tv Good Day DC FOX December 14, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EST
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♪♪ ahead on good day at 9a, 9 another hollywood icon loft. >> ♪♪ >> actor and notable tv dad alan thicke passing away whileway whi playing hockey with his son.on a look back at his memorable meb career and how he is being being remembered this morning. >> bundle up, old man winter ses to make a return to the dmv. bitter cold temps may be even some snow. sw. tucker has got you covered oner what you need to expect. a meeting of the minds. president-elect donald trump going one-on-one with the titant of tech. tec this as our nation'
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gets ready to welcome him intoo office.fice. a look at the inaugurationnaugun preparations underway right now. and later, tipping troubles. in the season of giving, the t do's and don'ts of gifting gng everyone on your list. lis good day at 9a starts right now. ♪♪ >> you're missing the best shots right behind you. y tucker was breaking out his bruno mars dance got to be readr for anything on this show. show. >> come on in, al.>> c >> come on in.e i never late to the party. party >> i just wanted to dance brunou mars on the way in. on thway >> you want add full entrance. a >> that's right. >> i see you. thanks everyone pour stayingur with us.s. 9:01 on this wednesdaynesd december 14th. i'm maureen umeh alongside holly, steve and wisdom taking the day off. a little frog in his throat. t we're going to shed nerd tears kevin mccarthy back but from his
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i have a key card podcast with sarah fraser landing mega celeb interviews to married live heedh does not hold anything backg bak that's coming up little later ir this hour. th but first the big headline todaa the weather of course. crse. enjoy today. it will get super after this. tucker barnes standing by after getting his boogie on a littleit while ago. >> it's older way.ay. maureen pay careful attention.eo special effect.spial you see that? >> wow! >> my monitor is shaking.king >> that's how cold it will bet b around here.nd here. not today.ay. in fact today the mid 40s with w plenty of sunshine.unsh later this afternoon the front will move on in.ll m we'll get clouds and burst of bo snow. thursday and friday things areye really going to be really really plummeting and bitter coldte col around here.nd 40 now in washington.hi mention the wind chill 33.windl. all right. we got sunshine the first half h of the day. of today will be dry day. the dwi mid 40s for your wednesday wedsd forecast. not a d
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our frontal system is out hereer and very very quickly drop downn into the region this evening.. there may be some our modelingin is trying to indicate there mayy be a burst of snow showerw showe activity as that front moves m through tonight and then the the winds pick up. temperatures plummet and we aree looking at overnight lows back c in the low 20s but the wind chills by tomorrow morning are a going to be single digits, and a throughout the day tomorrow evee tomorrow afternoon i don't thini the wind chills will be muchuc above five, 10, 12, 14 degreesds around here so it will feelil f really really cold. today not so 45 still a cool day. day. winds out of the north and wet t here at five to 10.o 10. i mentioned the snow showers as that front moves through tonight. stay i'll have the seven day forecast coming up. o talk about. aut we got bidder cold thursday ands friday and the possibility of our first light test snow sno accumulations around here.. >> tuck you are missing an epice shoe covering. i'm not going to cov lie. >> class in session.essi you guys are talking shoes. shos >> we were trying to see which shoes
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>> what keeps your feet the moss warm. >> some people want to be aboutb sunny and 45.sunny 45 some people want to know about t shoes. >> he's its gone. >> don't leave mad. >> we try to give you a little e bit of >> sorry tucker. sorryucke >> preparations underway aheadua of that bitter cold we were alll listening to tucker talk about.t in virginia, state workers begag treating the roads in fairfaxaix county yesterday. and they plan to continue contiu through rush hour tonight. now, they are most -- mostly using brian that's assault andsu water mix to protect nearly 5,000 lane miles ahead of the expected arctic temperatures.tu. >> all right. getting ready for it.y fo. 9:04. turning to politicing toitic president-elect donald trumpelto nominating yet after cabinet -- another member to his cabinet cn tapping former texas governorerr rick perry to be secretary of energy. of course flashes back to 201201 when perry was running forng for president and he forgot the t exact agency tosses name duringg a debate. president-elect set to pete witw big tech ceo' today's at trump p
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♪♪ >> donald trump continues whatnt he calls his thank you tour in wisconsin.wiscon but even he couldn't ignore thee let's say unusual combination oo people who have been showing upg at trump tower head lined by performer kanye west.. >> bill gates, anna winter, kanye, that's right. [ applause ] like kanye.anye >> so what was kanye really rea doing at trump tower? he said i on twitter that the topics tic ranged from bullying to violenco in chicago. now at the other end of thend oe spectrum there was bill gates.a. >> we had a good conversationrsn about innovation.. how it can help in health, education.. >> and gates and other techer th leaders from apple, facebook and google among others will meetilm with trump today to drill downln on issues affecting that t industry. and the overall domestic economy will loom large dation well.el with the federal reserveeser expected to hike interest ratest and the markets continuing toino imb.b. the dow poised set a
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probably crossing the 20,000 200 thresh hod. trump returning to language fron the campaigngu trail.. >> my administration will beiowl focused on three very importantt words.words. jobs, jobs, jobs. >> exxon mobil rex tillerson asa secretary staff there are more calls for russia's involvement in then t presidential campaign.ign >> all right. meanwhile, president-elect dumbb drum many still not respond topo do celebrity chef jose andresre following his proposed truce in oh month long feud with the president election.len. yesterday andres suggested viasi twitter that the two settlewo se their differences with donations charitable organizations saying can we enter lawsuits and wes de don't donate money to veteransen to celebrate.ra why keep litigating let's both b of us win. w. with just over month till mn the presidential inauguration,uo preparations are in full swingfi and today the big groups inups
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off their big plans. pla >> so big big big. fox5's bob barnard is live ats t the d.c. armory in southwestwest with the details.ails earlier, bob was big on a map of the area. a good morning to you, bob. good morning. morning. we were down on the map earlierr we're now up here in the raftere to d.c. armory because some of o the commanding officials who will be here for the next fewexf weeks from around the country to make sure this inaugural goesgus off without hitch or here o here standing you see this lady herer standing on top of a giant map m of the district.ic the capitol is off to the tritei in the middle is the donaldald trump international hotel.el the white house and lincolnlco memorial far off to the left. l. we're hearing from the officialo who are basically briefingriin police and other law enforcement and personnel who will be here e helping to make this thingis tng happen. i want to show you some video allison, we were down on the map earlier during our 7:00 o'clockc area.ea. it's basically a flat map with w models of the different keyre k place and s
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walking through and seeing whatg they're roles will be.'re it's basically a chance for the police and the army, navy, airsr force, marine corps and coastndc guard to kind of see what theirt roles will be to make this thinh go off and we spoke earlier with the man in charge of logistics for the inauguration dayugationa festivities lieutenant colonelon malik free man of the d.c. d.c national guard.onal guard. >> imagine you have to get get almost 8,000 soldiers into into washington, d.c. in a 48 hourou period go and perform a missions down on the national capitol geg them back out and back home to o their home safe and you got to g feed them, house them, make surr they have transportation, makee sure they have all thell the requirements they need. massive undertaking.ertaking >> reporter: like super bowl.ow >> this is the super bowl forowr the dc army national guard and national guard for pride and a support for the presidentialdel inauguration. this is our keystone event andnd we have the best planners and organizers come out to ensuree it's a success
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>> reporter: of course, cours they've been rehearsing for somm time. there's the inaugural parade inr route along pennsylvanalia avena we were there with the air force drill team. t so lot of the elements that wila be performing the marine band bd have already been rehearsing and this here today is a chance forr everybody who is going to have logistical role to get togetherg and as you see here they're the' breaking up to go listen to thet two commanding generals who wilw be in charge to make sure theyet get their final marching orders, guys, so that over the coming cm weeks everybody is on the sameam page and that this thing goes ge off without a hitch. hitch >> so many different movingfe mv parts. >> i know. >> right now. you know all that planning thatt goes it seems like you're still aways away. away >> i >> all come together quickly.uiy >> well unfortunately sad newsls from hollywood yesterday boastat known for dad on growing painsai alan thick passed away afterer suffering a heart attack whileti playing hockey with 19-year-oldd son. he was rush to the hospital in burr banks california where hehh was later pronounced dead. d celebrity reactions have been he poing g in. paula patton
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his son tweeted 8:41 last nightt a quote from mother teresa whili she doesn't mention mr. thick's specifically we could assumeuld this was for him considering ofo course she was married to hiso son robin thick. >> john legend tweeted rest inti peace alan thick i grew up watching him and got to know hih through robin.ugn. he was always so kind to me.o m so sad to hear about his passing. ellen degeneres took to t witter to twitter as well to say, america loveded alan i'm so sad he's gone sending sos much love to his family. just one of those peoplef se that you know. like a household name. television i think especially used to be appointment watchingn you sat down, and you fell in love with some of thesehe characters he's one of those o o american dads. >> he was one of those peoeone o that this morning like iike i didn't -- not hear any newsny n yesterday afternoon i didn't dit know until this morning when ine getting ready for the early news. he wasn't sick. was i heard he passed it stopped mem in my my track like what? what? >> right. >> out there playing hockey,ht u know.know >> with his son.
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>> bye-bye 26. >> yeah. >> all right. right now to fox5 exclusive we have h obtained new video of the former chairman of the prince george'ss county liquor board failing ang field sobriety test last thursday. schultz charles called -- showso charles called well strugglinged to walk a straight line wel comn the heels yesterday news he'ss ' resigning as chair of the princr george's county liquor control board.d. police did charge the formerharm chairman with driving untheith influence and the video seems to confirm what investigators are telling us that caldwell failedi a field sobriety test and hend h also refused a breathalyzerhaly test. te caldwell told fox5 he had two ht drinks over a two-hour period. o >> let's get to the airport to rit nonow. reagan national airport andirpoa dulles international airportirpt workers are strike to go protest low wages.w wages. >> with more on who the workerse are and what they are strikingin for, we're joined now by fox's x annie yu.anniyu. good morning, annie. >> reporter: hey g morning toort all of you right now, at 9:00 o'clock,o'cl, there was a board meeting that a the
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airport authority was holding aa regularly schedule meeting.eetig dozens of dc airline workers wke outside of reagan national, they all went to that meeting.ting so they are downstairs trying tt put pressure on the officials tt bring this to discussion for a vote. vo they are asking for a rate hikek or a pay hike, excuse me, rightr now many of them get about $6.15 an hour they're having for $15.5 this protest started around 6:33 this morning. but we spoke to the airports and they tell us that it's normal n operations inside you can see cs it's relatively slow today. tay this protest is going to go on for the neck 24 hours we'ree' talking about hundreds of d.c. airline workers from both reagaa national as well as dulles. the workers striking today theyh are mostly contracted wheelchaih attendants as well as baggagegae handlers. they all work for company callec huntly usa. huntly u it's a texas based company and a they contract directly with thee airlines and ploy about 400 workers from our
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airports and so these workerske are coming together for the t greater they're asking for $15 an hour.u you know many of them workor multiple jobs to make ends meete some are forced to sleep in sepn their cars. we actually spoke to one one protester marvin lynch who hashs worked as a baggage handler andd security for 14 years now. now take a listen to what he has to say. sa >> really what he was sayingas n that he does have to work two ww jobs to make ends meet in this t d.c. region, and he's work heree for 14 years, has not seen ann increase in pay and so it's very difficult. they don't see their families se because ofir f the short turn ao and so a lot of heartbreakingbrg stories, but a lot of people pel asking about what about the tipi that they're making.y' mak well we asked about that, andha we're told that the baggageagge handlers do not make tips.ip they only mak
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and ever since you know the companies airlines startedtart charging for baggage fees andsnd luggage fees and that sort off thing they've seen no tips whatsoever.whatso the wheelchair attendants dos do except tips, however, many don'd know they can tip them.cap th so they don't really rely onn those tips. t so that's the very latest heretr from reagan national.n national back to you in the studio. >> annie, keep your eye on it. imagine this you're woken uu in the middle of your night toit your home that's exactly what what some d.c. residents are dealing withw and they're blaming metro. metro details next in a live report.v. >> later the wait is over. apple's airpods are -- excuse me are able. i'm so used to apple selling ouo before they get on the you can get them act quickly ify you want a pair. pai they're kind of cool.f c ♪♪
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♪♪ all right.ight unpleasant christmas greeting ge may show up in your mailbox thii holiday season.ea if you're caught on camera speeding by new speeding camerar in southeast. hmm. hm cameras were installed almost 30 days ago which means the the mandatory grace period coming t an e. cameras are nestle in the the suburban like neighborhood of o mayors where the speed limit isi 25 miles pe
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neighborhoods.od the threshold for triggering tht speed camera is traveling trali 10 miles per hour over the posted speed limit. and speed camera citations range from 50 bucks to $300 in the district.rict >> wow.. >> i'm saying the briefly.ri i hate when i'm trying to drivet the speed limit in d.c. and and people are right on you becausec they want -- because it doest de seem slow in most spots.pots i'm it's 25 everywhere pretty much. much >> i'm sorry, i won't do itn'dot again. >> thank you. >> when people are speeding through and slam on their brakee because they know there's camerr there.ere. >> one of the biggest concerns with them are theye bigg really safety, you know, enhancer or dd they create these problems by b people wanting to avert theav te ticket and slamming on their the brakes and hence causing ance cn accident. >> you don't realize 25 is writi testify slow. >> it is slow. it is slow i.t it is w >> any wearing let's not do thaa for the new year.for the neye tracking metro some residents in pet worth can barely sleep atlet night and they say it's metro'so fault. >> that's because they say the trains are causing a majorcaus i problem even damaging some ofino
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melanie alnwick live with thatit story for us this morning.or what time of night are we talking here, mel? >> reporter: bakely they'rehey' saying it is whenever metro isei so from 5:00 a.m. until 1:000 a.m. when they say they'rey thee hearing the disturbances andancs imagine during rush hour that ih when it is most prominent. happening sometimes every seveny minutes.mis. they say it is causing so muchuh trouble that they -- had a meeting with d.c. officials and also with metro officials to try to get them to pay moreayor attention to the problem. the commissioner saying theyay have to just keep -- keep kee hammering this problem becausese it doesn't seem in their opinion that metro giving it attentionei they would like it to have. to h and it does seem they say to coincide with some changes ofngf late to metro. metro now it appears to be happeningag in the neighborhoods the streetr surrounding the pet worth metroo station so we're talking about o new hampshire avenue, but little further up from the station.ta so taylor avenue, fourth and and seventh streets northwest.thst. upper around the circle tha
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prominent. and they're saying that it'st i' definitely a different kind ofid knows noise than they've heardva before. they described it as deep lowp w trembling a low rumble that at times occasionally even shakesha things off of their walls.f of r listen to how she described ited to us.s >> all night and all day. day >> definitely has been kind of n low rumble. >> every time it trembles atrem night, i hear it and i wake upae sit up in the bed, i say, oh,,h, that's a train runningunng underground. >> reporter: so it does seem see to coincide they say with the riflely 7,000 series rail cars l going now on the green line andd the yellow line which run from here at the pet worth station up the street and there are tunnele that is run underneath their the neighborhood votes so they sayys they believe it has something tg do witness 7,000 series railail cars, and our information those 7,000 series rail cr
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heavier than the old cars and a possible that could beible happening. metro says it's looking int o thehe problem but so far has not not connected it or confirmed thated it has anything to do with wit metro. back to you guys.back >> all right. at m thanks for that update m tn time major honor for the ran responsible for one of thenef t biggest recent viral trends. tnd details coming up. >> and tis the season foreason tipping. when the comes to remembering of one from your hairdresser to tht male carrier to the schoolteacher, all part of thehe holiday season. the question is how much shouldu you give? we've got the do's d' and don'ts still ahead. a. ♪♪ stronger is blasting her tumors... without risking her bones. stronger is less pain, new hope, more fight. it's doing everything in your power, and everything in ours. because we don't just want kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger. and with your support, they will. make a gift today at
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>> nip 24:00. let's get a check of the otherah stories making headlines on this wednesday morning. we'll start overseas right now new developmentngs hwest coo of syria this morning. morning zero fire deal fell through in n aleppo many active visit sayay bombing raids resume over theree eastern part of the city and ofy buses meant to take rebels andes civilians to safety sit emptyite waiting to evacuate the peopleto still left in that city.n thatit the delay is being blamed blamem on the syrian government whichie now has complete control over or the rebel held districts. >> heartbreaking to see thoseeat buses just sit there. the 15 minute moment of silence held today in newtown, connecticut, to mark four yearsy since the sandy hook schooll massacre. 20 children, six teachers andchs staff members all killed the victims will be remembered inwil just a few minutes b between 9:0 and 9:45 the time when the shootings took place. more than 20 years later, lr new dna testing is planned in the jenn b'nai ramsay case.y
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fbi database that includes genetic profiles from more than 15 million known sex officer ato the present times.e presti six-year-old jonbenet was foundu dead in the basement of her family's home the day after christmas in 19 nick. ♪♪ music legend dolly parton pr stepping up to help the victimsi of the devastating tennesseess ldfifires. periston from the county whereew the fires happened. hd. 14 people were killed andnd thousands of homes andnd businesses were destroyed there. last night she actually host add telethon called smoke tee tee mountains rise to raise moneyaim for the victim. vicm >> a big honor for the man who started the ice buck challenge.. the former boston collegege baseball captain was supposed tt accept the award next yearextea because because of the of progression of his als he willi not be able to make that trip. i he was diagnosed with the diaost disease in 2012. 2
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raised more than $115 million to the als association since ittioe took off on social media two met years ago. ago >> and finally just in time fort the holidays good news forews iphone users if you wanted the airpods introduced a couple of months ago the wirelessires headphones are available for shipping at least you might even get them in time for theleasme e holidays. holida you can make your orders online now and actual in storetore availability is slated for nextx week if you want to get them the cost is $159. $15 i think they look a little weire but a lot of people have beenavb lining up virtually oh and 39 3 get them. >> it will be on both sides. >> i propose little skin pocketc so you don't lose them. >> i mean --n -- >> that's my big thing. $159. you'll lose them.yo >> can you make themu' look likk hoops and they'd look like earrings. >> that's a good idea. >> a c tlehaar cord.learor just a clear one. >> i mean i wouldn't dare get g them. i would definitely lose those. o but they are cool.reool. the season of g
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daunting task especially when it comes to remembering everyone iy your life. yo so when it comes to givingin people like your hairdresser,rdr your door man, your child's teacher -- he's got a door man? any who what are the rules? res we'll break it down next. hollywood mourning the loss of s another tv icon alan thick hethh passed away last night at thehtt age of 69.age what we know about the suddenn loss.lo we'll talk with tmzss >> ahead at 10a we hope you'reop in the holiday spirit but if not the frosty phollies will surelys help. help. they'll join us live in the loff an very special guest going tong join them as well. whom. wh who could that be? first thoug a holiday message for a local service member overseas. ♪♪ wishing my family inamil maryland a happy holidays. holi.
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with furry friends and stomp your feet to a sesame street beat sesame street live elmo makes music clap along when elmo makes music playing eaglebank arena this weekend only tickets on sale now through ticketmaster ♪♪ >> latest player to blatt the nfl. this happened with the skins when they had to play back to bt back games.back g you play sunday night and play p again on thursday this timehis seattle seahawks defensive backb richard sherman had choice wordr about the tight playing schedule
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schedule. >> poop fest. terrible. you know, you play -- we playedyed frigging got home likeeik 1:00 o'clock in the morning,heor something like that on monday ty and play again. a. i mean, congratulations nfl. n did you it again. they been doing it all season.ea i guess we're the glad ones tods get the middle finger.inger. >> yes, did he call eight poop fest. fe the players don't like it. >> i get it they have theave freedom because they have thesea amazinguse cracks. >> everybody getting -- >> everybody getting a part ofei the fest. >> everybody a 10 the poop fests at some point.ome point. >> if you have one team that --a say you have one team that hasas less practice team than the ttht other time it's not fair toot f those teams. you have to be on the equal e because like when the skins dids it and they had to go fromgo f sunday night game to thursday ts afternoon game, they didn't get any practices in that week. wee they had to practice for twoor t games in one week.e wk. >> where is the player's union?r >> they're making a lot of waves right now.ow the nfl is thinking about it. tv contracts are so much money.y >> excessive celebrating or anda
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damage on these people's bodiese for our entertainment andnd whatever.what. >> while richard sherman did use the word poop fest he has a h stanford education.on >> he's very smart.. >> extremely smart football players. >> he could have call it elmething else.e co >> he made it family festival. a blood pressure festival.d pr >> we're talking arctic weatherh heading our way.g our y. tucker barnes standing by withdi what are you doing?oing >> any ways i like a handand stitched shoe and, i like like something with a nice heel. >> what? >> what in the world? >> what are you talking about>>u >> remember at the top of theop hour we talk about a shoe aho conversation during his weatherh he's been going for 30 minutesin trying to hold on to the samee bit.. >> i did bring eggnog in.. >> for those of you just joining us. us >> it's 9:32. >> thanks steve for playings fo along. >> i tried to talk about shoes you have no idea what i'm to o w talkhaing about. >> you went a long with for that. i've had half hour i've been har sitting on it. washington. washington. we'll be in the mid 40s thishis
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today is not the day of he can treatment cold we've beene've bn advertising all week but it will be cool one today 36 in gaithersburg. 37 frederick.reri 39 in leonardtown.nardwn so here's the deal.eal. arctic front north and west oftf chicago will very quickly rolllr down into the mid atlantic later this evening and we are going tt be in for very very he canery he treatment cold around here byreb tomorrow morning. ndto chills forecastecas i'm going to show them to youemu momentarily single digits byitsy tomorrow morning.morrow m seven, 8:00 o'clock in the:00 o morning. up a it head of it not so badhet toda ny. mid 40s this afternoon and we aw should keep it dry. dry. arctic express on the way. not just here in washington butb we just looking at some forecast lows in minnesota, maybe minus m 20 by the weekend. very very cold our actual airuaa temperature upper 20s to about a 30. cold around here but the wind tn chill will be the real bigealig story. there's future cast.there' looks like its comes through tu nine, 10, 11:00 o'clock tonightc maybe a quick burst of a fewst a snow showers with a front. fro then we'll clear it out this t future cast not showing you those extreme winds.e winds i'll show you the winds.e look what's going on tomorrow
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that's at 10:00 a.m. wind chill at 7 degrees. 7 degrees. tomorrow afternoon 12 degrees.e. so extreme cold around here botb thursday and friday and we may y end it as brief period of winten weather saturday morning beforeb it transitions to rain saturdaya afternoon. keep that that time frame ine fr mine. we can have winter wet aroundd here saturday morning.ning all right, guys are that's thest latest.te back to you. >> ♪♪ fox5 d.c. cares is partneringtnn with make a wish atlantic fortlr shaping up to be amazing day tba this friday. for a little boy named kaheem. e he loves super heroes just checc out his room. r got batman shoes, supermann backpack a super hero mask and spiderman on the walls. walls super heroes are big part of kaheem's life.if especial knowl that he'sci kno battling leukemia.ttlingeuke he wants to be just like them.h. strong, brave and courageous.ra so that's exactly what we'rere going to do for kaheem on friday. his wish day will be filled with super heroes wil and local hero. kaheem doesn't know this yet but
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the area with local firefighters and police officers and at eachh stop he'll do something to help someone out becoming a real rea super hero.o you can follow along all day ony air and online on our facebookek page and aebsite. be sure to use the hash tag kaheem safes got it? kaheem saves dc.c. it all starts on fox5 newsox new morning on friday. fda so be sure to join us and make e this little boy's wish come true. all right. good day for all of us holly and allison over toon you. >> weren't indicate for thanks mo tis the season of giving but checking your list yl can be a daunting taskg t especially when it comes to coms remember those who provide a tho service to you all your yearr yr >> we're talking about folks tko like your stylist,ut right, babysitters, your postall workers, all of that.hat trash men, okay. okay what is it appropriate gift to give them. miriam staff a staff writer at king lip personal finance whoso just wrote about whona to tip during the holidays and morend e importantly how much. she joins usim npoow.rt hello.
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>> hey.>>ey >> all that list they're all --- they all should be tipped theule ones we mentioned. >> they should all be tipped.ip so the chances that you're going to employ all 16 people on thatl list are pretty lowl 16. >> you've narrowed it down to 1 people you must tip c can youn u give us an idea exact who'll exl that is. >> usually service staff whovico provided some sort of service s throughout the year.ea from your postal deliverypersonn to your newspaper deliver row dr person to your daycare providere senior care aid, massagege therapist, the whole range ofane people there. hopeugh.,hough.e key, t people who did a service for you. pretttty much. >> probably more than once.mohan >> not just once.e. >> right. >> regularly give you service.. >> regularly. like here in the washington areo i know a big one obviously woulu be a child care provider. >> um-hmm.m >> so where do you begin? iseg it -- do you actually givey giv someone a gift or do you give y them money? i guess that's aha' question.. >> depends what sort of child oi care provider. daycare facility you have toy yo check the rules to see if they y allow to you tip cash. c in ter
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two nights pay is a good amountn he is special physical they'velt really come through for you in a nch.h. in terms of the nanny at least week's pay.weekay kayokay. >> and all of these, though,ho instead of doing the money,oney could you do a gift or do folks really just prefer the money?? >> in most situations you can substitute a gift.tituteif in some cases you actuallyll cannot give cash. so a gift is a substitute.stitu. >> what about just like regularr teacher at school because bause sometimes -- strike me odd to m give money to teacher at schoolh >> for sure you cannot givenot e money to teacher at school. soo that could be misconstrued as aa bribe. instead of a small giftmall gt including say a drawing fromrawf your child would be really sweet. or if the school allows that you can get together with all thehol parents in the class and get adt gift card. >> i had vision of teacher like 40 years, great, another picture. >> where do i put these?heo >> let mei put it in this pilel >> i can ustand. if your you're talking aboutre a your hairdresser, massage massae therapist, somebody that you pay an amount to basically it's likc the am of a service. servi
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what if you don't pay someone aa certain amount? it's postalt'ss carrier, it's the trash t t collector, you know, how do youd decide how much to give that tha person? >> that's where our slide showus comes in. it can be really trick tee toeet know for trash person a range oo tone $30 is a good always include a card, too. no matter how much you'reou tipping. >> let me say this. m here in the>> l morning -- ioi don't know my trash collectors.. i know they do it.. i'm thankful for them but im b don't even know how many peopley are on the trash truck.shru you see what i'm saying? i say? wouldn't know where to begin with that. >> call your municipality or the company who handles your trashra collecting and ask them who to t tip and where you should sendhos the note and the check to.heck t >> and to be honest i don't evee have a regular postal person. po the same person all the >> you don't.'t >> i don't. but i don't want like, you know, joe who first day that day totay get what i left for carl.. >> right. you see what i i mean? >> that's a little tricky, too.t in tha
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couple times in december to wakt up early or make sure to catch your postal person. perso good note with the postalos carrier if you can -- they're t not allowed to except cash.. >> oh. >> you can put them p awkward ak position. instead you can get them a giftg worth up to $20 in value.. >> another one that people may e not think about is like your dog groomer or your vet or somebody -- somebody like that.e the vet you wouldn't tip.ldn' t but the dog groomer would be upb to the cost of one session.. >> i love my vet. >> a gift at a good idea.d ide >> i love mine, too.. shout out to you doctor. doctor. >> here's the thing. thing i think the biggest thing youhiu don't have to give a lot but if you just acknowledge these people.le they feel >> yes. >> they're very grateful thatre you thought of the verm, right.t >> yes. >> when do you need them, in a i pinch, they'll be there.e >> there you go. you just sum it up. >> mayor yam anybody you don't
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obligated to give money to? >> full-time salariedaried professional such as doctors and lawyers would be completely innt appropriate to tip them. >> never mine.ine. >> >> yes. >>hanknk you. >> thank you so much. thank youu happy holidays.clida >> all right.>> rig >> my list just got longer. lge >> back to you. you shall we team maureen for mauref reading this next? >> i'm still stuck on somethingi i looking on the screen. landscaper, gardner 20 to $50 per person on the crew? >> yeah. y >> oh.>> oh >> you can also -- if you haveuh tipped throughout the year yout don't have to do as high.. >> maureen, we get paid ond friday.frid >> i was going to say when is w pay day?pay ? >> over to you. good about to get very expensive this season. okay.ay merry christmas to you all. a happy holidays!olid all right.> al yet another tv parent seriouser business here lost this morningi still ahead what we know now kw about the sudden death ofeath o growing pains star alan thicke.i we'll check in life with tmz for the latest. >> time to geek out with
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at ikea, we believe that making room for one more shouldn't cost more. spend your holiday overjoyed and under budget. ♪♪ not just great tv show but great tv show theme song as well. wel of course hollywood continuesonu the mourn of loss of alan thicki he passed away while playing wha hockey with his son. >> gary trock joins us live froo los angeles la with the latest l
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mr. trock, how you doing today,d sir? >> doing well.el doing well. obviously, this is, you know, very very sad this came in yesterday afternoon when weernon started working on it. so he was playing hockey with his son carter at a local ringon near their home, apparently -- around 11am and ad apparently he had some stomachsh problems.le. he said he was feelingeeling uncomfortable and then hemf stortaarted psalming while he w out on the ice and so theyey immediately called nip 11. paramedic came and transported him to the hospital where he was pronounced dead it appears it's' a massive heart attack. so very tragic and very suddende and everybody we've been talkink to this is clearly a shock.. >> interesting gary.y. it will be interesting to see ig what else out about this. some of the symptoms i guess yos described don't really sounddons like your typical heart attackak symptoms.toms so i wonder if folks are fks wondering if there's more to it than that.hat. absolutely.
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very fresh. and you know pending, you know, autopsy toxicology whatnoty what whatever happens the family decided to will shed more light, but it's so sad. s and the outpouring from celebrities, you know, immediately came from, you know, old -- old stars from shows he was on even bob saggot fromt frm fuller house he just did like ak little cameo on the new reboot o of full house. and his son robin thicke insta i gram this morning talking abouta his father was the greatest mant he ever knew and how sad he isae that he's gone. >> in the la times theyhe interviewed robin thicke aboutct that. is it true it was in the articlc he said nice shot to his sono hs right before the whole thingho happened. i believe like he made a goal oe something like that and justnd j being really positive and happyy at that moment. >> that's what reportedly i i believe some people spoke to
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rink and, yeah, that'sh,ha everything we were hearing, tooo this was regular game that him t and his son went and played. pla he loved hockey and he was a a regular at this ring and thisngi was a normal day just, you know, playing around before this t happened just, you know, out ofo the blue. >> no doubt about it.t. gary, let's switch gears and go from the morning of alan thicken to trying to understand kanyestk and his latest moves n really not just kanye but a number of big names beingeing paraded that was trump tower. >> yeah.eah kanye was one of many.. bill gates also showed up. jim brown was there as well. wel you know, it was -- it was pretty cool.ool. here's the kanye was hospitalized two weeks ago i believe and, you know,now, with a severe nervous break bre down, danger to himself andnd others, and then he scores a h e meeting with the president-ele
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president-elect. im that was very odd to see h there. him and truthmp came down and -- did a bro hug together. t they are talking about a we're told that kanye wanted the meeting with trump to discuss chicago. obviously where kanye is from and he apparently wants to wants establish relationship withh ren trauma topship try and clean upe violence and trying and bring b peace in chicago he thought thit was the best timed to it and hee reach out to trump's people ande they said sure, come on by. pretty interesting seeing himeen especially after what he's beene through and kind of what he'shah personally going through rightot now. >> gary, if you look at kanye's twitter account as you mentionei he tweeted about why he was last there.. the last tweet is hash tag 20242 is he indicating -- you thinkhi he's trying to get in there nowe so he can start running at thata point. >> he said that before.. >> clearly -- he's clearly clely saying eight years of trump. >> before he said he was -- was- remember he was going to be kanye 2020 so now clearly he'sa'
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so maybe, you know, conway isys serious maybe that is just j showing his admiration and hisnd kind of, upping, respect for trump and his confidence in him as a president.nt isn't right. vna's he said 2020. said 2 i thought that was interesting he added another four years onye to it.. >> thanks, gary. gar always pleasure.ways pleasure. see you real soon. 9:48.9:48 tmz runs twice a day here onereo fox5.x5 more details later today and of course online. back to you.. >> thanks, steve.te age old battle of the sexes ses batete. do women handle getting sickti s better than men? i think i saw -- yes.. >> i saw -- yes i saw your post on that. that. well turns out man flu may actually be a real thing. isn't >> man flew. >> do not feed the beast.not fe. >> we'll explain what it is coming up.ll exp co it getmis very sick.ic ea yeah. >> very sick. >> whatever. plus kevin mccarthy sticksthy ic around for preview of his ifis still have key card podcast.. >> kev, don't go anywhere.nywhe.
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all right. in case you hadn't heard sarahds fraser well she still has key card. they haven't changed the locksoc apparently.paly. [ laughter ] >> she's been using to unlock ul secrets around here at fox5. f host agnew podcast a chance fore us to open up about life, love,, work, you name it in a it whatta we may not do on television dand we are geeking out. o very sitting down with kevinev mccarthy.mccarthy they both join us live now. us w >> good to see you guys.ouuy >> hey, sarah. >> kevin you're on the podcast.d >> i'm very excited you and i i both started out in radio and ra this make me happy good aboutoob the same time.e t >> i was.>> i was >> you so many interesting iny i guess i would say stories abouta your career. how you got to where you are and then great advice for >> yes.>> y >> one of the thing i thought was fascinating for yeaf thrse u work for free.e. >> i did this job i'm doing nown basically for free for the firsf eight years. ei i working a sales job making basically no money and i was having to borough money from my mo
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the time at one point i starteda becoming a contributing anding giving 200 bucks a week but itkt wasn't enough for the hours i was putting in andugh then eventually we had up credible -l management change here patrick paolini came in and hired me me it's kind of just changed my life. from 2013 i've been doing this d full time i've been doing this g job since 2005. but bakely for free for thehe first eight years.ght >> so there's always like aere's lot -- i didn't care. c i just love movies so much it m didn't bother me.'t botr me >> you had no problem doing that r frfree. >> no. for me at that time in my life,, to be sitting in a room for fouf minutes with someone like steven spielberg or martin score sayres say that to me was payment.ment >> payment.>> >> it's bad thing to say becauss you shouldn't say i'll do thislt for free. fe. you can get taken advantage ofdf but i think in my opinion thatit point in my life having thoseg o moment with those heroes of minm was like going to film school. h greatest thing ever. >> one of the other thing i finn interesting about you and it yoi really admire is like in thehe workplace kind of pulling back l the curtain you are super nice.
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>> yeah. yea >> always a apologizing.aping. >> right.ig >> people here give you a lot ot crap about. abo always no matter kevin is likesk i'm sorry.ry but to contradict that you're y very, i guess, i don't know ifi aggressive is the right word. >> assertive.>> asserti >> super assertive and you knowk what you want when it comes to your career.your you really don't play.n'play. >> a lot of people don't realize this. th i have -- have -- >> i want to toss to the clip. c let's take listen to this. thi >> i think one of the biggestge things i always tell people thaa how i got to do what i'm doing d now i feel like there's thisre t interesting balance betweenbae w relentlessness and annoyance. >> yeah. >> that's the hardest thing to t find for me at least because i u know that i can be annoying anda i know that i can ask a lot ofoo questions and over apologize bub i also know that i can bean b relentless and try and findin certain things that i want to to do. like i don't take the answer non lightly so i've always just kinj of like moved on and tried torit find a way to do it. like, there are interviews that i've gotten that have been no
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that i turn into a yes i didn'td accept that answer as being no.n >> i know. i k that's what's amazing about youy is like there's this peoples ppl pleasing aspect but then thisn t other aspect of you like hellikh new york, i am not going to -- >> right. >> i'll get this the view withie tom hanks.wha >> yes. y >> i will say one thing.l say eh a t ofof he can,. >> i love it. love i >> don't know about me i have av lot of anxiety.nxie i've had it all my life. and one of the things about --b- people pleasing part of it is is i've always -- i was bullied aui lot when i was a kid i think i i developed this insecurity youury want everyone to like you.. >> right. >> that's not going to happen.nn as ig to've gotten older that'sa become a devastating realization, there are people ie the world who just aren't goingi to like you.ou. >> yes. >> you have to just get over that and move on with your lifaf that's one of things. t that's why i saw myself over apologizing sometimes. somim somebody will do something wrons to me and i'll apologize to thet i want to make sure they're note mad at me.d at i got to stop doing that. >> well, it was really a greatrt episode. >> it was fun.. >> i
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viewer's daughter eventually. el >> my wife's dad introduced medm to my wife. w a viewer of fox5 damien. die >> you can download the episode i tunes search fox5 or our our website it's key card or google play bea sure to leave us a review on iw >> thank you for having me. it was honorednk to you it.o it was like therapy.ike erap >> oh good. >> like a therapy shession i fef like i learned a lot about >> that will be $175.. >> that's cheap.s aredared to -- >> yeah. therapy session you got paid for. >> yeah, yeah, exactlyt .ph, ecy exactly. >> on copy time. >> i'm just going to make thee point i would do kevin's job fob free if you include all of thelf travel. tr >> eight y >> everything else.>>very >> honestly, don't tell my bossb but i would still do it for free. free. i would stl ildo it for free.l o >> i would. wld i would still do it for free. >> sometimes he says too >> you have a wife now you havey to care of.e of. stop talking. >> 9:56. before we go to break great shoo coming up at 10:00 o'clock.'clok a lot good stuff for you.t goodf it is coffee time if you for waw mug, listen up now is the time m to get in on it. the new dunkin' donu
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there's a look at it rightok at there. head to fox5 get your entry in lieu byby 11:00 o'clock this morning. one lucky winner selected byd b random drawing. right now it's 9:57 and the 10a is next. join all your child■s sesame street friends as they discover that everything makes musc its sesame street live elmo makes music clap along when elmo makes music playing eagle bank arena this weekend only tickets on sale now through ticketmaster
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♪♪ 2tv super stars and only one morning show has them. them. you got it. t 10a live with uss benjamin he's telling us all about his h new fox show star. star. it's going to be good.oo >> don't miss my interview withh empires? sell smollett.t. he's dishing all about tonight's fall finale and gives us good go scoop. that's happening at 10:30.penin0 >> plus super sta
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on her b day. >> 50-cent quitting power and a why george clooney -- clooney - >> it's our favorite thinghing family style.le >> let's do it. the 10a starts right now. ♪♪ >> what great way to start 10a.a happy holidays everybody.r we're gyetting in the spear thee spirit with the frosty pholliess you'll hear more from them late on this morning.s mni thanks for joining us. i'm steve along width sigh withg maureen and holly and allison.. wisdom will be back with us u tomorrow hopefully.ul great to see you al as >> don't give him the side eye.e we hope you
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>> i thought we were getting ofg to good start. srt >> we are.. >> let's check what's trending.d >> big story this morning,his r, arctic blast that's headed our way. like it or not so let's getet'sg right to our tucker barnes. bne. tuck, what are we talking about? >> hey, steve, when i heard your voice i thought you were frosty for a second. i heard your voice much that'sn. not steveoice.ste >> you have your love for olaf a i'm not going to fringe on youru snowman territory.erriry. >> excellent much that's myle territory.nt m lison, atebsolutely right.ig the reason i'm here because we have got to talk about weatherer and we're talking about extremet cold moving in tonight and a during your daytime hoursme hou tomorrow. that wind chill will be neareea zero for parts of the area a during the daytime hours hrs tomorrow. 42 right now in washingrrton. look how cold it is offto to the north and west. chicago 12 degrees this morning. columbus 10. we have arctic boundary to ouryo north and west sweep down into d the region tonight and then we'll be off to the races windsw will pick up and temperaturesems plummet overnight tonight up ahead of the front for your you daytime hours we're in goodoo shape. cool out there.utre. and we'll have tempe
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afternoon the clouds willill increase. maybe a quick burst of a fewicku snow showers with trst ofhe a fa then overnight temperaturesratue really start to fall off.fall of i want to show you wind chills s for tomorrow morning just kind of fast forward this.ast forwarh it's goingis. to folic 8 degrees tomorrow morning at this timehi work in gaithersburg, minus twot in hagerstown.n. you get the ready. rea. make sure you're prepared for hh can treatment cold around heredr for thursday and friday and thee by the weekend, we may have wintry mix that we're contendi g with. more on that coming up there'son your forecast for today.g up 45 that cold gets in here tonight.g all right, guys, that's ththe. latest from the went center mucc back to you. >> thank you tuck. thaou t in the news this morning andorna 10ing we remember famous tv dad alan thicke.hie. best known for playing jason jan sever on growing pains in therog '80s he died suddenly yesterday. thicke had a massive heartad a i attack while playing hockey with his 19-year-old son. son he had been on tv and behind the scenes before growing pains mostly note its notably as a jingle and theme song most recently he was on fullerle house on netflix.
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he was just 69 years old.ld thicke is the latest highh profile celebrity die this yeary florence henderson she died juss two week ago. leonard cohen in early novemberr golf legend arnold palmer in late september.ep of course, prince he died backdc in april among many others, off course, who sadly we lost in 2016. 2016. so just a tough year all around but, alan thicke the latest l celebrity to pass away this year. >> this is the third person in, um, that i know of one person i know personally another i hearda of that passed away just from ao sudden heart attack. aac like nothing was wrong with them. everything was fine.eryt just going about their businesss and then next thing you knewounw they fell over dead. dead very scary. scary >> it is.>> i is. >> i know it happens but -- but- >> people i think forget that tt like heart disease is the number one killer in this country.nt. >> right. >> because i don't know if the message is out>> t rhe donre eng i know people work hard doingd d that but just reminder, get yourself checked out. out you might have a blockage youag don't even know about.t en know. >> you don't know about. >> someone posted
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bellis zen get check out.ut it can happen to you.pen to you. i was so scared i wept and gottt check out.checout. luckily was okay.ilwas oka you think you're too young orr healthy. you eat well. >> number one killer for women. >> yes. >> my good n. my good n. >> alan was on the ice with end 19-year-old son.r-old son >> if you look at him picture of health. health. >> when you see alan thicke nott on tv talk to him on the streete on a show or anything he wasn'ts in character, really was the same character he was on fulls house. >> he was. medle see those people see the same as the acting dad and a the real life dad. >> radio commercial forio c something about your money.on >> he did a lot for crush sirius xm radio. rio >> it's your money.>> it' >> he would say something like,i the irs has your money. mey >> every time i hear it, ooh, oh okay. turn it off. >> he was effective. >> rest in peace, alan thicke. k >> all right. right well it is the most wonderful time of the year they say but ii turns out it's also one of theee mosttr
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if really?if rll >> this just in. i a new study conducted in wales l found that 15% of people are unable to cope at christmas.isas >> that's it? >> only 15%?? >> 70% actually feel loan leeoan eighty three at this time than t any on the part of the year. par i'm not surprised by that.yhat >> i believe that.ievehat. >> part of the problem is overll high expectation surroundingroug christmas holiday as well as the finance precious many peopleanye face when trying to get lovedngl ones the perfectov gift.if speaking of loved ones one researchers found that familythy commitments are a major stressoo this time of year. >> tollly agree. you get pulled in so many man different directions.ti you spend so much time trying tg make everybody else happy andynd then you lose that, you know -- >> in spite --te- >> trying to take care ofg toak yourself plus what the season is for. it's an extremely stressful timt of year. of y >> has anyone family institutedd the whole no gifts policy?ic >> somebody always ruins it.rusi >> really?eally? >> no gifts and then it turnsrn into, well, maybe a little lit something and then now we'reowe' back in it. >> my grandma tried to do it on year. she
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anybody any gifts.any any gifts. she was too old she couldn't dod it any more. that's type.yp grandma go ahead and do it she e was miserable her worstorst christmas ever she didn't giveiv anything anything. >> she's weiss enough to know that you get theei joyss giving. >> i'm torn right now. my five-year-old daughter i mean she thinks the'mre's a t claus, well there is a santa aaa claus she thinks santa claus isi giving her gifts and mom and dad are giving her gifts. i feel she thinks christmas isti only about gifts.ts i'm disturb about that. >> but the whole thing she t s doesn't get the whole baby jesus message and i'm -- it'st' bothering me that this -- to heo christmas is a bonanza of giftsg and that's it.t'st. >> she'll learn. she's young.. >> at this age summer get there's more to it than just consumer i as spec.spe >> i think that's on us.nk thasn >> it is. is. well what i'm saying.aying. i failed a little bit because being catholic and everything.. >> m oh, look --oo-- >> christmas pageant. >> in full disclosure we missedd a couple
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that's tollly oh and me. tol i do take that to heart. heart you know what, i talk aboutbout being a christian sometimes anda i real haven't walk that walk a much as i said i have.ave i'm blaming myself for notorot getting christmas.istmas. y oh, my gosh. >> girl, lay down on the couch. >> that's my mott woes.oes. >> google questions to us. >> it does raise a question.uei. christmas is on a sunday. >> yes.>> >> this year.. and so if you're christian dotid you go to church.huh >> you go to church, midnightgh mass we're going.mae're going. >> i'm going christmas eve. chre >> we're going christmas day. >> because my child is in thes t christmas pageant which is onnto christmas eve. >> last year -- go ahead. >> spencer was mary last year. >> wow! >> okay. i got to find a pageant nextt year.. we'll cram into the basilicaas this year. >> you can come to our pageant. we need extra sheep and cows.s. >> that's what hayden is being.i >> you want my child to be ao sheep or cow.p or >> i was always the third sheepe on the left. >> i'm kidding
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>> let yourself off the hook.k life is long -- she's five yearr old.old >> i do one part of that story o i'm super guilty of this you trt so hard to have the perfect christmas you want it just to bb perfect sometimes you don't juss allow yourself to experience it. >> right. >> you're so worried aboute so making it perfect. >> okay. >> poor, steve.oor, sve >> it's only 10:00 o'clock. >> the ladies show. >> retaliation for what i saidor at the top of the w hour.. >> i got you.. >> let's gang up on tee moree me because men,ing. >> bring it on. ing>> like cryr act babies when they're just aey'rea little bit sick. sk. but do they have a reason? so turns out they do. researchers who are men foundend that viruses want to kill menl m more than women. >> oh. >> come on. o have it out for >> yes. this is the study from not the t united states of america but b royal hold away university theyy found that pathogens had adaptet to target men and cause less l sere
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for example, when. men come doww with virus like hpv -- hpv [ laughter ]laught ] >> steve this is not about you,u steve. >> say what?>> >> they are five times moreare m likely to die from it thann women. women. >> this is serious business.. >> much are hers believe becauss women are valuable hosts tos pathogens. >> okay.ka. >> all i know like -- all i kno- >> are you done yet.- are >> i'm like coughing up a lung. >> >> my blood is coming out of myy ear or whatever i'm still still working and doing everything.. >> this is not a gender thing.rg this is about people's ability i to deal with discomfort.coor that's all it is.t i the men deal with discomfortor better, some women deal withl wh diss comfort com if you're with somebody whofowi doesn't deal with it better, yoy got to take it up with them. th. that's all i'm saying.ll i'm san >> it seem to be a lot of >> he seems defensive.sive. i don't know. >> i'm saying there'st timesims where i've dealt with sicknessis better than others depending how it makes you feel and been withw people of the opposite sex who o dealt with it better tha others. i think it's -- i thit 's>> pathogens, welcome. steve is saying -- sayg >> bring it on pathogens. pgens we'll fight it out.ut >> bring it. it.
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if you like hunks and who doesn't -- >> thank you al. >> we have them for you this morning.>> theing. >> right here.>> >> besides steve. r>>te >> besides steve. >> ♪♪ most wonderful time of thf year ♪♪ye >> two super stars i mean one of the local show brings you alloua this.. 10:30. empire's jussie smollett dishes. >> one of the nicest guys ins i show business.ess >> about tonight's season fall finale. >> yes.>>es >> but first, al, it's thes t special premier tonight of star. >> yes. >> right after empire and one of its stars benjamin bratt he's so fine. long time hotty.ot. >> life next.ife >> um-hmm.m-m. >> ♪♪
10:12 am
agine a world where the holidays are about joy again. where days are filled with magic instead of madness. at t.j. maxx, marshalls and homegoods, we've imagined the holidays this way for decades. it's why we never have crazy sales. never make you clip coupons. and always have amazing prices on popular brands and thoughtful gifts. it's time to bring back the holidays with t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods.
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♪♪ still don't like the song.on >> me >> sorry.>> s >> fans of empire will want toto stay tuned to fox5 tonight aftea the season finale of empire aira 8:00 p.m. there's a special premier of star. it is the latest lee daniels ana follows the struggles of agles o sinking trio trying to make it into the music business.. it also stars queen latif fan fn benjamin bratt down on his luckl agent hoping to hitch thi professional wagon to theessione sinking group's rise in the in business.ness benjamin bratt joins us now livl from atlanta with more.or good morning to you..
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you. you. >> it is a thrill to be talkingl to you today. so the last time i saw you s y regularly on tv you know youu ko were doing some little cop showo we won't say its name here on ho but now you're back as this --hi don't say it.ay don't say it. we want to hold true to fox. fo. now you're playing this -- notot really a skieve see agent typeet but a different character forhaa you here. think newsnkew character on star. >> we can go squeeze see orqu skieve see. >> skieve see. >> yes, squeeze see.. yeah.ah that was really the main draw for me actually to sort of stepf out of the good guy, you know, badge carrying uniform wearing,, um, pro tag any of the i generan the get, and play someone who a a lot more complicate.. the gay i play is down on hisn luck manager and straight upgh u hustler. he will do anything to claw hisa back to the top.e when he meet these young lie
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he immediate recognizes their re talent their ability and thinksi this is his meal tick. tic so his moral compass is a little bit off. but, you know, what was the rear draw for me was lee danielsan shared with me some level thisel character was based on him inn i his own live when he was aas younger man in los angeles and a talent manager to actors.. so, you know, while i get to to behave in a way that's that' reflective of someone whose awhs little bit morally compromising, there's always hope foror redemption much that's what i'mi looking for. >> now that you're part of thete lee danielle empire i'll call il no pun intented there's a lot ot pressure lee daniels doing thist sw show star. a lot of people saying is itg is going to live up to what empiree became. became. do you feel that pressure and if so how are you handling thatandt yes. >> i don't, i don't think we feel pressure at all.i dofeel p i think we're excited by trehesy fact that they t share a kind o, um, you know, a kind of musical dna. a. if empire in all of its successe is reflection of lee
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amazing and fabulous life, you u know, with trappings and gifts f that fame and fortune bring, bng star is also music centric buttb more of reflection of the early struggles he had as young man. n you know, there's always going to be drama. lee is a provoke couture.oure that's inn disputable.putae he loves to explore subject sube matter that will push buttonshuo end does with this show.h this . it's about a dysfunctional kindk of family really but it's alwayy going to be polish off withsh of music. music as well all know aroundw o the world will be up lifting and compelling.elling. >> we saw that during empireg ee obviously and we'll see it agaia with star. sr benjamin i want to take stepp away from the story lines for l second. when you do a show like this ana put all this time and energynd e into it. into the big debut is tonight on foxx are you going to watch ityou g o tonight or do you try tory distance yourself from watchingm the episode? are you critical a of yourself when you watch? hot do you get to enjoy the show? >> good typically i'll sort of close my eyes and pick up a book or bookr something but tonight we'reght e
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excited about it i think we feel -- we feel like there's ahe bit of momentum behind it we i know all the viewers from empire will be checking it out.ut. a lot of eye balls on the show s tonight. here in atlanta we'll have small get together, the cast, lee, there's going to beoo live tweeting going on.. and you know, we're just hopingg and remain fairly certain thenhe audience tune in and like it.iki if you're a fan of lee danielsan and what he did with empire e you'll love star. there's no doubt about do. >> i'm a fan of benjamin bratt.a i watched the infiltrator i was oh an flight.light. aming g movie. that character also was a littlt off on his moral compass. but, hey, do you have --ave >> but you rooted for him, for h didn't you? you rooted for him. >> he was a bad guy you loved.ov you're rht. you're right. right do you have a preference betweee the big screen and the small screen? what are the challengel that are different between theme both? >> you know back in the dayay there used to be
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between film actors and television acts. a the good news is, there's so's o much content that's being produced that you have movie, mv tracks additionally movie staria actors now clamoring to do tv shows, because the quality has s improve so much. you know, for nearly 30 yearsy s now i've been jumping back and k forth to both and i've been verr blessed in that way to do that.t and for me it's always about abo finding the next challenge.llene that was the main reason for reo taking the role like this on. lee daniels is a creates just as exciting 59 in many television9e and his bring his whole cast ant friends to play in thislay in ts environment, too. why not?en >> why not indeed. why n ind benjamin bratt we're looking forward to seeing you tonight oo star which premieres right hereh on fox5 9:00 o'clock afterk aft empire.empi we love you on the big screen, s small screen, any way we canayec take you. take >> in between. >> we love you.lo you benjamin bratt thank you soap ya for your time this morning.orng everybody tune n it will be ay great show. gr >> i appreciate it.>> >> we'll be watching and see you next time if
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on in. in. we'll chat about star in thetart d.c. lost.c. lost. >> sounds fun. thank you. >> thank you. bye-bye.. >> oh, man. hanged in 3030c years. >> i know.>> i k can we fond about him now. >> do you live in atlanta and if so where? [ laughter ]hter ] >> the list of tease from backro in the day. he was on there for sure. sur >> he never ages.r age >> no. >> >> right? he never ages. he nes amazing. >> that's good. that's a good get for star beenn star tonight of course you don'y want to miss out on the fall fal finale of empire that we mentioned.ntio we've got a sneak peek from jamal lyon himself.. al and i we sat down and talkedl with jussie smell will he. h >> yes, we did. >> ask benjamin bratt how heow handle as cold.ha as >> we got to go. go >> first get ready for blast ofo winter. frigid temps oh the othe we'll check in with tucker next. >> he'll show up way tissue a thermometer --ther >> it's okay.
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>> we found santa.>> santa right now is in northern virginia. his helpers making the season bright for kids bright for kids in the hospital in novt ano faix ers ma kids f horfspital. ut toys and tsg o items donated during camp davidv fairfax county police pice department. you might remember they stoppede by the lot of lastme wmbeek to k about their toy drive and wholew
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to go seat impact.o imp you're getting to watch it, toot live pictures from santa and some of his helpers there rudolph and frosty and of courss mrs. claus and lots of smiles.s. >> santa will be very busy. busy he's got a lot of stops to makem this morning. morning. >> never too busy.>> n >> that's right. thas ri >> hope you feel better soon. sn >> that's why we love him. well, bitter blast of winten reality is headed our way. w so how cold will it get and howh long will it stick around and what about that old nasty wintrn mix that tucker continues tonu talk about? he has the answers. hi. >> allison i'm thinking aboutnk trying out for frosty's fst phollies. what do you think. do >> i think you'reyo long in thet for i >> let's see your jazz hands. h [ laughter ]laer ] >> right. let's see your jazz hands gz there you go.go >> never mind you're perfect fot the job. j [ laughter ] >> he's got that down, though.o. >> let's do the forecast.the f >> i love it. >> i've had a lot of coffee. c we're looking at temperatures te right now in the low 40s.ow0s 42 in washington.ashito 39 in gaithersburg. so here's the
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mid 40s.. we'll be fine today. tod it's tonight and tomorrow thatrh the cold arctic air force intont the region and it is going to bo bitterly cold around our wind chills by tomorroww morning at seven, 8:00 a.m. ver. close to 0 so make sure you're prepared fod it when you head out early tomorrow and both thursday 49rs day our daytime highs the actual air temperature doesn't get doet above freezing but up ahead ofhe that we'll get sunshine today.od hey, i want to focus on the late friday early saturday timey t period. here's the'sea we're going to have a lot of aot arctic air in place thursday and friday then approaching storm so system from the west by early e saturday morning likely bring us a period of wintry weather around here i think before day break saturday into the first tr hours of saturday morning.orning and there could be some light accumulating snow for parts of o the area her our first of the season by saturday nine,in 10:00 o'clock in the morning mog before transitions to sleet.le eventually it will change to all rain. i know allison has a big birthday party saturday night. t we'll be fine by saturdayurda
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saturday morning if you have plans, i think steve mentioned the wreath laying, there could be some issues across the area with some of that lightig accumulation of winter weather.r all right. here's quick look at the sevenos day. wrap it up for you. 45 today.ay ears that arctic air thursdayirs and friday. wind chills near zero tomorrow and wintry mix of rain onn o saturday. that's the latest. allison, maureen, wisdom, steve? >> wisdom is not not >> one more time.nee ti >> it's holly.>> i that's okay.y. [ laughter ] >> he's so fussed on his littlel thing. >> he thought wisdom was still here because in hisght head heh all frosty phollies right now.hw >> that's what it was.t w. 10:26 right now. now did one super star diss t swifti on her birthday? say it isn't t so. so the social media message thatha has fans on fire.. celebrity dish coming up next it's. >> it's much watch wednesday right here on fox5.t hen fox5. the it's the fall finale of empire special time an hour h earlier tonight.rlieg the show starts at 8:00 and we've got a preview neck from jussie smell will he. ♪♪
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>> completely off the pills.ely i'm good. >> that's good to hear and you to ar a can give them to me then.n. >> give was?e w >> give me what? the pills, boy. boy. don't act stupid. >> all right.ight >> all right.ig you off, done, give them to me. i mean all of them, don't make e me come back i will ransack this place.. >> you ain't ransack nothinghi place. >> yes, i would.>> yes don't play with me., don't ay w that's everything? >> i know you got some in your u purse. rse. >> it's murse.t'murse >> don't play with me, boy. pla this is not funnyy .not nny [ laughter ] >> one thing about cookie she'ss a hand on mom.. isn't she. >> yes, she is. is. >> sneak peek of tonight's falll finale of empire. >> if you can wait unti tonight, allison and i got even more inside scoop from jamalamal himself check out our intervieww with jussie smollett
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>> i cannot even believe we're ' already at the point of like tht mid season finale and it's called a furnace for your foe.oe >> we started three months ago.. >> who is the foe in th furnace? furnace? >> who is the foe in the fun nass? um, ya'll know lucious ii always the faux. f [ laughter ] >> no new york city, no. no. i don't know. that's a good question. who is's t ahe g foe in the fun we have so many, you know, the lyon has so many dag gone foesef you never could it be boubou kitty? to it be tariq? who knows? what i w will say no one dies this episode.e >> oh, man. >> i can give that away..e thaty that's okay to give away. away. i can give that away. thaaway no one dies in this em sewed. sw but it's going to be -- it'ss juicy one and it's really -- to me it's great when it's ensemble episode and this is such an em seem bell peace everybody gets g to live fearlessly
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lines it's a fun one for me toom plasm it's really a difficult time for jamal and he's reallysr got to come to terms with, youi, know, he has a very very reall problem along with the ptsd but now the pills. pls so we see cookie and luciousnd s kind of join together in a way that you wouldn't expect them te and it's sad but it's also really -- it's really powerful. >> you are really just gettingei to stretch all of those little,l you know, acting fantasies outta because it's a very differentnt jamal when we're used to the t peace loving middle child jamall you're dealing with real demonsr much what's that like for yous t acting out this role? role? >> as an actor, it's very v rewarding.reward it's an actor's dream. dream the an artist's dream. dam you look at where i was with tht character of jamal episode one season one, you know, it's so far from that.t. now that we are in episode, what, nine of season three. tee and but you r
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journey and the process and the progress of jamal from where heh said he didn't want to be in episode one season one when he e set there with cookie and saidd it's not for me, ma, i don'ton want to be star.want to be s it changes people, change the music you look how much he's changed, he really kind of -- o- ivory predict the all of this beforehand. so, um, but it's reallyay interesting it's fun to may as y an artist there's nothing moreyy warding than to be able to playp one single character that has ss many layers in it.maayer >> all right. rig. enough of the issues.ough i want to know which cute boye y you choose.ho [ laughter ] [ laughter ] >> oh, you know what, jamalam needs to sit down.n. >> no, he's hissing list life.if >> he's living his h >> he needs to take some inner thoughts like he needs to fix ti his life or something.omething i don't know who he's going toen choose but, um, but what i willl say is
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be easy. >> it never is.>>t never is. >> he'll come to terms.e'llome nevever is. it never is. >> it never is.s. >> jamal just got it like that.a he can help it. >> we're used to all the celebrities dropping in and the lyon universe we dot to say felicia rashad yes, yes, putting it down.own >> i was hoping you were goingue say that. sa >> what is it like to act with w her? >> you know... >> and you have to act so coolat with her. >> best part for pee we get to -- were get to act a fool.oo i know miss rashad since i wasci 15 years old. old. she took me to see along with my little sister and her daughter u couldn't dole la we went to see marcel march so's lastast performance in new york and she would take us to all of these amazing things so finally bein able to work with her is -- is-i so special and she's such -- sh she's such a light. lht she's just -- you feel like youo
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you know, and she just comes in and just kills it and just and s knocks it out the park such a a professional but so much fun ata the same time. sam t she's wonderful to work with. >> ya'll have had so many highih profile guests already.dy i mean it's hard to top. but is there someone out thereue right now that literally youeray would just fall over if they ty were a guest on empire? >> um, actor wise, like, robert deniro or, you know, like a a denzel washington would be dope. >> yeah. >> you know, singer wise, i guess like janet jackson or like usher or somebody i loved for fr really long time. y yeah. >> that would be awesome but,, yeah, i also, f i'm being real i love when we have guest stars gs that are brand new artists. art. you know what i'm saying? isa? love that about this show is i that empire
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spotlight an platform to so many artists we may have never had that same platform before. b i am one of them. you know, trai byers is one ofef them.them yaz the greatest is one of theme and i love when knew artists ars come on and they get to show ana do their thing and get a spotlight and get some newnessos out there it's really exciting on all fronts.ronts. >> jussie smollett.. > ♪♪ >> love it.e it empire tonight.ig. empire tonight 8:00 o'clock.k. hour earlier.arlier i just love him. >> i do, too. d too. >> right.>> right >> he's so nice.s so n >> he's seems so real. rea >> he does.. well, now we'll really servy it up good. celeb are the the before theoree dish. are you ready. >> i am. arrst day ever. t dado you you think it is. >> taylor swift on her b thiirnr you getting slammed somebody. >> nailed it. >> that's what john maher said. he said taylor swift's birthday at johwift's which is december 13th b byirtht way is the worst day ever. e he actually put that
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twitter.itter. >> why?>>hy? >> well, carly there's stillre'i bad blood between the two. two they dated for a hot second. son >> that was like six boyfriendss ago.o. >> i know. tver clearly he's not over it. he did actually delete it but oo course it was already out there. but she got plenty of love from her squad girls from herrom birthday.birt did you know the significance oe the 13, she was born on t shernt .3th. >> right.>> right. >> she turned 13 on friday theda 13th. >> okay.ka her first album went gold in 13 weeks and her first number onebe song had 132nd intro. >> really holly? yeaeah. >> 132nd intro. >> 132nd intro.nd int. listen that is some tay tayta research right there. >> it is. i applaud you.ou >> but wait there's more.e's you know what else happened on p her birthday? bth >> what happened? she confirmed that taylor swift is having herh own taylor swift now on at&t her own network.. >> oh, that's cool.s coo >> she confirm it officially,ic, and she talk a little bit moree about what the content would bee she's going to go back there's going to be 13 different areasre of >> that means she and i have h
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lucky number as well. >> is it? >> she'll go back and some ofome things she's going to providevi commentary on things that maybem you didn't know about on herner earlier stuff.ff >> okay. >> so her fans really will love it. it >> her fans will love it. fan that'ss not nice about johnutn maher. ma >> it's not. john, move on. >> you're a grown man. m. >> you're a grown man.ou'r you're like 39, right., rht >> give us a break.>> givus a b >> and you wrote that song about daughters and loving women invii your life. give me break. me ea >> let it go, john. let it go it . > > okay. well, you know what, fans really enjoyed bruno mars in the car. >> nailed it. she got it again.. trust me just guessing.ssing. i'm reading like -- when you work together this long i'm lonm picking up your vibe. vibe. >>ll r right. here you go. take a listen. >> ♪♪ >> sing it james.. >> ♪♪ party all the time ♪♪ >> also seems nice.. >> he might be my number one toe meet. i'll be honest.e hoest >> brown know mars?rs? >> every time we've asked a lotl of entertainers would they willl
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low to the host hip person not t saying you're not help barry all said bruno mars. >> of course. musician's musician.ician >> when i asked harry connick hh said bruno mars.noars. >> he is 24 carrat gold. gold he did awesome imitation of of elvis. did you watch this. >> he was the youngest elvis impersonator when he was littlel >> there you go.>> >> did you know that? >> bruno mars i would like toar meet you when you come to townit and maybe get a ticket. tket. >> in just a couple of >> yeah. >> does he really look good inod every hat what james corden was saying. >> did you know his real namessl is peter fernandez.nd. >> i didn't know that. dn't >> i'm becoming -- >> how did he come up with bruno mars. >> i did know -- i forgot about that. erika he is sad today is not hih father people.eople. stop putting that out there. >> yes. people keep -- keep -- >> i can see it though. >> yeah. >> they both have beautifuleautf pearly white teeth. teeth >> okay. guys, listen up much this wheree we need to work.
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casa amigos. >> you want to know why? >> why? >> because it is owned by george clooney and randy gerber who'sro husband of cindy crawford andraf guess what they did for theirdi holiday party?y pty >> what did they do?t did d >> they took the entire staff tt mexico. >> that's what i'm talkin about. >> that's cool. to>> mexico..ff >> we're getting mexican food in the loft. >> we're not even getting that. >> exactly.xact. >> listen it wasn't all fun andd games on the beach, though.hoh. they did also have to board thee casa amigos yacht while theyhily were down dow >> oh, man.>> o. well it can be tricky whenn you're stepping over there'sr t that little part with the water. >> the gang plank might havek little space there sometimes ths ramp doesn't match upper if hehe cannily. >> george clooney i love himy im because he's aging -- he's evene better looking every year thater goes by. >> and so is randy gerber notben hard to look at either. er. >> if he walk by me right now and slapped me in the face i in wouldn't know him.wo >> george clooney he never h nev complains about being sick.s abi >> he's still onck this. >> he's still
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>> somebody -- you have 50-cent news. >> let's see of all those people that went to mexico, whoevertf t mon so sumo's revenge the guysuy stayed in the hotel room, the girls went out.ut >> you complain i bring it umpl and you keep going with it.brngt >> it's okay.>> i oka i see where we're going.eng. >> last but not least 50-cent. e r all right. gueuess what? >> he's not going to be on powder any more -- i mean power. >> nailed it. [ laughter ] >> sheesh put a d in there.he powder was a different kind ofnn movie. >> he said blank my globes gbe because -- >> really? >> he was shunned at the goldene globes. the show was shunned. s not he's not happy.appy. >> people realize only one showw n w win. you don't have to be -- >> what dot globes have to do do with power? with is he quittinn power. >> because he wanted to and thit is an excuse to do so o. >> exactly. exa >> 50 if you're watching i didwi not say that. t steve chenevey did.eyid and you'll find him over herehih complaining about his belly ache when he's not even sick.k >> what did i do? >> that's your celebrity dish. d
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>> you rub allison the wrong wro way. wa >> what happened was -- no ney.e york city,.it. >> from 6:00 to 9:00 this:00 th morning she was the sweetest swt person in the world becauseau allison is both a nice person.en >> both of you are getting coala in your stocking. >> don't touch each other.ach or >> we need santa to cheer us upu later on favorite thing. thing. our favorite things weeks wee continues.cont what do you get the members ofgh your family tough to buy for? we've got great ideas next.ex it's our weekly feature and we w have the latest installly of our favorite things coming up next. ♪♪ favorite things coming up next. ♪♪ kisses deluxe chocolates. with a whole roasted hazelnut, delicate crisps and layers of rich, creamy chocolate, they're twice the size of the kisses chocolates you love. say more with kisses deluxe.
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♪♪ officially say we've made up.p >> we always do.o. >> we're like family.ily it h >> we argue and good backand gok together much it's live.uc's l >> now we have to buy each otheo things for the holidays.ids >> let's do it right now.'s do t day three of good day favorite r thing today is all about familyl >> from mom and dad to cousins and grandparents we've got the e perfect gift for everybody on your list.ur lt. >> today to help us out alexa curtis from the life in theife n fashion good to see alexa. >> thanks for coming back. b always so much fun.ys so much fn >> totally. >> break it down now. we're trying to fine the perfect gift for a>>ll bre to those pet we have to get gifts forts sometimes we don't really know o atat. >> we do it lovingly.lovingl >> al, there's those people i pl don't really know about themhem that to get them somethinghing specific but i want something that will make t bhemut i happy. >> the one thing i don't have'th the table is this dress. d if you're looking to buy the fashion loving girl rambler farm
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clothing. what does that mean.ea >> i don't know if you're'tnow familiar with toms of maine. maine braced by the same owners. tollly wool piece made in mainee and just awesome brand and really nice. >> ramblers way.ambl >> alexa walks in this morningas you guys are i love the shoes.oh i love the dress. >> yes.. >> but for the table stuff firsf thing we're talking about the color hair um loom nader hairder spray. $34 at kls salon in d.c. it's not a dye. it's a mist you spray it on and make your hair smell and look as have i bran as a flower petal. . >> really. >> the an awesome company. can i smell it alexa. >> you can spray it if you wantw >> spray it on my hair. >> i wanted to do it. do i >> i feel 10 years younger. >> if you're looking for date d night this is an awesome product. >> let's not fight any more al. >> i love it. .> it workedot fig >> kirsten dunst war thion
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runway. lands end products $6 for personalizing monogrammingg everything you need starting at sixstar bucks. cheaper cheap.ap awesome woman's travel site eye, mask, leather gloves. >> mat chi mat chi.hi mat c >> the third product is the thid burlington they're doing an p awesome initigtative ronig tht w tenth annual warm coats and warw hearts initiative 10% off by by dropping gently used clothing ch outside in a bock.oc 65% off retail stores. good burlington coat >> burlington right now.. >> just burlington and burlington >> then we've got heat holders awesome avenue forrable brande love this stuff and the stuff it oz cozy. >> is it warm, though.hoh >> it's beyond warm.nd war >> really. >> so cheap. i can't even vouch for it>>t eve enough. a m a huge fan. >> then we're going on --ng on - >> let me just say this briefly. there was one year that do you o remember that you gave mow ahaua whole box of hand warmers because --ca >> we would have to be outside all thd e time.hathe >> that was great gift. thawas i >> this is more fashionable.ftfe >> upgraded look here.lo here. >> if i wanted to go instead off the cvs route go the fas
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route to help you out this yearr we can go with this. >> all i like edible edibl gis i'm not going to lie.g l >> this is the best.est >> i'm about to test it as well. >> toffee based out of rhodef rh island. >> i was going to feed you.ou. >> 17% off with code alexis 17.1 >> so good.ood. >> what is this. >> this is a j.c. penney. pe affordable styling gift for everybody. charging wallet so cheap you wse would die cutest gift and mostos affordable, too. t >> now does it come apple a compatible or just like -- >> apple compatible.ompatible. i believe there's one more an mn dry, too.dry, definitely for apple. >> charger is built into the b i bag? that's the deal.g? the . >> built in i think it's 24.99.. >> crazy cheap. >> that's cool. very nice. >> always have your charger witr you no matter you never leave it at home.r av >> i always forget mine.. >> al almost broke this.. before she destroys it what istw this. >> no, i didn't. is com oes off. >> this comes off f you'ref y'r eating lots of this coffee thiss is tony band
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weight that you leave on your or arms and constantly burningy calories throughout the wholehew day. soup he have affordable and thee hottest new trend zumba and bar classes. >> so many different colors. >> awesome awesome brand.ny dweo >> do you have all of thisme awa somewhere like how do you getve theyo discount and how do peopll reach you. you live in the fashion the kls hair salon and putting these 17% off with code alexa 17 on my blog and social mode ya, too. t >> i love when you come to visiv us. >> thank you so much.>> tou all great options.t we'll do it again the rest ofag the week. our favorite things a specialal we'vbeen doing this week on thik good day. okay. ok mo, holly back to you guys. >> all of it looking good.uyd. thanks guys.anksuys. we continue to get you in the holiday spirit up next thehe frosty phollies are back.hoies don't missar their specialpeal performance and a very specialpe guest in just minutes.. hi. ♪♪ ♪♪
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the frosty phollies. phollies. right now the real take it away phollies. ♪♪♪ >> ladies and gentlemen we'res anxiously waiting -- where ianne the world is santa? sta >> i just heard he's coming toe town on a big train. the north pole express. ♪♪ there's a happy celebration in each town throughoutra the nation santa claus parade. all the kiddies in the towns ans in the cities love the santahe n claus parade ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
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♪♪ >> whoo! [ auseause ] >> yay.y. and look, all the way from fairfax cun tee santa made ite here to the good day loft.ay lo. merry christmas santa.anta. thank you for coming.rin >> thank you for being good alla year. >> i have been santa. s i've been very good girl. gl. can we talk to you isn't just at second on the couch with thee ch rest of the anchors.o. >> slutly. >> let's bring you in here. h good to see you.ou >> we're so happy to be >> my goodness join o
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you've been doing this 24 yearss in the region getting betterng e better each each ye >> thank you. >> how do you do it? you knowy? what, we just -- we love thee t holiday time. we do this out of charity weharw have a performance on november 30th for marine corpsor toys for tots and tickets wereir free but we collected 16 crates of toys for the marines.rines >> you said crates.d c >> i'm talking cra >> now that is dedication andeda love. i love it.i lo it. es yes. >> the show they're brilliant ii take lot of work to do this. i know they pull it off flawlessly.lessly it takes lot of work. how time do you plan ahead toadt get you to these point. >> these are special children from mclean children center thee only come once a woke.a they work really hard but but dedicated dancers but a lot ofuo kids in on the studios come in i 20 hours week they do this one n hour a week. >> they're singing and poppingng the whole >> they're fabulous. fab >> at ease, i feel like --ik >> my goodness.. >> performance coming up whenanp and where can people see them.he >> performance on saturdayance y december 17th breakfast witheatt sa
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from 9:40 to 11:00 this is i another one of our events breakfast with santa we do marine toy drive very quick q shout out. >> d.c. snowflake she is one ofn the stars of the show and she hess introduce all of your favorites, rudolph and frosty and santa.nt >> santa, come over with me. marilyn.mari catch them saturday.themat let's come over here. over here. camiss santa.nta. santa join us on the couch. cou santa you're very busy this timm of year. >> yes, i am. o okay. people give you their christmasm wish. what's your christmas wish thiss year? >> i want everyone to be happy. joyous holiday and be kind tod everyone.yo. >> hmm. >> i like it. >> i like it.>> i >> how crazy is the north pole l right now?right >>o bususy. >> it is crazy.. >> those elves are workingorki double time. tim >> um-hmm. um-m. >> um-hmm. um- >> making sure -- we appreciatea it. >> all the little boys and girls and all the grown bittloys andod girls, too. >> absolutely.>> aol >> are going to have giftave gi christmas.
10:57 am
we know you're chrisyotmasu .hrs i'm a big fan of your show. >> we'll behave then.n >> we'll behave. >> at least until christmas cism morning. in thanks, santa. thanks everybody. >> happy holidays! thank you for dining with us. hope to see you again soon. whoa, whoa, i got this. just gotta get the check. almost there. i can't reach it. if you have alligator arms, you avoid picking up the check. what? it's what you do. i got this. thanks, dennis! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. growwwlph. it's what you do. oh that is good crispy duck.
11:00 am
live from new york city, it's the "wendy williams show." >> wendy: how you doin'? we do not judge, but we're judging. it's going to be juicy. >> now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪♪ ♪ ooh ooh ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ♪♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> wendy: thank you so much for watching our show.
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