tv Fox 5 News 5 FOX September 5, 2016 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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the center of hermine, still circulating in and pushing a little bit closer to the west again with winds of 70 miles an hour. so that northwest turn has begun and this has been a well forecast kind of pattern with the storm and again, it's even though it appears to be nearing hurricane strength this is extra tropical system like the nor easter. it's still hang ago around tuesday and still out there wednesday and weak eping grea greatly and kind of a brush for nantucket and places like that, thursday, with winds of 30 miles an hour. a very persistent system that is trapped by high pressure up to the north. so it's not able to move out quickly. because of that we still have tropical storm warnings up for a few areas and the big concern down at the beaches is yes, we have strong winds anterip current and also those very strong waves. and you can see where we're getting buoys recording gusts up and over 45 miles an hour. it looks like boston getting gusts to 30 and providence to
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home real quick. i'll show you the temperatures are delightful tonight and hope you're enjoying last of pool it's a warm day to be sure and not humid, 87 right now and 87 dull is and 87 martinsburg and hagerstown and back to 90. quick look at evening labor day planners, 7:00, 84, nice and dry by 9:00, 80 and 11:00, 77. it's back to school for everybody tomorrow, even virginia schools. you know what we're back to another heat wave in september will begin. we're up and over 90 tomorrow. i'll let you know how long that will be hang around in a few minutes. jim, lauer a. back to you. >> sue, thanks. >> labor day is the traditional kick yov of the fall political campaign season and across the area labor day parades, politicians for senate and congress in maryland were out doing hand-shaking baby kition tradition. >> 20 16 dominated by donald trump and hillary clinton how many are tuned into the other races. tom fitzgerald joins us live from gaithersburg
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used to this kind of attention there. >> oh, boy, you're right about that, jim, consider this they've been doing this gaithergaitherburg labor day parade for 78 years, forksz back when franklin roosevelt was in the white house. and while fdr is still well nont same can't be said about some of these down ticket candidates, particularly people who are running for the u.s. senate here in the state of maryland. so, both of them were out today. and they have one thing on their mind. breaking free of the shadow of clinton and trump. >> we know, politics these days means a ton of twitter and a fountain of facebooking but let's face it. >> chris van holland, ladies and gentlemen. >> there are old school political traditions that even in the 21st century still hold up. >> maryland is big. >> that would be chris van
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holland pressing flesh at the 78 gaithersburg labor day parade. until now he represented one congressional district and holland spent summer crisscrossing maryland 24 counties and 12,000 square miles. >> old-fashioned handshaking, door to door, meeting people in parades, is still number one. because that person to person contact, is essential to try to break through the clutter. >> now, not to be out done, republican senate candidate kathy selego there she is on motorcycle at green belt labor day parade this morning as photographed by her campaign. it turns out they may have the same opponent, apathy. >> you have been paying attention to maryland senate race. >> i have not. i'll be honest. i have not. >> has the presidential race been so over the top that people are paying more attention to that instead of the senate race? >> yes. yes. yes. we
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this before. ♪ >> reporter: only very few in gaithersburg this day said they paid any attention at all to the maryland senate race. >> they should care. i care. certainly my family does and a lot of friends and certainly political associates here. >> reporter: democratic senator ben carton not up for reelection this year gets why voters don't put senate race front and center in presidential year. it's also why he says 8 weeks after labor day are critical to the candidates that are runnin running. >> it's a big difference between one congressional district and the entire state of maryland. it's a challenge, particularly summertime. >> labor other day may be the end of the road for summer and kicks off the political season into high gear. >> reporter: here's the situation. they don't have all the time left in the world here.
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election. and yes, democrats have a statistical edge in maryland. but, consider this, the last big statewide race for governo governor, that went to a republican, larry hogan and democrats are well aware of trying not to repeat what happened to them in the last statewide election. live in gaithersburg, tom fitzgerald, "fox5 local news". "fox5" is in prince george county now, where we know the names two of people killed in a fatal crash in forestville, maryland. 27-year-old howard jackson and 60-year-old pandora brakmore died early yesterday morning that crash at the intersection of pennsylvania avenue and par parkland drive. the car that caused that crash ran a red light. and the driver of the car is recovering at the hospital in critical condition. meantime in the district a woman is recovering after she was struck by a car. this one happened around 4:00 in the morning in the 1800 block of new york avenue northeast this marks the 5th pedestrian struck in the
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region in the last week. the victims are in critical condition and the driver remained on the scene and is cooperating with police. >> to alexandria now we're continuing to follow a rain investigation that left a community stunned. a lifeguard attacked by a gunman in the middle of the day in a condominiums pool south picket street near valley forge drive. no leads on the suspect. so police are keeping extra patrols in the area. lindsay watts is live more with more. lindsay, this really has people rattled there, doesn't it? >> yeah, laura. as we've been walking around this community today we've come upon neighbors talking to each other about this crime. and everybody is really, really concerned. also today we have seen alexandria police cars circle around this parking lot just keeping an extra eye out. this is the community pool where the 24-year-old lifeguard was attacked on saturday. she says by a stranger with a gun. police say unlike today, there were no president daents rou
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outside. they say the guy forced the woman into the pool house building there and then raped her. this is at around 2:00 in the afternoon. hundreds of people inside their homes in this area. yet nobody seemed to see anything and the guy got away. >> i saw the lifeguard around 12:00 when i was walking my dog. and she was opening doing her regular routine. and that's even more shocking because i was seeing her earlier that day, two hours before around 12:00 and for that to happen, just right after i walked my dog, it just unbelievable. >> i walked my dog day and night. which i will stop doing i won't be doing any more night walks. you feel comfortable. it's our community. we know each other. you know your neighbors. and i know we're in a city. but we feel very -- we're enclosed and have a community. it was definitely sad to hear about it. >> and any other precautions you're taking. >> i am walking with my mace and which i--
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during the day. but, this happened at 2:00. so, i feel scared now. >> and this is one of those police cars we saw here today. one of the extra patrols in the area. and investigators are also working on a sketch of the suspect based on what the victim can tell them. and police tell me that sketch shoulding coming in the next few days. residents we're talking to think the attacker had to be familiar with this community the hillwood condos and the pool area and how it's set up. they're thinking the guy either lives around here or at the least was staking it out. at this point we have a vague description of the attacker. police are saying he is a white guy, mid 30s. tall and thin. dark eyes. we know he was wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt and blue baseball cap at the time of this attack. if you have anying in information contact alexandria police and we'll
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keep you updated as we get additional information. live in alexandria, lindsay lindsay murphycy watts. fox news. >> and looking for a man that exposed himself to a 1 11-year-old girl along jefferson davis highway in woodbridgech the suspect drove up and asked the victim if she want aid ride and said no and police said she exposed himsel himself. she ran home and told her parents who contacted police. investigators have a vague description right now of the suspect. we're tracking metro tonight. we have a head up if you plan on using rail service tonight. there's changes in place because of the labor day holiday trains are running sunday schedule late today 7:0 7:00. off peak fares in effect all day and parking is free in all metro rail facilities and metro buses are running on a sunday schedule today. >> straight ahead at 5:00, spending labor day, giving bac back. >> we'll tell you how local groups went out of their way to thank firefighters hard at work. >> hear from a medical student
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fairfax got a welcomed surprise. lunchs with framed letters of appreciation for fires station as cross the can't rain county. here's why. >> so on behalf of -- we want to give this letter of appreciation because we know you guys serve our neighborhood and community with yourselfless acts and we want to appreciate everything you do with a mother's love we want to present this and really thank you guys for everything do you. >> the church members were berks, centerville springfield and fairfax. >> medical students study how to save lives. it's a while before they put education to work. >> not so for one university of maryland medical student put to the test on a trip to the gym late last movement and let's just say he passed with flying colors. "fox5" jennifer davis has the store ifrom clarksville, maryland. >> isa mohammed got to columbia gym hours later than he normally
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26 but just in time to handle emergency. a 60 something year olingd man who had been working out on stationary bike klamsed while leaving cardio room. >> i checked pulse didn't feel thinking and didn't notice breathing rolled him over and i just quickly started doing compressions because that's something i remember from something i remember from medical school. >> mohammed a fourth year med student university of maryland learned cpr at school and use today a few times on trauma and cardiac surgery rotations but never saved a life outside of the hospital until now. >> it was actually ten minutes of straight compressions which is solid exhausting workout and i checked pulses in between luckily had some help and by the end of it he had a pulse. emt people came perfect timing and were able to feel a solid pulse in neck. >> just inside the 57,000 square foot gym are cpr trained and
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halfway through. they were very relieved 2 24-year-old mohammed twlaz to dot heavy lifting. >> we are so grateful to him and his timing was perfect. he couldn't have been more valuable and helpful in that moment to save a life. >> in the hospital i'm a medical student. i always have someone watching my back here i was completely by myself which was a little scary. but glad things worked out. i did it a few times in the hospital. and sometimes worked out and sometimes doesn't glad this time it worked for the best. >> he's training to be on thal molgist his ultimate goal is to save eyesight not necessarily lives but nice to help out as needed. clarksville maryland, jennifer davis, >> gym officials say they got ward the man that collapsed has now been released from the hospital. >> you can save lives and get you a good pair of glass as long the way. good for him. >> quite a resume. there that's
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>> you never know when skills will be called until it purpose. >> absolutely. >> absolutely. that's you know an extra step in his stride and. >> extra credit maybe. >> huge bonus good for him. >> tonight's health watch, labor day may be unofficial end of summer but don't tuck away the suncreen yet. determine toll giingts say you should be using year round even when cooler out. the sun's rays are damaging and, doctors recommend applying suncreen 20 minutes perfect you go outside. it's important to wear sunglasses too to protect your eyes. experts say too much sun exposure can lead to cataracts. be warned. >> okay this is not exactly news kids want to hear. there's a new study that shows putting your child to sleep earlier could reduce risk of obesity. researchers analyzed kids from age 4 to 15 finding 10% of kids that went to bed 8 p.m. or earlier during
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were not obese as teenagers and numbers increased 16% between 8 and 9 people and 23% for those that went to bed after 9. the reason, researchers say staying up later provides more opportunities for snacking. >> i believe that. >>ible that, too. >> and also when you feel more tired you're more likely to go for carbs you think it's energy you need but you're really just tired and need sleep. >> and that carries on through life. when i'm in a routine getting 4, 5 hours of sleep a night you try to replenish energy and instead stuffed your face. >> new tonight getting a look at final stages of national mall multi-year treingt tore ration project. >> and putting touches on ico iconic ground and lauren blanchard takes a look what is going on into the transformation. >> it's america's front quard and we want it to be available for everybody. >> stretching from stems of u.s. capitol to the banks of toe po mack river the national
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front yard leaves a lasting impression on tourists. the mall season estimated 30 million visitors each year making it one of the most heavily trafficked ground in the country. how sdaktly do they keep it looking great all yearlong, year after year, well, as we learned it has not always learned this great. after years of wear and tear the long area has been undergoing yearlong intense restoration project in effort to preserve long sglerm it was much-need red pair both to sustain it for durability and for better irrigation and better long term resilience. >> effort started in 2007 and is now nearing completion. the final phases involve the mall's turf restoration. >> as far as construction goes it's huge collaboration. there's engineer when it comes to drainage systems. >> and the main goal of the project was to ultimately improve the park's ability to serve the public need for national celebration
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demonstrations and festivals and number of other special events. >> to accomplish fundraising goals we rely on corporations such as john deere and foundations and individuals. >> after years of collaborat collaborating all teams involved are happy to report that the mall's fully restored turf should be ready and on to the pub lidge in time for their next event the inauguration. >> this january 2017 will be no different. what will be different is that the turf looks magnificent. >> if you want to help preserve america's front yard or find out latest events going on here head to national to learn more. in washington, lauren branc branchard, fox news. >> straight ahead at 5bg a cruise ship sales into rough waters. >> and a passenger that was on board app them of the sea when's it turned treacherous. >> and pets left homeless in louisiana finding new forever homes this labor day. .
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sxwrv the next stop for hermine is northeast. beachs in new york, new jersey, connecticut and massachusetts have been preparing for the storm system. hermine is bringing dangerous waves and current to the region putting a damper on the last big beach day of the summer and affects of storm could stick around for a few more days. >> meantime, take a look at this video from a deck of royal caribbean cruiseship caught in rough sea l seas. choppy waves and water left by hermine. passengers of anthem of the sea said it happened in blink of eye. >> all was good until early morning and it started swaying a bit here it got to 90 mile an hour winds. >> strong fwrindz hermine also take a look athis took the letter off sign of restaurant in virginia beach. let's show you this one. really when you ask say what is in a
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changes entire meaning of business. >> y not italian restaurant just not, no why. and lost the y after hermine swept n restaurant sign now reads not italian. but it is italian. why not? lost ingt y i bet it goes up soon. >> last month's flooding in louisiana left overflowing pets that don't have a home. >> we see this after natural disasters they had a special adoption event to find new homes. shelt areas cross the state eded fot odz on facebook to give original own others to find and claim pets. but as you can imagine after losing homes a lot of people are no longer able to care for pets. some people there had to make up mind how many they could take home. >> we just take one now and her name is stella she's 8 months old and we love her.
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homeless in the flooding in louisiana. this shelt her to adopt out pets to ease over crowding. >> president obama on colin kaepernick. >> what the president had to say about the quarterback national anthem controversy when he spoke to g20 summits. >> a former state law make are that spent time in the national spotlight and now hitting the campaign trail for hillary clinton. >> and donald trump with mock election in virginia and may not be most scientific poll. after this after this
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of issues dealing with war in syria and issues closer to hom home. and "fox5" political reporter ronica cleary is live in alexandria with more, ronica. >> hey, lauren, jim, yes, one reporter took those questions a little closer to home something that we talked about quite a bit the decision for colin kaepernick of the san francisco 49ers to sit during the national anthem. president before giving opinion was not following controversy closely but he said he acknowledges he has a right to make that statement take a lessen. >> i have not been following this closely but i my understanding at least is that he is exercising his constitutional right to make a statement. there's a long history of sports figures doing so. and i think there's a loft ways you can do it as a general matter when it comes to
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flag and the national anthem and the meaning that that holds for our men and women in uniform and those who fought for us, you know, that is a tough thing for them to get past to then hear what his deeper concerns are. >> now, earlier today i was actually in alexandria, and you may recall wendy davis, she's a -- was a state senator from texas, she was in the national spotlight several years ago for filibuster that she led while serving as state senator, over active to abortion. well she spent the day here in virginia earlier in alexandria and now we're in arlington where she's speaking at another event campaigning on behalf of hillary clinton. when i had the chance to chat with her i asked her of any of hillary clinton's final hurdles she needs to ce
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we're at labor day in the election. take a listen. >> obviously a lot of poll have shown that she has some work to do to help people understand her trust wormyness on delivering proms made as a candidate and will deliver on as president. what i say to people who feel some concern about that, is that i've been watching hillary clinton for almost 30 years. and everything that she has said she stands for. and that she will fight for she has delivered on 100%. >> now staying in virginia the potomac nationallees held a mock 2016 election during their game saturday night. with 1,000 votes trump took 43% over clip ton 33% a 10 point lead and clearly it's not sign tisk poll we look at the poling arm here in
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right now hillary clinton has a 6 point lead over trump. and keep in mind august 30th a few days ago clinton's lead was 13 points. and clearly that gap is closin closing. >> reporting in arlington. i'm ronica cleary with "fox5 local news". >> all right, we're going to have more from the campaign trail coming up on your new political show 5@630 we're talking third party candidate johnson and new endorsement he landed and you can catch us tonight at 6:30 on "fox5". >> i want to watch that show. >> i'm going to watch. it. >> so am i. >> you're on it, silly guy. >> let's talk sports now. one more week. that's all redskins fans have to wait for depending nfc east champions take the field next monday night against steelers fedex field. we're all excited about this one. last year's question mark was kirk cousins starting bonafide quarterback and this year the question is will matt jones be ab t
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second year running back suffered left shoulder injury against the jets. today, jones was back at. it he was at practice. this time around he was wearing that yellow non contact jersey. this is what they wear. jones is hoping to make his way back the team has not made official announcement whether he can play but jones said put me in, coach. >> they gave me this yellow jersey today to be caution cautious. next practice i'll be out full to go. i feel great about everything and great about passing and blocking and giving a hit and taking a hit i'm ready to be back out there. >> i'm bringing him along. it's going to be interesting to see how he does wednesday and thursday and we'll get another day of pads and one of those two days i have not decide which had one yet, but that will tell a lot. we'll stay nfc east over the weekend brad ford was traded to the strikeings he wanted out and they desperately needed quarterback. today eagles named rookie carson
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quarter baerk over chase danie daniel. he suffered a rib injury in preseason on erin will be first rocky woorter gabbing to start a season opener since 1930s for eagles. >> another sports star taking a knee last night u.s. soccer star megan rap even owe felt in during the national anthem against the chicago red stars in the national women's soccer lead and following lead of colin kaepernick saying he's doing it to protest police brutality against african americans. ru pixt no who played in olympics and said the move was intentional saying "being a gay american i know what it means to look at the flag and not have it protect all of your liberties ." meanwhile, kaepernick is now backup quarterback behind blaine gaber in the san francis owe even his socialism has had positive affect on sales. 49ers quarterback is top selling jersey on web site going from 20th remember
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big deal in san francisco and now top seller for backup and fifth highest selling jersey in entire league according to >> is that ironic or are they backing him up. >> and they were lighting it on fair after this happened in the first place. >> that's a good point. i remember seeing that video coming out too, >> yeah now it's turned aroun around. >> strange times. >> a lot of people talking about it. >> ahead at 5 a new ingredient going into beauty products. >> selling creams and serums with a cannabis kick. >> i wish i would have seen that before the tease started i would have had a good line jim anything for me. >> sue has the munchyes. >> that will work. bring on the funonions everybody. >> we have a beautiful labor day evening. humidity low. that is about to change as we head into september. and back to school and work after this holiday things heat up. we'll have a look at the 7 day
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find your walk near you at >> seeing the aftermath of flooding and tropical storms it's nice to remember mother nature really can be so beautiful, too. check out this light show in the sky. the a uro ra borealious or northern lights were visible over finland this weekend. >> how georgous is this. >> lights are result of electrical collisions between gas particles in the early's at months fear and charged particles from the sun and creates this show that is spectacular.
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the aurora boreal us. that was a very vivid from solar flare activity and i saw notifications they may have been visible in the northern hemisphere. it was high up in canada last week when that was going on. >> yeah. >> i saw them once in d.c. faintly red. >> yes. >> nice. >> i was going to ask you was it always the same color. >> green. >> green and red and undulates and people were calling the news desk saying what's going on. by the time i got out it was fading but coye see a little red. >> so interesting. >> great stuff. you're better offer going north into the arctic circumstance toll have a better chance ever seeing that. >> on my bucket list. >> me, too. >> spectacular. >> laura is so brave wearing white today isn't she. >> labor day. >> i was going to make a comment about that and i was not going to comment on social norms. >> sner is still here has not ended until september 20 right? >> and you totally lead me into the fact -- >> i'm wearing white sear sucker tomorrow.
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>> don't the dark color yet we're going with summer colors longer and what i see in the live shot is beautiful, high, thin clouds which means ding, ding, ding, sunset alert should be beautiful. hermine gift the us with first of all staying far away and tremendous and georgous sun sets and sun dogs and all kind of great stuff every night. if you have great pictures send them on facebook and twitter. meanwhile it probably didn't feel like it but we got up to 88 reagan and dulles and bwi 86. that's a bounce back from 50s last night. a nice cool touch for us and tonight will not be quite as cool. again there's clouds. watch for nice colorful sunset tonight. it's so delightful out there with clouds around and temperature of 87. wind direction out of north west at 9 means humidity is so nice and low. but you know what, here we go.
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heat wave number 8 is going to roll into town for 2016. tomro headed for 92. get kids ready for a warm day. comfortable start and warm after school. wednesday also 92 and then we have to jack that heat up thursday and friday and 95 degrees and even saturday to 96 with heat index feeling like 100. kind of unusual to get this kind of heat in sment. maybe one or two days but not five days. get ready for long stretch again. temperatures at this hour still in the 80s all over the place. hagerstown is 90 and again comfortable humidity and dew points in the 50s it's lovely evening. and it will remain lovely at 7:00 with the temperature of 84. by 9:00, 0 and by 11:00 i. 77. i wanted to again update you on hermine. if you did not see the beginning of broadcast it is about 250 miles or so southeast of the tip of long island. and but still winds of 70 miles an hour and still seeing rough surf at the beaches and even though the rain is mostly
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offshore and good news is hermine is forecast weakening that's the good news. bad news is it continues to linger out here and makes a really close pass to nantucket as weaker storm and keeps surf going for boston and new england and long island and that's where we have tropical storm warnings until the system is out of here. you can see it spinning here getting closer to throwing rain bang on. again another 124 hours or so we should begin to see more weakening and you can also see so. bands of clouds in our area tonight are still related to hermine. and so why are we heating up tomorrow. southern ridge will be building and that will first of all get things cooking for us and also might help to nudge hermine a little bit and get her moving towards the on waters of atlantic. short term for us it is 90s back. kids tomorrow morning range 64 to 72 at the bus stop with noticeable breeze and after school 85 to 92 and they'll wish those pools were still on. we're headed to 91 dulles and
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mannasas and 92 quantico a frederick. so that's a look at hot tuesda tuesday. here is a look at hot 7-day forecast and you can see those mid 90s. what about rain we have not had much rain. maybe isolated storms west on wednesday and few stray storm not a lot on thursday and that is it. so our dry spell continues as well. we also keep it as a nice weekend and saturday warm 96. sunday about 8 and monday a little cooler at 86. so we're heading into a very settled but very warm strep of days. that's 7 day forecast, laura, let's send it back to you. >> sue, thanks very much. >> outgoing d.c. chief kathy linear was honored alternates park before the nats take on atlanta braves. linear three out the game fwool sherzen and participated in a pregame ceremony. chief announced last month she is retireing from force after serving more than a quarter century and she spent the past 9 1/2 years at chief.
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[ clock ticking ] >> the late front man for the rock group queen will forever be a shining star. >> london marking important day in history and new tensions on korean peninsula. here's "fox5" on the fly. >> missiles flying in north korea. south korea and japan say north korea launched three ballistic missiles violation of un policy and they're cowelling for prefer cushions and u.s. condemns the action, too.
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>> and♪ remembering the great london fire of 1666 and intentional massive fire that destroyed the city and this time lit up a wooden replica of the city sky line. >> giant panda celebrate you're making a come back now over the endangered list. conservation efforts some are saying their work is not done yet. >> cannabis not just for smoking and your skin may like it too made friday pot plant cannabis is going into skin care like lip balms and creams and hollywood is taking note. ♪ >> yes, your time has come freddie mercury and newest asteroid named after fronts man in honor of his 70th birthday monday and queen lead guitarist brine may that has ph dmxt astro physics announced honor on youtube. asteroid was discovered in 91
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to this fall. >> kevin mccarthy with his picks next. male teacher: andthe the largest planet? someone we haven't heard from. female teacher: anyone else? through internet essentials, comcast has connected more than 3 million people in need to low-cost, high speed internet at home, helping to make sure that every hand in the classroom goes up. male teacher: okay, veronica. amphibian. male teacher: excellent. welcome to a brighter future. comcast.
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p now we're past summer blockbuster season for films. i'll give you top five films looking forward to this fall and winter through the end of december and my five top picks. but, first, i want to round out my top five of 2016 so far. this is five best movies i've seen this year so far "dead pool" number one no question saw it 7 times and number two movie sing street you may v not have heard about the film but brilliant from director movie once and irish band and young character to impress a girl he likes. it's available on demand and also buy it and it's one of the best films i've seen hands dow down. you will fall in love with sound track. cam tan america civil war and that action scene is worth the entire fris of watching that film. next up movie "midnight special" smaller film as well
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sci-fi starring michael shannon available on dem and finally something "swiss army man" daniel radcliffe and paul dano weekend of bernies with crazy twist, very very fun comes out on dvd and blu-ray october 4. that's top five now. moving to top five looking forward to. first up is "girl on the train" i heard the book is sin credible and my fiancee read the book and loved. it opens october 7. staring emily blunt and rebecca furgeson and justin they are owe and avenue nz bluntly is a passenger that takes train every day to work to new york city and as she goes by her old place where ex-husband lived she looks down a couple house and finds a new couple and wants top somehow fantasize and wonder what their life is like and then that woman goes missing. the actual woman goes missing who she is looking at and think about and then emily blunt
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character becomes a suspect in the missing woman case. it el girl" with the story line and looks similar with regard to direction i'm excited about that opens october 7. next up "dr. strange" geeking out about this on november 4. benedict couple betterbatch a former neurosurgeon turned sourceer supreme to protect the world and scott derrek sop directed this and he did sinister. also starring richel mc adam. reminds me of inception with buildings folding and it looked very, very cool take place in the mcu marvel cinematic universe same where avengers and captain america and thor take place. that opens november 4 looks awesome. trailer you're seeing you will see building start to fold. i think it looks very similar to what know land did with "inception" graphics look inceld i believe. i'm excited to see what they do with this benedict couple
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betterbatch is gr betterbatch is great choice for dr. strange. there is it there november 4. next up "fantastic beads and where to find them" spin-off of "harry potter" franchise. and this character is newt ska skaven ger author of text "harry potter" uses in "harry potter" films and it's actually written by jk recalling who wrote har write potter and book itself is written under pseudonym newt scanneder. if you're "harry potter" fan you know everything about this already and recalling screen played debuting this film first screen play she's ever written. directed by david yaits who directed final "harry potter" films. next is "lala land" this looks incredible.
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i loved her last movie "whiplash" ryan gooseling plays pea anist in love stone and it looks brilliant. opens december 16 that will be a gigantic oscar film. next up "rowing 1" star wars story. opens december 16. this take place between ed soep sowed three and four. if you're not familiar what that is revenge of signatures that's episode an kin becomes darth vader and episode four is first star wars everyone saw this take place in between those two films and deals with rebels trying to steal the plan for death star. film will have darth vader in the movie and this is not episode eight. we had episode 7 this past december and episode 8 doesn't come out until next december 17 of 20 17. this movie hits theaters december 16 of this year and there's a lot of numbers and dates so i apologize for confusion. there there's a lot of films
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this fall and winter and those are top films of the fall and winter. a lifeguard is supposed to keep people safe. who is watching out for her? a community on edge after someone raped a woman at condo pool. and plus september shock. tuesday traffic could be as bad as it gets around the d.c. region with everybody headed to work and school. first, though, a talk of the weather. sunny skies and dry weather despite hermine churning off the atlantic coast. >> and thanks for being with us this labor day i'm jim lokay in for tony perkins. >> and i'm shawn yancy. >> we dodged tropical storm hermine. beaches north and south of d.c. region cannot stay the same. emergency declarations, watches and warnings are in effect up and down the east coast for the danger is not so 70 mile an hour winds and rain it's storm
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surjz. so new jersey shut down over the weekend. >> a lot of people cancelled plans to hilt the beaches this holiday weekend and the storm system is expected to stick around a few days. sue palka is here monday on this first check of the forecast. >> jim, shawn, it's no longer a tropical system it's considered post tropical. hermine is more like nor easter now and what she's doing is same effect. stuck out there because of high pressure blocking her from exist out to north central atlantic and sitting and spinning piling up the water and pushing it in big surges there's a lot of surge flooding and rip current keeping people out of the water and it is still fairly healthy system with 70 mile an hour winds. you can see it here. spinning off the tip of long island far enough away to get rain out of it in new york. and some showers starting to comma shore in boston area and has taken a turn towards the north west at about 7 miles an hour.
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