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tv   Fox 5 News Ten  FOX  November 23, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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>> and we thank you for joining us tonight on this thanksgiving ever. you can believe it? this is our special edition of fox news at 10 i'm shawn yancy. >> i'm tony perkins. >> tonight, like many of you we're keeping a close eye on holiday travel and how the weather will hold up for turkey day. >> lauren demarco is monitoring traffic on the roads. let's get things started with sue palka and the thanksgiving
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>> shawn and tony are we talking about thanksgiving already. >> it got here so fast and all of awe riffing in d.c. for thanksgiving holiday welcome back. we've got pretty decent weather for you, too, we take a look at radar. we had a little while ago light sprinkles come through at the typed r time of the evening rush hour and sox you said it was mixed with sleet which was quite surprising as we watched that moving on through. the air is dry. surprised a lot of that got to the ground. those showers pushed away. you can see as we look to ohio and part of far western, west virginia, kentucky, this a band of showers approaching. a few of those will be round tomorrow morning. so, we'll call for a few thanksgiving showers and but mainly i think if we see them at all it will number the morning. a lot of you will be doing turkey trotting. good news tomorrow morning won'ting as cold as this morning when dull dropped to
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off in the mid 50s. we'll start with clouds. you can kind of plan your day tomorrow. we're going to see the clouds continue to increase around 7:00 in the morning and they'll be a few showers that get closer to us in the western suburbs. it looks like they will move through quickly so by the noon hour by in large most of the area is just back to cloudy skies and maybe a little damp feelings and as the afternoon goes on we could get a few peeks of sunshine. speaking of temperatures, highs tomorrow will be in the generally mid 50s. low 50s north and west to near 60 in in a few spots. we're looking good weather-wise. can we say the same traffic wise. i'm glad i'm in here and not opt roads. that's where lauren demarco s i understand you're on inner loop of beltway. how are you finding traffic conditions tonight, lauren. >> sue it's unbelievable. i don't understand it wednesday evening, before thanksgiving i thought it would be packed.
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really all afternoon and into this evening. if you take a look from our dashcam we're right now traveling the outer loop of beltway actually we're heading from maryland into virginia. where are we, virginia? >> yes, we are. >> crossed legion bridge into virginia at this point. the express lanes are starting here. no issues right now really all around the beltway. in fact the only place you'll find slow traffic the way it looks would be entrances to the local airport. earlier this evening we have video. we were driving along 95. we took i 95 northbound maryland and left the friendship heights area d.c. and headed to maryland and hopped on the beltway on to 95 took it up and shots we have are in laurel area. that's the only place where we really saw much of a slow down and it was pretty free. and then we continued all the way up to bwi, marshall airport and we have a second piece of
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adds we approach bwi that's where there was a bit of a slow down. again we're seeing that just to get into the airports. it was 195 some folks we talked with said it took them an hour or so. it took us only about 20 minutes from the time we went that was right around 5:45 . and but others said anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour they were stuck in the slow-down just to get to the airport. take a listen to what folks were telling us >> we came from west chester, pennsylvania, and then we came -- just came down through the tunnel up to the expressway and turned on to 195. >> and where did you find was the worst spot? >> as soon as you turned on to 195 going towards the airport the traffic just backed up. >> and we were texting her when she landed we were still back. we thought if we kept driving we could get here before she
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it took about 0 minutes get in. but now it looks like it's going to go pretty fast. >> it's empty. >> it's empty. >> you saw the security lanes there -- lines there not bad which were in the airport. you are looking at video from this morning there was another story on the beltway, 7:45 a.m. massive delays because outer loop american legion bridge there was accident involving a largeox all lanes were shut down for sometime. police had to clear that accident and cleanup a fuel spill from the roadway. there were delays for miles. that impacted folks this morning. there were two non life-threatening injuries and we wanted to update the situation and the driver is identified as evan rutty of metuchin, new jersey facing nemingt driving charges and suspended license.
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live. we left the beltway and we're on 267 dulles toll road getting into the airport. access lanes because we're going to head to dulles now and see if we can get there with plenty of time to spare by 11 p.m. we'll give you an update from dulles. again if you travel late this evening you're in luck. because it's not looking bad. i think this is pretty amazing for holiday travel. it seems like everybody got out of town yesterday or early this morning. back to you guys in the studio. >> lauren, thank you very m much. no getting on a men are and flying anyplace, you have to come back. >> if you say so. >> okay, thank you. well, montgomery country police officer avoided serious injury after he was hit by a drunk driver who said he never saw him. last saturday night officer edward payton was directing traffic in burdensville with a woman approached him and another officer saying her car had broken down. the man pulled his cruiser up behind the woman's consider and
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then was struck from behind by pedro vera arrested and charged with driving under the influence. >> the statements he made to my partner when she checked on him, she asked him, did you see my partner's lights. he stated no. he asked -- she asked him, did you see her lights on her car. he stated no. >> the incident comes nearly one year after montgomery county officer know killed on rockville pike. >> as i race around for the last minute thanksgiving stuff be alert behind the wheel. we're not just talking about on the road. we're talking about driving along parking lots. sarah simmons is live in bethesda with that story. hey, sarah. >> hey, shawrp, that's right, we're at the giant in bethesda. it's yeaheting down. people getting their stuff and going home for the day. when it's buzzier like earlier
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drivers as it can be out on the roadways. national safety council came out with a survey saying 2 out of 3 drivers in parking lots were distracted in some form offer fashion usually phone calls or putting texts out there. they see thousands of crashes annually and on top of annually afternoon of 500 people that die in the accidents. just again talking about parking lots here. and we witness today earlier today. tea a look at video. someone drive around on their ph this was in whole foods on river road. a lot of people familiar with it know it's a busy parking lot. it could be any parking lot in the area. national safety council wants to remind people to be hyper vigilant to risks surrounding them. just because speeds are lower in parking lot doesn't mean you are safe. and it doesn't stop there. distracted walking, of course, is a serious safety issue people looking at phones instead of where they're going.
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i don't think it's a problem. just like on the roads people shouldn't do it on a parking lot. >> i seen the issue. >> you have done it yourself. >> no, no, >> are you sure. >> i don't use any phones when i'm driving. >> not only that walking a cross the street with ear phones on you have to be mindful of what you're doing all the time. >> maybe if sitting in traffic and getting antsy about the holidays and checking in on their phones they probably made a few phone calls to my sisters, do need that? >> reporter: so okay so those surveyed were distracted by using gps programming and social media and taking photos and video chats which obviously is extremely dangerous. you know how we give teenage drivers search a difficult time. we think they're not as responsible. according to this survey they found that teenage drivers were actually better about being off
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than adults were. however, they did find apparently in this survey that teenagers were dprooming themselves more than the adults were behind the wheel. perhaps they were worried about that that on the phone. it's interesting survey for sure. back to you. >> indeed, thank you, sa after. hitting the road this holiday weekend will not hit the wallet as hard as you expect. >> jim lokay is live with the details. >> that's got news drivers if you hit the roads and fill up at the gas tanks you're saving almost $2 billion over last year. i'll explain how drives are helping each other do t. back to you. >> thank you, jim, coming up later in the show. oh, my goodness. that's right. we're getting ready for your big thanks giving meal. that's chef from oti restaurant in upper marboro to spruce up your thanksgiving dinner for tomorrow.
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tell your friends tune in it's more up lifting than typical news at 10. we're welcoming a number of guest into the studio and hear from people making a difference in our community. we'll say what we're all thankful for. >> look at that turkey though. >> i'm thankful for that. >> this special edition of "fox 5 news" at 10 will be >> this special edition of "fox 5 news" at 10 will be right back he gets a lot of compliments.
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and then people just say, ?thank you for serving our country? and i'm like, that's my dad. male vo: no one deserves a warmer welcome home. that's why we're hiring 10,000 members of the military community by the end of 2017. i'm very proud of him.
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>> welcome back. everybody, a live look out there as the great get away is well underway. this is beltway at 7 locks road north bethesda. yep, folks are hitting the road for the holidays. millions of people are expected to hit the roads this holiday weekend. and yes, it looks like things are pretty busy out there right now. and well, there is a little silver lining if you were driving to grandma's house. gas prices are down and if you add the money every driver is saving on gasoline that's nearly $2 billion back in our pockets. jim lokay is live in northwest
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hey, jim. hey, shawn, pretty asounding when you add it up. aaa says more people are hitting the roads for this or that reason. drop in gas prices led to uptic in roads and gas prices here 3.29 across the way across there 2.49. more in the districts a little more than the highways. let's talk about all that money we're saving over the last couple of years it's quite astonishing to the experts. >> welth >> we're being looking at gas prices today in going into thanksgiving that are going to be third lowest we've seen in the last decade and that means collectively we'll save 1.7 billion this weekend versus what we saved over the 5-year average in the last five years. it's good news for consumers. >> even though gas prices are up slightly over this time last year they're down 8 cents from
10:16 pm greg leskoski if you wonder what effect incoming presidency will have on gas prices. he doesn't expect there to be much impact at all. >> we already heard it will be a more favorable environment for something like keystone pipeline. he's already said you know he wants to to see less regulation. even if that let's say keystone pipeline was was approved and put it there's no guarantee that in itself will have an impact on retail prices. and speaking of those retail prices this is a look at the gas buddy app now. locally where we're standing 2.49, 2.39 as i went down i saw it a buck and change.
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that's the best place to fill up. we'll see a lot of people hitting the roads for one reason or another. when you think of all the money we're saving well more money to save at the stores thanksgiving and black friday. we have a story coming up at football and thanksgiving. for now live in northwest i'm jim lokay. for now live in northwest i'm jim lokay. "fox5 local news". one of the things we want todd do this thanksgiving eave is spotlight some of the people who help make better. and in the case of these two gentlemen and their dogs help make community as around the world better in some snaps. joining me now to immediate left technician paul s se rzan and captain mark sloweder. he is with pittman and serzan is we report on the work you men and women do. it's extraordinary work.
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traveled to assist in the recovery efforts from hurricane matthew correct? >> that's correct. >> you can tell me about that. >> our team went to fwlor darks georgia and south carolina in efforts to help the people down there. >> and it's got to be touch. you go into a situation that is typically very bad. >> yes, we worked really hard to train and overcome those situations captain you travel todd napal can you tell me about that the. >> we actually responded and got into country with staged at the embassy and working with the locals primarily nepales army and involved in rescue. >> pittman and angus did they travel on the rescues as well. >> they're our companions, our work partners. >> they're beautiful dogs. and the training that they receive. how long does it train up a dog to be a partner for one of you?
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months or so and begin training. it's time consuming we spend quite a bit of time working with them we cannot do it out teamwork of our peers. >> thanksgiving can be tough for you guys you never know when you're called on to leave quickly sometimes on short notice. tell me what aarr thankful for. >> any family. this year we actually get to spend time with them. my family came in today. i'm looking forward to spending the long weekend. >> likewise, my family, looking forward to seeing them tomorrow when off shift. i would have to say my teammates and dedication we put into working with our dogs. >> needless to say all of us in the community and community around the world are thankful for the work you all do. >> stay with us we have much more coming up ahead.
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a true survivor tonight. you know what a day to talk about the reasons we're thankful and joining me tonight is just incredible woman. that is leanna pru u.s. navy seaman serving our country and she's here to talk about her latest battle and men and women fight ago long side her including parents ellen and al lapinky. let talk about the battle you're currently fighting. thanksgiving table and many may wonder where you wear a robe. >> i just actually survived stage four colon cancer. the cancer wept throughout my ab do help and stomach and ovaries and my liver. actually i am no longer fighting the battle. >> excellent [ applause ].
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incredible reason to be thankful. you're only 26 years old. >> yes, ma'am. >> you have been through a lot in 26 years. >> yes, ma'am. >> mom lipinky first offer, your daughter a navy seal and now winning this battle what are you thankful for this thanksgiving. >> i'm thankful she's here. it advance todd quickly. >> the cancer. >> yes, it advanced quickly and we almost los but, through the doctors at washington hospital center, dr. alondu specifically just the whole team there were wonderful. >> what did you say. >> dr. sugar baker. >> procedure. >> his procedure helped me a lot. >> what's really a miracle and folks don't know there's two hospitals in the country that can actually perform your surgery. but the treatments you have
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you guys are down here from michigan visiting her right? >> yes. >> daddy didn't get the chance to talk to you. what are you thankful for when you look at your daughter and know vring you guys have been through. >> i'm thankful as veteran myself, i'm thankful for the family she has around her with the navy. the united states navy came to her aid and has really been there for her. i'm thankful for the fisher house that housed my wife and myself and allowed our daughter to be. there i'm thankful for the fisher hou a have it set up for service men and women. >> absolutely. >> i'm thankful for that. >> i'm thankful you were able to join us tonight. we'll set up our thanksgiving table in a few minutes and chef doneel is here for oti. >> i'm thankful for one more thing. most definitely my god. what i'm thankful for a strong dwhuingt has been very strong through this entire thing, me going to the military, to me getting sick.
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>> we appreciate you were able to join us as a familiar. >> i. >> thank you for having us. >> thank you. >> when we come back we'll be continuing our thanksgiving eave edition here. first we'll check in with tony perkins. tony. yes, much more coming up. what the facts wednesday. and also coming up tomorrow morning "fox 5 news" what happens if you encounter turkey thanksgiving morning? well the folks if the butter ball hot line are here to help and walk away with the best loot for black friday and cyber monday and redskins versus cowboys in dallas. why yes the fun kicks offer
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don't miss our black friday specials, at havertys furniture.
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plus, win up to $250 off your total purchase. and get thirty-six month, no-interest financing. black friday specials, while supplies last. friday, three hours only. with havertys, your home can be perfect, even when life isn't. don't miss our black friday specials at havertys.
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>> all right. it's wednesday. it is the night before -- what is that? it's wednesday, it's the night before thanksgiving. is that one of our clues? we know you have turkey on the brain but it's time for what the facts. >> yeah. >> three anchors, one expert to ask questions to test our encyclopedic anything and everything. can we get water. can we get something for sue, we'll say her part. sue would say, we're talking money, money, money! and prince george county with the president and ceo of the comic development corporation jim coleman thanks for being here. thank you, thank you, thank you. >> i know you recently got back from a trip to cuba which must have been very exciting. is there some kind of partnership. >> county executive baker took
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they have 11 million residents that live in the beautiful country. we got a chance to meet with chamber of commerce and foreign minister and also had a chance to meet with the arts community. we went to havana university, two high schools, they have 98% litcy wrait schools down. there we went to visit this hospital where they've had incredible results in being able to provide vaccinations totten tire population of cuba. so he brought done a host of key representatives. >> that's incredible. >> and mortality 13%. he took ceos from dimensions to community hospital and they went on the trip as well as duck dukes at the prince george county community college and we got a chance to start talking about a memo of understanding with the key segments as well as from universities and schools and we're looking to bridge the gap there. >> we want people to have a good relationship for the future. >> okay.
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questions they're are all about money. >> do we get money on the end. >> you can get money if you come to prince george county. >> always a trick there. we're ready. >> first big question jim henson creator of muppets once called prince george county home. true or false. >> i know this one. >> true. >> true. >> true. >> you got that right. >> sue palka sneaks back in. attended northwestern high school in hyattsville and university of maryland in college park. >> cool. >> all right. >> we're ready for the second. >> yes. >> god dard space flight in green belt was nasa first flight space center. >> i say false. >> i sea true. >> tony, you're right. >> we are the home of nasa
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nasa from the start we're excited about it. >> i didn't know that. the wait is over at the mgm as you all know. >> the complex as a bigger construction price tag than redskins stadium. true or false? >> i'm going to say it is pretty old i think it's true. >> it is true. >> fedex field construction cost was is going to cost over $1.3 billion. >> that's a lot more. >> more jobs willing created by that. >> not a lot of people will win in that casino for a while. >> 600 new jobs. >> that would be good. >> you have to we've is right in there folks. >> we're winners. >> what are you doing in 2020 by the way?
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prince george country has ties to one of the most scandalous presidential cover-ups in american history, true or false. >> skapd lus coverups. i don't know i'm going to say true because i want to -- >> you got it on. >> you went to ball state for a reason. >> wow. >> you're showing your knowledge. >> national archives at the college park is best known as can't home of the fourth president richard nixon watergate tapes. and houses a great deal of collection from documents, tapes and films. >> that is interesting. >> in celebration of thanksgiving they brought deer with them on the may flower in 1621. >> true or false. >> i would say that's true. good r. >> that's a long trip. >> two trues and the trues win.
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>> all the fear had a ton of fun and even the kids had fun. >> okay. >> so happy thanks giving to all of you. >> that was great. thank you. >> jim coleman thank you so much for coming in. happy thanksgiving to you, too. >> more on what's -- what everyone is thankful for coming up in a bit. >> our thanks giving eave up in a bit. >> our thanks giving eave edition ...we've helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. t. rowe price.
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people before politics. ward councilman treon wright has in the district. you're here tonight. >> you're here tonight. >> we're here on thanksgiving eave talking about why we're thankful making up turk why youyes you giveaway a bunch like somebody else. why did you get into politics and why is ward 8 special to you. >> fist of all i'm born and raised in i deposit choose it. this chose me. like my parents were born here as well. i got into politics because i had george amurray and been leaders in the community. i was activist coaching little league football giving back and plague any part and evolved over time now i have app opportunity to run for office and people in warld aets got behind them. i would be thankful for that. >> what do you see as most
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people to work. we're about to experience economic boom in our ward. and so jobs dealing with the crime issue in the community and health disparity we're facing today. >> a lot of people compared your approach to merriam barry. you say i'm trayvon white to so tell us how your appropriate is different. >> what i wanted to do is get people more involved. merion barrys with a when i wanted to do is bring people to the council to talk about policy issues and problems in the community and sluings in the community and get them involved downtown. so you will see a hot of that and hearings ward 8 comes loud and strong and issues about concern of things that affect us the monthest. >> shawn mentioned turkey giveaway which was a continuation of something marylandon barry will continue. do you expect to see this
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>> when i i realized we were not doing it in ward 8 i started making calls, call being me and everybody participating we fed over 2300 people even tonight we fed a couple hundred tonight and tomorrow we'll do it again. >> before we go with he have to go to break tell me what or two things what the are you thankful for. >> good health. i stepped outside under covenant house sleep eagles/cowboys a experience what it is like. people support me and the love i give in the community just the opportunity to give back. so i'm very thankful. >> ward 8 councilman. thanks for coming up in tonight. >> wish you the best. >> stay with us we'll be right >> wish you the best. >> stay with us we'll be right back. drivers giving thanks this holiday weekend, national average for gallon of regular lar unleded running 2.1.
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but we're still looking at the cheapest holiday gas prices over the next decade. 30 year fixed rate mortgage over 4% first time in yearly a year. keep in mind these rates are historically low. indeed very low. meantime stocks continue dow hitting an all time high the market is closed thursday for thanksgiving and turkey is everyone's favorite dish during know your favorite sweet street for costing off this. more than a third said the pumpkin pie is not holiday resort. can't prun by a distant second i would reverts that.
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today we're gonna be comparing the roll formed steel bed of the chevy silverado to the aluminum bed of this competitor's truck.awe. yeah! first, let's check out the aluminum bed of this truck. full on crack here. now let's check out the steel bed of the silverado. i'd expect more dents. no holes. you don't have to wait until black friday to make a strong decision. find your tag and get 20% cash back, or, get 0% financing for 72 months on select remaining 2016 silverado double cabs in stock.
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>> welcome back. we're so lucky that we did not have any real travel concerns here along the east coast and another added bonus clouds tonight and that means not adds cold. dulles dropped top 20. closer to 38 tonight which will be nice for all early morning turkey trotters tomorrow. light showers moving through especially in morning hours. not a lot of rain. i don't really think it will be anything that should only forer too many people and i think it's gone by the noon hour. we also cannot rule out a shower on friday. also kind of a quick-moving thing and the weekend does look nice and sunny and also on the cool side as temperatures remain in the mid 50s which is not too bad for this time of year. that's for sure. earlier today a couple of very light showers move through and
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dry. some of that mixed with sleet as it was moving on through, maybe you saw those little ticking ice pellets following that is what was going on there and it's pretty much out of the picture this and first wave went on through and little snow across upstate new york with frontal boundary this is the next system pushing a couple showers in our direction. it's a frontal boundary and that front will try to come through tomorrow morning. listen it's not going to do much to cause any delays. in fact this is first time in several days wee delays at any airport and we've been seeing traffic seems to be a lot better too as we watched in lauren's report. couple spots getting chilly despite clouds, 9 frederick and 32 whip chester and 35 culpeper and culpeper last night was 25. 47 here in disstrib. as we check other cities, pitburg 42 new york city 41 and chicago 44 and binghamton 29 degrees as they try to melt off
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week. >> approaching frontal boundary few showers in here and 30s and 40s tonight and likely see a couple spots getting colder that mid 30s. but as this weakening front comes through in the morning the few showers will push on out and maybe feel damp for a few hours and drier in the afternoon. so mid 50s for us ought to do it. 53 leonardtown and mannasas 56 and dulles 55 and hager town 50. a a slow mover. a few spots could touch 60 on friday which is nice for our shoppers. and maybe a couple of showers as that comes on through as well. here's your "fox5" accuweather 7-day forecast sunny, bright weekend, mid 50s. we may start with clouds on saturday and break for sunshine. 57 monday we have 64 and 66 tuesday and wednesday and some badly needed showers on wednesday as we remain in moderate drought.
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thank giving. >> by this time tomorrow night all the dishes will be put away and you may have excommunicate aid family member but more importantly we'll know in the redskins can handle the turn around in dallas. and brody logan is there already. >> reporter: brody logan where redskins and cowboys are set to square off thanksgiving day for the 8th time in u.s. these two po ponss were making history this year. cowboys ezekielel yat passed the rookie rushing regard and did that in ten games. redskins guide kirk cousins against the backers he september franchise with most 0 0 yard games in 1/2 as starters this is cowboys on thanksgiving day. talk about history.
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you show out in this came you'll be remembered for generation. >> your children's children are going to talk about the game remember that in 88 and now in 2016 took a pick back to the house and scored. and he through to x. on it you. >> realize how many people across the country are watching with families and gaermed together. and what a great privilege and opportunity to be able to you know bring joy to people and pl put a smile on people's faces. >> now, both of these teams are on pace to win over ten games and if that happens wouldn'ting the first time since 1991 both cowboys and redskins one more than -- won more than 10 games. 1991 the last thing it happened that was the last time the redskins won the super bowl. could mean great things for kirk cousins squad this year. dallas, brody logan, "fox5" sports. >> all right. and tomorrow special
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10 a.m. and redskins and cowboys 4:30. you can catch the kickoff here only here on "fox5". meantime football and thanksgiving come together in a way that puts the day in perspective. and this is all the brain child of former college player named dante davis looking to give thrill and hope along the way. >> one, two, three. >> we run free football camps through inter c we're doing football drills. >> it really helps us especially keeping us out of trouble. >> there you go. >> just only out here and good effort. >> the kids love the sport of football. it's something to keep them active today we're happeneding out electricyes for the kids and the family to help the community, man, it's always good to help fem that may not number a position to help themselves. >> spread out. >> that feel of seeing that in
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that no him can replace that and sealing these kids doing what they love to do plague sparts. >> olds yourselves accountable. be great on and off the field. >> thanksgiving is about giving back. it's great they came out today to give back to the community. hopefully set something in their mind that when they grow eld older they come back to the community and give back as well. >> that's what i'm talking about. >> how can you not smile that. craig little thanks for making that story come about. >> jim, thank you very much. i know dante davis he's a good man. it's all about the food and cooking to from otive if us tips we're. >> i am so running hi right now. >> i'm starving. >> we'll serve it up right now.
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prethanks giving dinner on prethanks giving dinner on thanksgiving eave going. let start eating, yeah thanksgiving eave going. not getting your best sleep? could be you've got the wrong bed. enter sleep number... she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. you can both adjust the bed for the best sleep of your life. right now save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. hurry, ends soon!
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? think of your fellow man. ? ? lend him a helping hand. ? ? put a little love in your heart. ?
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? put a little love in your heart. ? ?put a little love in your heart.? ? in your heart. ? (avo) the subaru share the love event is happening now and will have given ninety million dollars
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>> i wish you had smell vision if any of you focused on food we're in the kitchen with chef doneel long of oti restaurant in upper marboro. >> you have five -- i can't, it smells so good. >> five things we can do to spruce surprise meals tomorrow. a lot of op what can do i to make this more special. give us tips. >> what we do is give you awe different twist. we do barbeque salmon and mac and cheese and seafood past a it's just change of pace. something you know you can -- you can't get everywhere. >> i love this idea what shawn took to thanks giving table that's barbeques salmon. >> delicious by the way. >> great option to have. it doesn't have to be all about
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we want something for the folks that don't like turkey you can give them a food option. we have turkey and hazehazel enough stuffing nor will we be complete without the corp bread. >> you talk about the pasta. >> seafood. >> secret pasta. >> it's our signature pasta doing it for years and anybody in the area rave over it. we're on camera now. >> there it is. >> that's as sauce. >> that's salmon right there. >> i want to say one thing can we run a rerun for 11:00 news so shawn is and i can eat. >> we have not even dinner we were waiting for you. >> you're ate waiting on me. >> turkey, people deep fry them. >> that's the rage. what do you like. >> i deep fry as well. but i don't use oil i do emergent which style heat
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>> tomorrow you're closed and feeding homeless. >> yes at our largo location and doing holiday packages. >> wonderful. >> in upper marboro. >> where can people find you? >> one in arundel mills, upper marboro and largo. >> green beans and carrots, conveniently table of choice. you >> i don't know about you guys. >> do i know what that is. >> what does tat mean? >> it's not just average green beaten it's more fancy green beaten you know it's fancy. >> if you said fancy green beans we would have gotten that one. >> sweet potato prior pumpkin. >> sweet potato. >> we're going here. >> i'm bringing everything. >> is that corn bread.
10:56 pm
>> i'm not doing no 11:00 news. >> they're here carving turkey. >> oh, yeah, there we go. >> see this they're carving the kurk turkey. >> thanks giving dinner in full swing. >> we're thankful for all of you joining us tonight and wish you the best success in the year ahead and thankful for viewers making us number one late night news. where's the camera. >> behind you. >> thank you guys so much for joining us for 10. the parties continues at 11. maybe we'll got a chance to eat that that is the shirley ceasar singing that in being bag back. >> fox news at 11 is coming up next. happy thank giving to you.
10:57 pm
10:58 pm
10:59 pm
today we're gonna be comparing
11:00 pm
yeah! first, let's check out the aluminum bed of this truck. wooooow!! -holy moly. full on crack here. now let's check out the steel bed of the silverado. i'd expect more dents. no holes. you don't have to wait until black friday to make a strong decision. find your tag and get 20% cash back, or, get 0% financing for 72 months on select remaining 2016 silverado double cabs in stock. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. >> right now at 11 the thanksgiving get away from the bement way toy bwi marshall. we're following the conditions for last minute travelers. >> and then the path to recovery for a local women who survived a bear attack. an update on her condition we'll have. >> cyber breach impack the navy. details on the hack that put personal information of more


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