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tv   Fox 5 News Ten  FOX  September 3, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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this is fox5 local news at 10. new tonight, a disturbing story out of alexandria, a lifeguard told police that sht was abducted and rained while on the job. the attack just happened after 2:00 this afternoon in the 200 block of south picket street. the woman told police she was alone at the pool when an unknown mack i provided her andd pulled out a gun. tonight we talk with neighbors who say they can't believe it happened. good evening, everybody thankank for joining us here at fox5 i'm jim lokay and i'm lauren demarco. we want to bring in gwen tolbart because we are starting out with hermine. first we are going to start out with lindsay watts out in ocean city. what's going on where you are? >>reporter: you can take one look out here and see that conditions are a whole lot better than they were earlierrle this evening. at 6:00 i was getting batteredered around by the wind. lots of sand in the face and it
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here tonight, but a lot better than it was before. take a look, though. some evidence left behind ofof those intense windy conditions.n all the sand has blown up here onto the boardwalk, you can make a few sand castle les up here.up people are not doing that. instead they are taking advantage of the fact that it's not raining it's not so windy out here. we are seeing some really significant crowds considering thesi threat of this we are, though, still keeping an eye on the ocean tonight.ght. we are just about to hit high tied and safety officials say that not only tonight but in the days ahead flooding is still something that we're needing ton keep in mind. it's something that is stillill possible. public safety officials are warning people we are not out ou the woods yet. we'll show you some video now that we got at the beach earlier today.t very, very rough water. we saw a lot of people crowdedle
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pictures and just watching the waves. because there wasn't any flooding beach patrol was more concerned about keeping people out of the ab water and notes me off of the people were allow to be out there at their own risk of course. these were not folks who live ii the ocean city area. i was surprised by p how amri peoplese i've talked to said thy planned to travel here thiss weekend. i thought it would be a lot more empty than this, but i thought h lot of people are holding out and wait and see what happens. we were expecting more than this. this big surge coming in. you would have to be driving b through we drove our truck instead of our car down. i don't think it was all that much. but at least you're able to walk the boardwalk and have some fun. we were coming no matter what. we were going to have a good time. obviously a lot going on there h in ocean
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we'll check back in with lindsay watts in ocean city. right now i want to bring in gwen. what's the storm right now. >> it's moving its way off thee it's taking the strongest winds it with. that's why where lindsay isnds right now they're not seeingng quite as much in terms of wind strength as she did earlier. still, however a danger once we get into sunday night and into monday and some high surf. the system continues to move too the north, northeast at 12 miles epa hour and even though they're not seeing much there right now believe me there are stillll tropical storm watches andes warnings all along the coastal area from virginia stretching all the way up to new englandng and these are still in effect and going to stay in effect as long as that storm continues to throw out those strong winds force that it does. the wind field on this is very, very wide. it reaches from the center 205 miles.205 take ao
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47 showing here, 31. we have 36-mile per hour wind gusts. at ocean city 31-mile per hour winds which are probably a little more further out than they are hitting the land right now. but this is a really goodod indication of what's ahead with the storm surge and the really strong rip currents that we're concerned with. coast flood al advisories haveve been issued.. this is for 7:00 for d.c., ailing ton as well as for st. mary's and calvert county. that means you really have to watch because the high tiedgh we're going to see some highsee levels there. the tract of this looks likeook it's going to move a little bit to the north and northeast, but where does it end up? that's the all important question. > looking forward to it. we're going to head into alexandria, a very disturbing story a lifeguard told police that sht was abducted and rained while on the job today. the attack happened just after 2:00 this afternoon in the 20000 block of south picket street. the woman told police that sheat
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unknown man approached her and pulled out a gun. tonight we spoke with neighbors who can't believe this happened. i might need to get a body guarb or something. i can't believe it. nothing has ever happened in 200 years.year i've lived here since 1988 andc1 nothing like that has evers ev happened in this communitynity before. the woman was able to call for help once the man left.. the suspect is described as a tall, thin male in his mid 30s. he was wearing a gray hoodie, light colored jeans and a blue baseball cap. if you noticed a man matchinging that description on south picket street in alexandria aroundund 2:00 p.m. today, police want to hear from you. also new tonight, a surprisingii ending to a missing child case in minnesota that is nearly three decades old. sheriff's deputies confirmed that they have identified the remains of jacob wetter link. he was just 11 1
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when he was kidnapped near his home in st. joe'sive in 1989. investigators say a person ofrsn interest in wetter link's disappearance, daniel line rick told authorities that he wouldn't them to a field lastld week and that's where the boy's remains were the medical examiner thenamin determined the remains were of the missing by. no word yet on t any charges in the case. > and fox5 is in fairfax county we're learning that an inmate has died at the adult detention center police tell us the guards found the 33 year old inmate in a a cell. no word on the cause of death so far, but police don't expect foul d play. the man began serving hisrv sentence last september and was housed in a section of the jail where inmates are checked every 30 minutes. the portionly out at the university of campus at collegee park. it has affected a number of academic buildings, the library and the student center. dorms are affected and students are
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dorms or wait until lights come back on.back still unclear, though, what may have caused that outage. meantime repair work is underway right now at the rhode island metro station to catch falling pieces of debris there. it caused the redline station to stayed closed over the weekend. fox5's alexandra limon with a closer look and what's beingat's done to get your commute back on track. >>reporter: o the debris fallig from the ceiling at the rhode island metro station is actually concrete. i doesn't sound good, but whatt we're talking about is actually small chunks that broke loose from the ceiling.ling now, it's coming from up above. it's not just concrete but also small metal pieces. metro says they don't believe that this is due to a structural problem. i'm sted they think that it may be because of the weather, water from rain and snow getting intoo the ceiling and causing these pieces to break loose over the
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years. but just in case they have closed the station along the redline all weekend long. it will remain closed sat and through sunday as engineers and inspectors take a close look at the problem to ensure that it isn't actually structure.ruct they're also putting up nets and mesh just in case larger piecesr of the ceiling were to break loose. they won't paul onto customer. so as they continue their work through the weekend, the plan is to rep open the rhode islandand metro station on monday at 7:00 a.m., but this piled on top of just safetrack work and other closures along the redline are frustrating customer.e it's not really affecting me. they have to do what they have to do. it's some inconvenience, but bu over all, you have to do what you have to do. on a sat morning it shouldn't bn no problem.em. not right now any way. in some cases a metrous
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customers getting off here have been confused. they were attempting to go intoo the metro station but couldn't. instead they had to head ontoto some of the shuttle buses thatat are out here that will take them to the brook land station instead. reporting in northeast, d.c. alexandra limon, fox5 local news. > an alarming story out of arlington that every pet owner should hear. someone stuffed meet patties full of pills and left them at a popular park. one woman had to"her pet to the animal hospital and after that he took the bates he had to be treated by we're going to hear from her next at 106789 dozens of people sick with hepatitis a after smoothies from a popular chain. one woman who is batting the ill illness is sharing her story with fox5.x5. the storefront sign that create quite a about it of buzz and what's been done to fix it. another life look at oc
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maryland. coverage continues as fox5 news at 10 rolls on.
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> a serious warning tonight for people in arlington.arli someone may intentionally bey trying to harm pets at a popular park this story has been making the rounds on local list serves. someone put out raw meet stuffed with pills.pill i spoke with one woman who got a major scare when her dog took the for me it's a sick psychopath or someone like that. i have no idea why somebodyebod would do something like that. had natasha had not been able te get her dog to the vet he maye m not be here. yoko climbed on the
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began to eat something. someone left a trail of meet patties stuffed with dozens of pills and pellets. >> they were patties layingti every where.wher it's definitely not normal. i pulled her away. we were running to the car and right away to the animal hospital of the vet had to make yoko vomit to get everything out of her stomach and said this could have been fatal. the vet said there was green stuff h in there and she said the green stuff actually looked like rat poison. we have three kids, those twotw dogs and they are absolutelybsol family members.y i mean, that would have been defenses t take iting if something happened toef her. fortunately six year old yoko seems to be recovering just fine. but whoever laced the eighties is still out there. o while it is alarming to local dog owners an even wigger concern, this could have been somebody's child.y' all the color pills. kids also like playing in the
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water. natasha filed a police reportort and spoke with the animal league of arlington. they asked her to help collect the rest of the patties and tood them to the doing. fox5 reported last yar two dogs became sick after eating meetati which was left on local sidewalks, just about a ten-mine drive from here. the lady from the animal welfare who picked it up this morning t said this looked different. seriously i have no word for this. the arlington welfare league says it will take several days for the test results to come ine from the lab.e so they are going to wait to make an official comment to know exactly what they're working with. ohio could he is okay? yoke could he is going to be fine. >> they got her to the hospital fast. that's the important part. the number of hepatitis a connected with smoothies, across seven states,h
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from frozen strawberries from egypt. virginia was the hardest hit with 55 cases. they have switched suppliers for its 400 some stationsat nationwide. it is a serious illness,llne hepatitis a effects the liver. am people who drank the smoothies reported having abdominal pain, but other symptoms can include yellow eyes or skin. talked with a virginia beacheac woman who became sick after drinking many of the smoothies.t >> i really enjoyed them. i start getting sick to my>5ç t stomach and i wasn't really sure why. i was taking over-the-counterr medicine and i lost my appetite so i started drinking smoothies a lot more because i wasn't abln to eat. i was trying to get some type of nourishment from the fruit. and actually i was drinking the smoothies before, during and after the outbreak. she says she's furnish
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tropical chain was outsourcing the fruit. they plans to take tropical smoothie to court over this. th several cases in virginia, west virginia and maryland haveia reported cases.repo in the district a brand new chik-fil-a location is making headlines for its interesting newit dinings policy.icy the fast food place opened att tenly town a couple of weeks ago and now that school is back in session the other than is setting some ground rules. customers can only order food items to go during -- after school hours. the owner says the move isve necessary because the restaurant will get too over crowded but the decision isn't sitting well with some customers. we have kids from wilson actually working as our team members. we are noticing that there is an in flux between the midafternooi hours. we enjoy actually purchasing ou food and sitting down and dining and i think that they could comd up with a better
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> on blogs like popville customers say they were told the decision was made because ofof problems with the students. it's got a lot of people firedid up there in tenly town.ow there were a lot of establishments where students congregate after war. you see a lot of students withwh the chik-fil-a bags trying totri find somewhere else to eat.a they're still getting thehe business. when we come back we're taking you to a d.c. barber shop thathp has a lot of attention buzzing tonight. the trouble when a few letters on his sign burned out. coming up next at 10.
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back now with the fox5 followup. the lights on a sign outside ofu a d.c. bash shop are once againg working after a company steppeda in to on thursday we told you some ofm the lights on the sign outside of mr. easily's unisex barberrbr shop on florida avenue northeast were burned out in a fire. so at nighttime the sign red sex barber shop.op. council member yvette alexanderr was distbe
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asked city officials to look into it.into we are happy to report that as of yesterday evening the sinus e now fixed.xe thank goodness because there was a lot of talk about this. yes, because -- >> all is well. we all have the sense of humor of an eleven year old boy. there you have it. zika. at least one person with the disease in puerto rico has died. the centers for disease controll are skeptical zika can cause the syndrome, but the new research might change. bee keepers have had devastating effect. they sprayed pesticides in their neighborhood and the agent camen into contact with the beehives
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> when we come back, life teamm coverage of hermine continues. but first as we head to break, a life look at ocean city right now and lindsay watts has beenn old there life. gwen with an update on the storm's track as we move through your labor day weekend. stay with us. what are you doing right now? making a cake!
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nd emiana reminds me of like a monster chef. uh oh. i don't see cake, i just see mess. it's like awful. it feels like i am not actually cleaning it up what's that make mommy do? (doorbell) what's that? swiffer wetjet. so much stuff coming up. this is amazing woah. wow. now i feel more like making a mess is part of growing up. stop cleaning. start swiffering.
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this is fox5 local news at 10. we're back at 106789. 30 with a look at our teamr coverage of hermine. these are photos from ocean city, maryland where flooding and rip tieds have been the biggest concern.b we're goingig to check in with lindsay watts.lin what's going on? we see plentyy people walking along the boardwalk. we're in ocean syssitia, both tonight here on the boardwalk oe youhe can see the crowds here.. also earlier out on the beach when the weather was actually much worse than it is now. we were seeing strong gusty winds and big waves and for now the only evidence of that is
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of this sand that is blown up here on the boardwalk, a lot of it, other than that, though, really no big issues to report on from ocean city, no major damage and also no major flooding at this there were some concerns about high tide which is happening right about now. people concerned that maybe thih entire area would be covered byd water. but as you can see, luckily that is not happening. i was talking tot the head of te beach patrol here. he says he's worked at the shore for 44 years and here he is what he had to say about his fears about strong currents in the days to come. the ocean looks terrible. it looks scary. people stay away. this coming week it's going to get nice weather. but rip currents are going to be treacher that's my biggest concern.ncer right now we have 70 personnel keeping people out of the water. come tuesday we lose a lot of our staff. we'll be at about 20 stands,s, about a half mile apart and it's
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going to look like gorgeous inviting weather to go swimming much that's our concern for safety for the people. > and another concern is as gwen has been saying we really don't know exactly what hermine is going to do. businesses here are still ready. you can see the sandbags stackeb up here. so again, the weather isn'tn' awful tonight, but you don't do want to come down to the beaches.ache maryland's governor issued an alert today advising people if you're not here already please don't try to come out here and n can tell you from being back in d.c. today, the weather there ie so much better. you're better off sticking around the dmv. it is still pretty rough here ae the beach.ach. we're life in ocean city, lindsay watts, fox5 a local news. > it definitely looks muchch calmer than it was before.or hermine caused some major problems along the northe no carolina coast as it moved it through the area. homes and businesses damaged by the strong wind gusts and thousands of
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both inland and coastal areas. sitting on my porch out in the back, a big gust of wind.. you can see some sizzling ling, popping, and then a loud explosion. in the virginia beach area, thousands of homeowners dealing with downed trees and power outages. here's what it looks like in rehoboth beach.ach. here is our laura evans. she is trying to vacation with her family and not to get too wet. >>reporter: high, everyone, the winds have picked up. pi the rain has stopped right now for a it's supposed to start raining again pretty soon so i wanted td get outside and get to the beach and show you what we're experiences here. storm surge has really picked p up. the waves are very here's what we're seeing right now. so it is really, really windy. and the waves
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i don't even know if you can hear me right now, but the waves are huge. and not a lot of people on the beach right now well, it seems like it's not as bad as it could have been so far, but the thingg is, it's the holiday weekend. w >> exactly. be not a beach weekend. it's parta of the problem. everybody wants to be at thee beach for the long weekend, but unfortunately that's nott happening. let's take a look -- it tends to happen from time to time. but as gwen sit it was. taking a life look outside here, where we've been pretty lucky, not too today i even saw a little bit of sunshine. that was nice to see it makes its return. > i think i'm ready for soundr now can you hear me
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we go. sorry about this. well, yeah, things a lot calmer here. here's what's happening withppen this storm system it's moving its way out to see. the good news is it's taking the strongest winds with it and that's at least going to be good as far as the coastal area is concerned. however, the wind field is large with this. they are extending someme 205 miles from the center.nte it has winds moving north, northeast at 12 miles an hour. the question is where is it going to go? it's going to be for the next few days, coastal warnings and watches all up and down the coastal area.ea that's a pretty good indicationd of what we're anticipating and that's some dangerous stormda surge and currents as well. we have 39 and 31 and 36 rightgt along the coastal area there ane for ocean city, 31. 342 at hataz
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that's a pretty good indication. we also coastal area advisories in effect.ct. these are until 7:00 tomorrow morning. st. mary's alexandria, andand arlington. take a look. once again, we are talking in terms of high tide with thoseth waters really rising and what'ss going to happen is the really strong wind is going to end up pushing all the water right onwt the coast and causing a the look of localized flooding.oodi here's a look at the tracks.acks it's anticipated to move a little bit to the north and then move a little bit towards thewad northeast and then it kind of stops and that's because it's actually blocked by a very strong ridge of high here's the cone of uncertainty right here.he the models are a little bit in disagreement in terms of whatt exactly is going onto happenon with this. it's actually just stuck. it's not going to be able to ab move because the ridge is so strong to the north.e it only has a couple of options. it's only going to sit out heree and kind of wobble around a little bit. it may end up moving back to the coast. as it does there is a chance and some of thehan models are saying
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once again get some tropical characteristics and once again get -- be another named storm, a tropical storm, maybe even a hurricane status. or it may sit out here for a few days and not really effect us as much fit moves towards the east. the indications are it may move towards the coast. it looks like anything in termss of sunday and monday are going to effect the coastal area rather thanffec here's a look at futurecast, this shows you once we get into tomorrow, here it is 3, 4, 5:000 in the afternoon, you can see it has moved out let's look at monday, that'sat when it moves a little bito closer to the coast. and then we see the rain bandsba stretch a little bit more towards the east.strest definitely all the coastal area effected which is why they stily have all the tropical storm s watches. if the it's tropical anymore why
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issues still.ill. it still has the characteristict of a tropical storm even though it isn't one and the strength oh those is what is causing the problems and causing the warnings to be issued. between combination of the highi tide and the storm surgeon it's really life threatening, pleasee take it seriously and dangerous rip currents along with all of that. the winds will start to diminisi somewhat tonight. but they are he ' going to pick up overnight sunday into monies the time we really have to much what. the temperatures tomorrow in the 70s. pretty much across the board. by midday it will be a little bit breezy. by the 4:00 hour we'll be at 76. tonight we're talking 64-degrees, mostly cloudy, comfortable. for tomorrow mainly we're talking a day with mostly sunshine in the first part of the dayn and then by then by afternoon we'll see the cloudsos roling in at 77-degrees. take
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day forecast.y once we get past l all of this we have a heat waive headed our wave. temperatures climbing into the 9 30s. say it ain't so. pop up the ac all over again in the month of september.embe definitely sunday night into monday bears watching primarily for areas along the coast.ast. > and then labor day, but the summer is not no, not going anywhere any timee soon. > thank you, gwen. brody is going to have a check sports when we come back.
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the family favorite. yoplait. well at least he's wearing shoes. well done champ. get gooey, flaky, happy. toaster strudel.
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we've been talking about high school football, collegege football we're a week away from the nfl. >> all the college football. do you get the sense that not am people are talking about the nats and we should be right now. >> a little bit of a victim ofm their own success. i think everyone at this point is waiting for the playoffs. >> you expect them to be because they have this track record of winning.inni right, so hopefully things don't that's d.c. teams in
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that definitely is. well, going into the season 2 2 september series between the nats and the metsseri we're seea sixth game that will decide the l east. the nats are ten and a half games ahead of the mets turning the september seer questions from must win to -- a big part of the nats run is the rookie tray turner who today was named national rookie of the month. he put together abeliaserring who the august, collecting 15rbiings, 11 stolen bases and 27 runs scored in just one month. game two, the nats series in the queens, former met danny murphy at the plate. jason werth on first.t. murphy is going to slap one to jose rests, a nice diving stop. and then not a very nice throwto after that. morph safe at first. jason werth here at second.on the chances for a big inning for the nats.
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to center going back, not very deep, but deep enough to score. unfortunately that's all the nats would get from a great opportunity in the first. they lead 1-06789 while the nats missed opportunities in this one, the mets took advantage of this. runners in scoring position, that doesn't matter '. mat that will score two runners. the mets. he went six innings. the nats lose 3-16789 the yankees and orioles at camden yards. that is a house divided.. these are rules. we have those. you got to get rid of her. no score in the fourth. f chris davis crushes one of bats. a broken bat blooper to the right. aaron judge canned handle it. i he miss judged it. that's even better
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the or ills lead 1-0. adam jones turns one from cc safety officials bat that. the balls are 20 bucks at the mlb store, which is insane.e. he's looking at it. the orioles beat the yankees 2-06789 over less than a week away from the fart of the nfl season which is a reason to rejoice for football games, but the sat before the season is a sad one. today is nfl cut day when teams trim their rosters to the final 3 players. they are waiting to cut two more. key players that survived the cut bubble. bu shawn lost. eleven catches and three touchdowns in four preseasonea games. nate stud well who like lost had his wh struggles. a touchdown in the finall preseason game. here are some key names that didnt
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logan paulsen. spent seven seasons with the skins. who was just signed by the team this week. josh certify reef as and tail back matt brown. what might have been the most surprise, the ravens release justin for set. two years from a pro boll b season. also former navy keenan reynolds was let go by the team. dj cure did your kin making his college debay. did your kinge will not take his foot off the pedal. howard up 14-0.. blocks the kick, tray edmond is going to scoop it, score it. maryland straight, 52-136789 the upset of the day locally, not a great debut for new virginia head coach, taking on the
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team in the nation. richmond, they play like they li belong in the acc. virginia turned the ball over four times. the spied others quarterback kyle led for 37 yards. you never wants spieds at your party. that is a a tip. uva loses 37-206789 not only did uva lose, but they paid $375,000 to richmond for the pleasure of them coming to their house. thank you, sir, may i have another. not a good day. d i don't know how i feel aboutt all this college football.l. summer is ending. > i don't want to think about it. bring out your ewing booths and north face. thank you so much. when we come back -- when i think fall, i think ugg boots.
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death with you he was honored by a howell high school football. we'll tell you why when fox5 news at 10 continues.
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it's a story you'll see only ono fox5. a d.c. high school with a new member on its football team. he may be the smallest. but he certainly earned the title of the warrior. he survived being shot in the head two years ago.o. a stray bullet hit him near his northeast home. hom friday he was honored as the team's first honorary member. lindsay watts has the story. >>reporter: he has the love of football, basketball and boxing. like many six grade boys, jayden cancel has a passing for being on the field.eld. but what makes him different, the scars he wears.s. that bullet will remain in his
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no helmet could ever protect. we have to keep a close eye on jayden.ja he'll never be able to play contact sports. > this is for you, jayden. he's arguably the toughest one out here, shot in the head by a stray bullet at nine years old. his team wanted to give him his chance under the friday night lights. they wanted to reach out to me and make jayden their 2016-17161 honorary member.. let's get to them. i do wish sometimes that i could get out with my friends and play football. we're going to win it for you tonight, big guy. jayden will always deal with complications from the shooting, but coming back from being paralyzed, unable to speak, he says not playing football is not a reel concern. i am disappointed because from where i came from and
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don't have to be mad the at anything. his positive outlook brings his sisters to tiers. you just gave a really goodd answer. they've been in this strugglerug together. that's a lot. to go from seeing him in a hospital to me just playing with him every day, him getting on my nerves, him laughing and playing with me park he keeps up with me like he's my big brother. it's crazy. i wouldn't change -- i would w probably change the situation,ui but i wouldn't change our outcome at all. > jayden's family says the hurt will never fully go away. even though times like this do help. >> it does. at the end of the day when you lay down to sleep, my son sleeps with me every night. i see the wound. i se
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some day r good, some days aren't so good.od. as far as this one ranks, right now, this very moment i feel great. lindsay watts reporting there. i got toatt tell you to see everything he's been through, ho got a whole community rallying around him.. small steps make a big difference. amazing to see him doing so well. that was best wishes to him and his whole family. up next, the elementaryenta principal that stirred up controversy by doing away with homework.ho a lot of kids might like that. and we'll check in ocean city, maryland to see how hermine is doing. we'll be right back.
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(whispering) what are you doing up? (whispering) mom said i could have a midnight snack. well, i say it's late, and you need to go to bed. why? because i am the boss. you're not the boss, mom's the boss. well, technically, we are co-bosses. technically, mom's the boss. mmmm. shhh. the family favorite. yoplait.
10:51 pm
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this fall at dunkin' donuts, get lost in pumpkin with a $1.99 medium macchiato or latte from 12:00 to 6:00 p.m. sip in the season today. america runs on dunkin'. > pictures can sometimes tell a thousand words. s image that has gone viral ofil an
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holding a sleeping baby has anan incredible story that is bothh heart breaking and heart warming. officer michelle burtonburt responded to a distressful calll the parents of four young children had both overdosed.erdo when burton got to the apartmenp she and her fellow officersicer found the father dead and the mother barely breathing. the children ranging in agess from seven years old to one month old. they burton saw some formula and a bottle in they bu april. she grabbed them.grab once they arrived at the statioe she fed the in fan she assumedm it had been hours since the chile had eaten. an elementary school principal inial about your kirk he, new mexico causing lot of crossers. they encouraged teachers not tot give homework to the students. she said the students work hard during the
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she would rather she them be kids. some support, others say they're not sure it's a good on i. we had something similar to that around here, did we not? thereo were a lot of principles and teachers say focus on building realsships with the family. do a little independent learning. homning starts at home. and i think homework can buildme up to hours.ours i wouldn't have minded that years ago. agree. this morning an earthquakerthq rattled parts of oklahoma a. we're going to show you the damage left behind. we're going to introduce you one person pulled from the rubble more than a week after the earthquake in italy.
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what aremaking a cake!ht now? ayla reminds me of like a master chef and emiana reminds me of like a monster chef. uh oh. i don't see cake, i just see mess. it's like awful. it feels like i am not actually cleaning it up what's that make mommy do? (doorbell) what's that? swiffer wetjet. so much stuff coming up. this is amazing woah. wow. now i feel more like making a mess is part of growing up. stop cleaning. start swiffering.
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as florida recovers from louisiana is still cleaning up after devastating floods caused damage. a price tag, close to 9 billion-dollar. more than 60,000 homes and businesses were ruined.ned. edwards is asking congress to approve 2 bill in federal aid so people could start rebuilding their homes and the state could rebuild roads and bridges washes out by the flooding. in oklahoma they're counting their blessings after an earthquake struck this morning. the gooduake news is it didn't e any significant damage. when it hit most of the bedrocko absorbed the shock of the quakeh and that reduced potential damage. no one there was hurt. now to central i
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are learning more about an incredible story of survival following the massive earthquake that struck there. nine days after the quake hit rescuers pulled this golden retriever from the rubble. a couple went back to their house to recover some of their belongings and they heard a dog barking. crews pulled the dog named romeo out alive. he's apparently in good ply condition. i love the fact that his name is romeo. good for the news tonight is far fromom over. the news at 11 starts right now. this is fox5 local news at 11. we are staying on top of thethe impact of hermine. am people brave the elements and hitting the boardwalk in ocean city, maryland despite the strong winds and rain. a thank you so much fornd joiningg here at 11. i'm lauren demarco than a i'm low kay. gwen is tracking
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latest movement. but first let's head out to lindsay watts in ocean city.n >>reporter: at first glance f here it looks like just a typical night on the boardwalk. we have been surprised by howy big the crowds have been. taking a closer look here you can see the impact of hermine. witnesses have sandbags out front. taking a look over this way you can see that the rides are still and dark tonight.ght. perhaps the biggest indicator oi the weather, take a look at all of the sand that has blown up here on the boardwalk. it's all across this entire area. you know, considering what could have been this, this is really not so bad.d. it's something i've been thinking about throughout the day andt ihi heard him say that same thing to his family. it does feel like tonight weht dodged a bullet.dg i want to he that you to someme video we got when we first arrive. this is around 5:00 this evening. we were seeing more aggressive


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