tv Good Day DC FOX June 20, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EDT
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that means virtually no blue nob line service for two week. so how is the first rush hourush test go today? we'll live teamt coverage.rage one week later. today we'll likely learn moreear about the orlando nightclub nig shooter and his possible motivation.on thanks to transcripts of phoneoe calls he made during the attack. and this comes as the senateen begins debating a series off controversial new gun control laws. >> it's over.s er. it's over. over. cleveland is the city of cit champions once again!! >> and later, cleveland rocks.ks lebron james making good on hiso promise to his hometown earningn it its first championship tropho in more than half a century.tu we'll have highlights, and reactions from the emotional mvpg day at 9a starts now. ♪ >> for once. o
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>> for once. >> every half a century they rock. >> they're time in the ts >> we'll give them that. w good day d.c.e' it is just past 9:00 o'clock on monday, june 20th 1st day off summer. i'm holly morris alongside off maureen, jim, allison.llis we are having a whole lot of fuo here this week.see steve and wisdom tour.sdom they're both on vacation. >> this morning should america seriously consider profiling, pi that is the question that was tt asked on donald trump says yes s and he's getting mixed reviewsev as a result. a we'll have the latest from thehr campaign trail including whyng hillary clinton was taking atonk break over the weekend.. but first we got to talk about the weather. because today is summer sum solstice. welcome summer. we're glad to have you here.ere the official start of summer thm longer day of the year markingin it in few ways by raisingng awareness about alzheimer's. >> caitlin roth joins us fromino the fox lot she's got greatot g assignment today.assi she's there with erin i guessn g they're ic
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season with a breakfastst barbecue. and a first check on theck o the hi, ladies.adie >> hi there, guys.there,uys. >> hello. >> there's nothing like breakfast barbecue on the firsto day of summer. >> especially with all these alt metro problems i thought i'dhout crash caitlin's party haven't aa nice healthy breakfast.ak >> the girls worked up an an appetite.appetite. we've been outside owl morning m long for the first day of summem at 6:0 6:00 35 this we've had burnt ends barbecuear out here all morning. you put your order. ord >> brisket sandwich on the way. >> okay good.>> okay goo while you take your first bitert your brisket sandwich we'll dod' little bit of weather.. to talk about how hot it has been and how hot it will be as e we go through the rest of todaye and through the rest of theroug week. so, yes, summer officiallymer ca begins at 6:35 p.m. tonight.. a lot of kids their last day ofy school around the area a lot ofl kids are on summer so we're just getting everyonegy in the festive spirit if you'lly be outside, it is a perfect pooo day but it's also going to bengt
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temperatures outside right now w mainly in the 70s.. as we warmed up really quickly i but the great thing it hasn'tas been too morning temperatures rights rht around 73 in washington.. your pool planner forecast wefoe get to it just shows that we'vet got a lot of sunshine.shin we'll hit a high temperaturepera later today of into degreestoeg that's pretty warm that's farha' above average we haven't had tot many 90-degree days so make surk you use that high spf if you'lly be outside all day long. we're comfortable here in the te >> brisket sandwich.riet s >> my brisket sandwich with sauce on it and caitlin after ia eat this we'll work it off.k itf >> yes, we are. because after we have had our barbecue we'll do canoeing and kayaking.kaya >> no better way to celebrate the first day of sandwich with a huge -- and time on the >> that's coming up in the 10:01 a.m. hour of good day d.c. thanks for burnt end barbecuend for being here all morning.ll mr >> this is incredible.>> >> nothing like eating barbecueu
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>> back to you inside. >> wonderful dresses and >> beautiful. g we've got breaking news we want to get to right now out of fort washington. take look at this much this is t massive water main break.n break a fox5 viewer actually caught c it. she sent it in.e sent it this is video. is veo she says the water is coming oug in the water main so hard it'sdi actually throwing chunks of concrete into the air. fox5's bob bar far joining usoig live from the scene with thehe t latest. bob, oh i didn't feel the water has been turned off. >> reporter: yeah, it has. h. for about an hour now.our this is swan creek road just off indian head highway about a 5 miles south of the you see the mill of the roadof here. those rocks and segments of thii road surface that our viewer waw talking about.talkin look at it it's here litteringet the street you can see where the road is buckled from this water main war break which was reported aboutda 6:20 this morning. m i can show you some more of that video this geyser reported at 6:00 20 this morning they shuthe it off 8:00 o'clock this morni morning.
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where there's a connection to a 6-inch pipe. p so somewhere along that tha connection between the 12-inch n and the 6-inch pipe it rupturedu this morning they don't know whw they're just kind of -- the folf here just getting h so it's going to be some timee before they get this thing repaired and the road surfaceur cleaned up and reopened.eo so again this is swan creek road and we are just west of rout route 210 indian head highway.iy i want to show i was second wass video of the damage these flyiny rocks did to a car that washat parked in the driveway of the te house closest to this water main the moon roof is shattered.hatt back windshield is damaged.. and that car has been sinceee s driven off to the repair shop.. and it belongs to the family of markell kendall who's here. you took some pictures, video ao well. we >> yes. >> what was going through your mind when you were seeing whatyo was happening here this morningi >> i wok up. i was terrified.. looked out my window scene like l
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the air. came outside put on snap chatn s and twitter.and t i was scared to death.o thought it was the end of theits world for a second, man. but, you know, i called 911. 9 called these people right heree and they came, the scene. sce >> when you saw the damage, whew did you realize oh my goodnesses look at our car. >> when i look at my car i was about to cry it was so sado seeing rocks and stuff in the back of my car.baf my >> and water log. wat l it's gone to the shop.hop thank you.than y you see crews here, guys, are kind of just assessing thingsngt here. they told us again it's ad agan 12-inch main they don't know whw it rupture. but it broke. bke that water was -- has about four to 5-foot crater in the middle.e swan creek road down in fortrt washington, guys, and some workw to be done still here thisehi morning.mog. guys? ys >> bob, those people now arepe w without water as well, right? >> reporter: no, actually theyy do have have you know they have w redundancie around here and so even thoughnt he
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they shut it off, the water that was feeding the geyser here, tht neighbors around here still do s have water service >> well, that's good.>>ell, >> reporter: maybe hard to hard believe but it's true. >> amazing pictures. >> thanks, would.s, would >> seen first on snap chat andr twitter.r. >> only for 10 seconds and thend it goes away. here's the other big story thisi morning everyone is talkingever about. phase two of metro's smart track program. >> this time around metroro straight up warning riders finds another way around this part of the maintenance blitz includesds multiple station closures and simp wally zero blue linein service.serv this meaning it's got first rusr hour test and it wasn't exactly smooth sailing. sail >> things got off to -- ridero r has to hop on shuttle buses bus between the two stations whilesw track work was on going. g some passengers said that the disruptions added as much as ash three hours to their >> were you would you.>> w >> buses, transporting peopletig between the stops were packede e with riders and metro gm paul
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wiedefeld encouraged people tood talk alternate forms ofnate transportation like ridee ride sharing, capital bike share or even car pooling. very frustrating morning for log of folks out there. outre rosslyn is one of the metroro stops being impacted by thisd b surge and fox5's melanie alnwica bass hasn't all morning checkinn out how drivers are hoping with the shut down. hem, hopefully they got theot t warning. rn hopefully it hasn't been too too terrible. >> reporter: i would tell you guys it seems to come anted go i waves.wa so what you're seeing right herr hot platform all these trainsse that are going just to easternos market. we've had about a good 10 minute lull between train service here and that's why we'reen seeing so many people standing on the platform, but certainly folks if their patient they can get on gt trains because we've seen somen trains coming by. b once they start coming through in rapid success, we have seene them coming by -- this is not good. this is train everybody wastr waiting for. let me listen. okay. so they're talking about they aa train malfunction this is notnc
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this is the dark dart train notn good news.od news. so it's going to be another fivf minutes i would say untilay another train can get by here. . usually what's going on alson people can kind of go to theto e very end of the platform andtfor that's where we're seeing peopll able to get on trains and get more space that blue line again that isin a where we're seeing a lot ofng ao impacts because they did take dk the blue line out of service completely for the next 16 dayss except that small segment inegmt northern virginia from franconia springfield to arlingtonrlgt cemetery going to be running r during the hours arlingtoninon cemetery is open to provide some service down they didn't want to add bluedd line trains to the congestion an eastern market where all of thee trains are going to have to stot and turn around because of thoso station closures heading towardd prince george's county. and so i was told by metro thatt if they put the blue line ine in service as well, they would endd up with 20 minutes in betweenete trains so we've seen things sng going pretty smoothly as far asr trains coming through here
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regularly, right here during the height of rush hour there havere been some trains that were t packed to capacity and folksy af have just had to wait and kindnd of go to the end of thend o t platforms to be able to catche the next one. o so sounds like a lot of people o are taking advantage of the alternatives. staying at home, arlington county also openingpe remote work centers at their the so folks can go there and work w together as well if they wish. so we're just going to see how s it goes for the next 16 days off this.this back to you guys. >> day one. o >> right.>> r >> okay. mel, thank you.mel,hank you well it has been more than a week since that deadly shootingo at an orlando nightclub.ub now, this morning we may learnay much more about the gunman g behind this massacre. mascr that's because federalauseeral investigators plan to releasese transcripts of his 911 calls tot police that night. fox's doug luzader with theh latest now.n >> reporter: the us attorneyttor general making it clear that they are going to scrub anyo ru reference to the islamic state from those transcripts. transcr. at the sam
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this was in fact a hate crime.r. another vigil in orlando.rl this one attended by thousands remembering the 49 victims v killed in the pulse nightclubig attack. into this grief will comehis gr attorney general loretta wrenchw lynch tomorrow to meet witheet w familiar and investigators hes continue to dive into gunman toi omar mateen's background.roun releasing strains scripts todayt of phone conversations he had he with police during the attack. c >> we're trying to get g information out.rmation it's our goal to be as transparent as possible in thist investigation. >> reporter: but thatorr: b transparent see will be limited. transcripts will not includenclu references to islamic terroris terrorists. >> you say partial. what's being left out? >> we're not going>> to do is is further proclaim this individu individual's pledges of allegiance to terrorist groupdup and further his propaganda. >> reporter: that does raise questions about the attack and mateen. if this was in fact a hate crime, that the administrationin says it has determine, why washs there no reference from the ref killer? meantime on capitole oa hill today, more fll
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orlando.o a series of votes on gun control measures to seek no limit weapoo sales for those on federal watch list. >> if there is reasonableeasobl suspicion that the person whenew they do the background check isi a potential terrorist, the gun e sale can be denied. >> reporter: gun control con opponents pushed back saying those lists are riddled withdlew >> at the same time, the at government makes mistakes.s the government puts people on pl the list like nelson mandela, ted kennedy and eight-year-oldod boy scout or cub scout, rather.e >> reporter: there actually beca votes today in the senate on o four different gun controlontrol amendments two for republicans,a two from democrats none of themf expected to pass.. in washington, doug luzaderd fox news.. still ahead hollywood mystery star trek star antonrntn yell chin killed in freakn kled accident. now his co-stars are sharingre a their messages of grief onie social media. >> the longest day. day we're sharing more stories about alzheimer's and it's impact
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♪ fox5 d.c. cares iscare partnering with alzheimer's alzr association as it gets ready for today's big fundraising either called the longest day.. today is in fact the longest day because of summer solstice allol day long all around the countryy people will do fun things asng they fundraise for the alzheimer's associate.iate some members are here now to n answer any questions might havev about this disease. disease they can provide resources and d point you in the right directi direction. just call them at the number on the screenem. (202)895-3307. (202)895-3307.027. meantime, we want to shareme the story of some of the peopleo behind a longest day event called elaine passed away from alzheimer's last year. y hear now from her
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>> i met her when i was 16 and 1 we were in high school. school. we were high school sweethearts. she was fun. f she was part of the cool set.. i was not. we were married early and we a w sort of grew up together. ther. >> elaine was a wonderful woman. she was a terrific mother,he family lady and she loved her lv passion was dancing. >> you know at the start dementia is really hard to discern.scer it's little things that only yo would know if you have been witn somebody for a long time and you really know them. the but then it gets more progressive. it's snowballs and gets biggerir and bigger and bigger, and the caregiver's
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i loved taking care of her. h i really did. >> it was very difficult and shd still wanted to dance and her family was her rock she still si had glow about her especially o that dance floor.lo >> she was was lots of fun. for her dancing was casual.. we liked taking lessons. lessons we liked being with our friends. it was a social it was great exercise. it was nice. nic it was a nice community to be a part of. >> i remember her as dancer with great sense of hugh si cal willl the and a fun quirky sense off humor that never left her. >> and i remember her as someone with a trendous amount oft of courage and passion and love of
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dance, love of family, her h husband, her community. greatly missed by all of us. >> i miss her. life goes on.s o i'm moving forward.i' i'm trying to do better. b it was a wonderful life that we had together.ogther. i wish it could have gone long longer. >> if you hear the chatter in the background that's ourea folr from the alzheimer's association take your questions and calls.qu questions related to alzheimer'e you can find help. the number (202)895-3307.8907 so we know elaine loved to danco and dancing it turns out isurnss really good for your in a lot of ways. we asked her friends to show uso few of their favorite moves whes wey were here for theirey interview. check it out right there.hthe new england journal
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publish a study couple years aga called dancing makes youo smarter.smter. it shows frequent dancing is the only, the only physical activitt that offers protection againstio the longest day fundraiser foror elaine step and swing for elainn doesn't take place until july july 9th there is still time to get involve. involve check out their facebook pagee step and swing for elaine andore get out to great falls have a have to dance or to donate anded remember as i said earlierd members of the alzheimer's association are here in studioni right now to answer anyr any questions you have about he abot alzheimer's and dementia. number again 20 row 895-3307.953 .ey will be here until 11 a.m. answering those very importantim questions and as you guys knowdy on the couch we have been talk talking about alzheimer's last l week and sharing importantringmp stories hopefully this is as hi means to get that informationor out. get people the resources they so desperately need.ely eed. >> right. you see we're all wearing purplu in support of find ago cure ate least in the meantime getting gg some information that you need.. >> absolutely.bsol >> vi
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active over the phone bank righ now. good sign there.ere. >> we want to hear.>> we >> exactly want to get toxa wan breaking news early on thisonhi morning. what and the to take a look at the screen. skyfox live over an a nasty nty truck crash much this is a flatbed carrying flor flooring o spilled it's load in 175 and route 1 in howard county.nty obviously a big mess to clean ua there.ther best bet avoid the areround l l175 in jessup, that is.p, tt if you can. you long day ahead of them. >> oh, man. >> what mess. >> >> 9:22.>> 9:2 coming up why donald trump says he might support racialrtac profiling plus what you need in your wallet if you plan onn shopping at costco. and dustin johnson overcoming oc controversy at the us open. thee we've got a check of all the ofl headlines coming up next. n >> plus disney got another hit on its hands with finding dorynd but animal experts hope historys does not repeat itself. ielf. kevin had join us live from the smithsonian national historyis museum with what we're talking g about details coming up.comi u ♪ ♪
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♪ what, me?> what m >> time for a check of what'scha making headlines today. today standing in for holly.n r ho first up, donald trump makingakn headlines again with -- it saidi holly that's why we're -- moreoe controversial comments for us ir the wake of the orlandoorlan shooting. donald trump says the u.s. shoul
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profiling of muslim the republican presidentialsidea candidate told cbs's face thee nation other countries do it tot fight terrorism and while hele hates the concept of racialacial profiling, he says, it is common sense.. this weekend 12 girls wereee rescued from a house of horrorss in pennsylvania.vani the girls range in age from sixs months to 18-year-old all livinl in basement. the man holding them 51-year-olr leonardo dicaprio plan is nowow under arrest. arres police believe the oldest victic was given to kaplan years ago by her parents as some sort of financial deal. yes they have also been bee charged. not sure who the woman wasow next to kaplan there.. in baltimore closingresing arguments get underway today in the caesar goodson trial.rial he's the baltimore policere p officer facing the most serious charge related to the death of a freddie gray.ray. now, goodson was driving thevi t police van when gray suffered aa fatal spinal injury. inj a jue
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a verdict is expected this week. and here's that heads up for you costco shoppers out there.o. beginning today, the mega store will only take visa cards. that means you can no longer use your costco cards from americanc express or your just americant n express card.escard costco says card holders shoulds have already received the new te visa cards if they have costcoec visa in the male or you can just use your visa card.. the change marks an end to theot 16-year-old deal that costco had had with american express. and finally, the u.s. open final round world number oner e jason day his third shot on par 512th hole beautiful chip.ulhi >> look at that. >> nice. >> gets the roll. >> yup. bam. day enjoys that one but dustinnb johnson who came out on top. t that's despite a bit ofit o controversy for johnson. usga deemed johnson may have m h caused his ball to move on the
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fifth green which would be a ono stroke penalty. so he played with that over hish head the rest of the round.ou didn't matter at the end thoughe wonderful approach shot on 18 hole there. t he would call this the shot ofho his life.if johnson wins with a 3-foot gimme. gimme. bam. his first career major. >> correct me if i'm wrong if ho one that's married to wayne gets ski's daughter?ski' >> that's a good question. that might be. >> your my sports go to guy. >> sports. >> come on.>> come on. >> come on. >> i think he's married -- >> i think so yes.. >> pauline in a gets ski. i thought that's who he wass married to. >> he was the runner up last ruer up year. >> yes. >> are they married or partnersn >> partners.. >> okay.>>ka >> chris says partners. >> i think their actually --lly google machine says partner. pt. >> i think they're married. any way, okay.nkway,y. >> okay. there are your headlines.dlines back to you.o >> we'll keep the sports themep going here this morning they ary celebrating in cleveland once o again city of champions.hampns it only took half century to don
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it highlights from the nail n biting nba game seven finale fil which is why i was up late andat so many of you were too. t >> that's the story and he'synd sticking to first the hottest day of theayf year so far the first officialff day of summer, but changes coulc be on the wage mike thomas backs with the details next.etailsex >> and speaking of hot, ahh.hh we'll get a sneak peek at my one-on-one with harry connick,c, jr.jr >> he couldn't shave for you.ldo >> is that a new dress.r th new. >> that's not a new dress i'veas worn that several times.sevel ti >> i've never seen it. 9:29.9: we will be right back.ack. ♪ ♪
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woman: i have a masurprise for you.are you? man: you have a surprise for me? narrator: at dominion, 1 in 5 new hires is a veteran. and when they're away, they miss out on a lot. but they won't miss out on financial support. because we cover any difference between their military pay and their dominion salary, and continue benefits for them and their families. why do we do it? because our vets sacrifice enough. "dominion. depend on us for more than energy." ♪ stand by me.
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>> we are back 9:32 on thisar monday morning. you're looking at the phone bann or alzheimer's association.ssoc. they're taking your questions.u. whatever you have in mind rela related to amounts heim mers and dementia.demeia give them a call. (202)895-3307. >> what i like they're not fundraising.rais i'm sure -- they're here toreo answer questions.swer when you get the opportunity tot ask a question like that >> first at the ready. rdy >> exactly.. >> especially for a disease weys know so little about.ttle aut all last week we heard tales ofe it and so many questions wereueo raised. how do i know? >> right.>> >> my loved one --ved one - >> is it a memory lapse or or something more serious. serio >> from the stories we've beenoe seeing and showing it touches so many people. >> chances are you know something someone dealing withso this. so that's one of those thingse t when we even just all startedta talking about it
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newsroom we didn't realize howea many people win our own news family, you know, had loved ones that were dealing with it >> on oh side note we're wearing purple in support of the of t alzheimer's association in casee you're wonder why we're so colored coordinate. >> how many shades of purple.ur >> we got lucky. we could hit 90, 90 degreesgree today. that's nothing compared to what it feels lockout wesngt and thoe hot temperatures and high windsh are not making it easy foro firefighters batter linkr l wildfires there. the blazes are now burning in 10n different states and wildfires r season is really just getting gg started.stte fox's kelly wright has more from new york. >> you can see the orange glow g behind you and it's somewhatha unsettling. >> reporter: heat wave in the hi southwest region of the united e states is adding fuel to wildfires. the sherpa wildfire has now burned more than 7,000 acres ini santa barbara, california. the fire though is now more that 50% contained. conta >> you know if we had a week w without wind, wee be great.
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predicted. so we have to get through thesee next couple of days of the redhe flag >> reporter: wildfires are now w burning in 10 states including arizona, colorado and new mexico with winds as dry conditionsonti making it difficult for fire crews to fight back.. >> it causes rapid fire spread,r and makes it very challenging to try to fight the fire because -- firefighters can't go directiret which means they can't actuallyt physically be there fighting thn fire by hasn't. >> reporter: in arizona, crews s continue to battle the cedar ced creek fire which is now 40% some residents have alreadye ala evacuated with other communities also threatened.tened and in colorado, a fire has now spread to the san juan nationali burning about 100 acres. the state may see more wildfires through the summer due to hotueo and dry conditions. >> moistures we had early this i spring that grew the fuels tols the levels we have now with theh tall weeds and grass
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seeing those dry out. >> reporter: tempeeiraturesem along the california coast are expected to drop by tuesdayue areas more inland ask expectxpet temperatures above 100 degrees s through next weekend. in new york, kelly wright, fox news. >> all right. closer to home it is hot today. mike thomas standing by with w your forecast.. it didn't start off so bad i sod guess you're saying, whew, it i will get there. tre >> it's dell going get hotet today. guess what? happy summerr solstice. >> thank you. >> officially starts in justll about exactly nine hours.. >> how does one celebrate this.i >> there's many ways.. >> run naked through a throu sprinkler. ri >> i have friends who areave celebrating the summer stole sis bachelor party in ice >> oh, okay.ka i love that.i tha >> what's your ritual?l? >> that far north the sun stayss out all day. >> oh yeah.. >> secret --- >> mine requires a beverage in hand.nd >> mine requires a pool. >> add dull beverage.erag let me clarify that.le c >> it is the summer solsticer st today longest date of the year.y how much sunlight will we have?h the sun rose the 5:43 a.m.
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won't set until 8:37.:3 we got 14 hours and 54 minutesus of glorious sunshine out there.e there will be a lot of it and it will heat things up today. today it will feel like a summer dayur here on the first official dayay of summer. 75 degrees your current numberou here in d.c.he dulles at 73. frederick 75. 7 winchester at 73. culpeper 74 degrees.4 de we're already coming up througho the mid 70s that baltimore nearly 80 degrees already heredh at 9:30 in the morning.ning. so temperatures rising ratherin quickly and this is why.kly and look at all thatth sunshine oute there. a few showers starting to pop up over the mountain portions ofpos the west virginia.thst v they'll stay there. nought threat from showers hereh in washington later today. toda. that way up there near chicago a our next cold front that will w slide through here tomorrowroh o night our next chance forhance thunderstorms.unde today justify high pressureh dominating the entire region ren keep us warm with temperatures in the 90s. in there's that cold front tomorr tomorrow. tomorrow you will definitely feel the humidity. we're back into kind of what you nd would expect around here with summertime with those scattered
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strong. we'll do a quick future cast.uta today is fine let's get out toet tomorrow a couple of showersoupl maybe as we wake u then we mix it with sunshine in the afternoon again you'll feell the stickiness and the humidityd and then it's that little pop p and don't take so much notice oe where the showers are right noww just know because they're on our future cast there will be aast chance for the regionwi of seeie those thunderstorms tomorrowor evening, again, some of thosesoe could be on the strong side. s all right.ight. 92 degrees today. tay. happy summertime.e mostly sunny skies. a little bit of humidity but non too bad today. tod. tonight though you will start tt feel it, 72 degrees.2 gr dry for most of the night. nig not until the overnight hours ws get into the chance for showerse here's a look the your fox5 accu weather seven day forecast. 92 today.ay. 90 tomorrow scatteredcaer thunderstorms end of the weekene thursday best chance all week of getting wet 87 degrees. 87 degr zip trip friday looks fantastica and for right now so does next weekend 87 on saturday on 90 onn sunday. all right. that's a look at the forecast fr i'm going to the doctor's. >> back over t
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>> after that report i got got earlier.rlr >> oh, okay. because at one point i was like tmi, mike.. >> got to have things check outu see you later.see >> you and i both got to go, jim. >> thanks, mike.>> thanks, mike >> you are reaching that age.che >> that's true.>> tharu that is true. itrue >> all right. we all knollw lebron james wakik up happy this morning he fulfill his promise to bring an nba championship to his hometown of cleveland. >> this is the first times firsr time a team has won a title after falling behind three-onede final season. james with a triple double, 27 7 points, 11 rebounds, 11s assis assists. khiry you shaling adding to sea the deal for the cavaliers asavs soon as the game ending everyone on the court. court they were out there in sanouther francisco confetti out there ohe players racing to hug andg congratulate each other as wells as a crying king james. jam he was named the mvp
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he talked about fulfilling hisol promise to his hometown. >> right now just exciting.ust it's not even relief.ief it's just excitement for us ass team, as franchise, as a city.. as community, um, you know to b able to continue to build up our city, continue to be an inspiration to our city it meanm everything, and i'm happy to beo a part of it. >> by the way the first major championship in the city theityt browns won the nfl championshipi back in 1964 which is before the super bowl was even a >> wow. >> after the game they got a got little bit out of hands on the streets of cleveland. too rowdy for these cars who cs pounded a police car and damagem it on wednesday cleveland willll host victory parade which iswhch something i never thought ii neg evuld ever say.would james says it will be the biggeg party cleveland has he have sees but you brought up a really goog point. >> yes. >> back when he took his talent to south beach -- >> he left them. when he abandoned ohio?? >> they burn his jersey. >> yeah.. >> they went all
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they're -- >> he came to his senses andnd came back. b save your you. y. >> he's better than me. >> right. r >> i know cleveland fans outan o there, you guys tweeting tetin viciously it's all right.l rig congrats.rats >> we're happy for you.or you we're legit mally happy for you. the browns aren't going to do gg >> no.o. >> oh, them some fighting wordsr jim said it.. >> i'll put money on it. >> i'll double down on that oneo >> still ahead, finding dorydi d makes a box office splash.plh. but wildlife experts have ae warning for parents based on the movie's popularity.ulity. kevin will join us live nextve from the smithsonian's nationala history museum.y can you put this together now,en folks, will be running out runno trying to get that little doryio fish. >> don't. don't do it. he'll let us know why when we we come ♪ ♪
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n! >> it's about going home that i where you're from. >> where you're from. >> can someone tell me wheregohw they're from. from >> a i live by a giant rock. >> i live three coral cans awayy from here. he. >> my house is covered in algaen where did you grow up, dory. >> me? i don't know. my family -- where are they? the >> can i help you? i'm sorry is dark i forget again? yes, i have short term memory loss.s >>
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a family if you r have short ter memory loss.ry loss. >> good question. good question. >> topping today's fox beat fi finding dory blowing records ouc of the the forgetful blue fish was box office gold over the weekend.eee the disney pixar sequel surpassed expectations earning r more than $130 million in its debut.debu that is a new record for an animate 98ed movie booing shreke the third. it's also the second largest june opening the animated stars of findingin dory may have your kids beggingg for some real livedor row andorw knee moment fish this morning wm have a warning for parents. >> humane society of the unitedi states and other groups says these fish are complex animals.a they are not suited for home aquariums.. kevin is at the smithsonian national museum of natural natur history with the real story onn dory. dory good morning.odorni >> reporter: good morning to mog you guys.u guys yeah i'm here this is incredib incredible. i am here with phil wind a fishf expert he maintain this beautiful tank as you can seeta there are a couple different
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there's bubbles from the moviese as well. as these fish are amazing but as b you mentioned the humane societe was talking about raisingaisi awareness because the fish thata dory is based on the blue tank a is a very difficult fish too maintain. ta we'll talk to fill about theut difference between maintaining a clown fish which is nemo versusr dory in the in which is a blue tank. blu tan one of things that's verys v different about dory is her neer for a larger aquarium. so blue tank tanks are hippo orr tank goes sick foot aquariuma lt to maintain like any animalnynil you'll have in your home you'll have level of commitment tot t taking care of that animal. >> in regards to dory we'redo talking about thousands andds ad thousands of dollars to actually maintain them properly.rly. talk about you would need, nee washington type of tank, how tah many gallons of water? >> typically 150 to 200-gallon0n range as your minimum. they could quite large. quite what we're looking at right here about 1800 gallons of display
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>> right. >> which weighs around 20,000 pounds.00 pou >> the nemo fish is a lot easie to take care this is why we're doing thishis segment a lot of kids are goingi to want to buy these fish after the movie makes this much moneyy nemo fish which is the clown t fish is much easier and muchr ac cheaper to take care of, and a there's a less risk of the fishe passing away.wa >> speaking as an aquarium store owner, we do not want you to you leave the movie theater and stos by the store and pick up a fishf and take it home. >> right.>> right >> there's lot more to if it.t. stop at the gift shop and buy a the stuffed animal.fed anima if you want to come find dory fo come here to the smithsonianthsi museum of natural history andiso see her in all of her glory herh if you're still interested find a good expert who knows whatnowa they're talking about help you p plan and design your aquarium.qu >> here's what we're going towh' do. we are going take you backac behind the scenes here. here. what i want to do, i want to show how people how hard it isat to actually maintain the doryher because we're talking about over $5,000 or so if you want toan t personally maintain that. we'l
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we'll go behind the scenes and d show you what really needs to bs done to take care of this fish. so we're walking back here righr now this will be mazing. mike will will go up on t of t the staircase here and fillnd fl right now we're back in theacin behind the scenes this is the t filtration room where the fish need to be able to maintain andn be properly taken care of. o now, chris, you can bring usan b back up on camera now. we are behind the scenes here.nh talk about what this is. i this is what you possibly could need to take care of dory. >> properly. a we've got a water changing system here we're purchase feig our tap water.our p wate so there's no chlorines orr ammonia or anything like that.t things that they put in water tr make it safe for humans to drink. in we take that water and mick anda turn it into salt water byat adding synthetic calcium reactors to replace thee calcium cal will nine thehe consumed bite corals that theyea grow. all live corals out there. protein skimmer that removest mo organic nutrients from the foame >> this is the foam, right. ther >> this is the foa
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as water and hair mix togetheroe in foam, the waist organic material sticks to the surface of the those bubbles and rises up and ends up in this end collection cup removed from them system. >> right. we've also got live algaeival growing over here where thathera grow it consumes nitrates andted phosphates and other things that would be toxic for doreen her friends in the aquarium.ium >> mike, get a shot of the of t aquarium from above. we'll walk up top here and showo people wait look like.t lookike. so, phil, these fish are fed sid times a day. >> correct.>> cct. automatic feeder.der. >> i'll raise the light up athea little bit for you there.. >> for people real quick beforer nemo is a clown fish that fishht is bread in captivity. >> correct. >> dory is not bread iny is b captivity. the blue tank is actually a fish that is wild caught. cau >> wild caught. right now.righnow >> so one of the interestingtern things for the past 10, 15 years almost all of the clown fish clf told sold in north america are captive raised and >> right. >> just now, just in the pastt p few months, we're starting toto see captive raised ta
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hip low, blue tank like dory but yellow tank like bubbles from bb the first movie being bread inai captivity.captiv very exciting time very intere interesting time to be aquariumm owner and to be able to haveto these animals researched andhed bread in captivity. phil wreaths for receive escapee i say reach out to him if youimi are interested whatsoever in buying a blue ta inform g orr fish like nemo.e n he will teach you how to properly care for it. carfor you'll need a lot of money to properly care for a fish like l dory. you're better option is probabll going to be nemo because the clown fish -- >> theme he mow can be in a smaller a yeah come.h $500 range.00 range there's other options.ere's live jelly fish and see horses s and all kinds of fresh waterater animals very interesting as wel well. well. >> cool. this is fill from reef escape. phil wind much do you have a website. >> reef >> check him out there.ckim o real quick, what was your ratinn on finding dory five out of five? >> 4.8 because fish don't liveol
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they -- -- >> yeah. >> clown fish can't survive in mop bucket. it was a fantastic movie. mie >> i loved the movie, too. 4.5 out of five.ive. back to you in the studio.dio we weres were a family on fridaf and he gave 85 out of five. of f he loved it. loved it. it was the first movie we have h to go on opening day. d there he is.he is >> he said he knew the date.heat >> he knew the date and hee andh wanted his own popcorn and thatt dude hammered that whole bucket of popcorn by the way but he he loved -- loved loved loved finding dory.gory. >> i hope zula is not watching n told her the movie didn'tn' actually open yet because she wanted that see it what? >> zula, contact aunt holly shey will take you. >> you can come with my girls,o too. >> 9:50.:5 coming up the championship wasn't enough wait until you seu the father's day star from jrr smith that earned him a standinn ovation from the nba press coree we'll show that you special s moment on a father's day comingm up next. >> get me a tissue. ♪
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alzheimer's or dementia. they're here confidential giveid us a call at (202)895-3307.895-7 phone bank has been active allel morning long.on as fox5 cares we're glad to havh them with us this morning. all right. we've been talking quiet bitet about the nba finals last nightt it's over and done with andit ad really emotional after theter cleveland cavaliers clinchedli their nba championship beat the golden state warriors in game seven but the emotions continued in the post game interviews.s. jr smith gave a tearful tributea to his dad.. >> my family, biggestiggest inspiration in my life. i've been in a lot of dark spots in my life, and if it wasn't fo' them i wouldn't be able to getot out of it. but they are who they are. they followed me. they yelled at me.elled at me. they scream at me. they loved me. they hugged me..
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and always stuck by my side noe matter right or wrong. w i know a lot of people don't't have -- a lot of people don'te have their parents in theirn the life, their mother or theirherr father, but i got the best two s you could ask for. i swear.i s o oh wow. >> isn't that amazing.t amaz >> long career for him.or he's been in the league sincee s 2004. after the press conference he got a standing ovation fe rom te nba press core normally, kind of hard nosed and criticized hecid touched them for sure.em for >> a lot of people there. >> wow.>>. emotional. i love that. >> i did, too. dad was there, too.ere, t. >> great to see. >> that makes it even better.n b a moment to say thank you and aa lot of people don't get that.eta >> that's true. >> still ahead at 10 tributes0 e pour in for star trek scar antoa yell chin killed by his own car. a bizarre accident. you could have free tickets f waiting for you at ticketu tice masters. we'll tell you why and how to h find them. and later when harry
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>> get bath salts. s coffee time on good day d.c. you've been eyeing our cool gooo day mug,.day >> i have too.>> i htoo >> you have two. >> i've been eyeing them up tooo >> get in line. in if you want one of these you gog to get our give away get in it perfect cup for that greatt g dunkin' donuts coffee go to or facebook page. you know the address facebook d.c. to entere our mug contest. only 11 lucky winner selected at random. you got to hurry. hurry. only until 11:00 o'clock too enter and time right now 9:00 vick.k. jim, i know where the secretnoer stash is.h i >> do you?>> d y >> if you're nice, i'll show y you. >> okay. ♪
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>> red hot good day at 10a theoo perfect way to start off yourto monday morning s. sizzling stories this a.m. biggy calls it quits. i qui beiber takes a tumble and sociaa media showdown.wn ross matthews takes on another r celebrity on twitter. twitter. we have all the details. and on good day at 10a we'r' live with viral video starr maddie siegler.iegl she's joining so you think you i can dance the next >> did you hear? i justear?i j happened to meet harrow connicki jr. this weekend! don't miss't m part one of my interview with my all-time celebrity crush. c >> talk about mad crush monday.n the 10a starts right now. >> ♪ >> somebody on a harry connick,i jr. high. jr. high >> i'll be on high all week. on are you kidding me?ng >> look at that.>> look at tha it is the first day of summer. the summer solstice. s we call it the longest day, and appropriately so today becauseae in house we have the alzheimer's association campaign calledig
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taking your phone calls if youl have questions about alzheimer alzheimer's, dementia they are here on hand to anythinghand tog anything you need to know.ou jim you mentioned something very different confidential.fident >> give them call.>>ive them ca. when you see phone banks,, obviously, sometimes you assumey that they're -- they're just there for financial support. they're here to answer yoursweru questions and they've been verye busy all morning please keep those calls comingoc in. >> i love that.e at >> i'm not surprised they're the busy.busy. 5 million americans live with amounts mime heim mers june isun dedicated to alzheimer's and's d brain wearness with with fox5ox cares partnered with theeredith alzheimer's association thessoct national capital area to bringri awareness and help get information for people that neet it. and why we're all wearing purp purple. >> exactly. >> in number 202-89-5307.9-53 the number if you nee it pleases don't hesitate to use t if you have wonderful peopleuleo here who really can be a of somm help for you.ou >> with that we say good dayay d.c. our 10:00 o'clock hour.o i'm holly morris alongside of maureen, jim lokay
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seymour.our steve and wisdom both have the t morning of. >> good to be here.. >> it also means it's time tos e check what is trending. what's up first, jim. jim >> talking spos. >> are we.>> are we. >> kind of my wheel houseinof m celebrating in cleveland. cavs fans filling the streets s after the team 93-89 victoryic against the defending championn golden state warriors in games g seven it's the first major championship for cleveland sinld the browns won the nflfl championship back in 1964. though tends to happen times yos have big celebrations and fans f get rowdy they jumped on policel car destroying it into theoyin streets of cleveland last night. i don't know why they do thatowt sometimes.metis. >> jubilation maybe sometimesomm turns kind of --nd >> mike thomas had the quote.omh >> what's that.>>hat' >> dance on policear you'llar end up in it.en in >> there you go. (laughter).ter) >> from the mouths of babes. bab >> we did ask him how he knewkn that by the be w >> that's true.>> t yeah. lebron james trip tell double, d 27 points, 11 rebounds and 111 assists
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right now it's justsus excitement. it's not only relief.'s only it's just excitement for us as s team, as a franchise, as a city, as community, um, you know, to t be able to continue to be buildi up our city, continue to be an inspiration to our city, itit i means everything, and i'm happym to be part of it. >> championship parade innshipar cleveland is on wednesday and james it will be the biggestl bg party cleveland has ever in the meantime getting a lot of congrats even one from the white house. the president staying on boardoa air force one after coming homee from yosemite valley for an extra pent 20 minutes to watchah the final minutes of the >> wow.>> >> from the celebrations inebti cleveland to mourning inrnin hollywood.hollywoo 27-year-old anton yelchin died in freak accident at home in lo angeles early sunday morning. m he was standing in his drivewaya when his jeep grand cherokeekee slid backwards and actually act pinned him against a brick wall. he starred in the recent starens trek movies.ek m
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in the movies alpha dog and like little bit more on the accidentn now the daily male today reportp that investigators say the jeepj was found in neutral. they cite hundreds of reportsts about a confusing gear shift s design that made it easy too forget the jeep was in neutral l and not in park.nar in fact, thousands of jeep grana cher row keys are under a voluntary recall because of it. several big names in hollywood took to social immediate to wor the young actress. ass jj abrams called him brilliantia and supremely talented. actor joe job chon said he was w true artist, curious, beautifulf courageous. he was a great pal and a great son.son i am in ruins. ruins >> i had that thought like --ik >> how could this happen. hapn >> it's so crazy. >> you're think cog there havech been foul play. >> for a moment. for your mind goes to all thosell t crazy and cynical things. this. >> i fee
10:05 am >> and it didn't have to happen. >> knowledge also mourning in orlando during vigil last nights for the victim of the nightclubg shooting they gathered around and held up candles as the names were recited of each person whow died in the massacre a week agoa people chanted we remember them and sang songs.d sa a rainbow appeared over that lake earlier in the day.eay part of the conversatio converss between orlando orlando shooting suspect and police negotiatorsgt from inside pulse nightclub wilw soon be made public. the news comes as the city workt to recover from the mass shooting.shooti meanwhile fbi still investigating how much help ife any omar mateen may have had inn planning and carrying out his oh attack. in the wake of the orlandodo massacre, the senate today willl take four votes on gun control.r they are for amendments rangingi from background checks on all on begun sales to delays or bans on gun sales to suspected terrori terrorists. none are expected to get enough votes teco further any allegeslg laying along. 50,000 strong at that vigilg >> that's >> i had to dole
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number.mber. 50,000 people. so love over hates.ver h >> in the race to the whitehehi house donald trump facingac controversy over recent commentm he says the united states should sl consider more racial profiling i of muslim-americans.ameran in the wake of the orlando o nightclub massacre republicanlia presidential candidate toldd cbs's face the nation otherth countries do it to fight ito f terrorism and while he hates th concept of racial profiling, hee says it is common sense.mon sen but again he did add he hated it. i don't know.i do meanwhile, hillary clintonil taking time off from thee,e of campaign trail because she justs welcomed her second grandchild.h cute picture right there her h daughter chelsea gave birth to baby boy on saturday.atda she and her husband named him aiden. hillary clinton shared thiston photo with former president bilt clinton on twitter. although hillary clinton han clinched the democratic party p nomination her rival bernie sanders hasn't officiallys o stopped campaigning.. he will not stop. s he is the
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trail. ail. accompanied by his constantt traveling companion the secretet service. now his protection team iss costly.. costing taxpayers more than $38,000 a day and it looks likek that money will continue to add up. they'll stick by his sideby hisd through the democraticrac convention in philadelphia which is in five weeks.eeks somebody do the math.heat a lot of money. mey. >> a lot of money. >> right, right. >> donald trump had a new had nw grandson on the campaign trail.. now hillary.. >> >> you love babies.>> y so --so - >> we love babies.s. >> chelsea clinton's first kidid charlotte i think.e ihink >> yeah, yeah. >> do you know what theyou connection someone made she musm be sex ineone the city fan charl and aiden.en >> you're right. >> bigger news she's got two g t under two.unr two. >> she'll be busy. >> all right.llht good day today. c viewers listen you could have some free tickete to concerts and not even knoww it.. about 50 million of tick master customers do this morning atni a part of 13 year old class actioo la
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listen to this. ts. if you bought ticks for concertt between october of 1999 and february of 2013, a long time,i, folks.folk >> it is. >> you should check your ticket mastecer so how do you know? well you gl to your account, click on active vouchers. jeff g our ep he did that. t he found out that he actuallyy has 14 vouchers for free tickets and a shrew of discount codes. d it all stems from the lawsuit that claimed deceptive descriptions of service fees.cee okay. okay now here's the kicker though ast par of the deal the free tickete are only available for events at a time live nation operatedtione venues.venu and events that are pick by live nation.on. >> oh. >> this of course has caused many to take to one, because the list has not ht been released yetings and, two, because many are speculating thi shows will be lessng than oh well it's still a free show. >> yeah. >> i can't wait to check. >> i don't know if i still't stl have -- i mean -- >> i can't wait to see who the list is. i want to see
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>> how many toto reunions can there be. >> hold on now. now let's not go -- >> ♪ >> exactly.>>xact >> that's beautiful.utul >> thank u you have the voice of an angel.anngel >> it's like you can't use themu to see hamilton or somethingr sn like tha >> oh, ya yeah, no, no, no.,o. >> if you could go see hamiltono with those. those i think i bought a tick back inn '99. >> that's a long time. time. '99 to 2013.01 >> i started working here inn 1999. eighths long time.ngime >> it shows all these fees overv the fees but it's amazing everye time you buy tickets and how anw many extra fees on top.op. ticket is $25 but pay 5040. >> you don't question it. don qt you pay it. you pay it you want to see whoever iner concert. conc >> exactly.>> ely. >> until it's a free voucherou then you probably don't want to see them. the >> we'll see what they're for.yf latest trend in cute baby pictures involves cheer rowsolsh called the cherrios challenge. oh my gosh. gh. >> photos and videos of dads stacking cheerios on the headssh and cheeks of sleepy infants isi now social media thing.ia t
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did cherrios start this going? >> where are the cherrios.heio >> nonetheless. >> that's hysterical.rical. i like that one.. >> lot picks on the life of dadd facebook page.boag mom got in on the act, too. >> that's cute. c that might be an older child off an older dad doing it to the sleeping child.. >> that would be weird.t woul >> it's a little weird.little wd >> little bit. >> let's step whole thing is a little weird. >> stack foot on the face of tho your sleeping infant.. >> that will be a search. a seac listen still ahead at 10 wherehe harry met holly! that would be b me. we'll go behind the scenes at aa recent wolf trap concert andrt have sneak peek at his new shows airing right here on fox5. >> iggy ditches swaggy pete.ggy. see ya.e beiber takes a tumble.. and bad blood between rosss matthews and billy eichner.. >> who? >> we're getting to the to the bomb of it when we check the che good day celebrity dish
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officially call it quits. i know. take moment. >> shocker. >> three months after young was involved ins alleged cheatingag scandal us a veil yann rapperyar announced via instagram she's se ended things with her lakers ler player fiance'.. iggy wrote unfortunatelynfor although i love nick haven't het tried and tried to rebuild my trust in him, it's become apparent in the last few weeks e am unable to.eo >> why do we need all of this? >> i genuinely wish nick thenict best. it's never easy to part wayss with the person you planned youu entire future with.ith. >> okay.>> oy >> but futures can be rewrittenn answer of today, mine is a blank space.e >> are those like preliminary lyrics for song. >> she's not rapping any more.ay she's judge on variety type typ talent >> okay.y. x factor as stale yann.tale yan >> i'm honestly not surprised they broke >> i'm not either. >> he was brag being with othera women to his teammates.g h team >> right. >> she shoul
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out, bye-bye. bye-b moved on.n. >> you don't have to explain ela yourself.yourse >> we get you birl. y b >> we know the fabulous rossheal matthews co-host of hollywood today live and good friend to uu here at good day d.c. do you know billy eichner. ehn i do not. n but apparently he is the host ot billy on the street jim is veryr familiar he goes up to random new yorkerr and asks them questions aboutbot pop culture.tu. >> you've seen it though now.enh >> well now.ell now. >> no. i still don't know him. i don't.doi >> he's pretty funny. f >> two of them got into a into a twitter feud over the weekendvee after billy saw a capital one commercial that seemed a littlet too familiar.o fa he took to twitter and put ross on blast saying yes, anotherno bill in the street rip off calling it shameless and and pathetic and tweeting ross saying, don't steal my show.w. >> stop. >> this is stolen ept leck wal a >> please, stop. >> this is a rip off of news. ns it's called man on the we go out with microphone androh you should have it intot in somebody's face for an opinionno or an answer to something.. they stole the whole concept cot from n
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>> take that bill eichner. ehn >> ross did fire back defendingd his work saying i've been doingn man on the street interviewseet since 2001. 2 i've never senior stuff blessss your heart.ea said he places more blame onmen capitol one saying they reacheda out to his agents about the campaign first. fir ross then tweeted saying, billyy accuses me of stealing his bit t but i've been doing tv for 155 years. do you the math. tat and then the tweets just flew back and forthwith name calling, link sharing and of course lotsu of emojis.of emo >> you know what, ross, leave i alone.alon honestly at some point -- pnt -- >> don't lower yourself.'t ler y >> exactly whom cares?xa >> this is a way for billy so people who know who he is moresr so. so >> would you like to comment. ce >> here's the thing. thi billy eichner has gone on the gt attack with i think burger kingk did a whole campaign with people -- here the thing. t i think it's funny. i think he's absolutely funny.uf you're right much it's notigucht original.iginal. >> man on the street conceptn ee we've been doing it for years. a >> he's really good at doing mam on the street. the str >> both of them are loud andnd some would say obnoxious andoxid
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there. th >> well, all right.>> welll r >> let's see who wins that one.o >> thank you very much jim lokay lokay. >> all right. next. a painful exit for justinusi beiber. the 22-year-old took a hard fall as he walked off stage during ag concert on thursday night. perez hilton showed the fulld tl clip of what looks like a painful spill.l spi wait for it. >> ooh.>>oh. >> the head clip is -- >> i can look at it.k at >> and the neck, that's a big one. one. >> we hope he's okay. >> oops. >> the thing is, i did just a a get a text from wisdom he thate is a on loop on his phone. (laughter). >> i feel badly.>> fee i didn't hear he's hur.ur we hope he's okay.s o >> rumors never die. d pregnancy rumors continue toy rc swirl around jennifer aniston an friends alum snapped after a dinner date with justin theoriux her husband and she was carryiny her jacket in front of her o stomach. the girl is full, people. okay? she was left many speculating she's pregnant p
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>> she just had a lunch. lun >> the bikini picture looks likk she a baby bum.abum >> or she had nachos. nho >> she was was seen hide herring stomach and again the rumors continue. i believe jenn is 47 years old.. so it's not out the norm. jenn 50-year-old carrying herary own baby. leave the girl alone. >> who cares?>> >> why are we on baby watchabyat here. >> all of us had babies it looko like the way that bikini picture looks she might be pregnant. >> look right now.ight i look a little ---- >> everyone loves her. her if you think maureen isen is pregnant, tweet us.tweet >> everybody loves her.vedy lovh everybody loves her.ybody s >> we want her to have baby.e b i think that's what it is.t i >> there it iis >> come on.. >> if my tummy look like that ii would be so grateful.. (laughter). >> i'm working for that. >> okay.>>kay. let's talk kim kardashian sheare actually celebrated fathers' day with adorable phot
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her >> i haven't seen saint in longl time. >> since yesterday.>> since yese she move this become cher ofbec saint and northwest one of the f few she posted of saint sincece his birth last year. kim k captioned it happy father's day babe. thank you for always putting your family first and being the best dad to our babiesrs. >> aww that is very sweet.y swe >> they are just like us.y arstl >> right.. >> we saw one picture of the one where he has is sleeping of the. >> he's adorable.doble. >> super cute. >> finally talk about>> star-studded mariah carey bringing johning legend on stage during hering concert in las vegas.egas. the 37-year-old hunk jumped on n to bed, um-hmm as one much her dancers blindfolded him and himd teased him by rubbing an oversized pink feather on the fo back of his neck. n okay before you say it, say what now? his wife chrissy tee again was in the screaming in the audience as it was all going a down much she's a huge ma rye today cary. c there's not a single mariah sons she does not know
10:20 am >> there she is. >> i love her. not a lot of support right the there. (laughter). >> any way. .. thank you >> over to you. jim.m >> a lot of something.f meth >> mimi looks really cute ine that picture. >> yeah. >> all right. >> jim, back over to you. >> i know you're all part oft o this. >> one of the great regrets ofgt my life.if thank you.kou. 10:20 right now coming up nexton it is the longest day.e d we'll check in with the the alzheimer's soaks for more onor the hard work they do on dailyay basis raising awareness andrene fight the incurable disease.. later a billion views and counting we're talking aboute' dance sensation maddie zieglerdd you know her from videos and hei dance moms she's joining thehe judge's table on you think you y can dance much she is morningni she's joining us live to dance my -- judge my danceables, no, she's not, but she's with us any way. back after this.
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♪ fox d.c. cares partnering with the alzheimer's association for today's big fundraisingundr event called the longest day.. today is in fact the longest dae because it is the summerheumme solstice.lsti all day long all around the country people will do all kindk of fun things as they fundraiser for alzheimer's association.ocii some members of the alzheimer'ss association are here now to n answer any questions, anything a at all. you have
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can provide resources and pointd you in the right direction. call them at that number on your screen (202)895-3307.5-3307 we'll talk to them just aheju moment. five things to know about alzheimer's. more than 5 million americans ai are living with alzheimer's disease. every 66 seconds someoneeo develops alzheimer's in thenhe united states.ed one in three seniors dice with alzheimer's or some form of the disease kills more peopleorl than breast and prostate cancer combined. combined.coin alzheimer's and other did he mee has will cost the us2 arthriticc billion dollars this year alone. for more how you can help andnd get involved we done to anna nelson alzheimer's association a advice proceed of program andeda services. good morning to you.ning to you. >> thank you very much for y having you in your program.yourm >> absolute. we'll be hearing the phones rinking that's good thing.ea g that means you're calling to ge the information you might need.. so please excuse that as we havv this covering.this anna, the first question, youue know, what struck me as we've w' been doing all these reports als week how pervasive this is. ts
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suffering from alzheimer's but their caregivers as well.. >> we find the distress of carec giving is tremendous. that's why we're here for family caregivers to give them thee the support that they need and a lol of times they're not aware thatt we're here.. so that 800 number. 272-3900 is the number to call.. family caregivers have any have questions it is always good forf family caregivers to realize rli that they need to ask for help. how many times do they want tot do it by themselves and they can't. we're talking about job that is 24/7365 days year. >> this phone bank is little different than we said earl a*aa lot of phone banks are set up t raise money. ra this is to give people the peoe information they're needing.iond are you finding most pineople ae just simply looking foror resources are they calling withw specifics about how do i spotdoo whether my family member has h loved one is suffering from fm amounts heim mers or anotherhe form of dementia?imform >> o a lot of the calls that i'm getting have to do with folks wh that are really concerned abouta their own memory.own my.
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forgot where i left my keys.efmy i forgot about an appointment. should i be worried aboutrriedut something? and i always tellwas folks, remember, as we get older, we tend to get moreore forgetful that's part of age --- but when the behavior is persistent and extreme, that's ' when we worry. wry >> what's the first step if youy notice there might be somethingt amidst whether you notice it ori your family notices? nic >> when an individual begins to forget how to go to places they've been to hundreds off times, they're asking can youca drive me there, i'm toon tired, because sometimes they cover itv up as well. w we always tell families if theyh notice family member is notr is doing things that they used to u do before and they're doing things that are out of the normn that's when they should beho b concerned about and i always sas make sure you schedule anchedule appointment for completefomple physical because there's numberm of medical conditions that cause problems with memories it's not dementia.deme >> i know it's still a disease a we're working to find a cured cu for. so much still unknown about this, but this isil where it's beginning alzheimer's association.s you see these phones rinking. ri so important. impor that means folks are paying p attention.
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need by calling this phone bankn that number on your screen. (202)895-3307. any parting words for folks out there related to the alzheimer'r association and the work do youy >> i want families to knows to w they're not alone and that we're just a phone call away. 82723900 thank you so much for h this valuable work and helpingnl us increase awareness about the disease.di >> we've given you two numberr numbers. might be confusing go to ourng r website fox5 d.c. d we have all the information youi need and meantime that numbert m again on your if you need it, please pleasee e please use use there's no shame in asking forsf help and getting the help you y need. all we'll send it back over to youco guys. thank you arc nan.u aran. >> thank you.ou >> thank you everybody for all a they're doing for sure. still ahead on good day, my one-on-one with harry connick, i jr. it's really just a littleittle snippet. the big deal is coming tomorrowo but i'll tease you.eou here i was. w. we'll be rye ryeack. ♪
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harry connick jr. was a bigr. ws weekend for her and i say him, let's roll the animation onceono again.again >> what happened when harry met holly. >> i cannot wait any longer. l >> it had to be me. allison, someone pinch me. pin let me tell you. y it really was i was m she's three time grammy award winner.. i was getting a little hot. maybe that's just my age. >> we are menopause, right.. >> three time grammy winner, two heim tie prime time emmy award tony award nominee, judge on juo american idol my celebrity cru crush. harry connick, jr. was live invn concert this past saturday nighg at wolf trap. you know i was there.u know i ws that was me i had great seats ia was little bit excited.eed but i'm here to tell you dreamse do come true because not onlynl did i get to see an mazingn min concert but i did get to talk tt harry myself. >> ♪
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>> hi ya'll feeling? ♪ without a song the day would never end ♪ >> i know that you played wolflw trap before this is an mazing mn venue. >> it is. >> what do you like best aboutou it? >> we have so much history herer i was telling my daughter that,, um, i think the first time iirsm played here had to be at least l 25 years ago.go so i have lot of great memoriese here. he it's such a beautiful setting.. i like big stages because itt gives me a chance to really movv around and the sound is great. t this whole, arc lot of reasonsea why i like it here. ♪ >> obviously, your resume is you've done everything. but is this performing with your band, is that the to
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>> you know if i had to pick one thing, i would probably pick performing life, because it's meadery act. a there's no rules.e's no rul i can sort of make it up as i go. go depending on the audience andie when you do it night after night after night, for me every show s is very different.ifre it's not scripted.ipted it's not planned. planned. i don't really know what i'mallm going to talk about or how the audience is going to respond sos that type of kind of walking a a tightrope experience is veryxpes exciting to me. ♪ >> his description of performing life is very important. because that's a lot of what i >> his description of performing life is very important.
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will be his new show which wasly real season i gotat ts o talk to him. hi he has had a nife daytime d entertainment show airing righth here on channel five and thatt was my composed moments. i'll share minot so compight sop moments tomorrow. they are there, too.reoo but it was a an mazing night ini wanted to one section where isei just talked about hisout h performance at wolf trap becausc there i am living large with mym picture, my new best friend.end. >> what are you going to do witt that pic. >> i'm going to make it 16 by 4 o d. >> no. >> christmas present.tmasrese >> exactly. but listen just some specialepe nights from the concert.ts fromo it was really great.yre he did give me a shout out sho t during the show. >> you're kidding?e >> oh, my god.h, my >> yes, did he. y. so i had told him i had seen him long time at the kennedy centern and i loved when he did old d rugged cross.ruggedss it was a moment for me, i told him i loveden it and wass there any chance you would do it agortn and he sortd no but i'm i going to have something else foe you. so during the show he goes, so o was interviewed by this thi beautiful woman holly -- >> whoo! >> and right then i pretty mucht
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i didn't hear anything eoule.ny he g'm he g'm play old rugged cross and i tol her no. n but then he g'm he g'm told her i'd give her a new a rugged cross he went on to playp the a might might which brodidnht me to tears.dn it was great but it doesn't endt there, right.ere, right so he gave me a'me me a'm ticket. ti and he signed it. >> would you were you. wouou we. >> to me. he was doing autographs heph signed everybody else's regulare but he look at me and sortd holy i'm sign yours to you. y >> it's to helen.el >> it d'm jim. ji and last but not least, after the show, are you read. read. >> i am.m. >> okay.>> he followed me on twitter. >> ahh! ahh! >> ldoik. >> there it is. is. >> i pre shot notification that shed harry connick, jr. is, s following you and i really thini my husband thought i was dying d because nervous i ldoik down att my fanion sortd a3 the, o did my god, harry connick just followed mede on twitter.. right. >> i love it. i >> i will say this. y
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do hollt have to be a harryry connick, jr., fan.k,, f >> he plays si sin nat tran oldl classics it is an amazing show. his band the people that playhap behind him and they are justreus crazy talented.alte >> i think when you see him idol and see him -- he gives you the sense he'll carry the show anded carry it well.carry ell. >> yeah. >> so much appeal. sch a >> yeank harry is set to debut inutn september right here on fox as we said. we'll have much much more abouta it i really think you'll beou'lb excited when you hear him talkil about his nife show tomorrow.ow >> your segment is contagious.tu i'm excited for you.or you that's >> the next time i might have to buy tickets for all of us and ua go. that's how much i love pla iuco think it's so entertaining.ertan >> let's talk about another hott ticket for the weekend. finding dory.or big box office splash over thevr weekend holly and more than 130 yell don dollars and set agnewra record for animated move z kevik ittt down with do tector andreww stanton to talk about how it got made and why there was such a sh long wortt between the origive o and the sequel
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>> what i love you got a new a n actor to voice nemo you can keen the kreall'm kreall'm >> 21-year-old voice would haveh sounded a little weird. >> i want to knoúit>> did you have to get a voiceve tc match? did you have to fine tht kid >> i thodidnht that would be the most difficult search.h. they found 30 krealls that sound like (laughter).(l >> yeah. >> it became who is the best actor and hayden stood out.o o >> that's fascinating.s fag. if you had to direct finding dory as a live action film plal >> that would be --would be >> could you pull it off.ull of >> that would be quite anuite escapade.escapade >> what would you do. what >> it wowould be wei kr. weir >> g me one scene in thest movie how would you pull off pul live action. >> if they were pn.ple?f pn >> no, ndo. they're >> oh, they're fish.reis >> stop motion.p mo ho. >> yewould you do it? >> i think you'd still do it in cg, wouldn't you? i don't knowon ho. >> ye pla how do you tell a fis which way to go. >> i don't know. i don't i can't work with this fisnk >> working with animals isnimals really bad. >> dogs and horses.and es. >> e abouctly. >> touch pdoil e -ene a loan wod have been horrible because likee the fish wouldn't go where youde wanted to.wa the kids wouldn't do what youwha want to do. >> ye p>> it was horrior
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into animation the timing. timin >> i'm a huge thomas new man f fan. i think he's an absolute geniuse wow. so are we. >> as director prone dousech.whn you're working on film like this and you have a score that yout u used in 2003. >> yes. >> and then you make anotheryomo film. >> >> how much of the themes ca-- 3 you use from the original familiar and how much iscae ni? >> well, that becomes more of af creative question of just how jt often do we want tdo. you know, feel like we're calling back too the past versus being newngew territory, and that works on o every level. and we had this one scene that'a deep into the movie where marilyn finally sort of thanks t dory for everything she's doner over both movies, and it felt like that was the right place to use the theme from finding nemon and once we -- we kind of foundo that early. early. we realized, you know what, thi, is going to be so if we never do it any other time.time and it was a bit like -- i don'n want to give away creed when yoy see creeg s they hold that rck
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queue for the longest time.e it does such a wonderful thing.i one in the same thing.hing >> of course, finding dory is ii theaters right now. ca hollt wait to see t >> just keep swimming, swimmingn >> still ahead at 10:00 from fm underwater with dory to on it oi with erin and caitlin. ctl coming up next we'll check in ci with the dynamic duo today'soday weather and traffic to see howee they are marking the first day d of summer and how you can, tdoio we'll be right back. bac ♪
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♪ all right. well it is the fo tst day of z beer and all morning longng l we've been trying to get you inn that summer break spear ipear earlier this morning erin and ad caitlin had little breakfast bra barbecue. ba they ditch the studio and the barbecsta truck to head on to tt water. te >> talk about per-- ct timing tm especially since we can be in se for store the hottest day of the year so erin and cort> ain live in l northwest with a look how they t are keeping cool this morningsng out there on the water.on the wt hey there.. >> hey, we have right along thet georgetown water scont. what a your wuss way to spent te the% day of summer burning off g our breakfast barbecue.bee we are jarbned by pore -he samso knot the general manager of thef all the operational sightss around the dc area and we're ata the thompson boat center.ter. caitlin what perfect day.. >> it's beautiful pore -he. por. you've got classes and camp ross out here. out her tell us everything the thompsonn boat center has to >> thompson historically
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fog fog people were rent douorke andouod single crew shells once they oe have some ins theome i we aoulo have douorke and sinou' kayaks and coming later thisat t summer we're garbng to have stad up paddle bning krs and hydro k you will actually bike on thee e wateo b yoes ldoik so cdoig th l tell us a little bit aboutlittla those. th >> theit are brand nife idea fn this it's basic al bicycle with a little rudder so you padexe andd it you can float and steer justr like being on bike on the landhl but you're on the >> we're in the kay3 >> right now.ig now so we are tied to the dock righd now just because it is pretty pt windy.y and we think it's beautiful dayd what are some ideal conditionson to be out here on the water? >> sdo. yes it is nice to be out in the sun but you always wantln to wear sune -reen and protectin because you'll be get sun fromuo the sky and reflect on the water.war. personally i love a day that's 70 degrees, slightly overcast. c you get some s no protection its not too hot. no >> little cool.tle ol. >> little cool and you knos c ii can be a wind.n be a wind. usually not too windy.oo >> you have self other llizatioo aro
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>> yes. so we have key bridge boat housu which is just down the river.hev egout a mou'ee from here. fletcher' as couple miles down.. we aoulo have aba park bning tt behind the natiove mul stadium n navy yard, and then nationalatil haen tor which is in maryland mr right by the gaylo kr center. ce >> people anywhere in the area e can get out and epp joy the j watech.during the scommer.. >> that's exactly why we exist. we want to m3 >>e the river, allthe ri a rivers that we are on veryner accessible to anyone who wants w to get out and padexe.. >> and live jackets verynd liv important so wear where you goe out on w water activities,s correct. >> i fitted both of their lifete jackets to make sure they fitsuf well. ll. >> safety fo tst. >> it has our barbecue bellies.i y yeah. >> it's a win/win. >> now tell me aoulo about howuh you have made a partnership witt a form he have community servics here. >> yeah. so we like to be involved with both envo tonmental eto gor ep d co be noity. one of our major projects lastcts l summer a stato g member osun ous colleen devlin started therted t community river cleanup on the
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anacostia.a which is at our ballparkallp location. so every sunday from 9:30 tilll 11:30 we have about 12 to 24 'm 'm people can come in, get out oneo the water, do some com3 iniimp service, and it's we're just excited to get peoplt on the water helping out. ple contact iftact if he they want to come outome o spend the first day of scommer o a kay3 >>.>> >> chick out our website boatine in you can aoulo go to thohtsson bt center refom if youaboe interesi in more specifically in thisy it boat house right here.. >> thank you pore -he.ore . we'll try to -- before we go g back we'll try to do lit> aee telyou havking.ha >> a lit> ae bit. >> ourselves, guys. >> ahh! >> cort> aincher- ain >> it's wind.>>s wi >> are we splashing you.e splago >> indicate lane has microphone. >> dgree they just leave you y behind.bend >> buy. buy by katelyn.yn >> ldoik what kind of friend shr is, caitlin.,aitl >> see ya. >> sale off into the s noset. >> wow! >> otely. this is my life.this >> caitlin, we'll come get you. >> time now is
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♪ she is entertainment historyisty veteran now judging other o aspiring artists on popular cohtsetition shos c and dgree we mention she's a teenager.. dancer mad dough ziegler hadiegd career that many might eed by b before she's even old enough tog drive. that was her dancing in seen moreththengreetheer than 1 billion dimes on youtube. 1 billion.1 biion. >> wow. >> bou'elion, right.>> b now you can see her on you thinn you can dance the nplet t n generation.generati yons yons because she's joining us live uv scom nife yorthis nif good morning to you, >> good morning.orng >> okay. so you p'mso you p'm
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whning , we dgreeve kt realize c older you've gotten. gotte you're s> ainning, youthengeingy >> thank you. >> you've had quite a year.had a lot garbng on and now youtheng going to be so you think you cay dance. what's that journey been lyoe bl for you? >> it's crazy.ra we start the live show soon, ana f oya.just so excited, and it's' going to be such an mazing, up , credible experience for me.e exn >> what are you ldoiking for asa juquie now? what is it you'rett looking for?? >> i'm definitely ldoiking for,i mean, the talent is alread. alra incredible.edle so i'm definitely looking forngr kids who really are pasant onatn egout dance and really love whaw they do. kind of our really wou'eling tw3 enin this thing. >> do you feel like you have toe be tougher than the other jlashs or, you knolr is it a matter ofo finding your own judging style?y f om curious about that. >> i don't think that i'll behi' tough on the
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know, i am theo t age och.some e th dgr ages, and i don't wantonw them to feel like they're afrair of me or anything.ny i want them to come to me for f advice if they have anythinge a that they need tdo. you know,no kind of hear about och.kind of learn from experience from me. so i dzeinitely thinkcher- i mea ye sco i wou'el tell them in a n way if they're sensing they need tocherwhat tocherwhat need to work on but for the mosm part i'm just going to be myse e iself.el >> otely. well you learned from the best as far as telling folks whatol th thi need to work for from aby from dance mobs.ance m can you dish on that experie clp a lit> ae bit.a li what was it lyoe to be under her tutelage? >> i definitely llfed my time at ex d ref. and i'm still t3 >>ing class there and it's been aneena amazing experie cle.iele f ove lea ried so much and there a lot to be competition dancer.n it's pretty craplet, and i mean f om just glad i was on the w on journey with my best fries.
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because if i wasve kt it would e very hard for me. >> maddie, i got to say first oo all my cousin lucy t3 >>es classesla at ajay lee we're pit epburgh es as well.l. being on dance songs and growini alk under that spo> aight andig gossip around you do you have y any lessons you want to share with some of the contestan ep ot so you think you can dance? >> yes. there are garbng to be lyoe how you san,d gpuant p. there is going to be some people who are probably, you knolr i mean, it's pretty craplet c competition so people are going to obviously want to win and a pe'm pe'm but i think it's good to justo t remember where you came from anm rety not to get tdoi f dgsty int competition and i think it'st' good to kind of just, you knolrk be yourself and work hard and just really push >> so you've been a part ofparto agdeo that's beentheniewedenie cameleon times, maddie. made. so how do you top that? lyoe l what's your drei w
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>> it was so crazy because i never thought that the video vid would even get a mou'elionthenis so it's crazy that it's likes l over a billion. it's really it thaane and i juss ienceriblhing keeut i getting b and better and it's just reallyl i wdo in-- >> i was garbng to ask you, beyond being a judge on saro yoo think you can dance which youdii be on tonight, what does your y future hold? are you still y dancing? what are the neck yoe you at aouhe such a high level of dance already? >> i co still dzeinitely dan jug and i'm still taking classes ans doing ballet and everything. and i co aoulo til itake been a3 a lot lately so that's beens bee really, really fun for me. >> otely.>>. so the end gning l here becausec upping, for all the dancersrs watching and the paren ep who te sa's sa's >>e a>>e profession out of that, what doo you have to sayf to those young wel clers? >> i definitely think that dance can become a really amadance ame
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pleperience for you, and it's i' been a dream come true for mow to be able to do dance and music agdeo and to aon tiually have e dance in one of the movie ice me just did. did so it's craplet, and i think pe'm pe'm a sport or this or that but ihai think dance is the mputhepu imksrtant sksrt there is.rt thei >> okay. what movie, can you tell ueeu >> yes. it's coming out toon it's callec the book of henry and it was myy first til my first fea> aire fom and it was so fun. >> your first of many. wedibl definitely ldoik for it.k >> i h'm >> i h'm >> maddie ziegler, such a talent and we're glad youthenge with uh wedibl see you tonight on you think you can dance the nextu na generation. lo agng evet the minute of it. t thank you. >> thank you.>> t >> she's grown. >> amatheneng the wig, tdoi. >> it was the lack of the blondb wig.g. >> right, t thee. thro is h me when i fo tst saw . okay. >> we have much more coming upru on gdoid day dc.doid d just a couple more minutes lzet for the a
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association phoning bank.ion thpue are the folough alzheimers association today is the longest day that is the ci w gdign we'rw holasng to bring awareness tonet this incredibly, you know --,.n >> it's important.nt >> ikinortant iss be, this be, t disease. >> far reaching. >> very tsch indeed.ts ind wethenge bruk with much more on other side of the break.e b >> we're not going aziewhere. ar >> stay put. >> we have like minute.te >> let's do tweets, mo.s, >> let me turn aro nod and mindm e i othere business.e i othere b >> she was caught up in thatusg dancethennk . >> i was.>>. i y thw you dou'veng this again. >> i was. w who is going to save can,> aina, rotht d bzeore that's a greatre question.qu we hope erin will go back andoak get her. >> we think sause gdddle back. >> holly -- hly - >> holly's llfe for hart the iso g g >> it's not cute. it's real. (laughter).ghter). >> ldoik at this.>> ldo holl's holl's fogging up my tv screen.v scr >> me and hart the.and rt >> always a great day when hollh meets harry.. >> it had to be me.
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>> here's one more. i appreciate the work that you u do for aisheimer's awareness.. >> well that's our ci wpaign fox five cares and that's more thana a hash tbab.a tba >> it really.ea >> so we're happy they were hery today.y. >> otely. >> oh yeaand>> oh yead >> linwel, lencay fine to expres your opinion against cleveland.. most dnkmost dnk >> linda, you're high sister.ig i hear you.i he >> let me just read this one. o >> please do. >> oh i can be modest.odes >> holly read it alla bon ldoiko tha b. thank you alla bon for sharingoa your beauty and elegance everyve mo riin-- >> youthenge welcome. >> wow! >> mark clark sent that n i'm tn just knk just knk ocaughter).augh >> he would not. it was a viewer. >> that a b great.a . >> thank you all for jou'veningu we've got a whole lot moreheadeh your way coming tomorrow.omor more hart the in case you
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live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." >> wendy: how you doin'? the kids have come to play today. you won't believe what i'm about to tell you. all due respect, have several seats. my girls are always turned out. i give it to you state, no chasers. >> now, here's wendy! ♪ [ wild cheers ] ♪ >> wendy: ta-da. here we are! thank you for watching our show. say hello to my co-hosts, my studio audience.
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