tv Fox 5 News 5 FOX July 22, 2016 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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hour jostle jot city hase shutdown all train j, bus and subway service while this manhunt for the shootersor t continues. this is the second attack in germany this week.eek. on monday you'll remember a teen attacked five people with an ax and a knife before police killed him. we'll continue to cover this. >> other big story the heat out here. high as live look outside righto no. it is summer time in the city. 93 degrees in the city so naturally, its hot outside as ws approach the weekend, we're looking at yet another heatt wave. gwen tolbert with what you nee d to know. you are absolutely right there's a song hot time summer in the city. there's no question about what'u happening here.g here its not the temperature as much as the humidity that's going to make the, the highs are going ti be in the '90s. once you factor in the humidity its going to female extreme oppressive
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in the atmosphere. store, we do not have a heat advisory issued by the nationall weather service at all. it has to be a criteria up to 105 for them to do that. i won't be surprised if that happens.ens. oppressive for the next threee days. plenty o f this is what you are going to need you are going to have to stay hydrated and stay safe. it is dangerous heat. i'm going to have the full forecast comings pup on what you can expect. also talking a chance of storms popping up here and there. i'll be back with a bit more in a bit back to you.. >> thank you. dc government promising coolingo centers asmi well as extended hours at pools and spray parks as is possible record setting heat way. city officials are encouraging e would l to stay endorse as ambulances are placed in servicc to deal with expected higher number of service.. paul
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where a number of museums had td close when the power went out what's the latest down there: >> reporter: one of the great things about coming too washington july you can enjoy all the lovely museums and air conditioned comfort except for today. there were a number of museums s that had to close because of a power outage down here its affected holocaust museum, hirshhorn, at this hour the power is still out and those museums remain closed. close that power outage came minutese after dc officials glance a news conference about the heat wave.. >> tourist we're disappointed when the power went out just afternoon. pepco confirmed outage knockedae out pour to a number of museums, federal buildings and at leastga one
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a spokesman was unable to say why. every where you looked visitorst were being the heat by wearing light clotheing and carryingd bottles of water. wate afternoon news conference city officials advising public this kind of heat can be deadly. very young and elderly should be aware. >> building makes sure we areake drinking plenty of water. doing this whether you are out or whether you are indoors. making sure you are hydrated is extremely important on days like this. we advice that you are not outside for long periods of time.time make sure you are in shaded areas. making sure that you are noteote sink that you are sweating. >> reporter: parks like this ont in southwest can be a are good way to temporary beat the heat.t all of them will be open later than usual over the next three days t go to heat dot dc got governor to find a leaf. at the same news conference the chief said additional ambulances will be working the street while
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temperatures sore.ure >> our goal was to make sure we had enough resources available. the plan was to have ambulances available, today, saturday, sun and monday, today we have four, additional ambulances available saturday, sunday and mondaynd there will be five they'rehey' already taken care of. >> reporter: one no no is attempting to cool off by a fire >> if i get a message please look out for your friends and neighbors and make sure that they are staying cool and c hydrated. if you know that you have somebody in your neighborhood that could be susceptible to the heat, check on them. e. >> normally on a friday i'd be ' wearing my tie but i lost that awhile ago. a and i've got my water, so this is what they are saying you got to do walk around with water all weekend long if you still have questions about where these wh cooling center are and othe
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to get cool go online, go on to heat.t >> i would have given i was break if you wanted to wear a pow low today. >> roll up your sleeves. >> had. >> reporter: this shirt is thin enough its not so bad i could use a polo shirt today. >> stay cool allot that. forllt people who work outside like paul this weather is brutal. firefighters are the ones who respond when there's heat related american. they need to be careful themselves. lindsay watts road along with w the firefighters to see how 23 o deal with th se heat. heat. hey, lindsay? >> reporter: hey law ran sayr: remarks this is one of those on days where you have to have extra a appreciation for firefighter, paul has long sleeves but these men and women have to wear heavy jackets. jac they have to put on hoods. all this equipment, 60 to 80 pounds. we road al
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firefighters to do to see exactly what there up against. the calls don't stop when the t weather heats up. for fire crews the hottest dayse can be busiest.. >> construction workers falling out people doing yard washing: on appeal who are inside when its scorch chinning outdoors. ot >> sometimes people are doing regular every day things indooro and dehydration will creep up on them t cause, you have h consecutive really hot days and dehydration is cumulative: being on the move with all these extra layers emergency crews are susceptible to. have you had guys that -- >> y that's why we call
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additional units, when its over a hundred degrees: this fireege ended up being a false alarm, extra units were on hand just in case. firefighters say more than 20ore minutes of heavy work is too much in these conditions. >> you kind of adjust to it. i you get use to it. it we make sure we drink enough,, we'll sweat just standing here.h >> if we don't take care of don ourselves we can't't take care f everyone else. >> reporter: firefighters sayigt high drawing with water isg really key. w i think most people know that alcohol in heat don't mix well, its easy to forget that caffeint works against you inh this kinds of weather, works to actually dehydrate you. so you may want to stay away from tea tea, soda, energy drinks. lindsay watts fox 5 local news.. >> metro is in the middle of a big legal
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controversial firing of senior metro engineer. he was terminated last year weeks after the deadly l'enfanty plaza smoke incident.ncid one of the largest unions representing that metro worker o is fighting to get him back on the job. alexandria limon joins us withs that store. >> reporter: he was fireded because investigators said he falsified inspection reports then lied about it. the union is actually notot disdisputing that but they sayay he should have been suspended not fired. fir according to their lawsuit a a third party mediator agreed states, was fired for falsifying work rods and making untruthfull statements following the deadlyd incident last year at the l'enfant plaza metro station which you know resulted in the t death of carroll glover.f c after he was filed he filed a a griefian a local mediator
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decided he should be suspended white-out pay rather than beingg fired. he should be reinstated to hisis job. metro is not giving hail his job back. the lawsuit states that thehat agencies blatantly ignoring the legally binding arbitration.on. in a statement a local union spokesperson said in part, quote, metro attempted and failed to make mr. hale scapegoat of the la plant plazaa incident when they fired they have acknowledged that mr. hale was not responsible fos the deatpoh and the injuries tht occurred and that is a fact. meanwhile metro's general manage paul wiedefeld had a short but direct statement quote we strongly disagree with the a arbitration award given. the employees act we intend to file a motion in district court arbitration award. now, this is not only time an engineer or train operator has been fired over a safety violation.
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makes metro riders feel safe?l s >> not at all we know people are prone to area what the concern is you fire one person who or what are you replacing themhem with, if you are not replacing them with qualified personnel it ben us in no kind of way. i'm not impressed by any of the firing. >> i think the employee is notes totally the blame. there should be some s accountability and the agency'sa part. feel like employee has the right to take whatever action they deem necessary if they feel like its offense that needs to be warned i agree. >> reporter: met tone the unionm cannot comment onet camera becaa of the pending litigation.ig the union did add in their opinion no single employeemplo should have to bear the brunt of a system wide sail failure. alexandria limon fox 5 local news. >> all right. want tta
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breaking news this is happening in prince william counter cat hair pen road, want to give you the the address in gainsville prince william county, once ice get the closer address i will give that to you, gainsville in prince william county, what we t understand right now, is that we have the fire mostly out as you can see. this as two story home. we have reports of handle elderly victim in the garage. gr we are working to get reports confirmed that they may have the victim. i don't have the condition ofon that vick but you can see firefighter onn the scene there continuing toint put out the hot spots. they called in additional units here because this is happeningae in a rural area. you can see a lot of space sapae round that home, they wanted to make sure, especially with the t dry conditions we're w experiencing today that
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didn't have many percent goingnp on to the grass anding thosehos other buildings and otherg a structures around that home.e. but, again this is hamming onis cat harpen road in prince william count. cou fire units headed to that scene 3:40 this afternoon. its taken them some time to get this fire under control. two story home there. the and you can see, it's pretty much been lost because of this i fire. so, we'll continue to stay on top of this. ladder truck there. self units there. again, they brought in more units not a second alarm firem but they brought in more units because this is happening in a rural area. a car there. you can see on the scene totaled because of this fire. fir this was going for some time. this start fire started procedure had 40 its now 5:15. they are still trying to get ata the hot spots out. but it i looks like they have
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under control now. again, the condition of the victim we don't know. as soon as we find out he we'll bring you more information.on. >> all right.>> straight up ahead we have shocking new video out this morning. showing violent arrest o had off a black school teacher. >> oh, my god.od. >> put your hands behind your back. put your hand behind your back. its not h not just the arrest its what an officer told the t woman as she sat handcuffed. 82 john a teacher turned policer officers the story behind oned mans career change from the c classroom to the street. ivanka trump nailed her rnc look with the win in hair play. find out who designed her dress that cost under 150 dollars, i love hearing will hearing that. >> i definitely noticed the hair
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when i first learned. >> he says he just learned ofust the incident earlier this week. da's office asked him to open investigation to decide if criminal charges could be fileds against th ce officer. chief also started multiple >> put your hands behind your back. he says it went off the chain oo command and wants to know why it didn't reach his level. >> that's i want to figure out. >> i can give you a really good idea -- >> that officer is not the onlyy one being investigated in this incident. [ inaudible ]
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>> video is rolling when king was being transported to jail. >> thought process and the statements made by our officer that was having what appears from just looking at it having a normal conversation, its okay to that voice conversation. >> he taken a back by statementt made. >> no business in society, definitely has no business. >> king never filed a complaint something he says he wishes shee would have done. >> it's just egregious to meus t that this is going on and that,, i wish too that she had filed f the complaint earlier. but i think there's fear to do o that. >> that she would not receive ecei the
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it was out of her control and nothing would happen, perhaps now with this video coming to light as we've seen all these other incidents cure might not be the last we see. >> maureen told her own story, and i think hopefully more m people will speak up. up. but this is just, it has to t stop. it has to stop. thankful you will the chief is listening. >> right. >> meanwhile a somber day in louisiana is had as friends anda family said final good guys toys one of the three officer killedr last sunday. the funeral service for gerald f the 41 year old was shot andt a killed during an ambush. gerald was a former marine and black hawk crew chief in the us army. three tours in i rock and only been with the police departmente one year. he leaves behind a wife and two daughters.ers. coming up a former klu klux klan leader
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office. >> why its sparking aity o of controversy. isis and issue we're faced withw every day secretary of state john kerry is calling more dangerous to terrorism. what he says you can do in the fight. >> baltimore accidentally hosts its own running of the bulls. we'll explain what's happening here here next.
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warner to check it out for us. >> reporter: bull run played out almost comically. here on the ground of the west baltimore apartment community. we watched baltimore police working with employees of thees meet company that owns the animals, kept trying to coral cl the two bulls back into the trailer unsuccessfully for self hours. its happened before. >> yes its happened before. h >> reporter: police and the people who live here at pennn square at a distance for safetyt many of them documenting theing friday morning drama. cars and trucks positioned to block the main driveway to keep the bulls from escaping into the city. >> last one took off down north avenue as i was going o work ang bull was running up as i wass waiting for a traffic light. so, now they are in my backyard. >> reporter: they escaped from their trailer early this morninh on the way to this slaughterhi house directly across pennsylvania avenue. >> now its
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walking back and forth in the complex to the stour.lex every now and then t you get a d stench smell from that slaughteg house of these animals being slaughtered. it's just ridiculous. >> your not really blaming themm foreseeing a green light and take hadding off. >> no everybody wants to live. >> reporter: their brush with freedom ended getting cornered in a narrow strip of grass. executives with old line custom meet company refusing to comment about what happened.appe their employees using power of persuasion and a smack in thein head following the bulls backheb into their trailer. the whole episode ending without anybody getting hurt. >> i'm glad its over. its been a long three, fourr hours with these things on the o propertied. but it was amazing experience te see it all happen. >> reporter: you never got out of your nightgown. >> not at all i was woken up top this. >> reporter: story ending with the
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the grinder. bob barner fox 5 local news. >> okay. bob barner. my gosh.osh. and i know they said nobody gott injured. basically yes, the cows. c >> can't they get a presidentiai pardon. >> not knew. >> the company that owns those bulls declined our request for information about what happened today so there you go. settling the score the t choice words donald trump has for rival ted cruz we're on stand by for hillary clinton toi name her running mate. is this sign offensive an owner of a restaurant doesn't think so, the impact it is having on business. >> its long been a part of lumber jack james teaching people at fairfax count how to h log roll, they are
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>> republican nationalep conventions over. donald trump speech including trump himself and president obama. hillary clinton is getting ready for her time. joining me now to talk about this is bill he's executivee director and ceo of the miller center at uva thanks for beingks with us. i know its been busy for you. >> it's been a pleasure to beasr with you. >> let's start with trump's t speech not only was this the
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longest acceptance speech at an hour and 15 minutes, it was also full of reference to law and order. what were your talk aways.s. >> well, i was really struck by how much it was departure for presidential acceptance speech by republicans going back to reagan it really was a throw back to president nicks son when he rant, essentially had focused presidents that had unified conventions with a very optimistic message toward the center and the trump's play book were you a little bit different, a darker scenario i think that was pretty consistent in the reactionss not just from the media, but for many republicans that weren't part of the trump coalition that was quite strike l. >> made reference to lgbq. >> there were a
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over things that on the progressive side like lgbt issues as well as his daughter speech toward women. there are other cross overs c which are not particularly seen as optimistic progressive new democrats back lash against, clinton was the globalization president as republicans beforei him and sense. trump walked away from somethint that democratic party tried to embrace over the last 25 years. >> you did talk about trump being and o the darker side. president obama apparently wasn't a fan of the speech for s that reason rejecting the talk violence, he talked about that today. let's play a sound bite from today didn't i'll have youn't respond on the other side of that. do we have that sound bite? >> the one thing that i think is important to
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idea that america is somehow on the verge of collapse, this vision of violence and chaosos every where doesn't really jive with the experience of most people. >> does it matter what's m president has to say at this .? >> well, i think it sets thehe tone for what hillary clintont will try to do next week. actually probably start this weekend with naming of her vies presidential candidate want shea tries to do at her own convention. what wasco strikeing to me whate president obama said was consistent with what republicans were saying what i heard from people saying in chief l which c is for the old republican party, there was an attempt to
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more optimistic america. one of them referred to it as a, 17th century british philosophep who saw the word as nasty short. that donald trump's vision of america. that has not been the optimistic view of what america is that ronald reagan, both george bushs portrayed during their presidencies. neither did romney or mccain. i think hillary clinton, how he talked about more optimistic m vision thator appeals to, in particular, working class white americans and white americannd men. if they adopt the trump view ofp the world as a dark scary place, then she may have a hard timerd pulling them over to her side. >> did it surprise you that shet haven't come out with her vp pick yet.
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>> yeah, i think we were all a sort of expecting ed had it day. these things involve number of different things including get the actual person lined up with you, having surveillance gatsur ready to talk about itve. abo the trump team was quite unorthodox in how they announcen their vp selection. there was similar jots link, iir think people expected a fairly could be deem tack tack.a >> what does she have to do too make an impact. >> i think she has demographicss on her side. if you look at the difference between richard nixon andix hillary clintono, the fact that nixon ran a trump style campaign, men turned out moreute than women. things changed a lot more.o american electorate is 72% white. and white women turn out more than white men. numbers showing hillary
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minorities very much in favor of her she starts in a good place with white women. she is really struggling with w white man dramatically struggling. i think the factor that there t three finalist appear to be be white man, tom, senator cane and jim, former nato commander veryy important, she clearly needs to demonstrate to white men thathat she can both be a stable secure personality and govern in a secure way, but also that the world is not quite as bad as trump made it out to be. by continuing the obama governance that she's going togt continue to move the down a forward direction. >> we'll see if she comes out ou with her vp pick later day we'lw have that on fox 5. 5 thanks very much. appreciate it.t. >> thanks, laura. >> new ton
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nice france are pushing back. city received a letter from f french anti terrorism agency saying images. july 4th attack should be destroyed. officials say the request is motivated by the, images could be used, thehe disputes come as frenchch government faces growing criticism over security messages the night of the attack.ttac it could she had more light on where and how police were deployed.ploy >> might not get as much public attention, kerry says climate change could be more dangerous than the threat from the islamic state. he made those comments during an international climate change conference today. he explained that addressing climate change could literally save light on his climate. the goal to say adopt an and appointment that pumped carbon dioxide into the at month month ag
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>> business is booming black olives matter.r. took a drastic turn when it wasi on facebook it went viely rail v within an hour the restaurant was flooded with negative comments. paisan nos says their phones t rapinging off thhee hook. h the restaurant is known for post ing witty signs to drum up business. >> what if you are a green oral five fan? >> any olive matters. all olives matter. oli >> sad day in the nfl. great coach passed away todayy after cardiac nfl community lost
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bright test offenses mines, dennis green passed away from complications of cardiac arrest at 67 year old. head coin the nfl for 133 seasons. had his best year with vikings w in 1998. they went 15 and one. he should be recommend for thath great team. he will likely be recommend for a post game tie raid where he uttered they are who we thought they were. >> what is your favorite olympic event. >> gymnastics.>> g i love seeing what,. >> i go back to nadia. >> i love gymnastics too, i lovo the competition of it. i'm a big track and field fan, only 14 days away from the olympics, and rugby and golf those are are the two new sports. soon, they might have to make way
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this log rolling. >> a new one we're scratching our head for. >> log rolling. >> there are 10 different water game sports in olympics. only knop contenders looking too join olympic party. p hoping to jump in the pool, and log rolling.olli yes log rolling. >> you put a log in the pool and you run on top of it, you try to stay up for as long as you can.c >> log rolling has been a past time of oologies since 18 hundreds. even for a man log before lumber jack games were featured of thef wild word
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>> fast action for >> the way they use the logs were to put them tin the river and move them down the river, r you had to run across the logs. >> now fairfax county parks department added log rolling so anyone can get down. d this sport isn't just for flannel wearing bearded men. >> actually, i only met women log rollers.oller >> in they're not just women olivia has been log rolling since eight years old she knowso the key to winning a rolling match.tch. >> balance, if you look at your feet. >> i'm standing.tand >> isn't just about staying on top of your log. >> you can do that by
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water into their face. changing the way that the log spins. and just distract them. usually some heck link that goes on. >> hoping for an olympic invitation in time of the 2020 games in tokyo. even white-out, the sport has at least one youngster hoping one day she can be log rolling. >> i would love to be in olympics, it would be so fun. >> okay. it takes a lot of core strength. its very a robe bibbing. if anyone out there would like to try out they have classes at the mount vernon rec center sin alexandria they're doing an event from 5:30 on through the night. get your roll on. >> i
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i think a lot of people woulde sign up for that. >> coming up photographer free photo shoots one photographer any way for kids with specialpec needs and their families. fam this as great story. stick around for this. >> facebook tries snapchat endsp up being a fail. fail dress to impress ivanka trump stealing the show in her dress 1 38 bucks. telling this weekend, that', going to be challenge to stay cool we have swelteding heat s i'llwe let you know how hot its going following and when it will cool down. back to you. ♪
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us may know she's expected to announce her vies presidential running mate today. perhaps she will during this speaking event we don't know its speculation due to the attack in germany perhaps she might wait i bit on that. we're not sure of the timeline. again, hillary clinton, there speaking in cam spa florida go is expected to have a joint appearance tomorrow with whoever may be her vp pick so we'll stay on top of it. >> meanwhile we are just weeks away from the start of the school here.ere school system is implementing policies. deonte car row way was charged with child porn involving 23 victims. >> we spoke with school board president about some of thebout changes that are taking place st thisak school
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enhance students safety so that we have sanderly more, into ourth, second is that we significantly enhanced our commitment to an understanding u of training, training of volunteers, training of staff, s straining of anyone who comes in regular contact with children about both how to understand u signs of potential abuse.. and what our expectations are both legal and procedural arouno any reporting of cases of ca behavior. >> policies, recommended r sweeping changes to how the t school system deals with hiring and screening volunteers and hoh it deals with preventing sexual abuse. in
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helping people beat the heat. they were handing out ice creams and smiles on this hot hot day.d look at that. out there with the community. c it helps to get out there and talk to all the residents as well, a good bonding moment. >> community pleaseing. it is hot. and we need some ice cream righe about now i went out and boughtb a couple boxes of hospitalf circles hopefully they won't melt. gwen how hot are we getting. g the humidity is going to be a major factor the heat in dc is really going to be the big factor.fact it is what its going to feel like when you fact in temperature and humidity we're talking triple digits. ice cream sounds good wish i had some its going to melt wic quickly in this weather. w talking chance of a stray stormy s we had a few to southwest of s the just watching that can't rule it out. out that's the same
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next couple of days of the hot and humid to the entire weekend. sweltedly heat, dangerous heat d to be honest. h can't rule out pop up storms. s and we'll talk about that. ver little relief once we get into next week. so, we've got pretty good threet day run of where we're going tog be into the real thick of all this hot weather. today's high into the '90s, low to mid '90s all three air a portion. right now take a look at where we stand, 93 degrees in nations capital this our, 94 at bottle more. 81 annapolis. 83 at fred drink 90 at finder at culpeper and into degrees at moisture in the atmosphere. when you factor in the heat, air kem air temperature, you end up getting high numbers. right now humidity values are into the upper 60s and low 70s. here's what it actually feels like outside feels like 101 1 degrees in
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we haven't had heat advisories.a the criteria heat index value has to be from 105 to 110. so, as we take a look at the west, little bit of activity in toes of stormings.f we do have code average for aire quality. going to be muggy. air is going to be very very uncomfortable for anybody with breatheing or respiratorytor reissues.. hazy, hot humid, strong richich building in. talking definite physical heat y in dc rise to the south at 105 plus. then will probably get warmer once we get into monday. monday looks like most oppressive day. da can't rule out chance of a popa up storm as we head through andr go through entire weekend intoo monday. make sure you stay very hydrated. light colorado clotheing. check on friends and neighbors. whatever you d please do notlea leave pets or children in
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for any length of time. its just tolane us for that. 7t degrees for tonight. chance offer a stray stormtray s popping up. u for tomorrow, very high 988 degrees. here's a look at your fox 5 accuweather 7-day forecast.d take a look at this. t three days of temperatures flirting with 100 degree mark. m heat in dc going to be pretty oppressive. back after the break. stay with us .
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>> we are following breaking foi news here right off the t at of this hour a manhunt is under way in munich jeremy for three gunman. responsible for deadly shooting outside of mcdonald outside ou popular mall. one victim is dead. one victim may be budget shooters. called in anti terror wrist force. city's train, bus and subway systems are closed. while police try to find people responsible. oi
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