tv Fox 5 News 5 FOX December 15, 2016 5:00pm-6:00pm EST
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the arctic blast that came inam we had a gust as high as hig 52 miles an hour at reagan national, bwi 46, dulles 51,s 5, brookland park maryland ind anne arrundel county 55 miles55s an hour gust and at quanticoanti to 49. we'll check wind gusts in ach moment but of course thosee temperatures are incrediblyncrel cold. this is not the wind chill,e wil the actual air temperature,perae 16 degrees in gaithersburg, 19ur at dulles, 16 at winchester,ines 22 here in d.c. d so, we did not oversell this ie don't think as we gave youga several days notice that thisdac was coming bute check out the t winds right now. now a lot better than they were in those gusts earlier today, the e gusts at reagan national 26, 2 dulles 33, still very noticeable like i can see ouree cameras shaking too as we look l at some of our live shots around town and it certainlyinly brings us those bitter winditte chills as advertised single as digits to near z feels like 7 degrees in the in district, hagerstown feels fee like zero, martinsburg zero as a well but partly cloudy skies par out there. what a sho cking temperaturepe
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22 degrees warmer and you knowok what, we're going to be able to ditch this cold air and seesd a big warmup as well as we get on into the weekend which willcl bring new challenges as well asl but for this evening if you'ree heading out 7:00 p.m.0 p.m. temperature about 24, 9 o'clock 23. we might have to drop that9 tort down just a little bit but of bf course the wind we also we a believe is going to slowly but surely get a little bit better t so not as windy on friday.ri it will still be cold butd b maybe it will be a little bititi easier to take. tke. by 7 o'clock this evening winds, future wind gusts inus the 20's. by 11 o'clock tonight, near nea went to maybe 24 miles an hour wind gusts around the region. asts w aroe get out to fridayy morning, still picking up somee winds gusting to 20 miles an mia hour but that sure beats those t 50 miles an hour gusts we had wh today and watch the wind direction. at arrows actt 5 o'clock pointing the direction the wind is coming from. here come the warmerwindhe com temperatures as the wind w shifts out of the south andout brings us warmer temperaturespeu for saturday but that
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we have some winter storm watches posted for northernorth communities because warmer airw coming in on top of the cold thc air means we'll have a wintrye w mix of a little bit of snownow followed by some ice brieflyrily late friday night andyight saturday. so, very next time we chat, wha i'm going to talk more about mor that situation to let you know u what you need to get ready foref late friday and the first partsp of saturday.of jim and sarah, back to you. >> ♪♪ >> developing tonight in the district $50 million wrongful m death lawsuit filed in thelawsui police-involved shooting of-inv terrence sterling tholatterlinga happened last september. fox5's paul wagner livee outside d.c. superior courtperir with the latest on this suit.s paul. >> reporter: jim, that lawsuit was filed here in r depc superior court just a littleit while ago and the attorneys atte that filed it say that they thah have filed it on behalf of terrence sterling's family andnd it's naming brian treanor theor officer allegedly fired the t shot as well as the officer oic who was with him that night as s well as the d.c. police.
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government. those are all being sued in this $50 million lawsuit. lsuit. let's tell you a little bit about what the suit saysat according to t a press relieverl it says the complaint alleges that that metropolitan policelie officer brian trainer shot mr. sterling in the backer in killing mr. sterling from themr safety of a police vehiclestlicc despite the fact that mr. sterling was unarmed andrmed posed no danger to officer trainer or any other the complaint also allegeslainta that officer brian trainer andrd his partner violated multiple metropolitan police department general orders in the moments leading to mr. sterling'sterlg's death specifically the complaint alleges that that they prohibited -- i'm sorry, sr it alleges that the general order 301.3 prohibits officers o from placing themselves in the front of an oncoming vehicle vie where deadly force would be woud the likely outcome. outco in spite of this general order officers unlawfully placedlly p themselves in front of mr.
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motorcycle. now there's a statement here her from the attorneys who filedneyl the suit.e suit. it says the killing of unarmeded black men by police officers off must stop. mr. sterling's death was death senseless and tragic. tgi he did not die -- he did not need to die that night saidighti hassan murphy, the managinghe mn partner of murphy falcon and murphy which filed thishi lawsuit. now, as fox5 has previously reported, a grand jury is investigating this case. c we know that witnesses have gone before the grand jury, they've been meeting for several weeks now but there has not been an've l week indicm this case. c officer trainer is still onn e.ave. his police powers revoked. reved so is his partner who has been unnamed. terrence sterling was on hiswasn motorcycle on the morning of september 11th as he was11 as heading for the third streetirde tunnel that morning when he encountered officer trainerd ofn and the other officer, he wasas then shot and killed.d. live outside d.c. superior supio court, paul wagner, fox5 local
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news. >> ♪♪ fox5 is tracking metro. tonight six workers fired and six more could face f termination or unpaidrmion suspension. many are track inspectors and orpervisors. >> it stems from the julyt derailment at the eaststem falll church metro station. person many certain employees es falseside if i'd records.esid the case has been given toe se prosecutors for review. riew. >> news on metro's serviceetroee cuts and matt ackland joins us live. let's talk about thelet'lk a terminations first matt. fst m what does this include andludend what does this all stem from? >> reporter: well, jim, reporr:w since the incident at eastt ea falls church, 28 people havepl been either fired or o sciplinened. now, we're talking about nearly half of the track inspector department. these are track inspectors and d supervisors as well the newshe w woe broken about 9:30 this0 th morning, metro's generalen manager addressed the boarded bd saying "this review revealed aed disturbing level of indifference lack of accountability and flagran
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misconduct in a portion of metro's track department which is completely intolerable. here's what he had to say.ay. >> what it says is we are extremely serious about getting to the root of all thete issues and when we find issues, we do what is necessary to correct them. t we're not pushing thingsshing ts aside. we're not taking the easy way. w >> reporter: the unionni representing these metroro workers was also present atrent the metro meeting today.od the president saying that shehae had talked to two of the t employees and they said theyhey didn't know why they were w fired because they wereyere confused. they didn't know that theynf did anything wrong. w she is blaming metro tonightonig for poor track inspection training.ning. >> that's what they arehat's t alleging and if you talk to talt any of them, you will find that what they have done is not necessarily
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in their minds. i talked to them. we're doing our ownlked twe're u we're trying find out what is this false fiction that willhatw mat is talking if it's legitimate you won't hear a peep out of me. a >> reporter: all right, so all will the union actually fight f these firing? we asked thesk te president there and she said "probably so." you might be asking who's inspectorring the tracks now. nw well, an outside group has has been brought in to basicallyic do these inspections for now fon to make up for those peopleseeo who are no longer on the job. j jim, sarah. >> matt one question a lot ofon riders have and we've heaqurd this forea awhile now.ow there's a lot of concern about cuts to rail service service especially talking about theki o late night hours. where does that stand? >> reporter: a big big development today. basically what's going to happcaen ills y there is going e a change in the service.vice. the metro general manager saidas he needed more time to do to maintenance and the board
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there is a big issue becausese d.c., the members from d.c. really didn't want this to ts half they depend on that latey e night business. their to need to getpe employees home.s hom but they made a compromiseomise today. to they said they'll give him two w years but in the middle at the one-year point they want toy wao hear a full report from paul wiedefeld to see exactly how exy things are going. so, they basically made a starting in july that is whenn a the metro hours change permanently for two remember, up until july ituly will stay the hours that they have set for safe track. >> wow. all right. some big changes coming toomg to metro and needed, too.ded, t all right, matt, thanks.t, t >> reporter: uh-huh.h- >> and just into the news roomte tonight a federal grand juryrand is now indicted the manicd th accused of walking into cometntm ping-pong with a gun. g maddison welch was arrested inin police say he told them hehe h came from north carolina to
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"self investigate those onlinenl conspiracy theories claimings cm high level democrats werets running a child traffickingraffc ring in the pizzeria". those conspiracy theories areare false. false. welch is scheduled to be back s in court for hisched arraignment if convicted charges he faces he carry a maximum of 35 years in prison. >> up next grand jury indicts a former metro transitxt gransit officer. >> what federal officials sayfe the officer diddera to support p eyes. >> also -- >> also ahead a former d.c..c jail worker accused of havingf h her boyfriend killed.illed. tonight the victim's family is talk to go fox5.lko >> we'll hear from the w virginia congressman who ise' leading the this afternoong th have electors receive anan intelligence briefing on election meddling before the mee electoral college meets next week. >> ♪♪
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>> a virginia congressman leadan an effort which will have aff major impact on the electort ore college as it prepares to it eps elect the next president ofnt the united states. is aimed to have ahave electors receive an intelligence briefing on on russian meddling beforelingefor electors cast their ballots. bas tom fitzgerald is live ons liveo capitol hill. h fitz how normal is this? t >> reporter: good evening,orterv sarah and jim. j this is not normal at all. in fact, it's never happenedned before. now, it's not even clear if cle
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exactly electors would receivelc thriefinefing. but the proposal ispo essentially this.his. the idea is that when electorslt from around the country go tooug cast those votes they willy w first find out exactly what it a is u.s. intelligence officialsec know about russian and foreignnr influence into the 2016 election. now, keep in mind this all comes off the heels in theth last 24 hours of 50 democratic c elector who's are going to ber castingwho' votes in the elector college who are now demanding d to receive an intelligencentel briefing from the director of fe national intelligence, jamesnc clapper of reports of all of this russian hacking. hacking now remember 54 of these 23232 democratic electors they'veatice now gone and signed theirlectigr names to a letter to clapper demanding this briefing before the electors cast these ballots here on capitol hill h on december 19th.embe this is all part of theart concerns of w
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election hacking and its i influence of the election ofct done donald trump. tru don bier he's one of thehe politicians up here on capitoll hill who was working to makeak this happen. we spoke with bier and he says s he merely wants to get to the to bottom watch did and did not happen in this he willen direction. >> we're not saying they have to vote one way or there not oto but they were set up in order to make independent judgments jm on who would be the best b president. >> reporter: some trump supp>> reporters suggest this ie politically motivated. moivated is there a ulterior motive orote sour grapes over the electionert over this. >> i'm not making the case weovc should throw out the electoral t college system. rather let's let it work thewo way the founding fathers fat intended for it to work. >> reporter: of coursetef cour complicating all of this is isis the hard fact of time which is running ou
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remember, the electoralmb college is set toer, cast its ballots on monday.da tonight the state of marylandarl has announced it is going to t allow a live video stream of of elections casting we are told this is the firsts t time this has ever happened and it is due in large partge p because of the extreme ext interests in the electoralheal college this year.this y we're live on capitol hilll hill tonight tom fitzgerald fox5 local news. n >> here in the district at ae press conference todayin d.c. d. mayor muriel bowser announcednn all patrol officers in theol of district will now be wearingnowa body cameras. cam joined by interim chief peter newsham the mayor thanked the officers who protect us every ue day out there on the streets. >> $5 million commitment andmi then and we're committed tllo a transparent system and worknd wk with the members of thewi council to have ptholic ties ins place to make it very clearlear how we can use footage to keep k our communities and our officers s
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>> the d.c. leads the nation n with the most officers wearingsw body cameras with more than 2600. >> a former metro transitro tra officer was indict dad by a federal grand jury on charges he attempted tol gran provide po material support to the terror p group isis. deral officials say nicholasla young purchased several giftpura cards from mobile messaging accounts. he planned to send them tolann isis so they could be used for neppthey recruiting for the t terrorist group. set yet s ye has been but young could face up to 60up years in prison if convicted. >> police in prince george'sin county they're investigating atg mysterious death tonight. ton an officer found 25-year-old 25r jamil smith overnight in aernn drive way.ive way this was along the 2700 block bo of cole brook drive in temple t hills. police say no one called 911all even though residents toldesidel them they heard multiple gun shots and commotion outside adea home. those who live in the area sayra they were surprised to hear what happened. >> this neighborhood is pretty y quiet, you know. k um, and we don't reallyy
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happening, so like i said we sae were all kind of taken abackak k by what was going it was w a surprise to us. us. >> call police if you have any u informatio hnave that can helpm lve e that crime. >> a jury found dylann roofn r guilty in the murder of ninemur people at a charleston church last year.r. the jury dime a decisionury quickly convicting roof on all 33 charges including hate h crimes murder and obstruction of religion. roof confessed on video. on vido roof is slated to face another death penalty trial in state court early next year.t yea he could also be sentenced to t death in that trial as well.asl. now a fox5 follow-up in a federal judge dismissing dss several days. flames a civil trial brought on by a a c former uva student.u marquise johnson filed aohon f lawsuit against virginia's department of alcohol this week a judge decided toe dd remove the liquor agency and one of its agents from thefrom case. johnson claims his civilclaims
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arrested by mistake but abc agents say johnson was trying tn enter a bar way fake i.d. i.d >> for months the city of c o baltimore and the federale and l government have been workingme on a plan to improvent police practices. prac well, tonight attorney general loretta lynch is pushing thea city to reach aly deal. d lynch says the ball is in the t city's court and that she'llha return to baltimore next month for an update on theo progrbaes that of agreement. now the justice department hase been negotiating terms since tms august when a scathing reportinr revealed discriminatoryiscriminr practices by baltimore'saltimore police force. po >> up next a first dliaughtersth take on first lady duties inadyi the trump white house? hse >> what the trump transitionra team is saying about ivankaa trump's role in her dad's administration.admi >> top google searches.earc you might be surprised by what w came out on top. top >> call the fox5 tip line 202-895-3000 or you can e-mail your tips to
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>> children need here in there district aren getting new coatc on this coldest day of thes ld season so far. a program started by formerormer u.s. ambassador to canada canad peter te.ter ly is getting new winter dosein each of the city's estimated eit 2,000 children living inivin homeless facilities. john thompson the third helping to put smiles on those o kids faces too.ds fac too >> the goal will be achievede is not only to provide coatsrovc for all children but to makechil sure that every homeless kidho in the city has a coat and peter teelj and hisis organization are leading thereei charge and we're glad to help out. ou >> it would be nice if everyry kid had a home but that is notst the case b
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pitching in. we'll have a lot of volunteersoe today. we're happy about that.happy t h there's a school just overt across the street, the kidsheid are coming over to get their t coats so it's going to be a great occasion. >> new national report r suggests more than 2 millionmill children are now homeless in the america.rica. the coats for kids program p says it has provided more thanmt 13,000 kids to at risk and disadvantaged children overdr o the past five years.ea and they will need those t coats. >> absolutely. we are talking about just whatut a cold day it is and then thehen winds kick in and it's brutalru and consider where we were weer this time last year. w was so nice. >> was it really? how do youhou remember that far back?member >> i have a good knowledged knog plus i pay attention to sue. she reminded me just a couplepl days ago. >> he's brown nosing. >> you're right sue it was're mild the beginning of decemberec last year. la >> jim lokay you're the youthe greatest anchor i have ever worked with. [laughter][lauter] >> can we please record that.eca >> i know you'll find a way toyl find it. fi last year was the warmestarme december we had ever had. i don't remember what then't te
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that christmas eve wasre at71 degreesur, righte ea.r bua, >> yeah. >> i ran the air conditioningdii in my house on christmas day. dy totally different now.nt n at least we're not getting theeg heavy snow but i do want to talk about winter storm abo watches that are posted utforosr parts of our area but lookof o what we're missing out on,n, these huge lake effect snowsnow streamers tonight it's is syracuse that's really in the way of the lake effect snow s and they're only calling forng f 6-inches of snow which seemsch s shocking to me given that bighab streamer coming down but theyn y are under a lake effect snow warning and they're near zero n visibility up there. meanwhile, closer to home andr e as we look at temperaturestemp around the region everybody'sher in the deep freeze in thegefree northeast and the 22 in d.c., 11 in pittsburghh and 11 in binghamton.binn. new york is also 22.also 22. boston coming in at 20. so, what's the deal with this w winter storm watch that beginss midnight tomorrow night forht some northern communities.commui there will be a storm passingrms to our west and it will bringilb warm air with it.t. but while we're transitioningns into the warmer air, winterir, t storm watches are posted pos because of the possibility in
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include frederick andnd washington county up toward tar panhandle of west virginia thena possibility of a combinationna of snow, sleet and freezingg rain. we could even briefly see inefls it washington early morningng saturday but by 8 o'clock or 9 o'clock, it's alreadysea changing over to rain.ain. so, this is going to be a very v brief delay if you have any atyy all and then the warmer airrir comes in and it's going to going melt everything off.everythingff so, wanted to just show youou futurecast really quickly so that you can see that this thati doesn't really get going until overnight between 2 o'clockn 2 and 4 o'clock in the morningheoi but all that of orange couldcoul be some sleet or freezing rainan and so that winter storm watchnm is well well placed this would not be a lot. ba it could be an inch maybe withbw a little bit of icing but by by 8 o'clock in the morning it'sors mostly rain and by the noonoo hour, it's mostly gone so it'ss a brief interruption to yourinti saturday but we wanted toon t gg that you heads we're going to talk about thet e seven-day forecast coming up in just a few minut jim and sarah. s >> all right, thanks sue.ks sue. up next, what role will ivanka trump have in her in h father's a
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>> we'll tell you what theu whae trump transition team tonight is saying about whether ivanka k will have her own office in ownc the white house. maryland honors victims of f drunk driving crashes while unveiling a new tool to help troopers enforce dui laws. >> hello. i'm with the signal commandnaom stationed in kuwait. kuwait. i would like to say merryuld li christmas and happy new yearea to all my friends and family back home in maryland. james, isaiah, jeremiah, jade,,j i miss you. i mi i love i i'll see you soon. >> see more greetings from ouroo troops at >> ♪♪
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>> ♪♪ >> this is fox5 local news at 5:00. >> new tonight, a former d.c.. department of correctionsor worker is accused of havinging her boyfriend killed. >> carmelita henderson is charged with conspiring to kill levi davis who is also awhs former inmate at the jail.heai helped son appeared in courtou this afternoon. >> fox5's alexandria limonon was in the courtroom. you spoke to the victim'ss family, too?oo >> reporter: that's right,ter: ' and the most concerning partart about all this is that while carmelita henderson is charged with first degree murder andder police believe she orchestrated the entire crime c they do not believe she pulled l the trigger.trigg they think there are at least la two other people connected to the murder that are unidentified and on the loose. e >> it's a long time coming.e cin >> reporter: police andic a prosecutors say it's a tale of jealousy and an allegedeg romantic relationship betweenp a d.c. department of corrections mail clerk and annd inmate that ended
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inmate levi davis murdered in cold blood on september 16th 2015. shot more than a dozen timesan n in northeast d.c. months after he was released.elea 14 bullets and other fragments m were found during the autopsy. prosecutors believe the violenectutor crime was premedid allegedly by 49-year-old carmelita henderson who wasndsos fired from the department ofepe corrections after allegedlylledy stealing mail other women were sending to davis. court documents reveal a cooperator told henderson planned to have him killed. henderson said her son's's friends carried out shooting.hon do you believe she wasou b involved. >> absolutely. she brought him to the scene. >> reporter: the night of the murder davis was shot in abn henderson's suv.suv. henderson was there and gavewas police a sensational account
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on davis saying he tried to climb over her in the driver'sh seat to get away from thein shooters but witnesses toldd police the men were not masked and henderson didn't have hav blood or glass on herer according to pol after more than a year longg investigation, henderson was arrested wednesday. but the two men including the t one seen way gun in hand in i that parking lot on the 4200he20 block of east capitol streetee have not been identified or the victim's family members meme didn't want their faces shownesn and they say after the hearing i was over, the suspect's daughter harassed them.d th >> she just stated she's glad'sa he's dead.he's dd. that's so senseless.le how can you say something like l that with someone who leaves les seven kids behind? bind? >> reporter: and this and t hearing ended only about about a half an hour ago and evenndve though it was only an arraignment the defense made the argument in court todayay that most of the evide
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hearsay.y. he also said that some some witnesses can be unreliable.elbl still, though, the judge madeged the decision to hold her withh no bail for now but another athr hearing was scheduled for next week to revisit this reporting live at the d.c. courthouse alexandria limonndrin fox5 local news. >> ♪♪ >> all right, you can't topig this. twitter has been a veryht, p effective tool in being used u by president-elect donaldsi trump to get his message out to votdeers.ntet hto vers. >> but get this twitter wastt not included in a recent tech meeting with the president-elect. fox5's political reporterpr polc ronica cleary isal rep lorive wh details on why they werehewere excluded along with the othere top political headlines. ronica. >> reporter: a lot going around with that and certainlyty a surprise because we know how much the president-elect likes to use twitter. to top tech tech executives from apple, amazon,zo facebook, tesla, they were all at the table with theh president-elect. but like we said, the surprising company
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missing, twitter.witter. now, there are reports that an anonymous source says thehe reason is that twitter would wou not work with president-electt-c trump during the campaign to allow an emoji to go alonggo with the crooked hillary #. a top adviser to the trump t transition has said that these reports are false, that it wasis just simply, you know, an oversight or not intentionalnton and that, "the table is not not big enough, there's not roomherr for everyone."ryone. that's how they're respondingesn to those reports. those repor let's talk about ivanka trump. p there have been reports out out that ivanka trump will have an office in the white house inousi the same space reserved forved o the first lady. hope hicks a trump amp spokesperson has responded tondd those reports saying that it'st' false and that no decisiond th regarding ivanka's involvementne in the administration haveion he been made.been m now, at this point we do know dk that melania trump will stayilly
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in new york.ork. she will not be moving tooving washington, d.c. at leastond.c. until the end of the year toro stay with their son baron while he finishes the school sco year. and finally let me take you toeo a poll that came out this morning. a quinnipiac poll found in virginia voters they are divided when it comes to flagg burning. bu you may remember thisrn issues e was recently in the news after t a tweet from the from t president-elect as a forth oforo political protest. now, 48 percent they say thatha it should be legal whilehile 47 percent say it should bee illegal.illel. now, let's take a deeper look lo at the numbers. numbe there is no difference innc support or lack of it based on race. ce but that being said, women areoe more likely than men to say itot should be against the republicans are more likely lik than democrats to say it to sayt should be against the law. and people over 50 are more likely than people under 50 to o say that it should be against the law. law now, we've got our own unscientific poll going on onic twitter and i have to say the results in many ways pold i ha e
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quinnipiac poll. p we'd love for you to weigh ino on the conversation. t use the #support the flag or #support speech. tweet me why you kneel burning r the flag is form of protest,rost should either be illegal or o legal.l. we love to hear from you.r from. you know where to find meow whe retwitter and facebook at ronica cleary. reporting live at the capitol,ta i'm ronica cleary, fox5 local news. >> today maryland police unveiled a mobile alcoholed a ml testing system geared up to prevent dui crashes agendar help officers crackdown on drunk cra drivers. it's all partck of a joint initiative between theenhe maryland department ofent of transportation highway safety st office and maryland stateyland t police set to hit the record t r for the first time tomorrowme to and will help officers testst and arrest drunk drivers ats at dui checkpoints across thecros state. >> the general purpose of this truck and having it out therehe primarily is high visibilitysi impaired driving enforcement.cee so that people know that we'reha out there doing
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enforcement and it willil streamline the process forcess f officers that are in dui enforcement as well as thosesho that are arrested for impairedim driving offenses.drivin >> police in maryland say oveg s the past five years an averagege of 160 people have died in diedi alcohol related crashes andes a hundreds others have been injured. inju >> an undercover investigation in the district revealed ale northwest apartment buildingrtmt is being used to run an unlicensed hotel instead ofns providing affordable housing. hi the latino economic economic development center in d.c. jobs with justice called attention to this.ment cith theyattent ftoound t the rent co building on the 3500 block of 13th street in columbia columbi heights was being used fors beif illegal short term rentalserm rl instead of permanent housing. hg investigation also revealed 20e of the 21 units in the building were listed as vacant >> they booked a rent controld apartment building on air bnb b at this building which instead of being used to provide affordable housing is beingousi used to run an unlicensed hotel. hote we need to strike a balance bale
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to earn a little extra moneyon by renting out a spare bedroom m and people using short term rental platforms to build a commercial enterprise andise an undermining our efforts to preserve affordableing housingu >> air bnb lists over 5,0000 residential unit in thenit t district. coming up the holiday holid shipping have your under way.yo >> we'll break down theure' deadlines you need to know ifow you want those presents tosentto arrive on time. hey, sue. >> hi jim and sarah. limit your timei outside todayy and tonight as well but what ata difference a year makes. m jim was asking about this at th little while ago.hile ago last year on this date it was ws 67 degrees and if you compareoum the temperature today which was 25 at 3 o'clock to the 61 t1 we had on december 15th, you, have to decide which do you like better. i think i'm goikeng for doorr number two on this one. we do have that temperaturesrats near 60, though, back in thek it forecast sooner than you might m expect. i'll let you know when toet yen expect them coming up in justn s a few minutes.w utes fox5 local news at 5:00 is coming right back. bac >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪
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>> ♪♪ we're one day away from ao make a wish day. five-year-old kadeem is going gi to be the star of the show. right now he's in active act treatment for leukemia. lke listen closely as he tells uss what he's wishing for. >> i want to be a superhero. >> good job. >> did you get that? he said si i'm kaheem and i want to be a superhero. that's what he's going to behent tomorrow. he came up w ith his own superhero run.perhero r go for it. yeah. fox5 and make a wish wish midatlantic know he has what w it takes so do montgomery county firefighters princeers george's county firefighters d.c. police joining together to help make his wishice comeom true. kaheem will help people all a
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adventure life on airline on our facebook page and make page sure you use its special #toto tomorrow to follow along kaheemsavesd.c.kahevesd.c. >> so cute.e. >> big day.. >> do you think he knows what's goingo oyon. g >> i don't know how much he knows. knows. >> hope he wasn't watchinge right now. >> i know i've been worried about that all week.he w i'abt >> i think the surprise isthhi still there probably.nkill >> we'll be watching himtching tomorrow. he's got a beautiful smile.utiful smile. >> yes he does and he has the run down.n d >> i know. >> absolutely. >> he totally does.>> good to run today. ho toda >> yeah. >> better news for tomorrow toro too i think the wind will be a little better. we're not talking about gusts over 40, 50 miles an hour soan s that is better news.s. it's not quite ditching thechin chill just yet. it will still be with us. you'll still need your layersr a tomorrow but it won'ting quitete as brutally arctic as todayc ast has been. we had a few snow showers and ss flurries around overnightvernht early today you probably saw all the brine lines the crewsbrn have been putting down on thee n roads but it will be dry wl be tonight and the next thing wethi have to worry
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late friday night intoy night it saturday morning for a bit ofort precipitation coming in our in o direction, a mixed bag but itt will not last very long. l so, on a scale of zero to 10,o 1 we think it's a two, alll right, so not too many t m problems. it's going to stay breezy andeza cold tonight, though.ho not as windy as it was. still staying cold. c windy will be -- the windshe w will be better on friday thanrit they were today and we do haveov to watch for the potential foref some slick spots early saturday morning because as wess transition into a warmer dayme d with some rain coming, there t will be a time in which wehich have to deal with a bit of icece and snow. wie timed for the weekendsd that is for sure. thughthoof temperatures tho at 5 o'clock. 5 olock we're still mostly in then t teens to low 20's and we've only -- we're only going tong see those temperaturespera dropping from this point but a lot depends on those winds andsn the gusts are still to still 26 miles an hour here in d.c. to 33 at dulles, 29 at a manassas. so obviously it's less about leb the air temperature and all
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temperature which is still mainly in the single digits to low teens all around the area. a feeling like two below in in westminster hagerstown and martinsburg feeling like so what should the kids expectsp tomorrow morning at the busng au stop? another rough one but o instead of the below zero wind chills, five to 20. pickup temperatures 12 to 20 in the morning.orning after school about 24 to to 32 degrees.32 d. sunnier in the morning, morein, clouds in the afternoon. after wind chill temperatures in the afternoon between 16 and 27. a 2 in fact i thought i would show s you the roundup. roundup. if you have to go out tonightoun you know what to expect. 11 o'clock wind chill temperatures maybe you're heading nome a party shore gathering single digits to low teens. as we siheangdow toward tomorrom morning, we're back in thein t single digits in the northern suburbs and higheigrits teens s least for much of the rest ofhe the area. by the noon hour, mostly we'ret' looking at upper teens andnsnd 20's for wind chills, sos, that's better than today evenn though it probably still feelste rough if you're out there veryrv long and by friday at at 5 o'clock, mostly in the teenshs again it stays
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into tomorrow night but thebut winds will be lighter. so, high pressure dominatesgh p the weather tomorrow. but laterreth ae twe night warmr is going to be creeping closer and while we're still in the 20's ande we 30's tomorrow, asr, that warmer air gets closer, cr, it's going to overspread theead cold air and that's the wintryhn mix we're talking about for f early saturday morning. mning it's not a lot off precipitation and it willion anl change over to rain beforeore ending probably ending beforeefr noon, so if you can just kind ji of stay home and wait a little l while you're not going have to deal with too many problems.s. saturday afternoon alreadyon alr seeing it dry out. out wanted to show you the futurecast because and we havesa some warm watches winter storm o watches up for northern nth counties and that's becausehat' there could be a bit of ait freezing rain, snow, sleet, s all in these pink areas heres friday -- saturday morning att 7 o'clock. by the time we get to 9nn innn i the morning it's mostly justy jt rain and then you can see it'sn' going to basically become a little bit clearer as we go onl rougugh the day. so, that storm track will stayls to our it's just a very small amount
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in many but we do get up to 52 degreesds on sunday more rain is likely, a temperature of 60 but we crash c sunday night down to 30.o 3 so, there could be a flash f freeze late at night.ze late at. we'll have to watch that forve t monday morning although monday y looks dry but chilly,h 38 degrees. first day of winter wednesday. e i know it felt like it got it g here early. felt like it came in today asn d a matter of fact. we'll be 47 for the first daya d of winter thursday abouthursy 50 degrees. that is your seven-dayat i forecast. jim, over to you. >> thank you sue.ji the goal for the redskins thissi holiday season they have to win out lehigh valley moret le games left starting with mondays le night's homageup with the panthers but josh norman jor wants to show his former teamort a thing or two after theer panthers released him back inimb april. last year norman captured the nfl's attention as one of then o elite made it to the pro bowl but panthers weren't willing tors w pay him fraernchise tag type tag money. however the panthers loss hase a been the redskins gain and itnd he looks pretty good in burgundy and looks gold. gol he's been shutting down the oppo
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becoming a leader in ther locker room.lockoom. today norman was asked if it ifi will be different to control t c his emotions when he takes the t field. fiel >> i'll let them run wild.un w whatever you see is what wha you're going to but did i know thousanddid contain it to a certain extentxt but then again i let the fire f go that's inside i don't knowno how to pretty much shut it off once it gets started. srt what's kind of one of those kin things whered it's going to beo a different feel.l. >> moved on, came to a team t like us. u we made sure we paid him for him what he done and what he's he's recognized for and he showed swe us week in and week out everyute cent we gave to this dude heto t showed it. sorry for the panthers but i'm thankful those guys give that to guy up so he can hseelp us out. >> fans in memphis crying foul after last night's gamest nig gm against the cavaliers. why? head coach lou decideed dd to rest his starters. starter
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the cavs play memphis all season long.season turn to what is really aally huge loss in the sports world st tonight. a lot of people talking about this one. o craig sager really known fornean as much his basketball knowledge.knledg he took time off from tnt then t he went into ream mission.issio. the cancer returned.e cancet you see him receiving an ward from espn at the espies.sp he covered not just the nba nba but also ncaa basketball and major league basketball on cbs.cb craig signature was just 65sign years year now condolences and tweets have been pouring in. craig's son craig jr. said sai this and this is a great g sentiment. time is simply how you live y l your life. we packed a lifetime and thenhe some in these 28 years yrs together. pay it forward #sager time
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>> sager strong hashtag is making the rounds.he he was unique one of a kind and -- and -- >> never forget those loudthosed jackets. >> that's the thing if you don't watch the nba, yout's knw him from the jackets.ts. >> right. >> but if you know him you i also know him for the jackets as well as the fact he was af we grea wt sports guy.rts >> certainly will be coming up here you'relyminge running out of time to shipo s hose holiday packages 6789 the t deadline is looming. loo we'll break down the deadlinesen and the options you have left. >> what top pick sparked the most google searches in 2016. >> the mind reels. we'll reveal the top trendingre search term of the year coming up next. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine.
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almost over for a new "starst wars" spinoff. >> ♪♪ >> eighty two all right "startw wars" fans the wait is almost over.o al the w the new spinoff rogue one hits h theaters tonight the eighthight big 15 installment of the instae franchise in anticipation isipat sky high. this time around the story theto revolves around a small groupllp of rebels trying to stealg to plans for the original deaththea star. the movie is set just prior to the 1977 "star wars" movie andae it sets in motion the storye ory lines of luke skywalker parenerr says lea and han solo. so. >> ♪♪♪ the nation's capitol alsops among the nation's sexiest? set new rankings put the districtutt at number three on thehe list os the sexiest cities in america. philadelphia and detroit took ao the top two spots. sts the rankings are from the company pure romance which which sells "relationshippen products ."oducts . rankings are based on the t company sales.. >> ♪♪ the top trending google search h term of 2016 is, powerball.erll remember powerball fevr
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climbing to a record high ofh more than $1.5 billion? that t had a lot of people searchinghig google for powerball.erball three winning tickets for thehe jackpot were sold. >> ♪♪ you better hurry.> you bett time is runninerg out to ship your holiday packages.ackge today is the deadline if i you're using the post office'se' least expensive ground service.rvice. tomorrow is it for fed ex f e standard ground and ups gives you until monday. mon ups and fedex will let youfex wi ship all the way up to december 23rd but of course itdc will cost you more. >> ♪♪ 2017 is almost here and new york's times square isar getting the numbers ready fordyf big new year's count down.nt dow crews unveiled the number one and seven that will make up up 2017. a total of 496 lightbulbs will be used to light up the year lig and htan estimated 1 million 1 m people will be in times square s to watch. and that's your fox5 on the fly.
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i really did save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. i should take a closer look at geico... geico has a long history of great savings and great service. over seventy-five years. wait. seventy-five years? that is great. speaking of great, check out these hot riffs. you like smash mouth? uh, yeah i have an early day tomorrow so... wait. almost there. goodnight, bruce. gotta tune the "a." (humming) take a closer look at geico. great savings. and a whole lot more. (my hero zero by lemonheads)
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>> ♪♪ >> this is fox5 local news at 6:00. 6:00. >> well, you probably alreadybar know it but old man winter is we here. those temperatures tumbledtu overnight and we could see our first did he first real winterhf weather by the weekend:it is good to have you with us,by t im shawn yancy. >> and i'm tony perkins. pkins even though we're cold it is cii nothing compared to what otherar parts of the country ares of thu dealing with. sue palka is in the weather weah center and she's tracking it it all. hey, sue. >> hi tony andhe shawn. sha it is mighty cold around here terribly windy but we're notot dealing with the snow and we'll show you a couple cold col spots coming up in a littleng ut bit. tonight it's all about theall ab wind and i'm happy to tell you we're going to start getting ati little bit of a backing downng d of the wind as we go through thu the night and during the day tomorrow. some of the peak wind gustsf th today, though, prettye significant including up and over 50 miles an hour winds r gusts at reagan national, at
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dulles, at brookland park which is in annees, aatrrundell county, quantico nearly torly t 50 miles an hour and bwi att 46. better now but and as the sun s goes down we'll see thoseee winds getting a little bit easier to take but our but temperatures are still in the teens to 21 degrees. what a cold shot.grshot. so, did we oversell it or not? we gave you several daysave notice that this was coming but until you t rhaeally t feel, wow, there's nothing like feeling that 26 miles per hourep wind gust come through all a your layers. 29 is what the current windsin are at frederick and that's as a gust, 23 for manassas, 25 for 2f quantico and that gives usives wind chill temperatures in thert single digits for much of the t area.ea to the warm spot, we feel atel leonardtown, that's the windt'sd chght right now. what can you expect for theect r rest of the evening? we'll e keep it around 22 degrees at 7 o'clock. of course the wind chill in the teens. byrse th 9 o'clock, 20 and by 11 o'clock, 19 degrees.9 de quite a contrast to where we wrw were last year with our high o temperature of 67.temp so, the winds are a little biti
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