tv Good Day DC FOX November 16, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EST
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help. al would you please stop calling me that.hat. >> and later, hans and lay ya in real life.e. cary fisher spilling it all in l new book. new book. what she just revealed about her star wars co-star. co-ar good day at 9a starts now. ?? >> the force was with someone. e >> sure was. >> on screen and off apparently. we'll dish all about it g a abo morning. thanks so much for joining it is good day d. i'm holly morris alongside ofde maureen, steve and wisdom. all right. also ahead this>> mor> ning onee the most recognizable sounds and signs of the holiday season, sso we'll take you live to specialpe kick off ceremony for they the salvation army's red kettle >> all right. first though let's talk aboutgh weather. we're halfway through novembere and still talking aboutg abo temperatures in the 70s, but not just yet. first we have to ma make it through today and the weekend as well for details now the t
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>> thank you, sir. >> in the other studio. >> 50 degrees now.. that tower camera was awesome a because it showed the cloudsthud there's a little bank of clouds coming in from west to east, and that's going to be the trend trd today.toy. we're calling it kind of sun ton clouds, clouds and sun. s so it's not going to be to b completely cloudy or cleatr completely sun passing clouds, if you willyly dulles cool at 42. a 4 they were way down belowown low freezing this morning.zi this mo here's where we'll go with highh today. sun and clouds limited sunshine. temperatures here in town shoul be able to make it up to 65 degrees or so.o. a couple of mid 60s to the south.ut here's the setup as we startwe r getting into the weekend.hekend we're still expecting a nice n warm surge friday, saturday,ur friday here's gorgeous upper 606 to around 70 degrees certainlytn possible.poss another 70 degrees possible onn saturday if we get enough sunshine in the rain ld holdsol off long enough on saturday i think it will. ly we're talking about sunny skies, dry conditions, through r at least saturday afternoon forf
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here and that may be latee afternoon by western areas butat we're going for it. it. ahead of the front we'll go 70 degrees. then a real substantial front comes through saturday night ana into sunday and look how muchw c colder we are on sunday it willw be blustery on sunday.unda highs only in the 40s. 40s but i really think guys it willl feel like on sunday it will feee like it's in the 30s all day long. and we may have a few flurrieslu blowing around way up to thep tt north and west. wes i made holly cough with that.hh. sorry. >> choked up about the big swings we're getting from mother nature. let's get to the big story s at 9:00 o'clock.oc. the transition of course of o elect donald trump.rump. >> while we're still waiting for more how many times coming fromi the trump team theme president-elect took a break tob have din are in with hisin are s familiar until new york and lefn the press scrambling a bitewla t because the press was told trumu gnaw for the night.ig done for the back home. hom but the chatter continues whoons will join donald trump in office. of melanie alnwick this morning onn
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through the rumor more and thehe fact. mel, good >> reporter: that's right. it is a pretty tough to sorto s between those two thing. we have 70 days to go until unt inauguration and not one cabinec member has been announced.eed we are lots and lots of rumors m the trump team also is dismissing charges of chaos and diss organization saying reallyl all of this is just kind of a start up >> donald trump and hisonald tr motorcade heading out to dinner last night in new york. york he would ler organized process taking placela as i decide on cabinet and manyy other positions. i am the only one who knows whoo the finalists but there has been some tension. michigan congressman mike rogerg who helped coordinate national o security issues for thehe transition team is out. out. so is ben carson who had been bn considered a top candidate fortf secretary of education or healtt and human services.ervi he wants to work outside ofde o government he says.s and the minute you think younkou have a grasp on the names underd consideration for top jobsb there's a curve ball. bal
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trump critic ted cruz spotted yesterday leaving trump tower. . could he under consideration for attorney general? and another conventional turn some of thosee under consideration are openlyay talking about it.. >> i'd be very honored to server >> it used to be if you want ada top administration job, you, y stayed quiet. >> as we know with trump it's ts very different process.ce sometimes people communicate to him through television.evis so for some of these people itpi might not be a bad idea to bee out there so much.t ere so m >> reporter: and the congress. what difference a week makes.nck paul ryan was re-elected by hiss fellow republicans as speaker of the house running unopposednoppd before last week's election eleo there was speculation that he t would have to fight for the jobj and across the aisle nancy pelosi ran into trouble from fro fellow democrats for her bid tot stay on as minority leader andrd had to push back -- >> there's some people who sayps you got beat pretty badly here. >> that speaks to the the presidential race more than our race.
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fences here on capitol hill will also be a priority for the transition team. vice president-elect mike pencee does have good relationshipsiohi here from this time spent as the congressman from indiana and we understand that vice vic president-elect pence will beecb making his way here too washington shortly to haveo hav meetings once again with his former colleagues. live on capitol hill i'm melanie alnwick fox5 local news. >> mel, i don't know if you knon the answer to this. 70 days to the inauguration he hasn't named any cabinet membere yet. do we know when other peoplee have taken office of thehe presidency we're only one weeknk away from -- one week ago wek were just reporting that donaldt trump became president dodge move other presidents name all m of their cabinet members winbe w week's time? >> reporter: well, i don't d know specifically, holly.. a lot to go through to try toh o figure out every single presidential transition teamiona when they named their first fst cabinet members but from becamea reading it's not unusual that ia would take a little bit of timem probably it will come in waves.s
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then another. another. it will probably be a very largr batch of announcements coming c soon. >> look forward to that as weart look forward to getting morehatd more news about this electioneci cycle much it's 9:07. earlier this morning i had i h chance to talk with two localo l representatives from both parties on our show.tatiies on s to talk about howut h president-elect trump will workr with congress.s. republican congressman robob whitman joined us representssens virginia and democratic gerri connolly who represents virginia. democrats gearing up for big changes including handing overgr congressional control andtrol a choosing the next leader of thee next leader of the democraticoci national committee.ommittee >> i think we start with a greae deal of hesitancy and scepticiss about this incomingg administration the appointmentot of steve bannon an out right racist really is not at all a reassuring sign.n. >> i think the trump team is tht going to have the right mix of m folks coming in i know vice president-elect mike pence have a tremendous amount n
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the variety of folks that arey f out there and the great crossro section of experience that theyh bring to the table, which i whii think would make a fantastic fac team there to make sure we get t the work of the nation done. >> big thank to you bothot gentlemen for joining us littleo earlier this morning.ining r mr fear from both sides, though, t things will not get done. d both lawmakers say they'rere excited, though, about theut t future and getting things done.n so we will wait and see. all right. they are two young to vote but want their voices heardheir v nonetheless. students at montgomery countyt and d.c. walk outmont of classea this week and taken to of donald trump. annie yu joins us from richard montgomery high school i rockville where students plannee a protest set to begin about an hour. hour. annie, set the scene for us and let know what the students plana to do. >> reporter: g ood morning mning everybody. this is the second one this week that students have beenconddente protesting in montgomery county all student organize student led protests and for the most parthp they have have been very vy peaceful and studentss
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they just want to have chance te express their feelings about tht out come of the presidential election.on and so faculty and staff here sh are ready. we actually saw two police polic cruisers pull up on to school so property in preps of the protests walk out happening inpn less than an hour here. he. so you can see behind me it'sins pretty quiet but this is thehis front of the school and so in just a bit students will gathere out here and they'll make theirr way to rockville town center ana that's starting at 10:00 o'cloco today. toda now, on monday, this from monday where hundreds ofund high school students fromro montgomery blair and otherer surrounding schools walk out oft class. they marched through the streets of silver spring to protest proe donald trump's election lastnas week. you can see they held up signs they were chanting.g not my president they were alsoo saying we reject the president-elect. it did snarl traffic bit on on university boulevard and soouleo montgomery county police sort of shadowed the students along alo their route to ensure they'retoh safety and for traffic control c and again the protests remainedi
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and police are hoping will beini the case today.od take a listen. >> the other schools were following guideline much we'reeu to the going restrain or force students to remain in the building. our number one goal is theirir fefety. we would prefer, of course, they do show their -- express theirse political views on campus because we can most assure theie safety that if they remain onn should they decide to leave, we, montgomery county police andy cc rockville city police to ensuree they're specifically the pedestriantrian safety. safe so i can tell that you i did yod meet personally with officialsfa from both rockville city policee and montgomery county police department yesterday. i also conferred with some ofh e the student leaders, again, juss to make sure that they are safe. so we are not condoning.onni we're not encouraging this, but should it occur, we wanted toant make sure we partnered with our
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the kids are safe. >> reporter: now, these student protests aren't justtus happening here in montgomerygory county, but yesterday thousands of district students hit the streets that's what you're lookinthg at now ratepresentingt number of different school ace cross the they all gathered right there ae the trump international hotel on pennsylvania avenue and thenia a they made their way by the capitol supreme court and head,, back down to the national malli and lincoln memorial.. both montgomery county and d.c. public schools tell t students who miss class will bel marked with an unexcused absencn unless they have a note from fro their pan excusing t absence. this is district wide. they're not doing anything i special because of these protestss do binl utbe followinc guidelines.ideles. if tower miss class today you'll receive an unexcused absence aen unless your parent wrote you a a note. annie i was, fox5 localocal news. >> thank you for that, annie.t,e time now 9:11. trump's name won't be seen a lot of new york city any more that's
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stripped off three luxuryur apartment buildings afteruildint hundreds of tenants signed a petition saying they wereinthey embarrassed to live in placen pe associated with theith the president-elect.esidenelect more than 1300 people live in the three trump place the building's management sayss the president-elect's gold lettered surname will beed replaced with the corresponding building's address. ?? get to breaking news comingc into fox the university of marylandaryl student who has been missing fof a couple of days has now beeneen found.un that news minutesice ago. still no word where or where. we're gather dealing tails and a of course we'll let you know as soon as we fine out more'll le information.ation. meanwhile deadly shooting at airport take the life of an nfl player's father.he >> plus president obama with ain message for the world during his visit to grease and reignitingg the rivalry maryland toppingoppg georgetown with a fourth quarteq come back.come did you see it? we'll havell h those stories and more when weme check what else is makingwhate s
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?? 9:15. let's check what else is making headlines this morning. first up let's head overseas. president barack obama's last overseas trip. >> president obama spent his final morning in greece this morning. mr. obama president obama isat getting readyad tolin dentrnina presidase forgerase manny now.ny n. earlier today he spoke in greece about democracy andmocrac and president-elect donald trump.ect the president says americanmeri democracy is bigger than one tn person. pe the president will end his tripp in it is his final overseas trip.. s resume at the roy world airport in oklahoma city.c a man shot and killed a southwest airlines employee eloe before killing himselfself yesterday. the victim michael winchester ie the father of a former kansasan city chiefs the victim and the shooter new r each other but the he can tent t of their relationship is still l unclear. the motive of the shooting unded clear and u investigation. >> prince george's county police arrestedorge a delphi man accuse making violent threats on sociaa targeting a local high school. they say he tweeted threats to t
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high point high school in beltville. the 20-year-old is an alum of am that high school and facingac several charges. >> little rivalry on the basketball court. maryland and georgetbaskown facn off in hoyas that are tone iso the verizon center. cter. and what a battle it would be but the interprets rallying to t win in the final seconds after overcoming a nine-point deficitc in the final minute.ute. final score on this one, last night was the only second time since 1993 that the teams faced off against each other. all right.ight this might be one of my favorita stories. as you may have heard, i'm a a huge fan of the chicago cubs. okay, i came late but i'm a fan. archbishop blaze, presented popp francis with a cubs hat andnd signed base bail at the vaticant nearly two weeks after the cubsb won their first world seriesorld since 1908.90
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included the message news of the cubs within reached all the waye to the vatican.. he said to be made a cardinal bb pope francis later this week. we how much would you give to seeeo the pope in a hat. >> i'm telling you. >> my two world colliding.ld >> is bill murray on the ball somewhere.meere. >> right. >> there it is. okay. ionship wisas. blessed. b >> there you go. >> nine cot 18 our time. coming up so basic.. airlines debuting an eve >> i hate this. >> it comes with a big catch. c we'll talk to the pros and conss of what's called basic economy o class next.. >> make us feel worse. w >> i'm sure.e >> little bit later, from beauta queen to fox5 political reportep it's ronica cleary's turn on sarah fraser's podcast thisca morning she's talking about a a chapter in her life that shehe usually doesn't.oesn't we'll be right back.l be rht b
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an contain cleansers found in dish soap. dove body wash is different. it has only the gentlest cleansers. it just made me feel good. this is dove. ?? all right. right talk about basic. b united airlines has become theee latest major carrier to offer super discount fairs. but you don't get much for youru money and find out just exactlyl what it is you're paying forayif those low prices come with big g restrictions.ions. foss' dan bowens takes look. we fly all the time. tim >> i fly every so often.
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three times a year and always ay likes a good deal. >> as long as economy and thend budget is fair, of course,frs everybody would love to fly.ody >> reporter: everyone woulde always love to travel for less r so united airlines is becomingec the latest major u.s. carrier tt offer flights at super discounted rates.edes they call it basic economy fairs. >> they want to at tractnt to r customers who might not otherwise fly by giving reallyy really cheap fairs they can now >> reporter: paul len is thel it editorial director for frommer r guide books and united is joining delta offerinr these cheaper flights as the larger carriers try to compete m with cheaper carriers buts but there's a catch. >> these cheap fairs mean you'ri a second class citizen you'll bl in the same cabin but your notut going to be getting the same s mileage. you're going to be in the middli seat. you're going to board last. everybody is going to know thatt you got the cheap seats. s
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gone as well and no more no choosing seats in advance.. >> this continues a wave of teared pricing that has beenas b very profitable for th airlines. >> reporter: the assistant managing editor. editor. the airlines are doing thisoingi because their hemorrhaging money it's the opposite. some estimates show united willl increase revenues to $4.8 billion by 2020. >> you have to wouldn't what thd airlines will think of next.esif i mean, now they charge you morm to sit in the exit row because you have a few more inches leg room. they'll charge you more if you have an extra purse. purse i don't know what they'll comeym up with. up with. whatever it is it will be goodii for their bottom line.tom l >> our class system on the airplanes has gotten like thee e nitanic. there's really going to be realr steer a for people who couldn'td otherwise afford to fly this isi a great deal.. >> if you're looking for a beara bones ticket they'll go on salee
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dan bowens fox5 news.5 n >> my fear it's going replaceep the prices they have now and n d call it basic and they'll bumpym up the prices for everybody ls else. >> that's exactly what they'llsx do. the >> united let's look at the prices now.y'll let's look at them initend janf you changed them you're not your being basic about it.bein >> here's my problem too. they want united and delta wantn to compete witness southwest ste airlines. but southwest -- southwest -- >> they're not charging for bags and extra fees.tra >> it's usual al betters l al b experience. >> it is. >> i mean, i don't understand.'t unt they're leak we just want toe jt compete with them but theses hee experience is not as good.ood. >> the other thing basic i don'd like you're not guaranteed --nte you don't get to pick a z youk a don't know you have a seat in. i you have to to wait until you get to the airport.irpo you show up at the airport we'lw put you on stand by that's not t what i want. wan >> if it's a short trip mean personally short trip give melyi the basic i don't care. c when you're talking about thelkt longer trips that's where we whe have an issue. an issue. no.. >> but when you travel -- youra- know this mo if you travel with
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two bags for sure. >> minimum. >> minimum. you might sneak one in.eaone i you're not supposed to.ot supse so you're not going to be to doo the one you can only take thee bag this size of this phone andp that's what they have room for. >> we've gotten to the point inp my housely strategy we leave l clothing down at theothi down grandparents we don't travel with any >> or ship it ahead of time.. >> are or ship ahead of time because it's so much of a hasslo to get all these bags and all a this kind of drama. d just leave it down there. we shorts. >> has anyone found putting on extra clothes to board. boa >> probably just you.>> p >> like in the winter.>> lik >> i always wear the heaviest ht stuff for the trip.i >> i'll put a couple sweatshirtt on so i don't have to pack them. >> wear my boots so i don't toot pack the boots. i've done that.e tha >> shop when you get there.p whe >> you got to bring it b >> leave it there.t there. that's what i'm saying. >> holly did you just hear him.a >> go shopping.o sho >> go >> what? >> who are you today. >> exa w>> wctly. >> do you not know about my shoe addiction?
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>> same thing. same thing. we'll talk. >> fiscalwe'lly responsible.nsie >> when it comes to people. peo. on conservative. not responsible.nsle >> oh, that's right.>> oh, t [ laughter ] >> get it right. r all right.ight. 9:26 is the time. thanksgiving travel season righn around the corner it will be wle busy one it always is but if i unique don't expect cheap faresf we just talk about.ta abo >> not around the holidays. holy >> according to aaa, a 48.7 million americans they'reln going to travel for ksgigoving.thangivi that's 1 million more than lastn year. now most of us will dr destinations but for the 3.7 million who will fly, dig, down in that wallet because bece airfares are up 21% from this t team last year.. >> dude, you already have your y ticket. tick you're just buying your ticketbt today for thanksgiving next week --we -- >> average round trip ticket $205 for domestic flight. >> i disagree with that some. i booked a batch of tickets laso week and found really incf redii fares. >> a lot of times if you fly ono the actual holiday you'll save money.y.
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>> yeah. >> okay. >> you'll save some money it isi real life romance the star warsw fans may have dreamed about butb let's just say this also comeslc with baggage. what princess lea revealed abouo her off screen love live rilee e while on the set of the originah stars wars.e ars >> a little bit of everything on seven day biday. gary will be back with the wil c details as we inch ever sor closely to the holiday season. a that's next.. >> fresh at 10a kevin mccarthych giving people sexiest man alivea a taste of you don't want to miss this mis one-on-one kev has with dwayne t the rock johnson. plus, two d.c. singers teaming a up for a one night only show. silver logan sharp and tony t terry joining us live with ah very special performance. plus, we'll take some stress out of the kitchen thise shis thanksgiving. we're sharing some holiday hackh with some help from a celebrityy chef. right now, it's 9:27. we'll be right b
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>> hans and lay ya 1980 lightinn you the silver screen.creen lip lock from empire strikes back. ba >> it has been almost 40 years a and now cary fisher opening up u about something star wars fans f have often wondered.. was there real life chemistrymi between those two co-stars in her new hem noir the princess dire rest fishery seals, yeah.ea she and ford had quote intense affair for three whole monthsonh back in 1976 at the time ford was was 19 years old. >> they were filming star wars s together in london. >> wow! >> two time em knee nominee>>e m writes that ford was not a very good lover. >> what? >> she said she didn't carear because she found him very handsome.. fisher says many details of the affair a little hazy because shs and ford were smoking marijuana at the time. is she throw anything else ontho top of this.hi
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wasn't good but he look good. >> fisher writes in her memoirei "it was han lea during the weeke and cary and harrison on the weekend".d" >> she claims forward for'sor divorce from why mary hadyad nothing to do with the affair.r. >> right. >> but the dirt has been dished. >> okay. that was hot>> to trot. tro [ laughter ] >> whoo!o! >> cary fisher. >> maybe kind of to be a good g lover if you're cheating on you wife. i'm just saying you probably not getting the best.g yothe be >> i'm just saying.ayg. >> how do you hold on to thatyoo story for 40 years. y >> that's a good question.s a gq has harrisonue ford camp responded to this.s >> today list is a flock heart wouldn't let him.wouldn't cary let fisher, she's had a hab like you're right of holding itg 40 years.40ears she's done other -- - >> got a lot of >> exactly. >> she's called some people oute on some issues. issue how hazy is her memory hahny h this. >> she had some habits.its.
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>> wow! >> bombshell dropped.pp. >> okay. gary mcgrady, can you top that?? >> no. but i actually love how you guys are actual acting surpriseduris about all this.out >> we are. we're not surprised.'re t su >> come on. new there was shenanigans goingg >> we were surprised at there s level of detailsur.. >> steve laid it out like are you kidding me. that was celebrity dish comeom early. >> harrison ford, has he madeead comment on all of this.ent >> i think he has noton >> our research department tellp me he has not.ot >> crack staff. sta here we government let's gen to weather. temperatures out there 50 degrees here in town.n. pittsburgh is 49 degrees.9 de chilly temperatures back out tou the this is n othing compared to thered to the way it will be this weekend.eeke here's the forecast for today.o. 10am some clouds around, 56 or so. sun and clouds at 1:00 o'clock 62. mild temperatures to end the day, 64 to 65 a s we are headede jet stream pattern today atay least is right on top of us. u
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will move to the north andorth d slightly back to the easthe setting up the stage for nice,e, well, really mild to warm several days here. tomorrow into saturday.nto satua and then the jet stream willil come on through for the weekende and that's going to allow realll cold temperatures to come ouromr way. if you haven't heard yet we'll l be darn near 70 degrees on saturday. some places will ftuor sure be 0 to 72. 7 okay.okay here in town it depends how mucc sunshine we get and how quicklyi this rain comes across.oss it looks like it will be evenini rain for saturday. it will be in the 40s.0s it will feel like it's in thet'e 30s and we'll have very little bit of sunshine and with thish cold air coming through, there'r going to be some lake effecte et snow coming down and we could cu actually have a little bit of snow flying in the air believeil it or not not here in d.c. on.n sunday but northwestern neighborhoods and higher h elevations back out to the west. out to the west in the higher hg elevations they will get snowllo accumulation out of thistiut o especially out in west virginiai and western maryland and alsols central to western sections ofs
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today we're 65.e're again sun and clouds mild highsg winds will be out of the west b about five to 10 miles an hour.a pretty good looking seven dayend forecast. we're in the 60s for the neckhe several days. friday is looking gorgeous.geou really really nice there.. temperatures upper 60s close to 70. 70. late showers on saturday.atda again i think we'll have a lot t of sunshine to start the day ond saturday. the clouds will come in thecomeh afternoon. showers should hold off until u early evening on saturday.atda them much colder, blustery on o sunday.. high of 49. 49. again but it will feel lik and then next week, we're talking highs in the 40s and low 50s so as we get into the holiday on thanksgiving it looko like it's going to be chilly ana stay chilly through the holidayy weekend as well. so things could change that's as little teaser what's coming upo next week. wk. guys? >> thank you, gary.. okay. so the holiday season is almost here.he help me out with prompter,te please. all right. and this morning we're helpingrg kick off one of mostos
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the holidays a little happier hp for family in need. nee talking about the salvation armm red kettle campaign.ig allison and tucker joining us jg live from the giant grocery store on cathedral commons withh all the details.all good morning, guys. ??? >> good morning. >> good morning. >> we got a party going out herr >> it's so great.reat >> this is a serious party.. they're bigger and better thantn ever this year starting to feelo like the holidays, right.ays, rt >> this make it feel like the t holidays to me.. >> cool out here, cloud cover. >> fair to giv >> yeah, we are.h, w i mean, this is the ensemblebl band. ba thk yoyou. guys sound beautiful. of course salvation army let's t not forget what we're here thatt iconic red kettle.ete any amount helps and all thehe money raised stays right here ih the d.c. area the goal this year $1.4 million, tuck. >> $1.4 million. [ applause ] >> and 250 kettles will bees across the area.he aa. so --so- >> right. >> this is something we all grew up with in the area veryethi thv familiar with it.miar w >>
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here's the great thing a bout this particular char the stateee here in the community the. t >> it encourages people to givee we want to kick it off right here at cathedral commons andnsa bring in kayla is the -- kayla lawrenceae you see by her sash she is the national miss maryland pre-teenn for nam. how are you.ou. >> good.ood >> kayla did something veryng v special. she raised lost money.t oney. tell us what you did.ou did. what are you holding there?here? >> what i did when my mom and i would pennies on the ground andnd collect them and she had box at her job and her co-workers donated, and i went to a show called 50 shades of gray andra a they do ited in. >> fantastic. fan >> i love that. >> all right.ll r you're going to kick it off noww in true, n full disclosure we w saw some people come over and drop some coins.ns we i was is a little girl comee don it but we consider thesider official kick off.official kickf you're doing doit. how do you feel about that. tt.
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have here?w ha >> yes. 7,800.0. >> what? >> are you kidding?re you kiddi? >> wait a minute.>> w how much money? >> 7,800. >> 7,800 pennies collected.ol [ laughter ]le >> you are awesome. okay. i don't know how they're allow getting in there you want to wt maybe just -- >> you symbolically put one in.i >> take out one and put one in.i this is so >> thank you, kayla.ou, la >> come down and we'll be here d for the opening ceremonies andie we'll be here for another houroe contributing --riting - >> awesome. let's get around o af applause.e kayla just drop in the first t f penny everybody. >> thank you.ha >> thank you very much. you're on your way to california to compete, right.nk hank y wayto c>> yes. >> best of luck from those whou love you in maryland. you i. we love you.we thahank you. >> okay. thanks very much.>>muc. tuck we're out here. you know we're emceeing thisg today me and you. you >> yes. >> we're so excited.e're so exc. we'll be joining you throughoutt good day today so we'll let youy know how the progress is going.. >> let's hit the music.usic let's do this. this.
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>> all right. >> back to you guys. >> have fun, guys. >> that's amazing. amazi >> nice work.. >> so festive.estive. >> her setting an example forlef all of to us follow. folw. >> beautiful. bif 9:39 is the time right now. pageants and politics cominn up next why fox5's ronica clearc is an expert at both and why usually she only likes to talkak about one of them. ronica and sarah join us live lv with another edition of i stilli have a key cleary.
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?? >> all right. in case you hadn't heard veryeav fraser has a key card and she'se using it to unlock secrets sts around here at fox5 host agnewew podcast and it's a chance c tortoise open up about life, lif love and work in a way we mightt not do on tv and today we're sarah sitting donary hahn nikauk cleary they join us live thinknk morning. good morning to you both. to yoh >> hi, wisdom.ism >> good morning, wisdom.m. >> ron any carbs you were on ibs still have key card.l ha key car >> i can't believe it. ian thank you for having me sarah. r >> you were so good about it. we were talking about kind ofuto some highlights of the show.w. you are new here at fox you just celebrate one >> one year next wee november 30th. i can't believe it.i be >> we were talking about this ti was it intimidating because offo
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here many them on the podcast 15 years, 18 years, sue palka 30 30 was it intimidating coming intoo this environment? >> yes. it really>> was, because there e people -- i think i said this in the podcast people not have only tremendous amount of experiencec but they have stories that shett shared. sh lives they so many experience they have tve lived through together and i bebop into the newsroom.sroom. hey, what's up? it's definitele little bit intimidating to walko into t but i have to say there have h been a lot of wonderful peoplee but annie i was was the first tr person to walk up to me took mee under her she was so up credibly kind andd gracious and sort of just called a spade a spade and saysand says newsroom is intimidating and let me make a little less so and itd was above and beyond what shende needed to do.neededdo. >> wow.>> w i think specifically fromy fm millennial women your episode eo will resonate with them becausec you have a really round about a
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and i love this because i thinke all of us experience parts of ps our lives we're like, i don'tikt want to talk about abt i like to forget about t you kind of went through this ti period. so let's listen to the clip andc i want to ask you about that. t. take listen to this. >> i love your background that t got to know and i think itnkt reveals a lot about who you have but i had no idea that you were involved with pageants that you were actually miss philadelphiai >> there it is.>> tre i >>herere it is. >> less than 10 minutes.n 10 no, i'm just yes. i was miss philadelphia.ladelph. miss philadelphia in 2005. and it was a wonderful life lif experience but one of the thingi i was talking to you about whene we chatted last week was thatha it's not always something thatt i -- i care to talk about orut bring up. not because i'm not proud of it. not because it's not -- it's is very special and important partr of my life.y le. but i do think that people willw put in you a box, and make
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>> okay. so tell us a little bit m>>or oe about that. ab i thought that was so good andda yonow -- -- >> thank you. guilty of it i i'm make judgments about pageantsutg and pageant couldn't kessldn'ke what is that been like?n l >> it's funny.>> is fun i got here and obviously ibvusli didn't talk about it and chris c our good day d.c. producer i wai thinking about this this morninm we went out, it was january a ja big group of wisdom invited us s to this fundraiser i took thiski group picture and then all of al sudden chris comes up to me andu he says, were you miss philadelphia? because we're ale from philly we have this weirdid philly connection some randoman person recognized me and iand thought well i guess i have to e tell everybody here now. everybr because it's one of te hose thit i don't always tell people -- pl want to tell people right away a because they make assumptions about you and make decisionsmaks about you. they're not true. >> people don't necessarily say it to my face but i think it'st' maybe that you're not smart,ma caddy, aggressive, upping, super competitive.
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terms that often applied to app women that when they're appliedi to men they're appliedre a differently and being competitive is not always adiff negaertive titive thing but that's the world that weha live in and i think it's now ass i get older and we talked abouto being in our 30s, you canu c embrace some of that a little at bit more easily and feel moreee confident about that because iae know high who i am i'm not n afraid to talk about my a my experiences and my past.riencesn it's also one of those things you might not want to shout ithi from the rooftop the minute youu meet somebody. because you don't want to be misconstrued.sted >> you were on.hank you for being >> sarah one of thing i listened to the podcasts i appreciateppt what you said about millennialnn won.n. i sincerely mean this. t when i finish it i'm lookingooki forward to when my daughter is old enough i want to play thisys for her. >> yes. >> i like to think it can be inspiring and motivating tog to people who have unusual past orr trying out different things ands figure out to get where theyhe want to be but they have that tt end in sight. sht i hope it can do that forhat f people. >> it really>> i you have tot re download ronica'
9:47 am you can get it on i tunes,es please leave us a review whenw e you're there.yo and on google play. pla so we make it available forab fr android, iphone, ronica you were fabulous. fabu >> thank you, sarah. thank you, >> enjoy it. let us know what you were thinkk >> what was your talent and when are you bringing the crown in sn we can try it on? >> okay.>> we'll see about i sang in miss philadelphia.lp i can maybe dig up the crownhe it's at my pan's how. i may have been forced to dod that on television already.eady. it wouldn't hurt to do it hereti >> ronica hell tell you yourelyu secret was pretty save.y s i didn't hear about your pageana past until in passing one dayng just a couple months ago.ths a so i don't know that it was that widely known but nonetheless iss totally understand what you'renn saying. i tell was welcome to the team.a all right delight to have here l and i forig one am so so thrillr you're're here. >> thank you maureen.>> thankou >> i learn something too.. the second person to wish you wy well on your interview doesn't matter at all, ronica.onic >> you were there, too. [ laughter ] >> didn't get a shout out.shouto
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>> it also learned something, si too, ronica i too -- i'm very caddy an aggressive as well. >> i understand.std >> oh, we know.>> we know that well. >> he has a crown and sash.h >> buy, ronica. rona. >> thank you. >> all right.>> a it is 9:28 right now. n coming up next a tour of of christmas around the world world without every leaving nationalnn harbor. we'll check in with erin. she's got your first look at the finish ice
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all right. 9:51. looking live from skyfox where this is students from james hubert blake high school in montgomery county walking out in protest against donald trump's fs stud b they're walklakeingou dntown web to join forces with the other high school students who are protesting today montgomeryomer blair high school. this is near paint branch and a spring brook high schools wherew these students are marching.udes you're taking a live look att
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out of class in protest as manyn other high school students havee done in maryland and d.c. in the last couple of days.s. more details on that is as theyt become available as the studentt schedule to gather and rally together. 9:00 zoom let's switch z gears. two weeks ago fox5 was the first to take you behind the scenes aa the prep work for the all newll ice exhibit at national harbor. >> now this morning we bringingg you first look at the finishedin product. erin como gets the honor ofor hey, erin, i know it's got to bo wonderful. every year it is. >> ally years past have beene wonderful. this is my favorite year.e yea we got the exclusive the carving joining me rachel, rachel it isi freezing in in but i can spend all day looking at the beautiful colors.eautifu. >> i know. >> tell us about this beauti>>fe exhibit. >> absolutely. we're very excited to kick off our ice attraction e fxcor ourur eighth year here at gay lore gal national resort and this yeart h it's christmas around the worldr
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you'll see lots of different ornament. >> come on. >> the globe representinghe g different countries.lodiffer buentt throughout attraction yy get to see amazing vignette and different representations of hot people throughout the worldghoud celebrate >> it's just feels like such a beautiful, warm, setup.. so many have i bran colors inn i here. >> yes. >> you really get a little feell for everyone celebrateseb christmas all throughout thet world. world. >> definitely. >> tell me about the rom we're in right now. his is our abo consider oursir so we have different vignetteige representing different countries right now we're stan buying the usa, america, we are santa claus. everyone favorite reindeer.einr. >> yes. >> yes foror sure. then we have also ethiopia the netherlands, mexico represented, the united kingdom and germany a people can see how each of thoso countries celebrate christmas.hs and they're absolutelybsolel spectacular. the colors in here it's the most colorful exhibit we've ever done. >> i just can't get over to see the carving two weeks ago.ksgo
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howdy tailed everything is and aside from this room you have a different room with big sleighig you can sit in and take picture with your family.wiour family this is an entire experiencence here. >> definitely. yeah, we have a lot ofahwe hav e interactive components.ponent actually by the christmas treeit you can't see from it this angle there's a little tunnel the kids can climb under.. >> really. >> we of course have our ice slide room people can go downom the ice slide and santa's sleigs people can sit in.peop a lot of interactive componentso this year for picturere opportunities ton enjoy the >> when does this exhibit open? when can folks come. com >> we open this saturdayy november 19th and we're openrepe starting at 10:00 a.m. and all l day and then we'll be open o through january 1st.uary 1 so off long time to come out ana experience our christmas eventst >> i cannot believe that thanksgiving is next week and wk what a wonderful experience forc the family to come check this ti out. co is cold. once you kind of get you've to the temperature in here and youn put on the big coat that youou guys provide as well you getl yt
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gone sledding it makes me want w to get my own christmas tree ane set up my house. >> definitely. >> i can't believe all the 'tdifferent designs in here. now, they put this all this t together within two weeks. you can see the progress. >> from when youn guysse were t down here they've done so muchom work but it takes them about 30t days to complete the attractiono we bring in more than 2 million pounds of ice to crowo 88 everything. e you have these beautiful very vr tall ice sculpture.culptu it's just incredible.t inredibl we really create north pole p experience for everybody.. >> rachel, thank you. thank of those interactive exhibits. get my picture taken for for facebook and twitter.ttr. and next hour, we are going to o head to the slide room becauseau it wouldn't be an experiencexpec without ride down the slide. back to you guys. g >> very comfortable. >> gorgeous.s >> vibrant. love it. >> thanks erin. >> and 4 degrees. >> nine. n steve, it's nine. nin >> you know what, we got comingm up, we'll talk a little drama.ra phil jackson versus will he bee mes.s.
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we'll tell was that's all about. two basketball icons.ns >> it might lighten the mood t m with silver logan shark the leaa singer and tony terry the two of them popping they're going to perform for us. it will be great. g >> sexiest men alive or beauty a and the beast? you decide. decd kevin and the rock in the same room. we'll let you know what happened. >> if you are hosting thanksgiving this year don't stress. >> if we've got yourst thanksgiving mu he'll get you through thel holidat y with tips you knee tou know. >> it's coffee time. i if you want thet' mug up for gra today, the dunkin' donuts mug for that great dunkin' donutsuni coffee, couple of easy ways forf you to enter.o ent you can either go to our facebook page at or websitb enter away one lucky selected randomly. you have until 11am tent.ve1a it is right now just shy of 9:57.9:
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>> must see moments you only see on good day at 10a.ood day at 1 >> he is the sexiest man alive and kevin has got h miss his interview with the rock. >> live from the loft, doublefr the star powomer the. per she was the lead of iconic band chic. he made us swoon when i'm with you. i'll let him sing it. silver and tony terry here andee they will perform together.her. >> exclusive first look insiden one of the mosst popular exhibib in the dmv. dmv it is ice at national harbor. >> let's do's dit. the 10a starts right now.ow
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we are going to eat it today.od all o of it. >> look at this. >> check out got day >> it is loaded with goodies.dis we'll all be eating come nexte n thursday thanksgiving we brought in celebrity chef jr robinsonobo he'll give you thanksgiving dayg hacks to make sure that yourr holiday meal is pulled off perfectly. >> i can crush that whole lateh of potatoes f we'll leave to you cook while we head on over to i need a little bit of that. >> put your order in now.. >> i'll take this whole plate oo mashed potatoes. >> yummy. >> in the meantime we'll take wk things from first class over too coach basic.h basic. [ laughter ] >> hilarious.. today is national fast food day. >> it is national fast food day. >> we have literally a little l chic filet.. >> one french fries. french fris
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>> jeff won't get the points for presentation but did he buy it y for us. we thank you, jeff. >> chick-fil-a. chick-fil-a we've got two san witches. >> rock, paper scissors forors those. ose. a couple of waffle fries. >> chicken nuggets. >> some french >> somebody forget -- >> you know what, baggers can'tc be choos >> that's right.>> t >> that's true.ha >> i hav te no problem with thi. >> ketchup, chicken sauce. >> there are deals out there fot folks tinto fast food.too want to head out to your yr fa there are ways you can save ae s little bit of money today.y tay. >> here they are. if you go to arby' free roast ra beef classic sandwich if you bu a drinkif. burger king two for deals goingg on mcdonald's has weekly deals. subway get free 6-inch sub ifncf you buy the 30-ounce drink and k taco bell sign for exclusive elu offers and you get --et >> sign up for free.. >> free kevin mccarthyccar endorsement.endorsemen >> what's your favorite fastyoar food. tweet us #gooddaydc.odydc i'm going to go with chick-fil-l right now. right now. >> because it's right here. it'h
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fries. >> i like them but i don't know if they're the >> who is the best. whos th >> mcdonald's has the bestd's hb fries. >> i give it to you. you >> i would have to go there fore well. i like a little cajun spice onn them. >> you're the malt vinegar.alt v >> um-hmm. >> put it all on there. put it make it soggy.t sogy. love it. >> let us know was use the #gooddaydc.oddac we'll share your opinions throughout the show like we liko to do as ww ell 10:03.0: let's check what's trending.rei. we'll start with politic. vice president-elect mike pencek signed the paper w trump and trump officials toicio work with the obamark wh th last night the president-electct tweeted that the transition isin quote a very organized process. meantime ted cruz was spotted aa trump tower in new york cityy yesterday. donald trump said to be s considering him for us attorneyy general although donald trump ii saying only i know right now whw is going to be in what positiono >> we have new information aboun that story we told you about abo yesterday. controversial facebook post that cost two west virginia womena wn their jobs and caused and caua
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stems from racist post about first lady michelle obama. here is new this morning. mor clay county west chester mayorar beverly wall link -- that's not' her. >> that is her. >> you see her in this picture p stepped down last night after at she expressed support for raciss facebook post.os the post was made by a friend of hers name pamela taylor the tayt director of a government fundedf now that post said "it will beil so refreshing to have a classy,s beautiful, dignified first ladyd back in the white house.teou i am tired of seeing an ape inpi hee >> so the mayor responds saying "just made my day" the commentse put the small west virginia towa in the center of a fire storm so and online petition was startedt calling for their jobs. j well taylor was fired and againa walling link resigned on her owo last night.stight both women facebook accountsccou have been deleted. it happened soon after the firer storm erupted and both offered apologies whaling told thehe washington post my comment wasmt not intented to be race shift at all i was referring to my dayefd being made for change in the t
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feeling this may have caused cu but, again arc lot of peoplee saying their apologies ranggies hollow both were trying toryin explain away what's clearlyle objectionable language. >> both out of their jobs now.oo >> yeah. yea. >> 10:05 is the time.te next up a sports feud is what ia we're talking about.lkout. lebron james doesn't have any ha respect for phil jackson anyon more. james isn't happy with theith t comments that phil jackson madem during a recent interview with espn. jackson referred to jamesferred friends who are also his james didn't like that term andd neither did his business partner. james said to use that label ana if you go and read thed t definition of what the wordat tr passe is, it's not what i builtb over my career. car it's not what i stand for, it'si not what my family stands i believe the only reason heeasn used that word is because hee cease african-americans tryingcn to make difference.ferenc so there you go. go. that's drama. dra >> yeah it is. drama right there.ama ght
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knicks. >> they'll beat them it doesn'tb matter. >> knicks sting so >> did those two like -- i don'n know.know did those two like each other before.befo. >> always -- >> there was mutual respectt between them because philec jackson was so successful as a coach and lebron is obviously aa a player but this is the first f time that jackson has openlyy said something that really rea peeved lebron it didn't makeidne sense because everybody knowsevy that lebron travels with his business partners.buss p there's another little backs ane story there. st partners and for phil jackson tt say that, it was really kind ofd inn appropriate.. >> this started when lebron leff miami phil was ticked off arounn that. he thought will he been washt w being selfish. he made comments in the past to that. very sporadically but nothing tg this extent i get what lebron is saying. sayi he's saying listen to use thatot term and he funnel it offensive, he's saying these are guys ire i grew up with my whole life.leif. we all work together. tet we form this empire we're all working, doing well within our
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random rag tag group he's sayiny that's offense seive the the bat blood is there clearly. car i think it's not a good thingd i from what i know of fill collins -- phil jackson, excuses me, he's been a great guy, but you know, i think people peo sometimes get caught up and it happens. >> part of the back story when he was -- this goes the back tow he was with miami. phil jackson has a relationships with pat rile until charge downe in miami -- pat riley wasil w telling him stories about leb so --so - >> okay. >> phil gets these stories and draws -- basically it was abouto when hebron and miami would goog to cleveland lebron would wanton to stay behind because miami's policy we don't stay overnightyg we come bac lebron wanted to stay behind. bn pat riley tells these -- startst telling these stories to philsto jackson and phil jackson makesom the comment about the passe andd all this kind of stuff.tu >> always more to the story. sto >> of course.. >> lots of beef there. t lots of back and forth. forth >> lots of drama, you're right.t >> when you think of twitter ttr
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especially those of us in thehot public eye bullying actuallyg at might be a common association.t. remember how leslie jones wases targeted by racist trollst trls earlier this year or how aboutwa when chrissy tee again facedaced relentless backlash over herr panning style? now twitter isti saying no more to trolls andol allowing users to take things t into our own hands with two newt features.features. the first allows users to mute m any conversation they see on thn app all users have to do is gooo to the settings, tap the mute te button the whole conversationrso disappears from h without forcing you to block oro unfollow anyone. any now the other new feature allows users to mute specific wordsds altogether.altoer. again, just go to the settings g in the app, add words that you y don't want to see to a list, lit twit will then use a filter forf your content. this isn't the first timeirst t twitter tried to create a safers space for users she followw banning of revenge porn.
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users who find it abusive. >> you can basically control thr i don't want to see this any more on my timeline or whatevere it is. but it doesn't control people -- you can't stop people from fro saying mean things.hing >> it doesn't stop the bullyingy >> stops how you take it in. >> exactly. >> or don't. >> it's a sure sign of then t holiday season those sal vague v army red kettles park outsideess your grocery stores.ry sto >> this morning we're helpingg g kick off the annual fundraiser.. allison and tucker live iniv i northwest with can help and who exactly your donations help.ons good morning, guys.. >> ??>> ? >> good morning. >> good morning. >> just your feel crew good, cro right, >> nothing but a great story ana we'll talk to somebody that benefits from salvation army.y >> most definitely. >> just a moment. we want to rt a emind people tht this is the kick off of sal vague army drive that lastsri ts throughout holidays always hereh to raise $1.4 million across the area.
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all of the money that theyhe raised benefits everybody hererr in the the commu i do love that.. and we have one such person very special young lady is with us us today and she's at the turningui point facility which i had the pleasure tuck of highlighting or featuring last year this time.. it's just a wonderful program pr that helps moms with kids that k are on the move. the good morning.go mor >> good morning miss allison.on how are you ar >> i'm doing well, thank youelly tell us how about money raised e people who can benefit, people like your y >> it's very important to givetv money to sal vague army at this too many because it's really he blpinecg a family that's in d so, um, i ask that you kindly kl give from your heart.ea >> tell us about your family.. >> i have two little girls fivev months 10 years old. they they're such a blessing. without them i don't know where i would be and without turningui point i don't know where i would be. i'm truly blessed as well as myy family.
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>> it takes so much, though, tot run a facility like that.. and tuck i'm talking about jobob training, right? right? >> and to help you move on to the next step. s i actually just land add new jow sherwin williams.. it's helping.'s hel it's a helping hand. han i love turning point.oi >> we love you. y we love you. we lov i know it's not easy to talko about it first of all you look o so cute. are you on your way to work. w >> i'm off today. >> looking cute for no reaso thank you very much.thank you vy >> thank you. happy holidays. holidays. to to you guys. >> all right. >> just want to again encourage everybody, every dollar, everyla quarter count >> that's right.s. >> whether you can give 50 cents or $5,000 they encourage to youe give over the next couple of o months. >> thank you row make. row m >> thank you. >> it put in check they likes when it throats downw to the bottom.he b but also we always do thoseho stories. somebody left a diamond ring.a i if you have a diamond -- hey, -h not engaged any more.e.
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drop it in the coat physical. pa >> if it has value they'll findn a way to make it work.k >> back to you guys.uys. >> maybe i'll put my shoes in s there. >> no. >> no. >> you know what i love about -- >> don't do that. >> because -- i also really lovy the people don't realize aboutbt the salvation army red kettleet campaign wherever you put in the money in that kettle the moneyhe stays in your area.r a. it goes direct toll your area.ra >> i like that.>> i like th that's beautiful.. >> thanks, al and tuck.uc two d.c. singers teaming up for one night concert.rt. first we're giving i was special preview coming up later. upat check them out. out that silver logan and who's thaa tony terry, what? they'rehey' joining us live.ive. first, kevin sits down with
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welcome to fill your sails andss take your dream. >> seriously is there the rockli cannot do? do? >> hating mean because of his tal leapt.tal leapt. >> his tattoos are moving he'sg' so sexy.exy. >> clip from the new disney movie moana. pro wrestler, action comedy stam and as of yesterday people'spls sexiest man alive.t man alive he doesn't have the worse theore singing voice either.iceither. the only person who really legig can hang with him is kevin mccarthy give you a little bit of back story. see for all the nonaries lenie fans out rock had running bit ht would ask people a question then interrupt telling variation it doesn't matter what you wisdom -- please. in ask me a question. >> wisdom -- wm -- >> it doesn't matter yourrou question is, >> kevin loved it he decided to risk live and limb to give theit rock taste of his own medicine.n check it out. >> i want to thank you because
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tweets. twee >> you're well um isn't my're bachelor party and my wedding.yw i'm wondering you 10 and a half million twitter followers how do you have time to see the tweetst and time to even reply? >> kevin -->>ev >> it doesn't matter how do you' it.a [ laughter ] >> sorry. youou got me. >> i got you. >> she's got me.'s ge. everyone got me. >> i literally got you. you. >> did i get you.>> did i get yu >> did you jump app little. you >> i didn't jump much that's jo >> the timing my buddy chris iti didn't work. di >> where is chris --dnrechri >> it doesn't matter what youtyu think! i love the idea of your your character earning his tattoos. i love the scene with the storys and how he earns them all.m a this tattoo obviously veryly famous one you've had. you've hd i've seen it all the time in thn movies in the shows.ho is there a particular story that you feel like earned a certain tattoo and that aspect? aec >> this tattoo tells a story ofo my life and everything that'sha' important to me. um, and i sat with the tattootoo artist for hours. hrs we prayed.we pra we talked about it before he did it. and total 60 hours and four a f
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process.ess. and nothing -- there wasn't onen moment that i thought oh, i'vehv earn it. it's just there's a, um, there's a term we have called moma, it'i power, it's a spirit and sometimes mona takes over andr a then you just know the >> that's really really coo. >> time to get the tattoo >> ?? >> the difference to sink in boot than it is to record aor dialogue w you're doing dialoguo you have cameras and things t happening. when you're actually sinking a i different studio.erstud >> i love the sinking part. >> i love the sinking part par because lin-manuel was there t with me and he was conducting me at the same it was really honor.. it's a different kind of a lifef when you're doing animation i'mi
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and the directors there are, too as w and we're telling the story anda delivering monologue it's a it's different kind of a life whena e you're singing. it's a's per it's a real, like you got to bring it on. on >> did you a hell avenue job, mr. >> thank you. >> the tweets mean so much to me it really really does.oe >> i'm so happy for you by theyt way. >> you're awesome. >> yes, he is.>> yes is. >> and he's huge. >> right? >> gosh. >> yes, he is. yes >> maureen. >> i was just looking -- lookin- >> wait a minute.. >> the rock is cooking.. >> my ring tone. >> that is your ring tone for yi real?al? >> just when kevin calls. calls >> kevin doesn't call me.oe cal >> when the rock calls.rockal >> this is when the rock callskl me or my wife either one. o >> there you go. >> yeah. moan d.a hits theaters nextex wednesday. i didn't know he could sing.ld he has every talent you can askk for. >> you already over therelrea oe maureen? you need a rocked a rk moment?
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>> no you didn't. >> it's all right. rig >> 10:19 right now.ow coming up little later, we'll w' take some of the stress out ofeu the kitchen this thanksgivingnkn with holiday hacks you need to e know to take your turkey dinner down -- take your turkey dinnern stress down but the dinner to de the next level.. >> gotcha.. first more students walking outo of class to protest presidentiaa election.ti we'll check in with annieon yuae live with the details coming up
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>> let's get you caught on highy school protest demonstratingousg against the recent -- thehe president-elect. this is view from skyfox rightxt now hundreds of students lefttue class. they are marchingcl down norwooo road toward new hampshire avenuu montgomery county.ntgo we understand students fromdentm several high schools who arere involved james blake, paintlakep branch and spring brook in thein silver spring area. students from richard montgomerm high school in rockville are on the move. the m that's where annieov is morning joining us with more.hor >> good morning.>> good m good morning. the video you're seenging of skyfox three separate i'm here at are you harde you hd montgomery high school.. we've been owl here all morningr long around 9:00 o'clock wek we started to see rockville citye t police. we saw some montgomery county officers showing up getting ready for the 10:00 a.m. protest walkout and so they started around 10:08 hundreds ofed students came out of the front f entrance here chanting andg a
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slow you they marched their wayw and made their way up the streer on fleet drive.leet we can see, you know, police dko sort of lined along the route the.e. shadowing their route to makeg i r sure that they keep safe andee that really is the message fromm the school this morning as wellw as police that they're numberr one priority is the safety of the students, and i talked to t couple students who tell me this has been the buzz over the lasts few weeks as presidentialdeia election has been a big big talker in the hallways and in classrooms and so out of the out come of thehe election, you know, the studentt were very unhappy. they were distraught and theyray thought this was the best way tt let their feelings be known, ana so organized this protest. pte this is the second one ind one n montgomery county this week.isee the first one was on monday, and hundreds of students came outf c for that one.r that one we saw the one in the district c yesterday where thousands came out for that one. o so the question is at this poin when will it end? because, youo know, the montgomery countyou
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morning says that basically ifai you miss a class then you're going to be marked down as unexcused absence unless yoursou parent writes i was note, and ii don't know that that could go on for, you know, for awhile.. so students were like, you know what, at some point it will end, and hopefully, um, we'll get more information on that. that but, yeah, i mean they made itye down to rockville town center. e they're going to spend some timm down there, and then they'rehe going to make their way back and they tell us as long as students market back here still be able to catch the bus b and go home. that's the latest here from oc rockville. annie yu fox5 lckocal news. >> annie, keeping an eye on thee situation out o there richardica montgomery high school.hoo thank you for that.thank you much more to come onfor good do dc.dc her name is silver and he has got a golden voice.. coming up next two local singern joining forces for one night one only concert. we're talking about silver logal sharp and tony terry.erry they're joining us live in thevt loft for a special previewew performance.rfore
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we'll be right back. we'll be right back. ?? ?? ?? fios is not cable. we're wired differently. we' offering incredibly st 150 meg internet, st in time for the holidays. hurry, freddy, you're gonna miss it. coming. i can't believe he's doing this. it's so fast that in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record held by gary watson... ...his friend can download 13 different versions of the perfect song... ...his sister can live stream it... ...while his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder, all at the same time. gary. only fios offers 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just 79.99 per month online for the first year;
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?? well here's what harvey fity s toto say. your blossoming sin relationshi with singer joe.. >> talk about being stuckut beik between the rock and the hardar place.e >> is there any other place toha be. >> she w between a rock and a hardhe wis. [ laughter ]hter ] >> oh my goodness.oo it's all in love, everybody.,ry all in love. right. righ okay. any way, we are doubling up on p star power with our next guestse she is the former lead singer of the band chic you hear the musim right there and he is soulful rf and b singer known for when i'mm with you and lovie dovie, yup. p we're talking about silver logan
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they are merging their musicalul talents putting on one night o n only concert at blues alley in northwest isn't georgetown.rg they will will be performinging their classic hits new releases and also new duets.ue before they hit that stage, thet join us live in the loft forof r exclusive performance of theyfo are new single called "december goodbye". take it away. it away. ?? >> ?? remember our first winter spent together.etr. didn't care if it would snow all night and day. we would curl up by the fire,
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never thought our love so stronr could melt away ?? >> ??>>?? >> our friends thought we were perfect for each other. never noticed when we grew so far apart. it even took me by surprise whee i finally realized that the love we had could break e hearts ?? >> ?? never meant to hurt you, y didn't mean to make you cry, iff i thought our love stood a chance, you know, i'd give it it one more try ?? >> ?? we can hold on through the holidays, we both know it's a lie, so let's say merry
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>> ?? nobody wants to be alone on christmas. to have no one to hold on new o year's eve ?? >> ?? but shouldn't play a partp the hiding of our hearts and wee both are too far gone to makeo believe ??e ? >> i never meant to hurt you, didn't mean to make you cry.. if i thought our love stood a chance, you know, i'd give it one more try. t we can hold on through the holidays but we both know it's a eie. so let's say merry christmas and goodbye ?? >> ?? oh, goodbye, baby. ??
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goodbye.e ?? >> ?? and goodbye ?? >> ?? no need for sleigh bellsig and eggnog, and cheers, no. ?? ? >> ?? no need for caroling through all the tears ?? >> ?? no need for family and friends by our side ?? >> ?? let's say merry christmass and goodbye >> ?? never meant to hurt you, u didn't mean to make you cry, iff i thought our love stood onene chance, you know, i'd give it it one more try ?? >> ?? one more try ??? >> ?? we can hold on through the holidays but we both know it's a lie.. so let's say merry christmas and goodbye ?? >> ?? goodbye, goodbye, my baby ??
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and goodbye ?? >> ?? goodbye, baby ???? >> ?? let's say merry christmas and goodbye ?? [ applause ] >> i got in the miffled thisif oh, my goodness that was boutdns full. >> thank you. >> thank you.hank>> t >> d.c. natives doing it big. >> duke ellington >> yes. >> my question is. okay, both of you beautiful>>f t voices. how do you know your voices aree going blend so beautifully inuli harmon know so well you want ton go on tour together.ogether. >> because we know each other s well.knwell. >> we go way back.. >> we were school together andld we've been friends, life longg friends.fries. silver has amazing voice. >> absolutely. >> when i got this song i wasas
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it with. i didn't really -- it didn't dn' take much thought.takeh immediately i thought of silvere i couldn't imagine -- her voicee and my voice -- voi - >> it's melodic.c. hypnotic.otic. >> our voices have relationshipo >> right.>> right >> it really it really does. d we're sitting here tapping ourpn feet. you reach that crescendo, all, , my gosh take me there and you're doing beautiful christmas muhris sick so timely, so wonderful. w. what was it about that said it'' time to do christmas song together and go on tournou together.together >> man, like he said he got great song from james day and gordon chambers, and you know ii seemed like the perfect fit.ct t the perfect time, and we'rere hoping to maybe grow into a a bigger christmas project maybe going forward. >> definitely will.l. i've always wanted to dolways n christmas album. herere it is. this is like the prelude to thee album. >> if this is the spring boardsi sign me up. i want the whole catalog ofal o christmas music.. >> we're trying to come to cityy near everybody.ry we want to hit every city andita
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them. somebody is going through something through the holidays it dbooesndy't i alwthayros havb really horrific and sometimes you can say, you know what, we t tried. we did. we d but let's just --t >> i know it. christmas.ristm >> get through the holidays andu wrap it the >> exactly. >> i heard that. >> sing at blue alley it's moree intimate crowd. do you prefer that? i know you have sold out stadium. which one do you prefer? >> i like the i like the closeness of the the audience.en you get that intimate feedbackdc it just works for me.e. >> okay. >> okay. >> i kind of like both. i were k youin id love to be in a 30,000 seater and make them all feel like they're in my livingyn room. room. >> yes. >> you know what i men. >> yes. you k >> to pull them all in. pullm all in. we like to engage and make theet audience feel like they're, youe know, a part of the show.. >> yup. y >> a part of our our f if they sit close enough to thet stage i'll reach out my grab g their chicken wing. w
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show only if you don't have tickets go get them. they're only 40 buck.e only buc these are dj legends, yeah. ban members you guys did phenomenal job.enal >> all d.c. home ground. g new yorker in the house.n th >> that's okay. we've adopted you.ed >> thanks a lot, beautiful music.fumusi blues alley check them outm they're phenomenal.mel >> see ya'll tonight.onht >> thanks fox5. >> come back any time.ny t >> that sods >> fantastic. go see them tonight. tonht two other sure science of o holiday season coming up. how you can help the salvation l army christmas fundraiser andaia erin has the first look anybodyo will get to see in the ndms havv the finished ice display anday it's not 9 degrees in there. we won't make her wait too long. it's 10:37.0: cuddle up with somebody likeik
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>> we continue to follow thent student protests in montgomery county. skyfox live above the courthouse in rockville students have over taken the front steps there. many are holding banners andinos signs messagesryab proovtelestil election of donald trump.on odoa now we heard from the principalp of richard montgomery who said while he would prefer stay onfen school grounds to stage anyrount protests he had did he work witw police to make sure wherever whr they did go this morning wouldnu be safe. so again live pictures therere t students protesting.rote now gathered at the front of the courthouse in rockville.ll
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city right now. fox5 cares is a proud media sponsor of the salvation army a red kettle campaign.n allison seymour and tucker and c barnes are helping to kick off f the annual holiday fun laser l they are at the giant andt and cathedral commons just down thet street. stre good morning,, guys >> good morning.oomorn >> good morning. good mornin >> we have a great we got a chance to kick it off. there was a crew here that both salvation army and this is the t opener of what we hope to be very second says f >> that's right. this is t'our kettle kick off oo 2016 and we started off with w this beautiful little girl thatt gave donation of saving up monem all year round and had giant g stores give us a great donationo it's a been a terrific day soc s far. far. >> we're here in front of theero cathedral commons giant, and wee want to show you what happened e earlier what you didn't see onn there was a realsily nice check presentation that you talked about.out. giant again putting their moneyn where their mouth is. not justwh being aer se ponsor t
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how far will that five thus sant dollars goha? >> listen, every penny counts, , and this year planning to helpg out over 80,000 of our neighboro in the area. so that $5,000 goes a long way n to providing food, utilities ana ren not only dr. christmas butib throughout the year to keep us u here. >> i love it. lovit. fox5 is happy to be one of theee sponsors, too.oo we're all about the salvation si army. ar and we wanted to ask about whatw it's like to really standlly stn outside. ts right. when you're doing this. >> kate, do you ever ever standt outside and ring the bell. >> occasionally.ccasionally. a couple of times a year.times r >> people get involved becauseoe it's a great cause. cause. do you find the same thing?? >> yeah absolutely.el great to be in the community aoy part of the community not just taking resources but giving back. >> i like that.>> i like >> >> i want to do when it's so cold. sometimes you're rushing intousi the store and you see the bell ringers out there no matter the weather. i mean what in theat world motivates people to stand outtao for hours?fours >> well, a lot of it has to dodo we depend upon our volunteers vn
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able if you can't give somethint of your finances you can give oe your time and that makes a big difference.ffce now, kate is very humble. she has rung a bell few times fm but she movely plays. plays if you see some of her quartetss playing and she's a doctor.oc she's really a doctor kate inat music.muc. she plays tuba and her christmas is not complete until she's abll to play those christmas carols r at the kettle.tle. >> now tucker tried to donate an old shoe.oloe. >> yes. [ laughter ] >> this is my question.ue you mentioned earlier if it'sf ' not a cash their way into the red kettleetl and it has any value you'll find a home for it.t. what are more unusual things you found in the kettle.he kettle. >> i must admit i've not found f shoe yet. y but we have found i was speakinn earlier to someone about notesun that go in there that is always so special whenaw people say i can't give much buh this is what i can i c i'm trying to think of fun things, of course we foundwe fou lollipops. i found buttons.
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exciting.exciting especially old coins. o coi sometimes somebody will put inun an old antique coin that yout wouldn't know about unless theys tag it to say this is not just s quarter. qu it's a very important quarter. r >> i love it. okay. so we're trying to raise $1.4 million kettles all over ks town. how many again. >> 250 sites all over the dmv.. >> all the money saved --- >> right here in the community.u get out and donate.. >> donate, donate, donate.on that will do it for us.s. or maybe we'll hang >> singing carols and welcomingw people g there you go.le g tre y tuck. back to you guys.tu >> why don't you sing uss something now, >> i was just thinking that. >> sing something now. what shall we sing, tuck isn'tk what did you guys do today?? >> she's like give me the bell. >> okay. okay. christmas -- christmas,tmas, christmastime is here.s h do you know this song.on >> is that from -- >> all the carols that's the ono she picks.icks >> let tucker choose one. o
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um ---- >> you heard me through all ofrh that. >> they just played that out. christmas, christmasisas christmastime to here. did you play that.stma >> yes. >> i stand corrected.. >> tucker. >> welcome -- welco >> no more words than that. >> no more words than that. >> goodness. >> hilarious. thank all.>> k if that doesn't put you in the e holiday spirit maybe this will.i this morning we're giving you ao first look at the finished ice display at national harbor. erin comb mow live at theat gaylord national for a littleti g morning to you. nog singing from you just givee the tour.the tour. >> the report, right. >> christmas, christmas time is >> erin -- i'll spare you i will say christmas around thed world is beautiful and i could use sing to go warm me up. because rachel is here to tell t us bows it. we have a special guest charliec brown should be wearing coat.weg if you come to this exhibit make sure you wear a coat.ear coat. what charlie brown doing here aa ice.
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we have him during christmas throughout the run of our show w they can come and see him forser breakfast with us breakfast with charlie browns and friends. and. charlie brown, lucy and snoopy. >> ooh. >> o that sounds fun.oh >> we thought come on if we'ree' in ice we have to bring anotherr famous character during the the holidays charlie.rlie >> charlie brown will o we'll race down the slides and s also getting exclusive slide s ride this is one of my favoriter actor active things to do here.e you can out the have i braneran colors. charlie brown, wish me good uc >> let's go. e you're here with youre he wit family you can take rides downes the slide. the slid you have little picturee areasre set up where you can pose that's what we were doing with our funn shot earlier sit on the santa s sleigh and take a lot of reallyl good memories her.. >> absolute. we have a ton of enter active components. comp this is our ice slide. two stories tall.o stories so we just climb two stories.toi to go down >> this is exciting.xcing. >> you ready. >> go on this one? >> i'll go on this >> sure. s >> make sure you sit on yourn y
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let me move my microphone. >> ready? ready >> whoo! >> i failed. n my blue my jacket is coming undone. my micro is stuck. >> major slide fail.lide [ laughter ] >> you know what, i tried.. here's my microphone this is ts probably something i don't wantd to lose.. we'll take gear intoear in consideration. do i get an a for evidentfor evt charlie brown. >> he gave me a sad thingchs ofo thumbs up. i will say i'm going to try that again when the camera is my pinky fell out of my glove, e too.o. i would like a redo.d a r this opens on saturday.y. >> yes, we have, we hopee everybody comes out and enjoyy ouout our amazing christmas aroo the world s >> tell me how long does thiss t run through the holiday season.o >> runs through january 1st. you have plenty of time to getom here open daily.pedail during christmas day as well. aw i mean if you want to get in tht full holiday spirit christmas cs day come out to out t >> i love everything about it.u. puts you in the spirit.epir the colors are beautiful and and holly and maureen let me justett tell you i think your kids willl
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did. make sure you bring the familyyh het here enjoy. as you walk through this is is really puts you in the holidayid spirit. spir christmas around the world world wonderful message an lot of funn back to you guys. guys >> ex leapt tour guide. ex thank you for that. lewethan definitely are going t year. >> we're going, too.. zula and hayden are both slidede officials. >> head first next time.ead >> exactly.xact. >> listen, it is 10:48.0: coming up next how to take youru turkey dinner to the next levelv oh, right there's another's a holiday before christmas, right. thanksgi we're talking holiday hacks next that will take some of the stress out of the kitchen plusps how you can help needy familiess have a happy thanksgiving asivga
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here to help us out is celebritb chef and former hell's kitchen couldn't kess ant jr robinson. . good morning to you.go >> good morning. meoday for having me today.od >> it's great to see you all y right. we could talk but we need to gee right to it. >> get straight it to. get s i'll show you our secretrt how w make the best mashed potatoes.oe i like to use read skinnedd ski mashed potatoes.. we come them up in four. in fou >> skin on. >> throw nem in the water add fresh garlic. whole cloves. clo potato will absorb all the flavo salt take it up the next level add sweet potatoes.. >> boom.. >> add color, flavor and it will take your mashed potatoes to the next level.. >> those you peeled a little bit. you bi >> peeled a little bit.t. peelet >> how long are they in >> about 18 minutes let it gette soft and add your butter, littlt bit of salt, some seasoning,, um,. >> what seasoning?se >> i just use salt and whitelthi pepper and little bit of heavyth cream and butter. >> all right.ll right. >> right here i have little bite of --
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>> looks like that. >> voila. bam, mashed potatoes that changg your life.if >> we're kicking it up a notch,, chef. >> instead of take taking your o ham and the pineapplesf ta all around we made a nice pine ale a pell relish that is a good tip.. put it on top of the ham and ada fresh cranberry sauce. >> see. that's cranberries peoplenberrio actually eat on thanksgiving not that congealed can, you know, k comes out can. >> tip on how to make the bestt that give you that nice smokedem turkey.turk. >> we got nice brown sugar.. >> um-hmm. u >> we'll add fresh orange juice for the acid and this i fres goi to help break down the meat toht make sure your turkey breastskes are tent and not dry.nd n dry >> crazy question. do i have to auectuallyst squeee the juice from the oranges?? >> yes. >> don't be lazy with it.h don't take no [ laughter ] >> you want to give people the t wow effect. eff >> right. >> this will wow your guests.owe add oranges then we'll some add
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mustard. a little bit of mustard imut to. >> that's like the frenchh mustard -- dijon mustard. >> not regular yellow muss star. >> add a little bit oil and mick it in. >> oil. >> i'm from new york. >> oil.>> o >> i'm like i never heard of hea this oyu. >> oh, wait. w there we go. >> oyu >> oyu to some of you.o some of >> all right. all that's how i grew up saying it. i'm from new york. yor excuse my accent.t. >> add a little bit of oil. >> you say potato i say potato.t >> throw it right over thever turkey. >> here we go. back here. look at that.t ha >> you're doing this the day ofo >> 33 days before.ore >> three days before. >> three days before.ore. >> cover it throw it in your inu will he fridge rater for threeie days. >> your eight days went to five
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>> exactly. we'll add a little bit of oil. l [ laughter ] >> forever calling it oyu. >> we'll add the green beans.ns. >> okay. >> to take up a knowledge wep ko added onions and red peppers. again garlic, salt and pepper pp right here.r >> okay. >> shake it um. sought thai it. it >> that looks good.s good >> another tip i'll give you,'ly for those who like to make collard greens. gs. >> i loved collard greens isn'ta collard greens to make suremaker there's no bugs, no, um, grit,m, no dirt. >> triple greened collardla greens. >> no bug thanksgiving. i think we need some more h nell quick.ic we need some more help. quick! >> dj quick is here to help. >> i'm not here to help. help. >> get out of the kitchen. o >>ut continue, continue. continu we'll make a little gravy, too. >> okay.>> what you got from the turkey,ur right.
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bit of, um, butter and little bit of flour. flour let it thicken up a little bitit and get your nice creamy gravy.. >> nice.>> as you continue to cook there ie a real bonafide reason. rea >> i'm not here just to look ata this food. >> maybe a little bit and eat a little bit of it.little b of ya'll are teaming up you'rep doing something really great.reg tell me about it.utt. >> this saturday at 9am boss bs seven in washington, d.c. shout to tony lewis, jr. and seventhth annual turkey give back.e b our r at least 300 families every single year in washington, d.c.d so important to make charityha cool again.ol aga >> that's right. they need your help.your help. you into he had to come out ando help donate, c right. r >> this saturday 9am. >> come on in, gang. g >> we going to feed youou starbucks will provide coffeeofe and shout out tony louis and yod today vaughn. hef foall ou chef for all of this. >> fantastic.taic >> looks like the holidays allil
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