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tv   Fox 5 News 5  FOX  July 7, 2016 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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amendment rights to say what saw he d fox5's paul wagneragne broke the story and he joins h j us live tonight with theh the fallout.fa paul. >> reporter: everyone haseportes the right to express their opinion but in the eyes of thete d.c. fire department what norman brooks did is wrong. bro he allegedly violated thehe department's social media policy which says a memberch s should not post anything that may be perceived asrceid threatening and in the eyes of e the police, with whom brookshoo works every day, he's on the job, his comments could possibly be viewed as threatsvit to law enforcement.nforce he is currently underly investigation by both agencie agencies. norman brooks has been with the d.c. fire department forroit nine years and as he told fox5's tisha llewes wednesday, he does not condone violence against cops and onlyo posted his angry message onsage facebook after seeing the video from the police shooting t in baton rouge.ou >> all i'm saying is that if anybody whether it's a criminal cop or a criminalrimi person tries to attack you oresr makes you feel some sort of
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way inside your own communityom you have the right as an a american citizen to defendo defn yourself and that's all i put in my facebook status. anyone who sees that differently then i don't know what to tell youy because i'vev never committed a crime in myrin mighlife. >> reporter: some people may may view it differently. differently in the facebook post he wroteac off duty hebe said if you are ae cop reason not in support ofrt these people then it's aboutn ia time to start turning these thee type of expletives in or at least giving out someng outom addresses so we, the people, can handle them. the he also said, i'm saying theg te citizens should take the lawe tl into their own hands and and target racist cops.iscops those pigs in baton rougeat deserve nothing short of arvnoth bullet in their hea >> these people are not being punished. i don't wish any harm on any han innocent people or anyone inny that instance.nsta i'm just saying that's what mysa post was about. wasut. maybe i used strong languageangu but i -- you know, that's justt what it is i mean, theseea events are starting to aff
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me and my family and my and my a friends and if you're a black'rk person out there or just aust a concerned american and you'reerr not concerned about it, i feeltf sorry for you. >> reporter: so, how arer:o, h police officers reacting toctino this? we took our questions to annie mabo president of thedo fop's d.c. lodge one.fop'd.c. >> i was disappointed thatha anyone could say thatha especially a civil servant ant a firefighter we work with on aona daily basis both metropolitann police, d.c. fire, all the all local agencies within d.c. that they would say such a they thing. however, i'm glad that theat metropolitan police along with d.c. fire took an aggressiveress role in investigating it.gating >> reporter: despite some ofe of the strong lang match brooks' post andy mabo says he didn'ts d see it as threatening.eatening >> i personally did not.y n i think it was more anger, a more frustration and again,in where does this anger andnger ad frustration come from, youme fru know, is it social media, is mea it the media? you know, at kno, the end of the day we have ad job aofnd that's protecting then residents and cit
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tourist of washington, d.c.f and that's what we need tot we focus on.focus >> reporter: he says being a cop today is tough because bec they are guilty until proven now just last summer a fairfax f county firefighter also went wen on facebook writing in part, we have to start putting them tm in body bags, stop filming and rally to your fellow citizen. pull the cops off, lay on the individual, form a circle or throw punches. pun do something. something they can't massacre a mob. msacr now, fox5 confirmed just this afternoon that thatt t firefighter was investigatednves and is no longer with the fairfax county fire cou department. it's unclear if he is with -- w if he was fired or resigned. rig coming up at 5:30 we'll focuse'c on what the firefighter had toeg say with a panel of guests whosh will discuss the aspects ofspecs social media and its consequences. paul wagner, fox5 local news.s. >> another disturbing storyer out of the district tonight. coming on the heels of those oft two police involved shootings ih across the country.ntry >> d.c. police released video vd of
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shooting that led to the deathh of a northeast man. fox5's lauren demarco joinsarcoj us new with that story. s >> reporter: today the the mayor's office released a disturbing video. veo the video was recorded lastde monday during aurin police-involved shooting.-iolve again, it is rather iis rat disturbing. but take a look.. >> put the gun down. >> 430. we have a black male holding a gun. he refuses to drop it.uses top i black hat.blk hat >> put the gun down.>> phe gun put the gun down. police, put the gun down. d >> put the gun down, sir. >> over, >> drop the gun. >> reporter: you seer, there fourth district officers responding to a 911 call of a o man with a gun in northeast.orea they a are arrived to find 63-year-old sherman evans holding the weapon near second c and varnum.num. there's about 15 minutes of5 mit this video.. we
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expletives but you can hear canh the officers ordering evansrderv drop the gun. drop he does not comply. cpl eventually they open fire. [gunfire] >> shots fired. >> reporter: sounds likeep more than a dozen shots were fired. evans was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. d.c. police say investigatorsnva later discovered that evans' eva weapon was a bb gun. evans was the one who called c 911 and this was possibly asi a suicide by police situation. sia as far as the timing of themingf release of this video the mayor's office tells me theyls m had planned to release itan today. it is a coincidental turn of tur events that other high profile i police shootings are making headlines this week. w mayor bowser's spokespersonsper said she saw fit to releaseel the footage because she becse se thought i it was fitting andnd transparency is part of er
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administration.administ >> two people in custodyto another wanted in murder of a man found in gaithersburg parkeb last police tell us the killing was k gang related. fox5's alexandria limon is lon live in gaithersburg with mores on that story. alex. >> reporter: that's right,s ght, police say the suspects inuspect this case may have been motivated by the desire to des rise within the ranks of bats really disturbing is thatit the montgomery county policent department says the victim in this case hadgo s no known gangg ties whatsoever.ti in fact, they couldn't really ra point to a specific reason why o he was targeted other than he tn happened to know an acquaintance of the gangai members.ers. >> that young man was an a 18-year-old male, his name's christian villa morals.or he was stabbed over 40 times.r m >> reporter: it was a brutal bru murder that happened at a malcolm king park inng park in montgomery county onryount june 16th. now police are searching for two
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dangerous gang ms-13. investigators say they havehey h aliases and they believe theye have the means to flee. to flee. >> we're reaching out to the public in this case becauseec these two individuals areestwo extremely dangerous andgero they're on the run.on t r they were last known to be in the wheaton area.eaton area. we believe they know we'reno w looking for them.oking for the >> reporter: montgomery county investigators believe morales was tricked into going o into the wooded area behindeh the park by 19-year-old vanessa alvarado who promised pe him sex. sex and then by gang members who offered to smoke weed withto him. but instead, they murdereddered him. him. alvarado was arrested as was 16-year-old juan gutierrez vasquez who is charged as an asa adult. police say the motive may haveea been for status or power within the the gang. >> one group is escalating in in violence another group has toroo also match that level of that l violence. >> reporter: but they don'or
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know why this victim was targeted other than being an acquaintance of alvarado's.lvard there have been 10 gang10 related murders in the countyhet in the past 10 months. m police say six are linked to ms-13. >> overwhelmingly the young youth that are coming here that are unaccompanied are not a gang members. the unaccompanied minorspanied because of all the challenges cl that they face here both he locally and nationally are are becoming susceptible to gang tog recruitment and are moreand m likely to be the victim of gang violence.iole >> reporter: and again,ter: a aa while the montgomery county police department did addressarm the issue of unaccompaniedccom minors getting caught up in u gang activity, they did not d link that specifically to this case. again, very troublingly theyling say that it appears the victimti was completely innocent.oc they say he is originally from guatemala but his family isut h now in new jersey and again,gai, they're asking for theeyaski public's help in this case.s c reporting live in gaithersburg, alexandriahe limon,
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>> coming up, the head of the hf fbi in the hot seat on capitol hill. >> lawmakers want to know why he's not pursuing chargesing chs against presidential candidatees hillary clinton afterrer e-mail scandal. y back icosby back in court for a sex case hearing.e heari what a judge in that caseat c refused to do today. tod >> and d.c. wants major maj leaguers to be more healthye hea and set a better example for the new law local leaders areeae trying to pass. hey, sue. >> hey there jim and laura. a l. happy hot ay. it's 89 degrees now which n isn't too bad but it's been asen warm as 93 and that humidityhaty way up there again making iting feel like closer toe clos t 100 degrees.100 degree so, a break is on theeak on t seven-day forecast.n-y for we'll give you a peek at what at you can expect for tonight asont well as the end of our work week forecast when fox5 localox news at 5:00 comes right back.k. >> ♪ >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> no charges but republicans keep charging fbi chief jamesgee comey in the hot seat todayeat d before the house oversightvers committee defending themmittedee bureau's decision not to n prosecute hillary clinton for use of a personal e-mailof a p account while secretary of state.stat heated at times during the nearly five hour grillingour gr today, comey did say that tt clinton was careless and that she miss handled classified claf information and that has national security implications.
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were on the committee insisteded that the fbi has a case and a should prosecute ca clinton.nt. >> secretary clinton said inton the not e-mail any classified ce material to anyone on myn my e-mail. e-ma there is no classified classifid material. is that true. >> there was classified hereas c material e-mailed.-md. >> so secretary clinton saidlins she used just one device. was that true. >> she used multiple devices dev during the four years of herr af term as secretary of state.te >> secretary clinton said allaid work related e-mails werels w returned to the state department. was that true. >> no. we found work related e-mails-mi thousands that were not returned. >> comey reiterated today theytt do not have a case and said and his job was to treat this case like any other. any comey insisted there is noed the evidence that clinton knew shew might be receiving any classified information andma said that they have no reasono o to believe that she lied to s l the fbi. now, you may remember thatha james comey was deputy dep attorney general under george go
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he was also deputy council on on senate white water committee that investigated the clintonsli in the 1990's.990' >> this was the scene today at the future site of the newre s trump international hotel in northwest d.c.hwest d.c. several groups including onedino called making change at wal-mart set up shop demanding i the retail chain not give any money to their 2016 gop convention. >> they are women, they are muslims, they are veterans, v they are latina, they are all a people that donald trump has offended, has isolated and has spread hate against. >> wal-mart hasn't commented-mar on the event today but other companies have dropped out or ot scaled back their support forppo the convention including apple, coca-cola and jp morgan chase. ase. tonight prosecutors intoni baltimore are dropping one ofop the five charges as the
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of lyte brian price got underiad way this morning.. the 18 year veteran is the fourth of six baltimoresix balti officers set to stand trial indn connection with the death ofon freddie gray. rice still faces chargestiaces including manslaughter andand assault. last december the trial of officer william porter endediaer in a mistrial and officersffics edward nero and caesar goodson o were both found not beltway.el >> bill cosby has lost anotherno legal battle to get a sex assault case thrown out ofthro court. they asked the pennsylvaniavania state judge to slow out thew out case or schedule a new preliminary hearing.ea the judge refused to do that. d back in may cosby appeared atd t a preliminary hearing but his h alleged accuser andrea constand did not testify inestiy person. cosby's lawyers says shehe should have testified to allow them to cross-examine instead the judge relied ond previous statements. >> we are in the midst of --n o you know, they throw around aro the term heat wave quite a
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but i believe legitimately we're talking about anut official heat wave. wav i right sue. rht sue. >> heat and >> heat and steam wave ford sure laura. lau they're actually the the definition of what fits thet fit criteria for a heat wave andt we that is three days above 90 inb a row. today is number t and there will be a day fouray f an day five before we get a a break. brea today though honestly it feltt l a little better to me.o m did you notice that, too.t, t it's 89 degrees now and weees na have been as warm as 93 and as d we'll get the climate data climd here in about 10 minutes andut a see what the actual high forl hg the day was but it felt a a little better and potentially pt you felt that, too, because, we've had some cloud coverd around and that also has alsha tapped the atmosphere a little t bit so thunderstorms notnd looking very likely for usikelr tonight although maybe you'reaye rooting for one to get a to little cooling rainwater. rainw at any rate, we do know thereo n is plenty of moisture moist available in the atmospheretmph and we combine all thatllha moisture with the temperature to come up with this number,um which is the heat index and it feels like 95 today in the district.
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quantico feels like 99. a toasty 100 degrees in fredericksburg.ericks 96 for culpeper, 95 for 9 f leonardtown and 95 ind i annapolis. so, definitely uncomfortableomfb in terms of the humidity. hidit. there's some of that cloude's cover and then notice as wed thn look down to the south, moreth, of the cloud cover that we're tt seeing is all the way downown here toward the roanoke roa eastern a couple of showerscoups and thunderstorms, thator, appears to be going to pass to our south tonight.ight so, there is a little lit disturbance there but i thinkhet it's just a little too fartle south to affect us bututh to a certainly a little bit ofrtainlb cloud cover around is helpings l to keep those temperaturesratu from being too terriblyy uncomfortable today. we were actually 94 yesterday. e we do have a boundary to oury to north, a spotty storm can't be e ruled out of the forecast int or addition to that little bit ofit energy that we saw down toward w the roanoke area. we'll certainly keep it warmrt and humid overnight with only o the slight chance that we would see an isolated isote thunderstorm.un i will say this, though. tug there's a little better chancerc that we could see s thunderstorms tomorrow depending on the amount of cld
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if you're planning to be outtoe and about tonight, maybe, m you're going head to the pooltot for a dip before they close,lo 92 degrees at 7 o'clock, so'clo that should be motivating. shobe again watch the skies closely c but best chance of seeinge of s thunderstorms tonight lookser like to be well to the south of 9 o'clock temperatureemratu 88 degrees. isolated thunderstorm only. thum and by 11 o'clock, 84 degrees 8s and just one big heads up foror tomorrow. tomo yes, it's going to be anothere hot one tomorrow. tomorro in fact, should be the hottest day we've will this week. w again depending on the clouddi cover we have a complex ofave am storms that may be closer overnight that could spreadpr some debris clouds through again in the late morning andnig we have to watch the t atmosphere closely because bec with a frontal boundaryal getting a bit closer there is i the possibility, slight risk that we could have some stronger thunderstorms fridaynda afternoon and evening andrnand we'll watch that for youtch at f closely. the timing would be around 3:00 to 7:00.o 7:0 we have a little relief comingfm up in the weekend forecast. for. we'll talk about that and i will take you hour btay hour through that friday forecasty fr so you can see where the t thunderstorms are playing outrm on our futurecast.ut
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look at your forecast. seven day in a few. >> big changes for major league ball >> wendy's admitting credit cre card hack is far worse than t they first thought. how many customers they say could be affected by this and by hackers who stole credit and debit card information.ormai >> and steph curry's wifee aisha apologizing for a f comment she made on twitter.witt backlash she got online frome fm all of her husband's fans. >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> tobacco is once again a target for lawmakers here in f the district. this timeor leaders 22 stopders smokeless tobacco use attocco us
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sales of tobacco to peopleo peo under the age of 21.undee >> the current law allows people 18 or older to buy tobacco products.ts. fox5's matt ackland with thelanw story. >> reporter: let's first's talk about the smokeless about o tobacco ban.. some city officials believelsel that if young people are atre sporting events and they see their favorite player using smokeless tobacco theyvo may bey more likely than to use itt themselves so they want to cutao that out not only at sporting events throughout d.c., d professional sporting eventsve but also at high school sporting events. eve today council members yvettette alexander and mary cheh held a press conference before a hearing to discuss thein dis smokeless tobacco issue andue a raising the legal age to buy cigarettes and other tobacco from 18 to 21. 21. the council members tell usell there has been little resistance to the measures butce a lot of people have stepped t up to support them. t they say these two measures twom are to focus on keeping kidseepk from g
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product that they say causesy sc so many health problems.ems. >> smokeless tobacco is strongly associated withh playing sports and specifically baseball.eall. these athletes often serve as sr role models to our youth. our yu >> we know clearly that tobacco in either of its smoke organize nonsmoking, it'sg, i smokeless tobacco forms isor highly dangerous and highly i wish we had in front of us o some of the pictures of the cancers of the lips, its i tongue, the mouth, the throat tt and other cancers caused by b this smokeless tobacco.obac it's horrible.orri >> reporter: so, this washis w just the first public hearingc a on both matters. council member alexander saysxas she hasn't heard any resistance from her fellow fel colleague on the council. by the way, both measures haveuh been passed in other citiesit across the u.s. u.s in the district, matt ackland, fox5 local news.
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m.v.p. steph curry is i apologizing tonight after a aftr recent tweet that led to massive backlash on social o media. >> remember this one prettyr thn well. last month the mother of twoo tweeted the league was aftergu her husband's golden statete warriors lost to the clevelandld cavaliers in game six of the t nba finals.nbin she said they didn't mean to m offend anyone but despite all di that of response, curry says s she has no plans to leaveo l social media any time soon. in fact, she says "i'm proudm p of my family and proud of the p people around me and that'sd met why i share our lives on social media because they makeym me happy." >> hm. [cheers and applause]ppla >> so close but so far away. is that barry gibb? barry >> was it. >> that that was barry gibb.arrg serena williams advanced toadva the final today but venous but v came up short. sho she lost six-64
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kesher. zero reena women's and kerber kr will face each other. oth but the sisters play >> outrage in america.utrageam >> we continue to follow theinuw aftermath of two shooting thatng have set social media on fire. next we have a live panel toiveo weigh in on the hot topic andnd how social media is playing aiap role in the emotionallytion charged topic. top. there's the panel. stay with us. we'r e back after this. this.
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>> ♪>> >> this is fox5 local news at 5:00.5:00. >> a little more than 24 hoursos after alton sterling was shotgho and killed during a run in r i with police in louisiana,, another african-american has been fatally shot, this time t in minnesota after he and hisndh frankford were reportedlyeporte pulled over for a
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were reportedly if you wouldif y over for a traffic stop. t more than 100ra protestors inten the street outside the some s inminute governor's residence rn in saint paul earlier todaylay after a fatal police shooting in nearby falcon heights.n the demonstrators calling foror justice for 32-year-old fernar-r nan tow castillo after he was ar shot by police during a a traffic stop wednesday night. >> it's shocking. shockin you know, it's not something sei that occurs, you know, in thisni area often. and called the bca in here to investigate and to -- so we can learn what happened.t >> reporter:. >> castillo was in the carar with his girlfriend diamondend m reynolds and his daughter when h they pulled over.ey pled he was asked for license andensa registration and when he wentn e to grab it he informedor officers he had a firearm and a conceal and carry permit.ry pr that's when she says the officers shot her boyfriend four times and she grabbed herra phone to stream the incident.ncn people near the scene were shaken
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quickly. qu >> i was sitting in the car car when they got pulled over andr 30 seconds later probably lessbl than 30 seconds i heard gun heag i heard a police officer say put your hands and then he t started shooting.ot he shot like four times at the t young man and then i heard a hea lot of yelling.of yelling. it was kind of like shaky sha yelling from the policefr >> that video streamed ontrme facebook was viewed more than 1 million times before it wase t pulled from facebook. it was later then rereleased red on the social media web site s with a graphic warning. wni meanwhile the officer involved in the shooting has now been b placed on administrativtrat leave. community leaders in batony rouge are taking action inking response to the police p shooting there of the 37-year-old alton sterling. sten they have informed a group called together baton rouge, this morning they held a pressle conference demanding the justice department expand thepae scope of sterling'sg's sterling was shot and killedig s tuesday morning after a confrontation with two
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officers outside a conveniencevn store.ore. cell phone footage of the shooting has caused widespread r protests.otests >> we urge the justice department to conduct todu investigation beyond justus civil rights violation.iolaon because perhaps some other somet laws, both state and local l laws, were violated and theynd t need to be investigated as well. >> right now the u.s. justicetie department civil rights civ rig division is investigating thegat incident looking into whetherer the officers willfully violated sterling's civilte rights. af in the aftermath of those two shootings both involving african-american men socialn-erc media of course has been one beo fire. on our facebook page we've faceb received over 4,000oo comments from viewers posing questions qo and offering sentiments aboutsbo everything from how do we stopeo the violence to how do we talk t to our kids and why aren'thyre police told higher standardsta many weighed in on the d.c. firefighter suspended for aspeno social media post. there are also some of hughhu question the way we coverede cer the story.e tonight we bring thehe conver
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screen into our studio. four tui our panel includes paul wagner g who broke the story about the ae firefighter suspended, dr. jayrj sing a psychologist and guyt and lambert radio personality and news director at wpgc. i want to point this out.s o this came up today.ay we're talking about two aut tragedies. we don't want to let the firefighter discussion take adic higher peg than that but ithat think considering how much ofidr this is playingin out on sociall media, why respect people -- pe why do people react the way they do regardless of what thest story is on social media? >> well, i'll start by saying sy first of all 1.3 million mli viewers have seen this video,ido the video on your web site butut it's not necessarily what the wh firefighter what's at issue here is just hours after yet anotherer african-american male was shotem and killed at the hands of twoeo police officers the issuess became well whether or not w this guy actually had something bad to say. it was ael gth negative light sd on this gentleman and negativel light that a lot of folks saidoi why not focus on what theha t positive that's going on here. r why not say what can we do in wd order to make this not what nota happen again. happen
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issue >> jay we talked about this alka couple weeks ago, about, ou this -- our first inclination is to go to the keyboard andeybr sound off about >> absolutely, jim. this is a situation where we as human beings from a mentalen health perspective veryer natural are quite good at at separating things intohings into categories, good and bad,ri, god right and wrong and black and a white and in this casein t obviously we have individuals who hwe deem in our society as people are meant to protecto pro us. we have police officers, we have firefighters, tpohese are e individuals we really hold uphou as paradigms of what we shoulde be in our society and when we see individuals act counter tooo these expectation that is we is have oftentimes we react very emotionally in this case veryy negatively. >> paul you got the tip yesterday and you broke the story yesterday about thisauy i firefighter.ter. the immediate reaction from actf lot of people was isn't therehee a first amendment right but iigb think a lot of people don't understand these are twore different things here.ff >> i think there's more than 5,000 comments on there. i went threrough quite a lot off them and yes, a lot of that tha was this guy has the right to say this. however, this is why it's as
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this is a man who wears aho wrs uniform. he goes to help people.eo he's supposed to put out fires. fires. he's supposed to be an e he's supposed to give first givi aid to people.d to he works with police officersicr every day.ever he has the public's trustc'r so then to go on facebook and a rant like that and say thesese things allegedly inciting violence, raises questions queio about his demeanor and that's t' why it's a story. s >> if i could say this, we allul know thad t emotion supersedes s logic. obviously in the interview weviw saw he immediately said after he watched the video after he read what happened he hopped hod on facebook. he was emotion of course tisha lewis went and t interviewed him later on andhim we know he recanted a lot oflot things that he said.hat heai he apologized to a certain extent but at the same time hei was emotional.moonal he made a valid point sayingg how emotional we wereonal we wee following 9/11. 9 i'm sure all of us probably pbal said something or another onnoer facebook social media something we probably wish weroa could take back as well.ack as l >> when we showed
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interview that tisha did with the firefighter yesterday heter articulated his points verys ver clearly that as a father he'srh worried about the safety of his children out in theut in th public, he's worried about his h kids and he spoke very v eloquently about somethinget that sometimes you lose that in translation when you put something on facebook in the first place.firs >> yeah, very much so. with regard to tisha lewis, lew one last thing about that, on ao your facebook page she's getting a lot of flak for interviewing this gentleman saying how dare you do this, d you're an african-american woman, you're quote/unquote sellout, i even read that.ha i would argue she gave him the t platform to really recant, to apologize.e. particularly when she said whyai did you decide to become acio be first responder and he saidaid well i'm not going to answerot w that question.that questio we would all think that held became a first responder because he enjoys helping people probably more so thanba you and an i >> let me also add to that. when someone does something and becomes a story, we go to try and get their reaction. rea. >> right.>> >> that's what we do every day. day. >> that's our job. >> that's our job.>> we're trying get both sides ofh the s
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every day and we don't check't c people's race, as far as i know, in this business before bf we send reporters out to cover c stories. st >> because we're here based we'd upon our abilities, notties, because of who we are andnd that's -- that was very unfairnr for anybody to accuse tisha ofe anything less than being a a 100 percent unbiasednb journalist there. there. >> bottom line though thisugh gentleman has every right ton be upset.ha be ups as i stated earlier, time and ta time and time again african-american males are being killed at the hands of police officers, not sayingicery what he said is right in my opinion but at the end of theuta day it continues to happen andae he was just being vocal. >> when i'm driven by then i' numbers what i end up seeingp se is that it is the case thatase t more white americans are americe killed each year by policeh yeap than black americans however hov when we take a look at theooat t prevalence rates in terms of tef the proportion of americanson oi who are african-american malesnl versus white males we end uphitm seeing a dramaticra overrepresentation such that s it is up to six timeso six times depending on the state we're the looking at and of the 16 16 largest cities with thet largest police forces in thepo unitedta
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atseeing is that two-thirds of them have an issue with an overrepresentation of african-american males beingam killed as a result of firearmer related tragedies with police.ip >> you know, we talk a lot about the dialogue, setting upon a dialogue in the community cmu between police and between -- between people in the community.comm you know, when you have the ultimate dialogue at what w point does it stop or is thiss going to play out on sociital oi media forever. >> i want to seat presidentsint address this being an african-american maleca now i know he's the president of everybody.vebo >> it went back -- when whenhe he spoke out after trayvon trayn martin and he said he lookedd h like my son, the backlash theh t president saw about that was,saw you know, frankly it was --as you're speaking from the heart e you're right he's speaking on sn behalf of all americans he just happened to point outo poin trayvon martin would have beenrn his son. >> yeah, yeah. but continue i'm sorry. >> with regard to free speech as well you made a validnt poini paul that well, you know, we knw can really remember the story ts with regard to wendy bell. the anchor up in pittsburgh with whom you actually workedyo with. >> i'm very familiar with thaty si
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>> a murder story happened andpe there was a.m. report rep something about and i'm paraphrasing here but what didd the suspects looked and she posted on her facebook page wee already know what they lookyoo like, they're >> this was two months beforem an arrest was made in thise t case she immediately profiled pe which when you're a journalist they expect us paul as journalists if we use social media we have to hold what wehat stay on line to the same standards we would say on air and unfortunately that didn'tund happen in thisn' case. ce. >> the policy says he can't c say what he said talking about mr. brooks obviously heioly deserves to be reprimanded.rimad >> the policy was put into i effects simply for this reasonsr so that you don't go off andff say things that you might thenmt regret. that's why the policy was put w into effect to make sure that that people draw the line ande r you know where that line is.e >> you know, one thing that's ta lost a lot of times in a l of translation we talk aboutbo first amendment matters isrs that first amendment doesn't doe mean you can go on facebookn fao and say whatever you want first amendment m
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can't speak outgrowths the government without fear of reprise sal. if my -- it's my constitutional knowledge but i think that's one thing that's t' thrown out, first amendment, amt first amendment but there are -- sometimes you're y'r subjected to certainecte cer regulations that you'reons at yr otherwise not in other o enterprises. >> i'll say it one more time. enough is enoughit and iugh a understand why he said what he emotion supersedes logic.s l as you said in the green roomenr he should have waited 24 hoursds before posting that. >> it's true.tru we were talking about in theut green room a few moments ago mon was this idea that it's a veryse emotional situation, it's a situation where when we think wt about ourselves mentally m always as we said emotions supersedes logic.ed we need to make sure we wait particular physical we'rel we're civil servants before makingan any emotional claims.emiona >> let me ask you one more me thing. how do you talk to your kidsal about what's going on the lasthl couple days? first of all,of a viewing the videos on facebookno of the two men who were killeder the last two days, how do youow talk to your kids about interacting on subjects likectsl this on line.n line. >> don't have any kids but iavei
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when i child him today, today whenever i get pulled over by or police as an african-americanana male i keep my hands on theandst steering wheel i'm wait for the police officer to approachff me and i say sir i'm going g reach into my glove compartment and grab my license and so forth and sotmd o on. f we saw that happen last night.ig the gentleman said sir i'm going to reach for my i.d. and lo and behold from what weha heard thus far he was shot andht killed. what do i tell my nephew now? ow how do i want this? he did d everything right but yet he'se' dead. i don't have an answer for that. that. >> depends on the age of the child. at the end of the day childrent have different developmentalel stages and depending on how old your child is what grade they're in, et cetera, we need n to take this intoehi consideration in terms of then t conversations that we have ando the transparency that we end up using in these conversations. for example, this is the reason why we don't teacht teac algebra in third grade. there's certain cognitivenitive steps people end up having too take. ta but this is a situation whereuai if i have an
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a number of cousins in my family it's very important toort have a very simple straight forward conversation aboutco what happened and discuss dcuss proper protocol the best thingt we can do in t these situation i center city to setnterity expectations to be able to be respectful to those. over95 percent of the police the officers do follow the letterllt of the >> i'm glad we can have h discussion like this. in the meantime laura we'llnt send it back to you.t to >> thanks very much.>> t >> coming up redskins players py sharing their thoughts ontheir h social media in the wake of in those shootings by police.ol what they are saying straighttrt ahead. ah firefighting no longerfightn just for boys. how one local camp isal camp preparing girls for a hot career in fighting fires. plus, why some people areple calling microsoft's attempt to recruit interns prettyrns embarrassing. we'll be right back. right
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and it's really hard to just kind of put that all aside and sort of focus on having fun or playing, even. hey, playing is a lot of fun. ♪
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>> ♪ >> you know we just went from talking about the response on social media to what we have been seeing across thew ou count in the police killings of louisiana have prompted aompt strong reaction from redskinsedn players. >> chris baker says why can't cn we get arrested and still be alive. they just keep killing us ands not getting convicted. tight end niles paul says a lot about you if you're out're u here trying to defend this coward expletive after seeing those black men get executedge e on video like that. >> and safety said if we fight f back we die.back if we sit back we die. we we're out of options.t of optios they're putting us in coffin inc for sport.for s please help us. so obviously a conversation a cn continues on social media and it touches all aspects be be especially there.pecially there >> a lot of people have a lot hl to say about it.ut it's a safe place but a dangerous place to vent if you just vent without any filter. f. >> yeah.>> yeah. >> and we saw w
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with the firefighter. >> sure. >> and -- >> what i take from those tweets is a general fear ofgenef helplessness. they're athletes but they'reut citizens, too. >> absolutely. >> and that's the perceptionhe o route now. >> absolutely. abs >> there's a lot of raw>> emotion. >> oh, definitely. all right, we're going to wg switch gears right now andch g bring in -- we'll give you agi u look outside right now. n it has been a very warm daya vea out there, very humid onceumidnc we've seen this all week long, haven't we? >> yes, we have. h and i know i for one. o getting a little bit sick oftt t it. i don't know about you sue.ut y >> guess what, laura, you're you in the going to like what i have to say. we're in the middle of thedle of first heat wave.first at w we've got another one nextothern week, too.oo in between we'll take a littleli bit of a break.bit of a b what is ahead with your with y weather headlines.her headlines it's been a warm one today at least up to 93 and that and t climate data hasn't can come com in yet but this makes the mes third day in a row we've beenn at or above 90. above there will be a day four and ard day five before we get a break a few storms are possiblere p tonight.tonigh most of russ going to
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there are just one or twoe justo little cells that popped up.t po the best chance of seeing ahancn storm today is going to bem to south of d.c.f the heat and humidity areity are right back with us again on a o friday, surprise. but we will get a break from brf the heat by sunday, the suny, te humidity is going to drop, ther, temperatures are going to drop d a little bit as well. as it will still be a summer-like day but not as sultry as thes te past three days have been and d yes, the 90's are back with us u as early as the middle of nexte week and it may absecond heatonh wave. this is the first summer heat wave we've had.e've had tomorrow we're headed tod 95 degrees.95 so, it looks like tomorrow will be our warmest day of the t although we'll have to watch cloud cover. we had some clouds come inn today claw left over clouds clo and debris from thunderstormshur that were to our westur w overnight and that helped us us not get as brutal as we wereer yesterday. at least we think so. s saturday about 94 bottom line, we could stille d s have a few more clouds around a during the day tomorrow anday ta maybe that will prevent us us from having a lot ofa o thunderstorms but tomorrowto looks like our best chance of
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seeing a lib of thunderstormun activity. quantico 92.antico 92. dulles 88 and frederick '88.88 those are the aire arthe temperatures. factor in the humidity and youth come up with the heat indexeat and it feels like flavor in the district. feels like 99 in quantico,o, fredericksburg, winchester a little bittle bi cooler, feeling like 85 and martinsburg 88 degrees. 8 so it's going to8 be anothere o steamy night tonight but what bt about showers and storms. there's a little bit of energy right here spinning and it'sre mostly going to spin down too sw our south across central virginia and maybe over to thea eastern shore but you can alsoon see the cloud cover that weclou have locally and if you've got really sharp eyes you can see that one or two cells have popped up, not too far from charles county and stafford anda county so we get in a littlen a bit closer, most of us are us dry. you can see the radar spinningpn but just one or two littleo storms may pop up with ap w little bit of rain, a brief a b heavy downpour, this has justus moved across on its way soay s that's how we think things are a going to
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overnight hours.over not a lot of activity for us.t v that could change a bit tomorrow because on friday weda have a frontal boundary that will try to get a little bitget as it does association couldon it give us opportunity forivus storms around and maybeday stronger storms as well. we're outlooked for the slight risk of severe storms and the risk would be the possibility of some brief heavy rain but likely some gusty winds and asta little bit of hail with themh as well so that's what we'ret going to be watching for tomorrow but we're right back up to 95. relief, could you useouldou it? we've got some for you.or it's on the weekends forecastn k here on the seven day.e seven d sunday looks like a great day. d it will still be warm saturdayaa at 94. we think it will also feature fa just stray storm, that's ittraym but very nice on sunday. on sun it will feel like a great relief to you with that lowerer humidity. but look what's coming nextnext week.ek heat wave number two with onlymh one day off in went to thosento 90's. that will be sunday.un all right, that is yourhat is seven-day forecast but don'tcasb go anywhere. coulfox5 news at 5:00 will be right back. >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> first the news came out about a hack attack on wendy's n restaurants. now we're learning it is bigger than first thought n january the company wascompans investigating a possiblestigatio in may the company said onlynly about 300 restaurants weretauraw likely affte now wendy's says it's more mor like a thousand but no stores in the dmv were affected. >> they got ahold of cre dditofe card numbers and names andes some wendy's customers report rp their credit card numbers were used to buy things at other stores. you should check your creditld card can accounts for any fake purchases, any fraudulent activity. some teenaged girls in thena dmv are finding out what it'st i like to be a firefighter. they signed up for camp heat. f that's what it's called, the overnight camp kicked off activities today and it runs r through sunday at merrimac amerc university. the arlington c ounty firentfire department is sponsoring the isi camp for for g itir will teach them some of the basics in firefighting andfirefi emergency medical services. svie participants will get a chance c to do a
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they will visit and eat dinnerir with fire crews at one of theofe county fire stations. sti pretty cool. >> yeah. >> ♪ >> love that man. >> eric estrada one of tv's most famous cops is back on bk patrol as a real life policel officer.ofcer. the star of chips was sworn in s as the newest member of thehe saint anthony reserve force in idaho. he was sworn in back in 2009rnna as a deputy sheriff in bedfordno county virginia. vgini >> awesome. >> i kind of wish sarah wasas here.he. doesn't she have a picturet with erishc estrada.stra >> does she. >> i think she's met him atheeth some pointe. poi >> i don't know about that.ab t. we'll have to pull that upve tomorrow. i was a big fan of that show.fat >> i remember, too, yeah, as a kid. absolutely. thank you for being with us tonight. >> fox5 local news at 6:00 starts right after the break. >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> this is fox5 local news atnea 6:00. >> ♪ >> two days, two deadly policeoe shootings, both caught on camera. >> i wanted to put it onted toui facebook and go viral. >> the latest was streamed s live on facebook. >> i wanted the people too determine who was right andwas h who was wrong.s ro >> tonight people from coastig to coast are demandinght actiono and accountability. the news at 6:00 starts right now. >> ♪ nks r joininr joining us i'm shawn yancy. >> and i'm tony perkins. per in the aftermath of two deadly shootings, there is outrage inn america, both cases involve invl african-american men and bothnd have set social media on firee with many asking how to stop t the violence and others oth demanding that that violence vle stop. the latest case involved 32-year-old philando castile. ci he was in the car with hiscar wh girlfriend and daughter whenie he was pulled over.ndhe the w girlfriend says police p asked castile for his licenseice and registration and when hend n went to grabit
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officers that he had a firearm r an conceal and carry p what happened next is somewhatpt unclear but castile was shot and killed. his girlfriend live streamedli the entire incident. ien >> the police took four or five shots in him for no reason. they took his life for no reason. they did this to my daughter and they did it to me and i want justice and i want pay. >> more than 100 people0 pele gathered at the home of thee hof minnesota governor overnightotrn to protest the shooting. they stayed until early this eas morning. authorities say the incident is under investigation.estigati. of course this comes> of following growing outrage over t the shooting death of alton alt sterling in baton rouge.n baton a witness recorded video of vido that shooting. shoin the justice department hasas opened a federal civil rightss one of the officers claims he h saw sterling reach for hisng reh gun. a witness says sterling neverer reached for a weapon.pon. both officers involved have been put on


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