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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  November 17, 2016 9:00am-11:01am EST

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?? clinton brutally honest reaction to last week's shocking loss.os >> all i wanted to do is just tt curl up with a good book or ouro dogs and never leave the house >> plus is donald trump's whitee house transition in turmoil? to we'll have the very latest.. >> our goal is to keep our students safe.ents saf >> a message from montgomeryer county students.nts after peaceful protests turned violent. why it could mean an end to to
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under attack. a maryland woman lucky to be alive after getting mauled by aa bear in her own driveway. and later, bad blood. blood if you think the presidential election was controversial wait until you see how kate upton reactioned to the cy young award voting. good day at 9a starts now. ?? appropriate. good day d.c. it is 9go:01 on this thursday,ra i'm maureen i was may alongsidee holly more are you, steve you chenevey and the wisdom martin.i >> also ahead this hour, amazing video of a hero in act. he's only nine years old he made a split second decisiono that saved his little brother's life. whoa! >> would you were you! ould>> pretty cool there.tty co first at 9:00, the novemberovbe weather what we're talking w tal about. a warmup is on the way but enjoy it while it lasts because theect temperatures over the next few days pushing into the 60s and a even into the 70s. >> wow.ow
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that. details now from tucker barnesre for the first check of thehef t forecast. hey, tuck. >> speaking of 70s i'll see a 70s band tomorrow night.ight >> which one. >> where you going.>> >> i'll tell you more about it u later. >> all right. look at that. gooood tease. >> there's yourd tease. tease.e. wherever else you said ise i all true, wisdom.dom. >> sunshine is back. and we are going to be near 7070 over the next couple of days.s. actually we've been very mild all week and kind of continuetiu that pattern today so daytime di highs expected to be right backc into the low to mid 60s. 9:00 a.m. dulles 50. bwi marshall 52.shal 5 cold overnight. most of thernig region waking to overnight numbers in the low l toothed mirts.irts our storm tracker radar has beee quiet for months and continuethn today. you can see that we've got nothing locally.. much more sunshine thane t yesterday should be brightig beautiful day just few passing g clouds this afternoon.rnoon of course we had a few showersws and sprinkles pop up yesterday.y we will not encounter t
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7 degrees above normal. norl. 64 we'll take it winds out ofdst the northwest five to 10 but comfortable afternoon with lotsh of sunshine. sunshe all right.all r seven day stay tune you'll wanta to see it a lot going on. o a 70 and maybe some snowplowerwo less for parts of the area. cold conditions for redskinsin game sunday night.y nigh thanksgiving got it all. >> all right.>> all >> thanks, tuck.>> big story at 9:00 o'clock thisoi morning donald trump's whitena u house transition today theioy th president-elect will hold hisd h first international meetingee since winning the election.ct sitting down with japanese prime mini reports that the process is in turmoil. hillary clinton opening up aboup that loss for the first timestim since last week's concessionn speech. fox's doug luzader brings us tht very latest on all. >> reporter: traumaly teamumaly talking about all of the worldld leaders at the president-electst has been speaking with over the past few days. but the hiring process for thiss incoming administration isation getting all of the focus. the comings and goings trump t tower in new york that's about a
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anticipation builds. who will get the prime slots ino the trump administration? beyond a din are in outing thisg week trump hasn't really beenllb seen but those around him sayinn reports that they are running behind are untrue. uru and more now announcements arere coming. >> i'm not sure it will be today but it will be soon.e ititl be a lot to digest and puttingti together a federal >> reporter: the trump teamrumpa seemed to get backing on thatkit point as vice president-elect mike pence met with wit vice-president joe biden inen washington. >> no administration is ready oo day one. one we weren't ready on dayo i've never met one that it'st i been ready on day one. i'm confident on day one day o everything will be in good handh and they'll be handled.ed >> pence is leading theeadinghe transition effort and shunninghn with washington lobbyists.ts the most recent speculationlati about trump cabinet picks include arizona senator tomat t cotton thought to be in the be e running for defense second.on hillary clinton meantime made her first public remarks lastars night in washington speaking at a children's defense fund eventt >> there have been few times t
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to do was just to curl up with h good book or our dogs and neverv leave the house again. again >> reporter: there are plenty pe of names we know the incoming trump administration may bee considering for key posts.ey pos but remember trump ran as an a outsider so there may be some real surprises along the way. in washington, doug luzader, fox news.. america just waiting to fini out. may be 63 days away but preputre faces for the inauguration inn full tilt join task force of the nationala capita some of the ceremonial units.l s we got exclusive access to someo of those units this morning. bob barnard spending the armyg a with the army, air force and marines showing showing off somm of what will be featured ontud n january 20th. >> looking good.ood. okay. the president-elect also makingn led headlines this morning fornr the protests his election haslet insighted over the past >> after one of those protests t turned violent here locally thee superintendent of montgomeryde county schoolsnt decided it wasw time to issue a message to highg schoolers planning on continuinu
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demonstrations.ns annie yu joins us live from oc rockville with more on whakt the superintendent is saying. annie?ane? >> reporter: good morning,ni wisdom and everybody.verydy. the tone is sort of changing ini montgomery county with this newe video message that superintendent jack smith puttht out last night to parents and students.students. around the same time yesterdayey morning, here at richmondon montgomery we started to seearts some police cruisers show up. really kind of lining the routeu which students were going tooi t walk up to rockville town centee for this rally the anti tmp rally.ray. and things unfortunately didid turn violent yesterday but you y can see this morning all is i quiet here. and students are in class andlad that's really the message thatt the superintendent wanted to put out is asking students to stop protesting during school hours u or they could now face some disciplinary action if theyf thy continue to do so.coinue so this is the video message hee sent out yesterday.esterday. saying really that mcps mcp certainly sports everyone'sveon' right to assemble and express es their feelings but not to do ito
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those expressed concern over the t recent protests taking placece during school hours and really how this poses a serious safetyt issue for students.tunts. take a listen.. >> these demonstrations havetios unfortunately generated valid concerns regarding the securityr of our students outside of ourfo schools.s. when students are threatened oro injured as part of a protest, it raises serious safety issues iue that require us to rethink the situation. safe. >> reporter: now during the dine rally yesterday, unfortunately, a student wearing a make america great again hat was tacked hed was assaulted by group ofroup student protesters and now 17-year-old student is facingacg second degree assault charges.hg the victim we're told by policec did s due to recover and be just fine. fine. but there's been a lot of lot o reaction over the student sde organized protests from all of you the viewers, the communitiei in which these protests areestre
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concern about their safety and really questioning why this ishi going on during school hours,oou because when you have studentsde leaving campus and walking along main access roads, you obviously have some safety issues there. e you also have students beingdesb threatened or injured as well aa we saw some, you know, hatee speech and hate vandalism goingg on in several montgomery county schools. so tone is changing here, guys. superintendents letting studentt know please say in yourour classroom during s and if you choose to leave, and protest, and you can face fac serious disciplinary action. that's the very latest here frof rockville. annie yu fox5 local news. ns >> all right, annie, thank younu for that much 90:00 agent alsota today the d.c. council will hear a resolution opposing federal immigration laws. laws. supporters are concerned about o federal immigration raids raids targeting criminals because theh say families who are not criminals often get caught up i the process.cess d.c. is a sanctuary city andy a after trump's election mayor
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check the immigration status ofu people who are arrested and and illegal immigrants are allowed d to get driver's licenses. the resolution would ask the ase feds to stop immigration raids.s some have asked if that would wd allow criminals the feds aresre looking for to go free. >> i am very committed toted ensuring that we take seriouslyy any accusations of crime that ta we're not harboring criminals. but the fact in these raidshe r criminals get swept up.. and we do have the intelligencec if we could be more particularta about how we go after criminalsa to not do these sweeping raids,i and i want to see in any administration, um, a little bit more specificity an little bit more care taken when we aree are going after these criminals. >> now to clarify this is a resolution so it's more about making a statement publicub hearing is this afternoon.fternn
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vote in december.embe l > all right. time now 9:09.:0 new this morning, a black bearlb that attacked a woman inan i frederick county, maryland, lasl night is dead.d. the bear was found and shot by natural resource officers about two hours ago. happened in the driveway of the woman's home ono iron gate lane.n gate lane. that's between frederick andderd middletown.. state wildlife officials say ths woman got between the bear andr two cubs when she was mauled.led fox5 just spoke with the woman'n son-in-law who describes thees e encounter that led to the attack attack. >> my mother-in-law was just investigating the dog barkingarn and walking down the drivewaywa with her dog and it looks like a bear met her halfway and she she came between the cub and the bear and the bear took a swimm swipes at her. she's in the hospital doingoi llll.
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but we think she's going to beno out pretty soon.oon. animal control was here all all night. you know, really appreciate them. we got the cub down and they found the mother today this morning.morning >> the mother bear had two cubsc as they just talked about. while lied of live experts sayol both are aroundiv 100 pounds ana able to take care of themselvess at this point. >> they released thepo cintubs b into the wild right now. now. >> right. mother was -ho-ug sh he was prog her cubs.r cs. being a mother in nature.atur it's hard. h >> that's what happens when he h encroach on their territory. tey it's sad but -- >> nonetheless you don't think you'll walk down your drivewaydu and come face to face with bear either. eith i understand both sides.d both . >> i just hate that. i >> sad story. j>> sad story >> 11 past the hour.1 pasthe h it's been tough year for lot oft people and especially scary timm for kids. kids. fox news anchor helping parentse share a crucial picture with new picture book coming out laterat this week. we'll talk with ainsley earle e
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>> where are the best deals thii holiday season if you'll give av gift card, the only ones thatt people actually want. making holiday shopping a littll easier. that's coming up next. t. 9:12 is our time right now.ow
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have you done anything out of the ordinary recently? we bought a new washer and dryer from the home improvement store. i'm afraid you're suffering from fobo. fobo? fobo. fobo... fear of better options. cure fobo with black friday savings now at hhgregg. get up to 40% off storewide. plus 24-months special financing. and free delivery. appliances. electronics. furniture.
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all right.> alght so whether you're shopping at'r the mall or online chances arenc you'll be spending serious cashh this holiday season.easo and we're going to help you getg the most for your money byy sharing where you'll fine the best deals and giving the gifthf card that is people actually want. want that's a feat in and of itself. here to help us out this morninr jill gonzales a spokesperson for wallet hub. they provide daily news on on everything from credit cards, cr interest rates, to tips ons on cutting your wallet hub and its sisterts company card hub are owned by the personal finance companyce y evolution finance.ev so good morning to you. >> good g mornioongd . >> all right. so let's start with the factac that, um, everyone is gearing up and geeked up over black friday. >> right? everyone seems likees they're promising great deals. a but who is really giving us gooo deals on black friday?ri >> that's what you really havewh to look for. l so the best retailers this year macy' social security certainly
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stage those are the top three. r they're offering discounts of over 60%. 60% >> oh wow.>> i mean is that really 60 --y0 they're not like marking up thee price and then dropping it 60%,6 you know what i'm saying i'may always >> actually real deals.aleals. >> okay. >> we look at these all yearr round. they're actual deals that are gt on black friday and usuallyally extend to cyber monday as well.l >> okay.>> so macy's number one.r one. j.c. penney. penney haoror 48. i haven't heard of them.f them. who is harbor 48. >> more regional brand.e reonalb necessarily near d.c. >> okay. and kohl's and those are the top -- topd ko fi. black friday that's the list off your destination spots. spo okay.ok the second thing is, what kindtd of -- you mentioned thisoned slightly what kind of discountha are we reallyt talking about? i mean how do you know that thishi is the most discount i'm going m to get or do i wait because thee might give a little more a l little later? lat? >> on black friday this year the average discount is 39%. 39%. so shoppers should really useeay that as a threshold..
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less than that probably not the best >> that's the best tip of the te day. basically if something is not 40% off let's round it up wait a you might get a better later iff 40%, you're probably doingbly pretty well. l. you're getting a deal. g a dea >> wait or shop around.ho it might be a better discountcot okakay. so now i want to talk about the categories.gories. things we're buying that have the most shrek at the lowest prices. >> those are two differentiffent thing. categories that have the most ms more deals on toys than anything else this year, but not the the steepest discount only 30 to % 33%. >> okay. >> i see. >> now if you're looking at apparel specifically winter apparel, that's what's mosthat's second discounted item you'llou see about 50% off on average. ae so really the prices are slashed there.. >> it says books movie and music that's you'll going to have thee least discount or leastrea selection of items that are discounted?ount
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high discount because onlyy popular for so long. long. people don't want the same wants movies and music year round. r >> all right. got it.>> let's move on to gifgot cards. that's right still very popularo for people to give, right? ig people generally like getting g gift cards?gift c? yeaeah. they're actually really popularr exec% of consumers this year y actually want to receive a giftt car it's not like how it used to be, they didn't know what to get me. >> like default gift.t >> all right what's the criteria you use to determine the best b gift cards. popular it was, resell value in case they don't want the giftt card how much can they get ituc for the onthey the g secondary r we look to so if it shipping fef if there's any bonuses you coulc get with >> let's take a look at the oneo that can actually ranked theankd highest. these are the ones that you sait were the best for your money i i guess. guess. >> the best for your money and a really the post popular here,er too. too. someone doesn't want one ofn't e these gift cards there's smallma chance they can actually reselll it for about what you got it wh for.
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amazon, i of i tunes. t those are actually ranked theked highest but i think we have another screen of the ones you think are the most popularreen e the top six that people would w like to receive.ei so if we can can put those up.. then my young students overnt oe there, of the six that are listed here, can you spot the top most wanted from this list?s so this is -- tears the cards c that people actually want to et get. they would be excited if you if gifted so pick three of the >> the banner covered up one ofn them. can you read them off. >> yes, i can read then myo offo let me go to my page three of my notes, steve.teve the top six are going to bee amazon, visa, netflix, starbucks, i tunes. >> that's onlyst farive. it says from a list of six but x on here it's also five.lso f >> i got it.. >> which one we think is the most wanted?mostante >> i even ranked them. them >> ooh she even ranked them. the >> one to three any way. >> so -- maureen going with wh
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is a. >> amazon, netflix visa. vis >> steve going straight visa and wisdom -- wisdom -- >> writing a thesaurus overng aa here.he >> he's writing a book overs wr here. in time is almost up cease amazon star buck. >> jill give us the answer. awe >> number one is visa. >> hey. >> dropping the mike. ding th >> number two?wo >> number two >> okay. >> amazon. >> all right. there you go. >> when you take your time are not rushed.ushed. >> number three? >> number 3i tunes. >> okay. >> when you take your time. tim. >> two out of three film what were you talking about wisdom tg when you take your a tboimute. >> wisdom, also picked up starpa buck. >> i got you covered.ot you c great information reallyinformay appreciate it. >> my goodness. happy shoppingy .pping happy shopping indeed. back over to ya'll. y isn't is there a certain market to resell gift cards, is there a go to place or people sellingeel peer to peer. tor. >> facebook marketplace now iskl pretty hot for that.
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you can either trade them or get about 20% off of one that you actually want film that's greatg information.foion >> i can honestly say i've never thought about reselling a giftng card. card >> me either.>> me either. what a great idea.what a great >> now we know. i >> thanks lot.>>hank 9:21 time.ime. coming up heart stopping momentp for any parent and the the nine-year-old hero who came to the rescue.rescu video you just have to see if ts you haven't already.ven't ady. plus lebron opening his pocks to d.c.'s newest museum and tomnd brady finally ready to folk funn at dee plate mayb we check what else is makingg headlines this morning.orng. >> empire is back with an alln a new episode. little bit later we're sharing i our favorite moments. momen we want to know yours as wellell tweet us use the #gooddaydc.yd we'll be right r bac
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>> 9:24 is the time. 9 following brki secret service is telling us an officer has been hit by a vehicle. now the injury is apparently serious enough that they are considering airlifting the officer from the scene. it's unclear whether this is the secrce iet sers r viceha os ff icer ojuryrough dincg cer frar o police officer.ic. we have melanie alnwick she's oe her way to that scene and we'll have more information as soon aa it becomes available. hoping that officer will bei okay. okay. time right now 9:24. now 9:. allison is back with a check ofo the some of the other stories si making had he lines this h morning. hello. he >> hi, mo. hi everybody and good morning tr you. first up, president obama in oba berlin today. he is last overseas trip as tp s commander in chief.r in chief.
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chancellor angela merkel lastl l night and set to hold talks witw merkel this afternoon.oon two leaders also released a joint opinion piece in a germana business magazine.ine they issue add plea for more me trance at atlantic corporation.. addressing everything fromthingm security to climate change.hang. the president's next stopper rue for an economic summit. sum this morning, a utilitytili worker is dead dozens others are injured after a gas explosion ei roxanne illinois town overnight it is dramatic video here thishi blast caught on surveillancervei video as it shattered glass anda through debris olea run a local e.ore. the explosion also left windowss several blocks away shatteredhar and forced the evacuation of a nearby apartment building thislh is in canton, illinois. have you seen this? check c this video out.ut please. it's a nine-year-old he's making headlines. did you see that? making? in headlines this morning for f making a stunning safe.g chk itit out. amazing video the boy catchingin
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of changing table.ab he and his mom say it was -- - well his mom says it was nothing short of a miracle, and that tha usually he can't even lift up his little brother but the mom says he's a bonafide hero he waw seconds away from connectingm ct with the ground.un that video -- as some peoplepl would say that ain't nothing but god. she also wants other mothers too take heed of what can happen wh just turning your back for a second and don't we know it.t all lebron james opening up hise wallet tnio the new natio history and culture.. nba champion donating $2.5 million to fund a in you exhibit honoring muhammed james is a man of the greatest and says he jump at thep athe opportunity to support anport a exhibit honoring his life. lif and finally, deflate-gatelae back in the headlines but this time tom brady poking a littleie fun at the controversy in a newn foot locker commercial. so we're setting this up for itt starts with two customerstors questioning how the retailer thanksgiving sale could continuu
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here's brady's response. >> you know, that's an a unfortunate mindset you gotndseo e.ere. >> tom brady just because bra something is great year afterdye year doesn't mean anything isnyn going on. why can't some things just be be great.t. >> just question.>> >> it starts with questions and questions turn into assumptions and assumptions turn intosumptu vacation. why would you punish the weak o greatness for something thatha never even happened.d >> i'll lost my appetite. >> tom brady getting his actngit thing on. an look kerr. sorry. the patriots serve add four game suspension earlier this year.sea >> you didn't see him acting ini tewo.wo. am i the only one who saw ted st >> he's himself in this thing,hg too.o. >> i'm in the sure he's actingeh there.. >> he's a little too convincingn >> find roll you play well and stick with it. >> you got it. >> thanks al>> you. >> you know ainsley ear heartarh fox news host but a mother andr this morning she has anning s important message for she's sharing.e'sharin
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>> first indicate upton withndic fighting words for major leagueu baseball her foul mouth messagea and why fans say she might havev a good point. pnt >> time now 9:28.:28. we'll be right back.
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introducing tresemm? botanique a blend of coconut milk and aloe vera in a professional-quality formula, inspired by nature. blended by professionals to replenish for stunning healthy-looking hair. tresemm? botanique professional.
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>> 9:30 right now. you might remember earlier this year when bryce harper of the washint remehegton nationals sas wanted to make baseball fun fun
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it just got whole lot moree instresting. that's because a super model now bone to pick with major leagueeu baseball it has to do with cydow young award.wa let's set it up. in this corner star kate upton t who many people would say couldc do no wrong ever. eve in the other major leaguee baseball and the writers thehe evil baseball writers thoseters journalists who cover games inca and out every day who actuallyy have the gall to pick the bestt pitchers from those over theromv years. is the tender of of eight detroit tiger pitcher justin verlander. i had great come bacvek thirls y and the boston red sox pitcher rick pour sell low of the 22 and four record i know you never y heard of him before but he was 22 and four.nd f that's not bad.that not so yesterday here's the deal. d the league announced the cy the young award. yo the best pitcher in t respective leagues in baseball.. league it was no contest.. max scherzer won it from the nationals.ti well deserved in the americanca
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who got the pitching crown. justin verlander earned more first place votes.. that sound familiar.amil someone won the popular vote v here but didn't get the cy t young. here's what justin verlander had 141st place votes. vot rick had eight but pour system y low had more second place votesv but all votes come in. so verlander snubbed on then the ballots? two people in tampa t didn't even put him on the top five.five. >> wo one fan comes in his fiance' the avenue for mentioned super model. after the announcement kater uptothn firede up his not safer work tweet telling major leaguee baseball she's the only one allowed to bleep asking what to writers left himt off the ballots. the two from tampa.. she followed that up with moretm frustrated messages includingncg one director at l winner sayings sorry rick you didn't get anyt first place votes.plvotes
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got a lot of supports for thosee twtsts. the voting method for baseballab top prices can be flawed. fla the question is, who was deserved of the win? >> that's the question.>> thae >> the pitcher 22 and four wasor it justin verlander had greatret year let the league in strike outs.outs 16 wins and was she out of linef for making these claims or wasso she supporting herman? >> someone who is baseballeb novice i will say it doesn'ttoe seem fair to me that he can getn the votes like you get the popular voteulr but doesn't win the sportshe spt writers it doesn't seem fair to me i think kate upton has a bonb to pick.. now the manner she chose to doho it i don't agree with but yeah.. >> rick won 22. won >> in this corner, maureen umeh. in this corner wisdom martin.n. go.go >> rick won two. two >> right.ight. >> justin won 16.6 >> that's a huge difference. die >> major difference.iffere be quite super model. >> let the sports writers dors d
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>> she could have said i'm disappointed he didn't win.idn'. she was kind of class less.. >> she wants ring. rin >> they're all right engaged.agd she's standing up for herman,, and it must be good relationship because -- - >> justin verlander after things all calmed down center a very conciliatory tweet just saying,, thanks baseball writers for -- >> i'm bending down.ding d >> congratulations to rick on the win.r.atul >> made it tough for mow in thef locker room. 9:34. 9: our next guest very familiar fam face to fans at fox news acrossr the country. >> ainsley ear heart fox andslee friends anchor mother and aarutt and this morning she's sharing s message for other parents outars there about making children feen safe during unsure times we sure have seen a number of thosea nuh lately. the new book is call take heartk my child a mother' dream it is i on sale this week and she joinse us live from new york with morer on the timelyk book and whatnda inspired you to write it.te good morning, ainsley.
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thank you so much for very v nothing he on when a little girg my mother was a schoolteachercha she thought for 32 years beforea she retire and she had to be ate school 7:00 o'clock in theo' morning. 7:30 dad was in charge ofhae o breakfast three kids in my housh growing up. we come downstairs every morning m we go sit on our stool, upping,n island in the middle of thele oe kitchen area.. and dad had everything displayed cereal box he had our bowls and the next tt our cereal bowls lip cher notess or sculptures to take to school with thus day. we didn't really think anythinga of it. we would read it outloud. walt disney said i hope i'll never be afraid to fail. attitude determines aptitude.. >> written this children's bookb about my dog i gave it to mye t ages they gave it to theo publishing h i sit in the room with all thehe publishing -- the whole staff sf and they said, tell us a littlel bit about yourself. i told them thatt yo story. s and they said, you know, we we would like the dog book but book
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book. was pregnant at the time with mi only child, and they said, you need to pass along your dad's messages to your daughter and the kids around the world. wor that is so sweet. sweet and we had never heard of heard anything like le t so you can read the story, story behind the story in the back off the book the story of my dad, my dad is an amaze morning both myb parents are but in seventh gradg i was a cheerleader and eighthnt grade i didn't make the team anm i remember i was was bawling ang crying in my bedroom my dad camd in the room and he said ainsleyn this is all about and downs in life and you'rengw just going tino hav life to movo and he said, some other littleer girl needed that space that yout were going to occupy if you hadd made it in eighth grade.ra and he said someone else needed that opportunity. you're a strong person. you're going to be're i anngd you to neebed f to give a opportunity to someone else.y te you already had your opportunitr in seventh grade.en grade i thought, he's so right.oight. i'm going to -- i'm going get gg involved in other things ander t i'll sacrifice my spot forpot someone else.lse. he just has a great way ofay turning things around and a
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lessons that my dad and my mom taught.taug it's called take heart my child. take heart because one day i wai on air meeting with the wit publishing company and they saiy do you ever get to share yourrey face on air because my face is s important to me.importt to m and i said actually i do.y i i share it on air and i said sai there's a scripture when i thin about isis and i think about a this crazy election there's a ts scripture that says, take heart i have overcome the world.he w and so when we're having a hardr time you just have to remember that. th everything will work out.ut evr order to get to the mountain yoi going to through the valley. v so that's what the book isk i about. it's just a dedication to mydic daughter saying if you gog if yg through hard times, i'm going to be there, i'll be by your side,d but take the risk. r take the jump. jump don't be afraid to fail.o fai don't let anything stand in thei way of your destiny.. and so many people go through life and they're so scared to de what it takes to get to bee happy.pp and that's what the book isthat about. just take that leap and don't bt raraid. >> perspective is so key aimsspc many now youti talked about beig
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beautiful child and you have taken on the role of going from that little girl listening toent your dad and getting those notet of inspiration to now being thee mom in this family of your own. it seems like this book while it may be written for children itln may be written for the moms outm there, too. >> you may be right.>> yay b after the election i read theon book it came out on tuesday a woke after the election i wasere reading that was it my gosh,thaw this is exactly what ias need tt hear. it puts my live in perspective again. i think it's coming out at thehe righ has been part of this book and d don't even know how it happenedt because i don't know the firsti thing about publishing a but it just organically happenee and i'm so grateful and all ouro viewers have responded so well.w i can't thank the folk at homeom enough for buying the book andoo giving it a christmas presentsrt and 10% of everything i make i m from this book will go to folds of honor an organization that puts kids fallen soldiersn sol through college and gives themve scholarships.sclarships thank you for your support.k yo. >> that's great to sea.hat' we wish you the best as well anl
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to pick it up. to thanks for joining you.than always good to talk to you.ks ty >> you're welcome. you'r thank you. >> 9:39 right now. 9righ >> all right. in witckeck in with tu barnes for a check of our warmth on the way.. >> yeah. similar backgrounds like when ie was growing up, my dad was -- h- had already left for work when e got. >> no breakfast. >> my mom was off finding herself for a couple of years. y me and my brother. >> similarities are >> you left your brother a notet saying -- fend for yourself.ou >> you're late for school. for o rigight. >> 52 in washington. wasn. 53 in annapolis.napol noh 49 in hagerstown. 45 in winchester.r so we're looking at cool temperatures to start yao day.. daytime highs eventually in then low to mid 60s. 6 very nice afternoon with brightb sunshine expected across the t region should be really gorgeouu afternoon for us.rnoor us. and that nice quiet weather w pattern which really honesty hos we've had too much of we need wd the rain at this point.oint running big deficit of five pluu inches here for the fall monthsm it continues here for a few morw days. you can see how quiet it is.n se lots of sunshine expected todayt
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so again very nice afternoon.ftn bit of northwest breeze willezel hold temperatures back just as a little bit. all right. let's look to down the road andd just tomorrow not only is ity is friday but beautiful friday. jet stream off to our north andr our north and west for a couplea of days will allow daytime highh tomorrow after a cool startl s tomorrow morning to get up nearp 70 and we'll do that again on saturday before our next cold c front blows through the area an let me just mention this nextsex cold front in addition toddit bringing us a few showers isfesi going to bring a lot of very sunday and monday and overnightn lows 20s and low 30s it will i w mean business.mean bus you going to the redskins gamees sunday night it's going to bengt really cold out there.really col i think the wind chill may be ii the upper 20s and low 30s sunday night at game time. there's your seven best chance erfore' showersho saturday.tu and it will just be widely widel scattered and you can see wee keep those mild temperatures for couple days days before the bigb cool down sunday and monday. m back to you guys. guy all right.> al thank you tucker barnl time rit now 9:40. 9
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lane on this throw back throw bk thursday. coming up next we'll give you aa sneak peek at a brand new bra exhibit dedicate the to the liff and career of the rolling the r stones. 9:41. back in a moment. ??ba back in a moment. ??ba ?? ou need should be within reach. in an affordable dream kitchen that works as hard as you do.
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at ikea, we believe that everything you need should be within reach. in an affordable dream kitchen that works as hard as you do. get 15% back at the ikea kitchen event. ?? rolling stones careeres car spanning exhibit features fture everything from instruments,tr
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of their 1962 london apartmentnt and just in time for throw backw thursday the legendary band is sounding off on their walk downw memory fox's adam housely has more. >> reporter: rolling stones sne walked to new york city redyorkd carpet for the opening of theirr career spanning exhibit called 17,000-foot set up features over 500 items from instruments tonst artwork. artwork. even a recreation of london apartment.nt. mick jagger, keith richards ands ronnie wood describe thed scri perspective this walk down hemke are lane gives them on their thr >> i looked at the room they're' all different album covers andes there's a lot. lot. you know, there's a lot oft artwork and i remember working r on this one, that one and ine i remember i remember where i was. i remember the artist and how ww worked with him and i remember m oh that was -- he was great or god so difficult.
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of it.amof it >> when i walked out i sort of realized that how much the t stones mean to so many people.e. i mean it's kind of humbling ini a way. >> it's a bit jarring for me f m because a lot of it was before my time and suddenly i'm hit with my time and we know thatt the whole adventure is not overe yet. >> iconic band continues to touo and has new music on the way. >> the blueslb coming out like a homage and a after that they'll be new song. so i think, you know, justw,us continue to go our own merry way. >> we go in the studio expectini to cut new stuff, but we got suddenly over taken by the blues. so we just kept cutting and suddenly we realized there waser an album album there. >> reporter: when it comes totew the band's longevity richards is amazed. >> i ask myself that sometimes.
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and these guys that kind of mystifies me and no doubt mystifies everybody else.eryby . there's no real answer to thatea except i guess, you know, weu k, love it. >> reporter: with all the hitsht is there one song he still gets excited to rock out night after night? >> the one i haven't writtenri yet. >> reporter: in hollywood, hly adam fox news. the stones.the speaking of throw back thursdayu you can't talk about rollingboul stones oit bringing back this classic. css >> another classic. >> note. >> you know, it's like you're mm brother. i can get rid of you.of y of course owes in the book.oo can't let mow have minute toinut myself he's got to waltz in witw the women, you know, with the menen. you're not fooling anybody. aboy >> like the first time the twor of you met.. >> we go way back. b ?? [ laughter ]
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>> feel like mick got cut out ot that interview a little bit.erva >> i was going t lo say in fairness it was keith's book release party. >> i've known more for my m dancing. >> just got better since then. >> that's so funnyt .bet's sony this moves haven't changed. cng. >> there's little more swag to t it now. look you're rtoeally feeling iti you're owning it now.ow. >> look at that. all that walking. >> maybe deeper swats. swa [ laughter ] >> why are you suddenly silent. >> admiring himself.. >> i love to tony really did keith richards beautifully. g that >> he really did. that was a great bit we did. wed >> it was a fun interview.n ter >> you're a great mick. mk. thank you. >> i don't have many skills inns life but trying to reenact mickk when i was younger was one of thing i spent a lot of time andd energy on.ener o >> definitely paid off. def >> we didn't have a lot ofe lot soal m media. i didn't have a lot to do.o d i would be in the bedroom i rani out of thing to do.oo. [ laughter ] >> had to be
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can you imagine those guys nowuw if they have to go back andnd row -- lit literally relearn,rn probably songs they've written.t if you gave them a song it's a catch cheat tune. te. yeah, you wrote it.yeyou clulue. 50 years unbelievable. >> they have to check to makeoak sure they're getting the song.hs >> do you think they had morethd alcohol or m women?om >> the stones.he >> that's a good question.t'good >> alcohol but probably a closeo second. >> close. >> you think it's a close race. >> yes. >> i will say thisnk it' . >> >> last time -- i only saw theyw stones one time and it was whene they were at verizon center probably four years ago maybe. everybody said mick jagger one n of the greatest front men in thn history of rock and roll. rol to me when i saw them keithhem h richards had more energy thaner mick jagger he was the oneger ht running around on the stage. never played up to the crowd tht whole time and i had newad n appreciation for keith richardsf and the way he work the crowd. >> my sister went to stones concert when she was pregnantorn withan hter first child and shew
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was all in the air at the concert she was so worried it wi may have affected her unbornr child. he's 25 and fine i'm here to say. >> big congratulations to mick who will be brand now dad again. >> wow!! >> who is not 25 any more.e. >> no.. >> rolling stone gathers no months.mont >> new girlfriend is youngerriiy than his children.. >> girlfriend. >> you can do that if you'reat u rock and role star.ole st. >> at that level. ?? ? >> oh wow >> you can run but you can't y n hide.hi >> all right.>> a while he prances it's nip 49:00: this thursday morning. mning like we've been telling you alll week the hold dale season isson almost here. the season of wishes and comingn up next we'll introduce to you a special little girl with bigig dreams. dreams. we'll be right back.l be rht b
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?? fox5 d.c. cares partneringan
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and over the next few weeksee we'll share stories of localf ll kids and their wishes and we w hope their stories will inspiree you to give or get involved. inl this morning we meet susanna who hopes to be a veterinarian oneaa day just watch and see why. ?? >> my wish is to be a zookeepere for a day and my name is susanna lynn hardy.ardy ?? >> i had leukemia which is a cancer in the blood. >> initially you don't have anya idea of what the prognosis is.s. it's hard to accept at first. fr because it's just so beyond what anything that you would expect.. >> i'm feeling great.
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>> i always had a passion for animals ever since i was really young. we met the zookeepers and thatst was cool. we visited the elephants and wew set up an elephant habitat andit that was really nice. nic i really like animals mainly mai because i think they're soreo fashion 98ing how they live anda how they survi >> well that day was filled with moments that were really surprising and terrific. ?? >> we were thought it was going to be really cool when we got there and it was amazing susannn had just an incredible served really important, yount, know, function for susanna and a keeping her positive and that'sa something that we talk about and
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>> i felt really happy becauseau it was fun doing all that stufff and i would love to have another child experience.e. ?? -- child experience that.e >> what a thoughtful little girl. make a wish really needs moneyon and air miles. mes help grant wishes and there area so many sick kids in our area kd who are waiting on that wish list.. please please please go to mid atlantic dash season of o to donate money and again money air miles anythingeg you can offer can help afer n ha familiar until need.miliaril n we share these stories all the time. there are a lot of people who po can use your help.cause please open up your wallets ande your hearts.eart it's important. >> just the smile on her >> i know.
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>> the thing that gets me the parents. >> the parents know what thoseen children are goingts k through.u >> sometimes more so than thee t kids themselves, you know.ouno because the parents are thereret for every step of the way. >> wish her the best and and everybody else. right.ll >> we got a lot coming up in thn hou hour. of course good day at 10ae gooda rolling your way next which whih always on a thursday includes as little ome empire notot disappointing last night.ig. we'll share our favorite moments. share yours too hash tag goodg g day dc. d >> you know who else is coming. live. >> give you the opportunity tott say what you've been talking tob her about. >> she can sing and an t >> is that order.. >> should we book extra wine for this segment. >> she may need a whole box.. >> coffee time on good day d.c.y if you want the dunkin' donutsut mug up for grabs right now. great for dunkin' donuts coffeec go to our website at contests or face bock enter thet mug contest one lucky winnerinne selectly randomly will get the g
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?? the must see moments only oy good day at 10a. >> cookie exposed. expos oh, my. cyber attack, bombshells revealed, so much to dish aheadd at 10:15a.. >> pop star, song writer,rite actress christina joining usni live to talk about a newew campaign she's part of this ofs holiday season.y se >> he shares the name of a legeshndarary musician. bob marley the comedian is live in the loft.t. >> and one of the best pastryas chefs in the d.c. region is herh to show us what we should beou cooking up this thanksgiving.sgn
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and you know what, as we a w hear a little madonna she's thee next one that will do carpoolo l care yolk key with james cordenr just announced.. >> don't know exactly when it'sx coming up but it's coming. comi. >> no prayer needed because we've got desserts right here. e prayers answered indeed, steve.e that's what i'm looking for.kinf look at this. thi it is a virtual wonderland of desserts come to life. l >> what are we going to do withw this later? are we going to >> we're going to make somethinm for you guys and talk about, yoo know, aside from pumpkin pie p what the other good choices forr your thanksgiving table are. >> the man sitting next to youtu is holding a blow torch. >> i trust alan. >> ahh!>> >> look at that. nice. >> i like a man who knows his kh way around blow >> >> we can't eat any of this until the end of the show.of th. that will be hard. >> how about if i -- -- >> he touched it.uchedt. >> you got to take it.. >> i got to take it.
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director. let me tell was an mazdiingre m co-worker he is. is he just sensed that i was tiredt and he brought me a cup ofup of coffee.. offered up to get me a cup ofup coffee i can be even ask for it. >> that is >> hash tag best co-worker evere right there. ri i'm just sin i'm enjoying it.m enjo thank you, lee. >> lee. [ laughter ]>> [ applause ]ause >> lee if you want to fill thist [ laughter ][ >> thanks for staying with us.rn look, he's a goodman. >> wait. come back here, bac >> you don't get any c >> exactly. >> i want two lumps of sugar s full hour packed for you thisort morning. i'm steve alongside holly,ly maureen and wisdom.maureen and you mentioned madonna doingwi te car tool care i don't care key.y can't wait for t we want to start off with newsiw happening right now.haing developing in the district.the . >> we have breaking news. an officer hit by a vehicle doww near the white house. hse and now as a result there aretha street closures that you need te know melanie alnwick is live on the 17th street northwest sidewe with the very latest.les how is this all playing out, mel?
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you that secret service are even stopping pedestrian trafficedes coming by the accident area.en a look down here at new york and 17th.17th you see the d.c. ambulance. ambn i don't know if that grayhat gra vehicle parked on the corner isr involved in this or not. or but it is the only car that iss in this area.rea. really the only information wenf have is that secret service officer was struck by a vehicleh and this is new york avenue here the former corcoran galleryal so no vehicular traffic gettingi through here.ughere. no pedestrian traffic as well. l we had some information perhapsa med vac was coming but we have not seen that so far and evennd trying to get information fromoo officers here on the scene theye are not clear yet weather one ii coming i don't know what thatw a means for this officer's condition.nditio it's all little odd here.dd her as you see them sort oft o gathering in the corner there. e also dc police here on the
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17 many street betweenreet betwn constitution avenue and f streer northwest people are being askea to avoid the area. so again we're trying to getingt little bit more detail from secret service but it sounds like their public informationmai office is still gathering information from folks here onn what still very new scene here.h this doesn't happen all that tt long ago. a so wish we had little bit moree information to give y standing by to find out ifutf indeed this officer is going tot be okay. oka and what exactly happened here.h back to you. >> it look like that officer wac struck on 17th.. our initial reports were righter at the white house so we're not' talking about pennsylvaniansyl avenue part of the white house, we're talking about 17thof off u to the side? >> reporter: that's right. because we did initial walkalal lafayette there are no vehicles there butt normally we think secret servicr
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also this morning we do wano to talk about the superintendent montgomery county schools issue strong message to students who are planning to protest thet the election of donald trump. that superintendent jack smith posted video late linteast night instructing students to stayo safe and stay in class.lass it also behave with respectct toward every student, teacherea and adult in the montgomeryom county community.ty c now this message came after a peaceful protest turned violent in montgomery county yesterday.y students from richard montgomerm high school marching to the k rockville courthouse yesterdayuy when several students got intont
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wearing a make america great gat again hat. hat that injured student is expectep to be okay.ka police have identified a suspecs in the attack but they are not t releasing his name because he'sh a juvenile. another election relateionel story now.. oxford dictionary editors havehe chosen their word of the year.fa are you ready for it? it's post truth. the term is sometimes used to ud describe the current political for example, post trut politics. define a s belonging to a time ine which the truth has irrelevant.le. oxford dictionary say use of the term rose two hound sand% mostdm until britain's decision toisn leave the european union and the campaign of president-electlect donald trump. let's take look at the runnersds up.. first brexit tear that would beo advocate of the uk leaving thehe eu. eu. the he can treatmentn trement conservative movement known as s
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danish concept of domestic coziness if you are danish, and, i am pronouncing that incorrectly, please let me knowo it is aygge. age >> what do you mean by domestic coziness. coziness >> we don't know what the word w is mo. that's great question.uestio i feel like we went from from political campaign, political pt event, political campaign and then danish coziness. >> domestic coziness as opposed to international coziness or what's the opposite of domestic coziness?zi >> i don't know what domesticc coziness is to answer. >> you're not feeling. hygge today. today >> i'm not feeling it. >> hygge. >> i don't know. >> okay. tweet us let us know if you know. is s 10:07. if you've got a huge -- huge h buzz when it dropped. dpp frank ocean's blown album has nn
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because ocean didn't summit itsi for consideration the singeride told the new york times that tt he's keeping his album off thehe table as a form of protest because he feels the award shows is outdated.ted. it doesn't represent blacknt bla artists fairly.rly ocean said the show quote quo doesn't seem to be representing very well for people who comeom from where i come from and holdl down what i hold down. he then went on to compare thisi protest to colin kaepernick'srnc side line demonstration that tha made headlines early this yearha even kaepernick moment.omt all right. interesting that he didn't heid' interesting.interest wouldn't it be great to actually win and show you can -- you canu win. >> doesn't that help change thee climate. >> did his album do that well, though. albl, >> i don't think it did th. >> you never know. kw the ones that sell well don't typically --lly >> exactly. >> they don't often win.y doft >> from diehard fans i know i'vv heard in say artistically theyyy didn't think this album was on s the same level as his first one.
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that's what he feels that's wha' he should do, but i wonder -- >> lot got lot of hype when it came out.came >> didn't kanye west say something about his album and how he would boycott as well.s l >> if he didn't get nominated.ed >> if you can't submit, if you don't play, you can't win.'t w >> speaking of musicians skipping out on events bob dylan it's a no go for the noble prizi singer song writer will skip wip next month's ceremony in swedene literature.terare dylan has written saying he won't be able to come because os the commitments i made quote unfortunately impossible tosiblt attend. >> really? >> what other commitments. >> would be more importantt ot n nobel piece prize.e >> give me example of somethingg that's bigger than the nobel thb prize. the ceremony is on december 10th in sweden.mber 1is >> that's auction war.on granted they plan the partythe r before they know if the guest ii going to arrive. most people do it out arr of but it's got to be awkward towa
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>> how many people don't gowh really? if you want -- w >> i don't know. i would think most people woulde feel it's a huge honor and findn a way to get there is is there s protesting something. >> whatever else you alreadyveee committed to they would understand.dersta right? >> you won the nobel prize. >> if we ever win it, we'll go. >> exactly.>> >> we'll let you know e.. something else.e the nobel prize to white house h one president obama getting geti ready for his last medal off freedom ceremony it is thes highest civilian honor in the us and this year the list includesi some pretty big first up from the sports world w couple of basketball legends l including chicago very own michael jordan. also kareem abdul jabar and dodgers announcer vin scully and tinseltown cecily tyson, robert deniro, tom hanks and robertnd r redford and finally from the f t music industry, the boss himself bruce springsteen and diana the recipients announced annnc yesterday and they'll all be
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medal at white houser moan taking place november 22nd i'll bet they all go. all go. >> i would like a ticket forld that. lor >> what amazing gathering off legend.lend. before 10:11. finally you know what they sayun about the holidays. grandma's house is the perfecthe place to celebrate.elra there's always room at her table even if you're fought related.ed 17-year-old from phoenix wentenn viral after his conversationvero about turko day with the wrongho grandma was posted to twitter. t he received a text from unknown number on tuesday you can see is right here on the s him know what the plan was thanksgiving he suspected itpect might not really be from us u grand month.on send selfie so i can see. s hatch tag not my grandma. grand that didn't stop her fromerro treating him like family. she kindly told him sean his grandma but asked if he coulde c swipe a plate of thanksgivingnkn food any way. food a of course you can. cou that's what grandma' do's, feed everyone.everyone she replied with a cake emoji. almost 300,000 people have likel his tweet and many commentingomt about how cute the he can changc
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but now they have a common bondb >> i love that.ha grandma's are the best. >> 10:12. she's singer, song writer, actr, tess now this morning she is s paying her success forward christina she's joining us live to talk about her new campaignan honoring america's makers of home. ho >> first though we'll share ouro favorite moments from last fm ls night's all new we want to know yours too. tweet us hash tag good day dc. . 10:12 is our time right now. ri. ?when you've got...?
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?? what the hell is this?his? >> what? >> what the -- ome! >> listen, once that started the lyon family was in combat mode.d cyber attack threatening theeant empire. i loved this episode it was soto different from any of theerent r others. we have a lot to dish about i'mm actually going to start off this morning because my moment was w definitely ome.. cookie exposed.xposed. we'll just say that. roll it. it.
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>> what the hell is it now? >> look at the son. s [ laughter ] >> look at becky.ecky >> look at that one guy. >> look at tariq. >> wait for the line, though. >> here we go. >> exactly. e at least they'rexa >> the woman at my age -- >> five to six kids. ks >> but that was pretty amazingsa it was a moment that was reallya telling you this thing washingas getting out of everybody was going to be no pun intended. intde >> it was creepy. it was a little creepy, right? t >> it was creepy. >> however -- >> is it my turn.
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feel if you kids saw a picturete of you naked.ouaked >> i would be like and --nd >> at least they're perky. pky >> maybe not so much.>> may >> i might not say.. ly exactly. >> any way, that's another i'm the hopeless romantic inant this group and now do we agree r that angelo is everything and ad bag of chips? chi >> i don't know. he's getting some text on thet side there that are a little i l don't know. do >> the moment oy loved the mostl was when after that happened,d, and angelo and cookie like wee got to separate.arat it's bad.'s b then they do break up and then t he's a costed by the press aftea the image and then this happense >> you don't think the invasions of a woman's privacy is important?an >> are you going to answer?r? >> you're right. this is one of many examples of women being disrespected in in today's society.octy
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high up on my priority list. so i'm going to put myself out there in solidarity alongside ms. lyon and women everywhere.rr >> yes. >> if you need me to take off mm pants, too?nts, t? >> yeah. yeah >> wait a minute. listen.>> list >> take it all off. o love you angelo. >> what slip out her mouth. m >> it's so cute. taraji h. henso actor. she does the cry and looksaces t around. i love you angelo. you ael so sweet. swe >> it was sweet.t s sw >> yes, wisdom.isdo >> go ahead. keep going.ep goi >> wisdom had little moment. >> okay.>>kay so my moment last night was the lyon brothers there's alwaysre'w something going on.somethin of course, you know, there's's little beef over one woman, andn it got a little heated ass performance is going o but that little girl is workingg the middle.e.
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>> what?t >> i'm down for you. who would you really choose.e. >> i know right.. >> little brother just sit downd >> this goes on for qu awhile. of course, there is this love trianglee, the that has been seu where we clearly know w affections lie. >> i think she's enjoying theoyn attention a little bit.e b you can kind of see that.nd ose >> it's a love triangle.rigl >> the person we didn't seeidn't little later andre walks up to o hakeem want did he say to him?im >> fall back little brother.roer >> he's like, oh. >> whoa!>> w >> i know, right? >> we're starting to see andre get some today hone nass here. h i'm liking it too.t too fight for your lady until thatha ghost comes back.ack
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>> i'm trying to figure out it's a love triangle if she's with w one brother and the otherr antho brother is standing in thein the corner. rner >> she's playing them. >> he's enjoying the attention. >> looks like andre is winningin lands down. s my favorite scene was we find out at the end who wrapped uppp the whole thing. >> we're going to say it.o s turn the volume down because andre is villain had set thet t whole thing up.g up >> can you believe it? can >> >> well, well, well, look who is here, my man.. everything went more or lessr l exactly as planned except forxcf that part where you took thek nude selfie of my >> i apologize about that. i thought we had little delay.. nothing personal.l. jeopardize the company brother. >> if anything it got us more notice. i'll let it pass. pass
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through me.he. i heard you're the president >> big man on campus. >> oh, yeah. yea as soon as the service is worthr billions i cut it loose ungetoou your next install many. >> write a check.he nothing personal.thinrsonal you can't trust nobody now days. >> you can always trust lyon. >> one a and dre is feeling hish gangster right now he broughtowt his honey with him. h >> i thought that was smart.was. >> well it probable system notst because tv drama.because tv but he bro him to show her how gangster heh really is. >> he said to trust him. >> you know what's going ont's g here. he's working her mind. >> that's gangster. gangster. >> i thought it was odd thoughdg when he was talking about rhond to her and like rhonda alwayslw said i didn't have the music but now with you --ou >> open and honest. >> it's set up. >> he's gangsta not only did dough that, earlier we saw where he shut down a little >> right. >> before that the last episodes he beat down the other guy. g
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he's gangster. gangs >> you know what -->> kno >> now he's manipulated the anda tire situation to take controloa of the empire.e. >> exactly.>>xact >> we'll find out of all the fia brothers andre is the one whoseo probably the most like luciousuc ought of all em that. we're all thinking it's hakeem.k >> hakeem is a a joke. >> next week take a break and be thankful.thkful >> no. >> there's no empire nexte nex wednesday night. but in two weeks it returns ands there's only three episodes left before the winter the . >> i can't take it any more.e im >> it will roll and it's goingt' fun. we'll have all the highlights ae right here. hig >> i love you angelo. >> what?>> >> i think i just through up in my brain again. again >> in his brain.>> in br >> gosh. >> that must have hurt.hat muavu >> i love how wisdom walks out of the scene. >> no more sexting, cookie.e. >> boring love scene.. >> out.>>. 10:22. we're rolling on right as a mllinatter of fact we'll c back with melanie alnwick.nwck. we have update on that breakingk news outside of the white houseu this morning. th we'll get the latest foris y mor
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?? 10:25. back on good day happening now the director of nationalod df nl intelligence james clapper cpp testifying this hour on capitol hill about terror threats thr against the united states.ted but we just learned that clappep submitted his resignation to president obama last night.tig he made that revelation in hisn opening statement before theentt congressional committee thishi morning.morning clapper said he quote felt he o pretty good about handing in the
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there you see some of the life l testimony this morning on capitol hill. hill. also want to get update on breaking news coming from 17th7h street northwest outside thede white house property where a secret service officer was oas struck by vehicle. by vehic a little more than an hour ago.a let's get back out to melanieo n alnwick right outside the old o executive office building with the latest.offithe latest. mel? me >> reporter: good morning, mor guys. we do have update.pde. apparently the officer's offer injuries are minor. min that is very good news here. h it was an officer who was on a and you can see here that grayha car indeed looks like it ist involved because they are takink pictures here, and mike willeil zoom in little bit closer if yo can kind of see through theough glare, the windshield of this t car looks like it is definitelye cracked, and so what could have been a very very serious accident here fortunately soundd like the officer is going to beb okay.ay the call came in like righte rht around 9:03 this morning. morni
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or at least an ambulance thatula was here on the scene when wescw first came to you guys at the ts top of the 10:00 was still herel we were waiting to hear if ther was going to be med vac or not.t that was cancel. w c of course we were very worriedwr about what that might mean.migha but then we did get that information from the d.c. firehf and rescue departments that t again it is minor injuries these officer has been transported too the hospital but the investigation hereth ce ontinues to what exactly transpired herer what led to this officer beingei struck and the street closures e of course do continue as 17th street here between constitution avenue and the f f street area f street northwesttn all of that is closed down toowo vehicular traffic but we are ase you can see here the sidewalk aa least on this side here next tox the executive office buildingg and the 17th street entrancence to the white house that is nowts open to pedestrians.. can't tell how much longer longr police are going to be on scenee here but i would say safe bet probably for i'd give at leasttl an hour or so before thingsef t
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that. 10:27 is our time right now. singer, an actress this morningr she's paying it for. coming up next christina joinsos us live to talk about her new hw campaign honoring the makers of home. 10:28 again is the time. t
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?? yes, it is time to dip it low with our neck defendantde talking about trip tell threathr christina. >> you know her as singer, songs writer, actress known for rolesr in baggage claim love don't coss a thing and rocky horror picturp show remake. reme she plater magenta kicking offng new campaign sponsored by opinion sole to honor the makerk of home out there just in time t for the and she joins us live from la ta
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good morning, christina.ti how are you?aryou >> hello there.>> hlo there i'm good. how are you?aru >> good. we're doing well. >> you look great.. >> i see you are. see you are. you're in my original hometown.w i'm originally from maryland.arn >> i know.>> we were just going to say if yof want to give a shout out to t waldorf go for it.. >> shout out waldorf. everybody at west like highik school. >> wow! that's awesome.thatsome >> what was it like for you go back down memory lane for to yof grow up in waldorf and now getng to this place where you are noww we talk about this tripleri threat. did you feel it the wh because a lot of times people po you grow up in a place and youou think i don't know. am i going to make it out in out this in this big world or not? >> you know, i was a big dreamer. still am to this day and i haveh always had the support of my family so that really did help p started early on and i even, yoy know, was in the ford theater ii did play when i was a kid so it all kind of comes full circle fc and now being in hollywood it it all was rooted there. so it's great to be here todayet and now be a grown up now i'm a
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does right. >> violet, right.iolet,ht. >> six-year-old daughter yesughs exactly six-year-old i have two sisters and niecesie and nephews and another one on the way, and it's a greatre experience to see we can come sm far but it all starts withrt wit family for for >> it does. rdamiliahat you said familia ball we see you reality showty o with your family. f your sisters and you guys fightg you love. love. the whole gamut. >> yes. >> i love seeing that. why did you want to put that ouo there to share yourself in that way your fans and the world wld al >> well, i think it's important to see -- i think it all stems e from, you know, my integrity, m, drive, might motivation alln comes from that and i love whenn you see people family and youy y see people just like comee come together and get through soou s much, you know, ups and downs ds and also just all the great moments, you know, i think -- i think, you know, the trials anda tribulations of life arefe a beautiful thing, and it makes uu stronger and better people. so why not show the world ild think it's very relatable. >> listen we want to talk abouto
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we saw you on rocky horror picture show.ure show. since we're talking family and home and everything else how did you get involve with thisit t project you're working on righto now. >> i got involved because, hey, i'm a family girl, and i thinkni it's a great conversation to beb said that the new makers of homm are not only just home makers m that once upon a time used to bb just mom but we've updated the idea and the label of homemaker to now it's mom, it's dad, it'ss grandma and grandpa, stepmoms se it's about embracing family andd also giving credit to those whoo actually keep the house clean and the safe place for all of uu and now that we're coming into the holidays i mean it's what aa better time to actually talkuak about it. so, you know, anybody wants to n become part of this covering,ov you use the hash tag makers of o home and tell us who your maker of home is in your life, becausc i think they deserve the credit, too. to >> i love that. >> my mom would be like hello. >> exactly.
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family in this too you mentionen different types of families anda embracing all of that.brac was it a concerted goal tooa t really highlight that we'rehat talking about families thatie might be made up two dads, twowo just the families we see todayay everywhere walk of life. life. was it important to highlight h all of those differences?ferees >> absolutely.>> because i feel that we should be continue to embrace families ofs all walks of life, and i i definitely see that is the t direction where ear all goingng and we're evolving right now also pine sole is donat $50,000 together we rise whichei is a charity dedicated toed to improving lives of foster kidsrd so they're even foster kidsosr going into new foster familiess and i -- i definitely give, youu know, pat the pack back of thoso parents who have taken in theset children and made -- helping hpi them to make new life and to ant help them to have a safe and improved life moving forward. so i think it's fantastic to fat actually talk about it right non and because that's wheret's whee everybody of severing going.
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but i want to know how can c people get involved because iol know we're hearing about this ai concept and it's about familiese but i'm not exactly sure i'm clear how people can getan g involved in what they're involvv many actually does? >> well, they can use the hashhh tag makers of home. that can be used instagram,gram twitter, wherever you want to wo put a hash it works there. and become part of thet t conversation.nver that way as well as you canyou n actually see a highlight off videos created via pine sole'se' website. it's pine and you can get an ideaakers- of, you k, what the new version of home ise and what family is and, um, um, that's how you can become a parm of that conversation.n >> all right. , let's it from the the reality and families now to to drama and the big screen and the small screen. >> oh yes.. >> first i want to ask you abou when did you rocky horror picture show if this was familym in itself it would be uniqueequ family. >> it sure would be. >> yes.
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that you grew up obviouslyiously performing but doing plays andla singing and now when you putn yp yourself in completely differene environment like this, is that a kind of fun for you to just plap something that is just maybe soo different from what you're usedu to? >> absolutely. a i mean i'm always up for aup for challenge i like anything that'g going to challenge me from doing the same old thing all the time. so i love doing new projects ans things that are going make mee become better or even just forut my daughter to watch and see was that, you know, you can try n things and don't be afraid. so i think that's the best thini for me like when i do somethingt new especially for this rocky horror picture show i had to hat come into it with a very v fearless spirit because at thest rental of the day the energy erg that's in the original it's so you know, nothing can beat that but at the end of the day we reimagined and gave new eyes and new light to the new version. vi so i'm really happy.ap my daughter even got to see it.t
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it. >> i'll bet she did. >> so i loved you on grandfathered and i'm so sorrymr we won't be seeing more episodeo thahat. what are you doing beyond that. pine sole campaign is theis paramount thing right now. what are you doing acting weissi >> i'm in the studio working onn next album.m. i have ep that's out called "for you" then i have another showers with fox coming out next year ya with mike tyson and dr. john dee al called super human a greatre in the next coming year. so 2017.017. >> that's big.t' i'm sorry, steve,s i cut you o. christine i saw on wendyn w williams a couple weeks a loved you on there.yoon there you were so so amazing.zing i found myself smiling along the entire episode.pisode you were so refreshing.g. loved that to pieces.iece >> thank you. good to bes good to be with wendy. w we wendy is fun. she likes to talk and i like toe talk, too.. >> well, christina here's whate' we have to do now when you getow
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obviously you grew up in waldorl and my tyson used to be in b bethesda all the time with his t place there. we got to get you come back to dc together and come hang with.w >> i'm all for it. i would love love to go back ank say hi to the kids and inspire i him. came a long way. long >> well, we'll see if we can ife make that happen, too., to it would be w great talking to you christina wishing you the best. >> out of love to >> thank you. >> she's a sweetheart.etar >> >> i'm sorry, i didn't see you guys sitting over there. >> i've never seep wisdomner se concentrate on the monitor.. >> i'm sorry, were ya'lll speaking.speaki >> for five minutes of my life.f >> it listen intently.nttly. >> can't blame him. c bla beautiful woman. woman >> from the first screen to theo final word wisdom locked in.ocd. >> that was incredible.s edib >> just amazing. >> sophia vergara has competition.. >> i wonder if she needs a riden when she comes back here.k h >> my goodness.ess. >> 10:39 is the time. flawless.awless
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>> surprise edition of celebrity dish is coming up next.mip ne it will be hard to top what just happened. did you guys say something? >>o.o. >> okay. >> all right.ll i saw her but i didn't see you. okay.
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?? time for some celebrity disr although it will be very hard tt out do that last segment becausc it was so flawless.wles >> it license fun though because it's surprise edition because we didn't know we were going tono
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the comedian is not going to bee make it into the loft today. so to cheer you up, madonna fans, we'll talk about whatut w could be the ultimate joy rideie pop legend hitting the streetsee with james corden for carpool karaoke the 58-year-old singerin broke the news on her facebook c neither the show nor madonna announced an air date but her rebel heart tour film premieress december 9th on show time. we'll imagine that it's going to hit the air wives aro what song do you think she'll se seng with him. >> like a prayer, express yourself, vogue, burning up., v. >> like a virgin.>> lika vi >> holiday.ay. >> erotica. >> what? >> are you still focused on christina m you silian.n >> i'm naming madonna songs. son >> are you sure. >> that's what's going on gt's don'wht tell me you didn't likee erotica. baby face produced that.uced tt >> i'll google tha >> sing it. >> i think your mind is anotherr
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>> i can't sing it. it's too nasty.ty. >> i think you're stuck in 10 minutes ago. >> how about poppa don't preachc >> exactly. >> i didn't really like thatn't one. >> that was my message to isn't okay.o isokay >> i'll go with erotica. eca i like that better.ter. >> we see g don't talk were you your personal business from one diva tona another,r think great my favorite singerir of all time mariah carey. tmz reporting that mariah careyc and nick cannon have struck ankn >> really. >> get this both sides declared income for 2014 and both madeh m less than we may have guessed. mariah ranked -- raked in $6.3 million and nick cannonn scored $2.7 million in 2014. 201 the divorce settlement requiress nick to pay to -- play $5,000 a month in a trust fund for the former couple's kids.
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much money they have until theyu have to go to court g i may 40 4 bucks last year.. >> mariah made only sickyic million. come on. >> she doesn't have to put't hap anything in that trust.ything ih so there youat go. settlement also says thatha neither mariah nor nick can nic allow the died address a new aew significant other as mom, dad, mommy, daddy, or anybody various of that.ha mariah and nick share custody of the twins who live primarily with mariah and when nick comesm to visit mariah must foot thehe bill for travel and lodge. andod visit theg kids. >> yeah.eah >> not a bad deal. >> his lawyer is good.r is g >> he's putting a money in aey trust and she's not. >> there you go. >> that's part of thethe negotiation. nick cannon did movie with christine movement il agent n.t >> you know they're datingeat again, wisdom.ism. >> okay. i say that on wendy.. >> good for them.he >> good for him.>>ood good for him.od for h >> i'm just saying.>> i'm all about love i. >> finally, two guys who know ak little bit about being in boyngn
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donny wahlberg and nick lachaykc are getting together for the t show called "encore" it's as sitcom about the members of the a boy band who reunite after the group's heyday.eyda they should be able to nail thet part.part. >> extending their talents here. >> exactly much said to be inlym the early stageucs of developmee of course donny was member ofr new kids on the block who arecka going back on tour next summer.m isn't perfect timing.iming. >> i think they'll be verizon center at the june. nick lachay was member of 98 degrees before embarking on a >> i don't know i'd be able to o pick donny wahlberg out. >> is mark wahlberg producingerp that i wonder? >> he does.s. i'll bet he is this as a vehicle for his bro. >> would you watch that.r hi >>ou no.ld >> no.>> >> ?? i did like the song, >> did you. y. >> yes. >> i can't even deny it. can i was a fan't e of both groups. >> i was a fan of in you kids ok the block and 98
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christine milian's song. >> exactly. >> dip it low. >> nick lachay has place inay he cincinnati with his wife fromhio cincinnati. >> i was new there was aew t connect. >> christine is from maryland. >> mark wahlberg visite chicago. >> ?? >> that's music k we show thes u >> we can all owne them.he >> can we show the video. >> i know right.>> iht >> the music is good without the pictures it's just music. mic. >> back in the day the videoseo used to go with the music. mic >> chris is about to hav conniption.. >> coming up we have your whole thanksgiving meal covered. yesterday we were about the main course. w today we're talking about theer after dinner desserts much thist might be the first time i literally would not say no to no anything on that table.n >> i want to try everything.g >> alex and erin join us after the break.
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so yesterday the good dayes kitchen was all about thanksgiving we showed you holiday hacks.terdkitc tress out hooflidaesout s the kitchen while you cook the big meal. the theme goingme g but we are going to focus onus
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the dinner, dessert. dsert erin is in the kitchen dishingii the details.e details what you got for us err erin.. >> pumpkin pie might be your bou thanksgiving go to when it comes to dessert but this morning weni are sharing alternatives withivw some help from an that's right.'s rig alex levin is a rammy award winning pastry chef he joins us now live to whip up amazing apple pie and i see you brought in great spread for us. >> while i talk about the applea that we actually started offedff with a shell that's alreadylrea baked off so it's nice and a crisp. >> you want to pre bake the shell. >> pre bake the shell. >> got it good we'll use this p apple freillingt go wodhich we'e already we're going to fill the pie witt this apple filling and it makesm it just perfect.. not too juicy. right texture right consistency. >> this entire recipe is foror anyone you have it up for us wee have it on our website we can share with everyone.veryon >> it's one of the easiesthe eae
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super, super fun. fun. >> i smell cinnamon.. >> there's cinema non and oatsnt on top.op. cover it just locate this allll the on top to make a nice crisp topping. ppin >> okay. it goes right into the oven right over heres righ. >> we're actually going to bakea an apple pie the lot of will ofl smell even better i'm already ar smelling marshmallow from the fe pie neck to the apple pie and id smells so good. >> i wanted to tell everybody some people love to bake theirbr own pies and this is reallyeall great if you want to do it. it. some people like makee mak out for dinner and come to marini and have dinner at ther t or you can actually order all ol what you see here on our website. you go to chef alex levin. levin you can find ever single one off these items. we have the apple pie, the honey pecan pie in the chocolatehocola crust, the lemon meringue tartet which was served at the whitet w house to the president.reside. >> really? >> yes. >> and that's what smells likemells l smores to me because of the kinc of crispy marshmallow on top. ot >> it is one of the most m
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hav have. >> pecan pie is always my go to. i love this as a little bit of f vanilla ice cream. cam i'm a better cook than i'm not good at followingwi directions for me picking up aku boy is ideal for >> so if you wanted to n youd ty have your choice of coming com tuesday or wednesday we'resd we' offering delivery as well. wl >> that's awesome.s awe >> and if anybody ever wants to learn how to mevakeer pie you cc always send me message i'm happp to do that in my kitchen.en >> emit have to take you up oneu that. i like that i can cook but ck bt baking the measurements i'mment always scared.ys sca it over well women's bit. what is your secret to get the t consistent see if you look atf t the bowl where these apples aree it's a little the bitse thickert what you normally think about with apple pie.. >> basically we pre cook theook apple just slightly with all thh other ingredients. so that you don't open up thedou pie and all of a sudden all thii steam and juice starts coming out. it's very controlled this way.ay >> we have the list ofist ingredients up right now.. what -- i would say sea salt a l pinch of that might be a secrett ingredient you wouldn't think tu put in apple pie.le >> i think salt should go in sho
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make everything just pop.g just. >> you want to heat up the piett make it hot serve it on thanksgiving f you're going toet maybe a friend's giving what dow you think is a great thing to bring? i see you have coffeeofe bites. it's not just about the traditional >> i bring a big spread when idn go anywhere just like this.ike t >> i want you at my thanksgiving dinner.dier. >> i'd love to be invited.e e ii we have banana bread right here. we have two different kinds of pies a tart, chocolate toffee.of >> i try the banana bread. b >> tour known know the tour washington post top 40 eats for this year. >> that is a famous desserts der right there. >> we can't keep up with it atr the restaurant.with iaur it's so popular. >> really? >> well i could see why. iell mean everything tastes god if you guys want dessert as welw over on the couch i'll try toe o save you some. so you said you can pick up any of these pies and still reservations at the restaurant.t dessert as just as important as the main course when it comes ts holiday.hoday. >> as a pastry chef i have toto
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it's the most important course.e >> i thought i was givingas giv dessert a shout out there forshh sure. su >> most important.ost itant. >> alex, thank you so much forhk coming in. delicious food and everyone canan head to our website get the t apple pie recipe if they want ty be brave and try to make it themselves and it will have a wv moment with this banana bread b right now. >> chef alex levinv for all the pies. t pie >> any questions about i love it. i lo thank you for coming in.u for c made the lot of smell moreme m festive today.fe we appreciate you coming in.omig >> thank you for having me.g good to see you. b >> thank you so much. >> erin, don't let him go anywhere. we want to get to some tweets ww love the inter act withit everybody at home today i think we might have to runat hom overe and grab desserts too. >> this is one of our facebookfo followers and so thank you.nkou he says holly i think hygge is actually toe pronounced hygge ie i'm not mistaken. domestic coziness, steve. >> this person setting meting
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messick coziness is marriage.ari >> love it, love it, love it. >> presenting cookies, cookies,i and they >> they did. >> um-hmm. >> they put them all out there. >> oh, yeah. andre's ruthless.. he's bad to the bone. bon >> he's a lyon. >> right.. >> hakeem feels he can have alla the ladies. it's andre's turn. >> rethink one, wis. you. yo wisdom he doesn't give a fudge.e >> i'm here for it. here r it. >> i think that was your take ta maybe on ome.maybme. on empire. >> what? >> okay. >> i'm so confused right now.. >> not a fox news fan but hear ainsley eastern heart pro potty mr. book made me add to micedd christmas list. >> thank d, food,g to get some guys. you can do whatever you want i't heading over there.overhere
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friday! >> it is friday. >> we'll see youda they.n. >> bye, everybody.
10:58 am
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it's the "wendy williams show." >> hello. it's the hot topics show. we won't judge, but we're judgment. >> it's going to be juicy. ?? [ screaming ] ?? ?? ?? [ applause ]


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