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tv   Fox 5 News 5  FOX  December 6, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm EST

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i'm going to put this motion. you can see this moving right up 95. all of that yellow is heavy to moderate rain that is going to move on through.roug when all is said and done we'rer going to get an inch of rain. when is it done? that's thehat question a lot of people want tt know. probably not tapering off until 8 or 9:00 tonight. this is west of interstate 8 #.. we've had a combination of snow, sleet and freezing rain and it's with this in motion in places like western alleghany county and western mineral county arere now under an ice storm warningtm and that's going to go until midnight. they have buil t up out thereout about a quarter of inch or so of ice. that's what you see in the brighter purple color. everybody else under a winter weather advisory for a for combination of a wintry mixtry which is a little bit of snowito mix inned in there as well outll to our west.west that will go until midnight.
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meantville, virginia has hadas h some ice. ic and cherry grove west virginia a trace. i know highland county also reporting a little bit of icingi andtt that's because their temperatures simply did not come very high up today. just to show you as we go forward tonight we're going toig see the bulk of this rain out on here and on the other side of the bay by 9:00. our temperatures will not fallll too far into the freezing levels tonight. we ' have a few scattered showers and some fog, but againt we're going to the western communities and you will need extra time for that commute or allow your loved ones extra i'm to get home tonightme because it's tough navigatingavg with all the road spray, the fot and all of the ponds of water of the sides of the road.d. > jim, sarah, back to you. a man was shot and killed thiskl morning inside a house withuse property that appears to bes to double as a used car lot. there are few today tails at this hour, but one than witness reported seeing two gunmen onn
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the murder. paul wagner with more on this story. >>reporter: gyp and sarah, we've been trying to piece this together for tryin several hourn and i can tell you that d.c. police are still here on thee on scene five and a half hours after a man was found shot toho death inside this house behind me. it's 1501 olive street northeast. it's adjacent to the tunnelhe t taking you over to the dean wood metro station. d.c. police say they don't havev anything to do with peopleople heading over to the metro stat pictures right now.pi thisct is d.c. police working ir this yard, again, five and a half hours of a the murder. they just brought out thisthis equipment just a little while ago. i want to also show you this yard. it appears to be a make-shifte-h used car lot. there's no signs for used cars here, but we counted as many as 15 a used cars sitting in thatsi lot. when you you go online you can find advertisements for carscars
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let us show you some video thati we shot earlier today. interim d.c. police chief petere newsham did come to the scene as well as the chief of detectives. what we understand from one witness he told us off camera, he did not want to go on camera that just around 11:30 he looked outside the window of the homehe that he's been working inside of and he saw two men in black puffy coats what canning up the street. he said they stood outside a ca then all of afo sudden he said e saw them draw weapons. he then moved away from the window thinking he was about to get robbed and he watched as the two men walked down the streetet back towards 1501 olive street.e just a few minutes later he said he heard all of the police officers arriving onto the block. and then he knew awful had happened. we have been unable to find anyone here on the street whot has been able to tell us whos
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medical examiner. when we first arrived here earlier today we did see a woman come up on the scene. she was very emotional and shead was speaking with detectivesdete seemingly knowing someone who may have been inside that us who. at this point d.c. list have not put out a lookout for anybodyor and they have not identified who was shot inside this house. live in northeast, paul wagner, fox5 local > two days after a gunman entered restaurant comic ping is back open. welsh drove from north carolina to a pizza shop because hecaus wanted to inspect a pat incorporately false rumor. marina maracco has more withmore this story. >>reporter: things here are fairly quiet. it's been about 48 hours sincece comet pizza decided to shutdown
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walked in and stormed during lunch hour basically about 3:00: sunday. just to give you some show heres of what exactly has been goingng on. there has been a lot of questions of mpd providing access because of the conspiracy there wrist. because of the online conspiracy like this book store here they, too, have been targets of the harassment, the online harassment and of these conspiracy theories,her the neighborhood here sayingho they areod going to show cometce pingpong this pizza restauranttr here on connecticut avenue some support. you'll see some pictures from yesterday as neighbors walked outside, even though the t restaurant was closed.clos they dropped off flowers.flow they dropped off signs and said that they would be here for the opening again tonight as well as this weekend with the familiesie showing comet and its owner that they are not scared to dine at
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you're looking here at somee cellphone video of edgar being arrested. edgar welsh, 28 years old drovel up from north carolina and according to police he drove up with the purpose to quote, self investigate pizza hestig wanted to make sure that comet according to the allegations made on these online formulation was not boring sexor slaves. he says he walked in with a rival, a that was recovered in his vehicle. when he discovered there weren't any children inside the restaurant and that's when he walked out and turned himself in. that entire scene played out foo 45 minutes. he did fire several shots inside the restaurant. he spoke with investigators,s, again, confessed to drive up and he was here to ethanol s ofetha investigate the conspiracy theories and right now he'she's being held on no bond on several charge, including assault with a
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live north in northwest d.c., marina maracco, fox5 local news. > to the latest on the trump transition, president elect donald trump held talks with d.c. mayor muriel bowser. the meeting took place at the trump tower in new york city. they spent about 40 minutesnt together and discussed a a numbd of issues that impact the city. fox5's matt ackland joins us live from new york city rightht now. hey, matt, how did that meetingh go and what details could she really >>reporter: we know all know that mayor bowser was no fan of donald trump during campaign. in canmp d pennsylvania, she dei not to go to the grand openingen of his hotel on pennsylvania avenue, but boy how times have changed. she requested this meeting. she came here to new york city c today and now she's hoping that her administration, the district of columbia can get along withng the trump administration. after a half hour with presidend
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do you think he'll be a friendid of the district. >> actually, the one thing thatt i know emphatically that he said is that he is a supporter of th district of columbia and he wants to be supportive. mayor bowser sat down after thee meeting. >> you really blasted him from time to time during the election. was there any and no, sir thinkand there? >> certainly no. there was noneo those of us who are in an elected office and tis first time we know that once the voters speak it's he ever on. you move on than a you acceptou what the voters have said. > mayor bowser says she put in a request to see president elect trump not long after the election. she wants him to know about the ab reelou d.c. i wanted to introduce washington, d.c. to him and make sure that sometimes people have misconceptions of who we are ase the city or how we function as a city, county and state, that pay
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than any of the other states.stt bowser wanted the new presidente to know about important issues in the d.c. region. metro and other infrastructure problems at the top of her list. they also discussed public education, something importantni to both of them. in the area of education whichdu the president elect wanted particularly to talk about we, for example, we want to maintaia our d.c. tag program. we also asked bowser aboutab threats made by trump during the campaign to take federal >> our clear statement waswa certainly about the fears andnd concerns that people have and to layout the values of washington, d.c. and to really say to him there are opportunities to heal some of those feelings of anxiety among residents. it is important to tell you that bowser would not talk about any specifics. direct conversation as that she
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him on the inaugeration, tellinu him planges have been underway r a very long time and they are going well. she also made the point, listen, we worked with republican presidents in the district of columbia before. it's worked out well and we plan to do it this time. live in new york city, matt ackland, fox5 local news. > all right.> prince george's county now changing course after a council member gets busted drinking and driving. lindsay watts is working this one hey, lindsay. >>reporter: a council member is accused of driving drunk anddrun injuring people in a crash, but he wascr in a county vehicle at the time, talks payors pay for l that car. todayks that councilman was part of the vote to rethink the rule. that story up next.t. and a maryland police detective faces some serious charges tonight after the department discovers he falsified recordshf to get the job over 30 years ago. the stolen knife he allegedly
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it is so clear, the video of walter scott is so clear. what does it take in order foroe the community to get a win, a conviction in these acts? the outrage and frustration in souts carolina after a miss trial determined in the case of a white officer who shot an unarmed black man. the message black activists are sending to president donald trump hear how a deadlyea warehouse fire in oakland is now having some impact here in maryland, too.too.
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> welcome back. a story that caused some great concern in prince george's county. an in's council member medical franklin arrested and accused of driving drunk and causing a recollect in his county car. the council voted to review its policy on take home vehiclevehi lindsay watts was at thatat meeting and joins us with more. >>reporter: coups ill man medical franklin voted in favor.
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but refused to answer our questions. he is accused of not only driving drunk and crashing the car, but injuring two other people and then leaving the scene. we found out that he's been involved in two other crashes in county vehicle also. franklin has been accused not not issuing a statement. the county needs to review its policies on take home cars andrs possibly make changes. prince george's county council members all have the option of using a take home we talked to the head of cobs ill about why that's necessary at taxpayers' expense and what'' next after the vote today. i will tell you a that this is a very big this is a very demanding job. the wear and tear on youron personal vehicle is enormous. we will put together a panel of citizens who understand thesed types of things, who will lookok at our current rules, look atook the current situations. look at all of the tat that is
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council about how we should opt in the we future.ut some in the community tell usll the action taken by counsel today really falls short. we were with a man when heen h delivered a letter to theo th offices of the council members. he's with the group progressive prince george's county. the group isince callin gg for franklin to resign. they say at the least he shouldd be stripped of any councilcoun committee assignments and personally pay for any damages from this crash. t this ihis not the first time th, you know, vehicle also and in thisthis instance, you know, two liveses were put in jeopardy due to reckless behavior. b franklin is no longer allow toto drive any county vehicle because he is an elected official, the county executive cannot reof move him from office. are certain baker did not have a comment for us, but he'll be on fox5 news morning tomorrow andng this is a topic we'll bell
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now to baltimore where a veteran police detective is facing somee serious charges tonight. this after prosecutors say he used a fake diploma. that cot owe butler is we go charged of two counts of deatho for unyou lawfully presenting an false diploma. the veteran is no longer withone the department. he most recently worked with tht department in the cyber andyb crimes unit. he's also an adjunct professorn at the university of so bar butler has declined to comment on this case. safety shutting down. comes days after the huge firege in oakland that was used for art studios that killed at leastat three dozen people. the baltimore suns say they boarded up the building. the closing stemmed from a complaint about conditionscond inside of the building. speaking about the deadly warehouse fire, authorities say
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so far at least 26 families hava been notified. emergency crews have also h cleared about 85s p of the warehouse but one section of the building is still too unstable to enter. investigators are still tryingil to figure out what sparked thatt fire meanwhile the district attorney has said she ishe considering charges against the building's manager. the video of walter scott is so clear that he was shot in thein back runn cannot get a conviction of thato wen have a very, very serious problem in america. that is james johnson from thete national action network reacting after a jury in south carolina couldn't come to a verdict in the case against officer michael vaguer. the jury deliberated for more than 20 hours over four days,ay, but a judge declared a
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shooting vaguer the victim in the back. > president obama is in floridn tonight where he wrapped up whap is expected to be his finalis speech on national security insi ofon on.on. the president traveled to tampa to thank some of the country'scn special objection to the forms forces. laying out what he thinks shoulh guide the us going forward. he also took several shots att some of donald trump's campaign promises. all right. ahead at 5, crime caught on camera. a man ro jacks someone right outside of it. wait until you hear the otherthr crimes police are tieing thisis suspect to. a teen says she was approachedrc by a man while walking to her bus stop.op. what he tried to put over her head. > a local school that produces more energy than they actually use. the innovative and energy techniques they've incorporatedp
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join all your child?s sesame street friends as they discover that everything makes musc its sesame street live elmo makes music clap along when elmo makes music playing eagle bank arena december 16-18 tickets on sale now
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> let's take it outside now. t you can see how wet itak ise os there on the pavement. i'm not quite sure what's going on there with the police lights. hopefully h nothing too bad.bad. i got to imagine traffic isfic going to be bad out there forthr rush hour. looking a at that it looks like there's some kind of situationtt going on over there. they have that blocked off. > what are we look >> that's shopping plaza. > this is one of those days where i realized maybe i should have changed the window wipers p while back.wh they're not doing the job and i'm sure i'm not alone out there as people get behind the wheel of their car and realize it'ss not clearing as off as it should. >> that and i noticed i was hydroplaning a little bit. > time to check for f this is a rough commute. i'm sure it's going to take people a lot of extra time. we've been getting some heavyvy
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while. helpful rain. i have to remind everybody of we've picked up a quarter of anf inch of rain. we have steady rain moving up from the south to north. i'm watching a big batch come up now charles that is going to move in througn prince george's county and it's going to push into calvert and eventually into anne arrundel and we continue to watch on the northwestern edge of this precipitation aco little bit of snow. isis the concern. where especially some of these counties are under an ice stormm warning to a quarter inch toinch maybe a quarter of an inch of ic ice building up on trees. i can see a lot of the precipitation is winding down.dn bottom line we are going to see this usual ping away laterer tonight. the steady rain between now and about 8:00. after 8:00 everything is pretty much othn the other side of the bay. that's the area of low pressurer
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and fog and the steadier pressures pushup through newhup jersey. it's so chilly out there today. it's only 36 in winchester. 37 in martinsburg, 43 in d.c.. the good news is we will stay above freezing tonight.zing your planner will keep us in tht low 40s between now and 11:00. the seven day forecast coming u in a fewfo minutes. thank you, sue. coming up the man charge in the 1975 investigation of two i sisters whonves vanished from a suburban maryland mall.d he now faces new a robbery and car cracking caught on camera.era. who police are searching for tonight. but first we are tracking metro. fitz is on that. >>reporter: good evening, we got a firsthand look on some of the metro tracks that you mightt not ever sea. what the union president saidprs about while riders might be responsible for met rows'rows problems.
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thank you for dining with us. hope to see you again soon. whoa, whoa, i got this. just gotta get the check. almost there. i can't reach it. if you have alligator arms, you avoid picking up the check. what? it's what you do. i got this. thanks, dennis! if you want to save on car insurance, you switch to geico. growwwlph. it's what you do.
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this is fox5 local news at 5. new surveillance video tonightae right here on your it's the suspect wanted in an arme that happened a day after thanksgiving. the incident happened at a shell gas station on georgia after in silver springs. they believe the suspect alsoso committed three separate armed robberies at a nearby bp gas station. if you recognize the suspectct call police. police in the district continuet to investigate ari deadly shooting. on the 1500 block of olive street in northeast. a witness reported seeing twoeig gunmen on the streets justst moments before that
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prince william county police captured a man wanted foray salting a woman n inside a massage parlor. 36 year old wahoo. police were able to find the suspect after a home in woodbridge after receiving a tip from someone who recognized him. he's currently being held without bond. > new tonight, detectives theye are looking for witnesses whose may have seen an attempted kidnapping police say a watkinsville hightn school student was walking to her bus stop yesterday morning when a man approached her, told her to shot up and attempted to put a bag over her head.. the victim says she seemed and s the suspect then ran away. he is in his 30 late 30s. he was wearing a black hooded sweatshirt with a red ltgo on it. the man charged in 1975 investigation who vanished fromm
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facing two charges in connectioe with an unrelated case ine i northern virginia. they indicted lloyd lee welsh on sexual battery and takingking indecent liberties. he is still awaiting murderaiti charges in the disappearance of sheila and catherine. they never came and their bodies with were never found.d. fox5 is tracking metro tonightto and the agency is asking for your help in keeping you moving. the authority opening up its doors for a rare look inside of while the move is shining lightg on how much it's stepping up. they had a dim look on the president who suggested its riders were somehow to blame for metro's problems.s tom fitzgerald is live tonight with more and the finger pointing goes on when it comesms to metro. >>reporter: good evening.ood this was really eye openinging today. a lot of times when you hear about metro on the news it's because something went wrong. today metro was trying to show
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in terms of fixing the things that could really interrupt your commute. take a look at this. h this was the inside the greenbelt rail yard today wherey we are exclusive along with the other members of the media. what are they doing? they gavee us this up close look at whatat they're called a renewed focus on car inspection. the goal here is to bring the trades into the repair facility, flat. now, you hear operators say things like don't lean on thethe doors all the time when you're riding. there's a pretty good reason foror that much the mechanism thathani opens and closes the doors, you have to look at those. they have to do that 45 milliont times a month over the entire system. when you lean on the doors you ors mess up with that mechanism. they also showed us these filters. they keep out water and let in
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is the union president and over the weekend sent out a tweet that somehow suggested thatat metro riders may be responsibles for metro's riders for not advocating enough for the system. we asked the general prognosisser paul wiedefeld about what he thought about that. he had a very different take one the union president. our focus is on what we do. we're here to serve the customers. that's our job. our we have to make sure we're can. we're trying new things that you've seen here. the passengers deserveenge everything that we can do for them.them metro union spokesperson gotokes back to us today.y. they said they understood thee reaction to that tweet by p tw jackie jitter.tter they said she has simply gotten frustrated during a conversation about metro's challenges and did not mean to suggest passengers
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that all stakeholders, thee government, metro, the union, passengers that everybody will move forward and try to advocate for more finances for the system. we're live in greenvilleee tonight. > there is some good news for metro riders, maybe not good news for all passengers. you can now get a cellphone ciggal. they launched commercial on about a one .1 million stretch. blue, orange and silver lines.n. metro signed a contract back inb 2008 for the carriers to wire the tunnels, but it was delayed because of safety concerns and logistical problems. let's show some common courtesy with the cellphone calls on metro, though.ough > president elect donald trumpt is calling for the us governmenu to cancel a deal with bowing for the development of a pricy new air force 1. trump blasted the deal on twitter this morning saying it will cost too much money.
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signed deals with bowing to design certain parts of the aircraft. they estimate the entire project will cost about $3.2 billion including 2 bill for research and development. the plane is totally out off control. it's going to be over 4 billion-dollar for air force one program and i think it's ridiculous.ridi i think boeing is doing a little bit of a number. we want boeing to make a lot of money, but not that much money. boeing release a statementemen saying force development is worthth $170 million. the air force has pledged to keep costs down, but says the replacements are necessary. > it could be a type of new school buildings across the area. the building really uses no energy. this is incrediblement it's saving the county nearly $100,000 this year. overall 40 zero energy schoolsey
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expand that problem. fox5's journalist toured discovery elementary today. here's what he saw. discovery is a two-storyo-st building and when first come to school you sign your name on the wall, take some ownership of it. this is a really fun school. my name is whether it fox and ix was the lead architect for the team that designed discovery elmment try. we sell it back from the grid. we go onto the roof. they have the solar panels and i think it's really cool because he talks to us about how theyey work and how it's -- how the school is a zero net energy l school. we're going to be saving $100,000 a year foyering costs. that is taking bond money and
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> last spring we made enough energy to power discovery and two single home families for a year. so that was pretty cool. it has one of the best echo systems in the whole entire country. we can learn about sustainability.sust model sustainability and everyer day our students are learning about the world that they live in and how to care for it. we down it at lunch and recess. when you see happy studentsud coming up with their own ideas,, sharing, collaborating,bora critically thinking, using thee ipads and their resources in ways that we haven't even planned for.r. they're teaching us as well and that's really powerful. i like the fact that there's additional ones across the
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everyone following the lead of article than to.arti here is something you don't hea every day, a mcdonald's drivedoa through window the unpleasant surprisele customers are greeted with in exchange forth meal they had hoped for.r. > amazon just opened a grocery store. what it will not require going through a check outline, either. how you'll be able to walk right out with your goods. researchers at john hopkins created a new way to measure we'll explain that whenysq we ce
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afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road.
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ing wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. > baseball fans, you know youl love yourfa statistics. well perhaps more than any othey sport and baseball has all sorts of weird stats, war, winds above researchers at johns hopkins joh university have come up with awh new stat.
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performs when his team is way behind or way ahead in a game.e. early results from a study showed they maximized their performance even during meaningless one of the top rivalries, president elect donald trumpelec will be in the stands for the annual army navy football game. it will take place at m and t stadium in baltimore starting at 3:00 p.m. the president elect will sit on navy's side for one h then switch to army's the game has attracted commanders in chiefs in the past. president obama attended in 2011. former president george w bushbh also attended while he was in office. the air force and marines are say hey, guys, what about us. >> you can't leave them out. > baseball winter meltings w going on over the at nationaltin harbor.
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> the nats tray turner is the future of the nats. he finished second in the rookie of the year despite playing lesp than a year. they told partners turner is off limits and they haven't waiverred. that could be one of the reasons they lost out on sale. they acquired a deal for boston's top prospect and three minor leaguers. there was a lot of talk that the socks wanted to trade turner, but it sale to the socks. code red because that's what you told lieutenant kendrick to do. it's a critical game for us. very critical.itic you're going to dance with the question. it's critical.tica it's code red for, code red for us. > that was jay gruden lastt october prior to the two and four redskins facing the tampaht bay buccaneers, a game in whichn
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ryan kerrigan has called sundayl game against the eagles a code they may have to win the next t four games. it is a tall task but they've done this before. do pennsylvania, the last four times the redskins playedsn the play office. 2005 they went from six and sixth to ten and seven.en. 2012 they went from 500 to tento and six and they did it lastit year as well. hope springs eternal we shall see happens with the re to the army navy game becauseame these are the uniforms that they will be wearing. four stars on each solder. the motto beat army will appear on the hem of the jersey and on the president obama of the gloves. under armor does these. they did t them last year, too. a little bit more of a naught california theme. navy looking for a 15th straight win in the series.ies.
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the jets because they're really that's it. last night they were crushed byc the colts 4 #-106789 they didn'i tackle l very well, but a new jersey police officer and a security guard did when twoen teams ran onto the field. let's go to kevin hair mound. taking their shirts off runnings all over thehi place.plac the last person i would want tot run into is a new jersey state trooper. the other guy is knocked down. they're actually hitting harderr than the jets defense. they did a pretty good job itb t with.wi you see the video like thisike because they were on radio. so what do you do? >> just go along with it. that's why they're propers.rope they might want to recruit him.i > they need him. they're all on the field. > don't do that. do it's not a good idea.ea.
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roads right now. > that's for your sh. tha there is a lot of road spray, a lot of ponding on the roadways, water has amounted to about anan inch so far today. some people who are watching mac be seeing some icy spots. in the higher elevations out to the that's going to midnight. a few places have built up a quarter inch of a little l early for that. i does happen in december. when we get the rain stormse ra coming on through we have too watch temperatures in our higher elevations where they stayed 33 # degrees most of the day. we're not going blow freezing tonight and that's a good thingd tonight because we have to watch all this water that's around. it will taper off between 8 ande 9 and thenn 8 we'll be left with some drizzle and fog. weather headlines going forward, the heaviest rain between now and about 7, 8:00 and then thath rainen is going to be tapering e from southwest to northeast.rthe you'll find the heaviest rain after 8 is probably by the bay or across the bay. some sunshine back in the
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afternoon we should sea brighter skies and then we're going to be watching for a very strong cold front to plow through our area tomorrow afternoon.afte it's artic air that's coming. it might even come through with a couple of snow flurries or snow showers late week.we very cold, very windy.y. wind chills in the 20s.s. we've got lots of active weather. this is what we were talking about just a minute ago. we have winter weatherve w advisories and in this brightrih purple color those arece warnings until midnight foridn western alleghany and westernten mineral county.coun we're also seeing winter weathet advisories for a combination of icy, snow, sleet and a about it of freezing rain.ain that goes until midnight.dnig this was mainly for a little bi of sleet. i know some of you have seenve that and many places saw sleetet this morning or even a little bit of snow. so that continues out there ande just to give you some idea, apartmentville that's in west virginia a quarter inch already. frost bug had just over a tenthe
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inch already. i hate ice. that's the worst thing to have t to deal with. it does look like it's winding down but after the measurable precipitation moves away, drizzle may still be falling oui there and that could also be freezing. it does look like the worst is pulling away. the heaviest rainn across lower southern marylandes and east of 95 cutting across saint charles county, intonto calvert you're not getting thehe worst of it here in anne arrundel. you you lighter in our western suburbsbb and that's the way it's going to continue to trend in the next hour or two as the bulk of our rain is requesting to be winding down. our area of low pressure isw pr going to continue to pull out ot town leaving behind just a few showers and again we'll watchch for fog to be around later tonight. your futurecast we'll show you the nice trend. over on the bay and to the other side of the eastern shore. we'll have a few showers but iut
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that's why that advisory will continue until midnight.nigh we're back to sunshine tomorrows and then it's all about the temperatures late l speaking of temperatures now,urs lots of places in the 30s. but again overnight that'sthat what's so important.port mainly mid 30s. some he we don't get terribly cold tonight and we really need that to a. let's p where it with your fox5 accuweather seven daye forecast. how about 54-degrees. doesn't that sound much better than the upper 40s to low as the artic boundary comes through. friday 40 in the city, 30s in the suburbs.urbs we dropped to 27 at night. saturday very chilly as well. and then sun to clouds on sunday near 50. monday with a couple early showers. don't go anywhere.
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to a sesame street beat sesame street live elmo makes music clap along when elmo makes music playing eaglebank arena december 16-18 tickets on sale now through ticketmaster
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>> unfortunatery it's not that festive. it's everybody forgetting how to drive in the rain today.oday you want to go slow because the roads are not very nice out there. >> absolutely. > when it's bad weather peoplew like to go to the grocery store. >> yep. but apparently standing in lineg at the grocery store couldre c actually be a thing of the past. > really? >> this is kind of crazy.azy. and also a new coffee pot is creating a major buzz first we have to mention that the us iss remembering one of the most deadly 75 years later and still we remember 75 years since the attack on pearl harbor plunging the us into world war ii. the surprise attack an attemptae by the japanese military to night a lies military into the pacific killing more than 2300 american soldiers. keeping tabs we're staying safee cockle with the new way for your friends and family to know where
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trusted contact is the new app. it lets you share your locationr with a single touch even if your battery is dead or if your phony is offo line. the app is available right now. amazon go can change how you shop for groceries. the online giant testing a grocery store where you can walk in, grab food off the shelf and walk stand in a checkout line. the first store is set to open in seattle. i am going to wash my hands. some customers at north carolina mcdonald's with an unpleasant surprise at the drive throughh window.wind turns out the system's wireless frequency was hacked.freq police areue investigating.inve
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with mary jane with an extra morning buzz. blue buses plans to start selling 50 milligrams for for medical purposes. the pot pods which will cost 7ed appease are designed to fit your another rig that's your fox5 onot the fly. > i was going to court before e got high.
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this is fox5 a local news a at 6. well, it was thrust into the national spotlight, now d.c.'s comet pingpong pizzary a is set to open up its doors afteroors what's considered to be a politically motivated crime. thanks for joining us, i'm tony
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for sh3wn yancy.ncy. a gunman came into the restaurant and fired off threehe shots. no one was injured thankfully. he is behind bars without bond. now the community is showing itw has comet back. marina maracco is live outside the they're open now, i understand. are you seeing people coming ing and out of there. >>reporter: an it's pretty mucha full house now. at the front door there's anan armed security guard. comet pizza taking no a hours after the active stormed into the restaurant sunday about 3:00. you see the small show ofhow support just outside their front door, flowers and signs saying shop small, love not hate, realr not fake. that's alluding to the allegations of these conspiracy theories that have been swirling on the internet involving this restaurant right here in northwest, comet pizza and
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sex slave ring. mpd say that is completely false and unfounded. you'll see the cell found video here. that is the suspect. that is 28 year old edgar allen. he according to police, he stormed in at about 3:00 armeded with a rival with a handgun and another gun that he left in his car. his name correct here, edgar welch, 28 years old. he stormed into this place.ce. it's packed w says that he's looking for thefr children that allegedly are allegedly being harbored here as sex slaves. around the restaurant and points the gun at one of the employees and fires severalre rounds. when he doesn't find thefind children that's when he walks out and complies with mpd. across connecticut avenue hereve there's some traffic but there's an mpd cruiser that is stationet right across the way.t ac


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