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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  December 8, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EST

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straight ahead, a monumental opening in the nation's capitol. >> i'm annie yu live inside thee mgm national harbor. har we're just hours away from thehe big grand opening, and the lastl minute touches to get ready is on. plus, the pizza gate gunmana in his own words. the suspect head back to court u here in d.c. but first he tolll the new york times why he did t
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new cabinet positions picking aa fight with a union boss and heading to ohio state. ste we'll have the latest from the countdown to inauguration day. and later, going rogue. rog. we are just about one week away from the new star wars spin offo and this morning, the cast telll us why they're not worried itori won't live up to the hype.yp good day at 9a starts now. welcome to the loft on this thursday. it is indeed our house and we we love when you're in it with us.u good day d.c. just aftert aft 9:00 o'clock on thursday,n thrs, december i'm holly morris alongside off maureen, steve and wisdom. wisdm >> all right. countdown officially underway right now.offici now we're down to just a few hours.s less than 14 at this point forif the national harbor mgm grand opening. what this morning we are givingn
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>> it will be exciting. excit first know at 9:00 let's talk t about this weather.eather. it will start feeling a lot more like christmasel.kehristmas just in time for the weekend.eed for details tucker barnes back c with first check of thehef th forecast. ng.d morning. >> good morning.>> yeah, we got lots of cold air on the way.theay. in fact, coldest air of the t season around here hard freeze z later tonight and we're makingrn that transition a little laterat today.y. cool temp over night here. here. this is not the coldest of the t air. i'll show you the front shoyou h moe mentarily. 45 now in washington.n wangt 30s dulles. 39 degrees see 39 in leonardtown as well.sw cloud cover out here early. a few snowflakes i didn't actually get verified reports op any of that touching the ground we have had a few sprinkles kicc up here south and east of down n crossing the bay this is allhisa associated with our act arc tucc boundary off to the west.. temperatures in places likeces k denver this morning, minus ninen out in casper wyoming minus,in current temperature in casper ii minus 28 you getted modified by the time it getss
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however, we will be looking atln temperatures about 10 degrees0 e cooler than today's high by tomorrow.tomoow 50 today. winds will start to pick up astk that colder air works in. i. out of the north and west at 100 to 15 but a dry afternoon againa i'll have the weekend forecastoc which features a lot of cold. cd it will start feeling like theft holidays around here by tomorrow. details coming up, guys. guys. back to >> all right, tucker appreciatep it. thank you very much. time right now is 9:03. new inforanmak ti ronight this g about the man that police say walked into d.c. pizzeria onriao sunday and started shootingin assault rival because because o edgar madison welch had problemm weeks before this incident inn october welch struck a teenager, teenage pedestrian with his carr he was also dropped from therome volunteer fire department.artmen now, welch is due back in courtt today here in d.c. but firstut f he's talking about why he did h what he did. fox5's bob barnard is at theat t courthouse this morning ins rnin northwest with more.. >> reporter: well g morningmorn from d.c. superior court where e at this hour edgar madison welcl
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name madison welch will be in court here for a preliminary hearing. this means he'll go before a a judge, and we'll fine out his os bond status.tu he's currently being heldurrentg without bond. but per happen the judge will release welch so that he can goc home to north carolina pending trial.ia. the 28-year-old from salsbury,al north carolina, was arrestedrrte sunday on connecticut avenue. you see the photograph there. te charged with firing a gun inside comet that's a pizza r connecticut avenue northwest washington. welch says he was investigatingn fake news reports about an alleged child sex principle runr from the restaurant connected to hillary clinton. now in an interview with the nen york times reporter yesterday,a, madison welch said this quotingi here "i just wanted to do someom good and went about it the wrong way". he said "the intel on thiss wasn't 100%". and later saying "i regret how i handled the situation"..
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this hour this comes as theres r are these new reports from new york city that a popular woodaro fire pizza restaurant inurant brooklyn call roberto's is suffering the same fake news allegations about this alleged d child sex ring and that employees there have also ao received telephone threats. tts. we're at d.c. superior court. ct we'll bring you the latest whent we get word from the court. cou >> all right,,ob. sounds good.undsood we will look for that. in the meantime trump in the midst of y battle going after a union union official who questioned his jobb claims and this comes some of s the president election's cabinet picks could touch off skirmish with democrats in congress.gres fox's doug luzader has those tse details. >> reporter: this is one ofs iso the tweets in question thisnhi morning. donald trump going after a guy named chuck jones who is thewhoe local president of unitedd steelworkers union saying hein h done a terrible job representinn workers no wonder trump saysay
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>> we want boeing -- >> donald trump's appearancesppc since the election have beeneen largely fleeting with that wit twitter account he keepst hps stirring the pot.he pot his latest target union president chuck jones whoent claimed on fox business thatch a trump is exaggerating the jobss that were saved at carrier air-conditioning. >> donald trump and governoroveo pence are taking credit for 3500 jobs that are research andearch development jobs that were staying here in annapolis fromof the start. >> reporter: among otherngth union should spend more timeime working less time talking, and lower dues. another battle ahead for trump, nominating oklahoma attorney general scott pruett to head the environmental protect agency. >> general pruett has great qualifications and good record ag in oklahoma and there were tw number of qualified candidatesds for that position that theositit president-elect interviewed and settled on attorney general genl pruett we look forward to theart confirmation >> reporter: pruett airs hmaasn'
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could get ugly. with one environmental groupntag it's like putting arsonist inisi charge of fighting forest fires. it could be in keeping with w trump's promise to reduceed regulations.laons. something that already may bethy having an impact o mnay wall ste where stocks have been soaring i this week. week another expected cabinet pick, retired general john kelly toelt head the department of hope lanl security. tasked with implementing trump's plan to expand border borde enforcements.ent one of the issues that democrata may raise through confirmationro hearin generals that trump is turning to and in the cabinet that would include homeland security anditd the department of defense.ense in washington, doug luzaderr fox news. 90:00s d.c. council expected toe confirm the appointment of theef city's newest school chancellor. mauer mur yoel bowser nominating antwan wilson to fill thehe position. wilson was in town yesterdayestd greeting students and familiesd at tubman elementary school inln northwest.
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california where he was thehere superintendent of public schools in oakland.nd. also today, well the wait ishe w finally over.nay ov tonight at 11:00 o'clock you can finally step foot inside the nen national mgm. to be clear that's lohse p.m.e it opens to the public in allll casino. a process to get here.ere. a long one. let's go back right now.ght n let's take quick look at thek ae journey from first ground breake to tonight's big reveal. ?? i'll go and i'll sit in thet traffic, too.oo [ laughter ] >> i would come just for thejus atmosphere and the excitement.e. ?? >> d.c. national harbor is proud
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>> will you come?you c >> yes, i will. >> why? >> because i want to spend my ?? >> there's a lot to offer inside mgm national harbor. ?? >> you saw a quick shot of the restaurant fish in there knewnew joe say andres restaurant.taur annie had a chance to talk withh the chef and some other celebrity chefs she's been outst there all morning.ere l mo what's been i guess the most
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out.out. casino mgm you think big.ig what's the biggest thing thatng stood out to you, annie? >> reporter: everything i mean good morning everybody.ry everything has stood out to me.e and it's amazing.g. they bill this thing in two years. i know the ground breaking andad talks of it started a couple coe years before that, but we basically scene this being buils over the last few years and i'mi super impressed by you have artwork it's call the heritage art collectionleio surrounding the walls aroundd this facility.ty. you have 30 artist that is havee basically put their work in here. you've got celebrity chefs allha the amazing restaurants.taurants 15 restaurants to choose from. f you've got entertainment we'ree' already seeing the line up. boys two men, bruno mars, cher,e sting a bunch of people headlining. but the big big thing, guys, ofo course the casino openingpeni tonight at 11:00 o'clock. olo the doors are going open to alll of you.ou they're expecting thousands ofns to you come out.ome o
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encouraging you all to do the ride sharing option and so so they're encouraging you to takee uber, you know, it will bringill you right up to the door front here. this has really been the talk ol the town. a lot of have you been asking us to do these personal previews on inside you're seeing the inside of it w. what you're looking at right now is the glass ceiling, and it's magnificent. you can get a clear view oicf te 24-story luxury hotel. hot they have more than 300 rooms rs and sweets here. he. so just a stunningie they've got seasonal dee core rere. you're going to be greet greeteg with the mgm placard same as tht one billagio in las vegas but b the thing about it, what reallyl sets this apart, i guess thishi answers your question, steve, s, too. too. is that you know they really put a lot of tlc into this thing.. they thought about how can wee keep the local love and soo they've inn cormed the local artists.artists the local celebrity chefs.he. the local chefs and it's just -- it's amazing to me.o m
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how it plays off of the monuments and potomac river it'' shaped like a boat -- a ship. s. i mean they put lot of thought t into this and so i know the the designers are local as well. wel so i am impressed by that. tha how much love they gaff to the dmv. back to you in the is >> really amazing.tu>> r had the chance to check it out t last week when things were notee quiet finish.iet finish i know they've been working upou to the the but boy it will be something toi see. e >> did you win any money, steve? >> well, you know, you have toat play in moderation. ease night. [ laughter ] >> that would be no.would no. >> 9:12 is the hey speaking of bets washington nationals they're hedging theirg bets this morning the teams more taking a gamble tamrading away p prospects on player they hopey h will be the key to world seriesr win. we'll have the details on that coming up a littlehe d bit late. first more proof affordablea housing in d.c. is in hot ndmand. dozens of people spending a cooc night outside on purpose. purpo. hoping just to get a shot an ann we'll take you live for this t report much that's coming uph as next.
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?? stronger is blasting her tumors... without risking her bones. stronger is less pain, more fight. it's doing everything in your power, and everything in ours. because we don't just want kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger. and with your support, they will.
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just press "clean" and let roomba from irobot help with your everyday messes. roomba navigates your entire home. cleaning up pet hair and debris for up to 2 hours. which means your floors are always clean. you and roomba, from irobot. better. together. ?? >> 9:15 is the time. 9 in the district this morning:1ng pursuit of affordable housing hi kept some people out in the last night. >> here with why and where thoso residents spent the nightt the t camping out melanie alnwick. mel, this under scoring really i
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>> reporter: that's right. righ. just take look at the line herer it goes all the way down the block to the beginning ofng o orchard park where the leasing t office is. of you can see down here they t started handing out the numberss because they're only going to give invitations to fill out o applications to 200 people andpa see the ladies there in the -- - it's kind of hard to see kind oo here in the they're kind of -- they'reki of getting down to the end of theie ticks here only 200 are going tg people will be able to go in ana get on waiting list to fill outt app application for affordablebl housing here in the city. cit now, we talk to number of peopll who say that this is absolutelyl evidence that the city needs to do more for affordable housingin here in the district.ict. a lot of people pointing outg o that they're seeing these half h million dollar condos going upng all over the city, and at the ae same time affordable house is mayor muriel bowser has h
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effort to try to keep the rentaa companies and developers who have affordable housing to try t to keep them in the affordablee housing business.ess. also, offering money foron property assistance in case they need help doing repairs andep those sort of things reallyll trying to do what they can to cn bolster affordable housing in hu the city. as you can see obviously there e isn't enough.n't gh. 42,000 people on the waiting wti list with dc housing authority i just to try to get some help and folks here saying that even if i they do get their name on the there's no guarantee that theyhy will will be accepted, and somes of them may not get thehe apartments of their choice. very very tough competitionti here, and you know, that is ones of the reasons also why they'vee got security here as well. just so yesterday apparently there were some altercationsar f people in line. we also talk to sopome folks fol online this morning about whatha this would mean to them. the >> right now i'm current until t homeless shelter so i'm tryingmy to find my own spot.. so -- >> what do you think? you thint you'll make it?hiake i
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i got out here at 5:00 o'clock:' this morning. i was makthing sure i got out o here. >> reporter: what would that mean to you if you finally getrf through the process and get the application and get a place? >> god is good. gd. god is great. g you know, i'm just going to bene very happy, you know, that it's actually, upping, an opportunity for me to get my own place. pce i'm glad they have stuff likeik this. >> reporter: what would it mean to you to be able tote gr:t your own place? >> it would mean a place for mem and my son. can afford, too.. >> yes.>>es. very much. muc >> reporter: it looks like you l have a pretty good shot at it. how you feeling?? >> it's cold.ol but i feel good.oo i feel good. >> reporter: and so thoseho folks we talk to indeed did receive their numbers and so a s they'll be able to go inside i again and do an plick. p a lot of folks we talk to said i this is a process they have to v do over and over again becauseeu if they don't get it the first f time, they have to come back foc
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so that is the latest from herer in s back to you guys. >> i'm just curious, i don'ti do know if you know the answer tokw this, why haven't the people whw own the apartment building or the apartment company why don'tt they do this another way instea of having people come and sleepp outside, give them thehe applications, do somethingns, m online, it's just seems a little extreme to have them sleep sle outside to get applications foro those apartments?rtme >> reporter: i really don'ty d't know wisdom. wism it seems this is the procedure e that the company goes through. they put notices o i they let folks know which apartment complexes they're opening the affordable housingai waiting lists for and when, and folks obviously pay attention tt those and come out for it. >> wow.. i you we were talking about thii the position between and then tn the over top opulence of mgm is just so so >> clearly illustrates a needese that is there. >> a real need.. >> absolutely. >> a real need. >>9:igight now. cominght up we have a new warniw
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safety ratings and why so few sf made the cut plus bad news for f anyone hoping to get that $85 $ rock for christmas. do not even tell me those are sol out. l ou we've got a check of what elsels is making headlines coming upup next. ne cheheck e-bay. >> later we'll show you how toho deck the halls and trim the tree with a modern flare and twist. t >> we'll be right back. somebody is already busy workini
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?? ?? ??
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>> ?? >> nine can he. allison is back in the loft with a check of the on the stories making headlines on this thursday. hey,. >> good morning to all of you. first up in headlines, officials in oakland, californiaack of thh ay.rninhead want tot if you have 10 up smoke alarm a regulation after a deadly dea warehouse fire that killed k arthritic people. officials believe the firearals started on the first floor of o the warehouse blocking the second floor where the dance d party was being held.was beg he right now investigators arestig trying to figure out what causeu the fire but authorities believe a refrigerator may have caused it. more emotional testimonyesmy expected today in the federal fd death penalty trial of dylan roof.of he is charged with shooting to death nine people at historically black church in chn charleston, south carolina aftea he had been invite the to join j their bible study.e udy. one survivor choke back tears as
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happening today, the surgeoe general had release a report onn the dangers of e cigarettes thes report is expected to focus onn the importance of keeping theeet devices away from young people,l and the dangers that nicotine nt and tobacco use pose on the nation's youth. youth the report also encourages thehe fda to continue regulatingulin tobacco in all forms. f some surprising news from nw the roads perhaps less than 42,000, 17 car models have beenn awarded the insurance instituteu for high down nearly 50% from last year.y part of the reason why, tougherr cry fear ya for cars head lightg which the iihs is part of an overhaul stiffening of standardr it hopes will force auto makersr to rise to the occasion and keep drivers and finally, we told you t about this one, right? if youfu were look to go by that $85 pet rock from nordstrom's thiss holiday season, guess what? yow weren't alone. the headlweine, grabbing $85 ror
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os ,2 social security sold out.ut. the smaller version at 65 bucksb it's a bargain for rock buyersks with leather pouches much thatec sold out, too, tooh bad. bad the department store describedcb the rock as paperweight,weht conversation peace or just a work of arttion and gained so mh online notoriety and we helpedel with that with all of our newsln stories across the country itt spawned parody twitter accountsc and sassy comments section on nordstrom's website who cares? s they sol out. so mission accomplish jokes onpl us. i don't know how many they sold. i don't know if there's any wayy to find out how many they sol.yl what they should have done putde five on the mark. >> that's true. >> then the marking value youaly get everybody is talking about o in order tromm's they'she immediately sell out and now n everybody will want to buy theme the neck time they put them up.u >> the person who game up withh this rock the greens they'reensy selling black eyed peas. >> nordstrom' doctors. nor >> the greens for like $85. $
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>> and beans and greens goodeans what do you get for the person who has everything. >> get him a pet rock.u gewho er >> when they said a paperweighte it made more sense to me. me. would i buy it, , n if you sell it, you know, the leather pouch and paperweight it is kind of cool. $85?5? >> expensive paperweight. >> exactly. >> i use them all the i have a very them windy home.h >> i got a $20 rock. r [ laughter ]laughter ] >> does it have a leather pouchu >> fully loaded.d >> leather pouch, sold. >> $20. >> he thinks he invented i >> crown royal on it. >> readjust the fan. >> 9:26. 9 monumental day in the d.c.alay h region. tonight the mgm national harbor officially hopes for business. s it seems like we've been talkinn about it forever.. there's lot more to do than juss may the tables and win or lose r your money. we'll check in with annie for w the details coming up.p first though tucker barneskr coming back with a check of thee seven day that's got big changes coming.come fresh at 10a just one more
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the winter break of course we'l' share our favorite moments andem we want to see yours, too. #gooddaydc.ooddaydc a sneak peek at tonight's second annual taraji white hot holidayy celebration much it's 9:27.:2 we're back after this. this. hi, i'm chaplain jonathani' morrisch from belt camp maryland right on the bush riff.ght b i am with the area support group kuwait here at camp where say to my family and friends, my wife and son in connecticut,neic blessed and merry christmas andd to my daughter, if he liz nav lv dad. i hope to see you all soon inin the new year.r god ??
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at t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods,
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it's why we have amazing prices on thoughtful gifts, everyday. let's bring back the holidays. kisses deluxe chocolates. with a whole roasted hazelnut, delicate crisps and layers of rich, creamy chocolate, they're twice the size of the kisses chocolates you love.
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we have breaking news rightr now. okay. so the news coming in ceaomghetm ping-pong the suspect in the comet ping-pong shooting hasas actually been held.el this hearing has been continuedi right now. this was the north carolina mann charged with bringing assaultaut rifle firing shots off inside comet ping-pong. now bob barnard was down at down court this judge has just ruled that edgarr madison welch who bob says goesg
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stay locked up now until at least next tuesday because theyt continued the case until then. n supposed to happen 9:00 o'clock this morning. the judge decided that they're d thathey' going to continue this casethe until at least tuesday.. continued at the request of rst welch's dry own defense to giveg them more time to prepare forree their case. there's your update there.e tre. he will stay behind bars at bar least until next tuesday andnd then they'll meet again witnesst judge. all right. .:00 none right now it's time now for good day sports.rts. we dedicate a few minutes forutf maureen her thor they tiff manner. let's rename the mo's sports.po >> take it away.y >> mo sports. >> i like that.that. >> the nats found new centerew n fielder but man it came at aat price. adam eaton comes over from thert chicago white sox in the dealhea that sent nats pitcher lucas,, and two minor leaguers to the south side eaton is not super star, no, he's close.lo not really super star, you knowo on the level of andreww mccutcheon but then again theint pirates wanted too muchted to
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row bows for the nats and the at guy with reliable ability to geg on base and speed as well. >> maureen -- >> the nats need the because they've had trouble in thatats r department sbloe someone with e and ability and agility definitely adds to the nats.ats. >> let's not burr receipt burr headline because he comes fromeu the chicago white sox. >> exactly. >> maureen can -- -- >> put it on the board! put it n >> that's what i'm talkingt' about.s ab before we go to mow's any further the cubs and white soxns don't get along. a >> they don't. >> you can't be calling whiteli sox now that you're i know how to call a truce. aru both have now won the world series, right?, ght? >> um-hmm. >> both have bragging rights.igt >> you don't argue with moww sports.ts >> case closed.>> no more. >> no mo'. m >> i think we need a little mo'. >> mow sports basketball. >> let me set you up with it. to basketball now the knicksni
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on the bench it's time to take k down. what happened mo.wh hap >> my boy lebron james and company they decided to doed t something a little morettore the water bottle challenge youly remember this. look at that. tha okay. you can see them trying to stics the lanning but having somebut s trouble. nonetheless here you go, nope. n not having it. get back on the seat on the sidd nes.s. >> apparently khiry made eightyt few times but lebron not thehe king of that >> nope. can i tell you about this kid,h, though. thou >> keep it local much this is aa shots he definitely has one.asne >> check this out.. just 2nd to go.o. fredericksburg christian highish school was down two pits against collegiate number 224tre greenre shoots an inn rebel credible cri half court hail mary. nail it. >> that was beyond half court.s >> nail it!l >> nothing but net.otng b >> wins the game.ins thgam >> that is awesome. you can put that on the board. >> he did. ne mne more. olympic proportions,.io 'm s'm sweating.
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>> we'll put this>> g one -- we' switch im over, great jobs witht the sports.po >> in more sports.s. >> we're talking about cheerleaders. >> this is a sport holly this is for you. spo cheerleader..ior >> anybody watched cheerleadersr in the air a iteming the dare dr definitely stunts, no one cano c say this is not a sport, right?g it is now official becauseecse there's been argument some people say it's not a sport.s na good >> eye now the olympic committee suggested a board to recognize cheerleading as a spo >> darn straight they did.hed. >> in three years cheerleadershr may be headed to compete in thet olympic games. gam >> they believe. they work hard. t spois a sport. >> can i chime in with somethinh else. >> when i head had to make my hair simple big with the bow anw hold the pump -- >> stripping should be olympicuy sport, too. >> ahh. >> right behind -- bind -- >> that is you. >> look at the big bow in myn hair. i cannot even believe you all ee found that video. >> chris has a way.
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attorney today.attorn tod there's me just to the left back there with the blue definitely. >> probably not showing thatt st video at her law office.. >> this was when duke beateea kentucky in the great regional o final in overtime.l in ortim we went on to the nationalhe n title. who is remembering? >> mo sports. >> tucker. >> totally not remember it.embe. guess what? we're going to unleash the hounds. >> ut-oh.. (dogs barking).ng). >> much better than the chihuahuas last time. m hounds of winter are upon us.pou here comes the cold. c as we are looking at coldest ait of the season about to move in t not here yet it will be heree hr late tonight and tonight. tig 45 in washington. in washington. there's your frontal system and i've been talking aboutur f troe current temperatures out to the west. an hour ago denver minus four. f minute news four. minus 30 that casper wyoming. get up into canada minus 46 inn
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up in northwest canada. so obviously that is the real deal of cold arctic airc a particularly for this part of po december. in i still not even wintertime and we are going tooi be experiencing that -- not-- those temperatures but modifiedf arctic air across our region reo here later tonight and certainla for the day on friday andy saturday. all right. few showers along our front which is pressing through the owers throug area.the. earlier there was a flurry ors y two. we'll get all of that out ofhatf here. here we should turn partly sunny thii afternoon and this afternoond tr will be pleasant with highshighs about 50 bt start to pick up and that coldha air will start to rush in.ush that's all lake effect i was just looking into upstates new york parts of upstate new nw york four to eight perhaps pha 12-inches of snow out towardst r buffalo lake effect snows kick c and in parts of michigan 10 to t 20. lots of snow off to the northhen and west. we're not going to get that. we'll get the cold though. t cold and blustery around hereunh later tonight. and tomorrow and we'll keep colc in the forecast right throughhtu the rental of the weekend.. in fact, by the end of thef the weekend there's the possibilityi
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wintry mix sunday night intonto early monday with cold overnighg temperatures.eratures. there's your seven day.ur sev dy 50 today. t that 40 you see on saturday anda 42 on friday wind chills will bi in the 30s and thosese temperatures about 10 pluss degrees below average so we'll be cold for couple of days here as we get into the weekend.kend all right, guys that's updatedat forecast.foca i will toss it back to you.. >> okay. thk y you. >> thank you tech kerr.h >> if you're taking a gamble byb going outside in the cold -- did >> i'll following. >> we're waiting for it. come on. >> we want more.>>e're line. punch line. >> more poetry. >> no poetry. >> no mor pops poet treatmentea let's go out to the mgm wheree m annie yu is standing by life. >> that ball you dropped, weed e just kick it. >> what? >> i need a drink after that, wh annie. i hear you're with a mixologist. >> annie -->> >> i think a drink might help, wisdom, with his thought process. or maybe it will hurt um hiurt i .uys. >> hello. >> reporter: we're now andre nod
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restaurants here at mgm national harbor.harb it is owned by marcus samuel son and you might recognize him or o the name the red rooster this it very popular in he's got a shrew of restaurantsa but this one a lot of people are familiar with, and he's bringing a similar food flare right here to our area. the marcus to give an idea of of their menu american comfort cuisine with a twist.isine th a it's got some influences from scandinavia, from ethiopia you can imagin working together really amazingg menu and what's also amazingze miss oh he livia what's up miss mills? m >> good morning report roaring r she's ready to show us the drink that you must try when you comem out here. so what is it called? cled? >> this is the yes chef.he >> report roar yes, chef.f. >> signature cocktail at red rooster in harlem but we brougho it down to d.c. because it's sos incredible. we're going to get started.goint >> reporter: okay.>> r >> first off, we're going tooi start with honey syrup here. h
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both of us. both it's never too early. early >> reporter: make one for f wisdom, too. >> oh yeah. >> reporter: i'll take it back to him i'm just kidding. kding >> if it ever make it back to him. hi we did a bit of fresh squeezedee lemon juice. >> repleorter: all right.ter: ag >> now we'll do pineapple juice here. >> reporter: wow a lot goes lotg into this.nt thi >> absolutely. >> reporter: labor of love. >> theor rteeal labor ofr: loves this ginger syrup that i'm making here. h takes us a couple hours to makek this actually. aua >> reporter: really?>>te >> the best part of all is going to b >> reporter: and this is calls l the yes chef. >> yes chef. >> reporter: must try if you>>uu come out here. he. what are some specials that you all are doing for the big grandg opening i know you have them? t? >> absolutely. >> reporter: you got to haveo he some. >> absolute. this is one of them. andth tishen the second that wew be doing will be the run that's where err. e >> reporter: that's clever.le run dmv. i like that. tha that's something like i wouldngk come up with. uit run what's in the run dmv. d
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scotch, ginger syrup, the laborl of love and lime juice as wellel and fresh greated ginger it'sr really nice and easy take on moscow meal.eal >> reporter: yes, chef, run dmv.v. you must try out at red roostert shake those up. u all right.all r and then let's pour that baby b and do a cheers to a fun and a smooth opening. that's what we want.that >> oh yes. >> reporter: come and zeo livia mills tonight.ig are you excite idea.are >> super excited. here we go, ready, olivia,via, cheers to you, darling., darling thank you very much. back to ya'll in the i this one is for you, wisdom. >> annie, don't bet on men me drinking that drink or any other drink. >> you have to come and tryave is.s. >> she's not even listening.n s. >> she drop the ball. >> she's not doubling down onin you. >> there you go. >> there you go>> t.
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last star wars movie was a worldwide blockbuster.lockst if you bet on that it paid off. will fans the original trilogygy want to sit through the spin off before luke, lea and hans solo came into the world.rld the direct says he's not worried about it i think people will pel still go see it. s it
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?? empire is building a weapon. destroying an entire planet.lant we have to capture the planet it there's any hope of destroyingfo it. >> how many do i need? >> like 10 men seems like a hundred.hundre. >> welcome to rogue one.ogue >> it's the empire has this kini of power what chance do we have? >> we have hope. rebellions are built on hope. hp >> the empire isui weapon. weap >> here's the deal. >>dysebody going to see it? that's the big question.n. clip from the now movie rogue r one a star wars story spin offpi from the original star wars w trilogy if you think back to tht 1970's telling the story avenuee small group of rebel who stole s the plans for the original deatl story setting in motion then story lines that would become b luke skywalker, hans so localanc and principle set lea.ciset before it hits theater as weeksw from tomorrow, fox's jonathanatn hunt sat down with the stars ans
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the world of the force. >> there's a mission for you.. >> rogue one star wars story is the eighth film in the historic franchise and the first standnd alone story with all newew characters. >> there is isn't much time. muh >> the story takes place priorle to the events of the first stars wars film that was released in 1977. 19 felicity jones leads the newew cast playing unlikely hero who helps steel plans for the death star. real difference.ifrence. >> it very much feeds into a new hope and we wanted to capture cp some of the atmosphere new hopeh has and the kind of, um, there't a real natural i to a new hope that we have in rogue one.ue one it very much is a boots on then ground feel. it's rooted authenticity and iyd think people are going to enjoyo just, you know, even the stormho troopers are covered in mud and it's about group of very
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>> last year's much anticipatedp star wars the force awakens made more than $2 billion worldwide. so is there any pressure for the cast and director garr rentalnt edwards? >> if any film is ever going tog be guaranteed to make its moneyy back it's star wars and so nondn other movie has this much of ahf safety net under it. it's like trying to do a doubleu back flip because you'll be okay. and so we -- we -- we're also ao told like this is got to b different to the saga films.. different and feel like its own thing and so as a result we hadh this license to be different and try some things. tng >> i felt pressure on the set, e because of the love i have for f this universe and this films. i just didn't want to -- i i wanted to leave a stamp, notot myself, lie i wanted to us leava a stamp.a smp >> are you with me? >> when it comes to being>> a f, 33-year-old jones says she got g
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watching the original film on vhs.. >> i watch it as a child. child i watch it with my cousins and absolutely kind of been totally entranced and absorbed by those films and i think like everyoney the reason we love them so muchm because it reminds you of being a child. a >> time to fight is figh. >> in hollywood, jonathan hunt,n fox news. next friday it opens. o screenings thursday night a weet i don't think to be honest i hon think they lowered thethin expectations on think of theat nobody is coming out and saying this will be $ios 2 cobimillionl like the last one but -- >> maybe 900 million. 900 milli >> will you see it in the will theater.yo >> i think i might.>> i thi don don't know. i m >> after i see dr. strange,.r. . >> i saw the last one last year. >> i saw last year.ast y i probably won't see this one.s >> dr. strange was good. dr. str >> i'll probably see this >> in the theater.ter >> in the theater. >> day after it comes out. >> matinee. >> absolutely a matinee. abs
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full price.fullce. >> we did not bet on that. tha we're smarter with our monday.y. chris smith a time for silver sl bells, red and green decorations, you name it unless you want to putons, y a modern the holiday season.ea coming up, we are sharing somee decorating tips from the pros. >> wait a minute.e >> even the kids will love. >> aww.>> a >> let you know how you can rent those two for decorations.ecorio >> very cute.eryut ??
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b. what was a... bath and bodyworks. and their favorite... suave. really? i am impressed.
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?? ?? ?? ?? ??
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>> height we are with specialt guests coming. right now if you are at home and you are one of those people that are all about the christmas spirit, there's a pretty good robabl yyouof tl abou athlrere'd the halls but even if your y lights are up and your trim isri trimmed you want to watch this t next segment because we'll share holiday decorating advice forg i anyone interested in puttingutti perhaps some more modern spin on the holiday.the here to help us out jeanette the
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d.c. >> you did such an mazing jobazg with our thanksgiving table wege had to have you back for holidal ideas w do we begin. >> we really wanted to flex ourr creative muscles this holidayay season. se many probably started decoratiin their tree or pulling thoseng t ornaments out we wanted to dotet something very different and fun we did a mon crow crow mat ticki tree we brought disco fever to r fox5 today. x5 t >> love it.>> l >> and we asked the kids and eld fee on the shelf what they whaty wanted this holiday season theye wanted something bright,ng bght, colorful and fun >> you're saying if you want to be more modern decorate youreou tree all in one color? pretty much. mono crow mat tick. crow one id >> pop the color is a great idea really modern ornaments some came from cv2 our fun unicorn. add different colored bowes funw pom that is you can get at thege arts and craft >> what i also love about this you do have thealso l high end t ornaments but then you have kinv of the fun whimsical ones theshe kids can make.e. >> exactly the kids actually did make these.make t
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art and they just filled them up thu with poms got to go to the arthe store.or they got to pick out the colorss that they wanted and they fillel up the balls and when they looko at the tree they did that.. >> and they're like toys as well. who knew, right? they canhey ca decorate your tree or your kidsr can play with them as they are y t ght now. literally. they don't even know we're here. okay. so what else you got going? >> so another personal touchr pa that we we this year is we have a kids make their the wrapping paper. paper so they've been working really hard on doing their fingerprints on reindeer wrapping paper andgd it's just a fun and personal touch and there's nothing bettet than looking under the treeer te saying they did it and it's at'a great and unique idea and ind don't know like whateha grandparents wouldn't want theit gift wrapped. >> totally.ot another great wayal to pastimepm when the kids on holiday pack. wrap your own gifts.. make papers. >> now what about let's talkha about the dee core and how youth have around the bottom of them e
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>> exactly we wanted to set thes tone starting from the bottom bt and going, of course, all theall way to the theop. so, you know, some fun pillows.s blankets adding some very modern wrapping paperp of course, our disco ball. b i like how you have kind of juss the throw as your tree skirt. >> exactly. easily you don't have to do thee traditional tree skirt get at gt blanket a quilt throw it onhrown the.e. some fresh flowers. fwers we even did up on our mantleantl fresh elements which is reallyce great. and pillows and fun decor justus warmth up the sp >> it makes it really then of course i mean you cann c always just put a tra dig all angel at the top of your tree oo you could put the archangel herself at the top of your tree. >> it's true. tru i love today's.'s [ laughter ] >> couldn't get any better.anyte do your family picture. you can have fun with that's what the holidays are ale about. i will say tabhat the kids thiss for them.hem. and the fact that they were abll to join in and have this playfua
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time less. ls >> there's no better angel onn this earth than sue palka by tht way.y. let me get down here with theite real stars of the show.f the this is her niece and nephew byb the way. the way. can you guys tell me what aree w you going to santa claus for christmas? >> um, what is it? >> rocket ship.p >> i think if you're a good goo little boy rocket ship might show up on christmas morning.ori what about you?ut >> a baby doll. >> a baby doll. is your baby doll going to haveg a name?am >> i don't know.'tno >> you have time to think about it.. >> but i do have a book of them but they names they had but i b don't know what it says on theat >> okay. well, i think we have time tome figure that out.ut real quickly can you getou get together and say merry christmas, we'll say it onmas, three. one, two, three --ee - >> merry christmas! >> aww.w >> i can't follow that. i can't back to you.
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>> okay.>> they are sweet, sweet babies.. >> merry christmas to you guys.y >> they are adorable. >> hope you have a greatreat christmas. ch perfect present under that tree. >> right.>> r. >> i wouldn't what their wldn't favorite empire moment was. i hope they weren't watching. >> empire last night it was aasa doozy.. we want your to share yourhareou favorite moments hash tag good day dc. >> keying has a holiday speciall out. ou taraji if you want to get specific about it.spec weif'll talk a special. very cool. coo. >> if you're hedging your betsgg this morning, you can go to theo national harbor at some pointomn because mgm grand is out there.t we're out there live.'re outherv we'll tell you all about not just about >> yeah.. >> lots to do out there. >> i think i'm out.ut. >> listen how about this.isteab you can get a good day coffee mug for free. if you want it the new dunkin'en donuts mug up for grabs rightrar now if you will like it go tolio our facebook page or fox5
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either way get your entry in by 11:00 o'clock this morning one o lucky winner selected by random. now 9:57. 9 hey, the 10a is next and you can bet on that, wisdom. wdom >> i like it. you're cashing in, steve. >> now that one worked.
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?? trending at 10a hair spray live. madonna carpool care yolk key. empire.. cookie does christmas really rel it's taraji.. tonight is her holiday special l debuts right here on fox5 with5w some hollywood heavyweights anda we have a preview. >> plus gospel super staruper s anthony brown is live in then loft. . he's a part of a show that willw no doubt get you in the holidayy spirit. >> and what do you get theet the
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everything? buzz feed has some we're live. 'r >> let's do it. good day at 10a starts right now. now. ?? >> go right about there.. >> that looks good, steve.te >> i usually play christmashrtms carols when i decorate my tree.e since mgm is opening today bruno mars works too.. >> 24 carrat magic.ic >> yes.>> y >> wait a minute.t a mite >> maureen this was our perfect christmas special. special. >> you were sitting in the chair. >> he' there. t >> nobody is taking a >> we need a camera.e needam >> we probably do. >> hope you're recording it op dvr and freezes it.ees i that's it happy holidays fromlia the good day d.c. crew. c >> i'm going to be disappointedn if we don't at least at one o point here, hear the gambler. gr i think we >> we her it at the very -- ver >> we her it all right. you were with the little ones. . >> i was witness kids. w
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>> or run. >> he was saving the best for last.last. >> ?? >> there you go. >> i would have never bet that a would be able to happen. >> can we please not have any a betting references or gambling references.referees. >> spoiler alert.. >> time enough for counsel whene the deal is done.e. >> let the dealing be done now. >> if you head out to mgm to m national harbor which happens tt be our top story this absolutely.te didn't get much bigger than this. little 24 carrat magic that'scar what we did right here inat ouro own backward. its grand opening tonight.g toni >> here's the countdown clock. t minus 12 hours, 57 minutes. all right.l rig you've got your clock today mark the culmination oftin years of hard work at nationaltt harbor as you can imagine with a project this big there's still a few last minute finishinginis touches to be our lovely annie yu has been ata the mgm grand all morning long.n annie, it is spectacular.ctacar everything you've shown us fromf nuts to bolts has beensee
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impressed by this we've been ben watching this happen over thehin last few years watch treat to be finally be here.ere. we're less than an hour awayr aa from the opening ceremony lot oo important people will gatherther here at 11:00 o'clock we're wre talking mgm execs.xecs. the maryland governor, larry hogan, the raw shern baker. if you look up there a lot of important people in suitse i standing by for this openingpeni ceremony that kicks off at at 11:00 o'clock at 11:00 p.m.. tonight, that is when the open to you all the public. pub you can come on out here aser a early as 10:30 to they have multiple levels of parking. but plan ahead because you won'w be a loud to get inside thehe garage until 10:30. 10: they are encouraging ride sharea which is really good idea right now. because of the -- they're- ty' expecting thousands of to youou come out tonight. outonig so i want to also just knowt kw we've been kind of talking about all these restaurants, 15 1 restaurants that are here in tht mgm national harbor but tonightg only markets will be open. ope
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restaurant that is open but thet starring tomorrow everythingryin will be open and this is a 24 2 hour casino.. this is a $1.4 billion casino resort. it has 3300 slot machines, morem than 120 games for all you highh rollers they have a personaler room for you all. all i know not all of you gamble. g. this is just a portion of the resorts here.. so we've been encouraging you showing all the dining experiences. the entertainment th impressed with the big had he hh liners we're talking bruno mars, boys two men which they'rech t coming, what, next week, right,, caitlin? that's big. and then we have cher, sting, si who else do we have, caitlin?? >> we've got big names coming. >> cher, bruno mars... >> reporter: big names. we're all kind of -- here theere deal. we've been here for hours, right? and we've been meeting e so many amazing people. celebrity chef, caitlin is with the media group here and she'she
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because there's so much going n on. the music officially and a lot of important people se we're just very very excited, ed guys, back to you in the studio. >> i'll throw another big nameag out there i did get n tickets. . kings of leon will be there in i january.januy. >> nice. >> reporter: duran duran.. >> and wisdom's favorite duran duran. >> lionell ritchie. a lot of people it there. >> a lot of great>> lio oof annie, thanks let's check what'a trending.. 10:05 on thursday ming.da >> first up, hair spray movedaym last night for three-hourr musical special on nbc and newcomer maddie bail leo hit ala the right notes as tracy.. white teenager who wants to hell integrate a local baltimore bali dance show. the showda had serious star poww from ariana grande, jenn foror hudson, christian schenn knowno witnesses martin short dancing n with the stars pro derek hough h joined in on the fun.un ambitious project with multiple
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ha broadcast without getting its is hair messed up we'll say by major glitzes. glitzes >> this is john water. >> you went up to talk to john waters recent until baltimore.r. >> exactly. exa and actually we'llct have more r his interview coming up in thein next week or so because he's he' doing his christmas show whichwh he's been doing for some timeime now at the birchmere coming comn outpatient on december 20th,embh 21st.. >> did he mention hair >> did he talk about haintrio ss >> we talk about everything.ryin they actually asked him to do a cameo in hair spray live last ls because he's doing an 18 city cy tour with his christmas show. oh h wow. >> don't worry he made money ofo of that last night. night. >> you know it. you know it. very cool.>> all right. also trending onve try cv last nightti the material girl late night tvv making her way through traffic f with james corden. carpool karaoke one of the bests thing on tv both electrified. they sang some of madonna in a's post popular song. she doesn't like riding in thedn car unless there's music. mus they take us back to the '80s80
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>> strike a pose.e. ?? ready? >> yeah. >> ?? look around everywhere the crowd is getting it's everywhere that you you just look around. everything you can't paint what you know ?? >> james corden they literallyly drive around la when they filmm these.thes because he was vogueing dancingi they had to pull over.. somewhere there were people in la seeing james corden and month danna vogueing in an suv. madonna dished about her music career.reer. sharing a french kiss withfrenc michael jackson.chael ckso she confirmed that during therit as as well. >> i love that.that >> what kind of car is that is t
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>> a big one. >> it's a range rover. >> you had to pick one. one >> let's talk about kanye westas because kanye west recovers from his recent hospitalization rooms are swelling throwing around thr d word. reality star wants a divorce but insider alleges quote it willil take some time before she can do anything and the couple has hadd problems since before kanye'san break down and even before kimim was probable at gun point. kim is doing her best on what's best for her childrene and their living situation and for now is standing by kanye's de.e. but there's big but in this. >> really?ly? >> really wisdom? >> i didn't think about that.hat [ laughter ] >> i lost my train of thought,ho steve. >> he had the poet tree. dropping gambling references fon the last two hours. two hours >> i missed that one.sed that oe i didn't do that on purpose.
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happened, would she actually gol through divorce number three. tr >> whose leaking all of this? that they're getting --ting >> nobody knows.>> >> the man is till in a housee recovering. >> right. >>omome on. rig let him heal. hea let their family heal. >> hers first march watch was 16 yes agago. >> right. what, like, teenager. >> that last add couple years. >> the guy on the left. the second -- on the left right. of course chris mum humphriesums former wizards player on theon t right. >> can we call that marriage? re >> about which was about the the amount of playing time he had tm with the wizards. oh!h! >> nonetheless i take that wholw story with grain of salt.with g that's all here say.say who knows?nows? >> keeps them in the news. tm in another person in the news n drake still enjoying the views v from the top apparently.en. he had the top album and top song on i tunes this year albumb viewed top seller on i tunes and his song one dance top single. rihanna's a bum anti took the t number two spot followed by adele's 25. 2
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beiber' purpose.pose. number two single was can't stop the feeling by justin timberlake. >> wisdom, i know you'redo curious, toom,, but justin beibr announced stadium tours for the summer.summer >> tickets will go on saleilgo o tomorrow for that.torrow for t i think the closest show to here is new jersey. >> we served that up in thep ine celebrity dish on monday.. >> stella here he comes.omes >> close enough for me to take drive. >> you might have to. >> why bother.hy take acela. >> i think the first part oft that statement was bother.. >> why? why >> time might be running tout find your perfectt be gift.if you want something maybe ang little outside the bock.oc coming up later we'll share five ideas for the person on the liss whose virtually impossible toe o shop for. sh the team from buzz feed will fee join us live. they narrowed the list down forh us.e >> okay. >> first, though, the second to last episode of empire beforee r the show takes a winter break b that is. th we'll share our favorite moments coming up next and of course ass always we want to know yours usu the hash tag good day dc. dc.
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taste the many sides of brookside. smooth dark chocolate outside. exotic fruit flavor inside. brookside.
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agine a world where the holidays are about joy again. where days are filled with magic instead of madness. we've imagined the holidays this way for decades. it's why we never have crazy sales. never make you clip coupons. and always have amazing prices on popular brands and thoughtful gifts. it's time to bring back the holidays
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>> but hold on to your weave honey.honey the first time i met her shehe asked if acarine. >> are you feeble minded is mybi eight-year-old daughter actualla smarter than you. y. >> how could one be -- charlie. >> hey,
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>> so you know each other? ?? >> air kisses all around. >>arliling. >> yes. >> darling. it was so yeah. i'm really loving this season oo empire.empi. some parts of course areere hysterical. others -- not so much little bil scary.ary ome i'm here with my esteemed ed panel as always.panel lway and we're going to tell you ourr favorite moments from lasttsm la night. so mo we're starting with you. y you know i have been on team drr for a long time. wishes he'd get kahunas. kahas he got them in big way. we see dre coming out of his o shell starting to mott to get mo his love interest the spotlightl and this the most i said oh my gosh, dre, what are you doing? g take lock at him and cookie talking about his scheme to gett nessa front and center. >> you really like her andre?
10:15 am i'm starting to imagine myself l actually starring o is that wrong? that wrong >> no, baby, no.o. i want that for you more than i want it for myself. whatever you need.d >> you know what would be great? >> what? is nessa shadow for this fashion show. sho she's new to all of this mom.him she could learn a lot from teyona. >> okay. [ laughter ]laught >> okay. you know, yeah, it wrong i don't even feel like the t genuine love between andre andnd his mom. >> i don't feel it maybe becausb he was older she's gone to jail. i don't feel that connection tol them. when they said i love you, i tht love you he dy idn't dsao ida f. >> no. >> you know how normally -- >> he don a face k bnoutw the a lingered on him long enough. >> but he never did a face likee ha, ha. >> he's playing her the entire t time. >> was he playing her. her >> did they plan to destroy teyona.
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>> didn't you watch? >> you remember last --emberast- >> i don't know. i don't know. >> last week andre was -- set that whole thing up. he's turned deep.d dee >> each year they focus on son. each season they focused on onen son and they made that son insoi charge. arge now it's dre's turn to be devious.ou >> when he tosses the dress onse the curling iron all that'shat' planned. >> yes. remember when she came out she said i want this. >> i look at her when she didn e >> putting on the lip gloss liks nothing happened. >> then you're like okay.thinn ' i greet it.i g i know she's got little game in her. her. >> dre, you're breaking my, yo heart. >> but he's a great actor. aor >> very sexy. sexy. >> i think he's hot, too.t, too >> what was your hot moment last >> who me?ho >> yeah.>> y >> if you think that's bad, soth inthk is is the moment when dree to the designer and she's saying, you know, first of all, they paint her -- sometimes ioms don't like the broad strokesrotr
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racist and just really obnoxiouo and talking to dre and they want teyona's hair to be straight ana she's brushing her child's hair adoringly her blond hair and drd says i see why you love herove h straight hair so much. it's beautiful or something toeg that effect and then this godfather moment happened.t hap. check it out. >> hcw fashion show has alwaysly been associated with a certain n level of class. cla >> that's all.hat's l >> i hear y loud and clear. you know your daughter has suchh beautiful hair. h i see why you love it. >> the daughter.r. >> second i heard -- look at tht daughter. >> next morning all thatha beautiful blond hair -- i felt i
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>> she wakes up.akes u remember the horse head. h >> i remember it.. >> been scarred every since. >> ahh! >> what is going on? >> ahh! god., my >> that happened. >> we got to go. we got to go.we got t got t to go. what's your moment? >> gangster. gr. >> time is fleeting. >> the brotherly love bet>>weenn andre and hakeem. >> i love this, too. >> are you trying to fight meig again? after nessa rejected her your feelings hurt.. >> look, he thinks he's going tg whoop him. really?ly? >> really? >> i'm going to do it one handd behind my back. not only did he say i might goho after your on the girl if you keep messing with me.e >> right there you're justt like -- >> watch this. watchs. >> yeah. you going to learn.u goin lea >> oh you going to learn.. >> wait, no, no, i'll push you
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>> no need to spit like that.ha. >> like i said, andre i gangsta. >> it's love, it's hate, it'ss love. >> here's the >> you never know who is loyal i to who. to you really don't know. know so many stories going all around and so just when you think y t lucious is going to take his mom out -- ?? >> i did just like you told me to do dwight. do i got three ice cream conesamon sucker.cker [ laughter ] >> that little performance ofceo yours over at arch chi balance'e that was genius. >> you can't believe everythinge you watch. u i did think at one moment at the end he was going to keep -- whee he told i love your crazy a. [ laughter ]
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ome moment make sure you tweet us #gooddaydc. remember, there is one episode left. e a winterintewill tak break. you can catch the finale next n wednesday at 9:00 right here on fox5 followed by our last ome2016. thu thursday. >> it's 8:00.>> it's special edition.l edit >> 8:00. it's not at 9:00. 9 bonus coverage. >> i want to have that boo boo kitty -- >> i was waiting for to you sayr >> not a bonus hou it's 8:00.:00. the new show star at 9:00. >> last empire at 8:00. star debuts at 9:00.:0 >> i say boo boo kitty. k >> she look good. >> talking about her -- her hair. hair. i don't know what you're talking about. >> thanks guys. whang coming up on later it's a celebrity edition of celebrity dish from robs matthews fromewfo hollywood.llywd. the story of the savor throughoh song much the stars of the newst
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anthony brown. bro. glad to have him back with us bu and we'll be back with you righg after this.
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call today. comcast business. built for business. ?? back now 10:23. now 10:23. happening today, happening righr now as a matter of fact, theattc confirmation hearing for antwant wilson the man nominated toined become the next dc school's chance lore. mayor bowser picked wilson currently overseeing the publici school district in oakland,land california, to replace kaya
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fall. right now as you can see here, h live video, city council hearina from citizens voicing support aa well as concerns wilson's wso appointment.inent. if he gets the okay from council he will become the next schoolto chancellor in the district. disr cold temperatures.ratures only getting colder tour ther to weekend, tucker.d, tr. >> you said it sve cool conditions right now but we are going to trend colder anddea colder as we get into thento the overnight hours and friday andhd saturday. let's go to the number. t's i'll show you whergoe it's.' 46 right look not too far to our west. ws still below freezing.ezing. detroit and cincinnati this morning.. 28 degrees hyped that frontha that's what you call arctic airr look at denver right now minutee news minute news nine a few hours ago. minus 27 in casper.minus in it's -- it's still fall believee it or not but doesn't feel likek in great falls minus three and a we get newspaper canada you cann see all sorts of negative nat numbers inn clueing that minusin 46 up in old crow. cro so i mentioned thoseed
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over the next couple of days.f d not going to be that cold arounn here. but we are going to have some modified arctic starting to set up shop with w lake effect snows in michiganhia and in parts of new york there. upstate new york starting to get that snow, and our winds will pick up. we'll clear out this afternoonno with that cold air will comeom rushing in and cold blast around here for both friday, saturdayy and really for much of sunday as well. with daytime highs for the mostm part in the 30s perhaps in the city we'll get into the low 40ss around here friday and saturdaya do want to mention bite end ofid the weekend we'll have a systema that will be approaching.hing it may bring parts of the area a morning mix before we get backac to work and school mondayd schom morning.rn so keep an eye on the weather wr forecast here the next couple op days. cold tonight cold tomorrow,ro guys.. back to you.back >> it gets colder on saturdayona taking the stress out of holiday shopping no matter howow impossible it might if you have somebody impossiblel to get gift for.e we have some help.t the teafowem from buzz feed wilw
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everything. also a sneak peek at taraji's white hot you don't want to miss that.issa it's now 10:26. we'll be right back.
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we offered women a mystery beauty treatment. what made their skin more radiant? what?! wait!
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dove, your daily beauty treatment for radiant skin. ?? cookie is back to spreadpre holiday cheer ton night empire r fans can get a dose of the holiday spirit thanks to taraji
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holiday special.. jonathan hunt has a special.. >> it's christmas eve and santan is coming to in it. >> taraji white hot holiday hold special returns to fox with most taraji p. henson celebrating the season.seas. with empire co-stars jussiee smollett and taye diggs and a guest stars.ta >> i have returned for the holidays.ys >> it is the only variety ced television show that you willt l find on tv.. it's christmas and everyone needs to be gathered around the television watching myg television show because it's aus family show. s >> at a a gee gave us a previeww of the songs fans will hear on a the show. >> hell hear chest nuts roastinn on an open fire. they will hear rudolph the red
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knows. give me something else out hereh they'll hear -- >> this christmas we'll be a very special christmas to me. m. what else? >> rise up.e u you'll hear some of everything.g >> in the spirit of giving backc taraji's guest stars have suggestions. >> sponsor someone's christmas. i remember when i was a kid we w didn't have money memorable christmas was when wae another family from church literally gave our familyam christmas and it was one of thef best christmases i've ever experienced. so people i think forget the power that they have. hav you can't be stressed, depress miserable or frustrated about a things you have clarity over sor when you're willing to mentorenr and just open up and give some m advice and help people out, youu just never know how much easierr it makes the holiday.ay >> who is ready to spread someds
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fox news. new just reminder you can catch at t ray ray gee's white hold holidad tonight at 8:00 right here on fo.5. >> steve. >> thank you very much. i'm in front of the tree rightno now it's time to talk af bouttho finding the perfect holiday hid gifts like, say, for example,mp you were not able to find a disco ball that comes with itshs own stand. how awesome is that i'd take it, right if you have somebody youeo can't fine something for 16 f 16 shopping days left to get it gei don't stress what you get the t person that seemingly has everythingev your back the website got seriee a gift guides covering everyone in your life. a list of 37 gifts for that tha person impossible to shop for.or we cut it down to five must haves. here to share her gift givingivg secrets buzz feed senior writerr elena garcia. gci good morning, elena.lena happy holidays.. >> happy holidays.idays. >> all right. i want to get the details one dn some of these. so i will throw out gift ideasde
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us know what they're all about.. let's start with your not run oo the mill saul and pepper shakers. [ laughter ][ >> yes. these salt and pepper s>>hakerse bring a lot of magic quite qte literally to the dinner table.le they are magic wand saul and pepper shake wes onehakees o specifically for pepper and oner is specifically for salt. plt and they're great gift forift f anybody on your list who has a family and wants to bring something to the dinner table or anybody that's maybe getti their first apartment you wantap to help them stock up theirar s they're only 10 bucks on amazon. >> i'm sorry, how much.uc >> $10. >> that's great. tha >> the price is magic as well.e. magically flavoring our food ato the dinner table. tle we'll talk about more salt andnd pepper shakers in just a minute. a i want to get this for the t techie in your life.if magical keyboard so to speak.ak >> yes. yes this is actually a laser projection keyboard.boar it uses state of the of art lasers to project a keyboard ony to a hard surface.ce. it's a size of a key chain so cn
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your keys.yo k it works with blue tooth any off the your devices i-pad or your r phone, you can connect it and id immediately have a keyboard k that's a regular size and virtually invisible because it's about this big. big. >> wow and it works? >> yeah. all the reviews on amazon sayzo it's amazing it has really highh ratings. it does cost a little it's right over $100 price but it's one of those gifts technology it's kind of state os the art. so it's worth inves a techie who maybe been exposed to this just >> type away at the conferencefe room table. ro >> yes. >> i love this next onet e especially for those of us whosw are nostalgic when it comes toes cereal maybe finicky eaters. eer maybe we don't want everything that p came in the box just thee good stuff. go >> you want amazon totter thete leg work for you because theyout have. it's an 8-pound bag of cereal marshmallows i think we've all a kind of doug threw our cerealera trying to get the good stuff.tuf $40 you can have this 8-poundnd
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to your door with miracle of amazon.amaz. great gift especially if you'rer going to hosting a lot of o holiday really great way to incorporatee it into the menu and hotot chocolate into desserts.rts. i mean who doesn't want eight eg pounds of cereal marshmallows?os >> of course.ourse. >> like the dream.>> l who doesn't.oesn >> 8 pounds is too much theyuche come in smaller varieties you yu can get a 1 pound bag but i meam if you're going to do it justo like go for the 8-pound bag. b >> go big or go home.o hom maureen was like $40 if youf you figure you buy 1 serial you won't get 8 pounds pd worth of marshmallows outllow thereof. if you want the good stuff you y to got to pay for it isn't one e person would be able to rice tor ryan gosling all to himself hime through the holidays.iday through the magic of artwork anybody who chooses too couldooo sleep with ryan gosling, right? >> yeah. who doesn't want to wake up next to ryan gosling in bed everyn be morning, right? come on. >> for $10 again on amazon, you can get a pillow case that fitss any standard pillow with ryanan
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image is one of many and options available on ma'am son you canma go through and find whateverte image of ryan suits your needs.e but yeah it's really great giftg i know this is probably my my favorite gift on the list. so, yeah, awesome. >> elena i'll let you have that one ryan gosling or carrie unwood if i sea a face in my bed i'll freak out in the middle ofe the >> this is something very closer toy of at buzz feed we talk abt this print. what's the details here? >> right. so this is live print andth is actually an amazing piece of it's a tiny printer about thebot size of your phone and it actually connects to your phonet what it does you shoot as videa series of photos and pick a pk cover image from that video. you printout the picture and and using the live print app you can actually bring that photo live.. it's kind of like harry potter t in real life.if state of the art technology.oloy they use like qr codes like codk
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sudden this piece of paper per literally comes to life using their app.. >> elena, let me saw follow-upwp question. i'm trying to unthis. if im tr dyio this, if i have te printer i printout the picture.e if i give that picture to you,oy and you have that app on yourou phone does it come to life forlr you then.yo >> yeah. >> okay. >> yeah. one of the great things abouthio the film -- the picture paper is actually a sticker so you can attach it to places and anywherr that anybody has live print appp they can watch the video thatha you've shared like you can fix it on yourt ony fridge or stick it on wall. wal you can like do anything.ny this is perfect for the person who is obsessed with social moda ya. who is constantly sharing whether it's snap chat or chatr it's a great device so they can continuously share contents.te >> for people on tv put your you resume' and they zen it tot t somebody.mebo click on this and there you go. anyou see d everything die on t. >> exactly. >> couple honorable mentions.
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shakers.shaks. >> it's hot glue gun for cheese back ordered right now it now i doesn't mean it's not worth the itit. costs about $25 and it is it is amazing. we used it here to create a pretzel house which is saul teeu equivalent to ginger bread bre it also we have assault andnd pepper shaker literally works ws with the flip of switch it is a switch.ich it is on and off saul and peppep shaker one side is salt the oni the side is pepper.the s ppe >> that's so cool.hat's coo elena, thanks for joining usoinu women love the gifts.he gif thank you very much.ank all the details we'll put them on our website as .ell. happy holidays. >> happy holidays.lid byedbye. >> i'll take the print for sure. >> i didn't get a price on that. i'll get back to bto y >> okay. i'll take the switch salt andh t pepper shaker. >> that's the one that sol out t the quickest.e quickt. hopefully they'll get, f wis i s know you want the ryan gosling i pillow i got you covered.ered >> the only face i want to seet when i wake up in the morning ig myswife's. >> that's so sweet.>> that' >> is that what you're puttingsi oh on your christmas c >> so sweet..
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the fon doodler because you likl the puns. you like the word pun.d pun. >> i'll pass on on at. >> you like cheese. >> i think i'll pass on both of those.'ll pa [ laughter ] >> cheese and fon doodling i'llg pass. >> it may be getting out but tht rock is keeping thing hot this t morning. coming up next we'll check in with ross matthews from f hollywood today live for a first look at the new bay watch wch trailer. it is 10:38. 1 ??? >> you got me tickets to bayckey watch the movie. >> the only thank you want to
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??? >> 10:41. time for today's celebrity dish and this morning we are oday'snge are recruiting some celebrity helpei and for that we have to go outeg to the city of los angeles thenl city of angels where hollywood today live host ross matthews mh our very own angel joining usni live. good morning to you. y [ laughter ] >> yes, i am your very owny angel. i love that so much.lo tha good morning to you.good >> we love it too.>> we good morning. go let's talk about johnny depp,odh and apparently forbes magazineoe not giving hims a present in thi distinct he's gotten. >> well, johnny depp is number r one but he didn't really want to top this list for the secondhe n year in a row the super star iss first on forbes list of most m overpaid actors. okay. okay his last three movies returned $2.80 at the becomes officer for every dollar he was paid.aid. these include alice threw the
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to not big hit. not big hit. will smith second on the forbesr list chaning tatum was third.asi johnny depp, will smith and chaning tatum, they may be may b overpaid but they have starringe roles in my dreams. neney. thehey do. >> they'll be just fine.t f >> hey, all that money.on it's all good.ll goo someone else making a lot of of money in a new movie we're talking about dwayne the rockab johnsodwn. new bay watch he actuallyctua released new trailer for it? >> he did. he tweeted it out. itut we love t to find hit movie i think he found another one. he tweeted out the trailer foril the in you bay watch movie it ii on fire. literally. it features the rock diving inti the ocean on fire if from boat that explodes.xpde it is -- you have to watch it. . his bare pecks are bouncing alla ter the place. >> we saw. >> stars zac efron we get to t see -- oh, girl i saw it too. t [ laughter ] >> zac efron with his shirt offf too.
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>> whose counting right?se coun? >> i got to tell you will we've done interviews and i'm sure you have. he's one of the nicest guys atsa least comes across that way.. my personal crush so i'm glad td see him doing amazing things and always showing us the bod much m that's good my christmas present come early. >> he always says too may runayr for president one day, too., >> got my vote. >> you know. m throcock. >> okay. you've got a jam packed shows. you've got dr. ken on the show.. i love his show.isho worry talking here.he he's on the show frerom damon jh from shark tank. good show today.goodw >> yeah, big show.ho we get big guests we've beene' e doing really great lately getting fascinating people ken jong and day men as well.. watch us every weekday every dad on fox5 at 1:00 o'clock.0 cloc we're live. we you don't know what else ist kne going to happen. i m hehere. what else do you want? >> you've gotten good names andm mixed it all up.mixed ll ooh like the way do you theou different segments and go to tht
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of their element much that's on of my favorite parts of the shos you catch them off guard and g they don't know what you'ret going to talk to them love that as spec of hollywoodoo today live. >> they're sitting there ony'res their phone and i goitti what do think? they're like, what? >> about what yes. about wha >> it's fun.. >> a little awkward arc littlert life, a little fun and a littlel unexpected.pected. >> we love it.>> that's why we love you so much.c ross matthews. hollywood today live. liv thanks as always.s wee seal you next time.. >> happy holidays, everybodyveby accident. bye-bye. byby >> 10:44 is the time. come up and birth of savor as as told through a song.g. the uncut coming of christ chris starring anthony brown coming u
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>> first there was the passionhe christ and now the uncut coming of now t it's a free annual christmashris
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first baptist church of glennfle arden it brings to life the timt less story of the birth ofe biro christ through music, comedy and dance. the first show kicks off this saturday.rd but before the curtain goes up, we're learning all about theut t show with some help from the play's director and gospel supep star anthony brown. bwn. before we do any of that, beforf we talk to him, we've got ann exclusive performance of the oft song ?? some way somehow "featuring some of the stars ofm the show.e take it away .
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[ applause ] >> whoo!>> whoo! >> amen. >> oh, my gosh. gos >> awesome. wow! >> all right. you see the information right the inon the we appreciate that beautifuleaul performance and now i got two o the people spearheading thiss whole thing putting all on you two. [ laughter ]er ] >> anthony brown.ny bro joshua jenkins thank ya'll for ' coming in. >> thank you for having us.nk yf >> tell us about this -- the the whole thing.n this is seven years.n ars seven years.n years. >> seven years. >> this has been done.>> ts has >> yes. >> tell us about it. >> why is it so>> t special? wi it so spectacular and successful?su >> unwest main things in myin my opinion is the music that makesk
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idea i had for our church first baptist church of glenn arden we wanted to make the storyhery relevant and connect with peoplp and not make it so spookypook spiritual.sp something everybody canevery can understand. it took off the first year we did it. second year got bigger.. their year and where we're at >> people love it.>> p >> people love it. >> they come every year and las year we had about 15,000 peopleo come for the weekend. wke but it wasn't enough.noh so we're now done two weekends.s this weekend is the firsthe ekenend. next weekend we'll dot sameot thing noon and 6:00 p.m. shows. >> there's a huge marketplaceara that we open up an hour beforeef so that the families, the kids,, the community can come out andta enjoy nice food and animals anda the whole -- wle >> sights and sounds.>> s you feel like you're walkingig w into bethlehemal.. >> absolutely. >> before you get to the play. >> i her you say an hour byou ee don't get there an hur before. . an hur before you need to see -s you need to walk in and see thee thing. thin you node get there probably a gt couple hours before the. be >> maybe an hour and a half. h >> two hours before. >> 5,000 parking spaces fors people all over the community ty
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enjoy the show we've added greag things to the script and to the set. se it's going to be mazing. maz >> right. keeping it relevant is it hardan to keep it relevant and pitch ii up after seven years so people p won't be seeing the exact samexm thing year after year afterrft year. >> every year i try to change oo throw some twists in there.. so because i write the scripthes and anthony writes all the music and he rei a rages things, you u know, we just bounce ideas back and forth. i always try to add somethingomt new. new. something that will keep wantinw to c >> your background is in doing d stage plays and product androdut things like that.e what is it about that and the t combination of music and plays p that makes you guys say, all sal right, this is what we want toan do? we wanted to it like thisit and we want to go in manyn ny direct? >> what happened was year wagonn anthony first came to our churcc i had an idea about this play.s i don't write writ i write plays. pla i went to him, man, i got this t play but i need music. we just teamed up together top r
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>> it's really dope.y dope. >> we have great church withh w first baptist church of glenn og arden that allows us the t opportunity to let thathat creativity shine.hi. >> without the church being, a g allowing us to even having the idea and run with the idea and i this is our eighth year it's i like shout out to my daddyo mda pastor jenkins. >> pastor jenkins is in charge.g >> he's definitely in charge. >> he makes this happen. >> okay.. >> but you know really sent by we're blessed.we >> did you have think you got tv this point where you first started with the idea whene yoy teamed up?amed up? >> no.>> n >> i didn't.>> that was eight years ago.. >> yes. >> we didn't see i >> no. i didn't at least see see >> the words of this song realla like bring it home for us. u it will work out some wayay somehow. every year we keep doing it dotd our very best and some way somehow it work out. work >> is that what you hope peoplel take away from this in additiont to the spirit of the holidayol season. >> it's a story of hope. h story of jesus' birth is the
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looking for hope especially in the christmas season.the chri if you're looking forstmas for inspiration come to the play. >> it really real open up thatpa hope for you >> gotcha. only a couple seconds left.e se. shout out to the people overt tl there singing.thsing >> shout out. >> one name at a time. one ne at >> lea clark leach and brandon gains.gain maryjo seven and our lead angelg this year they're phenomenal film cool. looking forward to seeing this. people flock all the way fromlok the entire region to a see this. clearly you're having someingom success with t >> it's very popular.t'very hey, there's the information inf right there on the screen. thank you gentlemen.k you thank you singers for coming in and hanging out. han out. i'll see you guys at church. >> yes. >> in the interest of fullf f disclosure i am a member of thet first baptist church of glenn arden. your daddy is a trip. a pastor jenkins today trip muchay that's it from over here. it fr let's go over to the komit ocheh >> you pass the plate and startt with wisdom. >> i need a lot of prayers.. >> beautiful singing. singi
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we asked that you someone sent us a picture of our christmasoum tree picture that we took. took. someone got a screen shot. shot. check it out. >> look at that. >> i have to apologize.pogi i thought we were doing blewng w steal and you guys were all redr and green smiles. [ laughter ]ht ] >> i missed the memo for thehe christmas portrait.trait >> eyes of universe tweet the tt this we love that she capturedte this picture and there we go non we can sent it out to all ourll friends and familiarly. >> i think it's great. >> good day christmas card. i td >> i need a redo. redo. look at my >> steve you're looking seriouss and i'm looking we didn't get the memo.o. >> holly and i will brighten iti with our smiles. >> we're always the fun.e'lway >> speaking of fun mr. fun isr.i back. >> tucker barnes.uckebarn >> hey. >> i missed the christmas card. >> you did. >> aww sorryd th.e >> that's all right.l ri i was downstairs withg allison.a we're making one.n o we got a forecast which calls cl for colder air on the way. >> overnight lows well below wl freezing even in the city.ity >> ouch. >> we're set up for friday,re so saturday dr aytime highs onlyhs around 40.
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>> have fun if you go to mgmoo tonight. it will be a great time. enjoy, everybody.
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see holiday tradition in a whole new light. join in the joy of christmas town at busch gardens.
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in our winter wonderland. with over 8 million twinkling lights...
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>> announcer: live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." ?? [ cheers and applause ] now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] >> wendy: time to wind it up!


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