tv Good Day DC FOX December 16, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EST
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♪♪ straight ahead our firstur f chance for snow as a wintry mixy is moving not d.c. region justij in time for the weekend. but first we have to deal withel temperatures in the the good news, more big changesg on the other side. sid we'll have a live report. pay back, president obama vowing to retaliation over russia's alleged interference in the us elections and all ready touching off another battle witw the next commander in chief. a night of mourning f
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nba. nba. beloved sportscaster craig sagea well known for his fashion sensn as his side line reporting diedd after a long battle with cancer. how he's being remembered byemee some of the game's biggest but first, making a five yearyer old's wish come true. we want you to tag along all morning as super kaheem helps to save dc. a super hero edition of good day at 9a starts now.ow ♪♪ boy we can use a hero. h i hear there's a hero among uss today. >> thank goodness.s. >> super kaheem.uperah >> i like it.. >> good day d.c. 9:00 o'clock oc this friday, december 16th i'm i steve chenevey alongside allisos and holly and erin maureen isren off today and wisdom is on as on very special assignment which wh you'll see in just a n >> indeed. well this morning he is helpingg make a wish come true.
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five-year-old kaheem.aheem now kaheem has leukemia.kemia he's in treatment.reatment. but this morning fox5 is teamint up with make a wish mid atlantic to give him a day he will never forget. you see kaheem asked to be super hero. he he didn't want people to helpt p him. he wanted to help others.. and today work wig agencies alll across the city he is going to t save d.c. and, you know what, dc needs saving kaheem. k it's about time you got here.t h >> that's right. that's his day is getting started on montgomery county fire truck fit that's dropping him off rightin here at our station as we speakk wisdom martin is also on thato a truck with him.trk with h good morning, guys., guy >> good morning.ood all right. it's timem for kaheem to make he beg entrance here at fox5. hey kaheem how you doing.. >> good. >> what's going on. what'ing >> aww.ww >> come on young man.ome you this is stop number two.ber on on your mom. wait on mom. [ applause ]plause >> how you doing buddy.>> h >> iow told you i talk to batmao didn't i? i >> hi, buddy.dy. >> hi. >> aww
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>> all that's your favorite, right? >> you like spidie.e s >> i didn't bring out real clause not for a kid even. e no way, big man.ig >> how about we all go all super heroes go inside. >> captain america. americ kaheem, let's go inside.heem, all right. let's go inside.let' we got all your friends we have got somebody else i wani to you meet in addition to thene super heroes. pe okay? all right. come on in. >> hey, kaheem. >> hi kaheem.i kaheem. >> come on in here. >>.all right >> this is only stop number twom on your destination, okay? >> okay.y >> all right. we going to have some fun todayy i want to you meet somebody in s here. they got something else specialg for you. all right? r >> say hi to all these people i here. here. [ applause ] >> there's your fans today.. >> cease see all your sa >> all right.ll >> let's walk on in here. all right.. >> so over here you going to need special possession. posssio let's go this way.go ts not that guy yet. guy y that's tucker barnes he's notses super hero. all right. let's go over here
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he's got possession for to you drink to give you extra powers p for you today.oday. >> good morning k i hope you've been in've be communication with the super hero council we created ated special possession for you.. what this possession todayssiont you're going to be able to get super powers for just one day d because i know your dream was tt help people. peopl here's the potion we created for you. yo [ laughter ] ] >> he said that's all he needs. >> that's all he needs.he he's ready to go.dy t he's ready to go. readyo >> i think i see the changeses already.ady. >> he just needs a little bitju he's already super n. wait a wait. wait a minute. you going back over here where mom is g ba. aren't you?aren't you? >> hey, mom. >> look don't forget mom ist m right behind you. y don't forget now that you've hae the possession how about you pui this uniform h on for the rest o our day.ay for the rest of our journey, jon okay. >> you like that?ike tha >> so cool. >> you want to put that on? t o? >> all right.>> a right we'll let you go back here andrd change.ange we'll say hi to all tho
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on the set. waive at them.atm. >> hi.. >> hi. >> outwent put it on right now.t let's go put this on. o >> that's right. super kaheem. >> go back to the green roome ge much he's going change into hish outfit. >> hey kaheem.>> hey k >> we'll continue this special n journey today, okay? >> wisdom, thank you very much. all right.m, tha alrmation isrmatio i underway right now.derwayht he's had his super hero possession about to put on hisis super hero outfit and he'll be super kaheem. >> that little hi spiderman, myy goodness.. >> spiderman was his favorite. >> hi spidie. >> with the santa hat. you're awe>>so wme.. >> superman is batman and just his laugh to set ppy happy he is. >> the best part. >> i love it. >> here's how you can help out.o we'll have muchu mcaore with km in just a couple minutes.ple min make a wish does need help inp i making dreams come true likeike kaheem's dream and wish so ifh s you want to learn more if youor want to make a donation we haveh phone bank open right now theseo are great volunteers who came im today to help out phone number o on your screen right
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202 -- hi everybody. (202)895-3307. let's get those phones rinking and help out.t th log on special website thatebsi tha is created just for today kaheee safes you can help out there. >> let's get it trending hash h tag kaheem saves dc.c if you experienced kaheem andahm his super powers throughout thee day, please tweet us zen us zenu pictures, watch all throughouthu the day it's going to be on alln our newscasts across our sociala media platforms.tfor this is a big deal, >> so cute. s cute. i'm sorry he's so cute. c .kay. now another big story at 9:00 is the weather.. because most of the eastern hall of the united states dealingte d with an arctic chill. c wind chills in the upper midwesd feel like negative 20s to 30s 3s this morning, and as if the aire it wasn't bad enough and coldugh enough millions of folks folks nationwide are also dealing with snow and ice and we're about too join them. t that's right allison wintry mixy is moving into the dc region ann that could mean our
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glimpse of snow and ice just int time for the weekend.. but more changes are on the wayn on the other side and foror details, tucker barnes who has an epic outfit on i love thee te t-shirt over the ugly sweater. >> layers.>> l >> you need layers today. you right? nay >> perfect example.>> pfect exa. >> ed starting to get a dad bodb with all these layers.ay >> it's the way you're standing. [ laughter ] >> all right. let's do the forecast. the foras yes, we do have wintry mick on the way it will not be for b for daytime hours tod if you're going out for dinnerne you're fine. after midnight tonight.ightonig 21 now in washington.ashingto it is very. that 211 of the warmest spotspo much of the area looking atkinga temperatures right now still in the mid teens.thte we'll only be in the upper 20s0s maybe a few spots getting intott the low 30s this afternoon so io will be very cold day with all h the cloud cover you can see some light snowht s we're trying to moisten up theee atmosphere a little a l we won't be lookingit at any smo today but as we get into the gee overnight hours what's going tog be happening a warm front willnt push threw the area and bring ue warmer temperatures for ourra saturday and sunday afternoon. but that transition is when we n look to get this wintry
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two, 3:00 o'clock in the morning through maybe eight,ig 9:00 o'clock tomorrow morning. g winter storm watch has beenrmee issued off to the north and wes winter weather advisory here locally the big issue here iseer not going to be snowgointo be sn accumulation. it's going to be the potential i for some icing to take place sos freezing rain and sleet andsle a there could be some very slicker roadways if you're up earlyp e tomorrow morning six,ix 78:00 o'clock in the morningcl parts of the area could beoc vey slippery with that potentialti icing across the region. reg all right. how much snow we looking at? not so much here you might get enough to coat tht ground in a few spot.fe north and west maybe an inch ofo snow really again the primary pi issue we're concerned aboutcerna sleet and freezing rain here for your morning hours tomorrow. look at tomorrow afternoon ino think we'll be just cloudyt tomorr afternoon with highs ine the low 50s, and then almost 60m by sunday. before another cool down.. so again the worst time period r to be out on the roads or havinn to deal with wintry mix will bel tomorrow morning wobbly betweenn 4am and 10:00 a.m. a we should be in the clear by clr tomorrow afternoon much that'sot the latest weather.latest wea i'm all for all things super
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>> have a great day.greaday >> to you. >> i'll be back on the show bute i won't see you bac personally.a en fair enough. >> we get it. >> have a good day.avgood >> all right. the obama administration back tk news now suggesting russianan president vladimir putinpu personally authorize thedlyutho hacking of e-mails accountsounts belonging to democraticocti officials in the run up to thete presidential election.ctio the white house also saying thay donald trump must have known of russia's interference no proof p was offered for the accusations which have drawn swift rebukeftb from donald trump who slammedlam the president's press secretary josh earnest at a pennsylvaniaea rally last night and later questioned on twitter why thetty white house waited until after the election to address the alleged hack.d hac >> 9:09 in montgomery county, a familiar losing their home justj nine days before christmas.hriss this happened overnight inht i silver spring when a family'saml smoke alarm woke them up.hem now the family of four tried tod battle the blaze before callingi officials to the scene who werew able to get the flames under
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and thankfully no one was hurt.t big news from metro. met yesterday the board of directorc voted to suspend late night n service for at least two moreor years. metro also recently fired moreid than two dozen track workers for falsifying inspection fox5 spoke with gm paul p wiedefeld last hour about how the firings might impact moralor want he wants riders to know. >> i think it's actually a moral booster, because i think it,ausi again, reflects, upping, all oul employees use the system.uss you know, they want to be safe s just as customer does. so i think that -- i think the k vast majority of our employees p get the same way with the customerso for customers what they shouldho understand is that we are on tot of this. we will continue to be on top of this. we have entire new management team in here. we have a new approach. and again, being very welly well received. there's still some things wecest have to weed out and we'llill sd continue to do that. >> the union that represents the fired metro workers says metroam is to blame
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inspection >> the man who brought assaultha rifle into comet ping-pong pizza is headed back to court to faceo federal charges. he can also fine out if he'll be allowed to post bail. pos b i'm not sure why we have thathaa music playing right now.g rightn we'll have that live reportl har coming up upat >> later how facebook is usingsi real news people to crack down d on fake news stories like one l that inspired that scaryca situation steve was just talking about at comet ping-pong. pinpo it is 9:11 right now. n we've got a lot moreheaded youre way on this good day. don't go anywhere. ♪♪ taste the many sides of brookside. smooth dark chocolate outside. exotic fruit flavor inside. brookside. for all your sides.
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>> 9:14 right now.ig back to good day d.c. on thisoo super hero day. let's get to news first. the man accused of walking pong will bes gen acpong will back in court today.bebacour after being indicted by a federal grand jury yes. >> edgar he will much facing a max pump of 35 years in prison.i bob barnard is live in northwesn with the very latest. bob, what can you tell us?can y >> reporter: hey, erin, guys, g this is his second appearance ia federal court this madison welch the 28-year-old8-o father of two young girls from salsbury, north carolina, his, case was transferred from d.c. d superior court here to federal f court. basically, he'll be in court h this morning and they'll decided whether he should be able to post bail and go back to northoh
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trial but as you mentioned, iftd he's convicted on all three ofho these federal charges, he couldu face up to 35 years in prison so most likely he'll be teagueague his parents were in court in coi superior court earlier thiss week.. they left without sayingaying anything to reporters.ters. we're not sure whether we'll sel them again today. they'd like to take their sonik home to north carolina with to h madison welch his middle name ii madison that's what he preferspr and apparently goes by, did go into comet ping-pong verypo v popular restaurant with familiel on connecticut avenue just south of the chevy chase circle wentit in there on sunday december 4th basically he's told investigatorser 4th that hc up from north carolina that dayd that sunday, drove up because he himself wanted to investigatetie these fake news reports that a a child sex ring or something sexx slave ring was being run from wi that restaurantng and hillaryily clinton and john podesta her campaign chairman were somehoweh involved. of course, that was fake
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it wasn't true.rue. he got there and while insidens the restaurant it's alleged thaa he fired one round from an ar15 assault rifle while he waslee inside the restaurant, and thent he was talked out as employeesmo and customers scrambled. scrambd he was talked out on to t connecticut avenue where he putt his hands on his head and he waa placed under arrest and he'sest been in custody ever sin. so, again, his second courtond appearance in federal court today. preliminary hearing bond hearina and not that they mean much ieam will read you the three chargesa it's enter state transportation of a fireararm and ammunition,m, assault with a dangerous weapon and possession of a firearmir during the commission of a crimi of violence much those are there three federal charges which wch again investigators thought carried more weight than if he had been pursued in d.c. d superior court.ourt. guys. guys so the hearing is at 9:30 this0i morning. we'll go inside and if there'sae any update on his status, we'll' be sure to let you know. k >> we know you will, bob.know y, thank you very much.h 9:16 right now.ow. coming up, a guilty verdict forr a
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shooter. a jury has to decide if heas should face live in prison or to the death penalty plus a protese on the national mall gets the green light and why tom brady is making fans say ugh or ugh witht the tooth we've got the details. >> uggs like the boots. >> both. it's a whole thing . >> all right. >> ugh are uggs.. >> we'll decipher.ip it tis the season for holidayfoy hosting. if you thought yesterday's partp planning ideas were great youe y just wait. good day dc coming right back. don't go anywhere.
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stronger is blasting her tumors... without risking her bones. stronger is less pain, new hope, more fight. it's doing everything in your power, and everything in ours. because we don't just want kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger. and with your support, they will. make a gift today at
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♪♪ >> welcome back. >> 9:20. hi jeff. >> getting direction.>> g there's a lot going on onet gooo day today.oday. >> our super hero today.oday much more on that in coming upg just a minute.t a we want to check what's making n headlines this morning.ning. inin. >> guilty verdict for hateat crime. cr one day after being convictimedd the charleston shooting dylang d roof says that he wants to to represent himself as prosecutoro seek the death penalty.enal. roof was found guilty of all oll counts against him including murder, hate crimes, weapons charges, jurors will reconveneon next month to decide whetherehe roof should face live in prisoni or the death penalty. let's head oversees now in syrian.. cyreans fleeing the fighting in aleppo getting a helping hand h for turkey.y. organizes are helping evacueescu to a border area held by the op zig. they say 20
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reach the safe zone. meanwhile yesterday more than 3,000 people were bussed out ofo eastern aleppo.. un says at least 50,000 morey main trapped.. the women's march on washington hat gotten the greenn light from d.c. dpoli the department confirmed thatrma they have issued a permit formi the group to gather in protest of president-elect donald trumpu it's expected to be the largest demonstration around the t inauguration. the march is set for the day after the january 20th event. negotiations set to resumeat this morning between the city oo san francisco and uber over sell driving vehicles. vehicle the state has threatened legaldl action if the ride hailingide hg company continues to use theconn vehicles without a permit. p now uber says the cars are exempt because they have a backb up driver behind the wheel. and finally, tom brady,tom y having a little fun with fans yesterday on facebook he said h was hiding three pairs of his old uggs around boston.
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well one fan fell and broke his tooth running around looking for them, holly. so when the quarterback found f out, he rewarded the guy with a signed pair. >> what about his tooth.t hiooth >> i would rather have theou signlded boot and take care of f tooth myself.sel >> he could probably affordcoulb both. >> he might be able to do both. he can play for one and gisellee could pay for the other. >> i'll say take the signedsa brady boots. brad i'll f my owny tooth. >> super hero in our presence, c gang. >> yes. >> fix all problems. not just in the dmv but>> f everywhere. >> in a single bound. bound. >> everywhere in the super herop universe.un >> wisdom is with him right now. >> let's hang out with thesehhee people. >> look at his super hero.. >> super hero and >> hello. >> say hi to everybody.rydy >> hi. >> oh, my goodness.goodss >> look at your boots. i love them. >> say hi.>> say hi. >> thank you.>>hank >> you see -- i'm going sitoings here. st so strong. >> like i sit at home.ome >> what was in that possessionos
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muscles, boy. [ laughter ] >> you know what, i think -- do- you need some more possessiones because your friends behind youn they're behind you they're ready to help you out todayou t. >> chef dimitri is here with hew some more possession.ssio >> no. you full. u >> what did you put in that possession?po >> good with the possession, right? >> that super hero powers, good. >> it's a lot.a l >> it's a lot.. >> for a five-year-old to take t in. it's a lot for five-year-old ini take in. >> we got a big day planned. pld >> hi, guys. >> stop number two. t i'm not going to tell you wherew the other stops are. are you'll have to be surprised,e t, okay? you going to be? young surprised. righright? >> meeting a lot of friendsting today. we'll have a good time. as you having a good time so'll ff >> all right. >> can you give us a thumbs up if you think this is cool. >> yes.. >> i'll give you a book of super heroes. heroes. i'll give that you back. b >> thank you. y >> all right. >> we can read and ride for thet rest of the day. then you
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because the super hero council c says off busy day ahead. ahead. we have got to save some peopleo much that's all i'm going to sat about that. ab joke. >> okay? >> he's into the the b >> he wants to take nap.ap >> right. >> super heros take naps, too. o >> you have to be well rested.d >> yeah, do you.h, do you >> to be able to do all of thatt saving out there.he >> wisdom do we know who helpedl with kaheem's super hero outfit? >> here's the deal.he this is all -- i'm kind of likef over in the bottom right hereigh but that's okay. this is all caroline is thehe costume designer.igr. all right. here's the deal this is all para of we've been talking about thii is make a wish foundation. fouat they dioo a lot. l you can go on their website, wee we're hash tagging the day youge can find out all the informatioa you need to know about how youow can help make dreams like this e come true.rue. like you guys read earlier a lol of people talk about going places and getting things, thi kaheem just wants to be super sp hero.hero >> we love it. s to se pes to safe people. so you can make dreams come trut all you got to do make a wish. s
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make a wish.ish you know where they are.. >> special website set up kaheem saves so one stoponst shopping you can go there. >> chef dimitri what did you pud in that possession much raw louu to dillville much the secret ore is that just for super >> only for super heroes. her >> only a super chef can make.ak >> absolutely. we have a super phone bang thath is set up as well. call remember make a wish theyie not only take obviously money mn donations but they also are a always looking for pebble toookp donate their miles that makes a big difference in terms oferms f helping make a lot of these o te wishes come true.wies com the work they do is incredible. not just for the kids but forut the families and so you'reou're getting to be a part of just one wish today but they do it eachte and every day all year long. so they need your support in thn season of giving.f giving. keep them in mind. min >> kaheem is just realizing howg many super heroes in real lifefe heroes are with us today.. >> spiderman best, am i right. t >> he's a big spiderman fan
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>> did you like riding on thedin fire truck? [ laughter ] >> it's loud in there.ud in isn't it? i understand that. >> who is this on the shirt is h right here? is thatis o you? y >> that's you.>>hat' [ laughter ][ la >> i get it. super hero don't want to reveal their true dent t i get it. >> exactly. we got a lot more to do today. >> where you off to, can you s say. say. >> no. it's top-secret. it's surpsurprise. >> it's top-secret.cret >> can you give super hero fist bump? >> yes! >> boom, blow it up right there. >> that's with a little bit of o possession. you know what else? we need to thank the montgomery countyhat e department as well. as ll. >> um-hmm.. >> because they you saw the truck.uc you saw the trucks. ts. they're standing right overandig there. this is it's a great effort, make a wisw montgomery county firey fir department and again kaheem andd his family trying to make this t wish come true.. kaheem decided the timing to. >> take him off to the firstst place.
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>> we're ready to roll. we're come on, let's r's g come on, mom.. >> you want to take a picture? u aryou u good? >> thank you so much.ou so muc >> you want to take a pictureic with them? wi >> come on. you want to sit over here. here. he wants to take a picture.. >> i want to sit next to allison.
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♪♪ a lot more still ahead at 9:00 but fresh at 10a, r and b diva she's a singer, song s writer, she's an author, ahor, producer, she's all of that. tht faith evans joins us live in the lot of weevil dish with herdi we about all that she has going ono including why she's here in d.c. she's got a show at the howard,, and have a little fun with her, yeah. ye hopefully she knows that [ laughter ] ] >> did she know about fun.bout n >> little karaoke may be. >> yay in she'll find out. findo >> all right. as will we. wizards the team is hosting second annual wiz social note.oo a lot of cool stuff is planneded in game scavenger hunt you can c only get the clues on the wizards snap chat account.nt keep it fun while you're atoue verizon went for the fans send their best hand shakes on wither or instagram for chance to actually join kelly ky for a pre-game hand shake.hake >> we got to do a whole complicatebo
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>> secret simple. maybe complicated may be cipel.l send the wizards your best andtd then somebody will get the chance to take shake hands withh kell particularly the game.larla >> tickets start at 20 bucks20 s includes a really cool t shirt s basically the logo you're seeine on the screen right now, andnd perhaps the best part tucker and wisdom will be there court sidee tonight to get a chancing to ses them as well they'll take part r in it and what a long day foray wisdom, right?ight >> super hero duty. dut >> yeah. both of them. >> super wizards today. >> forget kaheem needing a nap.n those two will.two will >> it's the glam nor muss night. >> right. >> last night the.t the. nba made games with heavy hearts honoring sportscaster craig c sager he died yesterday after ar long battle with cancer.cer. the bucks and bulls both wore w sager strong warmups and the golden state warriors paidriorsp tribute with a moment of joy. jy >> i'd like all of you to join n me in an applause for a great gt man an life w
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thank you. >> several players expressedal p their condolences on twitter and sager's own son tweeted hisis dad's favorite sayings "time is simply how you live your life"r he went on to say we pack a a lifetime and then some intoo those 28 years together.her. pay it forward time. >> it's like the sports worldld entertainment world loses a figure but he loses his you know what oy mean? to ben?o that brave is amaze. ama >> i men this comment to steve and earlier. craig saber was so amazingmaz vibrant in his personal what he wore. wore. >> quite a wardrobe. >> how he reported things and>>d taught you how to live but alsos he has been sick for some time.e i think he also taught peoplet l how to face >> right. >> he did it>> so graciously wiw such an amazing enduring spirit that i just think has left suchh a mark on so many leves.
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he loved. >> i thought maybe with the nbat finals last year that would be d his time where he would say i'ms going to step away from the gamm and then he showed up again at a the beginning of this season ann just continued to work as longo as he possibly could. he earned the respect of not just the nba league but the nba ayerers. >> right. which is a lot. tough when you're a y'r reporter to get that respect. >> a nice way. w >> he showed them a thing or twr about sticking to it and facingd that. >> steve made a funny if i had allowed sports coat i i would have wore it in his honorn >> i don't have one.av the thing about he pull the offf >> yeah, did he.>> yeah, did >> a lot of people would do thaa you would be like what are youhr wearing? it work for him. >> that was his trademark look.o >> baseball too.. >> let's check in with garyh mcgrady. if you have one sport coat hav you'll need about six of themoum today,, >> he's in the spirit right now. >> oh, yeah. i figure out a way to make the lights not bling.ling. >> that's my necklace and it looks great on you.
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minutes.mi bring it upstairs and tell youey how to turn the blinkers off. of listen temperatures are super cold. co ugly christmas sweater day. day. that's why i'm all in this getsg up. 21 degrees the turn temperaturee the winds are not blowing quieti like they have been blowing song in terms of the swind chill factor it's not as awful as whaw it was earlier this morning. mog still a lot of single digits ouo there and when you haveu hav temperatures in the teens, iteni doesn't take much wind at all to give you wind chill values in ve the single digits.igits. we'll continue to warm up aconte little bit today. to ttle tod winter weather alerts in effectc winter weather advisory for and dmv basically and farther tr the north and northwest which is not untypical winter storm watct in place little bit more snow potential we're not talking about a lot and then little bite more ice potentially and againnn we're not talking about lot ofto that either it could be a littll bit more severe to the north and west simply because that coldt c air will stay in place to the to north longer than it will here.r tonight the cold air is air definitely in place.detely this starts as l
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very very light snow. sw. but with the cold temperaturesem and the cold roads a little bitt of snow is going to be a longg way. so just keep that mine. t it may be just a little bit, bub it could cause some problems oum there especially on then untreated roadways. always a lot of treatment down.w snow accumulations possible a a little bit to just a littleit glaze of ice before all of this changes back over to rain late e tomorrow morning and listen,, with snow, with sleet, with freezing rain or rain, we're not talking about a lot of precipitation overall.vell so no matter what, it doesn't in look like it's going to be much, again, just so cold initial until a lot of that will go a ga long way. w we think a little freezing rainr in there with mixing the sleetge and that could cause glaze ofsee ice all the snow where it's juss mainly snow will be way up to wu the north and west. western pa, higher elevationsles out to virginia and west west virginia.ia. so that's what we're watchinging very very closely.very very clos let me just show you telhis rear quickly. weekend forecast we will get too about 50 to 52 tomorrow.omorro
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look at sunday. around 60 degrees and it look il like we'll have some afternoon r showers there.e. obviously we're 60s so we're s w talking about rain showers. swe we'll get cold again monday. mon so that's the details. if anything changes with thish i storm we'll keep updated sociall median everything all day long.. i think we got this one figureur out. guys, back up to you. you >> gary you wear that sweatert t well and hat and necklace. neckc [ laughter ] yes. it's super kaheem time.m i love it. >> he is embarking on yet another mission.sion >> i can't wait to see what he's working on.workg >> where ya'll headed to. ya'lle >> good morning to you.. i've been enlist listed the help of kevin mccarthy and his fancyn suit here. >> super kaheem let's'sl we'll walk outside because we'r' on another destination.on another mission, okay? all oka right.rit >> you have to save dc. ou have to save dc.outo let's go this way. >> they need your help.elp. >> we all need his help kaheem, seriously you have veryv big tack today. t
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the avengers weren't available l so we're actually using you. >> let's let this young man right here -- might have to save him first.him [ laughter ] >> all right. let's go. wait a minute. he didn't have anyit super onssession. >> right, right, right.ght, rht >> might need to hold thatold camera for him.. >> super powers. turn this way because our supers hero friends are waiting for uss outside. all right?ts all >> okay? >> you good? donut?was your super >> good. >> it was great? >> he >>had possession.ossess >> you got your possession, goto super supe look, i showed you the shirt,hi, right? look i got your shirt on. i'm a big fan.i'm a fan. >> we're all big fans. we'll big good let's walk this way. way. there you go. more cameras.eras. because when you're super heroer that's what happens.appe. >> cameras following youam everywhereer. you know.u k you get escorts. esc >> where are your bodyguards.ygd >> bodyguards. >> oh, yeah.eah. don't >> don't fly yet. y all right.. look, super hero buddies are are outside, right?
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>> look. here's what we're going to hang over here with your widowsd give your buddies a high fiveh i over here.. all high fives for >> kev, we'll let you read thisi >>ooool. kaheem, look, this is part of it your mission, okay? this isthis top-secret stuff.tu so it's only for you. >> saving wads. this is your first clue. ce >> ready, okay.dy, okay. >> put on your cape and take ini your magic possession, right.n,t >> you've done that. tt new super powers it's time for m your mission to go into motion.n head to the national harbor, doo you know where that is?s? >> we'll take you. you. >> we'll fine it. >> look for the highest spot you can see. a jolly fellow dressed in red needs your help immediately. >> ooh. >> yeah. >> okay. >> are you up for it? >> can you do it. >e's happy.>> are >> who is it?s it >> do you know who we're talking about? [ htughter ] >> look, take your clue. take your clue.ou c here you go. >> wait a minute super kaheem.ah let's go this way. way take your clue with you. y there you
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all right. ere e you go. take that with you.ta that withy let's walk over here.ver get in your super car. all >> wow. wow >> get in your super car. all right.ig >> he's ready to roll. roll he's got people to save. okay. buddieer are your buddies over there.e all right. let's go this way.let's let's go thigos way.s w let's go this way one more time. >> oh, wait a minute.>> o jump over that.h, wai ove there you go.e u look at that vertical. ver look at that vertical.erca okay. >> let's go down who are. all right. >> you got your clue and you'rer ready to go. >> he's counting on you. on y >> what's this? oh! [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> ready to go for ride? weide need your help.elp. i'll hold your mask for u there you go. >> yay! >> there you go. g look at that. at that's amazing.. >> look at that
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mom is right behind you.. >> you want to get in? outwentt get up. >> all right.>> all right. >> all right. here you go.ou i'll give you your mask right there. all right.l riht. so he's on his way to nationalaa harbor for another part of histf mission. mom is getting in themi truckck right behind you much she'shi m right behind you on the back bk door. good? mom is right there behind you.u okay? i know it's a big day. dy >> we need your help kaheem. kee you got to save d.c..c very important.ortant >> okay. >> very important.tant >> unite there behind you.. >> okay. [ laughter ] [ .> all right. you're off to your next mission, okay?ok? >> all right? all rig [ applause ]appl >> go, kaheem, go! >> go, kaheem, go!eem, >> all right.ig all right. all ri [ applause ]applau ] >> national harbor is his h destination coming up next.. >> kevin, you and i we'll hangen out foth
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>> tucker barnes -- barne >> best friends today.t nds to >> let's not get carried away.ed >> he's going to -- he has to hs save d.c. d.c if he doesn't i might not see ns you ever again.evergain >> that's true.>>hat' >> kaheem, seriously, it's up to you, man. m he thinks we're joking.okin all up to him g see you later. go, kaheem. >> bye carbs home. >> he's waving. he's so happy. >> bye kaheem.ahee >> windy out there the truck isi loud. but the pictures are worth a million words. >> when you put that superman fire hat with a smile. smi >> he got so >> you are watching make a wishw atlantic at work that's whats w we're watching today and theyy n can't do it without people beini generous and supporting theiring cause and that's why we set up a phone bang today you can call the number to talk to wish kids actually (202)895-3307. again let me repeat that. (202)895-3307.95-3307. look, they need someone to talkt to. nobody is calling them.
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call and donate now.e wish them a merry christmas andd make a difference for make wishw you can also donate we have a special website set uu just for today kaheem saves kaheem saves he's going to be saving dc all a day long.g. watch on all our did you have ye shows across our social mediaed platforms. meanwhile a l more still planned here for good day d.c. d don't go anywhere.whe. we got more on the other side od the break.reak. ♪♪
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♪♪ >> we're celebrating nationalel ugly sweater day the first picture on the left is super special to me because this is me neighbor. >> cutie patutie eight-year-oldd virginia hines last night sheins had her mom text me and ask if k she could borrow my sweatery swr which i was like -- >> which one. one >> how did you know i have anen ugly christmas sweater.weater. >> or three or four.our. >> see all the holly that's hows you can tell it's mine. me i did wear that sweater for rear not thinking it was ugly back in the day.. but now it is serving her so well. >> it sets off the look. loo >> different generations seeatis things differently.iffely. >> exactly. we have a whole bunch getting from people. more.ole show off a you love when couples pose pos together with the sweaters fweat you're going to do it getet everybody involved. love my boo. boo or just go all out.. >> yes, well, we love that too.. >> it's a suit off between kevin and will. will >> will is winning
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>> yes.. >> fox5 friday last year's ugh l sweater run, ran into a dog likl one on my sweater. >> cute dog, too. >> frosty, hey, hey happy joyoy joy yes, you are cheryl.hel. look at hers. h hers lights up ligs >> we can't just show picturesre of people with the sweaters oneo even the body building santa sweater. >> that is epic.. >> like britney's dad is rocking there. there. so we figure we had to play p along, too. along, we had to bust them t outoo as l >> i got to take this shirt offf it's adding way too much bulkhuk good i traded in -- >> with this ugly sweater. >> virginia has my holly sweater so i have this holly sweater.wer >> mine says son of a nutcracker. >> i love that. i'm going to use that throughout the season. >>se t of a nutcracker nutc al. your mouth, al. >> what? >> keep the pictures coming in.s cwe love love sharing them make sure you use the hash tag fox5 ugly sweater. >> fantastic mine says cardsar began dad.gan dad >> yeah it does. >> it makes me laugh the
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began. stylish. sit's very >> i love the little minutes ana the >> mine is traffic ugly sweatert can i say it again. again >> that there's an rv. >> nice. >> thank you.ou. >> okay. clearly we're having a lot of fun. fu >> way too much. >> yesterday we were all about a taking stress out of the holidad hosting well this morning, we're going to take it up a knowledge. we're going to take from it a 1a to an 11.n 1 >> what? in coming up next howw to throw an epic holiday party.. >> that's a good looking crew. . >> no ugly sweaters on those girls.s. >> they're gorgeous.ous. >> one, two and three. ♪♪
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at ikea, we believe everyone should be able to afford a welcoming home for the holidays. and that nothing should get in the way of a good conversation. we believe that room for one more shouldn't cost more. and that you can make a place for everyone. spend your holiday overjoyed and under budget with ikea.
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♪♪ >> yesterday event planner andrt welsh stopped boy and showed usd how to take the stress out of oo decorating your house for your r holiday party. pty today though we'll take it up au knowledge with our neck guest. this is cary washington. no, it is -- she doesn't looksnl like equally as beautiful if not more. more. >> thank you. >> let me say that. t>> l who has heras h work featured in variousious publications, the washingtonio,h post, washingtonian, esen
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magazine you name it. it. she's a big darn deal, and she'd in the lot of giving us somesom wonderful tips.ip merry christmas to you.mas to. >> merry christmas to you.ry c >> all right. here?er we talking about >> so pretty much with this t season, um, we're all aboutll ao glamming it up and always love to, um, invite guests to home hm and really embrace the holidayss >> right. >> it doesn't have to be the quintessential green and red and the snowman.noan you can actually make it a really grown up holidays by adding these few tips.ip one of things you say to startos with is pick your you e you need a a t >> pick a theme. here are the theme wk e really l went with was metallic and wecnd tried to mix it up. u so if you have ornaments or o vintage items that you want to t just bring out you canou c definitely do that.. get some antique, um, ornamentsm from the attic and mix them up p with some ornaments from like lk west down good a little shabby chic. chic >> exactly. you don't want people to comet into your party andwant p sit at table right away.ble riaw >> no.
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little ice banreakt erto. >> definitely. you want to start off withofth welcome drinks.nk right here we have amazing mull wines. wine >> there's delicious.s.>> se theriously. >> i think i heard her say you y need to take a sip of y the winw >> that's was said, right. >> drink up. drink up. dr >> uh-huh. >> these were created by chef er.c. >> ooh.>> o >> they're amazing, right.zing,. >> that is really good. >> never too early, any way, you have the wine which is fun to have a signature drink. dr set the theme of the >> these are from it in wood a local vendor i love anythinge yt guilded in gold is my favorite.. >> as we move along. along >> definitely serve them up one pretty platters. platters. this is the time to use yourusyr pretty platter.latt >> exactly. >> all those platters you got for like wedding giftsho asend p stuff.uff. >> i'll never use.>> definitely. definite >> this is when you use is whe>> yeah. these are amazing. i love tthhe copper. c these are also from west al >> you know what i you've doneen here it's not about being mat mt chi mat chi.t
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>> to pull off your theme.ll of you need like things to kind off coordinate to pull it i altogether. >> yeah. even if you notice our flat weaa is not >> but it kind of goes with thet theme. it really highlights thishis gorgeous table. if you don't have a table likeik this, definitely rent it from fm something vintage rentals.age rs that's where we got thesegot the gorgeous copper chairs, too. too >> i do love t definitely if you do haveu h something at home, add littleitl glam pieces like these antiquent decants are great. g i love them.he. and also think about a focal fol everyone comes to the table but there's also something that thee bring their eyes to.their eyes . this is a really cool dose mess tick like organize >> yes. >> i love that. >> i>>f that makes sense what sw about the height of your focal f point because sometimes have you ever been to dinner s tomhey puy something really high year huera you're looking around to see ths person. you think you can only talpek to the person next to you.t toou >> right. >> try to mick the heights. hgh have things that you can see the person across from you..
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thing. it's all about texture. >> yes. >> here we have these amazingg these are all the rage copperopr mugs. >> what's the amazing drink in k >> this is an eggnog hot cocoa. you spice it up. >> i heard her say you need tod trite eggnog white cocoa. c that's what i heard her say. h >> i love it.>> lov >> i'm just saying.>> i want to make sure we get i tot these right here.e ght this is super cute idea. >> just principal conversation cards. so when you're sitting at the at table sometimes there can beetre like that awkward silence if yoe don't have amazing drinks.nks. >> yes. >> we always like to have theseh little conversation starters.str this one says what's your says r favorite family tradition?radion >> oh, yeah. you can just go around the table each person starts that. >> start reminiscing sometimes s it's fun to talk about holidaysl of past. pas you focus on the holidays of the future. fu >> exactly. here's the last little tip if you're hosting in 20 seconds oro she said you have to have a a theme if you're the hostess you dress to match t
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>> definitely.>> d like dress up. somethingethiave nice, go to rent the runway run that's what i did. and spice it up with like littll glam >> see she carries the metals ml through to her accessories. she is a party girl.ty thank you so much.thank you so >> thank you so much.>> tou >> i love you on scandal.ove yo. >> thank you. [ laughter ] >> all right. right. back to you guys over. o i swear it's not the mold wine.e [ laughter ]ht >> thank you ladies. lad appreciate it coming up we stils have so much show to let me come on over with my wit friends. >> i'm trying to destress from s all of that. tha >> it's so pretty.y. i love the copper or the metallic theme. the faith evans is coming in. >> >> almost burying >> she's everything. right. if it's done in thes donen th entertainment business she'snmt done it much she's an author, at she's a producer, singer, song,n writer. we can't wait to see't ait she's coming in in then he 10:00 o'clock hour.:00 o'k >> of course, we have much moreh for super kaheem because he isae on his way to his first missionn he's riding in the fire truck right n
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so make sure to keep those phonp bank operators working thenghe volunteers i should say. say we want to keep them busy withyi the donations you're calling ini to help others like kaheem have their wishes come true as well.. >> i love everything about that. hash tag kaheem safe dc followol us all day on social media.ed first though it's coffee time oe good day d.c..c if you've been it eyeing our cool good day mugs listen up we have a new good day dc dunkin'cn donuts mug to give away thehe perfect cup for that greatt gre dunkin' donuts coffee. go to to t enter our mug contest.. one lucky winner shrek besidek d random drawing but hurry, youry, only have from now until 11am to enter. >> right now 9:56. we'll be right back.
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♪♪ the most must see moments only on good day at 10a. this fridayst m musorn >> it is a life tv event taking d.c. by storm.. kaheem saves d.c. wait until you see what thishis five-year-old super hero will bl doing at 10a. live in the loft, r and b diva faith evans will be here with us and boy, do we have a a surprise for this legend so getg ready to dance. dce >> it is our favorite things. literally.lira allison, erin, paul and of a course your truly will show youu hour favorite things to give foo the holidays. >> very special and excitingitin edition of good day at 10a 10a starts right now. ♪♪ >> i said i am not going to do it and that's it. >> no. >> i don't even know why i'm eve here. >> nobody wants me here film whm do you have have to be that way.
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green.os not that green.noat g >> supposed to be ugly christmas sweater.sw >> happy holidays.s. >> it's the most wonderful timem of the year. >> it's all a joke.. >> i love this setup. set >> so >> that's my family dinner.r >> so pretty. ptt >> thank you so much.uc we have obviously a full hour hr coming up and not only with the glamor of this but we're celebrating a super hero todayoy which is fantastic. >> super kaheem. >> super kaheem on his way to wy his mission right now his firstt mission he's been called in too service, called into action. a on his way to national we'll talk all about that and ad check in with him along the way. >> tucker will be with him.h >> everybody is involved today.v i'm steve alongside allison, erin and holly.. maureen has the morning off. wisdom with super kaheem helping to make a wish come we celebrate five
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kaheem.kahe kaheem is a cancer patient who used his make a wish request tot give to others he wanted to betb super hero for day. day he's a big of other super heroer and they're all best friendst f because he's one of ofh. on his ways to national harborio in fire truck right now on thehe beltway headed right there toheo national harbor.natial h >> look at him.>>k at >> look at the big screen at national harbor. harbo >> that's cool. >> that's what he'll see when hh gets there for his firstisir assignment.asgnme very very special mission and in you were with us a earlier kevin read the mission to him beforeim they got in the fire truck toruo head over there.head you can follow along as kaheem k saves d.c. all day long on air r and online on our social media platforms on our facebook page,, look for the hash tag kaheemm saves d.c..c. there's also a website set upetu you can help kaheem saves >> you're looking at two superup heros right there. tre our first responder and kaheem. that is just so priceless. >> the best. >> it is the best.>> t>>t >> all the response from socialc media has just been
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i'm beaming the smiles, fell in love with kaheem.ahee >> we'll have to ask kevin whata universe this was in. in. >> wisdom was saying he was ahes marvel >> the marvel universe. >> well, or maybe d.c. >> here's the thing when super r kaheem comes in he unites theun universe. >> will you go.l you . >> he had a special super hero juice too. that's how he got his powers. >> today is a team effort withft make a make a wish really needs youree help making dreams like this -- >> he's falling asleep holdly.y. >> he's got to be tired he'stir' much so much already.ea >> it's a big day. >> 10:03. if you want to learn more orto m make a donation, that's whatt'sw they really need we have a phone bank open it's open right please call we have all these te volunteers on stand by (202)895-3307. (202)895-3307.(202)8 you can also log on to a special website to donate.. it's kaheem saves kaheem saves they'll take cash donation,,
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these people make a differencefc and make everlasting memorieseme for families that are really challenged obviously with life-threatening so please help make wishes andha dreams come true.eamsome >> it's a lot for alot foa five-year-old. >> it's a lot. five-year-old.. >> that's a nice sweet ride i'mm not surprised he's dosing off an little bit.littit >> right. >> problem is when i'm driving.g >> we don't want to talk about a that. ht.>>l rig gary mcgrady is downstairs withh his super cute ought outfitutt today for national uglygly christmas sweater day.teday >> the bow at the bottom of thee sweater. i can take it.i >> super cute.>> s >> that's the best part.the be . >> careful there. there. >> what's happening? >> show them how you ring youryo bells, gary?ar [ laughter ][ >> that is silly.. >> this has been so much fun.h n people are running away from mem this morning.orni they seem to know i'm coming.g. here's what's going on. you guys took your sweaters off. you had them on briefly. temperatures. it's warming up stillte super ot 23 degrees. pittsburgh
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doing good at least going in thg right direct.ghct. binghamton is stuck at eight ant new york at 19.rkt we are going to warm up thisp t ekenend. i'm telling you i mean it'sing still going to be chilly todaymy temperature right now at dullese is 19. is 1 gaithersburg is 18 so there's ts still a lot of teens out there.e just enough wind to keep it keep blowing and keep the temperatures feeling like singll digits for some. west minster which was actuallyy below zero for a time thishi morning with the real feel f temperature is up to three. thr that's wait feels like. like. still really really cold out cot there. a little warmer to the south.r s here's the setup. tonight, tomorrow morning goingg to be a little snow initiallyniy little sleet could bringldring freezing rain with it as wellel and create a little glaze ofgle icing around. aund. winter weather advisory issuedoe late tonight through 9amgh 9 tomorrow morning.ow we should m warm up.m up. and when we do, it will go to all rain.l rain. sleet to freezing rain a littlee bit of snow, sleet and ice i glazing north and west too ioo think that's where the betterrer potential is for a little bitit more of -- accumulation of ice i up there. tre they could get as much as tenth of an inch to in
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farther north a quarter of anf a inch. i don't think that much that is the going forecast.k thatg focat okay, 6:00 o'clock tonight we'lt just cloudy we could have fewavf showers around.un snow showers that is byis 10:00 o'clock or so and keep ine mind, it won't be a lot of snoww so cold what little bit we do d get will go a long way. so a lot of those major streetss highways in virginia and and maryland have been pre treated that will help.that wl help tomorrow morning at 6am all that orange there a little bit of bit sleet and freezing rain watchat out quickly we warm up, though,o gone to you will a rain andnnd that's by the latter afternoonno hours. we'll get up to about 50 degrees tomorrow.rr so that's definitely will change things and look at sunday. 60 degrees for high temperatureu with some afternoon rainain showers. okay. then we get colder next week. w right now christmas is looking mild. as could be in be the 50s if nothing changes okaya we'll continue to watch thato wt forecast. continue to watch this forfoeca, too, guys.. if anything changes today whichi i don't think it will we'll certainly let you know.let yono. we're all over social media m today and later on sue is sue i back -- gwen is in thi
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with mike and they'll cover it i all. all. >> will the outfit change today, that's the question, gary.stion. >> i need to go to the mall. i don't know maybe -- it won'ttn draw too much attention will it. >> gary, you'll be just fine. >> take pictures and post themte on the website. >> here i am.m >> here i am. >> do that.ha shimmy when you walk in so youn can hear the bells.hear >> see you later.>> see you latr >> i love it..e it >> thanks gary.. >> it has googlely eyes. eye >> is there a better word began googlely. >> awkward placed big knows.knos >> yeah. the whole thing is awkward,ward, steve.ev all right.t. 10:07.> 10 that means it's time to check ik what is trending.trenng. first up, facebook is steppingtn up to battle back against fake f social network announcedetwork d yesterday it will work with fact checking outlets to flashsh questionable stories.. now, before someone shares aresa fake story they will get a warning that act rats cure seere has been disputed that pointha people have a choice they can decide if they want to share the story with friends any way or not. they can do that if they ch
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to share it, they will getet another warning to the person po that it's going. it'going. in new study just out yesterdayy the pew research center found that nearly a quarter of americans say they have shared e made up news story either either knowingly or unknowingly. we should note facebook ceo mark zuckerberg initially denied fakd news was a serious issue.ue next up star wars fans can c finally get their fix nowfix n because the force is back as ofs last night. night. now officially the new movie rogue one opens today.opens tody but a lot of theaters wereater showing it last night so folksao had a chance to see it. i. if you were expecting the same s old star wars, well, you mightog be out of luck.. rogue one is the first of a string of planned stand alone films for the franchise.nchise the plot actually a prequel to the 1977 original star warsr which was called a new hope butb what we knew for decades justt the star wars kevin chance tonc see it last night.nig he actually loved it. i he gave it a four out of five. f >> four out of five? >> he said it was really good. >> good review for kevin.ev. >> had an epic two minute
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toward the glenn the third act.t >> i only need to see those twoo minutes. >> the first act was good and two minutes in tsthe third act a >> i personally didn't knowd movies were in a did you all know that. that. >> i knew it from kevin justus he's told us about it before. bf >> he drops the lingo.... >> okay. >> good review from kevin. >> it runs altogether. 10:09. shining laser lights on to t holiday home social security a big trend.rend some thing the groovy displayisy adds sparkle to the season, butb the federal aviationion administration says that sparkle could cause problems if pointedi to the sky.tohe s they say it could distract airplane pilots officials saylss six aircraft were struck byy lasers in the span of six hours wednesday morning in boston. faa said those strikes weretrikw under investigation and theynd e wouldn't comment on thedn't cpotential source of the beams. also, last year, lasers beamingn from homes in dallas, texas, and sacramento, california.. well, it is one of the mostt bizarre christmas trends thiss season.
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tweet at the same time. sales of half christmas treeses they're soaring according too online retailer wayfair. holly, what do you think? thi >> if you have to put it up u against a wall and you have h limited space i think it mightng work. >> it's great for smaller place. if you have studio oro o efficiency. >> i might be thinking i wish i thought of thae tthin. might be my -- my -- >> i was wouldn'ting why it toot so long. >> that's for sure.s fore. she's trees have been cut in i half from the top to the bottomo they can be pushed up against aa wall or the corner.r. >> genius. gen >> corner cabinet.canet >> which are cool.>> c which can be good option for those living in tight spaces spe maybe apartment. >> they have a stand like a half stand you don't have the sta fu- >> that's what we can make and mark a half stand.alf st >> half stand.d >> but then it would topple we need a whole stan.n >> that's weighted more in theee back. >> to hold it up.>>hold >> you're welcome. we did the math. you'r did the t it's all good. the engineering.nginring. >> somebody else is doing it wee just gave them the idea. >> if you have a half tree ivear want to see a picture of it.
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trees in half trying to make mak twice as much money for it.t. why not?y >> it's the american way.ay. >> i'll take three branches tora go. 10:11. national ugly christmas sweaterr yay. and we have ours with us as well. and you're sharing yours. we have some great pictures outt there today. tay we've been sharing them sharingm throughout the day today. >> aww. >> keep them coming. we want to see kee what you're wearing hash tag fox5 ugly u sweater. >> that's a good one. >> that is a good one. that'isoo >> ld ook at that. >> that's great picture.ture. >> look at that big elf on his. >> ooh, that's cute. cut that's like 3d. 3d. >> i can see why you won the contest. >> i think that one is homemade. >> we showed this earlier.. >> she was out for a little bitb hopefully get a chance to see ii this time, too.oo. >> it's really cute. >> aww.>> aww >> feeling festive. >> hoping everybody gets in ony it. >> for sure. >> right. >> i like the hat with it. little christme as vest. >> a vest. >> and she's kindergartenarte teacher.teher >> she loves erin's rv on the sweater. >> yay. >> say it erin. that there's an rv.
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>> it rolls off the tongue.e >> she's an r and b diva live ie the loft. with grammy awardwa winning faith evans. evans. >> so excited for this. >> me too. >> it will be fun.. ryan reynolds kids stealing thee show during his hollywood star ceremony.cereny kim kardashian, al, stepping out finally.finay. >> okay. >> swirling divorce rumors and s then we have a surprise christmas edition of carpool karaoke.kaoke. >> holly i'm so glad did you not wear that blazer you and mariahh have the same blazer. blazer. >> i have that same problem tham she >> too much for tv. >> 10:12. 1 good day celebrity dish.ri we'll be serving it up, not mariah next. next >> live look at what super sup kaheem is doing.oi his wish day continues. continu. they're on their way to the theh national harbor. and he is wide awake talking to real life super hero. >> he's actually telling the t firefighters what they need to o do. >> oh.
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all right. r it is our turn to serve up somee celebrity dish with none other n than this celebrity right here.r >> i'm having a great time. t how you doing. d >> now paul usually you would bu the biggest star in the loft but we have another super star on s our show today and tha kaheem. kaheem saves d part of our makem a wish with the make a wish midm atlantic much we'll be runningui tweets underneath as people aree responding. >> i'm such a fan of kaheem.ucf i know.w. huge fan right right hee >> there he is. he's on his way to nationalatio harbor. in the fire truck as we he's got a big mission and super hero kaheem will take care of if no doubt. dbt as does he that, let's talk --tl this perfect to go from this to our first celebrity dish story.. >> i love it. e it.e i >> james corden came out withutt epic carpool karaoke. >> not madonna but somethingomng knew. >> the whole grouping ofkn supep stars.sts. >> exactly. all just in time for theju take look. >> ♪♪ i don't want a nut for
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thing i need, i don't care aboua the presents --sent-- >> i'd be afraid to sing withsig her in the car.he >> she actually -- look then itt goes to all these other super stars doing mariah's song.g. mariah said all i want for my christmas is to do carpoolarol karaoke with my christmas songg so does he it. >> demi la vat tow.vat t goes through all these people,gt elton john. >> oh, my gosh.. >> sir elton john.ohn. >> dream come true.>> dre >> exactly. >> one much our producers callee me yesterday and asked me toe pick up faith evans this morninr and drive her to the station ani i said oh, my gosh, i'm going to have carpool karaoke with faith evan. ev >> do you i >> then real life the insurance was not going to work out. >> i wanted to drive faith evans here. >> you'll have a chance to singi with her >> check out that latest carpool karaoke.ra it will get you in the mood forr the holidays. what i think is so fun
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the for thought to do it with all the >> that's what happens when youh plan hpl thi >> any way let's move on to hollywood walk of fame ryan renr follow got this yesterday. yestd >> very nice. i love ryan reynolds. >> do you know who was the star. >> his wife.ow w she look>> his amazing.mang isn't his kids. >> they're very private andvated their two little kids were there and youngest one this is the first time that the child was ci out in public and so literally t of course we're not seeing himeh in any of these video. vid >> because it's private.rivate die see video of the kids. kid the kids stole the show. s >> there you go.. >> super super cute.ute >> could you imagine having tooa keep your kids quote unquote private?? >> don't you just want to be ate mom and do your thing with yourh kids. >> you make a choice. >> there's the little one.e one look at the on the one with theh curls. dness.ess >> grabbing the >> grabbing the microphone phone. >> doing the head throw back. >> exactly. the h >> retir ee from axact listers
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being normal people like the rest of.f >> do you remember during deadre pool when he put up likeme a fae of hugh >> yes. >> hugh jackman did the sameckm thing yesterday to him.g yest >> i love it. .y very funny >> do we have it?? >> we do not have it but imagine if you will hugh jackman puttinp up a face of ryan reynolds and in talking with ---- >> quid pro quo.uid pr listen to the video.listene he really makes fun of of ryan reynolds in backhanded way way congratulations and -- prettyy hysterical.ical >> i love it when outrageously attractive guys make fun of each other. >> do you remember the time were talk to hugh jackman at the endn of the interview he rememberedee our names and we were like -- >> we are so easy to amuse. >> let's be honest. >> this is big for you al. >> kim k news. new >> she's back. >> yes. she's out. >> holly i need the details. de. >> here's the details. hs so she is back and she was out w at a christmas
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>> good hair cam. good >> her hair does look the thing s, ! picture becauseee kanye was blond when he was witw donald trump. >> i'm not sure this is thes the updated picture.tu >> this is -- just in case youeu forgot what kimmie looks like.e >> blond could have been just c for the momentould. >> it could have.av >> divorce rumors are not truetu and this is first time she's been >> that's when they was pregnanp garys. gary >> since kanye went into the kyw >> so -- >> is she postingo on or own o social media yet since the rob e before he. be >> still her peo >> okay.>>kay. >> still her people posting. hep >> that's huge.hue. >> um-hmm. >> she must really still beallyl feeling the after >> yeah. >> of the armed robbery, because she a social -- she's a movement. >> but i thought earlier they said she said or people clo se tho touglose her said she was just reassessing her life. le. >> sure.>> what did does she want to put out l what does she want to do. she'll re-emerge.emer >> she has a second chance now.n take a step back. bk >> let's have mariah re-emerge.
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>> ♪♪ >> all i'm want for christmastm you ♪♪♪ >> she has her documentaryry >> yes. >> she want it to be called a dock queue series instead of a r reality show.. >> she doesn't want to do at tod reality >> of course not. >> at's more legitimate it's dock queue series.eries. >> you up your rate when you say dock queue series.ue ser >> she's upping her boy toyoy question because apparently thel are re-editing some of the last episodes because her husband orr soon to be husband theba the billionaire they broke it off -- >> fiance'.nce' >> her dancer was n her dancerar boyfriend is in more of themore episodes. >> i just have to say he wouldou really have to do some prettyere bad stuff to me to get me to meo break up with her. her i mean the billionaire.. >> she's done that, no.hat, n >> he broke up with her.. >> the word was she was spendind too much money.ey >> hey, i would just -- pull pul back. >> they got on the yacht inacht grease. grease. >> you wouldn't let him go. wou >> i would pull back untilldn' t marriage. >> she's married for money
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i mean --i mn >> oh yeah. >> she's got her own money.ey >> not for money she's got her g own money.ow >> that's a lot of touring.ring all i want for christmas, you know. sometimes you get tired. you don't wanttime to do all ala that o >> see what happens, she's car pooling. >> how do you spend too much of billionaire's spionaio >> maybe he's cheap. che >> i wonder -- do you thinku thi james corden sang that entirent song with everyone of those tse celebrities.lebr >> what happened.>> wt ha >> do you think james cordeninkr sang that entire song withon w everyone of those >> absolutely. there will be remix.there ll b >> that's awesome. >> thank you. thank >> we love everything about it.. 2.:22. coming and our final edition ofn good day's favorite things and this time we're sharing ourur favorite gifts to give duringo the holiday season.eason >> first though we are stillll following kaheem's super heroero journey right now.ow he's still -- dc traffic evenve super hero can't do anything ath about that he's on his way to t national harbor for very speciai mission and boy, do they have a welcome for him coming up. up. we'll check in a little bite b
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you love all-day breakfast. but you don't love that you can't get all your favorites. but now you can get more of what you love. so you can find something else to not love. like hearing the sound of your own voice. (softly) like hearing the sound of your own voice. get more choices you love, now with all day breakfast. >> welcome back to good day d.c. 10:25 and there is super kaheem. he is taking on the task of saving d.c. today on his way to national harbor to meet up with tucker barnes fore isking oto al mission. >> we're hearing he'll havee multiple missions today.le m
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this area. but we are trust kaheem he'llm l take care of for all of us. what looks really cool the womem come he's going get when he gets to national harbor. har can you say big screen, big wheel, big deal? tucker barnese there you go. >> yeah. steve, before we go on, i got aa confession. i got into a secret possessionn before i left and i got super powers myself. >> tucker, i can't way to hear.. >> i love it. [ cheers and applause ] >> yes, we're down here atwn h national we're so excited.xcited we got members from the prince p george's fire department here.nh [ applause ] >> we have members of the super hero council! [ applause ] ] >> we have members of make a wish! wish! [ applause ]au ] >> and we've got people fromeopo national harbor here. her we're very very excited for ouro friend super kaheem to arrive. r he's got a very s
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here. i can't give too much away. but i'll tell you thigisve t.. it involves the wheel behind usu and we're expecting big things g from him when he gets here we w knee his help in order to say the city, right?t? >> yes! >> [ applause ] y >> look at this turnout.tuout. he should be here i guess you guys have a better b chance of where he is. of whhe . we can't wait for him to get tot here. i've got to run off. o everybody will help him complete his mission and we'll be off ana run throughout the city througho the day.y. great morning out here.g out re. even though it's 21 degrees,1 d, it's warm, right? >>eses! >> all right. guys, that's the latest fromrom national harbor. harr. we'll have more coming up inp just a minute.. >> whoo! [ cheers and applause ] >> he just has light jacket on.i no hat, nogh gloves. >> always hot. never wears shoes in the studio. >> right. >> super tucker.>> super t good day keeping the faith.. coming up next r and b star sta faith evans joins us live in the loft to talk about her show at t the howard theater tonight, anda if we're lucky, she'll do ao little good day karaoke, too.oo >> tell me more about this one.e >> you'll be involved as well.
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that spans two decades and we'ra talking about the incomparablene grammy winning singer faith evans and you know her hits i'll be missing you -- ♪♪ >> faith don't look at me. at m i love that song.ha son i love you and of course loveove like this which you're singing s to night. faith will perform few of thoseh hits when she gets to the howard theater alongside listen bandted but before that, she is here with us live in the loft. l can you tell i'm a fan. fan good morning. >> good morning.d rning. >> look real singers are baby, b don't ever do it again. welcome back to t.c >> thank you. >> howard theater you know is ks just going object to be on fire tonight. tell us about the show. >> well, i'm always excited toly come pexerformci hertee in the v area. this is since '95 since my firs single been one of my favorite t cities to perform in. >>lleally? >> yeah. >> always. every show is always good.s ways they always know all the words.. >> right, >> tonight it's a holiday party. so it's an event that is i guess people can buy tickets to. so if you're not -- i
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have your tickets already come y see me. >> tickets still available? yoe cat met me know. of course it will be sol out fof i do love that christmas album.b is it christmas a special timept of year for you? did you that t album several years back.yearsac >> you know i recorded mycoed m christmas album actually in thee i was on tour promoing my firsti lady album, and said i think ihi should do christmas album. why we were in hotels duringel r that time, we recorded theded t christmas album.chri it was actuallyst fun until some people, we were recording actuaa until my hotel room and somend people next door were banging wn like we don't want to hear thatt it's not christmas. >> right, okay. okay >> got it. got it. >> but i love christmastime.tmai i mean not only a time where wew get some of us get to sort of sr unplug a little bit but, youutyo know, spent time with family and love ones and, you know, it'snoi not really about the gifts to me i'm kind of happy my three of me children are, you know, 18 and over. i only have one that's still ini school.hool. so, you know, i don't have to do so much running around.rod >> in reading
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just knowing just you've just js been staple for good mew segmene for so long.g. singer, song writer, a ranger,ae producer, author and all of thaa in your material it says above o all mom. al >> yes. >> how has that been trying to stay grounded in t yhaour busins and raise your kids? and raiser them alone.. >> well, it really hasn't been, um, a struggle in the sense sen trying to stay grounded i mean a that's something that i can helh but do. my kids are pretty normal. live is very normal. nmal. their mom just happens to be ana singer, and be somewhat popular but at the same time we liveiv very very normal lives isn'tisnt really?re >> we don't live like in castles or gated community. i don't have a nanny. a nan i don't even have a babysitterys right now. but -- >> down to earth. >> i really don't.>>eally n't. but, um, it's not -- it's not any less hard than someone thatt holds down 9:00 to 5:00 that's0s single mom. >> i love that attitude. lov let'
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especially because we had the t bad boy reunion tour and all ofa that. what does it feel like nor a few audience to basically appreciate and know some of your oldere of stuff, too? >> well, i always been quiteeent surprised when i meet people i e that look like they're like, you know, 20, 25. how old are you? how do youu? d know my music? your mom used td play it? >> right.ig >> the tour itself was lot of wl fun i never got a chance to gotg on tour with the whole bad boy b family back in the day. the d i was always the one that wantet to rebel don my own thing.. rigight. right. >> it was a lot of fun.un i'm glad that it's over becausec i get to be back home with on my regular schedule with my kids. >> right, right. in it was great>> r just seeingu know, some of my label mates mat just feel that moment with their fans in every city. c some of us haven't been bee performing as much as others over the years. yrs >> right. >> so just to see the appreciation for that music,tiot that movement, thahat t we werew part of.f. >> yes.>> >> from people of all ages. a good right.
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>> in all these differentifferet cities, um, it was mazing. >> rewarding.>>arding. >> yes speaking of all ages wege have one much our co-workers ana she's got the big dee t-shirt oi today. i got to ask about what is is i that like carrying on biggy's iy memory and representing and alln of that good stuff? >> well, it is quite a big thini to have to deal with.l >> it's a lot, right. rig >> like everything else i justet kind of approach things withhi the, you know, god doesn't givev me more than i can handle.dle. >> right.ight >> and actually you know i feelf like it is my duty to play a part in extenting his legacy my next project that i just finishf recording is actually duet albub with me and big call the kingl and i. an >> really? wow!ow >> it will be out in spring off 2017. 2017. >> right. what was that like? i mean you ha got to deal t withlike emotionsi you got to deal with likehik performing and blending itndingi altogether watch was thateratch project like.t >> you know what, it was not, um, as emotional throughoutt the -- it was more, a su
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at how it came i never knew how i would do it. i told his mom years ago i woulw want day want to do a projectro like this, and it just -- everye song came out so amazing aning even taking some of his oldfis wraps that people have heard i i created whole new records. reco. so i was more amazed at the facf it came together the way it didd probably in the last few lt sessions i actually did have ict some emotional moments. ments. r right. >> but it was more listeningiste back to what i created want he actually -- how great he >> right. >> that i can take these t objection pell las and just, yoj know, recreate things and isnd i think i had a little moment. i think he's prow of me. of >> i can't wait. i can w >> broke down in the studio.. >> okay. all right. okay. so i am told chris tell me agaia i think general admission mightt be sold out. okay. okay. everything else is sold out butt you can get general admission.ds it will be special for whoeverar is there tonight.onig. get your tickets howard theater. now do they tell you -- we lovel faith so much we wanted to pre tendon we were like back up we >> okay.
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going to do.going to >> i didn't bring any to town. if ya'll you might have to -- t- >> you heard me. i'm going to lynn sing whatsi we're paul come over. erin, holly, anybody wants to sing.sing. >> what tone do you sing. >> alto. >> do i need to move becauseec you're really sinking? isn't it she so pretty.rett >> hi. >> okay. okay. i can do it. >> okay.y. >> wait. what part am i singing?inging? >> faith, that's you. >> to show me a love.ov >> oh, my god.od >> oh, no. love like this before. ♪♪ >> don't you even come over here. [ laughter ] >> it's really just a concert . >> take it. >> see the way you walk. >> and what do you to me. >> okay
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>> oh, my goodness.. >> i'm in awei being too much oc a fan girl right now. >> ♪♪ >> love like this before. >> no, no. >> never. love like this before.ef >> all right.>> rig so tonight the howard theaterhe faith evans you're such a good g good sport.good spo thank you so soh >> thank you for having me. [ applause ]se ] >> legend right here in theerint studio.. >> i love you guys. >> can i be a faith guy girl.. >> i'm a faith girl, too. t now love like this before.ore r all right. steve, over to you.steve, >> that is awesome. somebody had to document thatena oh, i did. d faith you sound mazing. m thank you very much so much fory being here. general m admission tickets still tickets available tonight.. check her out f you've beenou watching all morning you know al it's a been very s mpecial mornl for all of us here at fox5 we'v' been tagging along with a real r life super hero whose
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going get sleepy right nowight because it has been long trip tt national harbor.arbo but you witnessed magical transformation what was five-year-old kaheem who was five-year-old kaheem his make a wish request.ue well now he's super kaheem andam we just learn there's a missionn awaiting him at national harborr he's almost there.. only he can help. we'll go to national harborr where kaheem will be soon.e s that's coming up next. it's 10:39.0:39.
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♪♪ all right. right we are just nine days away from christ which means you have jusj about one week left to finin finish your shopping list.t we've been sharing last minuteue gift ideas for families, fashionistas make up lovers andv the guys in our life. we the good day team are sharina gifts we like to give. g good days favorite things andngs bringing in ringer this morning. fox5 contributor paul wharton. but allison, erin, steve and myself all have ideas.deas shall i start.alar >> you start holly.>> 'll 'll be quick. ready, here you go.ere yo go. take note. do you know they have college tennis these are my personal onessonalo obviously i went to duke they have all the different collegese you can order them, get them inn your school colors. colors. kids love them. >> adults and kids adidas you can get them
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i'm giving these to little boyeb whose last name is kenny. k i got them. i know he's in school so he'se' not watching. you can get these in allget then different colors. these right here these. are myy own personal life converse thate i have on et cetera see aaee a million people that do this.t hi i got two for my nieces thiss ts year. year. one who is going to college inne the fall so i got him in her in college colors and the one i goe in her high school colors.lolor girls love the >> monogram.ra >> all right. here this isig a little candle d coaster. two for one beautiful this is ts little candle that comes cable c it in sweater it will changeatei your life if you smell it. y sme >> smell it, steve.te >> that's actually very good. gd i got little boutique inn bethesda called morley good forf anybody.ybod this you want to sing in the shower. >> blue too many speaker. >> i have onee to. >> you can shaye with your phone put in the shower sing to youror who are tosses couldn't 10 the 0 newest latest cell phone caseonc that everybody wants. wts. i just gave this wednesday nighn to a friend. to >> what's so special. w >> a selfie case because it hast lights around it when you take t your selfie it light
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makes it beautiful. >> this right my favorite wine have i at least seven ready todt give. because you can fill itcause according to whatever day you'ru giving. >> it almost holds a wholelmosl bottle. >> exactly. this right here is the best bes aviator irrelevant rates everyre glass of wine you pour.leva we o 20 bucks easy give to gift give. this for all the gooiest in youy life to do the grilling, it hass a cork screw, spatula like the t swiss army grill kit. >> i like it 30 bucks. >> great got this at, letters to your grandchild. give it to grand parent different topics it mveay it se you.. i learned when i was young. meanwhile, we'll take breakake b because we have breaking news hn from a superew hero. arriving in national >> you've been watching.ching. kaheem is in fire truck pullingg up to national harbor right nown in just minute he'll get out ofo that fire truck and he'll finaln out how he's going to save thehe washington area because he'sauss given his first mission to headh to national harbor and it lookss
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now. while we're looking at this alot huge thanks to all of thehe volunteers who are helping out today to do this. we mention obviously we havee hv people in the phone bank helpinn out all the emergencycy responders, the firefighters whw have helped out in montgomeryony and prince george's counties.rgt i mean everybody coming together to help kaheem have a magical mg wish day today.wishay t >> this is one examplely wishesw that are granted via make a wish and why we love partnering witht make a wish mid atlantic becausb they make such a givers of disss we do have a phone bang up and running in you will like donatet you can donate online.ine. we have a special website today kaheem saves please go check it out.. literally we have only justy j begun his journey today. tay >> his first of many stops after the studio.e studo >> look at him. so happy. >> still smiling.mili >> oh, we're about to see thisee part of his wish come >> how mazing for a five-year-old to say, you know,o you can have anything that you u nt.t. but i want to help others. oer >> that's right. tha >> i love it. . breakl take a quickt' we'll come back and
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♪♪♪ he's off. >> ut-oh. >> he's out of the fire truck. yayay! >> the mission is underway. misi he's getting a super heroero welcome at national harbor.. >> absolutely. >> so many people came out to say hi.ny peoo he's about to seesa himself onso that big tv >> can you imagine. ima. >> no.>> no >> this is kaheem' special wishw day, and his first epic stop ana i cannot wait to see what tucket has lined up for him at nationao harbor.. >> somebody needs saving they need to get there.need to time is of the essence, right.ig >> they did say if i rememberi e kevin reading the mission he hah to go to the highest point instp national harbor and look for tht man in red. >> ooh. >> what do you think the highest poouin tt is.point i >> there we have it. the we >> i think he might go up the hi l.eel. >> yeah. >> all right. barnes is there.he good morning. >> hey, guys. g we're just waiting for kaheem tm get here. down there.the he's going to have a very very special delivery vehicle thatlet will take him right down the dock area herend
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got big plans for we need super hero powers toowes invoke all of this, but we're bw very excited about his arrival.. i can tell from everybodydy scrambling he will be here h momentarily. and we have a very importantor mission for him aft all it is is the holidays.hoys you hear that? all right,ht everybody, here he comes. [ cheers and applause ] >> he's heading down the walkway. we're out here at national harborout . [ cheers and applause ] >> very special escort.. members of the prince george'seo fire department are here and ofd course lots and lots of make aae wish foundation have volunteered their time to come out here this morning and people from national harbor. we're having a great morning soo far. [ cheers and applause ]cheers a >> it has been flawless. flaes ever since he hit that possession. >> i'm on air. yes. yes. ever since he hit thatha possession he's super h
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kaheem.heem >> all right. >> all right. [ cheers and applause ] >> his arrival.. >> whoo! who [ applause ] >> all right.>>ig thank you, sir.ank >> yes, sir. >> yes.>>es >> our super hero kaheem.. >> in his outfit.utt here comes mom.. here comes home mom. mom. and here comes super kaheem! >> hi. >> what's happening?haenin >> so nice to meet you.ou >> i saw you had your possession earlier and now you've got super powers, right? r >> i need your help.>> i need yo can you help me?? >> he's so cute.ut all right. super kaheem can you help mep m with these binoculars we need td look over in that direction dir towards the ferris wheel. okay? somebody needs our help.h can you see? can you see off in the distance there.
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>> santa! >> santa, yes. santa is stuck. >> santa is stuck out there. santa, can you hear us? >> santa, can you hear us? u >> he can't hear us. u help me, help me! >> we'll need your super powers. >> help! h >> can you hear him, he says hee needs help. >> do you see him.. >> yeah. >> here's what we need to do.o kaheem, all right. r we need to invoke your super powers.. ready? we'll go one work, thee, pow all right. rig >> one, two, three pow! p [ cheers and applause ] >> whoo!! >> come on.>> ce on. let's go rescue him. >> come on. >> we got to rescue santa. >> come on. >> let's go.o. come this way with me.e. come on.
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you're a super hero. whoo! you're doing great. whoo! i'm getting tired too. tio all right.alrig kaheem this way.hisay come on we got to rescue santa.e he needs you.dsou we got to get all those presentt out to all the boys and we're counting on you. y all right. all right. let's do it.t. come over here. h come over here. her here we go. >> i love you! y >> thank you.hankou >> i love santa. love nta >> thank you very much foror saving me.savi me. how did you get those super powers? >> he got it from a secret s possession this morning.. >> he's got super powers! >> kaheem you're a hero thankert you for saving santa. sta >> thank you.nk y. >> thank you for saving santa.. >> i'm out of breath and you'red not even winded at all
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>> okay.kay kaheem, we're not done with youh yet. clue number two has arrived.iv now that you've saved santa from scary heights, you are ready fof your next adventure. traveling by boat with sirens and lights here's your mission.n head into d.c. and capitol hilll in the building where congress r meets it's the place we're going to need your next super >> can you do that for us, us, >> okay. >> take your clue.lue. you ready? >> all right. r mom, he's off to super powers. thank you, santa. sta >> thank you. >> can i walk with you. >> kaheem -- >> can i walk with you. can i >> >> santa -- >> we're going to toss it backoi to tk get back to theto fire boat. >> kaheem, you're our hero.
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>> there's the fire boat he was going to get on. look.look. how awesome is that. >> you know what we're going too follow kaheem all throughout thu day. day. just because good day is gettini to sign off doesn't mean thisean mission is over.ver. in fact we'll follow it across s all our social mode ya platforms. facebook, twitter, instagram, snap chat you name it you can watch as kaheem continues toonts save dc and then of course tune in at 5:00 and 6:00.and 6 when all the other super heroesr give you a high five for a job j well done you know that you didu something impressive end just ej saved santa. sa >> yeah, did he.>>eah, christmas will go on.. >> so glad.d. >> christmas lives another year. >> we want to hear kaheem savess dc. what do you think of today and kaheem's magi mission. msion >> as if i didn't love tuckereuc enough now i really love tuckere w.w. >> i think i saw it in bothhi wisdom and tucker, you knownk ia i mean, they're daddy instinctsi came out. ca so nurturing with kaheem both oo them. i just absolutely love it don'tt forget kaheem safes
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and help support make a wish mid atlantic.atla >> it's really making this comem true. true >> don't forget to give. g i don't know how long the phone bang will be up. >> call and you can donate youry air miles, you can donate d whatever because it does take de money to make this happen.appen >> it makes such a difference. f >> it makes such a >> all you have to do is -- wet- can all agree on kaheem's k journey was all of our favorite things?things >> yes. >> that smile on his face filmi we'll do favorite things -- we'll do favor are favoriteor things on monday redo this ons monday. we had to give our time to kaheem because he is the superir star of the day. >> we dsto do not want to miss s that for sure. sure. >> make sure you follow us all day because kaheem's journey jrn doesn't end until 6:00 this enening. >> fox5 facebook page we'll be ' live streaming itll all day long then of course a wrap up at u a 5:00 o'clock today because b there's something special thatsc will happen on the 5:00 p.m.:0pm news as well. w >> look at his fire hat. fire ht
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my guest list just tripled. my cookie exchange is super competitive. mine too. i want to go really big with my appetizers. we can do it without blowing our budget. oh yeah, this is great! my family really needs to be wowed this year! standing rib roast! wow. everything for the holidays. that's my giant.
11:00 am
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