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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  August 26, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪ straight ahead another twist in a dhec murder mystery.. overnight the head of wikileaksl revealing more details about a dnc worker's possible ties to tt his group during a fox news foxn exclusive. he is taking hate groups g main stream.eam. >> both presidential candidatese trading accusations.ions. the other is a racist. at tax getting sharper and now w new poll shows the margins are getting the government wants to takk money from prince george'sroprin county head start program andnd after last night the school schl board won't try to stop them.he now the big question is, whatt happens to the students left behind? first, though, it is fridayf and that means we're taking thet show on the road.oa this morning fox5 is moving ingn at the unive
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good day at 9a starts now.. ♪ aww. >> look at him.>> look >> we have a very special frienn with us. four leg family member.. >> sid.>> the weather dog.r >> so cute.o cu >> he is an amazing dog. >> so well behaved. behaved. >> mike you did so well.e you >> i don't think any of that wat on camera but we saw it and you're'ma >> all that matters.. >> thank you. y >> all right.>> all right. time now is 9:01 on this friday august 26th.augu 26t raise the i'm annie yu alongside beautifut allison and beautiful erin.ri maureen umeh has the morning m off. >> first at 9:00 this morning ii is national dog day and we'reg e celebrating with the good dayd pup you just saw him go out o better known acid the weather dog. keeping us company all morningnr long i just feel better. better. >> he makes us happy.e makes ush >> right. he makes us happy. mes u >> good energy.
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>> sweetie. first we want to see pictures oo your pooch. so we're asking to you tweet t them with the hash tag fox5 dog day. day. we'll show them as we've beene'n doing all morning long.g long. but keep the fun going throughhh good day so keep sending us the pictures.ct >> feel good friday and first,st though, friday's mean sip tripsi and this morning we're hanging g out in college park along with w the thousands of terps movingrpi back to the university off maryland.maryland. >> an exciting time and that iss where we find holly, wisdom andd tucker hanging out morning longn steve is on the way there. the good morning, guys. g >> good morning.ood morni let me just say this, annie. ann i didn't actually think that iha had hair long enough to pullo back any more, but girl had finf a way today.. i mean it is,. i >> it's hot.>> it's hot. >> hot out here. h >> you mentioned feel goodeelood friday. it doesn't feel so good sittingi out here.t >> you're right. y >> if you think it's tough andot this what if you were wearingea fur coat.fuoat. >> a fur coat? f coa >> that was -- a fur coat. >> like dog.og >> oh, okay. >> look at them. >> how convenient because it iss national dog day. d day >> and they are hot.e h
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>> sid is not the only one onlon getting to celebrate in the loff today those sid is inin air-conditioning. i will say.will >> were kind of dogs we lookingo at right here.. lab bra doodle, golden doodle, and golden cocker spaniel. >> listen not only do we have hv dogs, coming up in the next ho hour, it's chock full we'll havh five must stops that you did,id, right.right. >> yup. >> when you think marylandth osketball give me one name you might think. >> juan dixon.ixon. >> give me second name.. >> gary williams.illiam >> give me third name. >> brevis vasquez. >> because grievous vas questioq will come out and join us he'lll come in the heat but third yeary for question thing he does witht back to school and backing packc backs. we'll check in with him.eck that will be lot of fun.ot of we'll have fashion show. route 1 apparel. girls started it in her dormn hd room when she was student atdent maryland. >> great start.>> >> and of course you'll have the fi grehouse friday too. >> yup. >> all right. let's get to the weather theeath forecast and we are off
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and sweaty start.rt. promise we're melting out here.e lots of water. water we have jumped to 86 degrees att 9:00 a.m. 9: highs in the mid to upper 90s today. 81 in gaithersburg.g 84 in annapolis.. satellite/radar, is nice and quiet.qut hey we might bop a storm or sto shower later today aft we get daytime heating.ting we got weak front moving inovin later tonight.latetoni slightly cooler air for theaithe weekend but the theme around aun here the next self days variouss levels hot. 97, hot humid day. take it seriously.t seriously. heat index over a hundred. the dog days of somerset upon un and here to stay.o lots of water for everybodyry including our dog friends.ri >> we'll pop shower too. showet. we'll have to take a shower.ho >> i think you're right.nk youe >> cold one.d o >> that's the latest from outteo here. he we'll come back and join you inn a couple minutes. back in to you.back >> it looks like number.oo it gets g you get used to the heat. >> for sure.
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and students in prince george'so county.. cooper lane elementary school io hope you know it by now but it's closed today. today because of a water main break. k we've been telling you about itt hope you got the message. wssc has been on the scene for few hours to fix that break butk no estimate right now on how o long it will take. tak so it's closed for the day. day get long kids aren't into it yet. y >> you can still go swimming in this heat and get a summer daydu out of it.of >> okay. you're closed today. last night the founder of wihekileaks spoke out about thet death of a democratic nationalio committee staff killed in theede district.distri >> in the past julian assangeuls hinted that seth rich may have v been a wikileaks informant but yesterday in an exclusivexclu interview with fox news' megynsn kelly he revealed even more. mo. bob barnard joins us now live lv from northwest with more of the story and the facts are at leasl hints are just dribbling in.bli. bob, good morning. >> reporter: hey, allison,llison good morning to you.u yeah. i don't think this morning weni know any clearer whether sethet rich was the rain dom victim o
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a robbery here on flagler place northwest in bloomingdale back c on july 10th or was he targeted because of his job atot the dnc? right now, d.c. police are considering this a robbery r gone bad. it happened about 4:15 in thehe morning right here seth rich waw on his way home.e. he'd been out on the town forn the night.e nht. he was apparently on the phone.e his cell phone with his girl g friend. she heard a commotion.motion and seth rich was shot dead int the back. the there are no suspects.s there is no weapon rough.. but as we've been reporting ther founder of wilikks which pos posted those leaked e-mails fro the democratic nationalatic natl committee earlier this summer is still hinting rich's murder may have something to do with hiso t job there at the dnc. the 27-year-old could he havee v been the source of those leaked e-mails and killed to silence him? julian assange is notot saying but he was grilled byrild megyn kelly on fox news last night. ght.
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seth rich's killer? >> we're very interested inn anything that might be a threata to alleged wikileaks sources. police have up to $25,000.25,00. we have offered 20,000. we're not saying that seth rich's death necessarily isly i connected to our publication. that's something that has to bee established.tad but if there's any questionueio about a source of wikileaks being threatened people can becb assured that this organizationit will go after anyone who may have been involved in some kindi of attempt to coerce or possibll in this case kill a potential source. source. >> reporter: in a statement tono fox5 news the rich family from nebraska says quoting here "as family we are focused on celebrating the life of our lost loved one and honoring his memory and legacy of public servic
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others.he we will not speculate or respond to unproven theories surrounding hug murder "the case remains open this >> bob, thank you so much, bobhb barnard life out of northwestth this morning.this also this morning hillaryila clinton back on the offensivensv accusing donald trump of quotete taking a hate movement maintain stream during a speech in reno nevada. ne she hit trump on the support spo that he receives from the so so-called alt right movementt gh that's led by trump's new ceo c steve bannon.steve banno the former editor of brightgh bart. bart >> to give you a flavor of hisls work here are few med lines thet publish and i'm not making this up. up birth control makes womenomen unattractive and crazy. would you rather your child had feminism or cancer? gabbiebi giffords the gun controlol movement's human shield.d >> about dozen anti clinton protesters stood outside of he
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called pay to play arrangements between clinton's state's department and her familyer famy foundation.untion the democratic nominee refusedud to take questions shouted to her about her relationship with said foundation.ti she did however push back onkn what she called conspiracyonspic theories about her health even laughing at the national queennu err's stories that donald trumpp likes to quote about her health. this morning, the big b question in prince george'seorg' county is how will the schoolcho board fund its head start start program?ram >> yeah allison last night theig board voted not to appeal thel federal government's decision tt yank funding for the program. fox5's anjali hemphill is live with the latest. >> reporter: good morning.ning yeah, last night the school s board voted unanimously to voluntarily give up that $6.5 million from the federalm e government. it's now going to be up to the federal government the schoolt l system and the county to come uu with an interim and long-termone plan to keep that head startd sa program up and running.ning
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told the federal grant moneynt n will then go away and most likely be up to the county toy o continue to keep the head startt program properly funded. funded. fox5 was there last night durinn that school board meeting that got heated at times. tim take look at this video now. n some speakers even calling for r resignation of top board membere last night and this is of coursu after several accusations of o harsh and questionablenabl discipline by some head start sa teachers and then the federal government's decision that theth district is did not do enough to fix the problem.. the board also voting last night to again an externalxter investigation to be done by thee state and federal government ana that left some people scratchint their heads and questioning ifii the board is trying to settleet this matter behind closed doorss we spoke to bore member he had h war burroughs who had this thi message for parents. >> i want all parents whose whoe child could have experienced any abuse or mistreatment in there past to come forward and contact cpr immediately.tely i want all school system st
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to be reminded that they are a mandatory reporter and they havy the responsibility to contact cps whenever an incident occursr >> typically if there was anys y other position, if you lose $6.5 million, you would not --o- no longer be in your so my take is that this is not hurting them, it' hurting our children. >> reporter: the board did vote on creating that are own ae sub committee to look into the e allegations and thetihe investigation of the head starta program as well as to figure out the future of that program.gram but right now, guys, still a lol of questions and work to dok tod ahead to keep this very vitaly a program intact.t for the families in this countyo that need it most. we're live in prince george's gg county, anjali hemphill, fox 95f local news. >> anjali, thank you so much.uc. taking the bad with the good. ripe lochte officials facing fan charges in rio but also managedg to pick up a new sponsor andpona we've got the details coming up. first we'll head back out tt college park for look at the five must stop place
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the university of maryland inyld college par time right now 9:11. 9:11. back after this.s. ♪ ♪
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today, lori grabs delicious jimmy dean sausage from the fridge, fully cooked and ready in seconds. it makes breakfast complete, which makes bill feel like completing the gazebo, prompting a celebration in lori's backyard. with jimmy dean, good mornings lead to great days. now it's our labor day sale. where you can create the perfect home. from now until september 5th, you'll find huge savings on stylish pieces. get free delivery, plus an extra hundred-dollars off every thousand-dollars you spend. with havertys, your home can be perfect, even when life isn't. mom? have you see my iguana? the labor day sale is on now, at havertys.
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life looks good. especially when it comes to snacking.g new. that's why we're introducing cheese dippers. the creamy cheese and crunchy breadsticks that go wherever you do. cheese dippers by the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. ♪ >> are we doing the back shot? >> what is going on
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>> oh, >> do they call it bra overhang? >> yeah.>> yh. >> yeah. yea >> you're flawless.'re ss. >> example of it.>> >> happy friday. e happy >> here it is right here. >> any way.ay >> welcome back everybody.acever (laughter).ter). >> let's hear ourselves -- tea a ourselves down.rselve >> let's celebrate ourselves. >> we need cep tis going. gng let's go back to our gang in gan college park, married.park they have the five must stops in college >> good >> good morning. right now one of the five must stops is inside this mazdaa because the air-conditioningin feels so good.feel >> it's amazing in here. here. >> feels so good. fee >> can you put that window upt i and close the door?oo >> here you go.>> h >> if ever we were promoting prg this car, it's now. n right? it's now.ow. no we are promoting college park. pa really is great.reat. it's move in day.'se so very busy. traffic is busy on route 1 kidss moving n it's a great town inn i and of itself outside of college park. >> lot going on here.oing o i mentioned earlin er this morng that i was graduate student here years ago and i can tell you big
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changes in the last five, 10, 11 waeven more.way >> even more big changes.. earlier this week stopped by b five must stops. s i said a few moments -- few hours ago, my five must stops very different than they arethea now. let's take look at the five must stop. >> this is the grown up tucker ♪ let's get started withh number five. fe. lake natural area.a. it's a 38-acre lake.. pub lib park, fis fishing peer r aquatic garden lake offers offer 2 miles of hiking, biking and skateboarding trails. it's number four, the collegele park aviation museum.eum hey, it's listed on the national register of historic places and features a glimpse into thelisei history and science of flight.g. rolling along it's number three. the college park trolley trail.a this is 2.6 miles biking and running trail that takes youes u past some of college park's most historic it's number two, ready for some
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club. this premier tennis club offers an exceptional 32 court tennisen facility. the club even sponsors monthly h events for people of all and the number one stop in college park, drum roll, please. the university of maryland.ylan. it's got so much to offer. o even if you're in the studentdet there. hey, stop by the iconic m circlr or how about the memorial chap chapel. get a chance check out the statute one of the university's' most beloved alumni puppets creator jim henson. head over to the xfinity centern the home of the marylandld terrapins and of course rub cass substitute tow's statue. >> and of course mazda is our sponsor of our zip trip. t they're coming to an end believe it or not. when they do someone will winl w this wonderful suv which has kicking ac i'm just telling you. we've taken every zip tripsri every friday until next weekend labor day weekend t
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trips in all.trips in a 14 finalists have already been selected it was weekly randomdo drawing. one of those 14 will win the 2016 mazda cx9.. tune in next week in silver in v spring when someone willl actually drive away in many carc >> it is beautiful.iful. >> really nice in here.y ni isn't it. >> hold on, hold on. >> he's putting the sun shade. e we were hoping steve would makek it but he's probably in that traffic.trfic. >> probably on route 1.te >> of kids moving i wait a minute.wa maybe i can get a better view. it has awesome sun roof, too. t. >> i think i see steve overr there. you know what he's helping somee young girl move in.n. what is,, what is going on? i' just kidding.idng he's not. hopefully steve will join us us too. i can tell you who is here.hos h you think university of marylann basketball, grievous vazquez who you think about he was here. hee he probably went to find someome shade, too.she, t we have spotted him and we'll wl talk with him before obviously y he heads back to the big leagues. he's doing something veryomet special with kids for back to to school. i love you all. y all i'm going to throw it back in tk
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into the >> see ya. y >> looks like beautiful sunnylun day out there.t ere >> it does look really pretty.ry >> stay hydrated and say hello o at college park to the gang. ga. >> i think they're staying inres the car. >> fair enough. eighths beautiful carai.ul c you have the chance to win.. 9:19.9: coming up next ryan lochte locht living proof that when a door a closes, a window can >> you never plus the nats avoid the t sweep and an update on that t utility worker we told you about yesterday who went the extra mile this is hilarious.ario we'll tell you all about it. yla who wants to buy him beer nowr w when we check what else is elses making headlines neck.dlin nec >> here's what we're looking at. britt britt in the passenger seat. seat >> was she really sinking with h james corden? kevin has the highlights from her carpoolpool karaoke.oke you don't care?n'tar >> i don't even care becausecare it's britt britt. bri bri >> right.>> >> all right.>> a we'll be right. what ♪what
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♪ ♪
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♪ welcome back. 9:22.9: time for a check on what else is making headlines this >> that's right annie we beginab with new details out of italy after another strong after shocs was felt this morning amatrice.r this comes as the death tollol continues to rise after wednesday's quake killed 267 people in central italy. since wednesday, more than are a thus sand after shocks have been felt.felt today's was the strongest morest than 387 people are being treated at local hospitals there for
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quake. in brazil police haveeav charged american swimmer ryanya lochte with filing a false fal robbery report during therert d olympic. lochte could be tried in if he e doesn't return to face theehe charge and if convicted could cd face an 18 month prison senten sentence. but some good news for the goldl med list he also pick up a new new endorsement deal with the coughu drop company pine brothers. today marks one year sincern two journalists were killedil during live broadcast in i roanoke, virginia.a. the state where they worked hel a moment of silence during a newscast this morning. mor 24 year old reporter allison als parker and 27-year-old cameron man adam ward killed by former co-worker who later turn the tue weapon on himself. over to baseball now.ow game four in the battle of thete beltways max scherzer on the mound. and take a look at this catch. he snag it with his b
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right there. there oh, and one of his many highlights ace struck out 10 ini route to a four-zero win. nats avoid the sweep and take ot the rockies tonight.toght game time 7:05 if you want tot head down to nats park and fin finally, yesterday we told you y about the story of an extremely dedicated texas utility worker and today well he's a viral sensation.nsatio 23-year-old jimmy cox was firstf caught on camera, ooh, look at a that picture when he had too reach into a swampy water to to clamp a broken wet line workingg hard there.rd t his acts of every day dedicatiot caught the eye of mike raoul from the show dirty jobs.ob love that show. sho he posted on the picture onn social media saluted him andim a said he wants to buy cox beer. >> aww. >> i love that. that's not all. wrangler jeans wants in on it they noticed his plunge tweetint now this is an every day hero hr keep up the good work buddy andy expect to see hash tag wranglerg jeans come your way as for coxoc he says i don't know what thedo' fuss is about.fuss i he w j
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and doesn't get why everyone isy making such a big deal. i think that picture says a lott about his dedication.ation >> that's great.>> t that really shows the power ofeo social media, too. >> doesn't it >> all these opportunitieshese coming his way.ming way >> right.>> rig looks like i'm going to have some under water -- >> maybe a trip in the car. >> we shall >> let's put sunglasses on sidgd the weather dog.weathedo >> i think that picture does dos speak to going above and beyondn how many times we waited forimer someone to come out like ake a service person and oh, well ih, can't do it.can' you know what i mean? but but then -- >> he said i got this and handll it. >> i got it. the dog days of summer sum definitely are here. just in time because it'st' national dog day.ay coming up we are sharing more oo your amazing pictures with youru fur babies.fu we've been tweeting showing youy tweets all all make sure you tweet us with the hash tag fox5 dog days.ay >> they are all so
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(laughter).r) >> all right. all (laughter).. >> let it marinate little bit. one of maryland's most famousam basketball alumni is back onk o campus this morning and hangingi out with our zip trip team. tea we'll take you back out toout to college park with holly, wisdom and tucker and fresh at 10a imitating lifestyle first ladysl now running for president. sound familiar, folks.ol she's in town to support a real former first lady running for f president. my mind is just hurting right rt new this morning actress bellctl lamb knee young will join usoinu live in the loft. we are so excited.ed >> i can't wait to meet her. he. >> i know. right now 9:26. 96. may, we'll be right back. ♪
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♪ you might have to do theaveh walk. >> am i? am i supposed to betoe over. >> you going to steal tucker's ' weather >> famous walk.. >> maybe right not.ot. yesterday bob was down on thewan mall, remember we were talkingee about the washinregton monument. while the national park servicei marked their 100th anniversar aniversary, by createing a logo with human beings their logo weo told you that we would show youw the final product.duct here it is. >> that is incredible.t is >> that is -- can we lose the l banner maybe? i can't really -n okay. i see it.i see the little badge that is amazi amazing. >> okay. that is more than the thousandth people holding umbrellas to
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recreate the symbol of thef national park service.arkervi >> i love that.>>ove >> are you guys not impressed.. >> i'm very impressed.mpssed >> i wonder how they know towo color coordinate to market from above.ab >> they all getov in formation. >> when i was -- get in formation.tion >> picked that one up w i was -- i guess i must have been in i college i think that's when ittw was we did hands across america. >> oh.>> oh. >> it was beautiful.til i think we need that now. it was people across the entire country strategically holding hg hands they told you where to goe and my mom and i did it that wah so cool right on wisconsinco avenue. you're holding hands with people essentially across the unitednid states. >> that is so cool. >> i think it was in the '90's.n ch tris, correct me if i'm wrong or if you have time to google it but called -- that's what -- any time you get whole bunch ofchf people together for good cause.d >> for unity and communitynity >> we need to do that again idoi think in this country.k in >> i like that idea.. >> maybe that's how we'll goe'lg viral. >> hands acr
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was that the '90's? >> 1986, okay.kay. yeah. so i was in -- yeah. i was in college i guess i wasas home.ho. >> that's when i came tos i cam america. am >> really?>> r >> aww. >> what great year.haeat >> what great year.ea >> so glad. >> aww. >> hands across over to you.. hold hands across the couch. >> either something is happenini right in here or we're feelingng the love on feel good friday. >> let's share the love rightigt now. by heading back out to collegele park. >> to college park.coe pa >> hello. holly, we miss you. we you we're feeling the love in here. (cheers and applause).use). >> we're having whole lot of ful out here. despite it being really hot.ot the crowd is hanging in therehe with us. with you know, i just want to taket k this moment to say there's there somee that i always look up to to. and that person is mr. wisdomm >> you know what?now wha >> i appreciate that.t you know what since you said sai that there's people oy look up u to too as well.oos w who would that be. >> that would be grievous griev va
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>> look at that. >> legendary maryland interpreti basketball player currentll p brooklyn net is in the house.s what's going on? how have youiy been. >> i'm doing great.'m d >> we're happy to have you here. so we're not just talking aboutt basketball today.bask you got something else going oni right here it has to do withit school and kids.hool a >> yes, sir. yes, sir. >> always great to give back tob the community. maryland done so much for me. m through my -- through greaterghr basketball foundation back toato school backpack bash and it'sndi going to be tomorrow saturdayatr 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 o'clock. don't miss it. it it will be college park -- community park i think i got --- i got nervous.vous >> no, no, you're fine.e you're all good. >> otts my social media. it's going to be fun.oi my family is coming. my kids are >> how old are your kids now. >> my son is four.son iour. my daughter is six.ix. >> you got your hands full. >> you know all about backpacksk >> it will be cool.. >> it's going to be schooll supplies.suli going to be food, face paintingt and more. going to be fun.goin
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backpacking.backckin you going to,, what do we got.. we pencils. >> put that in there. that in >> you got crayons.. >> pens. pen >> some pens for the kids. >> this is the third annual back to to school backpack bash.ash i'm hoping that i can continuet it do it every year.i o >> yeah. >> i'm really excited. >> a binder. b >> i can do lot of differento lo things in the community since it went ty o school here. he. eventually i want to move backoe here and live here and raise my kids. kids >> you heard it. you heard it right here. grievous vasquez is moving backg at some point in his l i want to say this. thi i know that it is every, youry,o know, basketball's players dreae to make it to the nba and you'vu done that and that is amazing,ng obviously college park and all of maryland is so proud of you and venezuela is proud you andyo everybody.od there's nothing like collegeg l basketball, right?bask >> not at all.>> a >> what's your best memory ofemr your times there? >> i remember, um, my senior night when we played againstgast duke.
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>> duke.>>uk (laughter). all the trash talkig on. >> i think took to us town. >> i remember going to gary'sto' office our coach gary williamss and we talk about so manyoan different things but we didn't talk about the game. g i remember how, you know, how great, you know, he was to me aa a mentor, as a father, as frie friend. >> as coach.>> >> i can never forget my days here. maryland made who i am i'm so so thankful. i can never pay back everythingh the school, you guys, everybody around here did for me. m my family, my country, myself, we are truly thankful.nkfu through my foundation i want too do so many -- so many differente social i want to give back and i want w to be involved with theinvolvedw community here.mmy here >> gotcha. g through your foundation can it i hook us up with under armor arm shirts? we need them today. to. >> for sure.>> f >> we need more than 30's. >> we you're with the brooklynro nets. >> yes, sir., >> watch him play for the brooklyn nets this year. y grievous vasquez, ladies and gentl
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(applause). >> legendary maryland interpretr in the house. >> you're pretty big star powerg you're pretty big star power but we have another celebrity thatty just arrived on location. so dare i say, tucker barnes ana steve chenevey.he you guys are together, right?? >> thank you >> yeah. >> i tell you what the only wayy you can follow grievous vasquezs the people that kept him and his teammates safe here when he was at the university of maryland. >> and doughnuts. >> by the way when tucker and ii got the e-mail for the schooll uniform today we nailed it downt to the t. the t brown shoes, brown belt, sunun glasses. >> you look pretty good.prettyo. >> good to go.>> good to go. >> thank you.>> >> honoring our local firefighters here our heroes.. with dunkin' donuts and we've w' got eric.ri. your last name. >> , you're are you branch rolll volunteer fire department.r firn >> yes, sir. >> your name is bill corrigan i'm the volunteer chief of chi f college >> the two local departments.ep. >> um-hmm. >> tell me a little bit aboutit what area you cover atlnd what u guys are up to.
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university of maryland campus o and south half the city ofhalf c college park and then we gowe g pretty much all the way to the t d.c. line and all the way to way laurel and then the branchvillel company picks up basically aboua green belt road and covers theve north last the city.rt >> you have a combinatione a between volunteers and staff bub you also have fire trucks and ad new toys. tell me about this new vehicle v you have over here. >> that's our brand new truck ww just got it a couple of days of ago. not really even official untilel service yet.e t. primary mission is going to be to assist with all the specialpi events in the city on campus football games stuff like thate and then the large network of the trails and the parks. >> tell me about being in chargg of the campus.. how is that a little differentif than typical fire department. >> it's complex. complex if you think of it it's ownt's little city. within a city and there's all kinds of research.rch. all kinds of unique quirkyuirk things you won't find anywherewr else except right there.epght t. it's a challenge to keep up with
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ng can be prepared for it. >> eric you have all volunteer you have day jobs as well protecting the folks here.ks he. >> we have combination of com students from the university ofo maryland that want to join andnd volunteer with us, then we havee firefighters, construction workers, you name it, they comem and they volunteer.olunteer they put in time. they do about 24 hours month our standard. >> all right.ll rig let's get down to business. to . we got a lot of firefightershts here. you guys have any friendly competition between departmentsp >> not really. nothing outside the norm. >> have you ever made maybe sett up unmotorized go carts and runn them down the streets of collegl park like tucker did later thiss >> i think a donut eating dut e contest.ntes who would eat a donut eatingg contest.. >> do you have any ringers innyr the donut eating contest here. >> he's ringer. we'll our good friends at a dunkin' donuts hooked us up.p. guys, we appreciate your you service.
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prince george's county as well.l thanks to everybody for your for service and keeping everybody eo safe in the county.n th >> steve you don't get out veryt often. you go the to open those up andp hand them out. >> sadder trick to opening themt up. >> they're melting.he >> start down the line, grab anb donut. enjoy it.y thank you for your service.ervi >> all right. >> we'll work the line.the l thanks, >> thank you and thank you to yt both departments for all your al hard work.hard guys, i'll toss it back insideki to you. >> you're welcome.e lcom thanks, guys.thanks >> having lot of fun.. >> back inside, guys. guy >> thank you very much.eruch. so it's national dog day and wed are celebrating with our weathea dog sid the weather dog. >> sid is so good.s so g >> he's so happy to be here.ere i have treats.have >> he's making us feel so good.d sid, you're the best. you'rthe we decided we were going to combine fab5pics with the t pictures that you've been sendsn us and we do really appreciatedi it we asked to you use the hasha tag five dog day.ay let's look at some of of your photos, shall we? all right.ig >> step out of the way her
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>> oh, jim. jim. >> adorable.rable >> is he getting a bath? bat someone is having a bad hair d day. >> who is this. is is >> this is luna. >> love my baby gabbie i know do you. this looks just like my dog. hey, wait a minute.inut hey, susan, where did you get joy? because joy looks just jus like my lady bird and she came m from forever home. foreverom they could reallily be twins. she's now the spoiled princessps of her home. i get it.i ge do you this one, mike. >> well, this one is layla. meet layla again. a her day off was a better day for day off.y o daddy's i love it. >> that is so sweet. >> adorable.ra >> look at this beautiful puppy. blue is the cutest i do agree cindy. cindy. >> i might disagree. second. >> look at these two pals. lucy and pippy. cindy, how many dogs do you man have? cindy are you like me lie like crazy dog person? i thinkk maybe so. >> so c
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i love it.i love all right.all >> keep the pictures coming comg though. >> this is great day. gre keep the pictures coming #fox5dogday. >> fox5 dug day.g da back to you.back to yo >> look at annie sid thinksidhik you're playing. >> sid thinks you're playing.u'g (laughter). >> too cute. too cut >> what a good boy.ha back to you guys. >> #fox5dogday.. >> where did she go. >> so cute.e guess what, britt britt is backb her new album dropped thisd morning and last night to to celebrate they took drive with t late late show james corden. so how does her carpool karaoke debut stack up to some of thef e kevin mccarthy is back with som of the highlights.ight good day at 9a will be right rig back. ♪ it's a great day
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surprises are hiding around each corner. come chase thrills that lead in every direction. yet somehow bring us all back together. busch gardens williamsburg and water country usa. vacation packages start at $50 per person. a whole other world awaits.
9:42 am
it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. always keep laundry pacs away from children. keep them up, keep them closed, keep them safe. tide pods now come in a child guard zip pack. to help keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. align, press and unzip.
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♪ i got a text from tuckermuc barnes last kevin, britney spears album is b out at midnight.t. >> yeah.ea >> he was -->> has >> tucker new. >> i'm kiddingly did he not texd mow that. >> i'm just >> you have and really mentione it but is that a dead pool tie?t >> of course it's a dead pooldoo tie. >> you have a dead pool e >> my fiance' lauren got this gt for me.for me. >> and breaking bad tie clip. tc >> tie bar. >> venting today.ting today. so much awesome happening here.. >> yeah. >> i know.>> i >> and you.>> a so almost too almost >> i love you guys so much.o muc >> i do love you guys. britney spears was on carpool karaoke last night.. it's essentially late show withw james corde
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and they sing while they're the driving around los angeles. ael >> really so much fun.souch >> london or the first lady thet did at the white house.ouse. amazing.azin so britney spears preview cameem out and it look like she was lip syncing for her carpool karaoke. final version aired last night.e nine or 10 minutes long and shes actually mixed it up and it wast pretty funny.ny so this is a 50 second montageot of the best moments. momen >> in the montage, when is is he singing.sing >> i think she's lip syncing onn toxic. to i'm she's actually sinking on oops, i did it again.gain. >> see if you can figure it out. >> let's >> watch this.. >> every time i order domino's n think oops, i did it again.. ♪ >> she's singing >> yeah, for sure. >> ♪
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>> great song. >> you shouldn't. >> ♪ >> i think this is lip syncing. >> she's singing,.gi,. >> he's singing.>> watch her. ♪ >> that's lip sync, right? >> for sure.>> >> but the best part is coming n up. >> it looks like she's unsure of the words. >> here we go.. >> ♪ >> that is so sgoo i really get goose bumps howow funny that is >> oh, man. >> so perfect.fect >> that is so perfect. >> they sound >> i love it. >> she weren't all in on that one. one. >> she's so perfect. >> he asked her at the beginning what was oops i did it againdi n about. she asked have i nod yes. that's why he does the domino's' thing. >> very very fun video.ery very the question how does the stacka up to other ones.ther ones. my personal favorite has got tot be we have a lit
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>> adele was good.>>le was good. >> watch this. amazing much.. >> let's take look see. >> ♪ >> that was mazing. >> ♪ >> i love how they're obviouslyy in england because it's on the n other side of the road.the r >> kind of cool.>> kind of c good by the way -- >> she busted out with nickyky minaj. >> right. she really impressed us.. >> she belts it out too.he bts >> remember the other onese ots because i had one that sticksti out in my mind.. it may have been jennifer huds hudson. >> i like the rod stewart one.. >> james corden can sing. >> right.>> right. >> he's really sinking and she's bringinbringing her oscar awardr voice to it that's the one ihe o liked the best.d the st. >> everyone gives britney spears a hard time.a hard t this is the first lady.thest la. this is actually in d.c. at thet white house.ite >> she rock >> they drove around.. >> they didn't leave the compl complex. >> missy elliot showed up. >> here for 1:45 tour.5 t had
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so you want, g for a spin. mind if we listen to it. >> very very fun.. >> listen to the music in the it car. when was the last time -- tim >> keep going an.>> kee they keep sinking a lot of fun. everyone gives britney spears aa hard time. t in regards to like lip syncing s all the time.all everyone including y >> i do. i will say she's a great great performer. but for me someone like a pink, someone like pink who can sing n flip around and move you'reou'r being paid millions of dollars.a that's what you shall be doing.. >> who does that besides pinkin and beyonce'. >> adele sings life. >> adele doesn't >> i love britt britt since i s was 14 years old and i mold mold dealed in a fashion show for 177 magazine and she sang on stage.a >> did you meet her.. >> i did meet her back stage.ta >> how was she.>> h >> she was cool. >> i want to give her credit i thought that you fun carpool karaoke. i wish she didn't l
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toxic. >> she is who she is. is who >> my fe fiance' is baying a lal amount of money to see her ineri vegas. it's a crazy show but she liphe sinks the he entire thing.e thig is it worth it.t wo >> i think it is worth it. thi >> i think so too.o too you're there with somebody thatt you --u >> she's life.>> >> the thought of being there -- >> chris says it's worth i >> our producer saw it in vegas. >> like a prince concert --once- >> i want to support her.t uppot >> you see the person righthe pi there. no other place in the world butb right there.ri that's worth it. >> the songs i love them. the >> her album glory is out now. came outed in night last night.g ninth studio album. album. last album 2013 was a massive flop. so we're hoping this one doess better she'll dot form make me at the vma's this sunday.un >> it's national dog day.t'al i got to show my dog oscar.scar best dog on the planet.lane he think that is my bed is his s bed so then we gave him thishis pillow and finally took thisoos picture out of him and it ofim a sleeping together and finally oscar my fiance' and i rightig
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>> love them shoes, too.. >> great picture. >> fox5 dog day. >> fox5 dug day.g day >> all right. aht final now is --no i >> we're trending in d.c. right now. fox fave dog day hash tag. tag >> time now 9:49.w 9:49. coming up next we're showing off college park style. we'll check back in with zipck z trip gang in college parkar maryland. we'll be right back. i like those bag ♪ there's nothing like trying something new. especially when it comes to snacking. that's why we're introducing cheese dippers. the creamy cheese and crunchy breadsticks that go wherever you do. cheese dippers by the laughing cow. reinvent snacking.
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♪ hi. hi >> work the camera here.ork e ca >> we got the.e got there we go. 9:52. we'll head back out to collegeoe park, maryland, where holly is standing by she's talking fashion and holly, did i hear ih earlier you say it all startedtd in a dorm room and now it's like this big store? we need thethe story. >> my gosh, let me tell you youy will love this story, annie., a this is my favorite story of thy day so far.. this alex. >> graduated from the universito of maryland inm 2012. but her story started while shes was in school. s good yes. that's i started this business back ink 2010 when i lost my job at a bab actually right across thet
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from here. fr >> right across the >> you were telling me that wass like the highest paid job onob campus. >> it was. i was a beer tub girl which i i don't even get details just selling beer. it was forced to shut down.hut w it was too popular of a bar andr prompted me to make design inden support of the bar and it wenthd viral online and i ended uped u selling 600 in a couple of wee weeks. >> she wanted to sell 30 shirtss and she sold 600 in a couple ofe weeks thus route 1 apparel was s here we are six years later. lat that was 2010. tell us about your business andb what you y >> so we started with oneh product six years ago and now ww have over 1500 and it's allll kinds of products as you can see we make custo cut purchases, due bags, back bags.ags. we're featuring back to schoolga items right we have everything under theer e sun. we evolve greatly from screen s printing t-shirts.ting-s >> how do you go about getting t this kind of stuff produced.roce >> i can say i had this idea foi bag but then you have to find someone to make it.. >> yeah. it definitely isn't easy andelya that's where we really exc
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because i really emphasizempsize quality and we stand behind alld of our products.roduct and so, you know, it takes a lol of team to research and find th right source.right ce >> and you have a storefront?tor >> we actually have an outletlyh store but my primary focus is ei commerce we wholesale to so mano different places we have over 50 wholesale stores across theac state including one right downow the street at book holder. hol >> is it all maryland stuff isn't primarily all maryland bul our plans are to expand all updl and down the east coast. coast >> i know because i'm thinkingc' like i'm looking here and i'm going, any university across tht nation.on. >> exactly.>> >> would love, you know, and/or states, state flag or whatever. >> we have all of these amazing products her but you also haveav some models for us.meodel >> yes, we do. if you want to -- brad, come over. over brad is a rocking the i likee turtles shirt you're in the newe i remember sure you remember that viral >> absolutely. it has little marylandarylan connotation to it. i so that's he's also wearing bandana andda shorts that are extremelyly popular on our website. website. >> let me ask you this asyou as fashionista i know
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this for the fashion show.hehios should we really wear all of a these products at one time? >> i'm taking it to the extremee at this point.s po college kids love to rock thek e flag. >> if ever there's a time to bee extreme it's when you're inn college.coe. >> yes.>> absolutely. >> let's take look at our nextt model.mode somali come through. thr she's repping the marylandaryl muscle tank and ban dough whicha is a swim wear item. ite >> which we all need to be wearing right if >> and also wearing our work ouk shorts which are super c >> those are. >> you can wear those to the to gym. i remember when i went to thehe gym here very not that much buth when i did people would wear thw flag all the time.ime. >> awesome. our last model i think this ishi just like beyond cute. cute. love it, love it, love it. >> step through.p through. she even though we're in the the heat right now she's wearing ono of our workout leggings.. it's a great fabric super nice. and one of our burn out tanksan which is great.. >> so what is your next move? tv what's the next thing we'll see from you? >> we just actually just got -- got natty bow licensing which is big success of ours we'll be ana
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product. we'll expand that across our anr tire line. we're also expanding to other o collegiate licensing so other o colleges and we're planning onig expanding to other states asg to well. >> i tell you amazing. tel job well done.we >> thank you so much.hank so >> university of maryland serves you well. >> yes. >> as did college park.did co >> and they're great. go to the university of maryland. it's the best school. >> all right. we'll have more. back to you all.he t >> i love it.>> i wrote it down.t dn. i'm going shopping. sppin >> oh, yeah. >> i went to the website really cute clothes.loes. >> i want those leggings.gings holly is right i want that that outfit.outfit. >> route one particle.article. coming up we a star-studded sh show. >> bellamy young i'm so excitedd that doesn't end there.oesn't kevin is talking with natalieat portman, too.port >> i can't wait. a lot coming up.a lot ng up. isn't we do. we do. first, though, it is coffee timt here on good day dc. d and if you've been eyeing our cool good day mugs so cuteo c listen up we now have new goodeg day d.c. dunkin' donuts mug too give away perfect cup for that great dunkin' donuts coffee heaa to f5 d.c..
9:57 am d.c. tooxo enter our mug contest.. lucky winner will be selected be random drawing but hurry youuryy only have from now until 11am to enter.te it's 9:57. 9 we'll be right back with good day at 10a.
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[000:58:46;00] i found her wandering miles from home. when the phone rang at 5am, i knew it was about mom.
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i see how hard it's been on her at work and i want to help. for the 5 million americans living with alzheimer's, and millions more who feel its effects. let's walk together to make an even bigger impact and end alzheimer's for good.
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find your walk near you at ♪ >> our friday morning continues on good day at 10 a we continueu our life tv even from college ce park. oh, boy, do we have surprises i store. >> back here live in the loft,he we are bringing t lhe star powep this you know her as melly grant from the hit show scandal.caal
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bellamy young is here with us. u also fresh at 10a oscar winnerr natalie portman life, black swan scary she has new has film she wants to you see.tso yo let's do it.s do the 10a starts now. now. ♪ ♪ who let the dogs out >> right on on queue i can always count on two. t >> thank you.>> t >> i love it. it is a day we're celebratingelg college park, we're alsolso celebrating our four legged best friends because it's nationalcat dog day.g da but in here, fox5 dog day. >> hash tag fox5 dog days.og d. we've been stepping in all youri pictures and we just love it.e i >> awesome.>> aweso >> sid has been hanging out with us. >> yes, he has.>> >> sid the weather dog. theeath. >> he's been loving it! lovg >> so cute.ute >> is mike the luckiest. luces >> the luckiest. >> sid is actually the luckiest because mike spoils him silly. >> yeah. >> now he's gone. gone. she had his treats. treat >> and now he's out. >> piece out guys. >> he went over there because b paul wharton is over there. >> paul is such an attraction.ct >> paul is joining us. pau joi
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>> paul is joining us for theort 10:00 o dc! >> what we got? >> what we got?? >> paul wharton on good day dc.d >> walking over. o you looking sharp, my man. (laughter).augh >> loving it.g . >> the best thing about doingin this? >> what. i get to see what you guys areyo wearing at home and then i check it >> you're looking sharp.'rokin what's up, guys.what guy >> good day 10 alt. i'm al will he son seymour.he sy along with annie, erin and paul. maureen is off and you know thew rest of the crew is out ziput z tripping in college park.. >> having lots of fun out theree in college park you still havele timing to say hello we found f someone to try and take their tr place of course. ce master paul wharton. >> exactly. >> all right.ig. exactly.exact master paul wharton i like that. you think i can work with that.. >> you can work with that for wi sure. >> so far this morning we'veve checked out college park fivek must
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we've stuffed some back to school backpacks legend and shown off the city'ss style. st >> but there's still plenty lefy to see and to do and plenty ofle time to head down as annie saids and say hello to our friend outd there. first at 10a, let's say hello hl ourselves to holly and wisdom and a special guest. gue good morning. >> good morning. mor >> let me tell you. me teou. wisdom you know you're my y're favorite. >> okay. >> until kevin showed up becausb he brought me this. >> is that right? is that r >> are you ready.>> are you >> go ahead.>> go ahea >> i'll let you feel it. >> little bit higher.he >> not only is it a fan but alsa sprays water.raater kevin, you my man, you are -- he is withinw dag. listen, we are winning because college park is amazing, ofng, course. ur and we've been reallyeay highlighting all that we have h here and we'll have the h t university of marching band b coming up from college park. oh, my gosh. >> there's a interpret here.preh >> i mean a real interpret.. >> a interpret is here.nt >> we'll show you that in athata second. we'll have the food trucks fromm
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college park and we're also a going to paragraph and hometown herod hoh coming up as wel first we want to go back insidee where the air-conditioner isconn >> meanwhile we'll just keepnwhe this going g back to you >> it's hot in here. it's wall wharton is here.e (laughter). >> it's hot.. >> you got did you direct deposit hit? h >> you better believe it.lieve >> check that at like 2:30 in 2 the morning. >> make sure i got paid. >> great equalizer. >> we'll set celebrate and tosst it back out to college park because tucker has celebrity guest steve chenevey with himit and another special guest. g >> i think erin is pushing this a little much.ttle muc you guys are talking about talna putting the pressure on wallal wharton we have the pressure onn us she wants all of our jobs.ob don't you?n' >> yes. >> yes, she does. yes she has the confidence to goto with it, >> i love it. >> we'll talk to you in just tay couple of minutes and find outs about your school year andyourco you'll is ask us questions,n right? >> yes. >> all right.>> you ever done the weather befo before? >> no.o >> no? okay. oka i'll dot weather quickly.ot w
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it is hot, it going to be in the mid to upperp 90s later today.od it already feels like 90 plus90p with that heat index later todat of 100.of00 we're all sweaty. swe 97 your daytime high today. tod it should generally be dry thisi afternoon might be a shower or lonesome hunter thunderstorm but for the most part dry this this afternoon and dry into theoon weekend little cooler this weekend daytime highs in the loe 90s little less humidity we gote one last stretch of hot water w and things should get better ase we get into next week.k so all right we'll be back ink just a minute let her ask hardha hitting questions.hi steve you ready for this.ady r t >> she's giving me a preview. pw they are hard hitting.reard >> back inside to you.ack in too >> we're looking forward towardt those questions for sure.. >> we're also lookly forward too meeting our hometown hero this i weekend at college holly and wisdom have the honort this week.thee good morning. >> it is an honor and every ande since sense the word today,. >> absolutely. >> our hometown hero this week miss thelma.sshe >> good morning to you. goo
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>> good morning.ood mo >> good to see you. gooto s >> good to see you all and you all for coming.g. we're glad you came. c thank you for coming out in thit crazy heat. but we want to talk all about ao you and what you have meant to college park and what colleget e park has meant to you.. >> it has meant lot to me. me. i married and moved here and mym husband and i had two kids and those two went to college park elementary school, um, theyhe integrated at that time collegel park elementary school. >> um-hmm. um-m >> that was the start of the t life. life. >> that was the start of a movement.. >> amazing.>> >> right.
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>> and from then on, i just really got involved as thehe children grew up middle school and all of thatt and i just did the civice cic association. i did -- i started a martinar luther king program which iss still going, 25 years later.. >> um-hmm. >> and i said that. oh, i'm on the board for the senior citizens of addy powersde the housing authority.utrity. i've been there since 1990. >> wow okay. okay. i'm a person don't leave a >> college park is lucky.. >> college park is very lucky. talk about when you see where se things are right now thehe transition over the whole time t from where -- during the integration to where things area now, a lot has happened.pene a hat haas changed how does thaa make you feel to know at this point we're in this society where we are at this point? pnt
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>> i feel good about it, becausc when i first came here, it was w in the f >> um-hmm.m-hm >> it was, you know, people had to be moved in the boats and ala of that. but now we have roads, the cityt has gotten bigger, of course, we got more people as you see with the university being close by. so i am employed proud of beingg a person who has stayed with the city. i worked in it. and people will really nice toyt me when i came here and i just j love the city. >> did you realize as you weree going through it the history h that you were making or was itrs just you being you and doing what your heart led you to do? ? >> doing what i like to do. i never thought that they wouldd recognize me this way..
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>> well, our recognition is small in comparison to the other and you are well deserved buterd because of all that you haveou h done and all that you still area you are our geico hometown heroo this week.eek. and we're giving this to you. y >> thank you.>>nk y >> and here's the other thing.hi since they follow you around with an umbrella wisdom and i are never leaving your side. (laughter). (applause). >> thelma thanks for coming out and comou hanging out with us.g out th u >> we still got more to come in this hour. we'll send it back in to you fof now.w (applause).(a >> thank you, guys. guys hometown hero indeed. well, she is -- hey, tuck.k. >> hi, guys.>> i guess it's my tune turn.ur >> they have an umbrella and we found the shade over here andere hoping that's a smart move tod today. this is malika, a fifth graderia at hollywood element row schooll the back of her shirt says, everyone is a star in hollywoodd elementary. elem good morning. how are you?w ar >> good. >> good. all right. i'm going to ask you onetask yoe
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question a t take it away and ask hardar hitting journalist questions, all right? >> all right.>> >> how is school so far thishoo year. >> it's been good.>> ioo all my friends are nice.rien >> all right. you want to give a shootout toot any teacher?eaer >> yup. i'd like to shout to miss moores and my mom and dad, my cousin jadin, alicia and all my aunts y and uncles. >> that's i want to ask question tuckiouc before we give her theregive h microphone and control of thisfs whole situation. what is it like that you likeouk about living in college park? >> i like all that -- all the cultures are in college park and you get can find every food in college park. >> maybe we'll go find some food after we're done this interviewi hasn't the mike off to you and a you can ask us hard-hittingd-ttn questions. >> you're the reporter now. what do you want to know?nt tno >> why did you become a report reporter?er? >> ask steve first? fir >> i think i became a reporter r because i wanted to know as mucm as about things as possible.s ai i'm just naturally curious.urio
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and so i thought this is great way to ask a l and hopefully get a lot ofgea lo answers and in the meantime i helps me learn even aft i gotftt out of school keep the learningn process going so i can continuee to learn more and more. >> all right.>> what's the next question.het qu. >> what did you do this summer?m >> what did i do this summer? e okay. i'll tell you the coolest thingt ever. i went to alaska. i never been to alaska. ala it was mazing. ming. so beautiful. snowcapped mountains i saw i whales and grizzly bears it'st's like right out of nature movie.. it was incredible.redi once in lifetime opportunity. >> um, why do you like college e park?pa >> why do i like college park.op let me tell you what i like i l about college park it's not just the university of maryland butto the community.the community. i think you actually answeredaly the question better than i could answer it there's something here for everybody.for everybody. and i think it's a reallyink diverse community.e comni and i think the mayor probablebl sld sum it up best earlier it'si a really great small town in tow this bigger region ofion o washington, d.c.wash >> that's quite the answer.t' >> i just like is t 'cause i wew to college yeah. that's pretty cool, right??
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>> um-hmm.>> >> if you could move out of college park, where would youeru move to? >> so many great places aroun here i would love to live. l so many places.ces. all these sip trips i can't evee begin to you. clifton, virginia, last week i e loved rosslyn i love annapolis,l all over the place. next week we're in silverlver spring. we got to wrap it up. i you have to throw it back inside to paul, allison, erin and ann annie. >> or you can say hey, guys,can back to you. >> hey, guys, back to to. >> i love it.. (applause).laus >> great interview. >> fantastic. fantastic. >> thanks fellas.hanks fellas. all right. big show today.big sh paul i hope you have brought brt your seat belt. >> she is not the first lady bub she pls one and tv.. now, try to remember this she'ss in town to support a formeror first lady running for president.esid >> a lot going on there. >> first scandal star bethenny t young is joining us live in thet
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loft that should be fun. f that's going to be exciting, right? return to glory. britney's new album is out andmd the reviews are in.e s ar we'll have all of that coming um after the break.e break. >> is this britt britt. >> i like it. it's a great day for an adventure. surprises are hiding around each corner. come chase thrills that lead in every direction. yet somehow bring us all back together. busch gardens williamsburg and water country usa. vacation packages start at $50 per person.
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10:15 am
a whole other world awaits.
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♪ welcome back to good day at 10a0 and it is celebrity dish. >> i believe correct me if i'm wrong that is the britt brittth singing. >> it is. >> album glory. glo >> better than ever i e >> people don't say album.. cd or whatever.hate she drop it.e dr >> there she is. tre s august coming to an end here ana we know what that means mtv video music awards. ards. they air this sunday night.ig so far here's what we know about the lineup.utthe ready, um-hmm.y, um-hmm we are hearing that easy himself kanye west, queen beyonce' riri, rihanna will perform all other artists are planning biging surprises.rprises. beyonce' is up for 11.1. >> what? that's great. g >> i know right. rht according to tmz kanye is givi giving -- they're giving kanye a few minutes on stage to do whatw he pleases. >> oh, boy. >> tailor swift going to believe a blank space.ank s get it, because that was her --- thank you erin i liked that. in seating c
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she'll be a no show. >> >> at the >> well she's not up for anything and so -- - >> she can support. sup >> most anticipated performancen is britney spears trying tog t bounce back after her 2007 performance. here she is. that was bad.that >> many called eight disasterlei >> it will be fabulous.. she performed her then single s called give me more. m it was pretty dark period for f miss spears so good to see her back in top form. >> you dope break down how can w you come back.u back. >> exact the.>> e >> you got to hit the ground to come back up, >> everybody loves a big come cm back story.back s >> she hit the ground way before that. that >> she shaved her head, she bea the car, she came back. >> see -- >> performance was she looks fantastic.anta >> now she's on track and ready to drop it. >> she dropped a new album last night called glory and it's already number 1i tunes pop people were craving you britt.ot it was actually leaked a few f days ago online and britt saysay
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glory marks the beginning of ano new era and she looks f >> she's got a little kylieylie jenner thing going on.oing >> doesn't everybody. eve >> she'll be performing her newn single make mow at the vma awards. awar can't wait to see it.i. >> britt britt if you're ever ie d.c. come over to good day d.c.d we'll treat you right. taylor swift has --as >> look at her body.ook aty. she's amazing.e's she has two kids, right, i thi think. no spring >> she just has to work so hardd and take those kids to school and do all of that the hard word she has to do. >> yes. she doesn't are chauffeur oruffr anything. >> guy aheago ahead. >> tailor swift has been out ofu the spotlight.e spotlht. fans are asking did she go out of the knife. knife she was looking above tee she te strolled through new york. thr it could be a wonder bra fromm victoria secret.ret. check out the picture to the t left compare to the one on the right.ri fans have come to her defense dn saying she can be wearing a be g heavily padded bra..
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i agree it >> may not be my expertise but b don't know. i mean -- m-- >> coming to her defense to sayy who gives a bleep? she can doan what she wants to do.o >> that's right.>> she wouldn't be the first performer enhancement. >> who cares? >> she does look bust tee.s loos >> oh, yeah when everyone in tht world is taking your picture ana looking for your pictures online don't you think that you have te come out and say? >> more important confidential we show that picture again. pic >> i want to know who the man is behind her to the right.o thght is anybody checking for him? h who is this guy. >> he is creeping on her. >> having a hot security guy.yuy side note that's just bra.t bra let me know your secret becausec i want it.i wa go ahead >> finally no secret that draker loves basketball.bal the 29-year-old frequently wrapr about it. and supports his favorite teamss on social need media. mia it turns out this game isn't bad either.
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>> in null disclosure before you couldn't reading paul, i'm now in love with drake.ra >> you're in love with them because of this.beca >> because of his song control.l you know the part i like in thee song. mate me fall in love with him.. >> he posted his video to instagram showing him scoring ag half court shot while laying lay down. wow that's pretty awesome. he even glares at the personth filming when they start get tooo hyped about the epic swish.pic . >> i can't look at the glare. >> go, drake.. >> have to get drake on good dao as >> let's see's sha >> what? >> ahh!>> a >> who could take him on. >> you think wisdom, steve.te >> maybe wisdom could. could. he should sit down and curb dish with us. >> there was an age nor marital status appropriate. i'll take him on.e him on >> that was not -- my inner ier voice. i didn't mean for it to come o out. >> it came out.>> >> you have a mik ie on sis. sis it's always hot.. >> i love it. i l it. i love it.i love it >> cool off over here. he. 10:20 and coming up, actress
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natalie portman joins us live.iv she's pulling get th duty on her new movie and kevink one. ♪ >> taking i'm down. i like that.
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who is is that? ♪ >> i do, too. ♪
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♪ (speaking foreign language).. >> that's clip from the new movie a tale of love andtalove darkness.da it's based on the book of the t same name and auto by graphical novel i aim mows odds takess tas place in jerusalem during the first years office independentop israel. kevin mccarthy joins us live noe with more on the movie..
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>> it's incredible.ble the story is amang natalie portman as his motherher but she pulled triple duty on dt this one in addition to starrinn it in she also made herer directorial and writing debut now this morning she joins usois live from fm la natalie portman, how are youre y today? nice to talk to you.talu >> i'm good, thank you. you how are you? >> congratulations to you by the way i'm doiniog great. cinema toe to have gravy score.o i love everything about the film. you work with some of thesome oe greatest film of all timee michael man, george lucas, derrr rin, as you become a director, c do you pull things from thoseho guys like can you look at yourty shot in the movie and maybe darrin or lucas shot or do you look at thing like that? >> yeah, i think that i've i'v definitely learned a lot from fo everyone i've worked with and ia don't know as much about the
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actual shots being their kind oo shots, um, but it's more -- i--i feel more the way that they great things from a loft the lof people that i've work with.. >> now you were obviously bornur in jerusalem and which isusem a obviously very interesting tieng in to this story phenomenal story.story. i'm wonder wagon that meantthat being born in jerusalem and howw that emotionally attached to you this project and what that didt for you. did that help you discover disce things about yourself that youfu didn't know before?e? >> yeah.>> yh. being from jerusalem is reallyy interesting because even thoughn i'm from there i left at a young age. so it really lived in my my imagination more than in reali reality. and i think that, um, the characters in this story have se similar thing as immigrants where the dream about jerusalemm and israel and when they getwhet there it's not what it's cracked up to you in their imaginationni and of course then they alsoy as think about where they came from
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in eastern europe and that's non as ideal as they might rememberr it either >> it's an interesting concept of the the movie which i latchel on i love the idea of stories ws tell are the stories that weha w start to live essentially.ssentl start living out the storiestori that we tell i'm wondering ing i want to know this as an actresst you've acted in so many movies.. has anything in movie everie evr happened to you in real life? if like did the story avenue filmef ever come true in real life situation? >> i don't know about come true, but i definitely have had h situations where you experiencee something emotionally in a filmf and then it affects you later emotionally. because it gets in you deeperee than you realize which always as makes you half to be little bitb careful about what kinds of o projects you choose 'causecae because you do experience realer life emotions related to what'sa going on in the film. >> before i let you go i have te say the professional one of myy favorite movies of all time.ime it was your first movie you evee starred in. >> thank you.>> thank you. >> did you reach out to luke toe talk to him he directed thated t
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movie did you lk directing this movie or kind ofo just do your own thing? >> you know, i didn't actuallyua talk to him about this, but he was definitely a very ver influential director to workr ok with, and i learn add lot fromoo getting to watch him especially on my very first and actually, i had a really cool experience because i made m film recently that i acted inedi called jackie and we made it ata his studios. >> cool. >> so i saw him like everyve morning last year for three t months. i would see him every morningnig going in to work.ork. that was kind of a nice full circle like 20 something years later. later. >> that's awesome.>> tha they're wrapping me up.e wr whole entire film is in hebrew.b do you direct the movie inie i hebrew. is everything onset in hebrew?e? >> a lot -- most of everythingtn was in hebrew. high director of photography was polish actually so weso e communicated in english. >> wow.
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>> if i didn't like know the't k right word to i would say it in english andlid someone would help me out, out because people speak a loft english there.english there. >> that's awesome.ome. >> congratulations to you movieo is playing at bethesda row right here in washington, d.c. in wash called a tale of love ande a darkness. natalie portman wrote andte directed and stars in the film.i thank you for the beautiful cinema to gravy and thend direction as well. >> thanks so much.>>hanks so >> have wonderful day. bye.bye. >> that was cool.t was . she's very cool. coo >> she was 14 or 13 on thehe professional. did you ever see that movie.ovie >> yeah.eah >> unbelievable film.e then my michael man also in star wars. three of the episodes. >> what were you that movie she played the pregnant teen.t t was it america? ameri >> i know exactly what you'reexh talking about.abou >> back in the day.he d >> where the heart is? whe >> i don't know the name of that film. i know -- >> it's a great movie. mov >> i loved her in that movie. m. i can't remember the title.mb te >> where the heart is.he h >> where the heart is.rt is. yeah.yeah >> cool. the movie is out now in theatert the whole thing is in hebrew. >> wow.
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>> thank you, kevin and we'revi zip tripping to university of maryland.and. hot place to be.plto b >> oh, yeah. >> lots more coming up, right, t paul. >> love to be out there exceptt my hair wouldn't make it. >> aww. >> that wet fan that holly justh
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had,at no, stay away from it. >> steer clear. >> steer clear. >> happy national dog n >> more importantly happy fox5 x dog day.
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>> yes. we are loving these photos. >> a corky.>> a cor >> he wants a catch. >> so cute. >> writing shotgun. shotg oh bella. oh so cute. >> keep theming hash tag fox5 f dog day. we want to so your little lite puppies. >> i'm going to bring mine inini next i have an oscar, too.. >> what kind of dog do you have. he's a wheaton terrier mix i mii adopted him from the washingtong humane society.humaoc while kevin's oscar is at home sleep on his pillow my dog is at the washington humane society raising money for other dogs. d. there's no competition.ompetitin >> there's in competition.ompeti >> let's head back out to, we'lw continue to zip trip out in college park. p. what do you have, steve and tucker? >> i tell was we are on o absolutely beautiful university of maryland college park campuss right now. eli the director of the marching director of the bands here atth the university of maryland. of getting ready for school tofo start.
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getting ready for footballal season, half time shows f i go g back to ninth going back in a a these folks on the field now i i understand all the work that ale goes not marching ban. marching. i think what we should do takeld the focus off us right now. n put the focus on all of these t great folks behind u the university of maryland m marching band.mahing eli, walk us through what it whi takes for camp right now to getg ready for the football season. >> first of all it takes lot conditioning.coit marching band is an athletic event.t. we try and from the waist downow all of our performers are a athletes and from the waste up we're musicians or twirlers or dancers.da and what they're doing right non is going through what we call aa pride block. this pride block made of all of the marching maneuvers andaneuva skills we use in anyone our half time shows. and the idea we work on this t first and perfect this so whenso we go to put shows on the fieldd we don't have to talk about, oh make sure you keep your toes upu here and thinking about havingag your upper body oriened thisenei what there.whathere
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all that's money in the bang ang they only have to worry about getting from point a to point b. tin says the and the number of hours put in this week. w tell everybody at home waitome t makes to be in the in the band.h >> anyone with athleticth athti background, we do three days. we do three a days here at campm we've got three hour block in the throw hour block in thelockthe afternoon and three hour block in the t >> the morning block is in thect heat you indoors to thehe air-condition wrack it's littlec bit cooler.t coor >> that's right.>> that's right. >> let me ask you while we stilh have minute with you a lot of y times we see the band play play during half time show. half sho maryland in the big 10 now. n a great conference forefootoreft ball. great conference for bands you think about at a lot of big 10 0 bands. nd does maryland have band arrivall yet. >> we don't have band rival.div. but we have a lot of band ban friends in the big 10. 1 we find there's a lot of comradery between a lot of the the most storied and historiedid programs that you have and we're excited to be part of that. >> eli, not only are you the y t director of the band, you were w once in the band at the the university the of maryland.aryl you have great memories. greemor >> i have wonderful memories ofo this ban. as a matter of fact i met myof f wife in this band.d >> is that right.s that right
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>> i was clarinet she was a flute player and theae rest is history.ry >> if you want crank them up a p little and play for second now w as we head to break right now.iw all we'll do that. tha shout the commands out there ana let them go. >> all right.>> who are we go. >> ♪ >> let's do it, guys. leto it >> ladies and gentlemen we'll dt it one more time with t >> all right. let's do it.ledo >> this is going to be great. gt band, set, drum majors. major >> you feel the need to get outt there and join them. >> indira our photographer wasas in the band, too. >> ♪ ♪ >> love me some college marchinn bands.
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band >> actually i just love the fee of college campuses in gener >> yes.>> yes it. >> rue not the university of maryland is one of the best t bs campuses for you to be on o because there's lot happening.p. ken is here.n h he's the head of strategy whenye it comes to college park and the university of maryland.ty good morning to you. mor >> good morning.d m thanks soap for being here anfo exciting time in college park.gk >> it is an exciting time andnd kind of give us an idea of allf that's happening.ning >> under president wallace roada leadership we created the greater college park we are a university up to in t n college park, and everywhere you look there are tower cranesre t we've got new four diamond hotel conference center that that will open in a few months mikee isabella, mike's new restauranta new wholefoods at riverdale park station.. community that will open a inn n few months.fewths. music venue with great bar restaurant driving all the t energy to the college town t frankly i think for a lot of usu i went here, met my wife heree h has been missing along the route 1 corridor.ute rridor. >> the town need add littlen ne love. we'll put that it way.'ll put ta >> it's a great place.t's a but, you know, we needed to makm sure we're also a place where we
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faculty and staff want to liveov or r and helping start ups that grow out of the university and so we now have start up companiesmpie dotting the landscape. new recreation amenities and.tid >> you have this food truck.av tell us about the food truckfork business. >> we became the first place to qualify under the.he we create a pocket park. par two food trucks here all the t time including a student entrepreneur food truck.. >> right. that's christa lake from the q q truck his body is david engle.. >> whiskey mac and cheese for md everyone. ev >> it will be our best seller. r >> i have feeling it might be. >> yeah.h. >> absolutely. >> this is the q truck collegele park's first food truck outsidet the university.y. we're proud to be part of the te college park vision greatern gre college park vision and myself and my business partner two two proud interprets looking forwara to serving downtown other o interprets. >> keeping it in the family. t >> how are people -- food trucku day or when does it all happen? when can people order.erder
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>> next frid at 5:00 p.m. until midnight isti the day.e d there's thousands and thousandss of students that coming back tot campus and we're looking forwarr to have the majority of them down at the food truck. >> we do understand tas taughtdg dough is running for president. >> how is the campaign going. >> well? >> i understand your strategy ii no 8:00 o'clock classes and cheaper beer prices. pri >> all right.>> all right. >> he'll be elected. he' be ele. >> there you go. >> that's going to be easy.. easy >> look, good luck. >> good luck. l if you need campaign strategyn g people you got two standingndin right here beside you.t he >> you got it.>> go, maryland. marylan fear the turtles.urtles. >> writ there. right back at you.t ck a back in to you in the loft.t. >> thank you. thanks tess taught dough asughta welcoming up next we're so excited. we're huge scandal fans.. huge fans of the actor bellamy young who's joining us live inn the loft. l she's right over there.
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yay! we're getting to the bottom of it. it's handled next.
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♪ now it's our labor day sale. where you can create the perfect home. from now until september 5th, you'll find huge savings on stylish pieces. get free delivery, plus an extra hundred-dollars off every thousand-dollars you spend. with havertys, your home can be perfect, even when life isn't. mom? have you see my iguana? the labor day sale is on now, at havertys.
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life looks good. >> i am not going to stand int the rose garden and hold yourgon hand while you teld l the whitei house press core that you had aa affair with olivia pope thatt lasted a year. y >> it ended and started againrtd and ended and then started aga again. >> okay. so raise your hand if you need e some mill until your life. you always need some mill untill your life.if
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our next guest needs toueds introduction b how to work her way around a stage and on the small screen sn and all of that.and she's an award winning actor ana a singer who got her start on broadway and now she stars as the fir lady of the united states millie grant abc hit show scandal. so let's welcome to the lot ofoo actress bellamy young. y good morning.od morning. >> thank you so much for havingg me, allison. allison >> nice to meet you.. >> so nice to might as well. asl >> even when i'm sitting here sg with you, what do you share with millie grant? do you share -- besides being fierce.ngrc do you share one thing with this character.chr. >> i'm no way as fierce likeier millie grant is fierce.nt is i am -- i share that i'm luckyuc that i'm the girl that got to g on that ride.ride >> yeah. >> also, i'm loyal.oy loyal to the bone just in much more hopefully gracious way. >> not in such a boom boom p.m.m boom way. >> no. let's talk about why you're in'r town many you're hereer campaigning for hillary clintoni and of course we've been liken l wrapping our minds around thed
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fact art is imitat much right now for you.. >> well, what an honor. hillary clinton spent her whole live working to make this worldd better p i just sort of play an angry person on tv but it's reallyy such a blessing and unbelievabll honor to get to be here really a talking to people about the the issue that is matter. mte this week is small business bus week. last night i got to go too t loudoun county and meet simone n brittany at more than cheer andh learn about what's important toa them and talk about hillary'sla plan for small business. really be a part of the the democracy.democracy. sometimes we think it's so far r away from us our government butb it's really made by us we buildb our i'm honored to be here.. >> why did you choose to getou o involved personally with thell e clinton campaign? >> well, i mean like i hey say y all my life it's been an privilege to live in a society c where each voice matters and sod i think it's our public duty to use our voices. v but for me, hillary clinton isln the candidate of love andov inclusion and that's the world i want to live in.wa to
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so her policies women's issues or gun violencelc or racial equality all of thoseo are very very very important issues to me. climate change on the globalthel scale and plans are specific and her vision is what i would lick to see come to pass. >> if we're being hospital nestt there is a similarity between bt your character on scandal andnd some of the hurdles hillaryes ha clinton has to jump as far asfaa like ability.. >> how do you, you know, as somebody who is working closelyy here, what do you have to say ty about that? >> well, first of all, listen t the message.the age because the message is truely inclusive and no one who's heara wasn't in it would do work thisi hard for as long as she had.s lo you put it down, you'd walk awaa and do something else. she's in it because she reallysy means it she wants to see to e change. but also i wish everybody couldd spend like five minutes with h her. she's sweetest person and i knok we all get a little more sort of rigid when we're public speaking
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but the warmest human one-on-one, and i hope that's more of were people get to as the debates come on as we geg to know each other better. b isn't let's talk about you andta your amazing career. >> okay. >> let's talk about the factk ab that you started on the stage ta because you're a singer. >> yeah.>> y yeah, i did.di. >> see, we see i was little bitb singing on scandal, but i mean,a what about, like, blending these two worlds. wors you know, you had an album that came out.. >> far away so close i was not s good parent to and didn't did promote very well i'm so proud p of it and i hope people wille wl enjoy it.y it >> will we hear you singing mo more?more >> definitely.efinely definitely. i started oh and broadway andd still, you know, little piano ii my living room and my sweethearr and i sing all the time. tim >> that's the album cover.bum cr >> it is. that's me singing i got to beot her for the national treenalree lighting ceremony.y. >> beautiful. >> it got to sink in d.c. just.j in december. dec >> you look like a little dollil in that outfit that white. >> i was like please i want toat have my diane keaton moment.. i want it to snow on me.e. >> working the tam.he tam
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i like tha >> yes. >> let's talk about scandal. because we're not the station sa but we love scandal. sal >> okay great.y g >> what can you dish on? if isf can tell you i think all of us u were a little trepidation to ses i don't have the gift of writini and we're coming back in january which seems so long from now. >> right.ight >> it will be after the nationrn and the world spent the wholeho fall and national might be a blood bath of election and weel were wondering we left sort of mid election how shouldn't todad and our rider boss ham that. tha they have the best way in the scripts have been unbelievable.. >> really.>> rea >> season six is off the hookheo already. we're only on episode three anda it's so delicious.ic >> we'll have to watch.ll have here's the a question when istii watch every week i wonder how dh you learn how to speak that fa fast?fa >> yeah,. >> that's lot.>> >> yeah.>> yea no that's just shear >> you just have to do do >> yeah.. >> we admire it.mire i i mean amazing on the show.
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amazing as a person becausenecau we're celebrating dog day here.r you actually tweeted a picture c of your own dog. own dog >> i did. >> used hour hash tag.h t so look at that. t joining me on good day dc to t talk all things scandal and your dog is bean or the bean.ea >> the bean. b she has a >> the bean. because it's fox5 dog day. day we appreciate you so much. m >> i love being here allison. al thank you so much.thanyou so m thank you guys. >> paul has question. >> carpool karaoke song. sg >> i find of one enjoys novembem rain or that jet song, um, are a you going to be my girl. >> yes. >> what's your song. s >> i'm saying yes to you. yes. yes. >> anything else you need fromon me. >> paul, do you one. >> what's yours?>> w >> anything prince. any you know i like beat it. it. >> i know all the >> i want to see it happen.appe >> you want to see it. i wait a minute now. m. >> you might have to do it. i >> i love it. bellamy young thank you.
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>> thank you so much.ou sch back on.back on. >> watch us.atch us. >> back over to the couch.over >> thanks al.hank >> time now 10:48. 10: no zip trip is finish without some food. f yaw know that.knhat. coming up next we're getting a g taste of college park. p we'll be right back. bk. ♪ ♪ ♪ amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. sleep number beds with sleepiq technology
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give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. ere all beds are on sale! save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed.
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know better sleep. only at a sleep number store. ♪ it's time for taste of of college park. park >> i love this part of the ziptf trip. >> me too. >> let's head on out to the gann now. good morning.orni. holly. >> oh, my gosh. i am spritzing away.y. our proud crowd may be small bua it is mighty we have beenav b dancing our feet off and yes, we have earned our so our first taste of college cl park is with fair hot and he a owns fish net. fis good morning to you. mor >> hi are you.>> hi ar >> anyone ever tell uh-uh looklh like pit >> little bit. >> all right.>> a
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so tell me a little bit aboutbo your restaurant.taur >> we are located in historic for five years we specialize inn sustainable seafood. beach scene restaurant. we have really nice craft beerss wines and we also have shrimp tacos.taco really nice crabcake we home h fries. we have healthy sides on the menu real nice kale salad with h grilled salmon with feta cheesee and lime and lemon. lem >> all looks but i'm going to admit right non the beers look the best to me to just because i'm so hot. h you've been around for five f years. what made you decide college park? >> so i actually drove by the bt area which was really nice oldld restaurant used to be restaurann for 30 years before me. >> uh-huh. >> i decided to take up thehe place. i really like the neighborhood.o neighborhood really has beenealn supportive and they are reallyy welcoming.eing. i almost know everybody thatry comes to the restaurant. theesta >> that's so great.>> that' which is really nice.y ni >> all right..
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well, i feel like i know you.nou we are really ha here and i have no doubt that many will dig in here. but meanwhile, it's not the onlo taste of college park we gotk wt going on right now.gog on so wis, what do you got, buddy. >> we have is a little as tech c right here and this is james sos tell us all about aztec.ut a we're in college park. we're right before you get to gt the beltway on the right hand h side.side. 9505 baltimore avenue. a >> you've been in business for f how long.ho >> we've been for five yearsive happening arriere grand openinge five years september 10th. 10th >> oh wow. you want people to come out. o. >> absolutely. >> what do we have the table.e a >> what's the specialty.cial >> idle was, we have our one o specialty is a flat owe grande.e it has ribs, it has sausage, mem can sausage. corn be beefed hens. chicken, steak. we serve it family style withh guacamole, sour cream. fajitas are top notch.otch good seasoned beef and chicken.k everything fresh.hing fresh >> you have alcohol for myl m
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co-workers. they love that stuff.that s >> we do we have a classic margueritaaret called a crazy marguerita. >> okay. with a core roane know upsidesi down in it tastes great. >> we have our mango margueritet tam they'll come over here in an minute right now let's go ando see what else they have going. g appreciate it. >> listen we're here with norman and scott from crazy kabob. you're right across the street. >> crazy kabob indian pakistani mexican fusion.n f >> that's all we need when it's 90 degrees. >> pakistani food served ind sen mexican fashion.on. right here we have chips that wt make in house. hou and we make crazy crunch out ofo it which is our version of nachos. >> while you're putting thisou'r together you make burr wrote w toes with the non bread as well. >> yes. >> non is made fresh in house aa soon as you order it. >> tucker make whatever you li like. >> you guys over for lunch --ch
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open for lunch obviously.ious >> absolutely. you're running not one b joints in this town.ts ithis >> crazy kabob is one.. bread and greens is another onee and cafe huk long is right next door. >> what kind of sauces do wend have. >> cucumber and hal preen knoww and carrots, corn mango sauces,u fresh cilantro, jalapeno and min yogurt chutney. chu this goes on top.op >> what should tucker put on o this to add to that.ha >> what time do you open. o >> you got everything.veth you and joy everything.rythin >> 11:00 o'clock.00 o >> we'll try it out. check it out on route 1 right 1r behind us. crazy can he bob. b thanks to everybody for coming down today.wn t >> thank you! >> that's great. >> let's do it, baby., by. >> thank you. y >> thank you college park.ark >> thank you college park!! >> we get to watch them eat. >> silver spring is next weeke weekend. someone will win new mazda! >> whoo!o! >> it will be so fun.will
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>> are we we can we win?ca w >> i wish.. what a fun morning at college ce park. have great friday.
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tgif. be safe. >> bye. live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." >> wendy: how you doin'? the kids have come to play today. you won't believe what i'm about to tell you. all due respect, have several seats. my girls are always turned out. i give it to you straight, no chaser. ♪ >> now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] yeah! [ applause ] i am exactly where i want to be. thank you very much for watching.


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