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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  June 28, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EDT

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good day at 9a starts now. >> dive right into us on this u tuesday morning, june 28th.e 28h thanks for being with us for u f good day d.c. i'm steve alongside erin, holly andnd maureen.maee wisdom is off this morning. morg >> steve with the ladies. w >> it's a special welcome backim for you. for you. >> thank you. >> from vacation. >> we missed you many we're glaa you're back. also ahead this morning ikea i recalling millions of pieces off furniture because of a deadly da danger.da we'll have all the al first at 9:00, hot and humid.. july is just days away but it'si definitely starting to feel like it.. there they are. a down on the national mall they are setting up for the capitalit fourth. big concert.g cert that takes place on the westhe lawn of the capital alwaysays wonderful wonderful time. t what's it going to feel like? l we got to get there first we'ree pushing the upper 80s today. tay could we see some more rain? eai we'll see.we'l s tuck has got the answers though.
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feel for the people workingor outdoors today. >> they're feeling it, right. fe >> feel that humidity.lieel at h definitely lots and lots ofd tsf humidity out there early, and wd got the risk of a thunderstorm r little later this afternoon.ftno let's get to your numbers andums with this map is not going to gt show you our dew point temperatures in the 70s a lot ol water in the atmosphere. 76 right now at downtown washington. winds out of the south here at t three. let's take look at ourke looat o satellite/radar. rain overnight some of thatht st heavy contributing to the waterw that's out there out and aboutno early this morning you can seeng it lingering along the lower lor eastern shore so not a great are start down at the beaches. we can expect locally somely som sunshine to work its way in. wai we'll be kind of partly sunny sy that hazy and humid sunshine wew get in the summertime and then e as our cold front which really a you can't see starts to work inn later this afternoon we'lle'll likely pop a few thunderstormses around here best chance will bei after daytime heating song so probably three, 4:00 o'clock today start to see those workine in from the north and west, andd that will bring in behind thatet front which will get in herener tonight some cool
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air.air we have lot to look forward on f the seven day we got to geto there first and today will beilb the theme of the day will bel soggy.. 87. i'm glad erin laughed. lau warm and muggy showers andwe a storms are a again best chance will be laterl this afternoon.fterno i promise drier air on the wayiw and we'll take look at that allt important holiday weekend wkend forecast and everybody gettingne out of town earlyve coming up ip couple of minutes. o back to you. >> a week a away. awa >> less than week.nee news headline at this hour.sou developing overnight a policeice involved shooting leaves a manan officers responded to the 100 10 block of varnum street late last night. investigators were still on the scene 11 hours later.ene 11 that man was pointing a weapon n turn out to be beebee gun atgunt officers and refused to drop tod that weapon.. and this is the final weekee for phase two of metro'setro's safetrack program.rogr now, metro officials are gettini ready for phase three and four.f they will have a huge impact onn the blue and yellow lines. fox5's melanie alnwick is livec at the braddock road metro station this morning on what w
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melanie? >> reporter: erin and guys,n any back there, i think pretty muchc riders can expect what they'vehe been dealing with ever since safetrack got underway. uerwa we're talking about slowerutlowe service, crowded platforms,, crowded trains and it really is just the beginning we're now,ow what, two phases almost done into a 15 phase -- 15 surges ofo the safetrack so let's talk about what is coming as safetrack two is two i wrapping up. safetrack surge three and four f will begin soon.oo it's going start just after the july 4th hold day. it's also going to shut downhu d parts of the yellow and blue b line. surge three goes from july 5thgo to 11th. now that includes a segment shut down between braddock road and national airport. so there will be no service from these parts south on the blue t and yellow lines to the airportt shuttle buses will have to get t you there and a around that that effects about 50,000 customer ce trips a day. thenur
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after that. that's from july 12 toth 18th.. the blue and yellow lines will be shut down from pentagon cityc south to national airport and so that means that folks that areta up in the higher quadrants inras d.c. and the upper suburbs andus prince george's county whont w perhaps might want to take thetk metro to national airport willrt not be able to do that unlesss they make themselves takeves t advantage of the shuttlee ofhe s services that are being offered. that is going to affect metro says 86,000 trips all of this coming as service is already a severely reduced while the t second safetrack repair blitz ii nearing completion yesterdaylete quite a bit of chaos for yellowa line passengers and many othersr as well as smoke filled. fille the gallery place station,on chinatown station at the peak oo rush hour just before sick p.m.p when d.c. fire and ems rushed in to put out a small electrical fire. we were told it was some kind oo a smoldering bolt on the tracksk we don't know where that boltbo came from. that's got to be little bittl concerning, right? one personeo was taken to the
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observed for possible smokesiblo but it was nearly 10:00 p.m. before service on all of the the lines was back to normal, look,o we know this is going to be just the way it is until safetrack is done sometime early next year.ea there are as i said 15 of theset planned surges, and as we know,o you add reduced service with wit what seems to be maybe a dailyai problem here, a daily problemblm there, it's just really no fun n for metro riders right now. n but metro is confident that itna is all going to pay off forff f riders in terms of better safe safety. better reliability, down the road and more from metroro officials and local officialsff here in alexandria in fairfax ff county at a press conference to nouns the next phase laternext l today. back to you.ou thank you melanie. m i will say safetrack one and twd surge rides was not nearly aseaa bad as i thought it was going tt be but i think this one is goinn to have the biggeste impact soc far on that's my guess. mgues >> making up for what we hadead
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>> for sure especially based oni where the jobs are and and ridership, i think traffic wisew the shuttle buses they'll havee replace shut down series, serie they're going to be stuck intucn traffic and people will bel frustrated. >> you would know.>> >> pack your patience. patie >> pack your >> saying of the century.entu >> i'm looking forward to tryinn to help steer people around and that that's not the only bigthoy news with metro hundreds ofed of metro workers could be let go. according to mammo sent to staft by metro' general manager, theet transit agency is cuttin cuttin0 jobs. jo that includes metro -- metro m deems redundant.. jobs not search. the employees impacted by thed cutbacks will be laid off overfo the next several months.onth and metro has an estimated 13,000 employees.yees not looking forward that. >> happening today, civil rights leader reverend walter front roy is due fact in court. court he was arrested at dullesa dul international airport after returning from due by where we e had been living for the past the four yea the 83-year-old is accused of
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writing a bad check for $55,0000 back in 2012. 2 he actually had an outstanding arrest warrant for fraud and fra failure to appear in court inn u prince george's county.eo also in court, catherine hoggleg is the montgomery county mothere who was the last to see her see missing children jacob and sar sarah. they have been missing since september of 2014.f catherine is charged withha w neglect in the case she has yet to be found mentally competent to stand also new this morninghi morg legendary college basketballl coach pat summit passed away a coach the tennessee lady lad volunteers for 38 years,, winningest coach in division ono history men or women. women lost her battle with alzheimer's disease earlier this morning. mr >> she died this morning at the age of in her coaching career she led d the lady to eight nationalt nna championship advertisements and 1,098 totals wins. ws. her players had 100% graduation rate.ra and submit fought for equalityrt in women's sports. srts pat submit's family hadily h acknowledged that the legendaryn coach's hell was declining.ling the family said the former for
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coach early onset dementiaa alzheimer's type has progresseds over the past few days. day her son tyler released ad a statement today saying in part "even though it's so difficulto to come to terms that she's noo longer with us, we can all findn piece in knowing she no longer n carries the heavy burden of this disease" summit's legacy will w leave on named the ncaa coach oo the year seven times. tim. she led the team to 24 final 24i fours in four decades as a coach. coach. tributes as you can imagine are pouring in.yo pour former player of hers jodi adam tweeted, blessed to be coached a and mentored by a trailblazer.iz she changed the world one by one. on and peyton manning isngs remembering his friend.his frie. he said, she was always veryer supportive of my career and ind enjoyed seeing her back at at a tennessee football game or whene she would come to indianapolisio to see, tamika catchings play. a i tell you i did his of thaa though it was just five yearse ago that they came o
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had early onset alzheimer's andr when you think of families filie specially after the week we didd dedicated to learning more me alzheimer's, i understand whende her son says she no longeron carries the gravity of that o t disease to have it go full termr you know, obviously with her passing you hate to say just five years is a blessing in mann ways because there's lots of l families that deal with it for decades.. >> hard to see someone you love change. >> that's the worst yeah.worstea >> 64 years old. 64 years old. still to come new challenges fos both presidential candidatesdate from hillary clinton benghaziliz report to donald trump's ban on muslims. very latest from the campaignt c trail on both sides.aml on bothd >> new and improved we'll takewt you and side the air and space a museum and tell you exactly whay the finished up grades are.des a one of the most popular exhibits there. time now 9:09. 9:09.
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♪ take a look what's happenins on the campaign trail right nown hillary clinton and drum many both facing into alcoholing inta wrenches this morning.s moing th
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critical report out on the benghazi libya attack and at the same time drum is that facing fn new questions about his proposee temporary ban on muslimm immigrants.grants. fox's doug luzader has details s from the campaign trail. >> reporter: republicans in congress have released theirsede report this morning detailing dg clinton's involvement with the benghazi libya tack back inn 2012. her supporters will no doubtoou call this partisan hatchet job,, but it does tab into an acknowledge clinton weakness. >> i'm with her. h >> hillary clinton said to bery testing the waters with massachusetts senator elizabetha warren as potential runningni mate. mate the two campaigning together yesterday in ohio. >> i do just love to see how she gets under donald trump's thin >> even the joint appearance maa help clinton win over the farar left wing of her party.. independent voters though remaii a challenge.cllen and a new report from thehe republican controlled commi
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investigating the ben gas see gs libya tax during her tenure as a secretary of state may not helph neither will a new revelationevt that clinton never turned over e batch of work row lated e-mails from her private server as she s had initially claimed. cim clinton tried to disarm herer critic yesterday on the trustst issue. issue. >> a lot of people tell polsterl this don't trust me.rust me. now, i don't like hearing that.. and you know, you hear 25 yearsa worth of wild accusations anyona would start to wonder.on >> reporter: donald trumponald p meantime is facing trust issuese of his own. o there is confusion this morningm over his proposed temporary banb on muslim immigrants.ign with those around trump nowru n saying it would not be a blanket ban but would rather be appliedp to specific what appears to be a significana >> he's concerned about muslimsi coming from terror seekingeeki nations places that wanted totet harms to americans that want ton have another orlando or sando o bernardino or brussels or any oy these other tax. t >> reporter: now the trump tru
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actually a policy change but att the very least it may reflect a campaign that is clearly under u new management.ent in washington, doug luzaderr fox news. >> only 4.5 months till electiot day.da >> i was just going to say i feel like there's so little timt and yet so much time until thent election. you know what i'm saying?t i'san >> i know. kw it feels like anything couldg happen in the next 4.5 months.oh >> anything could happen in theo next 24 hours.ou >> right.>> r. >> let's get to the brexit bxi backlash. british prime minister david dav cameron were address an emergency session of thehe european union lawmakers. s&p stripped the u its top credit grade. downgrade the credit rating by one knowledge chins britain's vote last week asians marketske in europe markets are starting a to trade hire.ire. keeping an eye on us marks. dow futures were up 200 points.
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massive i company ya recall.ecal independence day record and an nba star schooling a kid at a summer camp. cp we'll have check of the other stories making headlines next. n >> later should a bachelor partp be a relationship deal breaker?k and is it ever okay to pass gass in front of your significant sit other? these are the important questions we're asking this morning.. yeah. we'll weigh in. it's today's edition of love and order.orr >> not awkward at all. >> will he it go.o. ♪ ♪ z212lz zi0z y212ly yi0y
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y212my yi0y ♪ 19 minutes past the hour.ou. let's get a look at what else is making had he lines.e lies. >> consumer alert for you. ikea recalling 29 million chests and dressers because they can tip over when they aren't anchoa to the t at least six kids have been haen killed. the most recent death was roared in february. febar the company is offering a refunf or repair kit. ikea will even send a crew to install the wall anchor upon tht request. the state of west virginia trying to pick the pieces aftert days of severe rains and heavyvy flooding.flding volunteers are aiding residen rd with food and supplies and thist morning hundreds remain in reman shelters as officials try tocito assess the damage out there. dam the federal disaster has beenee declared in three of the hardese hit counties.nties thousands of homes andom businesses have been damaged orr destroyed.d. a developing story o
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mississippi.sii dual explosions rocking a a natural gas plant overnight.rnht it happened about 30 miles 3mi outside of biloxi at a bp plantt much officials say employeesaylo were inside at the time but timb thankfully everyone made it outo nearby residents reportly self s evacuated while firefighteringsr worked to put out the flames.e e so far no word on cause.. you might want to get earlya start if you're heading out forf independence day weekend.eend triple a says nearly 43 millionl people are going get away for ay the fourth of july holiday. hol. that is record i most of those people will drivei so fortunately for them gas prices have been down for ninee straight days. as of money average price for -- 2.30 a gallon. lowest level in more than decadd for this time of year. james hardin of the houstonon rockets getting a lot of attention online after absolutely savage trick shot heh pulled off on kid attend addtt youth camp he hosted over thever weekend in texas.we check this out. >> oh! >> what?
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hardin pretende pretended he waa dribbling while having alreadyly tossed the ball in the air towards the hoop. hoo the boy was mesmerized caughtdau off guard. hardin played hard ball andall dunked on the little man.n thle you're not supposed to dunk ondn kid. >> i know. >> i hope he gave that kid k something like signed jerseys, s signed ball. bl. signed >> lesson in life.n life. don't take your eyes off the ofe ball.ll that's wawa that is.. >> playing ball with james hardin. hardin how many people want to playwaoa one-on-one with him.onon >> he'll remember that >> that kid certainly will. >> awesome. i love having said all of that a know when celebrity at that level in their field do sports s camps for kids and take the timt to do it. it's really great because it is memorable for every kid that'srd there. >> he coaches football. i would like to be on his team. >> he doesn't play football. fo. i'll explain the to you later.h. >> still ahead on good day tim t tebow to the rescue.
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that's getting national n attention. new beginning for the smith zonn yas.ya milestones of flight.on bob will join us live with theeh new and improved exhibit.. >> coming apartment 10a bill and guiliana are back and this timem we're actually putting homeworkr we'll sample the menu from their new restaurant which finally f opens this week.this wk. don't miss it.don'miss nip 22:00 is our time right now. life's morning multitasking for a growing family,
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and drawers with many layers, to show exactly what you need. life's sharing a meal. and a kitchen with room for everyone. spend $4000 or more on a new kitchen and get 15% back at the ikea kitchen event.
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♪ >> little bon jovi for tuesday. >> we'll take itjo. >> no problem there.he 9:25. tim tebow is getting high praisr today after photo of hisselfis less act turns up on >> during a flight from atlantao to phoenix a man on the same thm flight as tebow suffered anuffe apparent heart attack.rt attack. tebow left his seat in firstrst class to go back and help h comfort the man's family.. other passenger snapped this spd picture of the former nfl nfl quarterback praying with the wit group. now when the flight landed tebow used the car that was waitingai for him to carry the man's man family to the hospital.tal. >> very nice. >> very nice. >> and very tim -- that doesn'tn surprise me at all for tim teb tebow. he definitely has always put his faith out there and he clearly practices what he preaches.he pc it isn't the first time that tit tebow has been in the news for w selfless act. after the deadly orlandorl nightclub shooting he cut shortt his vacation in the bahamas to visit a
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teammate injured in the attack.. rodney sumpter posted this photo of tebow hanging out with him im the hospital. he cappinged the pick my highy g school quarterback left the lt t bahamas to come and see m. tebow has always been an awesome person.peon >> that's nice to see. that's >> it isni.. >> tebow still working out.kingt >> i was just going to say.g s >> i know, right?>> kno >> he's still working out. >> he's still working out andilo maybe he's the next size in that shirt.. >> he's showing off his musclesl >> i like it. >> i would say sm med yum largee and extra >> exactly. >> first up the mets taking on the nats.the nats. things not looking good for washington. they were down four-zero to thee mets best pitcher. pch >> right. >> but boy did they make a comem back the nats scored five runsve in one inning took a five-four lead and they just didn't stop. the bats stayed hopping there. mets wouldn't 11-four. six stelle len bases.s nats
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players hit three homes runs in the couple players hit four homeruns no one before last night hitig three homeruns and two doublesou in a game. ge. chris bryant did that for theid cubs. helped his team to 11-eight victory in vince net.ince big night for him. dreams dashed look likesms kevin durant not be coming homeg after all to play for the pla fr wizards at least not now. his hometown not on the list ofo teams he's chatting with tottin possibly play for next year. y durant is a free agent expectedp to meet with boston, miami, and the la clippers. cpp >> we're not really surprised ad that. at >> no. >> i think fangs were hoping that but he wasn't reallylly considering. >> might be good for the game to get away from it.get aw focayus on winning theng championship finally you canlyou call it breck sit part two. two. england out of the euro cup. iceland pulled off one of the o biggest shocks in europeanshks i soccer championship history beatingng eland two-one knockink the team out of euro 2016. 2 ice land's presence game
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games cinderella they have the world shortestes soccer season because of the extreme weather, lack ofkf sunlight, cold conditions and aa entire country population halfia the size of washington, d.c.ingc >> my goodness.go >> isn't that amazing yet they t field a team don quite well.l. >> they learned to be efficiente >> they have.>> the shock so astonishing england's coach manager quitanaq right after the game.e g >> he quit? >> oh, my gosh.h, what is it with soccer people quitting after they lose.. >> like messi. messi. >> i don't like that. it's not send iing a good messa. >> too >> here to break it down fox5 official soccer correspondentor tucker barnes. barne >> thank you steve. i was watching the game.wahing m one of the players on iceland il a dentist.. >> really? >> he need add back up plan he thought.thought. (laughter). >> soccer thin didn't work out. >> smart enough to not play pla hockey. >> he has many more months ins the year he can play hockey than soccer. >> that's true.>>. >> you probably won't lose youru teeth in soccer
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>> hey -- >> i see the link you were linyu making. >> dentist, hockey. >> flip that around. wouldn't you want to be dentisti in a place where people play loy of hockey.ocke >> they lose lot of teeth and te they would need your servicesd s exactly. we're talking about demand.. >> supply and demand.eman i like it. i >> deep thought.ou. i'm willing to bet 52% off english residents did not vote t to have the english team.ea >> that was little more. yeah. >> all right. let's do the forecast. yes. that was fascinating game ge yesterday. 76 now in washington. in wa not so fascinating our weather featuring humid and hazyaz conditions to start your day.ury want to say hot.wa to we're not hot yet we are veryrer warm and we cool off overnight.t look at your numbers. nbe 77 in fredericksburg.cksb it feels swampy out there, andr, it will throughout our tuesday.d 79 winchester. 74 this morning in i've been having fun with hisunt scale all morning long.orni lon. have not seen the numbers this i hyatt this season. sea when does it start to feeleel uncomfortable when the dewn thew points in the
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is when it's 70 and above and wd are currently well above 70 forf most of the area here as far as dew points. how high are they? you ask? a you shall 72. maybe you didn't ask. i can't quite telybl.te tel 72 the current dew point in pnti washington. 73 in annapolis.. 74 for fredericksburg. 74, 73 manassas this tells you s there's lot of water that's in a the atmosphere.the you're really really going tooi feel that. again if you're working outdoort this afternoon, plenty of water. don't let the conditions fooltio you with a cloud cover outloud o there. all right. there's your satellite/radar. se that is the rain that w/re hade last night overnight heavy invyn spots.ot still lingering showers down atw the beaches. bch i think your conditions somebodo tweeted me and asked me i think your conditions will improve ati little bit during theon middayid hours down at the beaches you ba might get a thunderstorm lateorl this afternoon or tonight. toni. we're looking at clearing trendt here. we may get a little sunshine ssh midday but what will happen witn a cold front moving in to this t very humid atmosphere likely tot ring out few additional aitional thunderstorms this afternoon. so look out forrm that possibili as we get into mid to late afternoon.afrn much like yesterday
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couple storms in the afternoonho hours. hours. think we'll do it again.we there's future cast trying tot o bring us a line of thunderstorms, six, 7:00 o'cloc7 so that's a nighttime game, gam, steve, down at nats park? >> tonight? t >> i believe so. >> okay. thank you for answering.u for an thank you for playing along. a if you're going to the nats gamt tonight, be on the look out hee here. we may have a few scatteredcattd thunderstorms as that moves thas through. then the good news behind this front will finally get drier air in here tomorrow it won't be a a whole lot cooler but it will bee a whole lot drier and that that should make it feel a lot bettet by tomorrow.omorro. there we are by 5:00 p.m.00.m clearing out.riut. showers and storms 87 today.ay. much much better by tomorrow. to little cooler, a lot drier, 84.. storm is possible on thursday. 85. let's focus on the weekendke thunderstorm threat friday,hrt a saturday, sunday, monday thesent are all wildly scatteredered thunderstorms in the late tat afternoon.ten you know, one of those 20s orr 30% chances for thunderstorm. most of the weekend should beeko pretty good if you've got parades, barbeques, whateverr you'll be doing
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pool, events down at the mall, m go for it.go for >> all right, guys. gs that's the latest from here. >> 7:05 start tonight at thet oles ballpark.k >> good news for fans of flighti and it involves d.c. most mt popular tourist spot. s think night at the museum. >> the national air and spacepa museum opening newly renovated milestone flight gallery to thee public on friday giving fans a unique way to experience it. fox5's bob barnard joining usois live with all the cool details.. hey, bob.hey, >> reporter: hey, guys gey, guyg morning. yes, we have a sneak peek todayt gecause it's the soft openingpe s milestone to flight all here.h before we head inside i want too show you one of their new tir n exhibits.exhi television show star trek this is the star ship this was the model that was uses in the television series for the 1960s first time on display herr at air and space.ce so a lot of star trek fans wills get kick out of this. t so that's something new. n the rest of the hall
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things that have been heren here before but they're just kind of spaced out a little differently and it's brand new wide open ann up there you see the orange aircraft. that's glorious glennis thele te aircraft that chuck yeager brokk the sound barrier in 1947. 1 up here to the left hanging froo the roof is the spirit of st.. louis.louis. that's probably one of the most famous artifacts with charles cl lindberg flying solo across thee atlantic ocean in 1927. 1 blow it here is model of the lunar module when landed on the moon six this was the one that theyhe tested with, this was the prototype and it is here, and joining us is general jack daili who is director of national aira and space.d spac general daily thanks for beingsb with us. long-time director of the museus former nasa official, marinee helicopter pilot in vietnam.iet. so you must be in heaven whennhe you see all of this here.s her tell us about it it's the 40thht anniversary of this museum. meu and the new famous hall iss
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>> well, we call this the beginning of the beginning.egni because this is the first stage in our complete revitalizationn and transformation of the muse museum. so revitalizing the building itself and all of its mechanical systems. but we're going to transform oum galleries as we go through this. so it's going to be a very interesinteresting next five orx years and we're going to stayg a open and that's what i like to e emphasize.ize it will be kind of a rolling revitalization.. so parts of the museum will bei closed at all times but we'll move artifacts around to make tk sure that the icons are ico a available when people come toomt town. >> reporter: general daily, 7 million people roughlyoughly 7 million people a year comer cm into these doors much this ise t the most popular museum in our country.try. we're showing people lunareo module over to the right is onet of my favorites. is the mercury spacecraft thatha john glenn was the first the f american to orbit the earth. eah that is the center pose here as well. that will always be on display y pretty much?etty much? >> oh, yes, we've e
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the display over what it was before. i don't know whether you remember,. >> it used to stand alone. alone >> it did. it was more difficult to difcult actually view it and so we put both the capsules into betterr position i think and betterte protection for them because thee suffered over the 40 years they were on display and so they weny through major conservation effort as part of this gallery upgrade.up >> reporter: fantastic.grr: fan in another hall is the writes brothers flyer and then you alsa have columbia the apollo 11 command module.nd i'll take people about friday aa night in a minute.t in aut there's charles lindberg withare the spirit of st. louis. what is this big screen generalr dalely. >> this is the media wall and this is the way we're t going to introduce the visitor to the to it's going to of a constant flow of hear heart facts in facts the
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museum. museum. >> people will do what?plwh >> you come in here and you goin up and you just take look atook these little bubbles that aree kind of floating around, and ifd you're interested in -- you wanw to know about astronauts younauu just touch it.just and then it gives you other options to it in terms of okay,a i'm here i might want to see the space suit.e the thing i can do -- it tells t me here's where i am and here's' where it is.wh i now the beauty of this i canhisc select all the things i want tog see and then i can download itod on to my phone and have this map and show me where each one ofonf items i've identified is locat located. >> reporter: tell us generalellr about friday night, guys., there's going to be all nightllg party basically here for free.oe anybody who lives here becauseec friday is the 40th anniversary r of the opening of the air andir space in 1976. 1 friday night people can comeome here. he spend the night. see the artifacts a night at the museum.. >> exactly. exa. well, like i say this is this beginning of the beginning. this is a new us.s. we'll be open all night and what we're trying to do is attract
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younger crowd that when they first briefed me on this i saids all night i'm not sure. they said your not the targethee audience watch we're trying to do, we want to introduce some om the younger folks to what hast h happened in our country in air a and space, and it's all here. h >> reporter: it's fantastic.antt general daily thank you so muchm all night friday night spend the night at the museum.. the 40th anniversary of thisf museum is friday and take look,, guys, boeing's milestone flightf hall has reopened and it's nothing >> it looks amazing.amazin what gets me i remember when yoy look at those capsules when is was younger i would peer in anda now they have them set up you uy can see them better.te when i was younger i would peerd in. that's so cool.thatcool now i peer in, that's soo >> i know, right. >> your perspective changes. cng you have to continually have tov go back to the museum.k >> you have to appreciate what'i here in washington.athere igt >> spend all night there onll nt friday. peering in and looking around,rd right, steve. steve. >> not all night in that littlet capsule. >> no. >> absolutely 9:37 a
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beat talk about a spit take.pi kevin sitting down with tarzann star margo robbie next to find n out why she neededpeciald sci effects to get what should haveh been a simple scene just right.g we'll be back in a few. f ♪
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i need to you scream for me. >> like a damsel. >> no he's tarzan. you're jane.ane. you come for him. >> i do think he plays the same character in every move.rye. >> he did in glorious bastardssa and everyone was like this guyhi is amazing villain.. >> he won oscar for that. >> and january gel and chain.elc >> he was great in that. >> chris to have vault he to doesn't think his characters arr villians in perspective as an an actor he thinks when he'shene'
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>> misunderstood.isunders >> that person doesn't perceivev themselves as as vila which is interesting. ieres >> yeah.h >> i think that's probably true, though, right?ht? >> most people don't really --l- perceive themselves as being non nice.ce >> even though they are.. >> he's a villain in specter tht latest james bond movie which ii thought was terrible.terrib >> i seen that yet. yet >> it wasn't good.oo >> don't waste your money.'t >> i like it. wit. >> i lost the laugh half --alf first half was great.rslf was good action. last half didn't do much for mef >> it wasn't my favorite but ifb enjoy it.en >> i didn't care for the new thw independence day either. >> you didn't?>> >> i did not.ot no will >> no harry connick, jr. jr. >> that's true. true >> he was in the original. >> you're >> of course you know that. >> the scene you just saw legend of tarzan margo robbie playinge jane alexander scars guardcars playing tarzan.playta i tried my hardest to ask thesk hard hitting journalistou questions i could possibly ask.o i needed to know if that spit
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scene was real. r here's your answer. >> you spit in his face.ace. >> um-hmm.. >> i have to know did you reallr spit in his face? yeses. (laughter). >> and i said to him, i don'ti o have to spit in your no, no, it's fine. really?? >> i saw her chilly do it.. >> there will be quite few taket i won't do it. do it. he said it's fine.d it's fine. >> how many takes did that takek quite few in the end when we did like my coverage i -- when we ww did coverage where you weren't w going to read the spit i didn't' really spit in his face.t inis . in fact when i watched it, i wa, kind of like disappointed withtw how much spit there was and ithn actually asked david if we could cgi a little more spit. (laughter). >> just being polite and i was like, i wish wish there was morm spit now can we add that in cgi and he didn't. >> yeah.>> that's cool. david yates directed that moviet also did the harry potterter deathly hallows part one andtne o.o. that movie opens friday.y. we'll have samuel l
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the show.thehow. his answer why he kept samuel l. jackson in his name is soo fascinating.fa i always wanted to kscnow whyw y there's an l.e'an l. some actors don't use their on serious note reverend jesse jackson slamming dish network'sk decision to stop carrying wg in america on tribute stations.tati the show underground already aea been renewed tour second seasona follows american heroes whoicans plans a 600-mile escape from f slavery toward freedom n lettert to dish, jackson rivered slavera in regards to the next work'so t decision to pull the cam. he said quote if dish using thee same kind of mass with ratingsat as the old south employee when n an acting lines that countt co african american as three fifthf of a man. his exact quote. quo now dish said its decision hadad nothing to do withg to discrimination were you thehe tribute and broadcasting extended offers for -- having h passed on an opportunity to gett all the facts we are skepticalpl that reverend jesse jackson ison
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fair deal for dish customers and wg in america is running underground marathon this this saturday.rd so i mean we discussed thisscus earlier today.ea i think when you are removing an entire network it's not just the one show. so i don't know how you feel yof about it.out obviously that's a powerful shoo from what i've seen and heardnde but i don't think it hasink it s anything to do with just the wit show. what are your thoughts? a >> i agree. i think it has -- well, as steve mentioned i think there ared k bigger issues here.bigg so i'mer not sure what reverend jackson's disclaimer i know himw he's a friend of mine i don'tf d know what his motive is here, but, you know, there's more -- - there's more at play here thanet simply the story that we're we'e hearing.hearin so i'm curious to see how thisot plays out.ut on aside the show itself i heara is brilliant.. >> i've seen it. it >> the show is fantastic.tast >> a couple actors in hr >> maybe it will show up hulu or netflix or something like that where it might get a bigger aig viewing audience.nce >> thanks a lot, guys. g >> thanks kevin.. 9:45. . coming up ne
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bachelor parties and flatulence because -- >> oh. >> say the real word. >> flatulence is the real worayr kevin if my vocabulary. sarah frazier is back next withw brand new edition of love and order. order. ♪ ♪ around here, i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster.
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my bargain detergent, it couldn't keep up it was mostly water. so i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated... so i get a better clean. i mean i give away water for free... i'm not about to pay for it in my detergent. voted 2016 product of the year if it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide.
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♪ oh, we have got to get, we gavels. >> your honor -- getting gavelsv this week. th >> they have to be available ate some party store j it is tuesdae that means it is indeed time for a little love and order whenhen sarah fraser shares messages mes from fans and we try to offer a little advice.dv so first up, a woman who is questioning her pending marria marriage. she wrote i'm engaged and getting married this fe all. my fiance' is a having ain a bachelor party and didn't invitt my only o i'm my fiance' says they're not thaa close and bachelor party islopat really only for his closest friends.frie i think that is so selfish andea sign of the way he's going treat my famy
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i'm so concerned about this i'm thinking about calling off thefe wedding.g >> then call it off. >> what do you think? think >> indicate off. i think that -- it'>>s yoursou bachelor party. you want to be with your bestt >> oh, my goodness.. you have a gavel.avel >> steve, you cannot be seriouso >> i'm a hundred% serious. why would i want to drag thera t party down to be there.he it's my party.ty i want my friends there. t >> it's your >> plus the thing is it's thethi best man who invites everybodyve to it. to so blame it on the best man. ben >> at the same time it makes mem think if that was my hub to beyo he was doing something terribly seed dee at the pear.ea >> oy agree. >> i >> so you want to send a party r cop is what you want to >> no. >> she said it. they don't get along.on'tet a if they got along it would be wd one thing. thi. yes, invite that if they don't get along they'ree not close why would you wantld n them there. >> because there are obligatoryl invites that go out when when in comes to the wedding. >> with that caveat i
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this. this. i think you're right, steve. it's his d a.m. n bachelor bhe party. pa >> what are we ruling.g. >> for this i would think, lookl you know i think you're right. is this kind of case you have ta invite the relatives especiallya a brother, unand only brother. r i think that says a lot. a l >> it means something to >> yes. >> it means something to her then --then - >> yeah, why she really going t say that has an impact on the whole life together.og >> thumbs up if we're callingalg the wedding off, thumbs down if we're not. n >> it's not a reason to calln tl wedding off. >> i think that's awe littletl extreme. >> you're down. maureen, are you down? thumbs m down. down. >> to what exactly. >> thumbs up if the wedding is off. thumbs down if the wedding is n on. >> the wedding is on. >> steve, wedding on., weddg on >> ruling is wedding is off. off they have larger issues. >> you just wanted to use theset gavel. >> i love it. >> next topic. you next farting.ti so when can you start farting in front of your significant othero or at all
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>> when or can you? >> well, here the doo thing. th. do you fart in front of yourronu significant other at all or whew do you start?ta >> i'm going to recuse myselfeys from this conversation.rsio >> really. i do.. >> yes. i would think so.i does anyone not? >> this article is brings up ann interesting debate for some som couples they never actual dollar in front of each other and i think that's a shame. shame. >> i had an interesting h an conversation with friend who wa spending a weekend witfrh her nw boyfriend for the first time and she was saying how showing a a bathroom with one bathroom in b the nerve was little nerveite ne wracking you're just starting tn get to know each other if you'vu been married for 15 years -- yes >> you would wait 15 years to fart?rt >> natural progression ofal p openness in the relationship.. maybe not the first date. >> do you think it's fine any'sn time. >> steve's face is priceless. >> i recuse myself.ysf >> come on.>>e o you won't say it? >> steve went away on vacation. >> we're sharing brain.. >> the first couple of months -- >> yeah but at some point.nt obviously whe
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getting to know someone that's just -- just -- >> i want to chime in on this.hi >> good manners.anne >> i want to chime in on thisn i've been dating my fiance' for four years and i think it'snk perfectly fine.ectly fine. i lift my leg. >> i think -- i think it's -- i- think it's perfect. p if you can do that in front ofno your loved one that means you ms are perfectly happy with that tt person. >> i agree. i think point you have to be heo able. to the tougher question is atght what point?oi >> the person had just had a h five minute conversation ofio spitting in someone's face.. >> the first three or four fou months i blamed it dog.og >> you did it silently.siltl >> silently and then -- >> yeah. y >> this is like my career. hello.. >> i had to chime inform we're running short on time.nning sh change the suborject.ubject. >> i say yes. i say y >> next topic. >> we rule. r you should be able to do it.t >> last topic. can you ever buy this a greatret story guy went out his son heonh took his son to the pet store ho brought a little friend with hi him. the frie
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so the dad was buying his song h little turtle.urtl the friend goes i want one.anne sure i'll buy you one. one >> bad idea. ide >> no. >> sends the son home -- friend's son home with turtle.ul >> no, no, no.o, >> can't do it. >> really? r >> no. >> here's my thing. i thinker as a mom i don't realy want -- you give it to somebodyo glimpse what if it wasn't awhati turtle. turt >> like a puppy. like pupp what if they brought a puppy. >> you acquired all your anima animals. i grew up in maine. >> we grew up in the countrygrpu they just showed up.p >> they folded you home.e >> that's different thanfent tha somebody buying it for someoneif else. >> you cannot commit a anothert child or another family to tak taking care of a pet.. >> you're basically committingoi that mom and dad. dad. >> that's way over stepping the bounds. how much the kid wants w t >> how about piercing, takeing t someone else's kid to get theire ears >> no. >> my belly button when i wasias 14. 14 a friend's mother took my frienf heather and myself to get ourur
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goes you're in trouble but do id the tell your father.tell your t i was in so much tro >> the question is do you still have that piercing? >> i took it out in collegeit oe during the freshman 15. it was a necessary time to part ways. wa >> you took it out or it got lost?lo >> it got lost.go parted ways.ed way >> okay.>> we rule.ule no pets for other kids. >> no.>> no. >> no piercings for other kids.d >> we're sorry. >> don't worry. worry if you have kids i'll buy them m all the pets in the world. >> everyone in the crew freak out when i hit the table. theab so we need a little block. >> right. >> put your finger there. i'll do it. >> i feel like we know eachwac other that much better now. >> absolutely.>>bsol >> oh, wait. oh, w >> here we go. go >> come on.>> com on. >> this is you.>> >> steve?ve >> still ahead couple in thee t kitchen will give us a menu m sample. bey'll be back because the restaurant is now open in d.c. down by verizon center they'llri cook for us coming up nexzot.mip the man who prepared guilianaa for her future career in fashioi you've seen the commer
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dad.da one of the dc areas premierer tailors will join us live toli give us a lesson in style.. first, though, you want to doano coffee time today.ffee time to >> good day d.c. if you've been eyeing or cool good day mugs dag listen up we have a new good day cc dunkin' donuts mug to give away.ay so go ahead to our website or facebook fb page or our facebook page at face d.c. to entee our mug contest. conte one lucky winner will be b selected by random drawing butut hurry, you only have from now nw until 11 a.m. to >> we just recorded that we'lldl play it back every d you'll see nothing for your -- receive nothing for your you efforts.ef we appreciate it.we >> we'll see you after this for the 10a. 1 >> i love the new music withic t coffee time. energy.
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40% of the streetlights in detroit, at one point, did not work. you had some blocks and you had major thoroughfares and corridors that were just totally pitch black. those things had to change.
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lighting system in the city. you can have the greatest dreams in the world, but unless you can finance those dreams, it doesn't happen. at the time that the bankruptcy filing was done, the public lighting authority had a hard time of finding a bank. citi did not run away from the table like some other bankers did. citi had the strength to help us go to the credit markets and raise the money. it's a brighter day in detroit. people can see better when they're out doing their tasks. young people are moving back in town. kids are feeling safer while they walk to school. and folks are making investments and the community is moving forward. 40% of the lights were out, but they're not out for long. they're coming back. ♪ they go ooh ooh. hey! ♪ ♪ they go oh-ooh-ooooh. ♪ sitting, watching, waiting, wishing. ♪ ♪ i tell you one thing, you never knew it. ♪
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♪ there is so much to give, so dream big. ♪ yeah. ♪ ♪ and when they screaming get out, get out. ♪ ♪ll i wanna hear is t down, get down. ♪ ♪ yeah. ♪ and when they screaming get out, get out. ♪ ♪ll i wanna hear is t down, get down. ♪ ♪ get down, get down. (voand exceptional customerity pre-ownservice,les... head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... flip your thinking about buying your next one.
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♪ don't let the dreary day get down many we're here to lift yot up. >> and boy, do we have a 10a for you. live in the loft, power coupleeu bill and guiliana are back withh us. we're live in the good day cafef as they cook up fabulous food from their new d.c. restaurant. also, a man close to guiliana's heart here to show us thou dre dress. don't miss the live fashion liv show. >> ahead in celebrity dish somee not happy about kanye's new video.. plus britney takes on jay-z. >> kim k emoji just to time for the fourth. can't way.n' >> let's do it.'s do the 10a starts right now.ow ♪ a lot going on
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and food i'm looking forward tod that. that >> i'm a little bit hungryhungr myself.mylf. power couple cooking in our kitchen.le >> italian food. >> bill and guiliana.ill and gul that will be awesome. >> italian food and fashion.ashi how can you do better than that. a true power family. >> power including her absolutely. >> all righty. >> we want to thank you foro an sticking around for the tepp a.a we have lot to get to.o. i'm steve alongside erin, hollyy and maureen.en. wisdom is off this morning. let's get to what's trendingendg now. a minute past the hour. first up, it's a sad day in thee sports world.ld legendary college coach patch summit is dead at the age of o just 64. submit's son released ase a statement saying his mother diee peacefully at a retirementemen community in knoxville.xvil she led ut to eight nationals no days during her 38 year years aa coach she retired in 2012 afterr doctors diagnosed her with early onset dementia. right now we've been talking about this all f
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knew anything about the world ou sports when you look at coach ca summit she was one of all time, men, women, any sport out theret >> hands down. >> we can talk about her but wet don't know what it was like toik play for her.ay for her. someone who did shamika, tennessee all time leading lding scorer and rebounding playing pa four years under the coach including undefeated season, she joins us now on the good morning. morning. it's good to talk to you. >> good morning everyone. >> you have to have a heavyaea heart this morning and we talk so much about just the impactt that coach summit had on the ana tire world of sports. spo not just basketball but alltball across the world of sports. spot what are you feeling thishis morning? >> of course, a lot of sadness for our lady nation. for coach summit's family. we've lot of someone that hasas done, you know, so much for soo many people and like many have
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said this is her scope reached outside the world of basketballb just her as a person and her heart and personality, and how she would run through a wall fol those who mattered for her the e most.most. i mean, it's just really we're just happy that, you know, she's not in pain and we knoww that you know she's smiling jusj because of the just being to beg have that love around her, all that were able to come in and ad her friends and, you know, people a part of the program.grm that's what she built.uilt. that's what she was about.ut this sister hood and this community.unity so we're just -- we're just glad that, um, we were able to share those stories and, you know, upu lift her spirit. >> i'm so sorry for your loss. s i can mary the pain in your you voice. voic i guess the only thing i can can bring to this
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woman who was more than a coachc to you. sounds leak almost like she wass mother to all of you as well asl friend clearly. >> definitely. when i found out about herut h dementia, i got together with aa group of players and i asked everyone to submit a story about her. i wanted to give her that t because i knew she was going to, you know, there was a period ped where she might not rememberem things and i want her to look aa that book and read stories of the lives she touched. and i just remember putting itng together you think about yourself, how the coach impactec me but reading those stories ofo the players how she helped theme through divorces, through, you know, a near death experienceer with a car accident, and also, s you know, losses and financial struggles and showed me like my super hero she was real. sometimes you
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the super heroes are real.l. but she was real. like reading these stories andra it just made me as a 30-year-olo at that time just even have that much more respect for her. >> some book i'm sure she lovedd it and i know her family will w treasure it for sure. sure. what's the one lesson that youhu learned from her that you're y always going to have with you? u >> oh, wow.. for me, she gave us all so many. realizing that tough times don't last but the she used to always tell me, we're going to gong too through some times but we got tt persevere and that just comes c from her, that competitive person in her nature. nat she's going to try to knock doww anything that's in the way. that confident and that tt competitive and i'm glad that it took that lesson from her, because, you know, my struggles
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in live like no matter coachrch summit was one of the first to instill that in me along with my grandmother. >> well, you were kind enough in the past to join us and talkin a about some of those strugglesgl that you had. we really appreciate you takingk some of your time out of yourf y morning this morning to join ust against again and talk about abo coach summit really larger than live person and when you hearea from somebody like you you canou just feel that impact.. thank you so much.h. we wish you the rest of vols vol nation the best in thisesin t difficult time.diicul >> thank you very much. >> thanks for joining us.for inn one of the things that i thinkhi goes kind of blow the surface se here that should be on the top t of the surface not the greatest winning percentage she hadn'tn' the championships 100% graduation rate. >> i knew you were going say goi that. >> this is someone who coachedeo for 38 years at the highestighet level. le so, you know, i think -- you sense the emotion in her voice when you talk about her beingerb more than a coach.mohan a >> she was live coach for
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clearly. you can just feel the hurt and perhaps gain comfort in knowingg she truly is at peace now. >> lessons that can trance zen sports. spor sad loss at the age of 64. 6 >> so hard to hear a moment ofeo grief. my heart goes out to everyone,e, everyone who knew her and lovedd her.r. we want to take you now to up lifting story.ry powerful rendition of theon of national anthem that's going g viral. florida teacher visiting d.c. d. earlier this month become an bea internet sensation all because of her powerful rendition of the spar spangled banner she beltedd out while at the lincoln l listen. ♪ and the rockets red glare,lare the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.. oh,
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banner yet wave, over the land of the free and the home of thet brave ♪ (applause).. >> whew! >> pretty powerful moment right there i tell you. you while she was singing you caninc see the crowd of people thatpl gathered around her. she stood her listen in awe and erupted in cheer. in c the video has been viewed moreed than 7 million times. >> wow! >> i got chills just from chillm listening to that was so mazing. and next up, trough some peoplee might have too much money.. apparently a new trend throwingn birthday parties
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former new york city partyy p planner discover the trend aftet throwing a birthday party foror her puppy. after getting rave responses from her guests she decided todt offer her party planningg services to puppy owners all over new york city. in 2015 puppy parties nyc has hosted paw ties for pups withuph gourmet trees, activities and decorations. >> why not? n >> when you see what people doe with their pets i wish if i canc go back a decade and invest in business --b >> oh, yeah. >> in full disclosure, people,el spend whatever they want on a a pet. pet. >> i never had a party planner a for our doing but we definitelyy through pawt i.e. s.. s we totally through that many. they were just for our family a little party >> we put -- we lit candles anda dog treats.reat we did it all.idl >> for your family. f you why not? i say celebrate them,, too. >> i'll make a cat
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>> erin we were talking aboute g >> we were talking about dogs. >> take it down a notch. >> we're kidding. k >> a lot of people are spreadinr love to the dogs.lo the cats spreading love to their owners he is special physical they are a woman because a new n study did find that cats are are indeed the perfect companion for woman's heart. research hers found women overs the age of 50 may be lesfos liky to suffer from cardiovascularcur diseases we won't tell was chric just said in our ears. ears. >> oh, my gosh. gosh. >> he said ladies over 50 and single. >> noted, chris. c >> that is noted, thank you forr that. when it comes to dating, what are your deal breakers, chris? hygiene, manners, lying perhaps. >> getting perth. per >> what about the type of phonee that they use? a writer fromtef vogue magazine tackle the issues in her latest piece.ce she says she star dating a guygy whom she really liked but there was a problem when he used ann android and she was faithful tol he
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so what's the big deal? well, , for one thing she says the lack of blue text message bubbles isi annoying for iphone lovers.s. interesting. after debating the wish with heh friends she wasn't the only onee i need to meet your group off a friend told her she had reservations with guy she was s seeing suggesting they want ay a movie on a pc and not a mac on n larger picture the idea paints t clear picture of how technologyg obsessed we are as a society. sy so much so that we are basing someone's dating pat ability ono their smart >> they should come in here andr watch our windows 95. >> yes. >> exactly. >> their mind would explode. >> you talk about the bluek abth bubbles on the iphone.les on >> right. >> i have had people complaincoa because you know on the iphone p you can say messages areges delivered or read.delive >> if it's read and somebody --- >> not responded. responded. >> you can turn that off i lea learn. >> you can. >> right. >> you darling i'm guilty of napping and checking texteckingt message in my sleep and notnd n responding because i don't evene know i look at it.
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>> you check text messages insai your sleep.your >> i've gone through my phone in accident and click on things.hig >> were you text your cat at tha time. >> yes. >> right. >> we face time sometimes at mym mom's house. house >> we'll talk about this at ourr next meeting. m >> still ahead at 10:00 why0:00w woman walked a thousand milesd s from mississippi to washington,n d.c. what she has planned now she'sos here and the role beyonce' isce playing in her story.. >> interesting.>> inter first the kanye backlash has has gun. we'll tell hugh is lashing outii at the new famous video plus kim k's new holiday emojis that aree anything but subtle. subtle wouldn't that always be -- be >> what holiday is this?y ishis? >> when kim k every subtle? tht tom and taylor tour continueson and how britney is getting getti revenge on an ex. 10:12.:12. celebrity dish serving it up u next.
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♪ >> steve working it over there. hob nobbing withor the celebri celebrities. >> that's right. >> hello. h hi. >> pleasure to meet you.e to myu >> yeah. i feel like you're royalty. >> how do you do?>> how >> good to see you.>> good to se >> good to be seen. y>> g i looove -- you look very dappe. >> yes. >> eduardo dupont
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>> okay. we can't wait to talk to him more. >> let me prop up a little. >> okay. sit taller. tal i feel i need to be more prop. p >> fix the girls.. >> kanye west debuts new musicwm have you yo -- just kidding forf song famous it definitely hasnis lot of people buzzing. bzing controversial individual 83ial 3 inspired by artist vincent --ce- that guy painting sleep and features naked kanye west kan sleeping beside his wife kim buk as the camera pans the faces of 11 celebrity looks a like appears to be sleeping next toet west including taylor swift,lors donald trump, bill cosby,os rihanna all fired of featured ia the songs. the songs. tailor swift representativess considering legal rights. r ray jay is not happy he was depicted nude next to his ex kim k and neither is fiance' fia principal is he love. l he's also considering legal action. chris brown took to instagram tm share his 2 cents only wond
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why kanye used wax figures buttt crack representatives for caitlinver a jenner, drum many and bill cosbc declined to comment. comnt we're in potty mouth mood thisod whole so. what is going on. is going o needless to say kanye saidd listen, sue me if you don't likn it. i'm waiting for it.. >> west getting attention.ention >> i stated the obvious.. >> chris brown facing more legal trouble. tr another shocker this time musics producer sshug night filed a f lawsuit again the rapperap co-founder of death row recordsc alleges brown didn't provide hie with adequate security during a party if a nightclub brown hos hosted two years ago. knight was shot several time and claims he's still suffering froo my heu complications from thens owners of the nightclub are included in the nightclub. nigcl knight is in jail on murder m charge awaiting trial. >> all right
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during sunday bet awards justinn timberlake at jesse williams wls saying he was inspired by himy and like we told you yesterday,d um immediately after posting the tweet the 35-year-old faced several severe backlash and ishd trying to defend his actions heh tweeted, i forgot this forum is something i was inspired byd b jesse's speech because i reallya do feel we are all one humanne race and jt tweeted again i feel misunderstood.stoo i was responding to a specificc then the can't stop the feelingi singer apologized to anyone that felt he was out of turn saying y have nothing but love for you and all of us. >> oh, jt. >> don't do it.on do i don't do it. leave it alone. alone >> just apologize and move on.o >> you can't win for trying. >> can't win for trying exactlyt >> speaking of jt anyone who waw a teen in the 90' and heart0' a broken when justin and britney b broke up -- u >> i have hard time getting oveo it. >> britney spears already pushes back her upcoming singl
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ohh. the reason why can make it welli worth the rate. it is rumored britt to bee sampling none other than justini timberlake cry me a river in her new song. new for those who don't jt madet waves when he dropped that 20022 hit song by featuring britney look alike in his music video. 14 years old britt could be cou getting her revenge although who would it be revenge.e r he's moved on much she's moved on. >> everyone has moved on. >> who is bringing us back. bk >> i call this publicity stunt.. >> probably the me media.ed >> good it head and blame us il think we're doing all right. speaking of what i think is a a stunt, i'm probably the onlyhe o one. on >> she does not believe in love this one.thne >> not this love. >> taylor swift and tom hiddleston they're on theirhe world the duo was spotted in romee yesterday.erday. >> hmm. >> they were spotted holdingpott hands during their private tour of the
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following their little jaunt toa the cole sole yum the couplehe u were pictured dining in a nearba restaurant together.ether. now, the twitter page taylorr swift updates posted dozens of photos of the couple enjoying their time in rome. >> okay. looks romantic.roc why are you having such a hard time with this.time with >> i don't know.>> i d kno but the nose something about this just isust not -- if they're happy, type, i'll be the crumb mud jenny girg i'm just not buying it.g >> her boyfriend is a littlee burn. bu >> who? calvin harris. har >> are you wondering how calvinc harris feels about all of this.o >> yes, i am holdly. h >> funny you asked thatou asked question. tmz is reporting that calvinvin thinks it is all specifically taylor alreadydy having met tom's brother. >> what? >> laughable.>> l (laughter). >> because during taylor andse calvin's 15 month relationship tay tay never met calvin'sn's parents.pare >> drop the mic. >> calvin's parents live in thee
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uk. and he always wanted her to meeo them, but taylor told him it wat simply too far it way. w doesn't she travel the world t w tour. >> yes. >> we're told calvin wasd in w understandably quote bewilderede and astonished when he saw the w couple in the uk. now, tmz is also reporting oneog source says calvin thinks thaihs is cozying up to tom to lock down a bond girl roll. >> taylor smart foe. >> if tom become the new james n bon tmz is reporting calvin now feels like he dodged a bullet. >> hmm. >> or a bull tear yann. >> calvin, calvin, i'm tellingng you. it's so far off the mark that t this can actually be true thatt she's maybe angling for roll?l? >> it's as far she thought tho london was away. >> rome is row money tick. mey t you can't make those photos ofsf the hand holding.the hand hol >> you can fake that.di y >> i could fake itou with you right now. ri >> oh well.>> oell. >> i won but okay. finally, it is not yet theet fourth of july and
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kardashian is causing fireworks. real l start debuting her newest fourth of july themed emoji. emo >> check it out. >> i thought that was you. >> here's the second batch. tell us what you younk. will you be using the new kimmo gee. >> let me think about it no. no >> you know what, she keeps us talking, why not? >> okay. that's your celebrity dish.h. served up hot. u hot >> that was good one.>> tt wa >> is that your final >> at the my final answer. >> use the gavel for that one.t 10:22. 10:2 more storms on the way to srms washington. tuck will join us with check ofn the forecast u.recast it is humid as anything you canu imagine out there right now.ow. also, our new best friends bills and guiliana back with us this t time they brought a secretre weapon not just dad but food. a chef some good food look atood the love going on in the kitchen it's an oy tal yann restaurant much it's nothing but love. l we'll get a lesson in style as a well whewhen we come back.
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♪ 10:25 right now. it's just one of those days. >> look at that just hanging oui there. you can see it. >> don't bother trying to style your hair. >> tucker used to use the excusc it was a nice warm hug when youy walk outside.wa >> like a tropical island.slan >> not the kind of hug we want.n >> no. >> um-um.>> um-um. >> we want you tucker. >> oh, okay.h, okay. steve, that was when you gothaty home yesterday you got theou big welcome >> i didn't like it. didli >> big humid hug..
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dew point temperatures justre talking to gary about it i don' remember them being this high so far in the spring or summer this year. ye and currently running low 70sow7 that just tells us a lot of lot water in the atmosphere, and perhaps rain some of it out i later this afternoon.r thon 78 in washington.n annapolis 78 degrees.grees 79 this morning in manassas.anas 79 as well in fredericksburg.ur so temperatures aren't terriblyi hot with cloud cover we've had out there early but it isit i terribly humid assumptioned dued point numbers are not retreating at all. look at that.atok a sewing good out there. good oute 73 the current dew point inn washington. 70 in leonardtown again any timy these numbers are above 70ve 7 talking about oppressive conditions. you know, sometimes dc has reputation for being a swampmp well it certainly feels like it today. today 71 in baltimore the current dewd point. cloud cover, lingering showers.o let me just mention those of in you southern maryland parts ofar calvert county, saint mary'ss county gettin getting a leftovee shower. most of the area is part toll t mostly cloudy. off to our north and west a wes
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little sunshine.o litt i think we'll get a little hazyy sunshine during the middle ofin the day but that will only oy encourage our cold front as itsi moves in later today as it slams into our area later today to t kick up thunderstorm activity wt will have the risk of scattered thunderstorms beginning laterngl this afternoon and then behind this front there we go at go 7:00 o'clock tonight. o'cloonigt there's your scatteredered convection.tion. scattered thunderstorm activityt behind that front things a a lol brighter and more importantlyta drier tomorrow.dr there's your seven day forecaste 87 today.87 tod drier weather o 84. tomorrow looks fantastic.tastic guys, again, t storms thishis afternoon. very humid out there today. t 87 your daytime high. h i'll toss it back up stars to u you. you. >> thank you tuck. tuc still ahead on good day. one woman's 1,000-mile journey j to washington, d.c. topless..c.t with she did it and her messages for other women on the same t sm journey and how she got beyonce''s attention.ttenon time now 10:27.0: we'll be right back. ♪
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♪ all right. well, of course, the alwayslways beautiful guiliana rancic is no stranger to fashion from her rer carpet coverage on e to her eo position as member of thehe fashion police to her very own n clothing line on hsn.n. bethesda native is known for her style. yl she had little help, though. t a little helping hand on her road to stardom. stard it was simply her dad eduardo the owner of did he pan dee is chevy chase suit shop dressing c's most discerning gentlemeninn for more than three decades and this morning the region's premier master tailor and his effervescent celebrity daughterr joins live for a little fashionn show. thank you both. >> thank you for having us.ou fv we're super excited.per excited this is the first time we've t ever done a live tv fashion sh show. >> rollly? well, clearly, youl can't not claim h she looks just like you.. >> >> i look like you. >> everybody say the same.
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>> you're more handsome. h you're handsome.u're she's beautiful. >> your christmas cards must ber let's put that it way.s t th let's talk just a second, thou though, about being this masters tailor. you are so well known in thenown d.c. area.rea. how did that come to be?? >> i do this all my life. my lif completely my i did when i was nine years old and i like tailoring and i continue all my life and i'm here to do.he >> he started in tailor shop ato nine years old the oldest of six kids. kids and in naples italy that means t the oldest boy went to work anda my dad worked tile lore shop ana in the '80s he moved the familym to america to give his three hit kids a better life, and we, youu know, he put us through collegee really chased the american the e dream, and he he is the american dream.n >> his attention to detail i think is what he's so so knownwn for b
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and there are beautiful suitsbes and then there's just when youhn see it it just all goes tos different level.ffer i think that's what he does.ha what's the number one fashione s lesson he taught you? >> wow. that really, you know, every piece of clothing i make for hsn it really starts from the insidi out meaning the construction inside determines everything.g you know so many people spend ss much time thinking about the actual print or but with me it'i all about the tailoring becausec that's what i saw my dad doing d my whole live, and so many women will say, wow this blazer fitss like a glove. a glo there's so much work that goeswt in that, and so definitely justs how important it is to have very fine tailoring, and he's just j the most amazing role model. m i mean my dad is a master mas tailor.or there aren't many of those lefto >> no. >> he comes from naples italy and the taylors from italy are sought after around the world wd and really is the best he's had very loyal clients for many m decades here in d.c. in d >> w
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your work.ur can we do that.. >> yes. >> let's start our fashion showo >> our first model here handsome eric. er >> -- he's hard to look at.o ok >> so hard to look at, right?? >> yes, if you want to talk a tl little bit about that. about t >> what i wanted to say -- whatw i bring to washington isns something really different. like collars and style and everything sometimes you go inng the store you see s everythingig like boring. charcoal gray i try bring bri something -- more color. something more -- more unique.e this is my goal. goal >> i mean he could be good be enough to eat. (laughter).gh >> if i had to describe, youibey know. know >> you know what i love aboutwhv this, this makes a statement. se you walk in a room heads areea a going to turn, and it's interesting when my dad's customers we had our opening ofi our restaurant and a lot of thef were there in my dad's suit. guiliana i can't tell you willel everyone i wear one of yourr dad's suits people say to me di you get that it inly, it's so
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>> anyone who wasn't wearing one your suits last night felt unded dressed. dr >> exactly. >> let's take look at our nextak >> vincent appreciates italianei fashion as well.l. and look how gorgeous this is. dad? >> the dough tale we do the suii everything we do by hand. double stitching, very look ---- we try to perfection. perct look nice in the suit. ne in >> what's the number one mistake that you semen make when itehe comes to their suits? no,, because it's very important to, h wear nice suit you have to -- they look like lose weight whghw my suit. >> nice. you can buy clothes that makeclt you look >> yeah, look skinny. >> i'm all in.>> ill >> i call those spanks.ho s you call them something else
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>> i love my customers lose 10 years, 20 years when they wear a my suit because the shape of the suit -- >> i understand what your saying because it is like you justt look -- you look fit.ok f you look booth full.k boh f you look put together.r. >> yes. yes. >> that's what you're suitsou definitely choose. >> he looksde great. >> i think it's amazing double l breasted window pain i don't see that much from his detail and style reminds me of versachi. i'm happy so to wear a suit that fits so well. >> versachi that hack. thaac >> this is great.>> thiis g i love the fit.e >> thank you. very good. >> and now we have a veryer special third model. >> who is this guy rolling if here? i got to be honest i'm ii love with this model.. >> bill ranking is our theirl nk model wearing one of my dad's's suits. it bill loves my dad's sus he owns many ofis
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>> these suits make you looke yu thinner. >> you clearly need that.eed make you wealthy and you'll y become closer to god.od. >> and they're flying off the of racks right now.ow >> when you're single you'll ge a lot of women.a lo wom >> there you go.ouo. >> bill, you're crazy. you're ca >> these suits are great.. eduardo he is such a rare breede we were just in naples last week, and there are very few master taylors left in naplesnas italy.ital and the fact that he started s when he was so young they pullee him out of school. sch how are you? >> i was nine. n >> nine years old and he startes working in the shop tailor atlor nine and now at 78 years old --- >> 78, >> bill you can probably sayy sy this as well. just like women, when we have a pretty dress on we've had oure'e hair and our makeup done or whatever it helps -- you feel- u pretty and that gives i was different just vibe that you exy sued and it's no differentiffe foreman were you're in good goo suit -- suit -- >> you walk into board room your want to feel g you want to feel confident about you're wearingt and, you know, the minute youab, walk in people size you
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and if you're looking sloppy and the suit doesn't fit you right, giving them an advantage. this guy is not put together well. he's probably not going to benoo great negotiator. >> well thank you all for coming in and bill when you came intowo the family you didn't hurt the christmas card either.r. >> there they are. a here at the master tailor guiliana's wonderful dad hererfd right in our own area a true washington gem.on g >> we love him.e ve h >> equally as proud of you allpy which we'll talk about theirut r restaurant coming up littleominp later. we got more good day the 10a one the another side of the break. e don't go anywhere.ny never looked so good, right. >> ♪
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♪ that is such an appropriatei song. our next guest might inspire i you. she's a breast cancer survivoruo who finished 1,000-mile walk-mie from mississippi to here in and she did it all topless.ople she underwent a doublee mastectomy in 2014 she kick offo her walk to marketer 50th birthday just yesterday.terd she says she wanted to celebrate all the women who didn't make im to their 50th birthdaysirth because of breast cancer but het walk isn't about raising wearness it's about action and a she's getting high roll filell support along the way thanks in part to small role in beyonce''s album lemonade.emad she's working on a documentary called scar story. for more on her journey, her, massage and what comes nextom paulette joins us live in the
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good morning to you. >> good morning. >> you are such an andn expiration. >> thank you.>>hank first people you're hearing're you're walking a thousand miless topless maybe some thinkhink goodness why is she doing itng it's a little lewd.ittle lew that is far from what is wha happening here.e >> that's correct. >> what is the message? >> well, the walk had several messages attached to it. number one message is i wanted to -- god gave mow the vision tn walk topless because so many s n women who have fought thishis horrible illness are ashamed ana i couldn't understand that. you know, i understand losingin your breasts or losing any limbl on your body is devastating, because i was devastated.astate i went through it. th but i had to go through eight months of trying to redefine myself and then that eight months got -
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scars tell my story, you know -- >> badge of honor. hon >> i kneed to share this with other women who, um, went through it and was feeling ashamed and feeling less than. >> writ.>> avenue woman.avenue >> for us as women our breasts b are so much -- we depth if i deh ourselves with our breasts, our, body shape, that's what makes um a woman. >> right. >> we lose part of par a >> writ. >> i can imagine thinking i'm less than a wgioman because i no longer have them.ave them. >> right. my walk was to take it way that. that shame.that shame. it was to free other women likee i was freed. >> when did you embark on thema walk? good i started the walk april 30th. 30t >> are you walking alone or hav you had people join you alongoi the way? i know we mentionedond beyonce' at one point.t one p have you had people join you along the way? >> i did. i had residents as i walked through towns because i took the scenic routes through towns and through the states and i had people would join me for mile or two on my
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my daughter was the primary wina under my wings. >> amen to that. i know i have to imagine thoughh that it is ajarring visual when people do see you walking. >> right. >> have there been any detractsa people who may not have h understood what was happeningha her? >> no.. everyonevery and i talk to hundo people on this journey. they've opened up their homes, m they open up their wallets.alle they open up their kitchens.ens. businesses open up their doors. governmentestablishments openede up their doors. d you know, to give me rest, to to give me, um, some cooling off time. is this journey showed me that there are so much good out herer there's so many good people outl her in the world. w and i wouldn't have known that. >> right.>> right. >> had oy not taken this journ journey. i need the world to know that wa have some good people in thehe world. you know, there's a small percentage of evil but there'sbe so much od
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showed me this on this journey.u >> i have to of course mentione beyonce' who learned about youry journey and invited you to beout part of her, you know, k blockbuster lemonade video. >> writ. >> she had wanted to walk withdt you at one point.nt >> yes, she d i know she's on tour.ur but her desire was to join me me and it didn't happen but it's bi okay. okay. >> her heart was there with you which lends great deal to thisgo movement and this cause. tme ant >> >> as we're buttoning it up what do you want people to know aboub what's happening? breast canss cancer effects so many people.p. african-american women iticaneni effects at a devastating rate. . we may have lower numbers but wt die from it more.ore. >> exactly. >> were do you want people to y know? >> well, we need a cure. c we have enough there's so much awareness out there.ther in this most, this vision that t god has given mow, i changed ind my message i changed the colorec from pink to yellow becausese yellow
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healing. and it's time. it's time for a cure.. and that was another purpose foe my walk. and to walk here to see congress is that, you know, we need a you know, it's time. t it's time for a change in oure i health care system.ys you know, from experience, me, myself, fighting this monster, i found out that we're all one --o one serious illness away from being homeless and on the o t streets. s. >> it's a powerful message.sage >> yes.>> >> what your doing is powerfulyo and we thank youur and we applap you for it.or >> thank you. >> i know you touch someone outo there who may have been ashamed yes. >> we thank you so much.e thank >> thank you. >> you're an inspiration youpi really are. >> thank you. >> continued success to you in u all you do. yo. >> thank you. . for hing m for having me >> it is our pleasure.ase >> god bless you. godss you >> indeed. all right.ig err rip we'll toss it over tooso you. >> thank you so much for sharing your journey with us thiss morning.
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julianne in a rancic is all about fashion. we'll grab a great good day open the wait is finally over after months of anticipation.icip this morning we're getting ani ' sample of what's on the menuen from the co owners themselves tl bill and guiliana right now n 10:47.:4 we'll be right back here on gooo day d.c. day d.c.
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again! again! again! again! again? again! again! general mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. so you can love cereal... again! ♪ they go ooh ooh. hey! ♪
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they go oh-ooh-ooooh. ♪ ♪ sitting, watching, waiting, wishing. ♪ ♪ i tell you one thing, you never knew it. ♪ ♪ at the back of the bus ♪ there is so much to give, so dream big. ♪ yeah. ♪ ♪ and when they screaming get out, get out. ♪ ♪ll i wanna hear is t down, get down. ♪ ♪ yeah. ♪ and when they screaming get out, get out. ♪ ♪ll i wanna hear is t down, get down. ♪ ♪ get down, get down.
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♪ 10:50 right now the wait is finally over. tomorrot w night after years ofo prep work prp italian dc finalss yesterday coach owners bill ande guiliana rancic gave theirave t facebook fans a little sneakiten peek at what to expect from onem of washington's hottest new restaurants before the doors officially open for grandrand opening party and it was beautiful swanky and everythingh you could want from a grand g opening party. i was there. i loved it.i loved the power couple returns to gooo day cafe along with executive chef dave thompson to share ao e taste of all their har
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work.rk thank you very much you so mucho for joining us today.inus t >> thank you.hank thanks for coming to the party.r >> you were getting a littlee rudd dee. rudd dee. >> made it home for my 10:00y :0 p.m. bedtime.m. b you had amazing turn out about 800 people there.0 people there >> a lot of people. 850 when all was said and done.d we had a blast. bla sole so much so most important thing, peopleeope coming up to us saying the foodg is amazing. >> just incredible.dibl such a good spread. sprea app teaser and the bar stocked.k i cannot wait to makeak >> what was the number one numr moving item last in it at the ie party?rt >> we had lobster and caviariar christine knee that never flew w off the shelf.e sh >> the are you bar. t what's your most proud entreerot you're excited to serve up excet there? >> oh, goodness.>> o goo we're really proud of our pasta. so we have a fantastic houseicou made pasta program that starteda in chicago. continuing here. he. um, i feel like the spicy king k crab is one of our best dishesss the mamma did you pan dee
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>> you're dave thompson your executive chef for d.c., right.g >> yes, yes, yes., y we're just excited to start srt cooking for everybody.vebody >> gabe is right.>> g r we make 11 pastas from scratchrh every single morning. mng so there aren't that manythat mn restaurants that actually get iy there at 5:00 in the morning m they're making the pasta. so it is fresh as can be.. >> my aunt makes homemade pastad and nothing compares to hem mad pasta.sta. >> nothing absolutely. abs >> that's really gabe'ss re gab philosophy and our partner dougg solstice.solsti our motto is food first.d fst we try to source the freshestes ingredients most local ingredients we can. gabe will put his spin on the rr m.d. c menu. men it will be different than the rpm chicago menu. >> d.c. centric here. h >> do nice clean >> if you want to avoid the carbs you're still get that goog italian food. foo >> i had boring fish last nightn it's really delicious.elicus >> speaking of healthy you will prepare end dive salad.. >> with white anchovy keys ands parmesan cheese. cheese. >> let's get started and talk abou
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thing at the restaurant.ant. >> bill, could you zest thet t lemons for you. >> let me show i was trick.e sh >> we're learning, too.. >> yeah. tricks are great, right? so i, like to use a spoon i just kindd of -- it helps get the juice o out. >> see my technique gape fromchi naples italy wequ have little be different style.tyle i use whatever you'reuse wh comfortable with. >> i'm kidding. thanks, gabe. >> you're getting started on the dressing. dressi >> we are so lucky to have gabeb because gabe is a well-knownga chef throughout new york city and really throughout thebeououe country, and he just happened to be coming back here because hiss wife is from d.c. and said we'r' going home.inhom >> i love it. i le i >> we luck o >> this is a family operation on for sure. >> absolutely.oluty >> we have -- go ahead gabe. g >> we have two kids and luke and emily.y. >> hello.>> h >> and we wanted a yard for thee and wanted them to be able toe ride their bikes and stuff. so it was a no brainer to comeom to d.c. >> rpm is located mount vernoneo square really easy great is thes in the stow that people were goo t
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reservations. >> you can make reservations. >> phone lines were open. >> phone number up on the screen for me. >> answering the phones yesterday when i was overak lwe. i you've to be hostess back inan the day when i was at universits of maryland.ard i was amosites in bethesda.hesda for about two weeks. i was terrible. >> come on.. >> tough job. job. >> she'll go back later and answer phones.goan that's her favorite thing to do in the restaurant. thetaur >> really. >> she work the hostess stande and answers the phone. phone people are like is this really guiliana? they can't believe'tb she's answering the phones. >> i love answering the phones e and working as hostess. hte my family is from here.rom i don't want -- last time i wass here, i gave about 32 shout outs that was my favorite part of the entire interview because --se -- >> it maude us feel so excitedlc to see you excited to be >> it is exciting.g. i grew up in money county.ou weren't to whitman. went to university of maryland,n college park under grad then gr american university graduate ane we still livers in bells today.. so it is so exciting to have aa restaurant here and now we haveh an
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>> and visit and see how thingsi are shaping up. up >> more than every month.e thon every week. >> i got to interview bill whenw the restaurant was underas construction.ns >> yeah. >> and to see it progress and see the finish product lastctas night was incredible. >> isn't it gorgeous.orges >> beautiful. >> i really want to point this out because this is so importanr to meme this sounds dorky but ab cues ticks are amazing in thatna restaurant. >> you would have never guessedr they were over 800 people theree >> you can be dinner with groupp of people, whatever it is, yousu don't feel like i'm sorry'm washington was that? there's te nothing more annoying than those type of dinners becausene becaue sometimes you have to sacrifice the cool feeling,. >> ambiance.>> amb >> exactly. >> but this is what's greathat't about rpm you've got the great ambiance. ambi you can have a special dinner,ad feel like it's more of an event. >> make a night out of it.oft. >> but still have great hav gre conversation.conv >> the other thing we have such great private dining space wen can seat up to 90 people ine private dining room. >> you can do private event ifit you want to have re
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dinner. >> a pear. >> up to 90, and last night as you said it was such a momentom that came together we were withh our partners rj injury read andd molly and the chef and we hadad moment we're so happy that be in d.c.d.c. such great people. p such the city is such soul.l. >> such soul. let's bring everyone over here.e >> come on over.n o say hello.say o well make a little family affa affair. as we wind down. i will say my dad david como his grandmother is from pa lore mowe fine me the best homemade pastas in d.c..c i cannot wait to bring him in. i >> you got to bring him in. >> i brought paulette sheht pauh decided to stick around she's got a rally on the ninth andinta 11th on the hill.ill. we'll get the details from youry facebook page paulette mckenziee leap heart.eart follow >> god bless.. >> like to share delicious food. >> it smells amazing.. >> i want little cheese. >> you can take the wheel
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>> rpm, everybody.
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live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." >> wendy: how you doin'? the kids have come to play today. you won't believe what i'm about to tell you. all due respect, have several seats. my girls are always turned out. i give it to you straight, no chasers. ♪ >> now, here's wendy! [ wild cheers and applause ] ♪ >> wendy: whoa! thank you for watching! [ applause ] say hello to my co-host, my studio


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