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tv   Fox 5 News 630  FOX  November 18, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm EST

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more names being thrown into the pot as the trump transition teamworks to come up with the >> this is one of the top talkers here at 6:30. we invite you to joint conversation. >> let's get the rundown over here in a few minutes. bear with us, we'll get it for you coming up in a few seconds. if you tweet us, use the #5at630. >> let's talk about the transition team. we learned jeff sessions was picked for attorney general. the republican was one of the first members to endorse donald trump. he served as an advisor during
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advisory, retired army lieutenant general michael flynn. flynn was a top advisor during the campaign. to lead the central intelligence agency, the cia, donald trump picked congressman mike pompeo. the kansas republican is a west point and harvard law graduate and served three terms in congress and is a member of the house intelligence committee. there he is right there. >> break down the cabinet picks. thanks for joining us: do we have ortega? i want to be protect. it's opportunity lives >> opportunity lives, that's correct. >> first off, we have three new picks that came out that we heard about, security advisor, attorney general, and also the head of the cia.
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capability picks we've heard from the trump time? >> makes sense, all of these three individuals that have been nominated were early donald trump supporters. makes sense he would want to reward loyalty. other president-elects have done this in the past. the only one that stand out to be controversial is jeff sessions. he has said things in the past that have been troubling. you can expect a lot of fireworks in this. others? a lot of the times, seems like folks have an issue with everybody who seems to try to choose. what do you think about the others on that list? >> well, i think congressman pompeo is someone frankly a lot of people outside of his district don't really know. he is very competent. he's someone who has a track record. pointed out his credentials introducing him. i don't expect much controversy out of him. i think with general flynn, i think he has said things in the
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he doesn't require a confirmation hearing, as you pointed out. that's difference >> let's talk a little bit more about jeff sessions. he does have to go through confirmation. he did not make it through last time when he was up for a federal judge ship because of some alleged controversial comments, racial comments that he made. people are saying though, he may have trouble but you know, he's surrounded by his fellow lawmakers right now who he works with every day. do you really think he's to have much to the best of your knowledge getting through >> you could see opposition. i think particularly besides on the race issues, i think immigration activities could have their voices heard. i expect the hispanic community to oppose the nomination. that could be another factor >> do you think we're going to go see more of this? before there was a lot of president obama picks that were
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off on approving. do we think we're going to go see that this time around as well as president-elect trump starts to appoint. >> the partisan is not going to go to go away overnight. you can expect democrats to continue opposing president-elect trump's picks, they may want to return what republicans did, not voting for president obama supreme court nominations, you can exp >> let me ask you about some of the other names. we heard nicky heyly. we heard mitt romney who we know, during the campaign, he and donald trump had negative words, a lot of negative words to say about each other. do you think this is just sort of out there for the media to say, it's donald trump team we're reaching out to wave the white flag or do you think this is serious >> i hope it's serious because i
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i think president-elect trump should also make a big point about competency and people who know these issues well, and so i think both governor nikki haley and governor mitt romney would be great picks, but to me, the question is there they accept? if they're offered, will they accept to work for a trump white house >> that was the other thing, you have some people loyal but do you think that donald trump may be given, looking at his business practices, will he try to also put people in there that will be the in the room? do you think he'll surround himself with people or do you think he's going to mix it up. >> if it's anything like the campaign, sound like he surrounded himself with a lot of yes people. i will say kellyanne conway from what we know from reports, she was a descenting voice and she did push back at times. let's hope that president-elect trump does bring people in who don't agree i think it's healthy for a president and a chief
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we appreciate it. one of the most controversial picks so far from the administration has been steve bannon as chief strategist. the jewish activity group, if not now, rallied outside a trump transition team meeting in dc yesterday calling for bannon to be fired. sarah joins us via skype. let me ask you. why not steve bannon? what do you think is the problem with steve campaign has a history of doing hateful rhetoric and bigotry, and as a group, we were appalled to see the election of donald trump and the hateful rhetoric he brought into this campaign. we've seen a rise in hate crimes. through the last 18 months of his campaign. so steve bannon was kind of just an additional way of demonstrating that this hateful rhetoric that demonstrate
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to be coming under his presidency >> do you think it's possible even though he is somebody that's been very controversial in the past, that that now becoming part of a white house like this and being a chief strategist, that perhaps he may go a different direction, and may not be seeing the same side of him, just sort of like we apparently don't see the exact same side of trump now after the election. >> yes. i mean, i'm going to take him for his word and i'm going to ac who ran a campaign based on hate and fear is going to insert that into his presidency. i'm going to do the same for steve bannon who has a career of white nationalist and anti-semitic and racist history in his career. we're not going to expect for him to all of a sudden have a change of heart. >> we know the anti-defamation league called bannon hostile to core american values.
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phobic and an anti-semitic. if he is that bad and bringing all of that into the white house, what do you think is the future for our country as we move forward, we're at that point now where things need to unify. >> right. i think it's a scary time. our movement, if not now, is a jewish movement working to end american jewish community support for the occupation, what we're doing is yesterday, was the start of a jewish resistance. a stand with other communities that are targeted by bannon, by trump, such as muslim and immigrants and people of color. we're saying we're going to resist and reject what we fear is going to be coming which is further targets at those populations. >> do you have any indication though that the administration would listen? >> well, we're not going to
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we're going to keep growing, we have protests in new york, on sunday, in boston on monday, and philadelphia on tuesday. we're going to continue to build our museum so that they actually have to listen to us. and asj ews, we know what it's like to be targeted. >> thanks so much for joining many times president-elect trump is suing the district of columbia. >> bloomberg news is reporting that lawyers for an llc, owned by donald trump and his children filed the suit. they allege they overtaxed was dismissed in october. it is now being refiled in separate petitions.
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million tack bill in 2015 and 2016 was too high because the hotel was only partially completed at that time. meanwhile, it something the donald trump said he'd never does but now he's going to be president his lawyers reached a settlement in a lawsuit over fraud allegations stemming from the now defunct trump university. students claim they were lured into paying $35,000 to learn trump real estate success strategies but they didn't get any. the $25 million settlement will it clears donald trump of any wrongdoing in the case >> i'm not sure i ever seen a presidential candidate into lawsuits like this as they're going into the white house. you know, there's a first time for everything. we're in store for a cool-down. >> let's check in with gwen. first the warmup then the cool-down. >> old man winter makes its presence felt. we have a winter weather advisory for the far west
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allegheny front. three to six inches of snowfall in gusty wind there as well. and those wind will be in full force across our area along the i95 corridor and everywhere once we get into saturday and sunday, especially saturday night. in the meantime, tonight, vest degrees, wind from the south five to ten, a little on the chilly side, but that is really mild in comparison to where going. 70 for your daytime high. by the afternoon, a strong frontal system will bring you rain showers but we got weekend temperatures all over the place, take a look at this seven-day forecast. 70 on saturday and a big plunge. headed to the 40's for sunday and monday. unbelievable. you'll be turning the heat up and turning the heat down. we're into the 50's for the week. not bad for turkey day. we got a few showers at 57 degrees but hang on to your hats. we got gusty winds next for you days up to 40 miles an hour or more. back to you >> i'm going to live in the 70's while we can.
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taking the glass half empty >> following our contentious presidential election, people are more pessimistic, anxious and stressed out. we're going to get an expert's take on how to deal with the feelings, the 5at630 will be
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as you can tell by the protesting happening and a lot four years, there are also even more pessimistic about democracy >> dr. chapman is here, thanks so much for joining us >> thank you for having me. >> we're glad year here. of course, we just went through this huge contentious election. now we're in the post period and the transition is going on. i guess it's obvious. what are we supposed to do to
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heavily >> we have to begin to start moving past this election. start thinking positive about our future. change is great. i understand why people are stressed out. people have all these issues about anxiety. but we need to understand that change is good. change is welcome. we're going to move forward and we're going to be part of the change and we're going to be doing something great and doing something wonderful in this new time that we called post election. >> now, i know it's, you know, people at ok, that's easier said than done, change, i don't know if i can support this, whatever. but what -- what are your tips, i guess, for people in order to, i guess, be able to look at the glass half full instead of empty, as we move forward >> i understand why people are feeling this anxiety, but you know, we need to begin to start thinking in a positive direction, and understanding that this right here is what i think the lord wants for this
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a changed mentality. i lead an organization of 2000 people. they're feeling the anxiety as well. but i'm we're going to move forward, going to support whoever is in office and we're going to make sure we do our part in making them feel welcome and make sure that as people of this country, we're going to under, and do our part to make this things what i call maybe a blessing to this nation. >> a lot of people have taken to facebook to write opinions lot of people seeing images nationwide of people protesting. is this a good way to get past some of this >> i think in the stress part. that's probably something they may wants to do in the beginning of this is not about a person, this is about a nation. protest is a temporary thing. we need to understand these things are just imminent and
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part of the change in a positive way >> we look at this like this, you can wake up every morning and you tell yourself today i choose to be happy. >> exactly >> make i the happen. >> that's right. dr. jeff chapman thank you. kenye west brought up donald trump at a concert. >> what he said that got him
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this election cycle skyline. she writes for the she's joining us with the latest political hollywood headlines. let's start with kanye west. he says he would have supported donald trump? tell us what happened. >> surprising everyone making headlines, which, of course, we know kanye west loves making headlines, announcing his support during a concert last night for donald trump.
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but kanye west was kind of all over the map when it comes to politics. he, of course, famously said george bush doesn't care about black people. he was at a hillary clinton fund fund-raiser with his wife >> didn't he is he wanted to run >> kanye 20-20 is throwing his bid in a white house bid. maybe this sent a early stunt for his campaign coming up. >> maybe he's hoping to get a seat at the table early on in the administration. who knows >> i do think we in the media cannot make fun of any potential celebrity making a white house bid now that the star of celebrity apprentice is our soon to be president. i don't think we have the right. >> you got that right. >> let's talk about paris hilton a little bit. i haven't heard a lot lately but
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trump. what is she saying the reason is >> she is played coy about her support for president, now president-elect trump in the past, she was asked throughout the campaign if she would be voting for him considering that shows a long-time family friends with the trumps, both, of course, she grew up in new york and donald trump and the family are from new york. up until now, she's saying she did, in fact, vote for him. it doesn't take muc announce you're hopping on the band wagon after it's already left. he won that's when she said she voted for him. of course she would have taken heat had she said it before the election. let's talk about a major basketball figure coming to capitol hill. who is this and why >> shaquille o'neill, shack attack coming to capitol hill. a lot of folks don't know that shaquille o'neill also has
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addition to his basketball skills on the court. he's a reserve officer in miami and also los angeles, now he's coming to dc. he's going to be here wednesday. he's going to talk to lawmakers about impaired driving and speak with them about the dangers and what you can do about drunk driving, drug driving, any form of distracted driving. so shack, watch out for, if you see like a seven foot tall guy, walking down the street in dc why. >> it's interesting because i thought you were going to say he too was going to announce he's running for office >> you never know. maybe we should go to cover his political announcement. >> you never know. let's talk about rapper ti talking about hillary. >> ti wading into the lots of political talk going on. and he's saying that, you know,
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accept the loss that they didn't -- hillary supporters, which she is one of didn't do enough in enough time to get her elected. we need to, he says everyone needs to work the next four years and focus on the upcoming mid term election, we're talking now about 2018 and getting those local officials elected. he was a hillary clinton supporter accepting that donald trump will be our next president. >> it's interesting to hear the impact of hollywood and political politics. >> out more hollywood type figures into the political sphere than ever before. >> and continues. >> it's fun to have you on judy, who writes in the know blog for the >>. a unique piece of presidential history sold >> remember the sparkly see quened dress that marilyn monroe
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how much they paid. it is ridiculous. we'll be right back. it is ridiculous. we'll be right back. see i'm afraid you're suffering from fobo. fobo. fobo... fear of better options. cure fobo with black friday savings now. up to 40% off, 24-months special financing, and free delivery. at hhgregg. i really did save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. i should take a closer look at geico... geico has a long history of great savings and great service. over seventy-five years. wait. seventy-five years? that is great.
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uh, yeah i have an early day tomorrow so... wait. almost there. goodnight, bruce. gotta tune the "a." (humming) take a closer look at geico.
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?. you know that iconic performance. to president kennedy in 1962. it birthday celebration. >> the gown she was wearing sold at auction sold for $4.8 million. riply's believe it or not bought the dress. it was so tight when she had it on. she had to be sewn into it. it's one of several personal
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monroe up for sale at julian's auction house. >> that's a lot of money. people had to be sewn into it. donald trump made countless headlines with his twitter accounts. most tweeted the election season goes to hillary clinton. >> it was a quote from her concession speech. to all the little girls watching, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance an opportunity in the world. it was retweetered times. day before the election also belonged to hillary clinton retweeted her delete your account tweet. remember that one? they retweet that day one about 556,000 times. >> interesting >> she didn't win the election but the retweet >> the retweet and the popular vote. >> thank you guys for joining us tonight on 5at630. it's always fun to have you here. >> we'll see you tonight at 10:00 and 11:00. come on back.
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berg wahlberg test. harvey: wow, kanye west announced that he's with him. >> would i have voted >> i would have voted on trump. >> this is going to be interesting. huge uptick now because trump just went from like scott baio to kanye west. trump changed up. >> justin bieber, he walks out down bare ass. [screaming] and his bodyguard like quickly pulls up his pants. >> wait, the bodyguard pulls his pants up? harvey: what if it was kim k's bodyguard? it's like strike two! >> it's like oh, i had another bad day at work today! >> oh, boy, mondays. [laughter] >> marc anthony at the latin separated from his wife shannon and it was crazy because he was kissing j.lo at the latin awards


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