tv Good Day DC FOX June 24, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EDT
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♪ straight ahead, a british bombshell defying expectationstn vote approve plan to leave thehe european union.nion now the prime minister says he's out and global money marks areke in a free fall. fall. back here at home a teenagee under arrest after threateningen to shoot his ex-girlfriend, her family and her school.. we'll have live report.or the fire and the flood. mother nature pump link the lint nation's mid section.ti can we expect the same thise th weekend? and later, president obama's message for the nba champions. >> come here but put on a shirt though. though. >> good day at 9a starts now.. ♪ hey, everybody.> hey, eve
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it is 9:00 o'clock on thishis friday, june 24th.e 24 i'm maureen umeh alongside annie yu, holly morris. morri steve has the morning off that's right. rig. friday mean zip trips around here this morning we're spending the day exploring everything vienna, virginia, has to offer.f here to help us out is allison, wisdom, tucker all hanging out.t looking good, guys. >> and sounding good. >> good morning.. > ♪ >> keep talking. kp talkin >> it's in the hips.s. >> hey, it's in the hips. h don't go -- you're doing too too much. mu >> too much? okay. go ahead.go keep talking. >> fox5 zip trip number four ii believe. tucker you're doing too >> keep talking allison. tucker and are entertainment. >> vienna jammers live coming uu on good did you today.ood did y c. we got a beautiful crowd of o people out here all the way too the corners.thene all the way here.l way we're having good time.d tim we'll tell you five must stopsts and a lot more.t mor right? >> that's right. thas ri >> next two hours. hou >> right, right.. >> what kind of dance are were w doing here.doing he >> let's do the salsa. de sa >> i got to say this whilehi
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that's azia song kick the bait. >> yeah. >> this is how we do it ine do vienna. >> we getter send it back to y you. >> wisdom looks like he's doingg the stan key >> right. >> he does. >> not the moves that he'ste' supposed to be doing. d >> we've learned allison is thet only one that can multi task. t. dance and talk.and . the others need to do one or th other. other. we look forward checking back bc with you ya'll.with you ya' it's a beautlliful morning to b outside, and a pretty nicey weekend actually on tap, too.ta, for details let's go to mikeo m thomas because he's here with a first check on the forecast.ect hey, mike. mike. >> good morning ladies.inladies. looking beautiful on the coucheo this morning.orni >> thank you. thankou. >> aww. >> we have a good day.e ha goo a lot of sunshine out theree ou right now.ri mitt not be the case all day,, but holly, you gave away myy tease.tease. beautiful weekend ahead.ekend e. >> sorry. >> let's get to it. outside this l morning taking aa look if the roads here. little busy on the traffic i'mrm not erin como but i try sometimes.some 77 degrees outside right now. nice jump many in temperatures.s relative humidity a little high. 79%. we'll go to that
9:03 am cold front kind of draped acros the region as long as this guy g hangs around we'll at least thea chance to pop some showers and d thunderstorms later on thishis afternoon you can see couple coe showers developing up towardsow baltimore our future cast really wants to pop something over d.c. about two, 3:00 o'clock thiso'cs afternoon. afte so we'll continue to monitor itt and keep updated.pdated 83 degrees your daytime high hig today. toda mix of clouds and sun a few few showers from time to we'll have more on that forecase and we'll check out the beachesh too coming up at about 9:30.ut:3 all right.l r that's a look at the weatherhe r i'll send it back to you at thet good day couch.od d >> love to check out the beach.h >> thanks, mike.e >> first at 9:00 this morning aa breaking bombshell in britain ba overnight voters in the countryy decided to leave the europeann union. the vote sending shock waveses across the country and aroundun the and the fallout was immediatete with british prime ministerinis david cameron announcingnc resignation. the markets here at home and ata around the world and on a wildd ride. the british pound is now trading at a 30-year low. l exit polls seem to show thew t
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anti immigration supporters andr many of the uk believe lawmakers in brussels had too much contron over laws.s. meanwhile, cameron says the british people have spoken, and their will must be respect. >> i think the country requirese fresh leadership to take it in i this direction. i will do everything i can as a prime minister to steady they t ship over the coming weeks and months, but i do not think it tk would be right for me to try to be the captain that steers our country to its its next destination. >> president obama is expected d to speak with cameron laterroatr today. the president opposed the breckk sit suggesting there will beherb serious consequences if it camem to pass.ass >> our bob barnard is joining uu now live with more on the brexie vote want comes next.t good morning to you. >> hey guys.. >> the first question what doesa this mean for britain, cameron r leaving office. who is the >> they don't know yet. yet and he's probably going to be in office until october i mean
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whole backing out of the eu wilw take a couple of years. y he said he'll probably serve until october but boris johnsonn who's is the former mayor ofor london was one of the bigig proponents for this. and hasn't said he's going to bt candidate.candidate. wants to head the conservative party which cameron does now,oew but look for someone like borisi johnson who said that the eu isi good for its time but the timehm has past.s past. >> i know everyone is reelings l from the news this morning. but this is not something that'' going to happen right away likee you said it will take couple of years. how does it really systematically play out? what?a is the future for the uk here? >> well, they have still have 22 countries they will have 27 countries great britain is justs one of those and made it to 28.2 i think a lot of the leadersde around europe are reactioning upset about it, but willing toio go forward saying we want -- like the chancellor of germany,y the presidents and foreign ministers avenue lost different nations there are saying we wilr
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huge part of the eu. >> right.ight. >> and so they're likeik institutions all head quarteredr in brussels that that will stara backing out that kind of keep the british people in and now n they'll let them go. >> this might be dumbing it dow a bit.. almost as if you're in mall andd you lose one of the anchor stores?es? >> absolutely. you know what i'm saying.ha >> you loset nordstrom's.. >> nordstrom' social security going. >> exactly. >> the bigger -- >> jc pennies will come in. i >> bigger picture we're talkingw about the financial fallout. this has worldwide ramifications it he will really came down to immigration. a lot of people in the uk upset about immigrants coming not diss system layer what we're seeingeg here in the united states f a sa bigger picture here in the united states how does this play into our political cycle with wt donald trump and his supporters you hear the same themes here.e. how does this place into ournt o political system want mightem w happen here?pp >> very similar.ilar i think they should take note,oo right. those who say build the
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that's in a sense what the people of great britain were wee saying we don't want leaders in brussels telling us in england how to rule our lives and letet people in. i yeah. it will probably have some kindd of impact here in our political race and fuel how the independents are dealing like lk washington can't get anythingeth done.done. but realistically stock marketsr are oil is down to $50. $50 lower than $50 a barrel. barre the japanese market the nikkei i down 8% it's biggest in years ya and like three decades. decades. the popped is down. dow there will be financial impactsa here. will they be long lasting andnga severe, we don't know. >> there's a lot of reaction l coming but also anxiety people don't know the future what's fua going to happen. hpe of course you have predictionspt coming out and experts speakingk out, but what should people do?d i mean should we make move? io know some people refusing to open up their financial foldersf this morning.orng >> sit tight. sitht. sit tight.ig. your 401k may take a hit in t
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short term but investors and advisers tell you stay >> the opening bell ringing atln 9:30 we'll try to bring it morer and bring you more news as it's' been developing.evelopin you've been reporting oh and a financial fallout all morning mg long and we'll talk more about that britain's set will have ana effect on the presidential leck here at home as we just talkedae about. donald trump he happens to be in scotland today. he is there to reopen one of his golf courses that's been that'en renovated he wasn't talking politics per se but he did issus a statement saying quote the t people of the united kingdom have you will exercise the sacred right of all freee peoples. still no word from hillaryhillar clinton.clinto >> closer to home d.c. police stopping a dangerous shootingotn plot at the hands of a 17-year-old.-yr-ol his target his ex-girlfriend, her mother and her school. fox5's melanie alnwick joins uss live from that school with brana new information on this mel, i know you've beene b following this all morning longn what do we know now?ow >> reporter: well, i just gotust off the phone with d.c. police.c who tell me indeed that 70-year-old suspect was arrestes
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sometime late last night ort nr early this morning by the gun recovery unit in southeast d.c. not at his home in northeast d.c. d.c. we're looking for a little bitit information on of course they won't release tht name yet of this young man, because he is at this point aina juvenile and charges have note been but pretty clear from the search warrant that was he can cuted wa that d.c. police took theseookhe threats very seriously. this young man threatened tone o kill his girlfriend, his girlfriend's mother to shoot up the school here.ol he. eleanor roosevelt high school tl shoot up the mother's workplace and based on what they were abll to get from that search warranta it was pretty evident that thiss teen had fire power to carry ouy those threats.those ts we're talking about an assault arrival, ammunition, spentpe rounds as well. all these things taken from from house on 45th street inn northeast.ast. d.c. police say that teenagedge owner planned to use them to tht commit quotes act of masst as violence that pot
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during a press conferenceonferee calling for restrictions onr n these kinds of weapons much here's police chief cathy lani lanier. >> gun recovery unit worked with that young woman through the night, found an on calll emergency judge and interruptedt his day.. got an emergency search warrantw was able to go and recover ak-47 from the individual involved and over 180 rounds of ammunition.. if anybody thinks for one second that the actions of the gunf thn recovery unit there doesn't savs countless lives, you're making a mistake. >> reporter: now this youngs you man is facing multiple charges.s here in prince george's county for the threat of mass violence. weapons charges inn in d.c. anda also perhaps some child pornor charges as well because it isaut alleged that he posted some som sexual images of hisf his ex-girlfriend so lots more to come on thiss if the system works the way itwi normally does, this young manngm would appear before a judge probably here in prince george's
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county sometime today. t. back to you guys. >> teenager. all right. thank you, still ahead virginia policel officer convicted of shooting an unmapped man learns his fate. how long he could spend in prison.on first though we'll take you baco live to vienna, virginia, for a look at the five must stops theo next time you stop by the the fairfax town. 9:11 is our time right now.ight. z212lz zi0z y212ly yi0y it's our 4th of july sale. where you can create the perfect home. from now until july 4th, you'll find huge savings on stylish pieces. plus, you'll get an extra ten-percent off accessories! and, we're offering thirty-six month,
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y212my yi0y ♪ i know, right.ow,ht i feel like i should have ashoua lighter. if you call vienna, virginia vgi home you're lucky.home y that's what we're finding outng this morning.. >> yup. go ahead.head >> i was going to give annie the chance.chan it said her name there but i'll toss it on out to our lovelyely crew that is zip tripping today. so i understand you guys haveysv the five must stops. s >> that's right.sight. >> we're having great time. (applause).pplaus >> we're having an awesome timea that's what i'm talking bringing it strong out here in o vienna, all right.all rht. tucker barnes, as always when we do our sip trips your mig is tog do what. >> is to do five must stops. s let's take a look at those now. ♪ starting with number fiv
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the north virginia model railroad it's must stop for for train enthusiasts of all ages. stop by during one of their open houses and check out their tir realistic depictions of an o actual railroad from the 1950s.s the little ones they might evene spot thomas the tank engine ande a few of his friends chuggingin right along.lo checking in at number four, it's jamming java. coffee is in the name but thiset place is so much more. more swing by this must stop to catch some of the hottest names inames music on the jamming it's number three, the free man store. with a visit here you'll take ak step back in time and see what t general store in virginia oncenc look like.ik pick up your favorite virginiaa themed gift or take in some ofno viennas' rich history.. number two i'm getting tiredng t because i'm on the washington and old dominion trame' of the' run, cycle or 68 part of the 45 minute route along the formernge road bed of the washington andtg old dough minute yann railroad. the
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heartland and into the beautifua virginia country side.. and the number one stop into i vienna, virginia -- drum roll, please. it's the vienna inn. yeah, opened back in the 1960s.6 this is still a hot spot 500 years on.year stop in for breakfast, lunch oro dinner. no matter your your must ordertd item their chili cheese dogs. d check it out.ut they sell more than 10,000 of 10 these chili dogs every month.. ♪ all right. you see that nice car right there? mazda is a sponsor of sr our zip trips and by the end of the summer, someone is going to win a new suv. s we'll take zip trips everyps friday until labor day weekend and that's 15 trips in total. tl each week you have a chance tovo register to win a new 2016 mazza cx9 to register go to our website and look for o the contest tab.
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random drawing. one of those 14 will win the 2016 mazda cx9 head to fox5 to enter and learn more. that's sweet car. c >> that is very nice car.nice c. (applause).lause) >> all right. i'll tell was else is >> what sells sweet tucker?? >> the steal band we've been wen listening to for the last couplo of hours. >> yeah. >> allison has more on that.onh. >> yes. >> what would you like us toikes refer to you.refe >> executive >> i asked dave is he like the t drum guy in whiplash and he sais yes. ye >> you can tell, right.ouell, r. >> that one movie. the kids sound great.ds snd g you guys sound beautiful.utiful tell me about the vienna jammers.jaer >> vienna jammers end ze ensembf kids from vienna. this is at lump night g grades seven through 12. 12 >> future jammer. >> he's good, mom. let him stay with us he's fine.. okay. okay. so how many hours a
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here we go. we how many hours a day do youo practice.tice >> we practice depends on the on group usual al couple hours wee week. >> okay. that's it. >> how do you do this and any other thing that you do? areyor you a professional musician on o your own. >> i'm not. i'm a general music teacher in n fairfax county.nt >> look at that. music teacher.musieach you guys sound beautiful reallya what are we going to hear? before i got to ask how do ao group of kids from vienna learna to master the steal drums. dru >> practice. you can sign up vienna where you can findo out all information about theyoo group. >> okay. >> we practice an hour and a half and these guys learned to o play the steal pans when theys t come to rehearsal. trehea >> you know what, i mean i feele like when i hear this i'm ons'm beach i've got the little drinke with the umbrella.mbrell >> vienna is beautiful.eautul >> yes. >> but i don't see the umbrellau drink that's why i asked. >> gotcha.>> gcha. >> that's why i asked. we'll hear a little bit, right.t >> sure. >> >> come back in. what are the kids going top
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ne who knew. little taste of caribbean via vienna on this friday we'll check in with our zip trit crew in a little bit. bit but in the meantime telling you this. 9:20 coming up next, we actuallu have breaking news from theing r campaign sentencing day for a localoc police officer and presidentndre obama's message for thefor the cleveland cavaliers it's prettyy funny.fuy. we'll check out the otherchec stories making headlines thisini morning.mog >> later, make them laugh a thea local comedian making a name foe himself on the national stage.. his s back home for a big event at the kennedy center but firstings, he's sitting downting with us. with us. he'll be live here in the loft.l we're back right after this..
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>> 9:23. give you a little something to cam the mood op this fry day.thy erin back with check of thef t other stories making headlinesis this morning. good morning to you. m >> good morning. gmo 9:23.23 and first up, sentencing day fod a former fairfax county police l officer convicted of involuntara manslaughter in the death ofn tt john gear back in 2013.01 adam torres shot and killed geaa during a standoff with police.oc gear was in his front doorway dw with his hands up under a plea p deal torres would serve one year behind bars. bar today a judge will decidel decie whether or not to accept orce o amend the length of torres' sentence. and take look at this.hi some dramatic video out of weste virginia.. that's a house on fire beingng
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also, in that state, a frantic c search is underway for a toddlel who was swept away in flood waters.waters. thursday's heavy rain alsoai als causing problems in neighboringg virginia.rg emergency crews had to rescuecue several people stranded in allegheny county.. breaking news from therohe campaign trail this morning. bernie sanders, well, he has officially endorsed hillaryed hl clinton for president.nt sanders told msnbc he will bewib casting his vote for clinton inn november saying i'm going to do everything i can to defeat can a donald trump.. volkswagen will pay over $10 billion to settle its u.s. emissions scandal case.dal ce. this will be one of the largestt payouts by an automaker in in history.hiy. last year, volkswagen admitted that 11 million of its vehiclese worldwide had software design tt cheat emissions tests. and finally, president obama calling to congratulate theehe cleveland cavaliers on their nba final victory and proving o
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again he has a sense of humor at the same time. take a listen to his advice forf the team coach. >> come see us and put everybode put on a shirt.t a s >> i definitely will. >> you can't walk around without a shirt.hoir >> i definitely will. >> president tells you jr smithh spent most of the cavs victory o parade shirt meantime lebron james is takingn a break this summer and will not chase gold in the rio olympics his agent said james informedd usa basketball he has withdrawnn from consideration.sideration james is just the latest bigatt name to drop from the us squad.d following steph curry, james hardin and chris paul. that should definitely shape up to be an interesting olympic season. >> no dream team. (laughter).ghte. >> thanks, erin.>> >> thank you. still ahead on good day, wey are just minutes away now from m the opening bell on wall streetr and as you can imagine all eyese are on it. it. after that shocking eu exit votv in britain. britain we'll bring it to you
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virginia to allckison and tuckec and wisdom there i see about to attack a chili dog for breakfa breakfast. >> hey g morning to you. we are talking about hotdogs and chili dogs. we're at the vienna inn and we e got a guest tucker barnes.cke br >> yes, we do. >> sam baker.>> sak you like chili chis. >> i think i like -- i loveove chili dogs. dog sam tell us about the chili dogi at the vienna inn this is as i specialty, right.y, right >> we're known for chili dogs.lg they are actually turkey dogss and then we home make the chilic we've actually make the chili with beer that we serve here. s >> beer with chili. >> beer with chili.eer wihili >> okay, all right. >> i'm loving this concept already. all right. al so -- >> keep >> make it for us and tell us al this is obviously a big hit hit here, right.,ight. >> yes. big hit. we sell 10,000 a >> 10,000 a month? mth >> yes.>> >> that's impressive. >> he had a loaded chili dog is chili, cheese, mustard and musra onions.. >> okay. you got the onion part.onion p we see the onion part. >> okay. >> and
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bouthe hisl me about the history here. vienna inn has been here for ane long time, >> yes, opened since 1960. 1 >> all right. >> eye only been here for threet years. >> okay. >> and i don't think that it's changed very much. we have a lot of people come in and they -- they tell us that it looks about the same.ame. >> okay. okay. >> have they been serving chilic dogs since 1960. >> same chili dogs. dog same recipe.. same turkey dogs. d >> let's run these over while -- you got to put this on much on m what's this right here. >> cheese.>>es >> cheese on these.>> cheese on >> we're almost out of time. tlm >> this is the real deal right here. >> we'll run these over to someo >> i'll go hand them out. >> somebody doesn't want cheesen >> they'll figure it out.t t all right. all ri let's walk and talk. >> tucker is delivering.g. tucker keep going. >> gentleman gentlemen, can i interest in you a chili cheesees hotdog? >> thank you very much. vy much >> thank you for saying yes. yes >> please take one.e one. you only get on get >> only one?>> only >> one each
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>> we have more. whave mor >> i'm sorry, sir, did you washh your hands? wash your handsh yn before you consume these. all right? i don't want to youo get in trouble with your paren parents. >> sam, thanks very much for letting us come in. >> thank you. >> gentlemen, enjoy.le we going to back inside now. n back to the studio.tudi >> sam, we ran out of hotdogs.oo i was looking forward to havingn one. >> we'll get some more. >> i'll get you one.'ll get you. >> thank you. >> thank you. i think we'll take it back i now. breaking news coming to you froo wall street where the dow justut opened, stock market just openee down 382 points, um, almost instantaneously of the objectiou key day on wall street.sly you can watch thdae numbersbe continue to plummet following fi the news from great britain that they have voted to leave the european union. uni this is the first time a stateta country of that nature obviouslv of that size has pulled out of u the european union.n so really the big question heren is what does it all mean for the financial marke
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entering this period ofd uncertainty because reallyuse re people just don't know and ofndf course, wall street doesn't likl uncertainty.uncertaint >> this is worldwide we'reorldwe seeing the marks tumble not jusj here in the united states buts t asian marks, came in lull thisut morning seeing it all over. just bad news the ripple effectf a lot of people wondering exactly what does this mean forr their 401ks and financial portfolios and other as specs as lot of folks saying right now i believe you reported earlierarli stay put. don't panic too much. m >> right. >> let's see how this whole's things plays out.thin >> ride it out.>> rid o there's anxiety over this.s. no one knows what will happen.lp but there is some good news. n you know, traveling to englandla cheaper if you are up for that t and then, of course, mortgage rates are at a low right now and probably will stay that way. w as we watch how this sort ofsort plays out and the impact on the global >> look at these numbers tumble you --u >> it's scary because it's youre money. >> exactly. you don know when it will end w
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we don't know how far reaching just yet. just but the opening bell here at 9:30 it looks like a free fall.e >> down nearly almost 500 points we're headed towards that mark. >> indeed. >> this was expected this isd ti what they were predicting whencw the stock exchange opened thisdt morning so that is not really aa surprise. su the real surprise, though, wasuw the fact that they did go ahead and vote to leave the europeanua union.un i know that president obama wasw actually awakened in the middle of the night to be told the ne news. he was for them staying in the european union of course it thee continued with david cameronid m going ahead and saying he willhl he also was for great britaintan staying in the european union. u and then he resigned saying that obviously the people have spok spoken, and i should not be the one that should lead the shiplee any more. o choose someone thatom is more representative of whatfa the people want.e w you're right, maureen, it wasn't -- it was close. c it was like 52% i think2% i thi something like that
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>> 52-48. >> yeah.>> y bob barnard is now joining usoig he's down at the flash cam and so as surprising as that news tn was overnight, bob, this rightsr now we're watching is not surprising. it's pretty much the reaction we expecteexpected. >> we wait for bob barnard to to put on his microphone and get settled in at the flash cam.them you're looking at the numberst b after the only opening bell thee stock market tumbling now at 52 and the numbers keep going lowew and lower and lower.wer d l it's just very disturbing to see hopefully we'll gete'll announcements from bob barnard what this all means in the longl term a lot of people looking atg these numbers it looks bad butob should you panic? should you? d stay put? what should you do aa this point? that's what we're w hoping to learn in the next the couple of hours. ofrs as we all sort of real in sortls and take in what's happeningning here worldwide really not justyj here in the united states in unn financial markets.fiial >> it's interesting becausetingc yesterday i was listening todayn quite a bit of discussion abouta this, and you know, they reallyh didn't think this was a
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that were, you know, ahead of the country and stuff untilff about two weeks ago when theyy really saw the momentum growingo with people and and becomingec closer and closer with themith m saying i know you have people oo the ground and you were like,w r no, the people, but i'm talkingt about the leaders of the country maybe were in little bit of o denial. de i heard --rd -- >> it seems like they were in a bubble. i tell was, i mean for those who know what's been happening, hape especially uk for a long time, , this was not -- it was close bue i think a lot people suspectedus this would happen you saw thishi grounds full of people let'spl close off our borders and stopto immigrants from coming in.comini let's become more of a closed society. >> the discussion i heard wasis that they understoodhe that butb that when they realized thatdha this could be the result that ia could totally affect the globall economy, that they were hopefulh that maybe it would real back a bit. bit. clearly it didn't. did let's bring in bob now. n he's joining us.ning so bob, i was saying earlier, er you know, obviously the news ofo them leaving the european unionu came as a surprise to many. the reaction we're
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wall street, though, not a surprise. this is what was expected.s whaw >> that's right. we reported earlier this morninm that they thought this could beu a black friday.ack fri i will tell you that a lot of the european indexes whichch dropped significantly when theyt opened bounced back a bit. averaging in the seven to 8% loss range this morning so a los of people were expecting that this could happen.. because, of course, many peoplep thought the vote was going to gi the other way really if you'refu an investor if you have money im the market sit tight. sit t it looks awful.ul nobody is expecting this to be something like on the level of what happened in 2008. 2 brace yourselves just sit tight. nobody likes uncertainty. there's a great deal ofa eat del uncertainty not only in greatn britain but in europe right nowt and so marks are reacting, oilgo prices are down. d but i mean that lookstks significant. 510. let's see how it ends up at thee end of the day, and hondw it got next week and in the coming c weeks.ek. but, yeah it looks shocking jusn brace yourselves.oursel
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whatever you do don't look atloa your 401k today. today is not the day to look att it. it. but you're right. bob. i mean, i think if we learned la anything maybe from 2008 is i i think now when we see these huge sell offs like this there is a greater resistance to panic. people do i think at this point kind of get the let's hold onn and wait and see. and see >> that it is a roller coaster.. >> type mentality.ty like you said, bob, this is something that we haven't dealtn with before.wi so the uncertainty herety here certainly is great. gre >> reporter: the whole uk getting out of thee u -- eu is going to take aak couple of years. i mean it will be a longon process. there could be more fallout.. even in scotland today thedod leaders there are saying, hey,n, we want to rethink our independents from the united fri kingdom so there could be lot ot changes to come.e but as happened back in 2008, i, you don't need your money righty now, leave it in because moreser than likely it's going to to recover and do better in the long hall s
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that's the worst thing you can g do is panic, try to make changea and then you suffer because you're selling when it's so lows when eventually it does come back. >> i don't think at this pointni have we gotten a response fromps hillary clinton yet? i know that donald trump is in scotlano today at one of his golf coursee has been ren renovated and he actual wal there he did commente on it saying the people haveeoee spoken. any word from hillary clinton?nn >> i don't believe there has thh been either on camera in an a written form or on social media until i'm aware of. i don't believe she or hert lie campaign has yet reactioned toit this. i will tell you the president barack obama wanted britains tos vote to stay in the eu. certainly she would have referred that as well but howha she's reacting to the vote lastl night which was roughly 51-48% or the reaction the fallout this morning, we haven't seen or heard it just yet >> bob, you mentioned that david cameron, that there's namesre's being thrown attaboy might beabg miss successor.miss suc
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report roar boris johnson who'sh a former mayor of london was very much proponent of brexit, and so he has been speaking outn this morning saying that the european union was good for itsf time. it's no longer applicable in th lives of the british people at least. so perhaps he may be one to como forward and be a future prime minister of great britain buttan he's not announced hisounced candidacy. he's not necessarily a leader oa the conservative party there pty yet. so we just don't know who the ke leader is going to be and youinb here david cameron is resigningg it doesn't take effect immedia immediately. it's not like richard nixon in '74 the next day at noon geraldl ford is president. preside david cameron said he's h resigning but it will probablyba be around october when hene actually leaves office. offic >> you know, he's not -- doesn't actually resign immediate but his announcement was immediate.m >> reporter: true.>>orter: true. >> it was pretty swift.t was ett >> i wanted to bring this up anp annie you talk about this. there's a sleever lining for l
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people looking to travel. to tra >> travel and interest rates. rs also, i mean what if you're an investor and you can buy in now. lauren simonetti touched on iteo this morning how the cost is lower.wer. >> yeah. well, and the british pound itiu think is at its lowest exchange rate in 31 years.. not since 1985 so, yeah, yourh,u money, our money, would go wou further as we look there at at pictures on the right there ofho london this there's a lot of fog there thise morning. rn >> yeah. >> always fog there.fog th >> you know -- know >> reporter: our money ifon i you're -- say you're travelingve to london this summer, the exchange rate was about a buck c 50 it's now down to a dollar 39r it was a dollar 35. 35. so your money will go a littleot further if you're traveling fomf here to there with dollars.olla >> if you're okay with spending it because you're watching yourr 401k plummet. plumm you might be afraid to take an a expensive trip.e i will say it's interestinges though because great britain always was kind of an exceptionx in the eu any way. ean they didn't do the euro.he they always kep
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cameron even had proposed at ont point some changes in the structure of their agreement with the eu but of course that t didn't pass and then now we seee the people wanting to get out.oo bob, thank you so much. so m b you bet. >> we'll continue to watch thist the market down now 458 points.. >> up, down, up down in the lasn few minutes. few minute >> down lot and of course it will continue to be the storynuy throughout the day. we'll stay on top of it as wells >> all right. we'll be right back after thisrt break. ♪
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this could be a buyingis opportunity for those who have the stomach for it. that w cithe that being said ww ceiling selling across the boara and whether or not we end higher or lower from this point to then end of the day, we'll ht ave toe wait and see. andee but right now the dow jones j industrial average downrialverad two-point 3% today is not the te day to watch your 401k. maybe just take the weekend andd check it next week. wee >> nicole have a question forion you.yo i don't know if you've had this conversation but i know everyony is anticipating the dow to beo b down today. tod at the end of the day, if it'sts down what amount do we still feel like maybe we're okay? oka >> if we close down right now, we're okay. o this is not -- this is not a a dramatic move where we put the circuit breakers have to halthat trading this about 2% move. m you can make this back in fewk n days of traders think that maybe biteaye end of the day we'll be down two or 300 and that's very fair.yai that's very fair
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don't forget we've been run up n and 1% from our all-time highig they're okay with little bit ofo a pull back.. >> that's about --- >> thanks nicole. >> live in new york with thein latest details detai more to come this morning for sure on this developing breakinb news story. >> yeah. we'll of course watch it througs out the time we're oe n the aire for sure. 9:46 coming up next the sweetert side of vienna.nna we'll check in with tucker whoho moved on from chili dogs to to chocolate. i hope he has pepto. p. >> allison will join us livein i actually with another edition of firehouse friday that's all ts headed your way next.ed your wa.
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watching, waiting, wishing. ♪ ♪ i tell you one thing, you never knew it. ♪ ♪ at the back of the bus ♪ there is so much to give, so dream big. ♪ yeah. ♪ ♪ and when they screaming get out, get out. ♪ ♪ll i wanna hear is t down, get down. ♪ ♪ yeah. ♪ and when they screaming get out, get out. ♪ ♪ll i wanna hear is t down, get down. ♪ ♪ get down, get down.
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♪ it is firehouse friday. yes, this is a child's fire hath i have been given to wear butea i'll wear it proudly as we say y good morning to fairfax countyat fire and rescue fire station two in beautiful vienna virginia ani say good morning to actually some of our fox5 viewers, too. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> tell me your name. cheryl mcwilliams.
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you're the one who gave me thisi hat and it is too i'll try.i'll try good morning much what's yourng name. >> corey matthews. c good morningor.. >> we first of all want to taket moment to say thank you for the work that you do.wo we always say you guys run intot burning buildings when everybody is trying to get out and you aou help us so we appreciate it. we should also let upping thisgi sponsored by dunkin' donuts and we have delicious doughnuts for. >> thankfully.nkfu >> hopefully we have deliciousld coffee too because it's myecauty favorite. vorite. >> when we started with you guyg the sun came out.e sume o you're used to it hot.seto i >> it is warm that's for sure. >> can you tell me about firee stationwo. >> fire station two in beautiful downtown vienna.. fantastic community one of the old fire departments in thementt county staffed by fairfax staffs with volunteers.. >> i read somewhere and i'm nott going to ask you trivia but i b read back in 1919 you guys were the first firehouse to respondes and it was like in a model t and you've come a long way.g way >> yes, we definitely have comee a long way from wayrom >> tell me what typical day is like for you.
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>> actually it's unpredictable.e we get in probably about 5:00, 5 5:30 in the morning a lot of us get our physical training n gett cleaned up and get ready for morning briefing after the morning briefing we conductfing check out the equipment, clean,c the equipment, do a streettreet drill, get lunch, do an eveninge drill and then -- >> between what time is it att this point in your day.ay. >> in between that we respond tn emergencies.em >> right. right. is there -- i know you respondpd to so many emergencies. is there anyone that sticks witw you more than another one?ne >> oh, gosh, anything involvingg kids normally sticks with you.o. >> yeah. >> sometimes it's not the worsts calls that stick with youti sometimes it's the ones that t have a positive out come. >> really. >> yeah. where you get -- we get to meet people sometimes on the worseetm day of their lives sometimes those calls that even have a really good out come affect youu >> so interesting.nteresting. again we appreciate it.reciate . all we have to give you is dunkin' donuts. ryan, could you bring in theulur doughnuts? maybe we could justu hand it and -- you can choos
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>> i have the pass because iecai haven't had pt yet today.oday. >> i'll pass too because i bause haven't pt pods yet today eith either. >> thank you so much for all that do you. >> thank you. appreciate it. >> thank you gouuys and ladies.d thank you so much.h. firehouse fridays and we reallya do honor the public servants who work so hard for us all the ti time. now, tucker is somewhere luke'sl yous. i think he's at the vienna inn n right down the road.he r oh, tucker.. >> allison i was at the vienna a inn a few minutes ago i'm movinn and shaking today i'm atco company vienna now.enna n i'm joined by the owners sam. s >> good morning.moing >> and stacey. and s >> good morning.>> goo >> all right. tell me all d about your place d you guys two great minds camedsc together to make one great great store. or >> yes. en i've been in chocolate for 15, 16 years. i've had a couple locations dids that for while.or whi. sold them. stacey and i our daughters daute played au basketball for al fora couple years together and she'sd born and raised in vienna andied always wanted to do somethingo here in v
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heads together and here we are. here's coca vienna. >> stacey been here here for h your entire life you open thepen store three years ago. tell me about vienna and why yoy love it here.loher >> it's community oriened.yen they have a parade every year.ry it's just small town. everyone puts their chairs out.o everyone knows your name. ynam grew up together. tet it's just safe. s it's home. >> obviously a lot of chocolateo here. i see lots and lots of lotf chocolate. you make all of this here everyh day? >> we do. wdo we're dipping something everyth single day. every day. >> do you ever get tired ofet tf dipping chocolate? >> maybe december 24th. (laughter).ter) >> how about right before bef valentine's day? >> december 24th. >> what's the biggest day of the year for you guys, valentine's >> valentine's day.. probably christmas.itmas that's for sure. >> anything for more informatior can people find you online. onln >> yes he have were web page.e p we have facebook. we are -- - >> twitter, instagram.gram >> twitter in
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sam is our it guy. iour >> so i have gloves on. i don't know you can see those.e i have gloves on can i have aanv chance to try to make -- i've i never made chocolate.cola this will be something youl som typically would do here, right.. >> absolutely.>> absolutely. >> every single day. >> i think we have strawberryvee here we'll start you off wayff strawberry.straerry >> i washed my hands thor roler before this sam.bere t >> i'll show you how we do it it's all on you. all ou. >> this machine -- -- >> dark chocolate temper machini set at 90 degrees and over here we have our milk chocolate about 91 degrees.91 drees. we'll dip a couple ofcoup o strawberries in the dark.n thea. >> and so you guys would justoud kind of --d o-- >> yup take the by the stem. >> all right. >> and you dip it in there giveg eight little twist, and there it is. >> that's kind of -- oh, yeah.ea >> then you just kind of set itt on the paper. >> set it right on the paper.ap >> you're left handed. >> yes. >> only right handed machine,gh soharry. >> oh yes. want to do it good glenn whatd t kind of things do you dip.things >> oh, gosh we do everythingverh from truffles, ganache.. 1500 molded items that we do. we do corporate logos
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custom >> i made this one mess. this os i'm getting out of t of >> that's okay.hat' >> now you'll get real dirty. >> how much dipping do you do a day? in well, put it this wayay for christmas on christmasas season we'll do probably 70,0000 pieces.piec >> whoa, that one disappeared. is that how it's supposed to sse happen. >> no, i'll show you. i'll show >> okay. do one for o i'll toss it back.k >> two go right into it. >> you're a professional.fessioa >> see that. >> he's going in.n. >> oh, my god that is so good. g >> there you go.>> there >> you're not kid yding.. >> cocoa vienna, thank you veryy much. >> thank you. >> for inviting us out. >> that chocolate i is amazing. speechless.speechless. i'll toss it back inside. it's realls y amazing. azi >> we were impressed with size z of those strawberries.beie >> thank you. >> he got the good assignmentss today. today. >> for sure.>>or s listen guess what time itue is. it is coffee time on good day to d.c. >> so if you've been eyeing our cool good day -- cool good dayda mugs. we have
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to give away the perfect cup fof that great done doughnutsnu coffee. head to fox r facebook page. p to enter our mug contest one o lucky winner selected by random drawing.dring. hurry you only have until 11am1a and the time right now iss 9:00 vick.9: we're back with more good day ay 10a on the other side of the break. br man: hey baby, how are you? woman: i have a surprise for you. man: you have a surprise for me? narrator: at dominion, 1 in 5 new hires is a veteran. and when they're away, they miss out on a lot. but they won't miss out on financial support. because we cover any difference between their military pay and their dominion salary, and continue benefits for them and their families. why do we do it? because our vets sacrifice enough.
9:57 am
9:58 am
that whether times are good or bad, people and their ideas will continue to move the world forward. as long as they have someone to believe in them. citi® financed the transatlantic cable that connected continents. and the panama canal, that made our world a smaller place. we backed the marshall plan that helped europe regain its strength. and pioneered the atm, for cash, anytime. for over two centuries we've supported dreams like these, and the people and companies behind them. so why should that matter to you? because, today, we are still helping progress makers turn their ideas into reality. and the next great idea could be yours.
9:59 am
10:00 am
moss ago you saw beebee live one good day.good d this morning another exclusive e life performance from the new musical born this way the beebee story. the stars, his niece and nepheww >> we're serving up a sizzling hot plate of celebrity dish.tyis the tom and taylor tourr continues, new details about the bet prince tribute and new ghosg busters theme sing it or skip it. holly, who you going to call. c >> i ain't afraid of no ghost. o >> the 10a starts now. ♪ all right. that's right. there you go. live concert in vienna v have aa this morning.orng >> oh yeah. they look like they're rockingle out thery'e. we are of course zip tripping to vienna today where our crew, allison, wisdom, tucker standing by right we're rocking out with thisis banner.nn what is their name. nam >> sounds fun.ound it look like the crowd isli growing out there.gring the sun is come out. o weather is good.d >> we're cele
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vienna today. tod we're here inside the studiotu helping to keep things going ini her while our good friends arees out there.ou we're so glad to have you with y us >> let's go ahead and check in with our good friends. >> let's do it. >> see how vienna is treatingren them for the 10:00 o'clock hour. hey, >> they're treat us like localsl holly.holly. >> awesome. >> great morning out here todayg i just wish you can see it.. >> yes.>>. (applause).ppuse) >> this is awesome, allison.ll >> isn't it nice. it nie. >> we've seen a lot of stuffn lf learned a lot about the town.ow we talk to the mayor.or. >> the firefighter.efighter. >> right. firefighters. chili dogs. i mean it's a hot going on out here in vienna, virginia. vgi >> i missed the chili dg >> did you. >> i had the vienna jammers. jms another band fat chance comingae up. >> okay. >> a big time hour plus we'll -- we always like to take moment to celebrate someone who goes abovo and beyond in the community that's coming up. >> that's right. in the meantime, right now, whaa we want to do is talk weather tl and who better to talk weathereh than mr. tucker because the weather is fantastia out here. >> really sunny. >> yeah it's actually beautifuly out here actually, and it'st' pleasant
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the 7 i will give you the weatheru thh forecast at the very end. bonus.bos i'm here for junior reporter and i'm joined by reece our junior j reporter of the day.f the d hi reece.hi reece. >> hi. >> all let's continue on and talk aboua first of all tell me about theut group you're >> i'm with the vienna teenee counsel. we are a group with the parks and rec department here andc we're just made up of a bunch oo kids from six to ninth or tenthh grade and we basically go arouno and we help at town events and d we do things like food drives,s, toiletries drives for places p around vienna and surroundinguni areas. >> that's fantastic.hat'fant so great you guys get involved l in your community. you love it here in vienna.ienn i absolutely love it it's a really nice place and great g community and always stuff going on. it's awesome. awe >> you see how i just asked isk was bunch of interestingnterestg questions. >> yes. ur it's your chance to ask me questions. i'll hand you the mike. okay. so to be on fox5, how early do d you have w
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morning?ing >> that is a fantastic questione i get up at about 4:00 a.m.:00. every day. every what time do you get up? up? >> well, we just finished schooh which starts about 8:10 everyony gets up at like 6:00. >> pretty early. early some of us who are producers ana behind the scenes they have to be there between 11:00 and1:00 midnight. keep get there very very early y for the morning show. s >> oh, that's crazy. that's cray >> next question.>>ext >> tell me about where you'ree from. is it like an interesting placei like this? small town? t >> i grew up in beautifuleautifl community called columbia,umbia, maryland.maryla columbia yes.. and just like this community, ii was a small community that's go' lot bigger over the years but yb still has many of its charmstsha from yesterday year but i don't think -- i'm not going to putngp down my own town. tow your town is cute, though, veryv cute.. >> i like our town, too. um, so another question.ue >> yes. >> oh, dear. don't be you're on life tv. >> oh, yeah. y just every day thing for me, you
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um, so actually how did you get into doing the news? n >> this is great question. queso i started at fox5 about 15 yeary ago as an intern.ern. and i want to suggest to youg guys as you get older if you'rer interested in any kind of job at all, try get an internship youtn can really learn the businessi behind the scenes, and it'snd i great. you can meet lots of people. lsf you make contacts and people ppl teach you about exactly -- i mei whether it's tv or -- really any profession at all.profal it's great to get someget som experience behind the scenes.the so that's how i got my start.y a i was at intern at fox5 years ya ago. >> all right. rht >> last question.questi >> last question.n. what is your favorite kind of flower?? >> oh, that is beautifuleautul question.ques >> yeah it is. >> you come to the right place for that one.for that one you know what, i just saw a beautiful patch of black eyed susans over there. tre i hadn't realized how much i mui enjoy black eyed susans until il just saw them. tm >> what's your favorite flowerso
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>> i like orchids. orc >> they are difficult to takeif care. they are but very pretty.y r >> all right. e our flowerwetinu discussion off air.scsi thank you so much for joiningnig me. thanks everybody.. thanks, group.. (applause).pplause) >> allison and wisdom, toss itnt back to you. >> our junior reporter and flowers.flers. >> good morning. mni thank you so much, all right. once again we're just groomingui people to take our jobs. j that was our june roar reportere >> right, right it's, g >> it's all right. iall >> we're go with that. that. >> we got to retire sooner or >> that's right. >> and live on the beachiv somewhere. >> it's in good hands. in the meantime we want toat recognize people as we often dod on this zip trips doing big dngb thing in the community and having an impact on the an ct oe community right now we want togh talk to susan chair of the o t community enhancement commission right here in virginia envy in end virginia. good morning to you. morni >> good morning.>> >> how are you. >> it's great. it's's great you notice how allison youllisou notice how the sun hid behind hh that cloud as soon as we got ready to do that segment. >> thank you susan. >> thank you,>>
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>> tell us about what it is that you actually do. so we promote it's a group of volunteers 10 of us two students and eight adults and we row moat sustain ability in the town andn so the sun is really fundamentat to that because we do solar rise vienna which is a program torogt make it ease your for people to put solar panels on their homese or businessings. we negotiator contracts, getto good discounts on the price we p run that every spring and it'sni been very successful.uccessfu i brought you some native plan plants. >> oh wow. >> beautiful.. >> native plows out of myplows m garden.gaen. >> these are high jane drain gentleman's, we are go mott, for cynthias and native hun honeysuckle and they promote the bees and butterflies and therfld birds. >> some people are creating aren larger footprint. what made you decide we got toct get hold of this thing and i'lli be in the chairman of an of a organization that tries to makeo the community work better. b >> i'm very well grounded inde climate change.imathange. the effects will be and they'ree coming on it us quick and
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we need to reduce our footprintt >> people listening?>> peopl >> i think so.e i think so. we're seeing a lot of peopleso.t more involved.nvolve this is great walkable town. tn. so people walk more. more. they bike more. you see we're on the you can gog into d.c., you can go to mount t vernon, you can go to bethesda t without ever getting on road an go all the way out to the mountains in percyville.ll this is great nexus sort ofor place and we take great advantage of the opportunitiesof that we have. >> talk about the programs. i see you got t inforoumation rt there in your hand.e in yr ha >> we're having the town t certified as a national wildliff federation community.muty >> okay. oka only 86 i think in the wholethit country.untr >> wow! >> we think by fall we'll haveb enough homes, businesses, um, u, town locations, schools, thatlst are certified so we can become one of that verified. vif >> number 87. numbe87. >> exactly. >> then we promote the virginiai green restaurant program, andam, you go to caboose today you'llda see they have one of these t if you go to cafe a morey theyot were the virginia greenare restaurant this year.s yea >> wow.
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okay. >> the whole state of virginia. >> the whole state of s virginii >> very they deserve around of applausea for that.tha (applause).ppuse). >> exactly. they were recognized for what they do with excess food.reo wis they make sure it doesn't go in the landfill that it gets takent to somebody to can use it. it. solar rise vienna which iss really successful great fun torn get your electric bill and notln have to pay anything.g. >> hallelujah on that. t >> if somebody is watching in this community how do threat dth that get in touch with you.ith u through the town website. wsi >> we want to recognize you nowz we want to bringe this over. oe you're being recognized thisze s morning as the geico hometownomn hero.hero. we appreciate everything that dg you.yo. (applause).e) >> susan, thank you for yourany efforts. keep up the good work.p the goow >> all right. trying to reduce that carbonbo footprint. ot >> thanks. you can take these home to your lovely wife. wif >> i'll give them to her i don' weren't to mess them up.t to msh >> take them just like that.usta >> i don't have green thumb. hge it's's okay. >> that's all righty.hat' they're study.ey'r >> thank you geico and thank yoa back to you. >> appreciate. >> thanks for the gecko he did a stellar job out there
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>> strong and silent type let'sl check what's trending and firstd up, of course, the brexit fallout stocks tumbled at theblh opening bell this morning down n 400 points.oint right now they made some gains.g the big board showing down 360.n wall street really feeling the t brunt from across the pond after voters in brought britain made d dramatic split from the europear union. for more on the story we'll turl now to jason moser senior at lift at motley, live on thee one phone with us good morning jas jason. >> hi, how are you. >> we saw the big sell off went down 500 reeled back a bit. i think this is maybe pretty ptt calming news for us, right? rht >> well, i think that any time you see big headlines leadingesi into big events like this, the , thing of the market really just doesn't like is uncertainty.inty and while the vote actuallyctll gives us some certainty into the result there's still plenty of o uncertainty how this is going t roll out and how igot's going to really affect the involvednvve parties. i think that's really what has a the market sort of, you
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fleeing today this still plenty of uncertainty there.he you'll hear sort of risk off rio flight safety buzz terms outz ts there and that's really more ore less the behavior that you're yr seeing today.. but with that said, the way weae invest here at the motley full we're business focused investors we take longer time.rim it's key that investors look atl this and recognize this is not a time to be just because the market is selling off today doesn't mean'm you to go out and sell off youru stock and plow everything into h gold like the headlines might suggest. suggest. >> jason this might be a goodoo buying opportunity, is that what you're saying?u're saying? >> there's no question there.'s i mean it certainly the goal iss to buy low and sell high, rightg >> right. >> it's not the other way arou around. so again i think we look at sork of the business that is we holdl in million dollar portfolio herh the real money portfolios that i work on, and when he look at lok some of these businesses ande ba think, how does this decisionn really affect a business like hl will lay may a mortgage softwarw provider here for the ute
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states or boston beer the makerr of of samuel adams beer that isi a domestic place so far this decision isn't going to goo affect those types of business businesses. big multi nationals like amazon perhaps it wonill my a little bt more into effect there but agaia that's a very well diversified global business.usines then look at social media. facebook, twitter, it can becan argued those companies shouldpas actually be benefiting from allo of this, because they're reallya the news outlets that are helping to disseminate this newn and keeping everybody to speed.e definitely with events like this you can find pockets ofocts opportunity and if you're an yoa investor that focused on o investing in index funds andunda keeping broad divorce holdings i like that these can definitelyey be great times, because thosese index funds are ultimately veryr diversified instruments that cac help spread that risk around tod number of different great companies s&p 500 index fornd example, you're holding a littlt bit of 500 o ofly most relevantv business in the world today. >> jason moss eighty three,
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thank you for that insight. >> still ahead today, on good day 10a celebrity dish. dis more doodles about the bet t b prince tribute, ghost busterssts theme gets upgrade and newde a n details about the tom taylor calvin triangle. first though, the sounds ofs of vienna.enna. we'll head back back to our to friends on the zip trip inherip vienna, virginia.vienin we'll be right back.ight b time now 10:12. 10:12 ♪
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♪ >> yeah. all right.righ thank you very thank you viennaan.vienna this is fat chance the band andd we're talking to scott.oco good morning.od >> good morning to you allison.u >> you guys sound like my weekew of vacation.acation >> well that's good because you know we play a lot in vienna out soy in the summertime and whennd i'm playing music to me it'so me always a vacation it's a greatat thing. >> you guys will come out andllc play for the july 4thy 4t celebration. tell me about that. what kind ollf experience in tht in the town of vienna.a >> it's great celebration.tion vienna has been having thehe july 4th celebration forever.. a few years ago they moved it md over to south side there was nothing there except for the fireworks they starteded having us play there.s playhere this year they'll have wholele festival there during the tre d afternoon it will be great great time.time fat chance will play fro 7
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to 9:30. 9:3 >> that's a long time.on t >> we love to play. what kind of music do you like l to >> we have a huge range of musis so we're old stuff like johnny h cash. >> yeah. >> to a cdc and zz top to maroom five and it will and things liki we're kind of going from today d back to the '50's. '50's >> what keeps the band togethert did you wanton tow dues theues t band. >> of course. >> give the band some love.. lead guitar michael bronson.. >> michael!ic (applause). >> on keyboard mark >> hi, mark. >> on the drums andy fund.the >> on the base is howard rayhowy beck. be >> the base looks really cool,l, doesn't it.doesn't it >> there's always like the bestt musician in the band, too. you do lead vocals and guitar. i >> that's correct.>> >> we want to hear something.o g what are you going to play for us? us? >> jeez, how about surrender. >> do you remember that songremr surrender. >> how does it go. let's sing it. >> momma is all right, said issd all right just seem a littlee weird
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>> is that what you guys want to hear? want to hear that, vienna or beatles, too.. >> what are you going to do froo the beatles >> this is the first song that they ever wrote together. togete it's called one after 9091. it's not one of their songs that you would probably recognize bue it's a cool song. a cooson >> let's do that >> all right. let's do it.s do >> fat chance! c >> are you ready mikey.ey >> i'm ready. you ready? >> let's do it. ♪q
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>> fat chance working it out inn vienna.vina zip trip crew.p trip crew. they're having a good time out there. we're enjoying it as well.ngt as hope you are too. more to come. 10:19. 10:1 um coming up next the tom andnd taylor tour hit dell swift hot spots dare we say. new details about the bet princi tribute and the new ghost n g busters theme song. s sing it or skip it.. >> good day celebrity dish we're serving it up next.ex ♪ ♪
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>> when you're filming a boxu' office reboot but you need a nea theme song who you going to cal call. missy elliot and fall out boyotd they actually teamed up for the redo of ghost busters themet bus song. listen to this.s. ♪ >> no, we need more >> can i do a saved by the belle time out.time o time out.ut no. no buono. buo sorry. >> you need that -- tha >> ray parker, jr. did it better i think. it's a hard thing to follow up.l i will say that. >> remixing the 1984 hit for tht reboot which hits theaters
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month. month. fans aren't really too pleased s the song receiving a lot of o twitter hate people saying it sy ruins the original. want to know what you think, do, you love it or should we leaveue it. it >> the three of us have spoken.v >> hated it.. >> cool new ghost busters remakm getting a lot of >> i don't think it will did itd well. >> i don't either. don'the >> sorry guys. >> that prince tribute bet promised to deliver set tolir so happen on sunday.ppen osund the network will honor the music legend at the bet awards show. other performers erika ba doo, , jennifer hudson alicia keys anda future and a whole lot more. >> wow.>> w. >> the tribute line will featuru stevie wonder sheila e deangelog the roots and joe 93 mo'ne. samuel l jackson will receive the lifetime achievement award a it will celebrate his 44 yearses lot of big names. nam >> that will be good.good. >> award to should swatch.. >> bet raised the bar when theyt threw down the begun let.. >> you go to the bring it
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read hot romance team of taylory swift and tom hid delton rollseo on they were reported holdingolg hands in nashville tuesday night after attending a concert by selena gomez.. the loved up duo what they'rety' being called.beg called. it they went to the outerbanksua of north carolina they werearolh spotted taking a wild horse tour yesterday. looks like things are justs e jt starting to heat up between up these two. t >> is it funny that if you'reou like a music star that you woulw go to a concert? >> yeah. >> i get what you're saying. you see what i'm saying?g >> you might want to take ae a break. they did go see wild >> publicity stunt on this on t relationship. i don't buy it. >> why? >> there's something about it doesn't ring authentic to mome.m >> you think there's into new album brewing.. >> all of the above. >> i believe in love. >> sorry.>> sry. okay. okay. >> meanwhile could calvinle cal harris' cold shoulder to taylory be falling a little.tle >> what?ha >> might be true hit making d.c. producer appears to be lee be following the pop star on instagram.
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after purging all things swiftis after photos of her and new squeeze tom surfaced harris even tweeted out oy boy it's about tt go down before deleting theetin tweet. in the meantime calvin islvi keeping himself busy in the gymg he posted this image to snap snp atat. let's see it.. >> um-hmm.>>hm >> um-hmm. what? who is taking this.takini >> in the snap video he could be heard saying, leg day brings ouu the best in a what's that got to do with hishh leg. too many people neglect leg dayy >> that was just like his excu excuse. >> calvin harris coming off supern thirsty to me.o i don't know what that's all a about. adding my 2 cents to celebrityey dish. i'm just saying.ayg. >> calvin, i'll bring i wasini a drink.k >> after all it is leg day. day all right.l right. still ahead in the fox beat this weekend we just gave i wase i shortened celebrity dish today.y this weekend dc stands for the district of comedy and a home h stand stand up making national a name for himself he'll join usn live with a preview.. >> first, though,
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♪ ♪ >> monday we start working for the weekend. >> i'll be working during the dt weekend.ekd. (laughter).(l >> but doing it well. there you g bo.uo all okay.okay. just clowning around in here. guess who is really having funig today? mr. tucker barnesr barns because he's got some breakfast booze.oze. >> cheers!>> che >> tucker, you had me at booze.o >> cheers, tucker. >> hey, guys. guys yeah. ye the end of the day i found i f myself at the brewery.rery i'm joined by good to so you. y >> one of the co owners andnd brandon.ando >> brandon. nice to meet you.nice to me >> tell me what your role isha l here. he >> i opened as the executivehexe chef and now i run the wholele restaurant side of the operati operation. >> do you drink lost beer? >> it comes with the job.with tb >> someone has got to do it.
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>> yeah. >> matt, tell me about thel me caboose. this place is call the caboose.o which is really cool >> caboose brewing company.wi we decided that we lived in a beer dessert and so we needed to bring craft beer to vienna sinca this is our hometown and this ii where we live and this is where everything happens for us, we decided to do it here. h you know vienna as you have h learned has got great traditioni with the railroad right throughh here and right on the trail, and so we came up with the idea making caboose which is simplee and easy. e >> all you guys are tuck back in an industrial area but the bike thk path is right is so do you get a lot of traffic f from people riding their bike oe jogging along? >> absolutely. yeah. i would say roughly half of our traffic all day long comes fromo the trail itself, and yeah, we w wouldn't be -- we wouldn't beult here without the bike traffic. . >> all right. tell me about vienna and thet vt community here.ere. they've been supportive of the caboose. >> yeah actually they have. we are constantly pack. p you can see we don't have that many seats about 50 to
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depending how we set it up.p. they've been great supportive,ut we're the only brewery in town.t we'd like to remain that way but we'll but yeah, we love reaching outeh to the community.. we represent a lot of different -- like to sponsorpo lot of different groups in townw from vienna jammers to the police force to the sports teamt at the high schools andchoo and everything. so it's a nice little quaintua little town and giant suburbanub area of d.c..c. >> that's great. tell me about your specialties l as far as beer and you said thaa you're the only brewery here inn vienna.vina >> yes. >> do you guys -- are you a y bottling the beer and selling ii now. >> right now we're throwing ouru big hobos stout into 750s and so we hand bottle those and get those into normal's beer andeera wine down the street and few anw other bottle shops around thes a area for the most part a lot oft our beer goes in as draft into restaurants and places like wholefoods.wholefoo
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be out there in other restaurants as well.l >> gentlemen, can you pleaseem grab a beer for meen.eer fom i feel like we're obligated.ated >> absolutely.>> aolut >> it's 5:00 o'clock somewhere,0 right. >> somewhere.>> >> matt, thank you for joiningoi me brandon.. >> cheers!>> che >> congratulations on the caboose. >> thank you very much. >> are you going tonk expand.. >> absolutely.>> going into merrifield nex at ye. >> that's the latest from thetha caboose, toss it back inside to yu >> looks like a lot of fun. check in with tuck.h t first or next guest is a a hometown stand out. there he is making a name for himself on the national stage.ta check this out. >> i love jerome but people peoe think you're twins you got to bt exactly a like and it's not true.true jerome and i are complete ohh opposites growing up. u for example jerome like going to jail.jail (laughter). >> he loves jail. loved it and that wasn't mysn't scene. i ain't going to do jail. one night jerome went to jail j for selling we'd which is cool l guess.gues i don't know.i dot kn but you know it was tough on
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as my twin i love him to death d but it was rough it was hard w growing up with criminal thatnal kind of looked like you. y people back home would alwaysldy confuse us. what's up jerome you owe me some money. i want it back.i i want it back.t b i'm going to kill. k hey, i ain't jerome. i'm his twin brother jermaine. >> oman jermaine hails fromai fo hyattsville started doing stands up in high school.n highoo since then he toward nationally he's been featured on mtv guide code.. he's home to headline thedline district of comedy at theedat kennedy center. >> what up? first sitting downi with us right here in the loft.. good morning to you. to >> good morning. how are you. >> good. we had so much fun just talkingi before we even came on.e even ce >> i had a good time. a good t >> yeah. you've got a twin brother i was asking you guys are not identical.ti >> we're fraternal. w we do look like brothers peoplel didn't know he was my twin soino people always thought like i was jerome trying to -- in disguiseu
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>> is he in comedy no.. >> no jerome is boring.sor he is.. jerome ain't doing nothing justj chilling. most laid back dude i've ever ie known. that's how he lives. how i love jerome. jerome. >> staying out of trouble hopeop if. >> he is converted to islam.edos he's doing good. >> he's doing ramadan. >> very peaceful dude. >> you're in hyattsville.svle >> yes. >> how does a kid from hayo yachtsville end up at theat kennedy center i'm about to crime i don't know man. man. ya'll cry here i assume camera a dude. >> more often than you think.nk (laughter).gh. >> no. it's very very i work very hardh and it means a lot to do the to show back b i love doing hometown shows buts to do it at the kennedy centernc means a lot. >> man that's a big deal. dea >> yeah. >> were you always funny? >> um, i was annoying.g i was. i w i was a kid.wa a k i don't know what kid is funny.n you know what i mean kids are kd annoying to meme i hate kids. i remember, you hate children.. d.c. fs will be calling you.ingu (laughter). >> you're laughing at my jokes.
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>> you're good. g i was a kid who was always just -- i was always intolws i was very mischievous i was funny around my friends. fen at home i was very quiet. q my parents didn't know i wast ks like this, you know, this thi definitely at school.. >> so this is them finding outsi that oh my goodness my son has this talent. >> it's actually funny. >> what is it your comedy abouto situational or experiences innc life.. something we talked about before you came ca >> it's a mix of all. it's situationally autout biographical. i really talk about me growingro up as a kid in hyattsville my first special was about that and these days i'm talking aboutal a where i'm at in life now and nod where i want to be.e i t so it's a mix of a lot of thoseo i wouldn't say i have a specifii topic i like talking about because i'm very he can electrii guy i like talking about -- ibo- can talk about you tomorrow if o wanted to.ed t >> say what now?ay whan >> hey, i met this nigeriania reporter and, you know, i do that. impacted by people and justndus every day life.y lif >> that is very ver c
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>> being a comedian to me i t think it's got to be one of thee hardest jobs at first people ara expecting a lot from you wheng you hit that stage you got to sg make them laugh. l there's so much competition and there are a lot of really goodeg comedians it there.. >> the thing is there are a lotl of comics you know what i meanua and i don't really worry aboutlo that. i just really -- we're allll narcissistic. we all worry about ourselves. o. so i don't really -- i don't really care about the care abou competition or like, you know -- >> slaying them any way.. >> yeah.h >> this is the easiest jobs i've had he ever i used to work at wk quiz knows. i'm good at this.hi i'm good. i love it you know what i mean?? i love people this is the easiest job it ever and micks am well with what i like i don'te i really think about thelynk abo competition the over saturationr or anything like that. a i'm having a good time. >> kennedy center show happeninp when? >> tonight.>>ight. >> tonight. it's tonight. >> it is tonight. it's t ionight at 7:00 that's my face right there. rig the >> yes.. >> cut off the locks. l they were get to go long.on had bangs.had b i didn't like my bangs.
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>> $10 the price. pri tickets still available youavaie mentioned. >> all of that and come o it will be a great show got goot comics opening up and dope dj d and --an >> it's a party.d a party. >> it will be a afterwards we'll have some fun.f everybody come out to theut t kennedy center terrence theaterr tonight at 7:00.:0 >> dell me what happens after wa you reach the kennedy center? e where do you go from there? >> um, mars. mar >> we go to mars. mar >> okay. o >> we go to the stars. >> i'm text he will lee we got to do this stand up special to t mars next. who are you? i'll be like don'd even worry about it.ut it. >> exactly. >> it is an honor no to meetoee you. >> thank you for having me.g me. >> hometown hero. her he's done good for us.'se go guys back over to you.k r to go catch a sho it will be a good one.. >> maureen i think you should t hope for him. you're pretty funny. f >> i love her. >> every other day. >> quick. >> you have to keep up with thap one. >> listen still ahead moss agols you saw beebee live on good day.
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the play tells the hilarious ans heart warming true story off beebee and see see the youngest siblings of course the familyy dynasty and they're journey to stardom. joining us in the loft tofto serenade us into the weekend are the two stars of the play whoho are real live family members. juan and debra joy star asr a beebee and see see. take it away. ♪ ♪
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never pass as generation in then winans family.amil is there anybody in the wine th nance family that can't >> we keep them tucked away.m ta we don't talk about it publiclyi >> this is so mazing for notin r only for this story to be told l but to get to be told by someonm that knows the family so so intimately.intite kind of tell us how did it allsi come to be? >> well, why don't you start. >> well, as you probably know k uncle beebee had been working oi the script for quite sometime. s >> right.>> right. >> about 10 years.>>bout 1 and so when they were finallyhee ready to do a workshop, ip, majored in theater.heater that was what i always loved.ald and so he said, well, you act so i need to you come and do this s workshop with me and from theret it was just the next workshop ws juan came and -- - >> about a year >> it felt like it was something we were really born to do. >> yes. >> it did. we spent so much time, of t course, with our family. we've admired them for so manyts years. and we worked with them which has been huge blessing, and
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when this opportunity came alona it just felt right.el r it did. it felt like we were born to doo this. >> i mean it's one thing to beii in show and obviously clearly ce you're talented but to play your family members.em you know when beebee goes i wanw to you be me. do you go, ain't see see how doo i be you?? >> uncle bebe i want to you tryu to be me.. >> no one can be me. b >> don't be me but you can try.y >> right, right. i think that's what we bothh tried to do. bebe and cici are incredible ana no one can be them. be but them. and so i think we just try to capture the essence of who theyh are. ar >> yeah. >> and that's a little bita li easier because we are a close ac family so we have grown up, youu know, knowing them and being ang close to them for years and yrs years and so to step into thishs the sinking was little harderear for me. that was little challengingen because cici is like her voice at a national treasure. t >> right.>> right >> so that's very hard to sp
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into those shoes but to try to y find places where i can bring her essence is something thatng we've really worked on.orke >> what do you think people are going to learn y about the winan they didn't know after they seee this show? >> a lot. a l >> we've learn a lot. lot which is has been really greateg experience for us. we didn't know we knew that bebb and cici started with jimmy and tammy if any baker.y baker. >> how long is the person who po plays tammy if any baker how how long is she in makeup.eup. (laughter).. >> they get her ready for the f show. >> her name is curtain wyatt. wa she's >> check her out. we have lot of fun.un. >> >> how nervous are you going tos be when cici and bebe are in the audience seeing. >> i think we're past thathi point. there's really no pressure fromm >> i wouldn't think from them.ld i would think if itn' was me itm would be pressure i'd put onut myself. >> yeah, yeah.>> yeah, y to certa
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little for me because juan is aa grammy nominated singer he's nom incredible. this is something he's beenbee doing for years -- >> oh, that old thing. >> that little old nomination. so i think when cici comes ii me think it will still be kind of,o whew, okay, i hope i'm doing'moi something >> i have no doubt that you wilo do it all right. that's for sure the show startss july 1st and runs throughuns thg august 28th. >> plenty of time to get out and see it arena stage one of the most wonderful venues d.c. has h to offer born for this the bebe winans story told by their veryr own family members. mem thank you for sharing yourin yor talent with us in the loft andta the d.c. area at arena stage.. back over to you yaw. y >> your voices are a mazing. min >> yes.>>es >> sincerely. all right. >> thank you very much.nk y time now is 10:48. 1 >> we looking over here? cominn up next no zip trip is completem without food coming up nextg u we're getting a taste of vienna
10:49 am we'll be right back. ♪ it's a great day for an adventure. surprises are hiding around each corner. come chase thrills that lead in every direction. yet somehow bring us all back together. busch gardens williamsburg and water country usa. vacation packages start at $50 per person. a whole other world awaits.
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♪ well this is how we do fridaysed with zip trips of coursef crs throughout the it's me. okay. ay. our zip trip gang they are in a vienna virginia today and tay ad they're about to give us a tast of vienna. vienn. tucker barnes, oh, man whatevere you're serving up it looks goodo >> it looks great. maureen, let's get to it. this is john and jaso jay ownerd proprietors chefs of claritylari restaurant.. john, thanks for joining me. >> thanks so much, tuck.uc let's talk clarity.laty jason tell me about yourtell mau restaurant want makes your foodr so incredible. >> we're a local place.lace we both grew up in the area.he e we're a place you can dress itrt up, doctor it down kind of comef as you feel like. l come celebrate.te come for every day.ay get something good to eat. >> what's some of the best foodh in your mind that you like to t prepare? we change the menu a lot. you know, whatever is in seasonn whatever, you know, just comesom to us. we get bored quickly. qui so you know that's why you see
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everything you see here maybe oa the menu tonight but may not bee tomorrow. >> i can see it's a prettyretty creative menu based on what in a have in front of me. iont you've been in venice -- vienna -- venice would be nice,, too.too. >> for about year? >> about 14 months.onth community has been incrediblybl we lovie end in a.n a no other way to say it. >> and obviously they love youyy judging from the food, right? >> we're very lucky. very supportive.upport >> what's the best part about being in the community? the cni >> this is a real -- this is a a town feel, you know, with big city traffic. people love like little bit ofeo city, little bit of country alll blended into one restaurant.ura. >> that's really really nice waw to it. i i felt that this morning being out here. a nice small community these are the gentlemen from clarity.ty. allison i'll toss it over tol tt you. what do you d >> thank you. you this is the owner and proprietor chef patrick basin. basin good morning.orning >> you've just got an a
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the restaurant business for how many years?many >> i've been cooking for 35 for3 years now. >> all right.ight and chose vienna and of coursefs some people in the crowd have hv said basins on church is a must stop.op what kind of food do you offer?r >> we try to stay with cookingii for the seasons.n you know right now we're using g lot of fruits and vegetables,, and sustainable fishes and meata and stuff like that. t >> not to mention the 400 winesw you have to choose from. fm. >> yes, we have very large winen 400 bottles and we also do abouo 35 by the glass.. >> what's so interest to go a it lot of people struggle with celiac disease or choose not to have gluten in your diets andied you have a menu for that. >> yes i do i was recentlyy diagnosed being celiac threethre years ago so i kind of converted about 75% of our menu to be bluu 10 free because i had to maketo sure i can eat the food, too.. chefs it's very important tompo taste your foods and so i couldc continue to taste i had to makem dishes i can eat.hes i can eat. so i kind of stay, you know,w fresh and
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grilled meats and freshd meats h vegetables and fruits.bles and . >> what did you bring? we gotge about 30 seconds. >> right here we have a little l beat and strawberry salad with goat cheese.ese. little grilled donut peachesea over here with cheese. >> those are peaches?se a >> yeah. yea >> and >> right over here it's a favorite at basins. oyster casino i grew up on theee jersey shore so we had clamsad s casino all the time this is my take using oysters little garlic butter roasted peppers and onions and little bit of parmesan cheese. c >> thank you so much.ha >> thank you.nk you >> wisdom? w >> all right. this is tim he's from chase the submarines and tim, we going tog start off first of all who isho this pretty young lady. lad >> this is my daughter charlot charlotte. chase submarine named after ouro middle son chase.. >> that's cool.>>t' >> hi.>>i. >> hello. >> all right. look, what do we got on the . d here >> so we have a pastrami with fermented carrot on rye and wer have a mozzarella and walnutalt pesto on assess me bun and wen w have our famous
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crem fresh and goat cheese creae chili base.ili ba >> what's so special about the s restaurant?peaurant >> it's a fast casual restaurant that serves submarines but we take influences from around theo world and throw it in between be pieces of >> gotcha. we got some beers over here, t too. >> tell us about that.l >> we have beer and wine license and interesting craft sodas as well from maryland, virginia and d.c. >> all right. that's awesome. where are you located? th tellel everybody where they can come and get your subs. >> 132 church street in vienna a have a. >> thank you very much. we appreciate it. wethat wraps it up.thatps i that wraps up our taste of of vienna our zip trip.ri. guess where we're going next.t next friday we're going to -- >> kent island.sld the zip trip is coming to youg y next friday.da. >> thank you vienna.ou v thank you >> thank you all.ou a >> what fun day it was. was vienna, got to get it there. >> mike thomas last word as weoa plan our weekend.plan. rm maybe a storm this afternoon but the weekend is fantastic.
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live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." >> wendy: how you doin'? the kids have come to play today. you won't believe what i'm about to tell you. all due respect, have several seats. my girls are always turned out. i give it to you state, no chasers. >> now, here's wendy! ♪ [ wild cheers ] ♪ >> wendy: ta-da. here we are! thank you for watching our show. say hello to my co-hosts, my studio aie
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