tv Fox 5 News 630 FOX November 10, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm EST
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the open. we have the question who will wl win. we now know who won. mr. trump in washington today. president obama promising arosia smooth and peaceful transferns of power and invited the thehe president-elect to the whitet-el house today. here's a look at their first fir ever face-to-face meeting. mting >> everybody is talking aboutboa it. we want to know was thinkwasnk about it. tweet usabout right now using t #5at6:30 much let's get rightetr to it and hear what they had to >> my number one priority inity the coming two months is to t try to facilitate a transition that ensures ournsures our president-elect is >> i very much look forward towo dealing with the the president i in the future including counsel. counsel. >> it was fascinating to watchch that today all eyes were there e just see donald trump in thempn oval office sitting in one of those seats that you seet another head of state.f sta
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get that first perspective orver that first look at him in theime oval office. >> from all observations ions i believe that's their firsthe fir face-to-face meeting ever.o-face the trump transition committee just went online.e. >> they'll be moving here toll b start that process novembernover 20's first.20'sir so they got a lot of moving toit do from new york down here.ere. >> so what agenda items will w president-elect tackle first?st? >> ronica cleary joins us liveje from t ron today, we hear so muchouc about those first 100 dayss from every new what can we expect from theecfr trump administration? >> reporter: hey, shawn and jim. it real is a the lot of pressure to think about those t first 100 days.firs it was actually in october he gave a speech in gettysburg getg pennsylvania where he outlined l a very extensive list oft things he says he wants to do to in the first hundred days. fir n he called it his contract witht the american voter.ot
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from our viewer to hear from hr it. the first is something wee heard him stress a lots recently this idea of drainingin the swamp what he's talkingwhat about is proposing ang a constitutional amendment to impose term limit on allmit on a members of congress. now, the second, restore the res rule of law.. what does he mean by that? well, he wants to cancel all funding to sanctuary citiesies and then also begin the process of replacing justiceus scalia. scal next, we've hea repeal and replace obamacare. o. he would replace it with wit health savings accounts, the ability to purchase healthy to insurance across state lines and also let states manages mane their medicaid funds and thenhen finally build that wall along the southern border.or it would that fund the wou construction of this wall andtin it o says in this document witht the full and w complete complet expectation that mexico would reimburse the united states for the full cost rsofe the wa.
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list of things that he says he at least wants to begin the bin conversation about saying that a it is his pledge to you ande to that if we do this, the country will once again be by and for the people.ple. so, some very powerfulowfu language and seemingly verylyer strong and passionatee intentions during those first fr 100 days. >> got a long list and a lotd of work ahead of him.. ronica thank you.hank i think it's interestingntes some of the things shemef mentioned i think are going torg be difficult because eveecau eve that whole term limit thing is s a no go. no go. mitch mcconnell absolutelyuty not. >> that was something that was in the contract withs asomerice that newt gingrich put into i place back in 1994 that obviously never went anywherevee either but what's different this time around is you have but th we entiree arou congress in u pocket there or at least ase ore part of the same party so evenvn if not that there's otherher factors on there that are tha certainly going to get someto ge popular play in congress.ay i >> we'll be watching.atin no secret the gop has been n divided this election.ction. many distanced himself from from donald trump but he won.rump he
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republican party. >> joining us david dresher senior congressionalession correspondent for thees washington examiner.gton david how are you.da >>e'rere well. >> you heard ronica say drainici the swamp motto it's been an a #but really how does donalddona trump have to change his approach to govern in this new world. >> we'll find out how he e'decides to govern.llde nobody is going drain the din swamp because the lobbyistsbe are thecaus smartest guys inguys town -- [laughter] >> it's true. bad rap but if youut i want experts on policy and a experts on g want your government to beour able to run smoothlyo run smoot republican or democrat, they are the ones that have workedese on capitol hill w torhat havetae worked in the ie administration -- in pastnistrai administrations and so you're going to tap a lot of different lobbyist and people from special -- so-calledt lobb- special inte- rest groupsso-cia because theygroups are the onesh know things.ow thing that's number'sumber i think that initially donaldlyl trump will work just fine with members of congress from his party because they agree onee tax cuts, they agree onee repeeling the affordable careaba act. >> they agree on those thingsagn but in the primary evenhe pmary
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we're looking at an imagen i right now with donald trump towr the left there of paul ryan we see mike pence we know he met with mitch mcconnell thereonnelt was a lot of tension. there were people who said we're not goia wereng campaign g you, you know, how do they ty move forward now? now >> they move forward because beu he won and his victory from ann electoral college standpoint was convincing and his successss is being credited for helping hl push republican senators across the finish line so a lot of republicans there feel like first of all my vt voted for trump and seconds of f all maybe i wouldn't be here beh if not for trump and that is thi going to facilitate some initial goodwill and look, i l think that that also givest alss donald trump some political pit capitol with his own party towi push through things thatth hthat normally especially with obamaba as president they would opposent such as a big huge t infrastructure spending bill and things like protectionisttei trade policies that normallyciel they might oppose although theht party has definitely beenitel changing on trade so we'll seel a little bit of a different of t republican party.
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trump they'd never do for a dfoa democratic president butnt that's just politics. pit >> no kidding.>> >> no matter who is in n co har. eventually the issue will be b can trump develop some capitolol with the american people orhe does he get himself into trouble as we've seen wit ahme h past presidents in their firstst term and then pretty soon the t 2018 midterms will take over. te it's the same old story. there's a certain way thats a this works. >> right. >> and i don't think it's going to be much different fornd him. >> the election nearing rolls on no matter what.on no tter david trucker thanks forhank joining >> thanks a lot. >> nationwide there have beennw postth election protests many mn here in washington.ashington. >> tom fitzgerald is liveis le tonight. tom what is the late jest le what's going on out there? t >> reporter: well, they're here . >> [laughter] >> we can hear them.e cahear the >> reporter: anti-trump repte protestors, all right. they've all lined up here outp in front of the old poste ol office building.d over here we have a contingent people who are foro e donald trump.rump so, we're going try to do to d something. we're going to try to dog ry t
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five. >> yes, sir. >> reporter: all right. repor trump.e donald >> no, sir. i don't like his h >> reporter: i got you. y hang on. we're going try to do this.hi >> all right. like donalde dold trump. tr >> i like donald trump. tru >> reporter: both of you come here for a seconds.or a son >> i'm going to support the t president of the unitedenof the states. i supported obama when he got elected i'm going to support srt donald trump. >> reporter: so, what do you think and i'm going tote s talko you about this in a minutes.t t >> okay, all right.>> >> reporter: what do you o think about president obamasidea telling people to support the new president but yet some y s people coming out here and protesting. >> they should honor his wishes. wishes. they should honor hillary s clinton's wishes.houl cle said the same thing. >> reporter:sa nowid the over to >> yes, sir. >> reporter: prob today saidter the people should help the new president-elect.esidenect why are you -- y
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man. >> reporter: was do you -- why d you think it's important forpo folks like you to come outme here and protest the feelings ts that you have about donaldou trump? h >> well, see,ld because -- that's the american way.ay you understand? and so many m times we try to politically correct people by what they by y are saying and what theysa believe in, you know,yi without really -- we're talking atalkint each other but we're not having a conversation with with each other. o. >> we gave obama a chance c eight years ago.ght ars now give donald trump a donaltrm chance. see what he's going to heo that's all we saying.ay >> reporter: but are youeput going to give him a chance.a an. >> listen, let me tell you something. personally --pe right. >> i'm a black man in america. i nothing changes for me. >> reporter: right.>> >> you understand? nothing rang changes for me. >> reporter: no matter who got electoredte. elected >> no matter who got elected ect i'm still a black man in america. i'm fromamer alabama man. so, i came out of georgeeorg wallace country, okay.ka >> reporter: you from
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>> make couldn't georgia. >> so i know -- i't know aboutwu racism, okay, because i came c from alabama. alabama >> we know about racism, yeah. a we from georgia.rom georg >> reporter: listen, i knowr: li you don't exactly agree withxacw each other but i appreciate appt you both talking to each other r >> yes, sir. >> we need to do more of that. >> reporter: so to get inet there. >> that's -- that's somethingsoe that we need to do.o. i shake hands with him.e hands h >> reporter: that's all weim can ask.ter: talk and shake hands. a all right.ig >> i have a right to do whato w he's doing. >> reporter: we appreciate oryour service iten the unitedce states militarily we thank you as well, too, iitar for talkingt us. all right, it wasn't pretty was but at least we got a conversation going. goi >> >> reporter: you know, the situation is this. t tempers are hot. h opinions are strong.tron and they are not going away away any time soon.e s all of these people here whoplew are here, they say theyhy support america. aca they say they support our country and right to free
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is the spirit that of.he srit >> that's what it's all >> reporter: they say it'theyty can protest. can pr they say they can speak outy ou and you can still be a good american. you can still support yourstillr country even if you disagree with who's winning.ning >> hey fitz i appreciates youreu getting in there in between those two.the and for us to try to sort of o facilitate that open dialogue between both sides.both sid >> reporter: well, you know,tery here's the thing. thing you know, people generally doly wants to talk to each the e other. i told, you know, jim and shawn i told you we trump tower yesterday we sawaw these trump people and these hillary clinton people kind of standing across the streettree from each other wanting toerti talk to each other. to ea they needed somebody to get in g there and grab them by the the elbows and get together. aet to. >> right. >> reporter: when they do eporte conversationsonveat they have are fascinating andcid you know, maybe there is something there. >> there certainly is a common thread. thread. >> reporter: a conversation to be had, you know. >> absolutely. >> reporter: the one thing they have in common that weorte orteave in remind them is t
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clinton people care. c they both care.h c >> you know what i'm hoping.'mop >> reporter: if you start from that place maybe they canen come together even further.ethef >> i'm hoping that congress hop and thein folks in the whitehe house are watching what'sg what' going on and maybe they sawy s you bringing those folksol together and they will work together. we can get both sides workings n together.toge >> one can hope. move we can, you know, past this moment. >> reporter: i don't think they're having breakfast momorta together any time soon but at tn least they can talk to eachthey other a little c bit. >> that's the important part.por >> all right. very much, fitz. i a >> the organizers from handsrgan across america wants to come back and they want fitz to fz organize it this time around. it >> he's doing a great job out there. ther >> let's talk about the's t weather once again.weathece cooler day, jackets are out. out sue, this is certainly fall, isn't it. >> yes and i saw tom with his gloves on. did you guys see that.t. >> yeah. >> my favorite moment in wholetw thing not only just the dialogue between the two sides but when he shoved that signoved out of the way and said that'sas not helpful. not he that was a very good moment gooo moment tom. ment
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tonight's. it will be a chilly night. n we'll head for the 30's maybe my some low 40's under clearar skies. breezes are much better butut we'll drop about 44 degrees 44 s here in the district.diric tomorrow of course is veterans day. it will be a beautiful day. d we'll climb to about a 64 degrees but shortly afternoon a strong front comesnc through. this 64 degrees is going to4 de happen probably in tgrhe middayt and it's going to fall to the 50's in the afternoon and thehe winds will become quite gusty out of the northwest at 10 toher 25 thmiles an hour so for those breezes friday friday evening into friday night andt d saturday morning.. and speaking of saturday on the seven-day forecast it'sas i' the coldest day we have so farea this season at 53 with 20's at0' night so a hard freezearfree expected to start our sundayourn but we rebound pretty quickly. . back up to 62 degrees fors sunday so not a bad weekend weee but a chilly one on saturday. sr jim and shawn back to you. >> it's just me me sha >> i was going to say tom. t >> thank you very much.y m
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fitz out there in front of the e trump hotel bringing bothring sides together.og >> yeah, last people want to l know what the message they'rease trying to get tacro the election has been held. b this is the transfer in thefer e ed sed states. these people say they want their voices heard. heard. we're seeing them out there tonight outside of the trump hotel loud but peaceful. peace >> this is part of america. amei this is what makes americame great already is that peopleha o have the right to protest and have their voices heard.s h we want to hear from you guys,oy to tweet us use that #five at 6:30.6:
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>> welcome back. people are wondering exactly what will that a donald trump administration look like and who will be inre h wl isthatratn >> there's always speculationpe this guessing game around the time you see a trassnsition,ingo what new faces, would old faces.fa lee edwards from the heritage ht foundation joining us.s. lee good evening. >> good evening to you. >> we have seen good some fami faces working on donald o trump's side.side.
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administration. >> it's really a miraclet's rela they've got just 70's days ins y this transition period to put together an agenda, startrt making recommendations for some of the key offices thaticet are the and i'm happy to say that thethe heritage foundation has beenionb very much involved in thisd in i already and we're now deeply nod into it with some of our top people. >> give us a preview. give us a sneak>> peek. giv we've heard some of theof t rumored names governor chris christie rudy giuliani j sessions. se what are you hearing.ssre you h. >> what we're hearing is that he's going're to -- first of af look to those people who have been loyalists, who have been be supporters of his and this ofof course includes mr. giuliani gin mayor giuliani includesncs governor christie includesnclu perhaps ben carson so i thinkhi that what we can look for theor first key is who is going to goi be that attorney general.enal that's a very key position posit because that's going to helpthat him with his selection of whoof
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>> right. >> that will be almost one of>> his very first >> lee i'm curious with theith attorney general factor we factw mentioned chris christie's name and here is a guy who labho in the headlines with sort of the wrong reasons with peoplee around him in new jersey.w j does that affect his chancesaf of having a role. of i don't think so. i>> i think the main thing as f as president-elect trump isside how much of a supporter has he beennt when f things were da own out perhaps earlier in then the campaign. so, i think that he hasar the trust and respect of thepece president-elect that i thinkt- he's a very strong possibilityei for ag. >> what about reince priebus. p. >> he was asked about thisaboutt just a couple days ago when the first returns were coming in and he said he was prettyas happy with what he had been doing with the national committee. on the other hand if a president-elect comes to you and says will you serve in my ty administration, it's going tog be very hard to say no.
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>> lee edwards from theee edwdsf heritage foundation thanks forts joining us tonight.onig >> my pleasure. pas >> one name on the list we nam didn't talk to lee about sarah h >> sarah palin. >> up for secretary of the interior which makes a lot of lf sense. in the meantime what do you think -- i was curious what meaw people out there thought that president obama and donald trump talked about tenodt give us your thoughts with a #5at6:30 and we'll share themm when we come right back.ack.
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>> ?? >> and that winding road went straight to the white house today all eyes theret wind to te an eye on president-electnt donald trump meeting for theor t first time with president obama at the the white house. corey we know you covered theerd transition of power between b george w. bush and presidentpret obama. how would you compare the two?
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for president obama to throw a little shade the way president-elect trump it didn't happen.ent- he -- he as in obama behaveded as we would all expect. expect. he showed respect and deference to the president-elect and i think hist-elec message was a smooth t transition of power is more mor important than partisanship. >> corey, what was the tone, wh when you wentat from the bushush administration to the obamathe o administration? i mean, it mea, seemed obviously thated oio decisive victory but it seemed that bush was quiteh w differential nonetheless.onethe. >> he was. the time bush leftt office, his approval ratings were so low, his negativesives were so high and even his own on party was running in that election at every level of the ticket running away from fro george w. bush's legacy. so, in many respects everyoneree was looking at that transitionin as let's just move through tou
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>> and the big difference herefe is that you have a president prt in his second term who hasas quite a significant approvall rating all things considered. >> he has ronald rig-like rig-lk popularity and i think his think goal, the president, is to use that popularity to show respect for this transition in n power and he's sending message s to all americans to follow to fw suit.. >> corey what do you make oft do the fact t yhat even donald trump thought this meeting wasas going to be 2015 minutes and trump said he would have likedeo it to go even longer. longer. what do you think happened? app was this this shows >> i think it mayis t show thehe pessimists show this may show trump has no idea what to t expect day to day in his new his role but i think what trump isrs showing is that he is open andd he even said this he's open to t counsel from president obama and he's looking forward towardt having fruitful conversations c going forward as this thi transition on. >> i think what we have to remember here is that there
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the united states. ste you can have a group of o people counseling you but younsl canin only get that information from a handful of people.ulf pe >> that's a very elite team.eam. >> only 45 of them. tm. >> yup. >> corey thanks so much. >> thanks so much. >> you're welcome.ey t>> tou're. >> perhaps you've heard about'v america's favorite cookie. it's gone patriotic. patriotic >> we'll explain when the 5 ati 6:30 comes right back andomes rg we're talking oreos. o stay ground. >> --
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thing through the years, the one thing that really unitesnk g us all ih sthat food, specificay sweet stuff. >> absolutely. right.htt there david burton from capitol candy jar is hereom with ah bipartisan post he election treat for us all.. >> absolutely. >> first off tell us a little bit about capitol candy jar canj where are you guys located. locd >> we are three years old d.c.'s hometown candy company we have a kitchen located inaten ivy city next to the old
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>> we're going patrioticre g today. >> absolutely. we have a little touch off everything much he's are lolly a pops and i started making lollipops when i was 13 years ea olds. i sold them when i was inas i junior high.nior >> is mom here today. today. >> she is. i i was the richest kid inthe school for four months until f the principal sr hut me down. dw i was taking too much revenue rn from the vending machines. mhi >> entrepreneur at heart.repr >> then obviously we see they we d.c. theme coming into p >> we have our patrioticat peanut butter cups here. her these are five avenue >> huge.>> hug >> huge. >> these are our patriotic patrc pretzel rod and monumentonen themed oreos oreos dipped inippn dark and milk chocolate. chocole we have our new holiday packaging. we started these just for ther e fourth of july and then they thy were so popular we've had manyad many orders thirty four clue the election. chocolateteiotics th covered oreos and republicann and democratic versions. >> i just 22 hold these up. up. these are actual oreo cookies
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>> actual oreo cookies.ctual >> they lookor like hockeyho pucks. >> and they're delicious. t i just -- the pheroblem iy's i make them and then i just jt can't stop eating them. [laughter]aughte >> you've been doing candy thing for awhile. ail when you have the politicalav tie ins that hele ps business. >> absolutely. it's been great and we'rend we' substitute excited to see wasxc the inauguration does for us. >> sure. let's talk about this monsteron had been cup that you broughtupt in. in >> absolutely. like i said it's four times the size of a raieeses.d it reee >> wow. >> i'm going to cut --cut actually. >> that's okay. >> there we >> a sense of what goes ---- >> wow. >> you guys can't see that backuys hold it up. >> that is real peanut butter br inside swishing out. it's not crumbling. >> that's huge. the>> white chocolatete dark chocolate right there. thee dave where can he we find us. >> ace hard, what sweetsd, w market. if you go to our web site you can find a list of all to our thehe stores that carry our product. >> excellent. >> capitol candy >> he said ititol c perfectly. t candy goes patriotic.y goesriot thanks for that joining usor t
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announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: i mean, this is a big day. it is the dawn of a new era. there is a new arrival, and things are gonna change big. >> blac chyna gave birth to a healthy baby girl. she did it via c-section. harvey: how do you prep for a c-section? >> they put monitors on you, the baby and stomach and shave your body parts. >> shave your body parts? >> isn't the scar higher? they shaved my wife. i watched the whole thing. >> i feel like you were watching something else. >> the f.a.a. declared trump tower a no-fly zone. they don't want terror attacks. it's 68 stories tall. harvey: turns out it's 58. >> but they number it 68. >> why not make it 69, right? >> brad pitt last night was in westwood, california. he was there for an "allied" fan event. he was actually kind of happy. he was just cleared in the child abuse investigation. >> this is the best we've seen brad pitt look in a while, man.
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