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tv   Fox 5 News 5  FOX  November 29, 2016 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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> last friday morning in this courtyard just off of i street southeast. one gunman recklessly openedened gunfire in a crowd of people striking bring own a macmillan, two cars and a building.uil one of those individuals was sigh read evans. eva if he is lening or he has any human decency and we ask that he turn himself in, take responsibility for his actions. help bring closure to brianna's community who have been rattled by this evans was not charged with the e teen's murder, but may haveve important information that coult helpion investigators close the case. court records show in august of 2014, sigh read evans was accused of being one of twotwo again men who opened fire on people having a cook out. evans spent nine months in jail
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charge. macmillan was just home from a boarding school in iowa a and was enjoying the thanksgiving holiday when she was killed. family and friends called her bribri and she was remembered fondly. wake up. wake up.up the teen was an innocent bystander and not the target, but the motive so far is unclear i can tell specifically that the video shows evans in session a firearm and firing it. we do believe that it was fired multiple that's the information that weh have been able to confirm at this point. interim chief new sham called what evans did reckless andand urged anyone who knows where her is to call 911. now in that 2014 case in which six people were shot and evansas was arrested, it fell apart, but it's unclear why the case fell apart.
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dismissed, but we know that he spent time in jail on that case and we know from reading the charges in that case that there was one person who actually identified him as being the shooter and picked him out of a lineup and saying that he had an rack police and shot those six people. again, the case fell apart. we don't know exactly why, butbt he's been out on the street andd now police say they're looking for him in this case. live in southeast on capital > meantime a maryland man has been sentenced to seven and and half years in prison for thehe rape of a 12 year old girl.l. 25 year olden rick acash haul of wheaton pleaded guilty to first degree salt of a girl. he and his roommates repeatedly assaulted the girl. he'll be on probation for five
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has been three weeks and thereee are still some protesting results. this happened today at americann university. take a listen. l your feelings are valid 6789 ifa you stand on either side, great, because we have to talk about these things together no matter what stance you're at, because if you can find common ground you can work together to make progress.. the protest today was pieceful organized by not my president's national > burning the american flag itg is controversial as you know, but a constitutional protectedot right. today p president elect donaldsi trumpde started the questionsatn once again. in true trump fashion with an
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ronica cleary is here with thatt side of the story. this is something that we didn'e think we'd hear about for a long time, but here it is. >>reporter: it was a little bit unexpected, jim and sarah, butt just before 7:00 a.m. donald 7 trump took to twitter to post about a subject that it seemedat to come out of nowhere, burning the flag. nobody should be allow to burn the american flag.amer if they do, there must be consequences, perhaps loss of citizensship nor or a year jail. burning the flag is protectedotc under the constitution under thr first amendment and in 199 that9 right was challenged in the case of texas v johnson when gregly johnson burned a flag outside the national convention. the case wenent all the way up p the supreme court.rt. while the court ruled in johnson's favor that it protected h his right to burn the flag it whats a close ruling, just 5 to 4 in favor of protecting his right. his now there hey been otherer attempts in us history to punisi
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flag burning in a recent effort actually involved hillarynvol clinton. the bill was co-sponsored by c hillary clinton, the flag protection act of 2005. and the act was specifically worded so that it would not be deemed unconscious substitutional basically saying that it would protect flagla burning that was a threat toto public safety rather than flag burning that was just an expression of speech.ech. but the bill never came up for a vote. so you can be sure thatt president elect trump's tweet is we'll have this conversation. what do you think should happen to a person who burns the flag? well, i took to twitter to asktt you and hundreds of you responded. in donald trump's tweet he said there must be consequences for flag burning, perhaps a loss of citizenship and a year in jail and 13 percent of you agreed that citizenship should be revoked. 24 percent felt a year was appropriate. 63 percent of you you felt there should be no repercussions.ercu ultimately it was surprising tor
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from theth president elect simpy because it appeared to be unprovoked. though one reporter on twittertr said it did line up with a story on fox news channel this morning about students burning the flag. though president elect trumptr gave no indication of that asas the reason for his tweet. either way, perhaps presidentrei elect trump is setting the stage for a conversation that he would like to start or have with theh american people as he prepares to take office. he does have a supreme cou justice seat to fill and we've seen the supreme court weigh in on this issue in the past.he what do you think? let's discuss on social media, you know where to find me on facebook and twitter at ronica cleary. we're sending it back to you. > we are tracking metro witheto more talk of gloom and doom from the metro board chairman.irma >> jack evans was part of the breakfast meeting with councilnl members. it is what he said about metro's financial foes that you could
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long term infrastructure needsir on the rail side of metro could cost hundreds of millions in the coming years.ars. the redline leaks. did anybody ride the redline? you get in the tunnel, from cleveland park to medical center, it leaks like a sieve. the only way to fix it is to build a new tunnel they knew this ten years ago. they knew it five years ago.go. we know it now. and the question i have foror everybody, it's a rhetorical question is do we ever want to addres tunnel like the toilet in the bat to fall through the ceiling evans also says he supports a proposal by metro to cutback late night rail service. there is the schedule that's p p for a preliminary vote thursdayr here it is, metro says it willll need to reduce hours starting next summer to allow enough time for routine repairs and maintenance throughout thee th system t.t. but evans says he would preferwl the proposed safetrack cut backs
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> straight ahead here at 5, bad social media behavior or freedom of expression.of the anti trump message one virginia school board member posted that cost her her job. please lord let us get off this mountain. we're going the wrong. and a dramatic escape captured on camera.amer a tennessee man films the scary moments. he almost gets trapped inside oe a fire stormment the driveriver involved in a crash in chattanooga appeared in court today.oday new details about what led up to the sue is >> we've got some badly needed rain today. that's the good news because we're in a moderate drought here, too. the bad news is it hasn't been enough rain, but there's a little bit more coming.e co we're also starting to see somem fog pump around the area.area quantico down to a quarter milee visibility. when we come back of at breakbra i'll have a first look the yourr forecast.
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wednesday. i'll have details coming up.
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stng ding and restoring a a father's faith.... stronger is being a typical kid... despite a rare disorder. stronger is seeking answers and not giving up until you find them. because we don't just want kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger. with your support, we can find more answers faster.
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> welcome back, to colombiame tonight where investigators areb looking into whaint causedve a charter plain carrying a brazil and soccer team to crash. there are new reports out thatut it could have been electricallet failure on board.
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six survived. the division one soccer team was on board was on its way to colombia to play in a tournament. we are deeply sad end to learn that six of our fox sportsorts brazil colleagues were killed ie three crash. you can see the entire list ofof the names on the screen there tennessee while wild fires have ravaged through the resort town. the national guard is called inl to assist as thousands ofof some of them defying the odds to escape those flames. wow. hit the gas.
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> intel video right there.el v scary asid well. michael luge and owe was the one individual taping this. barely escaped.cape officials say at least threeast area resorts have been destroyeo by the wild fires and the amusement park doll i wood has suspended all park operations through to. just hours before the wild fired spread doll i parton release a statement saying i am preparing everyone and the my doll i wood and so many places have been spared. also in tennessee, the driver involved in theness deadly schol bus crash in chattanooga appeared in court. his hearing on vehicle homicide charges has been postponed untio december 15. in a grand jury indicts him hiss lawyer says he plans to plead not guilty.uil walker left the designated bus route when he struck a tree.
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hurt. police believe he was speeding at the he time.e. > this comes after jenny pool j wrote a strongly worded faceboob post. in part of the lengthy post, wet are a nation of selfish fearful more once. even though we just voted to gut every last protection they hadhy as human beings end quote. she went onto claim that trump has an obvious and clear drug addiction and she says, that he wow. strong words there. very. >> once an internet sensation now a part of history. the bucket of ice that sparked a viral social media campaign thai helped people with als. this is a great story. it is all part of the museum's history on philanthropy. the blue bucket will be put on display. she is the first person to haveo
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the ice bucket is a brand new donation to us and helps us really do what a lot of other objects in this exhibit do, which is to help -- help us telu the story of the power of the individual in giving. so, you know, one person doing something is great, but millions of people doing something is even better. the als ice bucket challenge han a huge impact. in gestate weeks they raised $115 million with all of that money going towards a cure towards als and a young boston college baseball playersa who was the inspiration for it who was diagnosed with als. we got to know him up in long island. it was inspirational. >> it's amazing what that movement could do. atrazine long as you donated the money.mone it's one thing to dump the wear, but as long as you go nateed the money. we got rain today. >> it made me happy to see the rain.
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you see the pictures and you say, owe, my gosh, part of thisf is because so much of the eastt coast and out to the midwest, tennessee valley have been toooo dry. we had our rain today.toda nice that we didn't get it overr thanksgiving way, but unfortunately it didn't amounte to much. as you can see on radar behind me not much left, but it's justs little enough that some of roads were kind of slippery what's left tonight, not a whole lot. a up south to north, but you can see it's fairly spotty and continuing to maintain more of a drying out pattern for the evening as this first waive isit going to push away. it looks like it's a about it more substantial over the the beaches, but that's just about all off the look at the red areas, that extends from louisiana up through the western portions of tennessee. we have some strong storms downn there. that's an important area to keep
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will be around for us tomorrowom morning. so we're going to get another round of rain and some badly needed rain that will be pushini in our direction overnight but t don't think we'll see it getting started here until closer to dawn, if not a little bit before that. i mentioned that fog is alsois also it looks like visibility hashas improved where at the top of the hour they were reporting one quarter mile visibility keep ani out for fog if you're going toig be driving later tonight. not bad in many areas, but expect the fog to continue and perhaps get a little bit worse. for tomorrow, a wet day. if there is some fog around it will be gone with the wind thatd develops during the day onday question. i wanted to show you how warm it is with the south wind pushing to the 70ss. this is why we're seeing somesei tornado much whats and someme spinning storms down there. raleigh is 70. hat razz 70. while we were at 58-degrees. we topped out at 63 briefly
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while the rain tapers off inff this batch we'll watch for morer to push in closer to morning as we stay mild overnight withwith temperatures only in the 50s and that fog to continue to develop around the region. so a quick look at your planner tonight. there is he's a little bit of leftover mist and drizzle at 7:00. by 9:00 to # 1:00 as temperatures maintain in the upper 50s to near 60 we'll definitely see more of that fogf starting to p post office up.ffc that's the very latest on the weather it looks like wednesday is goins to be featuring a little bit more rain which we badly need. we are still in a drought. keep your fingers crossed thatht it's a substantial dose. we'll send it back up to sarah and jim.. the seven day forecast withst w sarah and jim a little bitit later. > a search for answer at ohio state. chilling new details about theot man who carried out the car and knife attack on campus and the
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one hide fight, that's ohio state's fight advice. ahead we're asking some of your questions about the survival protocol. more names added to donaldto d trump's cabinet. we now know who will lead the health and human services. the big question tonight, secretary of state, who is it going to be? we're back of the
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today we're gonna be comparing
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yeah! first, let's check out the aluminum bed of this truck. wooooow!! -holy moly. full on crack here. now let's check out the steel bed of the silverado. i'd expect more dents. no holes. you don't have to wait until black friday to make a strong decision. find your tag and get 20% cash back, or, get 0% financing for 72 months on select remaining 2016 silverado double cabs in stock.
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> we're learning chilling newea details tonight about the man whorntonigh carried out yesterds and knife attack at ohio state university. police are still trying to determine the reason behind abdul area ton's actions.tion eleven people were hurt when he drove his car up on a sidewalk,
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then about him. and who, if anybody, influencedu him. it's unclear at this point if he was roadway lied and if he was,, when did it happen a training video last year toyer teach students and faculty abouu
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shooter is on campus. students should only fight as a last resort and says while it's scary to think about students, they need to be prepared in case that situation comes up. here in our area, montgomeryea, county public schools also useao the run, hide, fight techniquehq for an active ' shooter. in certain situations using lock down procedures may not be appropriate. in this case, run, hide fight may safe your life. itself he difficult. it's a split seconde situation you may have to make. it's almost one that goes along with stop, drop and role. you had questions about the whole run hide fight scenario. did it begin? also, does it only apply to shootings. >> why is the guidance notot universally accepted? are there people who criticize the plan and most importantly does it work? here is the break down.
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officials introduced the messags introduced to a shooting. it was in response to the theater shooting in colorado. few people knew how to respond to a shooting. remember, yesterday's attack atk ohio state initially cameniti through as an active shooter situation, but then late i was t found that those shots were the ones fired by police in respons to the knifein acan that. still randy brescia head of the law enforcement administration says he endorses the run, hide, fight method whether it is a begun, knife or any other weapon.we still the run, hide fight doesn't come without its critics. each of the three rules has flaws.fl running from a safe spot, for example, could lead someone to a shooter especially in publicpe schools they have to be mindfule of that. some say simply locking down isn just a better strategy.ateg as you can see the jury is still
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actually again, i think it depends our situation. it's not a one size fitz all. you have to go with your gut. > in louisiana schools they're taking a different approach. it's called alice, it stands foray let, lock down inform counter and evaluate. foray let, lock ?? for studentsd staff underway.nd they could use classroom items as weapons to defense themselves such aspens, knives or scissors. to protect yourself. to learn more about how to survive an active shooter. paul wagner did a session. that came down after sanan bernadine owe. >> it's really quite informative. they talk about doing fire drills, knowing what's aroundund you. that's another thinking to take into situation. > be mindful.
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students at prince george'sts a county community colleget after the suspicious package was out on campus. we're going to tell you how this one ended. we're going hear what bowser says about this.this tom, what do you have going on. >>reporter: the walls of cuba restaurant are lined with the name of proud cuban americans. but there is also anger here in this comni president barack obama did and did not say about the death of fidel castro. we'll have that story coming up
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i've spent my life planting a size-six, non-slip shoe into that door. on this side, selves. but these days it's phones before forks. they want wifi out here. but behind that door, i need a private connection for my business. wifi pro from comcast business. public wifi for your customers. private wifi for your business. strong and secure. good for a door. and a network. comcast business. built for security.
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> this is fox5 local news at 5. take a good look allot thishis picture on your screen. prince george's county police need your heoelprge' tonight fig
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hill drive in district heights.s she is five foot one weighs 100 pounds and was last seen wearing a black coat, booths. if you know of her whereabouts police give police a call. investigators think the boy was between 16 and 19 at the time oe his death. the image was created by the national center for missing and exploited children to show what the boy would like today. investigators think they died from 2014 to 206. prince george's county community college in largo, thee' bomb s e was called in to investigate an unintended package. the pack wage was investigated, but everyone was a allow backack inside after an all clear wasas given. > new tonight, a l woman whoma was arrested at bwi thurgoodth marshal airport after she was caught trying to bring a loaded gun onto a plane. this gun was loaded with sevenwh
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the woman was also travelingveli with a magazine loaded with bullets. they discovered the guns in onen of the woman's backpacks at onet of the checkpoints.eckp they took the gun and that woman is now facing state weapon charges. hundreds of people who help keep reagan national airport running are rallying for more money. they want their minimum wage right to unionize. today's rally involves a mixeded of cabin cleaners and check point agents. many of them make less than 7ed an hour without tips. this demonstration was one of 20 recall why is scheduled across airports across the country. a back in the district d.c. mayor muriel bowser says she is notno ready to back a proposal beforeo city council to provide paid family leave.
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weekxt. eleven paid paid leave and ate weeks to care for a sickle ontive. the benefits would be among then most generous in the country if passed. bowser says she is hesitant to support the measure because she's concerned the majority of the people who use it live outside the district.dist > an urgent issue in d.c. mayor bowser would allow shelters to turn people in d.c. the shelter provides shelter to homeless people on freezing nights. the boys says people can'tys s verify residency for 12 percent of people seeking shelter and it should be reserved for d.c. residents. > mourn nears in cuba lined upp at the crack of dawn to pay respects to fidel castro. schools and government offers were also closed for a secondcod day. the long time cuban leader diedr over the weekend. his ashes will be in a three-day
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it will start the same path where he followed years ago. > the white house did announce yesterday neither the presidentd nor vice president will attend, but as cuba prepares to honor the former leader a cuban american business owner in montgomery county is furious over what he says is a white whi house response that ignores cubans that have suffered underu castro.ff this is a guy who has firsthand >>reporter: sure does. jim, sarah. the walls here, if you come to the cuban corner restaurant in rockville are just lined withth pictures and names of famous cuban american, here, right here. the creator of amazon and owner of the washington there are portraits all over the place. some of them commemorating thehe cuban boast list, the thousands of cuban americans who left
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keep saw prepare as he left back in 196 # and he says he is neves coming back. why? even though fidel castro is dead he's never going backack because the castro raw jeep and its brutality lives on. here's why, back in 2015, the obama administration restored diplomatic relations with theh cub and government. even though they did people like what keep, they will tell y that the obama administrationn continued to do business withth this regime in the past yeare while the iron fist of the castro dictatorship continuedco to. in the two days since the death he has been reliving all of his family's pain.fa hemi says the statement that president obamae release following castro's death never mentioned any of the people whop suffered under castro's rule. he'll tell you it's adding
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after they restored diplomatic relations with cuba last yearyer without getting any diplomatic sessions in return. i'm disgusted by his statement. > disgusted? >> yes. president obama constantly ignores the suffering of the human being that suffered forfor the last 54 years and offered his condolences for the person responsible particular, disgusting. > now, what keep could he beart razz will tell you kee this. he says donald trump's statement in his pin was a lot more deke.t he m says castro was a brutal dictator. he says he is concerned that trump may not be able to t abl through on all of this about getting tough on cuba.cuba the bottom line i asked him will you ever go back to cuba. his answer was not unless the castro regime is completely
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we're live at the cuban corner restaurant in rockville, tomm fitzgerald, fox5 l local news. > tonight donald trump isight working to fill his cabinet with candidates just about every day. ronica cleary with a look att today's addition to the cabinet and what we can see in the next couple of days,. >>reporter: it's interesting tg see some familiar names and somd names that are not so familiar, really expanding the circle, if you will. let's take a trumatp announced today. communication office announced two more positions filled in the trump white house, news broke oe another important role. let's talk about congressman tomorrow price of georgia. he is nominated to be the health and human service.huma by trade he's an orthopedic surgeon. he has been chairman of thef th budget house committee since 2015.
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ma. she was been for medicare and services. she is the founder of svc incorporated, a national health policy incorporated. she led indiana's health reforms after obamacare's passage in 2010. but the position on everyone's mind, there is no word on who o will be the nomination for secretary of state. now, talk of mitt romney it has caused a lot of the president elect he still ele plans to meet with him tonightim to continue that conversation.on finally, today, there was talk that perhaps chris christie might have some sort ofrt o announcement about, woulding onn the trump team as well. he hosted a press announcementnu today at the rotunda in the state house.e he said the event would be closed for questions and of course speculation swirled.led. but in the end it had to do with
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christie in christie fashion he let reporters know how he felt about the speculation. >> and by the way, if i were announcing i was leaving to do something else, i suspect iect wouldn't be dog it here and i wouldn't be doing it by myself. so everyone should just get logical about this and lower the hysteria. it reminds me of my days as a christie reporter. announcement all about, plansns out he plans to renovate the nea jersey statehouse.teho his inspiration for it, the beautiful statehouse in maryland. he spoke about a trip he t ook toook maryland and a tour of the statehouse he had with governor hogan there. he realized he would be proud i doing the same in return.urn. i'm hoping to come back here in four years from now and see a statehouse that we can be just
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proud of. we reached out to governor hogan's secretary to the remarks, her comment is strictly that we think our statehouse ist pretty awesome, too. >> it is pretty. when you send out a big press announcement, announcement, no questions, don't play the card,, if i were to announce -- you're going to get those questions. >> exactly. > jefferson middle academy inn southwest got quite a treat today. >> a visit from some redskins players to sponsor a teamte building they don't tell the kids it's a team building event. they just say it's fun.n. >> that's much >> you got to market several redskins players lead the middle school studentssc through hoa series of exercisese builds cooperation and fun. one of the players participating today likes giving back to the community.
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to these kids. wherever i am i'd like to be in the community helping these kids out. they're the future.futu the redskins fit program was developed inskins partnership h d.c. public schools and the american diabetes association. > i'm sure teams were built as well from that whole experience. > coming up, another cyber monday, another sales record. hear how much americans spentria yesterday shopping online. and >> what company is giving a new idea a we'll tell you how this oneone works. > i could use this. >> leave it to beyonce, that's not beyonce, it's clearly not. > the new collection -- we'llll talk about beyonce -- i have aae
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>> slightly. we'll hear more about thatabou coming up. thank you, jim and sarah.rah. one round of rainy moving out of the area leaving us kind off foggy and damn am overnight, but another storm system bringinggi severe weather to the northeast. that's moving our way overnight. we'll have some more rain, heavy rain at we'll take a look at it for you you when fox5 news returns right
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> once again, cyber mondaye hitting a newagai record. the final lap in the thanksgiving holiday shopping relay raked in nearly $3.5 million in sales.les. experts say shoppers spentspen 12 percent more than cyber monday in this year consumers spent more than a build shopping on their tablets and smart phones. most cyber monday shoppers didpr
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devices. >> more and more people are shopping online. so we go present the consumerscs giving if you need some motivation tomi give to charity, a new study suggests saying it is better to give than receive. researchers at the national institutes of health looked at the mris. release endorphins. other studies have shown whenen people arein report lower depression and less stress levels. you know what else reduces that, a brand new >> way to tarnish the moment. > giving tuesday, what's wednesday? >> i don't know. every i didn't do any cyber monday shopping. i feel like nowadays. it's all the time cyber shoppinp
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you can't fool me. i know the 40 percents will be off. >> absolutely. shopping frome the comfort of your own home wee have a break from the rain. even though it's kind of damp and drizzling we have some fog that is developing. when we do have rain it could be heavy rain for at least some off us. as we take a live look outside and fog that reduces visibility tomorrow morning it could be an issue as well.el the rest of tonight finally something to talk about in the i weather department here. mostly just fog and drizzle but by tomorrow morning the rain returns and in ernest at that wt could have periods of heavy rain and even a thunderstorm ishu possible or at least a rumble or two of thunder. by thursday we're back to the normal temperatures. storm tractor has been downwn considerably from this morningor when we had several rounds of showers but now even the left
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like i said there could still bl somel drizzle out there but nono falling rain and we'll continuen the drying trend through thehe overnight hours.hour here's the whole front that has brought the s'mores today hashe moved off. s' starting to clear the carolinas as well. it's down towards the south andt west where you see the red boxes jo,w the northeast bringing the kt)j]/>glx?hx?47) t??k?%-o? is moving northeast so that's why by tomorrow morning we'll be dealing with the?g&kwgg no severe weather. 63-degrees is the highes i temperature at reagan earlier today and that's aboutou 10-degrees above normal. 58 at dulles, 57 at bwi. i think we'll be even warmer for tomorrow. 58 in washington right now.ght this is likely where we'll stayl
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slowly rice overnight. 55 in gaithersburg. you can see the warmer air w towards our south. we're at 70 near raleigh.alei i think we hit 70 tomorrow hereo fox if you you tour cast thisths evening showing the showerswers across the southeast.outh look at the whole system zoom in across our area. by 7, 8:00 a.m. it's raining again. on and off rain expected rai tomorrow by 6:00 p.m. we may get a break, but the actual coldld front doesn't want slide through until later tomorrow night so there could be a second round of showers and storms. basically i would say we're not in the clear until thursdayrs evening. how much rain we only picked upy a tenth of an inch. that's in the a lot.lot. it doesn't look like we'll getet much more. just about a half inch and notad anything close to alleviatingale our moderate drought here.ere. later this week, high pressureee returns we're back to the dry, sunny weather beginning on thursday and temperatures really cool down for the weekend. 58 is the low temperature which
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overnight.ov we should h hit 70 here in washington.wa that's pretty optimistic. fredericksburg but you get thete idea, very mild with that needed rain and possible thunder. dry and cooler thursday.thur let's look at the weekend. saturday starts out okay. i think we stay dry, 50-degrees with a mix of sun and clouds.l by sunday a better chance ofchan some rain and there is a chancee it could extend into monday and tuesday. but for now it looks like the best chance or the most agreement would be showers on sunday, a break and then temperatures on tuesday 40s, a, big difference from this week. > we already ride with strangers, we rent rooms from them, sometimes we anchor with them. but would you you trust a stranger with your laundry. >> i know more about you you than you realize.ea > this may sound crazy people, one country is raiding its residents what a personal credir score based on their behavior.
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> beyonce fans pull out your wallets and get ready to do some shopping. some people have a new app. first it's a been a day at airports around the country. here's your fox5 on the fly. get ready for a potential travel nightmare. 500 workers at chicago owe hair air part that threatened to walk off strike today. they're demanding a $5 million m minimum wage andil the right to organize. they'll be joined by airports at 20 other airports for what's been dubbed a day of disruption. imagine being scored for everything you do. well, the chinese are didding just that.just the country is literally givingg citizens what's called a sociald credit rating. there they'll be scored on how they spend their money physicia
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they violate family traininging pools. from loans, jobs and even air travel. > and tender for workout junkies, it's in the what you think, a new match making appki sets you up with other people in your other, the point is to keep women safe from pedestrian torse who pray uber for laundry. a new service by electrolux. it's exploring how you pay strangers to wash your clothes.. including how the machines communicate with each other and how to compensate for ruined clothing. and leave it up to queen bay to drop a big surprise for her fans. beyonce launches a new christmas line, the collection includes red and green hoodies with the
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a shirt featuring a stocking full of lemons in wrapping
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> this is fox5 local news at 6. good p evening thank you forveni joining us at 6, i'm tony perkins and i'm shawning us yan. > we begin tonight with agin break-in the case of a 16 year6 old girl shot and killed the district.stri d.c. police say they are looking for this man. his name is sigh eve evans. he is a convicted convicted felon caught on surveillancece camera firing a gun when brianna macmillan was murdered. he what is wanted on firearms charges. fox5's paul wagner is live fromm the scene where this all happened. >>reporter: shawn and tone
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may not mean anything to you, but in this town he is well known to police and prosecutors. he has a long record of arrestae and last friday morning inside this courtyard police say he was caught on surveillance camera firing a handgun multiple timese they say they want him and they want to get him off the street tonight. they call him armed and dangerous. last friday morning in this courtyard just off i street southeast police say at least one gunman recklessly openedreck fire in a crowd of striking 16 year old bring own a macmillan, two cars and a building. one of those gunman police say was sigh eve evans who was recorded by a surveillancee camera firing a weapon. if he is listening and he has any conscious or any human decency we ask that he turn himself in and take responsibility for his actions. help bring closure to brianna'sa family and the potomac gardens community who have been rattled by this case. police say evans is not charged


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