tv Fox 5 News 630 FOX September 5, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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event today it's labor day. people are in arlington. campaigning with hillary clinton talking about labor and labor unions, interestingly enough that's what we expect from hillary clinton. clinton was a speech should talked to union leaders and donald trump conservative candidate spoke at a round table with union members in cleveland. this is a really interesting point for donald trump because you know traditionally speaker you look at gop and many times you point to examples where
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they tried to you know enact union busting scott walker became famous in wisdom martin and chris christie union with pension payments and now you have the gop presidential candidate on labor day sitting down with union leaders and having this conversation. so, it's very interesting today to look at both and the fact they're similar. >> ronica, before we let you go one thing worth point ought in ohio john kasich governor presidential candidate at one point was engaged in anti-union perceptions. interesting parallel there. >> and ronica quick before we let you go where are you are they having a picnic, what's going on? >> i was at a chilly cook off i did not have any but wendy davis did and traveled around virginia today to campaign on behalf of hillary clinton because even though clinton is leading in virginia they're still looking at this state competitively and they regula regularly have sure gats here in the state on her behalf. >> next time bring
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the cook-off. >> i know i will. thanks, guys. >> she mentioned about spending money in virginia. you see donald trump ads on our air now. mike pence and he and done zone will release respective tax returns. >> not exactly that way. >> pence said releasing full returns next week and trump will release his following irs audit. he's been saying that a while now releasing it pending audit. he cannot do it because under audit some say you can't do it anyway. >> we checked with irs they said that not necessarily true. >> he's been saying that a while. it's fine mike pence says it. it's not a new development. >> it's not. and we should note to every republican nominee since richard nixon or six nominees over last six election cycles disclosed tax information. feign not one under audit he could give previous years and
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folks are saying we need that information too. >> warren buffet said he can do it nonetheless he's been audited and warren buffit supporting hillary clinton. showing that parallel. >> libertarian gary johnson for the white house got a boos boost. >> backing johnson's bid for presidentch the former new mexico governor is a man of good integrity and normal ego and sound ideas and the paper
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very much in accord with newspapers' philosophy and found he is like we said in editorial a man of integrity and good character and those are three things you cannot say about either of the two major party candidates so we decided to go with johnson. >> in terms of richmond times dispatch in the pasting who have endorsements been in the last couple years. >> we have endorsed republican candidates for president at least since ronald reagan first run in 1980. >> i think it's -- >> it's quite a departure for us. >> it's quite a departure for us. in your endorsement as we mentioned earlier you wrote, more important he's man of good integrity and apparently normal ego and sound ideas. what do you mean when you say apparently normal ego. >> well you can never know anybody's you know you can't know depths of their soul. but he certainly presents to somebody who is modestnd
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ego maniac. >> you know one thing when we look at this election in the last couple cycles virginia has been a crucial state. president obama carrying twice around and last time was tight. from your perspective, on the editorial board, with this election and hillary clinton on the ballot the possibilities of time kaine may be elected vice-president are you seeing the jockeying behind the scenes of a lot of people and politicians on the political scene trying to favor and get that senate seat down the frod it opens. >> i'm sure some may be. i'm not prevy to those conversations. if cane's seat opens it up will be quite an opportunity and terri mc callive a close friend of hillary clinton will make for interim -- i'm sure there's 20 people that reached out to governor who said they're trd interested in taking the job. >> editor and columnist at the richmond times dispatch thank
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you for weighing in we appreciate it. >> love the bow tie. >> thanks much, appreciate it. >> see ya. >> commander is chief supports colin kaepernick right to express himself. he talked about kaepernick during remarks from the g20 sum knit morning. take a listen. >> he's exercising his constitutional right to make a statement. there's a long history of sports figures doing so. but i don't doubt his sent sayrety. >> he's drone backlash and admiration for backlash. he'll sit or nooel during the song until significant change is made in the fight against racial inequality. >> we talked about this earlier during the 6:00 show. could colin kaepernick got support in form of another athlete woman on the u.s. wome women's associating team. >> megan rampino. >> she took a knee yesterday too. >> and her stance was because she as gay american feels the flag doesn't stand for certain
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>> we've seent conversation more of a little but it's growing and it will be interesting to see where we keep going and end up. >> it will be interesting to see when we see opening round first week of nfl games see on a larger scale. >> yep. >> politics took center stage local labor day parades across the country today. >> party in the usa♪ >> bill lynn ton sopd by labor day parade in detroit to help his wife's presidential campaign. >> he's there in the middle hard to see unless you look for him. it's like where's waldo moment. >> tim kaine and joe biden stopped by a labor day parade in pittsburgh. >> here in our area one of the labor day traditions annual parade in gaithersburg attrac attracting politicians but this year was popular with candidates looking for votes we're not just talking about the presidential level. >> tom fitzgerald was at the parade. fitz folks had a lot of fun. what about the politicians
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>> reporter: well it's critical for down state can dailts. you look at what is going on in the presidential race. it's you know, we talk about this every night. on 5@630 these presidential candidates hillary clinton and donald trump sucked the air out this balloon on people's attention because they're getting so much attention, people are not paying as much attention to what's going on down ticket. downtic set very important. consider whoever does get elected to this white house they're going to have to deal with this congress and deal with the house and deal with the senate. now it's critically important to either democratic or republican party if they have their party in control. right now republicans have both houses of congress. and that is not a given, given these numbers we're seeing going on. democrats had their eyes on the senate. and now, they would like to be able to take the house back that's
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out in gaithersburg today we have congressman chris van holland democratic candidate for senator many maryland. they have not been paying attention they tell us to this senate race. now, why is that? people have lives. it's summer. you're out and vacationing and have family. you have other things to do. but you know, shawn and jim, you know how much time we have left to this election. >> 60 40u many days fitz, 62 days. >> 63 days. >> so if you're somebody running for one of these down ticket slots that's a i have small amount of time you not only have to capture people's imagination and also capture their attention. so ben cardon senator for maryland not running for reelection this year we talked to him about this. he said look, i get t. people are not plugged into what is going on in the other races. whet
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republican, kathy selega republican candidate and chris van holland democratic candidate share one opponent now that's apathy. it's critical for them in the next 63 days to grab on to that attention and get people's attention and try to get these votes when they can. clearly democrats have advantage here in maryland when it comes to this u.s. senate race. but, let's not forget last big race we had statewide in maryland all pundits were saying anthony brown had advantage and look who is governor these days republican larry hogan and kathy is hoping history raepdz it snaevl this race. although polls show van holland is in lead. >> governor hogan approval ratings have been high. he's one of the top approved governors with high east approval rate in the country. did anybody see that trickling down.
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happen? >> you would have to have lightning strike twice to have what happened in the gub toreial race to happen anyone this race. anthony brown did not run a good gub athat toreial race. right now as donna edwards vacated her seat because she lost prime areay to chris van holland is this sounding like house of cards. because it s all these races in one way or another trickle to each other. >> awment way to the top of the ticket to clip ton and underwood seems similar, fitz, thank you. >> let's talk about the weather outside. it was beautiful day today and beautiful weekend despite what we thought may happen. the question is, will it stay this way? >> sue is standing by and sue had you great advice for people before that may have missed out on beach weekend. >> so next weekend i completely think that would be
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it's certainly going to be motivating because jim and shawn we have another heat wave cooking autopsy round here. look at temperature tomorrow, 92. another sunny day and hot day but not terribly humid. that changes as we look at the 7 day forecast wednesday. now look we could use a little rain around here. we didn't get much from hermine happen illly because we didn't need that but a couple storms possible wednesday only far west and maybe one or two stray storms thursday but big story is heat that will build five days in a row at or above 90 and hottest days that could break records friday and saturday at 95 and 96. that's why jim lokay reminding people to have labor day weekend next weekend and get back to baech beaches. that water will feel mightily good. >> yes, it will. >> question for you is it sexy or silly. why women's magazine is slammed for painting hillary clinton as a fashion icon. >> we'll get into
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>> hillary clinton are you rolling that prompter way too fast. thank you so much is she a fashion icon. according to glamour magazine yes but not everybody is selling that title that the magazine bestowed on presidential candidate. >> joining us founder and ed to of d.c. based style log politicate. >> we were going back and forth on pronunciation. >> that is d.c. base style blog. i've been recentingly turning outward to cover fashion in politics. >> we love it. speaking of fashion in politics hillary clinton has been the butt of many jokes because of her pant suit. glamour said she is a fashion icon. she suddenly made it hip and cool to wear
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other celebrities are wearing pant suits. there's critics saying what are you doing here. that's not the way to talk about hillary clinton. >> so latest september issue of glawm our dedicated a page to hillary clinton rainbow colored pant suits and the page has all sorts of celebrity from gghadid to zendia. is it sexist? hiling hill is known for pant suit she wears is she icon i say yes. >> but fashion icon? >> yes. >> okay. >> and she points out on twitter account that she is cops to being a pant suit oficinato there she is. some may think it's sexist we're focusingen on this and some talk about trump hair and complexon and you don't hear him much on fashion.
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clinton the way she dresses isn't it the same way to criticize donald trump the way he looks. >> criticism across the board i the way you talk about fashion both candidates fashion has been discussed in this election and that's absolutely sexist when you're noticing that someone has put together a good look and really the goal of each candidate is to not have their look talked about with hillary clinton and she's own today which i think say smart thing to do and said look as of -- when she was first lady she paved way for a lot of working women to wear pant suits. >> to play devil's advocate some are upset about this "glamour" article and shouldn't we talk about her substance instead of style. we hit on donald trump because he makes clothing brands and they didn't talk about mitt romney
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problem. >> in house elections we talk about both candidates. there's a look at how media covers both gepders and what they're wearing and voter poll they look at what people are wearing. that said, "glamour" it was suggested that their political reporting has gone through the floor with this issue and cindy levy the editor in chief launched the 51 million yearlong initiative to cover bipartisan fashion. what is happening politics. and really reach the 51 million women who are under 45 who have the option to vote on election day and they have brought in contributors who represent every realm of spectrum. are they talking about only hillary clinton's pant suits, no and that's what makes in not sexist they're discussing everything. >> a
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y23wny y5yy ♪ >> summer blockbuster season at the movies over, done with, after today. maybe people are going to see movies now it's award time in hollywood. >> "fox5" movie guy kevin mccarthy shares movies he's excited about including some political favorites. >> all right. so we left smevr blockbuster season and getting closer to election season objectioniously and i'm putting together top five films political any kind ever political angle given to these films to watch on labor day. if you wants to watch any film lingz mr. smith goes to washington and jimmy stewart classic. if you have not seen it
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scene at the end still takes my breath away every single time some of the best dialogue ever seen in a movie and number two frost nixonp this film took me by surprise. frank langela and michael shee sheen. frank plays nixon well in this film highly recommend that one and number three american president that's a romantic love story michael dug also and annette bening and if you have not seen it it will put a smile on face. v for van debt ait has political angles to it. we'veing is incredible in the movie and natalie portman highly recommend that one and number five blanket statements of oliver stone. you can watch any films born 4th of july with tom cruise and nixon and jfk and he has a new one called snowden. it's a very political snn regards to films. i'm kevin mccarthy, fox news. ♪ >> we'll be right back.
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>> today on "tmz" -- harvey: ok, happy labor day, everybody! [cheers and applause] we are going to do something different today. shevonne is going to take these ping-pong balls and she's going to try to get them in the various cups you have on. she's either going to bounce the ball into the cup, or she's going to throw them into the cup. like that. for each one you get in the cup, i will give you a clue. the clue will reveal a celebrity. if you guess the celebrity, you will win a bottle of champagne. are you ready? >> katie, make sure you throw these well. harvey: and go! >> nice! confusing. >> no, you're going too fast, dude. shevonne, you're going too fast! >> whew!
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