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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  November 8, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EST

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?? >> straight ahead it is electioa day in americad . >> hillary clinton four votes. . >> donald trump.>> donal >> donald trump two votes. v >> two presidential nomineesl ne burning the midnight o rallies well into the earlyarly hours of election day. >> we have to bridge the divided in our country. >> hillary clinton dragging outt all the stops and some of the sf biggest named supporters she has. the president and first lady, ld lady gaga, bon jovi, and bruce springsteen. >> ?? >> at the same time donald trumu not backing down and drawing dri some of his own hollywood
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day! da [ cheers and applause ] >> after a long bruising campaign season, the polls are open. now it's up to the americann we're live across the dmv as the nation's capitol picks the nextn resident of 1600 pennsylvania avenue.en. a special election edition oftin good day at 9a starts now. ?? all right. is the day that matter it iss election day tuesday november 8th i'm steve alongside holly, reene al just jumped jumpe right out of the center of the e tv screen on to the couch.ouch. >> magic powers. >> hard-working woman thiswork morning. morn >> making it happen. h >> she's here. we finally made it and thishis morning fox5 the place to be for all your election coverage coveg criss-crossing the regionsi covering the big local racesngac along with the presidential runr one. we'll have much more on that coming up. >> also ahead this m morninguc the the royal palace confirming the rumors. prince harry is dating ann
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for but the royal family is nots not happy with the way the media iss covering the romance. romance. they have a message for theor t prince himself.self >> first at 9:00 though good day to wait in line. lin we have seen long lines at local polls and if you have to stand d outside for little while you can couldn't have better weather foh that for sure today for detailst tucker is back with first checkc of the forecast. theec i do have a contention withtento that. i was just out, it's cold. >> yeah. >> is cocold. >> very overnight.nigh >> in fact 20s out to the west. however, we've got upper 60s tot 70 to look forward to this thi afternoon. so wait in line later this t afternoon. >> right exactly.ig exa >> all right. 49 this morning in washington.hi 53 in 43 leonardtown. still doing 30ing manassas 37.7. 39 in frederick. and just 41 in martinsburg.nsrg just out to the west lots of los upper 20s for overnight lows as places like dulles down too 29 degrees. degrees l r right. sunshine bright, beautiful heree for the first half of the day. e
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in kind of mid to afternoon. before sunset. clnset tonight at 5:00 o'clock. we should see some cloudinessudn but will not see any rain today. rain showers will hold off we'r' not going get a whole lot in the way of rain few scattereder showers tomorrow morningow morng commute. next chance for little rain as a we're going to keep things on the cool side for the most partp over the next seven days butay t today, the exception upper 60s i would not be at all surprised if we don't get very close to 70 in a few spots by mid to late afternoon. enjoy beautiful day.l day. all right, guys.l the seven day forecast.t. i'm going off to eat electionlet day food. da i'll see in you bit.ll seeyou bi >> sounds good. soundgood >> i got a stomach problem so i can't >> thank you. 9:03. big story at 9:00 o'clock,. >> some people have to know wheo to end. >> today the beginning of the oe end. hopefully by this time tomorrowm we will know who will be thel bt leader of the free world for the next four years.xt f >> but the big question is, whow will be that leader? and is anyone guess at think point. latest polls show hillaryhohill clinton with slight lead but sli
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he's conceding boning candidates have rallies planned tonight in the big big apple. blocks away from each other. and the long day comes on the oe heels of a long night with both candidates brainstorming, barn storming, doing everything theyy can through swing states andinga finally, after what feels likeie forever, it is finally decisionn time. >> we of course have live teamre coverage this morning across the d.egion.ion. bob barnard checking out theut raises in maryland, anjali hemphill doing the same thing ii we'll check in with both of thee coming up just a few. f firs doug luzader he has the latest on the last minute push. >> reporter: voting has begun here in virginia, and this is aa state that for years wasas reliablely republican.can. it's now reliable alley democratic. it may give us an idea, though, about voter enthusiasm.. the first results are in. connie dixville knowledge in new hampshire making the call jusths after midnight.nit >> hillary clinton four votes. >> donald trump two votes.
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four votes to two. t bear in mine during the primaries dickville knowledgee g thought this would be a raceldre between bernie sanders and john kasich.sich >> none of us want to wake upaku wednesday morning and wish weine had done more. right? [ applause ] >> reporter: hillary clinton wept well passed midnightnight campaigning in north carolinaarn after a massive rally inn philadelphia which also includee the obamas. obama donald trump also burning the midnight oil in michigan. >> did you ever think you'd bev' hearing a majord speech like the morning? are we crazy? isi this crazy? >> reporter: good news for ns f trump the map is shifting in his favor.favo with fox decision desk moving an number of toss up states like arizona, iowa and utah to leann republican.ic the good news for clinton, the maps still favors democratsemoc offering a number of paths too victory.ory >> florida is the one.lori if she holds him off in floridaa it's over early. >> reporter: then there's theres congress with republicans likelk to keep their majority in thenhe
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the action will be. democrats need to pick up just s five seats to take control.trol and republicans have more seatss to defend. >> republicans need everything to go right to hold on toright h control of the senate. so i would say at this pointhist it's mr. likely democrats takerk the senate by a very very veryyy narrow margin. margin. >> reporter: some of thosee of e senate races are going to bee fascinating to watch tonight. really all comes down to turnout and anecdotally speaking we've ' seen a long line at this at this precinct this morning. ts mo in fairfax c i'm doug luzader, fox news.s >> hillary clinton and heron ae husband bill have already cast c their vote in new york this wass the scene in west chester just about an hour ago. a donald trump is supposed to hitt the polls around 10:00 this morning. tim cane was the first member o the democratic toficket to castt his ballot.s ot he was up bright and earlyarly around 5:45am. >> meanwhile we've been trackin the polls since even earlierarlr around 4:30 this morning. >> we'll check back with bob barnard at random elementary ele
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headed farther south, bob, goodg morning.rn >> reporter: good morning,moing, steve. we're heading towards charlesg c county.coun we stopped in clinton, maryland, of all places you see peoplepl here randall elementary school.o they're signing up here gettingi their ballots.lots. you'll see there are about half dozen voting booths here, and a it's been steady. they say since they opened at 7:00 this you see when they're donereon filling out their ballot theylo take it to that machine in thene back there that's a scanner and registered and if we pan off tof the right you'll still see atils line here maybe half dozen or ss people still waiting to come inc here and to vote at randall rda elementary school.choo i want to show you video tapeeop from we spent the first hour or so up at paint branch elementarylentar school in college park rightk rt near the university of marylandl there were about 50 people online when we got there aboutre quarter to 7:00 the doors openee up right at 7:00 o'clock.. and it was steady. almost all the way through.hrou
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stake here in maryland. myland. the latest polls show hillaryll clinton at about 60%. 60% the last time maryland went with a republican presidentialdent candidate that was george hmm w bush. it's been 28 years.ea. you never know maryland has a republican governor this clearlr considered a blue polls are open till 8:00 o'clocc tonight. if you're in line att 8:00 o'clock, you still get to vote. a lot of peo advantage of early voting.oting more than 800,000 set a big-timm record basically in every countt across maryland but statewide 877,000 people taking advantage of early voting and now those who didn't are coming to the the polls guys and we'll where itret gets a little red down south ini charles county.nty we should there be for our nextx hour as we travel throughhr maryland on election day. day guys? >> bob barnard, on the go g traversing the region.
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day for dc votw ers.thdc voter they'll have the chance toha t change history and take a step a toward making d.c. the 51 is the state giving taxpayersaxpayers representation in congress.n cor even voters approve the measurea to make d.c. is a state it doese not become official withoutlit congressional approval.. after voters and then tn congressional approval d.c.. would then be call the state off washington, d.c. the d.c. would stand for douglas dc residents would also decidelc former mayor vincent gray willrl return to the d.c. council. election has even takenveak place and we're planning for the inauguration. this is wait looks like outside the white house right now. look largrie areas are cordoned off r construction equipment. national park service started t get ready about a week ago but announcing really picking upicng speed they're building a're buig reviewing stand and areas foror the platform is being built on theui west front of the capitol whichi tradition started with presidene ronald reagan good no no word if the work at the capitol startedd yet.
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election night tonight.on ton we'll be live on the air tonight from five until 8:00 p.m. and a that includes team coverage from the clinton and trauma manyaan headquarters in new york city. . where melanie an bic and tom fitzgerald are in the big apple to bring. the results as they come in weoe will have them for you stay witi fox5 up to the minute numbers online.nline. you can also get the results rul live on our fox news app and a fox5 d.c. on facebook.eb live coverage from our network k of reporters all night. nig you will not miss the action full coverage of thee presidential result on fox5 neww at 10:00 and 11:00.1:00. huge team of experts here analyst to break down thiss hitter 86 day.ay and if you happen to go to sleep early to night or decision is i not made when you go to sleep, p we'll be on bright and early at 4:00 o'clock tomorrow morning. r so when do you wake up, we'll wl let you know what's happening.p. >> got you covered. >> we also need your>> got helpp telling this election story. sty we want to see your tweets, youu pictures your voting selfiesel
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at the ballot boxes and who wh you're voting for if you want to. you don't have to but if youha want to you can tell us tweet us using theven hash tetag fox5 vt we'll show those pictures messages all morning long.ning . >> the election is seriousion r business. but it's also been a gold mine for late night coming up later, we'll look back at how the campaign played out o after the 11:00 o'clock news. >> also news headlines thisin morning. more murders connected toedo suspected serial killer. why those my pillow commercialsi might be full of fluff and there's no excuse not to vote. t check what else is makinging headlines neck. check what else is makinging headlines neck. ?? i'm luann bennett. over my 35 years living in northern virginia, i've learned a lot. how to raise three sons and build a successful business after my husband passed away. how to bring people together,
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that's what we do in a diverse and inclusive community like ours. that's what we need in congress to get it working again. and that's why i approve this message and respectfully ask
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traversing virginia heading further west. she started out closer to dillyc hng vir headed out towards manassas, prince william county to collecc out voting locations there. tre bob barnard tackling marylandand today.y. an hal system in virginia.tem ii >> we got it covered. cover headlines covered right now .:14. allison is back with that.ha good morning, al.od morng, >> good morning to all of first up, new details in a gruesome murder investigationtia that's unfolding in south isout a third body has been found on o the property of a man who is now linked to seven murders and the
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found chained inn in a storagera container. she was alive. todd kohlhepp is his name.isam he's suspect and he is ins i custody.. authorities believe there couldc be more bodies on his property. a third student at theird st university of maryland nowow reporting being hit by pellets e from beebee gun. g campus police say the studentste claim they were hit by pellets near the kim engineeringri building on sunday night. while another student says sheae was struck while walking betweee stadium drive garage and and ellicott hall.all. no one was serious police are investigating. >> the best thing it does,s, wherever you set this, okay, sos you first get comfortable irtlei don't know your pillow -- pillo >> have you seen these infomercials? are they full ofo fluff. >> the my pillow claims to beime one of the most comfortablele pillows you'll ever use.ll evese the ads promise to help with snoring, fibromyalgia, migraines other medical conditions butca this company getting quite thel wake-up call from the governmenm now facing a $1 million fine for deceptive advertising practices.
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to my pillow claim to cure cure certain disorders is false. about 18 million pillows havepia been sold. the number of people in then united states with an std recently hit unprecedented high. a new data showing that lastas year there were 1.5 millionlion reported cases of cliff mid ya.a people between 15 and 24 d 2 accounted for the largest numbem of those infected. researchers say lack of sex education may partly to beto b blame.ame. they say it's too focused on preventing pregnancies and less focused on stopping std's. and finally, no excuse not to vote. te this colorado woman went into it labor and instead of goinggoi straight to the hospital, shel,e went to the nearest poll placel to cast her vote. then a couple went to thet hospital where she had healthy baby. and he may be 250 miles awayy from earth but that did not stop astronaut shane kim bra from fro voting he cast his ballot fromrm the international space stationi
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by the time he's back on earth in february america will have a new commander in chief.hief hash tag no excuse.. >> job well done.. >> clearly there was no line for the pregnant lady because --aus- [ laughter ] >> i don't know how she voted. d because i would have gone in there and pushed all buttons. >> oh, that's so funny.h, t >> that's great story. >> hit any name. name. >> yes. >> very cool.y . >> thanks al. >> you got it. >> 9:17. the nats and caps in the middlee of a tight race as well. two tight races ando them help them out on -- come-- on we'll tell you all about it abot coming up nextcomi >> later we're setting aside tht gavel for votes this time in ala new episode of -- edition of o love and order and the firsthest issue on this ballot, hmm, h, should a husband really expect c sex every single day? yeah,, think about that during the the break.break >> he can expect it. >> #gooddaydc. oh, this conversation is goingng to be good. g all right. we're back with that and much
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? after all donald trump has said and done... she ate like a pig. you can do anything. i moved on her like a [bleep] ...trump's just so disgusting and degrading. it just seems like he's invaded our lives. and he's the republican nominee for president. is trying to run away from trump? i mean, come on. look, we just can't vote for comstock or trump. house majority pac is responsible
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?? 9:20 on this election daycty and since we are keeping up keep witness presidential election et here here's another election you need to know about.ow aut nationals among the nominees non the best team in baseball.asal the nats are the only team to have a finalist in each category for the national league award. mvp daniel murphy he is up u against chris bryant of the cubs and the dodgers corey
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year candidate versus dodgers seeger and teammate mato for the cy young award max scherzer isch up for that and dusty baker up for manager of the year.ear. he's going to go against joeinse maddon and dave roberts both tht dodgers.. dodgers cups cubs and nats and dominating across the board. >> it would be great to see thes nats get something out of this season. t it would. but i would give all that up for the world series. sie >> i'm sure the cubs would sthe bypass all the individual awarda to have that team. >> joe maddon will be manageof >> he should be right. >> absolutely. now as far as those other people on that liss t, ith mean, come . you got to win. w i'm just >> max scherzer had prettyrety amazing year. >> i can see him winning.ning >> first round of the playoffs, eh. >> the ones we listed rightted g there i give the cy young toun max. i'll give the rookie key of thet year to corey seeger. mvp up as a rookie like bryceikr definitely give it to him.
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season. if he had played the full season he would have gotten it.ayedlda >> who did you say for mvp.p. >> somebody else other than otht daniel murphy.danielphy >> that's tough call. c that's a tough call. probably going to go with criesh bryant because the cubs won then world series. >> if you're talking about theeo most valuable player, yeah.r,ea >> you take your team to theake series they probably get a few bonus votes. votes. >> what do you think.>> what >> i'm just cheesing. >> gorman [ laughter ] >> i know names. >> and michael jordan, right.haa >> that's right >> walter may peyton.eyton history on the hardwood last night at the verizon center. john wall proving he is the franchise's all-time bestt passer.paer breaking record for careerfor assists taking on the rockets r wall had 21 points, and eightht assists but eject in the finalhn minute after he bumped a referee, what? then he used ind appropriate language toward that official.ofcial. and it was another fourthther f quarter melt down fort wizardsds washington just couldn't stopto james hardin who finished with
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houston winning this one, 114-106.4- >> hardin hasn't basketballdi hooping that good lately for him to do that.n old beard.eard.gha goo >> it's notify.otif >> embrace notify to the full effect and he got not rich of kk kardashian which um his game instantly. >> okay. i'll go with that. let's talk about somebody got a i' lot of about s game. g steph curry back at it again setting another nba record. rec he hit 13, three >> what? >> the most ever in a single game. >> what? >> the two-time reigning mvp also finished with 46 points poi golden state's win over neww orleans. >> do you know how many shots in would have to take 13, three 1 t pointers with nobody on me.n probably a a hdred as easy. >> really? >> probably.>> pbabl >> mvp 3. line is a long way.g w >> it is.t is >> you and the rest of theofhe warriors able to score 46 points. anybody else show.ybody else s >> curry his scoring has been h way down this yeaisr wit sh kd the team and spreading thatdingt
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so this really was his firstis break out game of the season. he's been -- >> ya'll recognize.>> y >> where is the music, maestro.o >> instead of occur tee with tht pop what? >> we're getting into they stops it. >> got to move on.>>ot t >> we talked about the votingg for the national for the post season awards.rds. caps want to you cast ballot fof the next bobble head and thed at candidates are... braydon health bee the goalie, justin wl jumpsu or tom wilson.n here's their pitch to you. you vote for me. >> i'll vote for this guy. >> want you guys to vote for mer i don't know, i kind of wantt justin williams crazy hair bobble head. personally. >> yeah. definitely vote for myself. health bee wouldn't be able tola see past his beard.ea it would be all hair. h just too good looking to be on o bobble head. >> bigger, stronger, crazier,ra vote for me.e. >> i mean i it ooh it like the t
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look at him standing there. tre that's pretty cool one. >> the mullet esk haircut. >> his hair is boss.. >> justin williams.illi that hair. >> tough call. >> he locks like bruno mars. mar >> i hope they give all >> if i had to win best goalieoa and the water bottle seals it si for me. >> i'm with you, steve. >> half mullet.t. >> good hc >> voting today from 9am untilau 9:00 p.m. this is voting for tht caps right now.. >> your polls will be open depending what state you're in.n if you're voting for the caps c bobble head up until hd up 9:00 o'clock tonight.ig fans use hash tag to vote for holtbe williams or -- it will be given at the caps flames game in march. >> call it daily show effect. late night talk shows seem morer political heavy lately and
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actually share some of the bestb moments from the combination ofn comedy and presidential campaigns. >> first beautiful day on the te way but big changes later on thn way in the week. seven day forecast coming upomiu >> fresh at 10a, r and b super p store joe his new album drops on friday but first he's joining ui live in the loft.livee right now 9:26 and we will bee
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?? the band europe will live forever for this one song. >> exactly. >> it seems to be the final countdown.seems by tcohis time tomorrow we will >> let's hope. who willwho wilk know be the next occupants.ants white house. 45th president of the unitedted states.. >> it could be the finalbe theal countdown. >> right. >> we're hoping. when i w polling place, everyone wasone saying i'm just so glad this isi over. coming to a close.o just relief was the overridingvn theme and mood just get it over with. whoo! >> will it be over tomorrow isoo the question.the question. >> we've been dealing with it for two years in full for bee fe for the last year for sure.. >> hopefully it ends tomorrow.w >> please don't say that.yha >> i'm just saying. sin >> don't put any -- a - >> hope everybody remembers itym is still the united states of america. >> yeah.>> >> united.
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forward. >> yes. let's hope so. er is inob for that office to do just that.t. >> 9:29. at 6:00 a.m. this morning voterr in virginia were up and ready to vote at the polls.. fox5's anjali hemphill talkingli to voters all morning long and g she's on her way to yet another polling place in prince williamm county. an hal physical the other place you've already been did votersds have to wait long time at the polls? >> reporter: wel surprisingly the lines were very very long at all places we've been this morning,, however, they have movedhey ve m incredibly fast. i think even voters were veryer surprised at how quick they werr in and out of those pollingolli stations specially when theyn te showed up early, early thiss morning. we were up bright and early 4:34 this morning we started our dayd in arlington at a polling placep there, and right at 5:45, just5s before the polls opened at 6am, a shrew of voters came in andn a lined up and there were dozens n of people ready to get in andn
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tasted. we then moved to langly highy hh school where there were twoe precincts there and that was w even busier than the first one.o so we havene really scene goodd turnout numbers, election, ectin officials at both those pollinge places had said turnout numberse have been very impressive. especially from four years ago.a we are now on our way to princei william county we're stopping at yorkshire elementary school.nta. we hope to really extend ourxteo reach across the northernorer virginia viewing area. and make sure we talk to voters in all types of precincts andcis all types of different areas. more once we get there.. again, just reminder, polls in n virginia close at 7:00 p.m.7: p tonight. you got to be in line at 7:007:0 p.m. to cast your vote and makek it count.ou back to you guys.. >> hasn't hally, thank you. 9:31 time. time. what would election day be indab america without some free givere aways. you got to geoff away freeway f stuff. here's a list of the some of the hee of businesses who want to help youu help you out in that area. are keep you happy at the same timem 7eleven has a free cup of coffee when you download the store's
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christie cream? donut, a fro f donut with an i voted sticker sk you got to have that too to getg that free donut and doesn't gett any easier than that's correct'r right? >> sure. >> free donut. >> i got to find my i voted sticker.r. >> i voted early. >> next up, bertucci'. >> don't try to hustle donut. >> circle around and keeparou ae circling around. bertucci's you can get a free cannoli with the first of an a entree basically free desert after dinner tonight and giving you a $20 off your firstf ride if you've never used uber r before. h. oh. >> if you never used it before.r >> yeah. yeah >> how about free child care?chr >> that's good, right? >> ymca offering free child carc while parents go out and vote av and california tortilla freere chips and case so with any wh ay purchase when you say one ofne three secret passwords, and here they are. write them down.
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so. so >> pretty easy to remember. rem. >> there you go. tre y >> all has case so in it. sin a theme going there. >> man who knows his queso, gary mcgrady. >> my favorite. >> i know. >> i would do anything forn queso. >> almost. >> queso is good on anything.nyg >> nat cho anything. nat we talked about this earlierabor today. >> nacho we don't know >> we don't even know what nachh means much that's the whole whoe discussion around here but it'sn fun to say, isn'td here it? juy nacho.o. >> when you want to smile, say nacho.nach. >> 49 degrees at reagan nowgan n we're coming off our low.ow dulles 45.du dulles is way up off its low. l. dulles was below freezing thises morning and bwi is 51 degrees1 r out listen high pressure kept us sos nice for so long. lg it is starting to shift to the east today.od a couple of things will happen initially we'll get clouds inget here and beginning to see someno
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west of us. we'll stay dry today. seasonal temperatures whichtu wh means we're going mid to upperdp 60s, all right? a some places e will be 70 that's actually ahaau little bit of above seasonal. sa i think we're pretty good here.h election day the weather is just gorgeous. it will be very very nice out ot there.there so get out, f strong waitg wa outside in line that will make m it nice and of course we'ree' start to go warm up off ourof or morning lows it will actually be comfortable out there.mfor we're clear notaw but look back out to the west how quickly some of these clouds are comingse cl across. thin level clouds as they gety thicker this afternoon i think t they do nothing more than add tt a very very gorgeous sunset sun later on this evening, and all of this is in ahead of a frontal system moving i it will actually bring rain in i tonight. but here's the forecast fororec today. mostly sunny, 10:00 a.m. 57. 5 mild at 1:00 o'clock. we're up to 66 and again we're topping out today in the upper u 60s to right around 70 degrees.e a few clouds around. okay, but then will be late in t
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broken line of showers begins to come across overnight tonight.. tomorrow morning, i think thehe morning commute could be aoue little bit damp by the afternoon commute the way it is now its n looks like all of this gets g pushed to the south of us.f we begin to dry out in theutn afternoon.afrn so hopefully what just be b instead of both commutesh commus tomorrow being wet hopefully just be one of those which willi be the morning commute ach wndin we'll be drier in the eveningn g because i mean a little bit of o rain goes a long way obviously o when it comes to the commute.coo we're 68 today.od some showers around tomorrow. tr this is not going to be heavye h rain by any means.ea 60 for a high. h a little warmer on thursday. tha just because we have some se 61 there.61 the veterans day is friday, 63.. and look how much colder by thee weekend.en saturday high temperature here 52. guys i think saturday afternoono some neighborhoods will be onlyl in thel 40s and sunday morning could be dc's first freeze. fez it could be. we'll watch that real close.lo
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our first freeze yet. y >> it's thanks gary.. well, this presidentialntial election is serious business. the winner will shape the futurf of the country with his or her h supreme court picks. pks they're foreign and domestic doi policies and relationship withh congress.ngre and while the decision votersots face today is no laughing matter, this election season has sometimes seemed to border onde the verge of absurd and for the late night comics and shows like saturday night live it has beene like a dream come true. so here now some much needed presidential campaign. ?? >> politics and comedy have ayav long history.. but few races in history haveryv given the late night hosts thisi kind of ammunition. >> hello.>> h. >> congratulations, you'reatula speaking to donald trump.kingdoa [ laughter ]ghte ] >> oh, hello, donald. don >> the tonight show starringri jimmy fallon proving to be ae safe space for both candidatesde throughout the primary and post
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[ laughter ] >> also on nbc, saturday night n live finding its strives right away making its season premierne just days after the first t f presidential debate.. >> period end of story i won thn debate i stayed chris like i promised and it is over. good night, hofstra. >> alec baldwin and indicatendat mckinnon earning grave reviews for their eerily accurate takest on donald trump and hillaryry cl >> serious health problem.. and number three -- t - [ laughter ] >> a lot of them are very bad hombres. >> bingo. i got [ laughter ] ] >> over on the late show, steven colbert going tow to tow withoww both candidates for the first f time since dropping the gop below hard character he perfected during his time on tio comedy central colbert report. >> barack obama born in the united states.
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gentlemen. >> it's a meatball. m >> billion just kind of watched bad tv. t [ laughter ] >> not this show. s not this show.. >> late show also occasionally o serving as new home for the political rants of now unemployed john stuart.tu >> i'm enjoying the gymnastics t portion of the program that's t' about to occur. that will be the contortionsonto that many conservatives will now have to do to embrace donald j. trump. staying on the side lines. >> abc most mounting his own candidacy for the second highest office in the world. >> and since i am the only one running for vice-president, it, think i have a real shot att a winning this thing.s thing. [ cheers and applause ] >> after the second debate,e, kimmel said also briefly became the bone zones. >> how did you ever get such a u fresh and cool style. >> my wife dresses me like all e great americans.ricans >> it hasn't been all fun andn d games, though. t
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him backlash from the late late show with seth myers >> you missed out, buddy.ouud we could have gone to coneyo ne island and rid 10 the psych psy clone in segment we have callhac were his hair move. haive. >> no one punching harder than hbo's last week tonight. >> donald trump can seemm appealing until you take ae a closer look.oo much like the lunch buffet at a strip club. or the nfl or having a pet chimpanzee.. sure it seems fun but some day cocoa off. >> it has been much for them foe sure it will be interesting wheg things turn out ever how theyow turn out. >> i will say john oliver forr his part he's had very poignantn skits on his show where threwhrw humor he has informed and he's made you think and i think i t that's been the point of all of these comedians late night n comedians because for lot ofcau people they don't watch the newn cycles this is where they gethet their information i think it'srm good they're taking humorat anda
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of the absurdities we've seen in everyone of these campaigns andg with everyone of these ofhe so i think it's good that we we have this zone, if you will, to, help people sort of talk about o politics and to get their t feelings and thoughts across. >> sometimes you can get your gu points way little bit of humor r involved.invo >> right. . >> the intense behavior we've w been seeing so much. m i go back to the old standard of nl.. they nail it about as good asooa anybody could >> they did.yb >> this election season has been >> it helps.telps. >> getting people to turn backtt into snl. snl in fact snl parodies over the years have kind of, i don't ion know, they -- they're powerful. >> they have been powerful.hapo >> they get in people's minds. s people wren remember them. t we might have video of the classic ones.classi tina fey was sarah >> where has sarah palin be. b >> she was a better sarah palinp than sarah >> exactly. and i will say the elections elt over the years have also made md
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>> i think that's a bigger thint right there.ght th yeaeah. >> people -- well, not baldwin w he's already who he is.e i >> right.>> >> but i think that's more of ii that these people who play pla them -- >> become -- >> they become super stars.y bes >> dana carvey doing ross perot. how effective that was.ectivet s >> yes. >> he went on to do bush righttr >> president bush as well. >> yeah. yeah. humor, definitely a powerful tool. >> yeah. y let us know what you think as wi day.y. now, we'll switch gears right gg now because while it may seemay for some that election day is their worse nightmare this mayhm take the cake.ake >> i can't look at this. canook >> you know the movie.. wisdom will quote it.t. >> yes.. >> as the timing is perfect to t go to commercial.commel. >> okay. >> how do they snake, d a snakes end up on a plane? pla >> to which you say what,y wt, wisdom. wisd >> you got to deal it with morem passion, steve. >> i'm leaving it up to you andg seen.i.t >> how in the world did all in
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introducing tresemm? botanique a blend of coconut milk and aloe vera in a professional-quality formula, inspired by nature. blended by professionals to replenish for stunning healthy-looking hair. tresemm? botanique professional.
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>> that is enough.>> i've had with the tse bleep snae on this bleep bleep plane. pla everybody step in.erybodep i i'm about to open --pe-- >> just like a scene from acenem movie. >> i think you missed a couple p of those bleeped out words.. >> i got limit. >> all right.ll r >> snakes on a plane.kes a p
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mexican airplane.e. there it is. as far as we know, it was snake singular but imagine that you'ru mid air on the plane and you see this guy slithering out of theef overhead cabin space.pace >> no thank you.hank you. >> wanting to drop down and sit in coach.drin c. well, one passenger called the snake a flying viper. the airline aero mexico said in statement evident have it gagt g how the snake got there.akgot >> i'm sure it >> that's probably a good thingb to look into.abk io. the plane actually made an emergency landing at mexico's city someone was able to safely secure that passenger who was a stowaway. nobody was injured but let me le tell you something f there washw an excuse to run up to first toi class i'd be there in a heartbeat. >> i would have had a heart attack.ould h i'm kiddindding you. >> the worst when ig yo it dropd down. >> here's the only thing i willl say. i would rather be watching itg than lose sight of it.t >> right. >>hat's true.e. >> oh, yeah.>> o yea
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>> what if your baggage was in n that overhead bin.d >> it would have to stay there.e lost goods.ds >> how did it get on the plane?e somebody put that in a bag. >> somebody bring it john. john. >> of course.>> o >> i would say so.>> isn't maybe it got on the plane like not -- not -- >> work it's way in. in. >> maybe someone didn't bring ib on. ea really. work it's way on the plane and got up into the baggage >> sure, why not?ot? >> no. n. >> don't you know how snakes yoo work? >> this is why i don't like l snakes on this bleep bleep pn >> there you go. >> what if you knew whichhich baggage compartment it was in and you knew you had to opencomn that. >> no. exactly. >> there could be a hundred more in there.ld b exactly. >> no, snakes don't usuallyn't u travel alone. i meatrn avi don't know.don't k. >> they don't? >> i'm saying thatn'. >> i have no idea. i >> want to get to tweets rightet w.w. we certainly appreciate it onlye this election ele we're getting a lot of themg a t today. use the hash tag fox5 vote. we always ask for good day dc d getting a lot of good voting von getting a lot of pictures of pio people who have voted.ot
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so excited that jesus got to cast his vote for the first time as a u.s. citizen.. >> hooray! >> that's awesome.. >> yup. yup good morning. mni this says -- i can read her namn but congratulations on voting. they did it as family andas faml they're kids are watching sods that's'sweso >> that's nice. >> teach them they need to doee it, too. together we w we got out and voted together te this morning.thorni >> well done.>> welne. >> love it. >> of course i voted. v i'm a delta. all right, shout out to all thut we love that. that >> use your voice to make a choice it's important to have ao voice. it's more important to use it. e there you go.e you go. >> do it. every vote counts.ounts. yup. yup. >> monica saying simply voted! >> stronger together no matteren who you votedo for.ted >> all right. there you go. good >> fox5 vote.ote. use the hash tag if you have anv problems at the polls.oblems at. if there's anything you want toh bring to our attenintig on easis way for to us get to all theo al
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coming up we're talking love making on love and order. sarah fraser whoopi they used tu say back in the day.say ba in sarah fraser joining us live l with today's dilemma.ilma >> do you remember that.o you >> no, i don' >> whoop>>i. >> we're ready. >> what do you do when you go --
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?? >> i'm done with you.>> [ laughter ] i >> tuesday and tuesday means it's time for all new esdditionn love and order that's wheres w sarah fraser share messages shes gets from fans and then we try t to give little advice this t morning and hopefully reach a couldn't end census. c on this election day rather that a traditional r casting votes on today's topicst and we'll weigh in first on a a wife's frustration with her with husband bosses weight gain.t >> all right. what's up here. her >> what's the story.hat'the >> we'll summarize but they'veum been married for about threeor e years. and he's put on significant amount weight. wei probably weighs 250 pounds now. so the wife says look it's not the weight that bothers me but m he constantly is complainingompi about back pain, hip pain,ip shoulder pain, he's been to the doctors.or the doctor does not address hish
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physical therapy. none of this is working.physorki >> get new doctor.octor. >>ctxactly. new doctor.or [ laughter ] >> she wants to know i'm ono owm weight loss journey myself.. >> okay. >> i have less to lose.>> i'm not sure i i hf it's being b incentive i essentially want tot cull him out and tell him he's fat. >> they're doing it together.y'i >> he needs to lose weight.ngnel >> if they're doing it togetherg pile it on. >> you don't call him out.ou do you tell him, listenhi i love yv and i think we need to both be healthier.he i'm trying to do it myself.rytod >> you call him out. o you're doing it toke. i >> you hav be like we'll make a competitioi out of this, whatever it is is we'll do, and you just have totv be honest with each other athera that point.oint. >> i'm concerned that a doctoroe would not address his >> i am, too. too >> i mean i would suggestn i ult getting a new doctor and then or the side i might talk to thato t doctor and say, hey, listen, can you talk to him about his weighs because i'm concerned health wise what it means for him? >> okay. >> i'm trying to get healthy,ryh too. too. >> it's not exactly what you sa it's how you say it.ex exactly.y. >> i'll come back to that saying. >> do you ever think that's effective? we get this question a lot.o you wetion
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this a will. w someone gains a significantfi amount of weigh. the person still doesn't lose weight.ig that's kind of the overallhe ove because this question comes inti us all the time. what do you --atou >> the problem is -- >> what do you do if they don'te lose the weight.ei >> if you bring this up the maln or female, the other person p could possibly get offensed andd this could be huge. coulde h this could be huge.uge. >> the other person alreadylrdy knows. knows. probably feeling some kind ofly way about it already. f >> they'll be officer fenned iye >> but if you love each other -h >> in this case sarah saide sars they're trying to do itt together. they're both on mission to losel weight. >> no, she's wanting to do itt together. she's wanting to do it together. >> i think we all are kind ofd f saying the same same ti we vote it's all in how younow present it.prt it. >> but you got to tell him. >> be want to --o >> let's get to the good stuff.u this one is really great. gat what do you think? how often dn married people have sex? my sey husband and i have been marriedm a little over a year.
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at least 30 minutes.0 >> not true. not >> what world is he living in.ev >> that's in the happening. hap >> not true. >> he highlights -- if you do d not have children, if you don'td have children, you're having seg every day for at least 30 minutes. nu my husband -- >> not true. >> even believes there are wome> wholi worevk out, have hot sex r 30 minutes go to work and have e families.fa i'd be curious your thoughts oro his expectations ridiculous.ulos >> yes.>> y. >> next. >> down in the newsroom we did survey with reggie and a lot off producer is unrealistic if you don't havv kids. >> 30 minutes a day every singls day if you're married? married >> >> maybe the week of your y honeymoon. >> this is unrealistic.stic >> that's a lot of nap time. >> yeah. >> no one is pro sex on this.ns. >> it's not about bee pro if you are married, it doesn't matter if you're married withard children or not,.ot >> what about 15 minutes every5 day. >> you don't have time to have sex every single day if you'refu mary. you don't have time for that.foa
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come on. >> the problem the frequency ane duration. some people just can't go 30an'0 minutes. heck they can't go 15 >> wisdom. >> let's be real. >> you know what, like i said id you are married, if you aref yoa married even if you don't haveya children, you have a life. you don't have time to have sexs every single day. day >> he doesn't have time to haveo evsingsingle day. >> are you having sex everying e ngle d day. >> why you asking me. askin m why you all up in my business. s >> i want to be. >> i'm not saying want to be. >> you can fan s >> you can use this to start hia negotiations.tiat >> yeah.eah >> it should be every day for 33 minutes but i'll concede tode to maybe three days out of the week. >> three days for 20 d>>ays wisdom three days, 30 s each time.eache. >> no. don't get me in ge i't m not -- i'm not going thert i'm not doing it.. >> do it whenever i feel like ie it. >> intimacy you got to be doingi it at least -- you got to ato least being doing it.oing i intimacy is important.ortant >> oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.ea
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>> yes.>> yes >> we talked about this.ked out. >> we already talk about it.alak when you say i do -- >> that means you -- at some point you'll have to do it. >> ya'll act like i'm speaking foreign language up. u you don't get married to notd t have sex. have i'm sorry. >> that's different topic.ha don't get me on myt' little ran over here. i'm just saying.ay >> too late. >> somewhere in between notn be having it at all and 30 minutesn a day every day. >> clearly i wonder about that,a steve. how she feels about it.about i >> where do we rule? we're so torn. >> his expectations are crazy.. >> i like steve's idea where ite was a negotiating tactic. tac where you start out with everyry day, drop down to three. >> we're getting hard wrap heree >> oh we are. oh we oh, bummer. >> we have r and b sensation jon on the show we'll ask him what a he thinks about that.t >> he ain't getting it every day. day. >> prince harry in a hot newncen romance he's doing it every dayd
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robot you ain't doing it every day. day. sorry.sorr >> maybe he is a robot.. >> you ain't getting sex every x day. >> maybe he needs a robot.. that's why meghan is so in lovee >> coffee time.fee >> you don't need any moreou dee coffee. coffee. no man getting it of day. get in coffee time, maureen.reen >> there's a mug up for grabs. g dunkin' donuts mug great mug for your dunkin' donuts coffee. one lucky winner selected bytedb random by 11:00 o'clock this olk rnining. it's 9:5 >> divorce lawyers.ce l >> if you're a porn star youaw
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?? it's election day 2016 and 6
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five minutes.. also trending at 10a, princeri harry off the market. the jay-z solange elevatorleva incident revisited, plus kim k makes a confession.fe >> live in the loft, only on good day d.c., r and b super star joe is here and he will h w perform his new song. >> plus celebrity chef cookingfo up something big forefoot nightg we're live.iv let's do this. le good day at 10a starts rights rt now. now. ?? >> or taking good day kitchen. h >> that's right.>> thari little election day. >> somebody tell the story of an election cake.ection cake. >> once upon a time, young a tiu steve, voters would stand innd i lifeline, long lines these werew and they needed some sub stan sa stun fence after all voting is not only privileged it is dutyri and it is hard ws ork.s hard wor and so the women would bake wlde cakes and bring it to the polling place as with to nourisi
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>> back in the day someone arrived by horseback and they ad would be quite famish.amis >> absolutely. they needed something to sustain them, hence, the election cake.. >> the first recipe for electioe cake in america cookbook i thin was like 1796. 1 which is the same year that george washington said i will w not be president for a third thd term which then set in motionion the process of us electing a successor.ccso >> here's the fun fact thought t these cakes were original ona drenched in alcohol so they >> why did we stop doing that.nt >> i know, right. rig do you taste any liquor. l >> i did not. >> okay.>> we can pour some over top.some r >> we can. why not? >> it reminds me of fruit cake,k rum cake.e have you had a jamaican rum cake. >> i have had jamaican rum cakec where did this come fro >> the art institute of>> t wahe ashington. they have wonderful culinaryerfa program there and the thing is, election cake in the popularityt of them fell out of favor. fav >> i don't know why.on'tnow
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they're hot. like bone appetite magazine isii putting out recipes becomingesec like a thing to do.o this particular election. >> it's good. >> yum. >> icing is really good. i >> art institute, thank you soco much for this election cake. cak i gather they can take manyy forms, fruit cake, bunt cakes,es just as long as you make it anda call it election cake.e. >> someone once said let them lt t c cake. >> absolutely. >> we are eating cake. >> thanks for staying with us>> for the fenn a todayst.fenn aody i'm steve alongside holly, holl, we want to see more of your y tweets today.twee getting a lot of great pictures people out at their polling pol places showing off their i vote use the hash tag fox5 vote.5 vot anything good that happens or if you run into any problems at the polls let us know as we love seeing the positive voting pictures.ictu hopefully no problems.pefullno p >> you know what would would be fun temporary i voted tattoos. o >> that would be cool.>> that wo >> that would be fun.ult would f >> i'll bet somebody came upt so were it them. t >> that might get you more you m
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course, is election day.. the culmination of months ofmoho campaigning by donald trump andp hillary clinton and today it isd up to you the american people the polls open across thes country now.yow as voters choose who will lead the country for the next four >> latest polls show hillaryposh clinton with slight lead, butt t donald trump is showing no signs of conceding defeat both both candidates have rallies planned tonight in the big apple justppj blocks in fact from each other. 15 blocks to be exact and the t long day comes on the heels of a candidates barn storming through some swing states. sta >> a lot of star power on the po campaign trail last night. nig not only is hillary clintononly getting support from theort froe president and first lady, she'ss also getting a ton of supportup from tinseltown including starsg like beyonce', bon jovi, ladyad gaga, madonna, bruce springsteen, katie perry, mileyl cyrus and so on and so on. donald trump says that hee doesn't need super stars, oohrs just has himself.
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anybody. i'm here all by myself. >> all right. donald trump doesn't seem to doe care that hillary as hugee hollywood fan bas trump said he doesn't need j. ll you just heard him say that that jay-z he only needs himself. hsf no guitar no, pi piano. he did say tom brady is votingst for him. him >> tom brady said he didn't votd yet. >> he didn't say he wasn'tsa voting for him. he said he hvoasn't voted yet. >> exactly. >> but donald trump did sayut brady called him on the phone de and said i'm going to vote for >> if he does -- >> he might.e m >> that's great. who knows. we don know. were we do know donald trumpdona hasn't voted yet as today of we're waiting for him to cast his ballot.. there's a live look at pollingog place where he's going to be gnt voting he's voting in manhattana today.da so we're of course going to keeo an eye out for that and when it happens real be sure to share ii with you live.withiv >> yup. voting at a local elementary school. i'm not sure ps it is. >> we soon seen mike pence votec
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but haven't seen the republicana ticket vote just yet.just yet. hillary clinton she actuallyy cast her vote in hercl hometownw new york.. democratic nominee along withh former president bill clinton ct greeting red supporters douglass graph lynn elementary school the same site that clintons have been voting at for 16 years now. clinton stopped to taked toak pictures. they went inside to vote. v new york is expected to vote inn her favor over donald trump. t state has voted democrat in thee last seven presidential elections.ecti and democratic> kaine cast his vote bright andga early this morning he and hisndh wife vote the shortly after ther polls opened at 6:00 a.m. in hometown of richmond virginia. he was cheered on by supports ss waiting in line there. >> we shall track your election polls since early this morningtg helping you get ready cast yourt vote if you've not yet done so.e >> let's go back out to maryland and check in with our bob b barnard is standing by life. b f you're now in waldorf. wrf my goodness, you make tracks fast. >> reporter: yeah, we're here hr
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which kind of leans red in thist blue state of maryland.te omar and the most recent pollsol showing hillary polling at about 60%. 10 electoral votes up for grabs this is jennifer elementary school in waldorf.. and they say it's been very busy today. today. the polls opened at seven inn just these three hours they sayy more than 400 people have votedv so far which they say blows awaa any previous record that theyt know of and they say they're the seeing an interesting phenomenoo here that there are a loft firsi young people who turned 18 can'n now vote but older residents ofs maryland who are voting for the first time. again, that is a senate raceat c here filling the seat bosche rao my cull cl key. maryland ers have eightei congressional seats to fill asol well.ll we've spoken to a number of people leaving this polling ts p place this morning.e thisorning. here are two of them talking about their experience today ana looking forward.
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for maybe less than fivee minutes, simple process.e pro we had the write in ballots. bal everything went smoothly and i'n really super impressed we havese the team we have here today.od >> i'm old enough this isn'tughi going to affect me but itt me b affects my children.ld i got young children, so i'm --m i'm thinking more of long-termrm future. >> reporter: and you see here se this is the scanning machine. people are writing theirhe ballots.ballot there's kind of an oval they have to darken in with a pen p then that ballot gets scanned ic the polls in maryland are openre until 8:00 o'clock tonight.ig and we're told if you're in linl at 8:00 o'clock, you will get to vote. vote a record number of people tookeo advantage of early voting here in maryland something like 877,000 so maybe that's why it'' not so crazy crowded here thisei morning although they've hadve h lines all morning and right nown there's still some of thesee oft voting booms that are open but again, we have until late clockc tonight. it should be an interestingbe as
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the vote in northern virginia.ii she's life in manassas this this morning. anjali g morning. >> reporter: hey, bob.ey, b i know you've been busy as we have as well. w this is our third poll place pol stop of the morning.orng we're at yorkshire elementaryshr school. take look behind me. pretty big crowd here.. not an intolerable wait by any means certainly is steady stream of voters coming in all morningg long. voters were lined up here asup e early as 5:00 o'clock thisk morning. they let in 100 people right att 6am which is officially opened in virginiair and i'm told not long ago theyge tallied up 900 voters so far through this precinct today and they say that's very high for this precinct. precinc normally that's what they do ala day long. we are of course catching upchig with local voters here we'reer talking to adam and anastasia. s they are voting here today. adam, how excited were you toe u come out this morning and cast d your ballot?? >> i'm excited for it to be oveo
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>> reporter: yeah. were you surprised at the pollss and did you expect longer liness larger crowds, is this what you expect idea.exct i >> yeah, i thought the hype thep lines would be out the door i'mi pleasantly surprised that, youua know, they're doing great job'r here and keeping the lines downd >> reporter: do you mindu m sharing with us who you'reth uso voting for and why? >> i'm voting for what i wha consider lesser of two evils i' voting for hillary.. >> a vote against traumaum basically. >> reporter: sure, this is his s wife an stay stesha.yte this is your first time voting.. tell me about that. almost five years ago, and thisd will be my first time to vote io this country. this c i'm very excited about that.hat >> reporter: who are you whore voting for. f. >> hillary. >> reporter:>> great, guys. g thank you so much for talking tk us. we have hillary supporters.e we've run into trump supporterst actually we really been splitn l all morning long in all threehre locations. we have reacally scene, you knok a same amount of supporters onrr both sides we've spoken to. t so that's indicative of the results tonight.onht it's going to be close.
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as long as you are in line at 7:00 o'clock you will have a chance to vote and i will do recommend getting to the pollsop at early as possible later thist evening as crowds will be be plentiful as we head intod tonight.togh for now we're live in manassas,s anjali hemphill, fox5 local locl news. news. >> good to see everybody gettine out and voting if you haven't yet g out andut d vote much it's very important.h today big day forimpo dc voterst they'll have the chance tohanc change history and take a stepee toward making d.c. the 51 is the state giving taxpayers taxrs now, even if voters approve thet measure to take make d.c. a d.c state it does not becomeot bec official without congressional c approval. after voters weigh in and congressional approval d.c.l d would be call the state oftate washington, d.c..c the d.c. standing for douglasous commonwealth.commonwe dc residents will decide formerr mayor vincent gray will returnet to the d.c. council. cou we've got you coveredwee goe throughout the day today.rougutt tonight and into tomorrowor morning.rng. really only research you'll neel on this election day into d election night.ecti here's our coverage's or
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straight through and that ithat clouds team coverage from thecor clinton and trump headquarters in new york city.ork city. that's where our melanie alnwicn and tom fitzgerald are this evening. they will bring us the news from new york city.w york city. as the results come in, stay with for up to thetohe minute numbers online. o on the website, also, thelso, results will be live on our fox5 news app and don't forget fox5 x d.c. on facebook we'll have liv reporters all so you want miss a minute of the action.acon. the full coverage ofll cerag presidential results on fox5al 5 news at 10 and 11.10 and 1 huge team of experts analysts tt break down the historic day anda we're back at it bright and bt a early 4:00 o'clock tomorrow tomr morning because odds are, manyrm folks will go to bed before weee have a decision includinglung probably most of us. >> right here on this couch.s cu >> we want to stay awake. we ntt we're in extra early tomorrowor morning to make sure you get thg information you need.n you need >> and we definitely will doly d that. okay.
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doesn't want to be a player nole more. more sounds like wisdom, right? >> no.>> he hung up that card years ago.y still ahead r and b super starus joe is here and he's going to gg perform his new song right hereh in the loft. in the >> first hillary, beyonce' evenn adele getting in on that mannequin challenge. plus did you see the new jayceej solange pick and kim k making a confession. you're watching good day ates 1a on this election day 2016. 2 we'll be right back.
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?? the mannequin challenge andn guess who hopped onequi board? p the mannequin challenge makingak its way to the hillary clintonli campaign. ca but it wasn't just for fun.mpjun even though it looks like they y were all having a lot of fun. f check out how this video ends. [ la >> that's good. >> don't standstill.stil go vote. ve >> pretty good, right? >> bon jovi involved. involve >> whoever thought of that thata was really smart.was really sma >> i love that.rt like it. >> and seen. >> all right. ttleebrit a little celebrity dish. >> let's do it it up. >> talking about how about we talk about who else was mannequining much this is a big deal now.ow huge deal.l. >> yeah. yh >> people are all following goog day d.c >>f course.e. >> nobody does it better..
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>> look, we had beyonce' andnd crew, let's see some pictures aa we're talking about this.g out can we? shall we? maybe.ay there you . beyonce', destiny child kellyel row land and mitchell doing a little mannequin challenge right here. he i don't know -- this is pretty -- >> this is thi >> still not good day dc.ll goo >> no, it's not.s not they didn't do it to the blackha beatles which most people areeol doing they actually did it to everyo y ghetto every city. which you can lauren hill songio but i mean you can pick whatevee song you wt that's pretty fun.y you know that looks like it t could be a scene fromha like mam tussaud's wax museum.m. >> that's true. >> it kind of does look likend that o. >> famous but wait there's more.wait ther. >> there's more? > yes. >> another celebrity also doesoe the mannequin challenge.eqll >> who is that. wild west saloonal scene.ene. uh-h-huh. >> this is adele. >> okay.>> o >> wow. >> where is she? >> okay.>> >> all right. pretty cool. the whole black and tepret thing. thi she actually did it to johnt toh cacia's nan black which is wch i
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brawl. th f's fun. >> okay. >> o i hear the music in thehe background.back >> what was that music? >> ours was black beatles that's what most people are doing itoit to. that's what most people do it it to. these obviously the stars areusa picking it up and doing it to it other songs.. >> it's found watch. wch >> it's cool. >> anybody else doing thebody en mannequin challenge.. >> you guys can do it right now. >> no, no, we got celebrityebriy dish. we can't be still.ti [ laughter ]laughter ] >> we can't be still.>> how about we this? how about ? let's talk about numbers, shalll we? >> okay. how about twpe together in this election year.y how about that? two peopl coming together and of coursehe i'm talking about none otheronoe than jay-z and sole lang. >> nothing says unity like jay-z and sole long. lon >> look, this is a recentt picture of solange and jay-z ini an elevator.vato now here's why this is relevantl if you don't recall. recal you may recall that, you know, , little while ago back in may of 2014 they were at a hotel aftert the met gala and solange wentgen crazy on jay-z in the elevator.o
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bleep on him and jay-z was why is this lady hitting me on thisi plane -- that didn't work. any way, solange whic beyonce''s sister went crazy ona him on the he will vat made a m big people were like there's a lothl of back story in that.y i that. we never got the real storyto about what happened.t so this is a recent pictureecenu where they're on the elevator together talking to a completeee stranger and solange talking tog the young man.g >> the funny thing about the the story was tina knowles postedsos and then she took it down.n >> again?>> a >> she took it down. down. tina knowles is having instagram issues because she was afraidasr even though this kind of picture is very innocent that there werw afraid it was going to bring upb bad memories of the last time t these two were in elevator eva together and were going at it. >> that's exactly what happened because that's what we're talking about right now.use thw. >> yes. >> there you go. >> all right. there you y >> there you go.ou >> tre how about another number y? how about three? you know why iouwh
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you go ahead don this next story. ul oo kim k has not ruled out the possibility of having a third kid. >> see that's why i said three.r >> even though she said she wash done last year when being whe interviewed by ryan seacrest she had such a difficult pregnancyln and hard time getting pregnant naturally.. so any way, on a preview ofreew keeping up with the kardashianss she drops the bombshell that she wants to explore surrogacy for f number three. three. >> all right. knoo we don't really all of that means. but nonetheless, here we are day two of celebrity dish yet againa just teasing keeping up witness kardashians. >> there you go.o >> i guess it has resumedes production since post >> yes. >> started production but didedp they ever address the robbery oh the show.e robb >> i don't think in the sho.w. o i don't think so. >> so far they haven't. they probablyi so won't.on >> i think they have to a att some point. they're leading people throughpp the season andle then -- yeah.ea that's just my guess.ue
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>> right exactly.>> rigxact >> like having a third kidrd kid because that makes life easier. >> we've done -- >> do jaycee -- does kanye and kim know you can't have sexav s every day 30 minutes a day if ay you have a third kid?? >> i'll bet you they do.. >> i'll bet you they do know. dk >> i'll bet you they do >> come on. >> with each other. >> locate i said earlier, youli can -- all right. let's move on. let's move on. how about the number one ass in sol beiber shows up in bar inarn toronto by himself and just goes into the bar hang out watches as little television name of the n bar called the fifth pub house.. it was on friday.riy. he's in there just chilling. cln sat at the piano. pno here's what he ored if you wantw to know what the rich and famoum drink he ordered a whiskey and a coke. >> okay. >> all right. also sit -- sat at the t piano played a few songs.on he did play sorry then he signes
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like, a famous wall.all. but he did comment they need to do kind of update their picturec of him because it was like whenw he was a teen star. >> was there anybody else in thh bar at the time. >> there were other people in the bar.he were >> there was some o ther peoplether hanging out. >> i went to the wizards gameize friday night. eew i gve a new in gam promotion the kiss campam everything else they do like a a beiber dance off.. >> do they? >> it didn't go over well. >> people wouldn't do it?wo't d >> some people tried to do itedo but like all a service twitterwr was blowing up please make thist stop. st >> that's funny. i thought you were going to telt the story the time you went bar by yourself. youel [ laughter ] >> got rum and coke isn't ifum ' they had a piano i would have he played. >> beiber gets a bad wrap.begets >> does he really, though. reayt >> he's very talented. >> is he talent order hisrd h writers talent order his tattooo artist talent. t >> he's talented too.ted too >> you know who else is talent.l >> who is that.ha >> taraji gee p. henson she'llne give us a gift this holidayda season bringing us a littleus ae holiday cheer on fox hostingos
10:23 am jussie smollett, thai gigs, gig farrell williams, missy elliot, alicia keys, snoop dog, tlc juss to name a few. few they will get us in theus in he christmas mood with renditions n of some of your favoriteit christmas classics. here's the date you need to tknow.he d december 8th right here on fox. >> that's cool. . didn't get to see last year >> tis the season.ea >> they had the big show lastha year. >> they bill it as herth andasta rrrrence. we now know hoot clear star is.i >> there you go starting stuff. >> ut-oh. >> trouble in paradise. >> the number is two become oneo >> two down to one. one >> or not.>> ot. >> exactly. exact >> or not. >> i know that even on empire, r in the fake world, they don't d have sex every single day.. >> boo boo kitty was getting inn with everybody, dad, son.. >> first of all -- >> you can give up 30 minutes ot that.. >> that's true. it bt of all, don't insult boo boo kitty. kitty all right. all >> i'm sorry. i'm s
10:24 am >>hat't's >> you just stay out of -- stays in your lane over there. >> her hahn honor must be be defended.fe >> that's right. >> speaking of trouble in paradise, 10:24, the royal roy family really serious message ms about harry's new girlfriend. >> a little something to perhapr quench your appetite fortte election and this time we'ree we actually talking about food. erin and tucker with the rough r assignment of hanging out at aut d.c. restaurant with very v special chef and a political pit menu for voters. ver we'll check in with them aith t little bit later on. ??
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?? 10:27 right now.10 happening right now we have:27 e breaking news on this electionhc day. this is coming out of prince o george's county.ounty take a look at the video justeo posted by the public information officer for the prince george's county firpre department.eparent you can see crews responding tot a house fire this is on hairingi ton in ketter ring maryland. we do understand at least twoeat people have suffered some prettt the house right across the street from ketter ring middle i school that is a polling placeoa voting has been underway at thee middle school.l we'll keep tabs on this and thia share more information as we ini know it. but that's the scene in ketter r ring maryland. myland >> okay. let's check in with gary mcgrady to get a check of your electiono day not a bad start. start. it was a little cold but id b gather it will get better.etr >> that's right.s temperatures are trying to warmr up, and some of theseof these temperatures are a little bit
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but eventually all of them willl respond. i think with the sunshine, it's' going to be real real niceeal nc before it's all said and done.on here in the city still 53. 5 but you can see other places ple already warming up into the the upper 50s,.. manassas still struggling a bit at 48 degrees but so beautiful out there. wind is not a problem.robl and again give theseive tse temperatures a couple of morefor hours across the board we'llrd ' start seeing them pop into the t lower 60s and we're headedeade newspaper the middle askings ain today for highs.ighs still watching clouds.ud that's about all we have to dea high and thin. then by later on tonight, stilli calling for some showers but b overnight tonight, lingering through most of the morning o tomorrow and into the earlythrly afternoon we'll clear out a bit tomorrow afternoon and to into tomorrow evening it does that t like like the rain will be heava at all. at a really dry.ll d rain. rome goo but it just doesn't look likek k what we get tomorrow will help l us out much at all.ll. beautiful forecast td we'll good upper 60s a couple of spots to touch
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won't that be nice. again just a few clouds late int the afternoon. seven day forecast showsas sho temperatures will eventuallyvey drop off this we'll stay in the lower 60s it0t looks like a cold weekend withh highs only in the 50's andsnd morning lows in the 30s we could have our first freeze here in hn d.c. sunday morning.ning so the trend is going to beoe colder. at least for a little while. guys?ys >> all right. thank you a his full name is joe thomas. r and b fans he only needs one e name. coming up next seven time grammy nominee joe joining us live tovt talk about the new album that ta drops this week. w we're also going to get aet a special performance of hisormanh latest single. singl he's looking sharp this morningi 10:29. more good day at 10a when we
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i'm luann bennett. over my 35 years living in northern virginia, i've learned a lot. how to raise three sons and build a successful business after my husband passed away. how to bring people together, set positive goals, and get things done. that's what we do in a diverse and inclusive community like ours. that's what we need in congress to get it working again. and that's why i approve this message and respectfully ask for your vote. and respectfully ask i'm afraid you're suffering from fobo. fobo? fobo. fobo... fear of better options. cure fobo with black friday savings now. up to 40% off, 24-months special financing, and free delivery.
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?? all right.> al rig music fans get ready because bec our next guest is a seven timeet grammy award nominee who has sold more than 15, 15 millionmil records as an artist and a 70 million as a song writer. wr. his hits include songs like "i " want to know". "stutter" and don't want to be a player. we're talking about r and b assume per star joe. j he's gearing up for the releasel of his 12th studio album titled "may name is yo thomas" a due out this friday but firstutr
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here to perform his latest smash single so i can have you back. . please welcome the one, the only, joe! ?? can you hear me when i pray for you? never new tears an ocean blue. b fear forever is a door i don't want closed ?? >> ?? pictures and pictures of a smile i remember, this justsus can't all be true.
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mistake, unforgivable that makes your heartbreak, it goes from good to bad so i can have youou back ?? >> ?? so man long it's been. bn. i accept the blame as to why you went with he wouldn't approve of us just being friends, please, that's all i need ?? >> ?? out of respect i'll backak
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keep me in mine. min i hope he makes the biggest mistake. unforgivable that makes your heart break.. i hope i'm sorry is just notot enough and it goes from good too bad so i can have you back ?? >> ?? so i can have you back ?? >> ?? love you gave to me i getg to breathe i know you think i'm wrong but it keeps me holding on
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you ?? >> ?? oh, i hope he makes the biggest mistake, oh, the unforgivable that makes your heartbreak. i hope his sorry is just not enough, oh, hey ?? >> ?? i hope he makes the biggest mistake, t unforgivable that makes your heartbreak, i hope you tell him sorry is just not enough, and ii goes from good to bad, so i canc have you back ?? [ applause ]
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>> wow, ladies i tell you he was looking good or what. such a pleasure to meet you.tou >> likewise.>> likewise. >> i have been fan for years. ys >> thank you so much. tha i appreciate it.nkprecte i >> glad to see you back withac brand new album.alb. >> indeed. i'm excited. >> touring the world. touri >> yes, i've been, um, touring i all year to be honest with you.u so many great places to travel e and to perform in front of sofrn many amazing audiences so yeahoy this is beautiful. >> we were supposed to have youe couple months ago you got g laryngitis or something you or u weren't able to make the visit. >> it's tough. it's h. it gets tough on a singer whenre you're back to back and either e early in the morning or it goese from, you know, late at nightt t when you're doing an hour and an half show. sho so, yeah, it gets a little tougu on the voice sometimes.etes. >> i feel like you are thisl lia artist you come on the scene you give us a mazing music, then wee don't hear from you for maybe ay year or two you come back. during your down time, what's ii look? are you recharge, are you writing? what's happeningt'sapg there. >> it's funny, i try to stay as current as possible which iss
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whatever reasons, and i think i it's important for me to just j continue to keep doing musicng m because i still want that lightg to be shined on i feel genreen that is not -- possibly not getting it's just do. do. >> right. >> i've been influenced r by sos many great performers like steve wee wonder, marvin gay, so many phenomenal artists back thenk t michael jackson and prince as well. so it's important that that the true r and b i see r and b and taking a direction towards thehe flare and swag as they call it.. but i just want to keep thekeept essence of what it was. what it should be.wh it sh >> right. i fell in love with you all thee thin wgs your man citan't do wad back in the day. ithe that was my inn pro duck to joej and a lot of people followed you along. >> thank you. wheo amazed when i heard this soi ng ahet radio your latest sn here. i think it's beautiful. >> thank you very much. >> you definitely are one of the artihank ysts keeping r and bele traditional r and biff we appreciate that for you. when you made this album whatada did you come to the table witlbl
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sounds like what we're used to t hearing from you which isg beautiful music what was yourfrr mine set? s >> you know just going back.oinb it's funny, i tiled it hash tagg my name is joe thomas. >> right. >> homage to my biggest albumstb thus far my name is joe.s joe and so i wanted to go back andad sort of create that magical moment and just try to write wre songs with substance and class c and >> that's always been you.wa be. i got to talk about the look.oo. you look amazing. >> thank you.ou >> three piece suit. thr i know you come from, you know,o your father was you're giving me a little preacher here but preacher withh swag.sw >> i like it. >> little bit of preacher look.. >> but preacher with swag.h swa is this what we can expect whenc we come to the concert the threr piece ensemble. >> i'm more tucks and i lovee wearing tucks.uc. i usually perform some some sort of tucks. tks i'll sweat it out. sat it it's presentation has always aay been important to me. >> that's just in every day walw of life. i mean, you catch me at anytny moment suited and booted. bte
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release of the album.lbum >> friday is the big very excited aboutis it. >> people say album, am i datinn my self by saying alb. >> you can still say album. >> >> allowed.>> a >> okay. this friday. of my 12th album. >> wow!>> wow! >> and, yes.nd >> you look good on that cover.r that green is working.orki i'll partial, though. >> yeah, look at this. i'm going on the road with youdh as background. >> this is amazing.zing thank you so muc >> my pleasure. p >> pleasure meeting you likeing this is wow. whoo! >> can you all imagine. >> i give you props for the tucks.s. under those lights. >> i'm telling youun.der >> i don't know how you do that >> the man is cool.ho>> that's what he's proven the. >> not one bead of sweat. >> cool as i don't know what. >> nice temperature in here.n h. [ laughter ]la >> joe thomas thank you so much. >> my pleasure. >> success with your album we aw wish that for you. you >> thank you very much.hank it was y an hour nor. nor guess what the royal family hass message for the media and it hah
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harry's new girlfriend and y,nd they are dating by the way. way they have been for awhile.en fol we'll have trending topicsg topc coming up next.comingnext don't go anywhere.
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?? all right.>> 10:43 is our time and trendingrd at 10:00 this morning it ists official.cial
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the market.ket confirm his relationship withrep american actress meghan markelll however it comes withit controversy.controve relationship has the been the te subject of media speculation for several weeks now and nowand kensington palace is going so gs far as to say the media hasas quote crossed a line with racist and sexist remarks about markelr and her relationship with the 32-year-old.ear-old markell is by racial and prince harry says he is actually actll worried about her safety. disappointed he cannot protect p her. palace released a stronglyrong worded statement earlier thiss morning.rng. condemning the quote smear onten the front page of a nationalna newspaper.. the racial under tones off comment peaces and the out righg sexism and racism of socialia media trolls and web article comments. the statement goes on to say, i is not right that a few months m into a relationship with himh h that miss markell should be suld subjected to such a storm. he knows commentators will sayil this is the pry she has to payao
10:45 am he strongly this is not a game.a game it is her life and his. his i say you go! [ applause ][ apse ] >> you go kensington palace.alac i'm proud of harry, too. too >> i love this.. >> actually posted this on my facebook page. p it was funny one guy commentedot and i agree with him.e h for those boys to have lostos their mother at such a young agg his father and their grandmother they have done amazing job att raising them. i mean the scope that they under continually it looks likel they've turned out pretty prett amazing gentlemen. g. >> it takes lot to have this prince come out with thish t statement condemning sexism, racism, you know, you don't usual sool they. this is something people don't o put their next on the line forxf him to date her and say listen n i'm going to go a step furtheruh and call out people who are a making fun of her trying too somehow, you know, impugn thismh relationship because you don't b think it should happen.uld haen i say hats off to you. you are an excellent young manan
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country but for others as well.w >> it's so silly on social media. we talk about this all the timem people on social media will doid anything, say anything aboutthi everything.evhing >> absolutely. >> so it's just unfortunate but that's the culture we live iniv these days.eays. >> i know people feel likeople e someone is their own -- whetherh it be a celebrity or whoever yoo feel like their yours some fansm do. you take -- you take offense whoever they're look at justin see beiber withit sophia writ chief this is t example you set you come out strongly saying i don't care what you're saying i'm say not g to tal rate. re it do it by example and that's what he's done. other people might think twice.t it's not going stop but they'll' think twice before they starthes posting things they think arey e going to go unchecked.unch >> nice of him to have thee backing of the palace, tooof. >> you don't often see that.ha >> bonus points for kensingtonto palace use the term ter twitter trolls. >> they're with it, steve.y're w >> we're here all day for this.i >> coming up next d.c. with anih appetite for politics.olit we know that.hat
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tweets right now. we're hasn't derr kerring for d twitter love. twit >> not of the trolling type butt of the voting type. t thank you for sending in yourour tweets.ts >> wow! >> i voter, did you? polls close at 7:00 p.m. in virginia.a >> family affair.ily affair. we voted and are praying thatra the country comes together. tet we all are. all are. thank you michelle. >> my mother and i have votedeed for the first time. >> congratulations.ulatns >> good for you. >> voted >> where are are >> some lines have definitelytey gone faster than others. that was in falls churc fhas. >> >> in virginia.a >> got a cup of starbucks coffef for voting.oting. danielle that make it worthwhile. >> go over to krispy kreme and get a donut to go with it. to do >> out earl until woodbridge,wob virginia. thank you for representing ands for your vote today. >> okay.. >> president batman, is that a a write in candidate or -- >> he's on the ballot. blo >> he didn't have time to be president.presid
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how about you? woodbridge princb william county line was long but >> nice. >> dam girl g that's what's up.. >> plenty of hours to get yourgr vote to count today. 10:48. all right. we talked about the appetite for t thetit politics. we know that we certainly feell like we could just devour theoue political scene here in d.c. bub how about actually eating onatg this election day? this morning erin and tucker taking us insids the kitchen of d.c.'s dirty habit for a special election day menu i'll vote yes >> chicken don't nuts.'tut look at that.
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>> interesting. there's comments at the bottomoe of the screen. umehng about a one maureennt saucing or --ing o >> i did not. trying to get at joe.o get joe. however you want to couch that.. >> i admired the man's mew si. s i was not hitting on him.. >> that's so funny the last l thing i heard him ask him whenim he was heading out of town isn't
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singer and travel with him.. >> joe understands what this ist all about.ut. >> really?>> rlly? >> hmm. >> do our our viewers apparently >> they're calling you out right now. >> you can't blame a sister. the man was looking good in alliig hhtisan'tn h three piece suit, right? rht >> nothing like a sharp dressedd man. >> i think they'll agree withnk that as well. theat as well. >> 10:52 is the time.the t standing in those long lon lines, you know, is worked up your appetite we've got just thv cure for you. you >> dirty habit is restaurant ini penn quarter serving up electioe day menu to customers today andd chef celebrity chef art smith collaborating on special menu mn tucker i don't want to leave yoy there nodding your head. tell us all about it. >> right.>> rht [ laughter ] >> here's the thing, steve.te. man has many dirty habits shoull go to place called dirty habit,b right. >> you wanted to do the opening just so you could say that.o yo didn't you.ul di >> i've been waiting all morning for that.for th. erin, tell us had we got here. h we got big hitters, don't we.
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executive chef here at dirty habit qung.un >> this will be served throughhr lunch and dinner.lunch dinner what makes this election menuiom special. >> all of america is saying please get them dam thing over,e because we all want comfort,omft okay? >> right. >> you know, the way i feel foof brings us together.ogether. food is peace. pce food is love and mostos importantly food just makes us s feel good. >> it tastes good.. >> i'm very respectful of thefuf fact that we have american foodn in the white thehite let's keep it in there thank you very much, and i love the that something as simple and elegant as tomato pie we alle like pie. p. >> we love tomato pie. pie. pie, pie, pie we need more pie,p thank you very much.h and it's delicious.elio it's wonderful it's comforting.. >> looks so good.. and this is fried chicken.hi >> this is the holy trinity thii is the peace treaty this is whaa brings us altogether thisr t country is bond and love byov fried chicken. >> q tell me where the idea ofmw doughnuts and chicken comeken cm together. >> that's just me being kind of -- of
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me. >> being cute. the fact is you've got this salty crispiness of the fried t chicken and barring from -- borrowing from asian culture the feeling of getting spicy, salty, sweet, excuse mimi >> you put it altogether and itd makes a love affair.r crispy fried chicken and sweet doughnuts and hot heck tar hec sauce. >> i want to try that. >> honey it will make you dancec >> and a little -- a ltle >> dancing after the election. e >> it's really delicious.t' >> if you were to imagine thatsa the doughnuts were and chicken were democrats theyt l geget along. >> it's a marriage.e >> fried chicken takes no sidesd >> but it takes a side of rice,r thank you very much.thank yo okay. i'll let you determine that one >> you guys put together -- youu collaborated op this tell me about that. >> i'm asian but mostly i likeyl working in french restaurant even like french flavor so i bring the halibut and the art -- chef art bring the collard green
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>> it looks >> beautiful. i love collard greens andens collard greens are somethinggree that it's been a part of ours bn american culture and they'rere wonderful. they have this great v good for you.go for they're like the early medicine and vinaigrette chef has madeasd and it's got beautiful crispy parsnips. i love a crispy. csp and it's just really beautiful. >> speaking garnish it makes its look delicious. d i can't wait to try all thiselth food, tucker. >> and then you have somee falafel as wel >> love it. >> this is butter nut squasht sh with crispy people think of thio small but i make it bigger so ws have little more texture on it and there's mushrooms on it andd this one has spinach which is is very mediterranean like israel.l >> it looks delicious.ks delic tucker and i are going to geto g our forks out.r we'll dig into thifos election o party early. you can come dpaown here any tia for lunch or dinner after youery vote.
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back to you.ou. >> beautiful restaurant downest here. ?? >> thanks guys. look forward to that we havehanv want to get up op breaking newsw smoke you're seeing fromg frm downtown dc right now 1100 block of 17th street and we believee b this to be 17th street northwest in washington, d.c..c. don't know exactly yet what it t is. but we're seeing a lot ofot o pictures on twitter. ttt people have been posting andosng that is live from we have skyfoo up. up we also have our tower cam view and you can see the smoke thatmt is in the air coming fromrom obviously people areeople ae concerned. they want to know what's going on there's lot of questionsto kn on -- via social media aboutbout what's happening all we know w k like steve said it appears to bo pretty good size fire in thehe downtown area on 17th of course, we're waiting to heat from d.c. fire or any, um, otheo official that is might be come .n. we do see donald trump in newmp york in map man getting ready tt cast his vote for president..
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and our website. we're on at 4:00 a.m. tomorrow.
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it's "the wendy williams show." >> how are you doin? >> we won't judge, but we're judging. now, here's wendy.


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