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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  October 28, 2016 9:00am-10:59am EDT

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. i can't believe we're on a whale. i can't believe my role isn't bigger. oh, it's real. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. go ahead, enjoy. ?? straight ahead, 11 days toao go and new drama on the campaign trail.l. vice-presidential nominee luckyl to be alive. after his plane skids off a o a runway. safetrack surge 10 and thisd one could be one of the worst yet. parts of the red, green and
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what to expect when you headecwn back to work on monday. ?? london calling. burgundy and gold taking their r talents overseas for an international face off with thee cincinnati bengals.enga we'll have a preview and tell at you why the burgundy and gold's' chances are looking up.. and get this. i've even got the best -- >> later, donald trump driving i wedge between the baldwindwin brothers and the fam playing out in front of tens ofo millions of people. peoe. we'll show you how. h good day at 9a starts now. ?? hey, good friday d.c. goofrd it is 9:01 on thishi october 28th.. i'm maureen alongside holly, hly steve and wisdom.. >> you should have said cheerio.
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real. >> unlike somebody else. >> not whatever this is.otteve >> what is going on over here.vh big weekend for halloween parties we know about that allht you procrastinators out there, e some of the most popular costumes in 2016 we'll talke'llt about that and just a hint a hin they're mostly movie based. bas >> kevin should be doing thatngt segment then. >> first though let's talk about the weather because after someer cold overnights this week we wk have a pretty perfect weekend we headed our way.. details.ta hey, tucker.ucr >> hoping wisdom will come overo and do the forecast in his bests english accent. accen >> please do not encourage. >> allow mow to get some tea foa you. hat hat was that? >> some tea. >> would you like a spot of tea? >> all you americans don't understand my accent.tandy ac >> honestly it's so bad it'sit'a getting good now. >> um-hmm. >> thank you, mr. barnes. >> let me dot forecast. 54 degrees.
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humidity 59%. want to mention this combination the temperature and the winds north and west at 14 and we've1d had gusts to about 30. aut so it's going to be a breezy anz cool friday for you.ou daytime highs in the low 60s. but we should turn gradually mostly sunny here later thiser t morning an very comfortablecoort afternoon. still looking at a great weekend. daytime highs both saturday ands sunday in the 70s with lots of o sunshine to look forward tord t i'll have details on the weekend forecast and of course the all t important halloween forecastoret coming up.comi let's enjoy or friday first.y f the winds out of the north and n west 10 to 20 but a dry day.rya. enjoy your nice guys, again, weekend and halloween groovy.roovy. back to you. >> ooh. >> thanks, tuck. some crit text might say cri this presidential campaign isig flat off the rails yesterday the vice-presidential plane went oft the runway fortunately nobodylyb hurt the plane covering -- carrying indiana governor mikerm pence slid off the tarmac atmaca laguardia last night in newasnih york. it's just the latest bit ofthe b
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election day let's get more details from fox's doug luzaderd >> reporter: those travel on on board mike pence's aircraft sayt that hard lappings are not thatt unusual but nothing quiet likeu what they experienced yesterdayy >> that is the grass and itss ai looks like we took out really ra nice chunk of runway here. >> reporter: passengers on board mike pence's planen's p evacuated after the 737 ran 7 r right off the runway in the rain in new york. entourage including his staff, a secret service and reporters r made it off safely. >> the plane ended up in the bet at the end of the runway destroyed about 80 blocks and ii currently in the grass off thehe runway.nw >> reporter:ay ntsb is going to investigate bought pence's bosss spoke about the incident at a in rally in ohio. >> the plane skidded off the runway and was pretty close to t
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spoke to mike pence and he'se a' fine. ne >> reporter: donald trumponal spent part of the day respondind to reports of votingg irregularities in texas where w some voters say they're intenden votes for trump were changed too clinton.ton election officials said it maydi have been voter error in at least one case but also point to do software problems. >> this has been drainingg election but i you were you to please, please be encouraged.rae >> reporter: hillary clintonr: y meantime got big boost in north carolina from first ladyt l michelle obama. oba and today president obama will w be in florida to do someoom campaigning of his o there is a report this morningni from politico that the clinton t team is already looking beyond d the and considering vice-presidentet joe biden as a possible psi secretary of state.. >> that same report goes on togo say that biden has not beenee contacted by the campaign aboutt th.s. presumably he is aware of it at this point it's also not clear e what is behind what reallyeall
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orchestrated leak. lea by the clinton campaign.ampaig in washington, doug luzader, fox 11 days out but thousands oa people are offerednd hitting the polls early voting started stard yesterday in maryland and thear lines, yeah, they were long. lo. this is video from the pollingl place at the sports and learning complex. look at at th they had record breaking turnakg out the maryland board of elections saying nearly 126,0006 votes were cast yesterday. that far exceeded the previousvi record back in 2 ballots were cast on the first f day of early meanwhile in the district thisis morning the search is on for thr person who robbed a security officer guarding a northeastorea library.ary. now this happened last night ata the dorothy height library ont r benning road. stolespect reportedly stole the officer's gun and radio fortunately the officer was nott that library is also serving ass early voting center the polls there have been open for about a half an hour now as voters pouro
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happening today the man charged with brutaltoday murder of thro family members and their aheir housekeeper due in court.. darrin winter accused of of killing satisfy employees hissai wife amy, their son philip ands the housekeeper vera in 2015. 21 he will appear for statustu hearing 9:30 this >> red line riders suddens sde through three weeks of singlee e tracking back in august and nowa they're in for real challenge. >> surge number 10 of safetracka starts tomorrow and it will shuu down one critical corridor of metro's busiest melanie is out at one of thet e stops that will be impact the t the most by this safetrack setra surge. good morning, mel. >> reporter: good mornigong.oodi we're at noma-gallaudet and thit is really one of the big hubub stations for folks to get to the downtown area and this is wheree basically the red line is goingg to e if you are coming in from shadyy grove essentially what's goingea to happen is the red line will w be cut in two separate parts ono will go from shady grove here to noma-gallaudet the other willil pick up at fort totten and
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again. and so it's really this central area here where there will be nn train service at all untilil november 22nd startingin tomorrow. it also means the closure avenue couple of stations rhode islandl avenue station and the brooklynn station and the rhode island isl avenue parking lot will be shut down as well.l. now, metro says that on mott mot continue type portion of the line the portion that goes from shady grove here too noma-gallaudet trains should run every six minut there. th then but on the other side folkk trying to get up to glenmontleon silver spring area and into d.c. those trains are only going tooi run every 10 minutes we knowe ow based on our previous nine n safetrack surges that those t trains really do get crowdeded especially during the rush hourr time. all of the transportationrttio departments trying to work w together montgomery county inuni d.c. to try to mitigate thethe impacts giving people plenty of
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handing out free marc traincra tickets to try to get people to consider that as an alternativea and montgomery county will alsoa be offering some shuttle buseshb to those marc train stations stn hopefully that will work for wo some of these downtown commutere d.c. also going to be doing a a bus bridge between here and the stations the fort totten statioa to get folks around but that's always -- not always efficient.c they'll have to get in traffic c with everybody there is that green line yellowl line alternative of people canen get from fort tot mace. that's not too bad. but, again, one other things thg that we know is that we've seenn it too many and time again.timen if you can ride early every timy i've been on the platform for safetrack surge if you can getsc there by like 6am you're all all good but if you wait until theui peak of rush hour, you'll wait t lot longer than you normally doy live in northeast melaniean alnwick fox5 local news. all right. thank you very much, mel. 9:09 is the time. t shaping up to be an excitingup i weekend here in the district.
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kicks off today with the openini of the health and fitness expo e at the national harbor. the expo open until 8:00 tonight and again until 6:00 p.m.. the race starts just before 8:00 a.m. sunday and the weatherea looks to be pretty good for thee race that day. heads up metro will the no be no opening early in the morning orr early -- have early hours for hu this weekend' race.nd'ac keep that in min >> they will extent the startthe time an extra hour becauseecse temperatures are expected to geo well into the 70s on sunday youy might want to start that race ae early as possible before it geti too hot.t. >> it will be perfect weatherll for the spectator bs.e tator a lit >> it will be.ll be. >> exactly.>>ct >> all right. peaking ing of tepp hers, temperature dropped a little bir in prince george'sopped countys out the snowplow.low. what? don't worry, though. t it's just a practice run and ouo bob barnard is riding along witg the crew in prince george'seos countily we'll check in with hic live coming up.liomin >> first the redskins have h landed in london. but the status of some key players is still up in the air.a >> i don't even know what thatvn is you just said.
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you've got a thousand different fabrics to pick from. very customizable. you can choose the back, you can choose the arm, you can choose the leg.
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i asked my dentist if an electric toothbrush was going to clean better than a manual... he said sure, but don't just get any one. get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head! go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b crossaction delivers a clinically proven superior clean vs. sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels super clean! oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm never going back to a manual brush. ?? >> 9:13 is the time. 9 we're back now as we take liveei look outside across the pond inn london because our home team ism over the
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all right.all ight. i've been practicing.practi >> we wanted you to practice.rac >> i've been practicing.g now i've improved my accent. >> okay. >> are you ready to hear it. >> let's hear it. >> are you ready to hear it? r> are we l r reaeadydy? here we . here we go. london calling the washington redskins burgundy and goldnd god touched down across the pond overnight. they're set to face the cincinnati bengals sunday.unda >> here we go.we go >> i'm still going. >> in the nfl venue international series here with preview annie yu and fox55 redskins insider grant paulsen. >> you nailed it. i >> oh, my gosh you nail it.. >> sounded great a little l problem witness sing i think. >> you know with our tv's. tv's. >> technical issue.ue. >> it's technical issue. iss don't worry about all of that. . >> should we reveal your secret. >> no, no, no. n no. we'll do it after once we fixe f all the technical stuff. >> grant and annie are like whaw
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ere.e. >> what's up guys. what' guy >> grant, what did you think ofo that? th >> what did you think of that?tt >> i thought it was really goodo i was um >> i thought he was pretty good. >> are you two trying to show mm up. >> if morning everybody it'snine annie yurybo and grant paulsen n from the studios. okay.okay so here's the deal.. >> grant we do redskins games on sundays.s. and they usual vol me doingole n domestic stuff like cooking and fashion annie yu can you talk tt here we are it's a big deal this sunday because it's for the fort first time redskins playing plag overseas.rseas it's a 9:30 morning game. good for us 'cause we're goingei to be there and wake people up.p but its it will be a differentif experience for the fans.ence >> it absolutely is. breakfast and football two of mm favorite things in the world t combined in one.combined >> what should be the menu me. >> we should do french toast ana syrup. >> i'll bring it. i'll ing >> people are arguing aboutui a this. we talked about this on the
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is this a good thing for badorad thing for the league.gue. >> clearly there's money being i made owners love it.t if there's money being made ange lot of money being made. mad they'll keep having more andepmo more games in london as fan i fi don't really enjoy it all that t much the one benefit these 9:30am games are kind of fun because you do have to wake up, saturday night, sunday morning.g >> once a year for your three times a year for theor league. not a big d eal for redskins fans fans because it's so rare it will beb un >> i think so, too.>> you can watch it from the bed. e but here's the deal.l is it smart to do it becausese right now, the prime time gameig monday night, thursday night,ay, sunday night the ratings are are decline smart to take the game overseas? >> i think it is. again from money>> i perspectivb this isn't done for the fanss like me that care so much aboutt that cares about the national to football league product.du i don't think that the 9:30am:3 games in fairness have anythingn to do with the prime time ratings being done what you are
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contribution for the games first time we're over saturating theat market with football. it you'd to be monday night to i football at night.ghfo it's monday nighott, sunday nigt thursday night and additionallyy saturday night games as well. wisdom, i know you guys back in the studio you're watching these games i'm watching another badtb game all these games are a terrible. jaguars laid a complete egg last time. that happens every time a game is on in prim time. te. >> we have to put bad teams over, have them play each otherh and get it over w -- - >> on the uniforms don't get mee started it was terrible lastib t night. >> here's the thing, grant. what does it do fors th te he tm itself? this is a skins teamnsm who was on a role a little stepe back for the lions but won fourf straight now you got to do alloo this extra traveling it's only y make an extra hour from going tg the west coast or so, but does s that make a difference?nce? >> 100%. look at the redskins scheduleede this week as an example.xale so they play this past week andd
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have formal practices other thaa one to get ready for this game.. injuries to josh norman who hadh a concussion.ncussn. he's flying across the ocean.ce they're schedule is theys ty practiced yesterday at redskinsn park on thursday.rk on thu they got on a plane on thursdayu evening. they landed after an overnight flight. local time had a few hoursew hou before they're on the field forf actitice. >> that's crazy.. >> whatever sleep they got onot the plane maybe laid down for aa hour before one they got to the hoe physical back on the field this is going to be a walkgoingo through obviously.h obviously. they're going to have maybegoin another walk throughto h tomorr. noprt to suffer? we're seeing e same thing with these thursdayes night games in my opinion. oon another dud last night.t night. you have a game sunday.y then you're off on monday. mony. you're always off on tuesday ass league any way that's the reel e rule. some teams have walk through.lkt you didn't have a real practicec before your next game. it's weird most players miss tht games because of injuries but the game is why?e there's not enoughot eno practice tim the league doesn't seem to care about that. abou >> grant real quickly -t -th quy >> i want to ask you before i be let you go. t >> good ahead.ea
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>> at least both teams areeams a dealing with that disadvantage,g right, both having to travel,l, both having short turn around an time and all of that.ll ofha so real quickly obviously, as a cincinnati native, what i find interesting about this game is s the fact that jay gruden is facing andy dalton the very vy quarterback that he groomed fro his rookie year and the still, upping, the plans bengals stilli use the ones jay gruden grude developed even though they're dealing with all those otherth l things the potential is for it i to be a really good >> sure. this is a great story there's no question. que this is probably my favoriteavot matchup of the year from thathat it's kind of one of those scenee from movie where like the tutor and the guy that he broughte along are now going to fight for the first spot.. jay gruden was offensive courtou for 33 years with the bengals.e. the head coach of the bengalsls turned name had a coachinga coag candidate. annie dalton really talentedte quarterback got where he got ine
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it the person jay gruden once in cincinnati his own man as headea coach witness redskins or is it the bengals who know everythingn about jay gruden.out jay grud >> to add to the matchup, theyhy also have aj green their secrett weapon perhaps the best receiver in the nfl. >> yes. >> and gruden has high grun ha expectations for josh norman soa i think overall it will bell b pretty exciting game says spite the early wake up uim you and i will be there. tre we'll be there having fun with h you. >> absolutely. >> earlier wake up than normal. >> 5:00 a.m. next week. w >> we'll be on sick am thishis sunday redskins game see you then. >> my question is are you guys y outside or do we have to start a kick starter to pay the heatingi bill at 106.7 fm..7m. they got this beautiful story.ry my gosh it's freezing in here.z they need to crank up the heat.. >> head starter.rter. >> we'll get on it.>> >> you got your answer. we'llouu >> see ya.a. >> the game gets under way at 9:30am right here on fox5.
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circle the game a broad forad f fans, is that it, just just exhibition.exti >> for the league.or thegu >> i wanted to know. 9:21.> 21 >> thanks to tony in the control room for the legit britt accent. >> what do you mean? thedo yea? cranberry busted and wrs returns to wrigley field for the first r in almost a century.tu we'll have the details when we check what else is makinglsin headlines next.s xt >> later, baltimore lil key life life. 14-year-old rapper in d.c. for a special honor first though he'll show us whata earned him a spot on lifetimeift wrap game. earned him a spot on lifetimeift wrap game. wrap game. northern virginia, on the issues, barbara comstock and donald trump are the same. comstock and trump promote deportation
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immigration reform. both oppose background checks that keep guns from suspected terrorists. and comstock-trump were prepared to shut down the government just for politics. time for luann bennett: comprehensive immigration reform now. common sense gun safety laws. bennett tells congress: do your job. i'm luann bennett
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?? >> 9:24. allison is back with a check of k a c the other stories making ming headlines this good morning, al.line >> good morning to all of you. protesters in north dakota regrouping this morning.or police arrested more than 100 demonstrates yesterday at t they were forced to leave theirt camp which had been set up onp o prive laland. so one person allegedly fired shots at officers.ffers. the group said though they willl continue their battle against at the construction of a pipelineee that runs across four states sta into illinois.ins they argue the pipelinee threatens to endanger water supply and disturb sacred native american burial sites. montgomery county we go toe now. police need your help findingee
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based vandalism at a high schooh in north potomac.orotom take look at this picture.ture this picture of the suspect's's this car was seen at prince pri orchard high school hours beforr officials found swastikas andas other offensive images on theire football if you have any information,orm, you're asked to contact police. so ladies i'm talk to goaltg here. if you ever relied on theonhe cranberry cure for uti, some bad news. news. scientists say it does not work. new study suggests cranberriessc for the urinary tract infections. it was believed that the acidity acidi of the fruit change the the ph balance of the urinary tract and the bladder to keep the infection from spreading. it doesn't hurt but tctheiosen s findings show there's veryre's r little benefit doesn't really ra help that much either. ehe to baseball now.all now. tonight is game three of the world series. what hoop! the chicago cubs fakf on the cleveland indians on home turf at wrigley the next three games will be in
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one. first pitch 8:08. 8:08. you can watch the game righte rg here on the mighty fox5.5. coverage begins at 7:30 tonightg guys, listen to this storyhi because i'm calling a little, l, hmm on this one. one. some good news, that is theis t bottom line on this friday f morning. in apparent case of grand theft auto had a happy ending andndina quick solution in portland mainm on tuesday night a woman named erin her red subaru was stolento out of her driveway. it was return the next day with so it turns out the theft was a big misunderstanding that the te car was mistakenly taken when w the key -- the car's key workedr in the wrong vehicle. >> what? >> so i'm giving this story the side eye. e what do you think? i neverthk?n heard of that before. that re. so basically somebody had a keyy yeah, they just happening toappg into her driveway and it work. >> it's not me, right. rig >> no. no >> the good news is, erin gotot
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>> maybe they couldn't get ann'a uber i'll just take this one.s o >> take it for few and bring it back. >> don't do if my driveway firsf of all m. >> returning the car with w money -- >> no, mo. >> no. >> no, mo. >> there's more to that story. >> all right.>> hankhanks, al. >> we got a couple of chillyhi nights in prince george's counto all of a sudden the snowplows sp are out.out. >> what?>> wha >> for good reason, though. tug suburbs getting ready for winter. trying to get a head start on it this year at s thea temperaturu will be pushing 70 this weekendw it's a little sneak trick or treat forecast.ecas tucker has the rest coming up cp next. >> former living single star kim kohl's joins us live to talk t about the special event thatt brought her back to d.c. 9:27 is the time.
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?? seven months ago we weren mo dealing with snow up to aboutbot >> right. >> try to forget it. trget >> big blizzard 2016 dumped aumd load of snow all over the or t region. days and now the p deoistrict dr doesn't want to repeat situation. the city is prepping during thee calm before the next storm. s bob barnard is out that with tht some of the plows and the plow operators. what's the plan, bob? >> reporter: hey guys it'ss i basically a dry run test today.d we're at the northeast salt dom you see the salt dome is rightm over here, and mayor muriel bowser somebody on the city som officials are hereon addressinge the media and the people whoeoe backs you see a lot snowplow sno
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roads today as we did earlier. r we can show you video tape earl earlier.ea we were in prince george'se pre county riding with theirorgety h department of public works a tnd transportation people on their e dry run just happened to beappee district is doing the same thing today. joining us live is chris shortet the director of d.c. departmentn of public works.lic works as we take a look at your plows, you got enough equipment and equ peopled to the job as whatever e hits this winter. >> absolutely.ut we're very very excited to be te starting the day today and to be kicking off our dry run for 2016.16 our drivers are obviously very excited and so are all of the te employees about 850 or soo employees participate in thetent d.c. snow program, and we'll have about 350 activated today t for the exercise that we'rewe conducting today. tay >> reporter: let's take looke lo down here.down he. it's cold in the shade here. her feels good in the sun we may geg temperatures in the 70s or 80r this weekend but today peoplee driving through the district oft columbia will see youria wsee
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>> really we are testing ourti ability to make sure that all of our drivers, drivers involved in what prefer to a shift and b shb shift are working together too test their routes. routes. so they're looking for metal m plates or any other object thath is might interfere with a veryey save travel through theirghhe respective route >> reporter: i heard the mayorhm mention you guys with the the snowstorm last january you were working 12-hour shifts, youhi know, day after day, right? sos it's taxiing on your peopleour absolutely right.ight. part of what we're doing today,t because we'll have m wore'e than just our vehicle operators opero testing today. so we're going to have people ie our command centers.ters. logistics, personnel, financeine and administrative personnel and a whole bunch of other staff ots involved in supporting our operators active 58ed today to d help witness event.nessvent so we're very excited that wee got today kicked off in such a successful way.ay if you see our truck on theckn
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close. know that we're testing today. and that this is is going tooino help us prepare for the season o ahead. >> lastly any other thing you want people to know? when it i happens sometimes side streets it's days before you get inet i there. prioritize what you hit first?ts >> we consider every district street important and so we'll s' get there as quickly asuicklys possible.possible please do check the snow dot d.c..governor information onon o sort of where our plows are andd how quickly we'll get to their neighborhood. >> reporter: they're getting ready to fire these suckers up. it's not evetenr: halloirweene b we're already thinking snow hers in the district, guys. g around our region, as they prepare for whatever motherveroe nature brings us, guys, in the coming months. mon send it back in to you. i y >> the plows are orange andnge a black it's perfect forct for halloween.hallowee >> perfect.. totally seasonal.toal >> thanks bob. you could actually you couldd ay hear the wind whipping up outd i so tucker, windy today.ay but perhaps unseasonably nicey n tomorrow. right? >> yeah. in fact we're looking at temperature in the 70s aroundaco here. .
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>> who is that? 70s --king of f >> in that jean shallot. shallo. >> one of the dea agents. don't you recognize me. m >> i thought you were genene allot.t. >> that's funny geraldo. >> wow. >> wisdom really from you todayy [ laughter ] >> hey, quick reminder we're w doing halloween special oni monday that's why i'm wearing'ma this outfit. th it's really mise under here.. see. okay. let's do the forecast.t's 54 indo the washington.ngn 55 in annapolis.nnapis i hear that silence.ilen 52 in north and west gaithersburg 48 degrees.48 deges. yes, cool for your friday. northwest winds today.oday push to go about 20 to 25 milesl per hour early this morning. mng they'll be gusting here throughr at least the afternoon hours h till about 20 bottom line a cooo friday for you with daytime day highs speaking of cool about 600 today. so it will be cool one this one afternoon chilly tonightilonig overnight lows back in the uppep 30s and mid 40s here in the citt that warmup that holly mentionei
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here for the weekend both bot saturday and sunday featuring temperatures in the 70s there'se your high pressure and we'llnde' keep it nice and dry and cool ac this afternoon but again winds gusting 25 plus for final time. southwest breeze and we arende going to warm it up 70 style sty with a nice looking forecast. right through the holiday onn moayay. halloween holiday. not going to be ghoulish as lota of sunshine expected andct and temperatures in the 60s. is serious if you want ouran winter outlook we posted itt yesterday op all our social s platform take look.rm take l getting a lot of feedback fromko it, and we'll give you a hint about what we can expect aroundo here over the next couple ofe o months. >> halloween special. monday>> hal.. >> take the sunglasses off thatt made it serious. >> exactly.>> exactly [ laughter ] >> you're richard simmons. simm. >> all right, steve, i met m richard i look nothing like richardic simmons. >> well -- >> put the shorts on you might m be
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>> thanks tuck a lot of fun. reminder, you won't want to mism good day at 10a monday.on it's going to be epic. e it's our halloween we're trying on our costumesmes getting into character.ract let's just say this is definitely going to be omg. i can't believe good day isd das actually going there.he i kind of can.nd of can we are. it's all going to be revealed rd monday at 10a.mond we'll have a live studiodi audience we've got dj. we've got surprises. don't let the other morninglet h ows s fool you. good day d.c. is the only placep to be monday and every d that matter.r hey, also reminder we want toano see your costumes, too. too. tweet us with the hash tag fab5pics and good day d.c. d.c because we're actually going tot show them on tv coming up much that's your prompt to go aheadpd and try your costume on thishi morning. take picture. send it our way.t r way. >> very cool. >> all right. a local a loc he' rapper and reality star andta guess what he's only 14 yearsy y old. coming up next baltimore's own n
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bassett is unique in regards to that customability. you've got a thousand different fabrics to pick from. very customizable. you can choose the back, you can choose the arm, you can choose the leg.
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?? our next guest is a talentedal young up and coming baltimorealo rapper who was featured on on season two of jermaine dupree's' reality show the rap game. lil key was the first times runner up on the season and u tomorrow he's actually going tpu be dropping his debut album hith the streets on the same day that he's being honored by
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the organization is hosting itso third annual black tie gala g tomorrow night and will honor youth for their talents and and visual arts, digital design, dig fashion and more. m he is here in the loft with us. and this is the most amazing thing.thin in the commercial break he com actually celebrated two t birthdays. we were saying he was 14. but l.bu l il is really 16.lly6. it's good to to see you. y >> how youing. >> thank you so much for coming into the loft. hank. problem thank you.ou so >> congratulations on all yourou success. su >> thank you. bowel bll me first of all the event night. >> the event tomorrow night, yoo know, we speak like tour wee to traveled to different states ans you know, just let the youth y know that, like, basically it'ss positive tour, you know, ever on the tour, they have theirave message in fir own way throughah poet tree singing and rap. rap that's why way through rap. r. >> sure. >> just connect with the >> and the person that is realli the brains behind the wholehole speak life tour is joining usni right now catherine trotter thee founder. thank you so much. >> good . comininming in
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giving back in lots of differene ways.ys kind of gift us the idea how you came up with the speak life touk and really what it's done.on. >> absolutely. abs actually a lot of the youth in i our mentoring program back inn 2013 expressed an interest in dance and singing visual actually because of their of passion and really opened up tht door. we have a mentoring program pror through that mentoring program p we started tamo speak life touru isn't what kind of differencein have you seen in relativelyiv short amount of time? i knowf i this is theme third annual black tie gala you're having what kinw >> search wal i've seen is younu people speaking live to otheroth youth that is the engine behindn this tour.ou there's so much bigger impact ic when young person can speak livk to someone else.. >> light bulb just went off on o me we talk seven about how weuth have to have this discussion and we have to talk to the young y people about all the craziness e going on in the world but maybem that is one of the best answerse when young people talk withalkih other young people.ot do you feel that? >> yes.>> y i feel as though they connecton better with the youthhe
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like peer pressure kind of sortn of. when they feel as though anotheo peer accepts it's okay to accepo it. >> you feel like there's realre understanding there. >> yeah. >> let's talk a little bit about your new album that's dropping d tomorrow.toow >> that's not me.s e >> that's not you. that't yo >> no. >> okay.>> so this said you were 14.ou we 1 it said you were dropping anin n album. let's just throw that whole w speech out clearly our crack ouc research tomorrow wasn't on their game. their but let's talkgame about what yr doing now and the kind of songs that you're rapping about andppn what your goals are. yougoals ar >> well i am actually coming upp with an ep working oh and that getting a couple features onres there. th but my whole purpose through rar is to just inspire, you know, k one thing i wanted to do fromo f the city i'm coming from f baltimore i just wanted to show people there's positive light ie the city and that's one thinghi the speak life tour touches onou as well. >> one of the things you boths b can comment on this sometimes ss when we talk about -- let me as you this
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of the rap world?orld >> my idol, a have you couple. jay-z and ti. t >> what happens sometimes whenpn we talk about the rappers thatou are supert successful is they'e not necessarily rapping about things that are positive for our young people. you know i mean it's awesome awe music and we love it here youyo are using that same genre ofre music but getting out a good goo message at the same time. stime >> yes. >> how important is that.ow i >> the reason i wanted to dowant that is because i feel as thougt what's going on in today's society with all of the n stuff and then people alwayss wonder why kids grow up and do negative things and bad things.i that's because that's what's being imbedded in their heads. so if we give them somethingethi different, i feel as though t there can possible be a change.g >> if you think it you can makec it so, right? in this world where so many times we see artst get push to the back here is he another chance where we see kidk using arts to really flourish. >> absolutely. a it's a tool it's an avenue forin them to speak live.ak
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started in the baltimore community, and now to date we've traveled, you know, so manyo man cities and states but the dmvmv area is our home base and we're' so honored tomorrow night we'll' be honoring 17 young people done phenomenal work. w >> you're doing phenomenal workr you're doing phenomenal work.or >> thank you.>> thank you. i can see why you're getting ana award tomorrow night.d tomo >> are you going to perrrform to tomorrow note. >> yes. >> not before he performs livee for us live in the loft. the l that's coming up next. >> popular halloween adults men and we want to is he what you'rehay' dressing up this year.essing up. tweet us a picture with theh e #gooddaydc.oodday. back with more lil key after the
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why am i so devastatingly handsome, i'm in a fragrance... earts gone sayonara. this scarf, all that's left to remember. what! she washed this like a month ago! how's a guy supposed to move on!
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?? he's sexy and he knows it it lil key as promised live in the loft.. he's going rap for us now with w new song called "team work". take ita with, lil key.
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?? lil key entertaining live in the loft. thank you sir. >> no probleman.k oblem >> the event is tomorrow night.g
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gala for speak life going on. congratulations.tu we wish you many, many, morey,or successes in the future. the f you come back and seep us.d ep . >> definitely. i will. i >> all right. very good.will ack over to ya'll.. >> lil key "team work".. good job young 9:51 turning to halloweenloween costumes earlier this week we we showed you some of the mostou sm popular costumes for kids. ks. but what about the adults out ot e.ere. this morning we're showing off o four looks and we recruited few models from paul wharton to toeo show them i see a hotty, another hotty, hy another hotty and another hotty. >> okay. you. you doing >> i'm seeing kevin mccarthythy immediately jealous of thehe ghostbusters.ghostbuste >> i'm seeing it too. i'm s those heels though let's talkght about that sister at the veryer end.. >> two of the four ghostbustersu so clearly that's big >> huge one. i got to tell you at the fallal festival at my daughters schoolo
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for lot of people. probaeoe. i'm loving the sexy, are you you wonder woman. >> sexy wonder w? >> harley quinn. quinn >> you needed the pig tails.. >> and the bats. >> harley quinn very huge from suicide squad.quad >> expected to be one of thed tb most popular costumes you'll ses out this weekend.. >> which makes the green hairede one next to you makes sense.ens. the joker, right? right o okay. looking good.okg good i like the popped collar. very retro but very cool.oo. menacing enough to be the jokerr britt of bring it it dow now you're totally in the joker mood. mood >> we have two batman costumesme and two ghostbusters i feel likl we should kevin pick one. >> exactly. >> he would be geeking out allbo over four. >> i think you're right.hink here's the bot its you bottom ln are you comfort national youryor costumes. you can't party unless you'reoue >> okay. if we have to say panel here for us wins the overall look here? e who would you vote for as top
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>> wow. >> i see one ghostbuster workini the camera right now. that's a candidate.dite >> twirl for it.rl f i >> i love it. >> okay. i'm going to have to go, sorry,, suicide squad i'm going to gong with ghostbusters.sters >> i'm going ghostbusters, too. >> the silent one at the end the here mr. ghostbuster. >> who ogling going to call.. i'm calling both ya'll. ya' >> i'm going to go the other way.wa >> you may need to call ato call steamer because those are wrinkle. those outfits are prettytty wrinkled. wrin >> i'm get the other two on theo other end.nd go the other way max. two ladies on the end.the. i'm just saying. >> focus on the ladies. >> suicide squad andad and ghostbusters.ghos >> ladies edition. >> if you wear the suicide squad outfit you will not have toave worry about being cold this this halloween. >> not at all. henge tonight if you're heading out but the rest of the weekende will be 60s and 70s isn't we't w want to see -- sorry, steve.. >> little skin this weekend. >> what are you wearing thisng t halloween. send us your best halloween
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costume stores will be onbe on saturday. >> i know. insane. in >> if you haven't gotten yoursty yet, you better get to it. >> i think most people already a got theirs. a lot of parties -- the adultlt parties are probably tonight, t, tomorrow night. i thinktomo by monday, n if youe cheap like me. >> saturday will be huge. >> really?>>eall >> probably.>> p >> you guys are better plannersr than me maybe i'm more ofe of procrastinator.. >> in your neighborhood theborh trick or treating is actually oa monday. >> it's monday.. party is also monday. >> yeah. >> actual halloween. >> mine was two week ago. >> really? >> you had yours.>> y >> last friday. >> i think you're right thishi friday and saturday the adults get their swerve on and monday. >> okay. we have lot more good day coming up. up kim kohl's remember her from rem living single she is back ink i house. ho she's going to reveal some details.. >> funny lady.
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for us what treat that is. >> right.>> r. >> exactly. first though it is coffee timeie on good day d.c. if you haveu hv have been eyeing our cool good g day mug listen up we have goodod day dc dunkin' donuts mug toonug give away per fact cup for thatt great dunkin' donuts coffee.fe go to or our facebook page d.c. tent the contest. one lucky win are in will be selected by random drawing. you have to hurry becse only have until 11am to enter. >> wisdom for winning the breast british accent award for theor t morning you get to wear the harley quinn costume.tume. >> the shorts edition and the heels. heels. >> what the bloody are youbloody talking about, steve? s >> it's classic.assic >> oh, my gosh.. >> no way that's going happen. >> go to commercial. good day at 10a on the other
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?? cozy up this fall with dunkin's coffee and espresso flavors. sip salty and sweet with our new salted caramel macchiato or drink in the season with the classic taste of pumpkin.
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?? the moments that connect us don't happen overnight. they happen one morning at a time, and one cup at a time.
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>> i ain't afraid of no >> live in theai loft, best guet of any morning local show.. >> she starred in living single. comedian kim kohl's how you cann see her life this weekend.. >> we get freaky this friday. the stars every freaky friday fa also join us le. cafe, he won top chef masters, won a james beard award, chefhef marcus samuel son spills some o this cooking secrets. sects >> the must see moments startomt right now at 10a. ?? >> we have a very special gueste in our chef marcus samuel son.l son you know him on chop his restaurant in harlem and new had york.
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he'll be cooking for us later l on.on >> can i ask a quick question. o when i watch you on chop youopou always do something three wayshw or four ways.ays. can he just do one way i alwaysw route for to you win and the a t judges say just do one way.. >> guess what? >> i win, right. rig >> you do win.o >> today you're all winners we w get to sample your fare.e. you're here for very special spe occasion. we'll talk about it little bit later. >> we have a lot coming up.g u see chef in little bit.e b >> a huge fan.. >> amazing. >> we're >> you come in here we get toe t eat. .hat's the bottom line it would be rude for us to notot sample the wonderful food he'ss concocting.ting correct. >> parts of the perks of the ecjob.f th >> i'm steve alongside holly, hy maureen and wisdom.isdom so much coming up but firstut fr let's see what's trending oningo this friday morning. mng finally made it to friday first up donald trump driving the baldwin family apart. if you watched any episode ofdeo saturday night live this seasona you know alec baldwin plays druu in that what only be called a
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third presidential debate debat baldwin made joke about one of o his own brothers who supports the media mogul's white houseou s.pes. here's a little clip from that. >> chris, she can brag about hee resume i'm the one who's got ala the heavy hitters supporting mem i mean, i have got the cream of the crop i've got sarah palin. [ laughter ] >> i've gotcha chi.cha chi. [ laughter ] >> and guess get this i've evene got the best baldwin brother, [ laughter ] >> but the feud now being takenk to twitter where billy baldwin and steven baldwin are fightingn it out.. steven baldwin tweeted this bacc on october 9th if my father were alive today he would bed b ashamed and disgusted of mediaed bias and manipulation by peoplee like anderson cooper to which billy baldwin replied if our father were alive today he'dodad smack you in the side of thehe head for supporting donaldg nald trump. >> don't hair the family laundry
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laundry is in public. >> that's so ugh. t >> you can't pick up the phonehe and call and iron that out. >> it's easier. >> accent is wacky. wac >> good job, >> okay. a new show being released amazon features a name we know very well here in d.c. good girls travolta 10 episode series set back in 1969 take tht story on female journalists asia they fight for workplace rightst and this is one of the mainn characters alright.t. where are you? recognize this? >> uh-huh. lucre close i know you know whoo this is. she's a little older now but it is -- d.c. congresswoman eleanon holmes norton. he was the american civilivil liberties union active visit who helped schep per the equal e opportunity complaint central te the now, eleanor holmes norton metet the actress who plays here in h the show, joy bryant ban international women's day back c in march so far the show ise shs
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drawing comparisons to hits likk mad men. so kudos. >> nice compliment. >> indeed it is. n>> ind >> very cooeel. >> all right.>> vll rig well, it is the night of frightg and the national retailet federation says americans will l spend $8.4 billion celebratingng halloween. that comes outowee to almost 83 bucks a person. pso most consumer money goes to the idea of being someone elsee obviously in good fun. fun. they estimate americans will w spent $3.1 billion on costumes a loan, candy comes in second at 2.5 billion and round list decorations at 2.4 billion. but, halloween is not just forut kids any more. experts say adults have alwaysew been a big market on the spookyy holiday. social mode ya brings a a different crowd to the stores. >> i what happened to know howpp much money those pop-enup halloween stores m if you think about renting thett space and buying all that t product.odt. >> right. >> i know they get a lot of business. >> it has to be worth it. w >> a lot othfey ha ts imtoe they go places pla a store has gone out and there's
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you know i'm saying there's popp up halloween store on rockvillel where the old peer one peer one has been out of there e they moved for while. >> interesting. >> you're right. >> make a lot and>> then in a ia small amount of time. i think you're right.ight. >> speaking of social mode ya, y did you notice a change onnge facebook today? >> social mode ya site changeddi reteactions to will he fleck the halloween spirit.halln like and love are the same. but now the sad face is a franken stein.ken stein. the wow is >> i would not know that'shat's franken stein to be honest withi you. >> is that what it is. >> it looks like a purple muppeh to mkee a the laughing face is a >> maybe that's the laughing lan face. is that the witch or franken stein. >> it has hat. >> that's a witch. >> that's the witch.t's wi >> okay.>> oka. >> the questions will they do i for every holiday? probably. if you are out trick or treating with your little goblins and and ghouls on monday, and you see as teal pumpkin on the stoop,eop, here's what it m the pumpkins are part of theof t
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let parents know that the houseu is dishing out allergy safe foof or prices instead of traditional candy.y. in which is good we let you know i never heard of that any live.. >> i never have. hav yesterday when the lady from joanne says that teal pumpkinsun were a popular this year i saidd nothing says halloween like a teal pump inn of kin being funnf she was right talking about thaa campaign.aign >> we get you the answers. ansrs >> there you go.>> tre you g >> get the answer before i doteo segment, steve. >> tep if you're not celebratingebratig halloween tonight you might be b watching game three of the worlr series. we told you e arlier this weekhis week how much tickets to that gamets are going for, but what abouthaa just watching the game? apparently cubs fans who want to catch the game at bars near near wrigley field also shelling outt big bucks.ucks in wrigleyville which is the is neighborhood around the stadiumd with plenty of bars andsnd restaurants, fans will have toeo dig deep into their pockets. pts now let's take look at ticket esices.
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to into the.. the steep charge gets you drinkk an buffet but no guarantee of aa if you want a table for four, fu that's going to cost you anou extra $500.50 others are charging as much as $1,500 to reserve a four persono table and the bar -- bars thatsa aren't asking for cover chargesr are seeing massive lines hours u before the games even start. >>up.p. >> if you want stub hub and wand to get a tick to the game itsell you're looking at $1,800 foror say this with an asteriskeris because i'm 99% sure it's true.e i believe you could buy seasonn tickets for all of the nationals games next year for two people l the cheap seats for less thanr a one person going to the cubshe c game tonight. >> really. >> they're in the world series. >> that's right.n the ex>>actly.. >> supply and demand. demand >> there you go.>> t >> i would if i'm going to shell out the ridiculous money i thint i would rather pay that to go tt the game than 1600 bucks -- buc- >> to be in the bar. to >> i don't get that. i't get
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>> a lot of people instead off e going to the game just regularlr the bars are also a thing andhia they equally and joy it.. for world series i'm with you gg to the game. but i can city --it - >> when you say i was there whew the cubs won the only zeronly ze receives our generation or our whatever it is. i you know -- kw >> or you could watch it at homm for free and when they win drive and get in your car drive downvn there and get in the madness.ade >> you could do that too >> or spend your money to rent t goat watch the game with the the goat.goat >> stop it. >> if you're in cleveland youou >> i hear goats are going for $1,500. probably lot of money. of m. >> this may be -- >> a steph curry goat.oa pooat.oat. this may the bummer of all bummers. major let down a woman fromomanf queens new york hit the jackpott all jackpots while playing theng slot machines at resorts world casino. $43 million popped up on thepoee screen. congratulations you're set for f life. i'm going to do this and i'mnd'm going to go there i think going treat my friends to everythingen and then they told her the her
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>> casino officials say the mosm that machine could possibly py every pay out was $6,500. $50 they pulled the machine from thf floor immediately.ediately and the woman said well, heell, should at least have known thatt she plans to sue. sue. >>ou would too. >> is she going to get the other the 6500. 6500. >> at least give her the 65 hun adad. >> at least give her the mack tm mum pay out. >> how does it fail it rings up $43 million. i could see $4,000.see $400. >> but to the point writ like it shows 43 million?millio? >> i question because a lot ofb those jersey casinos are inn trouble as well. hmm. >> that's not good publicity pui when you don't pay out win. >> no. n >> she should get something.getn >> she should get something. >> that was the mack mum payoutu >> give her that. >> at least. lea >> lawyer fees and everythingfe she gets $ a65. >> $20.>>20. >> exactly. >> now this is distractedtrd driving at its absolute worse. e text a and m student crashedrash
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she was busy taking a topless selfie. >> with not? >> of course. that's what we all do behind the wheel, righthind.whl, rig >> according to police reportngt the officer was checko ingckin reported disturbance when he heard brakes squealing and then >> police say the 19-year-old9-o raw was snap chat wig her her boyfriend sexting which isly i what that is when that crash c happened.ha they found an open bottle oftl f wine in her suv and she failedld parts field sobriety not good any way you look >> how on earth, arc i'm tryingn to figure out when you get toou the point where you think it's a good idea even if you're not driving to take a picture of of your body parts and send them.dt >> it might have to do with theh wine. that's when you -- when you'renu so much wine in it starts to beb a good idea.a. >> usually alcohol enhancesnhce what's inside you.ou i'm just saying.ayin >> well that might -- - >> if it drink alcohol i'm notot going to start taking naked nak pictures because that's not in i
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>> you haven't had in a long wha timet ,en wis wis we don't know what might happen. >> what used to happen.ap >> can you imagine that phonemat call home. hom >> can you imagine the boyfriend he gets that the next picture is her in i cuffs.cus. >> ut-oh. >> back away slowly. >> all right.>> a if any of those stores struck ak cord with you foal free to tweet us #gooddaydc.. 10:10 is our time. te. coming up next we're serving itg up hot today.oday. celebrity dish.ish. >> yeah. >> a lot in it. lot >> there's always a lot in lot i celebrity dish. there she is right >> hi.i >> she's putting on makeup and a come in here in a few minutes and tell us why she's in townown and why she's powdering her knows. >> get rid of the shine.
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thank you. for all their new devices. you can't break me. you want a piece of cake? switching to fios is easier than ever. this is your last chance to get 100 meg internet, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. hurry, our best offer ever ends soon. only from fios. >> welco if you grew up the '90's10 hit telephone show living single yoo are sure to know our next guestg of the she's the woman whoan played the unthinkable sinclairn actress and comedian kim coles. you might also know her from guest starring roles in fraser,a in living color, and beach oneee celebrity fit crush. >> i don't want to talk aboutt b it. >> you don't want to talk about that one much this weekend she does want to talk about she'sbo performing at howard universityi for very special fundraising
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concert series much she joins uu live in the loft along withlongt event coordinator pamela price. good morning to you both.o yo >> good morning.ood morng. >> wow. >> thank you for having us.or u. >> you've done a lot.>> y've you've done a lot.a l >> yeah, yeah.ea y tells about the event that's ths going to be at howarding toat university.erty. >> well, pam price has this wonderful organization calledal the lm foundation and we raiseae funds and awareness to helpp families get out of the domestic violence trap.ence >> right. >> and we're building a hoe, i'm going to get -- - >> you're rolly going to actually,,ing. >> i'm going to -- the whole 9 yards.. >> acute hard hat. >> very cut hard tell them about the aspire air house. hous >> the aspire rig house we'resew looking to put it in prince ipre george's county and it's goingng to support 25 families who are w in need, it's a transitionalitna home which will help them for ar least sick months to help them t backck. >> right. ir feet and back and b
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ever. >> right. i was going to say, why do this right now? is there something s that inspired to you say i got i to do this right now? >> pam has an interesting storyo and everyone has a story of domestic violence somewhere.omew i've had my issues with it. i'm going to talk about it at ai the event but pam has wonderfulf story that made her decided toid this. >> yeah. >> okay.>> the main focus came out of af a situation that happened many,d many years ago. my best friend was a victim off dome she came to my home, and she was looking for help, and we couldn't help. h my husband was like, no, wee can't get involved. ive i sent her on her way, and aftet that i never saw my friend again. so that's kind of the short, f i keep going, g boo-hooking. >> i understand.nderst >> her heart hurt. h to do something pour domestic violence victims and turn themun into survivors and vick tours.os >> how did you get down for didy
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>> that's just it. i >> that simple.e >> i have voice and she saw me perform. and said would you come andomnd support menaced yes and comend support these families even sai yes. and so i'm doing a book signingg at howard university's they're own barns and noble.le. how do you have your own barneso & noble?wn b that's how fancy t are. doing that tomorrow and then the tomorrow note we have thisow wonderful event. >> yes. >> we want people to come out n pl c anomd i'm sure they'll some sorr of thing they will the people te where to go. >> we'll put that thing up on the screen. pute screen. >> put that thing up.p >> put that thing up onth >> you her the ladies. there it is right there. you it. >> put that thing up.>> p tha >> that's a nice picture. >> kim coles for it, there's the >> right after celebrity dish.. owe lost 26 pounds in 12 weeks and i'm put 27 back on.ackn let's go.. good don't judge don't you judge me.judge m >> this is judge 43 zone.3one. >> that's funny.>> thas fu >> judge freeh zone in here. her tell me about, you know, whatw,w you can expect to hear tonight or at this event. eve >> tomorrow >> tomorrow neat. tell me were we can expect tore hear when people come out what t
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this. >> they're going to take away just understanding knowing the signs of domestic violencence because that's very important. a a lot of people don't understand that there are tell tell signs.g we'll go into that. go into we have a lot of motivational speaker come on.n we have brandis who is she's -- she travels with me. me she's actually in the back.y in she does a little rap. she sings and she is veryy inspirational as she goes in.oes so all of t sure people understand thestd importance of the awareness ands then also to help us raise money. rigight. [ laughter ] >> you're going to need some funds.fu to make it happen. hn. >> absolutely. you're going to have a chance tt spend with miss kim coles. k cos >> get this. >> wait. going get this. i have my pat tattoo. tto my tattoo said goddess on it iii got that tattoo after abusive relationship with and abuseh and
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treated in that way. a lot of people don't know thatw story. i'll start telling that story tt nowha.w. because it it happens to so many people. >> right. and we need --weee >> you don't hear about it. dont they keep it inside.they kp it . >> you keep it inside. is it my fault and all of that t love that pam has created this experience and going to be evenn bigger experience so that womenn and children can have a place to come and be healed and transition into the next part ot their lives.theis. >> right. >> with strength and power.ther this facility is going to be in prince george's built in prince george's cceoun. >> absolutely. >> any timetable? i know you'rn building things. >> we're looking to broughtht ground in 2017. >> gotcha.otcha. >> depending on the funding.un that's the's t goal. we're looking to build that int 2017 and the reason we chosee c aspiring to be a better me is because when people are in thehe situation they tend to forgetort who they are. are they tend to forget that they used to aspire to be something.g >> right.>>
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we're going to turn you around n and teach you how to begin to bn aspire a >> going back in the right b >> absolutely. >> ladies, thank you very much t for coming in. put that thing back up on the screen.ha >> put that thing back thinge up .p. >> i have tickets for you guys. i would love to have you allll come out to the show.ho i'm going give, put them in youu hands. okay. >> i'm in control. control. [ laughter ] >> nim control these tickets. thank you very >> thank you so much.>> tha >> thank you.. >> thank you for having me backb were ye. did thsamethe same thing. >> we did the same thing.. >> back over to the couch. to t. [ laughter ] >> so coordinated.. >> thanks. >> two mazing women right there i tell you.women you. >> listen it's 10:19 right now.. if you've ever dreamed of whateh it's like to switch lives withet someone else, who would it jobto that's the first question.uesti. stick around.stick ound coming up later we'll sit down d with two actresses who pull off a body swap every night. nht the cast the new musical freakyy freeway will join us live.s
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the men and women of the fairfax county fire rescue we'll check in with erin comoo
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follow your own sense of style... because, you want to be confident. t.j.maxx really helped us express our creative side. that's the best part. you don't know what you're going to find. i always find great deals on shoes... purses... we're a team.
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?? >> check out this out i think this sums up what we know about wisdom. thi >> oh my s gknosh.ow a gosh. when wisdom gets drunk he byess stuff not on sale. >> hash tag the wild side..
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>> my goodness.dnes we love our sip trips in the i t summertime too.timeoo they might be over for theeror t season because it's getting colder our absolutes to first a responders across the regiobsnog still going strong this morningg erin como is live in fairfax county another edition ofdition firehouse friday.e fray. hi, he erin. >> reporter: good morning, mor, steve. steve that's right. little cold out that's why i cac thank them for letting me borroo this official jack.ial j we have chief willie bailey.f lb thank you for having us outsut today. >> thank you for coming. >> i understand you doot community and you had a major mj coat drive yesterday.teay tell us about that. t >> yesterday we gave out approximately 1800 coats toats o about 70 school shelters and non profits partnering with firehire department partnering with the t police sheriffs and local and l businesses we just wanted to wa make sure these kids, you know,o this winter they were warm. so we it was a lot of fun and aa lot of work but everybody haddy good time. >> that's just such wouldn'twodt things you do are the communityy even the pride you had when youo
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have work hearing really proud of this team and you said they t do tons to give back. bk. >> yes. here at fire station 40 thesese firefighters they're very v involved in the community. when different fear fighters from all over the country alle a over the world are visiting thit is one of the stations they liky to come obviously you see them here inei their pink t-shirts.s all month we've been wearingn w pink throughout the county to support breast cancer awarenesse month. not only support the public butb also supporting our brothers anr sisters in public safety thathat deals with this disease as well >> the pink t shirts are a greae talker everyone can ask why you're wearing them and you canc they will them about thehe important cause. cse. thank you.ank u >> joel is the mast technician.n you have quite anime petition pn see e mustache. >> thank you. >> they all like y that.ha tell me about hal won't safety.t you have a big weekend coming ug with trick or treating.atg. >> yeah, it is. with halloween coming up, we're' just reminding people that theyt need to watch out for the kidss
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it's a bad time to be scenery minding parents that they shoull have the kids travel in groupsnp with an adult and also what's w' important is that they have a flashlight, and reflectivee costume and when they'rere crossing the street, to tip thet mask up and be able to see and be see that's important. >> really good advice forll families out there.y go ya'll have so many dedfaicatmied people.le you have someone who's been herh 30 years? >> 30 years.0 rs. ac franklin is over here hiding. hn [ laughter ] >> he was really excited for his close up.p >> round of applause for jim. j. [ applause ] >> let's keep that round of laplace going for the hardar working firefighters out here in fairfax. ya'll do such a wonderful jobulj for the community.mmuny we're keeping the fridayriy firehouse series going. going. we can't thank you enough for yo your service and all the hardllh work do you keeping theo yokeepe community safe. it's time we head inside andco drink some of the warm donem don
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we thank you.hank you. we'll go inside the break room m and get some more laughs withhsw these guys. love this firehouse friday.y back to you guys.cko yo >> big collective thank you frof all of us back here, job well >> absolutely. absoly. 10:26. we know you're waiting for it. celebrity dish coming up next.t >> lots of stuff talk about.k at >> keep those pictures coming c our fab5pics halloween editiontn show us your best halloween look.lo we'll show it to you at theow i rental of the show.f the ow
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i asked my dentist if an electric toothbrush was going to clean better than a manual... he said sure, but don't just get any one. get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head! oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b crossaction delivers a clinically proven superior clean vs. sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels super clean! oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean.
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>> what a rocking show this is s today. amazing show today. it's friday and that means it's time to see your fab5pics and this morning we asked for your sneak peeks on halloweenam costumes oazr throwy and see br whatever you want to send.ou wts so keep them coming. cing. we'll actually show themhow t throughout the weekend all thelt way up to halloween. hallowe good morning to liz.ning t l liz is sending this picture in double the cuteness.uten looks like maybe, what, maybe me school sort of halloween costume or something? be festivities on monday you guysyy are so cute.ut true little princesses.. look at this baby.. it's noel la's world good morning from this doll this hass her instagram or twitter.witter i want to you guys to see that.t that's really her there. she's shouting whole bunch of vendors there we think she iss adorable. oh, my goodness. gdnes whipper how much do we love whi per on the show the ghost of halloween past. sends in bunch of different dife looks.
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family members and her daughter of course who we all love her oe the show. thank you. now, this is a picture because it is beverly's birthdaa tomorrow. so she says she's dressed as asa skins fan.ins fan. i don't know if she's truly a'sy skins fan or that real sal real costume but whatever it is happy birthday to you and everybodyboy celebrating birthdays. and here's another one i wanted to make sure i got thit one sent it to my facebook ieboo sent it because i wantedted everybody to wish joyce baileyji who celebrates her birthday onn halloween everybody to see her in her badd bleep costume right there. the so happy early birthday to you,u miss joyce bailey, and to everybody celebrating on this halloween weekend.eekend all right.. wisdom and holly over to you fof the dish.ish. >> let's get right to the dish. >> serving it.ving i >> it start the out as a visionn of love. l i'm not going to do that again.a it started as out as vision ofin
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?? >> you got tha?t? >> it's a heartbreaker as well.l here's the deal.l. apparently, her husband -- her fiance', rich fiance', not her husband, james packer apparently there was some violence vle involved. not on maori yvoa but on somebod in mariah's camp while they werw on trip recently.eny. a couple of months ago they were on boat.on boat. >> um-hmm. um-m >> and james apparentlytl allegedly this is according to some sources got physical withcw some f particular one of the dancers/choreographers becauseer he thinks that the guy wasnks te making a pass at her.ter >> why does he think that. >> well, because did he show upp and give her lap dance. dance >> she gave him a lap dance. >> yeah.>> y while they were down there. wer he was supposed to be performinf but he was injury he showed uphp any way. he got a lap dance from mariah a and james lost his mindin >> yeah. >> allegedly.>>eged >> yeah. >> according to the sources.ces >> maori ya said she was out ont
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fight.fight. it happened on a yacht in yac i greece. >> yup. >> they haven't spoken since.ha' but it's not necessarily over. >> okay. >> not necessarily over.. >> i'm going to say no. >> all right.>> a >> it doesn't look good.esn't g >> it doesn't look good.ok looks like like a heartbreaker.e it does look like a heartbreaker. okay. guess what? apparently there's er. bey? once' appen and kim k. what? >> so, yeah, so listen, so, um, kanye west kin not too long ago about the factf that beyonce' didn't call kim or after her traumatic experiencetu in paris and as this all comes out, it seems like really beyonce' just doesn't like kim e k, never liked and so the kids have never had d play date together. >> kanye was whining about thata >> because beyonce' likes to' ls keep her personal life privateea she doesn't like if jay-z showed
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or whatever. she doesn't like the whole put your live out there. and so they're not friends. >> yeah. >> i would say -- that's the bottom lldine s.e i would say beyonce' probablybly thinks what lot of people do,pl she's like, i'm famous becauseec i'm talented and kim k is famous because --, right. >> your saying there may be soms shade there.. >> there might be a little shade. >> friday shade. >> i don't think that's a shocker. do you think that's a shocker. >> nsho.ocke >> i don't see them as friends s any way. w having families you start goingg toward the familiar thing. >> i think some people thoughtpg because they have kids roughlyeh the same age and both their botr husbands are in the musican industds >> they were boys back in thedue day does exactly. they hung out. hung out guess who rules the home? >> who?? >> queen bee. she loon like kim k. k they're not having play dates. >> she's not feeling it. >> ??
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instead of that bell we need a button that automatically plays kricks.. >> or a gong.. >> okay. i feel it. >> okay. check this out. drake gave taylor swift the vip treatment.ea isn't ?? isn't what is that?t? >> drake. drake >> oh, okay.kay >> i thought that was how yout y feeling.elin >> look, he gave her the vip t treatment at his 30th birthdayba bash not just her, her mom, toot he had them all overhanging out his' so his whole crew bringingg her into the crew.into t cre not necessarily that she i into hiphop. hiphop. >> not taylor swift's mom. introduced taylor swift to his mom. >> and including quality time q with his mom. that's what i wha that's what i said holly.olly >> that's in the what you said.o >> that's what it said. sai you know what, they onlyy friends. there's no, youfrie know, fiscas will thes going op here. >> okay.kay how many girlfriends -- how mann girlfriends that were justs th friends did you introduce toe your mom? >> it's just question. q
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>> i don't know. kno my mom met a lot of people. >> uh-huh. >> how many girl that is wereer just friends -- friends - >> i can't remember. >> did you introduce to youro mom. >> not that i can see taylor tlo swift together or maybe i can. >> they have similar love fore f musi.. >> do you love lo j >> she's pretty talent. tal >> she has two assets you like. >> great actress. actress >> she is very talentedalente actually.acal guess what? she'll be starringn in a new life broadway version i on nbc of it's the next musical they're going to do.goin of course, she's going to play o the role that was made famous by cheetah rivera and so someoom people are not down with bye-byb birdie being the next liveve musical.l. nonetheless i think she'lli thil probable dollar great job muchoh she's excited about it.t penal are excited about it or or maybe they just want to get t through that the next one the ne they'll do after that is hairai spray. >> yeah.ea >> all good.. >> it's all good. goo how can you go wrong with j.lo??
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>> who knew?w? >> you didn't know she coulde cu >> not like that.ike . >> you never heard jenny fromeay the block. >> not locate that. [ laughter ] ] >> let's wrap it up open fortypy two winfrey, you know oprah wash born, right? >> mississippi. >> that's where she was born.or >> who sells from that area.. >> that town sounds familiar to me. >> are you from there.rom th. >> that's are my paren l >> i thought tha >> really? t how about that. >> here's the deal.>>e >> are they friends with oprah?r >> we're friends with theh the winfreys.s [ laughter ] >> here's the deal.ea oprah has got this new book it'i called food health and happiness 115 on point recipes for great g meals and a better life.r l it's due out january 3rd. 3rd all right. all it's healthy cookbook. people -- this is the cover youo see the cover people magazineaz has this exclusive look at theat
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>> i think she looks good theree >> she looks awesome apparentlyr in this picture she lost bunchoh of wait. w there you go.. >> she did it for weightght watchers, too., t isn't they the spokesperson.erso >> doesn't she zone part of it.i >> yes, she does. she bought into it.. >> we'll ask chef samuel son too weigh in on oprah's newew cookbook. pitch yours against oprah's.oprs >> you don't go against >> i know. >> but she has long had a battlt with food and her weight she's always been out there ande people respect that.peopleespe >> and she's winning. win. >> when oprah puts something ouo there people read it and payay attention it to.ntit t if she's putting out healthy hea information that's great forat f >> it's 10:13. it is friday.y. thank god. and that means we're getting freaky. frea that's because coming up next the cast of the ecnewause musicl freaky friday joins us live. le. why fans are either disney disny version will actually want to check this out. we'll tell you when we come
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hey just in time forhe halloween things are gettingy ne freaky at the signature theater. freck key friday is about a mother and daughter wh magically swapped bodies and gee a chance to experience family and each potter's lives first fr hasn't.hasn two of the stars join us live te talk about the new take of theof tale and what fans of the originals can please welcome heidi and emma.m.
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>> good morning. >> i say originals because bau depending on your age, you knoww what i mean you probably relater to one or the other. so it was a novel >> by mary >> before it was a movie.. what were your expectations ofto it or what did you know about a freaky friday before you went it this particular project? proje >> you go first because you go i actually had [ laughter ] >> well, i had seen both movies actually that were 33 movies.hae i had seen allre o 3f them and a th out i was doing it i tried to tt sort of push all of that asideha and approach it from freshresh perspective we do tell our own story, and we -- everything isig pretty much different except foe the body swap. >> so we try to come at it fromf an original point of view. >> let's see. s it's a reimagining of it. >> exactly.>> exact >> not reboot. not not a remake.a emak it's a reimagining.mani >> everything is brand new.ew and i only say i have no expectations because i had neven read the book, i in never seenn
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>> somehow my age just made me miss each little section of itt and so when i found out i was w doing this i'm now going tong purposely stay away becauseecau we're making something brand nea and fresh and we've got like on of the greatest writing teams ta i've ever work with ever ther t brilliant tom kid and brian b yorkie who won pulitzer for next to normal and wonderful bridgeti carpenter written on shows likek parenthood and friday night lights >> clearly helping what they'rey doing. >> they know what they're doing. >> wha yeah.>> for sure. >> when you talk about a wholebw new take on it give us an idea.e obviously it needs to be aeeds a contemporary story >> sure. >> you burst no song. song >> and there's that.'s tha there is >> there's that. >> pretty typical day in the life of -- typical americancan >> mom, daughter, sort of clashing. >> understanding each other.dint >> yeah.>> yea and through magical incidentsncn they end up switching bodies,ie,
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day filled with at first not appreciating each other very much but by the end of the day certainly do, and it's a wonderful story about empathy and compassion and literally walking a day in each pottersy s shoesis.acpott by the end, you know, they sortt of fall back in love. >> now you have two step sons,ps right. >> i do. >> how much did that help in giving you insight how to bee teenager.te >> so much. i have ao mu 16-year-old and a 13-year-old stepson time when i think -- for most of the play i'm 16. 16. does right exactly.xaly >> and so every time i wase making a choice as an actress is was thinking oh this is going ts be over the top, this is going to be too much and then i wouldd think about my own kids and i nd would be like new york city,w r, they totally --ing everything iy the most drama, the worst, the best, the most exciting. eit >> i can't over act this.'tr ac >> no such thing as over the tov with this roll. r >> what about for in you termsnr of getting insight into being a mom? mo >> i've never been a parent.en .
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>> that's kind of what it'ss kih great to have heidi and be in be such a collaborative situationin because i really can go to heroh and ask her sort of how a parent would respond to these kinds ofo situations and she just likehe k really cool person any way. >> what's great about emma, tooo that she even though she's younger she has this old soul s quality to her, and i think i have maybe more avenue dingdongd soul so we -- we -- >> perfect swap. >> yeah.eah >> if you could swap withwap it be? >> i'm i would swap with my momo >> wou would. >> yeah. >> she work really hard, and we have a reallyk real close relati and i think she doesn't treat herself often enough. so evening i would probably swao with her. >> take her to the spa. s >> make a bunch of appointmentst swap back. she could have nice day >> there you go. very sweet. >> what about you.>> what abou >> i think one of my kids.nemy d now that i have had this t experience just i think it woulw
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with one of them.f tm. my 16-year-old in particular, pi you know, he's right in the in middle of all of that stuff. >> yeah. >> i know that his life is not easy.easy i think it's exciting and thingg are, you know, exploding allloda around him and he's trying tog o figure out who he's going to be. >> yeah. >> and i would love to walk intn his shoes for day.hishoes >> you guys are bothre bot accomplished broadway actresses so what is it like to be in a show that's performed in thenhe signature theater. theat i think it's such a specialpe venue and not e about it. ab so what would you say about abo being at a show there somewherew >> i love how intimate it is. >> it's only 27077 seats and sos every time we do a show -- 277 seats. at it's quite an intimateimate experience unlike doing broadway show which is on a bigger scalea this is such a beautiful placele to create a new work which isici what we're doing. this is brand new musical it's originally -- it's based on material but we're doing it for
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feel the pulse of the audience c you don't realize because howau intimate we real dollar get dol their energy before we even stee on stage. isn't yeah.isn'yea >> we can toll the feel the feee energy of the audience. of e au. >> i'm pretty sure last night ig sweat on the front row.on t. i apologize if that actually aul happened. [ laughter ] >> little did you know youyou kn actually become a part of theec show. oth just a delight. del >> thank you so much.nk you >> thank you. >> thank you for having >> first time they worked together by the way.toge >> i much. >> we do. >> when people come out theyopl won't be able to help but enjoyj the show it pped opened thisneds past sunday at signature theatee it runs through 20th, correct.,e >> that's right. >> get your tickets now. >> yay. >> >> steve, on over to you.. >> chef, you need a little morel salt. i'm telling you -- y >> i won't be putting extra. >> just a touch of salt. of s >> there it is. boom. >> it will be perfect now.ecw. >> how awesome to have master chef like marcus samuel son witt us he cooked for the president and so many other people andy oe
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>> for you. >> for me.>> for m we're going to make share some m secrets. i prosmiseec we will and speciae guest as welch that's all afterl the break. 10a continues. ?? ? i'll get you dancing... ? ? to the diggy diggy diggity do. ? . ? ? do that thing that you do. ? ? i'll show you a new move. ? ? check out the diggy diggy diggity do. ? ? i'll get you dancing to the diggy diggy diggity do. ? ? this is my town. ? "save five when you spend thirty
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?? >> winner of top chef masterof congratulations.. >> star grand champion. >> yes. >> you are amazing talent. >> he wins and he gives out o awards.awar he is a claimed chef no doubt about eight james beard award ad winner that's as good as it gets. guest judge for cooking competitiont judg and he positions on bravo top chef masters. we're talking about marcuscu samuel son the red roostoo cookbook just out this month.son he's in d.c. for a special event at the new national museum off african-american history. african-american art.icanrt we'll get to that in just a minute.mi apologize for that.apole fo >> i'm african. here's the art. >> that's right.ight >> all we need to talk to you.. >> talk about the museum african art. art. >> we have a special guestve
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first of all when we showed that clip of you winning top chefhef masters how high did you feel fe like you jump in the air.he >> i was super excited. aup exc it's a lot of pressure but a lot of fun. i've been cooking all my lifefe like the short ribs here, you hu know what i mean, do you your yu best with them.. these are short ribs i served for our president when he cameem to our restaurant in harlem. >> president obama was at red rooster in harlem. hle did he put in a request or did d you say, no, no, no, this ishis what's going to wow >> tha i can't tell you what i can telt you in six weeks i'll open my rest ruin here in the d.c. areae the mgm restaurant market. mar it will be lot of fun.un i hope you'll come out. >> absolutely we'll be there.l e send the invitation and we'llndw there be. >> re rooster in harlem. marcus will open up at mgm mgm national harbor. h >> i was just there yesterday.e. >> you were saying it's ready ti go.ngto >> 3,000 people are workingwork together to make this happen.s n it's going to be an excitinging opening.
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rooster and what you'll see at marcus. >> little bit more local. local. you know, i see the south from here. here we always inspired by the food f of the migration.tion. >> sure. >> to bring little more catfish, upping, cool cook a little bit more with crab and be like, youu know, be in the dc, virginia and maryland >> it will be fun.ll b fun let's talk about short rib.ib i was teasing about when he wasw a judge on chop you were alwaysw about the spices.ces. >> yes.. people it's too spicy, not spicy i was teasing about the salt in here before. befor >> you can taste right now.te rn do you want some? w som >> i would love some right now.. >> that dinner was surprise dinner. i have discount for you.ou any time you can take discountin from new york chef take it. >> absolutely. >> are you going to feed me, chef. goichef >> no you can hold it. this is get to go cute.ut >> we're starting to blur thertu edges a little bit herer . >> come on, doctor. doctor.
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dr. joe net nicole.icole smells so good. gd. i'll reserve this bite for youoy because you are the one who deserve it so much.itmuch >> yes. listen the reason we have you hu here and we're so thankful thata you join us so often here.. but not only to work with theith museum but this guy is going too be big help as for something sog you're doing tonight.u're d tell me about thaoit.. >> first of all i want to say in the presence of the brother chef, there is an art to preparing good food. >> absolutely. what art gives us. >> hmm.>> hmm >> it really feeds our souls. ss and one of the thousands off things that i so admire and love about the brother ship is he h supports the arts. >> yup.>>up. >> he understands and maybe it'' because in ethiopia live and art are so intertwined.twed but he is so supportive of our art. >> you knew you wanted to have
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>> tonight the only reason ourn inaugural african art awards dinner is sold out is because -- >> sold out. o it't's not. >> because the dinner is designed by marcus samuel son. >> dr. cole this would be an a mazing event whether he was here or not.ot. that puts little pressure on yoy my friend for serving up good go food tonight.ight >> it's a only one of us had a big birthday celebration.tion happ >> happy birthday to you. >> help birthday to me.e. >> yes, happy birthday. >> we had this conversation sheh was kind enough to join us a few weeks ago and we asked if wef could divulge her age she saidai she would.e would we were blown away.blowawa >> it's so clear. i turned 40 years old times two. >> times two. >> couple that? >> i love thatthat. >> couple that?ha >> that's great. >> one of the things about
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respected.ed folk talk about the elders.. they sit to listen and to learnn and if there's one thing that perhaps my museum and other arenas can do, it is to remind us, listen, listen. >> that's one of the beauties as you've spent your life listenini and learning now you have thatae opportunity to pay it forward to youngsters like this guy rightur re.e. >> absolutely. >> what do you take away from the experience leak being able i wasng born in africa and i am american and being able to sort of always be linked to these two incredible continents and cnent countries.cotrie i reap the benefits but i i learned lot from the generationr our restaurant and our book weow talk about the food of the t migration and the importance ofn what africa has done to in terms of food in this country whetherh it's rice, okra, whether it'ser all the foods we brought fromugo
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fun and have a when you turn 40 plus 40, have drink.. >> you deserve this.erve t have a drink. >> you get the food and thehe drink.. one common denominator amongng people and culture is food. it brings everybody together itt should be center pointog thent t conversation and togetherness.h. >> let me say this.>> lsa >> we thank you for everythingy both of you.ev >> last week or so i was at the red it is not simply a place where w you have food.ood it is where you have an experience.. >> that's exactly what y >> it is an experience. >> dr. cole thank you very much. t thank you.ank best wishes at the awards to ar night. thank you my friend. the new restaurant opens at mgmm we'll try it. don't you worry about it.u worru >> december 8th.ecemr 8t >> december 8th the new8th tew restaurant.nt. the cookbook is out now.ow guys, come on over.. dr. cole, don't leave.leave. come back. >> come back. >> 40 plus 40. >> you open just in time for myu stbirthday dec iember 18th.
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>> east meets west.we thanks everybody.thanks have great weeke end. >> happy halloween. >> see you monday. >> happy halloween. >> see you monday. big halloween show. >> happy halloween. >> seewe dance on the big hasalsa team together, and it's like a lot of power in what we wear. when we're practicing if i don't feel good in what i'm wearing i don't look good. t.j.maxx has that variety. i can get a lot for my money. it's like "yay t.j.maxx!" if you're feeling it, just go for it, don't wait.
10:57 am
?? the moments that connect us don't happen overnight. they happen one morning at a time, and one cup at a time.
10:58 am
? ? ? ? can you say i love it? ? ? oh love it? ? ? can you say hey? ? ? hey! ? ? that's the spirit! oooooh.? ? ooh ooh ? ? wooh ooh ? ? wooh ooh ? ? sing sing, baby baby i love you. oh yes.? ? ooooh oooh.? ? every little thing. ? we invited women to a spa to test a new body wash. dish soap. you may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. dove body wash is different. it has only the gentlest cleansers. it just made me feel good.
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live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." >> wendy: how you doin'? looking good. [ cheers ] i do not judge -- but we're judging. it's going to be juicy. ?? [ cheers ] >> now, here's [ wild cheers and applause ] ?? >> wendy: well. ?? thank you very much for watching the show. welcome.


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