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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  August 31, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪ ♪ straight ahead, a border rue drum many set to deliver a major immigration speech today. today first, though, he's taking ae'tg trip to mexico to meet with the country's president.nt. breaking overnight, chris browno out on bail. >> ain't going see nothing youhu idiot.idiot >> don't wake me up singer facing new assault charges, butt the woman at the center of the t case could have some legal l troubles herself.erse we'll go live to tmz for detai details. a bridge too far? maryland's governor wants ew new chesapeake bay crossing but at t what cost to taxpayers? and later, it is nationall matchmaker day and good day is looking for love. lov how we're p
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fox5 staffers.ffs. good day at 9a starts now. ♪ oh, man. m. okay. okay let's do it.s do it's 9:01 on this wednesdays dn morning. good day d.c. august 31 is your date. i'm maureen alongside holly,olly steve and wisdom.e anisdom. >> also ahead this morning hard enough to make the cut for theor marine corps marathon making itt to the starting leap might beigb harder than ever and might be metro's fault.s fau we'll explain why coming up inpi just a couple of minutes.. >> first at 9:00, though, let'st talk about the weather.. because right now the tropicsros are heating up and we're and wre actually watching storms churnhu off both coasts florida, battini down the hatches tropicalca depression 9-inches closer tolot shore and the low pressuresse system is now in the middle ofdf the gulf of mexico. but it's expected to turn tur towards florida at some pointe n today. now, the national weather service is also monitoring hurricane madeleine in theadelen pacific coast as it moves towards hawaii's big island. i
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plus a holiday forecast thatt everyone is interested in soo tucker, you are >> i am busy. am busy i had bunch of one liner but not i can't do them.o t >> a lot of information in there, tuck.>> lot o >> there is lot of information. let's focus on local weatherea first and coming up in couple oe minutes i'll take a closer lookk at the tropics one more day ofyf 90's.. we've done 22 degrees now in th month of that will set a all time recordd of 90-degree days for the monthh of august.of 78 at reagan national. we'll do it again today with low 90s.s. dulles 74. bwi marshall 77. sunshine quite conditions earlyy had fog off to the south andou d west to start your day.ay that is sweet relief in the fort of a cold front.d fro won't get in here but some ofof the leading energy will and thet only reason i mention that wet might fire up a few isolatedd thunderstorms locally later thii afternoon.tern little better chance the last bt couple of days.he l frasont sags down in the region later tonight of the wake upin k with more cloud cover tomorrow.m a few showers maybe a scatteredr
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friday, nice, cool, dry air really starts to settle into thn region so we have lot to look lk forward to weather wise.. tropics not so much.ot souch. i'll focus on the tropics cominm up in just couple of minutes. into your daytime high our o 23rd day for the month of august if we do it. it. winds out of the south west fivs to seven.toev few p.m. thunderstorms we'llsto' look at the weekend holiday weekend, we'll talk tropics, will our holiday weekend and the tropics intersect at any point.t i'll have the answers.the awers >> okay. thank you tuck.thk yo at 9:03, let's start our o check of the headlines breakingn news. a woman and child hit by car b r this morning in leesburg,ur it happened near theear t intersection of riversideersi parkway and kipp park driveve before 8:15 this morning.orning medical helicopter had been requested but then was canceled. not exactly clear what may have indicated about the nature ofte their injuries. we do have crew on th the way toay t leesburg and we'll update you as we do get new information ontioo this woman and child hit by a by car in leesburg.
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pom addition. donald trump make a run for's se border. mump will meet with mexico's mh president today in mexico to t talk about immigration just hours before he gives a pete on that subject to an audience inen arizona. if in the meantime hillaryim hil clinton is bracing for the release ofclto moren e-mails ad melanie joins us now with thehhe latest on both stories. stories we'll start with donald trump, , mel. >> reporter: all interesting on the campaign trump.ign weru knew donald trump wasmp gog to deliver this big speech ons h immigration reform today but tht surprise addition this trip tort mexico and the meeting with theh president there who is comparedd trauma top hitler.le donald trump hoping for a one-two punch on immigration today a speech in arizona grounn zero for border enforcement issues. a meeting with mexican president henre yea pena nieti a fierce fe critic scoffed at trump's idea s to build a border wall and makem members mow pay for it.or it >> we are also going to secure c our border and stop the drugs ds from pouring in.n. trump speaking in washingtonashi state last night playing up his speech today.oday. those close to trump have
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appeared to be a shiftinging does trump still support spo supporting all illegalegal immigrants? >> you'll hear a consistentsien trump in this way no amnesty, local legalization.. no sanctuary cities. cities. ep reporter: trump has>> r indicatedter: he may soften hisn stance focusing deportationorti efforts on illegals who have committed other crimes. cme white house spokesman joshos earnest was asked whetheras askh trump's policy is now in line i with the president's.nt. >> it depends on the day youay ask. >> reporter: hillary >> repcoundcampaign discoun trumptrumps possets to reach ouo hispanic and black voters she s continues to attend onene fundraiser after anothernoer building her covers as the statt department announced that more e benghazi related e-mails couldlu be released in month or so justt weeks before the november election.electi so we figure at some time thisii morning donald trump will beil b leaving to head down to mexico c city it's about three houreeou flight from mexico city back to phoenix, arizona where trump's p speech is scheduled for 6:00 fo0 p.m. no word on
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will be meeting with mexico'sexs president or how long theong t meeting will take.meetg wi by the way hillary clinton alsos received an invitation from mexico's president but her campaign has not said if he'llll accept. accept back to you guys. >> interesting to see what happens now that we know drum is that already there. >> indeed.rum >> if she turns around and accepts that inn>> ind turns a . brandywine road is reopened indn both directions. there was gas leak earlier thatr caliused backups throughout thee morning. that leak between branch avenuea and crane highway in theighwn t southern part of prince george's county it actually forced high h school to close for the dayheay today.toda officials say they still don't know what it was that caused c that late.atate. that video from skyfox earlierar now we know the road isds reopened. re let's talk about this asops well atabou 90:00 sick. s marine corps marathon is a big deal every october.ob >> about 30,000 participantsnt thousands more go out and watcht the race.eac it takes lot to get all thoseho people in place very early onarn sunday morning but this year itr could be even more difficultifcu than usual.thansual. that's because metro no longer l
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opens early on the weekends for special events.. so the trains won't roll untilnt 7:00 a.m. on marathon sunday.uny now usually the race steps off at 7:45. 75. today marathon organizers areera going to announce some changes g to this year's race which is i going to take place on octobe october 30th. in the past, metro opened asd as early as 5:30 on marathon day.ay metro does say this year it will run more eight car trains andind run them more often. nonetheless, that is going to be a cluster.. >> that's me at the very end.. >> yay.>> y >> i will say this. i did the marine corps the lasts two years. two years ago it seemed to be relatively flawless as far aslas folks getting there. last year, ut an hour intor in the race service a ton of people started passing my by, 30, 40 3, minutes i guess.iss i started to talk to peoplepl after the race.r th there were problems last becausu every year they ramp up thehe security and the magnetometersts and everything to get on to theo race route.te and between metro, the pentagono station which gets backed up
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were already delays last year of people not getting to the nting starting line in time for the t gunning to off.ff to signify the start of the racc this year because even biggern e concern because you're not goinn to get on a train at 7:00 o'clock make it to thet to starring line at 7:45. 7:4 because you have to go throughug the metal detectors get throughu the metro crowd. >> those trains will be full. >> right.>> >> they can't really delay theee start time. won the weather tha t's bigig concern. >> you want to run early. >> in case it's too warm. >> exactly.>> ectly >> let's see when i ran it 16n i years ago -- (laughter).r). >> i d it was 16 years ago i rar it. that's amazing.mazi. >> what could they possiblecouls dollar to get all those peoplest to the starting line o alln tho don't know.don't you call in schultz. how can you do that. you do tha >> do you sleep out. out >> i think they're going to have schultz coming from outside thee area and they'll have to havetoh schultz that can go on roads ros that they close normally for ana only runners will be able to geg on similar to when i ran the nen york city marathon you have toet catch a shuttle to go over to sat 10 island you know what i kt mean it's
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problem with that is, too, i i mean you really have to get on t those schultz early they wanty n all of that cleared out in timee for the race. >> more roads on -- right now n lost people i walk mile and a half to get to the startingthe g line. >> you ran a marathon to get tot run marathon.n >> how early did you have to get on the shuttle for new york.or >> i got on the shuttle at 5:00 a.m. >> for the race that starts at 7:00. .. it started even>> l fatser at that one started at 8:00.:0 you go over staten island you'rr there for hours. >> oh standing around >> standing there waiting. wng that's what i think will happenn here.. >> sit at home.ome. >> i'm there with you. >> big time hype game you can't wait for that race to get gam >> right, exactly. >> launch out of the gate you'vt been waiting for so long. >> it is my bucket list. l you remember i was going to do o bucket list. >> you can do it maureen.. >> then i broke my ankle. >> now you're all healed. heale >> wasn't that last year.n' tha >> i'm not totally healed.le but it is a bucket list.t lis i do make this commitment i'm im making here on air. on i will at some point in the next three years -- -- (laughter).(laughter)
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>> hey, listen, when you startoa from zero you have to work youry way up. >> so what we're going to do t every year we'll run this clip.i last year she made this promisee one year off. check. second year -- yeah. yea. >> my ankle isn't totally tal healed, right?? >> you said within three years. >> dr. tell them.>>r. tell t >> you said within three years. >> so we won't include thishi year. 2016. either 2017, 18 or 19. >> 2020. peak it an even >> by 2020 -- >> by 2020.02 >> how about 2030. >> don't end unable her.eer >> i'm going to do it.>> it will be tough for the i reada designs get to tampa playing their finery preseason game onn thursday they moved it up nowp n because the impending tropical eyather now they they'll playr h tonight. the tropical d tepheression dueo move across the sunshine state a tomorrow bringing whole bunch on rain with it the team said let's get down there and get this over with. they'll be in tampa tonight.tamt but not everybody. every because they also have thehe team's welcome home luncheonlunn
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fans sponsors pay lot of money n to go to this and hang outwit ot players. they didn't want to can settletc anluncheon. here's what they're going to do. they'll have the luncheon today. reception and autographs 11:30 0 this morning. morning. luncheon starts at 12:15. the skins will jet off to tampat our sports producer rich dunn said what he understands is, basically your first stringerste will stay behind. sta >> that's what i was going say.. they'll stay here.ey sta they'll meet with the fans and a the sponsors and do the their te commit many here's in d.c. then your second, third thi stringers all the guys trying to make the starters don't play in the fourth preseason game anye a way. everybody else will jet off toet florida. >> that works. >> why risk sending them n dw there any way even if this gamee was on schedule.waon s you wouldn't send starters downn there. ther >> no point getting them hurte.. >> minnesota out. >> i saw that come acrosscros yesterday. >> why anybody in tampa wants tn go to this game tonight i havee no idea. >> diehard. no idea. you'll see the best die our thii string has to offer. o. >> speaking of one footballooal player, tim t
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field this time showing off hiss baseball skills though but for at least one scout it was quoteq a complete waste of time.ime >> ouch! good we'll have thewe'v highlights or maybe the lowbehel lights coming up.ghts c >> yeah, right.>> yeah, right first maybe good news for anyone who hates crossing the bay bridge.brid. a new crossing could be coming about the same time maureen runs that marathon. >> hey. >> run across that bridge. >> even though it would be yeara away it's already costing youngy big bucks.big buc we'll explain it in life reportr coming up next. ♪
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the family favorite. yoplait. well at least he's wearing shoes.
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get gooey, flaky, happy. toaster strudel. ♪ all right. 9:15 is our time right now. two big stories today about thet eastern shore first, maryland is working toist find a new option to get drivere back and forth across the bay. >> second, school start timestas may be changing at some point it the near future.e fox pine five's anjali hemphillh live on kent island withh beautiful venue for you this thi morning. >> reporter: eighths beautiful day but we're not going t roep k about that right now.ight i do want to talk about thehe governor's two big plans he'snss trying to push right now. now the first one would be dealingei with how to alleviate that heava traffic we see on the chesapeakk bay bridge and the second wouldc be how to keep visitors on then ocean city side of the bayay bridge for as long as possiblepl every summer to help boostoo tourism in the state. sta i'll get back to that just onene
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yesterday governor hoganovr announce the state will spend $5 million up to four years studying where to put a possible third span across the chesapeakk bay for drivers to get acrosss there, and how the state will wl pay for such a project.ject now this is of course to help hp ease traffic headaches over theh bridge. you know we already have them right now. yearers,ady ha yrsewge. traffic is expected to increases over the chesapeake bay bridgede causing 13-mile backups inps i either direction and drivers ans across the bridge are also a als expected to increase from abouto 70,000 a day right now up to into thousand a day that will bb lot more traffic, guys, anduy ad that's of course why the why governor is exploring other oth options for drivers to getrs get across the bay.he b now, this plan will of course cs require public input, and it could take two years too complete. so we're not talking about any y construction any time soon,n, guys. something else i want to tellth you about the governor welillsel announce his plan today of how h to keep summer vacationers at his maryland beaches for longere he's going to be doing this by y mandating all school districts c in the stte
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until after labor day weekend.ed he's going to be heading overnge the chesapeake bay bridge todayt to ocean city where he's goingsi to announce this plan around a 1:00 o'clock this afternoon with the state controller andand basically the idea is here if if you don't have families worrying about the first week of schoolol leading to that labor dayg toha weekend you'll have more of thee traveling to maybe ocean city or other spots of tourism here iner the state to spend money, and,nd the governor think that is willl help boost tourism in the statee now this is of course been a big topic here we've been talkingee about it. talking about it on air for f several days now as well.w e ere are severalth superintendents in the state that oppose this plan. pla saying that that kind of decision should be made up --p should be made by the schoolchol districts themselves. themsel by the localities they're the t ones who know best when their school should officially start.. but, again, the governor here hr trying to take advantage of thaa last weekend of summer here inrn the states we'll of course brini you what comes out of that prese conference later on today.n tay supposed to start ato srt a 1:00 o'clock here in ocean cityt we'll bring you the latest we'l' have more later on on fox5 on
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website we're live from kent island thit morning anjali hemphill fox5 f local news. >> governor got lot on his on plate, thank you. comely up fir flights to cuba. the move to mother to tears.ea we'll have the check on what t k else is making on headlines this morning.moing. >> later why everyone think thak is erin and tucker are more thaa just traffic and weather.. >> yeah, okay.y. erin como's turn in the podcastp booth with sarah fraser comingrm up next.upt see that doesn't help rightp rht there. >> i know right. >> are we playing a little gamee now?now? >> we're doing match makingin already. >> oh, my gosh. ♪
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first you start with this. then add this. and this face. wait, we can do better. yeah... that's the one. and fresh brewed lipton iced tea. a lipton meal is what you bring to it. and the bright refreshing taste of lipton iced tea.
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♪ >> 9:21 right now we have update on the breaking news we talk about at the top of the hour. carman and a child hit♪ b1 yrik in leesburg.urg. skyfox now over that scene. sne riverside parkway and kipp hearh drive. we know the child was in a stroller at the at tim. the child and the woman taken tn hospital just about a mile awaya from the scene.he sce we are told, however, they both have life threatening injuries.s and may need to be sent to otheh trauma centers.enters i believe inova is right downdow the street from where that tha happened.ppen so we wish them the best but, again, this is the situationua apparently a woman and a child i in a stroller, young childnghi struck by a vehicle just a short time ago earlier this morning.o. >> hate to hear that. okay.>>e 9:21 is your time rig htokay now allison is back with a check off the other stories head makingd k headlines this morning. good morning, al.headlines ,
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>> absolutely. >> good morning. we begin this morning with theow battitle against isis.sis the terror group has confirmeded that their chief strategist andd spokesperson has been his name was abu muhammed al-adnani he was killed to haveh been a targeted us air strike.ik he was best known for publiclyuc calling on supporters of isis tt carry out attacks on westernesrn soil.. history being made today jet blue and american a lines les cleared off for flights for cuba. it will be the the firstst commercial flight from the united states to cuba in 50 american airlines plans to start service september 7th. so gorge george washington university under fire for hirinf aor former self proclaimed islac stream mist. mis jesse morton known as i was us u in abdullah muhammed.uhamme he won't be teaching.eachg. he's been hired to research on counter terrorism.erro he was born in pennsylvania.yl
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behind bars. bars. served under four years. after calling for the down falla of the united states gbb defending the decision to hireo him. him. they say they vetted him with the fbi and other law other enforcement agencies. lighten it up chipotle chipl giving out free food.oo they are trying folks. fol the company now offering freegre kids meals on sundays during the month of september.eptemb this is just latest tempt to get customers back after its e. coli scare. sce. lauren simonetti shared with uss they're 30% in revenue.en so pulling out all the stops. finally, a heartfelt momentt between the florida stateridatae seminoles and wide receivereceie travis and a young boy with wit autism. rudolph an few teammates were aa a middle school in tallahassee so get the tissues when they thy spotted a young boy he wase was sitting by himself at lunch.t lh turns out the little guy beaue a has autism and he was sittingitg alone at lunch it's something hg did quite someone at the school sente he s picture of the moment thatenhat beau -- of that moment to beau'a mom who shared it on facebook.ek so imagine him sitting ther
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himself you guys all by himself until travis came over. ove the mom shared how much it meant to him and here's what she she wrote. this is one day i didn't have to worry if my sweet boy ate lunchn alone because he sat across fros someone who is a hero in manyy eyes. >> love it. >> don't do it. >> stop it.e it i really.eall >> sitting alone.lone >> well done.>>ell don well done. >> i want to go and sit with him today. >> right. >> why don't do you that? >> i'm sorhyry d.. >> we're like okay. >> whoo!>> w >> okay. now you got to read. r i know i can't.i kn i c >> steve take this because iakei cannot read this. >> we'll switch gears.. stay on the sports theme do youd want to see tim tebow in an nationals >> now i'm laughing.'m laughing. (laughter). >> we'll show you the highlights coming up. >> plus we are celebratingte matchmaker day by playing cupidd for some of our staff >> oh, goodness.s. >> first, though, we're sharingi some secrets from everyone els
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out there looking for love online.onli this is news you can use, peop people. >> i understand. all right. fresh at 10a from radio to writer, director of the new new movie ring side coming up d.c.' own russ par in the morning.orni he's the dj in the morning andni the cast of ring side. se. they'll join us live right now it's 9:25.5. we're back in a moment. momen >> is that guy coming right rig there. >> yeah, he is. >> ooh! >> is he wearing a shirt? >> hello!
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with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, nutella adds a smile to any morning. one jar; so many delicious possibilities. nutella - spread the happy! havertys furniture helps even when life isn't.t pretty!
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hey. umm... sign here? sure, you got a pen? i do! thanks sweetie. the labor day sale is on now at havertys. life looks good.
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>> back at 9:27. tim tebow ditching the football field for the baseball diamond but first let's check on thishis morning other the headlines frof the sports world.ld serena williams reigning supreme in the first round of the us ohu open. op she took on katerina. she fires the ace. right there. serena takes the first setet six-three.sithre match point after short rally st she hits the backhand winner. williams wins this one, six- six-three also managed to slug t ball into the hands of a starf a struck man sitting in the crowd at arthur ash stadium somethingm she says she always tries for but rarely actually happens.ap just that kind of night forthtot tennis super star always on o point and in her game. gam go serena.a >> trying to make for theing to olympics is the u.s. open. ope >> nats in philly last night. fourth inning max scherzer -- okay. i don't know -- highlights wese wantewanted.waed this i think is from the gamefrg the nats won three to nothingotg was the lead they held ton t within three-two.
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today. in philadelphia.ladea. >> did i mention this guy has great hair bryce harper. har >> um-hmm.>>m-hm tim tebow held a tryout forryouf interested major being baseballs teams yesterday and reacheday ra mixed reviews. >> he didn't look that bad. b >> he's a big guy.. 40 scotts turned tout watch thee heisman trophy winner.heisman tp he is in incredible shape and impressed them with his power tebow not so hot in the outfieli he was stiff and lumbered arou around. that's what happens when you don't play barasouebndall for a living. failed to catch a few criticalti fly balls. fl no us scout has made a move onoe him he was offered a contractor from the venezuela winterinte baseball.ball. >> you got to start >> there are leagues that just j have designated hitter. hitter. you never know. >> 6-foot three. 6-foothre 255. seven-point 3% body fat. f >> there are lot of guys who ara big and can't hit a fast ball,tl curve ball, knuckle ball. bal >> a lot of us who don't care. >> 6-foot three, 255. seven-point 3% body f
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baseball players as well thatba are angry a that this getting aa lot of press because he's disrespecting the game.pectg th. he walks out of here in theinhe middle of the season --eason >> don't send your scouting tou see >> 40 scoutses.e>> 40 s >> i agree. >> 40 scouts.ut >> michael jordan did the hing>>.ichahing >> that's little bit different. that's a publicityif stunt. stu this is bit of a publicity stunu as well they were talking aboutt the fact he should have donehoue this in the off season.ff seaso. >> um-hmm.>> u >> when camps were really openle instead of doing it now.ead of>> spring training or whatevee before spring training.rain >> this is silly because now alw it is a publicity stunt. s >> the man sees an opening he's' going through it. i got to see, relevant somehow. getting on tv. >> he has a right to do wayo dow wants to do. >> let's check in with tuckeruce right now.right n >> hey, tuck., tuc >> hey, guys. i held a workout as well. w nobody attended it.t >> if i had known tucker i woulu have been there taking notes. tt >> oh yeah?>> oheah? >> yeah. >> scouting for what? >> for baseball .>> >> for what? what? >> i've got game.>>'ve go >> he's got >> hey,
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like a 40 miles an hour fastt ball at the batting machine. >> he did. >> okay. >> yeah. >> i don't know why we celebrate that. i don'tnoat (laughter).(lghter) >> record august looks liked we'll doau it. if we hit 90 or better todayr t that will be our 23rd time our e this month. it's been very hot month.. probably don't need to tell that you will be break a record that goes back to the summer ofa r 1. 1981 of our hottest summers. srs we're currently tracking for our third hottest summer in d.c. history.or recorded history here. 78 in washington.ngn 77 quantico north and west wt hanging on to the 70 in frederick 79 in leonardtown.rdtn 80 in heating it steamy heat, humiditd as well today. tod and the possibility we mighte mt fire up a few storms later tod today. little better chance than the last couple of days as we getlie little piece of energy out ahead of our frontal system. this is a cold front.nt. it will get here role in herener tonight with cloud cover ander a then tomorrow we'll be in and i out of the clouds with a few f showers maybe a storm around and as promi
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deliver much cooler and drierrir air for us by friday and into our weekend so we have lot to t look forward to weather wise the next couple of days.ays future cast, there's your stormo activity 9:00 o'clock tonight.ot i think it gets going lateng lat afternoon early evening.oo hit and miss here.n ed miser i'm not sure most of us aref use going to see much of anythingth but i want to throw it out there a better chance the last coupleo of days. there we are tomorrow afternoon you can see light showerwe activity. i mentioned the cloud cover covr that's a cooler and drier airer trying to work in for the the daytime hours hourst all right.omor let's get down to the tropicstoo i'll focus on tropicalcal depression number nine.rin there's a lot going on gaston go number eight which is right uptu there.ther but number nine, my suspicion si this is going to be tropicalpica storm by the 11am advisory.ory. it's going to track just northuh of tampa then across florida ana kind of hug the coastline forne the wee and i want to mention this, t because it could be a player ine our local weather. we'll have to rloeally watch iti path carefully here as we get into the end of the weekend. as some of the guidance isnc trying to put it pretty close tt the delmarva peninsula
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vicinity bite end of the ohe weekend. if it gets close it will bringli us cloud cover if it gets closeo enough there could be impactsac including heavy surf and perhaps some rain along the beaches byes sunday and monday. so still some question marksks this could just track out to sea or get close enough it impactsmc us locally by the end of thee weekend. 92 today. 86 tomorrow. and let's set ourselves forursef great friday, saturday, sunday,, monday time frame again watch td number nine. but right now it looks like a great glorious couple of daysoru before we heat it up again for f few days next week by tuesday td back near 90. near0. let's enjoy friday, saturday, sunday, monday. zip trip that is friday morningi and it is silver spring and alla of us will be out all of us that are attending ari work that day.ha d all right, guys, back to you. >> holly? >> thanks tucker.>> tnks if you are an online dateree list season up. u i don't have to tell you this,oy right? it can be reallylly difficult and really getting tht guy that's in the picture? whaa if she's not nice? well, with today being natiol
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day, we decided to bring in thee professionals to offer you some tips for online dating profile.e joining to us offer theg to uofe professional advice is the owner of d.c. match making which is michelle jacoby.acoby. thank you so much for coming inn how many people lee dollare do online dating?ing? >> well i mean just in d.c. jusd there are hundreds of thousandss of people i think there are millionsere ar e mice people all over the country and all overfic thee ped i think now it's like 20% of marriages start online. oin >> that's amazing.mazing. >> it is. >> so there is a method to thedt madness, right, all about maximizing your brand i wouldndw think if you're, f you're posting yourself out l let's talk about what is the singleinl most important thing about youru profile? >> it's your pictures. pic it is your pictures.ourture it's the first thing someone soo sees if the picture isn't i outstanding they're not going to click on your -- click and reada the rest of the information. so the pictures are super s important. >> unfortunately, we do judge aj book by its cover, right? we? w do, right? that's reality ofito it. >> yes. >> in this world for sure. let's talk about whatnot. to dot because you had really good tips on whatnot to do
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takenning your picture.nnyo >> when you're taking yurourr picture, please don't post an a old picture that doesn't look like you. that's just making people crazya online dating. >> um-hmm. >> smile. cok right at the camera. uht ae don't do a selfie in the the bathroom.baro don't post pictures of your hawaii way vacation with awith a sunset don't post pictures off you and 14 cats. c i mean --n >> half laugh. halaugh. >> or even two cats. e shows that t that when people post pictures ofsf animals, they get much fewer --r they get much fewer online onl clicks. so posting a picture withit animals is not parental goodtaod thing to do. >> it's not a good idea. da. this i found was you said don't wear your work clothes.clothes. >> yes. y so, um, i think especially foryo women, you're wearing thisng ts beautiful pink outfit that woul be perfect online dating outfito don't wear your black business s suit because you want someone to look at you as a feminine sexy y female dater, not someone theyee want to >> you do suggest actually one of the pictures at least needsta to be full body shot?
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>> i guess -- women weom men and want to see what you really rea really look it's's >> that's in the essence of fuli disclosure. that's what that's called,salle right. >> for girls you is a it do wear color. co >> yes. a i've actually studied i've response toct cuaolor and body d language and when you're wearina something like you have on or oo like i have on you're actually a perceived as warmer, kinder, happier, nicer and it goes a gsa long way, because people are making a decision in an inter ir stan. st >> you say also make sure it's a quality shot. >> yes. the quality of your picture really, it actually affects the quality of the people who willl e-mail you and respond to you. u you can have professional takelk pictures. or you can have a friend take pictures don't put a picture pic where someone's arm is on yourou shoulder are the rest is cut o out. >> they'll think that's probably your ex, right? the perfe tcthe number of pictures to post?os >> i think between three and six ululd be ideal. i've seen people put up 25p 25 photos. i just don't think -- - >> i don't need an album.. >> picking a user name much thit comes into play.s intolay >> yeah. your user name it's ant's a opportunity for someone to see
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the first thing they see. theye. so if do you something boringorg like, you know, lawyer mike. that's kind of boring, right? g when i was single years ago when i was dating online, mine was totally fun chick. right? righ >> yes. >> if you see that you'll beet y curious you'll want to know who is in this person and click to i take look. >> at the very least we know you have a sense of humor. of h >> something that's interest ofa yours or a funny pun or clevercv something.somethin >> okay. what about writing that firstfi e-mail? >> you get someone interested. now you got to kind of move forward.forw ou yeah, you know, it's>> yea y especially frustrating for men r because they can send out 100 e-mails and hear back from fivei people actually the averagege person only gets 20% responsee rate. so you got to write somethingomi something that makes you stan ya out. so instead of writing somethingg you copied and pasted that sayss hello, how are you we have things in i want to you show you read his or her profile. i want you to complimentary anda playful and fun and somethingomi different unique you have to pup effort in. >> you also say don't make a
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assumptions. what do you mean there?ean tre? >> we fill in the blanks asnks a human we're trying to figure out whoio this person is.ut wis p butso tnhe problem with that whe we're dating we're looking foroi what's wrong unfortunately.naly so when you make an assumption you're looking at a picture andc you'retu assuming, you know, kno somebody is this way or thatr tt way. ask yourself this question. do i know this or am i making ag assumption because i see a loti of singles misssee out on qualy matches and quality datesliates because they throw awayhr away someone's e-mail because they made an assumption that based oo really their past experience orx something that was -- didn'tthas make sense. -- >> before we go you say kindness matters. >> that is what i preach toreac everyone everywhere.ere. online dating is not a frienden lee yesterday easiest placeie because of i guess there's -- i- don't know. kno i think that being kind, thinkdi about it, treat everybody onlinn the way you would treat areat a friend, a neighbor, a colleaguee respond to every o male if you u can and say i don't know i don't think we're the right match but thank you very much and i wash you the best.thanyohe bes it changes everything.very it makes the whole experience oe dating online so much better. bt
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>> did you find your spouse spos online. >> no i met him at a bar. (laughter). >> that's hilarious. and totally fun chick. chick all right.all rht great tips though reallytips appreciate it. thappr >> thank you. >> back over to ya'll. ta'll >> michelle, if you have aouave profile from chris brown what wa advice would you have for him. (laughter).auter) >> delete account.ount >> or from that dude right therg sitting on the couch.ouch. >> tucker came in he was soas s interested in what you had tot d say.. >> that sunset picture is mine. (laughter).(lau >> all right. >> all you post it on your online it dating a occou ynt.ouu >> no i posted it on my face -- my fox account.ccount. >> that's different. >> last i looked i didn't havenv trouble getting the ladies.ies. >> did you get any clicks.nycks. >> i got you. i got you>>. >> exactly. >> no, you're >> i'm out. >> you know what, anger --nger >> he's still single.e. >> anger is not a good look,k, tuck.tuck >> wow! >> he needs your help, please.. >> we mentioned chris brown he's out of jail right now. right now he had a li
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as you probably well away he'sys standing by his claim he did did nothing wrong. wro new questions about the the questions about the lady at thet center of this late defendantfed drama. her own past. friends at tmz t next for the details from hollywood. it's 9:40 now. ♪ ♪
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with downy fabric conditioner. it not only softens and freshens... it helps protect clothes... from stretching, fading and fuzz... so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. downy fabric conditioner wash in the wow. ♪ 9:42 right now. n topping today's fox beat kevin is with me, of course.f c good morning, kev.od morng, kev. >> i'm standing in front
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my apologies.pologies. >> take your place. chris brown free on bond now ut but facing new assault charges. cha. there are some new revelations about the woman at the center of yesterday's big standoff outside of the singer'sut house.ouse >> for details we turn to tmz gary trock live in los angeles.g good morning to you, gary. i watch yelou ongood m tmz all . never spoken to you before.ou you do wonderful work on there.e just wanted to tell you that,ha sir. >> thank you. i appreciate it . >> you better deliver. good worry just tou beasing youy >> now i'm nervous. (laughter). >> no. no everybody was kind of keyed in k yesterday what was happening with the standoff involving invi chris brown.chriswn we heard chris brown, chrisis brown, what's the deal thoughl with the other person involvednl in this supposed ordeal? >> yeah, bailey quran she has aa past and it's interesting she is actually currently wanted in new york on allegations that she she jacked a purse.. these are grand larson kneee charges she jacked a purse frome woman in a fight back in 2013. now, she got
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cops were able to locate her and unfortunately because it's not like a violent time or they'rert not going to go after her but if she comes back to new york andod the cops find her they willerhel arrest her and bring her in forr questioning and the reason thatt this is interesting because the whole thing about chris brown and the situation bailey admitsm is that it also centered around her admiring a piece of jewelry. and apparently chris and the people in the house thought she may have been more than admirini and that is what spark thisk is whole fight that allegedlyly caused him to draw a gun andun point it at her. >> she was also stripped of ad f crown, right, for beauty contest. >> talk about that as well. >> she was miss california regional 2016 and stripped oftr her crown earlier this year over moral issues basically after she was crowned there were nudeude photos sent to executives forcuf the pageant they questioned herr on it and she lied and said it i was not her after that she s
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events.. photo shoots that required youdu with the crown but she would go out to other vacations and kinda of be with other photographers,, being tagged in photos that wero not related to, you know, her h official duties she was supposed to be doing. because all this kind ofs ashdp up they dethroned her. h these are all kind of of interesting moral issues thatora are going to come into play asya this case, you know, unfold. unl >> chris brown instagram videoss obviously kind of say he did not nothing we don't know what's going on. i'm interested to see how this t plays out.ut >> his attorneys have to bee tob loving this deal with her. >> tigaa in the news. this sounds like right out of ao movie.movi he goes to a bentley dealership with obvious al very famous fam friend of his and then his carir gets taken.gets taken. what happened here? >> yes. yeah, i love this story.ry sad but i love it. tyga went bentley shopping withh kylie jenner you take your girlfriend benly shopping onlygy problem while they were insideie looking at cars
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and took the ferrari he drove tt the bentley dealership becauseau the guy who actually was -- so o it was subleased to tygaoyg basically from a guy and tiger missed a couple payments on it t this goes knows tyga historyry didn't want to take any chances and sent the repo guy. g kind of it's hard to take a test drive in bent whole your ferrari getst repod in the parking lot.ot they had to call one of hisis buddies for ride back >> i'm sure the cameras wereas r rolling at some point even fromn a distance. distae we'll find out more later. >> we've all been in thatin that situation, right? we all have ferrare reece and try to buy bentleys.leys >> absolutely. >> this happens to me all the te great local style nile demarco m from dancing with the stars he'' now working for chip and days. y he's from grew up in frederick,i maryland and also went to the maryland school for the deafoole which actuall dy plays into this amazing story. what's the latest with this?? >> i love this. so, yeah, nile is in vegas doing
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3.5 week as chippendales dancer and he is teaching the -- al aly guys sipe latch watch theye la actually are loving arein we got video of them doing one of their fittings for all the at letter pants and the little bowe ties and they are doing sign sin language even have charts upchap back stage the dancers arege thn learning and they'll incorporatr the sign language into the act.t the only thing it's going to bee hard to do sign language and ria away the break away pants. >> right. >> these guys are professionals. they'll be able to pull it offs. >> yeah. >> wait, no pun intended on p.m. it off.itff >> i like that. >> it was pun. p never.neve >> you'll learn kevin lovesvin l puns. puns thanks for joining us today.oday we'll see you next hopefully we got to talk to youy again.n. tmz airs at 3:00 and seven right here on fox5. >> that's great story.grea i love the angle. >> navigating an office romancee when you just joined the team.. >> hmm. it's erin como's turn sarah
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fraser's podcast we'll check in with them comingn up next.t >> you can go, >> i didn't know where to go. ♪ light & fit greek crunch yogurt is topped with crunchy deliciousness that makes it an absolutely, irresistible hit! light & fit crunch.
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find your walk near you at ♪ all right. in case you haven't heard sarahr fraser still has the key card c and she's using it and she's's unlocking some deep dark secrets here at fox5.ox she's hosting new podcast whichh gives our on air team a chancehc to talk about their personalir a business and put it all outll there for scrutiny.y everybody to come and criticizei it in the way we might not be be able to do on air.n a that wasn't in the script.n't e >> all right. rig today is erin como's turn.ur so open up her personal live for scrutiny.scti >> yeah. >> and agony and persecution.. good look, sarah. >> tread lightly.ightly. >> she was great. >> we had fun. had all you guys have winners theret
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hasn't been one podcast >> now i still have tucker to do. >> absolutely. i'll tell you this. bob barnard coming>> a up. u bob needs to reveal more. m we need to hear from bob.. >> that's the truth. >> button hits the beep, that t button.butt >> but you guys, you were thises week which was really cool reall because i feel like the audience needs to get you know you more.r you've only been here a little e over year. >> i hit my year adversary and d love it's airing on matchmaker day. day. you're dating somebody here at fox5. >> i'm dating our seniorior producer chris. cis. we'll bring him up on the chrisr cam unveil him. >> are we going to see chris? s people are very -- v-- >> there he is. >> hello. >> chris cam. oh my gosh . >> are you blushing. >> not yet. it's still early.. >> chris is so cute. is i love you two together.og doesn't it look like mickic jagger's other son. s >> the hair for sure. fure. >> i'll take it.'ll ke i >> so, you know arc lot off
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people think you're datingg tucker.tucker >> you can listen to the podca >> hear the rumor more peopleeeo always think that you are datinn tucker.tu >> everybody thinks i'm datingg tucker. >> even at the zip trip last tpl week some lady pulled me asideei and said you can tell me, you'ru dating tucker, right? r >> oh, my god. oh,y g >> it will be a picture of erinn and ion her facebook page andaga people will still say, oh why sh would you do that to tucker? (laughter). >> poor tucker. tucr. >> we love tucker and we're and' really good friends and we havew the chemistry so i think a lotka of people see the fun we have on air and think there's more it e to. >> yeah. i think that what was greatat ws about your story is that youou guys talk about how to navigatet a work relationship which w happens at a lot of workplaces. it seems like disaster. disaste it doesn't seem like a good id
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idea. >> serious. >> it doesn't sound like a god idea. id (laughter). >> we get it.e get it. >> i didn't mean that againstin him. >> we know. that will be part two.e parwo. >> okay. we'll go to part two. >> oouou first started dating you went to somest e sxtremetars consist up.. >> to not let anyone find listen to that.. >> what would all the tacticscs you had to use to kind of hide this a littleyou d to u bit frol here while you were dating whenn we first started we did have the occasional slumber party, and a erin has car, i don't. it was convenient. we had theit w same exact shifts we would come in to work at the exact same time but --me time b- >> i would drop him off down the street. so do lot of other people. thank you.lot of o >> you're welcoanme.k y >> a lot of other people come to work at the exact same time ande so we were kind of like, well, w people don't need to see usee u walking in together. >> bob barnard probably knewbly first he would see us holdingol hands walking through the parking lot. >> he was the absolutely thehe y first one. she would drop met ova block aa from the station and she wouldld go in and park the car and iarni
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would just -- >> which wasn't weird because is used to occasionally any way w since i would take uber or andr get dropped off outside of the gate if we walked in at the sami time because she was parking her car and i was coming from thehe parking lot it wasn't weird. >> i think that's good versus t you hidhink thaing in the trunko the bed.the b that would have been awkward.oue >> i do have a little bit ofit o dignity, sarah, thank you.ou >> just little.ust >> just a little.ust >> any way i thought you guys were great. the other part i won't tell tooo much because you have to t download you two actually blackk mailed sort of in a way to come outil about yedour st of relati. >> former co-worker had crush oo chris, so he that is a story. >> i think erin is kind of overr stating the crush aspect of it.i i have my own theories on what h happened exactly. but i'd also like to clarify oni point i think instead of schennf fifty five might have been theif iirst person to figure it out. >> steve was theve mig fhtirst r >> mitt have been the firsthe ft i have question for both of youy chris has actually hid me in tht back of a smart car before.ef >> it's true.t's t have i done i d tha >> what does that mean i am in a
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this relationship. >> i will say he's also hid h tucker in the back of a smartma car before. >> hmm.. >> the next podcast.odca >> i'm saying nothing can everan go wrong when you date a whe you co-worker. (laughter).. >> listen to holly's podcast. pt >> we wish you both years and ys years of happiness. >> yes.>> y >> you might hear a loft four lf letter words coming through th the -- >> chris crush blackmail thing.g you can't just drop in and moven on with the con avendrsation.on. >> you got to download.ot tonloa >> you got to download. downloa >> you got to download it. >> you know what, wisdom/thatth funny, what, someone not revealing something they know that's going on at this station? >> hmm. >> maureen/that funny. >> let's wrap.. >> chris, move on. >> all right. all rig great job, chris.ob, cis. doesn't he loo, cute. c >> owe looks adorable.ks adoe. you can download these on
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we're owing google play for you android users phones users when you're there at i tune leave us a review. riw this is a great way to get to tt know all the wonderful peopleeol that give you news and traffic.a it's just really brave of you oy guys to -- >> yeah. i learned a lot bore co-workers and enjoyed your podcast and skied excited to hear steve's se and wisdom's.. >> we'll know if erin's time t gets cut on good day that t they're in an argument.rgumt. >> you're cut. >> ahh.>> >> we have to move on. thanks erin.. 9:57 right now.. speaking of match making goodg day dating game we're pulling pi out all the stops on the 10a. o. it will be fun. >> love is in the air.the ai. >> ♪>> >> we also have the cast of the ring side russ par new movie coming out. sid they're coming in the studio. sdi first it's coffee time on good o day dc if you've been i'veing our mug you have new good day dunkin' donuts mug you can get g
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downy to protect him from damage. tide and downy. great on their own, even better together. the roast looks good dad. how good? 162 likes. did i get any retweets on those green beans? yep! and they're blowing up on instagram. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet!!!! as it should. life is family mealtime and everything you need to make it picture perfect. now be sure to tag your mother because she needs more followers. ok. ♪ sizzling outside and it will a ssizzshe loft at 10a well. star-studded morning as thet stars of the ring side are heree with us live. l ladies you don't want to misss this one.this also at 10 at latest on then arrest of the chris brown.hris what really happened inside thaa la mansion.. plus national matchmaker day.. don't miss the debut of the goog day dc dating game. g three lovely ladies, one hot h guy.
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this is going to be good.. the 10a starts right >> i love the game show theme.he just when i was feeling goodeeli about getting a fresh cup of coffee you guys snatched it up.. >> we're doing wine pairinge p later on. kids going back to school.choo two make sure we have the rightt wine for every situation.iton >> i thought this was the date s we're going to toake >> that's how we do it on good d day. >> wine segment before the dating ge amsee.. >> ahh now we're talking goodood times had by all. >> all right. whoo! music -- katie perry r was extremely loud. l >> she was. >> she was. thanks for staying with us for the 10:00 o'clock hour this the 1 morning.0:'c a couple minutes past the hour. i'm steve alongside wisdom,is maureen and holly that's what we have coming up a little laterla this h should be lot of in the meantimeould be lo lt ete what's trending when it come to the world of news this morning i first up it is the last minutein surprise shaking up the campaigg trail this morning.ning. >> um-hmm.hmm >> donald trump said headingd down to mexico today t theay t
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repu with mexico's president a mid md continued controversy over hisrs own stance on immigration.. perhaps even more surprising tht visit is at the invitation of mexican president pena nieti. p. donald trump made the announcement last night on night o twitter.nter. saying he accepted presidentnt nieti's invitation very muchiory rward toforward to meeting him.o donald trump also preparingpa major speech on immigration than will happen tonight in arizonara after the meeting in mexico. immigration obviously ausly contentious issue for him. earlier this year mexico'sexic president compared donald trump to hitler.ler should be a lot for them to talk about today. t >> i'm curious. i wonder who benefits the most from this?? >> depends on how you want to wt spin it i guess. guess y yeah. because i'm thinking for mexico's president does it makek him look like a conciliator.ciat make donald trump look likek lik someone being a conciliator.lior i don't get it. >> he did put the invitation ouo to both. to bot
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maybe he's playing both if this person gets electedle person will do for me.hat if tpeon the w other person gete this is what she'll do for me. r >> i think it might help donaldo trump in the pact he's going,s , you know what i mean, in terms of -- supporters are saying nope, we build that wall, send s them back.themack. >> for the people that think het can't talk to other world thinkd leaders.lead >> okay. >> you know. >> i think the way his campaign ou kno o, he will come out of this with the statement or the impact i went to mexico to meeto with what have you done either people currently sitting in the whiteen house or people running s for tr white house? kind of take thatt stance like i'm being a littleil proactive here.oactiver >> okay. i see that. >> all right. we'll see. ll ragain we mentioned the oe t. speech and immigration willign i happen in arizona tonight and ww talked about that being big b contentious issue, et cetera. cr roll on to the next story.ll onn all right. let's talk about the nexextt controversial story. sry colin kaepernick we thought hist national anthem scandal wascands going to be behind us at somends point but new reaction keepsion popping up. people have been talking about his stance to not stand duringnn the national anthem in protestro of what he says are wrong dogsnd
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against african-americans and minor the ares in the unitedhe states. he's gotten lot ofst praise andd criticism over the last couple t of days and now nba legend and hall of famer kareem abdul jabaj wrote an op he had in the washington post.shin he says what should horrify h americans is not kaepernick'spe choice to romaine seated duringu the national anthem but thatt nearly 50 years after ali was aw banned from boxing for his stance tommy smith and john carlos raised fists calledts cle public ross tra saying andg and numerous death threats we neednu to callmehr attention to the sae racial inn equities failure tolo fix this problem is unamerican n here watch kareem was talking about in 1968 inhere w theatch n mexico tommy smith and john carlos raised their fists durinf the medal ceremony as protes pro treatment of color in the unitee states. meanwhile here's another layer to this story.tos sto heidi russo kaepernick's birth r mother got on twitter and had this to say about the 49ers quarterback. at kaepernick seven, there's waw to make change withouthout disrespecting and bringing shamh
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to the very country and familyam who blessings. now, the background on that isua russo is white. kaepernick's biological father f black she gave birth to colin at age 19 and was did he say he sa destitute at the time and putimp him up for adoption and has nots been involved in thed in t quarterback's live at all.terba' all rights .li that turned into a separate sar twitter war with people callingi her out for jumping into kaepernick's business at all and saying everything anything on social media when she's neverg e been involved in this life.'s n finallfinally, wrap it up with h lot of military veterans vetan supporting quarterback as well.l they understand where he'seyersn coming from on social media they started the hash tag veterans vt for kaepernick became the numbee one trending tropic on twitter.i so that's a lot to digest but bt there's lot going on with the we story and it keeps evolvingin every day.every as far as the military is milits concerned a lot of military, you have some people who werehoer offensed by this but you alsoous have military people who say this is what this country ishiou for. for people to have the right to
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protest. people protesting vietnam. people have always protested p that's what this country is alll about the freedom and the rightr to express yourself even whenn w people don't agree with you.h don't necessarily agree withrilh what you're saying. you're s >> the nerve of his birthay mote to even say anything. saynythin >> that's a whole other -- who - >> that right there. >> hang on. >> she's expressing her opinions >> you don't agree with her but she's expressing her opinion.sih don't say other people have thee right to express their opinion but she doesn't.but s >> she can do it but here thehee thing, okay u you gave this boyb up for adoption. >> i understand the back story.o >> she's criticizing the fact hc was afforded this.his. the family that adopted himed h supports his view. >> just like anybody else she ee has right to put it out theretut and you have the write to t disagree.disagr >> that's called tacky. t i do disagree. >> she went on twitter. twier we all know -- >> just like everything whatever you put outlike there you're opg up yourself --oursf -- >> you can get mad when people come back at you. >> that's my p oint. you can't go on twitter and says something and get all mad mad apparently she got mad. >> we all end with agreement onn wisdom's point?sdom's point
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>> oh yeah.> oh >> maureen, you are not playingt along. >> never wrong when you agreeroa with wisdom. m. >> on that note we'll move on. >> hypocritical.>>oc >> it is what it is. we're now seeing us woman's team goalie hope solo finding fg out team us soccer suspendedpend her.her. this is what she had to say. >> 17 bleep years and it's overr >> oh okay. oka solo being filmed for fullor screen documentary calledal keeping score when she was terminated after calling theling swedish team a bunch of cowardsw after losing to the team in thet olympic. more of her reaction will benile aired during the full episode ae you can see clearly is not hap happy. >> chris, maybe you can help with t maybehis.ou this is a big red flag for meme okay. she's filming a documentary. aon obviously you want to have wt to emotion when you're making a film.lm so was she finding out for the first time with the cameras rolling in a --- >> i'm going go out on limb and say --
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y> i'll say no.>>'ll sa >> i'll good out on limb.nimb. going to say that was staged.tae >> or -- go ahead, chris. go ahr >> i actually don't know whetheh it was or it wasn't but she hadh put out statement before this br was actually released, too, like with response it to so i don't s know which came first.e fst that actual video of her hearin it or putting out the statemente >> this could happen, too. she could have never -- they maybe thought she was going toot get six months suspension orn o terminated or whatever.hate and so they might have asked ask her, hey, in shooting this documentary is it okay with if we shoot this.hoot t it won't that be bad all i didld was say they were cowards andds then she he really got g surprised. >> here's the genuine reaction >> her epie'sos de, epide you'll see even more.or >> i get your point. point i wouldn't be surprised eitherir way. i guess i'm saying.. >> i guess we're seeing sin different sides of hope solo. s >> are or we?? >> yeah, because i think afterfr you -- there's things accumulatl after awhile i think you see aee picture of someone. someone i'm thinking she's been the been super star for so long.g.
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maybe she doesn't handle han criticism that maybe what we're seeingreen here. >> i guess what i'mre saying iag wasn't surprised that that wasit her reaction. knowing how she's reaction reaco brrr'd that it did not surprisee me. >> i'm not surprised. >> all right. here's a story that straight out of mind of steven king. creepy clowns terrorizing children in south carolina. now, parents at the fleetwoodled manor apartments in greenville, say a person dressed as clown aw has been trying to lure theirlut children into the woods by flashing green lasers entices ec kids with large amounts of amouf money. deputes have been patrollingrolg this area this week a precautiot but have not seen the suspiciouu characters dressed in white faci paint and colorful gash andand apparently it is not just kidstk that have had these scary runcar ins with the clowns.lo one parent report add clownwn underneath a bloom lamp post la that waived and then shehe actually waived back to the clown. >> she scared she waived >> hey.e but that report said that the t clown actually didn't approach.h they were just waving at eachsta other.other >> wasn't there another town in a big a bear or so that
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clown outbreak?br >> i was thinking the one we did not too long ago i think it wask up in wisconsin. >> yeah.>> yeah. >> the clown was walking around and remember we were like should the police say something to himm or not?or n >> how hard it is to find theset clowns? i mean -- that's funny. how hard is it to find thesed th clowns. >> walking around -- >> a house back in the woods.oos >> allegedly there's -- not -- allegedly there's a house backoc in the woods and the police have gone down to that house but they haven't found any clown paraphernalia.pha >> did they see a rubber knows.s >> no, they didn't.n' that was the whole thing.hole tg i don't what is going on?? >> i've been shocked because bec i've ninety seven never seen aie clown with money bef >> they're usually asking foror >> call my folks in greenvillern and see what's wt's >> can you get on that? get oha >> i'm going to do it.o dot. >> 10:11 is our time right nowhn and it is national matchmakerche day and this morning we'rere playing cupid for some of our oo very own fox5 staffers.ff three lucky ladies, one bachel bachelor, trust us, you don'tusu want to miss this.s this.
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>> no you don't.>>o y beiber breaking records. rds selena taking a and if he official val a brand b new bachelor.. ooh, who is it? good we got thg details coming up.omin u good day celebrity dish. that's next.
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♪ how canlike springtime?washed 12 weeks ago and still smell unstopables in-wash scent boosters. the more you pour, the more scent you'll savor. toss it in before your clothes for luxurious scent up to 12 weeks. unstopables by downy.
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the ultimate in long lasting scent.
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♪ >> that's an oldie. >> oh yeah. . >> good day celebrity dish.ish first up singer chris brown outo of jail after posting bond oversight he's accused ofcused o assault with a deadly weapon weo much police were called to hisae home after a woman said browndwn pulled a gun on her.n that woman's name is bailey baiy curran. curran. brown and another man becamee angry, got angry with her when e she admire the man's necklace. c she says she's been to brown's n home in the past and never had n any problems. but allegedly did have some have problems this time.oblems police were called to the home e and after a 14-hour standoff,, brown came out with -- withoutit incident and was placed under arrest.arst 27-year-old virginia nativea nae posted videos on instagramg denying any wrongdoing. >> okay. i think this story is sketchy all the way around. yeah.yeah both parties involved, um, don't have good backgrounds.un >> i'm hearing there's a project in the works which makes meakese
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question right now. >> authenticity of the account.t >> i wish he wouldn't have d it made him look,. >> lick he's coming up raveled.. >> little cray cray. cra >> i'm sure he wants to defend his --hi >> i wish somebody was in his world.. >> i'd keep rooting for him andh then yeah.en good right. rod >> it's unfortunate.. >> okay. rough day for>> o tyga rapper he in his fancy ferrari with his girlfriend kylie jenner.ylieen >> set the tne. >> look what happened. bentley deale tragically for him while he andh kylie were checking out the newe cars his current one was repod.r that's's tmz reporting at the repo manan showed up armed with spare kayh key for the ferrari, jumped in d and started it up headed downdew the narrow street way.t w >> is that repo man. thare >> i think it ght be.>> i t it i think it's a picture of him.rh >> tie good allegedly a missedse up his lease payments.s. lesser wore not taking any chances. we heard they got a ride home re from one of his friends.rids i'm sure kylie was mortified.ord >> right. >> can you imagine.>> can you ii
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>> that's little i mean it's a lot embarrassing.. >> 29-year-old former gleele actress nyah rivera opening uppg about getting plastic surgery se when she was only 18 years old.o now in her new memoir sorry --ry not sorry she says her new boobs were always a confidence thingnc not a sexual thi she shared that in high school o before the surgery her bra was w always stuffed with napkins. nia said quote people have lot of opinions about plasticout pic surgery but might have been the best 8k i spent. she saved up for the surgeryur from her role on family matterst and her roles on the royalal family. she even opened up about herer family's disapproval on her choice to get plastic surgery. y >> she was on family matters? me >> i didn't know that.n't >> i never new her until >> what you got erin. en >> this next story is weirdly wi sweet. the pictures surfaced of a naken orlando bloom.landoom.
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how could we forget paddle boar boarding with girlfriend katie perry. she informed his ex-wife thefehe photos would surface during dur radio interview she joked abouto the son saying she's going to gi send bloom a few pairs of pantsn for options to try out the nextn time he wants to hit the paddle >> i don't know how i feel about that.that >> let me get this straight.s s. orlando bloom is a actor in hollywood got on a paddle boarda buck naked in the ocean with hi girl forty seven. someone took pictures and he had to warn them even i got on o paddle board in the water buckab naked these pictures may come out. >> knowing there's paparazzi. kt >> i'm just checking to makehecn sure i had all the factsll the c straight. >> you got it. ou got >> no white board needed.. flow chart was point on. >> i wouldn't appreciate that ip i was katie perrypreciate c tons ex.. >> record breaking year thanks to the success of his fourthh
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studio album purchase justin beiber sang his why guiness book of world records.. most out streamed album onn spotify one week. most simultaneous on the the billboard hot 100. first act to fill three topill slots ouk singles chart.ha i got more. >> okay.>>y >> most simultaneous new entriei on the billboard hot 100 chartsc i got more. or you want more?? >> most twitter followers of any >> wow!ow >> most youtube subscribers ofrf any male. m most viewed youtube music music channel breaking the previousres record set by rihanna. >> wow! >> what you're saying he's bigig deal. (laughter). >> yes. love him or hate him he'sr).atih popular. >> yes. >> i think he's very talented ie actually real i did hear that purpose album ii quiet good.iet gd. >> yeah. >> i haven't heard of it but ot from the bits i've heard. >> i really like him. >> it's kind of good. of goo s> what's that. >> his album purpose.pose what you've heard.ea >> we said some of those songs s are catchy.are
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>> what's good is when i hears h this song right here. h who has video game i think it'si vaughn miller from the denverher broncos he takes this song and a he's doing these dance moves.cev >> that one. >> he's doing all of this. t chris, we need to pull this up. >> okay. oka >> he's diagnose all these dance moves by himself ldiagike he's g different outfits dancing arounn telling people basically to biti video. you got to see this. >> he can pull that up. >> justin ex selena gomez take t time off from her she needs time to deal withl w anxiety panic tax and depressi depression. >> she says these are side effects in her battle with lupus and gomez sayser b concert dated schedule for later this year nor clear if those will be canceledn but wece wish her well. w she's going through it.t. >> yeah. yea >> good luck.k. >> definitely wish her well for >> dsure. >> that takes spent to be able a toed in mitt. >> does it.>> getting another shot at findingg love on the tv he'll be the bachelor when the e next season debuts.s. >> what? what? >> yeah.eah. you remember him homily runner e up on two seasons of thens of te bachelorette. never quite made it to win thewe game.
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now he'll be handing out roses currently older summerer e show bachelor in paradise hisade shrek as the new bachelor wasr w nounsed last night during the de after show.terho after paradise.afr p i hadn't heard that yet either.. >> i'm so disappointed. >> i don't like him. >> aww. >> get me some roses. roses >> this is better. i'm sorryhis is.ry i meant get me a rows.. >> steve, come on over.. >> i'm right here. >> aww. aw >> i know, right.>>now, >> next year.t yr. coming up later we'll switch to a different from tv shows to ths big screen the cast of the new e movie ring side will join usmovd live along with the dce will jnr and director russ par.r russ you know russ par will join us live in the loft. parlive ihe l that's coming up and dating game time. we know you'll be waiting for k it. we will not disyoapu'poinllt bet i promise you.ou
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back with more 10a after this. . now it's our labor day sale. where you can create the perfect home. from now until september 5th, you'll find huge savings on stylish pieces. get free delivery, plus an extra hundred-dollars off every thousand-dollars you spend. with havertys, your home can be perfect, even when life isn't. mom? have you see my iguana?
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the labor day sale is on now, at havertys. life looks good. ♪ happening right nowening intersection in leesburgterstion virginia shut down after a womar and a small child were struck bk car this morning.orni now this happened at riverside parkway in kipp heart investigators are still trig to pinpoint exactly what it wasit that bob barnard is there on the t scene now. sc let's check in with bob to find
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out what he knows. just a terrible accident.t. we're not sure why it happened,e because we believe the woman and child five month old boy were in the crosswalk leaving from thisi neighborhood. this is actually cotton manor drive crossing over it becomes m kipp heart drive crossingss riverside parkway about 8:10:1 this morning. mor you see what's left of theof t stroller. there's some toys there.. and we're told where the cone ie in the crosswalk is where the woman ended up.ndedp. we believe the child was ejected. they are according to loudounun county sheriffs officials stilla alive at this point.s p the baby is the woman is serious and if you pan to the left you see the carr there it's an suv apparently itt was making a left turn from thii neighborhood and the woman andoa child were in the crosswalk anda they collided. c we're not sure why that happen happened. sheriffs officials believe the woman and child haded. just leff sell den's landing elementaryy school in the neighborhood
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dropping another child off atlda the bell ring at 7:50 this driver of the car that struckatk them stayed. and the mother and child were taken to inova loudoun.un we don't know if they've been b transferred to trauma center.en. but according to a witness whoso was here, the baby was ejectedcd from the stroller.trol its eyes were open.s es w it was not breathing and passers by were performing cpr to save his life. l again the sheriff's office says that the child is still alive. i the mother is still but according to the one one witness, it did not look good, guys. >> heartbreaking.>>br >> terrible. terrible. bringing thein the latest on that.latest we appreciate it. all rightwe a. right we'll switch major gears here.r. we've been saying this allhi all morning long it is national matchmaker day.r so this morning good day is lo looking for a love connection.oo coming up --p -- >> love connection or datingovei gameon o. >> we're trying to receiver to -- maybe it will turn intour the newlywed game who knows fitf
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really work out.ork. right? coming up next paul p wharton playing c lucky fox5 staff in our firsturt ever good day d.c. dating game.g don't miss it..
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we'll be right back. ♪ all welcome back to good day at 10a. and let me just say this.hi i cannot believe these three the gorgeous ladies are
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how are they alas they are.. and today we are hoping to makee love connection for one of themm as we are having our first ever dating game here on good day in the loft. so, bachelorette number one, tww and three. of of you toeach say one thing whatever it may be that you would like bachelor tor hear about yourself. bachelorette number one.. >> um, i like to so i like a funny guy. >> bachelorette number two.. >> i like a stylish guy. g a fly guy. >> bachelorette number three. >> i'm canisi i am bachelorettet number three. a little serious.erio a lot of sassy anton of fun. >> hmm. h all right.all so without further a do, let me get to my match making partner in crime the one and only paul wharton who is standing by witht the bachelor of the day. day hey, paul.aul >> hey, holly.
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how you doing y doi >> i'm well. mitch much he is the hottest event planner and party guy in town. he hasn't quite had time to meet miss right but today is his h lucky day and i think he's reada to find love. le >> all right. all rht. >> looking for love in all the a right places. >> looks good on the inside andd the outside and a little junk iu her trunk, holly, what do you think about that.abouthat. >> whoo! >> let me see. s i think he's going to be happy.h we got junk in the trunk tru bachelorette one, two and threer it's all good.d. okay. so i guess our bachelor will nol proceed to ask the questions ofo our bachelorettes and we'll juss go down the line. we'll alternate the firstheir question we'll start withit bachelorette number one goingoni first. what's the question, mitch. >> first up netflix and chill ol night at the club?? >> oh, my gosh..
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um, night at the club.. >> okay. >> that's right up your alley >> night at the club is safer ia than netflix and chill.. >> i'll say netflix and chillndc for me then after i'll meet you at the club. clu >> all right. >> okay. >> what do you think?? >> next question. queio text or talk? >> text or talk? >> wait this time we'll startrt with bachelorette number two. definitely talk. t talking is more personal.ernal >> throw. >> definitely talking. >> one?>> d >> talking.alki >> yes. >> talk across the board i hopec you're talker'al >> i don't know about that mitch. i what do you think? don't k >> he's a busy he's got towhat d techo youe'a . what do you think thim >> got to have balance.ance >> balance of both. bh >> okay you starting that feelrl anybody right now? .> not yet not y >> not yet. >> ya'll better step up yourtepy okay.ok >> what's up next?s up next? (laughter). >> merlot or miller light? l? >> we'll start with bachelorlo number three. >> definitely moet. >> here we go.
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i like both because i'm a sporto girl i like foot like a good miller light butut normally moet. >> is that number two.r >> that's number one and last at but not least.ot lea. number two. >> neither. >> i'm a wine and whiskey girl,, sorry. >> there you go. >> all >> okay. >> oka >> as long as she didn't sayyhey colt 45 i think we're okay.thine >> right.. >> a box of wine or boones farmm i think we're okay. >> exactly. mors gety. e into musical tastes. what's up next.t. team taylor or team kanye. k >> start backing with number o one. >> this is hard. i really am not that big aone. n of either. ehe but kanye. >> number two. t >> the original kanye. >> number >> team beyonce', duh! >> okay. got to pick beyonce'.ce'. our bachelorettes are going offo script here and i like >> all right. i think, our>> n aexllt questiot >> she stands o.she
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she's kind of unique.she's ki sond lastly,. >> momma's b >> ooh, okay. okay. we'll start with number two.. >> bad boy.>> all day.l >> number three? >> bad boy all the way. ll havee'd girl so we' that perfect balance.ce >> number one?ber o >> bad boy. definitely.fini >> hmm. you want some bad boy. they gotyou their junk in the te ready for that bad boy.. (laughter). >> all right. >> wait, what's wrong with the >>aidlt,hay? t' what'ss wdls wrong with the momma's boys. >> nothing wrong is momma's boyy >> nothing wrong with momma'soms boy. boy. >> what are you? >> they don't want to compete . >> he's definitely a bad boy. so i guess that works.ks. >> okay. do we have time for the bonus bn question. >> i think we do. this is really important. what do you got.on.o. >> do you kiss on the . what d first date? date >> number three. we start with you.. >> it depends how great the date was and the it depends how hot they are.they a oh, he'e's hot. he's hot, ladies. lads. >> and how hot will the kiss be? >> kind of warm. >> you you. y >> number one.>> numbe >> yes, if he's hot and if i'mfi
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feeling it if there'sh ambiance is right, yes, you cans get a kiss. ge >> would you kiss first or dor o you wait for him. >> he would have to kiss me.uldo >> okay. >> number two?mber two? >> no. you're going to wait tillit christmas to open up this gift. >> what? (laughter). >> playing hard to get. t>>rying to hold him tried to run for the hills. >> i think now he has to choose. >> okay. let's think about it can we plae a little dating game music. m >> it's been playing the wholehe time. time >> oh, it (laughter).gh >> were do you think. and andon over and go aheadte. plant one on the bacheloretteheo that you choose. >> one, two or three?ee? >> you guys ready for that? >> let's see.etee. will it be one, will it be two,t will it be three? here comes our bachelor.. i didn't know the studio nextdin door was so far away. a come on over. are you guys feeling nervous? li how you feel? >> excited.>> eit excited. >> okay. they're going to see him for the first time. let's see theth're goin rg eato
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ctions. >> and -- it's not paul >> oh!>> (laughter).(l >> how are you all? areou a >> all right. >> so would you like to presente your flowers to the bachelor b rest your choice? >> who will you give the flowers to? (laughter).(laugh >> whoo! >> there you go. >> there you go. >> we do match.atch perfect. >> all right. r. perfect. ?> did you have a feeling >> since you told your name on air? (laughter).(lau id you you have a feeling it wa> going to be you? hgoin b >> of course.>> o i play to win. w >> i think he was smart guy.. >> who was until christmas.istms >> that was number two. t >> he couldn't wait untilit u christmas. >> he almost ran out the studioe holl sy. >> we can't wait. w will you guys come back and tell us how the first date went. >> don't foal ladies because web have these as our consolation prize?
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>> what? wha (laughter) >> this is gray. >> congratulations. >> thank you.>>nk y >> congratulations. >> thanks guys. >> to celebrate it maureen has open the wine for us. >> that's right. rig >> wine for everybody.r evedy. okay. >> you guys look great.uys l gre great job jo eve time right now -- i don't know o the time.the 10 something. turns out the perfect10 back tot school accessory has nothing toi do with with k coming up next we're showing yoy how to pair the perfect winefecn with all that stress that comes with the start avenue new school year.. they'll pipe down little bitpi w later.
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just having fun with each other. back after this. afterhi so excited.ed. ♪ all right. 10:40 our time getting your kidk back to school no easy task youy parents well know buying all the splice, agreeing on the length of your daughter's skirt andnd packing healthy lunches canan require the patience of a sainti to to help make it through there beginning of the school yearoo a schedule time for yourself to t unwind a little bit and a sometimes all it takes a great t glass of wine. yup. this morning we're helping you pick the perfect boteltlpie for literally any situation and here to help us out lauer row r eorrester the wine coach at theh perfect wininee to prepare witha few of the challenge challengeso
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school. this is so timely t >> back to schooloiss so timely. but still i've'v begun getting her ready and it is stressful. >> it is stressful. i str the supply list my daughter went back on monday.n m >> was it like a laundry list l like ours.ike ours. >> laundry list. boo>>ks laund and crayons andsa glue sticks. you know what after you get thae all done, you got tor yo guet gg together with the girls and just celebrate.cebr >> exactly. >> did you it all. >> and so i think perfelyct thinghi to celebrate these last 20 or so days of summer it's called thelt spritz you make it with in theht glass you put 3-ounces of any prosecco.prosec i have the la mark3 ounces ofs o that. 1 ounce of the app per roll liquor.liqu bitter orange liquor. secret recipe but it has rhubarb and spices in there. there >> just a little seltzer.eltz >> 1 ounce of club soda. of ub s little bit of be a orange. >> beautiful. >> go ahead give eight taste get much it's so yummy and it'ss light. >> um-hmm. >> you're not drinking as muchtk winein.wi. >> right? >> r >> by no means we'reig saying yu need wine to deal with your kidd
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but it helps. and moving on, laundry list of o searches they needed what ist is this one about?ut? >> this one is about really the chauffeuring that starts again.n >> my goodness, yeah.dneseah. >> all the sports all thell the activities you're going here ang there and maybe your kids go too different schools. moms hoodoo lot of driving.rivig >> absolute. >> at the end of the day when ving,>> at the maybe youou and your husband have nicee little meal after you put theutt kids to bed. and you have a greuner v. lt leaner. lear. white wine from austria. grab yourself a it's crisp and clean, green apple and white. whi if you love pinot grief joe thit is your wine. is >> i'm catching a theme nothingn too heavy all of this feels vers light.ght. f doesn't feel like it has a't ton of alcohol in it.l li >> exactly. >> obviously some.iouslyome. >> from cooler climate that'slit where you'll find your local loc alcohol wines.hol wes great with seafood salads,alads, cocktail is great with anything. >> yes.
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that for sure is a keeper. kee >> and then the last challenge l and this is a homework.mework first of all we're not into thet homework i had to fill out sevet forms. >> i know. >> already, right? >> well, alrdy, with common corh and teaching your kids praxess e and everything >> you need it. >> i cannot help her with theh t math. that will make you want to pull your hair soat wkemetimes after you'ryoeue doing all of that and the kids d are in bed my the k really windo to watch a fun show with glass s of red wine.e. i have the red wine from spainri from region just up in the in northern east part of the spainn it's a grape also called againgn anank you very much it's lots of cherry and nd sce. give eight taste. because this red is only 10.99.9 >> my gosh. >> it's delicious. i l love it. >> if you're havinovg labor day party, this is your burger red.r >> i love it. >> this is your white for your salads and your seafood and thee the cocktail you can greet can g everybody at the door.oor. >> okay. oy. >> don't stress. stress.
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get it done.on >> these guys are partyin they're having a party already y over there. t they've gotten their kids off tf school. they know that's why. okay we can polar.ty seriously, there real sal wine for everything. i think some people are a little intimidated it's bottom line l maybe pick something you like lk and what really is it? i >> know what you like and thenhe be able to describe that.eha so if you say hey i'd like light crisp wines like pinot grigioo i'll get to you dry this sohi you're not always in the same rut of drinking the same wine we every tim if you know you love merlotove l because you like that fruityy velvety i'll get to you dry this again thank you very much. >> i'll shimmy back over to this. this is the keeper right here. a lot of people don't do thi cocktails think it's complicated but this is quite easy. eas >> it is.>> i each of these are best withith food. so try your wines with food. fd. you make what i call a wine sandwich.sandwi >> yeah. .> you sip the wine all alone you take a bite of your dish.ous >> i know that. >> fabulous food you made ande a sip the wine again. a wine, food, wine makes your wine sandwich on the second sip ofd s
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the wine, it should taste even a great food and wine pair. p >> you always have great tips. lori forrester, thank you so yos much. >> thank you.haou. >> cheers to kids going back too school. scho bottoms up, parents. up, parent. you need a glass. g come join us.comen o yk over to you guys. over t >> all right. check this out. the fight of the century but the real drama is happening outsidei of the coming up next sitting down wit the cast and the crew of the new movie ring side alongside the te director and dc radio show russ par in the morning.. i've heard that couple times.e . can you tell? 10:45 is theshe
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time. we'll be right back. especially when it comes to snacking.g new. with the laughing cow's nine flavors of creamy cheese, there's no end to what you can discover.
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the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. ♪ be honest with me.e. be honest with yourself for one. >> i'm good, jake.ake. >> no, you're not. n you know i know every pitfall pa from the pacific palms. okay.okay >> i was at the casinos. no big dole.ig dol i didn't gamble.. i played a couple of hands of
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blackjack. but that was i swear i got it all under control.. i'm not like how i used to be.. the means is really helping me.e i'm just trying to catch up on bills, owing. owing oh my attorney 5k.ney 5k. >> all right.ll rig. that's clip from the new tv new movie called ring side it tellss the story of the biggest boxingg match of the year and all thehe outside the ring drama leading g up to that match.hatatch the cast featured who's who of f stars and writ tepp an directedc by guy who has dc ties. you may have heard his nameis nm couple or times to if you listel to the radio we're talking abouo dc radio host russ parr in the we'll bring him over first.. ladies and gentlemen, russ parr in the morning!orni >> what's up, russ parr.ussar >> how you doing.. >> how you doing. >> come on over.ou >> where you want me to sit.>>os >> you sit wherever you witant.o sit this is your house now.s yrh >> thank you, man.ou,an >> your house. next up on your roster you'ree starting five.
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tyler helply.ply. >> you've seen him on the showov the have and have eseen h nimot. (applause). >> up next in the lineup, alan maldonado. (applause). >> what's going on? on? >> what's happening, brother. bo >> how you going. >> good to see yowou. y up next. all right, fellas get way jew lisa. everybody got style in here.yl >> come on in.. >> and last and last but not least, hailing from parts fromts unknown, you like that, you like that. he's swinging over there. i'm last. >> what's up? u >> what's going on.hat'going on. how ya'll doing? >> look, this is fascinatingci this is a story it has boxing in the ring and drama outside thedt ring how does this come to you.y this is your brain child.hi i was up one night bringing ag whole bottle of wine. win >> a box. a b. >> a box of wine.ox ofe. >> gotcha. gcha.
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actually, you know, the folk at tv kind of like an urban entourage. let's do about it rapper. rappe. i'm like no.i'm lio. everybody does story aboutrybo rappers. what would be sexy and incorporate, you know, that kind of swag world. >> right. rig >> i thought bocking.ocng. you go to boxing match you see every demo there from older o white men to young black girls. it's all a melting p >> right of.>> rht of. >> entertainment.>> e i thought man there's a bevy ofo stories there and so what i
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tried to do is take these characters so -- >> okay. >> he's an actor's director. >> okay. i just love how many layers he added to the film and the character story lines in particular. because it could have been very one notes specially with my character. she's got lot going on. she's very sassy. firecracker if you will. but she also has this comedic side to her i think is very enduring and you'll see that in the film. >> russ, you have done movies b you've done films before. >> right. >> how do you pick your cast? how did you come up with your cast.
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>> you're watching tv and these are the people i need. >> actually, you know, no disrespect to at love the actor that is you see the same actors playing the same roles in every single movie and hats off to tv1 they want to do something fresh. i mean these are well-known actors, but at the same time it's fresh. fresh faces. and you know i was really looking fog the best actor not necessarily really good looking cast. really look for the best actor. when he came in for an i was dig the first thing i started doing was throwing hands at him. >> oh really. >> how did that work out for you? >> you go in and you expect to give your name. i had to make sure i was ducking the first thing i got was left to my face. (laughter). >> i didn't punch him. he looked like he wanted to hit me. >> but he and alan both they have bocking background and everything. you know, it was really great because you get somebody in
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there throwing punches like th this. >> not ver >> you tell him to leave the room. >> next, next. bring in wisdom. (laughter). >> somehow my phone didn't ring. that's all i'm saying. look, tell me what the best part of working with this cast is. either one of can you jump in and go down the line. what's the best part the best things working together with this particular cast. >> for me i felt like i was working with my three older brothers. and they took care of me especially with a lot of the outfits that my particular character carmen santiago had to wear, and -- >> wave outfits were they. >> you'll see. you'll see september 4th. >> okay. >> it wasn't much. >> okay. she owns her sexuality. that's for sure. >> okay. and they just made it really comfortable. and a lot of fun. >> okay. >> really, really. >> i think to add on to what she was saying, just the comradery we all have. we shot this in, what, 12 days. >> 12 days. >> it's important to have that,
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you know, that comradery and we did have that closeness. whether it's to be on someone's door and run lines or spend extra time with me so we can have a certain act exercise bring things to life. that comradery was dope. >> all our first time working together, and it definitely didn't seem like it at all. we bonded like literally the first day. you know what i'm saying. nobody was better than nobody. >> right. >> nobody acted like they was hollywood. you know what i'm saying. we was there to do a movie we knew we had only two week to do. >> wait but alan was different. alan we had to get him out of the trail her about three or four times. >> you had to get him out. >> he was in character, man. mr. hollywood. >> he's a method actor. >> he play as real arrow began guy. really cocky and arrow began these guys come to the set in character. >> okay. >> so you know you don't know who you'll get. >> a boxer. >> he's the boxer. he's the antagonist. >> you're the bad guy. >> yeah. >> you're the bad guy. >> i'm the manager to him. >> you're the manager and carmen
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santiago >> carmen santiago is in the mix of these two. >> ut-oh. >> don't tell me. >> oh, yeah. >> in the middle. she's seeing both of ya'll. >> both of us. >> oh, my goodness. (laughter). >> wait a minute. now the name carmen santiago, all right, i know that from a cartoon. >> really? >> i just made it up. i didn't know. >> carmen san diego. >> carmen san diego. >> there you go. >> i'm over here trying to start something. >> there you go. >> you know sunday, septembe september 4th on tv1, it is kind of ground-breaking. we hope that this film goes to series. so it's important that everybody watch it. if you can't watch it, dvr do what you got. 7:00 o'clock eastern time on tv1. sunday. >> september 4th. >> september 4th everybody. >> there you have it. there you have it. , people. there you go. we got the fab five right here.
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russ parr and the fab five. >> right. >> boom, boom, boom (applause). >> stop it. more. stop it. >> thank you v fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. only fios lets you upload as fast as you can download. and right now, go online to get our best offer ever or call to learn more. super fast 100 meg internet, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online, for 2 years, guaranteed with a 2 year agreement. installation is easier than ever. and there is no cost to cancel if you change your mind within 30 days. switch now and get super fast 100 meg internet, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online, for 2 years, guaranteed. go to or call 1.888.get.fios to learn more.
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