tv Fox 5 News 630 FOX October 27, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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?> ?? >> what's going on here.t'ing >> what's that shawn. sha >> i'm inching closer.>> >> are i you?ou >> that's what's happening ins h the polls. too. that's what's happening in theht polls, donald trump appears topt be narrowing that race betweenet his himself and his rival r hillary clinton.llarcli but the question is is this fuzzy math. >> this is one of the big stories. of course you can tweet us thisg what's on yourou mrsind with #5at630. the race between chin and tonn a new washington post abc pollbc finds clinton leading by 6 percent.6 similar polls showed her leading by 12 percent a fewent f days ago. ago neither side supporters are confident in the outcome.nfid >> one in five voterens say thet are very concerned abouterabou election day violence. vle let's bring in fox5's tom5's fitzgerald for more on this.s hey fitz. >> reporter: good evening, shawn, good eveningepor jim. we are here in arlingtoningt county tonight. ton this is one of the in-personpers
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we've been here all day afternoon it's been prettyrnoo steady. you can come to a location like this in virginiacan and ad absentee vote in person beforen election day. now, why would people want to t do this? why wouldn't theyldn't want to just, you know, votew, on election day? well, somel, s people are busy. busy. some people have other thingstht to do but increasingly, newy, research is showing that there are aha good number of americani across the country and here in our area that are about violence, violence at the polls. suffolk university and u.s.a. us today this morning published aud new survey finding 51 percent1 c of americans said that theyt were concerned about violenceio at the polling places on election day.on day and fully 40 percent said that d they are also concerned aboutbot a peaceful transfer of power, pw something that has been athat he standard in this country forouny more than 240 years. y
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election officials here infficir arlington county.liton county. they'll tell you this.they'l they've heard all of this. t they are not concerned aboutonca this here in arlington county. they said their biggestir big concern is making sure all of ao their poll workers are fully f trained and ready to challenge n the credentials of anybody whony might pop up at one of thesef t polling places acting as some kind of de facto poll challenger so what they're theye saying is this. sa they don't want uniformed police presence at these polling locations on electionctn da don't want anybody concerned about coming to a polling aolli location. loca however, however, this is important to stress, ines i arlington county they say police here we are told by thedy director of elections are on on high alert for tuesday election day and they will be within the vicinity shouldsh they be needed. nee they are hoping they will not be. >> and we are hoping they w certainly won't be needed, too. i meaain,nlee ydeou know, fitz e
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don't think i remember people talking about >> i think back in 2000 when wn really is the last time we hadst a contested election it didn'ttd get that way on either side.r s >> yeah. >> i mean, this is some>> seriou i ms stuff we're talkingg about right now. >> this has been an>> thas be unprecedented election cycle. cc >> reporter: think aboutreth this, though.ho the rhetoric that has gone on tg over the past 12 months amped up, a lot of this is fed by sociale media you might say that in a dismissive way but social media is the way peopleay p conduct discussions. >> not because of that. >> reporter: despite the fact -- if it shows>> n up iotnu social media, that's a legitimate thing that people have to pay attentionte to in 2016. 2016. maybe that's not the way it was 40 years ago in 1976 but in6 that is the way people talk topt each other politically in 2016.. >> yeah, and whip social whip media, you know, i see a lot yok
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days people who don't want tot t put their faces or real names n out there but they'llbuty' certainly tell you what's onnltl their mind for better or for o f worse and normally it's for worse. >> you're right. >> thank you fitz. you here's another questionhere for you.'sn is hillary clinton finally hit her stride with thoseride w millennial voters and how isersw donald trump doing when it comes to reach tout youngeroutog republicans.res. >> joining us is sterlings ste beard editor-in-chief for sterling good evening.ling >> sterling can you hear us. >> give us some sense of where e the race stands. stas. the one theme we've heard including from one of yourudin colleagues from campus is noneco of thellsee candidates in any of thesey ofhe debates have really saidve reali anything that appeals tohinghat younger voters on either side.hd >> right e there was a recentxa abc washington post poll recently p that showed that hillaryoshowedi clinton is pulling in about 47 percent of the youth vote.ou donald trump about tru now, that sounds like a prettye bad deal, that's a 22-point 22-
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roughly the same amount ande amt keep in mind that year barack obama pulled in 60 percent ofpe the youth vote. so, according to the pew the research center you want toy know who the last democratic candidate was who pulled in 47 i of the youth vote. >> who.>> >> like cal dukakis. that youth vote is moreote is me fragmented because you haveme gary johnson and jill steintn e the race. >> they are certainly lookingce at those third partyrd party candidates. is hillary doing betteretter though? i know she's end's li and bernie sanders trying to tig fire up those younger voters.otr is it working? >> honestly, at the leadershipri we watch for all this stuffhis f that's going on. we don't think that's thehat's case. you look at what happened with the bern he knee supportersrne n after the democratic primary.. we sent cat phillips downipsow there one of our folks fromks f campus reform to talk to youngoy folks at the dnc bern flee bernl supporters about whether orortes not they would vote for anot hillary.they they were furious.hithey they refused.used. they said they were throughe t
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i don't think her talkingdo about tuitionn' free college which she liftd from bern he bee knee i don't think that's helping her much at i dlp nobody is excitehed for her. f >> one thing donald trump said after everything came to lighto with debbie wasserman schultz's e-mails, donaldils,onl trump said i'm speaking toing bernie sanders voters, i wants,w to appeal to that demographic but it really seems likee there's -- there's a pretty, p pretty to borrow one of trump's analogies there's ap' wall i think in between throwss two sides.anhink i >> reporter:. tw >> to a certain points.>> to rt trump has run entirely as an what did bernieone an outsider. when his supporters feel itfeel was rigged against him if theygi want to get angry and striketr back at hillary clinton is theco next person who is on thewh list, the big outsider donald trump. trum >> sterling let me ask you onein more thing. i'm thinkingg about collegeolle campuses. we're talking a bout 20 years0 years now but when we talk about college campuses there used to e be hot beds for activism andsm there was a passion about thepaa political process and issuesand
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apathetic. ap >> i wouldn't necessarily say they're more app threap threatha particular. causes have changed. ave d. you see causes now for social juicice. there's no great for them to protest against it's any othera like the vietnam war. tietnam w. take a look at what happened to brown university earlier this year. it came outrown u students thert were complaining that homework w was cutting into their protest p time. that's the kind of attitude soit many of them have now. have n used to have armed radicalsed rd taking over campus building.ld now they're complaining they're having to do too muchto work while at college. colle >> it will bin see if the millennial votennial makes a difference comee com election day.elecon day sterling we thank you so muchng for coming in. we appreciate your we ciyour perspective.perspe >> thank you for having me. youn >> first lady michelle obama lyi hit the campaign trail today try with hillary clinton in anla cli effort to sort of drum up thatpt millennial vote. vot she spoke at an early votee campaign rally in winstonn salem north carolina. col >> mrs. obama told voters mrs. forget about donald trump'sboutl claims the election is rigged. >> versus democrat.>> v none of that matters this time
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about something much bigger. bie it's about who will shape ourper children and the country we w leave for them not just forot the next four or eight yearst ya but for the rest of their lives. >> considered a crucial con battleground state with polls showing clinton holdingground ag seven-point lead over donaldpoin trump in the state and north ann carolina is going to be very closely watched. watched flake with house bil carolina with the house billl two. attorney general fighting iting is running against him. there's a lot of attention andad there's a senate race there as well. >> mrs. obama was campaigning. m the first time together witha hillary clinton there awandrst t spoke at wake forest so that t was sort of their attemptempt because we know that theca democrats right now think michelleusmo obamacr is tathe st election. she has highest approvalappva rating even higher than t president obama so they're hoping that bringing her out ther teha will drum up that vott the millennial vote.l
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would tell me when is thisd wh over? get me out of theout of e spotlight? i'm done. i' let's move to d.c. let's move to our new home andv call it a day.a d >> and move on. >> early voting under wayotr right now in maryland and we've been talking aboutand thii there's a lot of early votingot sites opened across eachedoss e county. >> fox5's ronica cleary is live. >> reporter: so many people are lining up.eporteare ng u first i want to check in with marianne keep of the montgomery county boardon oftg elections. electio how about how many people camea out. >> thousands of people throughout montgomery county. here in silver>> t shout mpringt early voting site we have over o 2500 as of right now.f right n >> reporter: and you saidaid that -- did you expect this?t t >> el were, we didn't quiten' q know what to expect. e we had very large crowds in the 2012 presidential early voting and, so we did prettytt much think that we would have hv big crowds now. the good news is we have is we h doubled the number of early
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back in 2012, so he we're able to accommodate a lot of people and we're delighted with theh te turnoutism thank you so much. we've seen people come i ynou ad out of here veryn quickly.ui i'll take to you some peopleou m in line. so, why did you decide to comei out and vote early? >> because we -- this election is very important and clever c way you vote, if you don't vote, it's your fault howeverho it turns out. so,.so how about you? what did you think? why did you come outy do early. >> the same reason.>> the sam i just want to make sure ie have the vote in there. in the >> reporter: how about --orte hw what about you? what broughthag you out earl today?? >> i'm just really excitedreallc about my candidate and the as te soon as i could vote is when i e wanted to. i think we've all seen andall ea heard so much if you don't y know by now you're not goingy to know. >> reporter: yeah, there arenonr people who say tteher:y're still undecided. does that make you scratch your head a little bit. >> no, everybody ihas diffeyourt i'm just thrilled about theed people i'm interested inople voting for so as soon as i a
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and vote. >> reporter: a coupler: a couple different reasons. i was in an earlyt votingotg location in the district dict earlier this week and thenis w beingee here tonight, it doesi d sort of sell you on the idea oni of early voting seeing howing quickly people are coming inomin and out of these lines, lines getting their vote done. d i spoke with some peopleeo earlier today who said look,id l they're just worried what ift i something goes wrong i spoke i s with a woman it was her first hr time voting, she was soas excited and she said i knowaid o who i'm voting for what ift something happens tomorrow i tom want to get my vote in.ote it's exciting to see these see people out here passionate they are. a >> ronica i want to you doonicaa something right now. yourso photographer -- are you wired? are you on a wireless wr mic? >> reporter: we're >> have your photographer stayyo where he is. turn around and walk down to the end ofur roun the line. >> we're trying to see how how long this line is. >> don't. >> reporter: don they want you to stay there. n't ntdon't want you to runepor into anyone. you to in >> reporter: i'm going to doo it this way. >> perfect. >> reporter: look at this.>> loo can you guys see me.
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backwards. back i went to early vote today andoy there were too many cars in wer the parking lot.thrkin i could not park. i'm going back tomorrow. tw. are you still walkinge u st backwards ronica? >> looks like she stopped. stop. >> reporter: i'm still repter: walking back to the very lasto e personally now i stopped.ow i there's more people coming socos it's pretty incredible anddible yeah, i mean, the lines have hav definitely gotten longer afteror the end of the workday i'llor tell you that. it was not this long earlierg er today before 5 o'clock.. >> makes sen people get off work trying toryn get they arely voting in.g in. ni much. mu >> reporter: get her done. d >> i'm going vote early. e i'm going to go back tomorrow tr morning. >> you keep driving past until you see he nobody out the doored and then you think that's yours chance. then you realize it'sch it's november 9th. >> no, vote before that again. >> exactly. [laughter] >> all right. talk -- let's toss it over to sue palka standing by now. sue, not a bad day to be out there in line if you have toav t vote today. >> i regret i didn't get itid
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i've done it before.t it makes a big difference. >> you're too nice. you 's t's the problem. you stop and talk to all of them. >> we do. i feel bad. >> they're still out there hey're s today.ti i saw some tllod >> they're still out there forre the early s voters too.oters >> so that for that theory.he i still say good idea to getdeag it done. i can tell you that tonight tont we're tracking the last of atrnt few showers up to our north ourr mainly north of interstate 70er and those are going to be it b for the night. there are a few more showers down thrare ough the northern nc moving towards and over to the beaches. bea a frontal boundary is going toni be coming through, though andin we're really goingth to seeee temperatures dropping into theuo 40's later tonight and thend the breezes picking up and that and will last through the dayrough y tomorrow. so, wanted to give you an ideaoi for the kids at the bus stopus s tomorrow morning be a little bit chilly, a little bit breezy, 43 he to 52 trees52 tes tomorrow sun will be back and thebacknd t breeze continues even after school. temperatures 57 to he 63. 63. so, football for friday night.. looking very good this times around but our fox5 f
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a little bit of a flashback to september with comfortableable days. 74egegrees. lower humidity. humid sunday there could be a coupleru of showers later in the dayer ia but not a big deal. d great weather for theweatr fo marathoners. they might even like it to beig hta little bit cooler. coole a bit cooler for halloween onn monday, 64 degrees., 4 degree a great forecast for the trick-or-treaters first threeort days of november abovere average here in d.c. in d all right, shawn and jim, j that's your seven day.r sen d >> i like the little warmthh we're going get.goin get yet. thank you very much >> are youk making frenemiesne this election season.n. >> i don't think so.'t think so. you play have to -- may havee to -- how to get around toss those heated political disagreements there come up between you and your friendsgrei that you don't have to be -- so that you don't have to ben'th frenemies right. >> i think so. t whe walk about it when we
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>> ?? >> all right, this happens in realight, life, disagreementsen ending relationships endingnding friendships.nd it's not a good thing. t >> it is okay to be frenemies at least touring to virginia tech professor todd shank. toddk professor thanks for that joiningesso ur s. >> thank you for having me on. >> why is it okay to be frienden he ms. he m >> it's important to have arttoa wide variety of people in ouriey lives o with a wide variety of opinions.op many of the disputes that arehed issues that we have to deal with whether in t lives professional lives or ine the wider public spherec spher require we get along withir other people at least enoughe wh to have a discussion with themwe and unfortunately it looks it lo like that's getting harder fordf us. >> one of the things we've talked about quite of a bit art the family relationships families fighting at the di famnner table fightinillig ee thanksgiving table.anng what are the topics that used to be sort of something we could find common ground on cmo where he we can't find any agreements any more?agemen >> yeah, so, obviously thisus t season the politics is on everyone's mind and it's a
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to talk about. in a way i would actually not discourage people from talkingpl about those things.abth you know, there's the old adage of politics religion anded can i say sex i'm not sure.say >> of course. why not. why this election season anything goes. goes. >> exact, anything goes., anytng but i'd actually encourage people to respectfully engage around political issues thatssue real dollar matter to us ands a therefore deserve ourere attention. >> i know you're talking about in person around theyou' dinner table but what about onlinehat and social media? i've had've h friends say, you kn just going to get off socialgetc media for awhile 'cause i don't want to hear this or they simply say look i'm goingng to say what i say or i'm going to unfriend you or under oweerw unfriend me now if you don't like what i have to say. say isn't there a way we can getere through this. >> that's a great que ioion. unfortunately social mediaun makes it so easy he to turn each other off aatitnd s thao ta probably part of the problem.blm i do typically recommendom actually we do engage face tofae face not that i have anythinge h against social media, i'm at som junkie myself. >> right. >> i think a lot of -- of
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other it really is done better e face to face. >> i agree with you.eeh yo all that social media stuff is so impersonal. next time you have to comeime yo inhaform i know you're all thei way down in bknlaowcksburg but e appreciate you skyping in with u us tonight. tig >> no problem.roem >> thank you todd.ou todd. >> thank you. popular american beer is beer getting a whole lot of lot o backlash and criticismrism tonight. >> we're going to tell you why some people are boycottingg yuengling.engling. diobol ticks and beer politics and a beer go together.
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government 42 percent fearnt 42 clowns, terrorism came inrrorisi third at 41 percent andrcent a 38 percent fear ann infringement on their gun tir gn rights. i want you to look at thisk t full screen.ll scr one, three and four i couldould say legitimate concerns peoples to have. >> but clowns. >> come on people.>> comon p >> i mean i know there's been'sb a lot of talk about clowns butlu most of them have been hoaxesoa and i sort of feel sorry for the legitimate clowns.e cl >> i do because that's a tt' passion for a lot of peoplet eoe and ronald mcdonald too. t he stuffed me full ofllf mcdonald's land cooki kid. >> all right. >> have you heard abou atll theb term vote swapping.rm >> no i haven't. >> i didn't either.i ha>> i >> it was big during the 200000 presidential election. eleion. thanks to the never trump apprua you can search contacts tos t roof out and possibly swapp votes with one of yourou friends. what? what? let's say for example you live in ohio and support gary johnson and your friend livesfoi enin new york and supports hillary clinton.ew yhillarclint by swapping your votes johnsongs will still get the same number of popular votes while also a
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ohio he. >> that is one of the stupidest things i've everes heard.t just vote. st v just encourage people to vote. v if you feel passionate about al cause don't play games.pan't ayg >> that's really silly. >> keep your friends on yourour side and have them vote as well.nd he as >> just vote. >> there's a reasonte there's as electoral college and we don't d go by the popular vote. >> just vote. >> yuengling face backlash.ash. eric trump visited young lin while campaigning in thereca state. after the visit hemp posreted aa tweet thank you to dickou t dic yuengling for an amazing toremag of the oldest brewery in thein united states. trump also said yuengling yli voiced his support. since then yuengling drinkers d have angrily taken top sociall media to boycott the beer andr two bars in the d.c. area say ae they will no longer servegeserve yuengling. now a lot of those bars --of tsb there's a number of barrels they say it's not about trumpt u
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they perceive is his anti-lgbtq stance there. so, here's the thing when you own a business you have the y h freedom to do whatever youteveru gland absolutely. >> the question is are yourglioy consumers going to respond orrer are they going to support sup that. >> sort of like the zee burger r and we asked were yousked were u concerned that people wouldn'tth come in. he said noat he doesn't care. c it's his business. >> there's a bus diner in chevy chase big sign behind theird tir big board saying so and so it's freedom much -- of sometimes this is the priceth p people pay for it. i we may show some of your
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political halloween costumes.tu. >> some pets are sporting costumes in key west becausewesc florida is part of the annual fantasy west. wt. this year's theme political polc voodoo and ballot box barrians. >> isn't that cute a little ait lobster costumes. >> lobster. >> little chef. >> look at that. loo you know what that is.u know >> what is that. the looks like a dog froms t up u because the balloons are tied t to the dog.ieto >> so cute. cute. >> look at that.>> looat t >> okay, these are some cuteut little dog costumes. >> absolutely. >> i don't know, i>> sometimes m wonder if people put way toof pp much into decorating or getting their pets dressed ups p but that is fun to w. >> it's fun to my dog would not have any of this. this. he would rip it right off because he would be angry he. >> a good friends of mineould ra former newspaper reporter onaper facebook tweets pictures out
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harvey: yesterday we said that mariah carey's halloween party, that james packer didn't show up because it wasn't his thing. it turns out mariah carey isn't his thing. >> big winner here, nick cannon. harvey: you think nick cannon wants mariah back? >> yeah! harvey: have you ever had a certain food you liked and you kind of had your fill of the food? >> yeah. harvey: i think she's the kung pao chicken of relationships. kardashian robbery. there's discrepancies between the story he's telling and what kim told the cops. >> the guy was asking for the money, it's money, money, money, money. >> he says they were asking for money only. harvey: in french? >> what's the money word again? [speaking french] harvey: i would have given them mustard! >> we've got j.j. abrams. we asked what do you say to people who think "star wars" is for nerds?
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