out for the next two hours. two. we'll be here with you as well.l thanks for staying with us it'si 9:00 o'clock on this wednesday,, june 15th. 1h. i'm steve chenevey alongside --e there's dj cool, holly, maureene and wisdom. wis >> we want to say good day to our guest dj this morning thenit one and only dj cool will bewill hanging out with us all morning long right here in the loft. lt. >> before we clear our throats,s here comes the rain falling on my head like a melody,
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a new emotion.. that stretch of sunshine will be gone soon. soo let's get right down and talk aa ill weather now.weher caitlin roth in for tuckeruc barnes. barn caitlin, did you like my lyrical thing i did right >> yes, wisdom.>>, that was lov >> do you know -- you're kind of young. do you know even know who annie lenox is? >> walking on broken glass. g >> thank you.nk you >> whoo! >> steve told you. told you. >> i was just checking. >> me too. t when anyone starts a questionue like that for me i'm always likk uh and walk off right now. no, yes i do. d that's a great thank you widom. yes, we are actually off to gloomy start this morning mni unfortunately a lot of cloudselc out there.e. and we've seen several showersal that moved through earlier thist morning. here's that band of light rainn moving from about hagerstownerow down through baltimore across ba the eastern shore and we can c certainly see more sprinkles asa we go through the rest of theste day.y temperatures mainly in the 60s s and the 70s.. warm front down towards ourowarr south and with this
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as that lifts northward thatrd will spark off few more showerse possibly even a thunderstorma tt west of the town later on today. so 70 in washington.ngn 63 in binghamton.. 65 in pittsburgh purchasing. pu. warmer south and west. sou 73 in columbus. and 77 at hatteras. h kind of have to wait and see how everything develops. how far north this warm front progressesh throughout the dayy how much moisture we can get tot pop up some showers andwe a thunderstorms with it. but regardless the heat andea a humidity stays towards our soutr for another day.dsr other it is warm with temperaturesratu into the 80s but notot uncomfortably so. maybe a little bit more humideum but i don't think that we'reink' talking anything too bad.oo here's your forecast as it plays out.ou we've got clouds right now few peeks of sunshine later thisater afternoon in the afternoon and evening hours, showers maybe a thunderstorm 82 degrees.2 gr better chance for showers andnd thunderstorms comes on thursday. that's tomorrow. t tomorrow night into friday andda i'll have much more details onas that coming up at nip 30:00 with your seven day forecast. fec let's zen it back into the lofte with you guys steve?te >> want to get you caught upgh what's happening big time theimt frantic search for two-year-oldd
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water by an alligator.. now this happened last night at disney's grand floridian resortr this is at the seven seas lago lagoon. fat not far from magic kingdom.. authorities say they are holdini on to hope but they realize thet searches ahead.. more search and rescues crewsres expected to rise on the scene ts today. >> florida toss fishes andridasi wildlife scammed 94 different 9 alligators but no science of tho little boy. he was visiting the park from nebraska with his parents and siblings that was wading in about a foot of water when the o alligator grabbed him.bbed the boy's parents were nearby nb and tried to rescue their sonher from the gator's grip.'s now, lifeguard was also on dutyt last night but was sis dance sin away from where the actual act incident happened.pened. the gator is believed to be anywhere from four to 7 feett alligators have already been b scammed. they had to be euthanized as a result.sult disney says there are nore swimming signs posted around however there no signs in thenoi area warning of the potential oo alligators
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certainly an unimaginablee tragedy for that family the the sheriffs department saysfs dartm counselors have definitely beenb brought in. >> they are very shaken up.p. extremely shaken up.en u there's been some pictures we'vw seen of very beautiful happy family. so imagine if it were you. i mean, what would you be? be? you'd be broken up.n up. i have children. cld these investigators haveav the searchers have children.hild the disney personnel have imagine if it were you.t wereou how would you feel? you don't feel any different, we don't w feel any differently thanly than anybody else would foal. f it is tragic.gic it is heartbreaking. >> at this point the sheriffs sf department is still calling thig a search and recovery mission. s so far disney has not commentedd on any previous alligator a sightings in the area. florida fish and wildlife wilif commission says it has worked hr closely with the park in thein past to control the gatorheg population and specifically take care of nuisance alligators. >> i'm so conflicted about thiso ca
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heart broken for these parentssr i'm also so mad at some of themt at the same >> i understand. i cannot -- i can't fathom whatw they're going through. i can't even imagine a father, , mother watching an animal snatcc their child but then you ask, why would you there in the first place? >> the shock has to beas compounded for them as well fm f they weren't even aware of the risk which i think most peopletl that go to in order i was it wai wear of the risks there areskthe millions of alligators in thes t water. you just don't go in the watersn you just don't f they were noten aware of that risk which seemshe to be the only excuse why theyee would let a two-year-old in than water at all, then you -- your shock has to be compoundeduned because they would have had no clue there was even something si like that possibility.ket >> there were signs -- sig - 9:00 o'clock at >> two-year-old. tr-ol >> i don't know i don't d k disagree. trust me. >> there's a lot questions. a lotuestio >> we learnns you don't go in tn water in areas where there arere alligators i'm only under theunr assumption this particularti family was not awaonre of thatft fact. >> the signs there are forhe
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it's obvious they put the signss there for a reason.there from what we saw in the video v there's a barrier, a rock aoc barrier there as w so the signs there a the rules are in place for a reason.on again, you feel sorry for them m but -- but >> i mean whether it was their fault -- yeah. whether it was that are fault or not, them being ear responsible or clues less or whateveres les they've suffered the ultimatee you know what i mean much mh there's nothing more that you to can say or do to that family. >> so but it is the i was out and about little bit in between shows. s it is the story everyone isory v talking about. >> it's also extremely rare. >> yes. right. >> another reason why i think people are just so a r tuned tod this not just the fact that, yot know, the potential of losing a priceless life, a little baby,a, two-year-old arc toddler, but it's extremely rare. there are literally there arehe millions and millions ofonsf alligators in in order. in in or in the last 10 years, there have been three fatalities.ities. and two of those fatalities were people running particular policc and jumped into lagunes
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or rivers trying to escapee police. one alligator death in the laste tepp years it's streakilily ra rare. but this is terribly tragic is y situation.. >> okay. okay. what a week it's been fornor orlando. stay town still reeling with tragedya this the fbi digging into the life of the man who shot and killed 49id people at the pulse nightclub.ib but yesterday we did learn that his wife also at the center ofef the investigation.. sources say noor salman wasal aware of her hub's plan and wasw with him when he bought the the ammunition. right now she hasn't beenasn't champed with anything but sheane could be considered an accessory to 49 counts of murder and 53 a counts of attempted murder.der. mateen's father spoke outpo o yesterday. he blamed the club for the f t deadly attck.ack saying it should have had bettet security so that his son wouldld not have -- would not have had what he called this opportunityi president obama taking aim atg a donald trump after the gop frontrunner takenned thener takt president over the rhetoric heer used when talking about theng ae orlando massacre.
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trump said that the president pi should step down for refusing tn call orlando an act of radical islamic terrorism.erri listen to what the proceed hadre to say. >> what exactly would using this label accomplish? what exactlya would it change? would it make isil less committed to trying to kill americans? would it bringb in more allies? is there a military strategy that i is serd by this? the answer is none ofo the above. calling a threat by a differente name does not make it go away. this is a political distractionn >> the president also urgedls u congress to pass gun legislation once and for al
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response, drum many had this tos say. he said "the president is more e angry at him than the gunman inn the orlando massacre". all right.. well, here are the faces of fes victims of that ddly shooting each with a story to tell this morning.rn that we're learning more about. the people who arern still alivi are sharing their stories onn what they saw that night at thet club. club one of the survivors is patiencc carter she was an intern at ourr fox affiliate in philadelphialaa schenn spoke to the mediann yesterday before she answeredbee their questions patience read aa touching poem that she hadad written about the tragedy andraa here's some of it.. >> the gift of feeling grateful to be alive is heavy. wanting to smile about surviving but not sure the people arounden you are ready. as their mourns the victims killed and viciously slain iin feel guilty about screamingcrea about my legs in pain because ii can feel nothing. nothi like the
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lucky to feel this pain of mine. i never thought in a millionlion years that this could happen. he i never thought in million years that my eyes could witnessld wne something so tragic. >> there's been so much supportp from around the world for theldf victims of the shooting.g. gofundme campaign set up by equality florida to raise moneyy for the victims hit a record $4 million and growing.rowing victims and families will get wl the money in about seven monthsh let's bring it back dozens of people recovering after a deadly head on collisioo at the gw parkway yesterday. one person 15 others were hurt.reur the road just reopened few houru ago. alex limon live in falls churchc outside the hospital where somea of those crash victims are stili recovering this morning. alex? >> reporter: that's right,te tha guys. good morning.good this morning we know that thoset victims are still recovering rev here at inova fairfax, alsoo inova alexandria and inova mounu vernon
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after that crash that tragically killed one person and sent 15 people to those variousar hospitals. now investigators told us that u the crash on the gw parkway happened just before 5:00 p.m. they said a shuttle bus filled e with tourists from china collided with a car. car. now the bus was headedseade northbound on the parkway and it had 19 people inside of itef including the the car was headed southboundoun and that two people inside. now, both the bus and the car actually slid off of the roadhe when the crash happened.appe the bus actually flipped on to its side trapping some peoplengs underneath of it. now, as awful as it all was, it could have been even worse if it wasn't for the actions of somefe amazing people, some goodd samaritans that we were told stepped in to help several ofev them maybe 15 to 20 people actually flip the bus back on tt its wheels and then helped someo of those people that w
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bus that were injured some ofe o them trapped underneath in factn we were told the person who died was actually one of those thatse was trapped under the bus. b so at this point though we still have no idea what caused the crash. investigators say there's stills trying to put the pieces of thii altogether and in fact they'ret asking for any witnesses even e some of those good samaritans perhaps that stepped in to helph to call the u.s. park police too give them information tell theml what they saw in the momentsen before the crash. so that they can try to figuree out why this awful crashra happened and get thatet tha information but at this point ww still don't have those answers.. roaring live in falls church, alexander limon, fox5 local news. >> still ahead a warning forhe fans of wholefoods why you might want to think twice before you u grab tow pre-made meals. meals >> our countdown to the longestt day.y our alzheimer's disease affectsc the millions of care takersareak working millions of unpaidd hours.hour time now 9:13.ow 9:13.
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ii can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients.ter. i can't believe... we're on a whale. i can't believe my role isn't bigger. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. enjoy i can't believe it's not butter! ♪ ♪ fox5 d.c. cares partnering.c with alzheimer's association as it gets ready for bigerr bi fundraising event called theent longest
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the longest day is mondayday june 20th it is in fact the fact longest day because it is the summer we'll tell how you can getmm involved in just a fewll minuten but first all this week we'ree' sharing stories of peoplees o pe dealing with alzheimer's andimes other forms of dementia in hopeh of raising awareness about thiss heartbreaking disease.tbreaking. last year more than 15 millionml caregivers provided more thann 18 billion hours of unpaid carec that's something fox5's tomom fitzgerald knows very well as h and his family began to care for their father who has alzheimer alzheimer's. >> my dad couldn't handle his own affairs anyul more. m bills weren't getting paid. um, things were mixed up with the house.. i became my dad's dad. dad i became his legal guardian. it's difficult to live your lifi knowing a person being one waynw and then seeing everything that they are and that they ever newe slowly stripped away from them,e and what you're left with was aw
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person you have to start to get to know again in their prep thep state because they're not the person that you always new. n this is one of the ways i alwayw explain alzheimer's to people.eo my father was diagnosed in '97 and he died in 2005.5. 2006 my daughter was born. bor so i pretty much spent ninent years watching my father lose the ability to walk. w lose the ability to talk.k. lose the ability to feed himse himself. lose the ability to clean a himself. all of the things that we take for granted alzheimer's took too away from my dad. for seven years i watched himi h decline and be unable to do thee things like eating and talking
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and remembering and walking.alki year later my daughter was born. and i spent -- have spent the st next nine years watching hering gain all of those abilities,bils learning how to walk, learning thou talk.k. learning how to feed herself. one of the cruel left thingsel about alzheimer's is that it -- even before that person dies you lose them because it takes a waw the essence of who they were as a person.erso alzheimer's is still one of one those diseases that people don't talk as much about even though t don't know anybody who has not h been affected by this in somee way.. i often describe the differencee between alzheimer's and any any other condition is thatt alzheimer's is a
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blows in and destroys a shore as line immediately and wrecks andw houses. it's a slow methodical cruel c erosion of a person's memories,r their abilities and the essences of who they are. a and that takes time to but it's also important to ao io understand that other peoplehaoe have been through this and thatt there's help out there, andhere, there's support out there for te anybody who needs it.. >> just heartbreaking.rt >> like so many other diseasesso there's no crew. mw. >> right.>> right. >> that's what makes it difficult for so many people. t we're trying to get some helpngh for people out there this weekhw part of partnership we're doinge lot of information on themationo website as well for people whoew may just have initial questionse maybe changes in loved one's behave i don't know and they io wonder what's we'll talk about that threw thee week. >> and how to get that mucho gem needed support that tom talkedtl about. >> back to the longest day. it is a day whento people getple together and
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like walking, hiking, even playing cards, dancing even,ci e while fundraising at the same ae time. if you want to get involve or io donate to a team alreadyea involved in the longest day,st d just go to longest t day. da the longest day. day stick with us all week on ourur air, facebook page to hearo hear amazing stories of courage fromg people in our area dealing withg alzheimer's and dementia.em >> all right. 9:21 time.9:21ime. coming up next a bad night for the we'll have a look at the bayingy changes coming to d.c. council.c in novembe in the meantime, dj cool isols here. we'll talk to him. >> play us out l bit. t. >> ♪
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♪ presidential primary seasona is over. it wrapped up last night asight hillary clinton won the nation'' capitol.catol. now moments after clinton sat down in 90 minute meeting withew bernie sanders. the goal was to unify the democratic now it's still unclear what wha sanders will do next.o n he plans to address his supporters tomorrow. t he is previously said he plans a to go all the way to the convention
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turning our attention to tho d.c. primary former mayor vincent gray headed back toack t elected office and mayor bowserr loses crucial allies. crucial a >> big issues for voters becauso of problems at the poll. fox5's jennifer davis joins usns live with the very latest. latt. jennifer? >> reporter: good morning to you guys. yeah, d.c. voters seemed to want changes on the city council butt part of that is going to includc a familiar face here at theat te wilson building. building. as you mentioned former dc mayor vincent gray is back in the the political game. ge. he won his primary race for his old city council seat in ward ir seven defeat incumbent yvettee alexander by a very large margin almost 30 points.ois he tweete tweeted victory thanky and this real sal come back forf him two years after he lost hiss 2014 re-election bid to newew mayor muss yell bowser at thel b time he was the focus of ae foca federal investigation althoughlg he was never not a good night for incumbentse in general.inener we saw ooh a number of changes. tray i don't know white defeatef la ruby may long
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bowser in ward eight. e as we mentioned alexander was defeated by gray and robertob white former aid to eleanor holmes norton beat long-time-t city councilman vincent orangere at large member.emr. major blow to mayor bowser onlyy one of the candidates that she endorsed and supported held on o to his seat that was brandon todd in ward four.d fou so big changes, and potentiallyy some more fights maybe coming up on the council once this changea takes place. pce and then there were someere re s problems reported with voting w should tell you about. aut the washington post says it'ss ' not known exactly how manyactlym voters were affected but some bs people found when they went toet vote their party affiliation hai been changed to np which standsd for no party.arty that's a problem because d.c. ic a closed primary if you're not'e registered with a specificfic party, you can't vote.. this is related to some sort oft glitch with a mobile app.h withp people were able to fill out o special ballots that will behawl counseled on friday but a lot oo
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by that. back to you to >> you can imagine. canmagi >> yeah. >> show up and they tell uh-uhlu supposedly believe something you don't believe.bee. >> right.>> >> no, i think i know what i am. >> right. >> just reminder to ahead on good day former mayor and futurt ward council member vince graycg will join us live in the loft af 10:00 o'clock. >> talk show host and author aut leeza gibbons joining us lives her important message forsage f families this father's day.say >> also a warning for wholefoods fans.ns. the president and daal lay llama in a dairy discovery 2,000 yeary in the making. makin we have a check of some of thefh day's other headlines coming upp it's 9:27.
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♪ music of dj kool this this morning. thanks for coming in today. keep us informed this mornings allison is back with a check ofk the other stories making had hed lines tis morning.s tis hello friend.ll >> we begin with tragedy sadlyly in california where five peoplel are dead in a massive fire inn downtown los angeles.el police say this fire was intentionally set by a homelesss man. man. flames broke out monday night aa a vacant office building.uild officials say the suspect johnny sanchez lived in that building n and possible motive may be a a dispute between sanchez andnd others living inside. inse. the 21-year-old is now being held on $1 million bail. happening today,
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barack obama will meet with theh dalai lama at the white house. u now he was originally scheduledd to be in wisconsin with presumptive democratic nomineeom hillary clinton today butay but postponed the trip after aer sunday's nightclub shooting inun orlando.orland well that created a hole in the president's schedule which theeh white house filled with tibetan spiritual leader. wholefoods being forced too clean up it's act or answer tors the fda.the they sent a warning letter toet the company detailing quote a serious violation at its foodoo preparation facility inility i massachusetts. during inspections back inpectnb february they found food in areas where condensation was leaking from the ceiling.eili a doorway an fan. f there were other violations toot including failure to sanitize st food prep surfaces, dirty dishes, and sinks without hot h water for hand washing. and downtown pittsburgh, abg huge turn out expected today at a parade to celebrate the penguins 2016 stanley cup win.
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the parade will take place seven years ago to the day that it wat last held the penguins clinched the championship on sunday with a three-one victory against the at san jose sharks in game six. six and finally, in news of who really tried this? are you are feeling hungry? a farmer in ireland discovering a 2,000-year-old 20-pound chunk ok butter and it's edible.. the lump of butter found whilehe the farmer was digging for fuelf that's a whole other story. s he was digging for fuel aboutl o 16 feet underground.grnd experts say it's not unusual fof people to bury their butter in i ancient times because it was sos valuable.valuab however, this particular piece e of -- is unusual because it wast not wrapped in a woodende container or a keg which was the normal storage practice so thect question is, who exactly foundou out it was edible 2,000 yearsea later.lar. >> exactly. >> why was he digging for fuel f on this land.. >> didn't find any fuel. a f got you some butter.
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>> preserved. >> that's the mystery, mo.e ster >> that's the mystery.. >> it's also butter and not not parkay. (laughter). >> thank you. >> how does that butter stay for that long and ours goes batter.t >> right much that's what i'm talking about. aut >> bury it 16 feet underground.. >> interesting.. >> a good question. >> let's check in with caitlin roth right now. we're all very perplexed,exed caitlin about this whole buttere thing. >> i am, too. did it not dee compose. why is that perfect severe. sev how many sticks of butter do yok have to pus t together. togr. >> alien butter.en butter. >> who first tried it to confiri that it was butter?utter? >> right. >> what did it taste like? >> yes. too many questions we'llns probably never have the answerse too sadly.too sad all right. l changing weather out there righo now. we had some clouds and showerssd earlier this morning and we're e still pretty do you do you y cloudy. i think this afternoon we willfi see a few breaks of sunshine bue this is a band of showers that made it a little bit of a wet w start to the morning commute.orm you can see more showers back bk across west virginia. so from baltimore down to then t eastern shore that's where theor
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dry but cloudy in washington.asg and then another batch ofotr baf showers around winchester the 8e corridor out to the mountains and the mountains have the bestb chance of seeing any moreng anyr showers or a thunderstorm latert on today. temperatures it's 70 in i washington. 66 in west minster. miner 61 in frederick still kind ofll cool there. 69 out at dulles. let's check annapolis 68 and 700 in stevensville.vill past couple of days temperaturee have only hit the low 80s that'a normal and it's been kind of and nice break to have normalhave na temperatures here in june. here. hasn't been too hot or humid the heat and humidity south of a o warm front across the carolinasl and the tennessee valley will wl stay there we'll probably get into the low 80s yet againin today. i want to time out our rainurai chances for you we saw a fewaw showers this morning. m later on this afternoon beston b chance for any showers withrs w maybe a few rumbles of thunder r will be west.ll b overnight tonight we could all d see some rain and then as wes we head into thursday, most of the day is dry but actual low l pressure system swings throughwi and that brings what looks likek a pretty hefty band of rain r thursday so i'd say about after dark dar around
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then into the overnight hoursig this is our threat for someor s strong storms damaging windsing and, yes, briefly very heavy rain.. can we could cull actually use t the rain that will continue through the overnight hours.our. luckily it looks like the startt to push south quickly on fridayi what originally looked like suce a cloudy dreary friday looksooks 82 degrees there for today. t let's check that seven dayn d forecast for you real quick. qck check this out.isut 80 with the showers and storms m 75 on a cool friday. friy but the weekend this weekendnd father's day weekend looks fantastic.fantas so whatever your plans arer pla whatever you're doing for dad fd main make them outdoor, 81 and1d sunny on saturday.urda 83 guys op sunday should bey oud beautiful father's day forecast. >> dads deserve it. dads deserv sounds good. >> thanks, caitlin.. emmy award winning host new york times best selling author r business woman, leeza gibbonszag talk about an over achiever, aie right you know her fromyo entertainment tonight her very r own talk sw. the winner of celebrity apprentice we can go on and onna and on. now she has new book out
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fears optimism a book dedicated to her dad just in time foror father's day.ay she also a spokesperson for phillips lifeline which creditss for saving her dad's live ande joining us live from la this l t morning the one and the onlynly miss leeza gibbons. gbons good morning, leeza. lza. thanks so much for joining us.. >> good morning to you.. thanks for having me.ks f i sure appreciate it.recie it >> we'll start out by talking about fierce optimism which some might say is an oxymoron, rightt but you really do believe thatia good guys finish first. >> look, this is a mental men competence that ties to you youu resilience, and i really didll learn it from my dad. d it's just a style a way of of seeing the world an way of of thinking about everything that t happens to you.ppento y so you can fight back and bounce back. it's not just a polly anna piena in the sky way of seeing thing. >> when you are that nice and ii do believe i agree with you nice
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like a field like ours, doess, that make you lose your edge at all?all? >> no, i think this is -- these are just choices of how youfow choose to react and respond toed the things that happen. hap set backs, failures,ailure disappointments, those arent tho temporary things that happen too you. but the permanent thing is you.y you know, when i look at, yout, remember talking about father'se day and the book is dedicateedic dodd my dad whose optimistic lense never failed him. you know, my dad is the one whoo really gave me this resolve and when he had a heart attack last summer, we thought we were goinw to lose him, and had he not beeb wearing his phillips lifeline, we wouldn't have him today.od so it's been a tough newsweekewe for everybody. now we're coming up on father'se day where we are really holdingi the ones we love dearly close to us, and so i'm saying to everybody, dad probably doesn'tt need another kiss the cookoo apron, pr
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more cuff links why not give dad something that will keep him independent and potentially savy his life like it did mine film n what exactly is phillips pll lifeline. how does it work.. >> medical alert device is aics good idea to give him, you knowo something that's going allow him to live on his own and, you kn know, make choices so that you don't have to worry about him.ya you don't have to nag him whichw i was doing with my fatherhe ultimately. >> one of the most dull thingshi is as you watch your parentsarts age, i think we're all in this i boat, is watching them losee their independence a little bit. and this is kind of become an issue for you that you'retou'r addressing in terms of helping our parents age in a way that it is respectful. >> well, that's the thing.l,hat' when you have the talk with youy parents it's kind of thed he ultimate roll reversal.l and when they say, honey, ion don't need that. tha it's like, okay, but maybe, you know, you buckle and wear yourey
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need that either. so having a lifeline or now my dad has a go safe which has automatic fall detect. det it's just a preparation off precaution. >> i have it on right now.ow so if i can wear it under niecen this little summer top your momu or dad can wear under underneate their shirt and there's a persor that talks back to you in this, right? so when they say i've got my cell phone, well, the 919 operator doesn't have your nextn store neighbor's phone number ii you get lock out of the house he but your phillips lifelines operator does, and if you are passepassed out or disorientednd automatic fall detection willeci signal help and call for help hp even if you can't. c so it really does give you a loa of peace of min
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but we can't let you go withoutt asking about your time on te celebrity apprentice since yount won the whole thing and any anda thoughts you might have -- have >> okay. >> on donald trump running for president.prident >> thoughts that i might have. unpundit in the country can'tntn figure this out and you thinkt u i've got the answer? okay. o i think we're all in political p whiplash with this one. o we don't have road map for what's going on right now peopll are going on the record with their views and that's always aa good thing. t i think that, you know, trump tp continues to do what he's alwayy be bold, be unapologetic, i'm a big believer how do you one thing is how you do everythingth and trump is doing that one thing he knows how to do ando do that is, you know, compete. >> leeza, we appreciate your time today. we wish you the best in any new adventures or endeavors youou might be heade headed towards hk is called fears optimism if you want to pick
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thanks, leeza.eeza. >> 9:41. 1. apparently justin beiber has new adventures as well involving hih temper and still ahead in the it fox beat we'll talk about why aw that could be costing him big money. speaking of big money how manyon songs drop to party in ourn o backyard. we'll go to tmz next. it's 9:41.'s 9:41.
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>> wait until you hear how many tray songs was dropping on ags pool party right here in our her backyard.bayard >> for details we turn to tmzmz dax holt live in los angeles. good morning to you.go we'll start off with the littlet wayne story obviously woe saw he had two seizures recently.en now been released from thed om hospital and going back on touro right away. what's going on with this story? >> yeah, you know, very scary incident. but his people are saying he's all good.l g all back to normal, and, upping, ready to to g but you got to realize, you know, two so insures on this t plane and had to be -- the playp had be to be grounded twice,d t taken to the hospital. hospital. upping, we had gotten him then m night before.ore partying his face off and he was drinking lean, trouble comingin all over the club. clu in the past when he had had some
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seizures and medical issues, he, said he was no longer going tori be doing lean and was going tong get rid of it altogether.oghe so he had stopped and so i don't know why he is back on it. i don't know if there's any connection to that partying then seizures. but i can tell you that he wenth down that road before.efe. he had stopped so hopefully hely can stop again because it's got to be eye opening for him.or either way like i said his people are saying he's all goodl at this thi point >> all right. well, good news that i guess fof him. justin beiber can't stay out ofa the headlines no matter what he does. fallout from the fight inoufrom cleveland. what's happening? >> york the guy he got in then t fight with last week la mopa richmond is saying beiber caneir avoid a lawsuit if he just sitst down with lamont and they can a sit face to face and they canhey work through their issues ands kind of put this whole thingle behind them. them. he said that he will actually aa take responsibility for theibile fight if justin is willing toili sit down with him. w him but if not, then he will end upu going through with a lawsuit ant pursuingt
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got to think maybe the back of o this maybe lamont just reallyt r just wants that photo.. >> beiber is not taking pictures with fans why would he take one with somebody that's brawlingbr with him. >> you of that no. it will avoid lawsuit and havinh to pay out lot of money, it's, worth the photo.woh th >> you're thinking with thee ngw rationale mind not the beiber mine. mine. >> that's the rationale mine.alm moving on next to tray songs.. we're here in washington, d.c..c mc lean virginia 20, 25 minutesm from our studios. tray songs apparently through a massive party i guess before wee get to the party he's richly r from peter burg two hours or so away from mc lean.n. do you know why he was in mcn lean for this party? >> i have no idea. but i can tell you this partys p was pretty intense. spent $80,000 on this party. rented out a huge mansion 23,00, square foot mansion. 23,000 square foot you heardou that spent 25 grand on that.. then spent $50,000 on an openpe bar. $8,000 on food
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700 people showed up to this thing. ing. including kevin durant a bunchtn of washington redskins players there.there and i'm telling you of one looke like they were having a greatat time. he had 30 security guards auard patrolling the whole thing. theg there were still girl fights git that happened in the pool area. but it looked like it was a was really really fun time.. >> dax, i don't normally throwhw $80,000 parties so is it a thint to just rent out mansion for a party? does that happen normally for people who have a v lot in ton rent a random mansioi for party.ty >> listen, people with a lot ofo money do crazy thing i'm tng assuming yes.assumi yes (laughter). (laugh >> that's crazy to meme theto m party was $80,000 as you do you know any of the redskinsn players were there, names ofre n them or just general redskinsed players that you know about? >> i think just -- yeah, i thini just some walking around i'm not sure exact who'll was there,'ll though. ough >> thanks a lot dax.nks a t we really appreciate it.ate >> you know somebody will try tt one up that party and spend a hundred thousand.u >> i think he's trying to oneo e and drake.
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you can catch tmz weekdays at 3:00 o'clock and 6:30 right herg on fox5.ox5. >> 9:47 is our our coming up next, we're whipping p those dad bodies into s the founder of the annual fit father'father's day celebrationn here to show off some moves dads and kids can do to stay in shape together. how cute is that? y212ly yi0y
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♪ dj kool getting us going here oo a wednesday morning. little crazy right now, right? r just how we like it on good dayy thank you, sir.u, this sunday of course isundc father's day the chance for to r us honor the rollers playhers p in their children's lives.s l >> this sunday one organization is inviting dads to get out ofet the house for few hours of fits fitness and fun with the kids.s. it's third annual fit father'sr' day a free event for the entiree family that features workout, fitness contests live music m information to inspire lifestyle changes.ange for more we enlisted the help op our good day dad mr. wisdom martin on the fox lot now wit
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the hey. >> good morning to you. we'll need djoo kool to pump muc so we can get this going. g he's also joined by eric he will son. we're talking about fit fatherse this is the third year for the event. it has the kids and your partner here, you know, get going. tell us about the event and hown people can get involve.. >> it's our third annual fitit father's day celebration c happening downtown silver s springs. 10am to 12:00 p.m. 12: p veterans plaza.tera we're starting off way groupayro fitness workout and then we have an array of fitness contests fot both the kids, the dads and the moms and now we've add add if if tee plus contest.. >> what? >> we don't leave the seniorseno out. out. we going to have health full hef vendor as lot of information onn not just fitness but overall wellness. the whole mission fiss fathers t to empower dads with the tools e needed to take over the major household, cooking more shopping, preparing lunches. attending pt
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>> anybody can come down. >> anybody can come down the a a free event you can sign up at fit father's >> okay. >> okay. >> or you can just show up.yo we got a life dj.e we're giving out over $3,500 in prizes.priz >> right. >> it's just going to bet' magnificent. >> okay.>> all right. you got the kids over heree ds o workinworking out, and so what e going to do when can he get dowd here. any certain thing you going tont do. everybody having a free fall.vif everybody running around.nd. >> two celebrity trainers, mikem and tiffany and myself. >> yup.up >> we have ravens kyle are ainge ton and r and b artist.t -- >> hold on. get to work over here.toover no stretching in this segment. we're almost out of town.e almot >> show them your push ups. pus >> show us some push ups.use pus go >> come on.>> com there you go. keep. ep -- -- >> do them at the same >> it'sem all about kids what ii means to be fit and overall whew they're 35, 40, they don't haveh to change their lifestyle to goo through those stag m
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like i don't know if i can do this. >> right. if they grow up already instilled -- with thoughh mechanics they have a better change of leading theiradg the generation as well talking about reading fool labels understander what the rda is for sugar what w we should be eating and what wea shouldn't be eating. influencing their friends, too,o the sad thing healthy kid can gc to school and become unhealthyeh because all of their friends think they're not cool enough.n. >> right. >> this actually happened withau my oldest daughter.dte >> really? >> so we have to -- we reinforci why we're leaving this healthy y lifestyle.styl >> gotcha. it's a's a >> it's definitely a >> all right. look i saw them doing somethingm earlier they were on your back b while you were doing swats.. were we do that eric show me a a little something something. setg tell me how important -- >> ahh. >> please don't have an acciden' here at fox5 in the parking lotg tell me why this is important.ta >> i mean this is a paradigm. isn't work out while you're ta talking.talkin it you can for better tv. >> para
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community together.og it's a mazing. it's to have my son and my three-year-old daughter excitedc about working out and my wifee advocating for great so it's just amazing thing. >> okay. oh wow she's got skills overll o here. he we'll do jumping jacks you giveg out the location and informatiod and how people can get involve.v spread out.sput we'll do it while we 30 seconds.econds >> go. go >> make sure ya'll come out this sunday june >> we not in rhythm.thm (laughter). >> keep talking veterans plaza p downtown silver springs. 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 2:00 long on to fit father's day.comd you know the message, stayy active, eat clean and always a energize your life.ou >> that's what i'm talkingt' about. thank ya'll for coming out.'ll g we'll keep going.we'l. should we do push ups now.. >> yes. >> let's go. let's do it.le >> let's do it.>> let do >> one, come on now. now. we, we, we.e, w >> come on, let's's >> come on, people. >> fit fathers day.
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>> all the way down.heay down. isn't walk the walk.isn't walk >> all the way down.>> there you go right there.. >> lame. >> let me toss it back into the too bad we out of time i wasas getting ready to do something s some in my suit.some in my >> we got another minute, wis.e, go for it. >> one hasn't. one >> it's on. >> i think we're out of time. i think we're out of time.ime oh, man. we're out of time.we'r >> tell wisdom we need him to full five more minutes. minut >> how about this? do you have a painting a piece of furnituree maybe some old coins jewelryelry even that you think could bee worth something we'll help you u fine out what it's all worth anh it has to do with this week's te zip trip on friday we're heading to kensington maryland whereylad antiques rule.. several appraisers will on handn to check out your items.rtems. we'll bring it back for you. one day only for from 8:00 to 1o a.m. we'll be in the cart yardyd behind 3762 howard avenue inn kensington.on antiques row.. but get there early to lineo because they will only appraisep your items until 11:00 o'clock1o this morning. you get to see the crew from f fox5 as well. as wl. holly and i wl
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you've done trash or treasure oa many times. times >> popular come early.>> popular >> a lot of trash but some c treasure.sure >> we've always found treasured every time we've done it.y me w' >> super fun.>>uper >> speaking of treasure,. >> treasure one of these mugs. g it's worth lot in the treasure t department but to you pricelesso if you want one of our cool goog day mugs they're available righb the perfect cup for from thatth great dunkin' donuts coffee.fe head to one lucky winner selected by random drawing. drawi you have until 11:00 p.m. to00. enter.ter it is now 9:57. 9:5 we got a twitter picture fromreo michael. thank you great photo. love the good day you and the mug look fantasticta together. toge now that is treasure. t use the good day hash tag if yot have a photo. ha we'll be right back with the 101 next. ♪ ♪ the roast looks good dad. how good? 162 likes. did i get any retweets on those green beans? yep! and they're blowing up on instagram. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet!!!! as it should.
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and everything you need to make it picture perfect. now be sure to tag your mother because she needs more followers. ok. now be sure to tag your mother thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course...
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nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios well you've come to the right place. great, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm you're all right bud? never better i don't know if he likes that. yeah part of the complete breakfast
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the roast looks good dad. how good? 162 likes. did i get any retweets on those green beans? yep! and they're blowing up on instagram. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet!!!! as it should.
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d everything you need to make it picture perfect. now be sure to tag your mother because she needs more followers. ok. ♪ >> day at 10a the only place toy be this wednesday morning. pni. boy, are we bringing it liv in the loft. d.c. own stacey lattisaw hadw string of hits and she's here th tell us about her new stagetage project. he's back. ward seven primary race winner n former d.c. mayor vincent gray. he's going to join us live in i the loft. >> and it is the home show witht a mike holmes co-host of home free joining us to talk about the season two premier. premier not bad for a wednesday.ednesd >> 10a starts right now.s righn. ♪ work out a little bit. >> that was just a warm up.. >> let's see the club moves.s. let's see the club moves. m >> here we
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do your thing, wis. wis >> chris said it's time to i don't have time. >> i wonder wagon kind of clubgi had you dancing on the tables. >> i'd like to be a witness tone that. >> wisdom had previous life.m h >> he that was one of his back in thee day moves. >> who is that dude right there? >> oh, my gosh, dj kool is in sn the house. check him out. he is with us all morning long in the lot of spinning tunespins fresh off beyonce' tour. >> nice. >> he got in formation for real. >> was that, jay-z. j >> who was that? >> i know who it is. it is rhetorical. >> okay.>> o >> dj kool, how you doing?ng >> good. >> yes. >> you got to show people you re bling a >> maybe i should come over there. >> come over here real quick.l grab a society.ab >> i need to be up close and personal. pers jacob the jeweler. jewel
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>> check this out. >> what? >> my bad. >> right. rht >> oh, my. m >> the watch, the ring, okay, dj kool. i'm in my work clothes, that's all. >> this is how he rolls one ros >> man, all right.alight >> whether you're playing for 70,000 or four, there you go. y >> sounds good.d. we appreciate it.pp >> we are honored. we are honor>>. >> spin us tunes through then n hour. >> york that you know.or >> get back to the mix masterase board. i think that's what you call it, right. >> something like that. (laughter)om. >> maureen -- >> those whipper snappers.naer >> all right. allight let's see.e. 10:03. let's see what's trending on this wednesday morning. first up, we all know it'sni been really tough week for theee city of orlando to say the say t leave. latest tragedy happeningappening overnight. it has a lot of people talking.i it's on-going search for ohh two-year-old boy dragged into the water by an alligator..
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floridian resort at the seven seas l resort is not from magic kingd kingdom. he was wading in foot of water at the time. the parents were nearby tried t rescue their son from the gator's grip. there are no swimming signse no posted around the lagoon howevew there no sign signs in the areat warning of potential off alligators. firn and wildlife commissione work closely in the park in then past to control the gator the g population and specifically taki care of nuisance he willl alligators. also in orlando, the fbi still investigating that deadly clubyb as we learn more about the victims, we are also learninge n more about the gunman.bout the fbi is following up on reports mateen was leading ang secret life as a gay man.ay man he had reportedly been to thetoe club several times and reached r out to men on dating apps. mateen's wife could face chargec for her husband's actions. aio sources say she knew about her husband's plan and was with himm when he bought ammunition andio visited the nightclub with himim as well
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and she should.> if there's -- look we talked tot former federal prosecutor earlier this morning. morni he basically broke it down this way.. if somebody let's use thiset'sse example, okay f the gunman inunn this case would have said to somebody, you know, hey, i mighi have the tendency to dode something like this, and theynd didn't stop him, that's a moralr decision but it is not a not criminal decision.. okay. okay as his words were you cannot can prosecute silence.. however, if she went with him th the club, if she went with the ammunition, if she did anythingn to assist f she paid ford anything, or anybody else, paid 1 dollar to try to purchaseurch anything, the gun, whatever ithe is, or cased out the joint,, anything, then you could be coud charged literally with 49 countt of murder.ofder. >> absolutely. >> wow! >> and you should be.uld b >> we all talked about itl talkd yesterday we don't know what's ' happening in their marriage.arri was she under duress at some a m point. would that mitigate. >> it doesn't matter in the eye of the prosecution. psecu >> really? >> now, because the prosecutionr will look at the case if as s
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did have opportunities to leavel that situation. however, that is also the firstt thing the defense will key on.. >> she may be confused and shedd didn't feel like she can say non >> we don't know if that's what' happen in that hypothetical the defense was key on that, was she threatened, was somebody elsey e threatened if she didn't go dn' along with it it's up to thesp judge and the jur the prr'ing says it's not anot execution. >> i hope in some ways shein sea didn't do this of her free willl if you were complicit in this cl you knew somebody was going tosi carry this out and yet you stils did this -- >> you should be charged withho murder. >> you're not even a human bei being. >> you can't make sense of it because it's senseless.'tus's >> you can't. >> it's one of those things.s e >> i would imagine though thatnt this would be tough to port because for the very reasons yor just mentioned as far as thetioe defense is concern.once >> not if you bought ammunitiono wisdom. >> if you bought, boug if you didn't actuallyy make ala purchase, but if you were just t along, i mean if i'm a defense d lawyer i can say, look, she wase threatened much he was forcing g her to do this. i'm just saying from prosecutoro f prosecutor's stand point. poi it may be hard to prosecute ande make this stick
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make any purchases.. >> meanwhile, can i just say ity also just feel bad for thead f people of orlando.rlan i mean you know what i mean? ea? because the news weighs on you n it does. d we read it every day. and to have back to backk tragedies like this.e t it's a lot for community. >> and christina grimmie freemme day night. >> it's tough on community.s just days after the shootintog n orlando britain prince william taking a stand against bullyingg he'll appear on the cover much c gay magazine second in line of the thrown the first member ofsm the royal family to appear onlyr the cover of the magazineagaz attitude. in it he says "no one should beb bullied for their sexual willual the or any other reason and no one should have to put up with p that kind of hate that thesehatt young people have endured inavee their lives".lives" now, the digital version of this magazine is already available.l. the print version will hit the store shelves on june 22 and. a >> good for yeah.yeah >> exactly. >> back here at home talk aboutl
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girl power.ower. michelle obama the first lady ty sat down with oprah winfrey andd shared her visions for life fore after the white house.tethe the first lady told oprah thatha she a normal life. l who wouldn't, right? that? normal life she says includesysc trips to target.toar the interview happened at thenea white house state of women summit. su the% lady began the discussion with a tribute to the victims os the orlando massacre. she also gushed over her husbans president obama calling him swag licious.licious. >> watching my husband walk off marine one and go to the oval office, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm. (laughter).. >> and you know he's got that tt walk, right. >> i know. (applause).(app >> like hmm. he's got the swag. s did he always have that swag ora has he gotten swaggy eightyghty >> no, he was very swag liciouso >lo
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>> you may have swag before whew you're president --re - >> you got -- it.>> y >> goes up a notch. notch >> he upped the swag game quite a bit.e >> i love the fact they t compliment each other the way te they do. he always saying about beautifut he thinks she is.she i love them as a couple.ple. the first lady also said shed looks forward to going for walkl by herself enjoying privateg times with her family, just a lot. i know she's looking forward too next couple of months whenple oh they're finally out of office.of speaking of oprah, she spent s e time here locally over thehe weekend. ek didn't stop by the good day lost which okay momma o we forgiveve you but she did did go to annapolis to attend a birthday party for the mother of a boy ay she called a prophet of our time. jenny is the mother of manny m seventy three panic a child poeh who made several appearances ono the oprah winfrey show. he died at age 13. he wrote seven best selli
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books for his death and joannd remains close to oprah to this t day. day. >> so nice for oprah to talkal about. ou we talk about manny so much andc how he contributed in his youngy life. >> all right. >> 10:10 is the time. 1im today we're taking a look at how americans are using or not using their vacation new study is sdyi shedding light on that topic iti found that most americans don'ts use all their vacation.. 55% in 2015 up from 42% in 20132 and last year, the average worker only took 16.2 days of vacation down from 20 days in 1993. this results in 658 million unused vacation days and vac 222 million of those days can'tc be rolled over or exchanged for if that's not enough incentivenc for to you take all yourllr vacation, well this might be.e. because a different survey saysy you're more likely to get a to g raise if you take at least 11 11 vacation days a year. it says the main reason people o pass on taking vacation they t hate the mountain
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waiting on them when they get back. also, 58% say their boss isn'tst very supportive of them taking vacation.tion. and let's look at how much vacation has dwindled over thevt past 40 years.. between 1976 and the yearhe year 2000 san the average person toon 20 vacation days a year. today that's down to 16 days a year. >> that's in this thc you go overseas -- >> they take 42 days. d they take lot of vacation.atn >> yeah. >> you need time to kind of hitd the reset button. bn >> i tell you i was one of thoso who never did take all myake a vacation days.s. >> really?>> >> yeah. i don't know why.i do >> i never have had. >> you never had t >> can he come to me and say, s hey you went ver. ove give some of that money back.ey i don't have that problem, no.ln >> i don't have that problem anm more.more i'm begging for more day >> we've moved on. >> 10:11 our time right n still ahead, back in the spotlight.spotli
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to make her stage debut. deb first, though, she's going to ss join us live in the loft. >> and a season three of empire justin beiber breaks down andow that so-called sexy proves hees still got it. it. 10:12 is the time.. celebrity dish on good day coming up next. ♪
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♪ (laughter).ghte >> wisdom knows this g back in the day -- (laughter).(laur) >> yeah.eah. >> 10:15 is the time. te. that's dj kool and we are heree for the good day celebrity dish. >> emotions still raw followingi the death of singer christina grimmie.mi. justin beiber shed a few tearsaa on stage during a tribute to hih late friend at the winnipeg stos of his purpose world tour whilet the 22 year old pop star wasp sw performing his song purpose hepo laid down on the ground andd called out grimmie can you heara me? he wiped tears from hisis eyes with the back of his arm os before jumping back up to back p continue his performance. now, justin became close withloe grimmie while i was touring with his ex selena gomez. >> all right. right. >> i didn't know they knew eachh other.r. >> also this morning, actor andd comedian kevin hart was thehe victim of very costly burglaryyl over the weekend.
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thieves apparently tried -- tri pride open the back door of thee actor's california home and made off with clothes, jewelry and ad watches.watc estimated cost of the burglary u half million dollars.. >> wow!! >> expensive jeans. jeans. police are looking atpolice area surveillance video to see ifceet those cameras pick up image ofme the robbers.bers the burglars made it threw twoht security gates to enter theer property while heart was out ofo town tmz says hart was in miamim and didn't discover the break ik until he returned home.etd ho you mean to tell me kevin hart has 75,000 movies and doesn'ts d have burglar system in place? pe >> inside job.ide come on. >> yeah. i think so. >> two security gates and -- really ritzy gated community.. >> somebody knew the code.ebknew >> somebody knew the code.omeb >> somebody knew the code.e. hey, iggy azalea headed to australias' version of the x factor. the pop star will bex joining tg judges panel unfortunately forny fans she'll be pushing thebe phg release of her second albumum digital distortion. disto it was supposed to come out onn june 24th.. she doesn't kn
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date will be. >> done sell for iggy no moreoor career?? >> music career.. >> how is ziggy going to givengo advice about singing.ut singing. >> that's a good question.t' i hadn't thought about that. >> dj kool k iggy give advicedve about singing.out >> she's fancy. >> but she's not a singer. >> dj kool said no, she can't do it. >> thank you. >> that would be like me giving advice. >> we're not going to listen to you.oto i can rap. i can rap. >> i'm just saying.'must >> empire fans not lookingire oo forward to long summer without episodes of the hit they have to wait until the fale to find out what happened durine the second season cliff hanger.n we caught up with some of the ot cast. cast everyone was keeping a tight lip where the blot line will go nexn season is anyone's guess. g the cast is not doing any tal >> they are repeating themselvel with their tight lips. >> right. >> we tease. do you want a sneak peek of
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you ---- >> here we go. >> here we go.. >> i have no idea.o i i promise you. y i think they don't tell us on uo purpose so that when he getwh h through to the red carpets wears don't blow but i really don't know who wasw pushed off the balcony. bco i don't know. >> you know what, only andre and nose. you know what i moan? yeah, y you'll have to come back forack season three. >> don't be trying to cheat usct out of season three.n. >> look at this face. you get nothing.>> >> ahh! >> you guys are mary. mary. pillow he wasn't it was, rhonda. >> dj kool said the wife is gooe gone. >> boo boo kitty did it.oo bitty >> yeah. >> y >> oh, okay.h, o >> who do you think fell over the balcony. th >> i say rhonda.hond >> i say rhonda, too. too >> rhonda. >> you going with that. you're easyou. >> as long as boo boo kitty iss still on the show it's all good. they are misusing her. mher. she's not oh on there enough.h. i'm just saying. say >> she did just get married.. >> i'm just saying i'm talking about her acting skills and her level of being -- paying pay attention to her script and thet way
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word.word >> wisdom has been payingayg attention to her s >> brilliant actress. you can't hate on that. i'm just sayu ing.i'm j saying. she's great. >> all right. up next in recent interview with pride source diva singer mariaha carey said if she was given then opportunity to chat with the w 1990s version of herself, one of the first topics she wouldics se address would be a completeomet makeover of her young self's bounce see ring lets affinity for brick brown lipstick. lipic >> okay.>> oy. >> what? >> all right. she said it was clear that hert glam squad had no idea what the were d she also wishes she had been wearing more glitter and less in that samend view she touchede on her present day style and her affinity for lingerie and shehe said that it is real and thathat she really does walk around thed house in lingerie saying she barely owns any clothes. >> what? >> let me just say, she is a
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>> right. >> she is very talented.ed whether it was back in the '90'' or today she is excellent. excel wouldn't you agree, dj kool. >> yes. >> thank you. thank you.thank u. >> like the bro squad here. sad >> are we talking about her music? music? >> yes. for now. >> okay. okay do you guys remember hot selling jeremy meeks? meeks >> how can you forget those eyes. eyes >> brilliant actor.rill he's a brilliant actor. >> he's a brilliant criminal.mi >> it has been three monthshreen since he left the slammer and wd have confirmation that he's still a hunk. h meeks posted what appears to bes the first of his professionalss head shots to instagram. meeks agent has said that the te hot felon is now entertaininging modeling and actingcting opportunities because, wisdom,dm he is a brilliant actor.or. >> okay. can i just say --st s - >> attention to the script. >> i think he's very hot buts vt that tear drop tattoo on the ont on his neck i can't. i just i can't.
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>> really.>> rea >> i can't get past the eyes.hee >> i can't.. >> all i say one of guys keepine it real. it the other is talking loud andoua saying -- you talking about youa can't get past the >> i can' i'm talking -- i'm not talking about his c until past.hic unti. >> i'm talking about you said aesthetics of the whole thing. >> what are you talking about? >> you couldn't get past that. >> steve, she's siblings aresibr fighting. meanwhile we'll hasn't it overwe to you.. >> please nothing new. >> exactly.ctly >> the man is a good publicist.t no doubt about it.ut >> back to mariah carey.h c >> vince gray's political comeil back the former d.c. mayor secured himself a spot on theon d.c. council come november andov just hours literally after his ward seven win he's with h we'll join us coming up.g u also good day getting real about what it is like to be gay inn america. we'll talk about that also the terror attack, after the terrorr tack at a nightclub in orlando.o our friend paul wharton willrtow join us with that coming up att 10:21 next.nex
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♪ now.ook outsider right we had couple really really nicc days. days >> okay. >> we need some rain.e needome >> scattered rain out there. >> rain must fall. fal >> overcast conditions.nditis check in with caitlin find out o what we can expect throughoutn the day today. hey, caitlin.aitl >> hey there, guys.>> h we have a fesh
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cloudy day ahead, but we did get fantastic weather on monday andd tuesday. all right. we do need the rain.o ne the haven't got den much a few a f sprinkles that came through earlier today that band of of showers over baltimore rightig now. now. however, it look like one littlt guy right outside the beltwayelw just popped up and that ishat shower with decent steady rainai along 270 where you hit theit beltway between mc lean and bethesda up along route 190 190 where the instead yesterday raid looks to be falling right now.iw it looks like it's moving east e northeast probably into bethesda and then northern parts ofern ps district northwest d.c. could be seeing that shower soon.oo so that's just one shower outhoo we've got a few more out towards winchester front royal but veryy light and even starting to fallf apart looking less robust than t they were a little bit earlier. all right. r that's what we're looking atwe'g with temperatures real quick, 72 in washington and 69 in annapolis. 70 in manassas. we'll show that you seven dayevn forecast for you real 82 later tod
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showers. showers and storms likely latee thursday into friday.y few showers early on friday butt then beautiful weekend.kend that is in store for saturdayort and sunday make up for it on the weekend. en father's day weekend much that'e a look at your forecast. foras holly back over to you. >> thanks caitlin. thanks cait political come back incumbentsnc ousted those are the bigre headlines across the dc political landscape this t morning. and here's why.anhere former dc mayor vincent gray winning ward seven council democratic primarily handily. hy last night beating incumbent council member yvette alexanderd by an almost two-one marginarn pretty quick come back for gray who lost second bid for mayor in 2014 following a scandal s involving a shadow campaign from his 2010 race. race. and we are very happy to say that mr. gray is making fox5 his first media stop since last night's victory and let us start by saying, congratulations.atio >> thank you very much.ouy mu i appreciate i want to thank the people of ward seven for their confidencec in giving me the opportunity opy once again to serve them. >> whe
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game last fall the first thingi you said you really missed beind in office.ffic you missed representing thein people of washington, d.c. of how much did you miss that? >> incredibly great amount.. i -- i rea really love working h people. i spent my whole life doing le that. my life has been spent in one or another form of service too people, you know i spent a lot of years working in the no non non-profit sector, and then i got elected to office, aftericet being director of the department of human services.of i served as the council member in ward seven then the chairmanr of the council and then mayorhe all i ever wanted to do was do stuff for people and this givesv me an tune once again to do.gain >> there were three councilere members the people were saying we're noe happy with what's going on righo now. yet they been you back as well.l how much do you think you you getting a raw deal or what appeared to be raw deal playedle into people's voting for you?oru >> well, i think it was aas factor. i think people feel very ver disinfected by the way we wereae trat
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but i also believe peopleeo remember how we work. w you know, we really worked hardd to be able to engage withit you go back and look at our a record, you know, as mayor.ay. you look at the financialanal conditions of the city which ocy improved tremendously educationn continued to improve. economic development expandedmee across the district of columbiac you go back and look at theook t crime statistics look at thek ae homicide is it a tess ticks tesi during the four years that i waw in office.ic substantially below where we are today. so not only do i believe it was, you know, people making a mak statement about what happened to us, but i think they believedie that we really served the city extremely well during the time m was mayor.wa >> now, mr. mayor,mayor, mr. councilman, mr. gray -- (laughter).(laughter). >> all of the above, right.abovt >> those thee members of council that did not get re-elected werr all supportive of the current mayor. ma >> um-hmm. >> you're coming back on boarda council now. co let's put the cart way ahead ofo the horse right now. now. council enough for you? >> well, it certainly i you know people hav
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about this. abt am i using this as a stepping sg stone, you know, to run foror mayor again. ain i have never planned any political move two years ahead. when i ran to for was seat in ward i'm looking forward to work with the people of ward seven. v we're going to start veryy shortly i'll start a planning pn process with the people of wardr seven. i wanted to something i thinketi has never been done at a ward w level been that is develop anelp action plan with the people ofeo ward seven so that we have, you know, a game plan at hand thatat reflects what the people want,e, the things they want focused ond the other thing that i want to n do, also, is to start an effortf an initiative called leadershipp seven. so that in the future we havee people who have had chance to be exposed to these opportunitiesni haven't chance to be trained fof these opportunities and areppori already to step up these leadership positions.posit be it the valued neighborhoodd commission, sick civicsi, si association, or if the councilou in the future.he fute. >> ideas are always great, andlt they do get you
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times, but it's no secret off contentious relationship with mayor bowser.ser so between now and the next mayoral race, whether you decide to run or not, you have to work together.togeer how are you going to be able to be productive and actually goodg things done when you're at edge a lot of >> i think beginning with a wh constructive proce i think having a plan. p i'm perfectly prepared to sitred down with her and talk about tht things that the people of ward w seven want.ven i want to hear what her ideas are. this certainly will be days whew we have disagreements but that'a a healthy process. but i'm assuming they'll are faf more days when we agree on howgo we want to move forward. fwa i look forward to working withng her to get that done.. >> little time now kind of putn the rest of the plan together.ot but at the same time hopefully s get a chanceam to enjoy things g w.w. plans for the summer now as youy get ready to ease yourself backb into public office?ubffic >> well, not really. you know, i'm a workaholic, anda
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being able to get the work witht the people of ward seven.. i really haven't left public service totally even since i left office.ffe. i did a fellowship at howard university where we broughte people in to talk about education, to talk about ak a variety of public policy issues. so, um, frankly that's the funun of life for me i'm looking forward to it.forw >> i know last night in your y acceptance speech you got a little emotional.motional you said you were going to takek take too much time to celebratea because just wanted to get work the self professed workaholicoro that you are. in that moment when your voiceov broke a little bit how did redemption >> gong i call it redemption.. i call it being given an giv a opportunity to love what i lovel to do.. >> appeally appreciate thelly ea support of the people of wardfar seven. they made an overwhelming e atement yesterday. there's a lot of diss avenue ifi he can. the constituents services issues i heard them constantlytl throuou
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wanting to feel responded to and respected.espt and that's what they can expect from me and that's what i washaw thinking about when i washei wa talking last night. >> anything different this time around and we hate to use theose terms of that because of whatbea kind of weighed over you in youy time as mayor obviously you were not found to have done anythingn wrong. we'll be clear about that. clear do you look at this as another h chance now to kind of approach c things in different way or go or about it the same way you alwaya did. >> i'll continue to do what i did before.indi if you look at my term as mayor we work verily with the peoplehp of the city.of the cit i was out in the city at all aal and i look forward to being abla to continued to those kind of things.thin there's not lot of lot i would fundamentally change how we wenw out. it's an opportunity to continue to be able to do those things. s >> your dedication to the cityot finitely >> he has a lot of the e-mails aneld tech messages. mesge >> how many text messages dids you have? >> 116. 116 (laughter).(lghte >> if he hasn't replied to youiu yet, cut the guy a break, rightt >> they will hear from me.y wi >> they will hear from you at ht
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>> 120 right now.>> 1 thank you.thk yo >> thank you very much forou v coming in. >> i appreciate it. i app sure. >> pleasure. all right. wis, over to you. >> still ahead on good daywi, a d.c. r and b super star who sr walked away from the spotlight g returns to the stage this t weekend.eken but this time around staceyy lattisaw is trying something ang little bit different.iffe something a little biting a different. we're talking about acting. we're sitting dowg n with that t star, with her and the creatorht of a new stage play unseenns presence that's coming up next. time now 10:33. 1 we're back in a moment.n a ♪ it's a great day for an adventure.
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come chase thrills that lead in every direction. yet somehow bring us all back together. busch gardens williamsburg and water country usa. vacation packages start at $50 per person. a whole other world awaits.
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>> that's dj kool in the house.n what's up dc cool? all right.i. he's warming us up this morningg warming us up. us u let's talk about.ut d.c.'s own stacey lattisaw had h string in the hits in the '80it' that included what you need, le, me be your angel, perfect combination. i feel like i need to sing right there. th but i can't sing so i'll keeplee going. at the height of her career, she chose to leave the musicus industry on her own terms and this weekend she's dusting offug the microphone and making her acting debut in a new mew sill s cage play that focuses on p fatherhood and the challengeshae fathers face today.ay good morning to you, staceytace lattisaw and thank you forou coming in and talking with us aa well. you got a special guest herespes with you as well. wl >> goo
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yes.. >> rows vessel jackson.s >> good morning to you. good morning to you.oo thank you both for coming in ana speaking with us this morning. i >> thank you.>> t >> stacey, why now? why grabhya the microphone and not sing andg good back to -- gone into actinn right now? >> it's something i had alwayslw considered for very long time.ot and several people had contact d me in regards to, you know, possibly a role in a play and ia kind of red some scripts, you, o know, but they didn't knock mow out.out. >> right. >> just didn't grab me at all.l. so when i read roosevelt, i wass like, this is so cool.l. >> um-hmm. >> it's so relatable.e and it's a powerful powerful play. so i was like, upping what, i w think i can do this. >> okay. >> and so yeah we hooked upp and --an-- >> gotcha. gotcha. >> he's a wonderful person. per. >> right.>> rig >> i'm so excited.ed >> okay. >> >> it's just a great story.justo it's a powerfulry story. >> okay. rows vessel, tell me how youellw came up with this story
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you wanted stacey a part of it.. >> stacey growing up on her music, love on two way street,tr let me be my angel me and mighta have wife have been doing thisnt for six year on the ground out o there hustling f i ever get to o that level there's one person in d.c. i want miss lattisaw. >> right. >> when my people got in touchih with her, and she called me, i said,, hel >> big moment.>> >> i had to be cool, right. hello. hi, this is --s - >> sometimes my assistant calls back.back but i was like, let me talk. t we had actually talked awhileil ago. we reconnected.. >> when she called and we talk talked. but the really got me was the neck morning i missed her phone call. stacey said call h she probably going to say no.o a i called >> see you got to be positive. r right. so i said hello, roosevelt, i i heard about your plays. your movies. how -- it was nothing but greate things when she said that
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to see the script. s i want to do it.ot >> i'm like what?ha >> i called my -- i contrite geg off the phone to call my it was a blessing becausegau everything that's going on ingon the city and the world and stuff --stuf-- >> right. >> howard theater said we haveea an opening for to you come. com i've done seven plays, movies and they said come on down wen w have an opening.pening i want to do a play called cle unseen presence the story about men and how they're not being -g in the lives of their children e and also how it affects the women.wo the mothers, and the children and when miss lattisaw saw it si and read it, it just ---- >> took it to another level, lel >> took my -- that's all i i worked for.edor >> it's funny when peopleeopl actually see me, when they see the role i'm playing, they're, not going to know it's me. i'm singing -- playing anying a 85-year-old >> really. >> totally different from me.fee >> okay. >> so yeah. would want to geoff it away.wa but yeah, i'm not going t
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like me at all.. >> now all our viewers are goine to know and go see your play.r p they're all going to to >> i gavotte away.av a >> that's okay.>> that's okay that's all right. rht. look, this is -- it's aboutut fathers. >> >> how important of a message ii this to get out? >> oh, it's so important. impor i want -- i want to you touch on because, you know, we weree,ou k talking about, you know, thereno are a lot of young kids today without parents in their lives r especially the fathers, and forr a mother -- for a daughter, you know, that's tough.ou you know, so this story talksks about that, and it talks about a gentleman where his dad he's like -- he's justs ting him money here and there but hisre b father -- >> not being dad. >> not being a dad. >> he's okay about the gifts. gs i'm okay with the jordan tennist shoes. oe i'm okay with this and that butt dad i want you.d want i want your presence in my life. >> yeah.ea that's what it's all about,t right yes.ght yes. >> right. the way i write
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stories. three and they all combine. cbi i'm a father of eight-year-oldd and 14-year-old i teach my son y to be a man.. yes, sir, no, sir, look me the face.e one thing he knows i will neverr respect him about wearing myeang pants down.sow teaching my daughter to be ato a woman. n. men do not put their that's what i teach in thosen t place. you go away knowing this i lovev to write and i write to educatea because that's my gift andif a having miss jackson there justt takes me out there more.or like i said it's from my movie misconceptions of a father that i right, produce and direct.. me and why my wife doifeo everything. i took that and made into a play.haa >> okay. >> and that's where it came from.t' eople know us underground. we've been doing this for six years that's how his jacksonks heard about us and we had thehe howard theater unseen presence.c >> this saturday.s sa >> this saturday. >> matinee 1:00 o'clock.. >> 1:00 o'clock doors open.door >> you can still get tickets.til >> tickets are available.ilab
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it's like so -- it's amazing a that people are asking me, are e you come to go at land t are you coming to new york we're workin on it.yo >> okay. o it's blowing up.lowi up >> there's the information righe there on the screen. ie we are out of time.onwe a out we could talk about this allis a day. i would love to sit here to talt about this all all day. >> always good to see you. >> always good to see you. to y. >> yes. >> you saw the information. we'll have it on our website ase well. well so get out and see the play. t >> all right.>> >> back over to you on the cou couch. >> thank you all for coming in. >> till still a fhead att 10:00 good day gets real abouts what it's like to be gay inn america.america. paul wharton taking a look at l the daily struggles members of o the lgbtq community face every day. we're back after this. 10:42.
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♪ >> this past weekend d.c. lgbtq commune at the celebrated pridea if you were there or just sawthj the pictures, you know it can bb a heck of a party, but as we ala know the nationwide celebrationn was shattered by that deadlydl mass shooting at orlando gayan g club.. so this morning, we're gettinget real about being gay in americai because after years of progressr change in cultural attitudes and major steps during equality inqt recent year may be easy to forget for many living out, out living proud can still be a stib struggle. here to talk more about it goodg day contributor paul wharton and his panel of friends.of fen good morning to you
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>> good morning.>> good mornin >> on what continues to be verye difficult time.. >> very difficult time. i think one thing that i was thinking one reason it hit me m especially hard because for lotl of young people before they're e ready to come out to theiro t families and their friends, they find their local gay bar. g they go there. they meet new friends.rids they can talk about life issuess and explore things and build b their confidence, and then theyt come out. um -- um >> like a safe haven. like >> it is a safe haven. even for someone like me. i'm always distinguishingtingshn between okay is this persons thn staring at me for hand shake or a hate crime? i'm always kind of looking out for that. one place i never really have to watch my back at one of our funf local gay spots.po so this was kind of extremely shocking for me. and of course i'm saddened and a just want to know how can we use this experience to strengthenen the community, the lgbtq
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friends is he they understandthn why this means so much to us.mus >> i think that's important because as we're looking at thih tragedy i think a lot of people -- i'm going to say thist it may not be popular. there's some piece of me that feels like for some people a lot of people this tragedy doesn't t strike at the heart like some oo the others did.s d it's like oh it's gay men it'sei that i kind of get that sense i hatet saying that but that's sort ofor what i've -- i've come upep feeling. for some reason it doesn'tt d strike as deeply.stke a >> you probably feel that wayt w because they're not saying it. >> um-hmm. >> we've heard terrorism. we've heard islam. iam we've heard all of these othersr political talking points.poi but i really haven't heard very much about how this directlyy affects the lgbtq community andy so i think it's an important ioa part to speak on. >> yeah, and you've brought youy friends who please introduce idu yourselves and, you know, weighi in on the tragedy and for you as a give man in america,
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things different for you nowor than they were perhaps years ags when you came out? >> well, i would say more say m specifically than that they're ' different day than they weren th four days four days ago my life was -- i lived in the safe place i'vece i been able to create a safe placp for me and my work and mynd m friends and my family, and events of the last four days ag really reminded me of how vulnerable and how unsafe and ad how unaccepted and how discriminated against so many in our community are. a it's very easy to get emotionaln about it because it's easy to go back to that place where you don't feel safe and if you don'n foal safe, you're not happy anda it's very hard to have a happy p life. >> and for you, you owned a gay nightclub at one time, right. rg >> i did.>> d i opened a nightclub back in thn '80s when i had -- i started my own company back in the '80ss because i was in a company, i got pro mowing, my boss came inc to me and said i'm so proud ofuo you congratulations.ul. by the way there's a rumor morer going around the company
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your not, are you? he said hai because i think you're great bue you know we don't allow gayow people in this company. comny i didn't start my businessy bu because i had an idea inventiono i started my own company becausu i need to do save place to be. and so yeah, so for me the clubb bars and nightclubs wereser absolutely the first place wherw we could feel and so to see these kids and k most of them were young to seeo them in a place where theyhere t thought they were safe and to bo so devastated it's really hard. >> last one minute you're youngu 22 years old.. really just kind of coming intoo this. what has it been like for you fr what's your reaction.r rection. >> i grew up very religious.. so my mom's main concern, well,, you get nothing something that t can be dangerous.can be dange there's going to be hate crimesi things like that. and couple days ago was actualct eye opening i didn't have tot experience anything like thatg a before. because grew up religious andig things like that coming out wast the hardest part. p how is my mom going to take it? ho
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it? but when you actually jumpj out there and you come out, you, have other lgbt family that have your back on things like that.ea >> i mean it's such a deep's sh conversation.conver i'm sorry we've run out of timem to talk more because we've onlyo scratched the surface, paul.rfap but we thank you for bringingngn topic like this to the floor thr where we can talk about it anda get the dialogue gaboing. gng >> get the dialogue going.gueoi. maureen you and i have been out socially and you know if youf yu grab my hand it's like we don't even think about it twice. twi but for somebody like david andd i, you know, even though we're h friends, if i grab his hand now there's kind of another thoughtt process or a layer to consider.. are we safe? the same way thata you and i are friends? we justu really have to get back to thatt place, um, and this a great, umu place to start that conversati conversation. >> we grab your hasn't. we are around all of youe . >> steve we'll talk it back to c you. we are is this together, isoget, love, is love, is love. steve?
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season number of the two fox t f construction reality show homehm free set to appear tomorrowappeo night. it is sure to feature more m construction tal challenges thes stakes are higher and the contestants not just competing for themselves dream home form their personal hero.thei executive producer co-host ofo-t the show mike holmes who joins o us this morning. mni hi, mike, good morning. >> good morning, steve.. how are you are you today. toda. >> it's funny mike we talk aboua not only is the show growing ana changing so are the hosts of tht show. sh we talk with your new partner p tim tebow a short time ago. time kind of joking with him, mike. m you are two guys that could easily go work out together. there's no shortage of manpowero on this set.. >> well, let me tell you, tim -m he's a big boy. b he's about 6-foot four, 245 pounds.nd he kind of towers over me and tm makes me little a little smaller but that guy has got heart so so big. i mean it shows. sho as soon as he meets everyone hey wants to hug them he wants to w kiss them he wants to talk too k them forever. i'm always grabbin
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come on man we got to get thesee houses done.hoes don we got to finish us.ish we're on the clock here. let's do this. >> mike, let me ask you because we don't have a lot of time of e unfortunate toll get to it.ate g let's dive right into the show.o what are folk going to see f s different this year and what isa it that i guess the viewers cann take away from this because whee we watch your shows we're alwayy looking for how we can get somem of these little tips at home too help ourselves?es >> well, this year unlike lastil year we're going to build an bui entire neighborhood. we're not going to move aroundod atlanta.a 11 houses that's 10 homes on holme free boulevard and right a around the corner is the ultimate prize that dream homeam the 11 competitors they got to t compete. they're going to be -- wee -- created a huge game arena where at the beginning of the week, they start in then t drill down challenge and they a end in the arena the tendon ofh the week for the final cut challenge where someone iseone s either moving on or going to bee eliminated from the challenge. what's good about this, homeowners are going to feel the wonderful love of everything.. the drama, every singl
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in the human body you willl witness. good for mom and dad.good for m good for the kidoms. k not to mention you'll have meavm teaching you what products to use, why to use it and how to h make it >> mike,ing. >> at the end of the week -- w >> i just -- >> we get to give away a brand b new home to every >> we got to let you go. we'll be watching thursday nighn right here on fox5 most of the trustworthy people out there in the world of tow vision.
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♪ apologies to mike holmes we just flat out ran out of time hadn't to cut that interviewie short but you can watch homet oe free tomorrow night at -- rightr here on fox5.. we sure hope do >> thanks to dj kool playing us out all day. aay paul wharton the did you go he had going amazing sorry we rani out of time to talk more. scratching the surface.ra s let's hope the dialoguehope tia continues with you at home.t >> got to start it. >> thank you all.ll >> good show today.d shoday. all good energy provided by dj kool. >> yes. >> we are inclusive and we allll all on good day. everyone is welcome to the loft. ♪
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it's the wendy williams show. >> wendy: how you doin'? >> wendy: my girls are always turned out. i give it to you straight. >> now, here's wendy! ♪ ♪ >> wendy: so hello! thank you for watching. hello.


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