tv Fox 5 News 630 FOX August 30, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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time to get things starred here at 5@6:30. up first there may be more e-mail trouble ahead for hillary clinton. she is losing ground in the fo polls. did you see the run down? that's what we're talking about tonight at 6:30 before we continue, you are already tweeting us. at the hashtag you will see them at the bomb off your screen.reen the polls show mrs. clinton's. l lead over donald trump hasmp actually been cut in of that. in a machine mute poll in early august following the democratic national convention that l polli had theon former secretary of state leading donald trump 50 percent to 37 percent. now that poll, right now, has clinton only leading trump by seven points. we're were talking about that post convention
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trump saw one and hillary clinton saw one. what'sne going on now. >> the air looks like it's coming out of the a little bit on the clinton side. this is not the direction theyn want to be going in into labor day. with all of trump's troubles, the clinton campaign should be building at this point. now we're at a situation whereua her lead, which at one point was up 10 points which has now been passed, it's not just that monmouth poll. rouse came out with a pollll today. it has her up at 6 percent. she's at 41, trump 45. they've got 24 percent that answered in this poll that's not choosing either candidate. that's a big problem now if you're heading into the laste three months of this right nowsr and you've got a
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voters, of all likely voters nov choosing either one of these candidates, the third-party candidates they can play havoc with you don't know where thosese voters are going to go to. plus or minus 3 percent isperc generally the accepted margin offeror on these thing. she's down to 5 percent rightht before labor day%0u that's y goo be very concerning for the clinton people. do you want to take a look atok this stuff that we take track of.of. >> sure. > these numbers get boring. s this is our bible kind of. this is real clear politics t. it's an aggregate. it's how they combine all these polls. these are the raw numbers right here. you can look at some of these, monmouth, the new poll here has her up 5 percent.perc here she's up 6. she's up 7, she's up 10679 the69 wild card is the la times.s. that one has trump up
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3 percent. per that one is a couple of daysys old. look at this, this is more a visual as you're showing that off give us a sense right now, donald, do trump's campaign has been saying that the gap has been closing. the media is not talking about we're seeing a visual representation right now. let me show you the gap. thread line is trump.p. that blue line is clinton. now, clinton went up here. this was around the time of kaiser kahn, the time that he wastage to trump that were controversial. the last couple of days, around here is where stieve bainin andn kelly con way coming in.. clinton still up, trump still down. look at where this is goingin right now folks. down 46/41./41. these numbers are comingg together. that's where the trouble is if you're clinton
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she wanted -- that's enough of that. she wanted these numbers to be going right now like this. she wanted them going like this. they're starting to come together like this. as we head into labor day this is what you got to keep an eye on right here because it's the's back middle, independent voters that are out there, they are whe is going to decide this election come november. we know that is what boat candidates are desperately trying to get. you heard of course that 30 new e-mails have been detected and they say they have to do benghazi, the fbi is lookingoki them over. they want hillary clinton to answer some questions about those e-mails under oath.yh. it's going to be interesting to see how that plays out. you have the ads are going to start roling. meantime, dal
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talking later this week. he is going to do this by visiting a black church in in in detroit on sat.n he's alsoing going to be talking to the president of a national television network. it doesn't come without crossers, a black man who isman also a trump surrogate tweeted these controversial images of i hillary clinton, the one there on the right in black face, the pastor later apologized for it, but there has been a fire storm on social media and also on television today.y. one thing that the pastor did, he apologized for the photos, but not forth message itself pastor in a church in baltimore weighing in on this. were you surprised to see these pictures come out in the first place. >> i'm not. i think it goes into a long pattern of dysfunction and betrayal that african-americans feel bypass to mark burns and other clergy who have alignedige themselves up
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trump. the previous t segment he with u show the gap, people who are not undecided but have decided that they're not going to go withh either one is very it's the first time in s history that educated informed voterstes are making a decision not to participate so the blackck community in large regard is a part of that pastor brown how do you respond to the tweets or the words that the black community has beenen used by the democrats for many, many years and that the republicans are the way to go. donald trump will create jobs and fix programs that have been broken for so many years in the black community? his track record doesn't give us evidence of that. we are mindful that he has three to four different suits leviedid against him for not giving housing opportunities toes african-americans. we cannot find outside of mark burns and mrs. god and
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any people around him who represent policy, legislation or transformation. i think that mr. burns is guilty of the exact same thing thate t they accused hillary clinton of which is pandering to the community. he didn't wake up and realize he needed black votes until two weeks ago. a now he comes into the blackck community under the umbrella of what do you have to that's not a plan. that's not a program and it's not an agenda. when hillary clinton goes on a black radio shown hi and says se carries who the sauce around ino her bag, a lot of people are looking at that as something as disingenuous. she certainly has a track recork of working with groups in the past, but do you think she's going a little bit overboard with some of these statements, whether it'ses true or not? i haven't looked in her purse. i think that most people when it came out took it tongue andgue cheek that she was taking a line out of beyonce's
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laughed it off. nobody this is hillary clinton has who the sauce in her bag. in all fairness she did say she has been carrying around for years. not necessarily in her bag, buta she has a collection of it. donald trump is supposed to meet with a group of pastors, with a church in detroit. what sort of message does he have to give those people if he wants to win them over do you think it's too far gone at this interest post office. i want toi give an addendum abot that, he's going to a christians television and he's going to a church led by the same person. > interesting. >> over that network and the pastor of that church is bishopp gain t. jackson who like pastor burns has been very quiet relative to the social issues in the african-american community this this hour. we're going into detroit and we never
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bishop jackson in terms of flip water. we never heard anything aboutny the vast amount of unemploymentl until now for jim to lentlent himself as the voice to our community that's disingenious. > pastor jamal brian. it's always a pleasure to have v you on. thank you. > let's talk about the road toh the white house which is what we've been talking about.t. although that's not the only raise we're watching. it is primary day in a number of states. we'll be keeping an eye on a number of states. remember, marco rubio said he was done with the senate and then when his. they have the democratic congressman up by 10 points. you remember the dmv, bernienie sanders jump in behind the rival recall time contact nobody element but it looksll t like sh still leading and will likely win her raise. john mccain had an 11 point
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kelly ward, ward for her part has challenged the economic recovery. it was e really contention for a while of course because donald trump firstco said heur wasn't g to necessarily show support behind john mccain. he was talking about john mccain's rival and then he camee back, pivoted the other way and john mccain is staying neutral because he doesn't want to upset the trump supporters.pp let's talk about marco rubio. he had a staggering 39 pointgger lead down in florida over a businessman above carlos labeouf. but it is appears he will likely win the primary raise. he is very close to his democratic challenger.alle it's going to be interesting there. but let's talk a little bit about weather, shall we? it's so objection to the form we hit 90 andecti we may do it again tomorrow? we actually got up to 91
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significant because now we tie for 22 gays in august up and over 90 and it looks likeok tomorrow we break the record at 92.92. here's the good news, shawn and jim, it looks like tomorrow isrw the last of the really who thely days and then a frontal boundart comes through with a few scattered thunderstorms on and drops our temperature to 86-degrees.-d so far so good for weekend. we're clouding it up a little bit sat and sunday but keeping temperatures comfortable. but that may be cloud cover from what is now tropical depression 9 whichical is off the east coay monday. tuesday back closer to 90-degrees. break that is going to be coming after one more who the day tomorrow. shawn and jim that's a look at o the seven day. back to you. third party candidates they arey out there. we heard fits
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back now at 5@6:30 we ask youou this, would you vote for a third party candidate? the question of the day. here's what you had to say far. by the way before we get to that, yes, better than the candidates we no third party who. and what's a third party. here we go. would you consider voting for a third party candidate? at this point, i probably would not. i'm happy with either candidate in the major parties, but i'veie always voted democratic and i believe hillary clinton has most of the values that i'm looking for in a candidate.and > no. reason.reas >> just because i want hillary clinton to win and i'm a definitely i'm not reall
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i haven't been really muchbeen contacting up with the politics lately, focusing on a new > yes. >> tell me about that. i'm not happy with the two two options that are currently on the ballot and so i've been reading about a couple of the third-party candidates. > all right. we've heard that from a lot of people, yes, no, i don't know. but there are certainly, you
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believe this, the house the representatives will choose who become thetati president. this is something that we don't really talk about ever. i believe that this has not happened since the 1800s, but it is something that has been -- it's in the 12th amendment andnd it's something that couldethi happen. a lot of people say that mack mullin because he is from utah. utah tends to not be a fan of donald trump, but it is a conservative state. a big fan of mitt romney. he went to brigham university and he is conservative. they think that if he can win that state he could throw ithrow into play. i asked him about these paths to victory and what he thinks that he could bring to the table.abl listen to this. there are a few paths to victory here. one is the contingent election that youinge mentioned. also it's unclear what donaldle trump will endar up doing forth rest of this election.ctio he's making it very hard fo
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republicans to continue supporting him. we hope to compete in as many states as possible. we're on the ballot in nine to ten states.ta we're also registering as a write in candidates. most americans will have thehave opportunity to vote for my candidacy in this country by the time we get to november. and for those of our viewers in virginia he just got enough signatures, actually aboutlly double the signatures required in the state ofhe s virginia too himself on the ballot here. he is running this raise as a candidate that he wants to be the next president of the united states. > ronica, i'm curious, when yon were out there with him wereim there people around? were they asking for his autograph? didid they want to come up and talk to him? or they walking away. this man driving a tour bus through d.c. i swear to you started screaming, evan, evan. > n
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>> knowing who he was.wing i am not kidding. he did say that he he knew this guy, but, you know, that speakst for itself, i think.hink i'm sure he was happy to get that acknowledgment.nt. there's a camera nearby, thereea is a reporter nearby. that's the threshold.. these guys get 15 percent in the polls if they want a shot at the debates. mullin isisk mack planning on getting on the debate gary johnson is one of the third party candidate that maybe is in reach of that. we'll see about the rest. it certainly speaks to a lot oft people in this country just looking for another option. >> no kidding. he got recognized here. > thanks, ronica.ica. we talked about this one, everybody has been talking about this one. a sex scandal, we will be righte back with more on that.hat. first, continue to tweet us using the hashtag 5@6:30. seven scandals and pit
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love and marriage. >> i love that song. e. well with this nexthis seg men. we're talking about sex scandals. they can make or break a politician's career. separating after another sexingn scandal. the question is how does she recover from another public betrayal. joining us now is a licensed marriage and family counselor. thanks for joining us.s. >> thanks for having me. > this the final straw thatinal broke the camel's back here. were you surprised it took this h long. >> no.o. unfortunately, not really very surprised. it's pretty typical of what i see. i think we assume that oh, it must be a terrible marriage like something like this happens if there's a betrayal.etr usually it's not.ot. usually it's things that are workable and i thinkhink pti
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you want to work on it. you want to make it better. but what makes it harder is this is public and it's not the first time. the first time we know she within the back to him. to they had a baby. how do you get through this again and everybody knows about it.i most of us don't live the public life where everybody knows the details. >> that makes it much more challenging. there's often a lot of shame not only for the person who was unfateful but for their partner. it's hard to deal with that shame, so publicly it's really difficult. we know that and i and hillary clinton have always been close. they worked i at the state department together. hillary clinton had a very high profile recover friday fromrom bill's affair. she ran for senate. she was a senator. you know, do you think that hero that she has a lot in commonommo here with
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>> my sense is that their situations are a little bit different. if for no other reason, couple r is in a situation where this ha happened again. they've done the work and for whatever it didn't come back together. thacks ma it a little bit. versus hillary where people came out very committed to making it work and seemingly have done that. ester boy kin, family therapist. thanks for helping us get through these tough times. hopefully i can come back for something. i don't know, how do you becomeu the first -- i don't know. we'll talk about it. > we'll talk about that. we'll be right back, everybody. keep your tweets coming 5@6:30.
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call it. recognize that guy right there. he spent 15 years as governor of texas, and now rick perry is joining dancing with the stars. tmz online will report that he will join the show's cast forw's the season. he wetted this out i'm dedicated helping veterans whereverreve possible i'm using dancing withg the stars as a stage to do that. that will be his charity with he wins. us oh limb pi and ryan lochte. and marcia, marcia, marcia. eve plume was chad and susan ole sen was > by the way, perry isn't the first elected official to battle. it will be interesting because i think ryan lochte may have maybe the edge there. we'll see. if he knows how to count to one, two for
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announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: chris brown is in big trouble. chris is a suspect for allegedly pointing a gun at miss california regional at his house this morning. she said she was invited into the house with another friend and this melee breaks out. the best part of the story, if this woman is telling the truth, chris points a gun at her and then asks her to sign a nondisclosure agreement. [laughter] >> we got teyana taylor leaving ace of diamonds. she's the girl in the kanye west "fade" video. we're like, your body is unbelievable. >> i know a twinkie body when i see one. that's not one. >> there are two win boys that were selling their teddy bear. angelina jolie paid each of the boys $50. >> they bought a street teddy bear. just give them money. >> all you have to say is here's
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