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tv   Fox 5 News 630  FOX  November 17, 2016 6:30pm-7:01pm EST

6:30 pm
>> ?? >> happy thursday everybody.ryby hey, tom. t >> good to see you.>> good to s >> thanks for joining usee herer on five at 6:30.:3 >> good to be here. her jim lokay is off tonight.onht have beverage service for you in just a moment. >> all right, the questionin jn tonight is donald trump's trumps white house transition initn turmoil. tu >> as you can see on the sideond of our screen on the run down,n, your look tonight at the topthe talkers with the 5 at 6:30. 60. we invite you to join this joith coccyx. tweet us what is on your mindsr mind tonight use that #5at6:30.5at6:. >> all right, so there was ae ws lot of activity going on at on trump tower today.wetoday. the transition teamansion tm appears to be hard at work on president-elect trump'stmp's
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tonight there are still manye a questions about who will beil b named to those key positions?os? >> a lot of questions about a the trump transition tonight. joining us now the editor ofdirf the nile good to see you again.ou aa >> thanks. good to be here.good to be here. >> let's talk about the breaking news today, you know,ek i'm an old stinker so i still ii write things down on a piecegs of paper and i added a name too my list tonight. you. >> is it mitt romney. rom >> mitt with three questionhre marks tonight, what's going onon nyle? is mitt r be in this cabinet. cab. >> there's certainly some c speculation to that effect.n toe it would be a pretty shockinging turn around mitt romney represents the wing of thets t republican party that donald trumpar had run most strongly sl against. mitt romney had been extremely pretty critical. critica he said trump was a con manon m but now we're getting wordstings that mitt romney could be thero nominee for secretarymney of sta which would be quite a turnul around by anyone'sd be standards
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romney, nikki haley another anor person we saw go and of course u rudy giuliani whose namesulianie we've heard about but the mitt m romney was a surprise for ais lot of people. do you think this shows thathist the trump's team's willingnessln to work with those who did notot support him during theim during election. >> yeah, i think that's exactly right,eah, i t shawn. the donald trump tendency ordenc faction within the republicanuba party at the level of office oic holders is not that large, large purely from trump loyalists loy would be pretty difficult. pre so, that means there's a's a motivation there to reach outcho beyond that circle and there'shs also a motivation to try to t build bridges with the more established republican partyar that will determine whetherth donald trump's beliefs getiefs g enacted in legislation.islation. >> some of the criticism that t has been fired at some of these republicans who arehe cenr wipuans lling to go into this tp administration seems counter to what we hear eight years o.o.
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eight years ago they called itde team of rivals, that obama was branching out embracing hisci h enemies. here you have one of theou hav ule timate people who is the ise leader of the never trumper tru movement mitt romney. r now does this signal to you that donald trump is ready toumy make nice with some of the people who he attacked afterdft they attacked him? >> i think it's certainlyce evidence of impetus in that in direction but we have alwaysbutv had great difficultyfilt predicting what exactly donaldd trump will do and how long heowg will stick with a particulartila plan. plan at the moment there outrage but yet he's also appointing much more and right g wing people, people are hostile to the republicann establishment most notablyhm steve bannon as aen senior senir adviser. >> certainly there's been aheree lot of criticism about steveout bannon. let me ask you about something else that broke today oyonu ab o capitol hill.ol hill. for the first time in many in years there's a challenge to house democratic leader nancyy pelosi. we know that congressman timsmam ryan out of ohio announced annod he'll challenge her for that for position.po what do you think this shows
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democratic party?mocratic party >> i think the argument here,t r shawn on the part of the challengers would be thatbe t nancy pelosi has simply beenn around too long and that theongt party needs new blood and new n faces.ce i don't see it as primarily an ideologically driven challengedr but clearly the democrats were reallythe disappointed by the t outcome of the election and the impetus for a change iss just to my mind to shakeoha things up somewhat. >> certainly nancy pelosi likeoe you said she's an insider butut she's also from the san t california.fornia tim ryan is from the blue the b collar area there in ohio ohi which is an area that donald trump came into this timecament around and won. w so, how much of a chance do you think he really has or do o you think nancy pelosi willosi hold onto her positioning?ng >> well, it's a great point shawn and i i thit'nks tim ryaa would say that one of his of strengths is the idea that he t represents the kind of rustd ofs belt state that hillaryhiy clinton lost in this election. but still nancy pelosi is very popular with the base of theof t
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she's a very good fundraiserse so my personal money would be on nancy pelosi seep holdingelos on. >> change election. a lot of democrats saw>> chf dwhat happened last week.apst they don't like they might teyry d to put a newn face on their own party asarty a well, too. >> absolutely. >> nyle we appreciate youciate u joining us tonight.onight the president-elect holdsde his first internationalfirs t meeting. he didn't go anywhere. anyer it stayed at trump tower butat t he minister >> many people are wonderingondi how donald trump will handleilld dealing with world leaders andd international affairs. hagar kamal lee formere former spokesperson to the un and did i say your name correctly. >> it's hagar shamali. >> thank you for that correcting it for us. we've seen a flurry of peoplerrf going in and outlu crrertainlyyt transition team is workingking hard.hard with this first meeting today, d
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minister how did donald trump do? >> i think he's making an effort. i think that this was an area of his campaign that he didn'tt focus on very much.uc i think there's been a lot oft o complaints as to his planisla because a lot of people don'tplt know what those plans are. there hasn't been enough detail on it so i see anhasn effo on itrt on his part to reaa out to key leaders, japan is one of the most important, onetn of our most important allies. ae but it's hard acceptance there just >> one of the things that thee president right now, presidentt obama has been saying is thatnon there is a dayifinferencg eis te the rhetoric he used in a i campaign and the rhetoric youheo use when you're the president pe of the united states. ste how far does that fly with the international community? donity they understand, you know,er that here in thean united states we might do things a little d bit differently when it comeso to selectingth oenur natiotlwhnl leaders? >> i do. i think they do. i'm not trying to makei excuses for the things that donalds thad
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campaign regarding foreign forei policy or other issues.ssue however, those leaders do the te same for their own electionsleio and in their own democraticemoca processes or sometimes not democratic processes. p you know, they have their own public opinions to shape andonsa the things that they tell their own constituents as well. well. >> we are just looking atar video there of e president obamn over in germany meeting withtint the chancellor angela there have been people whove bee have said, you know, the president of america typically is known as the leader free world. but donald trump doesn't haveav that stature and they'rey're saying maybe angela merkell should have that title. what are you hearing aboutbout that? >> well, i don't know if -- listen i-have tremendous amount of respect for chancellor merkel.or i think she's a phenomenal mshe' s a woman. she's been an amazing leader. l. and she is super intelligent.eli i do think it would be tough tou to beat united states astes leader of the free world regardless of who the leader of is.
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side, that donald trump is is amassing a role, taking over a role that is i think -- i think it is bigger than evenhane he can expect or his team can c expect and i think that he's been bit naive on certain cta statements particularly with p regard to russia and so i think he needs to recognizear te the role he has, the influenceen that it has around the worlde wd as well as within the united une states and that he be very and understanding of that.hat. >> former spokesperson for t un mission and uh n we u appreciate you joining us on un skype tonight. >> thank you for having me. >> he was one of the few few people who correctly predicted donald trump would win therump presidency w.ency >> now he says thehe president-elect will bewill impeached. i caught up today with the american university professorror allen hickman to talk about his bold prediction and hisonnd new one for the trump
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sure donald trump was goingoing win. >> well, i was able to makee that prediction by ignoringn gnr the polls, paying no attentionon to the pundits and not lookingoi at the day to day events of eve the campaign.the aign. >> why were you right and thee polls were po >> because i looked atllec i l history. my system which has been successful since 1984 is based d on the study of every americanmi president presidentialiden election since 1860 and taps ant into the forces that really rea drive elections and that iss the strengths and performancefo of the party holding the whitehe hous >> but were people telling you professor lichman no, look at lt the polls. polls. donald trump can't can'tn >> i can't tell you how manyow n people were telling me you're mr wrong, the polls are right but the problem is my system is i designed for prediction.ed f pre polls are not predicts.s. they're snapshots. s they're abused and misused as predicts and they don't reallydr know who is actually goingll g vote those likely voter vot screens are very inaccurate. >> election night comes.n nights
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all of a sudden not all of a sudden, you look pretty smart right now. what areu look those people sayinghose to you now? >> those people are saying g to me, my god, maybe we need to to rethink the way we examine elections and not be so poll pol driven and look at the bigger picture. 'cause my system looks at my sy things like foreign policyn poli successes and failures, the long and short term economy, domestic policystic p accomplishments. >> but you're not daone withcc prediction? you've got've got another prediction right nowed about president-elect trump.ic >> right.? cienfiat's not a scientific prediction, this one justone jut comes from my gut and that isndt we could see a donald trump impeachment. >> a donald trump >> this is a guy that's played fast and loose with the lawe l all his life. people don't change and he may be setting up c aha huge train t wreck by turning his businesses over to his to his children and that couldt could conflict with national security. >> have you heard, though, from donald tyorumpu yet aboutt your prediction of his victoryiv and maybe now this predictionedi
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>> he hasn't communicated with me direct but he twice tweeteded the prediction of his victoryico by this wonderful professor. pr. he hasn't talked to me yetmeet about impeachment. >> professor allen nostradamusts hickman. >> he's working on a book right now because his opinions i is hot and he wants to get something on paper and into the book stores as soon as possible. >> it's interestingg on p tho sh tug 'cause he said this predictionre is about his gut, this isn't isn scientifically that he broke bke down. down >> he's been on the scene forcer a long you know, t there are a lot ofha questions right now about the te business dealings of the trump organization and how that's going to mesh with theg m government which in a lot oft of cases is in charge of o overseeing some of thoseeing business connections so thatctio one we'lhal have to see. we'll give him his due on the t election. utelyy was absol 100 percent right. >> i'm0 going to listen tost
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allen we'll talk to you ato youa little bit later.little bit l >> you know who is also goodlsog at predictions. predictions. >> sue palka. >> sue palka. sue >> while i was watching that tom and was shawn i kept thinkih i'm going to ask the professorrr to forecast the winter forhe wtr d.c. [laughter]aughr] >> now, there's a challenge,lee, right. >> you do a great job of that tt too. >> thank you. well, we're thinking it'swer going to be a cold one ande beo probably snowy but in the i the short term the weatherther headline is anything but.anhing shawn and tom we arewere talking about a day that willhal be near 70's degrees tomorrow,o, maybe even a little bit above ao it so a work week if you like it warm. r now, if you don't like it warmew and i hear from a lot oflo people who don't like it warmm on social media, sunday isda urur day. it's really going to be theo be low that we have tonight,onight 45 degrees, that's likely ourel high for many areas on sunday. n but tonight generally clearly c skies the a gorgeous evening eni and tomorrow looks like a autyty. bonus weather that's what iat call it. i sunny day warm by afternoon after a cool start but on ourn r seven-day forecast thatcast that saturday night cold front thathc
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71 degrees with a few veryer badly needed showers coming with our frontal boundary onront saturday. but really what it does to to sunday is make us changehang seasons in about 12 48 degrees on sunday.uny. it will be quite windy. windy we could have winds gusting gus here between 35 and 45 milesnd i an hour, so that redskins gamesm played at night, it will be inwi the 30's but feel like it's inen the 20's at 8:30 on sunday we're also setting up for a chilly day on monday at a 48 degrees with another breezeee cont wednesday good travel days ifutf you're headed out of town for thanksgiving.ksgivi. 57 degrees here with a couple of showers on thanksgivingere s day. that's your seven-dayat's you forecast.r shawn and tom, back to you. t yu >> thank you very much, sue. all the inauguration about 63 daysu away and preps are already under way.ay >> coming up on the 5 at 6:30 we're going to show you ayou sneak peek at some of thesome oe vendor who's are getting ready a to sell you somere stuff for tht very big day.. >> what is that?ha >> souvenirs and things, all ang kinds of ---- >> check that out.
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>> ?? >> get tom to dance. >> that's the externat of it.ex. >> nobody wants to see that. >> we're going get tom firedir up in a minute. mute. in the meantime let's talkt's tl about what's going on at the ritz-carlton. the public right now canight see all the things that are in st >> we are going to get blanketed with inaugural gear g coming up in the next coupleexto of weeks. of wee fox5's ronica cleary is there tonight way sneak peek for you right now on what youwhy are going to see coming up in u the coming weeks.. ronica. >> rronieporter: hi, shawn and a fitz. let me tell you i am happy to be the one to take tl heyou che to come out and try it all. all i'm here with stephanie panal pn of the ritz-carltonitz-carlton washington, d.c. and we're at, the inaugural traded.c. show. the first place we'rersplace
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>> reporter: tell me about the pillowcases.ter:ca >> every four years during inauguration we have aon w presidential seal pillow caseals that has theea year of the inauguration. each guest will have that on their bed when they arrive to wn the ho ttel and they'll be ableb to take that with them when whe they leave after four days. >> reporter: stephanie, stephane there is so much here and acher lot of this comes standard.taar i know some of it is withsit different packages and one ofnde the things fitz and shawn ever since i walked in the door w there have been all sortalske oo cocktails. we'll take you to one of the coolest cocktails i've ever seen being made.seeneing it's over here by the tell me a little bit about a this cocktail back here and a what this awesome bartender,bte chris, is going to be doing. d >> so, this is actually ally little old fashioned that we actually -- they smoke it inin the glass and then are able to -- to have the scent of thene wood that comes through andt coe brings out the taste of thee drink. and it's really exclusive,si it's very different, kind of ae,
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chris, our bartender that'snders that just does an amazing job j and you definitely have toely come out and taste it. >> reporter: and there arere a so many different vendorsendo here, all preparing for the f inauguration. i know there's one more. i'm going to grab t thishe becae we wouldn't want to put thisnt t to waste. oh, we should have an icen i cube. let's be a little classy aboutso it. let's just walk to one final wto spot. i know you said you have theseve cookies here, they're inspiredne by melania trump's favorite cookies, her sugar cookies andks they'r let's check these out and just tell me a littlthees bit aboutbo this partnership that youhat have. >> we have this great pa we hartnership with d.c. cenl kitchen. they have a job culinaryulinar training program where we chilly have someeom representatives here thaten helped us make these cookies.tac we dooo aki partnership.. d.c. kitsch cleanse have beenh a involved in the inaugurationn for the last 28 years and havetr been involved with us fos r tane last five inaugurations.uguratis and each of our guests will besi getting cookies from the d.c. central kitchen partnership
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cookie tin. >> reporter: i'll have to try one of themes it's anorter:e incredible night here at the ritz-carlton gearing up for aong really incredible time.eadible t we're sending it back to you.. >> ronica just curious canan anybody just come down andjust m visit and check out everythingrg down there? there >> reporter: i don't thinkter: so. i'm not sure.hinkm not re. can anyone come to this -- ihi-i think this is for media,, right. >> this is actually media and a wect duao have some clientsies actually here that have thave attended as well. it's invitation only.nly. >> bummer. >> reporter: i posted all sorts of pic orplacteer: pictu including phor this exclusive jewelry table. te i mean be this is really ais is tough job, guys.,uys. i'll tell you. tl yo so, if you want to experienceere it check out ronica cleary on twitter and you can go through me. >> we can't eat the cookies ckis from your twitter page, y though, ronica.our >> reporter: but that is a fairou pointghte but i'll telr:u how good they >> all right. tweet that out. >> that is not what i was expecting because i wasg becau expecting t-shirts and rubber rb masks and little bobble headbl dolls. >> very cool though when you see like the pillowcasoles t.ils i can understand why peopleders
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hangls out as opposed to the -- >> the bobbleheads.ehea >> guess what? 17 people --eop make that 21, they are set to receive the presidential medaldd of freedom. freedom >> we'll tell you who theyell uw are. we'll have the big list cominghg up right l here 5 at 6:30, a live look at the white house.
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>> ?? >> that is an old song. >> classic, though. >> classic song.ic hey, did you ever move into anon apartment, remember when youemey used to do >> yes, i do. >> you had all your friendsad a giving you boxes andll stufftuff right back like that. donald trump might want to hold onto sokemeru ompf the boxs >> it's rumored he may not bemoe able td ohe m work in the oval office for more than a year mory while it's being renovated.oved it's reportedly because of the numerous security upgrades sec that will need to happen once he comes intneoed t office.
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may have to spend up to to spen quarteupr of his term working w out of the eisenhowerr executive officers buildingoffib across the street from thehe presidential seat of sr i don't know about you. but if b i was the incoming president ipd would be like we have to wait ti at least a week.k. >> anti-climb plait>> ai- particular. >> i warrant to sit in thera seat in the oval office for atn least a >> get through all of thatough t work to get into the oval office --office -- >> nope, go across the street. e >> bob dylan might be a no go no for the nobel prize. singer song writer says he'sitee going to skip next month's his nobel prize for literature. the swedish academy says dylan has written he won't beont able to come because otherse oer commitments made itcommt unfortunately impossible to at o end. >> is that your bob yr o >> and not so good is it? notoo any good than the actual bob lan.n. unclear who is going to accept c on behalf of dylan. dan ceremony is scheduled to take tk place on december 10th in sweden. if you're bob dylan you go get the stinking nobel prize. pze.
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like, you know, monopoly.onopol. you go get that thing. thing from the nobel prize somethingng a little bit more in the neighborhood, the white house one this time. president obama getting readyiny for his last medal of freedom ceremony. >> that's right.s righ medal is the highest civilian honor given out in the u.s. this year from the sports sport world michael jordan kareem abdul-jabbar and dodgers announcer vince skullly.e lly. >> from hollywood cecily robert de niro tom hanks andnkad robert red ford. >> from the music industrrty riy hold on tom you want to sayo say this >> bruce springsteen. bruce >> there you go the boss t b himself my patron saint new jersey's favorite solve i could go on.go o hard stopping e street band er.der. >> diana ross is also onna r there, too.. >> oh, her. >> diana ross.iana recipients are announcedents ann yesterday. they'll be presented with these medal at a white house h ceremony november 22nd.r nd congratulations to them all.tio >> guess where i'm going to w
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>> the white house. >> the white house.>> the t we'llhite see. s great lineup you know -- you knew thenew t president was going to go out ot with a great list.reat congratulations to all oftulatin them. all right we'll be right back. the 5 at 6:30 will be right back. ?? know you have a dedicated advisor and team who understand where you come from. ?? know you can craft an investment plan as strong as your values.
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with the guidance and support
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>> ?? >> welcome back. we are finishing up our post election clinton >> the the super girl her selfr is here the owner of the super p girl suit is soup after such a contentiousons election and we're stilltion cont ainuing with the cleanse. w tell us about your soup.your up. >> people need to eat a littlete healthier now after feeling soo unhealthy for the past coupleple we offer a cleanse at super it's $135. we'll deliver 20 soups right to your door. doo kickstart your healthy eatingltg habits right before theth holiday season.ea just clean up your diet. >> yeah. a lot of vegetables i'll i'll assuming.
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fiber veggies everything yous hg need. >> i know a lot of reporters could use that. eating junk for months. >> thanks for come watching everybody. we'll see you back here
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7:00 pm
harvey: we got blake shelton out with gwen stefani. he talks about an openly gay country singer. >> ty herdnon is coming out with his first album since he came out as gay. >> i like ty herndon. i hope the album is great. >> i listened to it. it's amazing. it's not the old country either. it's more poppy. harvey: bro country? >> bro-on-bro country? pharvey: would you stop it! >> in 2014, mariah carey only made $6 million. harvey: enter james packer. >> now it makes sense. she's going after a billionaire. >> i don't think she's a gold digger. >> she's a gold digger. >> do you really think she's a gold digger? >> yes! >> snoop dogg. he was roasted last night at the avalon. which is put on by russell simmons. celebrities showed up for this, french montana, t.i.


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