tv Fox 5 News 5 FOX August 16, 2016 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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out there are really this is going to effect parts of fauquier, loudon until about 5:15. they have heavy rain with them and lightening. we're thinking about football practice starting up and anybodd who might be at the pool, watchh out the lightning. we had 179 strikes in the middle bug just in the last three minutes. here's some of the communitiesom we'll have to much what. somebody was asking me a few minutes ago if percentville is going to hit, lees burg at 56789. 25, more than done.25, if they continues to hold together reston and mclean may be looking at it 5:30, 5:35. it does include d.c. and pointsd to the north and east. that also means fairfax, you're in it. prince george's county, anne arrundel. it doesn't clue frederick. they had strong storm a few minutes
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dropped the temperature 15-degrees. we will have to much what the potential. right now we're keeping a close eye on the storm in the middle burger and that's the only warn storm we have at the moment but we will certainly pass along any others we g. it continues to be another heat advise try day. we think there could not be another heat advisory tomorrow, but another round of thunderstorms. in the district, police chief cathy lanier announcing her retirement today after 26 years2 on the force and nearly tenarly years as top cop. lanier is now taking hertaki expertise to the envelope wheree she will be senior vice-president of security. fox5's paul wagner life at police headquarters tonight with more on what the chief had to say about moving on. paul, did you expect this todayi >>reporter: to be honest withth you,, not today, per se, but in speaking with officers over the last several weeks and seeing her and how she was engaged with orallers and
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seemed to me and others that it looked like the chief was about to wind down career in washington, d.c., a career where she has been loved by the community. her poll numbers frequently above 70 percent.ov she was known for showing up at crime scenes at all hours of the night, going to community meetings and seen hugging mothers and fathers who had lost sonses and daughters to gun violence. but the chief today saying she's hanging in her badge and hanging up her handcuffs.ndcu today at a news conference at 300 indiana known as police headquarters the mayor stoodor next to the chief and had some very nice things to say and praised her efforts over ther last ten years. here's some of what the mayor te had to say. during the chief's tenure,villee event crime has dropped 23 percent. the chief made an immediatediat impact on violent crime in themi district by working to queensrk partnersin in the criminal juste system that through coordinated and immediate action we could
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in the district and that work will continue. i am very proud of the force that kathy has lead and a lot of people have worked together to build. cathy lanier took this job whenh she was just 39 years old under former mayor aidrien fenty and under fenty she tried to reducec gun violence by setting up road blocks.bloc it was very controversial and iv was over turn by a court order. she also began what was called all hands on deck in which all the officers worked on the weekend. the community loved it, but the police officers not so much, especially the police union. though they didn't like it aty all.di i asked the chief today what was her biggest challenge in the last 10 years here's what shet had to say.y. it's ionic that you answer thatt question, paul wagner. my biggest challenge has been
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the press. (laughter). i had to do it, paul. sorry. the biggest challenge has really been making sure that the people that we understand that we do care what we do. we're police officers so to come to work and do the tough job that cops do out there on the street every day and also communicate to the people thatat we do care and we are passionate and we do have feelings for the people that we serve, it's a tough balance, because you have to be tough in this job and while officers are out doing their job, at the same time be able to convey those feelings. it's very difficult, especially when sometimes when the moments are the tennest. i think we've done a great job and our community trusts us. in recent years the chief had a big fight with the union over a new she won. and they were infuriated the officers then votedno
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the chief has also vigorously fought gun violence in the city and has been a huge supporter or gun control, but when the supreme court brought in some in new laws to the city the chief had to allow the gun ownership in the city that she didn't necessarily want to so.aril the homicide steadily went downn during chief's tenure, but rising in the last year.t i asked the chief what her legacy would be. here's what she had to say. the image of our police department has changed some inin the last ten years in that we are engaged in our community. there are lots of people in our community who you can ask whowho are the beat officers and they know their names and what shift off they have so they are engaged. i think the most legacy, theregy are other things, but the most important legacy is that we have a community that supports us and that support helps us to prevent crime, close cases and even bring
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cases because people will talkl to us and give us the information we need even proactively and help us prevent crimes. as many of you the chief hasie seen a retirement bubble inn recent years. the police force has shrunk.unk. she's been in fight with the union. the union calling her management style toxic. the chief has overseen top notch training for her officers theree have been very few controversial uses of force during her tenure. she has also ushered in a new era of accountability with body cameras.came we'll have more coming up with chief's new job with the nfl and what she believes she can bringn to that job. > paul, quickly she has about t month left at that job until september 17. that ill with be her last day.y. the mayor saying that she's going to name a interim here in the next couple of days, anya rumblings anybody whoys is on tt short list. >>reporter: more than likelykey she's
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who is on the command staff. probably somebody who has been on the staff as long as she has or even longer. it's just speculation at thisatt point. she also said that she feels that she may promote from withiw for the permanent job and that she's encouraging from outside the department foray ply forth the job. she said she's not going to get a head hunting firm to p come in and help her find a new chief. e all right, paul wagner reporting life for us. thank you so much. big news meanwhile the work of d.c. police continues and they arey now looking into the action of one of their own officers caught on camera holding a woman offan her feet and against his police crewser. the woman is scene seen in the viral video she's speaking first to fox5. here's. >>reporter: the video was shot monday afternoon at a bus stop near the howard theater inater northwest. that's a d.c. police officeroffi
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pinning her against his crewser. he asked the woman her age.e. she may look young, but says she's the officer accuses of prostituting herself, an accusation she denies. the offer drops the woman to the ground and lets her go. that was you? >> that's me.t's i never knew that that was being recorded. we spoke to the woman across the street from where this happened outside a cvs pharmacy at seventh and t streets in shaw.a. she asked us not to use her name or put her face on camera. she says when the police pulledl up she was arguing with a man who was disrespecting another woman. so i guess they took that as a threat and pushed me up on the car, which was harassment but they never arrested me. they never told me i was under arrest or anything. no citation or nothing. i had no run ins with themem whatsoever so it was harassment. i
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name they wouldn't give me no names or no nothing.o so i left. i never knew that this was being recorded. >> he shouldn't have picked herd up first of all,s that wean. we showed the video clip too people in the neighborhood much it's kind of shocking that he would do that without questioning her first. it looks not knowing anything else aboutt the circumstances it's hard to say, but i mean it looks harsh. he shouldn't have done that. i wouldn't have liked it myselfl and i'm sure he wouldn't have wu liked it if it was the opposite way. > d.c. police say they're. po trying to learn more about what happened and would not say anything beyond that. they've tweeted to the woman who shot the video telling mack and cheeks we've contacted their commanding officer and willng continue to investigat oe the matter. it had like 5,000 retweets so a lot of people have seen this and the police say they are investigating. god is good. that's the only thing i can say. god is good.god in
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fox5 local news. > we reached out to the police union officials say there what the officer did in this case lifting the woman off her feet is not form l alan not taught at the academy. they also say though it's not's department policy when possible officers of the same sex should pat down a person who is placedc under arrest.est. the case still under investigation. > tonight, fairfax countyfa police are investigating a deadly deputy involved shoot agent a inova fairfax hospital. this happened around 10:00 last night. police say they received 9 # 1 1 calls about a suspicion man at a bus stop outside the hospital. the man was patient who had recently been release. the deputy who responded to the scene was a man with a sign post.po that's when he opened fire. the man later died at the hospital. we do have video evidence of this event and at this time the video is evidence. it's a crucial piece of evidencc that we need to conduct our investigations. i will not
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video as long as it's evidence. the deputy who fired the fatalal shots is now on routineutin administrative leave pending an investigation. we'll have more on this coming up. developing tonight, customers around the dmv are havinging trouble with cell service. it's even impacting 911. they are telling sprint customers if they couldn't get through to text 911 instead. other areas without 911 1 # texting are telling people to call from a land nine or a cellphone covered by another ano provider. in a statement sprint says the coverage was caused by power outages provided by a manhour. > recovering crews were backck work in the heat rather at theat flower branch apartments in silver springs. they continue to search for any more victims in the rubble. seven people were reported missing and six bodies have nowe
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also today maryland senator been carter toured with residents at the site.te. jennifer davis is life silver springs with more on that. >>reporter: it's been nearly ae week since this building rightin behind me exploded and there's still so much axis going on. a number of groups are trying tg collect food to furniture and find permanent housing for those who used to call this building home. if you look at the debris that recovery workers are still shifting through you won't be surprised to say that a number of people are coming forward saying that they need counseling because they and their children can't fall asleep. i can't fall asleep.ep i keep having anxious thoughts x in the back ever my head. 15 year old christie can dura came to the long branchanch community center looking for help.
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that exploded into a fire ball around midnight wednesday nighta we were looking for medicalmedi help. most of us we cannot sleep.ep. we cannot do regular things. we simply can't go throughoutouh our day without thinking of that trammic experience that we all had that night. can dura was not this man brought his whole family to the community center for help, as well because they are so fearful. they are thinking, we are thinking that it is going to get exploded again. > the anxiety is understandablt to anyone that has seen the pile of rubble that was home to many residents. senator been cart got a firsthand look.k. this is bad. > the senator toured the explosion site after meeting with the 56 residents stilltill staying at the community center's temporary shelter.shel one had a disabled child andild they need a facility that can
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another person talked about allt their possessions are gone, cane they get back in and try to t find their possessions? anothee person mentioned, well, how w about getting the key to my cary so i can move my car. car continue vowed the immigrant residents in the community to help their legal documents andce they reiterated they don't needn to fear getting help. > come forward. this is not a matter of immigration status. it is not a mare of whether you are a us citizen. it is not a matter who is in your family. this is a matter of getting you housing, healthcare and your immediate needs taken care > a lot of people have told usd that even with this incredible heat they feel more comfortable being outside than inside thesee buildings right now because they're so concerned about the natural gas situation. washington gas has said it asdid issued testing the they say it is good of the. the company also said they hadey do
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possibility of any natural gas leaks and they said it has not found any.y. > jennifer davis, fox5 news. > still to come here at 5, a major human trafficking sting. police say it's happening at hotels around the beltway. details coming up. a sex scandal forced the mayor to resign. wikileaks taking on the nsa next. what julienne are sang isne a threatening to release about the agency. hey, sue. we have a new warning to tell our friends about, montgomery, o county warned until 5:30.30. the same storm we saw in loudonn county has gotten bigger.gger it's moving at 30 miles an hour and it can likely have somee strong wind gusts maybe as high as 60 miles an hour. seek shelterer from that one. that's in effect until 5:post office 30. fox5 local news at 5, we'll be right back.
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they are charged with usingharg threats and beatings to force women in prostitution at dozens of hotels throughout our area.a. tonight three people have beenav indicted by a grand jury on human trafficking charges. officials say the victims wereer lured in by internet ads for modeling. but were forced to sell themselves for sex. tom fitzgerald joins us. >>reporter: according to these court documents, marina and sarah this h all got
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2013, but the investigation began in 2015 after prince george's count01y police made an arrest. here's what they did.. they started looking into thehe online advertisements of a thatt called itself ping pleasure interest entertainment. what ping pleasure entertainmenr was according to these documente was a front for an alleged prostitution women who answered the modeling ads were then forced into a life of prostitution. p we want you to take a look at something.some these are the pictures of thef three people that were charged in this indictment.dict they're on the left. are she had most bi, tara perry and joshua jones. they are now all in custody. the indictments allege between 2013 and 2015, most bi, perry, jones all took out hundreds of ads on the internet on a site called back the adsfo
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claim that it was a modeling ani escort agency, but the court documents say its was much more than that. these documents discovered soon after the, a new jersey woman and a north carolina juvenile were all trafficked to and from hotel from prince george'sm pr county, baltimore and d.c. region. these victims were allegedly forced into these sexual oh counters through corrosion, entertainment, even physical violence, the women were thenen forced to turn over money from the sexual encounters over to the three defendants.fend listen to what they are chargedd with. all three, they're all three charged with one count of conspiracy of human trafficking, human trafficking of a minor. there's an allegation here of one count of prostitution and receiving the earnings of a prostitute. these are serious charges and there is no small jail termm attached to all of this if they are
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they could face up to 50 years, nearly half a century behindhind bars. we're life tonight, tom fitzgerald, fox5 local news. > fox5 in fairfax county now where the city council isunci expected to set a date for a special election to pick a new mayor. the former mayor scott wrist done stepped down earlier thisr month after being ared in an undercover sting for trading meth for sex. still ahead at 5, controversy over restaurant slowing than a. black olive matter sparking a heated debate about whether it's offensive or a clever marketingt trick. plus, wikileaks now taking on the nsa. what julian assang is threatening to release about the agency. also officer gets information. this video i
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it's up next. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. and right now you can get 100 meg internet with equal upload and dowloads speeds,
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the local police officer showedo he's getting to get his formation. lieutenant deonte digs willig probably land a job as a backup dancer for beyonce if he wanted to. he showed off his skills in take a look at this. okay. clearly i hadn't seen this yet. of course the crowd loved it and he's pretty much a close match to beyonce with thatat choreographer i.r i. >> all he needs is a wig. it makes it funnier because he is in his
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if he was in regular streett clothes -- p if you want to see lieutenant digs life he's going to join the morning show and teach a few moves to the morning show folks. they need help i've seen some of them dance in the morning. hopefully he can help them out. i don't know if there's any helping. > still to come here at fox5. new poll numbers from the battle ground state of virginia. why hillary clinton is pulling campaign ads from some states. wikileaks is set to release one of the state's big secrets. we'll be right back. .
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> well polls don't guaranty tn' an outcome of an election. they give an idea of how voters are feeling at a certain momentc in time.time a new poll put hillary clinton at a significant lead over donald trump in the raise forise the white house. vern contact clear i is heres with a look at the numbers andhn what it means for the raise. >>reporter: a recent washingtoc post poll had asked thisske question of registered voters in virginia. if the presidential election were being held today and the candidates were hillary clinton hillary clinton and donald trump as the republican who would you vote for. >> the results show hillaryre clinton got 52 and that is a 14 point reached it shrinks to just an 8 point lead when they asked about likely voters. but 8 points is still significant. i reached out to clifford young, the lead polster to get a better understanding how
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points is for a so he explained at this time ins the raise, we're talking aboutai after the conventions have occurred, 8 points is very unusual. he further explained the importance of winning virginia in this raise.aise v is a very, very important swing state. it's important for a winning candidate to capture three if not four of the swing dates. not capping touring virginia which is a lean state, that changes over time especiallyme with the metro counties increasing more liberal, but no taking virginia makes it very difficult for him looking forward. likely because of the success that clinton is seeing in polls like that washington post poll here in virginia it's been reported that a major clinton super pack has already suspended tv advertising in virginia until september. it's also going to sus tv advertising in colorado ando pennsylvania until september ast well. now, taking all this it's
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interesting to see that trump just tweeted out this.his. it says it's just a two pointwo raise with clinton at 38 percent and trump at 36 percent. that's trump two points behind clinton much that's what he tweeted. we'll keep an eye on the raiseai for you. back to you ladies. > all right. rig the father of a fallen surgery is reuniting his freud with he's calling trump to take a citizen test suggesting he would not pass. the dispute tibiad after the speech. so far trump has not responded to canadas latest challenge to take a citizen test. how tough is the test. we're challenging d.c. questions tonight on our new political show 5@6:30.@6:3 tune in and see if you couldou pass tonight right here at fox5. tonight a major blow to president obama's major hell care.
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aetna has announced it will pull funds from obamacare. it will cut 70 percent. that means instead of selling individual policies in 15 states they will only target four states, including virginia. aetna says i was actually losing money in many of the otherther markets. the move will not only reduce choices, but it could also drivo up prices. wikileaks says it may have in its possession a group. the group announced over the ove weekend it wants to auction off the stolen data. wikileaks says it also obtained the code and will release it fot free at a time yet to be determined.ed. new tonight, new york city willl pay more than $4 million tolion settle a lawsuit over the deathe of a man who was fatally shot by police the wrongful death lawsuit was filed by the family
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old aqueue girl i. he was shot and killed byan officer peter lang in the stairwell of a brooklyn housing the officer who was startled by girl i accidentally fired his gun. the bullet ricocheted and hited girl i in the chest. he was found guilty off manslaughter earlier this year. it's been relatively calm in milwaukee after a police pol shooting sparked protests in the city. officers made ten ares last night and mr. was no destructioa of property. the proteas erupted after aaf black police officer shotet and killed an armed black man onan o sunday thend victim's sister speaking t saying her brother sillville smith and the officer knew eachn other and smith wasn't threatening him. if wthe don't have answers we don't find them. and we're going to find them our way. we're noting whying to find them your way no more.o er woo ' not going to compromise no more. smith's sister is promising the protests will continue.onti the wisconsin justice department is investigating the
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no word yet on when the police department will release the body camera footage from the day of the shooting. developing tonight, a restauran in new mexico is getting backlash for the new slogan its using. it reads black olives matter. the phrase was spotted on a sign outside inial burke ', the location is also selling shirtsl and hats with black olives on them. he immediately got complaintsgot from people saying the slogan is sensitive and trifle lies theif black logan movement. he says he only wanted to sell food. when most people do when thingsn like this occur they get all fired up. karly says i always figured as a business owner it always remained as neutral as this as possible. the aim would be, you would think to aim at
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population. we live right around the corner and might have enjoyed the food. now we'll be sure to avoid it. how disappointing. > food for thought. literally. moving into recovery, louisiana starting to clean up fromrom devastating flooding, buts of ons warn the worse may not benot over yet.yet. a possible solution foror inpatient drivers. dr new technology to tell youou exactly when the traffic light will turn green.reen first, a new honor for one of d.c.'s restaurants, one april teeth put fast saint o as one of the best in the country.ount it opened last fall. it also gave its restaurant of the year award. we do have a couple of storms out there mainly north of d.c. one in which a severe thunderstorm warning just jus expired. however, p if you are in parts of montgomery county you may you have seen the strong storms. that and our heat wave iss fi
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> we are following developingfl news in the world of politics, a long time conservative has been silenced tonight. john mclaughlin host of the syndicate mclaughlin group died at his home in virginia this morning. he was 89 years old.9 he hosted a show for d.c. for 34 years. he was instrumental in changing the format of political talk shows from land of fairs and more heated
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again, john mclaughlin deadmcla tonight at the age of 89. three on the block left and bl there is one of them. tonight residents are assessing the damage after a devastating wild fire out west. fire crews are starting to gainr ground on the so-called clayton fire in northern california. it's already burned more than 4,000 acres and destroyed more s than 100 the fire is now about 20 percent contained. yesterday authorities arrested s man suspected of starting a fire. effaces 17 counts of arson. in louisiana, the death toll now stands at 8 from the historic flooding. the governor says 40,000 homes are effected by the floodingfloo that hit the southern part off the state. edwards says first responders have rescued 20,000 people.eopl about two feet of rain well within a 48 hour period that caused rivers and streams to overflow their banks. authorities warn that the threat of flooding is not over.
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> we should feel lucky that we're just dealing with a few thunderstorms here. some people are saying they're suffering worse damages than hurricane katrina.ane we are in the height ofof hurricane season so they'reo still on alert there. but it has been a very quiet hurricane season so far. we are seeing some thunderstorms out here again.gai > again. >> yes, again. nearly an active of a night. we're all in blue with this bles background. >> i know. we're predicting the rain. it cooled off last night.igh it was welcomed. it really you're so right. when i left late last night after the second round of rain came through probably you ladies as well. we it felt amazing. ama the temperatures were only in the 70s.0s. if you get right outside after a thunderstorm it feels great.s a life look outside right now you see some nice little kuala lumpur lose over the city noty storms here. in can pennsylvania, the only strong storms that weave he '
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seen are pretty far north of washington. heat wave is winding downown finally because today was the 12th day of the month that wee saw temperatures at 90 or aboveb 97 out at reagan. that was the daytime high thishs afternoon. 96 at dulles, 94 at bwi. sat, sunday and monday also temperatures at 100 plus. we're at least on our way down d and we'll keep going downward over the next couple of days. storm tractor radar showing an area of thunderstorms moving from loudon and montgomerymery county.. some more thunderstorm warning crossing baltimore into pennsylvania.ia this one looks to be moving pretty quickly. i was recently driving through this area through sugar loafoaf mountain it is gorgeous part ofs montgomery county.mont if you are in these communitiese you want to stay covered for probably the next 25 minutes ort so although this is weakening
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severe thunderstorm warning earlier there is still some very severe thunderstorms warning analyte thing. demass cuss 55, list been, 6:10 and then heading on towards west friendship that would be if the cell holds together forth nextef 30 minutes or so. so that's really all we have out ha here in our area.he there is a severe thunderstorm watch from washington through baltimore up until 11:00 p.m.1:0 tonight. if i had to guess this will probably be expired before 11:00 p.m. because we have notot seen any storms develop thisevel afternoon. it looks like all the energy iss further northeast. tomorrow may look pete a different story. heat advisory still in effect until 8:00 p.m. tonight. we still have the very who the index values all afternoon. here's where we stand right now 96 d.c., 86 gaithersburg, raing,
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80 in martinsburg, but those heatsb index values still surpassing the triple digit mark in many spots. 101 in baltimore.alti it staffeldt feels like 110 in featerville. i noticed these storms trackingt north andor east of washingtonai mainly north and east off baltimore i would bet. by 11:00 p.m. all quiet. even though we had several rounds of showers andnd thunderstorms last night ito suspect we're going to be prettt quiet tonight, but then watchhen wednesday afternoon.we you start to see some green pope up on the map and actually i think it will be a little bit stronger than the way it looksos on futurecast now. we have a chance of seeingof storms more like this all the way up through baltimore. basically our whole area could see some storms tomorrow and tomorrow > 77 in washington, that's your overnight local. upper 60s to low 70s. tomorrow's high temperat
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had 97 today, but only 92 tomorrow only and then mid up toker 80s north and west showinw at least some cooler dryer air coming true. the next couple days look pretty promising, 92 to your knowledge 9 on thursday. much less humidity on thursday. that actually will feel pretty comfortable. seven day forecast it's still warp, make mow mistake. 9 # on # sat with a slight chance of thunderstorms. even though we should have a fairly quiet weekend despite the chance of a shower or a thunderstorm, a front will come through next week and this will change things for us, i believee what about that 8 # on tuesday.d from tuesday onward it looks like we're really turning a page on this good news for those who are sics of the heat and humidity. > that's a look the seven day forecast. today marked day 11 of the olympics games in rio and a chance for another of local residents to realize olympic dreams. ru
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unfortunately the 20 year old russell lost the split decision in the lightfooter weightight division. am believe he won the secondon round, but two of the threethre judges scored the round for his opponent.. mayweather who was in attendance believe he was robbed. he later said he felt like he robbed my family. biles bounced back from yesterday.y. she scored 15.966 to win easy. teammate alley raise man won the silver, the first one to finisho in the event for the americans.r biles is the first us gymnast to ever win more gold medals. a bolt more restaurant will turn out a new flavor to honor phelps, 23 gold medals. the limited e
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chocolate chip and pancake flared. the shop plans to make 30-gallons. i i.e. ate pancakes a lot for breakfast. > yesterday's final of the woman's 400-meter should it be legal to dive to win a raise.aie that's exactly what happenedhapp when american allison felix wass denied a gold medal when shawn miller drove across the line beating felix by 7 one hunts of a record. the rule states that diving att the finish line is completely legal if it is determined byd which athlete has any part of her torso cross the line first. whatever it takes. >> i had no idea.idea i would not have guessed thathat that was legal.ega do or when i saw that picture. when it's for gold, you do what you need to. > still to come here at 5, a5, solution for those back too school jitters. positivity in the form of post-it notes. a group of high l schoolersscho pulled off the heart warming
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surprise. justin bieber has had enough of instagram. he's completely calling it quitc and the internet, no, they're not sorry. >> near the am i. > first, google giving appleppe face time some competition. they launched their own video chat app. all you need is a phone number to equal google says duo is a more simple way to video chat with friends. the app is available for android and apple products. we'll be right back. ck.
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hotel and casino.sino the place hosted legendary performers. it was also known as a mob joinn and the back drop for several movies, including the original ocean 11 1 # 1. inpatient drivers, audi wants to help. it is adding a stop to its carss and lets you know how muchh longer you have to it won't be available in all cities and comes with a monthly subscription rate. > getting help can be as easy as a i am s many swab. try replacing one sweat and drink wa day with a glass of water has benefits. swap out reduces obesity risks and improves overall counts r ov counts. starting the school year right.. students at an arizona high school will welcome back with
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post-its. members of the senior class gots up extra early on leave a heart warming message on all the lockers they were filled with advice like reach for the sky. justin bieber community center c probably could use a littletl positivity right now after an instagram with his fans annex see lien a gomez. he deleted his account. he wanted to make his accountout private when fans reacted to photos he posted with model richie. justin deactivated. that's your fox5 on the fly. > oh, the believers.h, they'll never go away. > still to come here at 5. the real difference between doing people and cat people. we're always at war it seems like. facebook's new study on the
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topic nextp[. fios is not cable. we're wired differently, which means we can fix things fferently. thanks for calling fios. this is ryan. you can't tell me this cord isn't in. i know it's in. it's in, but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that going to let me see what you're seeing. really? yes, mr. mcenroe... see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out?
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> facebook has discovered nowh the differences between catce peoples and doing people. besides the obvious petvi preferenceou. here's the deal. social media sites says cat owners tend to have fewer friends on facebook. but they are invited to more events. facebook says if that approves the single old cat lady stereo type is wrong. > thank god. >> do you feel included.lude not in that one.. > cat lovers are only slightly more likely than dog people toel be single no matter their age or gender. facebook also found when it comes to entertainment cat people prefer sigh phi, fantasya and horror while dog people lean more towards romance,
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that's silly. i love all of the above. > how hard can it be. thank you facebook for letting us know more ours. > thanks for joining us tonight at 5. fox5 local news at 6 startsrts right now. this is fox5 local news at 6. and we begin tonight at 6 with a severe thunderstorm watch in effect now until 11:00 p.m. the watch includes the district and suburbs north of here. let's get right to sue palka.ka. she's in the weather center in the littest. hi there tony and shawn.wn. we've been watching radar closely and in the last hour we've seen things greatly diminished. so at the moment there would be no thunderstorm warnings in your area except for northeasternnort maryland. but what we are seeing is a diminishing storm moving across montgomery county and right now we're starting to think that the severe thunderstorm watch willll come down a bit earlier. this was warned when it was in
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loudon and pushing towardpu montgomery county but it's really fallen apart quickly as it approaches 270 moving east at about 30 miles an hour. not much lightning with it. not much evidence of big winds.. we're still seeing there is a about it of potential. it looks like d.c. got droppedcg out of its severe thunderstorm watch. the potential may be more northe and east of it. it looks like prince george'skep county got dropped out. we think as the night goes on go and the potential starts to diminish that parts of this area will also get dropped, too.oppe that is a new and improved forecast. we certainly haven't quite ditched the heat, though and we do remain under a heat advisoryo until 8:00.:0 we've got up to 97-degrees-deg it's certainly very humid out there right now but the good news is we may be able to start seeing the end of this heat wave as early as tomorrow. we're still going to be on the warm side, but it doesn't look like upper 90s are going to be on the f
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