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tv   Fox 5 News 630  FOX  November 7, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm EST

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>> you can feel. >> we knew it was official when we said it would be catered tomorrow. >> hill hem and donald trump blitzing battle ground stwaits hours to go until voters hit the poll. take a listen. >> hillary clinton is being protected by a totally rigged system. and now it's up to the american people to deliver juti the ballot box tomorrow. >> tomorrow you can vote. for a hopeful, inclusive, big hearted america. >> and as you can see from the run down on your screen this is the hottest story we're talking about tonight. 6:0 as always make closing arguments. everyone out there has an opinion. we know that full well. give us your thoughts and closing arguments with the 5@630. and candidates and supporters
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final push. donald trump starting in florida and mrs. clinton in pits pits and mike nens minneapolis and tim dmain fairfax and ivanka trump spoke town decided in virginia and chelsea campaigned in michigan. >> our own tom fitzgerald is live tonight in new york city which is why both camps will be tomorrow night anxiously awaiting election returns. >> fit does you can think of the last time we had two election ni it's about a while. >> it's been a while. i covered it in 1944. >> sure did you. >> that's how long it was. >> wow. >> no this does not happen often. and it does not happen rally because people forget sometimes this is a rare occurrence that we have both major party candidates effectively from the same city you know. hillary clinton of course has roots to arkansas and chicago and she served as senator from
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been a fixture here in this city. so this is a very big event. not only for the country tomorrow night, but for new york city itself to have their former senator and new york city real is state both vying for the presidency of the united states. it's a remarkable moment for the city. they'll only be a couple blocks away as trump will be at the hilton midtown 6 blocks from where we are now and hillary clinto jacob javis convention center upton river couple football fields long and it's you know has all the makings of a massive crowd over of there. that's not quite the case trump headquarters. trump's head quart ers is in a ballroom in the new york hilton and this is a room that used to hold nfl draft and while they are does hold a lot of people it's not nearly size of where clinton will be tomorrow night and of course we heard the
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itself to order fireworks ahead of the vote totals being announced. and that we were told was quickly cancelled because of the optics of that did not look good. >> fits i'm curious i don't know if you know this there is a trump hotel new york city any idea why he is holding his rally hilton and not his big hotel? >> from what we know and that's a very good question, shawn, he in washington d.c. these days blocks from the white house itself. there have been reports in recent days that ivanka trump has had mounting concerns of any lasting damage this campaign drawn to the trump business. >> oh, >> there's a new line of trump owe tells opening up catering to mill ep equals. those new hotels will not have the trump name and will go with scion instead of trump name.
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is the reason. however, there was also a report in recent days that ivanka trump was concerned about appearing in ads for the trump campaign because she has concerns about any lasting damage that the tone of this campaign may do to the trump businesses after election day tomorrow. >> all right. fits you have a busy day ahead of you tomorrow. enjoy juror night and see you tomorrow. >> thank you, fits. >> take a hook hillary clinton has enough solid orleaning dem extraic states to clinch president depy and however donald trump has a path to 270 votes but a narrow one. >> north carolina helped from lien democrat to toss yut state. arizona, utah, iowa shifting to lien republican. trump seems to have a smaller advantage over hillary clinton in arizona. certainly these battle ground states, the states tossups
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because we know right now the path is pretty narrow. we've seen it's been narrow for donald trump and gotten narrower for hillary clinton. this is going to be key tomorrow. >> what's lesson we learned in watching elections in virginia you will see first totals come out mit roomy was leading obama and once northern virginia results come on that's key. we'll see if barbara come stock is motivating people to the polls. >> and time kaine. >> true. >> throughout this campaign we talked about the youth vote no to vote will millennials show up at the polls. >> director of circle non partisan research center on youth engagement tufts in boston but that's medford, correct account. correct good evening. >> i think that's the question tonight. have these candidates done enough to appeal to millennial voters. >> you know the candidates really have a lot of work to do with the millennial who's were
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the political engagement for the last few years and then in the primaries many liberal voters were really dispointed by bernie sanders defeat and so when we did the survey back in early october we found that only 30% of millennials had been contacted by any of the candidate' parties or representative to them. to us that's not a lot of young people. in order for young people to really turn out, more contacts need to happen. spent a lot more happened. >> on friday hillary clinton held a big rally concert with beyonce, jay-z, katy perry. a lot of millennials find them popular. will that translate into votes from millennials just because some of their favorite singers came out and said, hey, we support hillary clinton. >> that is generally found that surrogate by celebrity on one time basis does not have a
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start to understand the impact they have on kurnout and as well as result and build a relationship with candidates and parties. >> there's a long standing representation that college campuses have that they are bass tans of liberalism whether activism or in the classroom maybe teachers are spouting off ideals and opinions. what do you see on the campus of tufts is it preliminary, active campus or does that taper off in recent years. >> it political act of campus. this year the university really banded together across different department and different offices to make sure the students had a free expression of different kind of opinions and they heard different perspectives and frankly massachusetts is a pretty liberal estate and not as if they're half republican student and half democratic students and we as ledge make sure that student had opportunity and students who
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much opportunity as possible to express views. >> thanks for joining us we appreciate your perspective. it's interesting to see as we get results from polls tomorrow if millennials are voting. >> she mentioned massachusetts what's interesting you had stated yes it's liberal but there you have it wings of change. some of nation's churches in other religious organizations organized non part shan three it let's people pray for the nation and the future. >> one of the org anyers of the event is up joking us. thanks for joining us. >> it's my pleasure shun and jim to be with you tonight. >> i think so many of you are stressed out and you feel anger on both side the way the election is going. tell us why. it's obviously. what are you hoping to get from this massive prayer rally. >> first of all when 80% of
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on the wrong track it's obvious to most of us pastors that politics when either side of i'll is not solution america needs and that's why we're asking folks in the d.c. area to come join us here upper senate park. not only this evening at 7:00 but tomorrow evening as well at 7:00. and to ask god once again to intervene in our nation's course of history as he has done so many times over the past 20 information we had on the rally that you're spvrkly telling people this is non part sachbility leave signs at home and lever stuff at home and bring yourselves. >> absolutely. jim. we feel that prayer will change america. not politics. >> what is your prayer specific limit you said change. but what prayer? what message do you hope to spread from all of this? >> well, one thing we do pray
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in the old testament they cried out to god in time of need to remember the could have naps of their fathers. and we know that our nation was founded on covenance with god from the very landing there as nrij only rock and we're asking god have mercy on the nation once again just to you extend to us grace once again that we can find our way back to the right path and of course, we me that is only through it america turning back to god of our fathers. >> pastor cummings appreciate it sir. good luck over the next couple days. >> thank you, jim, shawn, again we're inviting everyone to come up to upper senate park in washington d.c. right in the shadow of our nation's capitol. >> see it right there, thank you. >> thank you. >> i agree we need a lot of prayer. >> i think we do. >> for many reasons. >> for many, many reasons. >> let's check on the forecast now. hopefully we heard sue say earlier the weather is nice twhom all of are you headed to the polls. >> sure will be, shawn, jim, tomorrow will be warmer than today. not hot.
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by 5 to 10 in most areas and after kind of chilly start that's what we want to start with. tonight, because we do have a number of frost and freeze advisories poinged in the difference in the freeze to frost colder in the freeze warninging area and all of these would even get extended all the way out to western maryland. it's going to be cold everywhere tonight. since we already had a freeze in those areas they don't continue to reyou're uthem. new areas in the blue and frost advisories for d.c. and baltimore and although quite cold start tomorrow, but then it really looks like a but full day. georgous afternoon. few clouds around here and there and up to 6. great turnout weather and you know what no excuses is weather either. . you don't get to complain if you don't debt out and do your thing tomorrow. towards the weekend the coldest air of the season coming in with high temperatures in the low 50s if we're lucky. shawn, jim. >> she's should sue palka and she approves this for sglaingt yes, i do.
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side in election when you like it or sglot if you're feeling overwhelmed one place you can
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hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. vo: in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. donald trump: "knock the crap out of them, would you? seriously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and calm judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. donald trump audio only: "i would bomb the sh_t out of them." vo: just one. after all donald trump has said and done... she ate like a pig. you can do anything. i moved on her like a [bleep] ...trump's just so disgusting and degrading. it just seems like he's invaded our lives. and he's the republican nominee for president. and now republican congresswoman comstock is trying to run away from trump? i mean, come on. look, we just can't vote for comstock or trump.
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r the content of this advertising. >> hillary clinton or donald feep you're not a faip of the major party can indicates that apptizing to you. >> the businesses get into the act of trying to encourage people top voxt you cannot bribe people. "fox5" ver ronica cleary. >> all of the great stuff. is it here at the tenly town and those stickers certain fighting for, i voted stirk. if you show newspaper i voted sticker, any sticker like the
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free side tomorrow all day if you order an entre at nandos in the district maryland or virginia. and i'm going to sit down here with burton heights ceo of mannedlees prairie. we will talk about this joe is showing you the kitchen. while doing that burton tell me about why this election i think in particular it has been so deviceive and maybe inspired to you run promotion like this. >> yeah, ronica really around the election. but, tomorrow, whichever it comes to end and everyone has to pick a side. we started thinking about it we realized we have more than two sides. they're all tremendous. why not make them free for the day. >> and they're free for the day tomorrow. so tell me about so. sides we have here and of course we'll try some of them. walk me through some of the ones you got. >> most famous perry, perry chips, chicken and chips stable
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a huge favorite spice and kick to it and mashed potatoes, coleslaw. grilled corn on the could be. all free tomorrow if you have a sticker. any sticker will do. we cannot make it just voted but maybe you have one. >> we hope you have i voted sticker. i have a piece i feel like it's healthy and you challenged me earlier burton you do the corn as well. >> i think in the spirit of the promotion. >> that's good. >> corn on the could be on the air. >> i was joking with burton and id was great and the corn is not tv friendly and he said now you have to do. it i think he's right. let's give it a shot. you want to hold the mic. >> i have you covered i'll help. >> hello ronica. >> do it, do it. >> the corn just squirted. >> i love it ronica. >> two bites. >> that's taking the dare -- three bites. >> i love it. >> we'll see you guys later. >> ronica you eat that corn you get major point for that.
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>> mashed potatoes too. bring us some back. >> i heard about the garlic bread. and we will -- that is a side as well. but these are just type for me. this is enough. i'm good. >> bring us some back. >> have fun out think lover the idea. >> thanks ronica. >> i love the idea anything ask you do to encourage people to voxt than does is not only business offering up freebies tomorrow if you come in with i voted sticker we have a whole list. >> one thing they say federal say if you voted you get they say wear any sticker are are. >> we prefer. >> right. >> voting people. >> coming up scouts honor a bunch in studio tonight and they're tell us how they help
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>> they're not old enough to vote yet and area girl scouts happy enough to get out the vote. >> we have washington and cadet thesis and monca girl scouts national capitol. >> hello. >> hi. >> how did you get involved in this project. who you did you get involved. >> well archu decided including brownies and juniors we wanted election connection
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bath shows us how to run election. >> and how did this come about. this the was a well put together psa. >> aren't they talentd my goodness. >> we're pleased to be here. election connection patch program teaches girls of how the government works and how election process works. and how to be good citizens. they were so inspired by what they learned they wanted to take action and just help make the world a better place by reminding people to get out and vote. >> what was it like to actually star in this >> it was very like awesome. >> when you see yourself up there, how does that make he you feel. >> famous [ laughter ]. >> so you go through the whole process of filming it, it's a short ad you know it's 20, 30 seconds. >> yeah. >> how much work fwheent making that happen. >> it was a lot because you have to remember your lines. >> we did it like five times. >> that's good though. that's great. so the overall message though is you guys are not old enough.
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>> it's important to go out and vote because in our history we -- not everyone was able to vote. that makes it more important today to vote. >> we make our voices heard. >> absolutely. >> i love that. >> before we go, we want you troops toll me who is coming over to join us now. >> trinity and concernle are part of bigger troop a couple different girl scouts from for the washington and brownies and juniors and elementary schoolers and middle schoolers are putti >> high girls. >> i want to make sure everybody says hi. squeeze in here. everybody say hi. >> hi. >> thank you guys for coming in. >> they're too young to vote but make sure you go out and vote. >> i asked when do girl scout cookies go on sale. >> december. >> can we get a discount. >> cookies. >> can we got a discount i'm playing. thank you guys for coming in. >> we're talking to the girl scouts and cookies to a local
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be a escape from politics. >> lesson on civility when we
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i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. donald trump: i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go f--- themselves! you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of r wherever... you gotta see this guy. ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh.
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he's going like "i don't remember!? >> frozen yogurt shop is offering up red cherry versus blue berry. it teaches ith kids a lesson on voting. >> john kline is here. thank you so much for being here why not get kids involved in an earlier age. here's a ballot where they can choose favorite yogurt and topping and put them together and add them up and see who is winner. >> what do they do when kids come in --
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box here. fill out the information. what's the email and stuff and we will get back to you. >> we'll put it in the box like that and at the end of the someday count it up and tally them up and have a winner. >> where are you guys locatedd the store i'm associated with is alexandria, virginia, but there are over 50 of them within the delaware, virginia, maryland range. >> all right. >> familiar name for a lot of people. >> absolutely. >> we have girl scouts there they stuck around. you have explain what we're doing here. >> this is just a very small bit of what we have. we have hundreds of toppings that you can choose from. marshmallow enough and peanut
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>> kinds come up with faces on ice cream and different monsters and you know even go as far as putting sauce for hair. >> why does this teach kids the lesson in civility. it's been such a and look how patient they are and waiting for the ice cream. they're very patient. >> ah, all right. what the do you guys think are your favorite so far. >> what do you like. >> sprinkles. >> sprinkles. >> although we should point >> yes. >> i want to introduce -- >> languishing here. >> come on here we didn't mean to hide you here. >> got lost in there. >> so again folks have until what time tomorrow. >> well until close tomorrow which will be usually average about 10:00. >> treat after voting. >> absolutely. >> wonderful idea. >> frozen yogurt and sweet frog. >> great way to do it. >> ready to dig in. >> yes. >> thank you guys for joining
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cream time. cream time. >> have a great night. you can do anything. i moved on her like a [bleep] ...trump's just so disgusting and degrading. it just seems like he's invaded our lives. and he's the republican nominee for president. and now republican congresswoman comstock is trying to run away from trump? i mean, come on. look, we just can't vote for comstock or trump.
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>> today on "tmz" -- harvey: joe jonas has struck again. it looks like hooked up with a "game of thrones" star. >> joe jonas and sophie turner. they're pretty close. >> joe jonas has gotten really hot women. >> you think kevin is jealous of his brother? >> yes. >> you don't believe there's one happily married man. >> there's not a happily married man that doesn't wonder what if and kevin is one of those guys. >> that is a true statement. >> mariah carey and james pack had the craziest prenup you have ever seen. one of the portions said no item of jewelry will be deemed a gift unless accompanied by a writing stating this is my gift to you. harvey: like mariah carey's not going to say honey, the note! >> you lay in ed and you're like, thank you for the earrings, but before -- harvey: write the note. here's the pen. >> justin bieber in toronto at the fifth pubhouse. he was watching the raptors game. but then he goes over to play the piano.


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