tv Good Day DC FOX September 5, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EDT
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♪ straight ahead, hermine heri heads out to sea.ea but that doesn't mean the coasta is clear for the labor day holiday. a lifeguard is supposed tosd keep people safe. se but who was watching out foror her? we're live in alexandriari where neighbors are on edgedg after someone allegedly raped aa woman at a condo pool. and the beginning of the end end. we're just three weeks away froa the first presidential debateate and the two candidates couldn't have more different s we'll show you how each iss getting ready. and later, taking a stand by taking a knee. kne why u.s. soccer star says shes s supports colin kaepernick's national anthem protest and thee new proof she's not alone.. good day at 9a starts now. ♪ i like this song now, chris. >> we are laboring on this
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day. we hope you are not. we hope you're home watching usg good day dc, 9:00 o'clock streii up. up monday september the fifth i'mtm holly morris alongside off maureen, allison and wisdom.isdo steve is not laboring.g. n no. >> today. >> he's got the day off. >> all right. he' enjoy the day off, my fris end.d d. also ahead this mornings morning september tomorrow traffic could be as bad as it gets around the d.c. region as everyone, everyone eve heads back to work and school. o but there are ways to make yourr morning ride just a little bit >> first though we have to talk about the weather.outhe wea we're wake up to sunny skies and dry weather despite hermine heri churning off the atlantic coast. >> and while we dodged the worsr of this storm the beaches northr and south of the d.c. region reg can't say the same. emergency declarations, watchess be warnings are in effect up and down the east coast.he eas coa but the danger isn't the t 70 miles per hour winds or thert rain, it's the storm surges. sge some beaches in new york and new jersey shut down over the the weekend. that means hermine's
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impact may be economic.mic. lots of folks canceling plans tt hit the beaches this holidayid weekend.weend. meanwhile that storm expected to stick around for a few days forf more the birthday boy himself,if tucker barnes, working this dayd on this labor day. d he's got the >> you should get paid like whaa drew pep tile and a half working on holiday and it's yourr birthday. >> i don't know.on't k >> that's crazy. >> i guess you're right. >> you're right! (laughter).au >> i'm outta here. i can't believe it.>> it. (laughter).te >> tucker it's not official yett >> i didn't think about it.idn' >> you thi might want to come uu with plan before you walk out. >> i was thinking about it thebt other day.. moms should -- that should bet e the day they celebrate becauseee my mom did all the work. >> that's true. true. >> for my birthday. >> she for truly labored.ed. >> it's traumatic event beingtit born. bo >> you think so. >> you're leaving your mrar chose seize thing and comingoseh into the and cin you'retohe world crying. >> coming into the big bad b world. >> thank you. t >> okay. you make a point. pnt we're talking about mothers herr tucker. >> i d
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anything inn appropriate.ia 72 in washington.. hey, humidity 66%. 66% winds north north we have at seven. it's very comfortable out theree and of course we had nice n weekend with the lower humidityt and the temperatures which onlyo in the low 80s.0s little warmer today.ay. mid to upper 80s we'll keep it dry with the generally sunny suy conditions here for the first half of the day. notice the cloud cover hereer hr along the beaches. still tough day down at thehe beaches still dealing with stila pretty gustyli winds. winds that increased storm surge iss allison mentioned and thend the potential for rip currents downw there. look out for that.. locally some of that cloud covec will sneak across the bay the bt next couple of hours and partlyl sunny this afternoon. however, the entire area, mountains 95 corridor, beaches s should be dry this afternoon if you got plans for barbecue thatt kind of thing. kind of all right. tall there's hermine. maximum winds 70 miles an hour r becoming extra tropical focusl f more on this at 9:30 you get the idea what we're looking at.t. 88 today. tod nice and dry.nice and dry. if you have a 1986 wagon
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get out enjoy it.t. guys, back to you.ack toou. >> roll the windows dow >> because you will be manuallya rolling the windows down. dn. >> and you have no air any morer >> thanks, tuck. switching gears here, her tragedy on the roads anotherds r person hit by a car in our region.region this time along new york avenuen in northea >> that's where we findst. fox5s jennifer davis very latest inn this story, jennifer.fe >> reporter: good morning, goo r guys. well, i can tell you the traffit is now moving along new york yor avenue. it's quiet. you can see it's a holiday so there's actually no traffic onrc new york avenue at this moment, which is very unusual but theut outbound lanes have been shut st down since 4:00 o'clock this ths morning.moing. they just opened them up aboutbo five minutes ago. so things are moving moreore normally through this area.ought but take look at video. vid you can see what's beensee happening here.e police say a woman was hit and a killed about 4am as she tried to cross new york avenue here. her we're in between montana avenueu and bladensburg road. road. the driver of a dark vehicleice that was towed from the area are about an hour ago did stay on
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the scene, cooperating withng wh police and was interviewed.ewed the young woman we're told was w taken to the hospital and her injuries are quite serious.ious now, it's unclear exactly whatc led up to this.p to we know there are some clubs inn the area. there were some events going on. on. the shop lights also are prettye far away from this section oftin new york avenue. avenue. and people say there's a lot off running back and forth fromth pedestriantrying to get acrossgt the road. road. the investigation though hereh r just beginning.eginni back to you guys. >> jennifer davis, thanks forhar that updately even more cars will be out on the roads out o e tomorrow and so will thousandshs of kids and school buses.. that's because summer is overr e and it's back to work and schooo all across the region. those commute times they're t going to jump.going to j but there are some places thatst will be worse than others and ad erin is here with the places yoe might want to avoid tomorrow. tr hey, erin. he >> good morning, maureen and maa ya'll in the loft. loft. right now we're dealing with a quiet labor day traffic has been breeze post p labor day tomorrow increasedncas traffic around the dmv d particular areas you need to beb concerned about, that stre
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the outer loop between 95 and 9a georgia that green zone we're seeing there will turn red muchh earlier than we usually see asee more folks hit the road. roa same story on the inner loopthep through oxon hill making your with across the wilsonugh ox brg suitland parkway inbound by alabama avenue.nue 66 eastbound turns into ao parking lot in centrevilleil through arlington but again aga anticipate getting early startrt as we deal with a lot of schoolh zones as well as extra cars anda buses on the roads and speaking of school zones slow zone practice school zone save team a lot more pedestrians walking around.around parents out there crossing cssig guards as well on the secondaries in the district andt all around maryland and extrand have a as you head out in thoseo counties. another area you need to ber arb worried about 270 southbound abd lot of volume towards the spur.. and in southern maryland,and, earlier increased traffic on branch of a inbound and 301 andd charles annual dorf counties.nt. keep in mine 50 towards thedshe beltway and 295 out by eastern s avenue those are all routes rtes including 95 through stafford sf that you need to worry aboutry o extra
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and same story as you make youru way out on metro a lot of extrat folks taking metro earlier inlii the morning. safetrack continues with safetrack surge eight. once safetrack surge nine doeses kick in after that that will wil impact the orange line. line. that will cause problemsems throughout the fall as well. we certainly have youthrout t cd if you have any questions aboutt your commute, erin fox5 d.c. on twitter. twit we want to keep you safe.afe. slow down, use caution through u those school zones. back to you in the loft. >> 9:07.7 thanks, erin. alexandria community waking up on > edgeandr this morning aa lifeguard was abducted and sexually assaulted while on thet job. job. right now police are searching e for the suspect and answers. fox5's anjali hemphill joins us with the latest now. now are they any closer to find the suspect, an hally. hal >> reporter: police are still s cam canvassing the neighborhoodo and hoping someone will comene e forward to help them. you can s forw paroold where thisre t happened decorat
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american flags for the labor dar holiday.y instead of a fun filled familyil weekend this pool is now the scene avenue chilling crime.g c after the on duty lifeguard here says she was held at gun point and then raped all in broad b daylight. now, police say this assaultau hammed around 2:00 o'clock oncln saturday afternoon.turd after this is at the hill wood townhome development off southou picket street in alexandria. this of course over the laborab day holiday weekend when poolsnp like this are usually packedacke with people, but as you as remember, we had that cooler cr weather on saturday, so no one e else unfortunately was around ad the time.e t this 24-year-old victim was abll to call police after the assault and she told them a man with gut grabbed her, pulled her intoer t community room here near theeare pool and then raped now investigators are obviouslyy still looking for this man andan neighbors of this community aree pretty shaken up. >> i might need to get a g bodyguard or something. somethi. i can't believe it. nothing has ever happened in 20 years i lived here since 1998
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has ever happened in thishis community before.efe >> reporter: police have hav decide the suspect as white mann in his 30s, he's tall, thin witw short hair and dark eyes.yes. they also believe the suspect ss was wearing a gray hoodie, lighl colored jeans and a blue be baseball cap at the time of thii asphalt. if you saw anything like that oo saturday or if you think you y might know anything you're urged to call alexandria police. p for now we're live in alexandria this morning anjali hemphill, five local news.ews. >> anjali did the victim say that there was any familiarityal with the suspect or a total stranger to her? >> reporter: no. n from what we're hearing this ts person was a total stranger tort the lifeguard and again police l have stressed that she's veryhev traumatized by what happened. >> sure. all right.l rht. anjali.ja. thank you appreciate that. 9:09.. little more than 60 days untilea the polls open, day it's the t beginning of the end of the the presiden
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but first the two candidates need to face off in their firstt debate.dete. >> coming up next we'll show yow how the two wildly differentfert candidates are getting ready. r >> and then later, learning froo the master. the the mother who became a viralal sensation with her new approach to potty training.raing. she's going to share her secrets for free.e. right now it is 9:10. 9:1 we'll be right back.
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>> that's a little sweet thing between producer chris and myself. een prer c love this sam smithng ssong.thso although he doesn't like it that thank you, sam smith.. and there are now just threehree weeks to go before the first fir presidential debate. and at much attention as this t selection getting it willikelyil be a ratings blockbuster. will you watch? hillary clintoa and donald trump will spar on a stage at hofstra university in new york but the road to thatha stage could not be more me different.fft. fox's doug luzader has a previ preview >> reporter: it's not exactly kennedy/nixon but hard toardo imagine two more polar oppositet squaring off in debate than t hillary clinton and donald tru trump. >> oh, wow, i love this.e thi >> reporter: clinton spentonnt about her entire adult live inn politics.politi and her debate preps reflect that.
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big staff flooding her withher w possible attacks and strategy sg and it's likely she'll engage in practice debates withstand innd for trump. plus, the campaign has enlisted the ghost rider behind trump's u book the art of the deal tol t figure out what buttons to push to provoke trump. trump appears taking muchg muc different approach. >> we feel like one piece of our debate prep is going out there e and getting >> reporter: forget typical political strategies like mockk debates. the trump reportedly wants no no part of that fearing it wouldit make him come off as inn i was w then tis that comes with risks. >> they're making me do myo m homework. >> back if 2012 president obamat complained about having to dog o debate prep.bate pre and he even cut his practicera short to visit the whoever damhd before his first event with mitt romney.romn what happened? widely believedd that obama got his clock cleaned before regrouping for the second dough bait.doh and trump simply can't doing ono what works so well for him him during his pre ma
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>> it's much different thing. he can't let four other other candidates get into a fight anda sort of let him drop back andaca then come in for the kill like k he was able to do over and overr again. >> reporter: and then there is i the johnson factor. libertarian gary johnson is i polling well for a third party candidate but he's still shortls of the 15% threshold theho t commission of presidentialntia debates requires in five specific polls to be included on the debate stages. still, he is hopeful.eful >> we're at 10% flat on those t five polls, and that's ann increase really of probably proa about 4% consensus over the lass six or seven weeks.ks we're optimistic we're going too actually get into the debate.. >> noseys not there yet and y running out of commission on presinndeg ountial debates will make itsts determination as to who make ite on to the stage for that first t debate sometime over the next tn conduct of week.t of w in washington, doug luzader, fox news. libertarian gary johnson'sos request for the white house got boost.ost. richmond
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his bit for president. psident newspaper said the former new tr mexico governor is a man off quote good integrity, normal ego and sound ideas. times dispatch wants the the commission on presidentialntial debate to let johnson joins trump and clinton on stage. sta >> i think they shall.>> i thi they shall allow all thenk the cayndid shaates.hallow a why not?ndid why not? >> i understand if he has too reach a certain percentage.ce >> i know. >> i know there's a i wish -- give people aeople a different perspective a a different option because i thint the reality a lot of people area not liking either candidateandi right now.right now why not give them another.ther >> we had all those optionssept during the primaries and it whittled down. >> do you think if you let johnson on the stage you think hi that will sway anybody? theay e people who don't like eitherr candidate.ndidate >> people are looking for anor n excuse to not vote. vot >> enough to make difference.e. >> enough to at least have somee sort of impact maybe not a huge difference.ff >> the problem for that -- tt >> people are looking foring something glimpse when you have three people in it, mor
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the country actually elects theh leader.leader >> exactly. >> flips the vote. vote. >> i for one not, am lookingng forward the i want to see if there's any any substance or a gun shrinking show. show headlines which this campaignn electoral process has been aboua the last, what, 14 months or so. >> you wouldn't dare miss it.n'e >> no, i'll watch.atch >> when they do get on the stage the questions will be aboutl b o substance. it will be interesting to see to who can stick with the questiono and who can -- who will get off topic and start insulting ---- >> we know -- know >> how we're going to go back t and forth witness insult.ul >> these days like the quick -- the equip what can be retweetedd and what's shareable and all all that gets the steam.te it's become a very, um, you know. know style of over substance.ce. >> when did the pend due lumpuel swing back we get back tok to substance.nce were we ever there really? itli makes me wonder. wonr. did we ever talk aboutut substance? >> the key is going to be the insults.sult i think the insults going to bee
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bad, like are they going to be o sexist comments? are they goini to insult people's personalsonal character? going to go into th family? i mean that's when youy start gettering way off topic.ic >> i think maureen really hit oo something there. were we ever really substance? when they talk about the the kennedy/nixon debate to this day it was just all about kennedyney looking better and looking --ng- >> that's an interestingting conversation to be had for sure. >> all right.ti to 9:18 is>> our time right now.ow. comincoming up president obama's one-on-one with russian russian president vladimir putin.ident >> breaking news from israelvla. a fight to the finish on a nascar track. track we've got a look at what's making headlines next. >> summer blockbuster season iso over. the box office is just coming up. kevin mccarthy is back with hish fall[ ock previews. ♪ you only have so much.
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you won't have to wait on hold. and you won't have to guess when we'll turn up. because after all... we should fit into your life. [ laughing ] not the other way around. [ clock ticking ] someone's finally ready to start her day. time to work some magic. tada. get gooeyflakyhappy. toaster strudel. dive into delight, where chocolatey-goodness intertwines with 20% of your daily fiber. so magical it could have been called paradise of heavens.
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♪ this studio is full of lies, you guys.guys. (laughter).r). >> having a whole lot of fun ont holiday we are.da are >> that's what we're doing. >> laughing and lying in the loft. loft 9:21 is our time.ur te. erin is back with a check ofhecf some of the other stories makins headlines this monday.s thi mon hey, erin. thank you very much >> let's first up president psi barack obama and russian president vladimir putin have ai agreed to keep up negotiatesegoa over a cease fire agreement forr syria.sya obama and putin met foreanent ft minutes during the
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chain n the president is also a slated to become the firstheir sitting us president to visit tv the country of laws. laws. this comes decades after u.s. strapped 200 million clusteronlu bombs on the small country. estimated 80 million did not detonate.. two people are dead in at least 18 injured after chain reaction building collapse in ci tel-aviv, israel. iae the collapse happened in a construction zone triggered by the cave in multi level l underground parking garage beinn built at that site. sit that led to the toppling of a o crane that then caused part of a building to collapse as well. w reports say up to 30 more peoplo are possibly trapped under the rubble. and here in the districtd nt d.c. police chief cathy lanierar heading to the nfl. but today she's getting a baseball honor before the nats s take on the braves. brave she will throw out the firsthe r pitch all part of a tribute to t her nine plus years as city'ss top cop.p c of course her up comgour her retirement from the
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chief lanier' last day is set for september 116th. a breath of fresh air orir o scary air at the box office. ofc the horror thriller don'ton breathe back on top for the t second straight week. wee the movie made, get this, moreor than $15 million.lion. topping suicide squad and pete's dragon.dragon don't breathe made more thann $50,000,000.5 times what it costs to make.e. finally, talk about a literal fight to the finish.ish on the last lap of the nascar race john hunter nim chuck c pushed cole custer's truck on on the grass.thera they gave him the slight leave.e custer was not thrilled with tht last second. look at that. t well the race was under review v custer tackle the other driver.i now they were quickly split up by their pitt crews but quiteuti the talker there in nascar news. didn't handle that call too we well. >>
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time. >> the running drop droc >> i like the drop kick.ropk. >> every once in while you gotwy to drop kick someone.eo (laughter). >> wisdom by maureen today. >> duly warned, erin. >> are we showing it again?ga >> there you >> back by popular demand. >> he's not looking.. >> here he comes. ready. >> down goes nim >> every once in while you have to clobber somebody. >> drop kick, tackle. >> stretch first, though. >> allison said stretch first. . >> why did he walk that with waw his helmet on and circle back b around like he was coming backak to get some of it. gome >> ego took over. >> ultimate case of road rage. >> ultimate. >> i like that.>> i le t thanks, erin. we've been back to school forchf the last couple of weeks foreeks some of us. some just going back tomorrow. this morning, though we're makee the transition easier. eie coming up four things
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can do that's going to add up tu success for this school year. y that will be good to know.ood k first we are celebrating labor day and tucker's birthday.irda with a little fox5 barbecue. bbu we'll check in with him for a f look what to expect if you planp on lighting up the grill thishi afternoon. right now it's 9:25. 9:2 we're coming right back. back. fit me matte + poreless foundation make fit happen!
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♪ ♪ lots of people wanting to help our feoavoritple weather gy celebrate his birthday. >> aww. >> mary wants to help.elp. happy birthday today is dress down monday. >> no, really mary there's noren management here so that's why tucker is get away with that.ha. which he can.hean >> part of waking up is tucker e in your cup. >> hilarious.. >> maxwell house and then t there's tucker.s tucr. >> happy birthday, tuck occur. r that's from d.c. carolyn.. >> i like that one. >> our boy tuck year older, a year >> is he saying his ge. >> he doesn't look a day overaye thrive. >> yes, does he., does that's a joke. (laughter). >> wait. w because we live. >> crickets. >> we were>> c all like whoo!ho! >> let's talk sports now. the national squared off against the new york mets last nighttig capped off a three game series in new york against the mets. m. let's just say the mets enjoy
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some home field advantage.dvan they would win the game five-one taking the series two games to one.. former us soccer star lauren holiday diagnosed with brain tumor while pregnant. she among the world's mostmo t respectheed with a career highlighted by gold models.s. her husband is expected to misse the start of the up can'ting regular season to serve as caretaker for his wife and a newborn.wb we wish them all the best. >> yes, we do. >> talk about way to star the season. check this out.his out notre dame versus texas.ex. this one would go into twoo two overtimes. tied at 44. it had little bit of everythingy including a blocked extra pointi that was returned for game tying touchdown. score. eventually texas won it on a a 6-yard touchdown run right there by tyrone. final score 50-47. 50-47 that was a huge game. >> ♪ >> however
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7:30 and went till 1:00.l 1:0 it was really >> did you watch the whole ych e thing. >> i was in and out. pop of burntntmything. orange shoes and brake let tod today. >> hook em horns baby.s b >> produce sr. chris is booingon in my ear. ear >> soar about your luck, notre e dame. >> aww. a >> as we say goodbye to summerme and hello to the school year wew say hi to tuck concern it's hiss birthday.hday >> hi, allison.on >> did you see all your birthday texts or tweets. tweets. i d did. i want to thank every single person saying me nice tweets and on facebook.acebook. i heard all your comments abouta how old i was and all of that stuff. you know what, wisdom, you knowo what this means, right? no n barbecue for you.ou. yeah, we got barbecue. it's labor day. what else do we do on labor day. we got fat pete's here and tal all things barbecue with thethhe chef and these >> steve and ray. >> steve and ray. a ray
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barbecue.. >> absolute. maybe we'll learn the secrets to eating good barbecue.arbecue. >> for sure. put my name on that one. >> you got got it. it. >> let's do sweater. it's gorgeous out here. >> nice weekend. you guys live for weekends likek this barbecue weather.ea we except we work. >> that's the problem. when the weather gets>> t exciti get excited but i have do work.r 72 in washington.ton. 66 in we're very comfortable overnig overnight. low t mid 50s to the north and r west. itiot conditions out there.t co we'll be a little warmer than yesterday go to our next map. with high temperatures expected pe to be in the mid to upperrature. the cloud cover you see off toc our east. that's some of the outer mostutm bands of what's left of hermine. now an extra tropical storm. trt look a that carefully. some of the clouds will get across the bay we will not beloa pesorfectly sunnyme o botute rii is really beautiful out here hee northwest d.c..c and most of the day will bele partly to mostly sunny withit again high temperatures in there upper 80s. there's hermine becoming extra starting to take onn characteristics
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latitude storm. maximum winds 70 miles an hour much.n it's just a drifter. j it's not headed anywhereus any time fast. sort of a arrived.iv. moved in and not looking to movv out. we'll watch it drift for few more days and finally be pushedp out by the end of the week our weather will remain nice we aree going to heat it up. let's go to the seven dayhe sevy forecast. as we are looking at daytime highs which are eventually going to top out in the mid 90s around here. 88 this afternoon. little warmer than yesterday.tey still not lot of humidity by tht middle and end of the week let's hope the pools can remain openpe few more days. we'll need thefew m with daytime highs 94, 93 there by thursday y and friday. all right.all right that is the latest from outdoo outdoors. fat pete's barbecue.te's bbecu you guys need my help you letet have i no skills whatsoever bute i'm good at cocotting.otting >> we have plenty of food for you guys.u >> plenty of food for me. foodom >> yes.. >> back inside to you guys.. >> tucker, thank you. as we say goodbye to summere and hello to the school year we are reminded it will be a hectii and s
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mom dan dad.. it can be stressful for your you students.students joining to us put a positivee spin give us tools on to take te into the school year about that chaos is the head of school from saint john's episcopal school in olney, maryland, tom stevens. ss good morning.good morning. >> good morning.dning. >> i'm happy you're here today.. b i'm glad to be here.lato >> let's talk about the main l thing, the headline goibong bacc to school. schl >> i think one of the sweater things about going back to backo school so much of the media smu talks about, oh, the poor kids,, going back to school.oo and i tell you, teachers and students, they love summermer vacation but they like comingomg back to school. soo they're with their friends,ri they're in save place.. their day is structured foror them. and if they're in the right school, they are being challenged and new herd at the same time. the elpif parents can h put that positive spin on going back to o school it's a great time. tim you'll see your friends. friend. i think it make the wholeho process a lot easier for the fot students. >> you look at those as some ofe the negative stereotyp ofes. >> i think there are negativee all of a sudden kids tnk
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don't have all this free time.i. by the end of the summer most of the kids with that much free time don't know how to use these any more g they're ready to go o back. >> i know the parents are ready to have them go back.m goack. are there some tips that you can give to parents at home when whe they say, for the occasionalccaa student who says, end of summer i'm not ready is there a littlel thing we can say to get themm ready? >> i think there are a couple oa things cou.thgs one to help transition.n. get them ready a little bitit earlier than just the day of school to not go to bed late, to get up on time to have good breakfast.ast. to structure their day remindind them of other things that startt around school if they have have active school activities, on afternoon school team. tea lots of positive and they're day get structured and parents cantn really help out. out point out the good thingshings happening for them.g hem >> routine is important. iorta >> routine is very important. >> okay.ka you know some might balk atalk a trying to get them in bed earlier.rlier. >> absolutely. >> okay. hened whenated going to it was still light out. o. >> that's thing, okay.hing,kay. but routine, i do find that kidk
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>> they do. >> and can thrive under that. t. >> absolutely. >> okay. keeping an t one of things that happensngs during the beginning ofha schoo, parents and children haveav difficulty talking about it. it. for younger kids, they don't don have always have the words and they're going into a different environment.ronmt. if really young ones are havingg different adults taking care ofr them that can be sca find those times to talk to your child, let them know that it'st' okay to be a little scared butdt those people are there for you.u i think it's important for the e middle school kids, it's often a big concern. my friends will still like me? ? what is everyone wearing? um, , things like that that come up. >> right. rig >> and parents and teenagersnage often have hard time talking i think it's just natural part r of development.. so find that times.. i found driving in the car when i didn't have to look eye to eye with my daughter was great timem to talk.. >> isn't that interesting w thet school year goes -- i'm sure you hear lots of
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and have issues we've beenve bee talking about bullying a lot in the school system as well. asel. >> right. >> what's your advice then for r parent to try to talk to a child going through a traumatic time?m >> i think when a child is goini through a traumatic time it's important to bring the schoolcho into the communication. >> okay.kay. >> it doesn't mean the schooleah will jump in and do something sg because the child has said, youy know, so and so has been mean to me, but the school can watch the school and make sure the child e is getting support and thend the parent can listen and acknowledge that it's a bad thing, and say together we'llhe work on it.rk on i think that's another really rl key thing is the school and the family have to work together. >> you ever advise a parent to call another parent? >> if something happens outsidee of school, we do suggest that parents call parents directly.. sometimes kids are being mean to each other at a birthday party, or some other after foolfteroo activity the school reallytity t doesn't want to bringhe s tchhel itself into it.t we can support the child but tht parents need to
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other as well.ot wel they are potentially their bests friends as the kids are growing up. >> you talk about working as as team. that does lend itself to that aa little bit? >> absolutely. i think the school, the administration, the teacher, the parents, the students all arenta working for the child's success. sometimes parents get angry at teachers for something theyhe perceive as a negative.iv. if we remember we're all working for the child's success it willl work much better.. >> you presented an ideal schooo situation as we know some kids m don't have it as easy. >> absolutely. >> we're speaking of typicalbsol child and typical experience exe here. >> i think so. or those kids who havee it tougher there are resourcesec usually at the school for us the faculty and administration support and the director at ourt church can also support thehe child.child >> tom stevens head at school aa saint john's episcopal school in roll feature have wonderful school year. thank you. i'm looking forward no.ul ng >> back to you to the couch. fod >> no.ou summer b tlockbuster st ends with labor day weekend.ered hollywood getting ready fordy f
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some of the best movies of the e coming up kevin mccarthy sharinn one of his -- one of ones he'ssh most excited about. about seeing g did he narrow it down?wn >> he narrowed it down.owedt do. >> okay. >> all right. time is now 9:38. back ias soon as i saw her.or hp i found her wandering miles from home. when the phone rang at 5am, i knew it was about mom. i see how hard it's been on her at work and i want to help. for the 5 million americans living with alzheimer's, and millions more who feel its effects. let's walk together to make an even bigger impact and end alzheimer's for good. find your walk near you at
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>> double music today.ble sic >> look check this outly summere blockbuster season is over.ason that means -- kevin here. award season. s almost that time. te >> you're sitting right here. h over the next few months you'llh start seeing the big dramas andd the best the studios have to offer hitting the box office o this morning kevin sharing onere that he's most excited about. kevin.. >> yes. >> he's going to tell us why you should bein excg itedto t,ell td of -- you have five.e. >> five. >> we'll do five. >> those my top t to five of 2016 so far. >> okay.>> >> so far for the year --heear - >> we going number five to fivei to one. >> one to five.iv >> dead pool number one bestes film this year so far. far six or seven tiles. tiles low budget. lo super hero film with great script.ri tf you haven't seen it recommeni it. i'm wearing dead pool tie rightt now. w. >> number two. >> sink street might not haveetv heard of this film.ehef t >> what is that about. >> irish band and it's availabla on demand and on blu-ray. trust me on this you'll love inn >> who's in it. >> never y e
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of director from the movie once. very unknown >> all right.ll r >> just trust me.ust >> okay. >> it's wonderful love story.dee >> number three. captain america civil war. >> oh yeah. captai io no question.n >>h y q 17 minute airport scene one ofne the best action scenes i've evee seen in a film. fil >> why you have that at numberur three over number one.r one. >> dead pool is better.d is b >> have you seen dead pool.l. >> no. but i've seen captain >> dead pool is maze.eaol i >> carry on. carry on. >> midnight special, smallma independent film, it's sigh tie thriller about a father protecting his son who may or may not be another another planp n it's available on blu-ray anda dvd now. finally swiss army man.y swismyn i'm not going to get too muchoom into detail what it's about aut because a little bit innnn appropriate for a morning show.o you have to see it. dan 83 radcliffe play as deads a guy in the film. paul danno play as man strandede on island using the dead guy to help save his life. life. if that makes sense. s >> this made your top five?iv >> top five of the year. >> wow
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>> available on blu-ray and dvdd in october.ob. october 4th. oc >> wow, kevin.ev >> very very cool.ool. >> i only know dead pool and and captain america out of the wholw >> that's why i made that list. s.u can see new movies.i made te you got to see independent films this year. is y >> is that right. >> good one out there. >> all right. now. nu>>p pass we're passed summer.ummer. now time for oscar season. what films will be nominated for best i put together a list of my topt five favorite films i'm lookingg forward to 2016 fall and wintere through december.roug so first up is the girl on thehe train. october 7th in chronological order from the release date. dat this is emily blunt based oned o very popular book the idea isa i that her character used to be married. ma every time she takes the train t to new york every day for workss she passes by her old home andnd while there she is see ass couple, a couple houses down shn becomes obsessed with. obssed wt the woman of that couplee disappears and she somehow seh becomes the leading suspect in i her disappearance. >> really? >> that's the basic idea behindi thede film gone girl very similm
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almost seems like ben affleck'ss character from gone girl he's gs the suspect and his wife isife s missing the opposite.e but it looks very very cool.l. comes out objection seventhon sh emily blunt, we had john krasinski her husband in here h one of the best things he's evev done n sounds like lifetimeet movie. >> dr. strange i'm very excitedt about. marvel film.elm this opens up on november 4th. h this is benedict cumberbatch who play as neurosurgeon turning tug into the sorceror supreme toreme protect the world from inter dimensional threats and it looks great.t it's in the mcu marvel cinematic universe a avengers and captain america and thor live as well.a the trailer iass very trailer tt inception in regards to watchinn the buildings folding in.ings fg that opens up november 4th. >> what else you dot. >> fantastic beast reason toso find this.find t pre kell to harry potter. >> i've seen the commercial. >> newt -- eddie
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character wrote one of thef t textbooks that harry potter used in the harry potter films. films but this takes place before the harry potter films.. >> gotcha.>>ot eddie redmayne plays in that itt gentleman and the book itself fantastic beast book written by j.k. rowling she used the pseudonym newt. nt. it's harry potter. >> november 18th.18. >> gotcha.otcha. next up la-la land.d. >> okay. >> i know this sounds rid list saw with me. ryan gosselin play as owe pianist who falls in love withit aspiring actor played by emmaa stone. looks like a love letter to film making and hollywood.ngol i cannot wait to see this film.l >> looks like another lifetimee movie. >> finally --ally - >> finally grand finale. >> rode one star wars story. s >> when is that coming out.. >> december 16th same day as d a la-la >> basically taking placely t p between episode three and episode
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revenge of the sith and newndew hope. this is about a group of rebelsb trying to steal the plans for f the death star. felicity in the film as well. also great cast forest whitake whitaker -- >> for the people who confused, is this pre luke skywalker, pre, darth vader. >> i just explained that. you have the prequels, one, twot and three -- -- >> no, no, no.. >> dead darth vader or beforeefe darth vader died. >> after darth vader.thader. post darth vader. >> revenge of the sith darkk vader became derth vader.r came revenge of the sith and new ho hope. >> okay. >> looking forward to that. >> makes perfect sense. >> absolutely does. th >> makes absolutely perfectat. sense. >> for the people who don't>> ms remember the title of thoseolutf movies horehe ple o tho wants tf darth vader or after. >> after darth vader becomes darth vader. >> there you go. rap it up. up.. >> ding, ding, ding.g. got it
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here's what's more mor important.port it's actually two days beforee maureen's birthday. >> yay. >> how i'm wide awake. >> i wasn't had >> you made my brain hur.rainur that whole thing. >> all off the top might havehte head. >> you're never boring much moots brain. >> if you thought it was boring, you much i'mee cturious. u.urious. >> it hurt my brain. m bra >> time now 9:47. coming up next some parents nexx guest might seem like a guardiaa angel because she might have hae come up with way to take some of the frustration out of pottytt training and she's sharing herer secret for free.orree. thanks to new viral video. vid now this morning she's also's a joining us live. ♪
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one pint-sized hero pwas on a mission.vor, looks like somebody's gotta save snack time from a serious case of boring. watch babybel's big taste leap into action in the great snack rescue. you want a piece of me? good, i'm delicious. ♪ creamy, delicious, 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger.
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♪ >> i do have microphone on. okay much it is right up there with getting between sleep okay much ween through the night or gettinge gr your kids to eat just about any parent can tellal you horror stories about pottyut training their children andn they're so desperate fores information that our next guestt video about successful potty poy training has gone viral.iral. check it out. >> we need pee pee. p >> in the potty.. >> and poop poop.nd p >> in your potty. >> we got a p
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>> in p your.tee. >> stesha wright a business woman who's something more important to lot o tswomaf paren she's successful potty trainer.r good morning to you.orningo y >> good morning.orni >> oh, my goodness. that video -- this is janee. j >> two years old.>> t yea >> two years old.ears old. >> she's the star of this viralv video.vide very catchy tune. you're trying to teach her to ht potty train uncame up with a a little diddy.. no, no, not me.. >> she's seen herself.self. >> this is her brother jonathann whose birthday it is by the way. birthday boy.hday b good way to start your birthday. you are lifesaver to so many m parents. i've got a two-year-old twinn nephew and niece going through u potty training right now.ningigt i'll be singing this song toonto them. what made you think a song to t help her along in her pottyer pt training process?ainingcess >> well, ironically, it wast w literally off the top of my head just something that we sing asig lot in our house and i knowno parents sing to just do anythinn to brief bribe their kids toheik enjoy something they aren'thingy naturally going to do.tu
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keep -- keep repeating this tune it actually derived from themhe fact that i was trying to do a three-day potty training methodo let's sit down jonathan. >> oh, janee -- >> it's all >> three day potty trainingty tn method is, um, it's somethinghi that i tried with him and i was successful with him doing it ini four days. d and with her, not quite the three day method but i was likel one of things they keep sayingpy in the three day method don'td o ask them if they have to go to o the potty. but give them the chance to feee some ownership of the potty pot training process. >> you think that's what madehae the difference for her she totally took ownership she's s singing the song with you y pointing at the potty.otty >> telling me versus me askingsk her. i had to keep repeating the phrase 50,000 tell mommy when you need to godo potty. pott dell mommy when you need to go potty.poy tell mommy, this sounds like a >> tell mommy when you need tomo pee.u >> it's very c
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you've become is a for all momsm and dads trying to potty train a little one. what sort of questions are you getting from people how to make a suck fess their home. >> ironically it's crazy from the uk to jamaica. >> i know. i kw. >> how can i do it. >> i said, well, honestly it isestly it is about your child and knowingld g their level of readiness and i'i by no means an expert on potty training. it just happened to pick upp speed and everybody the t uniqueness we're all goinge' through the same struggleroug e gether or you can relate toh t when you had to potty train. and so some of the questions i'i getting is what are you doing? d has it worked? worke >> i will say we're about 70% >> how long have you been in the process? how many weeks has itt been?en >> we started, let's see,'see probably the august 10th when we i made the video. video >> can you sit up, momma?? >> you're tired. >> ken about kids they'rere unpredictable. as a button.utton >> anybody who has
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this is isife. you adjust and you bribe them. >> exactlily.>> exactlily. >> you sing songs for them and you do whatever it takes to tryt to get the results that you're r both trying to >> viral success you have are you looking at more>> s songs, e little diddies that might help,l you know, get them -- that'ss okay. this is our is our home. our loft. >> he really feels at home here. >> thank you good day d.c. >> so does she. she you know, i make up songs justt because that's what parents do. so if another song we make up -- >> business opportunities come norway because of it maybe norwayoihinking about doing ae series that happened for younedu yet? ye >> well, we're open. o we're open.we o >> people looking for baby kid jingles, hey, we are all about it. we have a little facebook pageog that i created called gentlemenn may's potty song anything that a come up with will be moving itit there.ther >> okay. >> of course, this video has over 3 million views already. >> i think as of last night ortt this morning when i looked we're at 5 million. >> right.>> r >> of course, whenever you gor g viral to anyone it's shock
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how rapidly one little thingtlhi catches on and blows up like lik that. >> it's true and she's a singers i hear her.i ar h >> can you sing the little songg for us, janee.s, jee >> you want to sing.ant t sin let's sing it together. togethe >> can we do it. dot >> she did the remix version the rther night. can we sing it tomorrow. tor >> tell mommy when you need to pee.e tell mom mow when you need to poop. tell mommy when you need to peee tell mommy when you need to po poop. you got to pee pee, in the pot potty. >> yeah. good girl. >> she's cute as a button agonda he's handsome as a tike. ae. thank you so much for sharinghag your success with us.ceith us. people can find you online.e >> that's right. tha well probably the best way to t find me is at our fan facebookao page i just literally started called janee's potty song on facebook. >> spell janee. >> g-i-n-a-h-h.-h. >> thank you guys so much. you have a beautif
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continued success to you, lady. >> okay.>> >> thank you. >> so cute>> thank. >> thank you guys for coming in. blessing our studios with yourhu wonderful smiles. s guys, back over to you.ou. we'll sing our little diddy he here. >> super cute.>>uper >> all right. a loreor we've got moreheaded your way on good dayy president obama weighing in oneh the colin kaepernick drama. >> rye he will really don't lovl the end of summer but i do lovev fall fashion.ason tam lee will be in talking abouo how to transition your closet ce and yourself to get ready fordyr fall.fa >> leslie jones will be -- we'lb talk about her because she'sauss back on twitter.tter. yeah, she left twitter all thatl drama that went on with her. wir she's back.she' >> she's back. >> she's back. you know what else is back?k? >> what else is back? back? >> coffee time as it is everys day on good day much it is cough tee final.e fal if you've been eyeing our cool good day mug we have a good day dc dunkin' donuts mug we like te give away. perfect one for that dunkin'du donuts head to fox5 d.c. orr
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♪ it is a good day celebration ata 10a.a. >> coming up labor day, tucker's birthday if that wasn't enoughno there's another holiday you you might want in your life. plus proof colin kaepernickk does not stand alone in his i h national anthem protest. the world cup hero taking a knee as show of solidarity. the celebrity dish leslieh l jones r
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win.wi lena dunham saying sorry to nfl how queen b celebrated herer birthday.rthday. >> and later, the best of both worlds. we'll show how to combine yourr favorite summer and fall look. while the weather allows it. i we're working lard to keep you y entertained on day off.rtainda good day at 10a starts now. >> get ready to work work work. >> oh, yeah. y >> are we going to talk about rihanna and drake. drake. >> we are during celebrity dishr i think.e during c >> right now we're telalkingeb t work, work, work. >> right. >> working on labor day.n labory hopefully you are enjoying thene day off. >> yes. >> we did talk about quite a few things going on labor day, tucker's birthday.. it's also -- >> national pizza day.ay >> we're celebrating of course. >> i was way too excited about o that.. >> just in the oven. starting to melt. m. crust starting to get golden.. >> nothing is better tote t celebrate pizza day than a
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frozen pizza. >> we have chef salt and peppere in here they look at us with wh disgust now. (laughter). >> how dare you? they look att us like we'll save you. that's what we're going to do.o. >> save you from yourselves. yrl >> gveood morning. >> please do. >> good day dc. d i'm holly morris alongside of maureen, allison, and wisdom. steve is the only one thateha actually gets to celebrate labor day today. amongst us. but we hope you're enjoying youu day off.ff >> can we do to shout out to justin stewart new member of the fox5 family is in the hospital.a >> i heard.eard >> and so he should be backd bek tomorrow but we wish you theou e best. st come back soon. >> yes, yes, yes. >> get well, buddy. >> get well. >> meanwhile. we'll do it it again work work work work work.ork wkw >> all we do is work work workor work work. >> that doesn't sound the same. it seems rihanna is on to t something, right, actually
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40% of us workers did not take a single vacation day last year. . sounds pretty crazy, right? well today 41% of employers will have some staff working today.. >> on labor day. >> we know employers like that. including all of us that workini despite our commit many to the t work force americans are not the most over worked.. turkey took the top is the for the most over work.ork. the u.s. came in 16th.. happy labor day.. >> um-hmm.>>m-hmm. >> all right. , you you have the day might want to spend it outside e grilling and it will probably bb great day for it. despite hermine's presence offsf the east coast.astoast tucker is not waiting he's h already got the food on the t grill because it's hey, his birthday.rt >> happy birthday! birday! >> happy birthday, tuckerucker >> thank you. thank you. did you call our storm herminese >> i may have. i thought it was the designer hermes. hermes. >> i would say that's upgrade ua fit will be hermes. hmes. >> we are -- it'
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beautiful out here.autifuout he. the reason i keep looking over e ear i'm joined my esteemm colleague. >> happy birthday. >> birthday presents.nt >> that's so sweet of you. th tank you so mt'ucs h. >> i got you absolutely nothingi >> that's okay, kev. oy, k one of these. >> high five and a hug. hug. >> that's all i need.t'all >> we have barbecue out here hee give big thank to you fat pizza. this is chef hondo. hdo >> right. rig >> yup.up. >> we'll talking all thingshing barbecue and the right ways to w do it this afternoon if you'reoe cooking at home. >> we got turkey, pork, beforekf this accident cut all of them. o >> prepared a birthday/labor day feast for you. >> that is super suite of them. and national cheese pizza day so we have pizza. >> pizza in the oven in the loft. >> something that happened to me today. that never happened to me my>>md entireo m life. can you come up here m pleyaseni want to introduce this is as a viewer your name, please.ase. >> joanne.>> oa joanne and. >> -- corey.orey. c corey.>> >> they live around the cornerhr watching this morning and they y decided they were goi
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me a birththey wdae gy gifoit. >> yes, that was definitely myey original thought.. >> i know it was. >> that's okay.y. >> tell me who i got here. >> you got squirt tell hard tott catch or is that easy.. >> he can be hard. hard >> it is pretty easy. >> he comes from bush garden. >> he's super cute. >> from >> let's break it down the truth you smelled the barbecue aroundd the corner and came over. >> yes. we can come to the party. >> i love my squirt tell. tel we'll have more with coming upi in f. enjoy your presents. >> thank you so much. >> back in to you >> t. >> got a squirt tell tour yourtr birthday.birthday. >> good for you. >> that's the name -- (laughter).ghte. >> really? >> okay. 10:05 is the time right now.ealn that means it's time to -- >> you've had a squirt >> well check and see what's at' trending right now.tren rig listen to first up the chapter in chi isis backing
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president obama said he believes the 49erse b quarterback is exercising his constitutionaluta right to not stand during thehe national anthem at nfl games. gs as we've told you before, kaepernick has drawn backlash and admiration for his pre-game protests.prot. kaepernick has said he'll h continue to sit or kneel duringg the song until significantnifica change is made against the fight against racial inequality. kaepernick may no longer be ar a starting quarterback but his social active i has certainlyly grown his fan base.e. 49ers qb the team's top sellingg jersey on their website jumpingi from 20th to first. also the fifth highest selling g jersey in the entire league lgu according to fascinating that people would wd start buying his jersey now. >> i have seen people burning his jersey. >> it justhi depends on what sie you fall f on. >> right. >> for me, it's just a simplee argument i've said 800im
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it's his right to do that. tt if he's not hurting me, not insight ago riot, that's whatsha makes this country what it is.s it certainly is callingli attention to what -- what is social issue right now. so --so - >> for those that disagreehose e they're well within their rightr to disagree. >> disagree. and do that,ag too. >> where it crosses the for me m if you take it too far and you insight violence or for instance police officers don't want to dt cover the 49ers i thinko that'sa bit much.uc. this guy is protesting which isi his right as an american.n. you took an oath to serve andnd protect.protec that's your job.ob >> right. >> i don't think you can cherry pick who you pcanrotect and notd based on what they say or do. d to me that's not -- that's nottn what you took the oath for. for >> i think as private citizen, boycott all you want tom if youu are following the constitution, then, you took an oath to do oa that, then you have to do that. >> exactly. >> there are things we all do ta with the purviews of
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may not look but do you it because that's that is your jobb >> i would like to go on then record and say i love everything about my job. j >> me, too. >> at this point he's one gateon on the 49ers team. at this .1 guy on the 49ers team to abandon your duties for the entire stadium, the t organization, all the fanshe f there, just because of one guy,y i think that's pretty this is the administrationhe ads trying to pull this --tr leadeas of the union trying to put the e pressure perhaps on the 49ers to let go or what have you y >> the rule the 49ers can't do o anything to him.. because if they were going to dg anything to him they could havev cut him from the roster. rte now he's on the roster. roste there's nothing they can do too him. he hasn't violated any rules sos there's nothing that can bean be done. nothing the 49ers can do to himm >> i don't really understand tht police force doing that either e in terms of i feel like that just inflates the situation inn negative way. way. that's not creating theg t conversation that we need.t wee. it's more divisive.. >> more divisive.. >> police chief is saying he's
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do this to remember that theyhay are there to protect and serve e and help keep the public safe. not to go in this particularticr direction. that's what the police chief ise saying police c. this is union assigned to thed o union leaders trying get theete ball rolling on this protest ofo the 49ers. >> let us know what you think use theha you #gooddaydc.c obviously it's a talker this thi morning. meanwhile another u.s. athlete is joining k srnick'ck' mission to bring attention noon injustices in america.ri us soccer star meghan, knelt,lt during the national anthem before the seattle rayinging two-two star with the see at s a physical red stars in the in national's women's soccer sce she played in the rioue olympic and held bring the us victory at the world cup last year toldeatd reporters her move was quoteuo very being a gay american i know whaa it means to look at the flag and not have it protect all of your liberties. >> we talked about bar sofaar sa versus body wash last week.eek. bringing it back. back. we haven't talked about soapoa safety because most of us have e b
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hands with antibacterial soap ww don't stop to think just whatt ingredients are actually in it.. well the fda issued a rule on friday banning antibacterialterl soaps that contain one or moreor of 19 active ingredients and some of the most common madee that list. the vast majority of soaps on the market couldn't at least ono of these ingredients fda askedsk soap manufacturers to conducton research to demonstrate the long-term safety but conductingg the research most antibacteriali soap makers just replaced thehe questionable ingredien ingredie. the new ingredients lack lack evidence of safety and effectiveness. >> my question what damage has now my ? >> we've already been doing thii for so long. lon you know, is it made us less resistant to bacteria?aca? >> i think that's probably it.. >> more infection? what's going on now? >> okay.ka >> just seems like they're skirting the system. you know what i mea>>n? jusms ma >> right. i don't like that.t lik tha finally a local opera singer arrested for doing what she what loves. now if you've been to old town alexandria chances
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christa clause's voice.oice. however last week she says she e was singing or busking along ang string two alexandria police officers told her she was not allowed to prsd erformhe withoua perm.perm and was inn in violation of thee city's noise violation w she s refused to stop, they cuffed her her. she also claims she was inn appropriately searched by an byn officer and while it is not it n illegal to perform on the streee in alexandria it is illegal to do so with the help of noisee amplification.platio and when clause performed, she, use as wireless speaker to playp her background music. however, clause's arrest left lt many outraged. her video posted on facebook has now been viewed hundreds of times.tis that's a tricky one i guess if she has the music -- - >> why not just do it --- >> a cappella.a. >> i don't think she had to be arrested.arrested surely there's a way -- way- >> i guess it depends howdy finn she was when they went to her -- i think what happened they wentt to her and said would you please
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ordinance schenn refused to st stop. maybe someone turned her n it's' kind of like -- >> loudoun county.y >> was it -- i don't i don't know who but if it wasn't alexandria ii can see per happen it being a tightened concerned now. now >> you're right.'re r >> it is tricky because she'saus done it for so i >> it's trickyt and is it -- >> she's tick nick klee she'sk breaking the law. >> it's like abreaki slippery sf you allow her to do it the nextt time -- you have another peoplep that are forming. >> wonderful body of water later at come on. >> are there businesse businessn there in that area where she is. >> yes. yes >> she had told not to p.m. atp. the torpedo factory.ry she was not loud to perform there.the >> here's what we need to do.tod get her stage, and have peoplepl pay for her tickets and you y don't get it for free any more. old town.n. >> there you >> drop the mic.ic >> i don't know.w we've spent -- m
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isn't that strong on that storyy we spent most of the morning mog talking about the end of summer, but there are plenty of folks fs desperate to keep it around.d. don't worry if you guys areuy a concerned about that. tt. summer going away.mmer gng a we've got you covered in the closet and in the kitchen.en >> both of them.>>ot allh right. first leslie jones returns to twitter.twitr. lena dunham says sorry and new w proof drake and rihanna might be a thing. despite what you're saying. sg. >> they are a couple and they'r' going last forever.. >> okay.>>y. forever, forever, forever?ev >> that's right. >> mighty long time. >> 10:13.
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♪ >> whoo! >> this is how we do it. >> we are in a good mood today.d >> we are. it's a holiday sure to >> first up on this holiday holy monday celebrity dish is what wa we're talking about.'rin who has got the prompter? >> roll it.t. edition of celebrity dish is back on tour.r. ghostbuster star had been bee harassed with racist messages oo social media and had her websiti hacked in late august. augus she stayed quite since but onn saturday night she began tweeting again. yes. she tweeted about her love foref the golden girls i love them tom
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through a lot in her life andnd will always get back up. >> thank you. you >> good for her.for h. >> awesome. all right.. the twitter verse agrees.gree beyonce''s birthday should be aa national holiday. >> are you kidding.ding. >> tongue and cheek, you fans admire celebrity family fal members all took to social media yesterday to celebrate queen b -- if b or bay. bay. >> i always asked that.t >> it depends. queen b.n b sometime tweets me and says it'i queen bay.. when i say queen bay she tweetst me it's queen b.. >> her fans are the beehive. bee >> i'm just going to call herbi i don't know say.w say lemonade singer or beyonce' turned 35 yesterday, and afterft what i'm sure was just a fabulous celebration with lovedd ones beyonce' and blue ivy ho hopped to plane to spend labor e day with the first family the obamas at camp >> that's how do you.hat's w do>> okay. so if
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favorite aunt was bringing her r peanut butter cookies to the t family barbecue today, sorry, s, you lose. u they there's is more fabulous thann ours.ours >> that's what they do.s they you know what,. >> it's that their world. >> aunt kate bring us barbecue e and peanut butter cookies wekiew still want that.t tha we can't live in their world.ord >> you got to appreciate whate you got. >> we got a lot going on in thet loft today.loay it's how we live.ive >> frozen pizza in the oven. ove >> that's right. still>> frozen after 35 minutes. >> tucker's shirt open. ope >> sleeves rolled up. ya'll are singing much this isthis is big day in here. >> how the other half lives. >> ♪ >> next up khloe kardashian have a new boo? she and nba tristant tom san made their way to cabo saint lucas to enjoy some rayses and each other. tmz shared this photo of the t pair holding on to each other or while walking through cabo.ab what do you think?? >> looks like security guard. >> is starter. >> he was the center for the cle
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they won the championship this year. they don't do low rent. >> so is it good dish for khloek to date another baller.aller. >> no. >> do you like the match. >> from a financial standpoint i know they got mo oneyyocial s bt thompson got $100 millionmillio contract.contra nba money is guaranteed.d >> exactly.ctly >> and he's a starter for thee' cha amterpionship leave land lan cavaliers. >> can we see his face. >> is there a picture of him.>>f >> we want to see if he's cute.t >> you know what --now w >> is he cute? >> wisdom, is he agreement agrme dreamy like you? are his eyesys like yours. >> are yours drinking right noww what is is gone in here.gone i >> not yet. >> it is a holiday. >> okay. but you know what -- >> celebrate. >> he's tongue tied now. now. >> no, i'm not.>> n >> go ahead. she stated lamar.. >> right. >> rig >> married>> m >> married lamar.arried lamar the>> married lamng on to. next baller who on top of hisf h >> somebody else that was a babb player. other guy -- >> james heart. hea >> lamar when he was on the topt of his game she dated him. >> okay.>>
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i'm just saying. saying. there's a pattern he was at thet top of of his game. gam then it was over. >> got traded out lakers she wae done with him. james harden when she realized james harden wasn't 33 it? and ? wasn't winning any championshipp she dropped him.pped h. >> really?lly >> yeah.. now triston -- trion - >> jack shot.>>k sho >> it was a jack shot. >> climbs on board to the next championship.. >> they just went to cabo. c he was holding her arm like he e was security.urity. >> he was protecting her fromm the pack.. >> can somebody tweet us his face. >> #gooddaydc.. >> her latest victim.m >> i'll take the other way way around.arnd once the men lose their shineiri they feel insecure they move on >> that's usually how it worksos when the man loses his shine tht pretty woman hangs around. arod. >> >> yeah.>> yea >> yes. >> that's exactly how it works. >> yes. >> can guy say another guy iss handsome?hand
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why can't you tell fuss he'she's handsome. >> you may say that. i never heard y aounother guy ss that. >> that's a good talker. >> yeah, it is.s. i never heard another guy say gy that. >> here's what i'll say. >> we don't look ater oe'ther m. >> you're going to know if motif fattah man if he's handsome or not. >> she can look all she wants. c all she wantsan lk al. >> because she got to come home to big daddy. daddy (laughter).(laughter) >> can we talk about this? >> look all you want. w >> what if he's a bigger daddy? (laughter). >> then you go ahead and trade up.up. >> trade up, right.p, >> go ahead and trade up. i ain't mad ought. do your >> can we talk about favoriteavt couple. >> who is your favorite couple.. >> can we ship their names. >> breaana. >> rheakke. >> does it get more officialff than this matching tattoos youty guys.guys. >> rihanna and drake you can see them right
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security on her ankle a little shark and drake has his on hisis forearm. i have the whole backre tower. t their stirs first date this time aherountid i trshink theynk remember date brag or whatever.b the er dfirst de ate was at the aquarium.uari i think it was in toronto. so drake buys riri a stuffed shark, how do i know this? because iai saw it in her bag in a picture.e so then any way, she then gets -- because it's a shoppingo bag and she has the little shark sticking out like hello. and so she got the at a time ata toot to commemorate this and nom he hasmo one,te t too.. >> okay. o >> that's sweet. >> gypsy or does it seem like drake goes all in when ever he'h dating anybody?nydy >> who else was he dating.ating. >> serena williams. >> what happened to that. >> the relationship>> f wizzledl after she lost the match thenhe she broke up with him and he he seem like ---- >> because he was diss tracked.d >> right. he was distracted.acd >> is it bad if you go all in. i >> much like the taylor swift st thing, it's too soon.oon >> give eight break.. >> wears his heart on his on s slee
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>> matching tattoos is a bigg ts commit many. it's hard to get at a timea time tuesday removed. >> they're not reallyy of like she doesn't have one on her thaa says drake. it is a little shark.hark it could mean anything.g >> wait a minute. >> let me ask you experts aer a question.question >> okay. inent in vma's when he went for sugar on national tv it looked a little strange.trange didn't look like they were were dating. >> sean ready to do this yet. y >> she ready to claim him. him >> hard feelings for the poor guy that goes all in. i >> he was all in.ll she was like nah not in public.i i ain't doing this on tv.n t >> i'm not going to hear that. >> i'll get this tattoo.. >> because iodid dissed you atd the vma's. vma >> you are trying to bee smurch their character.ract >> i like that word.ehat listen to this,. >> ya'll know who lena dunham is right. >> that's your girl. >> lena dunham --ha >> she's a movie star.'s a mie a >> check this thisut she's apologize to go new york k giants wide receiver o'dell'dl beckham, jr., for
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narcissistic assumptions aboutnt his motivations friday in an i a article on her the star and creator of hbo' girls had posted about a a discussion she had with amy amy schumer about the most recent met gallon today.od dunham was seated near beckham h who she claimed was looking at a his cell phone instead of her because he found her sexually unappealing. >> are you >> that's a huge leap to make.ak >> it is. >> she apologized saturday on o her social media account sayingn she projected her personall insecurities on to the footballb star and presented them as factc she said she and beckham have he never met and say quote i owe oe o'dell beckham, jr. an apology despite my moments of provado i struggle at industry events and in life i don't rep a certain a standard of beauty when i showeo up to the met ball surrounded by models and swan like actresses it's hard not to feel like a sack of flaming garbage. >> when he! h you know what, sister -- that's
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>> i'm sad for you.>> i'm sad ou. iave some issues and i -- fy you need tossue tndalk i to som. >> people in the past were w tweeting her and took her to t task.task which is why i think she felt sl she had to apologize.ze. she made the assumption heptione oveld have been all over hern a and she's like because i'mau'm shaped like a marshmallow or something all you he saw was his white girl shaped like a a marshmallow. he couldn't careless.areless. she was dragged.e wasgg >> that's not the only thing and i don't have the facts in fronti of me butn she had rough social media weekend some deleted tweets is resurfaced and -- >> what kind of deleted tweets.. >> see, i need to -- i don't't want to say because --- >> okay. >> it's everywhere if you searcc it. she's apologizing left and and right. as i had to write 100 times whenes w i was child i'll think before ii speak.ea i will think before i speak.ak >> i will think before i tweet. >> maybe she should tweet that a thus san times. l think before i tweet. tweet. >> it was a huge assumption forf her to say that.her to s >> what's the big deal? i meana come on.comen. >> i wish she felt a little lite better about herself personallya
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find your walk near you at ♪ >> happening now alexandria police looking for anyone who can help them catch a rapist w ho t w attack add lifeguard on the job. fox's anjali hemphill has the details now.ow >> reporter: good morning.. well this community pool if i unclear if it will reopen todayd after what happened. according to the schedule it's not supposed to openac untilrdil 11:00 o'clock today.ockay. but this is a neighborhoodrhoo community pool.mmun this is where people take theirr families and their childrenhildn especially over a long labor day holiday and now many of them say they're shaken about whatboha happened in their too afraid tod come down here especially nowllw it's a scene of a chillinghillin crime. crim now police say this alleged rapp happened around 2:00 o'clock onn saturday afternoon in the middld of the day. d at the community pool here at the hill wood townhome development off seth picket street and this is of course over that busy labor day holiday weekend when pools like this are usually packed with people. but as you remember we hader wed cooler weather on saturday no one else waser weaer o unfortuny around at the time of thisf t alleged assault.legedss
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the 24 yr to call police though after thet assault where she toll them ahem man with a gun came up to her, r grabbed her, pulled her into ana community room here near the pool and then raped her. h now, investigators as yous imagine are searching for this man. n. they've been canvassing this neighbor neighborhood throughout the morning and looking at .earby surveillance videoho >> i might need to get a bodyguard or something. somethig i can believe it. nothing ever happened in 20n 20 years, i lived here since 1998i1 and there's nothing like thatha has ever happened in thiss community before. >> reporter: police described ds the suspect as a tall thin white man in his 30s with dark hair, i short hair excuse me and dark dr eyes. eyes. they also believed the suss spep was wearing a gray hoodie lightl colored jeans and a bluelu baseball cap at the time of theo assault. if you think you saw anybody ano like that or it think you mightg have any information that couldd
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help alexandria police are urged to call them.he anjali hemphill fox5 local n all right.> all right. thank you very much for that report. h fothat now.ight ne time right we were talking earlier aboutbo tristan thompson the basketballl player and khloe kardashian.daia >> right. >> you guys wanted to see him sm he's the starting center for thr nba champion cleveland cavaliers.ers. he's $100 million.mi he's almost 7 feet tall.l. >> what?>> wha >> he's taller than than lamar.r >> okay. >> he's got more money than lamar.>> hgot lama >> he's younger than lamar.amar. >> he's a beti think he's better looking ' than lamar. >> i'll let ya'll be the judge j of that. >> yeah,.>> >> i'm just saying if they loset a championship this year look yo for him to get trad traded out m the kardashian clan.n. do you the math at home. home triston tam son, good luck tok o >> good luck. >> chris was saying i couldn't u get it. i'm sorry.. >> chris was talk to go. go >> we have a shift name. i was brew that's his real name. >> like -- okay.y. his real name and rihanna. aubrey.aubrey
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>> i like yours better. >> i forget what it was. >> what did you say? >> nobody knows who the heck hek aubrey is. we like his stage name. >> broanna. >> i don't know what i said. >> is that what i ion't said. sd >> i'll name him -- >> tucker called -- she call and shed it's dreanna. fall's rifle doesn't meansna the end of summer temperatureses so coming up on good day, we're talking about ways to maketo mae summer last little bit longer ie the kitchen and in your closetne as well.l. we're checking i checking in wid pepper.pper. the chefs not the rappers we're talking to them coming up next. fox5 fashion expert tam lee atae little bit later..
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10:32. back in a moment. especially when it comes to snacking.g new. with the laughing cow's nine flavors of creamy cheese, there's no end to what you can discover. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. ♪ amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. sleep number beds adjust on both sides for your best sleep ever.
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know better sleep. only at a sleep number store. ♪ >> well we celebrate a lot of summer holidays with food and labor day is no different. but just because grilling seasoa is coming to an end that doesn't mean that you have to stoptop enjoying those summer staplesr s just yet. here to show us all about it your last bounty of summer foodo and vegetable the tag deem dee woe salt and pope per is here gr good morning to you. >> good morning to you both.ingb >> how are you. >> i see whole lot of healthylt stuff on this table.on t t >> we took the pizza out of oven.ov. >> gotcha. >> we'll brian is dicing andicin slicing to hold and to summer se one thing i wanted to show folks
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how to take those watermelonser taste good turn night watermelon sorbet. sorb took our blender and makeak blending noises ---- (laughter).au >> gotcha. blown it up to fresh watermelon made simple syrup sugar water >> sugar water. put it inside a blender, blendnn it up put it inside ice cream maker or freezer it's great.s g. the other thing we wanted toed t show folks out who told on to summer.summ. >> that's end result right heree ight at the i.sult r >> looks goodt t.heood >> it looks good. looksd. we'll sorbet.l sorb. literally just made this right s before we got here. g her it doesn't take long. next. >> next thing the herbs you havn in your hegherb garden h hold ot you decide you want to get fresh herbs and have left over. once again blender, extra virgii olive oil, one clove of garlic. gotcha, okay.ha, okay. >> blend it up later on we'llnel use that brian show them whathew you're doing.u'reoing i'll take our herb puree. >> old hahn to corn. cn. you don't have to stop grillingr because it gets colder. put on somebecause it get glovee
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>> exactly.>> e >> go ahea >> grill your corn. g. okay. put that on there. the nice char marks.ks put it in bag and freeze it useu it all winter long. >> all winter long. >> gotcha.cha >> couple ways to add it too different dishes. so one we got here is a creamed corn. >> i've got red peppers. peppe >> yup.. >> creamed cheese.e. >> yup. >> corn. >> gotcha. >> this. >> melt it up and comes out nico and creamy and great side dish. >> gotcha. >> what else you go the?else y >> makeo little salad then put some corn on it.n on i >> how about some corn? getn?et that smokey charred flavor thatv you get from the t go right in your saladhe. >> kick it up up a notch.. when you take the corn out to ot put it on the salad warm the t corn up or no.corn u >> you don't have. you certainly can. throw it back on uth ceer c gri. throw it in the microwave.. throw it on the stove, warm it.. >> good to go. >> what else we got here.ot >> tell them about the salad.ald the other thing i was going to g
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do is i making relish. r side d >> okay. oka >> you make some salsa. take your grilled corn.ille >> throw in some tomatoes.s. >> yup.>> >> your hal mean nass. little spicy.picy. onions. >> onions.>> oons chop them up. >> we got mango and throw thosew on the grill do whatever you you want add differ players to it make it sweet, spicy.. throw that in >> when you grill things and you then you put them in the wheil e does it depend what it is hows w long it lasts in the freezer. fr >> of course. >> ovegetables will last forevev >> i didn't know that. >> okay. all right. all right. >> good till next spring when you get more nex. >> all right.>> all i see you've done something witt the suppose. >> we did something with thedids pizzaethi take himalayan salt.t >> that's right. >> himalayan salt. >> pink salt. >> gotcha. >> making summer last.g summ any time you have those unrippee fruits or fruits that are lacking watermelon puree it turt night sorbet.
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crehow them how the creamed corn looks. >> comes out nice and creamy c >> how long do you cook thiss for. for. >> a few minutes until the cream gets s >> gotcha. all right. p i'm sorry as the professionat i havroefe embellish. >> we've been together too long. >> set it up aside dish for youy picnic. >> you kick the pizza up ap a notch.h. you put decorations on there.n t >> we're looking with that, too, brian, i don'ti' know, i'm going to put a littlet lime on the side.e. >> okay. keep it up another knowledge.ed. >> another notch. >> i understand. i understand. here. here.s good o>>vestran cool.ol. >> i'm going to slice it and a squeeze it.ueezet. >> there you go.heou go >> now you just showing off. >> now i'm showing o >> one upping. >> competition.ti >> what you got. >> go for it. >> it's the sorbet. sorbet. that's the good point.oint. it's not ice cream. ice c. that's too much.. like frozen water.ater. you're good. >> no calories. it's just watermelon.atmelon >> put on 10 more pounds. pnd it's just water weight. you don't need to go to the gym for that. fo
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>> that's right. tha >> look, salt and pepper, always pleasure.eare coming in and hanging out with h thank you very much. >> hanging on to summer ath lane >> there you go. >> beautiful picture of to you.u >> thank you. >> low in the resolution bututio it's >> that's all right.>> t >> you guys look ghaood t'ins n >> we appreciate it. >> i'm not sure what that meansm >> i think they're laughing at e me.y're something about the resolution of the picture l.thing about >> what, what, what? >> you asked fuss we wereweere drinking.king (laughter). >> i'm having sorbet over here.. >> we added a little bit to th that. that. >> okay. labor day marks the start of o fall fashion season. sea doesn't mean that you have too ditch all your summer favoritesr we'll show how to you mix and m match the best of both worlds while the weather stelai louseio it.
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let's walk together to make an even bigger impact and end alzheimer's for good. find your walk near you at >> we are celebrating tucker barnes birthday today and so are you. we like all the tweets coming in. happy birthday tucker and many more to come. how about this one. september bir like vir tgos.uc v happy birthday virgo happy birthday blessings to mysy weather guy the best.her gu the i wish you the best and much success and just good old-fashioned happy birthday and enjoy.y hope you have an awesome dayawe says stacey' us music.. keep them coming. coming.
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we appreciate it.wereciate holly over to you. it. >> allison you know labor day traditionally means it's time tt pack up the white shoes dresses as long as the summer weather lasts you can mix themhe with fall chores. chore you don't have to be a style sty pro. pro. you just have to know that's why we have tam lee ine a the house and she joins to us u talk all things fashion for fall. good to see you. veryodbody to s. e so you ready for fall?l >> i think i'll a little bite bt ready. ready. i want to hold on to the warmerr but i like to kind of transitioo into the fall fashion.hion. >> i like to get some coats andd blazers and some boots andbos an stuff. i'll show you guys the hottest fall colors and the trends that will take precedence in your yor closets this fall the thingshins you'll see in the store.. first the color the it color ofr the fall will be the shark skinn kind of gray tone.on this is what you're going to see in all the windows, all designee high and low will have thishi color in a of them are doingoing patterns this year.r. you see the little pattern.atten that's really cute.ut
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they're going to do that.gng >> to is gray a color that can compliment everybody? >> y it's goi neutral this year a lot of times we got to get away from black aa little bit even though we can c keep black in the staple. >> always a go to.lways a to. >> because it's gray is going to be really hot t color.colo you'll have your differentll shades of gray but you see how w everything has pattern, right.. >> um-hmm.>> um. texture. arete are and patterns going to be hot. hot. then we'll go over to our warm r taupe color i love this neutrall color you should have a lot ofef this in your closet already from the summer.umme we'll do this -- this -- >> a lot of neutral but neutral doesn't always scream fun. it does scream chic and classic. >> absolute. as we go down the color palatee for fall we'll start gettingetti into this is going to be youreou dusty pink will be the color.ol every window is going to haveav this color. color i call it like a bubble gumblm pink. i had to be sold on this.his. do i really want to wear pink. >> pepto business monthly. it's really prettyon. i picked up up for daryl la.
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>> can you layer them with something you have in your doset closet as w>>e so thishis transition wea you can wear your long sleeves.a your long sleeves and layer them with i haven ar y a l tanonk tos with this blazer if he gets warm you can take the jacket off.. do some of those transition pieces.pieces. >> can you rock a sweater an pair of cute shorts. >> you absolutely can. that's kylie move.e kylie jenner will do. the fashion inspired bydy victorian inspired look.ook. everything will be military look this season.thisson. a lot of military blazer. bla >> something that always comess back. it does. absolutely. go in the back of your closetssc and pull out your military loo looks. >> take the shoulder pads out? t (laughter). >> no it's funny because powerow shoulders are going to be ne n you'll start to see big power shoulder. >> stop it. >> we don't want that to come te back. >> it's coming back. >> it's coming back .. and so this is going to be likek your open card began you'll see a lot of jackets that dope have zippers and don't have buttons.. >> i actually just bought a coat
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similar to this in style and a when i was drying it i wasi was trying to make it and she's like no, no new york cit supposed to hang be be lot it go. if you try too hard it's notd it going to look good. >> you'll see so many jackets with no buttons, no zippers it's just the oversize reallyy comfort. everything is going to be imf the fabrics will be softer.e ste you're going to have a lot of af comfort and so the other thingtg that's going to be hot is pinstripes. opinion strips will be hot. op sn eemsst like.. >> absolutely pinstripes will b hot. you can do that in your blazer e like the pants i have i paired e two different kind of pinstripeo and itf work.or then this is cute littleite jumpsuit that has --- >> jump suits still in. >> jump suits are so in rightn r now of the different patterns.s. let's jump over to the trend.. >> shoes. >> this is really a fun trend>>. ladies, we cannot cut back on the winter pedicures because bae your toes and your heels will be exposed.sed. >> really? >> yes. all the booties are going to bei hot but have your toes out.
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>> all peep tow one of these iss peep toe.peep toe. these have the heel out as wellw >> still get your pedicures. i love these.. >> those are super cute. ce. >> what size are these?? >> you see this olive color cor still has the military look.. and your heel is out. out toes are out. o. >> the thing i like about this s it looks like it's tied but it t has the zipper on the side.e >> not a lot of work to but this cute booty on.ty on. >> can you wear these with wea e tights or does it hseave to bete open toe. >> open toe.>>pen toe. >> i'm would literally do thesee open toes until maybe the earlyr part of december when it'smb whi getting really cold. rlly if there's snow on the ground in don't want my toes out.ut >> now we tran additioned from o it's not that you just goonded t your boots.your boo you have to go yourts. fall boo. open toe when it gets cold youou go to the closed boots.ts. >> you see how everythingrythin compliments.mpliment >> these do look super comfortable.ortae. those are stretchy and fun.un all wonderful. pam, thank you as all.. >> you guys follow me on instagram boutique hush to staya in the fashion know.
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>> stay in the fashion know. k keep your wallet broke. broke that's what i always say. >> i'll do >> wanting to shopping when she comes in. >> all right.ll right. over to ya'll.ovo ya' >> all right. thank you, t ahanks, tam, thanks holly. it is just about 10:49 right rit coming up, a feast fit for a
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or in this case king tucker. coming up next we'll have aave a little end of summer barbecue and wish tuck carry happyry hpy birthday and you can too, use the #gooddaydcoddaydc of many pieces in my i havlife.hma... so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed.
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see if you're eligible for 12 months free at ♪ >> help birthday tucker. millions of americans have the day off to celebrate tucke ker' birthday today.ay not really but he might like tot think so. th we think so,in too. >> sure. a lot of people are actuallylot celebrating labor day. this morning we are combiningomg the two into one big old party.y erin is out in the fox lot with holiday food fit pour are a kinn or in this case our birthday bob king tuck. hey, err glenn we couldn't have birthday party without food,oo right, tucker? you love to barbecue.ecue thanks to fat's pizza.iz tell us about the spread youdou brought for tucker's birthday.ta >> we have texas before this
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accident cut here. we gotis ang gus beef from hardlyar farms in texas. i tex little b some of our cole slaw.. >> yum. >> >> ray has the stuff on the y oe grill for you. gogrt our pork shoulder rightt o there. that's entire porkt shoulder.ulr >> i mean this is amazingg portions here.e. right?right? >> yup. we got turkey breast here. he this is about enough to feedo fd about 30 people. >> good thing we have a crowdrod kin kind of >> we have a birthday pear. (applause).. >> great fox5 viewers. >> we will fans come down to the show. sh to wish tucker a happy birthday and give him a they gave him poke man.e m it was incredible. >> great lunch with us.>> g l give us tips for all those folkl maybe not celebrating tucker's birthday celebrating labor day about barbecuing.t b what do you need to know.w. >> major thing it does take ti time. before this accident cuts cook c for 18 hours. hrs you can't rush that. keep it low, 225 degrees. degre start with a good piece of meatf end up with great meal.l. >> does it matter what it's cooa ong? does it have to be on charcoal can you cook it on gas.
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>> you want to use wood. we use all logs at theat t restaurant. here we used wood they're there. >> you can smell that wood. >> you have to have the>> you oo happen. happen. >> what's the secret to gettingt the burnt outside and not burnor it ins >> that is the cook it slow and slow.low >> before this accident cut just for you. >> this is what i'm talk about . >> you guys need a professionall to come out don this. professional meat connoisseur. >> where is allison.llis >> why are we all burying thenge lead here? >> this is your birthday cake, k tucker. >> has anyone seen this? thi >> so this is ---- >> most absurd thing i've ever>s seen in my life.t absurd thing i >> this is our s imonre ms lif e >> let me move over here behindn erin. >> is it is this going to blow w up. up. >> tell us what's in here.s her >> chocolate pudding or yourour cookie crumbles, chocolate chi chips, mape knee marshmallows, graham crackers and now we'lle'l just going to flame it a littlel bit to get the -- this is realll good 40. >> absolutely. >> this is fat free all of it. f >> is that right??
10:55 am
>> gluten free and fat free. >> yeah.h. >> chef, tell me about your y busi is this busiest day of the yeary >> one of the three. tee. three major ones, memorial day,, july 4th and labor day ourur biggest.t but as you might want to blow out your cake there. tre >> where is my candle. can >> make a wish.ake wis we actually did have a candle c here. >> it's buried under the beef?he >> oh, my goodness.ess >> blow it out before it burns.r >> blow it out. it's going to melt. >> i wish everybody -- >> don't tell anybody. anybo >> i wish everybody would have h today off? >> some wishes don't come true.. (laughter). >> that's why we're working the. >> tucker you can be the first one. >> i wanton sight everybody ton my birthday party.evth par come on o ove >> come on >> where is the music let's get this pear going. >> did we cut the line back he here?re >> get in i
10:56 am
>> i'll take one over here.e. >> allison, you want to takeoak this home to the girls you guyss are welcome to hop on in. >> thank you >> tucker, have wonderful day.. >> happy birthday tucker barnes! >> what number is this?s >> getting up there.. >> keep walking. >> 35. >> i want to give special thankk to you our viewers that justt j popped on out around the cornert to say hi to us. thank you for showing up.p >> we forgot to tell fat pete's you're a vegetarian.aria (laughter). >> oh, yeah. >> them slice this up for you. y >> has everybody eaten the whole thing. >> what happens if you get the >>hat thing. >> you get a free ebefore this accident can you. >> go for itac. >> that looks good.. >> it's amazing.. >> yum. >> dig in, tuck.>> dn, tuc >> come here, kev. >> really? >> oh!
10:58 am
11:00 am
cheese dippers by the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. ♪ hey, what do you think you're doing? you can't park on the sidewalk. >> wendy: hi, officer. >> oh, my mistake, miss wendy. didn't realize it was you. happy wendy williams day. you can do anything you want. let me get the door. there you are. >> wendy: thank you. oh, officer? i've got one question for -- how you doin'? >> live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." >> wendy: how you doin'? the kids have come to play today. you won't believe what i'm about to tell you.
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