tv Good Day DC FOX October 20, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EDT
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heads up.> he things aren't always as theyys seem. se why that pumpkin spice lattepi e you're drinking is a fall fail when it comes to your health. and after your beverage ofeg choice today, it should onced o again be an iced one. unseasonably warm temps continue. but the countdown to cool is on. just when will it feel like fall again? good day at 9a starts now.w. ?? oh, we do love cheap thrills here on good day. we're of course playing sia shea was in concert last night at tht verizon center.ce kevin mccarthy was there.hy was. he'll join us and talk about hoo it was. if you have pictures use #gooddaydc share them with us wh and we'll share them with all oo our other viewers as well. wel happy thursday to you.ppy thursy i'm holly morris along with maureen, steve and wisdom. wdom. >> you thinking about boeing aog vampire or a zombie perhaps forf halloween.hallow well before you pop in those fake contact lenses to finish fs that look, we do have warningar
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eye on literally.. >> yes. meanwhile, all eyes to the sky s as the sun continues to shine s and we enjoy warmer than normala temperatures but summertime houu glass are about to run out. you're looking at nationalt n harbor.ha take look at this view.iew. >> bout full. f >> from the penthouse out there. >> like the middle of summer. >> it look like athe mi postcarr right. >> yeah.>> >> it is amazing. ama we'll savor this moment. picture perfect shot not a snapshot f right. righ >> we'll transition back toitiot fall.fa not too extreme two quickly whaa was up with the witch on top off th---- >> halloween.allo >> is that wawa that w >> were you a mannequin or aannu person? i couldn't tell.. >> let's go to the forecast.ect. >> really just show how prettyoe it was w out i appreciate your attention totn tailil. >> my producer was telling meelg thorel witch.thorel witch. just be warned if you're going down at the national harbor.thel might encounter a real witchea down there. do 69 in hey, look at that beautiful.eaif that's a live shot behind youehy
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highs in the low to mid 80s, 8 then, yes, we are transition to go much, much cooler fall likeak pattern here for the so this is the last day ofay o temperatures in the 80s had a i shower overnight for parts ofts the area all lifting to the t north.h warm front lifting to the northo and we should turn in fact wet saw it in the live shot partlyar to mostly sunny this afternoon.n lots of rain off to the northo e and west towards cleveland thata front system drops not region ro tomorrow, and then thatn transition to the much cooleroo weather pattern starts really iy ern toll night. here's your forecast for today.or tod get out enjoy the last day inas the 80s this might be it for f 2016 for 80s at least in then t near term horizon here.on here. we're looking at much cooler c weather for the next seven tot e zen days.zen da early shower.sho i think we're done with that.'r warm afternoon winds sight soutu and eve at five to 10. to 1 right.ght. guys, you'll want to stay tunedn for the seven day especiallyecll because i know how fashion f forward you all are. you'll want to figure out what t kind of fall gear you have.uave. >> we know you have an he appreciate for the soft 70.oft >> i love the soft 70s. 70s >> thanks, tuck.uc
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??? >> i'll keep in you suspense.pes >> what he said tonight is partr of his whole effort to blame b somebody else for his campaign.. >> strong and sometim insulting words exchanged in the final presidential debate.ebe >> we didn't hear much that wasm new from donald trump andald tr hillary clinton as far asary cln policies and proposals, but we heard plenty of accusations and perhaps the biggest take away was fox's doug luzader begins ouregr coverage this hillary clinton a liar an nazi z maman. clinton called trump a puppet pu for vladimir putin.for the two didn't even shake hands as the debate began here last ls night and in many ways thingshi went downhill from there.. >> chris, we don't gainai anything.anyt >> he has all thehi security -- >> iran is taking over iraq. iq >> secretary clinton --lint -- >> iran is taking over iraq.ver >> this debate was nearlyearly impossible to control at times.m but one question and one answere getting a great deal ofg a greal attention this morning.orng will donald trump be willing too
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>> are you saying you're to theo prepared now to commit to that a principal? >> what i'm saying i'll tell you at the time.sayi pense. suspou in sus >> reporter: trump said thehe media is rig the election forctn hillary clinton but also brougho up the possibility of voterot fraud. fr >> well, chris, let me respondts to that, because that's horrifying.horrifying. >> clinton would also accuseon trauma of serving the interestss of russian president vladimirrei putin. >> from everything i see has no respect for this person.son >> well that's because he'decau rather have a puppet asas >> no puppet.t >> no putt puppet.t p >> you're the puppet.>> you'r >> it's pretty clear you won't w admit. >> you're the puppet.ppet >> russians engaged in cybers ec attacks against the uniteds ag states of america.stat >> the two argued about the supreme court. crt trade deals and foreign policy.c trump accused clinton and her campaign of a ranging for womenw to come forward to accuse him of misconduct.ct and referred to new undercoveree videos showing a democraticocrac operative claiming to haveto he disrupted trump rallies. she's the one in obama thatma
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them $1,500 and they're on tapep saying be violent, cause fightst do bad things. tng >> and the question remains thit morning what kind of an impactoi will this debate have overall? a one thing to keep in mind, moree than 2 million people have already cast votes in this leck. in las vegas, doug luzader,r fox news.s this morning all the postt debate buzz seems to be on trump's comments he will perhapr not accept the results of thetsf election. should he lose. joining us from capitol hill isl veteran political strategist gary nor linger now a a professional in residence at the george washington universityashi graduate school of political management. good morning to you. >> good morning sch good. >> is this the death nail forl the trump campaign.. >> i thought both trump and clinton did just fine lasteas night. i don't think debate aboutut winning nearly as much as losinn and neither one came out of that a loser.os >> i made the point that i i thought this was a tie but a lot
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it. the reason i thought it was tiei did you look at the debate fromm the prism of undecided voter ioi don't think that either one ehe landed a knock out below that would necessarily sway someonewe to their side. >> that's right. >> would you agree with that and t agr what do they have to do a this point to sway thosethe undecided?ci >> i totally agree with you.ithu i don't think, you know, to knek it was more of a political roara shock test.est. you can see anything you wantedn to see in that debate about bott candidates. you know i think both of these candidates need to have -- go-- into the next with a positive message aboutbo what the country will look likek with four years of their leadership, and then theirhen campaigns need to identify people and turn them out too vote. >> hillary clinton still struggling with e-mail we get new revelations everyvery day. da she seemed to stumble a little a bit during the debate especialll when pressed on the clintonthcln foundation and their funding in haiti there.he is this something she needs toht continue to address the e-mail e leaks and so forth or does she go about just telling theelling
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president? >> if i was hillary clinton, iy would tell the country what iryt ll d do. i think people may purchase as s consumers but they vote as vot investors because they're votini in the future, you know, ofno their families and she needs too be out there saying why she is a good investment.estmt. >> what is donald trump have to do in our last 30 seconds. secon >> donald trump has to show whyw he's a good invest many, too. i mean ironically in a year year where people want change, youou have the absolute king of thee e political outsiders runningun agait political insiders. you know, from a politicalal scientist point of view it's ata fascinating election. >> it certainly is. gary in order linger thank>> i u so much for your inside this morning.rn >> all right. time.s hombres, puppets and bigley, oho .y. a ton of debate buzz on socialoa media this morning. fox5 political reporter ronica year row as her eye on the bigob trenders from the debate.m thbat good morning, ronica.ronica >> good morning, guys. grn let me tell you my favorite for
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twitter feed explode and reactnd to the event. eve now, i'm going to explain thispn tweet in just a second. a s first thing i want to you hear r though was donald trump unexpectedly speaking spanish.. we're going to secure the border and once the border is securedec at a later date we'll make a determination as to the but we have some bad hombres h here and we'll get them out. >> well, you may or may not know this but bad hombres there'shers also the word omb this hairstyle you have light ol the bottom and dark on the top.t a hasn't full of tweets exploded this hairstyle not everybody isy totally crazy then actor and comedian zac bra weighed in tweeting, bad hombree it's a good band name. there are of course these areese some of the lighter tweets inghs response. many were also quite offended by trump' word choice as well.. another moment that made twittei
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take a listen.iste >> but what we want to do is to replenish the -- - >> such a nasty >> trust fund by making sure -- >> that's it.>>t. such a nasty so now the tweets started toedo include both bad hombres and nasty women.styom now this one a photo of the trump town restroom with that wt sign nasty women and bad hombrer on the restroom doors. now, another one, another tweete we've got it shows a car withart the president first lady,y, vice-president and clin showing, let's get that tweet tt up, here's hoping me and all myy nasty women and bad hombres vote for hillary clinton on leck day. people having fun with that. now, those are some of there sof highlights of the debate.e. i always love talking about thet with you on twitter.n witter i gave you my top five earlier today. to let's continue the conversationo there.e. >> back to you guys.s all right.light ronica, those were pretty good.o rst real quick. we did not address chris wallacl who lot of people are giving giv
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>> not that chris wallace behinn you.yo >> i was going oh tell you abouo this poor guys twitter handle aa chris hit twitter app crashed lastshel night because he was getting soe many tweets.ny t but the guy really had lot ofhal fun with it. fun at chris wallace you did a greae job, too.b, too. >> there you go.>> tre y >> i like it. >> he has quint double t you y believed it's twitter followers. >> thanks ronica.hanks ca about 9:11. we want to get to developingel news out of prince george's of g county. very disturbing.very disturb three month old baby was foundbf dead in the woods there. now his parents are actually aua charged wi >> this story just makes youou sick. sick horrifying story.tory. fox5's annie yu is live withve w what we know this morning. mni annie, what can you tell us? >> reporter: hey, good morningoi to all of you. of you. it is horrifying, and very disturbing details that we're learning.lear police believe that the baby waw killed and then buried right rht behind park lapped high schoollc for about a month before it was discovered yesterday. yesrd the parents of that thee monthon old baby is behind bars, arear a
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with first degree murder as well as other charges.aser c take look at the baby. b this is three month old antoine flemings earlier this week onee monday, he and his mother 24-year-old jenice petty, they were both reported missing bysiy family members, and so theiro te family thought they were missing. but then the day later the later following day on tuesday morninr police actually located mom, no, the baby, they also located the father antoine petty and that t was the day that the pair confessed to killing the young y baby and right in a shallow grave behindn parkland high school, and weh sn were told by employees there at the high school that police and forensic teams spent hoursou yesterday kind of scowering thec area for the body -- excuse meue on tuesday. tue and then this is video of the father antoine being escorted e out by detectives after he was questioned following his confession. petty told detectives that he t became frustrated with the babyb he was trying to keep him quietq
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three month old and that is when police believe caused the deathe of the young baby but both b parents facing serious chargeshg and they will face the judge jue next month on november 16th.r that's the very latest here from palmer park maryland, annie yu, fox5 local news.ew >> 9:13 right now. right now. you know what time it is? it's time to sound offha.t tiund o metro wants to hear from youfrou when it comes to a proposal too adjust late night service on es.s. next. where you can voice your concerns today. vinglus we all know that drie vg difficult. fficul anywhere in the d.c. area. congestion, accidents, detours,s cars on bike paths, what? >> it happened in alexandria.xai another look after the
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>> we're back with live look atc national harbork wi where theree because new metro bus service si will help ease traffic and morem efficiently get people to andt t from the river destination it's called nh2 and goes into service this sunday ahead of december'ss grand opening of the national harbor hotel and cassone know.nk they will run from huntingtonn and king street stations.. >> metro wants to hear from youu asking for feedback about its ai
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service on the rails.rv in fact it's actually planningin for all day and into the nightig public hearing.ring. fox5's melanie alnwick is liveli at metro headquarters with morem on the proposals.ropo how many different proposals aro we talking about here, mel? >> reporter: there's four proposals, and the open house as their calling it and public comment peer starts little lesss than an hour and folks were comm in and look at the proposals,ros ask some questions and then givg their comments on those. let's show you in full screencr are. ar metro is saying basically, it it needs more time on the tracks even another safetrack is donecn to get all of that maintenance and inspection work done. wk don one would pretty much keephp things the way they are witharei midnight closings that werethate instituted during safetrack, ana then closing on sunday as littlt earlier.eaier. another one would close a little earlier on monday throughy t thursday and sunday and then the late night closings pushingight things back as people have closi requested fridays and saturdayss at 1:00 a.m. proposal numbersalr three but then it takes timet tm
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sundays and then proposal numbee four puts things back to the wae they were before safetrack withh those 3am closings on friday ana saturday but, again, really,ea having to take time specificalll from sundays with the system not opening until noon on sundays sa and only running until 11:00 p.m.11:00 so, you know, at the beginningob of safetrack metro startedtart closing at midnight. mnigh every single night instead ofnso those weekend 3am hours to allol more maintenance time. tim here's how one restaurant owner said it affected her >> we live upstairs in ourn our building, and as we came downamd one morning we found one of our staff members sleeping here ini the restaurant in a chair thathr they had brought in, um, and when we asked them what was whas going and, they told us that u they were not able to get back home at the rental of the night because of the the closings with metro. >> reporter: so that's the t concern from a lot of people inf the community.ty the city council passed a resolution opposing the plans to
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cutbacks and mayor bowser alsooa sent a letter to metro general paul manager paul wiedefelddefed saying there's got to be someo m other way to do this notings not there are other major subwaywa systems in boston and atlanta.ta san francisco, that aren'tt are closed for that many hours but for their part, guys, metro is saying that, you know, with the expansion of service that's cut' back on maintenance times,, safety inspection time and thatt is what led us to this problem o to begin with, and that is whys would like to continue some off those service cutbacks afterft safetrack is over, but i can b n tell you i think it's going tont be pretty controversial. there's even an active visit vit group out here that's planning n on holding a rally against those proposals at 5:00 o'clock tonight. back to you guys. >> all right, mel, thank you. talker for sure. sure. here's something though youhougu seeevery day.ay a car driving bound are down aon
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4-mile run park trail in in whole thing was caught byy cyclist helmet camera the car c goes about 1,000 feet before bor exiting on to commonwealthmoea avenue. alexandria police are reportedll investigating this incident.ent. >> what i hate about that, lookt at the traffic on the left.icn e >> right. >> it's stopped. hatder if thaou wonder if t person was like this is my workr around.ound hi i think so. if don't you think?? >> yeah. yeah. >> it could have been somebodyd that was confused but it really looks from thahionfuses video -- steve.e. >> i don't know. >> i'm not behind the wheel.ineh i wouldn't be doing it. i creative solution to congestione >> if that is the case putting a lot of lives in danger a lostr a people running and biking on those trails.rails. >> people had to get off in theh grass. >> crazy. crazy >> should be easy to find with the tag. >> got the license plate on thee bike helmet >> biker had pretty good video.o >> still ahead the news from the ceo of tesla keeps getting better and better. and br. pretty soon he says there won'to be a need for human >> heard this before.e >> try that if you want to.o plus add this to youroou holiday wish list much this t
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book is here and even more more bizarre and lavish than everha r before. we'll take a look coming up next. next. ?? on issues that matter to northern virginia, barbara comstock and donald trump have a lot in common. bill o'reilly: overturn roe v. wade; that's a specific thing that you would do? or overturn... comstock: i think roe v. wade should be overturned. trump and comstock. trump: i'm totally for defunding. we shouldn't be giving to planned parenthood. while comstock voted five times to defund planned parenthood. northern virginia, we need luann bennett. standing up to trump and comstock. standing up for us. i'm luann bennett
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?? all right.>> it is 9:23 receipt now.iptow that means allison is back in the loft with a check of the wh other stories making headlinesdl this morning.orni hey, al. >> good morning, holly.d mog, h good morning to all of you and to you. to overseas right now, there has been a pause in the fighting inn
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time to leave the city. c also this morning, breaking news just north of aleppo in turkey. turkish jets have reportedly hil more than dozen syrian curdish militia targets killing as manyn as 200.00 us considers the curdish militim to be the most effective forcetr in the fight against isis in syria.. back here in the stateshe wells fargo is now undernd criminal investigation for its fraudulent sales practices.ices the california state departmentp of justice released a copy of a headquarters in san francisco.. it ordered the seizure of the names of workers who opened fake accounts, their managers affected customers and other oer information.form as many as 2 million fakeak accounts were created by employees. t mobile facing a $48 million fine over slowingr i down unlimited data plans. fcc says t mobile didn't clearly tell customers that unlimited data plans were not in factact fully unlimited..
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to slow down the speeds off customers who were the heaviests data users. however, t mobile did not make it clear to customers, again, aa how much data use would triggerg that lower speed.. tesla plans to make all new self-driving cars. tesla says the cars will have the hardware needed to drived d completely on their own.lyeir ow last year tesla introduced it's' auto pilot system allowing some self-drive functions such ass auto and finally, this theme neiman-marcus christmastms book is available thank goodneso just in time for the holidays.od it is the 90th edition of the oe legendary book considered bysirb many to mark the start of the christmas shopping season. sso so it features a selection ofeli unique holiday gifts usually u very very pricey including fantasy gifts like a week at three english estates.. neiman-marcus will donate a dont portion of the proceeds from thr fantasy gifts to charities. chai you can feel better, holly, when
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foror you. >> for you and two of yourou friends. friends. >> of which i hope i'm one. i oe >> i never seen, we always do aw this story, anyone that's tha actually bought bout it >>ight.t. >> made me think of it. made ti clearly obviously people do. >> right? >> i asked that question. ask i askeded it of steve these things are pretty ptt impressive.imsive i get one in the right? i'm like, how much doese it cost to make it? but steve mentioned if you buy -- >> sell one rose gold plane fore million and a half dollars. >> sell one gold color infinity $60,000 you getom back. >> you can make a prissya riss catalog. in exactly. ectly >> empty meantime brings yourr in, we'll go over and pick outik some gifts. >> you shall have done a segmeno of us circling.g >> fold down the corner. >> this one. thi. thahanks al. >> rookie star of the teamsf ea going to the world series series getting presents from the fans but probably not iesnen the wayt you think for the victor.icto you'll want to hear what this is all about coming up next it'st i actually a pretty good
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morning. >> reporter: the arrest of a teenager who brought snacks intn metro station is getting theioit attention of black lives matterm because of this video tape. t we'll show you the thing andng talk about it when good day dcc continues. ?? woman: barbara comstock is too right-wing to represent me. woman: or me. woman: barbara comstock would overturn roe vs. wade. barbara comstock: i think roe vs. wade should be overturned. woman: barbara comstock. rthern virginia. narrator: house majority pac
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>> every blessed game. >> every pitch, every inning, in every player you can name on the team. >> that guy right there.t ther. >> let's start witness cubs inne los angeles.sss angele the dodgers cubs series now tiet two games piece.iece. cubs bats woke up last night. 10-two victory. 21 inning scoreless game five at dodgers stadiumum game six will be back in the midwest on saturday. sat if the cubs are going to win iti they're going to win it at homem at wrigley as it should be. b the winner of that series willsl play the indians. cleveland beat the blue jaysays last night in game five. clinched their first american league pennant since 1997. 199 if they go on to win the worldld series, it would be their firstf world series title since 1948.94 i don't think i don't believeone there was a it's beener ae dry spell sincee won their last world series insi 1948.19 the team getting some
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say lebron james coming off championship himself tweetingg out, world series here we come.. congrats, boys, hash tag rally gegether. game show host due cary a famous cleveland er took to social to media with this post n dressingn room at the price is right so so happy.y. rally together indians worldnsor series. so congrats to cleveland.levend makings of a championship city right there. now this is really cool.oo the star of game five the starting pitcher ryan m is ryan merit you is a it. it. >> well, for good reason.ea it's only the second game he gah ever started in major leaguesajs and the game they clinched theit trip to the world series.s. his second career start.rt a loud just two hits, no walks,l into the fourth but here's what's trending this rnining. his fans are thanking him because they found out that he't getting married and they stumbled upon his weddingng registry at target so fans started buying gifts for he and
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you forgetting us to the world r series in an early congratulations on his upcoming wedding. >> target, somebody everybody ey can get with.can ge w >> second start and he closed io out. >> we need some of those guysofg around here wearing read shirtss >> we did have closing problem.m >> we always seem to have thatea with the nats. >> tuck joins us with look ath l the forecast.. relief pitcher andrew miller mvp of the series. sie so it's kind of not that commonm that the relief pitcher is the >> he's been awesome.>> h team evident, >> totally untouchable.ntouchab. >> you know how laker games it'' a whose who of celebrities.ti. >>eaeah. >> right.. >> jack nicholson the whole crew. >> yesterday the dodgers game rirdaygh tt behind home plate, r king.. >> yup. >> okay. mary heart. >> spring chickens right there. [ laughter ]ughter ] >> what a siting.itin. >> i'm not sure they had thehe same drawing >> right.>> rig. >> tuck, i know mary heart has t season tickets there. there
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capitol hill.pihi >> cool. >> when she comes to d.c. she.he did say she would be watching wh our show.ouow >> watch what you say.. >> mary, you look good.d >> have her come in here, stevee >> i actual saw her at a dodgerd game earlier this summer i toldt her to come in she shell watch w at least when she comes to visit her son and then hopefully --- >> mary i've always liked you. >> how well tucker treats herreh she'll come in.shll com it. >> tells you where steve sits. >> he's a high roller. roller out. ou >> that might be true for part r of it.t. >> he's not slumming when heno goes outer west. he's a player. >> all right. let's do the forecast.t's f days are getting shorter andhoed shorter out i don't know if you noticedoticd probably have sunrise thisunri morning at 7:23. sunset tonight 6:22. 6 that means less than 11 hours of ylightht. 10 hours and 59 minutes.. thank you miranda for thator picture.cte send it your pictures of all thf beautiful trees that turning,hat too, over the next couple ofe nu days.
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saturday.saturd 69 this morning in 70 annapolis.nnapolis another very very mild start tod these are more reminiscent wherw we should be for daytime highs and one more day with highs in i the 80s and then we're going tot put the hammer on summertimeummm here as we'll have much cooleroe air by tomorrow and by saturdayr there's a live loo warm front lifting north, and a that plus a sprinkle overnight,g and little bit of cloud coverov here early. here we'll be partly sunny, low 80 l this afternoon.on this frontal system will not get in here until so we have one more day with wit these unseasonably warmnabl temperatures. and then the front will slide il tomorrow. i think tomorrow afternoon willl be wet and then very very very blustery behind that front as fa cooler air works in friday night and during the day on saturday.r there's future we're dry this afternoon. after. you're in good iha tomorrow morning's commute weome should be in good shape, 7am bum notice what happens by tomorrow afternoon's commute. comte rain showers maybe even ahowerse thunderstorm at 5:00 p.m.rstorm0 and the rain chances will be wie with us tomorrow night.tomoow ng so if you have outdoor -- well,w
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if you have plans to be outplanb tomorrow night plan accordinglyg we'll have rain showers aroundsd and then much much cooler. cle 83 today. 83 today we don't get out of the 50s on s saturday with a chilly chillyhil breeze out of the north and west. maybe cold enough we'll supportt a few snowflakes in pennsylvania by saturday afternoon.fter that will be fun. back to >> won't be long before they'ree here. thanks tuck. metro tthaking heat for what sos are calling a controversialsi arrest of a teenager inside a metro station.on it was all caught on video. showed a metro police officere o from under her. her bob barnard is there at thet t station with.ation w >> reporter: steve this wass all over bag of chips and a lollipop.ipop metro police say the teenagednad girl they say she's 17, black ba lives matter say she's 18 and's1 they're the ones who posted this video on youtube. it starts with when you see thii metro transit police officere or kicking the legs out from underd this handcuffed teenager.r. according to metro transit police, they kicked the -- the- officer kicked her leg out from
9:36 am they say she also fought backghk when she tried to handcuff her.. they say she was initially told to put away her snacks and shed refused to do it in the police e report she said no.port s sai and kept saying no. n then the officer told her she he had to leave the station and shs refused to leave the station. si that's when they cuffed her, ana eventually kicked the legs outho from under her because sheau s wouldn't sit down. now, someone who -- there were w numbers of people you see in th video standing around watchingcg this.this at one point the officer tellsel them to move on, leave theve t station or get on train butin someone vd black lives matter posted it on youtube saying that they believe excessive force was used evensen though the girl was refusing the officer's commands.mands. now, metro police arrested her for unlawful entry but the charges have never been filed. so this teenager was free to go eventually.. according to black lives matter, she was agitated and this ts happened it round 6:30 tuesday0s night. so just two days ago here att columbia heights. heights.
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the day before append of hersd h had been murdered. murre so that's why they say she was w refusing to cooperate with the t police who again, guys, were w just trying to up hold the t restrictions on food and drinkri down in the metro. guys. >> yeah. >> what do you do with that oneu right. >> thanks, bob. de, hapreciate it. police in have a have beache also meanwhi ale investigate ata controversial arrest.t witnesses say the 24-year-old4-r woman was slammed to the groundd repeatedly after being arrestede fo however the video begins afteris she was allegedly push to the ground.grou witnesses also say the officerao grabbed the woman by the arm ana smashed her head and face into f the ground. the woman is also heardard screaming, get off of me multiple times.le times now the department says it isayi reviewing the video. big changes are on deck forf the transportation industry. ius the obama administration wantsis to change baggage fee refundsun and is laying out new rules r aimed the more competition andoa
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administration wants airlines te refund customers when they're bags are significantly delayed.y currently airlines are requiredi to reimburse charges when customers luggage is lost. lost. speaking of flying, virgin america ranks number one among area lien was named the top u.s. carrier. it has won the title every year actually sips 2007. singapore airlines name the topt global character -- carrier.rier >> i've been a big fan of virgin america since had he theyade th launched. >> love them.hey' >> i don't have anything bad toi say about them.em >> that lounge.oung >> i dream of flying on on singapore airlines.irli >> i've not done that. >> nice to go somewhere they'll take you >> what's the definition of significantly delayed. day as far as your baggage. >> i know, right.ight >> oh, that is an issue theyssue haven't determined that yet. yeah. ye it's like your bag has to beo b gone week before they reimburser you. >> an hour of trying to get toet out of the airport.. >> 9:38 our time right n
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all love them, right? could come with an october surprise.ur plus why you might want to skip the color changing contacts that come with this year's halloweenn costume. we'll check in with the fox the medical team coming up next. ?? medical team coming up next. ?? ?? we invited women to a spa to test a new body wash. dish soap. you may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. dove body wash is different. it has only the gentlest cleansers. it just made me feel good.
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woman: barbara comstock is too right-wing to represent me. man: or me. woman: or me. woman: barbara comstock would overturn roe vs. wade. barbara comstock: i think roe vs. wade should be overturned. woman: barbara comstock voted to defund planned parenthood... man: five times. is against marriage equality. man: she even voted to let federal contractors discriminate against gay employees... man: twice. woman: barbara comstock. too right-wing for northern virginia. narrator: house majority pac
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halloween party and we need a live studio audience much this is where you come in. you can actually be part of ourr show on halloween morning monday october >> for this week's fox beat free friday give away we're giving g away 15 pair of tickets forickef winners and their guests to comc and in part of the good day d.c. live studio audience onnc o halloween expect to see greatert costumes that day.hat day mack sure you watch tomorrow too morning to find out how to entet to be part of our halloween hlo studio audience. >> s are thinking about turning youry eyes from brown to batty, this halloween, as fox -- maybe you y should rethink it. deena centofanti warns us thes t out come to be very scary, and a maybe not in the way that you'ru hoping, right, deena? >> reporter: you know, that'sw,t exactly right. these contacts i was just wasus looking online you can actuallyl have your eye dr. write i was prescription and get you somee very colorful interestingesti
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time to do that. you can order them online.der tl they'll be there win a couple oa days or get them from the eye te doctor. the problem is that people go into, you know, party stores or costume shops, you know, beautya supply stores and uh-uh can buy these one size fits all contactt lenses and that's the problem.em because our eyes are all -- very specific contour to your eye anr so that's why you need to make m sure you're getting the right thing. eye doctors warn us this time om they say if you wear thoseho contact lenses you can cause scratches to your eye, corneal l abrasions, infections.tion they even go -- cdc even says s that it could lead to blindnesse because if you get an eyen infection bad things can happens so it's something to be taken seriously.sly and tell the kids tell the youny ones if they want to wear thosee you know, spooky eyes that theye have to go through the eye doctor and then once you get ann eye exam then you can order them
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>> okay. deena, between you and me i andi don't think it's worth all of of that.that >> i think you can make up withu it for the rest of your c costu. >> reporter: right.ig i did see a pair of lavender lan online and i was like wow. >> see.>> s >> that would be really cool too have lavender eyes. >> everybody has their price buh everybody has their color itasso look like according to the contacts. >> reporter: exactly. ectly >> there is quite alarm here inn the loft that our pumpkin spicee lattes might not be as good forf us as we origina >> reporter: well, you know,ouno you think i'm drinking pumpkin.k this is really making me superur healthy and here's the goodre tg news. pumpkin is really gooned for usu and you don't have to carve itc and cook it and do all of thatf jazz. you can just buy a can of pumpkin, and in fact we made a pumpkin smoothie ale tell you a about this in just a second. son the problem is, a lot of thehe foods i bought pumpkin spicedd english muffins for the kids ans eyey love them. but is there any real pumpkinumn benefit in those? it's probably
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it does -- it does say there's e real pumpkin in there but a verr small am. a read the label and make sure you're not getting added sugar,, added you're looking for for realea pumpkin and real spice.. pumpkin, beta care row teen,owee it's orange good for our eyesure and our skin.. you get vitamin a, fiber,, potassium all those thing, tng vitamin c, helps keep youeep y healthy this time of year and yn the spices, too, holly reallyeal good for you. cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, all those spices.pi our anti-inflammatory.. good for your blood should you garr all of that stuff.that s we want to share with our pumpkin smoothie here. he it is half a cup of pumpkin puree, we've got vanilla inillai here.he i'm going to say about, what, a, teaspoon or so. quarter of a teaspoon. a teaspoo i have not memorized the recipe clearly.. half avenue ripe banana. little bit of greek yogurt,kogu, little bit of honey and pumpkink pie spice.pie spice.
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buying pumpkin, people have putp this in chili, putting it in muffins. incorporate this into lot ofis foods.od sneak it in there, full. read the label and make sure thu only ingredient in this can is c organic pumpkin.c p you want to make sure it's not pie filling because that's when you get all the sugar added ig n >> darn it. >> i was okay with the pie. p >> report roar i know much thist smoothie looks like pumpkin pien doesn't it? but when you tastee it, not exactly pumpkin pie. it's okay. oy. >> reporter: you got get usedotu it to a little bit but you'reute getting a lot of good stuff in so maybe if you tweak the recipr a little bit, add little moreeor honey. >> a whole think of cool >> reporter: might get theet the kids to like it. i we need a little cool whip on wo top.p. >> exactly.>>xactly thanks, deena.than, deena. always appreciate it.alwa >> i'm not a big fysan of pumpkm flavored anything.g because i would have to put soot much sugar and sin in a man in
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would we really havesq yellowel squash spiced foods. fs it just doesn't sound asnds appealing. >> bring me down, steve. >> i'm not a fan. a f >> i'm drinking enough pumpkinpn spiced lattes for all of you. ou >> pumpkin pie. >> pumpkin pie with cool whip ch covering all sides.covering alld >> you have to add all thisll ti extra stuff. stu >> sweet potato pie and i a switched. >> pumpkin ravioli. ravio. >> pumpkin muffins.. pumpkin -- >> you enjoy it. >> i love pumpkin. >> a lot of people eat it. peopt i'm not crazy. >> 9:47. right now. still to come b ill murray set toy be honored with one of thehe nation's moves prestigiousrestig prices for will he show up to accept it? t there will be a whole bunch off people.peop this is kind of like bob dylan going to the nobel awards.obelwa we'll tell you why there's somes doubt mr. murray will come to washington.wain plus kevin will share his list of five search bill murrayray movies, stripes, caddy shack ---
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>> that's not bob.. >> groundhog day.ra c does that make it.-w >>g. werrl talk about it coming does that make it.-w >>g. werrl talk about it coming upia. man: she even voted to allow federal contractors to discriminate against gay employees. woman: barbara comstock. too right-wing for northern virginia. narrator: women vote!
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?? you will recognize that from groundhog day.g da 9:50 he's an actor, comedian com sometimes a singer, ghostbusterr grounds keeper and above all usu a national treasure this weekeni one of the beloved stars in hollywood and one of the most tm difficult to track down will bee here in d.c. to accept the mark wayne prize for american humorra it really is a big deal. d we are talking about thebout t legendary bill murray.. now, here's the other part of this. >> the big event is sunday in i at the kennedy center.. >> fantastic event.nt black tie even.actie evy cocomes out. it's a big deal. >> the only problem is, much m like maureen umeh, bill murray y is diehard cubs fan.. >> yes. >> >> bill murray can be found at a almost all of the cubs homee games at wrigley field. >> usually saves a seat for mows in if the cubs take this abs tas championship series to a game ge seven against los angeles to goo
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first time in forever.nor >> thank you. >> you got to do what you got tt do. >> when do you think that game t is? is >> sunday at wrigley feed. >> will bill murray go to they g baseball game or will he be herh to get his award in washington,n d.c.? >> washington post wrote wholero article about this exact question.tion. murray commented and said he'llh still be at the kennedy center.e >> it depends what time the game is. i don't think we have a gamewea time set game.. if day game like the cubs games >> you're right. thank you. >> i'm willing to bet --than i'm >> wouldn't that b wileling t av thing, though. football versus baseball.asebal >> epic day on sunday.. >> i would be willing to bet he'll be for as much as game heg could be jump on jet and get jea here to good he'll be here sunday night. hopefully get an interview if hi shows up. him, dan akroid will be here.llh obviously major event. event last year it was eddie murphy.y so many amazing people
9:53 am so many people honoring theap hg comedian and the mark twain ik a was already ward show is war incredible. it's hilarious. h you've been to them before.mefo. >> we're waiting for to youo you invite us.invite u >> i would love for to you join me. a plus four we're good to go.oo >> bill murray actually famous for not being able to be tracke down. youou mentioned. i've interviewed him twice overe the years. and he actually does not have an does not have manager.anager only has an 800 number that youo can actually call to try and get his attention to be s >> he wants to talk to you he'lh get back to you.geck t c correct. that's why i think you're rightu i think he'll go to the'r game.m fly in, not do any interviews iw and just go right to the show. s >> so many great movies billie murray put out over his lifer it's hard to pick a favorite. caddy shack is probably mybably favorite i've always been a fan. >> groundhog day and what abouta bob. bob >> wild thing. >> wow! >> wild thing. >> what do you think kev have. >> my top favorite -- billill murray movie. caddy shack number
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the baby ruth scene in the poolo hilarious.riou >> high favorite scene.tene. movie i find hilarious.ario >> i love the entire story linee of him fighting the gopher.he now, i don't know if people knok this, maybe you do.o. he has five brothers and caddy c shack actually based on theyhe used to be caddies overades o summertime when they werehen wr younger, and his brother wrote the script for caddy shack baseb on their old caddy days.addy d so, you know, obviously it'st' very over the top but it's veryr very fun. >> >> i love the way his lips moves in the movie and the way he talks. >> what else do you have. what e lost in translation.nsti masterpiece sophia coppola one of the most intriguing ending oo all time at the end of this movie he whispers something inei her ear which was completely improvised to this day no one nn accept for him and scarletnd scl johannson know what he said ine her ear. >> that was a big change for a bichange for bill murray.. he went the dramatic route.. >> it showed his range.. ghostbusters.
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a classic classic role. r when i look at that movie ioviei think about the scene when hee gets slimed by the green t gre slimers.slers. literally just take it in then e .allway. it's such a great scene. but the movie again was so iconic.. so fun. f by the way his fellow ghostbuster harold ramis directed caddy shack one of thek best directors of comedies allod day.da next sun groundhog this is a s movie that anybody c relate.rela to very very fun. obviouy, classic moments the movie we can watch over and over again and og ironically it's still feels stif fresh every single time. i just think that bill murray like he knows exactly what his audience once that movie itie still plays out it's time less.l still very very funny. fun >> one more.. >> last up zombie land. >> stripes didn't make your topa fiveke. >> i'm with you on that one. tho >> i used to respect you asctou movie person. perso >> zombie land. the greatest cameo in the in t history of movies. have you seen this?een th >> no.>> >> did not.
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apocalypse essentially everyoney is zombie except for couple c characters. they end up as big murray's house. bill murray is now a zombie zom playing himself.self they end up having to kill billl murray in the scene. here's what happened.happen originally written for patrick swayze as cameo woody harrelsons had bill murray's number swayzey couldn't do it. number?00 >> they called murray, can youay do this? he has no e-mail.-mai they had to sent it to fed ex kinko's in new york.w yor bill murray walked down street, principled the script sr out read said i'll do it after a couple different revisions d that's how he ended up in the te movie.. >> hope stripes made the list ol fox5 john candy movies ifsf nothing else. >> this is my personal top fivef >> i like when wisdom laughs. l >> hopefully see him on sunday.. >> give him our >> i will. >> >> i know he's hoping the cubs s wrap it up in six.n s >> i can't believe he has noan'b agent, no manager. manager >> i think it's refreshing. >> 800 number. >> i wantum to see what happensp
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the same time. tim what do you do. at >> you watch back stage.ouch b >> out of time. o time. sorry dude.sorry du >> do you not -- do you noto y weren't to miss what's next ons good day at 10a. really you'll have to stay tuned tounet find out some more. m what the heck i'm talking aboutt [ laughter ] pop star trying to make a comee back professionally and personally. personal aaron carter is live in the loft at loft. it's 9:57. the 10a with aaron carter is next.
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day at 10a. 10a >> live in the lot of pop starpa reality star aaron carter is ini town for concert tonight.onht but he's here with us also live at 10a, ross matthewsh he's dishing the hottest stories from hollywood. plus, special honor ross is getting. >> plus fox's remake of theof te rocky horror picture show on tonight.tonigh wait until you see what we havee in store. let's do it. it. the 10a starts next.
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>> all right. r. we got a greek step show sho happening this weekend.ening isw this is a buying deal. repped by greek organizations called the renegade. it's going to be hllowaredd har university big homecomingin weekend.en everybody excited about that.exi >> clearly they are becausely ts they're ready to step.e're we'll talk to you in just a a moment. hang tight. ng tight hang we'll get this show sta trted ad then we'll come over here and a they'll step some more. more. i'll step this way.ll steis w
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>> that is mazing. mg. >> i'll step over here.l ver stay in my lane. lan stay in my >> there's nothing like going ti homecoming watching the the fraternities and sore roar these stepping that is the hoy lightte bar none when i was in college,, whoo. whoo. >> it's impressive. >> it really is. i it's a lot of work. >> yeah. >> very nice job, guys. g very >> lots of work. lots of wor >> um-hmm.m- >> you're not going to ask herer if she remembers that?emembers a >> no. i'm not going to even go there.e >> come on you're >> 10:03 right now. now we're just playing i'm steve alongside holly, holly maureen and wisdom.. let's check wants trending on o this thursday morning. trsday mo first up it's in thern books now all over as far as final presidential face offace wrapped up last night.ig hillary clinton and donald trum took to the stage in las vegasas for what was billed as a heavy weight battle a prize fight in vegas.. last time they will likely meete before the election which isn ws just 19 days from now. for the first 30 minutes it was actually pretty
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interruption and it tooinkg for. moderator chris wallace cep twoo candidates in line focused op issues like supreme court like m nominations, abortion,e co fitns for office and foreign policy. l event whatly like the first twoo debates it started to turn intoo personal attacks and interruptions.terrti but one of the most talked aboua moments was when donald trump dp refused to say whether he wouldu september the results of the election if he lost. los here's what he had to say.o s >> are you saying you're not pro paired now to commit to thato ta principal? >> i will tell you at the time.m i'll keep in you suspense.e calling the response horrifying. meanwhile this morning bothoth sides are claiming victory as vy you would expect.xpt. online polls relatively a few more in hillary clinton's favor. so that was the debate last ght.t. i kind of think from watchingomn it, this was billed as a heavyvy weight fight.ig. >> right. >> i think it was far less tyson in his prime.. >> right. >> maybe a little bit moreit m locate a george foreman in his 40s fighting. >> yeah.
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>> riddick bow and evander evanr holyfield.holy >> in their fours as well.. a few slow body punches but reaa knock out.ut. >> no one was up again the ropee >> that's just my fin pin. pin >> there were points hillarynt clinton stumbled bit. bit it was not the knock out dragutd out fight we thought we woulde u see especially given the week tk donald trump had had leading upn tot.t. both really good job of pivoting away from the issues damagingin for both of them, but i mean ina main what i said if you are ann undecided voter thinking it was going to somehow lead one path or another, i don't, i think that neither one of these guys changed minds. >> one i'm curious becauseecse there's been so much negativity because both candidates likes l ability factor is so low.ow. if people will vote for the the candidate they like or again the candidate they dislike more.lik. more attention into against thee negativity from one side or forr the positivity on the >> speaking of the like abilityi did it strikeke a anybody else e
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just like subliminally it wasy s supposed to be good guy, bad guy. >> i didn't look at that it way. i thought she wore red the firse one then blue. whole flag >> i kept thinking of what's her name. her ne >> the white hat. >> >> that could be something. som. absolutely. >> i don't think anybody is by b chance. >> after watching the debateatde when i was done i thought, whata did i stay up for? i honestly had that reaction.eaction. didn't you feel like it was more of the the se. >> absolel >> absolutely. >> more of the same. moradded some more things for m to go at each bauer.h b >> i tell you the thing thatthea makes me -- you did better than i. i. i cannot watch when they're're constantly talking over eachach other. >> there wasn't whole lot of that. i know we said earlier in the report it started off niceasn'oa more bickering. bickeri i think for the most part, again, can you do dose to chriso wallace for holding them in linl and really making sure none of them, i think, controlled it.lei as they had wanted to. so kudos to him for keeping thee in the debate was what it is. i thought there would be moree m
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be more name callitnghere. >> felt lore lick a debate to l me. each side had the opportunity to make their point.the make get thheeir piroint across. acr like you said not as much dawking over each other. o there was some but it wasn't as' much what we have seen in theav past for sure. >> zingers both lasted really rl good ones. it wasn't a zinger when he saidi bad hombre i laughed at that.t. when he said bigley i laughed as well. well i feel bad for bringing that upu that's what i listened andnd chuckled at. >> how bad is it we're at the at point this is what we're talkin' ouout. who had the singers.. who the most insult.nsult. >> running the country and thiss is what we're talking about. a we're not talking about positivity the. >> singers don't affect mete financially or my health. >> oy hate i bring that up. this leck cycle that's whatsha we've been looking at the one liner and the digs she really ra t h him. really got her.
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sad given this is somethingometg people have fought and died forf the right to vote and put and p someone in office that theyice e really think could take thehinku country to a particular i hate that it's come to this. t you're holding your knows. kws >> i'm okay with it if you're an educated voter and decided where you're going. i'm okay with taking the entertainment from it.m i if you're undecided he'll with w you, wis. wis what's in this for making our or lives better for making ourg country better? i'd like to seo the focus on that. t >> i'll go with maureen the facc i don't really know how you canu >> that's true, too.oo. i really don't understand howstw you can still be undecided at this point. point. both have displayed who they are time and time again.n. >> after the first debate.ebate >> you're either making youreito decision based on them or you're making your decision based on larger things, policies, philosophies that go -- - >> fur undecided one thing thata does strike me they talk aboutkt the supreme court nomination.n >> that's a huge deal. dea and i think that's somethingomhg most people kind of understand.n
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potentially name up three top to four justices.s. so if that is something that will affect. affec vote for on that line.ine >> that's how i vote lot of loto times and based on which way oyy want the supreme court to go. >> right. >> i think that's huge. think t' >> michael moore pulling a bitob of beyonce' film maker famousam for roger and me and fahrenheit, 9/11 debuted asteriasster documentary on wednesday aboutay naldld trump. it's called michael moore inoo i trump land but apparently it'st' not what you new york times says it's actually a stand up comedy film not an expo say on the gophe gop nominee. paper says it's also more an owed to ice opponent filled with quote lame jokes. jokes. document row was filmed earlier this month in ohio. was fth so far theis m film only screene new york and los angeles. los so no word if it will actuallill make it to theater.o theat >> another hollywood face not n holding back.. eminem in his latest song titled campaign speech eminem dissesse the republican hopeful and his supporters with merely eight eig minutes of lyric.yr. listen to this..
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but you should be afraid of dank candidate. you say trump don't kiss bleeple like a puppet because he runs he his campaign with his own cash s for the funded and that's whatha you wanted. >> okay. trump and eminem were always ata odds. in twos they are to the rapper through promote a new album and trump made a surprise appearanca praising the hiphop artist. >> i thought that was supposed to say they weren't always atst odds.od >> there you hav debate over d.c. statehood andnd other news this morning hasningh reached across the country.ount after potential new name was revealed as state of washingtonn d.c., the seattle times decidedd to respond with reasons why thaw is a bad idea. i >> let's take look at theirt argument much first up, they say there's already a washingtonhi state. so it would cause way too much m confusion to have a washington v state and a state of washington. also back in 1853, when whe washington state was becoming a territory, they consideredsire columbia as a name. nam
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congress said no you can't do'td that because they already had a columbia so that would beuld confusing as well. well. now they also say they've the invested far too much time inton the name washington state withh state land marks, et cetera,eter like the washington staten ste rfterfall. i say it's already confusing.fug the not going to get any morenyr cop fusing than it already is.y. >> exactly.>> e >> i don't think that'sxa donha something they'll have to worryy about. >> i think you're right there.oh >> still having said that, tt, halloween may be less than twohw weeks away. but we've got the hol our minds this morning.. that's because neiman-marcus 2016 fantasy christmas book.oo the high end retailer coming oug with the ultimate wish list.ishs how about a trip on privatete plane?plan >> yup. >> arose gold colored private pa plane that is. i the plane officially debuts next year. it can fit three passengers.nger so one of ya'll have to g it will run you, though, a cool $1.5 million. >> i don't think that's the.5 m plane,'t the plane we showed earlier was
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>> it was rose gold. iol >> if you can get that plane foh million atand a half buck that'' garr ben. >> i think we could all fit on n there.e. >> right. >> 32 seater. >> per happen you can take to plane tope tn ropical yooy lando can roll around in one of these babies. a lilly pulitzer island car. car they feature high end speakerper system with blue tooth capabilities, the his and her h cars cost 65,000 bucks but you y better act quickly because there are only 10 available. >> i'm -- i think they're okay with that >> tucker leaning again the car >> green for tuck andth pink for caitlin. there you go. walk onthe wish list, a roll in the broadway show waitress.itre >> you gasped. >> i know.>> oll on broadway much that's like my dream. dream. for their thus season dollarsths the gift comes with mowerith m premium show tickets and a meett and greet with the cast.eet >> we can come watch you.can cow >> we know what to get g. >> right. >> start gofundme now isn't isnt exactly.y >> finally you be be riding in style with limited edition goldd
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features an adaptive steeringing system, high end speaker systeme white leather seats, you also ao get indoor car cover. c letter of authenticity an plaque with the car's vin total price here, 63 grand. >> that's a gold bmw. [ laughter ] >> we had the gold one earlier. >> all the gifts will be --il b proceeds from all the gifts wil >> before wisdom martin favorite entertain of all time justin beiber there was aaron carter.. little brother of back street boys made his mark in the earlye 2,000s when he was 10 years oldd this morning he is back. back. he's not yet 30. yet 3 he's still performing and he'sns going to perform for us. u >> all right. >> first, though, ice, ice, baby. ba yeah, yeah.. okay. okay now he's gotten no one to keep o him warm.him wm. we're talking about vanilla ice.
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>> brad mending fences withs wit maddux.ddux >> j law has a new man in her h life. life we'll tell hugh when we check the good day celebrity dish. it's 10:14. i used to blame the weather for my frizz. turns out my curls needed to be stronger. pantene's pro-v formula makes my curls so strong... ...they can dry practically frizz free. because strong is beautiful. woman: barbara comstock is too right-wing to represent me. man: or me. woman: or me. woman: barbara comstock would overturn roe vs. wade. barbara comstock: i think roe vs. wade should be overturned. woman: barbara comstock voted to defund planned parenthood... man: five times. woman: barbara comstock is against marriage equality. man: she even voted to let federal contractors discriminate against gay employees... man: twice. woman: barbara comstock. too right-wing for northern virginia. narrator: house majority pac
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celebrity. speaking of ice, ice baby vanilla ice, guess what? surprise for him because he's getting divorced after 20 years of marriage. >> oh, no. king olla >> to his wifeic for h.vorced o hi >>s robert vanwinkle.le. >> they're getting a divorce. dr they have 18-year-old an 16-year-old daughter.te no word yet. no w this is tmz reporting this. ts. that his wife actually filed for divorce on tuesday down in florida. >> did she say why? why >> there's no reason as to why. >> irrelevant reckon sessilablel differences.differs. >> blanket statement that coverv lost people. any way, after 20 years of o marriage it appears theirhe marr >> they're cute >> they really are.hey ally a >> 20 years is a long time.. >> yes. >> in the past they have have -- in 2001, 2008 issues there.he they got through that and nowd apparently over. >> he had gone through something i don't know if it was someas s issues he had had. h i know that cribbed to the marital strive. >> he does have that -- >> movie called as ice. >> oh, my gosh. >> i'm being facetious..
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>> he does reality show with tie rrayay. >> that was hilarious. >> exactly. since we're on the divorce themt how about some bran gel lenan ge divorce details. det >> tell me more.>> tl me >> apparently, brad -- apparently brad pitt is one stee closer to mening hisg relationship with his sonipith >> that's good news.>> n >> as previously reported theore 1584 old refused to accompanycca the rest of the jolie pitt kidsd to emotional reunion with theirt month. this wasn't necessarily shocking news as the teenagernecess suppe faced off against the fight club actor during the alleged planeea incident we've heard so much h about. abou however, on wednesday, pitt and his oldest were finally reunited for the first time since everything went down andown a according to tmz the 52-year-old and his boy were met with angelina they met face to face while a therapist was sources added that while thehilt allied star had several visitset
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definitely a major turning tni point. >> we wish the family continuedd healing.alin >> they're doing it the way with with the therapist and trying ty take all the right steps.te >> let's talk about jenniferen lawrence.ence rumors has it j law has a new ha man in her life. life. according to people magazine the 26-year-old is reportedly dating director darrin, according todig sources jennifer and the the 47-year-old director he directec black swan by the way have beene quote hanging out and casuallyy over the summer they worked onod still untiled project where they were photographed grabbing lunch together. jennifer who was last linked romantically to cold play chrisc martin on and off for over yearr stayed mum on this latest dating rumor more. i think she likes to keep her stuff undercover which is good.g >> it's out there now, though.nt >> it is. confirm itonrm i't all we can do is speculate. >> working relationship andhi we're just reading into it.nt i
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single, no. >> just hanging out.ut >> right.. >> grabbing lunch.lun >> that's what you grab.b. >> grabbing lunch. lch. >> exactly. >> we haven't talked about ourur girl lately teasing her upcoming performance at the grand prix ii austin texas with video on o instagram captioned a rehearsals. here's a a liste ?? >> there were no vocals involvel in that all just avecoustic guir to her country roots.. not so much the pop feel we gote used to with her. i'm care curious to see how the performance goes and if therendh may be a country album in her future. >> i'm upset with her. i i was supposed to go to austin'i because of the formula runwaylay and tay tay's appearance findini places to stay and gettinti dinner reservations weres were impossible. good for you all that get to gog someone put a seat belt onbe on wisdom.. buckle up. up. buckle up.buckle up.
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apparently, being famous can be so >> here we go. >> lady gaga not feeling hereelh fame right now.. singer stopped by sirius xm radio show feedback to promote her studio set and she got candid about how toxic and alena lien len 88ing being a celebritb can be. sure she may have 64 million4 ml twitter followers but she'sut still just a regular girl at heart, wis. >> every regular girl wears as a mi >> it seems she doesn't love the illusion of perfection thatnha comes with being famous, and actually admitted she misses mse human contact with the outside world.worl in other words new york city onn loves her just for her. or talks to her just as regular person.peon she is so right. constantly being on is a ton of work. wo >> are you kidding me? k m [ laughter ]ughter >> it's okay.y what did i say? s
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>> what? >> would you want to be that famous. >> if i can sing. y the>> i -- t - iountoat >> if he had talent in othert io words. >> if i talent and i was goingni to be in the entertainmenttame industry. i'm not going to won't becauseau i'm successful.succesl [ laughter ] ] >> seriously?eriously >> no one is forcing her. h >> nobody makes you become richc and famous. >> i think them thinking she'shs evaluating life. she's broken up with her fiance'. i think she's re-evaluating anda maybe now --- >> maybe the fame helped to endo their relationship. >> then come on good day andcomd let's >> yeah, lady gaga, come on over here.he >> just kidding boss. bos just kidding.stding [ laughter ][ laug >> steve, over to you. >> i had hard time listening tog you talk about celebritiesebti because i was over there talkini to celebrity. >> oh! >> coming up later on, we'll dol time warp again.arp a rocky horror row make airs makei tonight and we have very owny o shadow cast right here in theint loft.lo first though a step journey through african-american histora
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girls from howard universitydni coming up next.ming up yes, aaron carter is next.t coming up next.ming up yes, aaron carter is next.t we'll chat with him in just a few minutes. woman: or me. woman: barbara comstock would overturn roe vs. wade. barbara comstock: i think roe vs. wade should be overturned. woman: barbara comstock. man: too right-wing for northern virginia. narrator: house majority pac is responsible for the content of this ad. ? i'll get you dancing... ? ? to the diggy diggy diggity do. ? ? this is my town. if you dont know now you know. ? ? i'll show you a new move. ? ? check out the diggy diggy diggity do. ? ? i'm gonna flippity flop to that clickity clock. ? ? we're staying out tonight. won't leave. ? ? by now, i hope you've figured it out. ? ? i'll give you more than you'll ever need. ? afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me,
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>> yeah. >> they're not impressed. they're not impressedhey're.. the information some of thee of information right there on the scn rireen. let me get the names first and f the name of your sorority the fraternity. >> i'm angel z jones. >> p.m. >> all right. >> tierra williams. >> all right. rig so tell us all about the step te show. why this is a big deal when it i comes to the homecoming. >> um, that show at a big dealea because it's just, um, payingay hold match to like our ancestors so stepping is connected to t forms of dance and rituals thatt go african culture, then us doing it is a way of bringingngn like unity between us. u so that's why it's a big thing g for howard especially especially most of our organizations wereaw founded at howard. hard so alumni come from all over the world for step shows. s >> is there a lot of competitioi
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amongst the organize.rgane. >> there most differently is. m we all havoset pride in ourn or organizations.zation we want to show out.. there's always competitionomti between the fraternities and sororities.tyie we're all just trying to show sw acch up. it make it pretty >> how much works goes into thes practice and get everybody eryby stepping on the same on >> it takes lotth of of hard wow and dedication. [ laughter ] >> but we're really excited. ex. i know all of us are going to do great. definitely come on out.finitelym >> have you ever had any friendr that were o fraternities where it was like,, okay, we can't be friends no re?e? >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> it's like a moment like lik because we're in the heatedd competition.comp aft friday, let's hang out. o >> go to the pears and wear youy different colors.col i got it. i this is big deal. every year it gets bigger everye year. year why do you think it gets biggerr and better every year?ryear >> anybody can answer that. >> i think it's because our organizers are constantlyan
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going to be? b >> people from every organization hit up people fromm that chapter and say, like,nd sl we're coming. they come by the hundreds.dr it's amazing. amazi >> all right. cool. thank ya'll very much for cominc in and stepping for us.or u we appreciate it.t because we know the competitione is oh,h, yes. >> the renegade this weekend howard university homecoming.. ya'll going to all the parties,, right? [ laughter ]righ [ >> don't answer don't answerughter>> don that.. don't answer.nswe cool. thank you very much again for coming in. atck over to you. >> can we propba to my girll stepping in a skirt and heels. s >> i know. [ applause ] >> and a nuns say thing everythe letter of her sore roar the.he i heard you.ou >> my new hero.ero >> i'm telling you.>> ielli kudos to of you. you guys are amazing. amazing. good luck to you this weekend. e >> it all sounds great. g speaking of sound this guy werew you a pop star by the age off just 10 years old.. and now aaron carter is all grown up and he is making aki a musical come
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pop star aaron carter became ann international pop star at thena age of 10 years old whol m doesd that? he he does best known for hits like i wantn candy, aaron's party of course s that's how i beat shack making i return to music after taking aft few years off.ars tonight you can casm him on stage he'll be performing at the howard theater right here in hee washington, d.c. but first heutt wanted to top by the loft, dishs on some of his new music and hot new single called fool's gold. g >> good to see you marks and.ard >> good to see you too.. >> all of came young age. >> right. >> got really early start on thn music game.cgame. now you're getting a chance to o keep on making music but do ito your way.ur way that has to be really cool for f you. you. >> it is cool. ool.soo it's been a long time.g tim i've been doing this longer than like -- it's weird because whene i compare careers with people, , can almost compare my career tor somebody who's in their 50s because like, i've been doing bg this for 22 so professionally for 22 years.y i mean i've sold over 30 million records.
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16. 16. >> which is amazing.. >> the hits have been there.he obviously the money coming fromo the hits were there. the one difference now, though,n is it seems like other people pl kind of had little more controle over you back then.he now you're stepping out anding t you're saying i want to take t some of that control back.ol b >> yeah.>> y it was my mother and my father,t you know, the typical mom injury, dad injury. iury. but, yeah, my parents were my management team. t they ended up divorcing when ing was like 16, 17. 1 so rig had to kind of grow up reallyp fast and become a man and just j figure things out. >> you're writing now doing youu own song.g. doing your own beats.ea >> i write the music. i produce it.t i mick it. i identify with my music andic that's special to me aboutbo coming back out after 10 years y of not having music.. is that i get a chance to do iti my way like you said but at thea same time like what i'm hearingi in the notes and the melodies i
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really identify with the music,s and this album that will behat e released is called love and it'a all about, you know, not so successful relationshipllout, ys >> you've always had the hithe that is were i mean, it was great writing. wi very catchy the success that came with it.h the girls, the tours, everythinn but because you're writing youri own stuff now and you haveng ade chance to let your creative juices flow is it morrow warrinw this time around maybe. >> absolutely. absol it's pretty crazy how it allll happened.haen couldn't get any producers orcer song writers to work with me, and right when i was you willyow actually like 18, 19, that'shat' when i wept to guitar center ane i invested half of my trust funn money, i spent like $600,000 in one hour on studio gear.ea high no idea what i was doing. all i knew what i wanted to dodt was be a producer music producer. so that i could get that credibility, you know, fromrom
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songs that other people likee l chris brown demos and stuff.tu like, you know, i'm me.. and i make music i create it i identify with it.tifyith i really am mew zig.m m when i started when i was littlt i wasn't. i >> so cool now, and when we getg a chance to listen to the new stuff you'll hear more and mored coming out in the next couple of months. when you go back to you wereyo e younger and a teenager did you y just think it's a normal liveori for my brother to be in the bacb street boys, me touring with w them and britney. britney. that's just life, that's normal to you.l >> riding around on four wheelers with michael jackson and chris s tucker at 14 years old att neverland. it didn't faze me.idn't ze m bruce willis would come to my tm shows.ow hi, bruce, what's up?s up? >> bring his daughters.aurs he hired me to do his daughter's sweet 16. 16. >> i'm going to say the vast ths majority of of our viewers areia huge michael jackson fans. fans. >> yes. >> fun times hanging with michael jacksonun tim.. >> michael taught me a lot, you know, he gave me such a giving g
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gave me the jacket right off his back.back >> still have it. m-hmm.>>m- >> that's awesome.s ome. >> it's in a vault in florida. o when you look back now on yourr teenage years and now you look l forward to the music down thehe road the aaron carter down the n road do you take anything fromfr the past and use it to your benefit or that chapter i'll chr leave it in the past? p >> not necessarily.sarily. no. for me it's a little different.d like i'm not going to be that ba toe nostalgia act. a i rather do what i feel is right and fail than do what every temporarily succeed.. because that's what it's going to be for me. ere's a lot of artists outts there no disrespect to you guyss but there's a lot of artists ouo there that that's all they cans do. all they can do is milk the postal >> what kind of style are you looking for for the newkind o mf people come to an aaron carteroc show in 2016, 2017 what are thet going to get?? >> generally it's called edm but forme i characterize it as dub s track i mix dub step music withw
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like. jeez see, trick daddy.dy certain elements from thosefrom beats and i put them in edm stuff. >> you're following yourou're fr passion. i love it. and love is a theme because it bau is the name of the new album.. and i can't miss the giant wordr love on the side of your neckoun right now. ri >> you can? >> you got new ink this year. y is this a goal to keep gettingpg more and more, you loving thehe ink. >> it's kind of happening.kind o i don't wantf ha to scare anyboy away. [ laughter ] >> but you have the love. l >> the other day i went to get something out of my car late at night there was this older woman i look at her from this way shes wasine.e. i turned and she was like ahh a i'm not going to do anything.thn >> i want chris to pop himselfim up he's our resident ink expertp chris, aaron has lot of musical equipment on his arms and someoe slveves. so how do you rank aaron's ink's so far and you guys can comparee >> chris, what's up, >> i'm a pretty big fan personally. i have the elviss right overig
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haven't gone above the collarbone yet. >> no? >> that's new for me.>> tha >> he's got a keyboard all the t way on him to compete with yourr elvis.. >> listen.iste ?? >> we'll call that the chris t t tht there. owed to chris. >> very nice.y ce >> owed to chris in ink.n we'll leave at that. aaron, thanks for joining us gns to see you my man. m check him out at the howard howd university.univ >> i had a question question.n e aaron have you met justin beibee and given him any advice. >> i have not met nor would it give him any advice. >> have you done any time warpia dance.dae. >> what? >> have you done the time warp dance.u dorp you migrd you might be up for doing it with us >> i'm down.n [ laughter ] >> he was dancing out in theut t hallway. >> all right. bit fromitarn lit the rocky horror picture show.. >> before we shimmy, simi cocoa puff we'll head out to hollywood. ross wants to weigh in on last night's debate but he's not to s getting political.political he wants to talk a littlee fashion. fa plus, we'll talk to him abouttat the big award that he's about tt
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hillary wearing white afterring labor day. your thoughts. >> listen, everyone is talkingin about where they stand on stand policy. we don't do on htl. we break down the fashion.hi donald looked good.ood. he look good in has suit withhat the power red tie hillary rock it in white ralph laurenauren pantsuit.nt in the three debates she's w red, white and blue. b did you notice? >> definitely did.eld >> reporter: i know. r she put it together. toget here's the interesting thing. melania and ivanka were dresseds in all black. >> ut-oh. what's that say? >> before we go for it i've gotv guest here. gu aaron carter is in the househe e sitting right next to meme henee wants to say hello to you. >> ross! r >> did you hear him. >> aaron! [ laughter ]laught
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>> he's sending you air kisses.e i thought you can see me but yob can. i'm blowing you kisses. >> can you hear him? >> reporter: i can feel the the kisses. >> oh, yes. oh, [ laughter ]ht >> he's a lot of fun.un >> reporter: guest on myn my podcast. po >> he was just saying that. >> he was just saying that.gha okay. ay let's get back -- >> go ahead. >> reporter: we have to talk to about this are a on i want to it know what you think. wyou thin i love the spice girls. gir i can't help my first ever saw. and posh spice is coming to ao a target near you. victoria beckham is one of myy top five spice girls ever. eve she's created a new luxury women's line for target. tget it's a 1200 piece collectionct including bold colors and cleann lines and it will include inc clothes for girls and babies too. most items are under $40. $ you can spice up your live forre less than $40, yes, please. will you buy it.ll y buy >> i would definitely buy it.
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spice wear from target?ge >> love laugh.>> love lau >> he's like yes.. >> that's not convincing. >> yay.>> >> that's not convincing. >> ross knows i will.. >> it will be cute. >> you know that. >> one of the fun yesterdayes things one of my top five spice girls. [ laughter ] >> ross, okay, listen, wee already knew you were a star now it's going to be immortalizedlid with your very own star in palm springs, though.houg darling. >> i >> darling, really? >> i'm not trying to throw shade. i swear to god new york shame. >> reporter: palm springs is is my beloved adopted hometown. het i is house there. the i go there every single week. w old people and gay peopleple everything i like and they have -- i play bingo.. i do trivia every day. and they have a walk of fame off people from, you know, frank sinatra, carol chaning, andng,
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will have his own star. sta the ceremony is on on november 5th. >> isn't it exciting. iexci >> yes. >> are we invited? iit >> can we come? c >> reporter: yeah, i'm throwing a whole weekend there.e we're bringing my podcast theree we're doing trivia. tvia it's whole thing.hing aaron, you should come. you're invited. >> where is my inve. >> everyone. just call my publicist.. i'm there. there. [ laughter ] >> you know --now >> actually just call me. 818, 353 --53 air. oh, my goodness. >> hang on. han let me write this down. down. >> no, no, no.. >> they don't know they don't realize --eali - >> ross we are so proud of you r and always wish you the best off luck. luck. of course, you've got hollywood today live later this afternoonn give us your plug and we'll senn out back over here. he. >> reporter: great. great we have a big show today. nancy grace is a s here.
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we make a house call to dr. ken himself, ken jong and the starha of rocky horror picture showw victoria justice is here we area on 1:00 o'clock in d.c. on fox5. >> ross, we just decided that dd the friday before your star goes down, we're all going to do theo show live from palm we'll be out there. >> reporter: zip trip. >> okay. can i go host with you? good of course. >> we'll working on the financen now.w. we'll get back to you.t backo yo bye-bye. >> you heard him talk about thel rocky horror picture show it's s big, huge, happening tonight on fox. but not before we have our own little fun here in the loft. lo. come on, get ready.ea we're all going to do the timehe warp dance. >> i don't know what i'm doing. >> you're doing it. know [ laughter ] >> do it with us.s >> he's giving out his phoneng p mber.r. >> wait, i just got a call, tooo >> did you really?tock
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federal contractors to discriminate against gay employees. woman: barbara comstock. too right-wing for northern virginia. narrator: women vote! is responsible for the content of this ad. the roses are blooming in herbal essences hair is delightfully fragranced with notes of moroccan rose and the freshness of springtime unforgettable, wherever you go the scents you can't forget...
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woman: barbara comstock is too right-wing to represent me. woman: or me. woman: barbara comstock would overturn roe vs. wade. barbara comstock: i think roe vs. wade should be overturned. woman: barbara comstock. man: too right-wing for northern virginia. narrator: women vote! is responsible for the content of this ad. ?? we're getting ready for a
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listen tonight fox is gearing uu to do the time warp again by remaking one of the most popular films of all time. 1975 classic the rocky horrorr picture show.w. the two hour event will pre wilr mower at 8:00 o'clock right herh on fox5.. it features an all star cast including victoria justice, jusi laverne cox, adam lambert andnd christina, but this morning wenw are getting a lesson from ourm area pros.s sonic transducers in the loft. show shadow cast and theyy stopped by us to, n their full transylvania gash to teach us ta how to do the time warp dance. this is leandra. leand so good to see you. >> thank you for bringing thenku jackets and all. for bjackets dl >> for erin and myselfly we'reew ready. tell me about you guys g we'veue been around since 2009. >> um-hmm.m. >> we perform every secondrfeved weekend of the month over at e e street cinema, and i've been doing this for over a decade ged
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i'm going to call it?t? >> oh, i think there's somethins really free about being -- about being out there and there's are movie going on behind you, and a if you've never been there'seetr people screaming thing at you. u >> oh yeah.. >> leandra, how many times donda you need to do, it? >> oh, i'm going to be doingng this until i am -- a >> you can't do it any more, right? you can't do it any a more. >> i think it's fun. i like tradition>> and having fn things like that to look forward. how many people go on any given >> jeez, in october, we gete about 300 people each show. >> wow. >> and through out the year we a get about 120.get about 120 >> are you excited for tonight's show. sh >> oh, yes. >> we're having a viewing party. >> awesome. aweme okay. well, ya'll know aaron carter,a, right? >> we met in the green room.oo >> met in the green room. r you know him from before that,oe sister. come on. >> maybe she's too young. i don't know.
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>> it's true i got a little flustered. >> he's whole lot of fun and he has been getting phonewhol caley the way. so he said you never done the time warp dance. >> i don't know what it is w. i i don't know. >> you doesn't know him. y you don't know the time warp tia dance. >> you're going to teach s this is actually really easy.lls starts out with jump to the left this way. w [ laughter ] >> then a step to the right. r and then you put your hands on o your hips. >> and bring your knees in tighg and the public thrust thatrust t drives you insane. ie. >> yes, it does sister.ister >> then do you the time warpwa again. ag it's as simple as that. t >> do you think we can try thewy with music. with m >> i think susico. >> are you ready? >> i think. >> i are you ready? >> no. come on mr. performer.memr. perr >> it's okay. you might be doing at the howard theater as well. music, please. ?? ?
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>> okay. >> o hello, do we have the music? ? oh, audio with czar? >> ?? >> listen closely. >> i think it's starting. >> not for very much longer. >> we'll boogie.e >> we're going to boogie. >> heat control. control ?? >> what are you doing, aaron? >> i don't know. >> start throwing stuff at us. >> right. >> this is where we start. s ?? let's do the time warp againa ?? >> it's just jump to the left. ?? >> put your hands on your hips.. ??
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[ laughter ] >> i'm following you. oh, man. man >> oh, my gosh. >> sorry, ladies. lie ing. ing. >> i think it was a major fail.l >> we're both blond. it's okay.h >> exactly. exact we have time until tonight toong learn and practice up. >> try it again.gain >> we need a different audioud person. queued and ready.eady. that three us off our game. g >> a little with.e >> if people want to come out ct and a part of your viewing viewi party. >> at a cast member's housesouse it -- >> sorry, you're not invited.ry and su'o if you want to come out to the e street -- stree >> i'll get the address for youf and let you kno >> tweet it. it's okay. >> i'll tweet it and everythingn >> e street cinema. >> just go to d.c. rocky that's the way to geo the most information about us. >> d.c. rocky horro. thank all for being
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n >> i got your back. b i'm your on the side. side. isn't exactly. isn' >> and so here. [ laughter ] >> come back. >> thank you darling.. >> emphasis was on horror. hro >> watch your step. >> have you met t e >> this is tucker barnes.. >> nice to see you. >> how you doing, man?? >> come on let's all hang out >> he gave his phone number outr on tv life. people are already calling,alng tuck. do you need a little, you know,u you want to hear from somesom people. >> i in list cleo for you.. >> after watching that segment t feel more comfortable about ouro dancing. >> i do too. >> we'll have that dance off sometime in the next 10 years.xa >> low 80s later today. get out and show the sidewalkew your moves. 83. much cooler bite particularly by saturday.. >> aaron carter, thank you so s
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go see aaron tonight at thet the howard it will be great show. thank you. see you all tomorrow. woman: barbara comstock is too right-wing to represent me. man: or me. woman: or me. woman: barbara comstock would overturn roe vs. wade. barbara comstock: i think roe vs. wade should be overturned. woman: barbara comstock voted to defund planned parenthood... man: five times. woman: barbara comstock is against marriage equality. man: she even voted to let federal contractors discriminate against gay employees... man: twice. woman: barbara comstock.
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live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show..." >> wendy: how you doin'? >> look at you. >> we won't judge. but we're judging. ?? now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] >> wendy: hello! hey, everyone! ?? yeah! ?? thank you so much. welcome to the show. say hello to my co-host, my studio audience. how you doin'?
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