tv Fox 5 News 5 FOX September 1, 2016 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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west side of florida tampa north has had tremendous rain and flooding problems so really rough now and almost a too late for anybody to try to o continue preparations because be it is under way.nder w if there's some good news for fr our region as we watch thisch t track and we started seeing s this shift last night it the go back to more of an easterlyey track and now you'll see that sa d.c. is out of that cone of uncertainty but is a sadly theae beaches are the no. now this trackac takes it to tht outer banks saturday abouturdayt 2 o'clock and then it's off our coast but it is still touching the coastline sostli so we're going to have to watch toh for tropical storm conditions ci at the beaches. beach i wanted to also show that youay while the hurricane warnings are naturally flying for florida we have a lot of have af tropical storm warnings up theue coast and now for our coast weot have a tropical storm watchatch which means be prepared weparede could have tropical storm srm conditions and if that changeshg to a warning over the weekend w you'll know that we'rete're expecting those dangerous dangeo winds and the high surf.igh rf right now that tack not set
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tomorrow. we're still a couple days awayay but on the current track as ofsf 5 o'clock today that would really lessen the effects forffr the d.c. area so we'll have'llav some rain and some wind ain little bit of cloud cover butov nothing like what it lookedok like yesterday.liay different story at the beaches though the rightdierent nstowot track heavy rain severaln sev inches and strong winds maybeay even gusts up and over o 60 miles an hour if not sustained winds depending onng o the track of what is hermines he and so that's the very latest l here at 5 o'clock.'cck we'll let you know if anythingg else develops with that and we're keeping track of localra c thunderstorms tonight because w lot w a lot of you are kno trying to get down to that to t springsteen concert. conrt i'll have the forecast for that coming up in a liti'll htll as well. wl. sarah laura back to you. y >> thanks so much. t breaking news now n southeast d.c. homicide detectives are on thert scene of a double shooting. >> marina marraco is live withwi the latest developments. what down. one of the victims is a teen critically shot here on theren t
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i'll show you the scene youhe se because it's widespread.'s wespr it's to one side to the eastast and then you're looking all the way down several blocks, you see how far the crimethe cme scene tape extends. extends. we can show you video from the t scene just moments ago. interim chief who will be interim chief peter news hams was on the scene earlier danlien he said the scene right now is w absolutely confusing for both ft officers and detectives here. as they're trying the figure outut if both these shootings are related.rela again, a teenager criticallyca injured in one of these the shootings and a second person po an adult according to sources shot in the leg expected to be okay but this crime scene iss incredibly wide. we. it has stalled traffic here in the seventh police district in and we're hearing from f witnesses that they sawaw several men running away fromy m the scene after gun shots weree again we don't know if these t two shooting are
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we're in an area incrediblyncrei close to three differentthreeife schools. you have anacostia high schoolcs just up 16th street, cramert, cr hill school as well as ketchumet elementary all within thishin th vicinity and right now policeowp still trying to determine ifmini this teenager was a student att anacostia high school. schoo we're still trying to get thehe latest because this did happen before dismissal time. what exactly took place here and if these two shootings shoos right now are related.. again, homicide detectives on the scene. teenager transported to an area hospital in criticall condition. live tonight in southeast southa d.c., marina marraco, fox5 local news.ew >> new tonight a 19-year-old9-yo in the hospital, her newborn neo child fighting for her life. li. this after the child's father allegedly tried to kill the pregnant woman because he wasn't ready to be a father.o bt >> that brutal crime happenedne yesterday and today that suspect had his first court appearance.. fox5's alexandria limon has has more on what happened in court t and why the state's attorn
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office says this was premeditated, alex. >> reporter: that's right, that suspect >> r is charged with premeditated attempted firsted t degree murder and first degree e assault because the state's attorney's office says hes h brought a kitchen knife with wh him to the scene of the stabbing and previously told several people he wasn't ready to be a father and did not not want that baby to be born. dakota brothers turned 18 just s a few days ago.go. now he could spend the rest ofeo his life in prison after a brutal attack on a 19-year-oldyd woman that was expecting his child.ild. according to the montgomery county state's attorney's >> medically we believe she is approximately 24 weeksim pregnant. alive.livesks the child in a dire situationsio in a local hospital. hos >> reporter: champing>> reporte: documents reveal the pair met ct along a dirt walking trail onn upton street in kensington hadnd sex and then brothers
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allegedly strangled her unconscious and then stabbedhen her repeatedly.tedl the suspect was arrested byted y montgomery county police not n long after the stabbing. and in an interview he allegedly told investigatorstigo he had previously contemplated killing the unborn child.n. he also told them he stopped sto his attack on the victim andm ad fled only because he believediee he saw members of that ms-13 ms3 gang approaching and feared feae they would assault him.they as of now would, a brothers onle charges for the attack on the woman.n. >> whether additional charges could be brought will be based s on medical information that we w do not have at this point inpoin time. it all relates to their t viability of the child -- thelde viability of the child at the time the child was taken byen c-section. >> reporter: and in court today the defense tried to>> r argue that the bond for bor brothers should be set at $100,000 which is relativelyatel low considering the seriousness of the crime.
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had no prior criminal historyry including no record as a juvenile.venile however, the judge did not buy that argument. instead, he set the bond att $5 million. reporting live in rockville, i c alexandria limon, fox5 local >> ♪ >> more fallout tonight overver problems with prince george'sprg county's head start program.rogr it's a story you saw first sir here on fox5. f yesterday he we reported thedhe feds pulled a $6 million grantgr for the program after an progrfr investigation found evidencevine of child abuse and poor teacher training.ining. today we learned six employeesme have been disciplined in theve wake that of bee rn eport.disci. school ceo kevin maxwellwell released a statement saying inn part today i have taken disciplinary action against a six individuals directlyy involved in the incident cited in the administration forn children and families report including certified teachers, classroom aides and an administrative supervisor.upervo these individuals will noid wil longer be in front of any a child in prince george'sd in pr count p
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an interim grant is being usedn to keep the program going.oing >> also in the district a lot of people talking today about tt a barbershop sign after a d.c. council member driving by thevie place tweeted out a picture. council member yvetteyvet alexander says it's it's inappropriate for kids to see and wanted to bring attention ai to it. the story first appeared inppea the washington city paper anderd fox5's matt ackland is along florida avenue in northeastenue with more on this businessin sign that is raising some eyebrows. matt. >> reporter: hi, laura, sarahly i want y ou>> to do me a m favor.r. can you read the sign behind b me. tell me what it says.s. >> sex barbershop.arbeho >> but it's supposed to say unisex, isn't it. >> reporter: you gave it away sarahis. i'm going to move over just a little bit.ttle >> sorry. >> now we see it. >> reporter: there you see>> it. laura i'm going have to washas your mouth out with soap for saying that you. >> set me up. >> reporter: i did set youh soar up . thaid set youup one council member is a littleit upset about this but the ownerer
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that they're seeing sex barbershop is because the u-n-i, the lights are out the owner says hold on paintn pt he's going to fix this but he bt wants everybody to know kno there's nothing dirty goingoing on. as he gets ready for his day, mr. easily can't help't help chuckling over the stir his sign out front has caused has cd lately. >> sex barbershop, we deserve ds a laugh today, you know,now, everyone wants to sit back and d get a laugh out of this.hi >> reporter: ward seven warseve council member yvette mr yvet alexander didn't think it wasnkt funny when she drove by. b she tweeted out this picturere and message asking d.c.'s.c.'s regulatory agency to check it out. on the phone today she said she didn't want kids to see to e this and wanted to make sure sur it was legitimate business buteb had no idea one tweet would cause such a stir. sti >> i was just amazed that id tha mean that couldn't
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up the phone and say hey, did h you know your sign was outow yos instead of giving all thishi hoopla but yeah on thepla yeah o positive side i'm getting aettig lot of free advertising.dversin. >> reporter: mr. easily says he'll make another over to thett get his lights fixed. his lht lasts time a contractor left with his money.with but some may not like that idea. ea it seems they've come to like the scarlet sign the way it w i is. >> they were telling me, hey,e t you know, weel useling me, it aa landmark. you know, when i tell peoplel where i'm located they can'ty cn find my business they say heyyey where the sex sign is. [laughter][lau >> reporter: yeah, that's one way to tell people whereplee you live. li tke that idea. hahey, and this is not the first time the people have been b talking about this. it's really getting some s traction today after the washington city paper did it but we looked on instagram we put #sex barbershop and overr the last couple years there'she 31 posts many people reallype rl like it so they're posting it it here and i don't know the i dono owner says that he's thinkinghin about maybe changing it, getting the light
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he says it can be a little bittb expensive but i wouldn't bet b surprised if it stays the sameye way. at least a lot of people are talking, right? live ine northeast, matt ackland fox5 fo5 news. >> maybe he puts the uni in unii different colors.t >> something. >> to keep the fun going. >> reporter: that's a good idea. i bet some people will stilll sl be a little offended depend ondo who you ask. some people might like it. >> clearly it's been going ong for a couple years if it's on instagram. >> i like what he said why didn't yvette alexander justerus to him. >> i know, right. >> reporter: she told m ie k tom today she didn't realize itlize was going the blow up. it really found in a bigin a big thing. in fact people are tweetingweet her she said some bad things. she probably wishes she would have picked up the phone andup e called him too. >> i think so. s thank you, matt.t. >> a five-year-old boy in d.c. n is given the wrong medicationico by his school nurse sending him to the hospital. >> tonight hear what ther wh school add station told tol parents about their healthcareee staff following the critical
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mistake. >> georgetown university atones. college will give preferred admission to the descendantscens of slaves the school sold tohooo pay off a debt in 1838. 183 >> medical break. there was how a new revolutionary drug may stop mayo alzheimer's disease fromal develozhpingme.r'long we're going explain how it it works on the brain next. >> ♪ >> and changes are a coming to ocean city.ity. oh, it's been glorious pastiousp two weeks but boy changes, bigei changes are coming to oceanean city.ty and you can see the beginningsni right there.t the >> flies now but it's going -- - nice out in but it's going tot't change. >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> in tonight's health watch an experimental drug in the fight against alzheimer's may have brought researchers onegaie step closer tors preventing thet disease altogether.her. >> massachusetts based pharmaceutical company bio gen discovered this drug. 165 people with mild to moderate alzheimer'sdera participated in the study. they were given a onthly dosparticeipatth dos of the new drug and then over du the course of ag and year the ps showed a large reduction inon i their battle against the disease.disease. larger trials are reportedlyordy scheduled through the yearr 2020.20 >>he a american heart association is askingations askg pharmacies to folw
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of cvs and stop selling tobacco products. >> it comes as the centers forts disease control and preventionrn published a study that revealed 66 percent of americans do not want their local pharmacy selling tobacco products. cvs decided to stop the salep e of those products in 2014 in 20 losing out on an estimated estad $2 billion per year in sales.eal >> in fairfax county dominion do power is marking its one yearnea anniversary of making homes more energy efficient bycient by weatherizing a single family fil home for two veterans it's all part of their energy sharey shae program.ra today volunteers were joined jne by virginia governor terry mcauliffe. they involved lead lightbulbsghl low flow shower head and insulation.tion. >> dominion has been great. they put up $57 million over five years for this programam but we have helped 12,000d 12,0 individuals in the last year, lder 7,000 households near al ho thousand veterans helped with wt this program.this program. >> there are people who live whl in that neighborhood who also received energy efficiencyicncy kits.
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your home cfianci slash your por bills in half.s i hal >> fox5 is in montgomerymontgome county where state and local leaders are stepping in too help victims of that deadlyea apartment explosion in silver spring. peter franchot.rat. the august 10th gas explosionxpo h officials say many of the displacedh of residents are also in need of tax services andervi employment assistance. >> a really smehocking about the way illegal immigrants are being deported dp or not deportd from virginia.iri >> and donald trump's campaign a now wants to make mexico great again, also and they've got a a new fashion accessory to sendoen out their >> who says being bad doesn'toen pavement how swimmer ryan lochte isvement how s now cashio post scandal endorsements including one product that protects against >> oh, bodoypr.otects a boy. and all eyes on 49ers9ers quarterback
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>> ♪ >> after visit to mexico for a meeting with the mexican president donald trump announced his immigrationymmigrn great lakes plan for the country last night in arizona. orterrheeporter ronica cleary has been looking i into our immigration courts operate into vir oginia.ur vgi she went to the arlingtonrl immigration court and what she e found may surprise you.isou >> reporter: an immigrationtion attorney in the district. i've interviewed him on otherve stories related to theewselated election but he recentlytl reached out to me about abo a disturbing trend he's noticed in there scheduling of deportation cases in arlingtonon immigration court. cou >> so i was in immigrationigti court at the beginning of the year and i was trying to set a t trial for one of my cases and
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usually they give us trialss tal eight months or six months out o at most a year out.. but this time i received a trial date that's eight yearstea out. out. and i thought it was clearly aly typo, a mistake and when i whe asked they said no, this iss exactly right, we're undernd manned and we cannot give youveu a faster trial date. >> reporter: so, i reachederr: r out to the u.s. department of justice to find outer more about hearing dates scheduledchd in arlington immigrationigra court. we uncovered that what het what experienced is not unusual. unul in fact, there are thousands of hearings scheduled past p 2016 and 2017 and some evene e all the way out to 2024. so what does a person do whenn w they are waiting for theiror t trial date for six, seven or even eight years? well, anel a individual placed into removal m proceedings maintains their current immigration statustatus until final adjudication of the immigration proceedings. so when it comes to work, if that individual is authorized to work, they'll maintain that a
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if it is a temporary temporary authorization, they'll be ableee to work until that expires orpis until the court date whicheverwe comes first. and if that person does not have authorization to work,hotin they're not granted any status s to work even if there is a multi year delay in theirheir court hearing.earing i reached out to the executivexe office for immigration review,e, that's eoir for an one on camera interview about these delays in court proceedings.ceed katherine mattingly the the assistant press secretaryreta there would not agree to the request but did answer my did ay questions via e-mail. eai she explained that cases are prioritized based on severald bn criteria including those who are unaccompanied children andra recent border crossers. nonpriority cases and a nondetain cases respect scheduled further out. so, doessspect eoir consider the delays to be problematic.blemat she responded in part by saying immigration judges mustge give due time and attention toot each case before them. the they cannot rush through
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wait time for pending cases. cas she went on to explain thatin ta the number of ups is at an all l time high of 277 immigrationmmti judges and that 100 more immigration judge candidates are at can various stages of the hiring process. uceedthis would ideally rheed the pending caseload and waitndi times we've uncovered.. it seems reasonable to believenb that these multi year delays del are a burden on the courts, crt, the people of virginia and the people who are stuck in the system for so many years. years if you are affected by thishi story in any way, we wander too hear from you. we want to tellro your story. reporting in arlington, i'mi' ronica cleary with fox50ri locl >> throughout his campaign gop throu trumpgh hasrump pledged to work to makeak america great again. ain >> now both he and his his supporters are extending that ta pledge to mexico.o m last night before he gave hisis speech on immigration former for new york city mayor rudy juliana and alabama senatorat jeff
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baseball cap with the words witw make mexico great againor also.s as you can imagine the new hat h caused quite a buzz on social media too. one personmedi tweeting make mexico great also. how is this real live that ise h an snl skit. snl ski >> one wrote trump came upep with make mexico great againtga also himself and finally finally someone posted this photo of a hat that reads please leave canada out of it. it. >> that's the best one.t o. >> i love it. >> very funny he. >> >> a five-year-old boy in given the wrong medication by his school nurse sending him s to the hospital. >> yeah, tonightim h ear what thewh the school administration toldnold parents about their healthcare c scare following that critical mistake.mi >> and these girls instagramedtd an epic vacation until they the got busted for smugglingmugg millions of dollars in cocaine. oops. where they stashed all those drugs you can probably guesss y and howcan proba they got caughh crossing the border.ossinhe b hey brody. brody >> hey sarah.>> heyah. just when you think then you t redskins are are going to getnge through the preseason withoutont
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dumpster diving and find potential info. info. >> you got my attention brody.ry keeping a close eye on local radar. rada there is not a lot out therer. t but there are a few downpours without lightning that aret g moving southeast and dropping dp some brief heavy rain as they push through montgomery county and also loudoun countmey b brie know was really want to know, ko who is going to the bruce the be concert tonight. tonight. it is at nats park at 7:30. 7 i think there may be an early shower. shower. most that of concert will beillb dry.dry. temperatures in the 70's a much cooler day.teeratures sarah, back to you. >> taking a live look now out o at bethany beach the boardwalkna right the boa you can seeright t skies overcat kind of looks the same all samel around the area.rea. prepare for that this weekendke at the beach. sue will have more comingat t ug in the forecast.orecast. be right back.
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>> ♪ >> this is fox5 local news atcaa 5:00.. >> new information tonight tig about that medication mixup atia a charter school in northeasthot d.c. >> imagine hope community charter school is responding to reports that a schoonil nurs gave a five-year-old boy the the wrong medication for his for h jacari bridgeforth was given ritalin a pill for adhd ad instead of his inhaler. ialer. he was immediately taken toly tn the hospital.e now, not h only does jacari jacr suffer from asthma but he also b has a long list of food allergies. day erday we spoke to theye young boy's grandmother who confronted the nurse.urse. >> i said, what the hell did you do to my grandson? he's a chronic severe so, you didn't see the name on o that medicine? she said no, i was not looking. looki no, you should -- i said youou got on damn glasses.lass you should have looked. >> jacari has since been
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discharged from the hospital hoi and he is expected to be okay thankfully following the the incident at the charter chaer school. ete school sent a letter homeenl to parents.. it reads in part "to providerovi our students and campus with a school nurse imagine hope h contracts with an outside outsi healthcare staffing service. see yesterday their employee inadvertently administered the wrong medication to a studentic who had come tos the nurse's nss office for treatment.. we immediately took action too ensure the well-being of our ofo student involving bothot emergency medical providersvide and local authorities. additionally we have ensured enr the nurse in question will no qw longer be on our campus ." >> georgetown university isys taking major steps to atone ttoe for slavery.ry the school says it plans to plat offer priority for admissiondmii to the descendants of nearly 300 slaves. a forum on the a30nn0ouncement n being held right now.ow back in 1838 the university sold 272 slaves to pay down its debt. toda
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said georgetown will need to identifyid and reach out to their descendants and recruitnt them to the university. the school is also calling on themalli its leaders to offern a formall apology for the university's participation in the slavelave trade glade a very big week bigw for montgomery county schools. new school year omobvntiousgolys kicking off on monday and withih increasing enrollment a newent a superintendent and then a huge announcement just yesterday yes from governor hogan.r hog we wanted to invite michael dorso president of montgomery county board much education toon join us to discuss all ofll these issues.ues. first thank you very much for fr being with us appreciate itciati especially during a busy week. i want to start with the governor's executive orderrd yesterday that requires allquir maryland schools to start start after labor day and end thend t school year by june 15th.une 15 what was your reaction to that?that? >> well, on the surface to t have us lose a week at the beginning as well as a week at the end, so
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logistical issues i don'ts i do think have been thoughtn thgh through. we had not the had commune --ome not had communication with the e governor's office or the t controller's office so how s h this plays out and how not only montgomery county but thehe rest of the state except one jurisdiction will handle this wa is -- is going to be andle t bit problematic. >> i know montgomery county board of education had already been working on a had proposal f the next year's calendar year y that would have classes starting on august twenty first next year. board fight the governor's mandate.anda. >> yeah, so that would --ould - >> and move forward with plans a for an earlier start.. >> well, we haven't finalizedal that proposal that you'rehat you referring to.rrg to. but that would -- that wouldthaw be actually two weeks foreeks students prior to labor day.. about half you might -- you you might know about half of thef ot maryland jurisdictions startedtt last week and
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group of which we're a part of started this past monday. monda so, adjusting those calendarsals for 17, 18, if -- if this executive order is not challenged or overruled or if i the legislature gets into itt is really going to cause some s cifficult decisions to beicde >> so, do -- is it your is you thought that the -- that thet- board of education will try tort fight this?s? >> well, we really -- yoully know, it's only been a littlen l over a day since this sin this executive order came out fromi the governor. ord th so, wee reall gyov haven't had a had a chance to -- to discusso u it formally or informally. we'll -- we'll get with the the staff and come up with, you know, a decision related too this, but right now i thinkhink it's just too much going on toto be able to speculate. >> okay.>> okay. and could you share
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feelings on the matter? matter? >> well, i would say i think ihi on the surface i guess i guess understand what the governor is -- is tryingunde to do. d but when we really get into the -- into the details, the impact on the overall calendar, the late start, day care issues, athletic related issues, preparation for the whole array of state and national tests that ourtur students are involved with in -- in middle and late may,ay there just seems to be more questions than answers right rit now. >> all right.>> president of the board of education montgomery county mike dursoio tn hanks for beingi with us. wi i know it's been a good startd to the school year.choo yea we'll hope that thatthat continues. thanks very much for joiningng appreciate it. i >> now to a weather alert. national hurricane center says hermine has strengthened intone a it's expecte
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tonight or early tomorrow.omro this is a live look in panama pn city. the surf is starting to kickg t you have an it's pretty dark. >> the storm is 80 miles south h of apalachicola.icola. five, 10 maybe more inches ofheo rain, isolated tornadoes, big b storm surge as it comes ashoreeh and the first time thate t florida has had a hurricane since wilma october of 2005.f 20 >> that's a long time. >> shockingly long time.y long . >> very surprising.>> vy sur >> yes it is. >> for those of us going tooing the delmarva beaches.eaches >> you might not want to bet to venturing into the water. it's going tock tracking very close to our coast and that'sha' good news is at least it'ss more out of the dmv but we'llut' have lesser effects here.s i'm going to walk you throughhr all of that and we will pay close attention to the beach.iob we've got someeac low clouds heh as we've had a mix of sun and clouds this afternoon on whatft is ended up to beer a cooler dae than we've seen in some timeeim but no shortage of humidity and we've had a couple of
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around as well. w not seeing much lightningghin unlike last night when we hadad a lightning filled storm thatrma tracked across frederickoss montgomery county into howard ct and baltimore.y into h the very latest on owwhat s ourand bal category one hermine, you canry see where the position is andnd again just 85 miles southeasttha of apalachicola movingg northeast at 14 miles per milesp hour. association it willho likely lel come ashore later tonight orr to early tomorrow then it tracks with its verytser heavy rain five to 10 inchesin of rain potentially across acros southeastern georgia across charleston and up towards hatteras the outer banks bututet what changed today and thisodayt trend began last night as its i did shrift it a little fartherah east, yesterday we were quiteui worried because it was soaso close to our area to give us bigger effects.ts. now we're out of the cone ofhe c uncertainty. that's not to say wece don't get some rain and wind here bute bu the effects at the beaches b will be a little bit heavier hei and unfortunately it kind of lolly gags out here. h monday it's not moving veryer far and you'll continue to have rough surf and high winds w out of the at the a
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flying obviously for florida,ior everything you see in red f,lord tropical storm warnings in theie orange so that goes all theall e way up the coast and now we nowe have tropical storm watches wat all the way up and down our our coastline as well and thatha goes all the way up into new jersey.ey so, rain through the weekend. we what are we talking aboutng abot here? well, it will certainlyea be a big hit in the yellow ylo areas. areas. that's where your five to to 10 inches or more could be and that goes up to northh carolina.carolina. some coastal flooding concernson here as we look at the the potential for several incheshe of rain at our beaches andch a there you can see the eye with w what is hermine still veryl very strong, still very heavy rain bands coming in and gettingetng ready to punish that west sidetd of florida again with that tt rain.ra wanted to show you again show an locally, too, we have a few showers here and there that we're paying attention to. not a lot. we think most of this will wil dissipate after the sun goesters downton night. so, not to worry.orry. you might have a quick showerhoe at that springsteen concert. what's going to happen heret peh local for the weekend asnd a hermine is right off theis rig f coast? well, this is whats w
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worst weather all of it in thehe orange is where our coastlineoai is going to get the heaviestes of the rain and wind that this will have to offer based on baso the track today. here in the d.c. area we'llrea have rain and maybe some wind wn and then you get out farther far to the west, west of interstate 81, clouds, maybe abe little bit of shower activityowa so the farther west you go, the better off you're going tono be. one of the reasons why thesons e storm does not get a chance to t really move out to sea in aean big way is because we do think t high pressure is going tos goi block in it just a little right now we're going to continue to call for periodsio of rain on saturday, maybeday,ae some rumbles of thunder, 74 73 on sunday, so rain at times m but not an all day washout. wast monday we're going to keep iteei with some morning clouds andlo then going over to sun and wendw would have improved thatd that forecast more but it's note buts moving that fast at this pointho for monday.da hey, have to say this, too. t well do you mean meteorological autumn. it is mete september 1st september, october and november considered the autumndt months in our world and look at this, a change in thein temperatures for sure as
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today. today. very humid out there as you a know but we're going to see to even cooler temperatures as a hermine gets closer over the weekend. a fantastic friday is ahead. aad want to let you know you canw uc enjoy awful this as we look atie first of all great weather fortf our zip trip the big finale fin silver spring we're givinge're n away a car. car. so glad hermine is holding off so we can get that done. done. low 70's for saturday sunday. sa not as bad as it lookedooke yesterday but not the weekend w we were hoping for for laborinfo day.r for we should be able to redeemo ree monday at least we hope so at this point if hermine h continues to stay on its i current track and next week nexe the heat is back in a big way. tuesday, wednesday, thursday we're back up and over andve 90 degrees so another littleit september heat wave may startmbm to build for us after we get this tropical system out of the way.t of back to sar ah and laura now.ow >> all right, sue, thanks.has. >> ♪ >> coming up redskins secrets ss found in a dumpster?psr? >> plus, instagram is giving i g you more control over how other people's pictures lookoo on your feed.eed. >> and big foot r
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[000:41:26;00] i found her wandering miles from home. when the phone rang at 5am, i knew it was about mom. i see how hard it's been on her at work and i want to help. for the 5 million americans living with alzheimer's, and millions more who feel its effects. let's walk together to make an even bigger impact and end alzheimer's for good. find your walk near you at
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life looks good. >> ♪ >> ryan lochte has a new endorsement deal with a company he probably could have benefited from during his time in reniodors.ent ted om d the swimmer is now the the spokesperson for robo cop thethe maker of hand held alarms thatra help you get out of a bad situation. situation. >> i've been traveling a lotlint lately. la we all like to have fun butfun b it's a good idea to stay safe. s i don't go anywhere without witt robo cop it's this tiny device. all do you is pull the pin and it releases a startling alarm aa that can get you out of a bad situation. >> (alarm).). >> it's like an snl skit. snl si
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>> he has so much personality that r >> right, yeah. >> he really sold that.ha >> ryan lochte for robo cop . >> [laughter] >> i feel bad but come on i've had it with that guy. >> i have, too, actually. >> but when i first heard the story i was really pumped forpuf like a new robo cop movie.p mov >> it's just a really bad ad. >> i was like oh man, ryan man,a lochte is in robo cop. >> he cold front made it funny f if he had a personality. persoli >> how many takes did thathat take. i'm sorry, i just can't get just over how dead pan. dd it does seem like an snl ad, fake ad. >> it does.oes. >> anyway. >> let's move on from lochte.oc. >> please. pleas >> to football. >> can we just move on from f ryan lochte the redskins in the news t news today. they're done with thetheye prdoeseason after last night. in the news for maybe thehe wrong reasons.. >> uh-oh. >> once again, yeah.eah. a few weeks ago kirk cousinsir u said he wanted the redskins toe be like the san antonio spursons
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a winning franchise in fact a a in this preseason the team win h done a pretty good job of staying out of the limelight off the field he avoiding embarrassing dumpster fire stories thatas have plagued thid team for for yea that was until someone wentent searching through an ashburn asu these are found by a 106.7 f.m. listener defensive workve w books belonging -- the work w books belonged to a formerme player.ay there were initial reports of il defensive r play info possibly i being in the books but the team has clarified that saying that the actual play c books are on ipads that are all password protected and turnedtet hopefully this doesn't get leaked out to other teams. teams well, there's been a lot ofa lof focus on concussions and lingering cte effects for former nfl players andlayers a rightfully after a long career in such a brutal sport the brain isn't all that's affected. taylor ranked 16th all time inim yardage. six years after retirement heirt
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recently went to a doctor docto u and found that among other things he played his career and with a torn clavicle.. yes, clavicle and two partially torn labrum one inum each shoulder.each sho he tweeted this out last flight. i was nerf told this as a player. was sight or they gave heneoversight or bs. i nickname fragile freddie afterer i had torn my groin off theinffe bone. somehow it was diagnosed as aiaa minor strain. yes, seems like neutrall doctors that the league, lgue, they're referred to by theed tot league overlooked the injuriesie and issues i currently deal with. nice job, >> wow.>> wow >> yeah, seems like this won't be theeems last we hear about hu this. this tonight the 49ers play the chargers in their final preseason game and colin a c kaepernick says he plans for pls sitting for the nationalg for tt anthem again tonight in sanhtsa diego on military appreciation night and today picturesand todc surfaced of kaepernick atick at training camp sporting socks depicting pigs in police hats ht taking his protest from ais prof
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peaceful sit down sophomoreown o rick name calling by a sock.k. former packers crabtree tweeted "not all cops are pigs the same way not all nt nfl quarterbacks are good. g >> ooh. >> yeah, it's -- here's oneon thing. he loses athny bit of high road he could have had. c he'sou been very forthright when asked about this, he hasn't he h skirted the issue but thented th when youe issue wear those socky kind of support you may have had kind of goes out the window. >> just keeps digging himselfngm deeper and deeper.eeper. >> he does. you can say one thing and up a u the silent protest you'rent p sitting down but then when yount go to name calli tnghen like c on. on. >> it will be interesting to>> see what happens tonight.wi >> it willll be. >> all right.
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built for business. >> well, good news for coffee lovers and big foot takes a gw gig helping kids get tog hes school. >> but first a drop box breachxa is putting millions of usersf u at here's your fox5 on the fly. >> ♪ >> 68 million user names and passwords leaked after someone hacked drop box.haed d the breach was four years agochf but no one kneouw jr yeust how b it was until now. probably a good time to change g your password just in case. >> ♪ >> coffee in bed or whereverwhev you are, another reason toson love that morning cup. cup it could be the key to keeping g your memory sharp as you age. a new study shows caffeine canin combat the effects of age related memory impairment.mpair. pour me a cup. >> ♪ >> oh, they're in big trouble. two young canadian woman posting bikini clad photoss
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busted big time when they goty g cocaine. 200 pounds of it worth w 30 million bucks. >> ♪ >> oh, but finally yes, youy yes can. the new instagram update let's users pinch and zoom in on it's available right now onn ios and coming to android soonoo so zoom away. >> ♪ >> sasquatch is a legend big foot is the >> s name. >> call it what you wanderande just follow his orders. o this furry guy has become aecome crossing guard escorting kidsngd to a school in portland oregon o helping to remind drivers tovert keep their eyes on the roadhe rd now that school is back in session. and that's your fox5 onthats rthe fly. >> ♪ >> so it is the department of transporttation that had theiona idea of doing sasquatch but i bi think that would scare some of those kids.of
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>> that is true, that is true t is te their point is to get people pel to pay attention to the roads. a >> as long as that thing iss walking across the road peopledo will be paying attention.ttenti. >> piece of history from the 9/11 att packsiece h unveiled in virginia. >> what t.s.a. dedicated in t>> what t. fatal day thatha we all remember all too well. wl we'll be right back.
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>> ♪ >> police in the district need two peoice ple -- two persons of interest in connection with an robbery. robbe >> surveillance video capturedie the incident from over the t weekend at a 7-eleven located lc on the 200 block of cedarfed street in northwest.thwe. a plan and woman tookan t cigarettes and more fromro behind the when employees attempted toptedo stop them the woman used a lammer to hold them off untilffl they were both able to run outer of the if you have any informationon police want to hear from in less than two weeks ittws will be 15 years since the september 11th attacks. attac >> and a piece of history from that day was unveiled todayie in virginia. the transportation security administration, the t.s.a..s. dedicated a piece of limestoneio from the pentagon during a ceremony at dulles at international airport.irrt american airlines flight 77 departd from dulles the the morning of september 11th and just a short time later a s timr crashed into the pentagon killing 189 people.
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>> ♪ >> all rig ht. this is a reminder for you.ou tomorrow is our final fox5 zipoi trip of the summer. summer. this is the big one, the one t where we give away a new car c and we want you to come out out and be a part of it. >> so we're going to be in so we silver spring,'re go maryland, n veterans plaza right in front ir of the civic center.ic tucker barnes maureen umeh uh holly morris allison seymour,eyr and kevin mccarthy can allccarta be out there for the zip trip finale tomorrow morning.w mning so, join them out there, make sure you watch. watch it's going to be a really,eally, really fun show. >> yeah.>> y last one so you got to make so t sure you're there.he >> yes. >> somebody's going win a >> thanks so much for being muci with us. >> fox5 local news at 6:00 6:0 starts right now. >> ♪ >> >> this is fox5 local news♪ at 6:00. >> we are watching storms churning on both coasts on boths tonight. good to have you with us. i'm shawn yancy. >> and i'm tony sha perkins.erks america herm is expected toa hep make landfall tonight or early y friday.frid
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here's what it looks manatee county florida.e countyo heavy rain and high windsri.h w battering the shore line along a holmes beach and here's a lookok at sarasota florida where whe parts of the city are already covered by waste deep water.p wr some residents are getting a geg head start evacuating theirg thr homes in preparation for the storm. stor another storm system meanwhileme tropical storm madeline madeline battered parts of hawaii with ht wind and rain but the center of that storm ended up passingpn to the south of the island. ian it was stale sight to see ando s brought out lots of curious onlookers. >> the question is will isil florida be, you know, so lucky and how will the tropical tropil weather affect us? let's getr right to sue palkale tracking tn the very latest. les sue. >> hi shawn and tony. ty. there have changes.haes hermine was upgraded to adeto category one hurricane about the 3 o'clock this afternoon and has windss of 75 miles ann hour and it is hours away of of bringing its full effects on shore around apalachicola asicos you can see with the
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incredible satelliyoteu picture which also shows an eye. flying in there and it still may intensify aying bit but boyb the flooding rain, the storm sto surge that it's going tos goi produce maybe even isolated tornadoes all on the table for northwest florida and southern r georgia now, here's some good news for r us because everyone wants to was know what's going to happenn here. he this track has been shifting sht east during the day so it'sg thy going to be just inland fromandr the coast as it works its ways w up the east coast toward towar hatteras and then it goes off shore somewhere around theund t outer banks and now that cone to of uncertainty no longer includes d.c. but it is just jt touching the beaches. beaches so, even though we're not in n i the cone of uncertainty andncera we're not at this pointin expecting that storm to makee any closer path to us, things tg could still change with thatngei and we'll still get some raine i out of it. out and since everyone is askingin me about the rain, let's takeett one of our models and show youou what it's going to bring toringt our area as we get into theo t weekend. week a couple of showers out therehe now by the way and some prettyet heavy downpours.av dow those are not related toated hurrican hermine.mine
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