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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  June 30, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EDT

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straight ahead, a major mor shake up for d.c. schools. chancellor kay ya hendersonrs calling it quits.ts this morning, she and mayor muriel bowser are here live too explain why. w look back at her record andor a explain what is next for tens of thousands of city students. on the run or on the rise? ? some disagreement about isisut i this morning after that deadly d attack in turkey, and new u.s. . air strikes targeting the terror group. oscar so white no more? ore? academy extending invitations to new class of voters that willhal make it the most diverse what it could mean for hollywo hollywood's biggest awardest aw ceremony. and later, five in row. michael phelps is on the road to rio and he set another record on the way. w good day at 9a starts now. ♪ it will be a jam packed show fow us today. we've got a lot of stuffftu happening around t
9:01 am so little bit of news, some entertainment a whole lot onloto good day d d.c. hello, it is 9:00 o'clock ono' o this thursday june 30th. i'm maureen umeh along erin en hoxlily and steve. sve wisdom enjoying time off. >> star spangled you rememberle the florida teacher who touchedu millions of people with this wit performance of the nationalhe no anthem at the foot of theoot ofe lincoln memorial.moria. we'll get a chance to talk to tt her and find out the real reasoo why she did this. >> burst into song. bur >> that's right. >> beautiful song,,oo first at 9:00 we actually at have breaking news from loudounn county we want to tell youel about. federal agents on the scene of f federal raid in the 43,000 block of ma hull la street in lease berg. annie yu joins us with the veryr latest.late what can you tell us? can you >> reporter: good morning tod mi all of that's right. not too long a lot of activityct out here involving multipleple agencies. if you look behind me here ma hull la street you can see theirs unit out here from fro homeland security currently c investigating
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a resident tells me these are two-story condos and agents aree currently inside i'm sure goingi over everything very carefullyly with a fine toothed comb.ed c they're inside in this van ashiv well as inside this home.s hom multiple agencies were involvede in shorts executing a federala r search warrant, and we actually have pictures that were sent tot us by a resident here. in addition to loudoun county c sheriffs there was a swat team and homeland security officers.. we've been told by homelandan security is the primary agencyy handling this investigation anda with swat team involved it's more than likely this was a a dynamic entry and in fact the residents tell us they heardea several flash bombs go off. off authorities kicking down the door and additional unitsl uni arriving in full tactical gear a out front and back of this home. one resident tells me she tellse happened to be walking her dogsg early this morning and she sayss she was told by agents to goso back inside her home before all of this went down.n. not sure if anyone was taken into custody during the federal raid or what officials areiciala
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those are questions that remainr to be answered.nswered. we calls in to homeland securitt currently they're inside doingie what they need to do. to we'll have more on this thi throughout the day, throughout the morning on our website as well as on our facebook page at fox5 d.c. checc back in throughout the day. day. that's the very latest here inei leesburg, virginia, annie yu, fox5 local news.ew >> busy night for d.c. police..l they are investigating fourou separate shootings happeningappg within hours of each other. of one of those now a homicide investigation a man shot andt ad killed along the 800 block of bk besides burg road northeast. this comes on the heels of a meeting in the district askingts for an end of gun violence. >> u.s. making some progress inr the war on isis but this mornins they're still debate overte ove whether the terror group oh is the rice or on the run. overseas us air strikes killed e 250 isis militants in iraq.n ira it happened near the city of ciy fallujah a place where the iraqa military is trying to take backe from the terror group. group u.s. secretary of defense hese h says this is a s
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defeating isis but more worke w still needs to be done. 100 air strikes have beeneee carried out near fallujah sincee may.may. 13 people believed to believed e involved in that turkey terrorrr attack were arrested in raids ia carried out overnight.ight turkish government believes isii is behind the violence though nn official claim of responsibilits has been made. mad officials there also say thesayt bombers in that attack were from russia, ukee beck stan and karar stan the u.s. government is one high alert after the terrorro attack in turkey.y. cia director says a tim similarl attack could happen right hereph on u.s. soil. >> isis's ability to continue to propagate its narrative as welll as to insight and carry out these attacks i think we stille have ways to go before we're wre able to say that we have made some significant progress against them. >> what's happened in you're i e rom. what's happen in the united states. what's happened in africa. what's happened in northin afri. i mean they succeeded at onet thing, uniting the whole world.
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we will we will prevail.. >> welter rich is also the focus for presidential candidates onda the campaign trail. donald trump turning up the heaa on hillary clinton after theline attack in turkey.. trump says clinton isn't goingng to get tougher on isis because u he says isis started under her. meanwhile a new winnie pee yacky poll trump is closing in on clinton's national lead in theni race. trump continues his campaigningg in new england as he heads to ht new hampshire today.pshi meantime president obama willbaa soon start campaigning for for clinton. but hillary clinton has a news w problem to worry about. aut a meeting between attorney general loretta lynch and former president bill clinton is i raising eyebrows.s. this comes as the? justice jtie department is investigating hillary's use of a privatea e-mail server.e-mailerve clinton and lynch had an an impromptu meeting a board a flight.flight lynch was on and according tooro lynch, the former president camt over just to say hello and discuss his grandchildren andena travel some officials say the meeting g was a problem because it does
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impropriety. a lot to discuss >> keeping it local now inng prince george's county, a formee school aid indicted yesterday on 270 charge charges of child sexu and child porn. deonte carraway remains bars b without bond this morning. he's accused of of abusing 23 2 years, one as young at sevenn years old.ld we talk earlier this mornings mi with angela alsobrooks the state's attorney for princeor pe george's county about the difficulty of preparing child victims for a trial of thishi magnitude. >> we startewe started the procs we started our investigation.gai we've and interviewing victims. have i to tell you it is not i t easy.ea this is the worse case scenarioi for to us involve minor min children. i can tell you part of why our goal is to craft the case wheree we will hopefully not have to to bring the children into theo the courtroom is because it is veryr we have one case i can think off in particular where the minor mr child had to be interviewed as
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that child sat under the conference table, because it waw just too difficult for the chili to talk to the prosecutor in tht seat. so the child had to literallyitl sit under the table to be interviewed because this is so o devastating, and so we aree a hoping not to have to repeat that to cart children intold courtrooms haven't them talk to adulents.ul that is our goal and hopefully f we'll be able to accomplish th that. >> the state' attorney also sail the state state' priority goingi forward to is to ensure nothingt like this happens again.his hap. >> we want to take it weatherher little levity.le holiday weekend almost here anda we're hoping it can stay juststj like thi >> oh, yeah. >> tucker, of course has all ths answers for us. u he's got our first check of thee forecast.forecast. >> yeah, you know what most ofno the weekend will look absolutelu fantastic.fantastic. starting with this morning.itni really started with yesterdayed and this morning looking greatot as well.ell. later today, temps in the midid 80s.. the humidity not and look at that temperature. 73 degrees right now inht nown so couldn't ask for nicerask r i conditions. winds earlier out of the northou and northwest
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that's the best part of it only 57% with dew points in the 50s overnight.over it really feels great. live look at satellite/radarlite generally sunny conditions tod today. we'll change it up a little bit tonight and tomorrow we'llup be back in the soup temporarily with few showers around for the day on friday maybe a thunderstorm tomorrow afternoono but your thursday afternoonno forecast couldn't look nicer mid 80s get out enjoy beautiful dayd across the region and just aust couple minutes he'll be backe b with the weekend forecast andasa give you a hint much most of ito looks fantastic. 85 today. tod sunny and bright. brit. dry afternoon if you got outdooo plans this afternoon going tout dinner tonight that kind ofhat thing we're in good shape forhar it. nice looking day. all right.nil right. guys, i'll be back with the be t weekend forecast and talk fourto of july and the rhett of itf it coming up in just a minute.ust . >> most of it really good. >> indeed. >> thanks tuck.>> still ahead at 9:00 o'clock this morning change is coming cn for d.c.'s public schools. school chancellor kaya henderson will join us live to explain whn she's stepping down and look who is sitting next to hemp it's the mayor.yor. mayor bowser joining us withith d.c. statehood push and the
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new name that we will all growro to love eventually i'm sure.ure. >> are you sure?>> >> we'll find out.t >> oh, steve. >> 9:08. >> welife's sharing a meal. >> oh, steve. >> 9:08. and a kitchen with room for everyone. spend $4000 or more on a new kitchen and get 15% back at the ikea kitchen event.
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summer. ls now findow fa themselves working on major assignment themselves they'reve home work to find a new school chancellor. >> kaya henderson nounsedayhend yesterday she's stepping down ah the leader of thee' 49,0009,00 students system.yste she was chancellor for 5.5 yeary and with d.c. schools for totall of nine years.ine years. now, in that time, some progress has been made in academic ademi achievement and enrollment but also in that time controversialv school closures and consolidations happened andatiop divisions still remain betweennb administrators and the teachersa union as teachers continue to work tow without a new contract.ontr >> so where do we go from here?? good day is going straight to sr the top fort answers and joining us this morning d.c. mayor m muriel bowser. bser. >> thank you for joining.hank y >> my pleasure.ou>>pl >> and out doing chancellor kaya henderson.he >> the first question you had mentioned this yesterday.ned ths you said it's why now, though? why is this t the time to step down.ow >> i think it's the time becausu d.c. ps is in the best shape itt has ever been in. and i think that is the time tot ensure
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i think organizations havee different leadership needs at nt different times and i'm reallym proud that i've been able too carry the leadership mantle for the last 5.5 years. but there's so much talent att a d.c. public talent that has fresher ideasshr than i i d talent that has more energy thay i have. h >> you're leaving it in good ioo hands.ha >> absolutely. i mean i wouldn't leave if ioulv didn't think that it was in then best possible hands. >> do you feel that you did the best job that you could and madd the biggest strides that you tyo could?uld? >> absolutely. these public schools is thebl fasticest improving urban schooh district in the country.ntry that was not the case when ie wh took this job. d.c. ps has seen fourur consecutive years of enrollment growth. ow after 40 years of um enrollmentn decline. that was not the case when i can took this job. students satisfaction graduation rates are up. ratesru test scores are up.reare and so, yeah, ooh feel like i'vk done the best that i possibly pl could and i'm really proud of ui it. >> school district has gottenot high marks from the outside frof
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like you just mentioned, theonet school enrollment is up 3,000 u3 since you took over.k the graduation rate is up 11%.p i know you're really proud off that. one place that has not grown asn much as a lot people would like is the division now when itn i comes to the proficiency betweet students and african-americanici students. still a huge gap there. the >> absolutely.bsol >> lot of people in ward seven ain't are saying we still needln help for our students here.nts what would you like to seeou lis your -- feel free to address ons your watch, but also what do you want to see your successor do td help bridge these gaps? the >> i think first of all, we cannot diss entangle thee t achievement gap from incomee inequality, and we have the largest income inequality gap in the country in this region, and so it's not surprising that wehw have a significant achievement gap. with that being said, i think wi have poured a lot of energy and resources into our lowestowes performing schools and studentsu it's not an easy nut to crack. c
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would have done don i but we've been working reallyeal hard on it, and i think thatnk t we've put things in place wheree you will see that gap sling.gapi so i think we're on the right track, and i think, you know,you when i think about what about wt offerings were in mace for kidss in seven and eight when i came on, there wasn't art and musicwd and pe and foreign language.angg there wasn't -- there washe was remediation and there was, youyo know, no science and, we treated our children like we were tryint to remediate them to death and i think when we shift thatt paradigm and start tapping intot the efforts they bring andng figure out how to inspire themnt to greatness which i think we it just started to do, i think t you'll see those gaps begin to g close. >> what about your relationship with the teachers union?yo eacho because they obviously have, um, voiced their concern and and disappointment month about not having a contractnd youou leaving without that being donen and they have asked that someonm in the future may be would workd better with tem
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why do you think that was such a challenge for you? for >> i would ask in the future asr they would work better with us.s i think this is my thirdd teacher's union president, andd, we were able to get a lot of things accomplished with thehede first two presidents. p and for whatever reason, oversor the last three years, we haven'v been able to get anything done d which is incredibly disappointing, because i think k have really positive reputation with labor across the rest of rt the city.ity i've gotten contracts done with the rest of my unions, and i think my teachers will tell youy that i've done things to supporp our teachers that i don't need'n to wait for a contract to do. d. we have the largest teaching teh force that we've had.. it has grown over my tenure. teachers make a good amount of o money and we put the support int that they needed and usually usu labor has been a partner withith us. and i hope we can get back to bt that with the washington was teachers union.ache >> i think it's important toorta
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the chancellor came in to t office, frequently we would goed into the start of the schooloo year not having enough teachers. still hiring. people would call like my kindergarten doesn't havesn't h teacher yet. yet because we have put together ar robust package where good whe g teaching is rewarde rewarded ane providing training to teacherss and valuing our teachers we'rech able to attract teachers to d.c. ps like we never have before and that's having that solid contract is important.orta and our entire employment forcef in the district should know that we're going to sit across thecrs table from them and negotiateia fairly and we just want them toe do the same.ame >> you have the assignment ofigm trying to find somebody to filld her now i know we have the chief off stools on enter rim basis. rim b is that for the whole school s year and what are you going toyo look for now in successor to kaya henderson? >> well, the chancellor has beeb very good.
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charge of education in d.c. public schools, and it's at's important for me to have art school leader whoan knows that.. they're in charge of attractingt great talent keeping high h expectations for our students. high-quality instruction anduali also working with thety communim to make sure the vision that out community has is represented ind the schools.the that's what we're going to beoig looking for. lo so we're going to lay out a search national and internal to find d.c. ps next leader. >> how long do you think that process will take.process wi >> it will take as long as itas takes. we're not going to rush theg to process. but we're asking everybody to t work with us on sharing what their vision for d.c. ps and i really think because we are a a school district that is focusedd on high expectations and investments in our schools thatt we're going to be able tobl attract the best of the best. bs just this past year, in thiss budget, we increased schooled s spending by $
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going to across the district.trc we increased school modern nation spending by $220 millionl and we have the commitment oft our council to push down the gas pedal on school reform and notot ease up off of it and we're going to do to need.o >> were you surprised at heryo announcement or did you know it was coming.was coming. >> the chancellor and i haveha talked since the day i was dayas elected to the primary.. about the future of d.c. public schools so i knew i would be search fog chancellor in myin m first term.t >> i did know that. >> i know mayor you also areu al hoping that perhaps the nexthe n chancellor may be the chancellor of schools for the state of what we now know as washington, d.c. >> which could be the state ofea new lumb >> that's correct. >> what do you think about that name? nkhaell, i think that it's beent a long standing name in thehe statehood movement.ent and since 1982 the firstirst constitutional conventiononnt affirmed in 1987 by the council of district of columbia. and during our constitutionalsto convention of
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names were floated quite frank frankly. good names i think, some s suggested douglas commonwealth.a others anna cousteau. cu. >> or d.c. >> some potomac or washington, i new washington, federal federal washington. you name it. what is important is the i momentum around statehood now.. >> statehood being the key.tehok do you think is there a chance that if statehood is granteds that the name could change athag some point?some p >> i think that we will admitila we're going to have a referendun on the ballot about the problem is, you know, thenot function of our city is pretty p darn good. we have improving schools, we have a thousand people moving here a month, we have money in y the bank. our city is the bestest situation it's been in a long long time.e. but what we lack is two so we're not treated like everye other we pay taxes like every other actually 22 states pay less les taxes than we do. two states have less populationl than we have.
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>> that's the key.the key >> we need to be better.eet the admissions act will lay out what name.what name. >> do you like the name newke t columbia. >> i like the name new columbiaa i like -- i like plain old plain wharf. >> will the flag stay the same.g >> yes. >> it's pretty awesome. >> it's pretty awesome i. >> the map won't stay the same.. they'll be the state and federal enclave. >> that's the question people are like how would ts his work? where would the federal government goer because stateaue can't house the federaled government.vern >> what would that mean.. >> we've mapped out federaler enclave. >> hopefully all good changes oy the way. >> mayor, thank you as a alwaysa for joining chancellor thank you for viningv joining best wishes. i know you'll be around for the summer and in the until the end of september.oftemb >> thank you both for coming in. 9:21. coming up in breaking news joinj base andrews on lock down aftera reports of an active shooter.ho we'll have the latest dee days d as soon as we come right back. . 40% of the streetlights in detroit, at one point, did not work.
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that were just totally pitch black. those things had to change. we wanted to restore our lighting system in the city. you can have the greatest dreams in the world, but unless you can finance those dreams, it doesn't happen. at the time that the bankruptcy filing was done, the public lighting authority had a hard time of finding a bank. citi did not run away from the table like some other bankers did. citi had the strength to help us go to the credit markets and raise the money. it's a brighter day in detroit. people can see better when they're out doing their tasks. young people are moving back in town. kids are feeling safer while they walk to school. and folks are making investments and the community is moving forward. 40% of the lights were out, but they're not out for long. they're coming back.
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active shooter personnel arere duringed to shelter in placelace more info as it comes in.n. again this is at joint base a lock down there.he we understand that first wet w thought there was drill happening but i guess theguess base -- base - >> some people there on the bast actually thought that it mightig ha
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>> okay but according to the twitter comin coming out from ei eight base andrews it is not it drill. according to what they have beew telling the public.hallg th so i think you can imagine ifgie you're on the base and you hearh things and see things you mightg think perhaps there's drillre'si going on but that's not the ca case. >> join base currently on lockrk down all personnel are directed to shelter in place.lter more info as it comes. comes that's what we're hearing now h you're seeing life picture thert of course this is developing situation unfortunately area ale too familiar with the activect shooter scenarios and many times it turns out to be nothing.ot >> apparently this actually wass an exercise that was planned this morning and then at some ae point during the exercise thehe call came in for an actual active shooter. soter actual event. event. >> about 15 minutes i got i facebook message from one much our viewers and she was curiouso for more information because aeu spouse she works with got call c saying they were on lock down dw and, you know, obviouslyly frantically they
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information what's going on.'s o >> reminiscent of what we sawwhe little bit in the early hours os the naval yard shooting coupleyt years ago we heard reports ofeps something might be going on anda unfortunately it was confirmedel there was an active shooty er. t again we don't know for sure all the this is all trickling into thehe fox5 newsroom.ewsrm. we're checking joint baseg jnt andrews.andrew. their twitter handle forandle information as it goes along bug again this lock down situationua going on.on it brings to mind steve i don'tn know if you know this as far as the security on that base you bo would think that there would bew a lot of steps in place to sortr of prevent someone with a weapoa from coming on to the base or perhaps somebody was already there with it. >> especially during a traininga exercise it could be uniquenie situation. >> right. we don't have any reports ofy rf anyone being hurt at this pointt we don't have any reports of ano shots fired at this point. pnt except for this report of ann active shooter on the base and a this again coming from joint base andrews apparently theretlh was an exercise this morning at some point a call went out for an actual event.l event. so we're still trying to put tht pieces together and get theethee details for you but we'rebuwe'r star
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people on the base who aring ing place right now as they've beene instructeed to.ed >> we're all too familiar withll the tragedy that happen at thent navy yard self years back also a last year we had another report of an active shooter again at an the navy yard if you recall andr that turned out to be nothing. i we also had one at navalal bethesda naval medical centeren here also not long after that.h. and that one turned out to be tb nothing.noth obviously, we're -- everyone in this era is exercising ann abundance of caution and all off this kind of thing is takingak very seriously until we know exactly how it's all playingng out. but this is the currentre situation at joint base andrewsd we do know it's currently onlyn lock there is a report of an active shooter all personnel are being asked there to shelter in place. that coming directly from jointt base andrews itself. ielf. >> and if you happen to note t n someone on the base or if you'rr on the base you can safely get word out to us or anyone let uss know what's happening
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far as -- are people -- where--w they're sheltering in place.lac. what you're hearing about the'rr current situation with thison wt active shooter but only if youno can safely do that. do that. if you've got a loved one on tho base you're hearing any word,nyw please let us know so we can gen that information out joint base andrews located inocd prince george's county in an area -- there are homes andre hm businesses around there.und so i don't know how this mightsm all effect traffic in that areaa or perhaps people living in tha area might they be asked toe aso shelter in place. p >> just in metro buses detouretr k12 around joint base andrewsens because of the great policeolic presence in that area.. >> again, go ahead. >> clearly there is concern cce there if they're roaring the t great police presence and presec they're trying to figure out... we are getting confirmation frof people on our facebook page saying that there was indeedt td supposed to be an exerciseo be i today.toda >> right. r >> so you know, when does anoesa exercise turn into something som that's r
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very scary situation.uaon that's what they're trying to tn figure out and what we're tryine to figure out and what we aree staying on top of right now sohs we can bring you the informati information. >> we're certainly hoping that this indeed just a drill but, agaijun, airing on the side ofgf caution want to alert there is an actor shooter possibly onossn joint base andrews and we arere getting word that there is ahati lock down for those of you might say we're stirring up panic forf no reason. we're getting the word and word sharing it with you in case there is something actuallyct happening you are well aware ane take the precautions necessary. >> joint base andrews is inrewss prince george's county and ofuny course it's a place familiar too so many people because it is the home of air force one a lot of people, upping, seem tog,eem recognize it outside of the area because of that and whereae the president flies in and out. the president not supposed to b there today of course the firstf lady is overseas right now. n joint base andrews home toe t the base full time so it is soi quite a busy place in addition d to the airfield there.irfiel they do have many, many traininn exercises and apparently that'sy one of the ones that wasof ones happening this
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again, this lock down came into play just within the last 30 minutes at joint base andrewsnd first calls came in just short o time ago.. we're getting information frommm chris our producer.producer. >> chris, can you pop yourself.u i don't want to repeat wrongly g what you're saying this isinthis happening.ha >> the report we're just gettinu in the incident is on-going at the malcolm grow medical facility first responders are or the scene now and all personnell are continu to shelter iner in place for time being. bng >> you're not hearing any a reports of any confirm injuriesr at this point.his point >> nothing yet. >> okay.kay. >> erin, are you hearing more yg about detours in that arears traffic wise?trwise >> just i can confirm metro meto buses detouring i'm assuming ass they're detouring traffic asdeto well. i'm pulling up my twitter feedup and seeing what we can confirmon as far as traffic in that area. i would say it's probably safeba to say avoid the area the roads surrounding joint base andrews. >> while these air force bases and have very high security ituy takes lot to get on we alsoo learned from, y
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with -- with the, um, navy yardd that there's a lot of civilians that do work and come and go in and out of the bases as well. so there's lot of militaryilit obviously there but there's aera lot of regular civilians thatnst also have access and go in and i out of the base each and every e day. so it is a business wherees w there's a lot coming and going.i so just to reiterate if you're r just tuning in, joint baseoint andrews is in lock down. d there is report of an active shooter and we're hearing now that there is first responds at the malcolm grow medical centere one building on the base there.e >> i'm hearing on facebook asks well that they are locking downw the bowling base as well. we'll need to confirm that anda see if that's any different outo by anacostia they did that did a during the navy yard incident as well. well >> out of precaution. oau >> one of first mazes they shuta down. they had gotten at that timee they had gotten another calleral from over there something mights be happening.ombe turn out to be a false lead atea the time during the navy yard incident.innt but those are the basis we'veisw heard
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>> getting word medical -- malcolm grow medical center theh handle medical care for familiel and others on that i'm not quite sure now if this i is where the active shooter wasw spotted or if this is just where we believe activity is happeni happening. >> first responders are at this moment. we don't know the severity ofnd what's happening here beyondd active shooter is on the again the malcolm grow medicalwa center and you mentioned erin -i i just heard from chris. chris northerly official from the bowling base they just retweetet joint base andrews. waiting on confirmation the bowling air force base on lock l down. i heard that on facebook.. >> we apologized from alozed fr disjointed report we're givingeg you all this information comingm and we'll try to relay it at tht same time monitoring ourselves e as well to make sure we're s giving you accurate informationi >> and the most up to date.o dat >> as accurate as we can get itg from our producers and whatnd w we're seeing from joint base andrews from their twitter t handle which we are taking to bo the official word of what'st' happening there on the bas
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>> of course, beltway rolesol passed there erin no delays on l the beltway at this point. >> no delays on the beltwayhe bl other than the typicalhethan congestion lingering from theg t morning commute. i would say in light metro busro is saying they're experiencingec great delays, traffic in generar around the base is going to beot very backed >> i'm not sure if we can maybe confirm this. t we did confirm that they werethw supposed to of to have anto h a exercise this morning.mornng. >> correct. >> and perhaps it's tintone a real life situation.ituaon but was that exercise supposedep to be at the medical center or o was it the, you know, the base t in general? that we don't knowk we don't know the answer to that yet. that would be obviously onene question as we're trying toryg t figure out exactly what's goingi on there at joint base andrews.s >> there's the toons yourhe toou beltway -- my traffic question.t there you go, erin.n this is what the joint base base andrews folks are saying rightg now report of a real world active shooter and this again aa was because there was an was exercise that was underway soo they're clarifying reacting to r report of a real world activectv shooter the call came in duringn
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came in as a real activeiv shooter, we have to respond accordingly. i mean very well could bel co someone didn't know the exercise was going on and call it in as s real world shooter. so they're obviously trying toig figure it out there but this ts is -- it's yet another example p and testament to the world we td live in today. today in that, you know, what you havu to take every call like that seriouslseriously. >> for sure and exhaust alland possibilities and make sure thar everyone is safe.s saf unfortunately, we all know thent term active shooter, you know. in our >> in our language. >> they have very strict procedures how to fall calls how like that even if it was duringr you know a drill, they still ths have to react and take all those safety procedures.ty p >> you're looking live picturese from our sky cam or one of our sky cameras lock down at jointt base andrews reports of ann active shooter.hooter. the base now putting out autti t statement saying that they'ret e reacting
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as a real life active shooterhot situation. it had started initially as a sort of a run, a program exercise but now we're hearing that it has in fact -- there is intact an active shooteroter situation going on traffic being diverted around that area. metro buses diverting this is as area as you well know in princer george's county joint baseas andrews pretty much situated ond its own clearly around it homesh are businesses and things ofs as that nature around.that natur not sure how thise active shoot situation is affecting the outside the base that area but information coming i we're trying to get it back to o you as quickly and accurately ay we can. what we're hearing thus far. >> the incident is on going at malcolm grow facility. first responders are on scene. e all personnel continue to contio shelter in place. >> reiteration of what we'veon w been saying. >> matt gaffney you were mention bowing the malcolm grow medicalc sent.
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>> they provide primary care for family health, internal medici medicine, so i'm sure this is where military s familiar can you telm us go to get allil types of car. >> but we're not sure if that'st exactly where the active shootes was spotted.was spotte that is where the emergency -- >> thank you matt for that.. okay.> sorry about the breaks inthe brn silence we're trying to gatheroe information as we've beenion ve sharing with you.with y if anyone else has anything newe to chime in, please i i know we're being little littl repetitive because we're sharing with you exactly what we know at this point. poi >> of course, andrews as steve e had mentioned this earlier isarr very familiar.very familiar. that's where we always see thats is where air force one is. force that's where we see thee e president fly in and out of.. where all high profile guestsfig that are coming to washington ti see the president fly into. int we saw the pope fly in to andrews air force base. b also, each spring, you know, they have the joint base andrews show -- >> share show.>> s sho >> air show that is attended by tens of thousands of people. so it is definitel
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spot in and of itself. >> right. we have seen incidents at othero military bases it wouldn't be unheard an active shootere shoor situation could be taking place at a placeul like joint base b andrews.dr of course, with what happens ats this particular base one mightht think should there not be more b stringent security measures inur place? we simply don't know atw this point to say what mightt mg have happened here but, again, a these reports are coming we're hearing that there's an ta active shooter.ot that people are being asked to shelter in place.. and are being pretty much toldut to stay put.ta p again if you have a loved one oo that base or if you're on thatnt base you can get word to us g wr about what's happening with with little more we greatly appreciate that.e please do it safely.plea do we don't want to put anyone atne risk to get us the information.n if you can share with us what ww you're hearing or seeing please do so via twitter handle or hdle facebook page or call the i just pulled up a google mapglm and i'm seeing the beltway isely clear there's lot of backed upap traffic on 337 off road things surrounding andrews air force ar ba a
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on allentown road as well as a branch avenue five.nue i'd avoid the area if at all metro bus also letting folks now they'll be detoured because ofau that heavy traffic surroundingui that area. area. >> a lot of people taking the tk bus that stops outside the basee the base is essentially a city c in itself.tself. >> right.>> right. >> at one point the populationto was 10,000 people. peopl right now it's two to 3,00000 people that live on the base but obviously many more thereouslor throughout the day as well whene civilians come to work in w addition to the military who ar there. you can see that water tower war that you've been looking at for the last few minutes very iconio as you see it from beltway every time you drive passed the base b obviously in additional to thedo military buildings, golf coursen is there. pretty much where the presidente plays most of the time when hemh plays golf. plays go >> because it's >> because it is secure.auausets (laughter).au >> like we've seen many times i the past, when there aresewh the incidents on bases you don't know if this is somebody able tb infiltrate security or someoneir who was already on the base.. whether it be security orit bseu military person who was alreadyy there. there. >> we just brought on kevinn in mccarthy.mcca you've been monitoring facebookb and a
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they know anyone on the base.yo you're getting some word viaord your facebook page. >> i was up here to do a segmeng and reece who worked in our webr department is monitoring ourg facebook live and showing me thh comments coming in. i'll read i wasco couple. cpl i took screen shots this is jamie says my dad works there hh said that they are not treatingt it as a drill at this point. pot that's her her c the other comment i saw fromm brenda i don't know how to't kh pronounce her last name. n no drill. my husband is on lock down inn his squadron. squadron. this is two comments that havect come across there's more'sor apparently coming acrossg across facebook feed.face i'll try and grab more of thoset and read them but this is againa as you said on-going situation.i i was up here to do my segmentos and reading some of her >> okay. we appreciate that kevin.. >> as you take look what'shat' happening you see the choppersse out there on the scene.. including or own skyfox up abova brick bringin bringing you those pictures. what's interesting here whilee i this apparently started as drilr word came in it was not drill. . we heard from the base saying sn that they are treating this as s
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it's interesting though they t have not requested outside helph at this point.oi >> we did talk with prince wit george's county police, fire, ems, rescue, nobody has been bee
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force one was or whatever i meam they were on us modally.. >> right. >> so -- >> which is to be expected. be t >> kevin you're back again withw more. more >> i'm standing behind our webeb person whose going through the t comments on facebook live these are people who are commenting on here. he this is sherri robinson she says our son is there. he is locked down and safe thank god. god. that's one another person says her name is tara tie cep my best friend andn her husband are on base there.e we have all of our medical there and it's all on lock down.n another one just came in i brittany krause my husband is on base and they are on lock down. >> okay. >> another person prince denise, jr. my wife is there. so these are just comments we'rs getting live on our facebook feb feed. i'll continue to monitor thate r and let you know.leu kno >> it's interesting in this days and age you can actually havealh the communication with yourr loved one while this is going ti on. not that it -- >> which hab heartening andin terrifying at the same time.t >> all at the same time. >> u hes long as you hear back from them it's a huge b >> absolutely. aolut
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watch something like this. this is an area of course, crs andrews has been here since 1948. you know so many people in thema area have loved ones who work wr there or worked there over theer years. if you knew somebody who was there and you can't reach out tt them as it used to be what a wt huge help it is now to be ableta to reach text or call or whatever it is.. >> just struck me as we were mse sitting here discussing, um, isu the whole -- we've gone throughh active shoot training here at the station. sta is the shelter in place. because our active shooter s training i thought they had shifted to not shelter in placea fighting and trying to get out.o >> to try and get out. o >> this is the situation this ii the entire base which again like -- it's like a town much t it's like a city.ike a >> right.>>ht >> if you know if you're in oneo building and you know there's aa active shooter they tell youell don't sit in that building thatb because now you're a target.w ya get out.ut. >> right. >> but if you're talking aboutug the base you can't leave. everybody can't run off therun t base. they're probably have differente instructions for whomever is,r you no
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>> wherever you are. >> they're probably tellingrobae people there different thing d than the rest of the basife.of b >> can we put up the commentom from joint base andrews againres what officially put out aboututo what's happening there? so that folks just tuning in or thoseune who want little more clarity ofy what's happening this is thehis official word from joint baseoib andrews. weary acting to the report of aa real world active shooter.hooter call occurred during an exerci exercise. because the report came in as real active shooter we have toae respond accordingly.or and that is the statement fromnm joint base andrews on thisnhi current lock down on base.. that began just pretty much at the top of the hour.p of the we believe around 9:00 o'clock:l when we started getting wordti w this was happening.pening. it's happening at the malcolmnga grow medical facility.acit that's where they have firstav responder there is on scene.. all personnel continue toonnu shelter in place this is whats we're reading, again, from the t joint base andrews.. their official twitter handle.dl again the ma'am grow medical facility minute on going there.e first responders are on scene.ce all personnel continue to contit shelter in place.shte that medical facility treatingin families and
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facility on that base.t one of them at least. lea and so that's where it's happening.g not sure the extent of -- well,, i'm searching for the word herer not sure exactly medicaledical facility if that's where it's happening. buildings around it if they believe that this active shooteo may be there as well. but -- but -- >> that's the word.>> ee let's keep in mind at this point we don't have any reportss of actual shots fired or any o a injuries. these are just what the base is telling us to let people there t be aware of a situation and teld people to shelter in place. >> our paul wagner is on thes phone he's en route to jointe to base andrews. andre paul, what can you tell us?u teu >> reporter: well i just got jug off the phone with prince witpr george's county fire and they're confirming that they called oved to the base to make sure that it this was a situation that they could stepped equipment.quip i was told by an assistant chief that they were told that that ii an actual incident on the base b but that they didn'
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assistance from prince george'sn county fire. f to me that signals that this may not be as large of an incident n as we might think it is. you know you hear activect shooter, and you think of major casualties but the fact they'ret not asking for any ems assistance on the base at all at just sounds to me as if this may not be that big of a deal. but that's the basic information that i have at this point. we also know that princet george's county police also didd the same thing. thing. they were also told this is not a drill. drill they do have an incident on thet base. but they didn't need anyey didne assistance. so curious, of course, as to why they wouldn't need of course the base could ask fof all sorts of assistance if theyy needed it.eded i they're right there with allerel sorts o
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george's county from all thehe federal agencies that are inre there area, the us park police,c the fbi, atf that they needed it but at this point we're hearinga no assistance has been called aa least from prince george'ss county.unty. i also called governmentovnm official to see if they had any further information and the the government official said that they had none. n so it's curious as to what'sos going on. we know we're getting getti information from tweets. t we're on our way out there.he we may be able to see this hospital facility from the roadr not clear on that just yet but we're still aways away from the base. ba when we get out there, we should be able to give you some moreore information. >> paul, unfortunately you'veoru covered many of these.he give us a sense when you're talking no these officials clearly something is gone is goi your gut telling you again this is not perhaps as serious as yoy may be sounding from the onsethe saying reports of an active actv shte
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you're getting from yourng from experience and just from your y contacts you're talking to?'re g >> reporter: well, i can onlyanl go back to what happened at thee navy yard, and when the call got out that there was an activeive shooter at the navy yard, theyhe had major reinforcements flyingn there from every directionon immediately, and the street was just flooded with all sorts of law enforcement and firee equipment. so the fact that joint basee andrews is telling officials inn prince george's county that thet don't need any help, um, to meom just to me my gut feeling itint signals that either have this under control or it's nots n anywhere near the level of what we might think they would needln as far as resources an in ann in active shooter situation. so just were i'm getting from my experience of covering thesein t kinds of things.his. >> paul, do you know becauseu k this is happening on military mr
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there and personnel to take cara of things on the base, but it's' also happening in princeni george's county. so is there a certain thresholdt where police county police woulu have to be involved, say, for an example if there's app assault the military police can takeolic care of it if someone was shot then outside resources would beb brought in? do you know if there's a dividing line there t where outside officials would have to come in? >> reporter: well i wouldl i w think if they needed ems assistance they would ask princa george's county help from them.t you know, they have limitedeim resources there on the base.e. just from what i know.i kno certainly the military policey c are there. there they have their own resources,e, of course, it's a major but if they had major casualties you can imagine that they wouldd need help from the outside juste like the navy yard did. >> yeah. >> they just couldn't get by with trying to handle it ondle t their own. so just based on
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information, my gut feeling thah this is not a major incident. >> i'm apt to agree with you. te we remember being down there att the navy yard and it was -- i -- mean there were -- i'm not exaggerating probably 30 or 400 emergency vehicles on scenen sce within the first couple of of minutes coming from, you know, k half a dozen or more mor jurisdictions.on so quite a different scenario so than what we're seeing today.eet >> reporter: the other thingr: t to keep in mind, too, all of these federal agencies and the t local police all have specialal weapons units, and they would be called if in fact they wereer needed, and at this point we'rew not being told that that's thete case. so normally when we see these t kind of situations play out wetu see the video of all theseatll e special weapons units there in helmets and tactical vests and long guns and they all have thee ability to respond to somethings like that. so -- but they have have no
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been called to the best of ouror knowledge. >> paul, thank you for that. we know you're heading to the ht we're going to check in with y you. please don't hesitate to call il with new information as you learn it. official with the us departmentm is confirming active shooter att joint base andrews in maryland.n u.s. defense official confirminm this active shooter situation at andrews -- joint base andrews. lock down in effect. people asked to shelter inlt i place. the epicenter appearing to be at the medical grow medical centerc there on the base. >> we can see activity thereiviy looks to be first responders. rd i'm not sure exactly wherely w they're headed but we had we received reports most of theor first responders had gone to g that malcolm grow medical center.ce but that's all we really know.yo we're just watching this life aa it unfolds but the entire basee still on lock down, of course, that means traffic in around the
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>> some vehicles out there onn the airfield.fid. >> right. >> we had -- speak of trafficf f erin standing by with update on traffic conditions there.c we know that metro bus ces havev been detoured at one point,, erin, what do you have new now?n >> that's right i now the i nowe beltway the inner loop and outep loop as you pass by that area ia prince george's county is quiett it's after the morning rush. rus but the secondaries as you heada towards joint base andrews thata is where we're seeing backups.ks allentown road especially it runs along the side of malcolm grow medical center five andter four by camp springs.prings metro bus letting us bus k12 the latest from them police activitt at joint base andrews buses may experience delays in both bot directions. so at this point we don't have confirmation that any of thet an roads are actually shut down oro detouring but we can tell youg because of the heavy police pol presence they are experiencingin delays. those buses i check the map jusj underneath the beltway that isai where allentown road runs rightt next to joint base andrews. are i'm seeing a red line on theinee map. we're seeing some delays thereae al
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joint base andrews. andre in addition to that along fivelf and four if you are traveling ig prince george's county, at thisi point we understand prince george's police and fire are not responding to this incident atta joint base andrews. andrews they remain on lock down. i would avoid those secondariesi off allentown road in the areare of giant base andrews at this ah time and anticipate as you drivd through prince george's countyi' you may encounter additionalddit police presence and that is fore the more information keepingatioeep updates -- to date on twittertt and facebook and we encourage ea your comments if you knowif y anything on in the area we wantn to hear from you tweet me at erin at fox5 d.c. d.c. we'll stay up to speed on social media the last tweet coming frof i saw was 15 minutes justut couldn't philadelphia international airporting thena lock down and shelter in place. toss it back to you on thesh c couch. >> erin, thanks very. recap what we'rrie looking right now live pictures from sky foxmx over joint base andrews right rg now where there had been a training drill earlier this e t morning apparently at some poine during that drill the report off an active
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emerged.. so officials locked down the dot base. the base is still on lock down d right now and this -- first calc came in about 35 minutes ago. a the base has been lock downock w every since.ery si we don't have any reports of ano injuries right now.ig n chris you're getting newti n details. do you want to share? >> all right. all right. there were reports of an activea shooter on base. malcolm grow medical facility at approximately 9am personnel onso base directed to shelter in place. pl scheduled to conduct an activedt shooter however, reports of the realts world active shooter situation a were reported at the medicalhe c facility.lity first responders still on scenec the base is still taking itt seriously. so it came in just aroundro 9:00 o'clock is basically theict latest update that we have. he >> okay. oka on-going for about an hour now.. and but we're still not clear whether the drill was supposedpo to be atonal com grow medical center or just a drill somewherw on the base. on the b >> it was supposed to start atst 9:00 o'clock and in the midst of it beginning someone spot wad sa they thought was real lifeli active shooter which was has ed
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to what we're seeing play out pt the last hour here at ain't base andrews. what we're seeing play out aty the base. >> it was andrews air force base until, i don't know, 2008 maybe something like and the naval nal joined in, naval air commander.d >> there's the facebook post.kos they have not updated theirda t twitter in about 20 since reminding everybody whybow the base is on lock down right now. again, we don't have any official reports of injuries don't even have reports of shotf fired at this point.hioint. what we do know is that afterftr shortly after they put the base on lock down for reports of an active shooter agencies localie police agencies including princp george's county, fire princee in george's county police andic a called joint base andrews do yoy want us, do you need our helpd p and they said no. so that lends it to believe that if something in fact did happene it was quickly controlled or contained.contd. however, the base is not given v all clear at this point.s poi still telling people
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lock down but at this point thet don't want any help from outsidi >> our paul wagner heading toeat the scene talking to officials from prince george's county police and prince george's county fire e ems saying thatint they -- if something were veryey serious that they would go and o so he's getting the sense thatha this may not be as severe as what the mood is right now but w he's heading there. there don't want to under play this by any means if in fact this is something far more serious. ser he's getting the sense officialo from prince george's countync police are not there officials o from prince george's county fire and emsor have not been asked td come in to help as you would w assume would happen in aouldappe situation like this if perhapser shots were fired or large number of people were? paper par dioro grave zig at hand. at h >> this is a live picture of the front gate there and actualnd aa actually it doesn't look as badd as i would have anticipate ite looking no one going in orng inr coming out of that gator as thee base is on lock
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>> i'm trying to figure out. o what's the name of that whichhat gate that is?? >> do we know?now? >> i've never been to the base.t i'm not sure.i'not sur but you're telling me thate that traffic there, that's not regular street traffic that'sha traffic in front of the base.e would you have to drive in drivn already to be at that point or regular street traffic that's moving right in front of the gate? i'm not familiar so i simply can't -- >> i think, n would have to beab regular street traffic, right? r regular street traffic. >> you would only assume again n lending what we're hearing ite' may not be as -- >> right. the base entrance at the top ofp the screen. we saw a couple of police vehicles pulling in there including -- that's suitland sul road. thank >> our photographer there. ptogr >> it could have been princeul george's county police vehicle and d there we see a couple morm vehicles emergency vehicles thag are pulenling in there.. >> okay.
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>> we're starring to see somerre other jurisdictions comections c through. there's federal police vehicleee as well.l. metro transit perhaps that is.. apologies our tvs are super small in the studio.tuo. you probably have better tv at home than what we're looking ati right now it's tough for us to t zoom in on them and see.. erin had been talking about theo traffic issues as well andl they're trying to move in there and possibly restrict some ofinf the traffic along suitland roada right now based on the on positioning of that metro met transit police vehicle. >> okay. and what we're talking traffic.f here comes erin with it look l like you have new information tf share with us.are wi us. >> i do. d from the assignment desk.t d prince george's fire has stageda unions at morning side fire sidi station as a that came from from ourm o assignment desk as you headeres out on all those secondariesonda around joint base andrews watchw for increased police activityy from prince george's police ande fire as w taking a look at the map, iap wasn't seeing major delaysorel except along allentown r
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those minor secondaries closesto into the air force base you're taking a look at right now.ight. >> that was suitland parkway. >> it looks to be moving. so again a sign perhaps not severe as we thought suitland si road clear al major artery thatt way if something were happeninge we would assume there would be lot of emergency vehicles onle o sight there shutting down thatow road diverting traffic but we're simply not seeing that. >> quick glimpse of paul wagner. we'll check back in with him inh a minute. he can give us better idea whicw jurisdictions might be in the area. it's not uncommon fore those t jurisdictions to stage nearby ta be in the presence because thatb way of course if the base does d call for the help they're rightr there and they can be there in e no time at all. >> obviously taking this veryini seriously on stand by just in j case it becomes a larger lge situation. >> at the same time reassuring that andrews is not asking forgf the additional help. hp. so clearly at this point itt appears to be something thatomei they feel like they can handleal themselves because they haven'tv reached out nonetheless it'ensei something that they also a obviously are taking seriously r as the entire base
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down and we're still hearing hei people are sheltering in place.e >> the base just updated its upd twit a couple of seconds ago but really didn't add newdd information just reiterate wagon we had found in the past.he the base was conducting ang active shooter exercise.rce not saying holly where where specifically the exercise was to however, reports this ishis according to joint base andrewse reports of a real world active shooter situation were reported during the active shooter exercise.exer again, the shelter in place p continues this hour. h there were reports of the active shooter incident on base at thet medical facility about 9:00 this morning.. so again don't know if the actual, you know, the drill wasw at the medical facility butity t that's where the report of thetf actor shooter came from. >> we are getting word fort f belvoir are increasing securityr at the base in virginia.a. not in response to any specifici threat or anything going on. just in response to the t situation here at andrews. so fort belvoir in have a have h also
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now. now. at least until we know exactlyxa what's going's >> the base going on to say, say responder are currently on the t scene securing the location andn of course they said their t reaction is due to ensure thehe safety of all their personnel oh the base this morning that's why they're continuing to enter locl down now about one hour sincer c the call came in. >> have you knew update metroe m bus. they tweeted minute ago bus k12 delayed due to police activityiv at the joint base andrews busesb will now bypass allentown road and command drive board exit buses at allentown and mack well drive. dr completely avoiding the area ata this point. pnt. >> it's not uncommon to seenot other bases ramping up securityt in the wake of this. thi it's better to air on the sideis of caution than to leaveove yourself exposed. eos this is our new normal we sayl y this all the time in situationsu like this but clearly whatear w you're seeing is our new normala where we have active shooters. r we hear that lot now which is ws what's happening here at thee at joint base andrews.. paul wagner on the scene there.e i don't know if paul has been be able to call in yet and give usv knew information but we do s
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him in some of the shots here.hs he's going to be able to updated us on exactly what the mood ishs where he is, what he he ishe i seeing and hearing. we'll check in with him just ass soon as we can. as wean but again you're looking live lv pictures there. do we have paul right now? we do not.. okay. you are looking at life pictures outside of the front gates ofatf joint base andrews. >> we should respond to thatou o because someone just wrote to erin on twitter that that is non the gate in front of the malcolm grow. we're not saying that is the gate in front of the malcolmlm grow medical center much that ih gate. ga >> one of the entrance. era >> one of the entrance newsagene base andrews. and there are several different dift gates that's why i asked the the question did we know which gateh this was. i know there's the virginia ga gate, the pearl harbor gate. gat there's several different gatesg >> malcolm grow is near the off road gate and that's where we'rw seeing a significant amount offn red on our map and a lot ofotf police presence. presenc >> we do apologize we're gettint information and trying to relaye it to you as quickly as possib possible.
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things like this we over blow situations we're trying to shara the information based on what w we're hearing to be very serious issue here at joint base andre andrews. active shooter. sot real life active shooter called in when they were supposed to bp having a training exercise.e folks have gone into lock downow this is malcolm grow medicalal facility where the epicenter ofo this is happening and so there is a lock down at this base. a very important and serious base where the president's airda force one is based where a lotst of military officials andnd dignitaries come in to thiss country via this base. b so, again, an active shooter shr situation happening. our apologize if some of thesome information weary laying to you is not accurate.we not accurate. we're trying to fix it as soon as we do learn more up to date e facts. we have a reporter on the scenee others headed that way.t way who will be able to give us aleu better idea of what is happenini on that base.e so then again we can keep you k informed for those of you who may have loved ones there or may work there who are wonderin wong what's going on and level off seve
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>> chris our producer sorry just said skyfox approaching theac scene was pushed back 12 miles i by authorities. a so they're keeping us at aeepi distance from the skies as well. >> okay.>> okay. >> clearly still an evolvinglvg situation.tu we don't know what is going onn there. all we know is that there wasers reports of an active shooter. sr there was supposed to be a drild there this it turned into something moree than that or seems to have -- ii it's turned into something more than that. and abundance of caution authorities there have lockedha down the base.down t they have asked the personnelken there to shelter in place.. you've heard steve say many times how large andrews is. so for them to even be able to make sure that everything is safe there it's simply going to take some time. s even if they end up finding itdi to be nothing.e no it will take time to find outino that it's nothing and they'rende going to make sure they take tht time obviously to make sure everyone is safe. >> better safe than sorry.orry
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somebody saw something that'shi exactly what we saw in bethesda. >> right. >> at the medical center theredi was the report of somebody thatt saw something and it literally r took hours for them to scower tc that entire facility, go througg literally room by room, floor by floor, until they could deem ite safe, because you just don't d know until you go ahead and check everything if whew talkinh about a base this size, youiz y know, you know they're checking more than just that medicalt dil facility. faci once they check that they have to check the surrounding area a well just to make sure that t there is in fact no incident att this point we don't confirmatiot of anything other than a reportr of an active shooter so if that changes of course we'll course l certainly let you know.aile but at this point that's all wel have is a report.a rer >> and that active shooter agaia at the malcolm grow medicalic facility.faci first responders are on the on scene of that facility. this is despite the fact that wa are also hearing that officialsa from giant base andrews have nov requested for additional help from prince george's county cout police or prince george's countt fire and ems which would -- weod would expect to be the norm if n this were a far graver situatioo but we're not heari
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has been requested just yet. on scene here we have seen metrt police and what looks to be be other agencies, a car here therh are gathering at this particulaa gate. i'm not sure if they wereer requested -- aid was requestedas from them but we are seeing thas kind of activity playing outut here despite hearing officially that prince george's countyorgey police and fire and ems have noe been asked to come on base toaso help out with this situation.tin >> i couldn't get a good look.oo that was homeland security thata rolled by there.. homeland security police.y polic we'll check in with paul andl a find out what other agencies ane he's seen rolling on to the base as he's in a prime vantage poinp right now trying to get the t latest information for you ass possible so you can be kept up to speed if you have a friend,d, loved one, co-worker on the basb at this time. okay. our producer chris smith sharinh with us that vice-president joee by depth was supposed to departp from joint base andrews today ty for a trip to ohio i believe you >> columbus, ohio but we're notw sure when that was supposed todo happen. happen. given this, i
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the vice-president would not bet departing from joint basein andrews again he was scheduled to leave from there today for aa trip to ohio. that trip clearly cancel at thit point or postponed or pushed ors back to some place else.. but not happening given lockk down at giant base andrews. >> i think we did have hav confirmation this is the actuala main gate.mainate. >> okay. oka >> where visitors if you are aua visitor to andrews you would gog in there through and they havehv intense security check and checa stuff. but so this is where just thet h regular person would be able tot gain access to joint basee >> right. once again that's at thega intersection of allentown road and suitland parkway. suitland so that's what we're seeingndwhg right there with homelandwiomeln security vehicle just sped byt d with some flashing lights on.igo again, prince george's county ot stand by just in case theyn c should need to respond as well.a >> all right. on the right of your screen you're looking at life phticturp from skyfox. sx. skyfox has been over the base aa one point flying right over the airfield and runway where you famously see air force one, o however, skyfox being asked to d
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bit. so our pictures are not going ti be quiet as clear as what we hah for you little bit earlier thiss morning when we came first onfi coverage after the report. >> understanding enough it looko like that was someone obviouslys working on the base and allowinn some cars to come in. i don't know who those cars but it looks like they're allowing -- >> there's movement. t >> there's movement, right. >> there was some kind ofe ki movement there. t >> it also didn't appear there a was a long backlog of cars o car either that were waiting to geto on the base.on t as if people have been sittinget there for the last hour trying t to get on a couple of vehicle. e we saw emergency vehicles goingg through butonate it looks like we're seeing some other vehiclec which may or may not be.e. we're not sure whom those vehicles may belong to.on t >> this is despite the fact personnel on the base were asked to shelter in place when thiswht active shooter situation began.g we're assuming that is still s what's happening.wh's that people have been asked tonk shelter in place and continue to shelter in if you're hearing differently,nt let us know. k we are seeing a
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left side of our screen here her with cars seeming to be going in and out of that visitor's gate.g which may indicate that the the situation is either he beening or not as serious as we might wm have thought.have tho i don't want to overstate oversa anything or over blow anythingnh but that's what p it appears tot me. if anyone has better word, more confirmation officially pleasele let us know. emergency vehicles there in the background a bus of some sort it looks like. >> can he wet paul wagner backnb to get an idea who is coming inn >> he will we'll try to get paut back in a couple of he's running around outside thee gate right now trying to get not information over the phones. >> it's hard to tell who is i coming and going and where thehe different cars are going but iti did look like there was somethea movement. we saw that bus which appearedpe to be on the other side of theit base obviously there's anhere a ambulance going through there.he that could or could not bee related to the incident. iident. we have no idea.. we did know paul did confirm to
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out to prince george's county fire nor police for any help in any way bull that princeat pe george's county fire did proactively go ahead and stagete some personnel just in case thee might be needed.. i'm not sure exactly what we'ree looking at it looks to be better picturesre of maybe perhaps actual activity there on the base itself. but, um, that looks as if there's some devil obviously oio some people walking around.roun some in uniform, some not. i'm not sure exactly who is whoo but we do know, again, joint,oi base andrews on lock down. d they were supposed to have ansu active shooter drill or a drilla of some sort this morning. mng it became a real world scenario. that they then obviously had too spring into action and take very seriously which they are doing.. also, we know that fort belvoiro in virginia has upped their security in response to what's a going on here now.ere now >> and we keep saying activeayig shooter but keep in mind
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not had any word of shots fired, anyone injured, all we'rell w hearing is that a real lifelife active shooter situation istis playing out.playin it was reported and steps were r taken to shelter people in place at the -- at the medical -- ataa the medical building there.he emergency personnel on scene as well.ll >> if that's the mel buildingmeb we're seeing on the left dorks we know? do we have e ha confirmation of that or is thatt just a shot through the gate? >> i believe that's just a shots through the main gates there.he >> i'm not -- i don't know wherw that medical building is locat located. but the personnel there aring in place.ace emergency personnel are on the scene there. the no word of injuries or shots oho fired just yet. i know someone asked me onn twitter saying something aboutha shots fired.sired. no, have not heard a word abouta that yet. y >> just to reiterate the latest in nine minuting a due to the t serious nature of this roar thee base is reacting to assure us the safety of personnel.nn nfre information will be i released as soon as it becomess available.
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>> we're still weighing toghin t confirm. nf look, the key here is that nottn asking for assistance andta remember this was a drill. d so we don't even know at this ai point if this is just somebodytb that saw something, that maybe,e they weren't aware that this was drill. dril >> right. >> but the key to me is, by notn asking the jurisdiction in whici this base is located in prince r george's county to not ask for outside assistance makes me think this is was just a drill.. perhaps somebody saw somethingag that didn't seem right.idn't sem i know the feds r right now, and county police are talking andkig they're trying to get to work w out whether assistance is in isi fact needed to be over an hour into an incident and not have ah need to call your localocal jurisdiction for assistancessisc lends to believe this is perha perhaps -- was ust drill that dt was maybe --aybe - >> listening to paul wagner whow covered so many of these and his intuition tells him it may not be as big of a deal.a d again we don't want to jump top any conclusions until we have we that >> i'm reading ts
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according to stars and stripes p the pentagon said there's ahe barricade situation on the thirt floor of the medical facility.y. again i'm just reading thiseadit trying to get hopefully we canuw try to get confirmation of thiss barricade situation quote quo unquote on the third floor ofhio the medical facility that isat i according to stars and stripes.s >> let's keep in mind there are other people reporting on social media this is a confirmed drilld and there was no need for police and this is not a situation at all. all you have conflicting we're trying to get you theicngo official >> makes the so frustrating forf us here we do want to be b accurate as possible but we'ree' getting conflicting reports fror the sense of what we're seeingrn here on your screen, it doesn'te look like this is anything ath severe. but we don't know exactly whatly is happening at that malcolm mco grow medical facility where thee active shooter call came from or came into.nt the emergency personnel are on o the scene there. the paul wagner is outside the baseb as soon as we can get to him hem can give us a better senser sene hopefully of what he's seeing, n what he's hea
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emergency and officials --- emergency personnel and officials are saying about thiso lock down. >> 10:13. this situation started a littled over an hour ago.n hour ago again there was a drill thisri t morning on joint base andrews ad and at some point during that drill somebody reported ann active and actual activee shooter. joint base andrews has tweetedre they have to investigate this as an actual incident, however, hor again, they did not request helh from prince george's county couy fire, ems or employees. empyees that's kind of where we are fore the last hour and 15 minutes. m he we don't have any reports ofs shots fired or anybody beingbody injured. all we have is a report that t apparently came in during aing drill that this may in fact beab an actual incident, and that hah led emergency vehicles from thec surrounding areas to be piggedig in stand by in case they're needed but again more than an ta hour into this incident now, the word from the base is they havev not requested the word from w prince george's county policeune is, the base has not requeste re
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we talk a lot about our new normal. norm another one of our normal socia security social media and thel instant reporting of these things as they happen and the civilian journalists stow speakk that's basically what people a are. when they are commenting and report wagon they see and wagon they're doing it via twitter and facebook and all of that and while that is good in some s respects and we do get innnn stannous information it's also o not vetted and so as we arere watches this happen and tryingpy to look through all the the different social media accountsu to get information ourselves weo too are trying to make sure wee see the same information severav different places so that we we don't just throw out their one r thing that's been said and then all a sudden that ends up not tp be the truth and make it more it alarming than perhaps it is. because maureen had said itaid i beautifully many times.fully mas we're not trying to scare anyo anyone. but we are trying to informg tor people the best that
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>> it takes to find out what's happening. what the story really real obviously officials on the basen are doing everything they can to make sure it's not a situation a if indeed it's not one or if it is a situation what's going onog and the number one priorityy being the safety and security o everyone on that base. >> absolutely which is whyel they're keeping skyfox at such a great distance away because thet don't want people to get upoet close view.e v so it's hard for to us seeo us exactly what's going on from thm air as well. w >> because also we just see the pictures and how many times have we said now this is what we'ree'
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what the story is? there's whaa we see and then there's the actual truth of what's going ong which will all be revealed obviously later. right?right? >> we mentioned holly did you fort belvoir increased security and response to this lock down d at joint base andrews. we're hearing the naval n observatory increased security.t i would imagine a lot of military installations are doing to in response to this. air on the side of safety and bb cautious. ca vice-president joe biden wasidew supposed to be flying out of ouo joint base andrews to head tod t ohio this afternoon. afterno i understand he's not there anya he's being kept at the naval n observatory where his home is located.cate he is being kept there whileherw this unfolds at the base. b as steve pointed out, you know,, i'm hearing from someone justt tweeted me that links to stars s and stripes they're saying therh was a barricade situation on thy third floor.lo. again you're also hearing that this is much to do about nothi nothing. so we're giving you there ging information as best we
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paul wagner on the scene therece outside the gates joint base andrews.andrews. home physical we can talk to him and get a better sense paul having covered many unfortunat unfortunately many incidents like this with his vast policeai military contacts as well he cae give us a better sense of what'a happening there on base. >> just down the road from where we're actually showing you.wi >> paul wagner is there. there let's get back to paul right non see if we can get questions qst answered there's been obviously the questions the lack ofac o assistance needed from princed r george's county police, fire anr ems lened us to believe whatevee may have happened will be underu control. prince george's county policee' have they had anythins g else te say about whether or not this is drill or real situation, paul. >> reporter: you know, i justus got new information from u.s. park police anna rose the u.s. person comin
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has asked for their helicopterep but it's unclear why. anna rose sergeant anna rose telling me in a text message that for further information i should contact andrews air force we just got up on allentown roar and we're about to pass the maii gate here. we see a lot traffic coming outt of the main gate. g we understand that we should beb able to see the medical center e as we get little further up herr along allentown road and as the traffic moves we may be able tot see a little bit more ine listening to some of the radiohd traffic on the way out here i did pick up what sounded likeed prince george's county police indicating that there was aas a large presence along allentown road just outside the perimeter of andrews air force base andase now i can see the us park police helicopter eagle one flyinglyin right over that area that i just described. it is just circling around and
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around and as you know the us u park police work very, very closely whenever there's anywhev kind of a presidential movementn from andrews air force base. they're always flying over andnd checking thing out these pilotss are very, very familiar with wh int base and druce, and we doe know from earlier information,n, steve and the rest of you guysru there, that prince george'seorgs county police and the fire had h called over to see if there wasw any assistance needed. nde they were told there was ane waa incident at the base but -- just now some very new i can see as we're passing thehe base, the main entrance that th main entrance is closed off.. they've got -- they've gotot barriers up there and there aree police there and so you can see that they've blocked that off, f but going back now to what i was saying, we were told by thed police and the fire departmentep that they had asked
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an iid they were told there but that they didn't need any n assistance. and that of course indicate indo me my gut feeling was that thist was not a major incident becausc they would need some ems assistance you would think if ii fact there was an activecte now i can see the us park policc helicopter appears to be landini now on the base. b seems to be going down in the area where that hospital is that we've seen concentrated and nowd right along the base here on allentown road i can see there'e a number of military personnel in helmets, and appear to be keeping traffic from going downg a certain road here just insidee the base. bas it appears that keeping trafficc from going down towards the the malcolm grow medical facility.. there's also what appears to be a maryland national capitalna cp poli
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motor, too. i'm not exactly sure why that is. as we continue continue downoned allentown road i should be ablea to see little bit more.or go ahead.. >> we're waiting on confirmatioi from the base, of course, the centerpiece of information here. however, one of the questions qo that i had is, if this was a a drill earlier, could it be b possible that this is just that drill continuing going on now? n for example, if something didn'' happen and they found this was w not actually an incident mightig what we're watching now just bej part of that drill that wast w previously scheduled?ed >> reporter: keep in mind, min that there was an incident just last summer also at the navyav yard that turn out to be falseef alarm.alarm. that one person heard what she thought was a shot and there was a tremendous response downe dow there, and for quite sometime wm didn't know exactly what was w going on. on we're now passing the entrance c to the malcolm grow medical facility, and i can see a numbee ofri
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cruisers parked outside. osi we're going to have to make mak u-turn and get back to that area so we can take closer look at t it, but i did not see any majorj activity just as we were drivini passed but, yes, steve, the question is, whether or not thit might be some kind of a false fl alarm that someone may have seen or heard something that may have -- they they've thought waw an incident and it actuallyctual isn't. now, i can tell you right now r we're pulling up to the area where -- >> here's the earn concern that i have now, paul, is and we'ren' even hearing from prince george's county officials who are saying they believe this to be a drill, and the concern that i have now is, if this is ins fact all the activity we're w seeing now, this frightens loths of >> yes, does it., >> for sure.. >> if in fact this is the the
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now all the people you're seeinp there, paul, the helicopter froo park police, why does the baseae or someone not give an all cleae and say we're just continuingonn the drill that we had earlier because if they don't do that, a lot of people are going to beoi concerned that this in fact iss an actual incident? inciden >> reporter: it makes youak wonder if they know that it is s drill and not an actual incident why they haven't sounded the all clear. cl i just got out of the live truc and walked up here to where wehe believe this incident may be going on, steve. trying get my bearings here. i can see the hospital to the t it says malcolm grow medical facility. as i'm looking through the gateg here, i'm not seeing a lot of lt actually now i see a soldier in helmet an long gun walking intoi the facility.. we've got a camera up here, guys, i can get on and get online if in just a second. sec i see somebody comi
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their hands up a number ofumr o people coming out with theirt wi hands up. nds in fact, there's a whole line on people coming out the front dood with their hands up. i've got soldier with long gungu leading them out. >> but -- >> but, paul, this is something again we don't know if this isfs parter of a drill or not.f a so the question is, is there any way that we can get confirmonfim because, you know, apparentlypp this is something that people on base and out that have had haveh access to this we just can'tus show you on tv for security reasons have been seeing thisg throughout the morning.hout t >> can we go to tom fitzgeraldzr who we saw standing by looksoo like he's been on the scenescene ready to go perhaps he can share that information because we are seeing over social media feedsif here multiple people reportingor this is in fact a continuationto of that drill. there is no active shooter. again, we don't want to continun to fan the flame of an activect shooter if there is none in fact present. so tom fitzgerald outside thesit gate of joint base andrews. are tom, you look like you've been y
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what can you share to us especially we're hearing nowearn there is no active shooter? sotr >> reporter: all right. rig this is the situation of what wa know and what we don't know. kno and this is coming from andrewse air force base itself. keep this mind. there are a lot of moving parts there was an active shooter what they call an exercise going onoi at andrews air force base this morning.morng. around 9:00 o'clock this we know from andre air force base public affairs office they received ave call of app active shooter. they call that a real world ca call. so when you're in situation liko this, you don't want to get toot far down the road about what has happened and what has notot happened.ha you know when we get these t reports of people walking out of the building with their hands uu in the air, we have seen this before.. remember, little over year ago,a there was a report of a situation
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naval medical center. cter. in that situation, we sawaw standard oping procedure on howh officials will clear a building. they want everybody's hands up's in the air because as they cleae that building, they want to be b able to see your hands to makee sure there was nothing in yourr hands. as to what exactly happened here this morning, let's focus onn what we know. kw the situation was that there wa an exercise underway during that exercise a call came in from the malcolm grow medical center. cen now what is the malcolm growcolg medical center? i have seene s this building much this is the main medical facility on andrewd air force base. be. it's about four stories, fiveese stories tall. it is a large facility. it is the clinic and surgicalura operations that are here atio andrews air force base. be so if you've got a situation,on, concentratconcentrated malcolm g dealing with
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worth of employees and patientst receiving care there. the it is going to take some time to clear that building and getg ant people out of there one of the e ways they are going to do thatoa is they have a shelter in placep had he go room by room by room m very methodically.cally they have everybody raise theirh hands and they march them outare the front door. as far as what happened here, what didn't, you can go very fao down the road of saying what did or did not happen based onas twitter or facebook. you know, cautious is the word w here right now.ow we do not know what happened. he i will show was we're looking at, though, here because thataua may give us some indication. you can see there are unitedreni states air force personnel atsoa the entrance here to joint bases andrews.s. now, a lot of these cars thatt have come in when they reach these airmen are turned around.o i will tell you some of them we have seen proceeded into jointnt
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base andrews. ba you can see forse yourself right there, some cars are leaving. lg so whether or not this is a a complete shut down of the base,, a complete shelter in place, we are seeing some indications at this point that there is some egress in and out of this ts facility because we have seen hs some cars go in and quietnd qet frankly those have not been any kind of official cars. cs. we've not seen any policeol vehicles going in we've not seen any emergency erg response vehicles. now, that car right there you'ru seeing, that one is getting o turned around.turn aro a few minutes ago when we werewr arrived on the scene we saw soms others go in. i can tell you you can look at t those personnel.sonnel they do not appear to be b carrying any weapons in their hands at this point. poi i would suggest that is probabla a good sign for all of this. thi they have not closed those gates, you know, there arere vehicle barriers where they aree
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see for cars are able to go in, and speak with those military get an idea what's going on and then they'll turn them rightig around. there is little to no trafficra build up here where we are righg now. no now, we are on suitland roadoa this is one of the main entran entrances to joint base andrewse because this is where the visitors center is located. lat if any of you remember lastt september, you know, when you kw saw all that video of pope francis arriving at andrews air force base and the motorcade that led joint base andrews, if, you saw any of that footage,oo this is the gate where a lot off the dignitaries will leave joini base andrews and proceed on o their way into washington, d.c.c anybody who visits joint baseoib andrews on one of their airir a shows has been through thishis gate. so we're not seeing the vehiclee barriers up.iers we are not seeing tra
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charge scale turned away. some are allowed in.owed in. some are no the. there are no weapons being brandished by any of thesh military personnel here at joinj base andrewsre >> hey, tom -- can i interrupt u for just second. second. >> that's what we can see.s go ahead. >> you're standing there on the front -- the front gate there. t what's the sense you get? because we're hearing multiple l reports think may be to do aboua nothing and we are seeing carsic going in and out. o. we see cars on suitland parkwayy you've covered these what's the sense you're gettingg amidst these reports we're we're hearing now trickling in thisngn may not be much of anythingf anh prince george's county police not being asked to help.g aske l prince george's county fire anda ems not being asked to help. h what's the sense that you getou personally what's happenings ap there? >> reporter: well, if you're asking for my sense, you're alse me to guess and that can be a a dangerous thing in this line ofe work. this is what i'll tell you.ou. u.s. and homeland security personnel right now are probabll at one their highest levels inn
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we just had this incident at the instant bull airport justrt j yesterday the cia director john brennan said that if you were of the mind to think that a that a terrorist attack could not not happen in the united states that you are kidding yourself. now, everyone who hears that is on edge. especially -- >> i have -- hey, tom.,om. i have a i have a question for you, tom , have a question much that is ths gate where visitors can go inn i and out, right? rig >> hang on a second.>> hon a hang on a hang on second very important that i finish this point. john brennan said this this yesterday. tensions are high right now. alertness is high. they keep telling people if youf see something, say something.omt no matter what this is, security officials have asked people toeo do t that if they see something too call it in. i that is what happened this this morning. we do know there was a call. c as to whether or not it was anas actual active shooter situation, that we do not have con
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of yet. but keep in mind, this is whatt homeland security and lawy l enforcement personnel have beene asking people for months and mos years and especially in the last 48 hours after that instant bull incident if you see something sg say something that is whatth happened here this morning. mni whether or not there was anor nw active shooter incident we don't know. go ahead. >> always better to air on theoe side of caution.aution. >> thank you for your work. >> obviously always better tolwt air on the side of caution. caui >> i think there's also, thougho a situation where we don't wantw to be alarm mist.alarmis it's easy in this society that y we live in right now to be alarm mists.mis. and we are seeing -- sing >> let me clear this up, please, holly we're not asking anyone te speculate and say something seti that's not accurate but sim mow because we've all been line off work for long time you get aeoua sense of some things and you cad speak to that and that's what i was leading to. this is still developing.elin >> i do have a suggestion.uggeso if that is the gate where visitor which is go in and outi and it looks like people are gog and in out maybe they can walk a over there and ask them what the update is on the base.
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>> obviously the situation goini on since 9:00 o'clock thisclock morning. we're very allow a lot of lot of reports have been reporting for sometime this is just i we wait for the official wordiad until we get the all clear.le we'll let you know.t you we'll take a short break. bak. we'll let you get your bearingss as well and. >> take a breather.. >> we'll be back after t more good day coming up next.g . fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house th 100 meg internet. which means in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee,
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♪ 10:35. thanks for sticking around witht us this we've been following what'sha happening at joint base andrewse just to be clear this is anleara incident that started as a drili and then joint base andrews wass the one that put out the o t information saying there was ini fact a report of an activect shooter that they were taking tk this and then that basically theyallt said they're base was on lock oc down so obviously everybodyly ey started talking about it.g abt >> last twitter update coming cn in. all clear.r >> just received word.edor >> many reports over the last l few minutes talking about the at fact that this was drill and drl there was an all clear given.. we wanted to wait until we gotig the all clear from joint baseoib andrews to make it official oicl before we passed that word w >> a lot of speculation going oo before >> we didn't wanted to that we t just got the all clear now whilw we were in the break from jointt base andrews in fact everythingy is okay. but if you're wondering why we w were sticking with it for sog wo long it's because we wanted to e wait for the official word fromf the base itself.f. which can he just now received.c >> that is the best case besase scenario. >> right. >> absolutely. >> everything is fine. that's what we hoped for. we have little bit of time
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so we'll take another break anda we'll rejoin you on the other yo side with some of the specialh things we had planned for this thursday.thur >> thanks for sticking with us. ♪
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♪ okay. ss're back at 10:39 on thi thursday. we've all taken a breather. regrouped here on good day dcc wanting to bring to you hollyu l said before the break thethe bra special things we had plannednn for you it was chock full show. s we had heart throb, sinking,ng dancing we'll bring you little e bit of it any way. w >> you know, we're a news a n st
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>> that's what we do.what wo >> we bring it to you.e brin t >> once again under controln u joint base andrews if anyone any just tuning back in. i >> okay. >> i'm aware of two things food and puppy just walk in thetalk n studio we'll end on a strongtr note right now.. because that's a good way to end this show. considering the way it started. >> can you bring the puppy on. >> who is this. >> mark and his lovely fiance'. >> are they available?ab >> hello. you want to walk over.wa >> this is their son so i'm sono going to take it back. bac hello.o. >> hello.lo this is mark ballis and bc jeans. jean hello. >> take your son he's out of sou control. i'm just kng >> get him under control. >> i'm sorry. sorry >> what is your puppy's name.. >> hendricks. >> come on over here.he. >> welcome to the loft.come te f >> it's a little crazy today. >> thank you. >> you know. but we're so happy that you allu are with us. are >> thank you. tha >> so are we. so hello, hello. hel. >> you probably recognize thisni face from dancing with thencintt stars, right? you know he
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shake a tail feather or two. two but you may not realize that hea can also sing and this is his lovely fiance'. >> yes. >> let me ask the most important question. when is the big date?ens the >> we don't know yet. y we're working on it. on >> all right. >> i'll give my address you canc send me invitation.itat >> together they are known asthy alexander jeans. >> yes. tell me about your sound andsoua what you're doing.. >> well, we were dating foratinr about a year and a half before r we decided to may we should shod write a song together we dorotho do this for a living. living. it was just for fun.ast fo we ended up recording the song s that we wrote for fun. and it was a really unique andea special sound and we look atk at each other and we were quiteuite impressed which is hard to i think that we were hard on ourselves.el we look at each other this is i pretty interesting maybe we mbe should join forces and try to tt take over the music industry. >> so it began. b >> so it began. b >> take over began.ake over beg now it's really been interesting because it's a full circle the t first song we rode is
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on the ep and we named it ep head high and the tour head high and we're going around the uss our first one touring around ino our rv and sharing our music.usc meeting fans.ans. tonight we're playing at the jamming java.g java. >> great venue.>> >> you'll love it.lot. love jamming java. ja. >> the feedback has been mazingz we put our first single out lasl year called rose and violetsandt which is playing right now. >> no one knew who al will he sander jeans was.nsas. it went number six on pop and doing it independently, too.epet it was nice to see the song son reaction so well when no one no knew who it was, and it showedtd to us that it was just about tht music and that's what we wantede >> it was a good idea.d an good sound. sound >> how would you describe theou sound? >> singer song writer first and for most but there's elements oo pop, rock and soul and bc has that rasp and growl and i'vend i been playing guitar for 21 2 years, and i have some flamenco chops and rock chops we inne corp. that percussive style
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>> you guys did -- d - >> really cool.>> >> we loved that. >> you'll be at jamming java jav tomorrow.torr >> tonight. >> tonight at jamming java. where do you go from there.he >> we go to new york toll.w yo . >> how long is the tour?owong is >> we go till july 23rd. >> wow.>> >> finish in la. little over month. >> that's good.>> that's good. so then what's next for you all? >> well, we've started writing ep2.ep2. >> ep1 just came out and while i we're on the road on days off we started wrighting and getting gt ideas together we got all thesee cool ideas and we need to -- t >> is it really something where like you write something andng you're like yea, yea, yea -- >> yeah. every song is is di we don't really force anything h that's the beautiful part abouta this whole project but usuallyly typically it's mark that come to mow with a guitar riff. rif he creates guitar riffs.tar rifs >> i try to keep at least anea hour a day or two of practicingc on the guitar that's my time too play and riff and with
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flamenco technique if you're non doing it every day you'll losell it. it. i'll come up with riff and i'lll pick a few i like and i'll playa them for bc. bc sometimes she'll be singing inng the shower and i try to recordec them. >> that's why you check her out in the shower.y >> just for that reason. >> the only reason. >> now, is she a good dancedan partner, too. >> i think she would be, yeah.he she's talented. ten >> would be. you haven't -- >> den really dance. >> you don't.on't. >> no. he cups home from work and that's not -- not - >> that's funny.>> thafunn his work you don't want to do it for >> yeah. >> have you done 18 seasons now. >> in a row, yeah.>> irow, >> 18 in a row. r wouldn't it twice.wo't it >> yes. >> who was your favorite dance partner.part >> i get asked this question as lot.qu it's had a toward pick because i have been blessed withsed with incredible partners and had thed pleasure of meeting incrediblerl people.le. >> but if you had to pick? >> i can't.'t because they see this it will b my head.. >> tom burr jeraun will be hosting the capitol force here.h >> i heard that.eard that. >> he'll be here.
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us a little insight. insight. >> he's the best.>> h >> he is the best. we love tom.. >> it doesn't get better than bt tom.. >> you goes are as nice as youac are good at what you do. i can get them to dish anything. >> thank you yaw.hank y we hope you enjoy your time herh we look forward to more greator thing from the both of youom together. >> appreciate it. >> and individually. a >> thank you. >> all right.ll r back on overall. ovell >> i want to ask when he dancedn with kim kardashian if she took selfies.lfie >> i don't remember. don (laughter). >> shifting that weight aroundeu with she was fine. >> the booty. >> that's what all talking abo about. >> jamming jam have a will be fun.. >> thank you alexander jean you music is amazing. >> all right. time to celebrate erin.o cebrat >> we have a celebrity chef inn studio right now. right now. we are going to be right back rb and i think we've all earned a e wine daveing. keep it to good day at 10a. >> or three. back after this. ♪
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♪ all right we're back at 10:00 trait with breaking news n we're talking about for much ofr
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the area.area. the zig at joint base paul wagner is standing by withg the official word of what'sd of happening there.happ paul?paul? >> reporter: maureen there t official word we're gettingetng simply from twitter at this thi point from joint base andrews ae few minutes ago they put out p o tweet saying the all clear wasas lifted and the lock out was --as lock down was lif lifted.ifte but then tweet came out rightutt after that saying, the lock dowd has been lived except for thehe malcolm grow mel facility which is where i'm standing outside oi right now.t no i'm going to have steve williami walk up here with the camera ana show what we can see which isees quite a bit. b we can see the outside entrancet to the malcolm grow facility.ilt there's a fire engine that hadh pulled up about 20 minutes ago.a it's now pulling off but i havee been seeing soldiers and in i helmets with long guns coming goning from that entrance.atntra just a minute ago i saw a soldier with a dog walking walki around the outside of this when we first arrived i saw a sa number of people walking out
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soldier with a lock gun.k we have seen the u.s. parkar police helicopter flyingg overhead and circling.irin however, that helicopter is no longer circling. circlin we're now seeing more peopleore coming out of this front door.nt you can see on our picture hereh you kind of have to shoot to s through this tree, but more b m people are comin coming the froo door.. here's another soldier here with a k9 coming out the front door.o soldier in helmet.. so it's confusing as to exactlya what's happening happe what we're not seeing is any kind of what i would describe as investigative people here on the scene who might be trying toryit figure out exactly what's goingg on. but that's the scene from here r outside malcolm grow and again d just little bit of confusion coi because of what we're seeing on twitter from joint base andrews that everything lived except for here outside malcolm grow. g back if you guys in the studio
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>> part of me wonder if's in ifn fact this was as part of the drill. drill. >> right. >> to see how social mediae reacts and media reacts to see how everybody reacts to this. tt >> what information will be out there and circulated whetherther they meant for it to or not.tont >> the unfortunate thing is ang lot of panic ensues as well. >> absolutely.bsoluty. >> to people who have loved onev on the base for the past few hours. we'll drink after this. we're back after this shortl s t break. break. ♪ ♪
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♪ 10:54 right now. n welcome back to good day at 10a1 we have a celebrity chef a top chef fabii yo and we are doing i wine pairings he has a new winew out and he'll be at wholefoods e local as well. >> we did pick kick off at the tent pentagon location new oneaw newly owed and we're having fini in dc. white blend, red blend,ed chardonnay, cabernet.abnet what we really do we showcase peo
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>> it can be very overwhelmingvn when you're throwing a dinner de party, cocktail hour. you want to impress your guestse and you said it's >> it's simple.>>t's most people get confused, youfu, know, i have a chardonnay or white blend what do i pair it di with.wi they spend too much time much ie thinking and not enough time he can cuting here's the -- look a the beautiful presentation to g with it. >> it's easy.>> it's here's the same classic old school cheese and -- it's a it's classic.asc. >> toasted almonds. almon we got some figures.. we pair by >> okay. >> so if you have some harde h cheeses, right, like we have wea some truffle peck corino here. >> i love truffle cheeses. >> they're delicious. we sug tgest anything hard, aged goes better with red wine. win >> the red wine will complimentt the flavors of a hard cheese. >> you need a bolder wine for it. if you any of soft cheeses feell free to try something. something let me pour you wine. pour u >> i would be happy
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this is our white blend.nd mascot tow base but not toooo sweet.. >> mass cato i associate withteh you can do softer cheeses withr it. >> you can. this is actually very good g fruity kind of bright -- of bri >> you would suggest these with soft cheeses.hees >> let's taste a little bite of this. >> white some of the cheese. t anything hard red wine is bett better. >> that is unbelievably licious.ha i feel like i've beenel like transported to italy right now.n >> you have in some sort of say. >> mentally if not physically. l >> and this is the red.nd this >> and this is our cabernet. same things applies for red winw and meats.eats so if you have anything like a hard sal lamb me like aged peaca meat that is like a cold cut that is harder -- hr >> how about the procuitto. >> i would pair with a white wine.. softer meats -- please. >> white softer.ofter >> i would be rude if i didn'ti' invite some f
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sample.mple >> i think we should.e shoul let me pore wine for them as ths well. well. >> i thought you would never ask. >> i look over and i was gettins the eye. we need to bring everyone to the party. thank you so much.k so m >> please. >> hand over plates right now.ep >> please.. >> harder cheeses and hardernd meats compliment the red. >> easiest and there is some breaks -- break the rules aul little bit but it's always alw good rule of thumb anything harr pair with red.ed. >> right.. >> anything softer, pair withg the white. >> okay. we've got the information one in your takeover we just put up. >> yes.>> >> really indulge in thee in t goodness of the wine. today 12:00 p.m. p street andeea 3:00 p.m. georgetown twoetn locations wholefoods we're in wi whole food now exclusive.xc good people, good partnership. >> come out and sample your y delicious wines. >> there will be sampling.. >> yesterday we had almost 200t2 people showing u it was crazy. was but we had a good time. t like always when there's italian and wines. wes >> what a wonderful way to end e
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cheers! >> thank you. >> tomorrow is zip trip friday. >> thank you very much.
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>> announcer: live from new york city it's "the wendy williams show." >> wendy: how you doin'? the kids have come to play today. you won't believe what i'm about to tell you. all due respect, have several. my girls are always turned out. i give it to you straight, no chaser. [ cheers and applause ] >> announcer: now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ audience sings along ] >> wendy: thank you for watching our show. [ cheers ] >> wendy: gorgeous.


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