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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  November 21, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EST

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?? straight ahead, the trump transition as the president-elect's golf club is o resolving door of high prevail a meetings over the weekend.eend
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roles in the next white house. plus, why donald trump could be all alone in the mansion'sansion master bedroom.. under fire as police pol officers nationwide are on highg alert after a series of shootings far getting lawti l enforcement. we'll have the latest from thet dead al tax and tell you howou h officers here at home arere responding. old man winter making an entrance.en big weather changes over theov weekend from the firsthe fir snowflakes up north to freezing temperatures and strong windsg het at home. what mother nature could now cln have in store the holiday travel season. >> get the pay off. off >> reporter: later, it was green bay sent packing. winds may have been may haveha been whipping last night but last night's win seemed like ave breeze for kirk cousins and thed skins. skin now it's time to get ready for r dallas. good day at 9a starts now. ?? kirk cousins having a little fun with spin off of that last night. goto l love it.
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good day today.ayod thanks for joining us. u it's 9:00 o'clock.o'cloc monday november 21 the i'm steve alongside holly, maureen and and wisdom. >> also ahead this morning thent american music awards we'll we' share some of the biggest of th moments from last night' lasnig' celebration including selena gomez's powerful acceptancetae speech. bruno mars show-stopping opening number and check out that guy coming up here handing out an awkward handing an award towsack malik.k imagin harper going hollywood.wood >> cool. a little tease.tease. we'll leave you with that.u tha i promise we'll pictures to gos wi thahat. >> you can leave me with that lm there, too.e that's a little, hello. hel >> how about this? 9:02 is the time. first though let's talk aboutala our weather because old man winter, well, came calling overe the weekend this is video from new york which, yup, that's it.. saw its first snow of the sno season.seas a few inches fell across the empire state there were blizzare like conditions out west.onditi >> here at home though we had tt
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the 40s and let's talk aboutkbo those powerful wind gusts. gusts my goodness. kept power companies and fire crews busy for most of the day on sunday now the big question e is, what does mother nature havv in store for thanksgiving weekge especially if you plan on if yoo heading out of to eighty one fof details tucker is back with thet first check on the good morning to to >> good morning, first i'm concerned aboutncerneu something. dancing i just saw steve i think some of your moves are beingei taken. >> that's all i lend them, you know -- put them on loan. >> he didn't trademark the hip t >> i did notice that town in ne york with all the snow wasw w barnes corner as in tuckertucke barnes corner.ner now maybe i understand why younw like the cold weather. weather >> we like to have little piece of the planet. >> you're famous for it. pla foi >> reagan national 38. dulles 36. bwi marshall 37.shall 37. it's out there. but th'se wind chills are making it feel like 20s across much of the area look at your current wind gusts at 28 degrees.grees
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day. fredericksburg 33.fred the winds will be with usdsbe throughout the day today.hout t we have wind advisory whichwind continues acro assdv the northeh tear of our viewing area how war county, frederick countc under that wind advisory through 5:00 p.m. bottom line, chilly day, winds n are back out of the north andora west at about 15 to 20 gusting over 30 at times.imes. going to be another breezy day y today. but it should be a quiet day. we'll just have a few clouludsdo there this afternoon, and a unfortunately, really need the rain, or some kind ofnd of precipitation, not in the p we'll keep it dry thinky ink afternoon with daytime highs well below normal. normal. having said that often.thatften 46 still windy and out there. te seven day i'll have details on thanksgiving momentarily, guys., back to t >> tuck, thanks very. very. get your news of the day right now. now. developing overnight policeo departments across the countryac on high alert right now in now i response to targeted shootingson of three police officers one in missouri another in texas one in florida as well. suspect who ambush the st. louis pleat police sergeant wasn
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the officer is in critical cca condition but expected tod survive.ive investigators say he was sittinw in traffic when another carth c pulled up alongside his marked e police vehicle and then just opened fire.e. inn in texas san antonio ant detective was shot to death in his sad car while writing a w traffic ticket.affi someone pulled up from hypedm walked up to his driver's side d window and shot him twice in the head. the shooter then drove off.theno police identified a person ofsoo interest the victim 55-year-old benjamin marconi was a 20 year0a immediately after thately ah shooting in san antonio, policep here in d.c. put out this internal memo reminding officerr to remain vigilant aware of their surroundings.s. we must remain at heightenedheid alert to ensure the safety and law enforcement.cement. >> the other big story at other 9: b00 more announcements may be coming today as president-elect trump builds out his o administration.mi but over the weekend we got a g good idea of the direction heir may be headed in.d i for details we'll turn now to fox's doug luzader.
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transition effort is reallyll picking up pace and we could see some positions filled pretty quickly here based on the numben of interviews we saw play outlay over the weekend. one after another after anotherr the front door of donald trump's golf club seemed to offer a front row view into who is beini considered for topop administration posts and no onen got more attention than mitt romney.. once fierce trump critic now n being considered for secretaryry of state >> he had a far-reachingin conversation with regards to the various interests of the unitede states of real significance. >> reporter: vice repter: president-elect mike pence mikec alongside throughout the weekene but on friday he was the centerc of a attention thrust into a a controversy when cast member spoke directly to him at the att end.en >> we, sir, we are the diverse america who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protectt
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pence seemed to take it all inn stride. >> the at the end, you know ith can did hear what was ensaidd, o the stage, and i can tell you, , wasn't offended bye-bye what was said. said. i'll leave to others whether that was the appthropriate haven knew to say it. i >> reporter: president obamama meantime returning to the whitei house last night from what mayno be his final overseas trip in office. after suggesting that he may he break with his predecessors and publicly criticize presidentside trump in the years ahead. aad >> if i think that necessary or helpful for me to defense those ideals, then i'lll examine when it comes. >> reporter: as far as the the incoming first family isy is concern, there are a number ofbo reports that melania trump may not move into the white houseite right away preferring instead to stay in new york while theirhe young son finishes up the schooo year. in washington, doug luzadera fox news. donald trump has alsoas a indicated that he's he'd like to split his team betweenetween
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fox5's bob barnard joins uss live from the place where trumpp hopes to call home part timear home at least.home at least. good morning to you, bob. >> reporter: hey, wisdom, wism, everyone, good morning.ning. you see construction site behino me here. they're building the grand stands for inauguration day.uray so the white house is partlyary obscured here. and yeah, donald trump himself e said this in new jerseyerse yesterday. told reporters that melania will be first lady will remain at the trump tower in new york cityr iy with her 10-year-old son baron who is in the fourth grade at aa private school in new york cityy and that melania and baron willw stay in new york through thew yo rest of this school year andr a then move down to but also of vote, there is talk that president-elect donaldsidet trump would like to spend some time while president at trumprup tower and also at his home the e estate down in palm so it seems like he's not hard t set on living here at the whitew house full time. tim we asked people here ine in washington outside the white whi
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think about that. >> it's the people's house. houe i think if you're the people'se' president you got to live in the people's house. but i'm one of those people thaa a lot is happening right now and i think lots going to be found out later and i'm just glad our founding fathers built a constitution that over comesrom lots of presidents we may not m think are doing the right thing. >> i want him to stay in the the white house.wh get the feel of the humility of already a billionaire.ioe got to feel like what it feels s to be a president.dent. stay in the white house. >> i'm a little surprised butedt i'm not um, the president should live i the white house along with hisu family. they should represent our unites states living in the white house. >> i don't think it's a problem. as long as he can run our country, i don't see any problel with it.t i think we're defined by more br than just the white house, you know, i think he can do both.
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that. this is 216, right? >> reporter: i think the main thing we need to prepare for iss an unconventional presidency,y, guys. >> no doubt about that.about . >> indeed. >> that is the case, tc >> we'll talk more about thisalt throughout the morning. tughoutt were want to get breaking newsin happening right now inght now in montgomery county senior transport bus apparentlytl collided with landscapingla vehicle. number of people were hurt. this happened little afterf peoe 8: a00 thifts 11,000 block of gainesboro road in rockville. erin has been following theghe rescue efforts and traffic erin. let's go ahead and show youo that look at skyfox. again you can see the van notann yet towed out of the way. the w. so make sure you give yourselfrf extra time gainesboro road r remains shot shut down in rockville in both directions.ecn it's shut down at thehe intersection of smoke tree roada that is just west of seven locks still a big effort there.. heard from pete piringer for f montgomery county many four man adults taken to the hospital.l. three with trauma codes witha co very serious injuries.ur these are pictures from petete
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the had he on collision between the bus and the landscapingdscag vehicle.hicl ambulance on locate as well.ase. gainesboro road shut down at smoke tree road he's letting usu know about all of those serious injuries let's take look at the maps. loo if you're trying to get around o that in rockville this morning you can see 270 just west of 272 at that accident scene because gainesboro road remains shutem u down in both directions take tak tucker man lane or montrose road tucker man lane ormon rose are a your best bets they run parallee to gainesboro road can't get yoy morning. still big scene there as theyhe try get that accidentiden investigation wrapped up.p. and those vehicles involved invd towed out of the way.d ouof t avoid gainesboro road.orod. any questions for your commute u about this crash at erin fox5 d.c. on twitter. ter. we'll be tracking the very very latest.late. business dom, back to you in the loft. >> 9:11 is the time right now.g. redskins won six of their lastas eight games they face a big tess on thursday when they take onwht the divisionhe ly eading dallas cowboys.oy. coming up next a preview andvi a look back at last night's big b
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paerers. >> answers to the questionrs t almost every dog owner has asked themselves. at one time or te whory is my dog so weird? i prefer to use the word unique.qe maybe not weird.t. nonetheless, we'll have your hau it's 9:27 right now.n.
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?? ?? all right. time right now is 9:14. 94. how you like me now? kirk cousins and washington redskins saint green pay packing last night.t. prime time pay back for ther t burgundy and gold who have h struggled under the lights andgd since revenge is dish best served cold, redskins made upe for that play off loss last yeaa with a big win on a freezingezin night. final score in this one, 42-24. kirk cousins well he was big ing 21 of 30, 375 yards. yards three touchdowns.wn no turnovers.. but the celebration well it will be short because they're back o the feel this thursday against division rivals and the dallas cowboys who have won nine gamesm in a row. aow here to help us play a little ll monday morning quarterbackrterbk redskins inside grant paulsen. s good morning to t let's start off talking about what happened last night.
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williams thad raw put in a lot l of work last night. when i say phat running back bac just for clarification. >> yeah, did he, 130 yards in in three touchdowns.chdowns. i was told that was his first 100-yard game since high schoolo he didn't even do it at tulane. undrafted free agent. one of the things i like aboutkt this redskins outfit right nowig they play the best whether you're matt jones aattos third round pick in year twoo like this front office stake a claim was going to be a reallye good starter or rob kelly who ky wasn't drafted, if you perform m the best in practicectice consistently you'll get a chance and he's taking it running withw he was outstanding. oding cousins had memorableemorab performance and redskins who ass you said were five and 20 in 2 prime time in the last 25, arere now one and zero in their lastnt one in prime time which is ah good sign. >> which is a good thing because they have to keep pace with thee dallas cowboys as i mentioneded they won nine straight games. gm that's going to be huge shorthot week, you got to go to dallas. a
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what are the chances? >> well, i think the chances are better than they typically would be with some of the adversitymeh the redskins will face. fe first how weird is this? youhi? play on sunday night into a a thursday afternoon. that's borderline unprecedented and it's one of two times thishs year that the league jobbed the redskins in my opinion becausene they've got a schedule laterlear that they have to deal withdealh that's a quirk they play on a monday into a saturday.y. i don't real knoll what theha league was thinking but here'sg the good news. the cowboys it afc team it's a team you play p twice year. yea you've already played once thiss situation.situ it's a division foe in a short o week does help you weird thingss can happen on thursday.n thursd. cowboys are the better team ifmi they had full week to prepare aa well maybe, you know, it ends ud helping them a little bit.em a t i think for the redskins, yous,u just got to go down there andrea it's you against the world.ld they can use this fuel all weeke long the league didn't do them t any favors.y fa daal laws was home yesterday they just get to sit around andd wait for thursday.wa for the redskins won't even have aae full practice.ctice.
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so it's going to be tough task.. no question.. >> this skins team, grant, i think they have shown the nfc is a week weak conference this yeaa if they can again eat into the post season off bets are off.. more important question, grantra all the guys in the short sho sleeves i walk out on my balcony in short leaves to feel what ita felt like before the door closed i was back inside. ie. how do they continue to win and how long would you last out there in shore sleeves in thatrs weather last night? >> steve, i wouldn't have evenan tried that. tha are you kid me? i had heavy hey coat on last night because i bec didn't have gloves and i didn't have anything on my ears i wasiw like okay when are we on? i'lli be down in like 15 minutes, guys. i'm a wimp when it comes to lass night it wasn't just how cold i was. wa mid 30s. it was windy which make the cousins passing performance that was so prolific that much moremm impressive.imprsive. but you're right, i talk to guyg about this in the past they feee like mentally it sends some kini of message it's almost like lik
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that i don't need to wear longeg sheaves if you're wearing them m you're worse' >> you're trying to psych outtop the opponent by you not wearingi sleeves and you freezing? >> yes. yes >> nobody had them on either e >> whatever. >> i'm scared of that guy.d of u he's tough. >> grant -- >> they're all football players. they're not scared because foosc you're not wearing sleeves andnd they'll be in jersey's world ijs which is indoors.ndoors. >> that's true. that's all i'm'sll i >> grant a quick question. from my periphery watchingery w football games, the one thing ti i'm getting from this team tm listen they really believe now.. me going in with the mental edge ii my opinion. opinion. do you agree think and if so hoo much does that play into nextint week or i'm sorry into thursday? >> yeah, i definitely agree that they're starting to feel goodoo about themselves.mselve if you look at their last 16 la6 games i only pick 16 because6 be that's a regular season's worth, they are 11-four-one.on that's a lot of wins and not n many losses. lse i think what they've seen is,y's this program now under jay gruden has turned a corner. cor. they really like playing foryinr this coach.
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couple feet at his own 40 aftert it had all right been securedsed throughout the night because he went for ahe nig couple two-poii conversions and i think the players a enjoy playing for himm they like this courageousness aa times but there is a buy in i element that's i think their confidence is anfa sky high. two-zero since the boobie weekbe even if you look at their lossos and tie most recently they hadtd the game won in detroit. dro they thought with a minute 05 05 left extra point distant fieldnd goal to win against thet the cincinnati bengals in londonondn competitive and i think thatandn helps build confidence as welldw that you're not ever getting geg blown out.own out. >> all right. >> dallas has to lose at someom point. >> they've been winning too long. at some point they're going tov lose. >> you would hope. >> it could be this week, right. >> all right, grant.>> y thi, rt good bye, grant., g >> thanks much. >> i had a chance to talk to tht players not that long ago one oo thing they attributed scott mctt lou land being at practices,racs letting guys know if they'rey' doing the right thing and if a i they're not.. if they don't step up play hardh they can find somewhere else tos
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for leadership to take a hands n on approach and show they care e about what's happening.atappe >> accountable.ouable in any feel.eel >> thanksgiving rivalry at 4:303 guess where, right here on fox5. >> what time does dallas play? p >> what time does dallas play. >> 4:30. >> no, i'm sorry.>> no, i made the mistake i.take earlier game before then? >> there should be 1:00 o'clock' and 4:30 and -- a - >> i'm trying to schedule my sc thanksgiving around games. g. so people aren't distracted.. >> just have the ta on. o >> eve eat and watch at the same time. >> 9:21. pipeline protests up north take violent turn. tur beasty boy and four letter wordr that caused a huge controversyoy in canada's parliament. we'll check what's making's min headlines now. >> college rivalries like neverv seen before.e. students including local ones lo going to head to head in the the ninja warrior challenge.ll the show's host joining us livei
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at ikea, we believe everyone should be able to afford a welcoming home for the holidays. and that nothing should get in the way of a good conversation. we believe that room for one more shouldn't cost more.
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z26nez zi0z y26ney yi0y ??? >> 9:24 right now on this monday morning. get a check what else is making heat erin como has our top stories. s good morning, erin. right now and first up, protesters and police clashinglh over night in north dakota as a the sight at the pipeline oil protest.otes at least one person was arrestee as hundreds of demonstrators tried to push past the bridge oe a state highway.hway the billion dollars project will transport oil in north dakota tt the midwest.e midw. protesters say it will hurt thee environment.. a new york city park namedr
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swastikas the words go trump. adam, was jewish end died cancee back in 2012. 201 one of surviving members of thee group adam called it a case of o home grown terrorism. yesterday more witnesses attendn add protest to denounce that graffiti.fiti and a warning for hummus fans. sabra recalling certain kinds because of alling possible lisi contamination. package has a best before date date through january 23rd of away. bacteria was discovered in in manufacturing facility but not n in the finish product that isha had been tested.este the company is issuing theng t recall out of he can treatmentmt caution.caution sabra organic hummus is not not included in that recall. rec if you have that product at home. hot weekend at the boxweek offience. offi despite the cold temperaturestue outside.. the harry potter spin off fantastic beasts and where to find them debuted at the veryy top spot.p spo get this.s.
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first weekend.nd that was enough to bump marvels dr. strange to second place. pce trolls rounded out the top three.thre and finally, a member of canadass parliament has comeas c under criticism for using a certain four letter word whiledi delivering an empassionedn emsso speech. speech. listen to this. >> the government talking about how to retain skilled labor whyy isn't the infrastructurectur minister talking about how implementing infrastructureructe funds and get workers back to work in alberta. why does this government tweetet alberta like a fart in the roomr that nobody wants to talk aboutk or acknowledge much that is muci where my constituents have beene at with this government for over arar. >> that canadian member michelle, addresses the houseou commons last week and you didk d hear right. rig she equated the federaleder government treatment of alberta to in her word "a fart in the t room that nobody wants to talkk ouout. she then refused to call ----
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statement for using languageanag deemed unparliament row.ow so that's quite the talker outau of canada's government right o now. back to you guys. >> check in with parliamenbatcki any other country in the world late toll see what happens. hap >> if that's the wore theth they're saying in canadaat,'s, please. >> we'll take that. >> nothing to see here. >> there's other four letterour words. >> um-hmm. >> keep watching our show is about to get even weirdetcr hitn that.. >> exactly.>> >> we'll talk about the fart inn the room from your four legged g dog. how about that? because dogs dd some weird stu ever wondered why or if you're'r the only one who feels likels you're the one dealing with it,h it's not stay tuned because coming a a doggie blogger will join us live to answer common behavior questions.ti >> first tow tucker barnes wills come back with a look at thehe thanksgiving forecast and whatnw to expect if you plan on hittini the road >> fresh at 10a we're sharingrig some of the biggest moments ofmf last night's ama's with some help from someone who was there.
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knee savage is here. her he's got a lesson for some of s the guys in the 9:28 is the time. we're back after this.
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and get thirty-six month, no-interest financing. black friday specials, while supplies last. friday, three hours only. with havertys, your home can be perfect, even when life isn't. don't miss our black friday specials at havertys. life looks good. >> we have a few problems.ha the democrats already pushingvei back on our illegal immigrationn act because they say finingin 11 million illegal immigrants ia going to be hard. >> impossible probably. proba >> and then they say it's going'
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them. >> so maybe let's not do it.yb [ lae ughterle ] >> eh, don't do it? >> yeah. scrap it. >> scrap it? >> scrapped. scrapped. >> all right. im31 time. donald trump back on snl after t week off. o alec baldwin once again portraying the president-electde this time in the exit that found the neck president a little bitb overwhelmed but the real donaldd trump barn not big fan of this.i and it wasn't the only fightnl t that he pick online over the ove weekend. we'll have all the detailshavelt coming up at let's send things down teart to conduct they are get a look e what's happening to the we have a holiday to l'soo hk look forward to, tuck. >> we sure, doar, sd tetove. ste a lot of people traveling the next couple of days. coupl d we'll talk travel weather.l wear i just stepped outside and those winds they never left.ev lef they're back. bk. wind advisory here was extendedd early this morning until until 5:00 o'clock this afternoon for some of the countiafes locally.. howard county and northern tearh of maryland get out in theyl mountains out to ouran west hert that wind advisory remains in i
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hour and i think easily over 30 here in washington a little l later this afternoon.fterno so winds very cold temperaturesu for the middle of november. nove 38 right now in washington.hito 37 in leonardtown.. 32 in winchester.esr 36 in hagerstown our wind chilll right now in the 20s.0s even with that bright sunshinee please be prepared here for cold one today. tod if you'll be out a little latert this afternoon as winds will bes out of the north and west att about, well, there you go. 15 to 20 with gusts over 30. inshington. 31 in gatorring burg. 26 in nap flips. flips haag town last hour over 40 sor still very very persist 10 winds here this will give us wind win chills in the 20s even thisevens afternoon. even with the air temperature in the 40s, parts of the area windw chills will be in the 20s and 2d low 30s late think afternoon iti will feel colder than the actual air temperatures well below normal. all right. lake effect snows binghamton looking up towards syracuse.. foot plus in many spots up here.
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enjoying unseasonably warmeaso temperatures this fall you push cold air over that's the resultr there. but pretty extraordinary snowsno up in new york. for us, we're looking at partial sunshine and a pleasanthine a p afternoon. jet stream dipping down to theoo south that keeps thing cool thio today. cold tonight if the wind let upu tonight we'll likely be righte around freezing here in the city tomorrow and then tomorrow another dayerd upper 40s and we'll start a stat gradual rebound in temperaturesu as we get into the middle of tht week i want to half of wednesday into earlyly thursday likely a period ofiod light shower activity aroundity here so if you're driving, plan accordingly.ingl will be showers here locally any it should be pretty light.ight unfortunately it's going to bene light we actual use a good aoo soaking but as far as timing here as far as traveling i think you'll beob fine in the mid atlantic aantic wednesday, thursday, friday andd then of course the return oncoue sunday looks good, too. g t with temps in the 50s. 5 all right.l right. guys. that's the latest. cold today. holly over to you.y to >> thanks, tucker. tr.
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an and woman. >> and but from hum pink and lickingndc everything to eating poop -- po- >> yum. >> -- hope you're not eatin right now were he have to admite come on hdogs have pretty weiri behaviors. right? allison you know allallu about that >> yes.>> y and so do you. so we're the resident dog lovers crazies.azie steve calm down he's saying moo, too. >> he is. .> right if you find yourself scratchingh your head just know that you are not alone.lone. you might have lice. l >> my next guest is here to h to help.he >> her name a pet expert also the founder oo pot popular free dog traininging website why does my dom >> that's great. >> she's joining us live this j morning to help us uoindernistan some of the reasons behind your dogs. i'll say unique behaviors.ehio i don't think they'ret thin the necessarily weird.wei. bought they just -- it's kind oo how god wired them. t ght?t? >> exactly. >> it doesn't make them weird. >> it's what they do. >> who is this.n't >> it' >> this is jake. jake come on in here.e on ire. >> hi, jake.ak >> jake is a sweet boy. jake is
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>> so our first question is lott of people had this question, whw do dogs like to eat poop?atoo >> so we're finding more and moe more that they eat poop becauses they actually like the taste off it. >> come on, ali. >> that's so gross. gr >> i don't know personally one l of the recommendations that ansa lot of behaviors suggest isst i putting things like pine alne apple in their food to make the poop taste bad and the dog won'w it. it. other dogs --r dog >> isn't that funny i would think pn >> i like it in my smoothie.moo. >> the waste processes through the body and like the leftoverss of it are unappealing to doing. >> okay.y >> okay.>> i only thank goodness have hadse really one poop eater in my five. five. >> here's my question.s is itmy a natural thing for the to do why should they do not? n just because we think it' gross. >> they lick everything in the house. >> well, it can be bad for themm to eat poop because there's alsr
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>> sometimes, you know how they lick. ey l lick you. >> it doesn't mean -- does itmet mean they love you when they t lick. li >> definitely. it's self sooth to go them whenn they lick they're brain actuallr releases endorphins which makehk them much happier. >> aww. >> the more they lick thee thick eyppier they are. almost like a drug that they're taking over and over.. >> so you shouldn't try to stops licking? we'll try to stop thee from eating, isn't he's justs j licking my leg right re >> you're sweet. what about the couch? like whak about the rug? >> a lot of those kind ofse behaviors it's a dog trying sooth themselves because they'rt stress, anxious or bored. >> okay. o >> trying to figure out --ing tg >> bored i turhink mine. m >> trying to kind of stimulate a the mentally or trying to figurg out what is triggering those t kind of behaviors because of they're trying to makebeey'r themselves feel happy. >> all right. rig >> that makes me sad.t s me >> right. >> it feels them feel better. b. >> why do they go around sniffing every other dog's d behind? it seems a littleit >> it is but dogs actually have a gland around their butt thatut releases scents about wherehe
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eaten, if they're in heat and hd ready for, you know, some action ot.not. so it's almost like looking at a facebook profile page. >> okay. >> they can tell everything about the other dog and pretty much if they want to bey can otn with them they want to play witw them or if they just kind oft nd want to ignore them. >> you know if they like thatha facebook profile by them tryingy to hump the dog.. >> exactly.>>xact >> yes. >> hum pink also everything. is this just satisfaction for -- let's be honest.s be hest we're being honest.ones >> yeah, it really is.s. >> it feels good. >> exactly. even if they're neutered orre fixed it just feels really goodo to them once again soothing to it also we're fining because wew believe it was a dominancece behavior the dog was trying toin dominate the other dog we're do' studying the behavior the more we're finding it's and it's a invitation to play.vion t oh, my gory really like you and so i'm excited i'll show it tow you in this way and hopefullyopy get you to be really excite thee and chase me and play with me.he >> it's kind of like a peacock o
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trying to get a little, you know. >> here's what's cute.ere''s cu. when they walk around and then a they go -- that all curl up gong to bed. b is this ancient behavior. >> it is. ng grass is that ancient. that ancient. >> a lot of things are left from the wild and we see like wildd dogs they're not in a home theye circle around to drive any dve snakes or nasty bugs and then to make the ground soft and thenth the kicking and also thehe circling around leaves a scent on the grass to kind of mark mar that spot like slpiping area. this is my peeing area. this is like my stumping groundo >> they spread it around to say, look, steer clear. car >> they have glands in theirland actual feet that leaves like asl scent behind.tin >> oh, everywhere. >> they got glands everywhere isn't they do. meaking of which that is my worse one. o the scoot on the rug.. >> yes. yes >> that means -- >> that's a gland to express.a l i can't do that myself.lf >> you can but -- >> i suggest you go to the vet. >> definitely or groomerefin actually a lot of groomers do i as well.l.
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my dog does it because shese s really like the feeling of it.. that's what my vet told me and m it's so embarrassing, and -- and >> my big overall question and i hined at this before all these t behaviors are natural behaviorss how much do we work to curtail a and how much do we allow them to just be dogs. >> it's kind of to the point of your embarrass many level.yevel. what's going to be embarrassingn you and bothering you? i suggesg kind of redirecting th behaviors lot of trainersrain teach the dog a different roomnr with whatever they're hum pink.n >> keep your hum pink at home.. >> what does my thanks for being on. >> thank you.>> t >> i'll be looking at this site for long time.r tim >> ali, thank you very much.ankm >> all right.uc >>aurereen look at them. >> dogs are great.reat. they don't do this all the time. if he eats the poop and licksp l your face --your f-- >> right.
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>> he's enjoying all of it.. >> i am informed and disgusteddt at the same time. i don't know how i feel aboutl t this. this. >> look at jake. >> i know. >> he's beautiful. he'au don't worry about >> okay.. >> band members like what? wet have the band standerring by irb have never.ever. rry, guys.s. sorry. okay. he is hollywood>> legend mia on the big screen but that mightt g make his new project the perfecr roll coming up next kevin sits s down with rules down apply star warren beatty. where have you been war 9:40 is the time. we're back after this.
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agine a world where instead of rushing to buy we gave thanks for what we already have. at t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods we're closed on thanksgiving because family time comes first.
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?? you guys want to have a facf to face meeting with me and then be able to say i'm crazy andzy then i'll have to give up control of twa to them.. it's just -- j >> maybe you teach them a lessoa if you just gave it to them.. >> then they could sue me for whole lot of money and then may come after my daddy's company, c so i really can't afford to leto them ma psychiatric i would leave this country andru never come back.r come b i'd leave this country and nevev come i'd leave this country and never come back.k you i'd leave this country and never come back. >> okay. that is a clip from the new movie rules ds a on'tcl it stars warren beatty as legendary recluse howard hughesg and might be perfect roll forctr the store who has been mia fromo the big screen for more thanorea decade now.. kevin got a chance to sit downiw with the oscar winner and joins us now live with more.h mor
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trailer. this weekend. i thought it was fantastic . >> yeah. it's interesting because howarde hughes such an interestingerting person. i've always loved what he did in cinema, but he had -- he had hih own things going on. o i remember leo cap played him in the aviator and ocd quality of that person dicaprio saying hean had ocd in his life he connected with. anybody can relate to that asata spec. howard hughes a little more eccentric as well.l. warren beatty plays him in the i he's done in 15 years on screenn in a film. he directed, wrote, produced stars in the film and it's aboua he plays howard hughes and two people who work for themhe specifically al din erin reich a driver and aspiring actress youy saw there on the screen lillynil collins and it's kind of aboutft an old school classic hollywood history.hiory. i spoke to him about directbout himself in movie. mie do you direct yourself as howard hughes? for example, are you iu a moment as howard hughes sayine to the cameraman, this needs --e
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direct? and i also spoke to hih about one of the most violent scenes in the history of zen inn ma, 1967's the end of bonnie and clyde. watch this. >> when you're directing a filma that you have written and you'rr starring in and you're in ang ia scene and you're setting up thei direction, you're telling then,n actors whatg to do, can you tal about like how you stay in i character if -- while you're directing the is there a balance to i want w this shot this way, you need toe be doing this and this scene bub i'm also howard >> the toons your question is i don't know. [ laughter ] >> but, um, i think -- i would probably say that, um, that, um, you don't go completely out of character, and you might -- i think it varies. var hmm. >> i don't think there's an easi answnker it to i like to say ify you're directing yourself, thata you have at least one actor who
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>> hmm. >> now i'm a huge film fan i i grew up watching your movies to be sitting across from you bonnie and clyde one of best o movies of all time. i think the first time i sawe is that film the ending was so s brutal because it just took -- one most violent things i'veng seen in my entire life. life. i always wanted to ask you howsw that was shot in regards whengan you were shooting that scene hoe were the bullets done back thene because that's the '60 i'm wondering how that was done.e. your body was shaking around. a. how did tha moment. >> we had six cameras. >> wow! >> and it's interesting the violent ending which created a lot of resistance among older critics.ics. >> yes. >> and bonnie and clyde is an an interesting story in the way that it took, um, i would say it
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into being accepted. >> interesting. iesti >> which is no longer possibleri today when we open in 2,000 or 3,000 theaters, you know but wet opened in two theaters in thoseo days and we might have moved tot 100 theaters over a period of aa month or two. two there was a whole reversal of critical opinions over four or five-month period it went from qu say 30% negative to pretty muchh all positive.. >> it's amazing to me that thini a movie that critically all claimed one of the greatestd ont movies of all time negatively received initially in 1967 and if you haven't seen han bonnie and clyde we couldn'tou show the actual ending here butb it's very very violent. viont very very violent scene. warren beatty's movie opens upnp wednesday rules don't apply.t >> thanks kev. >> 9:47. when you think college madnessoe you might think basketball muchh
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college rivalry edition of teamm ninja warrior about to make itsi debut featuring local students. coming up next we'll talk withat the show's host to find out whaw we shall expect now that they know what they have to expect as
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>> 9:51 is the time.>> 9 college rivalries well they just got a whole lot more interesting. a lot more interesting. >> tomorrow night elite college athletes will go head to head teaming up in one of toughest competitions out there we'ret lot mow talkinnig yough will up i an boa warrior challenge college madness style.tyle some students from collegefrom e parking what we can expect the terps t t will expect.xpt. we turn to show host -- akbar, b had it i knew it. i heard you and your brothers name in the nfl for years and in failed my first challenge my my friend. w what, thehe competitors actually on the shoo before they can compete they have to be able to sheayy my ll name and then spell it if theyhy couldn't, they couldn't get on c the course.e coue no. it's all good.ood.
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it's hard for me to say to s sometimes, too.times, too. [ laughter ] >> listen i've watched the wed minute gentleman challenges forf years and years you see people l trained their entire lives for s some of this stuff.f this stu what about these college kidssed getting out there? how did thee do and is it the same type of o course? >> no.o. well, you know it's little bitt of the same stuff that you'ret'r familiar with but what teamhatea minute gentleman warrior collegc madness it's different. differe and the way it's different isrei that you have these side by side course, dual course that they're competing right next to each other. that they have to actuallyl intersect, and that's where thet twist is and that's where ithe gets challenging because you bec know, from some of these t rivalries they can start bumpinm and hitting and getting a gettig little, you know, physical, anda that's the part that i love. kind of relates to kind ofkind football. as you guys know, booth myh brother mine self we playedye football and i don't get up forp any type of physical type of competition. and so that's what college cle madness s it's going to be thehe agility, it's going to be thehe
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it just keeps you on the edge oe your seat. st. what we've done here essentialli we've taken that, we've taken 16 teams of some of the moree historical rivalries.ival we have usc/ucla. we have uconn/mit. uconn yes i did say mit. stanford/colorado.olado michigan never the ohio state.ta i go the because i lost to themt when i played up there at the horseshoe. excuse me the horseshoe.orsh so we lost to them i about that. so san diego state my alma matet is not represented in the team ninja warriors i'm calling thumt oat to compete next we're itompe really is fun.'r i thinks fun this is the pure fn that you get when you takes youy back to your dorm room being ono college campus.ampus but alumni, parents of students, anyone who's a fan of the showw will definitely be able toe t relate to the excitement of thef owow. >> how did you pick theid y pic students? i mean do you go to g the college campus haven't aav't
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>> well, you know, actually it'i quite fun, because, you know,kno for years we've been getting i g mean thousands upon thousands of competitors summiting videos to compete on american ninjaninj warrior for ninja warrior you w have to be 21 to compete.omte well, we came up with a collegee edition that said, you knowd, yk what, let's take some of these e other guys that have beenhaveee submitting their video and comec up way college madness.. this stuff a massively popular l on college campuses.. and so, look, it was a no no br midst of the college football season at all-time high right rg now we know both seasons just ss right around the corner here yoy have another alternate route too be able to watch some of your y favorite colleges compete durinn team ninja warrior. warri if you thought marinadenessinen during basketball season wasaskb something, wait until you see team ninja warrior college mad m did he say. we have the bracket going on. we have the whole t hinge .br thing i'm telling you, this is exciting, exciting competition.n
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akbar.akba it's a different type of of strength.stre look, you grew up playing if thg ball you and your brother and ad you guys are big guys. g this is the kind of thing young can see people like 130 pounds3u out there but they have that hand strength and next thing you know they're running the tablesb on some of the bigger guys outlt there.ere >> it really is.s. we like to call it the great equalizer because part of the obstacle will have agilityli portion and the other part willt have your upper body strength,yn and all of it will requirel rui mental fortitude, a only the toughest mentally tougu ones will but do you need upper bodyy strength, case in pointer, ier went out and taped at 323 gym23g here in los angeles and isnd trained with one of the ninjaina greats jesse graph.seraph >> how did you do.ow d >> here she is showing mow how to do the pole, um, excuse the t peg board and the latter andatta i've at my peak in the nfl wittered did he say i was benchn pressing 40 pounds and ind couldn't carry 250 pounds on a peg.
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so simple, i'm like hold on. hold on now.ow >> it's tollly different.fent >> my goodness.s i mean it is a difference.iffe i have a whole new foundry found respect for strength. i was used to moving 350 pounders in front of me.n ont of you have to be able to use youru weight in a different way and so, um, this is that quite -- qe i'm pushing weight. weight. she is and the other ninja warriors are -- they're-he moving their own body weight wgh with grace.ra. >> akbar we're looking forwardeg it to and thank you for joiningi us this morning we'll watch thel show and we'll see how lame we m are when it comes to standing uu against them.em. we'll let you do the heavy i expect you guys -- let me tell you something.thin this is appointment tv so tomorrow november 22nd,, tuesday, you make sure you watch on the esquire network. 8:00 p.m. seven central team
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will be nuts. >> it's ridiculous.>>t's we'll see ya. up onomingot more coming the 10a.e a very special redskins tributeins for you. we got great live music, and more and look back at the ama's fashion segment, et cetera, eter cetera it's coffee time. if you want the mug, one is up s for grabs right now. now go to our website fox5 d.c..contests or our facebook page get your entry in byryn b 11:00 o'clock this morning.
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>> a november to remember.ovem only only good day at 10a. >> trending right now trump tak ontr snl and the cast of hamilt.
10:01 am >> fashion police gets inhion p formation.format. fab or fail with paul wharton at 10:15. >> live in the loft, it may be e outside but it's hot in male model and viral star donnell blaylock is here.. >> hmm. >> get out the smelling salts. he's actually going to teachea tucker how to eat a chocolate bar. >> plus wine orba not? looking for the best buy for yourr holiday feast.ea we have them just for you.e th >> we always say it.. eeeers. the 10a starts now ?? >> come on redskins come on redskins fans.
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whoo! wh >> all right. >> yeah. >> that's the way to start a ow.w.s th >> all in band. ban >> we're celebrating the t redskins big win. all in band will join us in thet loft to perform.rm. >> we're all in fellas.. >> a little bubbly holly. >> this is keith. kth. >> what you got next up.ha >> for me to know. >> he's from rosewood.oo he'll help us pair for ther t three options. >> celebrate the win last nighte >> and celebrate the win. w >> get ready for the big victory coming up this thursday onday o thanksgiving.ksgi >> short week.virt wee >> jerry against the cowboys. >> dallas on big winning streak. >> nine in row. row. most they've ever won in row. >> two celebrations in fou days. >> could be. >> thanks for staying with us ts for a >> let's check what's trendingig right now on morning.orng no secret saturday night love nv life likes to post fun at ourur president election.. >> alec baldwin was back on. in the opening 67 he findse f
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presidential duties. here's a little with. >> big plans -- plans - [ laughter ] >> what is isis?? >> oh, my, 59 million result. >> 0siri.. i will kill i sigh much it's a >> donald trump not so pleasedto he he had baldwin's portrayal oo him stinks and snl is unfunny un and boring show. sw of course he took to twitter tot express his displeasure heleure tweeted i watched part of p o saturday night live last nightt it is a totally one sided biased show nothing funny at all equal time for us question mark? alee baldwin responded equal timee election is over.elecon i there's no more equal time nowim you try to be president andde ad fight for freedom not just oil. >> that wasn't thesn't t
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battle over the weekend fridayra night vp elect attended hamilton with his daughter and anothernda family members as the show was ending and pence and his familys were leaving, the actor playingg aaron burr read a prepare notee singly out the viceheic president-elect. >> we are the diverse americame who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us. >> boo!>>oo [ applause ] >> our children, our parents orr alien i don't believe rights we hope this show inspired you tone up hold our american values and to work on behalf of all of us. >> mr. trump tweeted yesterdayes calling the move harass many ana calling the cast rude sayingde s quote the cast and producers ofs hamilton which i hear is highly overrated should immediatelyialy apologize to vp election mikecte pence for their terrible behavior.e fo publicist for the show threatsoa the remarks were not rude and
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has invited trump to come see se the show. show. no word if he will or not. vp elect pence doesn't seem to mind. he says he even nudge his kidsdi and reminded them this is whatha freedom sounds like. >> all right.ig a lot of you sounding off on yod that issue. we invite to you continue doing so on facebook #gooddaydc. trump popular target at lasttas night's american music awards. gigi hadid mocked his wife ate one point with nace poking fun at her plagiarized rnc the night was a celebration ofei music and featured toe showe sho stopping and stealing moments. >> radio host mark clark wask cw there and he joins us live fromo la to share his thoughts some oo the must see moments were there last name what's going on mark?r how you doing?ing? >> wait, wait, we got to bringob wife fee in here.ere. >> allison is here with youreit
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>> we the whole whole crew ise h here, mark.ol givehe us five things that yous took away from last night.ig just five quick ones. >> five? >> five quick ones.iv i think my favoritee performane of the night was bruno mars. 24 carrat magic. allison knows that's one of our family's favorite >> yup. >> he brought the energy, the jab wok key dance crew with them and did their thing. the shocking thing for the night was ari an ya grande did had had [ laughter ][ >> i noticed that, too.. >> air mark.irar she beat a dell, beyonce', bey drake, i mean, i don't know youo have to remember this is voteds on by the fans.ans. fans are a mazing. mazing. the question is, where was the t beehive?ehe? >> right. >> beehive. >> mark, though in>> yourn you experience i mean does ari yanny day deserve this. i never saw thisde coming.oming. i think she's a little young. yg her body of work is still shorts in my opinion. opini >> a little short.ittl
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[ laughter ] >> i think again she is a fan favorite.favo i think, you know, social media generation, i found myself as aa dad seeing all these younghese people and kind of like startins to realize, okay, they reallyea control a lot with the votes, man. man they're interactive. deserved, you know, deserved? no. no, she doesn't >> mark, i thought the sameam thing when zane beat out the chain smokers. .> hey. >> yes. you know what, holly , but once again, again, bee careful. he'll come for you.r y >> mark you better be allison is about to jump off thf couch coming for you.. >> oh, yeah. yea well, allison actually is a a follow we are of zane and gained millions of followers. folwe i'm not going to -- t >> some of them who are veryof aggressive.sive but way we digress. you likes james bay, too.,oo he's a favorite in our house asu well. >> i did like him.idike him.
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i called it the come bay ya moment.mont and the guy can play ann instrument. >> can i be honest,, m i'm i think one of my favorite e moments from last night wasn'ta during theni show. it was the drake commercialmeia where he lip synced bad blood.ld taylor swift that was hilarious. >> yeah. y that was wasunny and people loved it and it was funny.fuy drake is funny.un. he's an he's like the best actor of ourr time because i think he's goingg to -- when he turns into acting and leave hiphopp alone. what about the acceptance speece for selena gomez, how aboutw that. that >> inspiring girls and women. w. it was powerful.fu she said it looked like i was l sitting on top of the world but i was, um, broken inside. so i really did appreciate thatt i think she looked so amazing,zg too. >> she looks really good. looea >> mark, i have a question forsf you. >> the thing about la that'shat'
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rehabs -- commercial for rehabss are so luxurious i want to go to rehab.hab >> i would suggest that. sug this is really an intervention.t you are going.. >> allison says more time awayra from home she says no. no. >> speaking of la and luxurious mark, what's the vibe like at at show like that because we see w all the highlights with all thee lights are on and the camerasear and everything else? is it kin of like on, off, on, off duringn the commercials or a big partyl the whole time? >> so many people are pai excited to be there just be onu the stage and then, you know,no the air, just that part of town and la and at an event. the excitement keeps going keepg because of that. in fact sometimes it almostlm feels like, you know, the show o is there but people are moreore excited about just being in thet moment.. >> looking at your friends johnh legend sink.nd how did he do? >> i thought he had -- i call the emotional performance of the i thought it was great.reat.
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know velour jacket and why pants.nt [ laughter ] >> i don't know.>> i don but he stayed and played. pye he didn't walk down the steps.te he highlighted all the picturesu because i didn't -- i didn't necessarily his pants shot. s i just didn't want it.t >> we got it and lady gaga's ga' bare feet. we got to let you go. >> hey mark you looking good.oo keep doing this with us. we love >> thanks so much, guys. guy >> now get home. allison has chores for you to t do. >> happy thank ysgiving, bud. b. >> it's 7:00 a.m. out there.t te >> i guess i should go now.go nw >> no stay with us.s. >> one of ouray local movie stas on the national stage at the ama talking about bryce harper. har he turned up in los angeles notl to just watch the ceremony. cem he had a to be on the stagehe sa presenting announcing the award for new artist of the year whicw went to allison's bff zan malik. >> teyona taylor and him on
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amamazing. >> right. >> bryce went to the ceremony wn with his fiance'.t wi posted this photo of the twot posing on the red carpet ahead a of time. >> okay. >> well done. ..himy cool fo >> y so lesson in sex seem internet model donnell blaylocka danny savage is joining us livel >> i need to welcome h >> do you?> do y [ laughter ] >> you have five questions forur him. >> yes. >> okay. >> i reasonable have one.ha >> speaking of ama's we talk w t about the highlights but youghts know we got to talk about theut fashion from so who sleighed the red carpetar and who, eh, missed the mark.. >> our fashion expert paulon exp wharton will join us live next.
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?? well if you want to be caddy you want to be belly on up to your tv cad.dyout [ laughter >> we're an expert in it duringr this year's american music mic awards we saw a horrible impression of melania trump, we saw lady gaga hit the stage barb foot. we listened to selena gomez about her struggle with lupus lp and anxiety and depression and ari angara grande with her her ponytail win artist of the year. they hit the red carpet asarpe always we are here to tell themt
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morning is our fashion expertonp paul wharton. >> good morning to toou >> where did you park your y harrellly. harrellly. >> hey, it's in the lot.ey, it's in the lot out there.ou the >> you looking good. >> this is an homage to janet jackson american music awards back in the day.bathe >> okay. o i know it. >> she was the original -- >> 54321. >> do you remember that one.u re >> >> absolutely. great show. i didn't really get to see veryy much.. >> i saw a lot of it.f >> we're talking red carpet >> we're talking about what thee wopaulpaul. >> isn't that what is importanto >> yeah.eah >> you started with ariana ande.e. he phe ponytail. >> she looked amazing she did this trouser look before in befe august and i thought she did iti a lot better last night.ight. now i think this is fab all the yay. >> agreed. >> she's all grown up. >> fail.>> fail. >> fail, fail. f >> fab. >> i node to unthe criteria forr dress at this.s >> there is none. none. >> catch wal or --alr
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of vibe. >> the reason i say fail, she's young and she looks cute but the ponytail i'm so sick of it. >> the ponytail for her functional. she has thinfu brittlenc hair.. >> get extensions like the rests of america. ame >> she's got extensionings downn to her you know what.w . >> i like the white pants in the nterer. >> i like the buest yea top i thought she rock it. it >> holly is feeling very niceern today. to >> give eight minute.>> g >> i have a good line foriv t >> what is is that. tt. >> gigi hadid is so pretty she e could wear a white glad trashd t bag and i think she did. >> white doily.. >> grandma called.. >> grandma's house.ra >> i'll give her a fab she lookl good in it. >> this is roberto kavalli.. >> his grandma's doily. >> there are design are in des outfits not always beautiful.eaf >> i'm going fab because she bec it ed it off. >> me, too. >> i don't know that i'm loving. her hair these days. know hehair what is this with this kinds ki
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>> bouffant. >> she's trying to be melaniag a because she was doing the >> she looks similar. >> the cheeks contouring.on >> i thought it was a fab.a f i'm saying it was a fab. f do not try it at home.ome. >> only works for gigi.i >> that's my girl who i'll love. >> taraji. >> i know i'll love her.w i'llee >> oh, no. >> we didn't.. >> i'll abstain she's our homeoe girl. >> she's our home good i loveodv her i did not love what she wass wearing. >> she doesn't have to try veryr >> no, she didn't.idn' her stylist said no, you know what given. >> what's that about? >> on his instagram.nstaa >> the make up and the hair butb i hate the bra sticking out. >> she has a black bra with anr oversized jacket too big for bif her. >> don't get me wrong. don't ge she looks good.wrone los go >> yes. >> i don't like the outfit.on't >> i don't like th leik outfit.i >> it's not the best outfitfi she's ever done but hey she's taraji p. henson she has arrived. >> she got two minutes to race
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>> searer, i thought a lot of o people that normally show a lotw of skin like sierra even with et the baby bump i've seen her shor a lot really chose to go witho w the really classic look.. >> she look beautiful.eautul. >> what you said she went realla formal in my opinion? oni >> i guess.uess. anything goes. g black and white was a big trende and following.lowi >> lady gaga. >> this girl slade this carp.dei lady gaga. lady >> let me see -- if i can make e my fab all capitals love, love. >> nobody wears a paint suit sut an l lady gaga. she's standing a foot talleral than she really is. she looks samassing.. >> let's see our black and whit jonelle mo'ne.lle mne >> i liked this.s >> jonelle mo' you know what i just think she'k just running thing. thi she's such a boss right thing. g she owns that black and white. . it's not just something that wat to her. h >> one it back to the store i'mt
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>> i'm just fab all day long.lo. >> okay.ka >> keep it for selena. >> selena gomez. >> she wore prada and she looked amazing.amazg. >> elegant. just like her acceptance speeche really really cool. >> ari an today grande has on a party outfit. ofit >> did you see ariana when selena was giving her septemberr tans speech.h. >> shade. >> i don't think ari an day >> she has annotated u. >> i deena menzel.e >> she's a broadway star but she >> she failed. >> what did john travolta callal her. >> that was kind of a fail. a f. >> we got a minute to go.o. >> she needed to let go. let [ laughter ]ught >> let it go. let g that's really good. >> remember something about mary magdalene.alene >> this is like bad wrappingrapn paper..
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get, that's it.t she just ripped it off the table and wrapped it around her.ou h >> can we go through some guysog real quick.ui. >> absolutely. >> the guys were hot. >> who is shot?>> the >> oh, no. no. i thought he was amazing. azing >> i love him.e im >> all grown up. >> you have that suit, don'tt, n you. >> i have many suits like that. this is departure today.. >> did he dye his hair dark hea was dark before and when he was in one direction he died it light. >> he looks good. >> he's all grown up little girls swooning for him. >> what can he we say about johh legend. >> i thought it was ill fitletig it just -- jus >> i was surprised. >> kind of boring for johnn i'm was surprised he didn't did christie tee again's safety opinions. she had little wardrobee malfunction? >> she did. >> i like jay>> s. >> he was >> classic. did he a great job.did he gre >> classic man. claic m >> i didn't see it in color. inl
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>> i love the >> it's navy blue, okay. >> expressions not so much. so h >> overall one to 10 what do weo give the fashions?ons? >> overall i'd give it an eight. >> okay. >> i'd give it an eight. >> we always give you a 10. 1 >> thank you so much. next time i'll watch the show to but i just hanging out with you guys. [ laughter ] >> if you see the fashions fhios that's all that matter.ll thama. >> i'm in happy mood and i thini people want to be encouraged ena and, you know, i just want toano inspire people.. so hey --ey tell us why, steve.teve >> just for you we'll celebratel a little bit because we havese your holiday survival guideui we're not talking turkey thisrkh .ime. >> nope. >> what are we talking about.kit >> we're talking 59 know and i see bubbly hidden behind that bn bag. we may break that out as well.t i think tucker has a forecastast for us he'll talk about not onlo today but a couple of days fromf today and thanksgiving as well. i think that would be theink th holiday and the entire week. >> >> tuck kearse barnes will talk about that when he come back oue there.n it's nice out there now. now
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it is chilly. ?? ?when you've got...? ?...nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!? nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!? here's pepto bismol! ah.
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>> look at that. the trees turning shades of brown,ees rtued, orange.nge. supposed to be fall man it'sant' feeling like winter. especially today. >> goodness, gracious. graciou >> tucker, beautiful before thee winds blew off the leaves off ls the trees when that sun wasn w hitting the leaves on saturday a it was -- my goodness the colorl were just unbelievable.vabl >> bottom fell out..
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then the winds picked up top 50 miles an hour and for the anr most part the leaves ar ae a thi of the past. pas as we have transition pretty pre quickly from beautiful fall fal weather to fall like feel out there, and more of the sameam today. 40 now in washington.hito but it does not feel that warm.t our wind chills are stillarsti hanging out in the 20s in many and low 30s here in the city.ity so winds are back. b they're out of the north and stst. not 40 or 50 today but more like 25 or 35.r so not much of a break, and,nd again these wind chills will bel low 30s throughout afternoon asn we're looking at a very very chilly day with daytime highs about tent 10 degrees plus belo normal as we get into thent t afternoon hours.n h a look at satellite/radar. nice and quiet.nice lots of sunshine out a few clouds this afternoon keek it dry the lake effect snowssnow kicking up we're just down hereh gary and i looking at the snow totals stag staggeringerin binghamton 70.5-inches.inches a foot in syracuse and still stl going strong there withith persistent northwest windswe wis
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very very warm for this time ofo year. year. all right. our pattern this afternoonfterno expect some cool temperatures.ts cold mid 40s.mid actual air temperature mixedturm with the winds will feel like aa mentioned upper 20s and low 30sl and then very cold tonight. tont i think even in the city we'll w get very close to the freezing g mark by tomorrow morning. and gradual warm up around herer with temperatures expected to bb back in the 50s by do want to mention a few showers wednesday night early thursdayyy if you're traveling.g i don't think it will reallyy impede travel but that's ourhats nextha rain and then partial sunshine if you'll be playing football bb thursday afternoon with theftno family and a nice looking day. d all right, guys.ght,uys. cold today.oday back to you. you >> all right. thank you tuck. it is man crush monday our next guest there you go is the t reason the hash tag exists literally.raly coming up internet star donnyny savage joining us live and he'ss sharing his secrets to sexinessn with some of the guys in the loft.
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hm um-hmm. yup. tepp 31:00. it's monday so we know y e yv been seeing hash tag man crushau monday on your timelines alles a morning long.rninong. but this morning we areninge are celebrating with more than ahan picture because our next guesttg is the real live version of mann crush monday i swear and he is s live in the studio we're talkini male model and viral star donnell blaylock.ock. yeah. you might not know his name but we're sur steamy first trap video of his slowly eating chocolate aftertet posting the video last year onn facebook.face he quickly shot to internet famm that is because it was viewed more than 3 million times in one day. what? since then he's featured in various music videos on wendn williams show and even in essence and cosmo magazine muchc this morning he's live with us t in the loft. the from real estate agent to viral sensation sex symbol, how doesos that feel? >> it was a complete curve balla
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just, you know, being aeing a professional in real estate, ana having to put it on hold to dod some completely different whichh was like outlandish in my mine.. >> right.>> right. >> it's a blessing.ssing. definitely.finitely. >> right. >> a blessing in disguise. i'm just happy to be >> wonderful opportunity finitely.y. >> i asked when you came in wheo you see this picture of you, you what goes through your mind? >> i'm just -- i don't know. kn. it's hard for me to put it in i words because i never even seevs my picture on a monitor this big let a lone have it on a >> was modeling anything thattht ever came into your mind whenhe you were younger? you were real store. was that something you thoughteu about? i'm sure people told yoy lou your life you're a good aoo looking guy was that something g that even crossed your mind? >> it's funny that you say thata i honestly always been told i ti should model.ould mel but i don't know. k i was never really into modelood looks like that.t i was never conceited not saying you have to be to a model i don't know i'll givel g eight chance one day. >> okay. o
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company sides lessens magazine,, cosmo, so many others. i think kiki wyatt saw you loved you.u. your videos now chris brown bwn videos it's piling up here.p her so you've got to think the neckn step besides the hershey barey that you posted. poste what is happening next for you?o >> hopefully the big screen. >> oh, so do you a little actint as well. as well. >> getting into that. i'm starting to do a get ltiitte monologues want not trying to wo prepare for that next big step.e >> i want to backtrack thatt hershey bar you going eat a hershey bar and movm it oin how does that come to be. >> my manager and photographerte he definitely through that inelo the mix.ugthmix >> one day he says, hey, man i n got hershey bar just eat it real slow. slow. >>o, n no, no. >> i'm just asking. >> real specific. spefi we were shooting we were on south beach.. um, it was a super hot day. day the shirt i had is kind of likek a sweater almost.ost i'm scorching in the sweater.wet
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seductively we ran through twogt chocolate bars just because oneb melted. >> okay. >> so it was about to start waso raining it was like donny, justs go ahead don this.s. i'm like dude we doing 20 takess of this i'm so done stupid ideae in the world.. last five minutes just started t to rain, so i'm like i gottenn seconded to this.nded to thi i'm going to just do it and i i didn't think it was going to geo to this point.s poi. >> right. r >> was there method as five as e minutes it's raining so i'mo i setting the mood.oo there's rain, five minuteseutes remaining you've got chocolate photographer saying eat it seductively what did you bringyg to it that made it viraliral sensation that it is. is. >> ? just had to focus literally focusing and trying tt get out of the sweater as soonhs as possible. >> were you thinking about anyone or anything in particular >> um -- >> in other words, is there a significant other that layr wors there one would want to do about. >> no, no, no.o, n i'm asking the questions the tht ladies want to wt to >> not just yet. not just yet. >> not yet, okay. oka you're still young. young
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>> i have to hit them with the slow -- >> i love it. we hear that you are model for f lot of men who emulate who want to be all sorts of hot like you are. . and we were thinking perhaps yoa can help out some of our co-workers here up there sexy if you will.u are you game. >> i got them. >> tucker barnes, look at tucker coming in.. tucker has agreed to be our guinea pig with bottle of wine. >> how is it going. >> great.. >> already. alr his own hershey barea.y b. i'm give you this and i'm going to ask you to teach tucker thehe rules of seduction when it comes to eating a hershey bar. is he even opening this thinghig right. >> i don't have much success with the ladies so you got your work cut out for you havies hs. >> you're supposed to play up to e camemera. not to him. >> let me hold the bottle of o wine. wine. it might be harder.htrder >> wait, wait, >> so far -- that's the effect.. >> did he peel the hershey bar b ecrrectly. >> a little too fast. a little
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>> tucker has a problem being ai little too >> you bot to slowly work that.l now i got to catowch up to you.y >> slow that down, tucker.ker. >> i got to catch up to you now. >> okay. >> maybe you shall hold thisouhl bottle. >> let me hold that bottlee tt before we pop that cork. c >> pop it at the end. pop it te >> this is going all -- >> now what do we do. we do. >> did you get almonds in yours? >> we have one with almonds ifdi nuts will help make this work.s >> that's the original any watch. >> what do you do.>> >> size it up first. [ laughter ] focus is isaiizn seduction. you got to size it up. go in for the kill real slow.w >> i have to be honest.ones i don't have a lot of experiencl doing thisot. >> go real slow. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> oh, no.o got to wait. w got to wait. >> you look like you have a condition. [ laughter ] >> oh, my gosh. g you know what, tucker, i'm disturbed by you, though.
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that's not good. oh, my good he is in. >> now w, hatmy g?? >> work your magic. >> the wing walk the last part.r you just chew it.ew i >> one more. >> one more. oneore. >> our last 30 seconds. >> okay.kay. >> that's good. >> all right.ight. donny savage and tucker not so s savage. [ laughter ] >> working the magic here.. >> oh, clothes are coming off >> thank you, tucker you're ar e sport.spt. listen, thank you so much for mr playing along with us.g alwith we wish you continued successede much what's next for you right away? >> well, just me being in d.c.n. working on a new material.atia working oh and a couple ofe of shoots want not. not stay tuned for that. t >> where can people find you?? >> excuse me.xcuse me. first on facebook donnell delvoo blaylock then on ig donny underscore savage 22. >> okay.>>ka
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underscore savage 22 as i'm sorry.i'm so >> that's okay. donny savage, everybody.rydy hot as can be with hershey barar in tow. t thank you very much.k >> not a problem.yo nrobl thank you. th >> continued success to you.ed t >> appreciate it.>> >> holly pass it over to y aou. >> maureen --re >> tucker disappeared. >> has more how can i top that.a >> pop the cork.or thanksgiving what we're talkinga about a time for ft amily and ff it might take some liquid courage to survive allha family love, right? coming upiu next we're picking perfect wines no matter what is on your menu. 10:38 is our time right now.
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at havertys furniture. big savings in store only. this friday, eight am to eleven am. plus, win up to $250 off your total purchase. and get thirty-six month, no-interest financing. specials, while supplies last. friday, three hours only. with havertys, your home can be perfect, even when life isn't. don't miss our black friday specials at havertys.
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?? 10:41. it is monday before thenday bor thanksgiving.thanks you just realized of course thaa your in laws get to get to thehe house in two days.s. they're coming in two days. gue the whole weekend with you so s we're here for you. you we think you'll need a littlea bit of wine.bit of you might need a lot of it. o i don't forget the turkey though,, too. to no i didn't just insult yourulty brother's wife i mean the feast, i didn't write this folks. fks you're going to need a wine that pairs with with the turkey and d all its trimmings. with is master rosewood d.c. keith gold son.ith gold s good to see you.od t >> great to be here. gre
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>> a liquid courage neverge happens when when lovely is inyn the house. us >> the thanksgiving dinner is aa an interesting meal i don't feee like everything goes with it. wi >> very true.ery and a lot of times what we normally drink or enjoy younjoyu don't need to go that crazy.raz. >> right. >> the big serious heavyvy cabernet might be too much.uc >> evident thering.hering >> something about, you know,ngo the meal is big anutd, heavy ls have fun, light refreshing wines so that way you can go back forr seconds, leftovers and o course, pumpkin pie later.pukin >> one of safe water drink champagne.. >> i'll talk as -- i'm opening i if that's all right.allight. >> yes. >> but i find that bubbles whene in doubt never go wrong with bubbles.bbs and a lot of champagnes can getg kind of crazy price wise so whaa i found that i really love is i most champagnes the best ones bn are chardonnay and pin know noio based. based. >> okay. if you can go to place that's g
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you'll probably get pretty goodo bubbles as well. we're going up to oregon tinyin wine knee called argyle and thii is their sparkler and they kindn of specialize in sparking wines they make it exactly the same tm way as champagne but the best bt part is about half the price of champagne.champagne. >> great. e of tt go a bottle of that go for? for? >> it's usual physical you can find about 20, 25 bucks bottle. >> that's tollly affordable.toll >> okay. >> tell me something you'reomnge thankful for. >> i'm thankfulul for starring g morning with >> there you go >> you crystalized my thoughtsug to perfect.toerfe let's try it. i >> it's pretty good. good. that's easy to drink.y to drink. would you serve this before andd during and after? aer >> and the next morning.orng >> and the next morning.ning. exactly.actl >> there is never a bad time tot serve bubbles.bles. okay.y. >> i would say the they've donee amazing jobs at marketing and sd much to the point we she champagne bubbles should only bb for special occasions whenns w
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>> safe water, drink bubbles.bls >> i'm telling you. tling >> exactly it will will get youu far in life.far in lif i want to move in.. now we're talking >> this is a fun one, too. riesling love the blue n.lue n n they've done a great job of making riesling really sicking i sweet and cheap. cheap. >> when i think of riesling too sweet.swee >> one of the top producers inei germany i have a fend and master if done hov. it's not too sweet at all. a >> for people that like sweet -- >> that's really good. g i like it. >> it is nice to think aboutbo what you're serving alcohollcoh serving people on the lighter lr side because the meal is ohsehem heavy. >> exactly. >>at i m i what i mean? i feel like i can drink more. can d m you see where i'm going.oing. h. yeah. it's a long day. lon d you have to pace yourself. to >> you have to pace yourself,acf right. right. >> do you see how there's thattt really great acidity.
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>> i'm not a huge riesling fanlf and i love that.hat i would definitely drink that.n. for the people who just have to have red in their life.eiif >> another fun one you think red most people think i want cabernets or pinot. bouchlay unof the underrated wines in the industry particularly if you get away fromly t ihe cheap kind of masss produced.ed >> you kind of think of. >> exactly. i don't know about that.>>t kn but there are 10 villages that have the best soils and theyhey call the crews this one calledad the vineyard up on top of a a hill, and this is one of those, okay, the windmill is on therehe that's really good. good. the producer is kind of a rock a star because they have vineyards in the best pareyt of burgundy a they treat this the same ase a their bottle -- vinyards that pro do you say thousand dollarsa bottles of wine. >> wow.. what would this run?at would t >> this is a little bit moretlto expensive about 30, 35. 30, 3 >> in the world of wines that's still pretty affordable. >> compared to what you wouldhad
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>> ooh, yeah, that's favorite. i mean i love them all i'm no ll i'mot turning any of them away but i i love this one the best. >> >> keith, thank you very >> my pleasure. >> love all the tips. >> love gest suggestionsk . hematoma thanksgiving to you. >> happy thanksgiving.sgivg >> i'm thankful for all thellhe wonderful things you brought ini today. >> my pleasure.y pl >> enjoy the holiday.he hiday >> i like the sound of thatund a ringing. i like the sound ofly all iny ai band you heard them at the top of the show playing hail to thee stick around we'll get they the would cranked up next. ?? ?? levi's every wednesday.'s e what's up dion. ywhou. youve hey, justin. welcome to my house.
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agine a world where the holidays are about joy again. where days are filled with magic instead of madness. at t.j. maxx, marshalls and homegoods, we've imagined the holidays this way for decades. it's why we never have crazy sales. never make you clip coupons. and always have amazing prices on popular brands and thoughtful gifts. it's time to bring back the holidays
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>> february 49:00 this morning40 we're celebrating the redskins intriumph over the we have the all in band joiningi us right off the top of the show you heard them perform their gog go version of the hail to the t redskins.kins.
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momentum and get a win over thee dallas on thanksgiving day. >> we want to focus on the skins. did you stay up to watch the game last night.ay ume las >>gh yeah. late night early morning. ear mr thoughts on this team this year. >> i think we got it.e go i we going >> yeah. especially on thursday.ur >> better than last year.te that's all i'm saying.r th's a m >> feel better, a little morettm confident now. >> i can't complain about the c team, you know. tevens eight g see you guysom el the late night back with us thii morning this is tommy.ommy tell me the reason behind the name all in band much what's in' the story behind that. group of members that love music and came together and we all itl all in.ln. >> you all were in other groupsp before.before >> everybody tame together.body how long have you been tog tetht in this version of the band?an >> about three years.ea. >> okay. >> all in been together from three years.thre >> every from d.c. >> maryland.>> maryland. >> maryland. >> here's the question i have d othfe dquow you kin hybrid different styles i music. do you like being reerred tosseo a go-go band, go-go funk r and b.
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looking for a party band we're ' your band.yourand. >> when can folks see you play.. >> levi's each and every wednesday. 7:00 to 10:00. t everybody free.evybody free. >> free show.ow open up the doors you'll get aoa lot more people in there. >> 7:10 everybody free ony n wednesday. >> you were doing hail to the redskins for us at the top of the show at 10:00 o'clocke .doil is that something you normalthio dollar or did you throw that together. >> we putt that together. that . tow played at the redskinss stadium at the tailgate party. . >> how was that?ashat? >>pipic. >> yeah. >> epic. >> what's the best part d >>st fans. fans appreciation of fans give us. >> do you enjoy seeing a littlel bit more when you have that tha feedback from the fans you see y people dancing off on the sidehe coming up to you?ou? lw always. we got cowboys fans, redskinsin fans. every other team that ain't the redskins is just, you know, wewe got to make sure it's done. done [ laughter ] >> that's all i'll say.l s >> i don't want to keep too lonn from getting to the musicettith because i know it was a lateat night for a lot of people i peol didn't even make it to theve second half of the game last th
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>> none of us got any sleep.y sp [ laughter ] >> none of us got any sleep. sep >> you were here bright andere early this morninghe. >> we appreciate that.ha i want to hear from you guys.yo. we appreciate you coming inciato early doing the hail to theto te redskins guys. love repping d.c. and marylandan this morning. morng you guys ready to play for us?s? >> you ready for us?ea for >> i'm ready for you i think the guy in the cowboys jersey willsl be dancing for you. you take it away, guys. all in band. bd >> i need my all in right here. ?? ya'll can catch us down levi's ' each and every wednesday night 7:00 to 10:00. 10:00 you hear me? >> ?? >> can i get that part two. two hey a part two. give me that part. ?? like to welcome you to all in al
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levi down clinton.levi dn cl you hear me? thwart two. yeah, yeah. ?? >> ya'll do it at home. he all right.alrigh maureen. ya'll party with me now, ?? i know ya'll at home doing myoim dance, kim, you hear me? m >> do my dance. hey, all in.
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?? >> shout out my d.c. mob.y d. hold it right there. it right te rock the cow bell. ?? go, go he lend gentlemen you hear me? >> ?? play that music, ya'll. ya' come on, play it, play it. ?? >> my main sean came to party py with me.. also my main men wisdom andm a
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ya'll can catch us down at vfw december 16th. ?? >> do my dance justin. ?? >> all in music, man. ?? >> all in music, man. ?? one minute.e. ?? [ applause ]applause ] >> all right. >> whoo!>> who
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all in band and they're bringinr it all in today.n tay >> yeah, they did. >> thanks gentlemen, appreciate it much check them out on wednesday nightsntle.meh checy h >> all right. right. i, ti, tuck. >> high guys.uys >> still working on my -- on-- >> hershey >> yeah. >> i think i'm on to something.i >> i don't know. >> you got chocolate on your o y teeth. >> judging from the internet fr >> i was going to say it's goini well. >> frick today.oday definitely lots of layers if lo you'll be outside aof l cold onn wind chills in the upper 20s and low 30s for most of the area.hee cold cold tomorrow. i do want to mention a few a showers wednesday night and thursday.sday i know of course lost peoplet pe traveling wednesday most of then day will be okay by lateesday le wednesday a few showers around.n >> it won't be cold enough to to right? >> no. just rain in the mid atlantic. d >> okay. >> no rain on thursday?huday? >> in the morning hours.urs. >> ew.>> e. >> your football game in thehe afternoon will be fine.rnoon wie >> thanks for remembering that..
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live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." >> wendy: how you doin'? we do not judge, but we're judging. it's going to be juicy. ?? >> [ cheers and applause ] ??


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