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tv   Fox 5 News Ten  FOX  August 23, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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this is fox5 local news at 10.0. right now at 10, a man and women targeted in a brazen lunch time robbery in d.c.d.c. the woman is shot multipleult times. the shooter still on the loose. what police say the crooks may have been after. to maryland public schoolcho parents are outreached over a new policy that protects the privacy of transgender students. the new rules that apply to thee overnight field trips. > it's been a bad break to theh summer heat, but that is about s to come to a break as heat waivv number 7 starts do role in later this week. > we thank you for joining us, i'm tony perkins. per and i'm shawn yancy.ancy > tonight, a woman is in serious condition she was shot outside the langston golf coursr on benning road in northeast. marina maracco is life with the latest. >>reporter: that's right. it all ended here h on benning road northeast at the height of
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but it started about two miles down the road in southeast and police believe that a couple riding in this black pickup truck that you see here on your screen being followed in an attempt to rob the motorcycle that was laying on plain site on the truck's flatbed. shots was fired at the truck ask they drove through the southeast and over the river. a woman that was riding in the passenger seat was shot severalv times. the pickup truck's driverrive continued up benning roadful hef flagged down a police officer a and that's when his passenger was rushed to an area hospital in serious condition. now, tonight police can't say if this was a random crime ofrime opportunity or simply a targeted act, but tonight still twowo suspects on the run.un. life tonight in northeast, d.c., marina maracco, fox5 local news. > all right. would it be okay if your childyr went on an overnight l school sponsored field trip and wasas paired with a student that is biologically of the oppo
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sex? for some parents in anne arrundel county not only is thas not okay but they say the school's policy guarding the policy rights of transgender students is coming at a cost to all students. s the school is defending its stance. sarah. >>reporter: well, shawn yancy, the school district says thathat they've actually never dealt with this controversial issue surrounding a p before, but they wanted to make sure thathat everybody was on the same page here. so they sent out a 42-minute 42- video explaining to school administrators and teachers what they are allowed to do and whatt they are not allow to do by by looking at federal government directives and other policiesice and regulations. here's a look at a about it ofbt that training video that we pulled from youtube. in it school administrators explained that students who arer transgender are allow to share facilities with the gender they identify with. but bylaw the school is not
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parents about that student's general definitely it all boilse down toly an issue of privacy. a student's gender identity is s confidential matter. so if you have a student who identifies as present, the staff that are going to know that aree the staff that are in then immediate need to know circle. we work with the student and tht family to determine that. for instance, on overnight fiell trips whatever gender identity that student identifies with that's where they will be able to stay with that gender. the same thing when it comes tos sharing restrooms as well. i talked with a couple of parents this afternoon to give me what their take is on this. take a listen. l i don't know what the answer is. i'm not sure that i feel comfortable with the situationui of someone is, let's say going through some sort of changef c staying with the
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overnight trip. we don't judge and i feel that we're all human we have to have more compassion and i don't think that -- i've heard people say it opens up pedophile possibilities, but p honestly i think that there are good andd mad in everything in this worldl and i don't believe that we need to judge. > and the school districtist spokesperson also went onto sayo today that people, in a sense they need to look at the bigger picture here and they say it's not a transgender or even a sexual orientation issue, but it's their job as the schoolcho system to support all childrenhl in the best way possible. that's the latest here in annapolis, sarah simmons, fox5s, fox news. > just to be clear, this is about inclusion.nclu is this a done deal? is thisal the end of of the discussion on this one? >> it is all about inclusion. they say they are trying to make sure that
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students no matter what theirher sexual orientation is, that thih is just letting them know bylaw what they're allowed to do ando what they are not allow to do. > thank you, sarah. new at 10 tonight, police are investigating a disturbing incident in hagerstown, maryland. officers say a naked man wasaked banging on the side of a school bus this morning. it happened in the 500 block of north mulberry street. there were three kids on the bus at the time. fortunately no one was hurt. police charged westerly hear monday with indecent exposure. he is currently undergoing a mental evaluation. police in virginia have arrested a man after an attempted isis bee heading. wasil far wreak is being heldeld without bond. witnesses tell us he was yellinl al a acquisition bar. robin sympathomimetic cox a counter terrorism says
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roadway cloudy skied is the greatest threat we faceace domestically here in the us. the in term of the body county isis can wrap up in the united states, we should be most worried about is the most the harder to stop attacks. > far wreak was also caughtl trying to seek in syria last year. they are now investigating the attack as a possible terroristism incident. > muriel bowser has named an interim police chief. peter newsham will fill the spot starting september 18. he has served as assistant chiea of police since the search for internal andnter external candidates to fill the position has already started. an official job announcement will be posted in the coming
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days. > knew knit, the worse case of west file virus has been f confirmed in maryland this yearl we are told the adult patient survived the infection.n meantime health officials say they've discovered several mosquitoes carryth in montgomery county and inom prince george's the best way g toeo protect youf against bites is to wear long sleeves and hats and make sureae you have a good insect repelel event. let's' it out eye. i don't know if you've been out there or not. it is gorgeous. gorgeous temperatures, lowerower humidity, but don't get used to it. let's check in with sue palka with all the details.eta it's just a wonderful night, isn't it? >> it's gorgeous. these last two daze have been two of the nicest days. check out the temperatures, 84 t at reagan national, one of onlyf five days this month in whichin the temperature wasn't at or above 90-degrees. dulles 85, bwi82-degrees but
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fact that there's only one more day coming in the 80s and after that temperatures are going toeo be heating back up for what we think is our seventh heat waive of the summer one that might take us until the end of thef month to ditch. meanwhile wednesday afternoondn still will be on the comfortable side. the jet stream close enough to o bring us temperatures in the 8 20s. closer to 88 tomorrow. humidity still in check. so it's another nice wednesdayee we're expecting.xpec the who the stuff rolling backol into town as early as thursdayst afternoon and it will be sticking around with us probabls through the end of the week. a check of temperatures right r now and beyond that. we know it will stick around s through the end of the week, maybe through the end of thed of month. how about this h 74-degrees in n the district right now, 68 in gaithersburg, such as a beautiful evening as shawn was saying. culpeper 67-degrees and winchester 68. what should we get ready foread tomorrow, there's the 88. definitely a comfortable, a little bit who ther than it was
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today. but again get ready for the really who the stuff rollinghe into town. we might even have to deal with a few more upper 90s before the end of the week. i'll have the seven day forecase at 1067. 30. > thank you sue. >> coming up on fox5 news 10, new details at a deadly apartment fire in silver springs. what weave he learned about the victims and the cleanup effort. another american soldier wasoldi killed and another injured when a roadside bomb was detonatedetn today. we'll have the latest on fight insurgents in that area.area > mike pens was stomping while hillary clinton was having lunch with justin time beer lake and jessica beal. be the latest is next at 10.
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fox5 is in montgomery county,on the bodies of two children haveg been identifiedo ch from that dy apartment explosion in silver springs. investigators say ate year old david morales and three yearol
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fernando arraign a were killede in the blast on august 10. on friday, investigators wereine able to identify three adult victims. detectives are still working with the medical examiner to id the two remaining bodies. a total of seven people died ine the explosion and fire. 30 others were hurt. investigators say the blast was caused by a natural gas leak.k. > in prince george's county county, a make shift memorial is growing outside of a 7/eleven in clinton, throughout the day people havepe been stopping by to pay their respects to a 7/eleven clerk whk was murdered there. police say 31 year oiled tieie which a owed wall i was shot ant killed at the store during an attempted robbery sat morning. am have left flowers, balloons and teddy bears. at this point, investigatorsingi still looking for his sus pocketed killer. > another soldier was killed, another one was injured. they were killed by a roadside
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officials said 100us troops hads been sent to the city out of the concern that the taliban wouldul take over. fox's lucas will take over. >>reporter: are two years later that mission seems far from over after a bomb killed a u.s. army solder today and woundednd another. the explosion took place in southern afghanistan's hell man province. the wounded american soldier isr in stable condition. six afghan soldiers were also injured during a joint patrol. this is the second soldier to die in combat in hell man province this in january staff sergeant matthew mclean to be was killed with a fight with the taliban clearly there are almost 700ost troops. since the war began almost 400 marines died before they were pulled out in 2014.4. this week one hundred more
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aus forces. a different description fromn just a few weeks ago. generally speaking, the afghan security forces have accomplished their objectives in hell man thus far securing the major population center. in july, president obama authorized 8400 troops to remain in afghanistan. the taliban remains a threat. they've gained ground in some cases. suicide bombings, including in cobble. by the end of his administratioa the president had hoped to reduce the us troops to just ont thousand, but the threat of isis and the 258 ban interfered.rfer the facts on the ground in afghanistan has forced the president to act rationally. he authorized 30
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following the recommendation ofe his generals.gene this past january he authorized air strikes against isis in earn afghanistan and in june hee he issued greater authorities on go of after the taliban. southern ask is the spiritual group. the local afghan official say the taliban now control 80 percent of the hell man province. > wikileaks isn't just exposing government secrets.secr according to the associated press the transparency group is also exposing the personal information of hundreds ofhund private citizens. they have exposed the names and information of rain victims, mental health patience.ienc it also published hundreds of financial, identity records on the web. the founder has not yett responded to the allegations.egt > time to talk about the raise for the white a new cloud is hanging over
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involves big donors and access to. go the associated press reports more than half the peoplepe outside of government who met with clinton while she was secretary of state gave money to the clinton foundation. the 85 donors contributed as much as $156 million combined. no laws apparently were broken, the donations full the perception that giving the foundation money helped someelpe people gain access to clinton. the clinton campaign slammed the ap report calling it flawed and distorted. speaking of money, hillary m clinton attended a studded wound raiser in los angeles. it was held at the home of justin timber lake and his wife, actor jessica beal. some big celebrities turned out. each paid more than $30,000 for the clinton is on a major fundraising swing in california ahead of next month's presidential debate
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trump. meanwhile on the republican trump donald trump's runningnnin mate michael pens rallied supporters in pennsylvania. he told supporters trump is stronger than ever. he also wasted no time attacking both deems and the media.eems they parse a phrase, they find a tweet and he go after them and they say this time we've finalal done him in and we turn on the television next morning and donald trump is still standing stronger than ever before.befo earlier pens shrugged off news that hillary clinton is beatingi donald trump in nationwide polls. he said he's only worried about november. coming up new at 10 tonight, grad students won the right to unionize. the major rule that could impact the way graduate programs are run nationwide.nati a well-deserved pay day for an 80 year old woman who insistedst she was being cheated out of social security money. how she fi
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and how you can find out if the government owes you cash. that's next at 10.
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> some of you may have red anan incredible story in thery washington post this i morninghs that detailed the struggles of an 80 year old woman who lived on d.c. streets for years. wonder wither became homeless ie part because the social add security administrate messed up didn't pay what they owed her. h a social worker met her on thehe street, helped her navigate through all the red tape. they sent her a check foror $100,000.$1 wither's case is unusual, money experts tell us government pickups, unclaimed checks or refunds can and do happen. how can you find out if you're owed money, like that? jim is here now to give us some answer. >> it's pretty amazing out thert because there are all these th resources and i found out that
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was owed some money along thehe way. there is a good chance, you, too, could earn some money alony the way. elizabeth lien i has been here e at fox5 p many times. she has been busy finding money for perform around the country. left over income tax incomes,coe accounts you haven't touched for years. this money goes back to the states and all the statutes vary from state to state. it's on you to find it and stard the claims process. p it's easy to do and considering there's about 42 billion-dollar2 out there that's unclaimed your piece of the by could be big. bg they say the average claim is 800 bucks or so. that's real money. > and it's your money. it's not the government's money, but i caution you everybody should be searching for their unclaimed money because i'lly be tell you what, a couple of states now, just a couple, have started to say that it is theire money if people don't claim itli in a certain number
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consider that if you're not the type of person to leave money lying around unclaimed maybe a deceased loved one did. very often i have found unclaimed money from deceaseded loved ones for their family members. > wow. there are two big sites out there, one is called missing, the other on one is claimed unclaimed. org. those sites are free. elizabeth wants us to make suree you know there are sites out there like that charge you for the social. you never have to pay to claim a your money. some of these states, you'reou'r looking right now. >> i'm trying to see. > i lived in new york for a couple of years. i just went on the site. i had checked it before. i found out in the last couple of years i have money coming myo way. in some instances you could dood it right online. other places you have to print out a form and have a notary sign it and send it in. there's money out there for sure.
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that's 27 cents you didn't have in your pocket earlier. you heard elizabeth say about ot of the states are trying to pulo that back. you consider the number of of states that are having funding crisis. this is the chance to take thate money for themselves. it's on us to tell the states th hands off our money. mo the only unfortunate thing thath you don't have your money like the woman we talked at the beginning because of an error on the government and then you have to jump through hoops to get it. that ticks you off.ff. that story ended happily. ha >> yes, it did. > incorporate that, gyp. am of you probably know this wak the first day of school forfo thousands of students across prince george's county. geo we'll tell you how the school district is working h to start s school year on the right foot despite several scandals when we come back.ack. we hope that you'll join the d.c. crew tomorrow morning when gold medal olympian helen mor rules joins us in the studio, st the wrestling
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rockville native will join us during good day d.c. tomorrow morning. we'll be right back.
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> this is fox5 local news at 10.10 we're back with a look at tonight's top stories. we begin with a shooting near a golf course in the district. marina maracco life tonight in northeast. >>reporter: it all started herd on benning road in northeastea just outside the links and golf course at the height of lunchtime rush but it started about two miles away on the opposite end of the river and an attempted robbery that ended with shots fired and a woman seriously injured. investigators believed the the suspects were looking to rob the motorcycle laying in plane siten on the bed of the pickup truckup where the victim was riding it. tonight still no arrests. > the anne arrundel schoole ar district is fighting off
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educational video aboutou transgender students. in it school administrators ad explain how to approachach situations when it comes to gender identity. bylaw the school district says it is not allowed to tell other parents or students about another student's gender identity and it all boils downis to an issue of privacy.acy. > shawn. thank you, sarah.h. the feds tonight investigating a double i stabbing in virginia tt may have been motivated by isis. police say wasil farouk stabbed a man and a woman in an apartment in rock motor vehicle he yelled allah akbar which ish god is great. we hoped you enjoyed today'sy's temperatures.te it is beautiful day today. let's see how much longer this is going to last. sue palka is here with the answers. we can stretch it out a littleio bit longer.r. it will be about four or five degrees warmer tomorrow. does that bother you? > how about humi
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a little bit, but not to the level of being uncomfortable. u but a about it more noticeable tomorrow. > after that here we go with heat waive number seven.n. we're keeping track in the weather event ser.ent this one might take us throughuh the end of august. so, august has already been such a who the month.the this is a very brief but wonderful break that we've had. it's delightful out there tonight. to get those windows open you can still enjoy yourself because it will be a comfortable month. the did the is about 74 degreese here's what you can expect tomorrow. it will be closer to 88 as opposed to 84 today. the 90s are back by thursday. not just 9 # or 92. 9 it's going to be 94 and by thee time we get into friday, maybe even 97-degrees so we're going to be hanging onto the 90s by the weekend.nd. here's a look at the seven dayee forecast. herself ' the really who the day friday, if we see a thunderstor it could be a small storm. we have anothe
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building up with another chance of rain probably holding off until monday or tuesday. but a good weekend to held to the pools. they'll be closing after tuesday coming too soon. the topics are getting active, also. there is something we may need to watch for our friends in south florida. > president obama is appealing to all americans to help the louisiana flood victims. the president toured baton rouge today and got a firsthand lookhd at the damage caused by the massive flooding. reassured the residents theents flood victims that the federale response to the disaster will be robust. the flooding is blamed for at least 13 deaths and widespread damage. president obama said more than 115,000 people have alreadyalre signed up for federal disasterae aid. but the help from the federal government will not be enough to get people back on their feet. > some times once the flood waters pass people's
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spans pass. this is not a one off. this is not a photo op issue. this is how do you make sure that a month from now, three months from now, six months fros now people are still getting thg help that they need. i need all americans to stay focused on this. if you're watching this today,y, make sure that you find out how you can help. some people criticized theiciz president for not ending his vacation at martha's vineyard early to visit the flooded areas, but the state's government asked the president to wait so his visit would not be a drain on local police resources. one day after students in the district started school it was prince george's county in addition to welcoming nearly 129,000 students for the startot of a new school year, the second largest school district inin maryland is also working to resolve a few scandals. fox5's fer davis d >>reporter: happy, hopeful students arrive for the start of a new
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george's county.ror what are youge excited about? t about learning. i like school recess, sometimes class. sometimes reading. > plenty are feeling butterflies, too. are you helping you hold your sister test hands. > yes. why does it help. >> because i'm nervous and i want somebody to be here. > doctor, ma well, how are youa >> all right. > dr. kevin maxwell, ceo of the school system caught a ride with some students when he made his h first visit to pointer ridge elementary.elem >> later doctor maxwell was joined by county executivecu rashan baker for a visit to judge sylvania woods elementary. i wanted to make sure that i tha came early in the school year tt make sure that we had the right supports in place, that thingsat were the way that they should be. the district says it is now implementing a tax reform recommendation and the school has a new principal after thee arrest of school
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afor producing child pornograph on school grounds during theg school day.ol i feel very confident that ourtu children are safe when they come to l l i just want to make sure thatat we're continuing that and we will. > officials also sought to reassure head start families one week after the federalral government withdrew a six and a half million dollars federal dol grant following an investigation alleging abuse and poor teacher training. my job and dr. maxwell's jobb right now is one to make sure that funding doesn't go away. that's the main thing we have ta do right you month.on two, make sure we make the changes to make sure this doesn't happen again.. head start will start on time monday. > in prince george's county, g jennifer davis, fox5 localeo ne. > rashan baker's office has confirmed to fox5 that it received a letter from five fr school board members asking then school board chair and vicee chair to resign following thewig federal investigation of the county's head start program.og the baker spokesperson says he will not ask fo
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resignations. we're learning new details nowas about a major ruling that could shake up college campuses nationwide. the national labor ruled that graduate assistants at columbia university can unite nice. the board over turned a 2004 decision that argued that grad students are primarily at school to learn and not to work.k. but many graduate assistantsstan conduct research or teach whilee they're getting their degrees. the board says they should haved the right to union nice. it's been five years since an earthquake shook the district. experts say another one toe strike at any given moment. the things that you need to know to prepare yourself.self details on a breaking story, a magnitude 6.1 earthquake that just struck near roam, italy. we'll be right back. more folks carrying a key to tho american dream this new home sales hitting the highest level in nearly nine years dumping
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12 percent in l july. while people finding a cost to call their home, their nest egg is certainly suffering two in three americans believe they will not be able to retire by age 65. best buy vesting expectations, retailer topping sales estimates thanks part to a surge online shoppers. that sending sales soring up more than a year, up 19 percentn the nation's debt by year's end it's now expected to reach it's highest compared to our economy than any time in 65 years. in hunger games star jennifer lawrence still won't be going hungry any time soon. forbs naming her the world'sd's highest paid leading lady forth second year in a row making 46 million bucks in the past 12 months alone.nths good for her. that's a look at business. i'm david
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we're back with the backing new out of roam italy. a 6.2 earthquake. there are no reports of injurief or damage, but certainly it is t possible as we start to get some of the details coming in. it does sound like the center of the earthquake was about 65 miles outside of roam. it sounds like it was to the north and east of roam. but it was certainly felt asfelt close bias we'll get more information aboun p that short limit meanwhile this comes on the fifthth anniversary of an earthquakearth that hit the east coast and rocked the d.c. region. that quake was centered in mineral, virginia about 80 miles from the district. we wanted to knoisw what are the changes of another quake in our region. fox5's lindsay watts visited the us geological services today in reston and has everything you need to know. >>reporter: we are expecting there will be more
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just don't know when and wee don't know how large. we could get one tomorrow. it could be a thousand years before we get another we just don't know. > you do need to be ready and you never know just where you might be. this is video from inside thehe washington monument five years ago. imagine being at the top when te the shaking started. people obviously rushing to get outside. you may remember that afterfte this, the monument was shutdown for three years and we've continued to see sporadic closures like one is happening right now, issues with thehe elevator means the monument iss closed through the end of this month. the national park service told me today they now believe the effects of the earthquake had a greater impact on the elevator system than they originally believed. while we were out at the monument we talked to peopleo about what they would do if thef were caught in a quake today. i would go in like a door frame or something like that. that's what i've always heard,ed too, go to a door frame. i know there are shelters you're go to
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really sure. > i'm proto. scream that's my first reaction. you're not sure where the best h to go? >> can you troduce me to some places to go? so the mosthe common way that you would get hurt earthquake is by on y so what you're supposed to do io he nearest deskorr
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one to happen sometime soon. you should be ready and know iean, you know, when you think about how we're taught tog prepare inquake. obviously it's something that doesn't happen here very oftenee so you're not really thinking about it. but follow her advice, under a desk, under a table, something sturdy. tonight at 11, a couple attacked in a virginia home, was thehe suspect inspired by isis. the rate hike that could effect you the next time you take uber in the district.istr how about this date fail for a college student. what he did to impress a girl that led to a four-hour rescue mission. his story, plus we want you to tweet us your dating disaster stories. make sure you use the hashtag date fail right now we will, in fact, air some of your best responses. coming up tonight at
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that's hashtag date fail.
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welcome back, everyone. we'vehood a nice break from them high who the, but we have not been getting a break from allergy and a little bit of pollen showing up. let me show you where it'sit's starting to kick up and it's mold which is in the high category and now weeds are coming on strong. st if you've been suffering aeen little bit more in the pastor couple of days it might be because of those two allergens starting to cook up around the region. we have two systems in the topics. really we have three to watch.ah one is named gas ton. it has winds of 65 miles an an hour. but we think this one is going to turn and be a fish storm going up likely through thehe north central atlantic. if i own a
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low and not worried about that one, either.ithe it's a depression weaken to a tropical disturbance. now, this tropical disturbance wears watching. there are some models taking itt to puerto rico, the dominicanhed republic by the time we get toe the end of the weekend. it doesn't have a name, but it is moving into an area it willil be able to develop. if you have travel plans i would say that's a disturbance that we are going to have to keep an eye on. meantime, it's beautiful. the wind has changed direction. yesterday out of the north,orth tonight out of the south. while it's very very comfortable. the south wind is going to ratcc up the temperatures. humidity is still in check and boy, what a nice night we're having with lots of 60s around.n you'll notice we're not getting into the upper 60s. most places staying
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the lower or mid 60s. d.c. about 68 grows and that's very comfortable for this timehs of year. bottom line another great nightr and a pretty decent day tomorrow as well. but noticeably warmer than ithan was today.oda maybe a slight up tick in the humidity, but very nice for thir august that's for sure. the southern breezes are goingig to return and our south breeziee will pump up temperatures closer to the upper 80s, but that's just the beginning because we know that another heat wave iset about to get underway and thatad starts thursday. a heat wave is defined at three days in a row above 90. 94 on this, 97 on friday and with that heat index feeling like 95 to 104, obviously a very who the stretch about to set up. similar to the map i just showed you, maybe an isolated shower oe storm on friday, not a big deal. the heat, though, kind of a big deal at 97. sat, sunday we're still in the low 90s.. we keep that rolling with a lott of storms on monday and tuesdayd
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> still enjoy tomorrow becauset it looks pretty terrific outout there tomorrow. > jim, over to you. >> this is not optimal weatherti to go inside and play video games, right.ight > until friday, because p madden 2017 dropped after midnight. i can imagine the entire seasoni is probably over and done with. the game itself has been aroundn for 28 years.ears it could take rivalries on theil field are stuff, some some of the players think the game vastly under states some ofome their ability. quarterback josh norman, 94 rating on the game, i believe it goes as high as 99. >> i think so.nk > i can't remember if it is 99 or 100. trent williams had a 92. gordon read, 92.ead, ryan kerrigan, 88.88. deshawn jackson is an 84 andnd kirk cousins 83. presumably he doesn't like that. he talked about his role with the team today.od i'm no
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now i'm no longer that person. now i am the guy that has to take on a new mask, a new mask and be something that is going to be the standard and look at that as okay, we have to go after him. we got to see where that's like. and that's in the new realm forr me. that's something i haven'taven experienced yet and now taking the challenge and looking at it i want to do it in a way that it want to do it. meantime bethesda's own katie ledecky offered four gold medals and one silver throwing the first pitch out tomorrow'somo orioles nats game. she did this before.fore the first time back in 2012 in after winning her first gold. the second time was the seer yes, sir against the san francisco giants.o gi i don't believe she will be wearing the medals around her neck at the time.
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> about half a pound appease. >> you have to be loose. > thanks, jim, coming uping tonight the company that is actually paying people a bonus for using up their annualnnu vacation time. > we'll be righe.t back. i like that company. ♪ ♪ hey, is this our turn? honey...our turn? yeah, we go left right here. (woman vo) great adventures are still out there. we'll find them in our subaru outback. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. get zero percent on select subaru models during the subaru a lot to love event, now through august thirty-first.
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> imagine this, tony perkinshi, because it's going to be hard. imagine getting paid for using all of your vacation time. you mean getting paid tray for using it? >> extra. to use your vacation time.e. the us travel association is flipping a script and offering a $500 bonus to each employee who uses every single vacation day. the company's ceo says the movee is to increase productivity andd loyalty. the new l poll seems to be t working, so far 91s p of its staff is taking advantage of the deal and as a result washatonianing mag dean and the washington post named the us travel association one of the best places to work in d.c.c. > i wonder p if they're hiring.
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sense because it's the us travel association they want you to get out
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this is fox5 local news at 11. right now at # #, a woman was shot several times during t
11:00 pm
daytime robbery and we're learning new details about how it all happened. plus the school district that's transgender policy is at the center of a policy. he spent hours trying to impress his date. the news starts right now. > we're going to to start with some breaking news coming into the news room out of muppet. this is sky fox life over theer scene in burton'sville, marylany where police are investigating a shooting. this has occurred on sandydy spring road.d. we're told one person has beense shot. you can see there are a significant amount of policent vehicle also there on the scene. so it makes me wonder exactly what the situation is. when sky fox pulled out just a short timing a you can see police cars up and down thiss street.stre we're still working to get moree


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