tv Good Day DC FOX November 10, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EST
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>> if somebody can't handle abo twitter account -- [ laughter ]dy ctwit >> -- they can't handle the nuclear. >> you know what i say towhat president obama? give me a break.k. >> based on their history, itt could be a tense meeting. mti we'll have a live report.eport down to donald trump hard at work on the
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we'll take look what his firstir 100 days in office could look lk like and who could make up hisph administration.. the optimists in me choosese today to be happy that we have v fair and free elections at all. i think it's an mazing thing. tg i'll real dollar.r. >> later, late night therapy.he how the comedy shows reactionede to the news donald trump wouldmu be the 45th president of the united states.ta did good day at 9a starts rightt ?? all right. 9:02 is the time. early9:02 morning therapy rightr on fox5.ox5. good day d.c. 9:02 thursday november 10th.r 10 wisdom martin, holly morris,, maury umeh and steve chenevey.he >> finishing touch on the newhen mgn casino. there it is. front and center the shiny newnr symbol of the resort just took up its thrown at nationale harbor >> first at 9:00 let's talket's about this weather, because soms changes are on the way. theay
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match our overnight lows.ows. for details gary is in for tucker joining us live with ae h first check on the forecast.ora. hey, gary.he gar >> wow, you're right.ight it will get colder probably the coldest air we've seen so farar this season will settle in sete tomorrow night and for the and e weekend that does not mean themn weekend will be bad, though.d, t i'll have the forecast coming up in just a second. just a second. clear skies for us today. today loads of sunshinely sun has comm up a couple of clouds today butt for most part just tons of sunsn ert there. 50 degrees right now nor reagana dulles at 48 degrees.ees. bwi marshall is 47. today. some will be in the upper 50 asa lot of us will be 60 to 61 or 62. 62. here's where they are thisrehey morning. obviously a lot of the only thing today there's aay little bit of breeze, winds wins generally been 10 to 15. there's been an occasionalccasil higher gust than that and i think that will be pretty muchue where we go during the day.ay jet stream today is just to thet north of us.of us. that keeps us upper 50s to theot 60s but for the weekend coldol
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takes a dip brings in colderol temperatures.teur so we're only talking 40s and ad 50s on saturday.aty. and then on sunday the looksoo like it will be really really rl nice. 52 for a high on 61 on you know what, guys, it's sunday morning. we haven't had our first freezee here in d.c. there is a chance, we're not forecasting it to be our freezee on sunday morning, but we'll beb down in the mid 30s and so so anything can happen. we can possibly -- definitely we'll drop down to freezing in the suburb.sub so the coldest will be sunday morning wherere they'll definitely be a loft 202 and 30s out there. tre so watch out for that. tha fall is here. >> that it is.s. thanks, gary.. the big story at 9:00 of course is election fallout. night of unrest in thousands of people hit thee hit streets across the countryry protesting the election ofctiono donald trump.narump from new york to los angelesngel oakland, seattle, chicago and ad several other anti trump sent many stretchedse from coast to coast. coast to co
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taking place right here in washington.wash >> yesterday hundreds of peoplee took to the streets downtown.. college campuses and local hotoh spots to demonstrate against the president-elect.el melanie alnwick live outside the trump hotel with a message those voters had for the nexthe next commander in chief.comman mel, gooded morning. >> reporter: hey, good goo morning, it should be noted, though, that in those cities those are citiee that predominantly voted for hillary clinton so probableclino follow surprise thatn so those e where the protests were centeree popular vote as well. so there certainly is a large ie portion of the population thathe is unhappyop with the election results and they are making their voices heard.ices h. the hash tag not my presidenty trending for two days, and also being joined by hash tag trump protest. here in d.c. at the trump hotel this has been one of the focaltl points. we've had a lot of security out here this morning.urit you can see the secret servicet hases put its buffer zones allsl
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hotel here and i also know from d.c. police they are on stand by in case anything else were toe o happen here. he. last night, we had protesters ii d.c. who started out in front of the white house which will soonn be trump's new residents resid residence then they marched down here not too far away to the trump international hotel. they were doing normal we saw aa lot of people doing across these country saying unfit to serve,er immigrants welcome, not trump tu and we have voice. voi. amer campuses protesting as well as l lot of young people involved in this political process. at one point some people at auu burned several small american ae flags and there were a lot of lt people there american universits also who were not happy about that. that. we understand there was ad thers scuffle at one point. pnt nobody hurt there. there university saying that it did id want students to be able toble express their freedom of speechh and of course there was the neee for many, many people to justust get a hug after all of this animosity.
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solidarity hug in organizers wanted people to be able to comc together in an effort to t understand one another and worka together as theyno said for a better world.ld so back out live here, well tell you that the trump controversyoy certainly not keeping customersm away.ay. folks here at this hotel are a telling me that they're hopefulf that perhaps this is where the t inaugural ball will be held. hel no word on that yet, but i did d walk around the corner and i a i noticed that the ballroom heree is named the presidentialntia ballom perhaps they knew what they wery talking about. back to you guys. >> mel, thanks very much 9:07h:0 right now. n in just a couple of house donale trump will be at the white housu at the quest of president obama. this, no secret no love loste between the two men.e two m they will come face to face what is shaping up to be ane interesting meeting let's just j say. annie yu out side the whitehi house. house. we are less than two hours away. annie, good morning. g >> reporter:oo good worry two hours away from the
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this is the first meeting between the two. t as you mentioned things couldngd get a little interesting orng or awkward because as we know the t two parties haven't had very had nice things to say along thehe campaign trail, but that is toto be expected, and they're puttint their differences aside and and they're meeting today with theie first meeting of the transitiono of power, and so later today at 11:00 o'clock here in the ovalho office at the white house hou president-elect donald trumpelec will be meeting with presidentrt obama and while that meeting is going on, the first lady lad michelle obama will meet p privately with trump's wifeife melania in the white house asoua well.we. so the transition process iss beginning. they are getting tobegi work.k. democrats wondering how to move what might we see in the comingn week. we there's a lot of questions.stio will donald trump be the same se person that we saw in the ihe campaign trail? and so whileo e that's going on, some republican strategists worry he won't be able to restrain himself perhaps and become a disciplinedciplin president. we caught up with republican
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insight to what to is come. take a listen. >> pence i think will be the guy he has great relations on k k street but i think trump will tl look to him and also look tok t mitch mcconnell in the i'm hearing gingrich will beich secretary of state.te i think he can be a conciliatorr he can be accommodation any of y he can bring people together when he wants to.whe want i think he made strategictrateg decision not to take his footist off the accelerator.ator he wanted to be that characterht all the way through because hee want and deprive every else of thee e oxygen the political oxygen andd it work. >> reporter: all right. rig guys, so as we do this hit here, secret service is asking us too leave the front area of the t north lawn of the white house. they're closing it off to e clospeople. the media as well.el you might notice a lot ofot o construction here. her it's because of the inaugural il preps on january the 20th.0th but also they put up these
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and this was way to separate the media with the protesters but bt again we are being asked tosk to leave this area. a which is why we are walking andi talking with you butth you 11:00 o'clock today oval officel meeting takes place this is the first step toward the transition of power for presidency.ncy. back to you in the studio. >> from what you've shown us us early this morning it doesn't d appear like a lot of people wenw down to the white house as farth as protesterous orlon lookers. >> reporter: we haven't seen'tee any protesters can you still hear me.e. >> gotcha.>> gota >> we can. >> reporter: okay. oka okay. ok yeah, you're right.yeah, you're we were expecting to r see, youe know, at least a handful of o protesters out here. her we did see a crowd yesterdayrd anti trump -- anti trump protesters but this morning it'' just been us the media. okay. we're heading out, sir. okay. okay. yeah, guys.. >> back to you in the studio.tu. >> clearly annie needs to go. to thanks for bringing us that. appreciate it. more global reaction coming
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meet with trump australian prime minister says he spoke to trump on the phone about the the importance of us militarymilitay alliance with australia. and south korean media says s trump has promised to maintain i strong u.s. military alliance against aggression from northgri korea.ona. meantime d.c. mayor muriell bowser says she will take part in inaugural fissives haveissive welcoming president-elect donald trump to washington but there's mending of relationships thatnst needs to be done.needs be bowser was vocally trump throughout the she also says that 93% of district residents voted for candidates other than p in the nation's capitolitol registered democrats out number republicans 12-one. donald trump broke throughhr the democrats blue wall this week and handed his opponent ini a stunning defeat so thehe question what's next for formere secretary of state hillaryry clinton?cln? >> according to some of hersomer closest advisers the former democratic nominee isn't exactlt
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at least one former clinton adviser says she will use herseh strong faith and resilience toe come through the loss. toss. meantime, the former secretaryey of state used her concessionn speech to deliver an immediatete message to young girls. >> you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chancence and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams. >> clinton also used her time before teary eyed supporters to you were d unify under president-elect donald trump. meanwhile donald trumpilld already getting down to business as the next president of the t united states. coming up next,un witho can plab roles in the next administration and what to expect if you live y in the d.c. areaou over the firt 100 days.ays. >> men, women and memory.or what the latest research says s when it comes to which sex remembers best. b it's 9:12.
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umm... sign here? sure, you got a pen? i do! thanks, sweetie. the veterans day preview is on now at havertys. life looks good. >> 9:15 is the time. t tim now the shock are starring toshc wear off people are wonder wagon a trump administration would actually look like.k ple admialy >> firstk li question what wille his cabinet picks. you are bob barnard joins usrnas live from capitol hill with somm answers to those bob. >> reporter: yeah, certain certa names that we've heard about fof
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established politicians thatia have surrounded trump in recentc months, and this is something the transition is working on. he's got people here inere in washington and in new yor putting together potential cabinet seconds, and topping the list is new jersey governor chris christie and former new york city rudy guiliani talkedd about his possible attorney general.genel dr. ben carson who ran againstit donald trump as possibility for newt gingrich for secretary ofro state. he the former speaker of theer f house and sarah palin the former alaska governor is being mentioned as possible candidatei for interior secretary. sreta now, back in october, donalder,a trump kind of made a contract cr with his supporters handing out list of things agenda items thaa he'd like to tackle in his firsr 100 days.0ay one of them being imposing termt limits op members of congress. s
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constitutional amendment.nt so he'd like to impose term t limits on members of here's some of the other thingst he says he has said all along that he will repeal obama care,c of course, he needs to find a way to build a wall he says he along the us mexico border and a have mexico reimburse the costsc of that.t. so that is something else helseh said also to select a prime p court justice and he also saysly he's going to impose a higherini freeze to reduc work force.or. part of his pledgeis pdg president-elect trump says toayt restore honesty, accountability and change to washington.. so a lot on his to do list as president-elect again takingak getting used to saying thaty t coming to the white house thishi morning at 11:00 and we're alsos told he'll be hereo on capitolol hill later today to meet witheet house speaker paul ryan. rn so a busy time, a busy day foraf
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>> bob, thank you. you as many adjust tot t president-elect donald trumpt-el we'll also be learning morengor about our new first lady melania trump largely taken the backhe b seat in her husband's campaignpn partly to raise the couple's son baron and especially aftery a accusations of plagiarism swirled following her speech atc the republican nationaln ona convention back in july.ul but in fact mrs. trump has a new unique first lady and severalevr noteworthy ways we could call her a first lady ofhy way firstr mrs. trump is the first foreign born flotus and 191 years the first third wife of a of president to serve as first lady. the first former fashion modelod and the first flotus to havetoav posed nude.posed she also is the only first ladyy for whom english is not her first language. does learning more and more andm about the first couple as the at days, weeks, months and yearsnda roll by. 9:18 come of coming up18omen another deadly policeg ambush.a the other big meeting at theg a white house this today. and who has the better memory,em men or women? do you remember we already talked aboutyou this
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? fobo. fobo... fear of better options. cure fobo with black friday savings now at hhgregg. get up to 40% off storewide. plus 24-months special financing. and free delivery. all with our low price guarantee. appliances. electronics. furniture. hhgregg >> 9:21 time right now. guess what? >> what? >> marine corps 241st birthday is today. >> happy birthday! >> happy irthday!rps >> h >> yeah.>>ea
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241 years. yea. >> thanks for your service. >> all right. >> first in, last out.ou >> 9:21 time right now.ow allison seymour is in right now. >> yes. with some other stories makingag headlines.line >> much respect to the marinetor corps.corp >> absolutely. >> first this morning, the ts mo search is on for the person whoo shot and killed one police pe officer and wounded another thii happened in western pennsylvania.pennlvania. officials say the ambush style shooting happened while officerr were responding to a domestic incident. they haven't released anyseany information about e officer. office they are currently wit swat teams in at least onene neighborhood in that borough bou which about 20 miles from pittsburgh. steve what's the name of the rougugh? >> cannons burg. cannons burg. >> schools in the area have beee canceled for the day due to the increased police presence. developing overnightveloping meantime in seattle, washington, the search for gunman there whoo opened fire outside of a convenience store.nce s five people were shot, four menm and one woman.oman this happened after an argumentn of some kind at a busy
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expectf edth to live. liv police don't believe this iss i related to the anti trump protest 94 by. and speaking of the president-elect donald trump,ec, not the only big name headed toe the white house today. tay king james and the reigning champion leave of clevelandf cld cavaliers will visit presidentre obama this afternoon.. there he is.e i all right tee. t this comes ahead of that are tha game against the washingtonhing wizards tomorrow. sole we'll let you have your dad before we spank you and get on out of town. town. travel companies trying to get before donald trump takes airlines hotels travel sites sit began offering discountedcound vacations what we're talking tal about and nights after donald at trump won the election on tuesday t most notably the budget provider spirit airlines e-mailedd customers to promote 75% discounts to flights to canada.. they're trying to cash in on ala of that.of tt. finally another victory foranot women in the battle of theh sexes. researchers making it official
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than men. m thought i remembered that from somewhere new study suggestsst middle-aged women in they ared o 40s andme 50s performed bettereb than men in all measures ofref memory. however, researchers also foundu for a lot of women their memoryr declined after menopause, but aa long as these women had healthy aging brains, they continued tou have an edge over their male mae counterparts. so the neck time our guys say -- >> i'm sorry, what? wha >> i don't remember what i did e don't remember you told me to do this or you that. tt. >> um-hmm.hmm. >> huh yes.uh >> that's what we've been saying. >> good practice. >> i'm sorry. >> i can't remember -- >> you perfected that. >> something else i learn. you're right, al.ou phingight, >> exactly. e ere you go. >>yo that covers all basis. bass >> it's like being marrie steve. >> late night comics seemed likl therapists last night than t comedian. proof that laughter may be theah best medicine for anybody whoan may be dealing withith post-election >> plus starbucks rolling out 13 new things overnight. they could have coffee drinkersr nationwide feeling a little ltle
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iconic image it is the mgm lion and it arrived this morning at the national harborolde alln,gey from las it took 12 people and more thant 2,000 hours to create that lion. 18-foot tall statue weighs twoew its tail is 15 feet long the length of female great whitereai shark in case you wanted toto know. will get a quick paint touch upu before it goes on display at the national harbor. bob barnard our man on the roadr is on his way to the mgm to get up close and personal withhe reat scares me. knowing bob, that can really rey mean a will the of thing.ilhi we'll check in with him on goodo day at 10a. 1 >> that lion is three timeshreem taller than what bob is. >> but bob is up to the task.het i don't know. i can see bob riding it aftert t awhile.le >> lucious didn't have anything to do with that lion, did he? >> good call. >> hey, speaking of rivals thatt time of the year again.gain the air is colder the nights ars longer and starbucks cups arere red. re coffee chain holiday cups are back. there's twist this time around.d
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that the cups weren't christie see enough? look at it now.tow they're about as holiday as they can be. you think that's enough holidayy for you. cups come in 13 designs and feature images inspired by customers photos of theirir decorated red cups that weres tw posted on instagram last year.r. meanwhile, this starbucks cup cp has more meaning now than ever.e it features the single line l sketch connecting drawings ofins 100 people from all walks of was life as reminder of community and compassion starbucksason s released this cup leading up top election day after the resultss were in starbucks ceo wh publicly endorsed hillarysed hiy clinton sent a note to his employees saying we cannot knowk what the precise impact will be on our country and the rest of s the world. i am hopeful that we wille overcome the division of this unprecedented election season. s so there you go. go >> all right. >> star buck. >> mending of fences. >> lot of companies right there. drum is that getting on board
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to washington, d.c.o washington i believe he mayd. have just boarded that and he will be on his way now at 9:30 expected to be in the ovala office with president obama inmi just 90 minutes from now atow 11:00 o'clock this morning. mni of course, his wife is alongng board she will meet withe will michelle obama and -- >> yes. >> does he get to use that plan after he becomes presidentus.e t >> no. then he goes on air force one. >> call it trump one. o >> does this become -- does thit land at andrews today as president-elect do you lan andrews or does he --s he >> i bet. b >> i don't think you can just tu take any plane to andrews. >> but he's president-elect nowc >> but he doesn't hold thesn't h position yet. >> but also keep in mind, theyit have already put in no fly zonen around trump tower in new york. >> already has secret >> he has the samer protection t new york as the president wouldw have here. >> if i'm not mistaken i don'ti think he can take that into appp e.uce. >> really? >> yeah. if you know #gooddaydc.dac where is the trump plane landini when it arrives in washington
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>> we'll know during the break.k >> or andrews. o >> we'll find out when they dot land. >> okay. >> interesting. >> we know where gary mcgrady is.ary >> gary maybe you you're the professor. >> i don't know. he can becausean b't it was -- it's all about a distinct. if he's president-elect,nt-ect whatever plane he's on thenhe becomes an official plane,la right? so i think it's all --ll >> here's the if you're president everything n has -- even when you becomeouecm president everything has to be checked out and >> i'm sure they have. i'm >> that's not an off though. while you may have security, yor don't have an official -- it hasn't -- you know what i 1980'' not official official because ob you're not in the officeec yet.t >> i'm going to bet that it lands at andrews.ndre >> if you're president you can'y just get in a car. c you know what i men.yoow w >> i'm going to bet it lands at andrews. >> this might be him actuallymie boarding now or getting back h i i see doors opening.peng >> might be getting ready to remove the stairs. >> who knows? >> okay.>>
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>> i'm in. >> as long as you're paying the hundred. hund >> you two. i'm not in it. >> you're not going to make anoo bet with my money. >> i brought money into it pntoi what am i thinking with wisdomio martin.martin >> i wouldn't bet i was dollar. >> lapse of memory.f mor >> my goodness. >> we're tired. ted >> here's what i know i'm not i going to mgm grand with her. h [ laughter ] >> in commercial break it'smmerk really funny.allyunny we're all being good today. >> wait until we're on measure o of commercial break.of com numbers out there.mes t th beautiful new yo really nice for us. u high pressure is building in.. and look we're settling intotlgn fall.fall we're going to be very very fall like for the next several days. as a matter of fact the nextter seven i'll show you here in just a second. today upper 50s low 60s. 6 winds a little bit breezy out o the northwest about 10 to to 15 miles per hour. per hr. obviously a chilly start we'll w call eight breezy afternoon lotl of sunshine.e. more high pressure this one thi comes down to the canada we're talking about probably the the coldest air we've had so faro f this season.ean.
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but it will be much much colderr and a dry high pressure systemss so the front comes throughomes t tomorrow night and this sets ths stage for the weekend becauseecu high pressure will be in contro all weekend long.endon we're talking 40s and 50s on saturday for highs. hhs and by -- saturday will be the t coldest day of the weekend withw 40s and 50s and then sunday morning, if the winds lighten up enough i don't think they willot but if they do, we'll be we'll flirting with freezing here in e d.c. for the first time thiss season. i still think it will stay above by far sunday morning, monday ma morning will be the coldestoldet we've had here in town i believe. 52 onli saturday.atda 61 on sunday it really looksy l nice lots of sunshine.unshin of all weekend long check out ck the seven day period here. very fall like. like. 62odaday. tomorrow is great.rrows grea we'll have few clouds in the the afternoon before that front gett here. . 65 degrees for a highrees f h temperature.mpatur much colder on saturday. sur 52 for a high. hig great on sunday, 61. 6
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we may end up with few cloudslod around here on tuesday. tuesday but still it does look like any big weather systems areher sy affecting us we're just talkingt about pretty much a lot ofot sunshine, dry conditions andnd temperatures cold in the morninr and pretty cool in thel in the afternoon, too. >> don't move. you were blocking the't 36. [ laughter ]laug >> i don't want to block the 36. >> oh, gary.. >> block it.lo that's the one we don't like.n'. >> a lot of people like 36.ik >> a little to your right. >> there you go. right there austin. >> block, block. >> 9:34 right now. >> definitely be freezingely somewhere sunday morning.wh >> you got ierte . >> last night half the country was celebrating donald trump's's white house within a tough spili to swallow for the other 50%. late night talk show host who spent months making fun of thehe campaign seemed shocked by theee results hoping to help a divided nation heal, they set about abo doing what they do best findingg the funny and making americame
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>> i genuine cannot believe thii has happened even the trumps can't believe this happened. hpe this was them last night night watching the results.hi the look at those faces. faces [ laughter ] >> democratic equivalent ofequet installing an above ground poolo [ laughter ] >> even if we're lucky and it doesn't seep into our foundations the neighbors wilor never look at us the same waye y again. ag [ laughter ] >> the big story is that americe woke up this morning and was like, d i do >> we have to accept that trump will be the 45th president of the united states. >> boo! >> no, no, listen i get thatet feeling completely.ompl i just had to say it one moreor time. time i just want to keep saying it s until i can say it withoutn sait throwing up in my mouth little bit. >> really the only place she die very well was among polsters.
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cbs, fox news, washington post, bloomberg, reuters, they all hah hillary clinton they were all completely wrong.g they should shut that 538 down. that website should be closedlo and guess graced by abu ghraib.r it should be -- turns out these poll numbers uri freshing in your browser constantly areantly those different from those experiments where they makeake hamsters ring a bell for a droplet full of sugar water. war nate to nate bronze. >> half the country is reallyy happy.happ half the country is despondentet and furious you may not know this or you may i'm a historyisy above.abov i love american history.s i was struck by one thought tugt today. today. we have been here before. we have bitter angry elections o for 200 years. whether it was jefferson versuss burr, adams versus jackson,kson lincoln versus douglas, alienen versus predator. p
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>> i threw that in. t t i'm trying to keep it light. lit [ applause ]plause ] >> the point is --nts -- [ cheers and applause ]chee >> thers point is, now, the us a rail lease are like he's stillei got it! [ laughter ] >> it was a weird night. weird night weird to be watchina the news if you were flippinging around every news anchor onn every channel was just going, uhhh.h >> this moment today will be a defining one for you.or one that will make you work harder and strive farther andfad whoever you are i hope i live to see your inauguration and i hop my mom does, too. t she was really excited yesterday.stday. and, um, i was really sad for her. my mom happens to be hillary iti hasn't always been that she jusj changed it to whatever --hater whatever democrat is running for president.
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had a to call her barrack for eight years.ght years [ laughter ] >> but good news to our first ft woman president whoever you areu wherever you are, you may haveyo been rooting for hillary but now you can still be the first womam president and first is so muchsh better than second. second. that is the difference between n george washington and john adams. you either end up on money or paul jimati play you in a movie. >> seth myers i love him. >> he wa emotional out them but i thought humor is the best medicine.edin look how we're all laughing together and i hope that this t helps spur the process it's at'a long way to go.ayo. i'm not minimizing anyone's hurh out there, but definitely atefit least we can laugh about it andd hopefully start moving on.lly s >> it will be intemoresting toot because as we mentioned off thet top the humor was so much of aho part of the campaign. campa what we saw from every debateate and everything else at that point this is hilarious noun n evening people are kind ofarkind like -- >> was it really? >> w yeah. how do we address this.adess th.
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night when it came to late nighi of hosts. of hosts i think that's temporary thingat it gets back into the's swing oo things. >> maybe there was realizationrw that we've heard many differente people say from both sides, youo know, the divide in this country is greater than many believed oo thought, and so maybe we real r dollar need all of those peoplel to understand that and then alle heal together, you know, aw, realization that this -- it'sat going to take all of us. us it will take everybody in ordery for it to get better. bter. you're're if you can't laugh, you're on yr the floor crying.g. >> so 9:39 is our time rightig now. weather fighting them as hawk eye or trying to stab firstb fi contact on arrival jeremy rennen can't stay away from aliens.lie. coming up next kevin is sittingt down with ativan injury and two time academy award nom 93 toom3 talk about his latest close encounter.
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>> um-hmm. >> now that's a properper introduction.tructi >> that's a college from the neg movie arrival stars amy adams aa link gift trying to stab contaca with mysterious alien spacecraff that touches down on earthown on before it's too late. it's o la inju mathematician an member of her team. team. member our team kevin mccarthycc got a chance to sit down withn h the two time academy awardwa nominee and joins us live. >> it look like a snooze fest. >> star fish flew up on the wall. >> all right. a movielip does not a movie make. >> since he's getting his --- >> one of the best films of thel arar. >> it looks -- i feel like theyy make this movie every other year. >> this movie,, you've never seen anything like this before in your life.r le.
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>> from the clip it feels look i'ilve seep this beforeclip.. >> maybe we played the wrong w clip. >> clip itself is really good i think it shows what's happeningg in that scene but the story linn is is that there's somethingomhi much bigger happening than the actual plot that's given to youo in the i feel like we are so spoiled b trailers now a days, that to go into a film and think you'red tr seeing what you think you're going see and just blows yourur expectations away, um, the basic idea as chris mentioned is are these aliens who have come downe but they're there for somethingi that we don't know what they'ree there for.there for. she's trying to translate thattt message and jeremy renner isrs basically trying to help her ouo with that search it is much bigger than that. i can't tell you anything else.h one of the biggestin twig stelsa shocking endings i've seen in an long time. >> aliens are here to destroy. r >> i'm not telling anything. tey >> i'm just>> i'm >> n'm not. just >> but you're saying there's ara twtst.
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they're here to get us.o g u to the to make friends. >> never seen film like this thi ever. the director directed prisonerse is a karo, a great film maker hh utilizes music so well in thisni heff of movies.. best reviewed films of the year. one of the best films of the t year. i think academy awards for this film as as trust me.ust m i've been thinking about the t ending for two weeks. weeks still has sat in yet. i spoke to injury mow rennerow e about the movie and the idea off milestones in his life being aea music affects him as an actor. r watch this.. >> great line in the film thatmt amy says there's days that define your story beyond your >> right. >> she is talks about the dayta abthat theouy arrived.rrived. i thought that was interestingas i'm wondering i feel like if yof look in your own lives, arees a there moments that you cannts ty compare that feeling to in regards to like days that tha defined your life beyond yourr story?stor >> i think that's sort of -- any sort of milestones that kind of
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hopefully i'll may be or makeak decisions to kind of what i'll'l be or -- certainly.taly yeah there's giant milestones in my life. for sure. those are things i'll almost alm swimming a round in my brain and every fiber of my body that, um, allow mow to make my decisionsis forward. >> anything in particular? onee particular moment. fatherhood.ther certain, you know, success i'vee had in certain as specs of my my life and, um, you know, i mean things, man. it's like i'm almost remindedeme when i see anybody do this on their phone and i see how disconnected everybody evendy ee though they're trying to betoe connected they aring missing oug what's right in front of themfhe sometimes or half the time ore o all the time.l the i reminded constantly i of things i want in my life and ied don't want.want >> the score of the film is of m brilliant it's one of those of e things,, man. >> it's a leading
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knocks mow on butt.utt >> i'm wondering --ring >> it's under stated, right? st it's one of those thing.hing it's not like -- >> it freaks me out. >> it really does. does it's so funny you say that, tt, because this is one of those the films that even like the hurtt locker very little score to itt but like this it's done in suchc an effective way in the arrivalv where because i had seen then te film once and i go back in fornr the last five minutes before iei have to go to do a q and a or something. i mean th-- in the beginning ofg the film same thing. score.. >> that's jeremy renner yes he has fought aliens in thes t avengers this is much differersnt film.m. i will -- wl >> because these are realea aliens. >> i will tell you something like this.tell yes, ell if you you watchou w the trailer you might say i'veai seen it before. befor but i'm telling you when i left the theater i was unraveling the ending and i've been -- it'ss interesting i was on bus withit other journalists and otherer reporters.po half the bus thought somethingoi else happened at the end.d at td
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but -- -- >> one of these movies you sit y there for three hours and can'tn figure it out. it ou >> the end is very explicit. some people when you see it it's so mind blowing that you can'tat really understand it. >> starting to sound like aing d homework ass >> no, no new york city.w york c i'm telling you right now. one of the best reviewed moviesv of the year. i'm not kidding you. >> only alien movie i can think the aliens were good was superman.perm >> i'm not saying they were gooo or bad here >> i may go back and watch wch horrible bosses again.ible bses >> and horrible bosses twosetw wasn't bad either. >> it's not 9:48 coming up nextx the perfect christmas gift forir wisdom martin if you're stillll wonder wagon to get me. me. >> no. >> have an extra $200,000 laying around. >> we've got that guy green. gen >> it's how i roll. rol >> erin and tucker will show yos exactly what i'm in the markett for.. there's a hint right get your money together. toghe pull out your plastic and make k
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>> 9:51 is the time. james bond -- owe wait. o i should do this with my accentc >> oh, no. >> tony. >> maestro may that james bonamb music for me. >> ?? t. not that.>> >> thank you. >> there we go>>. >> james bond ain't got nothingt on tucker barnes.. that's because this morning ourr meteorologist is doing his best 007.7. are you in >> i'm trying to read like any good super spy he has beautiful woman by his side. erin and tucker barnes they join us live. liv >> that accent somewhere between -- >> they're checking my favorite car it's a luxury check car fitr british secret service agentervi such as myself. >> i'm not losing it. no.o. everyone watching is losing it.. >> they probably are. a but that's okay.
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this is your mission should youd choose to accept it. >> we accept agent martin, thant you so much.h. >> first thing we're going torei have to take wisdom to get get british act zen lessons. >> absolutely. absutel >> naturally i'm [ laughter ] >> all yeah. hang on. slow down up there.uphere. >> ooh, sorry.oh,orry >> let me get our checklist here. all right. yes 540 maximum horsepower.orsepo you feel that. >> check >> all right. front seat seat belt super tension they are. are >> check and smells like smootho leather like kashmir in here. >> this car is mazing. >> it is absolutely gorgeousou take egg it for a quick spinck s across the area. aa. now we're back in the showroom. >> put your hands on the wheel.e >> put knit park.utnit park. look at the beautiful -- we wann to give you a view of the car. c i'll take off my seat belt. >> maybe first you should show s everybody they didn't let ust l take it out of the showroom. sho
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brendon come on over this is brendon wright and and brendon in the brand manageran here at aston march martin. this is the last of the nine t n models in the world.n the ld >> yes, ma'am. >> tell us about thises, beautf luxury vehicle. >> dv9 was first introduced in 2004. 20 this is the last04 model year of it.. so aston martin did littled ltl tribute with the last nine carsc they designed them this way witw this specification here. specifi >> this is the only one thatonet came to the u.s. this is the last one off thehe assembly line that's special ini selflf. >> technically if i had $287,00, in my pocket right now i can purchase this car?purc t >> yes, sir.>> yes, >> all right. ly ut has really unique features, too. can we pop the hood? because iu would love to show everybody the signatures of unone from the ctctory. you said that they've all signed it. >> correct.
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actually had it signed bysigne everyone on the production line. >> it's incredible.. >> mr. palmer signed it himselfe as well it's a neat tribute tot the car.. >> for someone who never had a d chance to be in one of theseonee cars what makes this car so s special?ecial? >> these cars all hand built. so it's the crafts man ship it'i the sound it's the performance.e it's just the whole aston martir ts itself. >> let's walk to the backet's wl because if you're feeling likeka secret agent you want to playt a james bond in your own life, trunk comes packed full of really nice luggage for any trip. >> yes. and it's actually matches if yof notice it's bitter chocolate soe it matches the interior of the f vehicle as well. >> ut-oh.t-oh >> i feel ready for a little trip. i think i can pack this up thisp tucker and i can take this for a spin. >> thank you so much for havingv us out outay. this car is still for sale the e last >> yes, ma'am. it is still for sale. is ill fo >> tucker and i will try to putt
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martin this beautiful car.iful >> i got my wallet in the carn r we'll see if we can't negotiatet a deal. >> you said if you can't affordf this one you'll get me a niceic little bentley convertible,vele correct? all right. we love it out here. love out we don't want to leave.'t want a i have my sunglasses on in the n showroom. guys, back to you on the couch c thehe loft. i'll try the british accent to o match wisdom martin's. >> that's pretty good. g can i see more of that lovely lv call. they're the music again.gain i have to break back into myto james bond voice.mes bond i would love to see mor car but we're out of time. te agents your failed your missions goodbye. >> hi kev. >> how much erin's britt fish f act accept was than yours.nours. >> nobody asked you, kevin. >> this is offensive to me, ouro cam ran man.n man. >> we need to move on empiree recap. celebrity dish with ross wit r matthews.. >> coffee time if you what happened the mug listen up. it is time toed the give one awa right now go to our website fox5 did the orests o
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how you can see him this weekend. >> live from hollywood the one,e the only ross matthews.. oh, we have discussions for him. t's s do it. the 10a starts right now. ?? wahoo! yes. yes. >> you sure are sweet.. check it o. vanilla cupcake courtesy of o cakes by irvina and mr. chrisr.r ton nichols is in the house. >> thank you for helping us u celebrate.brate >>xactlyly. >> vanilla who knew there was a day just aj for vanilla cupcakes.. >> what goes into these magicsec cupcakes of yours.ours. >> love, happiness and peace.ea which we need right about >> yes, do you. yes >> you know about his business. >> you've got to be a big deal d just closed big deal. dl. you're expanding.xp >> yes, i am. i closed the deal yesterday with giant foods. and locally we are in local wholefoods in the washington,ng, d.c. area and one day we'll beeb across the whole world.or
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when you were small in 64 majorr >> what makes your cupcakes soeo good? >> well, the cupcake company cpa started back in 2,009. my mother lost her job.. >> and i would just come home hm from i went to school for pharmacy. i said, you know what, let me me just stop -- let me just stoptto what i'm doing to help my mother pursue what she want to d >> that's great. that's great. >> the rest is history. > >> we're going to come back. >> tristan -- tri >> take one. you're in stores so people cane grab these anyone.. tristan nichols cakes by irvina. it smells amazing.mazing. >> thank you. get with those little bit later. >> steve -- did you see steveu e taking these? >> icing is amazing i tack i tac nibble all right.llht >> it's gym day for me.s >> that's the day to eat its because you'll work it off.. right? >> thanks for staying with us for ther st 10as were get settli
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right now.ghow i'm steve alongside wisdom, wis maureen and holly let's trendre what's trending.g we'll start with fallout fromro the election. e thousands every people hit theer streets across the country notnt happy with the election of o nald trump.p. there were protests from new frw york to los angeles, oakland, seattle, chicago and other cities. anti trump sent many stretchingn from coast to confident coast. hundreds of people took to theoe streets downtown, college col protesters even burned and american flag some hug it out to show soil lore dat r some marched and chanted with signsig through the out the night.e outh the next step in the post election moves forward.rd drum is that due to meet with president obama will in lessess than hour. the president is hoping forg smooth and success fillss fill transition of power.. melania will be at the white thw house meet wig first ladyigst l michelle obama. as president-elect donald trumpp
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beginning about who will be thee members of his cabinet.abinet now according to someoom predictions, there's a long lon list, but this is some of the ie predictions, ben carson could bb appointed secretary of education. newt gingrich could be secretary of state. former vice-presidential nominel nom sarah palin could be trump's tru secretary of interior althoughug lot of people suggested listsis are quite lengthy and say some s of these names may just bee thrown in there to bringori familiar names into the group.n. >> i would say much like theehe election, we don't >> we don' k exactly. >> we don't know.xt ow. >> okay. all right. we're going to stick witness sti wit election. simpsons they might be psychic.c because apparently the fox hit predicted this year'sr's presidential results 16 years ago. ago. don't believe me, check it out. >> we've inherited quite a bunch budget crunch from president pri trump. trum how bad is it secretary? sectar? >> we're broke! broke >> the country is broke?
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>> that's from march 2,000 em sewed it simpsons predictingdict donald trump's presidency.y. the episode writer says itt everybody served as a quote qte warning to america and pitchednh because it was consistent ofent vision of america going insane. >> ouch!>> >> all right. lkt's talk about the color purple now a. not the movie but the color thaa hillary clinton wore in hertoree concession speech yesterday. spe we noted it here after watchingn her give her speech live.iv she spoke to her supporters andd her message didn't end with herh words she add drove the crowdhec purple lapel and purple shirt. t bill clinton was also wearing aa purple tie. tie. so why purple? well, apparentll it's because purple like whiteit is associated with the women'sen suffer ratch movement.ent many suffer ratch active visitst in history have worn purple to represent dignity. all right.t >> we had mentioned that we we thought maybe it was a color for unity red and blue make purple l but interesting.ting >> all right. rig. 10:05. let's crack open good day studyu hall right now.ow
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that children are not cheap butb one gender costs a lot more.. anybody want to guess which one. >> girls.irls >> allow me pontiff fieff indicate.di it cost $37,000 more on averagea to raise a girl than boy. anybody want to guess why. >> why?>> why? >> allow me to continue furtherh reason for the cost differencefe is all the extra cash parents ps spend on clothing, toiletriesoir and cosmetics. >> we need add study for that?ha >> only place where parentsherep spend more on boys than girls i the child's gender the study stu found parents wind up spending an average of 21% of their income on buying things fors for their kids.s. >> very true. tru >> i can complete see that. tha hair >> right. >> i go in the bathroom with myy son i take the clippers and cutt it all off he look like michael it doesn't cost a dime.e. >> no. >> what do you mean no. youean . >> girls you got to take them to the salon. >> the ladies need specialal
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>> next up, if your goal system to get to the gym more oftenen social media might be the answer.sw online competition appears to be a better motivator than friendll support on social networking sites. researchers tracked 800 students who signed up for an 11 week exercise program and at the ende of the program those whose who attended the most exercise classes wouldn't prizes.. participants divide groups.grps attendants in the individualivia team competition group were 90%% higher than in the control grouo does that surprise anybody?bo >> no. not really?not ally? >> okay.>> o all right. al >> no.l o. >> the national toy hall of famo will be revealing its class off 2016 today. the 12 nominees chosen by panele of experts to be inshrined atin the straw museum in rochesteroct w yoyork. here they first up remember this, fisherhe price little people?pl >> no. >> nah. >> i remember them, yes.
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>> i know you remember care bears. >> nope.ope >> yeah. of course. >> i remember those. >> you definitely notice this. i rce thi rock em sock em robots. rot >> absolutely yes.>>olutely >> should have already been in.n >> i i had two of those. transformers.anorme >> yes. >> nerve foal foaballs. >> yes. >> clue. >> uno. pinball, the swing, dungeons and dragons. i remember when that was a bighs hit.hi coloring books. and bubble wrap. generations influenced the waydw toys are designed or played with and fostered learning creativity through three.h t last year was the puppet, super soaker squirt gun and twister. >> do we know when the hall ofwt fame finalists will be earlier this morning we reported -- repo >> it should be today.rtshld be >> earlier we reported threertee items that were named unless wew got intel that nobody else haded because we said clue and, um, u
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one. >> maybe off mole.ol >> either we were completelyeree wrong or week like the simpsonsn 16 years ago and predicting thee >> care bears and clue are in a there then you better keepeep watching because we know something special.specia >> how is bubble wrap just nowpn only making the list.t. >> of toys?oys? >> i don't consider that toy. ty >> i played with it.h i don't consider it -- so areore pots and >> so a piece of paper. >> now look, steve, it's a toy.a throw it to me. >> it's a toy.oy said earlier --lier >> it's not toy. it's not t >> they're just taken fort taker granted. they should already be in there. >> but coloring book is not ag o toy to me. >> it's toys that fosteroste creativity.. >> bubble wrap which coloring cl books do. >> if you twist it it bbbb. >> let us know which ones shoulu be in the hall of fame. f we'll find out if ournd o if ou predictions were right from thee earlier r show. sho we don't know where we got that. 10:09. coming up you probably know himh from guiding light but his his
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ron rain social security goinglu to be live with us in the lofthe and we're going to tell you howh you can see him this weekend inn d.c. >> first though empire is back from its world series break.reak chicago cubs won the world series by the way.seriesy th so is ome. coming up next, we'll share our favorite moments from lastrom lt night's episode and you shouldol too. use the #gooddaydc. time now 10:10. 1
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>> what's going on.>> what'goin >> i don't know what you mean.wa >> last time i was here you wero showing me pictures of your kids. now you acting brand knew.ndne >> last visit was three months h ago. she can't tell time. we're going toe hcaave you repr here three times week. >> charlene, come on now. come . you know i run a com week.. >> this isn't rapper you're y'r negotiating with.ith this is the united states government. >> is after a few weeks off empire emr came roaring back last night ant there was plenty of drama as always. lyon brothering when out ofen of control last night.nt what was your favorroitel ome moment? tweet us #gooddaydc..
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assembled.assemb >> yes. >> here we are.ere we. >> we're back again.gain. >> you have the first moment. >> am i a hopeless romantic. >> yes you are. are. >> that's okay. this was m>>y moment when cutent little angela dye boys told cookie i get you now and i'm and going to be your night in nht i shining armor. stop it, wis. here it is. i >> queue the white horse.ue the >> love it w. >> i saw your boys tonight.. i realized something about youbu and your family. world did. >> i realized that fighting isgi your family's way of live.f liv it's like it's in your blood. but somehow ya'll got the idea t that i'm not a fighter.ight >> look, i am not trying toing t fight with you -- >> baby girl, talking about abo something with -- i'm not i'm nt talking about fighting with yout i'm talking about fight for youy if that means going up against lucious, well, so be it.
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time angelo going up against lucious.lus. >> right. >> if there's anything physical, right. >> come on.ome >> when he was like, baby gi ---- >> right. >> pause. pause >> swoon. >> i don't know. cookie needs some tenderness s>d he's giving her the tenderness.s >> stop it.>>top >> is she the tenderness beforee or after she slaps her >> she needed a little bill b later too. >> i had two cousins that used e those same lines. les >> little pookie and junior. >> two cousins that he taughtt the lines too.e >> i don't know. e i thought it wasxa>> sweet. s >> you underestimate the powerhw of baby girl. >> baby girl, i know., i ow >> it will cost you.ou those baby girls.irls >> all right.ight mo what was roar moment?t? >> my moment was when hakeem and -- what's the on the one's name. >> ya mal. a and dre. >> it's been weeks.>> it' >> the other one.>> the other o. [ laughter ] >> good lord.>> they're in the studio. don't make me laugh. lau jamal is convinced hakeem theymy should do a duet together.oget
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here comes hakeem always extrast particular patrol.part watch this.. >> in metallic.alli >> right. >> performance is too soft. it needs to command respectspect more. >> why you sunning like luciousc now. hakeem my performance isrmans tomorrow. okay..ay rearranging my entire apartmenta and we have a song.g a dope >> it is dope but this verse its need to use the clap back. >> no you shall not. n you literally going to standta your whole career doing colabngl back records.ords. that's f you not going to put that bs on mine. mi >> if you had enough followersds you'd be doing this on your owno channel not empire supreme. sre >> you're about to piss me off.f >> before he you're the one tha needs me.s m t m me. you're the one losing fans notat me. there's going to be terms and bd conditions think about it.ut i it's mine. everybody knows this concert iss mine. mi just think about it. >> all right.ig drop the mike.he m >> right.
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>> look at your rocking chair y and look at me.e. >> hakeem is rocking the high top. top. >> i saw this one over here.. >> you see my numbers. >> talk about social media mdia competition. i'm just saying.. >> all hail the queen. que ya'll didn't know.l di now you know. >> all right. that was my>> a scene. >> jamal. the other >> hakeem and the other one. >> i did watch, baby girl. [ laughter ] >> okay. so actually wis you and i have the same favorite scene fromne o last night. quite the scene. >> it was.>> it was they go in there to do this live stream.. and all of a sudden things gongo horribly awry because one person gets the microphone. >> i know.>> ino >> you'll see here.ou'l one person gets the microphonerh and starts free styling withg th some insults to the family.y yikes!s! >> it's a brother brawl.wl >> um-hmm.>>m-hm
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brotherhood andre giant crushinh my girl. gir >> what the hell you talking about. >> hakeem we could have talked d about this at a different time.i >> you trying to deny it.y it. >> calm down.almn. i didn't know you were in it.t >> of course you new.urse y new >> what are ya'll doing.'ll d >> no, no.. >> took it to another level andv i want to know why. >> performance is your idea in i the first place.t . i should have never listened tol you. you just used me to get ao g performance because you can'te get out there an yourself. >> want to be emcee -- shut your bleep. p. >> right now. >> come on.ow come on>> c.. >> stop. what the hell is wrong with youu >> just claim me hakeem. nothing happened. >> we not do that dee wet together. we ain't vibe together. >> don't worry about. wbout hakeem lyon is vibing.ibin >> this is over.
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>> you shut your face.. >> oh, love it.t. >> wow! >> i love it.. >> that's how we fightig sometimes. >> not in front of the world.. >> right.>>ight. they go for the jugular.ugul most painful.nful but the writers of that show, the one liners they come up with. >> when he was rapping --ping -- >> he was brutal.>> he >> he was brutalwa. >> it was all hey, that's what empire is allsl about.. >> exactly. >> just a reminder that it all new episode on all new episode of empire next wednesday andsdaa it's only here on fox5.ox there are only three episodes left until the winter break. >> i'll know their names byam then. >> all you need to know is needo hakeem got a vibe. >> hakeem got vibe.. >> hey, baby girl.
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steve.steve >> let's keep the hollywood newn rolling. coming up next celebrity dishish with celebrity guest host with t row matthews with hollywood today live.ive. >> we're live at national harboo next with the king of th jungle. it's 10:20.'s 10:20. taste the many sides of brookside. smooth dark chocolate outside. exotic fruit flavor inside. brookside.
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?? 10:23 right now. happening today a mural wil10l e hung at brad bury heightsgh elementary school honor former teacher in a chante davis and her daughter khloe. k there's live look right l you can see. they were both killed inn domestic incident involving khloe's father darrin boswell bs johnson is early 2016.01 the mural was designed by localc artist painted by some of thehe youngsters in the princerinc george's county great. it will honor the lives of the beloved brad bury heightsheig teacher and her young daughter.. nice area today he's in town to takeo his thrown.hi we're not talking about who youu think it is on this post post election day we're talking aboul the new king of the mgm national harbor and no it's not bobob barnard either. e bob is there to tell us about t it. hi, bob. >> reporter: hey there, steve.,v when i heard i was going to see casino tycoon with a golden maim i thought i was heading to the t white house.whitou but here i am at the mgm casino because, look, the symbol of mgm has arrived here, and has been
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the opening this is the mgn lion, 18 feet tall, weighss 2 tons, they're actually painting -- i don't know if youo can see they're doing somen'ey'o metallic painting touch up. u came in three parts.arts this is steal frame covered in fireproof fiber reinforcedced plastic panels, and it's going g to be here on the south side of this complex greeting people who are coming to the casino we havv a couple of photos mgm shared with us showing this thing washw manufactured in las vegas ho brought across the country on flatbed truck and it arrived arr here on monday.y. so this is a great symbol of you see it in front of the of te opening credits of most of thete mgm movies, and that is symbolbo of this casino which opens onn december 8th. 8 of course, the first concert iss december 15th boyz ii men.. bruno mars will be here the endd of december. duran duran is performing new year's eve and cher will be here
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at mgm hotel and casino sometime next year. but the golden mane has arrivedd in washington here near nationat harbor, guys. >> pretty impressive i have toav say when you see the size of the workers compared to the size ofd e lilion t. it's pretty amazing. >> can't wait to go see it inset person. >> reporter: yes. >> roar. roa >> thanks, bob.>> t i think i was looking at the list the otherhawas day.ay cher has 10 dates scheduled att mgm already. more far.ti >> wow! >> they are in casino speak doubling down on cher.ow five dates now and maybe anotheh five dates next summer sometime. >> when is duran duran coming. m >> new year's eve.eaeve. >> okay. i'm just saying. >> bruno mars is like the 27th, 28th of decemberf december something like >> 27th. >> that week in betweenek inetwe christmas and new year's.neyear. >> bringing big names up.nging >> lining them up.>> lining >> donald trump on his way hereh to washington, d.c.ashi look at that. the plane isne landing at reagan nationalatna airport right now. now
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correct. >> you should have taken thatula hundred dollar bet.hundre >> you know i don't bet. kno i'm not a gambling man. man >> which is probably a goodpraby thing. >> yes it is a good thing.hi >> we questioned internally as a president-elect you have the honor of landing at andrews airr bourse joint base andrews.e and. you don't.n't so donald trump landing at reagan national and they have 3v and a half minutes now to get tt the white house.the ho >> it's a short drive. dri from reagan national to thenal e white house. they should be able to make it t there you go landing live our next president. all right. president-elect just like useleu they land at reagan.ea [ laughter ]laer ] >> just like u >> right now. >> then no more driving.riving we did the story they don't don drive. >> i don't think donald trump td drives now. >> they can't just go jump in gi that >> or his own personal plane.l . >> or his own personal plane.lae >> your mobility is definitelyly limited when you have secreten v service arounde se you 24/7.ou / >> it would be interesting to see everyone in reaganer nationt airport right now..
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against the glass much the coolt thing about reaghean national in all glass. you can see everythingly peoplee are like, now, wait a minute.ine >> i wonder -- obviously theuslt security is probably prettyre crazy there, too. >> i would imagine, yeah.. >> maybe she just get right offf the plane and get into a car ana drive on out. o >> i would imagine so. >> i would think so, too.. >> there you have it. i see, this is the cool thing thig about living in washington,in d.c., though, you get to see things like this as they happen. amazing. >> again meeting at the whitetih house schedule at 11:00 o'clocke is mororning. at capitol hill meeting with someim top republicans in congressongrs later. >> all right. meanwhile we're going to bee we meetin'rge with a soap star int master minutes.ines ron rains will join us live.s you know him as alan spalding.g. there he is. is see he's not as evil as theevila character he plays. >> he looks now he looks evil. >> look at those eye brows. thoe maybe he is.he is he's amazingly talented man parr of a show this weekend here inee d.c. we'll tell you how you can see him.
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>> first five years of my life. [ laughter ]ye >> all[ right.ll having a good time already with our next guest. guest you know him as the iconic villain alan spaulding on thepai legendary soap guiding light. lg was he mean. well ron raines played that devilish role to pure perfectrep for about 15 years before theort drama was canceled in 2009.009. now, he's in d.c. to star in the signature theater's performance of i'll be seeing you a world war ii love story. sto.
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will be lending his voice along with the 33 piece american pops orchestra this veterans day day which is tomorrow and with moreh about tomorrow's show and tond dish about his legendary daytime role ron raines joining us nowsw live. it is so good to see you. >> good to see to you. g thank you for having me.r havi m >> i know.>> i kno he's so much nicer than the t character he played on guiding light. >> do you miss it?o you ss i >> yes, i do., i >> i miss it, yeah. y >> i loved the character of n alan. it was a loveable guy and yet y you wanted to ring h of the time. but his heart was always in the riplacplace. >> see that's the perfect villain. you know what i mean? purely l evil but yet you find a way to o make people love you.ou which i think had lot to do with -- >> he showed heart.>>e sh >> yeah. >> and of course he didn't thint he was evil. was he was just doing what he had th do to make things right. rht >> did you have a favorite stori line that you did in your longon time. time. >> the annie dutton one that waw a great one.eatne and i actually liked the last l six months of the show.
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so many wonderful story lines, though. >> it's grueling working onlingg soap. >> my god. right. >> yeah it really is.>> yh it >> i think obviously so many man people know you from that timetm in your life and from therom t success that you got from that.. but maybe not a lot of people pl know the amazing concertrt performer and singer that you are. >> well, i made my livingiv singing for 19 years before iefe got on guiding light.ig so that was real switch in my -- trajectory of my career, and actually came at a perfect timet because we had a five-year-old daughter and have -- she was five at that time, and allowed w me to stay home in new york because i was on the road so ro many times. >> right. >> it was a perfect job to be a hands-on father because i -- >> and working actor. actor >> absolutely. >> that's true. t ibut while i was doing tha was doing lots of recordings and concerts. as a matter of fact i sang withw your national symphony manyyan times during that period.. >> sure.e
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so i kept the sinking aliveng a because i knew when the show, fo the show ever ended or i got killed off i just go right backk into singing and that's what i w did. >> if you got killed off youff know you'd come back. nobody really dies on a soapn s opera.op >> that's right. tha >> now you're returning tot' yor broadway roots so to speak.o tos >> yes. >> yes. >> and you're here this weekend for o'rne-ne igheht show on vets day. >> yeah it's going to beng to b wonderful show i'm reallyow reay excited about it.exd ab it's a love story about two -- about luke frazier the conductor grandparents.dpents the letters they wrote to each c other while during the war whenr he was grandfather was stationed away, and we get to read the the letters and sink songs of thatt period all familiar songs, and it's going to be very touching and sweet and i think bring a warmness to everyone who attends. >> here's some other names that are in the show as wellsome o. >> yes..
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she'll be doing something elseng here signature theaterthe immediately following. but going to be four of us and s two dancers and i play charliehl the older charlie and flow the older spark was her name. n and then we have a youngerou couple and so it's going -- it's going to be kind of a littletl show. show >> i want to talk a little bit about luke fraser.t luke frase he's the person that'she per uctiucting this. >> um-hmm. >> he founded the american pie pops. po >> this is the seconpsd season.o pops. and his goal is to almost to try and reinvent or -- >> um-hmm. um-m >> produce american pops -- pop music, not pop music like on thk radio but like with the symphonh in a different way to get a younger generation.erat >> yes. >> how do you creatively docreay that? is he doing that. tha >> he and the producer robertob pullen perfect people for that. because they understand thehe theater. they understand book. they know how to put together a
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it through.hrough with so many symphonies foldingl across the country it's amazing this is starting up. first season was extremelyxtreme successful.. and here they're kicking off their second and doing very well. i'm really happy for them,he because, upping, it's the nextt generation's interpretation ofif keeping this form thif >> i was going to say what woult be your pitch to young perp ton come see this show?? >> because even the material is old in and of itself. i >> these are time less songs.on >> yeah. >> songs, you know, something st old but until you hear itt becomes new.mes i remember when i saw carouselal the musical carousel when i saww it this is i was young. young yet it was an old musical but it's classic and the songs we'll be singing are -- are standards that have been in the repertoire for many, many years and decaded and continue.
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it's just that kind of pured ofp innocent time of, you know, of o the 40s.0s >> it's show that makes youakesy happy. >> it makes you happy. it >> it makes you happy.t makes yy when you think about kind of thf cam peeness of the soap opener e rah and seriousness of broadwayy is there one you like better? >> well, i loved the theater. tt i love the theater but it is -- it's brutal work.or i mean eight shows week weekeekw after week you're doing one of the last t l show i did was daddy warbucks on broadway, and i said, you know,k to carry the show eight times aa week, you have no life. l you have to keep your voice voi you have to keep your bodykeepo rested. it's all about the eight showsho but i love that. but -- well i love them all. all that's really the liveive performance and singing a song s and delivering a lyric and landing on it and getting lost
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>> having to nail it.. >> just connects you to theou tt universe.. >> can you sing us a little sg l something?thin >> i'll be seeing you in all tht old familiar places.. >> that's one of songs i sinkonk good i just want to hold your yu hand after hearing that.t >> okay. i think we said earlier this was at the signature theater i think that is wrong. >> no. >> at the liz they are theater. >> oh yeah.e t >> i want to make sure you go tg the right place it's at the lizz th a show time 8:00 o'clock tomorrow night. get your tickets now.. thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. so emuch enjoyed it. >> thank you for havinnjg me.avm back over to ya'll. >> when you do the soaps how faw long dunk the story line, did l you find it about the day youay were shoot wagon the script wasi for that day? day? >> we kind of have an arc of the story but it can change, it can change at any --ny >> whether you get killed off.lf >> they may not like. they wanted it to go that way t
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>> stay on your toes. toes. >> you kind of look like reba le shane sitting over there.. >> right. >> i watch soap pepper rahs.s my mom told me.d m >> you just outed yourself. >> exactly. >> many layers of wisdom. >> 10:38. thanks very much your joining us. ross matthews up next. we'll check in with the crew ath hoe crllie ad today live and gey celebrity dish up next.ex ?? ?? i'm afraid you're suffering from fobo. fobo? fobo. fobo... fear of better options. cure fobo with black friday savings now. up to 40% off, 24-months special financing, and free delivery. at hhgregg.
10:40 am
rnet for the holidays. so in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record, fly, gary, fly. ...his friend can download 13 versions of the perfect song... ...his sister can live stream it... ...while his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just 79.99 per month online for the first year.
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want to check what you've t been saying at home throughoutc date today and that's the time of the morning we get to check out our social media a here's what we havr eso to say o far. cher performing multiple time at mgm for someone they said was ow her death bed.ed yes she has 10 shows.ho apologize for the slow read.w r we're trying to read 10-inch 10- television right >> my favorite seep was whenn cookie kisses hakeem and then at slaps him. >> you know the love of hate cycle. >> it's the lyon. >> when hakeem called his bro a fake frank ocean south side slim 76 i laughed outloud as >> that was pretty funnyed. o >> um-hmm. >> that was hilarious. >> wisdom march tip, what is wh that accent? lol. the car was beautiful though tho
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aston martin n if you had toouad have the car for free and you ay had to wisdom speak every word in that accent if you would takt it. >> if i had to listen to myselfm i would record it and play it i the car with the top down top d driving around the beltway. >> what was the name of ite of bitter chocolate.cola >> bitter chocolate.. the color.ol >> color of the leather matchest e ininside. >> very fancy >> it was so fancy. too rich for all of our bloods.d >> none of us will be drivinge g that any time soon.. maybe ross matthews will. it's time to check hollywood headlines. ross matthews, it's steve in dc. how are you this morning?? >> well, hello and good morningi to everybody in d.c. there is lots going o lots to talk about.kbout. you ready to get into it?t? >> let's start with brad let's go. let's do thiles. >> all right. yesterday was a great day fory r
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first he was reportedly -- he'ss officially been cleared of any wrongdoing during the allegedeg incident on plane involving hish 15 year old son maddux rememberm all that drama. drama he's cleared plus yesterday he h went to his first red carpet since his split with angelina for war movie allied.llied he signed fans by signingig autographs and posing 10 minuten he took pictures with fans muchc it's really sweet of one hase been very kind out you're brad pitt. >> you get the feeling ross he's doing all of t hahet f and being bei extra nice nice because any time there's a split you want to beub the one that looks like you came out on top in this. maybe a little extra love fore the fans. >> maybe maybe but i'll tell you this i've been to a lot of red carpets. i've been doing this for minuter much every time brad pitt gets t out of the car he always goeswag and science pictures witnesss fans. i think it's more than just pr r stint. he's trying to get back to hisko normal. does that make sense. >> totally makes tals it's good thing, though, itug i shows in that case he hasn't
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reaction good there which iw awesome. >> yes, he hasn't.>> y, >> let's talk a little politicst now. no a little post election right noo when it comes to tom brady anddy donald trump what's the real r scoop between these two? >> okay.kay. giselle bun chen tom brady one y of our favorite couples did he e say spit being hideous to look o at leading up to the election donald trump had bowed about tom support in pre-election intra i gram post giselle indicated thec were not sporting trump. tmp now tom wants to move forwardrd because he told reporter i a have been a little awkward inn that household. he said told reporters giselle l ease not allowed to talk aboutk politic any more. he said i think that's a good ag decision maybe for our family. sounds like a touchdown to me. >> funny.>> f. >> thanksgiving coming up, i mean, there are so many soan different political opinions. on can you imagine the awkward family couldn't voce happeningvp around the world? >> ross, when it gets awkward -d >> speak of tom brady i just i j want to say --
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>> i was going to say do youo yu think -- good seahawks.d sea i love the see h >> do you think when it getsu tn awkward in that household withuw tom and giselle do you thinkle d they just stop and stare at each other and admire each other or stop and stare in the mirror anr admire themselves? [ laughter ] >> i think that is the moste mos beautiful question i've been've asked in very very long time.g t i cannot answer it.r i i couldn't i'm going to spend quality timem with my diary tonight and work w on that one.. okay? ok [ laughter ] >> please, pretty please let usl know what you find out.u out. let's talk about the biggestgest of alf all. we talked to you last week yout event in palm springs honoringon none other than yourself. owe have thether photo evidencl us all about it. >> oh, my gosh, yes, so sweet ot you guys. i had the most amazing weekend d got a star on the palm springsai walk of stars. srs it's my, w i love -- i have a ie house in that city. cit i go every weekend it's the most special place in the world. wld and the city sort of embraced me and now i'm part of palm springg forever whether you like it or r not honey.not ho
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selfie and tag me.e. today we have a really big showw >> it's beautiful picture i wanw to know how many takes did thata picture take? did you nail it i on the first try or are a a bunch -- >> one. >> really? >> one. >> i didn't even take thatidt ev picture somebody tagged myy ta facebook and i stole it becauseu i love it. i they took it from up so there s was none of this. this it was like hi. i love it.ov it. >> i love it.>> i l >> like from google earth. >> hi. who is on the show today?showody >> we got a big one today. guest co-host dr. drew is here with us all week long ali landrl is here with us and tiffany, i'm living my zac morris fantasyrint that. will be great but he's got a new food network special clashes of grandmas. cathedral ron mattheussen iss here.. indicate jennings grant andte j another edition ofen ask ross. s serve it straight on the streets
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people come and ask me i give it to me.o m we are on every day 1:00 o'clocc right here on fox5.rihere join the the f >> thanks so much, ms. congratulations on the star. the we'll talk to you again realo ug soon. thanks, buddy. >> always a lot of fun. alway >> thank you very much, guys. yu thank you. v >> congrats, ross.s, r time right now 10:47. coming up, how to rock a star for any we're sharing 13 fall fashionl o staples from this lovely stylees
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?? >> ooh, i love this song. okay this fashion is one of thee best parts of the fall staple ol e seasoson. it is that simple scarf thatsca we're talking about.. but not just throw wrapping it around your neckrec this morning we're sharing 13, counsel them, one-three wears to wear that scarf making it your u accessory this season. here to demonstrate theo demoat different ways to wear scarf for any occasion is roxanne personaa stylist and image consultant.on good morning to you. >> good morning, maureen.auen >> i am one of those people youo throw it on and go and is this i all right? you're saying hey wn can make this work in lot ofot different ways.enways >> most definitely.defitely. >> 13? >> 13. >> let's see if we can get's s
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necklace.. it's a simple play on just a single -- instead of single knoo a double knot. this works well for longer l scarves like this.e t to kind of give that nicee very very versatile to keep you warm and stylish.tysh. >> how do you do it real quick. >> so what you do, let me -- m >> we have 13 we're not going tt get through all of them. this one i'm selfishing wantingg to learn how to do. d >> you drape it over yourou dra shoulders and then you take your hand, you're going to fold itfoi over and make a note here. >> okay. >> leave some room.ome ro >> um-hmm. >> then you'll take the other loose end cold it in and just js fold it all the way through andd make some slight adjustments and you can adjust the height. t h >> lovove it. >>y.kay. >> there's one look. look >> okay. then on this -- now this one ihi know how to do.o this is the one i most often doo does i include concluded thisedi one most of us know how to do do
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loop.loop. you take your scarf fold it in i half.half. pull it eight round your neck, and then just pull it throught g again. .ou can adjust this is just really quick and seaze. >> when you don't have to puto too much thought into it.. >> this a little more bold. b i don't know that i'ddon't ow td necessarily do this it involvesl a belt.. i've seen people do this.his. amazing. >> the belled drape.>> the the key to pulling this off youo need a scarf that has someom volume to it. okay. you can work it with a print a t hike this or it can be a solid color. but as you can see you just youj drape it over your shoulders,, and then just highlight it witht belt. with the belt you canbe actualla you can actually use a wider w belt if you want to crow 88 morr of a silhouette.e. >> okay. >> but typically again it willay be a longer scarf, and it just t is a nice -- it's kind of littlt bit unexpected.. >> you said a scarf with bullrfb tock it you wouldn't use a thici sort of like wool scarf..
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reelly be too much. but in terms of just having volume.. >> it doesn't necessarily meann weight it's just a little bit of, um, volume and air. >> okay.. you've brought scarves you wantt the to she me the other looks on me. i love these scarves i'm noti'mt sure how to wear it. also while you're showing mee this next look, you know,w, scarves are so much more than tn just what you wrap around yourur neckly you can do so much moreoe with them. tm. >> you definitely can. you know, definitely more than just being fingers al. you can wear it to jazz up your outfit for work. for professional lifts it's nice to transition from day tonight. >> right. >> if you're a wearing like thit to work, but then you maybe have a corporate event or a happy hour something after work, just, upping, put this on. style it any way you want. >> give it a real pop, pizzazz. >> you're showing me another look.look >> yeah. yeah. we're going to do what's calledd the french twist which is also known as the french knot or thee
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>> so we're going to just fold it in half. >> okay.kay. >> wrap it around your neck here.he >> okay. oka >> be careful not to get theet t we'll loop this through. >> ah.. >> all right. rig and acthtually we'll loop one of the ends through. >> uh-huh. >> we're doing to twist and create a small knot. >> um-hmm.m-hm >> and then pull the other end through. >> trying to see in the monitor what you're doing. >> okay. >> basic i'm not trying not ton get your mike.ike. >> it's okay. >> you have a there.ere. you can adjust i >> i like it.e it >> okay i love it.t. you can do another one on yourself. while you're getting that readya if pebble want to take a 13 looks a specific place they cann go to look at it. >> absolutely if you visit myy website at www.roxanne it's on the firsr page of my blog posting.. i just wrote it a few weeks. >> c-a-r-n-e.
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basic loop what you want to doto is get a scarf that has lengthgh to it. >> okato iy. >> you're going to just wrap itt around here. >> um-hmm. >> you're going to put the shorter -- get my hair out ofouf the way. put the shorter end here.e. wrap it around twice. >> ahh. >> that's one, my hair gettingng caught up in it of course. >> that's okay.s >> tv of cokouayrse. >> yup.. the second time and then you just take it and then have a a gentle knot.. >> i like to always putot it off to the side a little bit.. >> just to kind of add little bit of pan nash. >> i love wearing scarves when i travel i wear more chic wearing scarf. >> even in the summertime when i travel, i always have a scarf on. i tend to get cold especially on the airplanes.lanes. >> i hear you.r >> it's just easy because you can put it in your purse, in your tote it's not big and bulky.bu and you know you can still look greatlkll. loo >> roxanne carne teaching us how
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go to her website to see all the on the wisdom we look chic and i think so. guys, what do you think.. >> qui.. tray bee yen. >> thank you >> you look fabulous.. >> all right. right >> oh, no. his accent is back. >> big honor for little people.o just announced the seven time t fisher price finalists finallyin made it in. in. also making the gut dungeons and dragons created back in 1974 and the swing.e s that's the one i wanted to get g in. in. i don't know where ya'll got that information earlier.knownfn >> e no clue.. now you know. stick with us long enough we'll get you the info youh need. in the meantime right now down d at the white house big dogs druu is that almost talmost we're going to keep a close eyee on the west wing right now. drumly will be meeting with president obama in the ovalt obn office shortly t he's on his way there from reagan national park. we'll end the 10a. 1 we'll come back and bringing yon rival next.l next. thanks for staying with us onh u this thursday morning.
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently. that means incredibly fast 150 g internet for the holidays. in the 3.7 seconds it takes we're wired differently. gary watson to beat the local sled jump record, fly, gary, fly. ...his friend can download 13 versions of the perfect song... t... ...while his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder. get 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for this amazing price. cable can't offer speeds
11:00 am
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