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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  November 9, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EST

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?? have spoken. sken. donald trump elected the nextt president of the united states. >> i pledge to every citizen off our land that i will be president for all americans. >> the gop nominee beating the odds with a historic upset. turning crucial swing states like florida, north cucaroliain, ohio and pennsylvania red. >> donald trump puts us back inc the >> the right candidate won. won
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forward. >> hillary clinton supporterspos left stunned as the resultsesul rolled in. >> everybody can head home. h you shall get some sleep.meep >> this morning, a divideded nation looking for ways to heala but tensions between the two parties still riding high. >> so how did president-elect trump exceed so manyed smany expectations? what will at wi donald trump white house and a washington, d.c. look like? an what impact have on wall street and the world? fox5 is the place to bee for live team political coverage this morning. a special edition of good day at 9a starts now. ?? and that is indeed the hope this morning. mornin shocking news for many waking uu to learn that donald trump willl be our next president.
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to do so. d good day d.c.od d we say to you on this wednesday november 9th, 2016. 26. i'm holly morris alongside ofde maureen, steve and wisdom. >> all right. that's right. rfrom reality star tor president-elect the white housee as of next january will be willb donald trump's new home.ome. overnight supporters werepoers outside to give him a warmm a r welcome.e. protesters well they hadhead different message one that's non safe for words. wds. the rain thinning out the crowdo this morning. mni still head down for a livea report, though, a bit later on.o >> also ahead this morning virginia's barbara com stack maryland a nea voice in the senate for the f t first time since 1987. and d.c. demanding statehood.ta we'll have look at some of these local races that's affectingffti you. >> first at 9:00 o'clock, donaln trump the 45th president-elect, and he won thew white house decisively.ively. here's a map right now if youht check out the electoral college numbers. trump crossing the 270 threshold at 2:74.:74. not quite as clear a victory inn the popular vote this morning ai
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vote with more than 59 millionio votes cast so far compared tore trump she's about 100 some thousand ahead right now. 123,890 if you want to beant to specific about about it is the fifth time uss presidential candidate has wondh the popular vote but lost the te election but the first time, second time since 18881 timeim between then which was of coursf in 2,000 for lot of electionct analysts and hillary clintonil supporters the question how heoe did it? this morning you can point to three care first, swing states, the gopop ticket clinched almost every alm swing state. every state that vokes said heae need to do win, he won. second, working class white people trump and pence made hugh gains among the middle classla which traditionally votes democrat. and third, the final numbersbe will likely show he can thinkhi thank third party candidates whw may have leeched votes from hillary clinton in some of thost closest contests.tests >> a lot of other factors atto a play as well we'll look at moree
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with our team of election reporters.s. >> melanie alnwick is in new york city with aln more on hilly clinton's concession. bob barnard and anjali hemphilll are here at home gatheringng reaction from voters. let's check with tom fitzgeraldl he's also live in new york city in manhattan following the president-elect who just got congratulatory call and invitation to the white houseo h from president obama. good morning, tomom pre. >> reporter: trump tower th the president-elect returned here early this morning after giving his speech about six abos blocks away from here over the hilton midtown that is whereshe trump set up his headquarters.. that was a location thatha throughout last evening continued to grow in anticipation and intensity as a those election returns came in and then state after state gottg out of the donald trump total
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president-elect of the united ui states of america.. few political pundits about five weeks ago gave him much of a chance with hillary clinton opening up a double digit leadge in those polls, but election dad is the poll that counts, and a donald trump tonight and today y stands as the next president off the united states. state donald trump that took thatk tha stage last night, though, soundd add little bit different thannta the candidate that you heardrd throughout the campaign both in the republican primary and the general there was little combativenessts about donald trump last night. there was a conciliatory messaga to his opponent.t there was even the high praisee for hillary clinton herself. trump also addressing the american people reaching out tot both those who supported him and those that did not.. trump calling on the americanmen people now to come together inti
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>> no dream is too big new yorky challenge is too great. nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach. >> that's right.s rit. >> america will no longer settll for anything less than the best. [ cheers and applause ] >> we must reclaim our country's destiny, and dream big and bold and daring. >> reporter: long list oforte shout out there is last nightr: from donald trump on that stagea he ran against even the race rac horse secretariate who was aariw triple crown winner one personn who didn't get a shout out his own vice-presidential candidate mike pence who was standing sndn there right next to him. mike pence never got a mention n in that speech last night.chasti we're live at trump tower thiss morning. tom fitzgerald fox5 local news. >> interesting.>> mike pence didn't even -- he was standing right there like fits said. >> overnight euphoria. >> is that what it is. s >> from somebody standing thrg beside you?sideou
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90:00 sick is the time. te. when donald trump does takes office he'll have a republicanun congress to back him up. republicans won two more years y of control over the house.ou. democrats did manage to chipp away at the gop current 247 seat majority.rity take a look at the numbers right democrats holding on to 191 191 seats in the republicans holding 235 seats. s that's well above the 218 seats needed to take control of the house. right now there are still ninein seats that haven't been decided as for the senate, also controlled by the gop. gop you can see 51 seats were needee to keep control and republicansa have exactly that number of 51 with two seats still undecided. >> those two seats won't make aa difference as far as the swingag of power though in the senate.en as far as hillary clinton goesnn she is expected to speak too supporters little bit later this morning and push back wassh bk w expected around 9:30 or so.o now they're saying more like 10:30 this morning.orng. we'll have it for you rightve i here. don't go anywhere it will be heh
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loss. loss remember she did not speak last night. >> that's right.. john podesta her campaignampa manager speaking on her bow hall initially much she has stayed se silent publicly.licl she did call trump to concede. fox might have melanie alnwickck was at clinton head quartersquae were the results started start trickling in.kling in. i heard some people sort ofeoe f joking that the clinton campaign and that clinton room of peoplel who voted for her looked almost like a mannequin challenge comee to life after some point any pictures from inside thate a war room. just thewa sr ilence was deafenn from the clinton campaign.paign we kept waiting for updatespdat trying to find out when she wass going to come from the hoem t he physical where she was watchingh returns from the javits center.. everything was in place for hero supporters waited in line for fr hours to get in. they thought they would have aha front row seat to history.
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they were rocking the power pop tunes that had punctuated theted there were new york political luminaries and singer katie kate perry rallying the faithful as the hours ticked by you could feel the air being let out of the balloon.on. the once exuberant crowd straggled out.. almost stunned at the turn oftuf events. theas around 2:00 in morning when campaign chairman john podesta was dispatch to th party room at that point he didd give supporters a glimmer off hope saying that hang on, alln,a the votes haven't been counted yet. trump and hillary rodham clintot conceded that ultimate glass ceiling that she hoped to breakb remains intact. iac now, the only thing we hearde from clinton was around 9:0000 p.m. through twitter. twitt she tweeted out to supporterspos whatever happens tonight, thankk you for we understand also that president obama after he callede mr. trump he did call cl mrs. clinton as well and thankea her for the strong campaign that she waged around the country.
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how difficult this must be foref hillary clinton.nt she thought that 2008 was herer moment.mome she waited eight years.ted eit r she thought that this had to beb her moment and it turned out non to be.. so also this morning, still trending, the hash tag not my president. number one trending hash tag right now on twi ttterre.wier which shows you that those democratic supporters are really not ready to open their arms tos donald trump's presidency just t. live in new york, i'm mel know k alnwick fox5 local news.s >> all right. a 9:10 is the time.9:10 if you're still in shock, this,i morning about this news, you'rer not alone because many people pe around our area are surprised ss that donald trump was able toumo pull this off.pullhis of >> fox5's bob barnard spoke to a few of you out there having havn those sentiments this he joins us live now.s live now what's the pulse of the people p at least here in d.c., bob? >> reporter: well, hey, holly. . yeah in d.c. where we spent the first few hours this morning,org five, six, 7am the districttr
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everyone we spoke to was just devastated.stated. said they didn't believe i stunned by the results.ests so we've come out here too warrenton, virginia, this ishi main street here in fauquierauie county and i'll tell was, almost everybody here says they'rehere thrilled. stunned, surprised almostost everybody is shocked how thiscki thing turned out even thoughn th donald trump didn't just drop dp down on to the planet from mars. i mean he'd been out there tre campaigning for year and a half. people just didn't really think he would win this thing.s thi but here majority of people we've spokens to this morning are very happy, fans won.on >> it's hard for me to accept. . it's all still really new, but i was -- you know, not a trump supporter.orte and so, you know, it's a lot too digest and a lot to wrap your y head around the next four yearsr are going to be a trump presidency.priden >> i'm happy. i'm very happy with the results.
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>> a big surprise.>> a really big sur bprise.urpris i didn't think that would -- tht breck sit thing that happened ii uk. >> trying to figure out what's t going to happen next.nex what to figure out fore o businesses and things hike thata >> well, i'm excited.'m excited. i think it's good we're going tg have somebody in here who may bb can't be bought and going to doo great things for our country. for america. >> reporter: so there you have e it, guys. maryland went for hillary.illary district went for hillary. okay.>> we shared three of dona trump's keys to victory alreadyy but there are many many moreany coming up next we're sitting sti down with a couple of campaignag experts for a look how donaldon trump in fact made history.
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verage.e. courtesy of a five-time olympic med list.t. final five star simone bilesimoi will join us live in the loft. 9:13 is our time right now. n.
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>> this is a historic night. a [ cheers and applause ] h >> the american people have he spoken and the american peoplee have elected their new champion. >> vice president-elect miket-ee pence celebrating a surpriseebri victory early this morningng and the win was a shock to most mos election analysts.. thanks to poll after poll, sol,o what changed? helping us sort t it all corey stewart chair of donald trump foronaltrm virginia and professor gary, ga, long time political strategist. good morning to both of you. to >> good morning.>>morn >> a lot of analyst with egg onn their face this morning.his mo i want to start with you gary.ay >> i'm a professor of politic.oc i live for this stuff. stuff. i don't think it's what weptk ia wrong. wrong. it's what went right for trump.u when you see states likee wisconsin that haven't voted for republican since 1984, the guyhg just expanded the electoral mapp my biggest surprise is 31% of latinos in florida voted foroter
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>> socorro i know you arew are thrilled to poses.os. was it the pollsters all alongng what a lot of people are sayingg i would i would think that you would agree with that.e wi >> you concur with yourself. >> of course. .ncurmys concur with myself i would say you will agree withw that's correct'sct r olutely.utely. look, even the pollsters beforer knew they didn't really know k what the universe was going tovs be. they knew it was going to beo b different from 2008 and 2012. but internal polls the day the before we knew that we wereweer going to do very very well still -- still -- >> this well, though.s >> no i did not.>> ndi i did not think we were going tg win wisconsin.wisco i didn't think -- i thoughtht michigan was just kind of like k pie in the sky.pie in s and i never thought we would get that close in the state of minnesota.minnesot >> people were saying this trump victory rebuke of all theall the polling and the establishment aa a whole and i would agree withge that. >> devil rebuke would be of thet establishment of both political%. >> i would agree with you
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people just --my economic anxiey all-time high.timeig and so, you know, you're lookini for someone who could shake sha things up.ings up. people saying maybe, you know,yu outwardly they weren't saying i was going to vote for trump butb went hyped that curtain indeed i did vote for him they want thatt change. they want that shake up.hake u >> that's it. economic uncertainty absolutelyl but look 65% of the voters inot this country think it's headingg in the wrong direction.ti >> right. >> you have two unpop>> rularulr candidates, one represents change. one represents the status quo.. >> rig that it'. >> there's another poll i saw 45% of people which argue halfaf of americans are say continuingu on the track president obama hah been on. there are people who are sayings look it ain't all bad. bad let's not throw out the babyaby with the bath water. >> look, wages for blue collarll workers have been stick nant since 1999.99 so many people out there can't n find jobs. job not everybody is college bound.u and even those who are college c bound they're getting out ofgei
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people are frustrated with the status quo. quo they're frustrated with the establishment both the republican establishment and tht democratic establishment isn'tsb absolutely. >> the problem with the democrats that is they nominat he pro the establishment candidate.dida >> the queen of the of the political status running against the king of the outsider. outde >> we have a president-electnt donald how does he now unify the the country and govern and bring tht change he's promised sole sol people? people are expectingpei him from day one to effective and make sweepingeeng changes. how does he do that corey. corey >> he will. >> how?>> >> look this is not going to be a come by ya is no moment.ent. trump has -- - >> does it need to be.s it needb >> no, it does not. no,t do >> okay. >> this is the first time since 1928 thehe fir republicans havev control the house, the senate s and presidency.idey we have enormous opportunityorty here as conservatives to roll rl back obama care, tax cuts, cs, border security, build the walll all of these things that trumprp
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needs to fulfill that promise.ri >> your talking about aout a president-elect trump who up to three, four years ago was a w democrat.. let's be honest a lot of -- it - is true. >> no, no, he changed his registration to democratic inti the later years. years >> but a loft his rhetoric was w not hard core republican. what i'm asking to that end is this. here he is.hereis off lot of solid core conservatives who were not a faa his. democrats who weren't a fan of o his. does he not need to tread that e things done. t >> not at all.o in fact, he has to fulfill hisis promise to his base and if he he doesn't do that, he's in real r deep do do.o d he's really go got to do thoseho thing. he's got to build the wall.l repeal and replace obama care. provide for attacks breaks foror small businesses and individuals.dividuals. >> gary, i know they'rear wrapping. last word. >> listen, they, e ist ablish mentshme republicans have to dance too trump's tune. >> that's right.>> ts ri >> trump dances to theirs, he'l' blow it.
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as always. as gary and corey thank you so much for joining us this morning.rni >> thank you.nk you >> guys, over to you. >> 9:20. wall street minutes away from opening. we'll check and seet minu which way w the numbers are going before tht opening bell. >> results from three big locall races and proof that someom americans actually weren'tuallyr kidding when it came to those to threats to move to canada after the election.lect good day at 9a you're watchingg it.
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?? all right. rht nowthe time right now. i think we'll say goodood morning toly will he son seymour and she's going to give us somes other stories making headlines a as if there's anything elsee allison but there actually is.ll there is actually more news. n >> like the president-elect i'mi here to serve tserv >> yes.>> y >> good morning. >> good morning. >> good morning.>> >> first up financial marks>> gs across the globe a wild ride as trump celebrates his new role as president-elect of these unitedd states. here in the us stock futuresutur down as th as investors seek a safe havenav so we're just a couple minutes t or so six minutes away from the opening bell stock futures you t can see down, down, down the dow down 281 points. nasdaq 100 and s&p, 34 this morning. red, red, red across the boardod though. people around the world wor reaction to go the news of our president-elect.t. russian president vladimir putin formally congratulated donaldedl
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>> god bless you putin put intoi words that he hopes for h cooperation and ending a crisis with russian american relations as he sees it throughout this ti presidential campaign putin hass spoke fondly about donald trump. local races, first, thest, t close of watched congressional race in virginia. freshman republican barbaraba comstock was re-elected to virginia tenth district overr luann bennett with 53% of the vote. in maryland, chris ann van hollen wins maryland's senate st retiring senator barbaraarbara mikulski in the diss trek voters approved the statehood so referendum with 80% of the vote. statehood was last on the d.c..c ballot back in 1982 and it was w approved by similar margin 53% to 47%.7% but this is not a done deal.eal congress still has to approvepp the measure. msure. d.c. leaders have said they plan to press the case, though, tougt the president-elect and the republican congress..
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gray heading back to the d.c. d. council. he'll represent ward seven more than 83% of the vote wanted gray back. heavy favorites in d.c. council democrat robert white won a sean on the dc council with 38% of the vote as well. w of course, vince gray there. the and finally, some americans notn happy about the results of lastt night's election.leion. in fact they were apparently disappointed enough and so manyy that they crashed the canadianan immigration hours overnight as the surge thr traffic for canada immigrationtn canada and move to canada increased substantially.ubstanty those are your headline.yo hea back to you. back >> al, thank you.l,nk y fox5 welcomes the star of the final five.e. coming up life in the loft we'vt got olympic gold med list simene biles. >> exciting. >> it is very exciting. i just expect ht iser to do arod
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>> she walks calm and cooleyoo right in here. he. the weather matches the mood. m tucker will be back with howk long the november rain willr ral last. it's not a good start weather ae wise to this day inat theher na' capitol. 9:27. your forecast next. nt.
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>> for hose too have chosen not to support mow in the past ohafo which there were a few people -o [ laughter ]
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for your guidance and your helpp so that we can work together and unify our great country. >> words of unity from thethe nation's next president donaldnd trump trying to strike ae gracious note ex tendonning anda olive branch to hillary clinton supporters who are devastateevas beside her defeat.beside a message he echoed in his first tweet as president-elect.-elect. this coming a little earlier eai this morning. welcome back to good dayod y d.c. a at 9:30 on this wednesday >> our continuing coverageg cove continues th m fox5's annie yu live outside the white house this morning with more reaction from overnight.rng annie, good morning. morni >> reporter: hey, good morning g to all of you.ou. yeah. it is now time to get to work,or and it's about the policies.olie but also for this country to heal and this morning we've beeb talking with both hillary andryd trump supporters.rters. both ready to move forward. obviously hillary clinton supporters disappointed in thete results but i want to show youo some video from this morningsorg pretty disturbing stuff we ran
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right outside the white house we saw a crowd of protesters.ster they were anti trump. trump. they were out here chanting andn holding up signs that read put u an end to racism and what was disturbing was at one point they were trying to light a hat on fire. thing got pretty aggressive.ssie as you can see from that videotv and before that incident, aidena crowd did gather right outside i the white house as the resultses were coming in and most of themm initial wl hillary clintonnton supporters. but as the results rolled inol from across the country, and clinton kept losing in those key states, her supporters grewrter quieter and more desperate andme then you saw the trump supporters slowly coming in and letting their presence so throughout the morning we'vee seen a good mix of crowds.s. we also ran into a trump tmp supporter who came out hereer after everything sort of diedf d down and we spoke to him, and he said, you know, i'm looking lng forward to what is ahead and really why he stood behind trumu he's a non politician and wanten to give him a shot, and so we'r' seeing a good crowd here. here.
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the president did give donalde a trump a call this morning tong o congratulate him on his victoryy he also congratulated secretarya clinton on a very strongg campaign that she fought, and he invited donald trump to meeteet with him tomorrow.omrow. we don know what time but toe bo meet with him here at the white house tomorrow to talk further f with him about the presidentiala transition.sion. that's the latest from northwest. annie yu fox5 local nouse. nou hotel now where earlier thiss morning when it was still darkld outside 3:00 o'clock in theo'cln morning when we first arriveded and those election results firsf started coming down, that's thas where we had a decent amount of activity out here in front ofut the hotel. her ever since it started raining,ni however, those crowds have hav dispersed and it's prettytt average day out here and you can see now. n. but earlier this morning, we had people who were flocking downwn here sort of as reactionary move to what was going on with theith
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happy and disappointed in thed t results and we talked to both oh them this morning.hi take a listens .. >> i want change for the white w house i wanted to intern for tho hill. i don't know if i wanted to anyn more. these are things i came to d.c. for. these aren't the values i camesm to d.c. for.or >> we're here because it's been an incrediblebeca night, and i wanted to get some momentos,ome, some pictures from front of thee hotel here, and i'm just incredibly pleased that donaldto trump was elected >> reporter: earlier this ts morning, people that were happyp about the election resultsion rs showed up here wearing their the trump buttons and hats and theyt were taking selfies and picturee in front of the trump hotel to t document this very momentousento moment in history as they called -- as they said we alsoy had the other side that hillaryy supporter a group of americanmea university students showed they were first time voters alla very disappointed in the out out they came out here chantingchang things like love trump hate and
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trying to voice their opinion oi out here in front of the trump p hotel. again ever since it started itat raining those crowds haves h dispersed and we haven't really seen anybody else out here justt walking by.y. but again we'll be monitoringitr the situation whether it's theht rain or maybe a lack of sleep after watching crazy night of election results people are slo to becoming coming out here. this could change later on thiss afternoon. we'll be monitoring the t situation all morning though thh live in northwest al anjalii hemphill, fox5 local n >> anjali thank you for that. we'll take a look at the big board obviously markets openedd at 9:30.:3 not a lot. l not a lot of volatility receiptc now. of course midnight last nightigt stock futures were down by like 5% but then things kind ofkind o rallied and kind of insteaded id out at one and a half to 2%. of course there's a lot of instability in the globallobal markets. a lot of people nervous not surs what's going to happen. happen. very similar thing we saw afterw
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was, um, a big drop off sell off and then things kind of calme ce down over the next few months.o. >> keeping a close eye on it earlier it look like dow futurer might be down five, 600 points0t to open the day. day that number could changed chan throughout the day. any day that could happen. >> we're looking at brexit as a model.model initially the numbers that dropp for the marks but now they'rere showing a sharp increase that ta has actually leveled off. o levels higher than it was beforf exitit. and so if that is anys a co worried about the marks, but b again you see the market is whaa it's doing this morning. mor not a good sign. but give it time. te. give it time.give iime. >> it could be worse. i >> i did hear one businessmant n say this morning that pleasele keep in mind that donald trumpdu and he's a market analyst he'ss not pro trump or pro hillary.ily he's like keep in mind trump isi a businessman and he is obviously for growth, and so invests like that in the grandha scheme of things.sche >> right. >> maybe there's hope.. >> foreign markets didn't loveae
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>> we go from those numbers tous the numbers tucker barnes likese to talk about, weather numbers m and temperatures and all ofll of those sorts of things.s things. good morning, tuck.orni, tuck >> little bit of rain actually.l needed rain, wisdom. totals less than quarter inch ii think as things wrap up later lt today, but still a few leftover showers. sh 56 degrees in winds out of the south here at five. and we've been watching thisfics band of rain showers most westtt to east over the last couple ofp hours it's winding down. d prince george's county anney ann arundel county you guys in i southern maryland not quite done with it. i lo the neck few hours just abouttbo everybody should be done withh this morning round of rain andna left with mostly cloudy cud conditions for the day today. and then a chance that we'll ses another round of showers.hors. look back to the north and wests see that little batch of showers back into parts of west virginia there and extreme westernrn maryland? that will pivot downw into our region a little laterat today and i would expect or ii would plan on another round ofoo showers around here probablyy between about 3:00 and 6:00:0 p.m., as it moves on through..
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there you go.o. watch that rain shower activityv redevelop. there we are at 5:00 o'clock.0 l won't amount to a whole lotle l enough to wet the roadways foraf that evening commute we'll clear out overnight.rn let me mention winds they pickhk up out of the north and west ana we're going to put cooler andlea drier air in place for the day tomorrow. so right back into sunshine and temps in the low 60s around here tomorrow. today is ourto rainy one.ainyne right back into that nice fallil pattern it will be cool aroundun here this weekend saturday'ss daytime highs only in the lowow 50s look at the overnight lows s sunday morning we may do may d freezing even here in the city and we're' going to have a sunny, bright, but cool notify sunday afternoot for redskins vikings, yeah.eah. redskins are that's something to look forward to as well. updattoe.atether i'll toss it back up to you. >> all right.>> a thanks tuckerll. >> we're talking about simoneim biles.les.
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summer games down in rio and a this morning she is in d.c. for a special gymnastics competitioi at the verizon center. center. first, though, she joins us livv in the loft.he i just feel like i need to bowo down to you.ou [ laughter ] >> you are so amazing. ang >> thank you so much for takeort your time to come in.ur time >> thank you for having me. >> she and i were just sitting i here chatting. cttin i was asking if you weree enjoying the tour. tour. you said this is actually yoursa final stop. >> this weekend sunday will bese our final stop in boston.ston >> oh very good.oo okay. ok so you are at the verizon center tonight, tomorrow night >> tomorrow night. tell me about the show>> tom>> . >> it's kind of a little bit ofo a show but it has men's, womens james nass ticks and we have ana act crow someone from dancingro with the stars so i think it's a lot of fun.lot fun >> yes. seems like it would be lot ofd o fun all of the final five are in it? >> depending on which showshows because sometimes lori has to ht fly out for dancing with thehhe stars and sometimes gabbie hasbh other appearances but most of ms the time it's me, ali and thenhn
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you're just in demand all the ae time, right?ht >> how does this comparecoar obviously is this a show that is just fewer fun not as muchuc obviously pressure as the a the olympic stage?? >> yes it's just fun and we get to enter act with the crowd c little bit more. crowd participation walking bacc from my floor whatever i canr c like high five all the girls in the crowd and interact and likek wing at them so it's fun.em so n >> so that right there is the te reason why you need to buy goodo tickets and get good seats you y get inter act with how has your life been differene since rio? >> um, i'm on tour now. n so that's little bit different.e i'm living out of a suitcase ana then like more people recognizei me everywhere i go and that's t' different for me, because --ecae >> do you like that?ha >> it's different. yes and no. if they keal calm it's good. goo sometimes they scare me because they start screaming.eang >> i understand.nder i understand.erst it gets a little overwhelming aa times. me >> yes. >> when i was reading about you,
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you're fearless and perfect.andt nearly every time. but that wasn't always the case. >> no.. >> you used to be actually act afraid to -- the courage to goge on to the mat?o e ma >> um, well it's a little nerver racking stepping on oh seen like we have tons of patractice in tt gym and then outside the gym i see a sports psychologist sopsyo that helps me get everythingry like in place so i go out theree and compete and i'm not afraid.a >> good for you to talk to a sports psychologist. that's so wonderful because infe your sport in particular, the can. >> yes. >> all the team. >>ls for to you to deal with that not only havingyv to step up to the mat but m b sometimes when it doesn't't happen? >> yes. different things work for different people. yent theren sope iop see a sports psychologt because i feel like that helpsas me before any of my bigger competitions.etitions. and then like massages help relax my body and like -- >> don't under meat it power ofr a good massage.a goodsa >> yes.>> y like eating healthy as well and doing pressure sets in the gym g
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so everything play noose one.see >> it funny with gymnastics it's such a singular individual sport but at the same time, upping, it's a team s sampoe rt.port >> it is. >> how much of it obviously a a lot of it is your physical pca ability and you're amazing.. >> yes. >> how much of your sport ish of mental, too? >> i think it's more mental mta because deep down in our body it's kind of like auto pilot out bodies know exactly what to do,d when to do it, it's just how much like mental strength canngc you take. the other girls because you'rer the best? >> yes. >> they said you are the best ever in the sport. >> thank youev asis>> thankdaily a dailery b we're co bnstantly learning, and outside of the gym how to how t support each other no matter what. wh and then like sharing eve -- cheering each other up it's a learning process.ce >> do you feel that you stillfe get to just enjoyel t your life? >> yes. i feel like we do.i el l >> do you just get to be 19? >> yes. yes >> from time to time. f >> i think so. >> do you have any free time while you're here in d.c.? ha.veu're y es
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so that was super suite and thee tonight i think we might go to t basketball game.e >> hmm. yeah. i've heard there's a team thatra plays at the verizon center.nte so when you are the best in the world, where do you go fromyou m there? >> um, i think you just keep kee going it depends what you want w to do. d i'll take little bit of time off and then there's tokyo.yo >> and then there's tokyo. tokyo which we expect you to be theree and to come away again with ass many medals as you can.u can >> thank you. y >> before we go, can you justans giv >> sack he have fran update ie think he's doing pretty good.y [ laughter ] >> do you guys talk back and and forth? >> not really because like myke friends have his number so theyy hide it from me. >> what?? >> we're working on it. i >> there you go. >> your friends talk to hisois friends and little something som something might t >> yes. >> right? >> you've been such a joy. thank you. >> thank you. >> it's an honor to be in youe e nr presence it really is.ence i >> thank you.t iatee appreciate it and plenty of tickets it and i'm assumingt available for tonight.
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champion going on thursdaythur night, 7:30, november 10th. tickets start at $29 though ifhi you have been saving and i were i'd go for 299 tickets because b then you might get a chance to interact with simone it'st's happening at the verizon centern or you could go to a wizardsizds game tonight and who knows who you'll run into.unnt might be someone that looks loos remotely like simone.ime. [ laughter ] >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> such pleas>>ure. all right. back over to you guys. ou g >> simone have question for youu real quick about confidence youc mentioned it's so much mental iu addition to the physical.ysical >> was there a point in rio you confidence went to another level? >> i think training for rio itit did just because we had beenn training for so long and having so many mental rhee routines an like doing pressure sets that tt our confidence came from like lk july in classic and all just -- built up to rio, so whenever wee were there it didn't feel likete the olympics i was just like, l, okay.okay >> it wasn't like you have one gold now locate i know that ioct have the rest, it wase pretty >> every day was a new day and y anything could happen.hing c so we had to koueep an open
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>> you're >> right. >> i know. >> remarkable. >> incredibly inadequate rightag now i >> let me sit up a littl taller. suck in the gut. >> we need a mass sues andsues a psychologist before the showst b every day.every y. >> we need it. it. >> elevate our hyped game. gam >> lessons from simone thise ths morning. >> we have much more to talk about politically too. muct lita hillary clinton certainly hasine the star power in her pocket bub it wasn't enough and that meansm hollywood is waking up pretty disappoint this in the being shy about it beihy either. either. we'll go straight to hollywoodad and talk with our friend at mz to get the pulse on the on t hollywood seen election style. e that's next.
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?? her fair share of fans in hollywoodfair s celebrities hado shame in supporting her,g her tweeting about her, showing uphi at events et cetera, et cetera.r so this morning tensile town isn waking up to the news in donaldo trump will be the neck president and as you might imagine fromneo the celebrities who hadad supported hillary clinton, somem shock this >> right is making headlines in hollywood we turn to tmz charles live inev los angeles.loange how you doing, buddy? bdy >> i'm good, guys. how you doing?you dng >> we're good. i know it's bright and early our there but, man, news travelstrav fast. california one of the last to o bring the results but hollywood has been such auc hillary clinton camp.amp. >> right. >> so what are folks saying nowg that they know that hillary isil not going to be the next next president? >> it is definitely running the gamut here and i don't think'thi
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night. i think people were up all nighg just shocked at this andhi different reactions. i think it ranges from anger aer i've seen a lot of people of pee comparing making the comparisono of 9/11 to 11/9. snoop dog tweeted out worst dayd in america 9/11 second worst day in america 11/9.. also, chris evans captain capta america said this is an emba we late a hatemonger lead ourd great nation. nation. and then there's some people who are, you know, clearly not happy that were very staunch hillary clinton supporters but kind of d trying to make a joke about it. eva longoria was the fun nest fs one i saw. she said this is how i feels ise right now and it was a video of a march met staning in mountaini like in the alps just screaming.
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>> charles, one of hillary's biggest supporters was katie perry who perform at the dnc she said do in the sit still. sti. do not weep, move we're not a wa nation that will let hate lead us. we in lever be silenced. silce charles, did you see tweet at a 7:33 last night beforee everything went, b we knew was what going on she actuallyy tweeted about crying her fake ii lashes off that tweet waset interesting to me because i before the negativity or theyr positivity of the night.ight what kind of tweet was that? >> it was -- i think it was -- s think that was around the timehm where people started to feelo like, wait a second, this is ts actually going to be close.lo at that point and i think shenke was just upset there was even going to be close.gog to i mean, there were a lot of people felt like i think of all people khloe kardashian tweeteda and said it shouldn't even be'tb this close. this it went from, c oloh, she's s definitely going to win and then suddenly everyone had the shocko of, wait a second, this is going
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upsetting and then it was, was ut-oh, she might lose to she lost. rigight. >> you know, there are peopleno, like you said katie perry and td madonna was another one who were very vocal hillary supporter har don't seem like they're givingin in and saying things like thenge revolution is coming.luti is cog we will never give up.p. there's a new fire it will whatt madonna said. so, um, you know, i think people are definitely shocked but and there's a different range of reactions where people feeleoe like, alri like we should rally behindd president-elect trump. i'm not even used to saying that yet.t. and then like mark cuban said,ai look, you know, even if you disd grow with him we've got to comec together as americans.. >> charles, one thing --e hing >> it's gonna -- it's gonna -- >> i don't know if you saw thisk as it's interesting when you were n youe talking about eva lon garr yavar the one thing we haven't seen it seems like any time anything ath happens to this country we neede immediately see a million memesm that pop up.
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around this time. people have serious face on. >> yeah.ea there's not lot of comedy cominm out yet. one thing, dax shepard did say s one positive we can get from g o this is the possibility of a white house apprentice. so there are people who are whoe trying to make a few jokes.. rightht. >> i think it will take little time. listen, you know, this happens e all the time. almost every election there are people whoar disagree with whoit ends up winning, and we justus have to people will find the and people will realize that,zet you know, the sun is going to gt come up tomorrow, and probablyro on friday, too. >> right. >> i think saturday. satury. i hope saturday.e saturday. >> we hope so because then it'st the weekend.hen ithweek >> everything will be fine. >> charles. we will let you go. we saw tweets from scott bay yay and alec baldwin. balin >> hulk hogan very excited ased well. we >> hulk hogan is excited and ofd course stacey dash. d
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what, this is america.meri >> as you would expect.s woul >> that's how it will be. >> words in both sides. >> you can catch charles and the rest of the tmz week nightss 3:00 and 7:00 right here on fox5. >> maureen. >> coming up social media unding offomin we're sharingg r thoughts on the electionctio results.
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>> we're back at 9:55. we' big news of the day, donaldd trump president-elect number 45r you've been sharing yourve thoughts withs all m borningee l on the election and amongst on a the things.nd a let's get down to erin cm morning. good morning erin.ri >> social media has been a buzzz this entire election process ana today we're hearing from folksmf on twitter facebook as well a wl instagram. we'll get to our interactive ier board and run you through some s of the comments we're hearing. a lot of disappoinmetment antn l of celebration today as well. w big mick.g mk. we're hearing whether your your candidate won or loss thank youu founding fathers no one woman,, man will have absolute power.eow we're hearing a lot on social media. not at a time to give up.
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progress we already made. hope now that we have a new n president-elect in donald trumpu we're hearing we need to chillwo out with the doom and glow glool rhetoric. god is in control. we'll be all right.we'll be allg guests are saying take it onehtn day at a time and on theg ta brt side, job may boom andm unemployment will drop.empl so looking forward tooy hopefull getting a new start with the new presidential candidate.di canadian single from shannon sha adding little bit of humor to this election process and allocn the tweets we're hearing on both sides democratic and republican day.y. hillary was qualified critical thinking kerr but weighed down with decades oo public hearing issues. >> where the most gets the mostm votes we need to change our votingotig system. hillary clinton winning popularo vote. donald trump winning theldru electoral college has lot of off folks talking today.alki we want to hear from you hash ys tag fox5 vote.fox5 v back to you in the loft.of >> all right. we've got a lot more election t a lo heaeaded your way over the next hdeour wed yo are of ce standing by for hillaryry clinton's concession speech tha
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>> some point we'll hear frompol the president as well.e esid don't have timeline on that yet. we do know we are going to hearh from kevin ross will perform fof us he joined us before on thisoo show. very very talented performer. p. that's coming up on the 10a as s well. well. >> first though how about littl coffee? coffee tim on if day od di c.. if you've been eyeing our cool o good day mugs listen up up we aa new good day dunkin' donuts mug to give away perfect cup for for that great dunkin' donuts coffee. so head to oo d.c. to enter our mug contest.test one lucky winner selected byy random drawing but you better hurry you only from now until ut 11am to enter.nter. time now 9:57. 97.
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?? a stunning upset. a new day for d.c. president-elect donald trump trumps hillary clinton.linton. fox5 and good day d.c. continuei to lead the coverage as major m change comes to the nation'sio capitol. in the next hour, clinton is expected to speak live.peakiv our team coverage from nyc to all ove good day at 10a. ?? live look at the white housw this morning. it is just a minute pastt 10:00 o'clock.clock. eg degrees. so obviously after any electiont you have those who ar celebrating and you have thosey are not celebrating so much.h. one thing we all must do now isi come together as a country overr the next four fou we'll begin that process right
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some and we'll do it with ah a little food and drink. >> are you glad it's's o >> or not. >> that is actually the name off this drink.. and we have our new friends here from bananas.anas it's a shop you'll find onn leesburg premium outlets inut honor of president-elect trump, president-elect number 45.r 45 cents today.ay >> 45 cents.. >> oranges, carrots and frozen e yogurt, right.. >> it's really good. it t>> iastes a little bit likea cream sickle. sickle. >> right. >> adam and leroy brought it fof thank you guys so very much.uc >> i can drink the whole thinght it has carrot in it.t it. >> do you feel like you're y healing. t's t's healthy. it has veggies in it.gies thank you, gentlemen.entlemen we do appreciate it. >> thank you.ou. drink the whole thing. >> you know what no matter whath side you're on, probably mostt people have the sentiment ofntf orange you glad it's over.s o >> my gosh.>> my sh >> i think we all agree on that.
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we always do.lways >> i did a twitter poll earlierr this morning it had thousand tun people responded to it so faro r and full 20% so 200 people yourr choices are are we going in a better direction, worseorse direction or are you glad it'sd over. >> 20% said i'm just glad it'ss over. which is prettovy significantcat number.numb. >> weigh in as always and if yo are online #gooddaydc.c. thanks for staying us with ush for the 10a. i'm steve alongside holly,ol maureen and wisdom. this day a it was today when we learned whd will be our neck president that announcement came in the middlel of the night. of a lot tof people wanted tod t forget, donald trump shockinghon the nation analysts and hillaryy clinton supporters winning the white house and, yes, it was an upset.up some say one of the greatestf er political upsets of all time. the results not coming in untilt well aft midnight. but donald trump had the mow t moan tum for most night. for mot a lot of people before they weny to bed had a good idea which waw
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white house thank to big supporp in almost every major swing state. donald trump waking up in newste york this morning but he will bh likely be here in washington,to d.c. tomorrow because it is time to get to work.. president obama called him thisi morning congratulating donaldino trump on being president-elect,t and president obama invitinga e donald trump to the white housee to visit to talk about the transition of power. power they want to get that startedhat right away. awa >> i do have this question, qst because there's been a lot ofthr people t and via social media as well. w is it really an upset or is it i and i'm part of the media is its that the people that weret were telling the story weren'teren necessarily really listening to the people or in the place to pt tell the right story of the t people that came out?? >> behind site is always 20/20. just if as you you have a line on football game and if y touhet that wasn't favored wins, the wt lines we have in this electionav were all of the pollse and itsd wasn't like one or two polls hah it w.
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>> i think narrative had been be shaped a long time and everyoney took it were a for goneor g conclusion what the out comet t would be not listening to middlm america and those who say listen i'm diss end end franchisedncse you're not paying attention to meme it can't be business ass usual. did people come out and sayt any publicly a lot of times i'm voting for trump they may not m have said that but they went thw behind the curtain when they went to the voting places ands voted for him. h that's the owl come now. n >> it was a major upst simple fact donald trump neverrn held public office before. donald trump never been in thene military. he's the only elected presidenti to ever do that in both, energyy both areas.. then you have the fact that herh you have a very contentious thee entire thing was contentious.tes not a lot of issues talk about.o a couple of issues here ands he there but very contentious. so basically you're talkingical about a reality tvly star who bb someone who is part of thehe establishment.blisen now f that was a smaller election, you know, probably non
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the united states it's a hugeeda dealte. >> huge deal. gain the a vote against the political machine.political ma >> exactly no doubt about it abo pollsters we talk to said look k this was the case a lot of caset people may not have wanted to be public about their support, but, once you get behind that curtair and you have that chance to make your voice heard this is whatis people said. >> clear indication of where wew are as americans.rica where do you go from hereom h forward? there is the divide dv that is so evident right now.ghw what do we do moving forward. fd >> he had people in his partyar against him.nst him. >> they were establishments.we t the big stor wanted to vote against the t establishment. and that's what we wha so the results obviously came as a big surprise to millions ofon people and maybe even some trumu supporters, too. but there is one guy who basically called it almost year ago right here on the good day y couch.h. check it out. >> who will win the presidential election. elec >> i do know but i don't want tt get in trouble. t. i've been in -- his house the t one that's shouting all overutie
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there you have it. it was the amathzing kresking kk calling it for the guy whose w quote been shouting all over o that was back in december of 2015.2015 i remember our faces when hees h said that we were like -- what.. >> we thought it was berniehoug sanders.wa >> as t first. fir >> and then before donald trumpp was even the gop nominee, that'n when he made the predict. pdi i said can we have him back. i actually have personal questions. >> i'm a little scared right now to knowtle . >> we're standing by for the first public remarks from remar hillary clinton since lasty cl night's loss.ght'sos that's coming up in about 25 au2 minutes or so. morning tom fitzgerald anderd melanie alnwick both life in new york city.yorkity. tom has been with the trump campaign all night long. let's first get to melanie onn more what we can hear from hearm hillary clinton this morning.inm mel? >> reporter: well, we know that yesterday hillary clinton and her advisers were huddled in a new york hotel downtown, and they were working on two different speeches.erent one victory speech, one a
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the evening i'm sure they nevern thought they would have to givev that concession speech.n speh. that indeed is what she willt sw deliver to the world today. her supporters absolutelybsolely despondent last night.dent lnig it's so different what a wt contrast from the way the evening began when they were soo excited and jubilant waiting ini line for hours to get that frono row seat to what they thought tt would be a history-makingryak moment. and then as the hours ticked on, and the returns did not go the democrat column, that ist is when the anxiety began to set in and people realized it was goins to be a very very long night.ig the only thing we ever heard hrd from hillary clinton was rightat around 9:00 o'clock when sheocks tweeted out to supportersrts whatever happens tonight thanknk you for everything.g it was 2:00 in the morning whenw her campaign manager johnn podesta was dispatched to thehe javits conception center to tall to all of those supporters suprt gathered there not only
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outside as well, and he seemedee to leave everyone with glimmer m of hope telling them that all a the votes hadn't been counseledl yet ton come back in the morning and then they would see what sha would happen. and instead, little bit -- abouo an hour later is whenhe pennsylvania finally turned fore donald trump and hillary clinton conceded the race to him and and then that ultimate glass ceilini that hillary rodham clinton had opened to shatter that symboliso we talked so much, the reason te the crystal palace was chosenho was going to be her victoryic party that ceiling remains intact this morning. mni again you can only imagine whata a difficult, difficult morninglr it has been as they are probablo momentarily on their way to the new yorker hotel just a fewotel blocks from here where they'rem going to givere that going to be very tough one nowgn let's go over to my league tom m fitzgerald in the winning camp.c
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melanie from trump tow of course the big question thisi morning not only what happenedat last night but how did it it happen? how did the trump campaign which is the end ofnd september was down by double d digits mount this come back. yes, there were headlines back b and forth in both directions but clearly what we know now is thaa a lot of those late hour polls that showed hillary clinton with a thin lead over donald trumprup were flat out wrong. we talked to the trump cam manager just a few moments ago o kellyanne conway. she told us emphatically thatyha the internal polling that theha trump campaign did showed them in this position especially win the closing days of this campaign. listen to few of thing she had h to say about what was going onog inside the trump campaign lastt night. >> it was very different, i'm i trying to, g morning people -- l for weeks if not months theot m models were old, they're wrong.o
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2016 lector rate.rat they don't reflect the fact f hillary clinton has been lesstoe popular in getting together thaa president obama coalition than he was. and they don't respect the fact that if you've got a different passenger like donald trumponalt different message he elevatedsse issues like illegal immigration and trades when they were buriee at the bottomn th then you reala you're dealing with a very different lector rate.or rat >> we spright mary donald trumpu we saw the primary election drum many what will we see in thenhe president-elect transiti >> a born leader.eader. a brilliant man who buildss things, solves problems, fixesrm problems, he's going to approach our nation as he would any other major task.. and somebody whose anxious tonxt get things in short order, too.. one ago gray 58ing people whopl are not in washington how slowly it moves and how just malaisesal like it seems to be able to geto anything done and solve any kina of problems. he's already proven that in thee
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>> reporter: back in in washington we will get a look ai the transitional president-elece later on this week. president-elect donald trumpt-ec heading to washington to meet m with president we're live at trump tower in new york city this morning, we'llngl send it back to you.t backo yo >> good perspective from tomro t fitzgerald and mel know alnwickn both in new york at the t respective camps. cps let's bring it closer to home th right now. bob barnard has been out and o a about this morning literallyital starring out in maryland, was i virginia, was in d.c. talkingali with voters.with bob is moving farther west righr now trying to get a fee what folks have to say. so we'll chat with him next.t >> plus we are going to talkt about a few other things thanha just the t ele we've got fall beauty trendseaun that you're going to fall inal love with wh your we'll share those in a littleine bit. bit.
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>> usa. >> thank you. .hank you very much everybody >> sorry to keep you waiting. complicated business.ins. complicated [ cheers and applause ] >> now there will be a transition of the inauguration wil january 21st but 1st likey 21ut1 tom just told us a moment ago a president-elect donald trump will go to the white house to meet with president obama. oba annie yu is outside the whitehee house this morning.or good morning. good morning.
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lactivity out here crowd wise r celebratory crowd wise a handfun of us media folks lined up against 16th and h street but bt i mean as you can see it'see it' pretty much business as usuals out here in front of the white w house. we are told that the presidentae did call donald trump thistrumps morning to congratulate him on his victory.s ctor the president also praisedo prad secretary clinton for fighting g very strong campaign.. and tomorrow the president invited president-elect traumaa top meet with him here at thet e white house tomorrow thursday to update him on the presidentialna transition now this has been no doubt abt contentious race and hopefully l we can now focus on healing as s country. we've been saying that all tt al morning long a lot of folks f saying that as well on social wa media and here on scene a lot oo people admittingly even trump supporters surprised by the winn but hoping that we can movee forward and really work on the policies and what's people are angry, though, inh, fact early this morning justng t after 3:00 o'clock when we gotle here we saw a group of protesters outside the white hoe.e. they were they were holding up signsey t t
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we saw at one point someone seo trying to burn a donald trumpmp hat. so things did get prettytty aggressive.aggressi secret service came out andervic clear the area, and kicked us off the front portion there. but there was also trumprump supporters out here as well whoo came out to take in the historical moment. m take listen to one trump supporter nate. >> i think a lot of people areee in their own bubbles people whoo were clinton supporters theyrtey don't know any trump supporters and they -- i voted for clinton. country really segregated ingad terms of class. people who are in the clintonon class don't make a lot ofot contact with people in the trump class. >> i mean, it's not real.l. i feel like it's not real at this point, you my parents are immigrants fromm pakistan who came here and i love america and i don't know'tk why this is >> so again things relatively quiet this morning, and a lot of
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pins on this obviously and we'ld be sure to bring you more me reaction throughout the day here on fox5 news as well as online l and our facebook page fox5 d.c.. that's the very latest from f northwest d.c. annie yu fox5ox5 local nouse.l use. >> annie, thanks. 10:18. word from the white house the president will speak at 12:15thh today that will be cabinet roomm at the white house. vice-president biden will beille there with >> expect that at 12:15.2:15 >> expected to hear from paul hp ryan around 11:15 this morning and then of course we're waiting just about 1 hopefully hearing from hillary clinton herself. this has been decisive touch tou election cycle as we moveove forward with our next n president-elect communitiest-el across the united states are geg begin to work on repairing theie damage caused by this painfulnfl process. right here in washington, then, national cathedral will be be hosting special services this ts morning afternoon and evening devoted to healing and reconciliation in post electiont washington.wa >> few weeks ago it seemed trump
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winning the white house but thii morning he's president-elect of the united states. >> fox5's bob presithe barnardg further and further west.est. in your opinion warrenton lastno time we talked to you. wtalked . you're in culpeper f you keep ke going you'll be in west virginii which is a state that actuallycy voted for donald trump. trump. what's the word in culpeper this morning?rnin >> reporter: i'll tell was,as the headline here says culpepere picks trump. trump virginia actually did go for hillary because of counties likl arlington and fairfax, but thisi is davis street right off mainai street the heart of i'll tell was the people here -r this is trump country.ntry take look. this is frost cafe we were inside a few minuting a spoke tt some folks here.some f we'll go back in now just tous show you there are a lot of l o people having breakfast thisfasi morning. some of them said hey we juste j saw you in warrenton. welcome to culpeper. again, this is late breakfaste k because i think a lot of peoplel are -- up late last night stilli kind of shaking their heads ovee what happened surprised here att least at frost cafe they're
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the patron's reactions.. >> i am a three-time vietnam veteran. i personally feel any man or woman that runs for that office of commander in chief of armed d services needs to have some type of military experience otherwisi they do not qualify. >> excited. stunned, see all the voter v turnout excited that he's in change. >> reaction to the vote. ve. >> i'm happy. h happy for trump. trump nation. so --so >> repor -ter: surprise you?r: s >> no. no. i wasn't surprised at all. so yeah. i'm happy. >> i'm giddy. i'm [ laughter ] >> totally unexpected.d but i'm happy about it. i am happy, yes, indeed. >> i was up till 3:30. 3 >> reporter: you were?ter: y wer
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>> reporter: we had a lady a l here who said that she didn'tid' vote for either trump or hillary. she did vote but not for eithere person for didn't want to waste her vote on a third party candidate. but is okay with it.t. the first gentleman we saw thers the vietnam veteran said that he is actually happy that donald trump wouldn't this electionle even though donald trump doesn't have any military service.. so guys here almost uniformly pro donald trump and here' headline again, culpeper picks trump even though virginia wentn hillary's way as you get furthef and further away fromr away fro washington, d.c., here intoe ino rural america, rural virginia, i this is trump country.. >> bob barnard thank you. i think we live in this bubblese here we do think everyone thinkk alike and does the same thingehi and clearly just go a coupleoue miles, 45 miles to the west, ana you have a completely different story.y. >> true. >> absolutely true.e >> all right.>> all right uglaughter ]
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beltway a lot of that targeted at at capitol hill and saying peoplego on the hill don't have cluedon'e what's happening in the rest of the country.ning well this is awake up call toal lot of people what the sentimene of the country is.he cntry everybody gets their vote. whether it be in washington,ash, whether it be in washington bini state, whether it be in iowa.owa >> but i do take on one thing.hi people who have completelye maligned the media in this thi entire thing.hing. i don't agree.i don't agree i think most of us go to workor wanting to do a good andd a impartial job and for those whow think that we were somehow inomi the tank and all of us sho into coo hoots with some partyhy or another i think it's totallyt false narrative that needs toat stop and people need to realizei that just like them we go towe o work every day hoping to do thet best that we can do and a lot oo us went into this professionon because we wanted to telle we stories, w weante wanted to be e who shine light into dark places and to have that be now a a profession that now you peopleu say, oh, well, you might not bee honest. i think that needs to stop and p hope that this is the beginningg of perhaps something that leadss to better dialogue and betterr
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>> all right. look -- that's my soap box. >> talking about weather -- >> is that unifying.fyin >> we'll talk about >> wait until a snowstorm.snrm. >> update on whether were can hr come back.e co talk more election as well.l. ???? i'm afraid you're suffering from fobo. fobo? fobo. fobo... fear of better options. cure fobo with black friday savings now. up to 40% off, 24-months special financing, and free delivery. at hhgregg. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. we' offering incredibly st 150 meg internet, st in time for the holidays. hurry, freddy, you're gonna miss it. coming. i can't believe he's doing this.
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?? it has been soggy morningas
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d.c., maryland and virginia.. the entire beltway and outsideno the beltway pretty rain know rn throughout the morning today.ngt let's check in with tuckerithke barnes to see what we can expecp throughout the day today as we w look forward.rd. hi, tuck. t >> hey, steve getting a break b midday and then rain showersnhoe return just in time for thatorha evening commute.ening com as the cooler and drier airri a really starts to work in laterkn today. 58 now in washington.n 55 up in baltimore.altimo 57 hagerstown. these numbers much milder thanit they were 24 hours ago when we e were waking up with freezinging temperatures across parts of thf area. maybe 60, and i want to mentionm the winds which are not really y factor right now but they areig going to pick up noticeht n offt the west winchester at 12. comer land now at 17.7. our winds will be out of thes north and west a lwiittle laterr today at 15 to 20 and sometimesm gusting even a little more than that. so we are going to be lookinggoo alt breezy conditions. all right. round one with rain showersn moving through. not a whole lot of rain generally tenth of an inch or ih less in most places but you cann see that in the wake we've gotet cloud cover and then some the s additional showers which arech e
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so look for those showers kindrn of dropping down to the northg h and west little later thishi afternoon. future cast will do nice job nic ing ing you that. there we are at 4:00 o'clock.k and once we get that secondt seo round of showers that was thersa area, winds will really pick upp start to clear out overnight,ve and we'll be right back intobe c that sunshine by tomorrow withwt pleasant temperatures aroundraun here for the end of the week. to thursday and friday look great,t sunshine low to mid 60s. weekend looks good, too.. round two of rain showers latere this be ready for those.ernobe r up to you.eady forup to . we are standing by for hillaryol clinton she's expected to make m her concession speech aroundun 10:00 their this morning from mf nerkyork. we're of course going to bringei it to you live as it >> all right. mor and more coming up right noe wming 10:27. 10:. more of good day on the other tr side of the break on thise breat
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?? >> we know celebrities played ab big role in this presidential electi a upclinpoton of . so how are celebritiesries reactioning to the news thisto w morning. kevin mccarthy here with that. kev. kev. >> one of the most interestingti things about this election iteci started in 2015 celebritiesri saying they were going tong the threaten to leave america if ami donald trump won the presidency. so i went back and found some quotes from certain celebritiesi who said this and i am genuinele curious if any of these will thw come true.rue. bryan cranston one of the firstf
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he said absolutely i wouldi w definitely move and he wastely talking about moving to canada if trump do you think he'll really go? >> no. no. >> next up is samuel l. jacksons he told --old >> no. >> told jimmy kimmel he'll movee to south africa were trump winsw >> you might buy a house there. >> none of them ever thought her would win. would win. >> they said it when romey a lol of people said the same thing. g >> romney didn't win.t w now they have these words on o record. >> obviously miley cyrus isyr i'm moving if this is my my president. that was a huge instagram post.. >> if she moves she needs aheee better haircut.. >> will where will she move to.e >> she didn't say specifically. >> another house. lena dunham was another one.noto i know a lot of people are threatening to do this but ito d really will.real >> i want her to. >> so -- i mean i don't get thet what's the big deal.what ho'sw does it affect my life ife they move to another >> it doesn't. iesn' >> the whole point of it they ie
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enough.ough >> what is the pressure? oh, mp gosh. gosh >> miley cyrus is going to leava the united states?tas? >> all it is it was somethingt they wanted to say to sound likl they're relevant. >> those -- they had noth had intentions of ever leaving thisi country they got too good no no matter who is president.side. >> cher said if he were to betob elected i'm moving to jupiter. t that's a joke.e. lena dunham's quote sounds likek she's serious.s seris >> i want her to. things she said that's very very objectionable. >> wisdom did have a question.vo he wanted to know if justinn beiber would go back to canada.n >> are they calling him home. he >> these are quotes from all are over the place.lace. different times last year andr this year.ea these are not current quotes. qo these are just quotes in other h interviews.terviews. >> amy schumer was another oneua said she would move.ov john stuart was another. >> let's get to actuall celebrities reaction.n we'll show you three that weretw positive and three that werehat negative.nega
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she was obviously very outspoken. she sanctity dnc for hillary she said do not sit still dork d not weep, move, we are not are n nation that will hit late leadld us we will never be silenceed love trump hate. h moving on now, to tweet on the positive side for trump great g fame in god works mr. donaldrkso trump i'm proud to call you c president of the united statesof of america and first t lady ly melania i'm only using positive and negatives. >> the madonnagati one, this isn we never give up. that's madonna.adon then going to the other side of things, we have steven baldwinal which i would love to hearr steven baldwin call alec bam wim and have a conversation.rsio alec baldwin very anti trump. god bless america and our 45thut president of the united states.e and our new first lady finallyyl chris evans captain america thit was one of the most i guess hateful tweets i saw i s embarrassing night for america.. late a hatemonger lead our greae
10:34 am other signed of on the side sidd mark cuban give president-electe a trump support the good. g lobby against what we agree on.o no one is bigger than us all. >> celebrities were very vocalyv about this election obviously as they always are but you wouldou think that based on my timelines and twitter timelines that likel they were so hard core about pushing hillary clinton forintor presidency and i think a lot of them i mean in genuine shock what happened. a lot of people are.e a i think so too it's an interesting time andim a again i think twitter played ayd huge role in indicating. a loft their comments definitelt should be taken to heart.ld be if you don't like itto h weaorko change it.ange i >> we need ---- >> i would prefer to see, if yo don't like it work to change iti if you don't like it i'm out of here because you don't want to see that.hat i will won't be surprised if a celebrity does straw purchaseawh and buy as house in canada. cad i don't think anybody is givingg up their citizenship.itizenip these people are passionate
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make though threats i don'thread think they're leaving. >> i saw celebrities tweetiningt i'm shutting down.shutti d that's not what you should dohau here. >> maybe for the night is what a they meant.. >> look celebrities really wanty to make a difference they haveey the voices they have thetheye te millions of followers they're t' the ones need to preach tore togetherness >> we need to come together and love is more important than hatt obviously.sly. so this is more important.ornt hopefully we can all just stands up together.ethe >> all right. >> we're hearing from everybodya both sides of the issue as youro can expect with any election orr with any decision.with decis erin has been trying to track ak much as she can down in thes shn social media center. in mia ce. >> good morning, steve. that's right good . remember celebrities not the only ones voicing pingoes social media.. whole new group of tweets,we facebook and instagram messagesa for you. look at that sign in d.c. upsidp down and he says things are soss screwed up in d.c. even the ic. signs are upside down hash tag bizarre row world getting a lot of negative and positive posit feedback for the president-elect donald trump. i still can't believe it. we're also hearing the weather h this morning like the mood wasds dreary but just you wait in yout
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president trump november will be 75 and sunny. optimistic tweets coming througo as well.. danna i think i'll wear blackear today to match my sad soul. crystal says went to bed optimistic wake up and see the so dramatic comments fromc commn america. only four fouars. sam says final aldi senten president so hearing support and disappointment from both sides s of the spectrum here on twitter. rose said proud to be a a pennsylvanians today d proud pa veteran of the first tf american revolution.olution so a lot of folks just veryy active on social mode ya voicing very he can treatment views in support and opposed to trump anp hearing a lot from hillary fromr clinton supporters as well and w just in case you forgot heorgot pulled it off. it off we want to her from you what yoa have to say about this electionn process. hash tag fox5 vote. f back to you in the loft. to we'll be down here trackinyog aa the latest social media.ia. >> no doubt the chatter willtter continue throughout the day. thr thanks erin maybe though you you
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nightht. show has been off the air sincee october 12th and we are just ars dying to catch up again with the lyons.s. when we last saw them spoiler alert things were heating upea u between cookie and angelo forcing lucious to see him as aa formidable rival.. meantime, jamal faced off off against freta combats majorts first step on his road toad t recovery.ry. anika also returned to work at empire instantly causing major turmoil.rmoil. so what will happen on episode? we can only speculatee but we know it's going to be juicy. >> juicer than what's happening' today. >> probably not. >> probably not because truth ih always stranger than fiction.ic >> absolutely true. absoluty tr >> exactly. we've got another distraction for yout anot called fall beautt trends you'll actually fall in love with. we'll have those on good day aty 10a after the break. >> still waiting for hillary clinton to speak too. w it caiould be anyclinto minute e
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visit or call 1-888-get-fios to learn more. cable can't offer speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. ?? >> empire don't forget coming back tonight. tis the season for apple e se plum and pumpkin spice one of our so many scents that put us in i the spirit of fall. f if you love fall you'll like le this valerie greenberg is live in the lot of she brought along sweetne beauty finds that you will quote fall in love with. with. so great to see you.e y >> great holly so nice to see to
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products that will get you inoui that holiday spirit because b that's what comes with the newce season, right., righ >> absolutely.bsol >> let's start with our lips. l. so here i have comfort care lipp balm in sugar plum flavor. fvo now this is -- >> going fancy. >> 1.99 this has oatmeal as well cranberry seed oil that willil glide on simple simple and justj really is going to put you in pi that holiday festive mood with the smell.mell. also doubles as great stockingtn stuffer and it's going to row beauty of your lips.ip >> carmex with new packagingkang that looks so friendly. >> it's absolutely delicious iey have it on my lips. i put it on before i gloss and a makes my lips really smooth. sm. >> moving along let's talk abouo the crisp green apple which ishi so on point for fall, right? rig >> let's talk hair. so began nay shampoo andoo a conditioner with grown apple and grown tea extracts is really invigorating crisp smell. sme go ahead and smell it.
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>> very fruity.. it's kind of wake you up. i know you get up super early in the >> yeah.>>eah. >> it will revitalize your hairo and leave it shiny. shi. massage it into the scalp and ladder like you would any other shampoo. shampo >> do the green apple and agreee tea do anything. >> oh my gosh your hair willair look even more shiny.hi i don't know how possible that it is because it is pretty shiny. >> stop it. >> i love her. you follow up with thefollpi conditioner wash it out.tut they have a two into one but ift you want your hair they have a five who in one light wait spray super sill can he will dee tangle your hair,e g smooth it, prime it beforeefe you're actually, you know,no styling it. >> five in one, does it fix it,, too. to that's >> great for styling purposes. s super silky and you canty pick a of this at mass retailers 4.49 9 for the shampoo and conditioner. 6.99 for the light weight spray. >> super afford be a it smells amazing.zing it will wake you up especiallyly on a morning hike this. thi moving along to crass berry. bry
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prep balm before you shampoo ana conditioner, this is -- it's is little more lucks it's going toi boost the results of your shampoo and conditioner.ti it has six precious oilss ls including cranberry oil, and ara a began which are magic words to me. and it just smells absolutelybsl incredible. you can pick the up for $42. you get,. get >> little more expensive.sive >> it's worth it you only need d little bit you pick it up from caristas stores or >> this helps get all the crapp out of your hair you put in it.. >> before you shampoo and a condition.. something that would be reallyau good once week.go onc >> that would make it lastmake i longer, too.. xa exactly. >> pre cleanse before the cle cleanse. >> got it. >> little more work but definitely worth it. >> got it to give you e thatfini commercial air. >> um-hmm, right. pumpkin, just because it'sae october doesn't mean pumpkins ws say goodbye to them. the absolutely not. n rapid lash listen to this our o eye brows and our lashes areashe
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super youthful right now i have enhancing serum with one strokee of the brush after 30 days 3 you'll see your eye brows gothic kerr and lashes longer. longe >> stop it. again, we can't forget i know our eye brows are small but thet real dollar give us a mores a m youthful >> all bough because of theou pumpkin in there? >> the pumpkin sgh beepudmp extt great ingredient that --t >> the other magic thing inng there. >> filled with zinc as well butt again perfect for fall. fl this you can pick up from rapid lash 14.95 at hola.ol >>ga time. you can see the packaging here.. let's talk about our skin.kin because during the winter ourr r skin can become dry.dry. >> yeah. yea. >> i have first aid beauty will be the solution for you. you so this actually has vanilla ana some orange now it will penetrate deep into the skin. th hydrate the skin i actually havv some extra on right now.ow >> is it going to be >> not grossi at all amazing ana this you can pick up for $30 at0 is he for ya it smells it el incredible and great for the ane whole family this is good foroor kids it doesn't have para bins i
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>> 100 percent.>>00 p >> perfect. >> great for the whole family or the he skin even if you have eczema this is a great choice.e. >> wow.ow. >> option as well.ell. >> always looking for goods loon creams for sure. f >> it's great. i'll leave you one of those. tse last but not least our eyes.urye anti aging who is not all abouto it. it. i certainly am. >> lolita has an eye cream that is going to really all the environmental problems that wepm face every single day is t's gog to serve to sort of pro tuck our eyes and delicate areas of our o skin much this has pomegranatese they're delicious to eat bli also in our beauty products as well.ll it's anti-oxidant rich.ic and you are going to look like a million bucks.ks. >> really. how long -- literally i'll stara seeing a difference?nc >> after 20 days, there was a ws dermatology test and 23% off wrinkles had disappeared. >> after 28 days. d start to see it. be sift consistent with it. dab on a very little bit ande b you'll start to see a change.a g i'll check back with you i wantt to know you can pick that up for
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usa >> you have to get that oneav online.e to on >> yesli, that one for sure.orur they have a lot of great natural products.prodts >> you always find the bestt things. >> thank you very much. >> i'm pleasure. >> i'm totally in the holidayha> fall spirit to look gorgeous ifi i use any of these. tse >> you already do. d >> thank you.. >> coming up, kevin roth singini life and waiting on hillaryhill clinton's running a little behind thisle morning. so we'll get hopefully get until she starts speaking we'll' take to you that life.if we are understand that may still be a little bit away..
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introducing tresemm? botanique a blend of coconut milk and aloe vera in a professional-quality formula, inspired by nature. blended by professionals to replenish for stunning healthy-looking hair. tresemm? botanique professional.
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now at havertys furniture, it's our veterans day preview. where you can create the perfect home. november 14th, you'll save an extra one-hundred to one-thousand dollars. it's our gift to you. plus, you'll enjoy twenty-four month, no-interest financing. with havertys, your home can be perfect, even when life isn't. mom...have you seen my iguana? the veterans day preview is on now at havertys.
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>> 10:49 accident time. 10: next guest may be young but no amateur when it comes to the mae music industry written songs fof jamie foxx and collaborated witi artists like usher, acorn, neyon tray song we're talking about d dnv native singer song riderer kevin ross.
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gray's anatomy and currentnt single long song away is numbere 12 on billboards adult r and b b chart. char this morning he's back home in i the dmv and stopped good day for a special medley performance off his song be great and long songg away.ay take it away. ?? >> ?? do you want to be great? t do you want to be -- do you wann to be great? gre >> do you want to be great?, ooh, you want in a be great, you want in a be great ?? >> ?? it's time to shift the culture, rise above and --
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this is my new single calledd "long song away". hope you guys enjoy it. ?? ?? you always got some where to go, your life is fille ?? >> ?? it's not a race when it it comes to love ?? >> ?? unless it's me that you're running from ?? >> ?? the city girls want itan i
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not so fast you can you can lose i know we live in the now, we, e can set things, take my hand and we can slow dance, slow dance tt the radio ?? >> ?? it's a long song away it's a long song away ?? >> ?? won't you please, please,, let the record play, just let the record play ?? ?? won't you please, please let the recordhec play ?? [ applause ]
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lot. don't you?don' >> how you doing kevin? good tt see you.e you >> tell me about your new all bum. it's called the awake end i'm im really excite bowed it.bod it. it comes out next year it's just how necessity people are to the communities to the culture toulo the world and to themselves. th. >> this is a positive spin onivn music. music. music with a message.esge >> i believe in love and god isd love and we are children of godg that's what i believe.hat >> you worked with heavy hitters.hitters. you're not new to the >> you worked with neyo and usher.. how on earth did you get allou t these people together and work with them not at the same time.. work wig them. wig them. >> favor honestly -- faith honestly.honestly putting my faith into who i whoi serve and that's god. >> right. >> he made a way for me and gavv me these gifts i'm a vessel toeo deliver a message.a meage. >> okay.>> o >> that's to be great, ton makem sure that people are awake.wa. >> okay.>> oy. you also got you're prettyy popular song on gray's anatomy.. >> yes, yes y. >> two of them.
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>> both going to be on the albua one i just did call the great te and the single long song away iy already on the radio and doing a show actually tonight.lly tonig. >> you want some people to comee out seen you tonight.. >> come on out. nd sommoneyme money. make your song.s play. >> absolute. >> absolutely. let the record play a long>> ti. what else can we expect to see e from you? you got new album aum coming out. o you going to write more? or perform more or a combination oa both. >> i'm going to do it all, man.n make sure that you guys followsl me that's kevin ross music m twitter instagram, f snap chat you name it.e i'm on it. support the movement.emen i just want everybody to beryboe great once again. >> cool. kevin, thank you very much. always good to see you man than. great vocals.s. great sound. good to see you. seyou. continued success to you. >> thank you man. >> appreciate you hanging outcit with us this morning.e withs th back over to you guys on theis e couch. >> better than ever. > thanks for coming in b we w to let you know the motorcadede right now hillary clinton's cnt motorcade is started to leaveo l her hotel for another where shes will give her concession speech. now, the hotel about a mile andd
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new york city. c so she again was -- kind of puto this off a little bit. bit first heard 9:30 then 10:30 it'i almost 11:00 o'clock and just aj now starting to roll.o r we do expect to her to get toeto that other hotel shortly when w she does we'll bring to you a a special edition of our show show coming up in just few minutesewn because we expect to hear from m hillary clinton and paul ryan.ia >> also president obama expectet to speak this afternoon as welll but as you said all coming downn the pike we are waiting for hooo who's headn make her concession speech andph we'll vol that coming up in an a special report right after goodd day. >> bring it all to you live.iv you won't miss a thing we'vee' been covering this from thes frt beginning we'll couldn't to douo so. we're the only team and show yot need to watch.needo watch >> in the meantime keep yourou comments coming via social modee ya. #gooddaydc. fox fox.. we'll see that today and carryay it forward.orrd take a short break literally foy the commercial. that will do it for this hethise addition of good day at 10a bacb
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kisses deluxe chocolates. with a whole roasted hazelnut, delicate crisps and layers of rich, creamy chocolate,
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say more with kisses deluxe. welcome back everybody atbody 11:00 o'clock taking live look at the podium we are expecting hillary clinton to give her ae i concession speech momentarily.. if you are with us at the end of the 10:00 o'clock hour, just a a couple minuting a saw her motorcade was en route to the t hotel where she will be givingg he that to happen momentarily.. >> i know a lot of you are expecting wendy williams this obviously very important.nt. bear with us for this special report this is again hillary clinton at the new yorker hotel she's expected to address very eager and anxious crowd waitingg to hear from her last night.. she did not give that concession speech.spee. he had handing it off to her campaign manager john podesta who made a few words but someone coming to the podium perhaps


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