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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  November 24, 2016 9:00am-10:00am EST

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>> straight ahead, family, food and football. the holiday saheaeaso kicks off
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getting together to celebrateela thanksgiving.. >> but to succeed, we must m enlist the effort of our entire nation.naon >> working holiday for donald trump. the president-elect still busyls picking cabinet members but he also paused to send message to america call for unity.. no way i'm cutting thisng habit cold turkey.key. [ laughter ] >> president obama makingakin america laugh one more time.oret as he celebrates his finalis f thanksgiving as the nation'sions commander in chief.n chief hin.own. why sasha and malia missed theit last turkey pardon.ardo >> firing right.ig firing into the end zone. >> the perfect side to any thanksgiving meal.ving m the redskins taking on thehe division leading dallas cowboysw in a game that could have hugeah play off implications.liti we have a live preview. and later, early start to t holiday shopping.hopping. some people not waiting untilngt black friday.. where you could score some ofou the biggest dealsld before the turkey even hits the table.ab
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?? first and for most we wantan to wish everybody a happy h thanksgiving on this thursday tu morning. we certainly glad you're withyot us. hope everybody has a chance todc spend some time well deserved with family, friends, loved oneo other today's and if you'rey'd f working today, hopefully off o chance to spend some time withim co-workers and --nd >> and you have us.>> a >> you have us as well. >> you have us.>> >> for the next hour. f the we have very special good d we'll lead into a special hourph of pre-game coverage for the skins talk bog that in just ausa bit. bi 9:00 o'clock on this00lock thanksgiving morning i'm stevens chenevey alongside allison,, erin, holly and maureen have the morning off.ur good to see go you've been busy cooking allng a morning. >> delicious. >> f>>antastic.>> fanta we're halfway through it.hroughi wisdom has been busy eating all morning. >> just to be clear, still nor,l more cinnamon rolls. >> i didn't even get a cinnamon rolls. i did get a delicious omelette. >> i put out a plate of cinnamon
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i turned around that were threer left. le next time extra cinnamon roles.l >> you're saying there's noyires more. >> i'm saying they were the first thing to go. >> okay. all right. i'm just checking. s >> they were good, though,ay right.infi >> they were good. >>i'm tell me abouty we i thet. always ahead this morning new mi york thanksgiving tradition.diti the annual macy's thanksgivingnv day parade. believe it or not this is thehe 90th year that the parade isad i gone off. o but the millions of people ofeo lining up to see the floats wilw see something brand knew.g and we'll show you the tight t security that's in place to keep everyone that's t >> all right. uck o though at 9:00 we luck out because we got early christmas m gift from mother nature prettyy perfect thanksgiving day. perfect pretty perfect. perct >> pretty perfect.fe some people getting earlyg early workout in before tonight's big dinner.nn. tucker barnes not pounding the pavement but he is hanging outat with the runners at the annual turkey chase.hase he joins us now live in bethesda. tucker uh-uh look really happyll
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>> great crowd out here.ut here. we've been having a lot of fun.o the race started at 8:30.:3 we've contestants who already aa run a 10k in less than 35 minutes. we first place finisher come c through two minutes ago. another little group approachini right now. >> woo! >> very fast runners. vfast something i can only dream of.ce i guess they're running about a five plus -- five minute milersr they're cruising along. alo been great a morning out here. h of course, all the proceeds frof this race benefit the great morning out here.g out he. i do want to mention the rainhe showers have started. and we do have some scattered sd rain showers out here and it'srh quite qu temperatures are in the mid 40s. but later this afternoon ifernoi you're going out for run or ar
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partial sunshine and daytime highs in the mid 50s.0s i'm really impressed at the pace here.. there's a quick look at youra current tempqueratures.ent temp 47 ine washington. and again we're looking at afternoon partial sunshine withh temperatures in the mid 50s.0s guys, that's the latest comingtg up we'll talk to some of thesomt organizers about this great gret event held thanksgiving morning. we've even seen some of the foxf family out here running thisnint morning our very own photog jacj is running. >> very cool. >> now tucker, have the run that run the pace we run evenn e started yet? >> yeah. they started about 10 minutes mt ago, steve.o, s kind of a sadte scene, yeah. y you know, the stragglers comings up the back. you get out there and finish thh race it doesn't matter what youu time is. i >> exactly.ct >> certainly a time to comeo c together and that's kind of the message this long bruisingg ection s season. president-elect drum is thatt-ec asking americans to unite thisii holiday season.ea
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palm beach a working holiday soo far. we learn some of the namesom joining his administration and he posted thanksgivs inadg messs on twitter in the video he saids he prays we begin to heal oural divisions and move forward aswaa one country. >> we have before us the chancea now to make history together, tt bring real change to washingtong real safety to our cities, andnd real prosperity to our communities including our inner cities. cities so important to me and so so but to succeed, we must enlistlt the effort of our entire nationo this historic political campaign is now but now --ow- >> the president-elect did not detail any of his plans in thehe holiday address. all right.l ri as for those names we learnede l yesterday donald trump hadad selected two women to join hisn cabinet.cabine first south carolina governornor nikki haley he asked her toskedo serve as us ambassador to thero united states and charter schoos
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as secretary of education. both selections require senate confirmation. meanwhile senior trump adviserov says the president-elect is expected to select billionaire investor wilbur ross, jr. to lead the commerce commerce. vice president-elect mike pence is waisting no time mainingin washington his home. they're moving into rental homeo in chevy chase. some residents saw moving truckk and secret service agentsce ant outside a home pence is serving out his term of indiana before he is sworn inwoi but since he's also ahead of trump's transition team he needn to spend more time here in theer district and in new york. coast to coast even around the globe many americans nowca n giving thanks ushering in thanksgiving 2016.ng016. fox's jackie ibanez is in news e york city where millions ofy whl parade spectators are expecteded this morning.
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serving far from home arere already ushering in thanksgiving 2016 with tra dig al turkey dinners. >> it's weird.we it's my first time ever spendinn thanksgiving away from my home. but honestly the spread out herh is so nice. soe. all the food and they do a really good job of makingak everybody feel kind of like --e- kind of at home, you know.w. report floor washington, d.c.,nc president obama and his familyal taking time out to help serve uu some early thanksgiving meals to veterans living at the armed forces retirement home in theint nation's capitol.ol while in los angeles, volunteers started serving turkey tourkey thousands of the city's homeless. the la area also seeing major traffic as millions of americani have been traveling to be withet loved ones in what's shaping uph to be the busiest thanksgivingg travel period in nearl decade. meantime, in new york city, thet giant balloons are filled. fle droves of police are out in full force. fo to ensure the 90th annual
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stays safe. >> nypd is more than ready todyt handle anything that is going o around us, and to work with wit everyone to make sure it's as safe and fun day for everyone en who attends. >> reporter: across the us, a a number of people are now camped out gearing up for anotheraringr tradition this time of year, yea that's right.ight. black friday shopping deals. this as president-elect donaldcn trump is out with thanksgivingig he's calling for american unityi this turkey day. d in new york, jackie ibanez, fo >> 9:09 right now. n. speaking of black friday deals nearly 140 million people willpl be stocking up on holiday giftsg this weekend and for some se shoppers in our area thea the festivities begin before theefe turkey is cooked. cooked we sent our anjali hemphill to springfield v have a out thate bright and errly this morning 1g mart store opened its doors too eager shoppers. she joins us live.she s good morning.ning.
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>> reporter:.orte >> slow start this morning weng first showed up at 4:00 o'clockl this morning we expected to seeo a line, maybe some tents. ten there was nobody.e wanobo so kind of surprising a littlega erie at first. fst but once though doors openedoo e people did show up and our storo has now filled up quite a bitqub now. you see customers walking arounn with their shopping carts trying to get in on all those black friday early black friday dealsa a lot more folks out here but again quiet. craziness that you see on tv anv on youtube sometimes. s we did run into one family here, this is marilyn and kierra herer shopping with your dad. d >> yes, we are. >> what are you guys lookingare for? for? >> anything on sale. sale. get a jump start the blacklack friday deals. we do this every year, so, youoy know, this is what we do, youe y know, early black friday f shopping all that good stuffgood before everybody else finds it.o >> reporter: you adylways come together? >> yes, we do.we d every year. ev >> reporter: why is that?t? >> just family time, it'st' thanksgiving good to spend timet for familiarly.fofami
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can you tell me. me >> what pajamas. pam random stuff. longjohns. black friday shopping so we'rego nice and warm.nice and w >> when you sit in the lines. l. >> reporter: i hope we're not wt showing anybody's christmashrtms present right now.right >> no.o >> reporter: right. rht how are the deals? are theyre t better than last year? are they, you know, what do you guyw feel? worth waking up thisp t early and coming out does they're about the same.ey'r we do this every year so it'e ai just like what we anticipate, a, you know, but the bogos youou can't beat that buy one get oneo free that's why we have all thil in here. pajamas and little knickknacksni and things you don't between byb regular, you can get on sale.n s >> reporter: some stores pushreh back on the whole staying openng on thanksgiving. what do you think of that? wiln that stop from you coming out? >> no. >> no. >> as long as the store is open this is always our thanksgivingv spot. thanksgiving day we'llving definitely be here at k mart akm but, you know, i think it's od.d. family time. t that's why we're here spend timt with our o that's how we do our o thanksgiving. >> reporter: okay. great. dad is>>y. somewhere walking arn getting in their family time and
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thanksgiving.ging you know again they've got thest door buster sales, you know, $3 for toys.oy a bunch of home goods, kitchen h stuff. really really good deals, guys.g so again, the crowds are not art really bad this morning if youo want to get deals in if you wany to try to get ahead of crowds os black fry daring today is a goog day to do it. back to you. back to yo >> kind of like dress rehearsall for tomorrow forike a lot of lo people.op. >> um-hmm. >> right. >> psychological wal are theol w deals like today versus vsu tomoow ever been good enough for me too doug anything like this. >> oh yeah.h >> enough for anybody. eno notot for me. the people i know that do it doi it's a lot more of a social a thing. it's a family thing.. >> tradition. >> you're not necessarily doingo it for the bargains.arga >> i prefer to online shop.refe. >> i'm with you the. >> especially 2:00 in theec morning. >> if you're still getting your thanksgiving meal ready aboutret pop that turkey into the ovenve you have to see this storye this coming up a little later. l an app on your smart phone thata will make a little easier toasit make that bird just perfecterfe without having to set the clock.
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football.. we've got redskins game here early give their predictions inn the big time nfc matchup, skinss and cowboys next.ext.
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?? >> how you like me now? 9:15 i1 the time.the ti for some people the perfect thanksgiving side is mashedmash potatoes for others it's green e bean casserole.bean c some people like a little lite football on the side.ll othe si. these people are in heaven because there are games all day. you can watch football all day d long biggest just time foror dinner. we're talking about the read hot redskins taking on divisionisio leading dallas cowboys.. they won nine in row.ow reds joining us now pi a preview pre grant paulsen in the house. thee we got him in here hahn hah thanksgiving that's how big thib is. >> this is h >> this is a huge actually huge for both teams.. dallas has won nine in a row.ow redskins they got to play.o pla. they got to keep pace. pac >> if you lose today theay t division at this point it's notn quiet out of reach but you're close i would say.clwoul >> right. >> but this is a playoff boundld team as of this post season started they wouldwl be in the playoffs. >> right. >> good sign. be neat bis is going to
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playing very the other reason is, the redskins feel like they shouldey have beat fenten cowboys if week two. jamison crowder touchdown they were in golden shape.hape. up 23-20 in the fourth quarterrt of this game falling behindng bd late. i think they feel like they let that game geteel away one of ol three losses all season.loss r right. >> they have let a couple gamess awa away. here's the the we know dallas is hot. is hot. we know about the line and we know about seek. seek. but this is a rivalry.s a rilry it's in jerry's world but thisut is a rivalry game which means most part. >> i think that's why you giveho them a a s cowboys are very good. they're nine and one. o. they haven't lost in 10 weeks.. >> wow.>> >> since week one of the season thoney lost by one e point to te giants.ts. but to what you're saying, whene an nfl team play another club in the division it doesn't matter e what the redskins cowboys recorr is. what the division standings aree i've always felt like these twoe teams you got to toss that out.t they go out and they play.hey it's a short week.eek >> ya. >> the redskins played sundayyey
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that's not fair to the redskins even agree with wit cowboys were home on sunday they didn't have to travel.'t have to both of these teams are dealingg with short week.wi you tell me wisdom what wouldt you rather deal with? if i have to prepare in three days withouo a real practice a team i play py twice in the division or randomn team in the afc i play everyyve four years. >> i'll take the familiartahe fm territory. >> they got a shot.hey t a >> let's do this.>> let's go down the list lwe did this earlier. earlier. you guys were weigh in on then n couch if you want to let's go wo down the list. lis do advantage unadvantage or o disadvantage. >> all right. >> let's start at the let quar'sterback position talking i about right now who has theas advantage we're talking cousins versus dak?us dak >> i think that dak prescott hah higher quarterback rating in a n better position because they run the ball so well if i had to t pick one of those guys for theor neck five years right now i mike take kirk cousins as a passer i the pocket.po less reliant on what's aroundnto him.n what >> let's go with running back. let's go zeeke versus rob kellyy he's the man right now.. >> leading the league in rushing the last two weeks.
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top five pick no running back in the nfl has more yards thiss week. steve agreed with that one. one ezekiel is a >> dez bryant versus josh normae if they have to match up agarsun each other. >> i like josh norman in that matchup. dez has been quite other thanqut one or two weeks here or therere for much of the last several sel weeks he's been injured morenjud often than not this season.easo guy i'm worried about is coleol beasley he's running all over al the place. >> he's got the most catches onh the team. cowboys defense versus thers rescind defense.. >> dallas defense probably aba little bit better becauseecau they're not on the field as mucm of the the redskins rush the quarterback much better they cae generate more take aways on thet back end of their secondary thaa the cowboys. >> what about coaching?g? >> coach versus coach.oa i would probably take jay grudee right now.ow. i'm not hiring jason garrett. gr i feel like i'm going with theit redskins more than at cowboys.. much better team dallas. dlas.
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line. i think right now they're bettet built with the way they run run they're outfit is based on the best running game in footballtb and not turning the ball over. you do those two games. >> score. cowboys winning three-point game.wi i hope it doesn't rnninuin peops dinner i don't want your turkeye and mash potatoes to tast worse. 30-27 dallas. i think it will be entertaininge >> i'm going to sayin 30-26 i still say that i think we're out of time. >> we're out of time. o >> toss it back over -- or >> before 10:00 o'clock.o'cl saiou said it. >> you promised.. >> grant, i have no problemorobl putting out there. 34-31 redskins will win.lin >> i love it. i >> i think it should be verye vr ose gagame. i would be not surprised if jerry jones threatened to coachh every cove on that team if theyt >> if the redskin beat the kay y boys on thanksgiving, seven-three-one with five gamesm left in the season. sso >> right the nation's capitol is going to be crazy.
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think about how they started,ta, grant. gr >> and now look at where they are now. are now. that would be so amazing. >> get ready. >> oh! >> >> get ready.>> g ready. >> i like it. >> get ready. thank you guys.thu gu >> we're getting a score out oft you. >> i was about to give it to you but he said wrap. to d >> yeah, okay g full hour ofg lh football talk at 10:00 o'clock0o today. we'll end good day early. early what's normally our good day ata 10a hour is going to be all football.ot grant will stick around.un ody y is here. ken harvey will come in it willi be redskins game time starringig at 10:00 o'clock.. 40 mn >> if only we can talk aboutkut feel good stories but sad newssd in the world to rep nort. ror coming up we have a couple of o updates on stories we told you about yesterday.rday. but there's good news for online holiday shoppers and apology fof the boss as well from the pianoo man. we've got a check of what elseh is making headlines this morning next. later kevin sits downne with biy bob thornton to talk about cursing in front of kids and a what he says to the parents off his pint sized good day at 9a is coming rightht
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?? all right.>> thanks so much, while the wayne state university police officer shot in the headd on tuesday night has died unfortunately.unatel officer colin rose just 29 yeary old he was shot while on patrolt near campus. cpus rose had been on live supportup
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he was surrounded by family andy his fiance' when he passed awaya the suspect is in custody. custo but no charges have been filed. another sad update for youdf in tennessee a sixth child has h now died after that terrible bus crash. the elementary school studentooe had been hospitalized since thee accident earlier this week.hi w this is federal investigatorsgas remain on the scene. sne they're looking into this crashc that has the bus driver facing charges of vehicular manslaughter reckless drivings and reckless endangerment and authorie death means he can face evenve more charges. meantime gofundme page put in place now to raise more than $5,000 for maryland woman00 for attacked by a bear in her her daughter's driveway.riwa her name is karen osbourne ande she's now recovering at home.t . her family says she was bitten t in the face, the arm, legs, torso. needs 78 stitches to -- needed 78 stitches.hes she is also suffered from fractured pelvis wildlifeilif
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forced to put that bear down.bed they believe, though, that sheht was protecting her three cubseec that were nearby. and christmas without amazon? not going to happen. nt a judge has ordered that g pilos who work for a cargo planego p company that amazon uses to deliver packages he ordered thed get back to work after they t attempted to strike earlier thia week. the short-lived strike affectede around 75 and finally, the piano man apologizing to the boss.s you know you're big when you have your littl people know who just they are.ey we told you about this. remember when springsteen motorcycle broke down onow o veterans day.ay billy joel apparently for this i roadside mishap.sideishap. why? he says he built thelthe motorcycle for springsteen. springsteen was riding theidin t motorcycle when it broke down ii new jersey and he had to be rescued by some bikers who gaveg him ride to local bar.. joel says he called springsteens when he saw the news tos t apologize and springsteen said,i no worries, man. man
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>> i knew you were going to saya it like that. >> did you?>> you >> built him bike.uilt h bik wow. >> what's really going o we just said billy joel, legendary billy joel.illy >> the musician. >> for another -- legend andd musician.. >> iconic -->> >> built bike. b >> it broke down. >> maybe somebody else helpedel him.m >> i'm just saying.>> i'm >> any way it work out. o >> maybe that's why we haven'ten heard about his bike buildinghie skills in the past.ske >> that's true. get owing and bikend someone built i'm not going thaa far, sorry. sorry here -- i'm going down the roadr to the mailbox and come back. thanks.ks. >> you'll get a ride home. >> that's true. true. >> still very cool. very ol. >> yeah. >> okay. i love that story.i ve that it's a sure sign of the holiday season. the macy's thanksgiving day parade. this is the 90th year for the event.ent but fans lining the streets inei the big apple will see somethint brand new this year. we have all the detailsea coming ckck. >> who is doing this playing
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>> maestro max taylor.. >> mack you're playing too muchm right now. righ >> first though -- t >> it's a jam though.>> >> head back to it' bethesda -- >> i feel guilty jamming to a a sermon.rm >> we're going back to bethesdai where earlngy b birds are makink room for turkey birds, food,ds,o stuffing, potatoes, ham, all,ll that stuff with an early morning run. run. tucker barnes he's going to joit us live coming up next with aith check on the thanksgivingiving forecast and what you can expecp if you're hitting the black friday [ laughter ] >> ?? >> we'll be back.
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??? 9:31. welcome back to good day dc.. bumping to mill mumford andmfor sons. >> it's thanksgiving everybody.o >> it is. >> feels good around >> feel good time of year ifof r you're cooking a turkey today. y all you need this year is spotify.ify this is genius. the streaming music sit out with .ist. the whole time your bird is inou the oven the play list isis i playing jam so here's how it works. wks you type in the wait of your yor turkey. select stuffed or unstuffed andt you choose among six genres ofsf music. mu american family time, feeling thankful, club kitchen i want to check out club kitchen.itch >> for six hours. >> freshly baked and golden olde december. spotify will cook up a play list and ding, when the turkey is ready. >> that's perfect.hact >> do they have a different liss
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ham, carrots -- >> don't do it.'t do t. >> number one on the wisdom plam list. >> ?? >> mack, don't do it. it [ laughter ] >> keep playing.. my gosh. it's thanksgiving.nksgiv if you have any questions, maybe it's your 50th turkey and youou want to share advice.e. anything can go wrong in the in kitchen on thanksgiving day.ay it happens. 35 years now the folk aitt h bue ball have been handing out freee advice on everything froming om thawing that turkey to stuffingn it how to know when the bird iss done. done. even allison even had questions for them earlier thisha morning. >> for sure. >> call the hotline eight-hundred-butter there's another number on yourro screen for first time this yeara you can text your questions (844)877-3456. you can post your turkey related questions on butter ball'sr l' facebook page. pe. your turkey heroes will bel b
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good to go until 9:00 p.m. p.m. tonight in case you were savings your bird for later in the day.t burt the question i had, look, if you literally are waking upag now and you're like, it's stilll frozen can i still eat this today, 10-pound bird you can geg it that wassed in five or sixr hours. 9:30 looking at 2:30.0. >> late dinner but you can still get it done.get it don >> some people put their turkeye in the microwave. >> really? >> small turkey or big micrav remember our friend fred used to say heyou re putrien his turkeye microwave.crav >> a lot of fred stories that'sa not one of them.hem >> to thaw it out or to cook tht entire >> to cook it. >> maybe it was quail.s q >> it was cornish hen but did hh it. it i'm serious.erio he said -- fred, if you'ree watching in florida, retired, let us know. know. hit us up on twitter. >> hasn't happy >> that's interesting you would try to do that. >> i learntr the most importanta bring brokenning the turkey we w
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bririan it. you want to brine it foul a fulf day. gives it the flavor. flavo >> i learned -- you know iu know learned. >> what did you learn. >> just buy it and put it in the oven all done.e. >> even better you buy it already cooked now all i got ton do is take it out.owta it >> heat it up. u >> that's just me. m. >> i bought it pre prepped thist year i'll let you know when how the roasting goes when someone o else seasons it.else seasons i >> can't wait.>> c >> tuck is out in bethesda.thda are you going out to eat thisati year or are you cooking or are you just going to dance? dan >> i'm doing neither, steve. s somebody is cooking for >> lucky you.. we've been listening to bruno and not only are these people pl the organizers they can move. m. let's see some come on.n >> all right. there you go. tv.v. great r look, i didn't even have to runn guys, i got a shirt honorary io think i'll take it -- they'll tl take it back from becausese because i can't run.un i'm joined by carla, thank you y for inviting me out again thishs >> carla vice-president of
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washington and ymca chevy chasee >> i was one of the grandra marshal along with catherine and ike. incredible morning.ible morning meeting all these great possibli and watching the race. >> will you share your name.ur m >> jeffrey slavin. >> carla, telome about the evene this year it seems like it's lei bigger and better than ever. e >> bigger and 9,000 runners. we have 350 volunteers this is s great partnership between the ymca, bethesda chevy chase and and all the funds raised today goes to the charities helpingesi youth and family in needs. nds >> locally right. >> locally right here in ourighn communities.mmies >>ll r right. we're seeing i guess everybody who kind of milling about hereer has now finish the race.. i was incredibly impressed withd the people that were crossingrec that finish line after about aut half hour. h what was the winning time thisis year. >> we winning time of 31 of minutes.mi that's fantastic. and, you know, we'll be doing bd the awards in just a minute.
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races you have because obviously you have the 10k.0k but it feels to me like everyve year you've got a new race.e. >> absolutely. we've added new one. new o we have the 10k.. 2-mile fun family run and then e we have a to the trot for agesre eight and under and then wed enw added this year a fourth race rc which is a 1k which is aboutt half a mile, and it will be a sprint down the end of sprucerue street and back we're excited.xc four races. >> that's great. gre 34th year.ear. how have you seen it grow? >> oh, my god.god started this race with coupleh e other founders and we had 200 20 runners and now over 9,00000 we're so excited about thisbouti race. >> it's fantastic. personally what i love about itt is getting to is he familiesilie that aren't necessarily spendins a lot of time together get out and run together, right? >> that's right. right. a lot of families here.t ofamil every run has an opportunity for somebody whatever your capacityt is. it's also great way to expose es the programs of the y in the
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it's a great organization.izion. >> sir, tell me quickly why icki need to get y card. cd. >> so you'll exercise and haveae great year in 2017. 2 everybody should have this cardr you can use it in the metro aree and all over the country and the world. >> i love it.ove >> all right. carla, thank you for inviting un out again this year.ear. great event, and bigger and a better ever year.rea you'll go for 10,000 next year. >> 10,000 next year. this is a tradition. is a adit >> that's the latest guys. turkey trot wrapping up.g we still got runners out there. >> they're starting 1k and the to the trot now. >> we're wrapping it up guys. back to you.rappinba to yo >> thanks very, tuck. >> we were like trying close tht door on the story. othe stor our friend -- this is second son ronnie taylor mention dad ps. p any way he says his wife microwave a turkey and it was >> that was the funny story. >> turkey in the microwave.. shocking. >> that's so funny.un >> i want to try a fried turkeye
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>> do that outdoors.or. >> 90th annual macy'ss thanksgiving day paradeare officially underway up in the ue big apple.. the action getting started aboua their minutes ago.go all star event and we're notand just talking about those epicc balloons.ns singer sarah mclaughlin and olympic gold medalist andistnd dancing with with the stars champ hernandez will be therel e with the celebrities.ti >> security a top priority thiss ar.r. police will use garbage trucksru full of sand as bar the parade route but it is also all about having fun. fox's brooks -- baruk has more.. i'm sorry i butchered that namem >> reporter: what's yoursour favorite ba license here? >> the troll one because we jusj saw the movie trolls. tll i love elf on the shelf becauseu i have one at home and they're ' so much m
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>> reporter: why do you lovey do that one.that o >> because i love dinosaurs.dinu >> reporter: 3.5 million milon people expected to line theecte streets tomorrow to enjoyth 16 1 giant balloons and 27 novelty balloons.ns including old stand buys and new additions and each inflated ite character is a masterpiece. >> what goes into creating these incredible balloons?s? >> well a year worth of effortft that's for sure.'s fore. it starts with sketches, youtcs, know, then we do 3d models anden molds so that we can come up with exact scale models that we can then translate digital cut fabric and pattern itrn it together and paint it and attact the lines and attach inflationft and all the technical stuff so f that we can inflate it and ultimately bring it here for thr parade. >> reporter: as they get ready t to make they're down down the parade route the balloons arelos getting spirits here soaring. s. >> they're really cool.. >> they're just festive and funn for >> it makes us know thatus kw t thanksgiving is coming and we are -- it's such tradition intin
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before, after and in the paradep and when they're getting blownto up. so you got to sneak peek of thef parade before it actuallyy happens.happen >> happy thanksgiving! >> what fun i've never been. have you been up to the paradeae at. at. h i have not. i always love watching it on tv. >> maybe that's the best place.. we'll see. we'll see. >> the crowd is large. crowd ilg >> yeah. it is.its >> it's like watching the ballhl drop on new year's eve in newn e york's times square. sar the crowds out there. the >> i did that once.t e. it's good enough to have done it once. once. >> just to have the experience.e >> just to have it.>> jus >> let us know if you've beet no the parade or the ball drop and it's wilder, drunk kerr and a a little bit batter than it was iw before. coming up next kevin sits down with the nastiest self out there bat bad santa two star billy bob thornton and cursing in front of ki.s. 9:40. 9:40 good day will be right back.
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?? what can i do for you.o fory >> will you be able to find mee at my grandmom's house in grand rapids because nobody is goingis to be at our chicago house foror two weeks. >> don't worry, i'll find you. but do santa a favor. for the address of where you're noto gobbing to write it down ont don peace of paper and bring it bacb to santa. san will you? all right, honey,oney
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>> i want... >> that's great. >> i don't know.w >> grand theft auto five.ive. >> no, i don't care. what can i get you.. >> a stuffed that doesn't poop. >> what? >> stuffed -- >> okay. have a seat. what is kanta clas >> a penguin. it doesn't have to be alive. >> what the hell are you lookinu at me so funny for?? >> sorry, santa.ta. i have to go. g >> is that you? i thought it was me. [ laughter ] >> 9:44 and that is a clip fromm bad santa two. two it's sequel to the 2003 comedy
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he play as criminal posing as jolly old saint nick. this time to rob a charity on christmas kevin got a chance to sit down d with him and talk about dark comedy and what it's like to le bring back the character afterer more than a >> let me say those scenes aresa highly edited for television. >> you could see it.. >> he spends a lot of timeim cursing in front of these youngu children good bad derr than the first santa. >> these movies are meant to bee raunchy. that's kind of the idea. ide the character is cursing incursg spoke to billy bob thornton. tho one thing i wanted to know whenw you're a scene with a kid thatia young and you have to say these horrifically bad curse words the worst words you can think of, d, you apologize to the kid, do yoy feel bad about it? it? >> i would think you would feel a little uncomfortable.fortab >> when you make movie wis manym curse words when it gets broughg to television they have to goo into a booth and do fake cursee words. >> right. >> over it. wanted to know how many heany
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for the famous ones we knowwe k about. watch this. >> you're saying these curseurse words. what's going through your mind?d i know you're acting but is itn weird to curse in front of young kid like that? >> in the first movie in the t beginning it was, but then aftet while you get used to it. and the kids usually they're not even paying attention to i mean they've learned theirrner line or two.wo >> right. >> and they sort of kind of of o staring at you like a deer inde the head lights and when i kindd of know, kind of slur my words. wor i'm not even sure they know whaa i'm saying. sin on the first movie i would pom l apologize to the parents. p oh, no, it's okay.ska we know it's a movie. it's like, yeah, but -- no, oncc you get into a role you just gog to go. to go. you can't think about it.n't th. >> the parents are right there,, right? oh yeah. >> when you're doing this. this. yeah. >> i can't imagine.>> i di cd these kids end up seeing t movie eventually, do you know?no
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some of them are really little.l rightht. >> like six or september.eptemb >> one thing i love about rbout rated films especial al movielov like this when they come toe t television there's always theset ridiculous over dubbed. dubbe when you're done filming thishi movie do you have to go into a studio don ridiculous versions r of the words and what are some m of the more ridiculous versionss of curse words you had to do. yo >> they're just stupid.upid what i tell them when i go inton the adr stage and like on the t first bad san at any time looked like a sears catalog. catalog it was that big of thig to, you know, fix. f. and i just said i'm not doing th.s. well, we have to have the tvto lines. lines. yeah, you know what, this iss never going to be on nbc it's not going to be airlineline movie probably. >> right. >> so they'll show it on, you know,'ll sh the, you know, cablb channel.l. >> hbo. >> all that kind of stuff and so there's no problem. i said i'll tell you what i'mt'm
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something.thin it might have been on this. thi i went in and i said okay,dka here's what i'm going to do. d go through there, fine out whatt curse words i said. sd. okay, here they are.. there's, you know, 16 of them or whatever it i is. i'll do one of each. and you just slide it in therene where you want with whateverhatr stupid word you >> so billy bob thornton is 61-year-old now and he's still i going strong.g stro he won the academy award foror swing blade andow santa two. t i don't think it will do as wels as some of the other films oping upup. >> do you rem seeing it?t? >> for my thing this weekend you shall simona.ona. if you want to walk out feelinge really happy with great music. c >> take the kids enjoy it as familiarly.liar >> the rock does a great job fet you're staying home, i know we e have to go movies to watch overr thanksgiving plane, trains and automobiles.tomobiles. masterpiece classic with john candy and steve martine >> watched it last thanksgiving. >> did you.>> >> it was a good one.t s a good >> great movie about them goingg
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got mail not thanksgiving moviev but a scene in there that takesk place on thanksgiving and alsolo rocky has a very famous scenece thanksgiving where he meets he e adrian for the first time. >> just watch terminator twonat judgment day.ment d that's all that matters to me. >> you know how i feel aboutl a rocky. >> say yo adrian. >> we have to remain friends. tn i'm just going tods. pretend yoy didn't say anything bow rocky. one, three, four, five, six orer seven. >> it's a philly classic.s a ly >> why do you have such bad taste in movies?? >> really do >> kevin still lobbying forin f official terminator two holidayy in the meantime we're rollingolg on. president obama's final turkey pardon and while the two birdswr were by his side his two his t daughters were not. not who are those two cute young men standing neck to the president? why did the dad in chief not lel it stop him from what was going on. on we'll explain.'ll exain >> my goodness. >> 9:49. big old bird.
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>> 9:52. another last for president obama. yesterday the commander in chief flecked his executive muscle and pardoned to turkeys jlaussttco m for thanksgiving.g now those birds named tater and
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>> now get to live the rest oflr their live down at a farm atar t virginia tech university.versit. now while it was his last las pardon, his daughters who haveav usually been by his side for the annual event were not there. the president explained why andd explained who subbed in instead. >> thanksgiving a is a familyg y holiday as much as a national m one so for the pasast seven yeay i've stabbed another tradition. embarrassing my daughters with a corner copy ya of dad jokesad j about turkeys this year they had a scheduling conflict.lict [ laughter ] >> actually they just couldn'tuu take my jokes any more. my re [ laughter ] >> they were fed f up. fortunately, i have by my side s here today two of my nephewss austin and aaron robinson who unlike malia and sasha have nott yet been turned cynical by washington.
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puns. puns they still appreciate the grandeur of this occasion. they still have hope. malia and sasha by the way are thankful this is my finalal presidential turkey pardon whath i haven't toll them yet we'rere going to do this ever year fromr now on. now on. [ laughter ] >> no cameras, just us.. every year.y y no way i'm cutting this habithit cold turkey.cold tkey. [ laughter ] >> i love it. i i have to say when i heard t even heard the president sayhe s that, the first person i thoughg of was kevin mccarthy. kevin appreciates a good pun.ted >> he does.eoe as much as anybody does great te see president obama doing that. it's great to see -- now just tt let you know today or when the president was handing out hng o delivering meals to some of the veterans in the area, and his daughters were there for thatt along with some of michelle'shel family which is what you sawou s there with the nephews. nhe >> the thought of them being like uncle barak you're so funnn
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i don't have nieces or nephewsrw so they get, you know, he gets a redo.. >> when the kids get old -- o -- probably not, right.ig when the kids get older as youu know they're all, they're gone.. he's got a do over. >> >> his nephews. that is so cute.that >> when you look back at the i t turkey pardon the white house hu historical association it notest may have been president lincolnn that inspire the pardon after he spared his son's turkey from becoming dinner back in 1863. we're thankful for of we've enjoyed your tweets.weets >> let's share half some of them. #fox5thankful. there's one. i'm thankful for my i love mye m son so much he changed my life.. >> kids will do that, won't w't they?they? >> yes. >> all right. david, thank you for sendingnk u this picture in. in. thankful for my beautiful family and beautiful they are indeed. >> for sure.. >> and look at that. brenda says i'm forever thankful for family and my house. hse
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>> one more. more. thankful and blessed for my and family andle my friends. fen listen we're thankful forlor everybody. we want to make sure we get toau our mug give away right w we have that mug up for grabsra right now. coffee time gone day d.c. if you want that mug listen up.. eighths dunkin' donuts mug.' tsg good for your dunkin' donuts' coffee go to fox 25 our facebookk page. one winner selected by random rn drawing get the entry lie 11:00 o'clock. 9:00 vick. that will do it for00 good day t 9a but redskins game time ise house.ho guy lampert is we have a live band much lots of music. >> ken harvey.en hvey >> we're thankful for all of you. >> happy thanksgiving! >> i'm coming home baby. b i'm coming home.ngome. >> let me give you the score oft the game. th >> all right. >> you got sick seconds.ot sickd >> the score is going to be 30-24 and the team that's going
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agine a world where instead of rushing to buy we gave thanks for what we already have. at t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods we're closed on thanksgiving because family time comes first.
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?? >> this is fox5 redskins game time. >> redskins exercise their primi time demons in a dominating performance that had kirkir cousins asking, once again,. a >> how you like me now.e now. >> i was just excited coming ofg the field with emotion. it just happened with no and no microphones.ones. >> a lot more cameras andmerand microphones today as theshe redskins are in dallas to takeak on the hated cowboys with theite nation watching. trying to safe off the afternoon food coma nap won't be hard forf skins fans. >> i noticed that.t. coming off that field, man, theh were chanting we want dallas.als we want dallas, we want dallas!l >> it's big, man. man. football is higher step up. it's kind of like these guysuy


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