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tv   Fox 5 News 5  FOX  November 17, 2016 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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that the four people who were w found dead inside of this home h are a 35-year-old male, a 30-year-old woman, a five-year-old girl and an 18 month old baby girl. so, a very tragic situation sita that they are dealing with out h here and very sad as well. wel but beyond that, we still don't have have very many very a details. we don't know how these fourhesf people died other than it wasas what the sheriff's office did d say is that there is not ais not danger to the public.thub they said that very early on.aro there were no signs of forced entry. now we know why.w we we have seen several neighbors who are very concerned comseeenb the scene of this home to try to get some information.orma they say that the woman who owns the home who does not appear to be among the victims i because of the ages that were released, that she's lived's lid here for about 20 years manyearm
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well. so everybody expressing a lotryo of concern about what'sdyt's happening at this athi. >> it's not unusual to hearr things. we're close to quantico.uantic >> people shoot their ownt thein guns.ns. >> that's not uncommon. uncom >> i didn't hear anything thisn morning. >> and if you had, you you may s neceu d,ssaril yy have thought t was unnatural.was natural >> no. 'cause all the lots are likeotsl three to 10 acres so. >> you can have people justple j target practicing if they wanted to. >> now, those neighbors therebo anything unusual. unusu they referenced not necessarily hearing any gun any shots early this morning. morni however, again, the stafford county sheriff's office hasffich not confirmed how these four for people died but that's justsus something that neighborsg at n noted. we also don't know anythingw any about the possible motive whye y this all happened but we willbuw be here on the scene all night g long and we'll continue toe' coo bring you updates as the story s develops. reporting live in stafford,delif alexandria limon fox5 local
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>> ?? >> you're idiots. >> (screaming and yelling). >> oh, my goodness. goodnes new tonight a teacher at a baltimore city school has her job after someoneom videotaped her going on a rant using the n-word.g n-wo >> fox5's paul wagner isne here now with the details.ails. paul, just to see that when iha heard it for the first timed sortit f of made me gas.e g i can't believe a teacher said e that to her class. >> reporter: yeah, i watchedorte it a couple of times. it's pretty upsetting i tell you. let me tell you that what we knowit aretti te tel shawn and s happened tuesday when ahappen teacher apparently lost her
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students in her class. cla the cell phone video was post to do facebook. we've edited it for time andan language. take a look. >> get out of my class. get out of my class. get out. out leave. get out. o you are getting zeros for.. you are doing nothing t you're punk (bleep). (simultaneous screaming and yelling). >> now, in a statement the t school system said we arere "committed to creatingin positive and equitableitle learning environments in school communities where all wha
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and valued. no form of discriminatoryinaty behavior of any kind is orind io will be tolerated. "the etch tear's name and age'sn and length of service were notnt disclosed.dilo again, she was fired. f paul wagner, fox5 local news. >> ?? >> stand up fight back. >> your anger should not be b addressed at your m your mayor has stupid in every case for this community,co period. i have asserted firmly that we are a sanctuary city and our policies are clear. c >> that was mayor murielur bowser defending her stance on c d.c.'s sanctuary city status.tau protestors confronted her ashe she left the mount pleasantle library about taking a stronger stance against raidsst and deportations.d dertat >> now, those protests protest followed president-electllow donald trump's statement that he will pull fed terrualmp fundi from sanctuary cities. cit
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council hearing on limitingit those immigration raids in the city.mi he joiin thens us live from f northwest with the latest.t witt matt. >> reporter: shawn this thi hearing was that scheduledg long before donald trump wasas elected president. presi basically what was happening here today is councniil membersm want to come up with a resolution because there haveset been federal immigration raidsri in other parts of the country, t they want to send a message mes that they shouldn't be alloyed y here in the district of dic columbia but as you might mig imagine the talk of donaldf trump and his policies when itie comes to imm they were the topic of discussion today.od the president-elect has saidesid in the past as you were sayingey that he wants to removeem federal funding from sanctuarycy tieses. as you know, d.c. is a sanctuary city. also at this hearing today, t testimony from those who have listened to those involved ind raids and are worried aboutried raids, take a listen to this t testimony here. h >> last winter as a result oful
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were showing up without w wearing coats and we wouldcoatsd say, well, where are your y coats and they would say well my mom thinks i candn t run fasf if i'm not lugging my coat if ca there's a raid. >> reporter: so, what if president-elect trump doesident make good on this campaignpaig promise that he'll take awaye federal funding for sanctuary st cities? well, council member mm david grosso discussed thatd gr today and he says the cityosthei really needs to be ready withh its very large billion dollar saving foot that cost if the federal fr government takes their money away, they should use money ines the savings account here in her the district of columbia todist make up for that l take a listen. l >> we also need to think aboutit how the federal government may try to force us to give up our sanctuary city status again bya threatening to cut federal feder dollars. so what i think we ought to dog with our budget is actually is put money in place up fronts upr as a place holder to put back in to backfill all theseback dollars to make sure that we
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government might take thisake ti money away.ney a >> reporter: keep in mind in m president-elect trump has onlytl talked about this immigration ig issue once since he was he wa elected, that was on "60 minutes" when he was askeds" w about this and what he said is that he wants to go after gangg members, after drug dealers, dea criminals and he says that saysa could be about two to 3 million people but he didn't elaborate after that on what plans he wants to do after he secures the bor shawn, laura, back to you. y >> quick question h were you able to get a sensee from the hearing today how how w many innocent people are swept e up in the raids that have happened in d.c. >> reporter: laura, they r about repaids that were happening in other parts of the country.appeniountry. they say so far things havehing been pretty good when it comes c to raids in the district of i t columbia but they say over the o last year in several otherral o states there have been some roundups what the meeting was about
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don't than happening here innini d.c. d.c. >> okay, i know she has been -- congresswoman --gresswon excuse me council member brianne nadeau was concerned ccn about previous raids that hadprr happened in early 2016 in the district of columbia because iee covered this story last night lt but clearly the conversationonvt today was more about whate abouh happened nationally than moren e locally.locally. thank you, matt.than i appreciate that.precia t >> reporter: uh-huh. reporter: . >> but that is a concern. t a ce >> absolutely. >> but it's a contro issue. >> one that will th >> especially here in the esp district :00 there isdi0 5 concern and worry. w >> there's an intense searchinte under way tonight for thens son of congressman john conyers. coe where the college student wase t last seen want friends toldends police they noticed waspolice t missing inside his apartment. a. >> and students at the university of maryland staged a walkout t ooday.ay hear why they say this was not an anti-trump rally. hey, fitz.y,
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could maryland be losing uber? u coming up, we'll put thellut finger on exactly why, but first before any of that, sue palka. >> well, it is a good flight to walk, that's for sure,l, i t. we had a beautiful day getting g into the low 60's, beautifulul sunset tonight. ton as we see that sun going downngn earlier and earlier, though, tho we are head into the 50's.0' we've got another mild day anotl ahead, though.ead, we'll talk about that and aut td changing weekend forecast. fox5 local news at 5:00 will0 be right back.
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>> ?? >> the fbi secret service and a private search group havebi sv joined police in the searchea for the son ofrc michigan congressman john conyers. 21-year-old carl conyers is acal student at the university of c i houston. he was last seen tuesday tueay afternoon by his roommate at their apartment. carl's friends told police that some of carl's fri clothing and other items have missing. released images of conyers show him with a bearditb but investigators say he recently shaved it.nt police are asking anyone ane with information to pleaseonpl give them a call. c john conyers is currently theh longest serving member in theem house. >> closer to home skyfox wasskyx over the scene at the university of maryland assity oy hundreds of students staged ant walkout in what they call any ll effort to protect college park students from racism bigotrym go homophobia and misogyny on campus. campus. organizers say it was not an not anti-trump rally but rather an r
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muslims and members the lgbt l community to speak out.y to speo many posted pictures with #protect umd. >> ?? >> it is one of the mostt is o popular ride sharing companiesim available but could uber soon stop offering rides in maryland? >> well, the company says it will be forced to s otop doi tnghep business in the state if regulators force it to adopt ado new mandate to fingerprint all drivers.iver fox5's tom fitzgerald is is live in bethesda tonight with more so fitz i understand thisti is all about supporters.or >> reporter: well, dependsell,es on who you talk to and a lot anl of folks are wondering tonight t how are they going get around ao if there's no uber.ber. now, here's the situation. sua uber says they're not bluffing g about this, that if the state of maryland requires them toquio start fingerprinting all of their drivers, they say they will pull out of the state.. the reason.ea a new maryland law that wast passed last year that requireshu all ride sharing companiesie operating in maryland to
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but uber is sayingg categorically it already does a strict background checkkgroun which they say goes muchh further and much dear thanrha fingerprinting alone.erprinng a so here's some background onkgun this that you should know.ould fingerprinting is alreadyintinge required on many taxi driversi i throughout the state but thete t officials who support this idea say this will go further. h it will help them weed outweed o criminals from driving passengers around but uberrs aru disagrees.t they say the company already he com alr is doing their own backgroundacn checks that they go fur effectively than these fingerprints. they also say that mandatingfio this, well, that they sayhe say would prevent unfair roadnfair blocks to people who want tohoan be drivers. now, a spokesperson for uberforu talked to fox5 today. to 33 said they right now pull n pl court records, they go deep g dp into the court system and the te judicial data they also say they areeyo se very serious about this. ser if they are forced to force institute this they've already pulled out of cities like austialn,read texasn
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ranwe this by them today and franklynk there's a mixed bag of opinion o about how they feel boy all of this. >> i guess not necessarilysa because i'm already driving i'm with people who are not fingerprinted. but, youpr know, i don't knowno that it's a necessarily bad idea.idea >> this for safety. thi >> reporter: do it for rep safety. . >> uh-huh. >> reporter: but what ifhat i uber pulled out of the stateleds over it? >> i don't know.>> i >> yeah, it would be nice if there's a solution where they could stay in that meets solet everyone's privac keeps the service it's a great ser >> reporter: now, these hearings got under way todayer w in baltimore. bal they were scheduled toti run tomorrow and monday, eveny,ve possibly up to tuesday beforeefr the maryland public utilities u commission. we are told the final decisionad has to be made by december 15th.ce we're live in bethesda, bethe maryland, tonight, tom fitzgerald fox5 local news. n >> fitz i don't know if you know or not but is this anow problem? are they facingac
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in other states as well. a w >> reporter: well, they faced it in texas, they facedor in it florida and iuben r'tes answer to it was to pull out. now, an uber spokespersonposp today says when they've beenn met with different kinds of challenges over services theyery have been able to work outeen their differences with the wit jurisdiction but as it standsttd right now as this is proposed currently in its currents form they say this is a no go.o g they will pull out of theout ofe state they say if there's is'ss imposed on.sed o >> we shall z i know a lot of af people would b without their uber. thank you fitz. s. they will fight this.with >> yeah. well, are you fighting thee youg cold yet with the jackets, all l those layers? what a? what beautiful sunset, too.nset,oo gorgeous out there, that sky. s >> it is gorgeous. gge sue palka, 5:16, 61 degrees.s. feeling better out thereg beer o today. >> it was a lovely day wasn'tlot eight laura, sarah -- laura and shawn.. >> that's all right.hat'all rig. >> welcome to the 55 shawn. 55 w >> thank you. >> it's great to have you on.grv yes, it was a beautiful it e day here.e. november bonus weather. wth
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tomorrow. to meanwhile as we look around at d high temperatures today, this t is above average, 63 degreesgr for reagan. average is 57 for this time ofhe year. dulles and bwi in the low 60's.60 it's a gorgeous evening.orgeousv it was little bit ofe a breezeez today but otherwise just a perfect fall day here in d.c.. and another nice day on deck for tomorrow. t as we look at temperatures around the region at 5 o'clock t we're mostly in the 50's and 50d we're going to head for thoser t 40's again tonight but it's a's slow drop.ow d at 7 o'clock, we expect our temperature to be right around by 9 o'clock, 53 and by 11 o'clock, 50 degrees.deee so, very pleasant this evening and you know what's ahead for af your friday? it's back to the 70's. we are expecting to seeo temperatures very close to 70,0, maybe a few degrees either side of it, but that means for s the kids after school at theool bus stop tomorrow a range of 65 to 71 and our usualsu november cool start, 38 to 4848 tomorrow morning.rrow m so, that's what we'reso expecting for, th friday.ri great looking day. d something we really need thateda
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rain and i wanted to mention, mn and you're probably aware of this exceptional droughtal ongoing in the south.ongo that ing combination with brush fires has made it really dangerous especially around the atlantas ghaoueos rgiaes ad birmingham where they'ream whe running a deficit of almost 10t0 to 11-inches so far this years y and now we are in moderate moder drought and you can see the deficit is especiallylly prominent up towardsow hagerstown over 10-incheswn o since the beginning of the year, dulles about five and and half inches, below average in inches below average with charlottesville over sevenev ininchs below so the drought is a concern. very little rain in the forecastry l aitnd the next chaa for rain for us will be maybe just a little bit of light o l snow shower activity in ther acy mountains and a quick shower locally. there is snow on the weather t h map though and we can see it starting to grow in theow i northern plains. we'll follow that snow and let you know wheowre it is headedeae next as they're getting ang pretty good blizzard in parts p
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midwest. we'll show you all the advisories out there.'ll es the so, another sign that november is on the move.ov your full forecast coming up ang little bit lat shawn, laura, back to y >> all right looking for theng r warmth while we have it.av i >> thank you sue.>> thank you ahead at 5:00 emergencyd at landing.nd >> that's right.>>t's bystanders rushed in to helpel out after a hot air balloon crash landed on a baseballaseb field. we'll tell you what the pilot noticed midair that had tod to change the flight plans. >> it was a massive rescue by crews in greenbelt to save a work tonight we have an update on had this man one day after this life-threatening experience.xper >> and it is the holidayid season or at least almost.lm that means it is also the season of wishes. coming up next, we'llp xt, introduce you to this special si little girl and all of her bigfb dreams and the special group g that is making them become a reality. reality. we'll be right back. ack.
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>> fox5 d.c. cares is>> f partnering with make a wish midatlantic once again for itsow season of wishes campaign.wi >> and over the next few weeksee we'll be sharing stories oftoris some local children and their t wishes. wi we hope their stories willr stoi inspire you to give or gete or involved. in >> yeah, tonight we're going weg to meet susanna who hopes to be a veterinarian one day.ian ed >> ?? >> my wish is to be a zookeeper for a day.or my name is susanna hardy. >>??? i have leukemia which is a a cancer in the blood. >> initially you don't have hav any idea of what the prognosis
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it's hard to accept at first because it's just so so beyond what anything that youg u would expect. >> ?? >> i'm feeling great. i've had a passion for animals ever since i was really young. >> keepers and that was cool.oo we visited the elephants andants we set up an elephants habitatas and that was really nice. i really like animals mainly mnl because i think they're so fascinating, how they live and how they survive and i thinknd i that's really cool. >> well, that day it wasas filled with moments that weremew
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>> ?? we thought it was going tout be really cool and then when we got therey acond it was i amazing and susanna had just an incredible time.e t it served a real important ior function for susanna keepingna i her positive and now it's now something that we talk about and that she remembers. >> ?? >> it made me happy because itpb was really fun doing all that stuff and i would love to have another child e >> ?? wowow. how special ah of her to wish ts now that other kids get their wishes to come true as >> yeah, it really is.h, i i had the pleasure of spending d some time with her and her and h family then said it wasn'tit wat just the trip to the zoo, it was an tri amazing life long memory and so special.
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from the heart, to be able toble give back and i think a lot of t people -- you know, it's not is just about the wish and thehe child. ch it's about giving and itutg an really feels good to be able bea to provide that for a child ahi and the power of a wish, it has healing powers, it reallyrsl does. >> make a wish really needseeds money and also air miles to t help grant all of those wishesf we're talking boy. there's so many sick kids allidl over our area right now whoow w are waiting on a wish. >> susanna is a local girlanna went invite you to go t midatlantic-season of wishes, that's midatlantic-season of to donate so weeo have that on our web site, s midatlantic season ofson donate. >> go there right now.o there ro >> okay. >> coming up tonight, the mother of a formeroming largo h school graduate is pleading plen with the public for helporel finding her daughter's killer. her emotional request stillstti ahead. >> and caught on camera, cer chilling video showing a man vid pulling out his gun and firing shots as bystanders walk right by.
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this brazen crime tonight tig next. >> hey, ronica. >> hey, well, after the break,he we have some pictures for you inside the president's future home. this is president obama. o let me tell you, it'sbat's stunning. stunning. you don't want to miss it.t wans that and all of the politicalal headlines of the day coming up next.
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every tv doctor knows that when preparing for surgery, use an over pronounced washing technique for dramatic effect. they also know you need to get your annual check-up. now prepare for your check-up with one touch using the mycigna app, where you can find a doctor in your plan's network to save money, manage your health and more.
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>> ?? >> this is fox5 local news at at 5:00.5: >> we're angry. ary we're angry. a we're just totally upset withith what -- you know, with thish t person still being out therere and all i can say is if the t
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the crime solvers tips.sos >> tonight the mother of ahe moa teenager killed in a double shooting near largo highr h school is begging for the public's help. this saturday marks one monthma since 18-year-old alyssa banks b was shot and killed. police are still trying to ati find the gunman.he gun if you have any information,oron call prince george's countyrinc police.e y >> d.c. police are trying toryi identify a person of interest in connection with a shooting s in southeast. southea this happened back onispene november 2nd in the 4100 block of wheel her road. police say the suspect shot at not hurt but their vehicle was damaged. police are offering a rewardffed of up to $10,000 for000 information leading to ann leado arrest. >> also in the district tonight the u.s.lso secret sece service says a car hit a bike hb patrol officer right near the white house. ident happened at 17thdt 1 and new york avenue northwest.oe the officer was taken to theen t hospital with minor injuries.orr police say the driver is a a 24-year-old from upper marlboro.rl he was arrested and chargeddha with driving with no permit. per >> big changes announced todaynd by metro. m
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the immediate removal of all 4,000 series rail cars. c transit officials say the movea is due to concerns over the ovee train's automatic controlol system. metro insists the risk is minimal and the 4000 cars are being pulled out of caution.on joining us to talk a little l bit more about this isit fox5's contributor martin martin dicaro. so we hear thadit they're pulling these 4000 series rail cars. what came out of this. ce ou >> this was a big deal thatg dl they were talking about thise ta but it's all over caution.ver ci wa came -- that was discussed- d regarding these cars? c >> reporter: well, laura is i pulling these rail carsese ra cr because the engineering unithe g told the chief safety officeryer this afternoon that metrotet wasn't doing the requiredeq annual testing of this rail ts a car series. metro lacks the specializedlack equipment necessary to do that. so when chiefs pm safenett y ofr patrick lavin learned that the testing wasn't ongoing andt on there's this remotehiremote possibility that the automaticat
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malfunction causing train t operators to get incorrect get r speed commands and then ridemman that accelerator when theyelerae shouldn't be potentially causing a collision, the chief safety officer learned abouteara that possibility they yankedyand the series offer the line.e l there are positives andes and negatives here.negas he the positive is that theset the rail cars are tesh ribble whenrw it comes to reliabilityeliabi they're the worst in metro'set fleet. without these 82 rail cars inarn service starting tomorrowstarw actually even starting this e afternoon some of them have been pulled, there will b problems, fewer propulsionulsion problems. the downside is there arewnsid e fewer rail cars available forilc people but metroar actually has more flexibility when it comesbi to this issue because it'slis getting more ofis the shiny new 7,000 series rail cars. these 400 series, there'ss, so many series metro has, met h seven in all, these 4,000 4,0 series make up for 7 percent 7 t of metro's fleet. fle >> let me ask you martin. yo >> reporter: go ahead. ahe
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production, are they goingtion, to -- is that -- how much isow m that going to impact the scheduling in terms of commuters and the timingheim getting them on and off the the cars? are we going to -- since we'll have fewer trains.ea >> reporter: well yeah, fewer trains can mean more crowding on the trains that are available, bng outn , you kw these rail cars sometimes can cause more harm than good. goo there have been past cases cas where metro has had to pullo p these rail cars offer the line t for, say, door problems andblema then the next far fewer door malfunctions,futi propulsion problems. pbl these rail cars, take my word for it -- actually you don'ty y' have to take my word for it,ta d all these statistics are online. these rail cars are by far the r worst in metro's fleet and they're only about 20 years old. >> it can make the system moreyo efficient. >> reporter: yes, >>solu.ely. >> okay. and then let me ask you about ak this. the 7,000 series,bo suto they dd have the equipment to go aheadga and then fix the 7,000 series;is is that correct.
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that's a next generation rail car unit at complete breaketbr technologically from the olderoe series but what is noteworthynoy here is that metro's beenetro'se replacing the oldest rail cars c in its fleet.. the 1,000 series because of what happened in fort totten in 2009 with the red lineth the crash. those rail cars are note rar crash worthy.cras but now because of this nh ew safety risk with this -- the rail cars we're talking aboutlk today metro is going tooio approach the national transportation safety boardorta about potentially movingti the t 4,000 the 1,000 series, and, yound, know, keep track of all these ae series, the 1,000 series, evenn though they are the oldest inld mets fleet -- metro's fleet fle are quite reliable but theyreli have to come outab first becausb of the problem exposed in 2009 i in fort totten.n. they're not crash >> martin dicaro thank you y very much.very appreciate it. >> reporter: all right la are a. >> that'seportea -- laura. - laa
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>> democrats they are planning what to do next asts t they movo forward in the face of defeatef and republicans are planningnnig to take control as they move tho forward as well. fox5's political reporteralepore ronica cleary joins us nowsow live with the top politicale tol headlines of the day. ronica. >> hey, shawn.wn well, they are a wide varietyri of headlines, let me tell youety let's start with the republicans and the transtit'sin team. vice president elect mike pence he was on the hill today. he met with presie hell both rei and democrats but some really interesting sound that ig so thought you would really likeyo to hear.u woea it came when he sat down with w nancy pelosi. pel i thought it was very vy interesting and quiteing anqui respectful language of thegue of speaker. take a listen.iste >> i'm grateful for the time t t you and i worked together when i served in this building andldn as i said you to before, i'veor always found you to be a --
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leader of the loyal opposition l but i have great respect for for you and for your service toice o the country and i was pleasedle today to be able to convey the respect of president-electt of donald trump to you personally. >> well, bernie sanders is in i the district today as well.ell. now, during his remarks he remah will spoke about that movementeb that he started and really created during his time when he was running for pouresidentet how to keep that momentum going democrats. he also spoke about trump supporters, why he feels maybe y he understands why they didd vote for the president-electde but why he still feels it was is a mistake. >> i have not the slightest slih doubt that millions of peopleple voted for donald trump despite s their understanding that he isds a racist and a sexist but theyte voted for him because they
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stand up to the establishment.s. well, the truth is as all ofll you know, donald trump is not nt going to stand up to the uto t we are going to stand up top the establishment. [cheers and applause] >> well, finally photos[cheer w released belyl, t fheinal listia mark mcfadden to town andnd country they give us a sneak peek inside the obama's futureur residence.sidence. now the home it's reportedly ree 8200 square feet, it has eightht bedrooms, nine and half bathrooms, 10 parking spaces, quite a place to call homeom after the white house. hou reporting live in northwest,g lw i'm ronica cleary, fox5 local l news. >> well, the presidentialresidel inauguration is two months away and many of the people who are taking part areratind ma already preparing and that includes many of our local military units.ry units. this morning fox5's bob barnard went to fort meyer in f arlington get a sneak peek at some of the inaugurationinau preps. >> reporter: this was not
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show. >> ?? >> reporter: no, today the u.s.orte marine band, the u.s. r force honor guard's drill teamla and the army's caisson platoon a and military police dog unitsogu are each getting ready for the next presidential inauguration. >> it takes a lot of training s skeharps aa s they are eey we got an exclusive behind theeh scenes visit this morning with some of the military units th w different ways during inaugural festivities january 20th. the 947th military policeolic detachment will help protectro presidents obama and trump. tru staff sergeant hectorff rodriguez. >> u.s. supervisors for them t any foreign dignitaries wees provide. >> reporter: today the army's caisson platoon willlato take part in eight funerals atfa arlington national cemeteryemer and they'll march in the
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platoon leader austin >> our role in inaugurationaugun we're hoping to have a 15 a 1 horse and soldier formation inlo the parade procession and moving along representing the guard. force force the air will help escort the newt the nw president as he makes his way from the capitol to the whiteo h house but no, he will not walkk the rifle gauntlet like thet ke drill team commander d drum d major dwayne king says theayneia marine band will be marching beh in the inaugural parade and inaugural balls. first warming up at theat t capitol before noon.cafo >> and then they will play all of the music that's involvedt'sl in the ceremony to includemo to hail to the chief which willch w be the first time the new theew president hears hail to the chief. ch >> reporter: we'll see youor inte january. jua at fort meyer in arlington,in bob barnard fox5 local news. >> fascinating to see a look t behind the scenes there.ces th >> yes, it is. >> coming up, trouble in the, ob air. what caused a hot airaused balloon with four peoplee inside make a hard sudden harden
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the coast guard took extremext measures to rescue a loggerogger who was hurt. h incredible video coming up xtxt. >> and redskins vernon davis d gets pranked at a military mil appreciation dinner.apeciation . find out who is behind thed joke. joke that's ahead. we'll see you right back.
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>> ?? video out of or o u.s. coast k at lt ogofger who lge was hurt to safety. saf emergency crews say the man m had a broken back and symptoms of hypothermia.ypherm a search and rescue team foundea the logger called in the coastca gud.d.ll the team was there and took --no they were taking part in an nearby training mission andison arrived in just a matter of matr minutes to help out.. they rushed the logger to the hospital for f >> caught on camera hot air balloon made an emergency landing at a park in philadelphia. you can see this drag ala fewnd g a f feet on the ground beforeth
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the four people inside thense te basket say they werebasket say 12,000 feet up in the air whenwp they i realized they just didn't have enough fuel to make itug back home. thh e pilot contacted the faa. they helped them land safelyd sy in the park. p aim mazingly no one was was injured in this emergency landing. >> that's incredible. >> yeah.>> tha >> wow. all right. fox5 was live at 6:00 6:0 yesterday as fires in princees n george's county rescued anty rea construction worker trapped inpp a trench for more than fivech hours. once they got him out the f mann was and we're happy to reporte happr tonight the victim is expected to >> that's awesome. glad it worked out well. >> like it when it end is t like that. >> started out cold thistart morning and then i submerged sme into the basement and then ihe remembered oh, it did gett d warm. >> yes, but now -- now - >> did you. >> i didn't unfortunately no.n'n >> we got into the low 60's 60's today. we're probably going to beba closer to 70'bls tomorrow. tomor >> whoo-hoo!, party time.hoo- >> i have to make sure i gethost out.ou >> we may see our first o f flurries over the weekend farther north and west.ries oh .
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>> we're riding a>> rollercoaster all the way.l th >> no doubt it's ae ubit's a rollercoaster for sure a.fore beautiful evening one thing you notice now thate a we're into standard time againag and the sun is down beforefore 5:00 that it gets cool fast.las it's not going to be bittero beb cold tonight though. we'll led for 50's andld then at eventually 40's overnight butnih there is a lot to talk about so i'm going to get you straight with the forecast by wt going through theh weather headlines first and for most. fr sunshine and low 70's to end toe the work week. friday looks glorious but forksf those of us who still like nice start on saturday. surda it will be we'll start out sunny but it's a changeable day.ableay that will be some showers thatht come through later in the dayeri but really what you'll need tolo be ready for is the dramaticc change in the temperature andpe the wind that picks up for sunday.nday much colder, very windy fordy f sunday. we can't rule out a few sundayen esurries. small accumulation possible inut the mountains and by the way,thw we're watching this big system out in the plains. that is going to present someree
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next 48 to 72 hours to. 48 these are blizzard warnings that you see for parts ofe bleer minnesottsa and the dakotas and winter storm warnings.nt in terms of what we see in our area this iserf wh going to be b deal for minnesota and the dakotas as mentioned but it's bi also going to be a big deal as s we get later into the weekendntk and monday with lake effect snow for upstate new york andewk maybe a little snow for our our mountains as well. wl. so, we will watch that thatch tt very closely for you but forut f tonight we drop to about 45 degrees with light winds.t w it's a 70's degrees, bonus weather wea again tomorrow and very warmar by afternoon and i want you to remember this day because it's i going to be quite a shock toe ao the system when we get into the weekend. weekend high pressure will deliver usli this warm weather from the frote south as our fronts approachesac friday and saturday so a sunnyny dry day with 60's and 70's in the forecast.orec but this is a front to keep ane eye on. that will cross saturday nightcs between about 6 o'clock and 8 o'clock.oc it gets sharply colder andolded windy behind the system andehiny
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71 on saturday with some late rain, a little bit and then 48 on sunday, colds and windy a with winds that could gust 35ld5 to 45 miles an hour. association that means for thet4 redskins... so, that means for r the redskins temps in thens t 30's, wind chills in the 20's. it's going to be here's where our big wind is oun coming from on sundayda afternoon and evening withngit those two big systems thatms will still be in play.lle in that's why we think thosenkho gusts 30 to 50 with windih chills in the 20's and 30's. we're going wrap it up with aupa look all right se going to be on the chilly sideid monday and breezy, not quite as windy but two nights we think the district will dropop to 32 degrees monday morning mni and tuesday.ay wednesday 55.dnes thanksgiving is on the map. them looks pretty settled arounded here, 57 degrees with maybe a de couplees of showers. sho that is your seven-dayven-da forecast. brody, what's going on in in sports? spor >> thanks, sue. for most football fans, primean time games respect a momentam they lookes r forward to in the preseason they circle them on th the schedule.
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those sunday and monday nightonh show cases. ahead in sports we'll show why the skins seem to melt in the
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afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine.
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>> ?? >> lebron james donating two points $5 million to the $5 national museum ofal musof african-american history andamin culture.cult the three time nba champ knowmpo donated muhammad ali spans across two aw portions of the museumum focusing on both ali's boxingbin accomplishments and his socialoc activism.vism >> good for him i love seeing sn guys like that give back, guys g and girls.irls. this sunday the redskins will have to wait until item:30 p.m. they host the packers in prime tim. we're looking forward to that. t >> prime time games are pri usually a nationalme showcase ss
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they've been an oh, no. >> we're going to break thatha streak.. >> it's become a recurring bitug it's been a redskins meme. m they can't win in prime time.'t everyone has their reasons whyhy increased pressure you play youa better teams in prime time buteb there are some positives toositv late night skins safety will black man said most games he doesn't have a chance to use the bathroom. so prime time games give him aim chance to use thee restroom.rer i'll spare you the rest ofpare that story. the redskins have dropped their previous two prime timeevs appearace fedex field last december 7themh gut wrenching 19 to 16 setbacket to the cowboys. cowboys it was the skinses last l regular season loss. nightmarish monday night kickoff 38-16 to the steelers really the onlyee game they have been thoroughly dominated thisat season.on. the redskins issues on iues sunday and monday night havendon been well documented sinceed sin 20's 10 here's how theho the burgundy and gold has fairedhair in prime time. overall four and 10 on sunday sn two and three monday, two anddao seven and at home even threeth
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and theco packers aaron rodgerse so does captain kirk have a kire different approach for these t big prime time games? >> i'm juiced up every mannverym gaymon. i'm-- ever game, man. m you play hard every game and whether it's aaron rodgers or anybody else, they are allhey really, really good and, you a, better bring it every single sgl play and one the wrong way could be thelde difference in a win or a loss. l >> break the streak.k. november is the nfl's salute s to service month.ervice mon more than just wearing camelotam sidelines it's time footballs it starts to get back to their heroes. vernon davis did that sharingri a meal with service men and women and he got w aith taste o what it's like to be in thet's military as he was served an mre, a meal ready to eat they t use water toying night.. look at the tractor-trailerct-t
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mre have a shelf live 15 to 20's kent state basketball teamta put a unique twist on the national anthem.tea uniqnam. players invited plansnvited footballs join them on thell court for the playing of thes pg anthem in a display of unity. ui it was the idea of senior guard dion edmund well received by his team and coach. coac team plans to continues to dotiu it for each and every homeome game. >> that's very cool. >> love that. >> you see all the different>> t ee all t there. >> locking hands. >> awesome, very cool. love it. awe thank you >> holocaust museum celebratedsm a major milestone today.ay >> ?? happy birthday ?? >> they honored holocaust survivor franny eisenberg on her 100th birthday.thda the museum threw her a big party this afternoon.noon franny participated in the belgium resistance movement before being reported to
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2001 and continues to sharesi te her story with visitors every ey sunday at the museum's survivor's >> 100 years old much she mh looks awesome and i know sheesen has some incredible >> yeah. nice that she s shares that. tt. >> yup, yup, indeed.up, p, indee >> thank you for beeping with yu us today at 5:00 fox5 f local l news at 6:00 starts right r after the break.aftee br
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?? know you have a dedicated advisor and team who understand where you come from. ??
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know that together, you can establish a meaningful legacy with the guidance and support
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>> ?? >> this is fox5 local news at 6:00. 00 >> we begin tonight with theh th disturbing crime in northern virginia. four people found dead in adeada stafford county home.yome. thanks for joining us.oining i'm shawn yancy.hawnancy. >> and i'm matt ackland in forar tony tonight. we now know the victims areti two adults and two children.
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alexandria limon is live at the house on winterness court. what have you been able toe u be find out. guys, this is still very much an active investigationestn and also a very difficult one.e within the last hour the the stafford county sheriff'siff' office has confirmed thatedha among those who were founderfoun dead inside the home were an 18 month old toddler, a girl, a five-year-old girl, also a 35-year-old man and a 30-year-old woman.oman at this point they are now are saying this is confirmed to be t details about what exactly ect happened are still unanswered.n. at this point we don't know the names of the four people that were found dead inside. we aof tlso donfo'tun know how y eded. the nature of their injuries. ie i can tell you we've been here on the sceneee all day long speaking to neighbors who are very concerned about the family. they say the owner of the home has owned this own house for about a 20 years and lives here with several members of her family.e thofey've been very concernedonn


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