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tv   Fox 5 News 5  FOX  August 22, 2016 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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tv screen. disstirkttive collegeing is colors to the jacket and second thing is the picture to the right is a backpack connected to the jacket. >> police believe there was also a second suspect who acted as getaway driver. there is currently a $50,000 reward for any information that leads to an arrest. if you know anything give police a call. meanwhile police in prince george county are serving for the men that shot and killed a rising music star over the weekend. >> douglass brooks was also known as swipey and was just 18 years old. tonight we're learning more about his death and who police are saying is responsible. "fox5" lindsay watts is live at police headquarters with more on that story. lindsay. >> sarah, laura, investigators here are saying this young man was ambushed early yesterday morning. there was a party going on at the apartment complex where they lived and he stepped outside with his girlfriend and that's when police say two groups of men
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and there may have been four to five begunmen. as police try to track down the suspects, we talked to swipey's mother today. she's mourning for her son along with so many all around the dmv who knew and loved him for his music. >> he graduated cum lade graduated from high school at 16. he took all his money to make songs and do his stuff. from christmas money to allowance to everything. he's a good boy. he didn't want to hurt nobody. >> you don't love me no more♪ hi to kick in the door♪ >> he was really on the verge of being the next hot outside of d.c.. labels calling. it's like it's sad. >> all he did was go to school and do his mu
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>>♪ it really hit home for me. it was hard to dot story this morning. you're talking about a guy that kim up the ranks through wpgc, then went on to prom patrol. how cool is that going to proms to do parties♪ and then birthday barbie really saw this guy would be a star. >> i'm doing a big show for the kids on september 3 where he was one of the head liners and he's no longer with us and i had this conversation with him last week. it's crazy. i still can't believe it. >> miss you swipey. i love him. >> reporter: and there has been speculation on social media and from those close to swipey that his girlfriend may have had something to do with this police here addressed that today saying they have interviewed that young woman twice and at this point have no reason
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involved. live in prince george county, lindsay watts, "fox5 local news". happening right now in the district, friends and family have gathered to say good-bye to christopher berry a public viewing is held until 6 p.m. tonight at the temple of the 2 200 block southern avenue southeast a public funeral service will follow after the viewing and one of barry's friends who attended paint aid mural in his honor. >> i know him from being you know a big guy with a big smile you know? and big plans with a big heart for the city. and so i just hope that this brings a little positivety to the situation. >> the son of former d.c. mayor marion barry died from a drug overdose. >> fairfax country circuit court approved a request for the special election to choose a new mayor. it will take place february 7 next year and earlier this month the city council appointed steven somber t
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the next election is held. scott silverthorn resigned after arresting for trading sex for drugs. >> thousands of excons are closer to going from a jail cell to voting booth and virginia is key battle ground state in the presidential election and governor mc auliff promised to restore voting wrights of 15 fell don'ts in the commonwealth. >> what's the concern here? >> reporter: sarah, laura, well, republicans, they have been suspicious about all of this since the governor first tried this back in april. back then, he tried to automatically restore the voting right of 206,000 former convicts. so, they sued. they won. and that recalled the democrats back to the drawing board. today we got a look at the drawing board and here's what
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the governor will do now on a case-by-case basis. he's going to review all the exconvicts and see whether or not they deserve to have voting rights very stored. now, here's the problem from the republican standpoint of all this. this allows the democratic governor to put nearly 13,000 new voters on the roll by election day. why is the governor doing this. we'll let him explain to you. listen to this. >> these individuals are gainfully employed. they send their children and grandchildren to our schools. she shop in our grossy stores and pay taxes. and i am not content to condemn them for eternity as inferior second class citizens. >> reporter: all right. well, republicans they are crying foul about all this. they say what mcauliff, close personal friend of hillary clinton is doing is simply padding voter
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voters that are excons serving sentences and have voting right restored by democratic governor as virginia is shaping up to be the big battle ground in the presidential race between hillary clinton and donald trump. now the republicans speaker and virginia house of delegates. tonight is out with a sharply worded statement blalingting governor's move. speaker william howard of stafford said the first time he tried this he made numerous mistakes and led to it all being tlop but by the courts. speaker tonight says some former convicts deserve to have rights restored and he warns this restores the lives of criminals and habitual offenders and commonwealth worst sexual offenders. what are virginiaians saying about all this. we asked them. give it a listen to how they react. >> is that a legitimate concer concern? >> that's a good question. i believe so. >> well i think
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their time they have a right to vote. agree with with the governor. >> i am suspicious. >> if they serve their time then they serve their time and they should be able to vote. >> even if murdered. >> yeah. >> even if raped. >> yeah. >> so, you can see a mixed view on this one and remember the first time the governor tried this he was thrown out in court. and tonight, speaker house says republicans are reviewing what the governor announced today and see it's retained to the letter of the law. "fox5 local news", tom fitzgerald. >> it's an interesting subject. >> certainly is. >> is there precedent on this in any other state. has any other state done this? >> there are 40 other states that have done this however, virginia's law is very specifi specific. the governor was not allowed to do this arbitrary across the board. that's why it got thrown out the first time on case-by-case basis
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republicans are keeping a close eye on this. >> they're not finished with it for sure that issue. thank you, tom. >> d.c. fire and ems welcomed students back to klal with free school supplies. they received pencils and composition books and coming up 5:30 jennifer davis will have more on the first day of school in the district including details about the city's first all male public high school. >> all right. taking it outside now. there was a tinge of fall in the air this morning. >> i know. >> i don't know if you felt it but di. >> sad at 58 degrees we're talking about a tinge of fall let's be honest. there were leaves that were falling out. i saw that and it was chilly. slightly chilly. >> i completely agree and to help you put it in perspective laura and sarra today is the first day we have not beenp an r and over 90 since august 9. >> really is. >> there say little breeze out here and we had a few fair weather clouds coming on
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through. it feels fan tag tastic i want to bought it will up and not go anywhere and get pay back or scorching days we had to endure this month. it feels great and boy you thought there was a touch of fall this morning wait until tomorrow morning to feel that as well and humidity nice and low. what we get we started with a look at weatherhead line. this is perfect august weather and yes, we're going to keep it around in tomorrow and much of this week. let's check temperatures, though, that is our beautiful, big story now and 5 we believe is the high for the day. about 5:30 or so we get off hour reports and see if we got warmer than that. look at gamersburg 79. cumberland 79. culpeper 2. fredericksburg 84 and leonardtown 79. how wonderful does that feel. part of the reason it feels great check out the numbers. dew point numbers which have been up and over 80 several times this month in the move august with all of this tropical humidity but when dew points are in the 50s that is super comfortable. let me give
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are between 50 and 55. that is pleasant. and most of the month we've been in oppressive range with dew points up and over 70. so where do we go forward from tonight. gorgeous sunset expected and if you get a great picture like this one please send it to us "fox5" at sunset temperature should be right around 78 degrees and our sun goes down at 7:52. i'm stood see that when i come out and starting to get twilight 8:00 that photo is from kate zaun and we thank you for sending that us to. if you get a good photo share it. we would love to see it. an idea for overnight team turz on the windows, cool compared to where we were this month. there is upper 50s in places like frederick, hagerstown, martinsburg and winchester and d.c. overnight temp 67. and so, enjoy. it we'll talk about how much longer we can drag this beautiful weather out with your 7 day forecast coming up later. sarah, laura, back to you. >> surks thanks. up ahead
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showing possible pay to pay for clinton foundation. hey veronica. >> haw, laura, sarah, one watchdog group says they have state department documents paid to play between the clinton found daition and secretary clinton when she was serving after the break. sarah. >> don't pin it on me. colin powell is setting record straight on involvement in hillary clinton's email scandal and his response to her claim straight ahead. >> and mill ania trump's controversial convention speech making headlines tonight this time for the amount she may have to pay to have to written for her. we'll have that coming up. >> and if you have a story or idea call the tip line 202-89 202-895-3000 or email tips to "fox5" tips
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>> never at a loss for words. donald trump has reignited his feud with morning joe after co-host and joe scar borough mocked the speech in fred rikdzburg. gop nominee tweeted the show was unwatchable and described ro sdi nsky as off the wall and neurotic and promised to tell the real story of
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relationship between two cohoingts and scar borough responded telling trump isp he should focus on the general election. >> great idea. >> new development in hillary clinton email scandal while attending an event in new york former secretary of state colin powell told "people" magazine he believes democratic nominee is trying to pin the scandal on him. his comments come after "new york times" report revealed clinton alleged powell told her to use personal email account in 2009 he has no recollection of the conversation in question and his office later released a statement that he sent clinton a memo describing his use of personal email for only unclassified messages and how it greatly improved communications within the state department. and more developments involving email at the clinton foundation and missing emails from hillary clinton's time at secretary of state. "fox5" political reporter veronica cleary is live at district court in northwest with more. hey, veronica
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>> hey, laura, sarah, according to the web site, judicial watch, they call themselves a conservative non partisan educational foundation. now, they go on to explain that they use access to public record as well as freedom of information act to hold politicians and public figures accountable. well today they released 725 state department documents that they feel show the clinton foundation giving special access to hillary clinton when she was secretary of state to major donors. i spoke with tom fit yn en he is president of judicial watch to further explain what the findings are. >> we have these new clinton foundation documents showing more pay-to-play between foundation and clinton state department. we had crown prince of our reign to committed 32,000 from the clinton
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through clinton foundation as opposed to state department. >> and the clinton foundation -- clinton campaign spokesperson responded in part by saying no matter how this group tries to miss characterize documents the fact remains that hillary clinton never took action as setting of state because of donations to the clinton foundation. now, separately, donald trump released a press release today where he called for immediate shut down of the clinton foundation and called it the most corrupt enterprise in political history and if you're interested to see the full statements from both donald trump and clinton campaign you can find them on my veronica cleary facebook page. in other news related to secretary clinton theres with a hearing here at u.s. district court for district of columbia today regarding judicial watch again regarding a foil lawsuit that they have filed to seek emails that were uncovered by the fbi during its investig
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her use of that private email server that we heard so much b and now the judge ordered expedited status hearing for september 22 in response to that request. here is tom fiten again. >> we've waited too long as it is to get the material and state department has a political interest in slow rolling the new emails and they don't want them to come out for the election any more than mrs. clinton. heck mrs. clinton deleted them who knows what's in. it fbi has this material and justice department and it's about time the american people get access to it. >> reporter: keep in mind adds fiten said in the statement, fbi director james comb he had access to the emails that this watch group is trying to obtain when fbi made decision not taken to diet secretary clinton. reporting live in northwest i'm veronica cleary with "fox5 local news". >> meredith mcgyver the woman that helped
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speech given my melania trump was paid nearly 4,000 dollars. she took backlash to the similarities to michelle obam obama's at the dny. she resigned and gop reject today saying people make mistakes. >> two dozen overdoses in four hours, heroin epidemic causing havoc in one small city and what officials are saying about the deadly batch of drugs. >> new details about the death of pop icon prince and what investigators say was inside a miss labeled pill bottle foun founded in the paisley park home. >> 2016 olympics in brazil braz may have wrachd up but the cleanup has just begun. >> and ut putting your money where your mouth is. what rap
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u.s. medalist with an olympic gold grill. we'll be right back. pass
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pass >> stuping numbers being reported out of huntington west virginia last week 27 people overdosed on heroin during a four hour period. all of the incidents happened within a mile and a half of each other, too, one person died and victims ranged between ages of 20 and 50. >> officials believe those overdoses are from the same batch of heroin and the drug may have been laced with something extremely strong. huntington is located in cabel county where 440 overdose have been reported just this year alone. >> wow. >> and new report released today of the amer
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of pediatrics recommends medication assisted treatment for young people addicted to opiates and it combines medication with counselling and behavioral therapy question research shows it is known to be effective in the battle against addiction. between 91 and 2012 the rate of opiates used without a precipitation doubled between the ages of 12 to 25. >> startling. >> meanwhile new developments of the death of music legend prince. investigators say pills found in his home labeled hydrocodone actually contained the powerful opiate sentinel. many of the pills were found inside aspirin and vitamin bottles tucked in a suitcase and duffle bags and dressing room. autopsy results showed he died of fent nal overdose and he did not have a precipitation forfeit knoll. they are investigating ow he obtained those drugs. >> we have an update on the
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investigation of the death of 13 balanced eagles on the eastern shore found last month. >> u.s. fish and wild life says the birds did not die of natural causes and were possibly poisoned. dead birds were found in federalburg maryland and sussex count yes, i delaware. >> earlier today u.s. fish and wild life service issued a statement that says in part although we conducted a very thorough investigation into the maryland eagle poisons we're planning to close the case due to lack of evidence linking anyone to the crime. in delaware our investigation is ongoing and we cannot provide additional information at this time. and a 25,000 reward is offered for information that leads to an arrest in the eagle's death. >> that's awful who would do that. >> some people in this world do i not get it. >> 2016 olympics in brazil may have wrapped up but the cleanup just begun. >> crews in rio have their work cut out for them indeed tidy ing up. workers started
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trash at the stadium overnight and working very early this morning and concern returns to rio's problems of 34r50ugs and waterways from sewage and trash from the six million living there. >> wow what a mess. >> meanwhile dozens of u.s. olympic athletes that won medals at the games are receiving more gold. >> they have a chance to smin more. >> on their teeth thanks to rapper pass equal and johnny day they created a gold grill for everyone who won the upper piece is 18 car at gold and has the olympics logo echd in the front and olympic bad boy ryan lochte who wore grills at the london games snapped a photo with damage it's an instagram post. damage said good luck for this year homey sorry for the robbery. >> oh, boy. >> hopefully you didn't lose the grills i made for you. lo
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not sure what they would say now since it was written before lochte's robbery story unrave unraveled. >> yikes. >> take that one back. >> and speaking of ryan lochte, i mean the guy just keeps -- it just keeps digging deeper and deeper his luck seems to have run out apparently. >> two big sponsors dropping the star swimmer followed rio robbery debaulkle. hey, jim. >> we'll go to jim in a little bit. gymnastics medalist gabby douglass is getting into the pageant industry. we'll have that story ahead. >> and going back to school looks different than some kids in the district today and the only school of its kind opened its doors and not without a lot of controversy. what are your thoughts of an all male school in the district. >> first we're following breaking news out of fairfax country right now where officers were involved in chase this afternoon. you're looking at live picture right now from sky fox.
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spotted suspicious car and when they tried to pull it over the driver sped off. the chase ended route 50 near interstate 66 and a man is now in custody and we're told a child and a pregnant woman were in the car and the child was not hurt and that woman is currently being checked out. we'll continue to follow this breaking story for you when we
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>> "fox5" is in prince george county at a warehouse fire at a commercial building that houses come bust i believe materials on kenilworth avenue and the fire did not reach interior of the build and most of the fire is out and crews dousing hot spots. no one was hurt airport cause of the fire under investigation. >> and a clinic in silver spring is closed for n
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a car cawbd into it. take a look here at the aftermath. the front of mary center on flower avenue was boarded up after a mini van crashed through the front door and this happened around 4:00 yesterday afternoon fortunately it was closed at the time and no one was hurt. fraishts that location can be seen at the clinic in prince george county until the building reopened. >> and not what morning commuters expected today a metro bus crashed 10:00 this morning it hit a parked car and eight people were injured and minor injuries there. they're expected to be okay. and the bus and parked car are damaged. metro is investigating. no word yet ft. bus driver will be disciplined. >> staying in the district, school bells are ringing one once again in the city and today was the first day of class for students at 104 d.c. schools. >> and for the second year in a row the school system opened new buildings to meet the demapped of growing enrollment and one in particular, ron brown college preparatory high school is getting a lot of attention and "fox5" jennifer
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>> i think it will be a good experience. >> it's start of a new chapter for d.c. schools as inaugural class of 2020 starts their first day at ron brown college preparatory high school. the new and only all male public school in d.c. >> i feel like there's a lot of promise in there and if we just try to unlock that promise we can. >> 110 students started this first day with handshakes from the new principal. photos with family and a little help when needed with new uniforms and calming nerves. >> all morning he didn't want me to touch him and didn't want me to take any pictures. and he's like, when i get there drop me off. when he saw all the people at the front door he was like, ma, you can walk me to the door. please walk me, in with me. >> the school will serve just fresh men and add a grait grade until it serves 9 tlur 12 and students promised a rigorous academic program focusen owe character terks curiosity and
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>> i want to go to college and do stuff good in life. maybe even be able to make money and be able to look back and say i came from here. >> some parents say they're the nervous ones not wanting their students to be an sxirment. >> it's with great apprehension that i bring my one and only child to this project is it oak took a lot. we don't have a product yet we have a vision and we know what we want this to look like and these parents have gone above and beyond to trust them. and we -- >> and. >> 8:45 class was in session. here the lesson is algebra and working together while mayor and chancellorel celebrated opening outside. >> we are. >> all in. >> the city faced questions whether there is not a school for young women in the city and they believe there's an urgent need for this type school for young men. both through student achievement and graduation rates and they are not opposed to this idea of similar school
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point it's not in the work. northeast, jennifer davis, "fox5 local news". >> such an interesting concept on so many levels and i think it's so needed in the district. i don't think this would fly in another community like montgomery county i think people would be up in arms about they're not being that opportunity for young women for girls to have their own -- to have a girls school. >> perhaps they will eventuall eventually. you know, maybe they were thinking this is what we need to focus on maybe and this is a time where we see need among young men in the district and young boys and maybe eventually that would you know happen to the girls. >> but i believe there are charter schools just for boys in the district that worked and been very, very successful and i went to all girls school and i loved that without any distractions i think it's really wonderful for that same sex group to have that experience. >> yes. >> and i don't know, i am -- i'm all. >> all
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>> all for. it we'll see how it goes. that's for sure. >> new tonight a bear sighting in stafford county is causing concern for parents whose kids will be walking to school soo soonch the bear has been spotted environmental times over the past couple months in vista woods subdivision and the area is within a mile of five schools and three almosty schools and many sightings happened in broad daylight, to too, like this one. if you happen to spot a bear in your neighborhood ovrlz say it's best to keep your stance and call animal control. >> we're hear about bears a lot. >> in texas a federal judge is temporarily blocked president obama transgender bathroom poll sit president's order requires public schools to let transgender students use the bathroom that matches gender identity the judge says he ruled against the move because the federal government failed to seek public's opinion before issuing order and federal government is expected to appeal because the judge says his order applies in additionwide. >> and a former member of the
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back to college. darryl green has been hired as associate athletic director and special assistant to theage kletic trokt to and 56-year-old hall of famer will see a familiar face for the first day on the job and the university director is brad edwards that played along green for four seasons. >> go darryl green that's awesome. >> good for him. >> redskins staying local. >> life after redskins. >> all right, so we are obviously in a preseason. i'm curious ballpark food when you go to a redskins game what is your favorite food what do you luke to eats at the ballpark. >> nats park has the best food. >> i would say. >> is there a food subset you like here i'm asking? >> all beef hot dogs. >> grilled chicken. >> like only hot dogs. >> grilled chicken? >> and how about crab meat. >> yes. >> i'll eat that too. >> i love crab cakes. >> there you go, tonight nats
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park is hosting a crab feast before they take on the oriole orioles. >> you said redskins. >> i was trying to segue into it. it didn't go well. >> you were very shaky here. >> 99 bucks all-you-can-eat crab and curly w crab mall lots and they're not hosting any time gont takes the you can go eat on the field and watch it on the big screen. that's cool. >> love that. why aren't we there? >> it's sold out. >> big news stephen strasburg he was scheduled to start and said he will make a second trip to disabled list and soreness to blame he was lit up against the rockies after one and two third innings and nats were up and you had leeway but remember that's the same elbow he had tommy john surgery. weariness understandable and fans not saying as much. big news out of redskins park today matt jones is sitting out the rest of preis after that shoulder injury he suffers in friday's win over je j
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jets, jets, and jones was receiveing a little stimulation treatment on left shoulder that stuff does wonders. >> i lover it. >> it's great. >> do a little work on the side holding the ball in left hand and chris thompson is next on the depth chart but more 3rd down pass catching and pace runner back and jones gives units for others to shine. keith marshall a 7th round draft pit and robert kelly who rushed for 40 yarz and touchdown in preseason opener and matt brown that spent a lot of time as a member of the practice asked. >> i'm just trying to find -- while he's out i try step in until he gets back. >> these young guys coming along well and now matt will be out for the next two games and it gives them the opportunity to get a lot more reps and get more experience right now you know? because once the season comes around either one or two of those guys are going to be there us with
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>> well, it's the only way you make money as swimmer is through endorsements and like magic he made i found a way to make all his disappear. speedo javrpinged deal and donated r50,000 to brazilian children's khar tivrment by the way me using speedo and yanked it's not -- and gentle hair removal and mattresses. if you need a pitch man give ryan lochte. >> gentle hair removal is another endorsement. >> he said someone took them at gun point in of course he did. >> seriously that whole mess think about that. you really don't have a lot to work off and then think of michael phelps everything he's went through and made a come back and rehabilitated his image he took hits and he's done with the olympics but will make some sort career after it. >> but i like what wasn't it speedo donating to brazilian children's survey. if anything great can come out
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>> thanks. >> bit way i'm liking the facial hair. >> i have no qulad you're talking about. >> did you forget to shave. >> i've been here since -- thanks for watching i was here saturday and sunday you. >> were? >> yes. >> she was frolicking. >> olympic gold med sgliingt i don't frolic. >> gabby douglass knows a thing or two about competition and being judged and the table are about to be turned here. she will be a judge when a new miss america is crowned in atlantic city. douglass tells the paper she is excited to have the opportunity to judge the competition and contestants are great examples of strong women across america and this is 6 year for the miss america pageant. >> most popular message left behind by visitors heading back to countries on a message board at rio airport. speaking of ryan lochte. >> and college campuses are the next big retail battle ground for amazon. the
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easier for parents send packages to the college kids. >> and today is national tooth fairy day. the topic on social media is shouch too much for kids to get when they lose baby teeth. hey caityln. what's the going rate today by the way. >> inflation. is it like dpz 5. >> more than i was a kid. >> all right. what a breath of fresh air the weather was today. gorgeous scene as we look live outside north woingt d.c. fair weather clouds and blue skies and reduction in the humidity. finally, feeling like you can breathe. 85 outside right now partly cloudy skies and relative humidity down to 38% and that wind out of the northwest at 15 miles an hour so a nice cool breeze feeling great and down right cool temperatures for tonight and plus how long will the nice weather last vile all the answer ahead in the 7 day for xaingt when fox news at 5 returns after this
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>> you may want to hold on to baby teeth they may be worth more to you and your children thoont fooj fair yivrment a stawdy published last week shows stem cells can be havsheted from those baby teeth. so later in life if a child needs any tissue replaced the stem cells from their baby teeth will be used to grow it. isn't that fashion nateing. >> i did not know that. >> another use for baby teeth. >> old on to them. >> exactly. >> speaking of teeth, did you know that today is national tooth fairy day. and last year the national average with the tooth fairy gives is just over $3 per sglooj that's less than i would have expected. >> per tooth. >> per tooth. >> $3 per tooth. >> i mean that's high. the tooth fairy is cheap in our house. >> i would have fiing urd people were giving gifts. >> under pillow
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>> and on facebook the "fox5" facebook page how much surprise too much. here are a few responses. betty wrote i think $5 is too much. kids are taking for granted they will be getting a lot of money. they are too young and don't note value of dollar. kids are spoiled and felicia says kids are all grown and he left a toothbrush toothpaste and pack of sugarless gum. >> and jeffery commented my children got $1 per tooth i think i got 25 qulents i was a kidney way one of my older kids wanted $10 because his friend got that much. >> kids always do that they say my friend got blah, blah, blah, >> is it true? >> no. >> that's not true. >> and she goes on and says i printed off a picture of ten deer bucks and left that under the pillow. >> you have to create a budget budgets. >> g
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tooth fairy. >> 5 cents. >> that's about what i got. >> in our house the tooth fairy i think for the first tooth leaves $5 and then after that it's $1 or $2 a tooth but never $3 after the first tooth. >> well the first one is big one. >> yeah. >> exciting. >> yes, it is. all right on this national tooth fairy day. let's get -- >> tooth fairy can fly through this. >> this is stunningen" able late august weather so enjoyable and such a nice change after days and days of humidity and relentless heat i think sue said earlier in the broadcast august 9 was last time we had temperatures not in the 0s. to be honest most of the past month six weeks we had high heat and high humidity and with that you can't get the bright blue sky. clear as can be overhead. nice weather ahead. so nice in fact that it's down right cool. we'll call it windows on weather for tonight because you can let the fresh air
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temperatures fall back to the 60s and and overnight 50s. sunny stretch of weather began today and that lasts all week. humidity also is remaining low through about wednesday. but, the heat will return. it looks down right hot thursday afternoon, friday especially and then possibly into the weekend and temperatures outside right now let's check this out, 85 washington. really pleasant. 81 bat more. 82 westminster, 1 martinsburg across the north east seeing these readings. binghamton only 67 with cool breeze off lake ontario that's feeling down right fall like. 76 in new york city and 78 boston and 75 pittsburgh courtesy northwest flow. typical when you get a decent cold frbt that comes through cumulous clouds that pop up during the day and that's all we see on sat late and radar. high pressure in place and it will remain there through the next couple days. forecast for tonight, there's high pressure which wi
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north and as those winds settle down we'll have clear skies and pretty cool temperatures to wake up to tomorrow morning. let's take a look at them. this is what we'll start the day as we drive work for once not battling the humidity and mosquitoes that go along with it early in the morning. 67 washington and 60 gaithersburg and if you head back to higher elevation starting only in 50s. dulles and 59. that is sweater weather early tomorrow. and low humidity remains weather haid line through tuesday and weather tomorrow looks fantastic. and warm and dry and probably seeing the same thing with high temperatures in mid 80s. looks like ain washington and cooler in annapolis 80 and 84 quantico and 58 mannasas and however it's late august and we tend to get warm and we continue to do that thursday and friday as more humidity returns ahead of the cold fron front, temperatures will be warmest own friday afternoon where we could be back into the 0s. here's the 7 day forecast for you we barroom things up the rest of the week, 88 wednesday, low humidit
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95 friday with a slight chance of thunderstorm at night and that is our only rain chance in 7 days and that doesn't even look too widespread. back to the 80s the rest of the week. that's your 7 day forecast stick us with the headlines you missed with fox on the fly "fox5" on the fly coming up after this
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>> back to college time and dorm gone viral and parents have a new way to ship care packages. >> louisiana lingers in dispair following the flooding there. here's fox5 on the fly. >> still a mess in louisiana one week after devastating flooding with 60,000 homes damaged or destroyed and thousands of people staying with family, friend or in shelters and at least 40 safe highways remain closed
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>> the big 50 for best buy should be a happy anniversary for the electronics retailer and the future does not look bright. they celebrated with a 50 hour sale over the weekend and it's unclear if best buy will neighboring to their 60th. >> sorry about ryan lochte. that's the message visitors writing on marker board as they depart from rio airport. the buzz over ryan lochte and since there was no apology that seems universally acceptable many are apologizing for him as they make their way out. >> dorm room decoration debate. forget mac and cheese stains and moldy bowls two ole miss createsed luxury on the cheapch the photo went viral and they're now critics calling it over the top saying a college dorm room should not be this fansy. really,
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>> speaking of dorms parents your baby is off to college and you want to share a care package amazon made it super easy prime pantry let's you select from a variety and ship for 5.99 and they won't deliver ice cream for dinner. that's "fox5" on the fly. >> maybe they'll deliver raimen nodls. >> maybe. >> that's what they survive on these days. >> thanks for joining us. "fox5 local news" at 6 starts after the break.
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>> it was a violent weekend in prince george county. . three homicides in two days. good to have you with us i'm tony perkins. >> i'm shawn sglawn a gunman took the life of popular local rapper and tonight he's
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"fox5" lindsay watts starts us off from palmer park, lindsay. >> shawn, tony, what we heard from investigators in prince george county today is that this young rapper was basically ambushed early yesterday morning. he was at a party at his apartment complex and stepped outside with his girlfriend and that's when police say two groups of men converged on him. there may have been four to five shooters. as police are searching for the suspects we spoke to swipey's mother today. she is hourp mourning him along with others from the dmv that new and loved this young man for his music♪ >> he graduated couple lady and graduated from high school in 16 and took all his money and to make songs and do his stuff. from christmas nonallowance to everything. he's a good boy. he don't want to


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