tv Good Day DC FOX November 2, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EDT
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?? straight ahead, a statewide manhunt after someone ambushed two police officers overnight og ki we'll have the latest from iowaa in a live report. you can change your vote tot donald trump. we'll make america great again,, okay? [ applause ] ] >> six days and counting. this morning donald trump has as message for anyone feeling a little buyers remorse aftrs aft casting an early ballot but b hillary clinton is swinging back. back this ball is outta here. >> win or go home.
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seven tonight.ig aft the cubs refused to go go quietly in game sick. ?? and later, a first look at a how the first family lives. the new pictures of thehe president's personal quartersuas inn signed the white house after eight years of calling it home.m good day at 9a starts now. ?? it takes about eight yearsiy to finally nestle in make it i your home. your >> then you got to go.o. >> we're glad you're nestled ini your home watching this morningg good day d.c. d. it's just aft 9:00 o'clock november i'm holly alongside maureen, mae steve and wisdom.dom. >> everyone bear with my voiceoe today. it's a hill hearse. a royal romance, yes, we'll tell you aboutly a american womanan sources say stole prince harry's heart. he >> first at 9:00 the last months of the year and we're stillre sl
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pushing 80. 8 almost the last month of the. the month before the last month of the year.r >> how long will it last? and a when will we be back to, you t know, kind of a november normal? tuck is back to try to supportst all out for us this morning.s mi >> i don't have answers to thatw steve. i have the answers about princec harry. pictures.icre he's doing well for himself.imsf >> yes, he is. is >> self explanation.elf expl >> she's an american actress. ae >> that's what it mean.whatt me you're right.reight. >> gorgeous. >> let's do the weather. do he he's winning. >> i think he's been winning --- sometime.time >> since birth. >> back to back to back birthack championship.amonship. >> that would be an>> tha unt derstatement. 57 now in washington.n washing winds out of the south south wee have at three.t thr. a little bit of haze out there.e this is live shot. s once we can burn that fog and ad haze and cloud cover off we shall see the temperature soarte into the mid to upper 70s soo more like late summer out theree later this afternoon with partial sunshine we'll keep itep dry today.ay cleveland in good shape for ther shape tonight.onig rain off to the north and westtt it will hold off until after thr game this front will put an end
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we'll have today, tonight andnd tomorrow by tomorrow afternoonfr we'll have some showers arounden here up until thend enjoy aoy gorgeous afternoon.fteron not so much that it will be will completely sun filled, butunled, partly sunny and look at that temperature, 78. you can open the windows thisene afternoon nice warm up partlyupl sunny skies, guys, win out of o the south five to seven. seven toss it back to you. all right.l rit. tuck, appreciate it 9:00 sorry three is the time. we got breaking news fromthre i. police now identifying a suspecs in that deadly ambush attack ono two police officers.ic this is picture just the attacks happened in urban dale a few miles from desmoineso starting after 1:00 this:0 this morning. fox5's melanie alnwick has beenn following this story all morninm long and has more on the suspect want led to the shooting.g. mel? mel? >> police have identified thatda man as 46-year-old scott michael they're calling him armed andnd dangerous. right now police are pairing upg for safety while the hunt foror green the first call came in at 10:00: sick am desmoines time for shots fired near a high school inn urban dale.
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found dead in his or her patrol area police then swarmed in to help. lp 20 minutes later, a second s officer was discovered. he he was one of those who hadsh rushed in to help. hp. this is video from the secondhed scene just a mile away. desmoines police cruiser ciser surrounded with crime tape and flashing lights.ig look a little closer and you can see what appears to be bullet holes in the side of the vehicle and the word sergeant right that on the quarter panel of the car. the rain poured down out while inside police were fighting back tears as they helh an early morning press press conference. they are clearly worriednfer. >> there's literal danger if you're a police officer. a pe of these guys were gunned downunnen sitting in their cars doings d nothing wrong.thg wr there's definitely danger outfii there.teth there's somebody out theresome shooting police p we hope we fine him bolefore ber anybody else gets we definitely don't want anybody in the public or in thewantc i community to get hurt.. >> now the officers did have body warn cameras not known ifwn they were activated.ivated
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because two desmoines officerseo were killed in march when a a drunk driver struck theirhe cruiser. the sergeant there giving the gn press conference saying this isy probably the most difficult yeaa he's ever had on the force. steve? steve? >> i can imagine. thanks mel.> ks mel if we get more details we'lllse' pass them along.hem along. five past the hour. switch gears get to the campaiga trail right now.trright less than a week away fromro election day aggressively hillary clinton tried to counter a late surge from donald trump. the polls show two of them at aa dead heat as if the b speed through renewedened investigation into the clintonne e-mail use. doug luzader with more details s from here in washington. >> reporter: the fbi iss working almost around the clocking to through thousands of clinton insider e-mails it seems unlikely, though, that we're wee going to have any solid answerse by election day. ?? >> reporter: hillary clintonlary back to the issue that her campaign thinks will put her h over the edge in these finalhesl da.s. mobilizing women against donaldd trump.p
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disgusting, nasty, all the time. boo! >> he calls women pigs, ratess,s bodies on a scale from one toont 10. >> reporter: clinton having to t for go a switconh h to positive messaging in this home stretch to find off rising donald trumpt and the renewed fbi investigation into her e-mailail use. use >> she wanted to end on sort sor avenue give the voter something about me pitch.ih. she can't. can she's trying to deflect awayefcy from the fbi. >> reporter: clinton t alsols movig turf. campaigning in arizona today.od. hoping to flip that state for sf democrats and her campaign ispa relying on the millions of early voters across the country whoho may have already given her an edge before the polls tightens.n donald trump in wisconsin hopinn to chip away at any clinton lead. >> there's a good time to make an important public service announcement. you can change your vote to vott donald trump we'll make americai great again, okay?y?
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handful of states give earlyar voters the option to change c their minds and although theoh deadline to do so in minnesota passed yesterday, in wisconsinin voters still have chance to go o back and forth multiple >> the rule is very quirky. qrk. you do have to go and do it in i person but they can change theya are mind up to three times. tim >> reporter: it's not clearot how many people would actuallyy go through that effort. eort. trump meantime spending a lot of time today in florida.lorida that is a must win state for him. in washington, doug luzadere fox news 9:07 the names of the six tx people killed in that busha collision in baltimore willn in likely b beal released but we sl don't know what led to that that deadly wreck.reck ntsb investigators are stillgati trying to figurell out what caue the schoolbus driver to loseose control and slam into that mta bus. also, today a major legalajor announce many set to come row cw lated to the deadly gas explosion and fire at flowert fr branch apartments in silverlver spring.ring. >> blast in august killed sevens people and injured dozens more.r
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>> reporter: almost threethr months later and the flowerhe fe branch apartments look very much like they did right after the explosion and fire here back onn august 10th. take look at it. it is still a mess.s 84 families displaced. displac we can take you back to that tht night when seven people weree killed. kill there was a gas leak an explosion here. as i mentioned 84 families havev been made homeless because ofseo this, and so kasa whichhi represents familiar in the d.c. area ise de calling for justice and this ths morning going announce a lawsuit against the property managers m and owners here saying thatt conditions were horrible andbled that this could have beencod prevented, and so on behalf off the families that lot of lovedfv ones and were made homeless homs here, casa is suing the properte managers and owners here, and basically saying this is biggere than just the people who live here. that people who are immigrant families in many area, low areow
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latin america or africa are treated poorly.. they need better living conditions and so this lawsuitsw is basically awake up call looking for justice and compensation announcing that this morning at law offices down near capitol hill and we'll have more on what they do say later on today. tod we are live in silver spring, bob barnard fox5 local news.. and that presser underwaynda 10:00 o'clock.0 bob will have be the details.eti we'll the details former nba star cut up in prettt bitter divorce battle coming upu scott pee pippin's wife callsls 911 claiming her husband was w getting aggressive. >> cubs come back they won lastn night world series going the got distance now. game seven charlie sheen still little upset the indians won't let him throww out the first pitch. his message to cleveland comingn up. ??
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series. now the cubs came back they wono last night. easily won game sick and that leaves the zero years all tied t up at three games a piece. p actor charlie sheen really wanted to throw out one of thetu first pitches at this year's yes world pretty peeved it didn't a.. happen tweeted this picture outu when the inn yank were losing implying maybe they wouldn't bet in danger of throwin three-one lead in the zeros ifei someone let him throw out the first pitch in cleve >> that matter.>> ter >> dennis martinez the cubs wenn with ryan sandberg and playerspa in the hall of fame. fe. ight.ght. >> charlie you're close behindcn i'm sure. >> sorry >> whether you root for the cubs are indians everybody get aset free taco bell thanks to the t stolen base francis so lynn dooo in the first gape of the worldhd series. free tacos to everybody from 2:00 to sick p.m. today. one free taco per customer cto according to taco bell. bel
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game seven. >> i know where i'm going for nch h today.w wher if you schedule lunch between 2:00 and 6:00. one per customer or i buy you y fly routine, grant. it's free.'sre we kind of get the delivery.iver >> who do you like tonight,ight, grant? [ laughter ][ lahter >> i like the cubs. kyle hendricks is the oh moundh he's the lowest er a n sportspo this season they fell behind bin three-one in this series and itt looked ominous for them to get consecutive wins he they performed with their with e brilliant output the grant slams from developing is it a russells severing going in their favor.ev i understand they're on the roar which by the way they shouldn'tt be. the only reason the inn yank iss hosting the game tonight all star determines home fieldield advantage which is preposterous. >> terrible. >> i think the cubs within game seven. >> what about the argument of tu this o. i think if it was going to be a clos iet wa game last night thet might have been more deflated de since the indians were blown ouo
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there's going to a come to jesus me dag for the indians and indis they're going to be like -- >> yeah. >> we're taking this.. >> i guess that could certainlya be a factor. a facto it would be more deflating i think if the entire game you you felt like you were going winng unlost you're starring totarrino wonder, wow can we put this team away. you felt like you goat boat ract add by the third or fourth ofo inning you started to prepare pa mentally and think about the a t fact there was going to be a game seven.en i covered the leaguehe lgue championship series i w cleveland i was in toronto.d s on the field pre and post for mm duties on the radio, and what ia saw from this team i pickm i p against the division series insn the league championship seriesip and in the world series was that they never realloryld seemed toe bothered. they're pretty unflappable.ppab this is not a team that gets daunted by tasks. i don't think they'll feel the sameink emotions, energies, ene anxieties that typical team on the press si piss of blowing a three-one lead might feel.. every time here we go the inn yank are being exposed that'sosd
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they've got their number onebeon starter their ace corey clue wee are fantastic earlier in thisrli season on the mound on short o o rest but he's the guy they would want pitching to night if they f had to play in game seven andvea they got him going.ot going >> or you can go the other way w and you've blown a three-onehr lead you got crush last night bb a team that hadn't won a worldwo series in gazillion years.. so there may be a choke factorec here as well for clevelandve sooner or later i like the guy y as manager. >> one of the best world seriese managers ever.gers eve >> it doesn't matter.esn't you lost allhe row. and now the pressure is on.. cleveland you just won nba championship. this ain't the nba though. >> but a lot of people would sau they're not supposed to be heree they're still to some extentxten playing with house money thatona goes away when you're upoue u three-one and now three-three. t you mentioned terry franconia he's 11-three as a manager. magr i think they're probably prettyy comfortable with him being onng their bench just like if you're the cubs and you got joe maddene calling the shots he's maybe the
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managerial post in baseball basb right if you're the inn yank you y weren't necessarily picked toilt win your division, very fewy f people picked to you come out of the american league.the amican nobody really thought you'd go d seven games with the cubs. so even though you would feelh d like there's pressure on you tot win or else you collapsed in the three-one series lead, i still s this they're a house money willw the they're not supposed to saao toe to toe with a much betteret cubs team according to a lot off people. they're playing at home in front of ain cg rowd they fed off allp seas. >> grant, if you are the cubs going into this game,, if y cler momentum is our side. what do you do to maintain thisi and to actually pull off thisl i world series win? win >> i think momentum in the postp season is as good as starting sn pitching so for me this is about really hendricks and kluberbe settling in and getting comfort al. if i'm the cubs i try to continue the mow moan tum.oan think about the offensiveen explosion last night and hownd w they got going a couple of twof out hits early kind of a quirkyi
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outfield and then a play at the plate that went awry for for then you had the big blast fromm russell on the grand slam andnda next thing you know that you kwh snowball is rolling downhill anl indians can't stop it.diann' for me, i think it's just quality at bats and takingak pitches early trying to work th count make sure you can get corey kluber the starter out ofo the game in the fifth or sixth x get into that bullpen withh miller and alan on the back end. those guys probably have back tc back days maybe three, three ana thd if you can get to the bullpen ii the fifth i think it would beld real big deal get into the free innings tree andrew miller it'si just to me about hendrick hendrc getting in groff early space spa same as kluber and working thatt count because you got a startera going against you oh and shortho rest generally those guys areuy not in the game for the long lon haul. haul. >> grant, you're on fieldie analysis is em peckable i have e one final question for you.on yu who throws out the first pitch o in game seven of theut world series, my guess is jim thome. . what do you think??
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would be a great idea as well. w i can see them going with any of those guys going back to the '97 world series man rhee knowanhee ramirez, alfred bell groupup legendary to cleveland.leland if lebron or one of those guys way around and have one of themo walk o i don't think that's plausible p with the way their season isayn going and where they're at right thome would make some sense he'e probably one of the most populap indians in the last 30 years yea maybe kenny lofton somebody liky that. >> i like kenny >> what about the owner of uno's pizza from chicago. cca nevever mine. >> never mine.. >> take goat out on the mound. m >> there you go. >> jim thome walking out on thee mound with goat. goa >> stop it. >> i think we got the it.. >> grant paulsen, thank you. >> haters going to hate. h players going to play. >> i think the last time to doto it actually -- foss 79 pirates s
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starting over that one --ne smarting over that one. o >> kenny lofton throughout game one. he's already done that.'s alr great call. game seven coverage starts at seven tonight right here at 5 fox5. full hour of pre-game and first pitch around 8of:00 o'cloc prek. >> it's going to be great eithe way.toy. 9:20 coming up bill cosby back b in core.ore. why gas prices could spike justs in time for thanksgiving, and the first man to make glamourmor magazine's women of the yearheea list. we'll have all the details whe he lines on this wednesday.n the >> all right. sarah frasierraer taking her podcast to the top oo the food chain. cin what she learn about fox5's general manager patrick paolinip who's also a very good friend of um-m-hmm. >> top of your christmas >> he's at the top of myhe of christmas list.ristmas lis we'll talk about all the stuff u that, you know, bosses talkses t about and don't want to talkal about on >> best beonesor,pr everybody..
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thousands of blue tags. thousands of low prices. my giant. we asked women to smell two body washes and pick their favorite- i prefer b. b. i would like to smell like this every day! but what was body wash a? ohhhh, i love bath and body works! and what was the one they preferred? ohhhh... this is suave! really? that's quite a bit of smelling good. fragrances preferred over bath and body works now twice as much smelling good.
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ns. cure fobo with black friday savings now. up to 40% off, 24-months special financing, and free delivery. at hhgregg. this price is so low. trying to make me eat my greens? no, just trying to ve you some green. whaaat?! thousands of blue tags. thousands of low prices. my giant. ?? >> 9:23 is our time. 9 allison is back with a check of on the stories making had he lines on this wednesday morning. >> hey, al. >> good morning, holly. good morning to all of you. first up a new report on the malyasian airlines flight 370 in anyonooed wmoasning t newli37 actually flying that airplane when it crashed into the indiana new york the ocean thean australian transport safety safy bureau came up with the theory e
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flaps were in at the time. t it's been 2.5 years since mh3700 crashed killing everyone onn board no one knows exactly whaty caused it. bill cosby due in courtrt today. where he's expected to learn ifa a judge will allow jurors to find out that he admitted thatt he regularly bought quaaludesaau for women he want to have sexavs with.wi lawyers in the sexual assault case argued whether a deposition the actor and comedian and active visit gave in 2005 civilc admissible in his upcomingoming criminal trial. the stafford countyy sheriff's office wants you tos t take good look at this shirt. st they say it belongs to the suspect who raped a woman for two hours on the side of a road. the sexual assault happened onno monday after the suspect and his victim got into a car crash.. well, now that halloween has come and gone we've got our eyee on thanksgiving and researcherse are telling travelers to buckle up for crowds as the number off
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to surge. sge another concern gas prices after the colonial pipeline was forcee to shut down after massive fortunately that could cause a gas -- unfortunately -- unfortunately could cause gasd e shortage depending on how longwn the closure lasts. lasts. of course we also see thosehose prices sometimes go up, too. finally, unexpected name making glamour magazine's women of the year list. it's bono.o. now the first man ever to be included on the annual you two front man being honoredd for his work on improving thevit lives of women and girls aroundn the world. e last year, bono's one campaign launched a poverty is sexist sex movement drawing the attentionhi to the roughly 62 million girlsr who are denied a right to education globally.. glamour's editor-in-chief saidhs the idea of awarding a man has s come up in the past bust they'v' decided against it.inst i magazine comes out in december.e so my question to you is, i i think it's wonderful i think i t it's wonderful.ul.
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women? >> good question.>> g >> doing wonderful things? this? >> or should it be a little, yo, know, ps --know, p >> i say no.>> say n >> i say no. sayo >> i mean i think he's someonete that has used his celebrity tort do amazing things. tng >> beautiful film i don't fdon't discount anything he's done ifg it's a list that is supposed toe be women that are doing thingss good -- >> clearly they're beinghey'reeg provocative and trying to get attention.n eyes on that. they do this.s. grab the headlines he may be b qualified for it.d fo they do this. grab a people go to it and talk about >> it's 50 maybe they should beu 50 and plus one. >> exactly. >> but i mean he makes a goodeae point. m if they just came out with their list would we be talking aboutkt it today. >> we wouldn't be talking aboutk it. >> right.>> >> if you put bono on it -- i >> you might go and look and ses who the other women are. a. >> exactly. >> unless you were on it, holl>y then i'd buy it.. >> then we'd be talking about it. >> spoiler alert, i'm not.ot don't worry. >> all right. [ laughter ] llisonnk you allison. 9:26 is the time.he tim back in action tonight theig t wizards take on toro ron tow in
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and the dancers live in the lofe to show you why this -- this could be our year. y >> let's hope so.. >> got to believe.elve >> starbucks going green somebody customers seeing red. we'll talk about thetome newestc controversy next. nex >> then fresh at 10a behind thee scenes of the set of empire.e. a fox5 first look at the annuala ice display at national harbor o under construction and laterer jamming in the loft. loft. a music legend performing a bob marley classic.ssic junior marvin joins us lv right now it's 9:27 and we wille be right back.
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?? this is bono. is b >> if you thought thegh controversy over starbucks cupec designs would be left in thewoul past in 2015, guess what, you'ru wrong. the coffee chain unveiled a new cup design yesterday and look ad how offensive that is. i >> my gosh. g >> here's the back story.ere'th once again some customersusmers expressed online outrage.ra >> yes, they d question. it's out just in time for thehe election came out of the justus yesterday.yesterday. star buck says that is ons purpose as they want the cup tot serve as a symboly unity.ty that's right these are not theot annual holiday cups. usual red ones they are just special design that featuresde mosaic of more than 100 people l all drawn in one continuouss stroke.stroke. the new coffee cups created toe represent the connections wee ce have as a communityct and too encourage us to be good to each
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aren't happy with the limited edition design accusing star s buck of meddling in politics and trying to brain wash them. really? >> unfortunately, for starbucksb this might not be the end of tht controversy this year as the the chain still has yet to releaseee its official holiday cup. >> here's what kills me, okay. starbucks drinkers are so offensed by this to reach out tt social media. mia but not offended enough to stopo buying their coffee. cfe isn't exactly.actl >> not enough to go to the go e hundreds of other coffee out there in this co. they will rather continue totint drink star buck but complain cpl about it. cuping at this what is really objectionable --e what do you object to on this cup.p. >> one line drawing is awesome.a >> the fact they did something s that they acknowledge thege election at all. that's the objection. not not necessarily the cup perp se. i think it's totally ridiculous. >> first world problemsbls >> the essence of that. o that. >> there you go. take your own mug and get themtt to felt ft u
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pretty nice. nic some are saying -- sayg >> i'm team nice. team ce >> i'm team nice. >> tucker, i will say you lookoo nice the tree in the backgroundn that's beautiful picture. >> barnes estate in theeste in background. >> oh wow. >> i wanted to give you a tourdo of my house. of my hous >> it is gorgee.ous.orgeous. >> i'm just standing outside the front gates.. thanks, maureen i kind of likenl the voice by the way.the voice >> oh, my goshby t. >> i'm channeling kathleeneen turner. >> i kind of like it.>> i've i b keen doing the same gag morning it's not my house. beautiful picture there of the trees turning and my advice gett out enjoy this afternoon or tomorrow because the loaves wilw not be with us much longer herer we'll probably get winds behindh our next front and we are rightg now peaking, we're high, so youo can see just off to the north and west the leaves are fallingi off the trees here in parts of o central pennsylvania.ylni all right. we're looking at a beautiful day, a middle day.y, a mid to upper m 70s this afternon
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57 in annapolis. we've jumped to 51 up in hagerstown. rha.r wincheste we are dealing with some cloudsc and we're going to be dealingea with those for few more hours h see a trend towards partialds pl sunshine this afternoon with thh clouds will hold the numbershe back a little bit in few spots.. otherwise well keep it dry latet today. toda again, beautiful day to go out o for nice walk enjoy the leaves.e that's our neck frontal systemas and it won't get in here until l second half of tomorrow.f oforro so until then, we'll be enjoying these unseasonably warmbl temperatures. later today. today with highs in the mid up to perp 70s love this time of year, andd it's possible there could be ana 80 or twno later today off to t south and we have. weso might do 80 tomorrow if wei can hit 80 here tomorrow upro up ahead of our front, we will tiel a record that goes back to 1974. yes. 1974. all right. there's your cold front th is isfront this i owmorrow set up. i do want to mention our best b chance for rain this week will w be tomorrow front comes throughh and then we'll return to more seasonal air.nalir. cooler by friday, saturday andyd
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here but note iceably cooler wih daytime highs that don't get out of the low to mid 60s.. quick remainder turn thosen tho clocks back late saturday early sunday. we get bonus hour of sleep. do love that early sunday morning. guys, that's the latest look at weather.weher. wisdom, the wizards are back ink action. >> yes, they are tucker. they are back in actes, .. tonight as a matter of a right here in washington, d.c. they'll take on -- they're goini to beat the toronto basketballal team. >> yes, they are. >> we don't care about toronto>. this ain't chan in a today this is washington's home opener first think this morning we'ree' getting the fans hyped up with w help from the wizards dancer anr power pack. >> if drake came you would talkd him. >> maybe if he was wearingasea wizards game.rdgam >> and console him after theer e loss.loss >> we're getting off track hereh we're getting off track. track what's going on. >> i'm good. >> i'm doing well. doingell >> welcome to the start ofthe sf another season. >> i appreciate fit i'm here yo know that wizardshe breasketball back. >> that's right. . traon is the tradition
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eerleader.r. >> we got out wizard girls herer two rookies sierra and marry hee will. >> rookies. making the squad and immediatela get you up early in the morning. >> exactly. >> it's all good. it's all good. >> look this is a big year. y >> all right. els going. gngtow >> these are not your averagera rally towels. >> this is what idol we're taking it up a notch ts hisis yy >> i like it. le i >> everybody gets this.hi >> our power pack and wizard wiz girls will be handing this out i to fans as they come in the dooo look for one of our people. you're a wizards fan you'll get these. >> that's how wizard got his. hs he was loud in the commercialrc break. what he is are we looking for this season. a lot of gisreat stuff are coming up.omp. one of the big thing we want toa tell people about our groupr grp tickets. if you have group of 10 or more and you buy kind oe f agrou pacc you get a lot of great discountn you can get discount onscount concessions, discount on then t tickets themselves. if you get a group of 10 or more, get a free t-shirt with-si your group.ur group if you come to one of our normaa games wall 82 get this awesomeme
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like this because i like toike throw back and i like theehe history.hiory. so if you come to one of our our throw back games this year six r throw backs games you'll get ont of these. >> look who has come in.n. coming into the picture now.. >> you already got one already. >> no. he was just checking just makinc sukire.sure >> those are pretty sweet s shirts. >> they're really really nice. here the great thing r ieaf youu think you have an idea for ave f shirt, hey, man i can make a m shirt even better than these,.h. >> yes. w we're working withou t custom ik for our t-shirt design contestit that launched go to washington ink design your own wizards t-shirt and ifd you win, your t-shirt will be sold in the verizon center team store. store. >> very cool. >> you can have wizards fan,ds f john wall, bradley biehl. bie >> everybody sporting your gear. >> exactly.xactly >> i think we shall get in oninn that contest. >> we should design a t-shirt.-t >> what is this dak?s dak >> keep talking.>>p ta >> the heavy weight champion off
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>> this is our custom made belt right for wisdom.wisdo it looks good on your shoulder,o man. >> it does. >> it feels good. >>he feel like the rock overdoes here back in the dayk . >> the washington wisdom. wdom. put it on. >> i like that. lik >> do you think it will fit. >> hold on. o we'll hold the other stuff.tuff >> you're new to the squad.w tod excited for the new season kickk off tonight, tip off tonight i guess.s. >> we're so s >> i love it. >> my waist is too small i can'c get it on. >> it's too small.ll >> um-hmm. >> it looks better on the shoulder. >> there you go.t lo >> tuck, why you looking at mehl like that? you want some?om >> i want to bell, man. m you know what you got to do tooo get it. ge >> it will be mine. >> that was the worse wrestlingt promo i've ever heard. >> work on that.>> wk on >> basketball will be muchke better than what just happenedue here. >> all right. look challenges another bigig sporting even going on in theint world.d i don't know your talking about. >> come everybody coming out tog ot verizon center wizards homeom opener good stuff tonight ton against toronto looking forward it to.
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stinging -- we just care aboutea baseball. >> that's what dvr is for. f get updates on your phone comenc out to the game. >> what time does the game stara tonight.. >> come to the game atame 7:00 o'clock.7:00 it will be over by 9:00. >> 9:30. >> get home in time for that tf other thing. thi. >> yes. >> where the cubs are going win. >> there you go.>>re >> always pleasure. i love>> t ahose shirts.s. hopefully lots of fun and we wish the wizards the best off luck this season this will be tb the year. the ye thanks ladies for coming have fun.. >> steve, this is in wrestling.. >> do it up wis.p take it away. iay >> back in act. sticking with basketball nba legend tangled up in a bitterr divorce battle. btl we'll go to life to tmz with all the details coming up next.ext.
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?? ? back now 9:41. 9 we are following some breaking news here on good day.. from old town alexandria ari a pers this morning.this m police responding to the victimo in the 8 t00 block of king stres it's not clear whether that's ta where the actual stabbingtabbg happened. police also do not haveha anyppa information yet about a suspect. the victim thankfully has non-life threatening injuries. . now, we expect police to be in i that area for some time so heeds that in you'll be in around that area this morning.. let's head on over to kevin and maureen who are doing a little fox beat for us this us
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with -- oh, thank you. >> it's not controversial, iseri it. >> not at all. bringing tm seem to the actioncn topping fox boat cot tee pippin bitter divorce battle and tyga all paid up.paidp >> for details we turn to tmz gary life in good morning to you.good morning >> good morning, gary.>> g how you doing buddy.bu >> good morning. i'm doing well, thanks.s >> let's start with scotty s pippin and larsa. this getting ugly. ugl >> absolutely.olut basically this is going to be a dog fight ovey rthis the $50 min this is all according to thehe divorce documents. rich when scotty filed he mention throed a prenup theyn th signed in 1997. well larsa filed a response ande she mentions now that in apparently last year almost tors the day of last year -- of last year 2015 they ripped up thatp a prenup, and she said itdt benefited scotty and she doesn'd say why they rimmed it up butrip apparently they had an agreemene where it is now null and void.nv so it's going to be interesting
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way. she also wants spouse soul spous support and wants the familywan home in florida.orida she wants tuition for the kidshk private school plus other expenses now scotty wants to move the kids to chicago wherehw he says he has a strong familyg base and really engrained in the commune she wants them to stay iny in florida.a. this is going to get really badt and also yesterday we put up some 911 calls from early in october that are very veryer troubling when larsa scoty apart in early october twoober verbal disputes where cops weres call. she call both times in one theme you actually hear scotty in thee background and she said thatndhs he's getting a aggressive.. and you hear him saying that tha this a verbal dispute.te verbal not physical.. and it's very erie when you heau it. the other times she called and c shed he's actually breaking b he wasn't arrested either ofn'ae those times when they showed upo nobody was arrested but just but shows you the drama they wereher dealing with leading up to the divorce. divorc >> it is so ugly i was justas j telling kevin i remember they rm got married. go
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just unfortunate that this isnae going down this path.down t we've got more to talk about.alk >> moving on to tyga.o t this story has been stretchedeee out for long time now it's it' coming to some sort of an end now. >> we all know this financial fn trouble by now.ble byow he opened $200,000 to a jewelerr out in we have hills he lost ins judge basically much well we wle learn yesterday he's actuallysta paying back that debt and thistt is big for him. he's paid back more than half of the he owes this guy he did this,did this was actually real good if g you remember kylie jenner was actually subpoenaed in this caso and she was going to have to give a depositione wa about finn because you know he buys hers stuff all the time at least he says does he on his snap chatsnc buying her cars and jewelry, an, this guy saying you owe me 200 2 grand. where is my money? but he's in the 11th hour started to payay and he has the 17 toth pay it it full or it will not be good forr him. as of now he's on the rightig path. >> we'll see where that onehereo
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chris brown's little adorable daughter royalty playing homageg to selena the queen of the music. she's as cute as can be ias n understand selena's familyy responded? >> they loved it.t. selena brother said out of all the super heroes and prince says in the world her choosing to beo my super hero referring to hisgh sister was very special to him. but i mean she looks great in it. really cool it was actually done by robin thick famous designer and also she was born apparently nia chris brown's baby mamma she wanted to do the costume royalty was born in corpus christi theit same place as selena. extra little fun fact >> i was wondering what the linl was to that. okay.okay we know of course you've got much more news coming up tmz which airs weekdays at 3:00 andd 7:00 on fox5. gary trock we thank you for youy time scene you next time.ceneoun >> gary, thank you very much.y,a >> take care. good guys, back over to you. bk.
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>> super sweet.uper i like eight lot.e eighot 9:45 is our time right now.. coming up next, the big boss, i, mean our big boss, is in the hot .eat. sa--h -- >> literally in the hot seat iff he's the gloss how hot did it dd get? that's the question. qio >> we learned things.arne thing. >> how far was sarah willing sai todd to go? she sat down with fox5 general patrick paolini too fine out the one thing he's glad his boss didn't know about wheno he got his job that is.
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?? that's probably the best jinglee we have on the show.. >> whoop whoop.op >>he rememake. 9:49 is the time. in case you hadn't heard, sarahh fraser still has the key card kc and she's been using it to t unlock some secrets around herer at fox5 much she's hosting new podcast and it's chance for to us open up about life, love anda .ork. in i was we might not be able te do on tv today it's the big it'i boss' and my best friend of all times, he's here ----
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>> forgot your best friend'sfri' name. name. >> how dare you say anything about my best >> i'm sorry.e ab boss..ry about touhat, >> sarah, good morning to you. y >> wisdom and i go way back. >> way back. b wayay back. >> i wish i had known that.wn t. i would have asked you all thesu questions to get out of patrick. >> some thing are just not -- >> we grew up together. t >> no, we didn't.e dn't >> sarah, you act like you lik actually believe that. belieha >> i did for a >> wisdom is older. [ laughter ] >> i am super excited about this ode.ode. i actual >> so am i.>> sam >> i was nervous. when you are interviewing you>>t it's sort of like what to askerk and whatnot to ask. a >> i was very nervous as well. >> we only had to make twoe two edits.ed i was really happy about that. . no, first of all i think it'slli amazing that you took a risk onk this podcast and encouragedra everybody totter it.erybody to >> yup. >> thank you. to that. thaecid >> because we talk about in theo podcast we talk about how we goe to be i was then tis and engage our viewers on different dfe >> right. >> so this as wisdom said thishi gives our talent and ourt and
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to really open up, and it was unfiltered. we didn't --id >> i know we get to >> yeah. yea >> we get to talk aboute geto t anything. >> and we didn't screen the we t questions or anything.thg. >> um-hmm. >> and it's turned out to be ouo more than i ever thought ithougi would be. hundreds of thousands of down loads. lots of great feedback. hopefully we'll continue.tinu series and move into some other picscs. >> the next step. the no pressure but you talk about a lot on the podcast. pca >> yes. >> yes >> you talk about everything from paloliticsk .olic you also i thought this was was really brave of y but any work environment there'e this kind of us versus them. th. us versus management and you really discuss that like if it's warned.rn if it's not.s n and you talk about basicallyly contracts and women and what yo shall do in the work mace.workac >> i said a lot of times i don'd think it's warned in some cases, but i understand it. because we're always pushing. management's job and as a as a general manager i push hard and,
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>> would you like to comment? ol good i'm e-mailing, you know, i'm e-mailing at 5:30 in theinhe morning, and but, no, but it's i all just to make the productro better and to,, what i try to do is be a viewer as the generalenr manager i real dollar i sit bacb and say okay what's the viewerhe experience. how are they, you know, relating to the story or segment or whatw have you. and then i comment from thatt perspective.. but we do push hard but listen, we have the greatest team in thn market. because wenot ju do exec hours w pee they bust their butts and ii think we put out pretty goodyood product every single day.singley >> yeah. there's some really great peoplt here. >> terrific people here. >> here here. he >> four over >> you also --ls-- >> especially wisdom.iall >> love laugh. >> very opinionated online onlie social media you talk about your thoughts on save spaces now on college campuses you have ae cay daughter in college, a son going into college.. >> daughter in grad school son r freshman in college.ol >> you also get personal with w
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>> do you think it's a toot tooo addiction at this point.s point. >> it might be. it might be. >> let's take a listen to this .. >> well it's not a mistake but i got on the whole tattoo kick. and, um --, this is a good one.e how many at a time tuesday doa you have? >> quite few. quite f >> are you thinking about havinn them removed? >> no, i love them.em >> your going to keep k >> i love them all much it's ini the a mistake. >> o, that it's a good one. good >> somebody asked me what were e you glad your bosses didn't know ou certainly that was one of themf because you just don't know how people perceive that. but have i quite a few.ew i have 20, 22 in that range.ra >> 22, buy my god you should change your name. you're like the tattoo gm. g you should lead with tha >> yeah.>>eah >> none of them i regret. >> i love that. t one of marvel, >> d.c. >> we'll be getting a lot of --
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>> enough >> i wanted that make sure you k were okay. we >> i had to check on my best ony forty seven over there.rt there you go.y sethyou go >> there you go.. >> it's hot.s it needs to cool off.lff >> there you go. >> we can't guarantee thiscan'te coffee is hot. it's strong. strong. >> don't be too hard on my bestb friend over here.. >> does the host get anything. >> no, no new york city.rk cy. >>.sorry. >> it's all about the gm.ut t g >> you still have a key card. >> be happy, right. r >> i haven't gotten any e-mailss i'm a little concerned.ed who are you e mailing in theu >> you don't is to answer that. [ laughter ]'t is [ lauger ] >> now you're on your own. >> that's a good thing. >> i do want to tell peoplel p where they need to download you episode will he well listen. lis someone in the business needs ts listen if you want to get this t business you really give a lotol of so please download as you canyo download us on i tunes, google l play from our website fox5 when you're on i tunes t leave us a review it really real really helps. >> thank you very much. t it was great. high so much funha.nk so mu
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tattoos at lunch together whenoe we're going. >> steve -- >> i can't believe you guys are such suck up. >> what do you mean, steve.t >> i think it's important to point out patrick doesn't jdousj n news here. he's in charge of the entire station. does he a lot and he does it soo well.. news, marketing, sales, he'ses,h best at everything.thg you guys should be ashamed of ourselves.el >> patrick, a little brown onn this knows. >> i got it from all you guysllg rubbing off when you walked by >> your car was detailed.etaid they're bringing it back ink i about an hour. >> we should do like a groupup podcast next time.nexte [ laughter ] >> and we're all supposed in human resources at what time.t t [ laughter ] >> fox5 field trip. >> i'm looking forward to thatki pad >> 9:55. check it all the podcasts online. in the meantime another houreaen still to come neck 10 is next.e. mel gibson what has he been up n
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>> if you haven't seen himse recently it's an interesting look as well.nts well kevin chats with him, also, talking with vince vaughn about a new movie and the fashion of empire. now, empire is kind of back butu there's kind of a game sevenamse tonight, too.t, in kind of kd of we'll still get you empire fixif coming up on the 10a. 1 first though it is coffee time t on good day dc if you've been iing our cool mugs we have a nea one up for grabs right now.ightw perfect for your dunkin' donutsn coffee. head to or d.c. enter the mug contest onete lucky winner select besideelecte random drawing but you have ave until 11am only to enter.nt get that entry in now.ry in now it is 9:56. wisdom, holly, maureen, comeom back. come on, guys. g [ laughter ][ la >> that's too much. >> i have to get the car. >> what do you want forant christmas?ristma >> my gosh.
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we asked women to smell two body washes and pick their favorite- i prefer b. b. i would like to smell like this every day! but what was body wash a? ohhhh, i love bath and body works! and what was the one they preferred? ohhhh... this is suave! really? suave, three fragrances preferred over bath and body works now twice as much smelling good.
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?? >> the must see moments only on good day at 10a. >> two good day exclusives we go inn sigh the national harbor ever so populseare mogoy holexe exhibit.t. >> also, only on gd d.c., h anda line. we have it first. fox5's fashionista has liveas fashion show just for us. u >> and speaking of fashion, howw does cookie get those looks? ww go behind the scenes of empirefp to find out.d out and then live in the loft,h, he's a member of the legendary reggae group bob marchly and the wailers junior marvin is here ih watch a show washington week.toe the 10a starts right now.ow ?? >> there's no way this ishis i november no way, whatsoever.tsoeve
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across the dmv today. t temperatures going to sore waysw up into the 70s so we are a feeling the outer spirit today's. >> everybody is feeling the outer spirit today body i. isn't yo, mon.t >> if only we were in thelye we islands. >> except maybe one person. we'll get to in just a second. n junior marvin is with us. guitarist for bob marley and the whalers. here in did the cc area coming n back for hometown show today. >> big baseball tonight righthtt her on fox5. while it is hot outside, there is one is subzero. >> yeah. >> well, almost i guess. it's 9 degrees.egrees there's our erin look al her. so she who has not been here the longest goes to the worse assignments.siment >> right. >> we put her on ice today>>. >> she's got sent to national nt harbor where they're gearing upg for their wonderful holiday attraction ice it is a i a destination spot throughout thet holidays now for some time, andd we have the exclusive first f speak peek and i think the
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to join us which he's not oftent in town so that's going to bee exciting.ex >> just thankfully ran backthanl outside right now to warm up. >> exactly. >> 0 degrees. deg >> bless her march.. let's check what's 10ing. 1ng first up let's talk politic. less than week until theilhe election president obama finally offering a personal glimpse into the place that he's called homed for the last eight years. yea in the december issue of architectural digest there werer new photos show some of the mose personal spots for the president inside of the white hou you going to up to the top floof of the white house where thete h family lives their home part ofp the white decorate beside a los angeleses based interior designer.igner you can see some of those roomss the yellow oval room complete with pains from world famousworm artists.tists a desk in which the 1978 camp david piece accord was signed.n. even the script from the the broadway hit hamilton. >> that's cool. cool >> got that lynn manuel mirandaa was at the white house recently. also featured 1930s tea setet
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room and a personalized football, muhammed ali portraiti arc grammy -- >> what? >> i don't know whose and of course a photo of k hnois daughs sasha and malia in the treatyaty >> here's the question.. >> did somebody just kick it.kt. >> do they keep to that stuff. u is that gift to the white house? >> if it's gift to them they would probably keep it. it. >> however they move out.. >> president obama does have ase grammy. that's true. >> >> he's taking that with him. >> out of all that stuff, the picture his daughters probablyra the most precious.ou >> absolutely. i want to know where where are e they going to watch the baseball game night j where the familyily hangs. hang >> tv hanging up there on the tt wall. >> in that chair. >> stuffy french,/it was/it s beautiful.auti gorgeous. >> kickback.>>ickb >> no. where the second al in the whiti house? that's what i want to iw know. where is the sectional ??
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we are just six days away fromro election day, and now hillaryowl clinton is trying to counter ana late surge from donald trump asa the two are almost even in an an average of national polls. p now in these final days, clip tc is returning to the issue thatt her campaign thinks will put heh over the edge. mobilizing women against donaldn trump.trump but it isn't smooth sailing onlo the democratic side as clinton t battles renewed investigation bb the fbi into her e-mail use. now donald trump meantime working to narrow any lead l clinton might have in wisconsin. add advising voters to considere changing their early vote and a he's not wrong. wrong. there are a handful of states se that give early voters the the option to actually good back and change their minds. minds although the deadline to do so s in minnesota has passed,sed, yesterday in wisconsin voters vr still have a chance to go back and forth multiple >> i think up to three times inn some of those states.f thosat >> wow.>> wow. interesting. >> the report they get earlier they don't have any record oft d
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that would be hard. brd >> but i think this year youhiar might see that happen.t see that i do. i reallyi think -- i real dollaa think that this year there mighg be some who go back. back >> that's lot.>> t >> we've seen a lot of firstss this election. i wouldn't count anything out.t. >> you are right about that. r >> if you go oneig time i can cn under. under. three times -- >> you have issues.. >> check the date. dat i know you've seen this crazy cy crazy next up lil wayne makingg headlines after his inter with h night live. he diss a vowed the black liveie matter movement claimg nothing to do with him.wi check this out. >> just sound weird. w i don't know you put a name on -- not name. nam it's not -- whatever, whatever.e it's somebody got shot by policc bleep for a reason.. young black rich bleep, if thatt don't let you know that america understand block bleep matterloe these days, i don't know what it is. is >> okay. the artist is real name is ne
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to the treatment of african-americans by police. p lot of people commenting onmmenn this. for me hearing it, i think he might -- might have been an little medicated perhaps much something seems off.. >> he was on something.. >> one of those cases people -- we've talk about this too. too people are trying to interpret r what he was saying into one -- - into one thing or another. but unless you're lil wayne iili don't know how could youow possibly understand what he'ssth trying to convey there? >> i can't. i can >> i can't. i disappointing. >> medicated uneducated.ducate >> if that's the case, wisdom, , how can you take that i'm that i referring to what people areto saying online right now w how cw you take that and then say oh s no, he really means to say thisi what he's really trying to sayos in this. thi >> that's where we are today.wh this is what he was trying toer sa.ty h.e >> unless you're him how do you' know what he's trying to sayre ? >> to me there was noo misinterpretation. it sounded silly. sil it just sounded silly sounded sd like he was on something.
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talking crazy. c >> he was uneducated aboutut >> i mean i think -- -- >> talking about how rich. who cares how rich you are?? >> know your bank account thek t thing about it is for someoner m who comes from an environment that has seen violence as lil wayne has i think it's a littlel irresponsible to just make a blanket statement maybe accept p that there is violence you don'n have to accept black livesckes matter clearly don't just say it has nothing to do with you you because you're rich becauseicbea that's the way i was sort oft o trying to interpret what he said steve i'm taking it back to what you're saying. sayg. not necessarily what he saide si from what i heard he was sayingn i'm rich therefore perhaps thisi doesn't apply to me how a black man get this rich in americameri shows we've trance zenned.e zen i don't think that's necessarily valid argument because, again,i, bullet has no -- sees no bank account.act. it's indiscriminate in lot ofoto ways. i don't know. heayne hok up to lil wayne needs to be a little moree mor responsible in what he's saying. >> all right. so let's talk about this lil l wayne has we said facingac backlash in recent months abouto this opinions back in august his
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black lives matter chant butr cb then the following month toldthd fox one's undisputed there wasas no such thing as racism. >> you see what i'm talking tal about. >> givive up. >> he's all over the map. map. >> he doesn't know where het kne stands. >> my thing is this. if somebody my , f you're celebl people ask you all kinds of questions athlete whatsoever ifs you don't know, then stay out of it keep your mouth closed. c don't show people how silly you are. don't show people you're uneducated.ed. keep your mouth closed.r moed that's a 10:08 is the time.ime to social media now first up u another reason to spend all dayd staring at instagram. >> huh yes.uh yes >> well allow me to explain. tpi >> go ahead. >> social network rolling out new shop now button next week. e they'll allow users to buy whatw they see in a photo without wito having to leave the app on theie i phones. i users had to follow a link lefte by the brand in its profilerole description and open the link in a browser to purchase itemste
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partners in the united stateste who will be using this newhiw technology including kate spade, macy's and there you go. g >> i don't want kate spade,pade macy's and target ads on my instagram.inst >> i don't either.>>he >> i'll get more sponsor posts. >> i was thinking today as i waw looking at my instagram.tagr i'withth you. every other one was a sponsoror post. po why can't it be like though ithu know instagram is free for now pandora plus or whatever where you py >> right. >> i just don't want the ads. >> i want to opt out of the ad.a >> i guarantee people are pple probably thinking let's do thata because there are more people -- yeah.. >> you don't want to be hit witi all that stuff. mow gee we've all beenal waiting for.l net iphone software update will include what you guys just did.d the face palm emoji other other notable newcomers includenclu avocado and person taking
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announced when the new batch off emojis will become available.ilb >> i what happened to know whatp the avocadoened is for.or >> maybe it's like, hey, come,om over for taco tuesday you bringi the guac emoji avocado. >> that's so specific.peci >> it's the only thing i cane li come up with. >> if you know please tweet meet because all morning long what i the avocado for. >> or what emoji do they not not have that you want?ant? >> like to see in the neck t tedate. >> they have weren't i >> i know which one it is. >> yeah.>> y [ laughter ] >> okay.y let's focus on something more me heroic per happen.n. incredible story of heroism anda all coming up later on. kevin sits down with mel gibsons he has new movie out called hack saw ridge. kevin will explain.xpla. >> lindsay lohan sounding andg little different these days.fe e royal romance and who popping aa one of the best holidayiday traditions of the year.e the victoria secret fashion show. >> we love that accen london. >> time now is 10:10 good day
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he might need michael to bail him out somebody higher than t michael he's going throughng tou serious divorce drama and had hd wives going through lots ofing drama right now.thw. now apparently this is according to tmz. she recent hal to call 911 9 because there was drama insideie the house.e house inside the house.. >> what coif drama?ra? >> well, that's the bigt's thbi question. what kind of drama.what kin >> she called 911d .of d calle 9 th11ey're not sure about whatbot exactly went on inside the house but something to the fact thatta made her want to call 911.. she said scotty was being aggressive >> agrees situation seive.s si >> what that means is still up u to interpretation. i she was on the phone with thehe 911 operator she was in tearsn s schenn was, you know, sounding g like she was in dire straits. at one point scotty gets on thet phone and as the operator is asking questions, he is like, i'm just being verballyy aggressive.gres does i just being verballyg v abusive. abus don't worry. >> yeah. yea. so then the operator says wellsl just so you know, the police ara going to show up.. >> okay. >> they never did. >> oh they didn't.>> t >> they did not show up>>. ot sp >> she called second time,d sec,
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well then there's whole bunch oo stuff going on here about whybot this is going on as to she was messing with the rapper future. >> oh. >> while they were married and future has ay we baby with searr whose married to russell wilson if i haven't confused you yet -y >> you will.ouill. >> then i will.. >> any way that's a lot of drama going o >> they need to go theirgo the separate ways. they need to figure out how o they'll split the 50 million.0 o >> a lot going on.ot goi o >> not good news in the pippinti olusehold. >> not at all well, there are good newse r for those of that love realove l housewives of beverly hills. >> okay. all right. >> because guess what? it's back for s geaueson seven.ev >> it's been on that long. lon >> one of the more popular ones. >> okay.y. >> it will be an exciting season. because two people from like the original time are going to be b visiting again. >> okay. >> are you ready? one is>> kely grammar's wife.if >> really? >> yes, yes.yes. camille grammar. grammar. not his current wife.t hi he ls eft her for really youngog girl. so camille grammar is comingomig
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>> which one is camille? is? s she --sh >> if i see her i'll show you.o. also, here's another one.erne speaking of drama.ra kim richards is coming back. >> oh, my gosh!yosh! >> i know. >> so there's camille rightamil there. >> i miff her. >> you blinked and you missed her. some of the main staysnked ad la vander pump eileen davidson lisa renner, and kyle richards willhl be back. there's a new person tour rhettr you to know maureen because dord is married to paul the managerar for both boy george and pele. [ laughter ] >> interesting. >> okay.>> o boy george and ael >> i can just tell you beverly y hills one of the funniest franchises dinner party that t camille had that's had hook on n the franchise. i'm glad to see her back.r bac. >> it will be good. >> let's switch gears and talk about something else. apparently ltcinh dsayou lt ohsa different voice now, a different accent because she's beenause sb
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i'm going to do this whole t segment right here right now ini this accent.ccent >> is this the accent lindsay is using. us >> no, it's not.innot. in fact, funny you mention thata holly nobody seems to know what accent it is. they're saying she's gone in and out of accents and it's all over the place.the ple >> the madonna accent.en >> it may be the madonna accent. >> a compilation of accents.ts >> listen. >> i know i'm i'm italian irish real.ea >> what was the first >> she's an american.. sh she's 90 in french. she knows russian. she's learning turkish andurki d arabic.ic she's trying to combine all ofi those is her point. point >> it sounded like at the very y beginning -- >> that's the problem stevee pr she's going out and out of these different languages it's kind od hard to understand.o understan >> kind of like now. kin >> kind of like now.. i suggest we move on to the next topic. >> you are seriously gettingti better. >> i think so. [ laughter ] >> we need to send the redskins back over to osend the london. so we can couldn't this. >> we are the ellis island for
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come on o >> there you go. >> listen, big lineup fort victoria secret fashion show. so >> i know, right.ight. >> wisdom perked up. >> you ready?? >> who is head lining it. i >> lady gaga. >> joanne. >> bruno mars.ars. >> 24 carrat gold and theand the weekend. >> all star boy. boy >> that's pretty big deal. >> they're flying over to parist it will air on cbs on monday, december 5th >> okay. >> but it's going to be a huge sh a want to forget just last week jasmine one of the models she'ss the one that will be wearing the 3 million-dollar bright nightdo llfantasy bra.arntbra. >> okay. >> oh, yes.. >> because nothing says victorii secret like a $3 million bra?iob >> of course. >> ask mariah karo.o >> is there any is he nair row,. >> you're missing by best storyy >> what's that.. >> prince harry. she's got new girlfriend and she happens to be. >> meghan markell.kell.
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that's her right there.'s h she's on that show, i don'ter rw if you watch it but i do, suits. it's a great show.ho she plays -- she's the daughter -- any way it doesn't tter.r. watch the show if you want toto know what she does on the show.o she's apparently dating harry. y >> how did they meet and withini him over? don't answer that tha second one maybe. >> maybe unsuitable touruitabl television. >> apparently they met they were just friendste ithnieytially. >> uh-huh. >> that's how it always starts.. >> that's how it all starts. srt something happened. >> we're out of why don't you >> ah, wisdom.ism. tell us real quick in an accent. >> get on twitter and follow mee on twitter and i will give youeu further details how meghan metet harry and there you go. g that is your celebrity dish for today. >> today. from from kentucky>> t. back to all. >> back to you two over there on the couch. >> all right.ll right. >> thanks guys.ys >> 10:19 is the time.s time. coming up firsts on fox5 little
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maryland's national harbor witht very special erin como at gaylord nationalato transformed into a block of icei this morning.orning how you feeling erin?ri >> i'm feeling a little chillyel but i brought my sap at a hatatt and i will halloween was so wass yesterday. we're working our way towardsy s christmas right now and even en though i'm cold the energy in eg here is incredible. people are getting ready joinini me right now we have seniorio designer big hoffman.. bill you're with crest designs.s >> i am. tell me about this maste >> well, we're involved in i incredible projects that we've w been working on for gaylord forf many years.maears. and here at the national we'vel' been doing this now i believeel this is our seventh year. >> um-hmm. >> and this year we have createt a brand new show call christmas around the world that reflects christmas in many different countries throughout the world. >> row really celebratinin
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a little touch a little flavorev of many different countries. we're bringing back some of thet elements that we have in the ice show every year. one of which is the slide roomdo which we're standing in right rt now. now. >> i love seeing the slide unded construction because i had the c pleasure of going down the slids last year and to see how it howi starts is really cool. coo you know what's reallyknowhat' interesting to me, bill, evenl,e though the ice carvers you saidd work on scuttling the ice for ir just about a month, look at youu design book right here. her you start working a year in christmas for you is all year ng?g? >> yeah. we started working in january ja we'll start working on the showo for next year. year and there's a whole team of us that hoe top associates involved in pull putting this together.oe it all begins with concept 67on6 much this is of the slide roomom the initial concept which we're' standing in now. and as you can see every element
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pieces.pieces. >> all those ice car verse get the copies and they block out how big they need to be.e. >> they work from this bleak ase blueprint as an architect would. >> what's so bout full the sigh brant colors. col >> it ised in die and all the ae ice colors are shipped in here from a plant in ohio. ohi the trucks come in daily. everything arrives in a blocklok form as you can see right here.. >> so this is actually just onen big block of >> four blocks on this one pallet. each block weighs approximately 300 pounds.0 ds. >> just completely solid.. >> completely solid. so everything is heavy, heavy, heavy. very difficult for the gentlemen to move around but the artists are -- they're used to working g with this material and they love it. really, you can see the pride in all the different skull toursllu working and the different kindnd of work they're doing, sculptini and cutting and the big barrelss
10:26 am it feels like you're inside santa's workshop.ks >> it's crazy. in way this part of the processe is super fascinating so i thinki it's great that people can see e taste of the behind the scenes e thing before it happens and it'' all tied up in a bow. >> right. right >> bill, we can thank you enough for having us out and giving usg this exclusive sneak peek. pee ice is open to the public public november 19th.9th >> yes. yes >> november 19th they're we're going to hang out here taking a look at all the sights christmas around the world getst created.ed i'm really happy to be in here r in the cold while you guys enjoy this last burst of >> keep it all to yourself.ouel. >> keep it in there. >> 70 degrees 9 degrees >> we got the exclusive looke ev today and get the exclusivesive first look when it's actuallycty all done.. ka okay. >> amazing transformation.rmati. >> it will be fun.>>t will >> 10:00 vick is the time.ise. he's one of the greatest warte r
10:27 am coming up next, kevin shares the incredible true story behind tht new movie hack saw ridge and and sits down with director melel gibson. 10:27 is your time. gibson. 10:27 is your time. back in a moment. great price on this boneless chicken! yeah. we love low prices. no bones about it. [ laughter ]
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>> jump on it. >> you're kidding. >> i'm going to>> drag you.ou >> let's do it. ready? let's go. g >> we got company.ny. come on. o >> all right.ig. that's intense clip right there. clip from the new movie hack sa ridge tells the story of us army medic named desmond do's. d do's was a christian conscious o objector tour during world waro ii and refused to carry a gun but still earned medal of honorn after saving the lives of 75 me during the battle of okay now nw what and it's all based on truet story the movie draws andrewnd garfield and vince zahn andce zd directed by mel gibson.ib kevin got a chance to sit downod with the controversial star toar tuck about the new movie and heh joins us now with more. me >> one of the reasons why i love
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andrew garr feel plays from fro lynch burg virginia and wentiand over and fought in world war ii, and legitimately went back and saved 75 lives and this is aftet they had already -- movely aftet they already retreated which ish up credible.ble but the selflessness of that man and then seeing interview clipsc from the movie of the real havea a, his son is alive today. his son chance to see the moviem which is really really cool.l. >> i spoke to member gill son 10 years about showing this this movie to did he say mon's famill but also the idea of when he made brave heart film making wag so different this movie was so much less budge than brave hearr he still got it made. it look like a $100 million0 mio film. watch this. wa >> i know did he say mon passed away inhe 2006 i'm wouldn'ting i somehow you can have shown himvh this movie would there be tre
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kind of -- excited but nervousut to show him. >> if sought in the theater and watch this with him what would t it be like for you. y >> i think we did the rightht thing by did he say mon.on >> his son really love it. >> his son came and he was blows away. >> what was that like to hears t his son watch your movie and say he was blown away by it. it. >> it was great. he was like in tears.ea he wept through the whole thingg and he went up to andrew and hed said, he was like, you nailed m dad. he was like, andrew did phenomenal job. the character inhabited him. h it was spiritually some othere things going on there.he he did a good job. job. they all -- all these guys did. >> phenomenal. >> it was like -- beautiful job, drewew. route rheely beautiful.e rheeeat there's so much innocence in hih early on that's very genuine gen with that relationship and so much warmth and vulnerability ii him and so much strength in thee war that's truly truly there. te that's just beautifuliful performance.performance >> i've been watching braveg
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film making changed a lot butut you made an interesting point that movies like this aren'ts kt made any more and that's a hundred% true.e. obviously you star off directing though movies. movie. what did that mean for to you y have those films under your bele brave heart didn't it help youte make this movie? what did youdd learn from brave heart that youa utilized here? >> everything. i mean, you know, i'm a veterann of, you know, film making i suppose. over, what, their years or whatever. since i was a kid i've been atnt the hub like watching everying people.op so it's an acquired thing overr like 40 years. those experiences n what oy do now it's different becausefe b you're in the independent realm. you have less money, less time. i think i made this for half the time it to make brave heart. he. >> were you would you.d you. >> and about 30% less of that budget and that was 20 years a ago. so like you get an idea of the t kind of restraints you're undere
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film and the super hero involvel in this film doesn't wear't wea spandex.x. you're to the getting thee gette budgets. so it's a whole -- there's anrea art to that. >> what's ironic about that that statement that leading actor andrew garfield playedd spiderman. >> right. >> it's a really phenomenal i ns evera re new anything about it. . guys from lynch burg v have a.e but it is a story that -- youou cannot believe it when you're watching. >> he refused to carry a weapon. and tire time and he was on the front lines with the soldiersdi saving their lives and he saveds 75 without firing a single shot. >> wow!ow! >> mel gibson fully embracedced november.nomber >> it's been a long time sincein he directed movie. i think he's still a great story llerer. obviously very controversial inl regards to what happened yearswe ago, but great story teller rash less. less brave heart is phenomenal thing. passion of the christ is amazina as well.asell. >> when will this be out.e >> it opens friday.ri
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>> thanks, kev.hanks,ev. >> fox's hit empire returning ri for all new episodes after the t conclusion of the world series s tonight.t but to hold you over give you a little empire fix adam housely e takes a look at the fashionas behind the show. >> compelling, unpredictable.ab. >> exciting. >> reporter: that's how empire star at a tara gee p. henson. hn describes season three. but the same could be said abouo her character's over the top warobebe. >> oh, my god. g that is hot. too is to sell the wardrobe. you know i don't do the researcc on what she wears and i don'tndn break it down like a wardrobe designer d >> reporter: some of the som outfits or it outrageous.ou. costume stylist says cookie's look reflects the glom more russ life of her character.fe of he >> over the top i feel like onen the show is good.soo and on this show i think i thi strive for it to be over the top because it makes an impact andat it's like every week you to do
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>> reporter: and it's not allte aboutr: c aookie.ooe >> we have, you know, a regularg of at least 10 people that are having like three to fouro f changes an episode.sode plus, all of the featured peoplo and day players and scenes and background that i oversee likere all of that. all >> reporter: wofardrobe stylesey and colors are carefully cef considered for each scene. >> we sort of like play chess c with the clothing with theith te colors and what they're doinghee and who they're next to. you know somebody is already ala warn.rn if cook ise wear red if hakeem is in red non one is wearing red.ed. ?? >> reporter: while many of the items are rare, some can ben be found in stores.s >> they can buy the actual aua peace, you know, they are, you,y know, clothes in the stores some of it i use vintage designeresne things on her.. but they're place that is i shop that people can, you know, shopp there, too.e, t >> reporter: in hollywood,, adam housely, fox news. empire returns with all newn
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the world series. okay.okay. speaking of fashion h and m brand new high fashion line hitt stores tomorrow but we've gote' our hands on it coming up next paul whartonlharn joining us live with a sneakhak peek at the new kenzo collaboration much it's 10:37. i'm afraid you're suffering from fobo. fobo? fobo. fobo... fear of better options. cure fobo with black friday savings now. up to 40% off, 24-months special financing, and free delivery.
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t ovhavein tcee police ambush in iowamb nusow is in custody. earlier he had been identifiedid as 46-year-old scott michael green. police say hegr shot and killede two police officers in twon separate ambush attacks. now, details on the capture ctu still coming in but gettinget word, though, there has been an arrest in the double shootings n in iowa. so stay with fox5 online for ala of the latest details throughouu out the day and on our socialoca media platforms as well. >> mo.. >> we lov around here. arou you love it too on good day we're getting a first happened h look at a new limited editiondin election from h and m. it's called kenzo for h and m it's a collaboration between hen and m and kenzo known for vibrant it's colorful playfullal patterns.. campaign also recruited bigruit named celebrity models like lik chance the rapper, rosario dawson iman out of retirementirt appearing in this campaign.ig the looks do not go on sale osa
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we're giving i was sneak peekakp and here are details our resident fashion expert wall good morning to you love.ove. >> hello wife fee.e fee >> my goodness. i have not forgotten.. kenzo, i love that they're, upping, brands like kenzo andbrs victoria beckham taking storesgo like h and m and target andt and bringing their high fashion clothing to these regularular stores. >> absolutely last year they did bow main.bowai huge hit. sold out in a minute.ute. >> right. >> we are getting the exclusivee preview to the going to be available only atabe the georgetown park store 250 2 stores nationwide onlyy georgetown park here. her let's see some of the looks. >> let's do it.>> l >> again worry talking about woy vibrant colors.olors. kenzo known for. is this look? how would h you describe this.yos. >> this is a perfect look for kenzo. ke i mean, shocking color the pinkk this is actually a real leather jacket it's parisian inspired. i the buttons have really cool eiffel towers on them.
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anna working it all. itll. the rest of her look is h and m shoes.shoe >> okay. >> h and m jeans. >> actually retails for $399. >> the jacket is the only thingg kenzo she's wearing.e's wearing >> the right is the only thingtn kenzo for h and m $399 and wouldn't it be that if it was iw the regular kenzo line. >> big box see look in for thist fall. >> it definitely is in for thisi fall.. it definitely is.ys >> all right. beautiful. v very nice. what's our next look. >> this is josh. from paul wharton modelel management. he's wearing a kenzo for h and m parka. the parka retails for $349. $ >> i like that.t. >> it's really great.reallyat if he unsips that you can see hs and m studio jack. >> okay. >> that is available for 59.99.5 >> all right. josh was just telling me he'ss taking rv trip across the wholew united states to california sois this is perfect look if you're a model on a budget. bud >> i love it.e i
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he's got the pants for 39.99 the white t for 19-point nip and inn great outfit there.great ou >>o yoyou. >> that motive is working. workg >> how much is the jacket again did you say.t >> the jacket is 349. >> okay. all right.l r >> this next look i love this.x come on inlo here. >> ooh, she is killing it. >> hello. hello >> and the pants scream kenzo. >> can i tell you?ell >> exactly. this is kenzo sort of tradefra right here. h >> we've been talking a about fall florals. f these kenzo h and m pants retail for 199 fantastic value. >> look at the little peek a bok on the turtleneck in the back.hb >> love it.e it >> red sweater 39.99. 399 >> that's also kenzo.. >> new york it's not kenzo but o and m.d m. >> okay.y. >> check out her shoes for 34.99 from h and m. m my gosh. >> you forget they really have v high fashion at reallyt rel affordable prices. >> but those pants are everything.ever holiday parties.
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shopper doesn't just buy thishi but people that buy kenzo and high end learns are going to hn and m for that. >> darling you look amazing. >> i love it. it. >> looking great.kingreat. >> you're getting sneak peek because these go on sale at thee georgetown h and m. >> tomorrow. the line will form early.ill rme >> yes you're getting it first i hand on good day d.c. >> like the fashion equivalentql of a beyonce' concert.once >> get there errly. >> speaking of which come on inn here. i love this.vehi >> tom is wearing is kenzo jacket.jacket that retails for i believe about 299.29 i think it's $299. $29 his t-shirt is 49.99.. actually the trench coat is 1999 o okay. the two jackets are both kenzo.n >> both kenzo. exactly. >> pants 39.9 nip and his shoes 16.99. >> i love the op trend this season especially with our weather now.ther n
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high of 74. i mean it's like what are we whe doing out here? so yeah this ii perfect look if you have to havo stand outside and wait to get into h and m >> models all you come back in and paul one final question. if you can afford one or twoord things from this line, what w would you advise people to get?t >> you know if i don't you're'r talking about high-low i wouldwu advise people to get the parkass the outer wear are definitely al staple pieces for this line anda you'll get great value. this for 199 having authenticntc leather jacket is by. by. the parka is a fabulous buy cany you live without those pants.hos >> i love those pants. maybe leaving pants less. less. >> right. g looks great. >> you look amazing.>>ou loo >> all right. thanyoyou models. >> you sawu it first here on gd dc the kenzo line.. >> these guys are gorgeous.. >> do they need make up and u a hair. >> seriously, right.lyright. >> gorgeous. >> thanks paul. p >> dropping weather knowledge oh us today. bringing the fashion and thendhe
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>> 10:00 frick. we're getting ready to stir it r up a little bit this morning because ledger danny whalersnyha guitarist junior marvin is hereh and he's performing a whalers we classic for live in the loft.t. don't go anywhere. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. we guarantee to make switching easier. we'll show up on time. you're right on time. as promised, to install fios and set up the wi-fi that janet, jamie, jenny, jemma and jasmine need on their birthday. thank you. for all their new devices. you can't break me. you want a piece of cake? switching to fios is easier than ever. now get 100 meg internet, plus tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. hurry, this is the final week to get our best offer ever.
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>> perfect timing with thect forecast we have in washington and bringing in our next guest e is reggae rail tie, singer, guitarist best known for being a member of the bob marleylyaleyl wailers we're talking about abo junior marvin and junior isr i currently on tour throwing bobib marley t group junior marvins wailers. his last hometown concert befort he heads out on big world torelt with the recently reunited wailers will be coming up at the hamilton.. november 19th.9t. first, though, he is joining usg live in the loft to perform the one and only redemption song. please welcome junior marvin.
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?? redemption song ?? ?? [ applause ] >> whoo!! >> boy that's good stuff.tu. junior it never gets old.. welcome home my friend. fen >> thank you d.c. is kind of kio your turf these days, isn't it? >> well, between d.c. alexandria virginia. in the area. what a life you've had from jamaica to london to the unitedd states to washington, d.c. andsn making music all m it's got tico be a a dream for . >> well, you have to work hard,, stay focused, stay balanced, ana give thanks. >> threats talk about the new n tore you have coming up.ou hav you getting the old band back bc together again, aren't you?ou? >> well, we have some newe members like the base player's son ashton, jr.r. he's the new band leader. lde
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course. we have tyrone downey original keyboard player, originalgina guitarist, tyrone downey -- iy - said him all right. right keyboard and myself a lead singer josh david barrett. >> when you guys get together ie it just magic again it all comes back together?et >> well, we never really stopped playing or practicing or getting together.geth >> it was always there.t waways >> and try to get >> you have to go back, my goodness, i hate to throw the numbers out there.numb almost 40 years ago when you ag started playing with bob. bob >> yeah, i joined in '77. ' >> so what was that like? if i you dough at the time it wase w going to be magical collection.o >> i her him do song called concrete jungle i said to my t m momma i wish i can play withh that band and be careful what you wish for.or. it came true. >> dreams might come true.e tru you never know.r k the downside of that is now it's
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did you think at that time thata 35 years later the music would continue. it would be celebrated as muchs that new generations would now take this son the same way theyt did years ago? >> well, when bob was, you know, here in the flesh, it was like a baby growing up, you know, wew,e travel the whole world and everywhere we went peoplepple adopted the music and lifestyle and, you know, the look and thed they got into the religious parp of it, and they decided to learn culture and how to share withit everyone on the planet and, youu know, create the vibe of one oon love.. make it bigger.bigge >> so when people come out to t see your show, is it an honor ii guess if they're looking at itti as look this is the music thatca we listen to with bob at firstfs now living on through you? do u you try to throw your own musics in there as well? or do you trt to keep them separated?? >> most definitely we doy we classics of bob marley everyoney in the band writes.ri
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real soon and of course we'll bw doing a life album which feature a loft bob songs and new songs.. and i think it will be awesome.e >> i think it's going to begoine amaze as well.el such an honor to have you here r with us today. i'm glad you're in the area're still which is fantastic.. the show will be at the hamlton. check it out. there you see the information on thur screen. a saturdae y night whichur mean, guys, we can actually go because we don't have to get up in theie mill of the night to come downow and celebrate the music that tha never gross old. old >> certainly doesn't.. i was singing along with you. y >> right. >> oh wow. okay.>> o do we have time for tweetsok. ts >> let's do one, two, three. >> all right.ll r a couple people were talkingeo especially about -- i don't know if this is one of them. them. let's see. >> maureen, you sound scratchy.r you good?u good? >> i was just responding to hero >> i don't know -- i'll be goodg thank you so much. muc >> wisdom is a nut. nut >> stop right there.. >> that act accept, thoughacacce washington are you talking about? neat a nut emoji.moji >> celebrity accents all overllo the globe. globe.
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australia, jamaica. >> bye, everybody. see you tomorrow. ?? know you have a dedicated advisor and team who understand where you come from. ?? know you can craft an investment plan as strong as your values. know that together, you can establish a meaningful legacy with the guidance and support of your dedicated pnc wealth management? team. i'm afraid you're suffering from fobo. of your dedicated pnc wealth management? team. fobo? fobo. fobo... fear of better options. cure fobo with black friday savings now.
11:00 am
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