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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  December 20, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EST

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♪♪ >> ahead on good day at 9a so s close.os the redskins playoff hopes hop fading fast in a tough monday mn night loss at home. home. but is there any shot of them te scoring that final spot? thena good, the bad, the in between. n we'll break it all down. dow stepping up security following g deadly attack in germann christmas authorities here in the dcthe dc region now on high alert watchrt they're doing to protect you ini the final days of the holiday season. first lady michelle obama getting candid.di >> hey, it's going to be okay. let's remember the good thingsoo that we we have. >> reporter: with just weeksjuss left in the white house mrs. obama opens up about life l in washington and her hopes for a post obama presidency. and later, is it the purchase infect pre
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family this holiday season mayey not be so merry and good day at 9a starts right now. ♪♪ what? >> that could be your cat. >> no, no, no. you know steve i can't have anya animals. >> >> oh, my gosh.osh. >> i got nothing against animals i just can't have any in my house. around an m'te h. me no worries at all. >> yeah.eah. >> >> welcome back.>> welcome b happy birthday. >> yay! >> happy birthday.>> hapirthda >> it's funny you said i forgotr all of a sudden. >> we didn't get a chance to cele't gbrate with star wars thi year. >> i'll be honest with you thiss was quiet birthday just the wayy i wanted it no fanfare.anre when you get older it's like l birthdays are for kids.ysre fork i'm good. >> if you age in reverse like do you it doesn't matter.oer. >> i love you. thyok you. >> you're welcome. >> shared it with the lord. went td oit w church.h. that's it. >> thanks for being with us forr it's tuesday, november 20th,r th right around the corner fromm christmas.ri >> it's december 20th gooddecem what d
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>> you trying take us back. >> you talking about her inern reverse.. >> all on the same >> also ahead this morning we mr have holiday cheer in rather unlikely spot. ♪♪ fall on your knees ♪♪ >> heart warming rendition in an busy metro station. spreading a little joy and now w ing g viral. the reason behind her decision to sing is coming up. !> wow! >> all right.ight. >> meantime, let's check with'st tucker barnes to tuck about thii colder temperatures we'rera w having. but there's a silver lining if you like what's on the seven sen day. >> she was great.>> she >> she was w. >> reminds me the lady whoady wh sanctity lincoln memorial.orl >> she was.. a teacher from florida sanctity lincoln memorial.or >> i didn't hear the rest ofar f what you said but yes. yes [ laughter ] >> it's okay.okay >> something about coldbout cd temperatures. 28 in washington.ston. wind chill 21 degrees.1 degree it is cold out this morning.orni the good news is we have a lot of sunshine and we are going tot
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daytime highs should top out int the low 40s. so maybe 5 degrees warmer thanma ststerday. that's a quiet quiet satellite picture.icture and again clear skies overnightt the good news if you're y traveling today locally ifally i you're traveling up and down the eastern seaboard lot of gettingi on the roads quite conditions c later today and i'll be back ink few minutes with the seven day. we really got a nice pattern pte here as we get into our holidayy weekend. 43 this afternoon.rnoon. sunshine. if you're north and west withsus the cold start you'll probablyby top out in the upper 30s youppey still want a jacket but withouto lot of wind it should feel pretty good today. 43. believe it or not 50 tomorrow0 w for the first day of winter. win details on that coming up, guysg back to you. >> all righty.ll righty. thank you tucker.anyou tu new this morning, tragedy overnight in subfreezingfreezi temperatures 66-year-old francec died after going out into the io cold apparently dressed in justt a shirt and jeans.ea she had on no coat.oa fairfax county police just giveg us update. robinson's family last saw herar in their house metal pond courtt around
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that she went outside and the ae family called police around 4:22 this morning to report robinsono missing. her body was later found in thet shallow end avenue nearby pondrd just off of a foot path. pat police aren't saying whether shs had some sort of dementia but,, again, elderly woman 66-year-old her body found in the shallowe l end of a pond.a pon sad update for her family and friends.nds. now at 9:00 o'clock policekc overseas in berlin have a persor in custody but they're not sures if it's the driver now whoho killed 12 people and injured 50r others in a crowded christmastm market. tack tacadly terrorist unfolded last night. nht meantime this tragedy raised rse concerns about safety here atrea home. fox5's melanie alnwick is live v at outdoor market in northwestoe d.c. with the very latest. mel? >> reporter: good morning. already police in new york,newor london and other capitol citiess and crowded cities around the t world are increasing their the security and checking over theit protection plans especiallyspeca during the holiday season when they expect so many largear gatherings of people toerings o f celebrate.e.
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they always monitor worldwideldi events but they are not going to comment on any operational issues or staffing.tain organizers of this holidayay market say that they are iney ai close contact with dc police.olc shoppers at dc's downtownowntn holiday mark at eighth and f northwest last night theyhe weren't deterred by the truckru attack monday in berlin though g this election of food vendors, merry minstrels is a and pop up shops a small version of itsts european counterparts it canrtsn present the last week.. the state department issued aued travel alert warning americansma to be careful because of the t threat of targeting by terrorists.orists. security experts say you need te look around and look for the skits. >> you just put yourself in the shoes of the terrorists andyoura what will be the ways. w for example, if you are in aif a mall, if you are in crowdedwded street, if you are anywhere oreo in a public place, even inven private places i mean meeting, e board meetings remember inemembi california what happened or inri a, you know, nightclub such asuh
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the instincts of being in a counter terrorism situation. >> reporter: now even beforeore yesterday' as tacks markett organizers say that for everyvey year they have always hiredsir private security and again arere also in close contact with d.c.. police. some of the security measuress are visible and some as you ayo would expect are not. n this morning president obama did speak with german chancellornceo angela merkel he said the u.s..s stands with germany and will wil offer whatever assistance isista needed in the investigation.tign live in northwest, i'm melanie alnwick, fox5 local news. new >> also developing overseas the investigation continues today into the assassination of the russian ambassador to turkey.ury now the shooting happened durinn a speech at a photo exhibit in turkey's capital. capit during the attack the gunman you see there shouted do not forget aleppo.eppo later killed by police. pic russia does not believe theeliee turkey is at fault for monday's shooting and both countries plaa to work together to fight
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new information about a deat al tack inside a mosque inion switzerland.d. police in zurich say the gunmann had opened fire yesterdayesterd injuring three people was foundo dead not too far from that t mosque. but investigators have not n identified the shooter.hoot the mosque is often used byd b somali immigrants employees saye the violence though is notsot considered an a act of terror aa this point doesn't not appear to be connected to the attack inn berlin. in other news this morning i it's official. donald trump will becomeece america's 45th presidentsident despite thousands of anti trumpp protester who's gathered at a several state capitals.pital did he cruise to victory in thee electoral college. college hillary clinton ended up losing five election tours from statese she won.on. three voted instead for formeror second of state colin powell. pl one voted for bernie sanders and the other voted for active visis involve in the dakota accessaes pipeline protest. new this morning, in the t trump transition new websitesi detailing the activitiesit surrounding the inauguration. it includes information about a concert on the mall on january 19th. also, information about the swearing in and the parade onran the 20th. the presidential inauguralinau
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announced plans for two official inaugural balls and another ball dedicated to u.s. service members.. >> 9:08 now.:0 happening today, in the districr the d.c. council could take itsi final vote on a proposal to give workers some of the most of thms generation paid family leave in the nation.fathe tion >> fox5's bob barnard at the a e wilson building in northwestorte with the details.. bob, like anything else could bu good news for folks who arefolkr needing the leave? then againna you have the question of. o >> reporter: benefits aren'tsret really what's at dispute here. r it's how to pay for this. the version that is currently ce before the d.c. council whichnci will be voted on later this t morning as it stands would provide two weeks of sick leavea for the actual employee, up to t six weeks to that employee toyee care for a sick child or parent, and eight weeks of paid familyam leave for the birth of a childfi or for an adoption.. the version that passed earlierr this month on first reading rdi would basically pay for that
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threw new tax to privateo pvate employers here in the city.s he what d.c. courencil members jack evans and mary cheh representinn wards two and three proposedrope which will be up for debate debe today to encourage those private employers to actually pay thehe nefifits. pay for their employees to takek the time and then apply for a $200 per employee tax credit.dit that is a version that iss supported by a large segment of the business community whichniti took out this full page ad todad in the washington post on b4 encouraging the council membersm to go for the version thaton t members evans and cheh are putting forward or encouragingin mayor bowser to vote tee the original legislation if that ish what passes. and mayor bowser has been recorr guys saying she does not supporp the original version because she says most of those benefits to the private employees wouldesou leave the city.leave ci would go to those who live in i virginia and
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in terms of the 200 tax credit i to pay for the benefits, that tt would only apply to businesses that employ 70 or fewer people.l big businesses would not be abll to apply for the tax credit intn the version that is the secondhc version coming before theforehe council later this guys. >> still no word in the meantima what led to stabbing at the dund loring metro station yesterdayed morning. transit police say one man stabbed another man at the t station and took off. that's the suspect.thathe police caught up with usinghsing metro surveillance video at the rosland station in arlington.rln he now faces malicious wounding the victim is expected too survive. meanwhile dangerous foodgero fight inside of a maryland highg school sends three students to t the hospital.e ho fight was caught on camera. c it happened friday during lunchn at central high school inchoo i capital heights. school officials are saying racc spark the entire tng parents we spoke with areit a worried about their children'sl' safety. >> i just wanted to know wherere was administrative security. i'm
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hand like that. wow!w! >> all right. none of the students involvede were arrested.stud however, they are being punish.h >> they are just stomping on o somebody in that video. video. that is definitely not a food fight. fi >> no, that's a brawl. bra >> brawl in the >> goodness. >> hate to see it. >> yeah, right?>> hh,ht yeaeah. >> okay. 9:11 is the time.> 9: game11 over after last night's tough loss. >> game is not over. o >> that game is is ove >> that game is over.over >> it's not game over. over >> it could be. >> it could be.>> >> it could be allison aft>>erot last night's tough loss.ghos do the redskins have a chance for the playoffs? that's the te big question allison. all do they? mj playing in the the background is a good sign they t >> is that right? >> i>> yes. >> we'll break it all down next. >> but first five shopping daysd till christmas.till christm here is the big questasion.g qs. are you all done? have you even started might be a better b question for some of us? do yo? have all your holiday shopping g finished? tweet us and let us know use the hash tag ho, ho yes or ho, ho no
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stronger is blasting her tumors... without risking her bones. stronger is less pain, new hope, more fight. it's doing everything in your power, and everything in ours. because we don't just want kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger. and with your support, they will. make a gift today at
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♪♪ >> all right. so this song is just for allison seymour. >> thank you. is ll right. >>.duere s we're overdue.rd. >> since 1991, yes, they havee not won super bowl.ow >> that's ridiculous.
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possibly happer orn. >> why not now? >> well -- >> hold on. >> time right now is 9:14.4. redskins fans trying to believee in play off spot. spot but it's getting a lot harder, a lot harder after last night's tough loss to the carolina carin panthers.pahers. the question what went wrong ana do the burgundy and gold do thed have any hope of making the poss season at this point? joining?g us now our friend and ournd colleague and redskins insider grant paulsen from 106.7 fm thee fan. good morning to you, grant. >> morning, guys. guy >> all right. >> are you cold?ll>> aou >> wisdom is a little down thisi morning.morning. >> i am little down. d you're cold.ol i'm down. i'm because of what happened last l night with the carolina panthers. what went wrong? can you putg?u your hands or i don't knowt k fingers on one thing that went t wrong with this game? >> one? >> one of many. m >> what didn't go wrong?didn't o >> i think it would be easier tt make list of things that didn'td go wrong. go offensively the redskins had probably theirs worse game ofwo the season.easo defensively the first half washw pretty ugly gave
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225 yards but they made some m s adjustments did okay. i thought in the second half onn that side of the ball this iss high octane offense they got thy most of their salary cap cap invested on that side of the the football, and they just couldn'd move up and down the field likel they normally do.y they've had games they don't get forced off the field on single s three and they had six of those last ht night. they dropped the half dozenalfen passes quarterback kirk cousinsi was not nearly as sharp as he'sa been for much of the lasthe l ekveral weeks. which hurt them, and turn the football over too much.toh. you add up all those things in i against a team in carolina probably quite as bad as its i record. they were in the super bowl last year. gave up 130 rushing yards to a gale back. you're going to lose. l they home handedly at home ont m monday night.ay nht >> they rushed for 18 yards butb they didn't try that much after it wasn't sank team that is putting too much stake perhaps in kirkha cousins not a balanced enough eh offense
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>> well i think they'd like toe be balanced but at some point p you can't keep ramming your heaa against the wall.ains last night rob kelly got close to 10 carries at about a yard aa pop. how many carries do you quantity to go to the well with when wh w you're setting up second and 101 and second and nine. n it wasn't working. maybe they could have had a change of pace after shotgun ana gone to chris thompson morenor often who did nice run early ini the they're leading rusher was kirki cousins that's a problem. pblem. so i really didn't have problemm with them going away from therot running quotes for two reasons.r one they were down so much latet they had to. but also just wasn't working. wi and there's no reason when you y can't run the ball effectivelyfi to put yourself behind thed sticks. they made a concerted effortdort earlier in the game to do it.ine it didn't work they g did what a been their bread and butter andb throwing the football on a coldc night that didn't work either. >> grant, i am the helplesses romantic when it comes to theomt skins and just waiting for for another, you know, playoff bertf and then hopefully getting there one day. so how difficult wisdom to
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shaking your head. >> i'm working out my neck. >> wisdom. >> how difficult is it for thesr skins to get in the playoffs now? now? >> well, i think mathematicallyl what i saw last night was something like 53% chance to geg in before their loss which iss down to about a 25% chance now. but i mean cliff notes here aree very simple. they have to win their next two games, christmas eve against the chicago bears by the way 7:00:0 a.m. tune in we'll be doing a a pre-game show here on fox you'll want to see that and thehe following week they're going tog have their final game of the season at home against thegast giants. if they can win both of thoseths two games and then they getet losses from the bucks who have two games left bothosable l against the panthers and thend e saints, they get a loss from the packers, they'd be back in asn s the sixth they need two wins an loss fromo two different teams and they ca get in aboutan 25% chance do i think it will happen? probablya not. is it the craziest thing i've i ever heard absolutely not.oluten they still have everything theye need ahead of them but they gott go out and win t
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their performance last nightorm they got to focusl on themselves because that was their worst game in my opinion certainly c since week one against thehe steelers and maybe of the entire season. >> i agree with that.. >> grant, i don't mean to be the grinch but i do have a questiono if they do lose their next two games and totally out of it w d you think they need to,, what dw you think they need to do tok en build upon next season becausese let's face it they did prettyret good season overall this yearhis and looked good yin a lot of ao places what would they have to h do next ye to put themselvestel in better contention? >> they aid ma aid lot of l strides. they're home record over the last two years and how closehome they got. they got they look like this year to thee post season hypothetically theyt lose one or both of these finalf two, i think they just have to t invest a ton defensively. defeny i would spend the vast majorityt of this upcoming draft on that t side of the ball. b i would spend on defensive lineman, upgrade at their offense close to t championship cali brrr.i brr it will have bad nights and itha stunk up the joint last nightt i you look at the metrics and thet stats one of the best offensesfe in the league. the lea you remain kirk cousins.ousi
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at both wide receiver spotser so desean jackson and pierre garsor who could move on. move o resign garson probably. pbabl you may have to bring someoneom who can stretch the fieldhe vertically in a way that jackson does but other than that, i tt, would keep my offense intact with continuity as possible andi do everything i can to beef up p defense that this season has been their weak link last nightg was a little bit the way the w year has gone. >> i had this eight and eight ag team at the beginning of thebegt year they're playing basicallyay what they are right now. t definitely more potentialhe thaa what we saw this time last year. holding hope they get in, grantg if notary making stride a team a that can be winning four yearsnu in a row. a r thanks grant.ks gra see you saturday morning. >> really hard -- hd >> you bet, guys. gs. >> looking forward it to.ooki >> thanks buddy.>> tnks bu really hard to win that division back to back. as i said earlier in the seasonn no one that division in back to back the redskins won it last lt year. no one has won it in back to back since donovan mcnabb wascnb estness eagles.
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it's not easy to come off a a division championship.. >> the top two teams are in that division with dallas and theas d top rds >> it's tough competition.peti it's tough to do.ough but i mean, look, we were a we couple years removed from four o and 12 season. rigight. >> definitely playing betteritel than the past. >> my prediction. >> my the to the super bowl when i can give you the inns and outs of football games, players positions -- - >> hey, no, no. >> i'm getting there, steve. the it's's working. it's a new year. >> somebody had a tough night ng last night. skins quarterback kirk cousins u run out of bounds and look who k he takes out. out not the yard marker ther cheerleader.. >> oh,. >> right on the noggin.igthe ouch. when you get hit in the legsn t like that that's why they tellyt you tackle low.. >> in the pom pom.. >> oh, my goodness.>> o did not expect to tackle her ana she ended up going down on hernr face. the good news -- >> she okay.kay. >> she's fine. fin espn tweeted out this picture to reassure fans she was all smilei after the play.r thela you got to play on and cheer on. >>
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contact sport apparently.artl >> glad she's okay. >> wow. >> with just weeks left in the white house first lady michelle obama gets candid. candi still ahead her thoughts on herh time in washington and her hopes for the nation moving forward.. >> but first making a come backm long lines this morning outsidee of virginia best buy. b what these folks are hoping toig get their hands on much that'sh' coming up next.ext. ♪♪ we asked woman to smell two body washes and pick their favorite. i prefer b. b. what was a... bath and bodyworks.
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really? i am impressed. three fragrances preferred over bath and body works.
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9:24. let's get a check of the other story making headlines this morning much first up families torn apart by the tragedy at the pulse nightclub ina chma orlandh june are suing social media outlets. they filed a federal lawsuiteraw against facebook, google andooe twitter saying those web sites make it easier for islamic state and other groups to radicalizesz users. users. they say that's what happened to the pulse shooter omar mateen he pledged allegiance to isiso i before he opened fire killing 4g people.le california judge at the athe center the brock turner sexual assault trial cleared of misconduct.duct persky was criticized when hezeh sent the student to six monthsnt in jail. independent state agency foundnd no clear convincing evidence ofo bias in that case. public outcry over the the sentencing led to new sentencine law innc california and hardar alcohol ban at stanford. we've all heard the term ter pregnancy brain, right? wellrah now researchers have proof thatt pregnancy brain is real.. for the first time scientistss found evidence of specific and long-landing changes in theesn brains of pregnant women
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all size and structure involvedd in perceiving the feeling andiv perspectives of others.s. which the term -- the team tea believes may give new moms an mm advantage by helping themm recognize the needs of their well as her time in the timn white house winds down first lady michelle obama opens uppe p about the past eight our nation's capital.. candid interview with the queenq of talk oprah.prah >> fresh at 10a the love king himself rahim devon. before throwing an epic bash ata the howard theater he's joiningj us live in the loft.of first a holiday greeting from a local service member overseas.vs ♪♪ sergeant wes peel from wagoo man air force base turkey rightg now just wanted to say merry christmas and happy holidays tos all my friends and family back my wife hillary and my childrene miss you guys and i love you l all. all.
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>> there it is. i knew it was more.i kn i heard part of the long versior earlier.eaier >> that's cute. >> look --
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>> my least favor rapper of all >> i get it. erstand. i'm not going to hate.i ungointh i'm not hating this morning form the rest of the year.. >> what?>>t? >> that's maryland terps football team doing their own version of carpool karaoke theyy went all in with the makeup and everything.erything >> how did they have time forime all of this. t >> they didn't get there the day before the game.foreame. >> next monday they'll playday l boston college in the quick lane bowl at ford field in detroit. >> let's give up for the guys. t [ applause ] >> they're carpool karaoke paidi tribute to the motor city as we just saw. >> i love it. t. hopefully it will bring them the good luck with the game as welll >> i wonder what uniforms unifo they're going to wear at the because you know they got allyon thatow t fheancy under armor stf >> that's right. trigh >> maybe take a piece from eachc one. >> there you go. >> mix it altogether. >> ex it altogether liker l hodgepodge of football uniforms. >> i do like they do that.ohat. i also have some i think look aa little nicer than others
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field. >> which team wore that neon green everyone was talking teaee ab wouast? that was a professia team. >> the seahawks.wk. >> that didn't go over too wellw >> that's part of that color nfl color -- color rush thursdayus night they make everybody wear the same. >> that's what it was.wht w >> i know. >> i >> tucker you're our residentid marylander born and raised. raie >> i think they -- i think i thi they're fashion forward.shio i think they'ren just,. j >> me too. too >> sometimes they go a littletl too far but they're always trying something new.yingomet >> they mick it up.t up. >> yeah.eah >> you know, if you don't havewo the best product on the field,ie good to look good while you'reou out there. >> truer words never spoken. >> historically --isto >> true. >> maryland football is not, you know, been afoot >> we love our terps. our t >> we do. >> go, terps.erps >> we're rooting for them. the i think it's great.think at good video. not that we'll be looking atoong this scene any time soon wintere is on the way. w
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morning at 5:44am.. set your clocks. we'll have a big party. a bty. we'll do some kind of celebrating tomorrow here at 4:44am. >> you guys -- >> yay? >> thanks allison. than. all morning i've been showingeen that waiting for reaction.n. >> beautiful.utif >> a change of season.son. >> lovely.ovely. >> i gave it just what it deserves. >> smiley. >> crickets. >> look who's here. chanta.>> l t through the read. santa.nt we'll be in the low 50s foror christmas day.ay >> ho, ho, ho.o >> very nice wisdom. >> that wasn't me.wasn't >> what did you call me? >> wisdom. wm. when santa delivers new bikes for the kids go for nice bike be ride. ride. >> don't give it away sundayy ua afternoon 53 degrees.3 de >> all right. go.ewe 30 i just started. srted 28 now in washington.ngto 25 in gaithersburg.. 32 leonardtown.. everybody hard freeze overnightt temperatures most of the regions here off to the mnorthos and ws in the low 20s and teens thisns morning. we're starting off cold. off c we should finish the day certainly cool low 40s a little
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warmer than yesterday and with t light winds an lot of sunshine h it won't feel bad at all for alf you. we're dry.we'rdry. boston, new york, d.c. if you'ru driving down towards atlanta nice quiet conditions here for e the foreseeable future as high g pressure is really controllingco our weather. so the weathouer pattern will bi very cooperative as we get intot the first day of winter and into our holiday weekend just a few w possibles of a few showers andwe it will be all quick we had freezing rain lastn saturday morning that will notot be a possibility this weekendeee which is great. great. could be a few showers around oo saturday. there's your seven day forecastv look at next monday. 61 >> very nice. >> that's what i'm talking abou about. >> merry >> wear your new under armorer a shorts. >> right. put lotion on my legs l i'll pull them on.l them >> i ned to put lotion on my l leg. [ laughter ] >> back to you . back ou [ laughter >> why did you smile when youmie said it?? >> if you're off camera you cana get away with it.get away wit nobody saw it. i okay, i'm sorry, tucker.. >> thanks, tuck. tuck. >> thank you.
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granted 78 new pardons shortenet the sentence of 153 others thatt is the most number of clemency e in single day by any president.. president obama has been granting commutations at a fastf pace in his final month officetf n8 years he reduced sentence off more than 1100 people nearly nea four hun dressed them had beenen serving live sentences. first lady gives her finalel interview and she gives it tot t oprah and she doesn't hold anythingny back especially when it came toe the election saying it was sayiw painful for her she actually ua went to bed not knowing who wonn and then when she found out --ut woke up in the morning and saw it on her phone.ho but she also spent a lot of timm talking about her husband's's legacy and in her opinion his on job well done. >> your husband's administratioo everything the election was all about hope. do you think this administration achieves that? >> i do.. because we feel the
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now. no >> yeah. >> see, now we're feeling whatnot having hope feels like, you know.. hope is necessary.sary it's a necessary and barak didn't just talk aboua hope because he thought it wastw just a nice slogan to get votess i mean, he and i and so manyy believe that -- what else do yoo have if you don't have hope? >> yeah. >> what do you give your kids id you can't give them hope? you know, our children respond tond crisis the way they see us respond. you know it's like the toddlerhd that bumps his head on theea the table. >> that's right. up t tohey look up at to you figure out whether it hurts ands if you're like oh, my god, g they're crying. but if you're like, you know,no babe, it's okay. >> yes. >> it's okay. i feel thatt' way about theuthe nation.nati i feel that barak has been thatt for the nation in way that isha people will come to appreciate.i having a grown up in
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house who can say to you inn times of crisis and turmoil, tuo hey, it's going to be okay. let's remember the good thingsog we have.ave. let's look at the future.look au let's look at all thetu thingshs that we're building.g. all of this is important for ouo kids stay focused ton feel likek their work isn't that vein theit lives aren't in vain.en't what do we do if we don't have h hope, oprah.. >> well, as you can see thereeet from that little portion she'sts very candid in fact she alsols confirmed that she willl emphatically confirm she'll notl run for any political office.ffc you can see that full interviewr lasted for an hour tonightonight 8:00 on the own network oprah winfrey.nfre >> i'm looking forward to that.a i i am too. a lot of people took her to taso what she said about hope.t hop i felt it interesting she meante it in the way it came out. very pardon and complimented he on her comments in being bei gracious to him and to melania n when
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house. i think -- i'm looking forwardoa to it. i continue to be fascinated bytb her.r i wish she'd come to the loft ce and sit right here mrs. obama ia you're listening.teni we have a space for you. you >> pump up the chicago. ccago >> i tried. >> interview to oprah. intview >> she did.he d you guys are home girls.ome gir. >> when i think about chicago ii think michelle obama oprah oah winfrey and maureen umeh. u >> that's right. >> first lady michelle obama. wait.wa who? >>o ahahead. >> first lady michelle obama, ia you're watching good day at 9a,9 we invite to you come to thetohe loft to share your thoughts bes stow your wisdom upon us.pons we have extended invitation toio you. time and time again we know that out of the kindness of yourofou heart you'll grace us with youry presence from one chicago homegm girl to another, i know i'm frof the north side -- sid-- >> you're from the south side. >> we're one chicago. >> we love you.ou >> we want you.>> wnt please come. >> r kell physical you're outsia there you can come too shins t s we're maying eight chicagoca thing. >> oh, my goshin. >> oprah looking forward towa seeing that on own.. >> ya'll ruined a perfectly gooy
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>> man. man >> 9:37 is the time. t first family enjoying theirheir final vacation while in office.f family spending r and r in hawaii. yesterday president obama tookmt to the greens for around ofar o golf. he was there for nearly five hours before heading back to th family's rental property. ppe then last night the obamasma enjoyed dinner hasn't lulu mosts exclusive restaurants a frenchh japanese and sushi spot. >> he can collect tick mix.coec >> um-hmm. uhmm. >> okay. so would you stand out in thesee freezing cold temperatures fortr an old game or two? >> no. >> well check this out. welch this isec picture of the viewer zen us as she stood outside aute best buy in woodbridge virginia all these people out there they are out there for a chance topet get a nintendo classic at 4:30 this best buy gave those peopleeo tickets in line to mark theirkhe place so they can come back whek the store open at 8:00 o'clock0c that's what you're seeing rightn here. nes classic is a miniature miatu arrived version of the originall nintendo system
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row back games super mario brothers, legend of sell today, donkey kong and nine garden. >> i'm not sure. >> ninja gardi. n. >> right.g maybe the gamimune computerizedd sort of brain teaser game. gam >> was it like in a circle. >> yes. >> okay. >> o >> way to go, steve.o stev >> old back wisdom when we were playini football the company lee companm football games.ames >> i do remember that. >> see. d >> way back in time. way bk in 9:39 right now.ow hollywood looking to the futureh the new movie passengers hits theaters tomorrow. torro first though kevin sits down sin with one of the stars chris chr pratt, jennifer lawrence michael steen he'll talk to three of the stars much that's all coming upg >> one is collective. >> fuzzy math. ♪♪
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♪♪ you have a visitor. vit you went shopping. >> i wept shopping. two look fine this evening.veng >> we're on date. >> very nice.
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>> i was giving you space. >> space, the one thing i do not -- >> new movie called passenger. kevin joins us now. n >> real quick, kev -- kev - >> white weight a second. steve chenevey wrote that joke,k because they're in space and shs was saying i was giving youivinu space. >> see. >> that is a steve chenevey joke. >> sheaf loves bad puns we choko bow bad puns.w badun >> here's my thing about this t movie. you hated rogue i don't know what yguou're doing to say now.t y just from that clip why you have why you to dress up if you're the onlyny two people --e >> can you just be romantic forf a second.on >> that makes sense.>> tt make bartender had little one robot leg. >> we'll break it down --ow >> i got a lot of questions. >> okay. in both trailers those o are the only thee people that i saw. s are they the only actors in ther whole movie. >> i wondered the same thing.e g >> no. they're not. the idea behind the film both ofh o these characters wake up 90p 90 years too soon o
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another planet.t leaving earth to go live at another planet frozen or they're in pods. supposed to be sleeping.ep like hibernation pod.od >> wake up and want to go on atn date. they're the only ones who wokeen up who else you going toly o dat >> kevin, go ahead. aad >> why are you so negative? >> i'm just asking questions.sto >> jennifer lawrence or thefer e robot bar tent. choose wisely.y. >> usually we give him a him snickers. >> he hated rogue one i no i no longer respect his movie pin.. but the idea behind the film thl they wake up two soon.. 120 year journey.ou they wake up too soon onlyn only people who are awake on the shii and the gentleman you saw behinb the bar michael sheen he play ay robot whose a bartender.nder and there's a reason why they we woke up early. up ea that's really all -- that tha becomes the mystery.. >> it's fun to make fun of the movie not knowing anything abouo it. >> it's fun but the movie itself michael sheen i spoke to him heh plays the bartender and jennifei lawrence and chris pratt.ra >> michael sheen has an epicnpi shot in the scene he throws hish face into the bar and slides it down. i wanted to know
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jennifer lawrence and chris andr pratt talk about the art of the love letter dying.te watch this.watc >> ever since i saw the trailerl i wanted to ask you this youhi question the moment your your character lays his face into the bar. r. >> yeah. >> what do we do now?do now >> how is that shot actually aua done? is it really you? is it like a dummy? how do they do that?th? >> we waited until it was myy last shot of the whole film. [ laughter ] >> i just went for it.. >> you literal through your facf into the bar? >> no bit of hollywood movie magic.. a whole culmination of people op that went into that. tt. i'm in there. i' there's a stunt guy in there.gue maybe some rubber implements.s. >> okay.kay >> used as well so a mixture ofo things. >> you actually -- do you actuaa dollar the dive into the thing.. >> i'm essentially at theentiale beginning and the end of it.g an >> that's so cool.>> ts >> i love the moment when youn y send the machine over and ask her to go on date. >> hello
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>> are you asking me on date? dt >> she didn't seem that didt se impressed. >> for me it remained me when iw was seventh grade i would sendod notes to girls will go out witht me, circle yes, no or maybe.. >> yeah. >> do you guys ever deal withdeh that in middle school or high or school? did you do the notes?tt >>cof course. i mean i feel like there's an a art form to the love note, it's' sadly passed.asse >> i agree.>> i a. >> because, you know, everything digitital now. >> we text now. now facebook and -- >> yeah. there's likes and emoticons eti there use to be a prison systeme for passing a note had to goad o through seven or eight hands before it got on the person. >> did you get them when you were in middle school. theou gl. >> yes, no, maybe ones you circle will go out with me. >> maybe always puts in you an uncomfortable situation. like now if i say yes i'm going to sound desperate. have i to say maybe. >> right., no will lwaymf >> i was woronf derii ng -sa-toe deng no i ns if it was would write comma thank you.nk y [ laughter ]hter >> that's nice. nic >> yeah.
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>> aww. >> i agree with chris prattgreew about the prisonith system jokj >> pass it over there.t >> you would pass them.s the >> pass it over there.he >> here we go.e we g >> oh, my gosh.. >> movie good, yes, no -- >> rogue one.>> rogue >> or maybe. [ laughter ] >> okay. he got you.ot y >> keep going.going >> any ways -- i remember when i was in school that was a girll named jennifer fort lock iortoc passed her a note in seventheven grade. she said she circled no. i got the note back.e note back. i used to have my friends calles girls for me and ask them >> how did that work out forwo r you. >> terrible. >> they got dates. >> it was very >> something you think is a goog idea in theory. tor >> you didn't pass notes whenn'n you were younger. >> he did.we of course. >> i got notes and i just readta letters are beautiful i just gog a letter from --m -- >> handwritten letter.tten >> from my best friend and iendd don't want to make it sad she'ss no longer with us.h it just takes you back to wheno we were like 16 years old. >> don't do that any more. m >> all texting and facebook.k. i miss t
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>> don't ever outsource yource r love live. l it's never going to end well would you say the bartender insa that moviey dthid a space plan? >> oh, my gosh. >> now i see. >> thank you, kevin. >> i'll have my review tomorrowm >> is that joke funny or not? circle one.. >> wisdom have horrible movieov tastes. . yes. >> they may be cute or cuddlyud and we're not talking aboutkingt steve or wisdom.stor wisdom. >> or kevin or tucker. tke >> we're talking about a pet. at a pet is often a popular holidad gift that's not always the perfect g we'll talk about it but look ata this face.isace. >> look at that face. >> seriously.>> s >> she needs a>> what you need to know before yoo add a furry little friend tori t your family.your family. >> all right. on our have update holiday shopping hash tagash t ttttle. we want to know just five shopss days until christmas are you alu done that is the big question. let us know sweet us and join our hash tag battle using hohoyy or hoho
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>> space plant.
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we're offering incredibly fast 150 meg internet, just in time for the holidays. hurry, freddy, you're gonna miss it! coming. i can't believe he is doing this. it's so fast that in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record, held by gary watson... fly, gary, fly. ...his friend can download 13 different versions of the perfect song... ...his sister can live ream it... ...while his mom downloads how to se a dislocated shoulder, all at the same time. gary. only fios offers 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just 79.99 per month online for the first year,
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visit or call 1-888-get-fios to learn more. that's 150 meg internet, tv and phone for 79.99 per month. only from fios. ♪♪ >> adding a furry
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friend to your family thisily t holiday season it may seem likey the perfect present. pse in some cases it is.ases it is. it happened for me. but there are things to need tod look out for and we'll talk andt about that. before bringing new pet into pet your life lots of things to of consider. joining us now lauren lip seen p the director of row homing withw the rue main rescue alliance a suite little adoptable baby. aae what is her name. >> this is squirt about eightisr years old.t she came to us from partnerer organization in >> okay.>> we're in a fortunate position ta be able to absorb animals from outside communities who are inee >> right. rig >> squirt and dozen hadn'tdohadn hundreds of other animals areale available for topping at our twt a adoption centers and fosternds homes around the all animals are visible onlinele at our website humane rescue >> you're the director of row homi're thng. before we talk christmas gifting with the living thing. t >> right. >> what do you do exactly.ct >> i oversee our adoption andrsd foster care programs. care progs >> make sure it's a good fit ane all of that. all of tha >> our adoption program is tars it goods at placi
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homes with whom it's a goodt's which is the whole purposeur behind gifting and animals ani during the holidays is that wee really encourage you not to not necessarily provide the animal a but perhaps a token, a card, a , representation of what anenta o adoption will be and then bringn your loved one to our adoption o center to find their own match.h the idea is to have the primaryy caretaker of the animal beingl the one choosing the the animal that fits theireir lifestyle.lifest that fits their desires their wants. >> because we often hear this animal -- i went and i looked l and she chose me.ho m you know what i mean? that's ta what i hear over and over again. >> undeniable bopped and it cann happen first time you visit. kit happen the fifth time youifm visit. again, we encourage people to pl check out our website or just or come it's the holidays.ays. people have time off ofw time off please visit.easeit we are open every day except e christmas day.mas d >> oh my goodness. ooo >> we want people to come ande e brows. there's never a lack of animalsa in need of a home. >> right.>>ight >> sadly.>>. >> sadly. >> yes.
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ncoura ge peoplerage peo to think of adoption their firsf option looking to add a loved one. >> tell us about squirt, because she is so precious when you sais eight i was like, it's hard to o believe because she's so s's energetic but i have the lastt dog that we brought into ourur family was eight years old andld something so sweet about aut a mature dog.. >> i agree.gree look, i think it's easier to gauge what their personal is t when they're eight you meet thee for a first time as opposed topt puppy or juvenile animal who's w still growing and learning aboug the world. we't h't have. background on her as with mosthm animals in our care she came toe us from partner organization and she -- -- >> she's otherwise in goodn health from what we canth from determine all of our animals ara spayed and neutered up to date t on vaccines and micro chippedhi before they go home so incredible deal.ible dea and again because she's eight, e she is at a lower adoption fee we do price our senior animals a little bit lower.ower >> okay. >> but please don't let thatlea deter anyone from showing up ann adopting an animal of any age.. becase
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value for just a companion. >> just to be clear, like i knoo you're hissing my child wants an puppy we want to adopt or whatever, what are the benefitsf because it can work.e it c my first dog -- i was not dogotd person but my first -- mile mil little yorkie was gift to do med at first what am i going to do?? but it just opened the door toro now, you know, all these years e of loving animals.mals but you really would notld recommend that?ha >> no. we really won particularly iftia it's for children because --ecse >> even for kids? >> we do require children unthed age of 12 could be present to bp meet the animal. >> okay.>> >> that's for multiple reasonsfe primarily because a child has a different level of energy. ene a certain unpredictable to themp to their moments and it's theirm important that we are able toe observe how our animals responds to that child. >> you've got a responsibilityil to them as well.m as wl. >> correct. >> it's not that this animal ani won't work out with that familym but we might have another animal that would be more appropriate.e >> i liked was sai
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or you are gifting this but this let's just do it together.her. >> it's a stocking stuffer thatu has incredible value. vue >> let it be the last gift thatt will be so great much this ish lauren lip see from the humane m rescue alliance and this is ts squirt and squirt is availableil for a good loving home. h so please please please get in touch all the information isallh human rescue >> give her a christmas >> i know three little puppies i bet squirt would love to play to with. >> if i like -- >> i know. >> >> different situation i wouldrt take her today. >> i know you would wou >> yeah. >> hopefully set gets a great g home. much more ahead coming up on tht 10a today. today rob apologizes, kimye spotted.. ari an good who.ari an g she has no idea who that singern is. >> i love first it's coffee time on good day did you c.did yo i see you eyeing our good cooldc day mug. here's your chance to one ofo oe these go to facebook page for thator a perfect cup of the dunkin'f donuts coffee that mug
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one lucky winner selected by random that will happen at aboua sometime you only have untilil 11am to do it. enter right now and it's 9:00 vick. we're back after this. ♪♪ taste the many sides of brookside. smooth dark chocolate outside. exotic fruit flavor inside. brookside. for all your sides.
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we asked woman to smell two body washes and pick their favorite. i prefer b. b. what was a... bath and bodyworks. and their favorite... suave. really? i am impressed. three fragrances preferred over bath and body works.
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♪♪ christmas countdown on thist good day at 10a. 1 have you finish your shopping yet.. >> no.o >> if your answer is no, too,oo, you're not're not aloe if you think you'll get a bettet deal by waiting think again. aga >> plus the first lady's exitxit interview. >> now we're feeling whatnot wtn having hope feels like. lik you >> hope is necessary. it's a necessary
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reaction to mrs. obama's sits s down with oprah. >> mariah carey out of touch oro giving an intentional diss? wew dish about who the pop divaiv claims she has never even heardr of. >> we'll be doing a littlee christmas karaoke with rahim devon. get those jungle bells ready asa good day at 10a starts now.ow [ laughter ] >> ♪♪ my question we have the candles. we have olive oil and pepper ppe some salt, some -- some -- >> what's going on here. >> lemons. >> yup. i want to assume we just started srt the show.e s one of us will be cooking today. >> wait.>> does this mean -- >> not me.ot me. >> here's the thing. little known fact.act. steve chenevey is a very goodd cook. not senior culinaryy expertise on good day. day >> here's the thing i'll never r starve in life.ife. >> yes. good but i'm not like the tve te chefs that can do this, this and this. this it takes me like an hour.r. >> you're a home chef. che people at home
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>> the show is an i'm just saying.ayin >> we're all hungry. >> i might take you up on that offer. >> otherwise keep it moving. mon >> i got it. >> facebook has a thing calledae tasty videos one minute that's e all you need everyone could beub an expert chef. >> what do you mean? you >> like recipes.>> l >> these tasty videos they have give you the recipe in one ion minute. i tried a couple i got to tell you,. >> i thought you could cook. >> oh, i can' >> why do you need a one minutet vitter yo. y >> here's the deal i'm nots bragging i don't need a recipe'e because i feel like you shallshl cook from the heart i'm the typp of cook i can taste something si and replicate it. >> okay.kay >> you have a photographingtogri effect photographic recipe mind. >> oy have a good palatal willal he son. >> there's no maureen umeh foodd in that kitchen. >> somebody took over myver my position in the kitchen the che today. today. >> there's no chef over there.oe [ laughter ] t to see whati somebody whips up. >> chick-fil-a. >> you never know what will happever ken.ha thanks for staying with us ipp's steve alongside maureen, wisdom
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and allison. wisdom makes pizza and we love v it. >> and garlic knots.nd g >> i have a sneaky feelingling wisdom knows his way around thee kitchen.kitcn. >> or the grill for sure.e. >> ugh. >> i'm pretty much like youe you steve. i ain't going to starve. i ain't sellingt go it either. e i ain't going to silt.ot. let's talk about what's trendinn this morning.orng first up let's talk about the redskins. they had one job to do to geto g that victory, right, again the carolina panthers. didn't happen.apn. it did not happen last night.ig. the carolina panthers beat them. they beat them and now the skins need -- - >> stop, stop, stop. sp >> what do you mean?t do >> the skins need to win theirir remaining >> that's not what i'm talkingtt about.abt >> that's not true.>> t we run our own prompter here.teh we have a pedal.e a pel i was running it at first andrs then you took it back. bac >> right, right.ight, r >> and then now it's suddenw its until front of me, and people ao are looking at me.e. so i need to be be a solved ofdf all >> allison i have never put anya wrongdoing on you. you. >> i have. >> it was maureen.e. >> that was maureen>> i
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>> just like the panthers didher the redskins last night. maureen came after you for no reason.ason allison knows for no reason. rso that's you and maureen rightig there. >> i'm number 77, though.r 77u >> look at that. >> they have to win in chicago a they go to chicago next.ext. >> they'll win that one. winhat >> in freezing temperatures.per. >> it actually won't that bad.ot i look up the forecast. >> it's going to be about what the game was last night.. >> like 30 degrees or so.rees os not like the chicago minus 20s. >> okay. they got to finish up the seasoo against the giants. giants. >> at home. >> it's going to -- i think thee chicago game will be hard, too. just because of what's at stakea then you have to depend on othed teams to lose. i just think it's hard to goardg into chicago and win.. >> i'll look at the optimism. os chicago is three and 11. you have nothing and win thathat game convincingly the giants gia game the giants are sittingng pretty at 10 and four right noww if they are not playing for homm fi
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a position where they rest rest players and maybe that ends upns being an easier >> it could be much it'sh s possible. last game of the season theyeash don't want to get people hurt ht for the post season if they're e playing for home field they'll ' come on out.ut >> i didn't watch it. i i was doing out shopping.g >> physical.hysi >> it look like a slug fest.slu. >> look you don't think a lot of bad blood between carolina andaa washington, but you have tobut e remember, you have whole cam newton your norman thing goingni on. on. both of them trying to out doo each >> i don't think they were't t buddies when josh was in carolina. >> okay. >> i think there was bad blood.e the fact thatre josh w-- caroln gave him an off and took it offo the table and you're free to go and he ends up here.s up he. he says it's not a big deal. >> clearly. >> you had cam getting 15-yard disorderly in the game. you had reid getting tossed oute of the game for throwing a punch.punch. pretty chippy last night. chipp >> i saw acute picture thoughugh with steph curry and kd did youy see it on -- on -- >> i didn't see that. >> on their twitter and k
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on a skins jersey and they're te smiling and it's like it won't n be smiles later and sure enoughh it wasn't. >> aww. >> steph curry got the better of kd got again and now they're pli together. i'm just saying. >>i' okay.>> let's talk about this.s tabout the first lady michelle obamae a giving her final interview to oprah she doesn't hold anything back at all especially when it i came to the election saying itn was painful for her that shethe actually went to bed not knowinn who won and found out when she s woke up in the next morning andd saw it on her phone. phone. i think a lot of did you as well here she is reflecting on her h daughters growing up in the up t white house.e house >> the teenaged years, this isrs the time when, you know, kidsid start to bristle against allst a kinds of authority.ri. >> push back.ack >> imagine being 18, 17, 16, 15 and you've got at least eightigt men with guns driving you around walking in to your parties. pari [ laughter ]hter >> not letting you ride in yourr friend's cars.s
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for sure that we had to sort off work >> um-hmm. >> as i reminded my girls, it's like these aren't problems. okay? >> wow. >> sounds like what i do every e day. >> is that where you are.that >> most definitely. w we don't have anything lik>> met and the girls so far sidney is now 16. so we'll see what starts totartt happen now, but i think that asa we all know, you have ae a responsibility when you're in wn the public eye and might not be -- can't be -- but it'sut it' probably things i wouldn't want' them doing any way. doing w >> out of control at parties.ti. >> yeah.>> yeah. >> going wherever staying out i wouldn't want them to do thatoha anywhere.ywre there would be some isn't thatt allison seymour's daughter always on facebook and saying - >> it's nice to know as parent even with all that going on they still got to deal witness samesm stuff everybody else kids had ad have to deal with.deith. >> they'll have missteps. >> absolutely. >> michelle obama's credit anddd this was, i mean, going back, i, don't know, four years or so tht g
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at the time that, you know, look, they had to have family dinners together they talk as ak family. it was not like presidentialntia doings.doings it was like mom, dad and the girls.s >> grandma. d theily would be there and she said they hadre a and point of g dinner around the table as closo to as a family would do outsidei of the white house.he wte h >> right. >> to try to take that away fro ththem. we're a family we're talking tag about what did do you today,oday what are we doing as a familyil that kind of thing.hi >> commendable. anyone in that situation you don't kno>>thatw until you're t. i commend them what they've done and the bushes, wha too. the girls were teenagers. anyone in that line hats offats raising kids that don't turn ouo to be -- >> you're stuck inside in a in a blizzard for two days.ay i can't imagine having all the t security around.ty aund. >> like she said,.e she sad, >> these are problems you cans o get over. get over. >> there you go. >> so here's question of the day. are you finish with yourh yu holiday shopping? just fiveusfe days left you know.ys left are youyo done? >> absolutely done. done >> haven't started. haven sta >> finish.
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social media to get a hash tag t battle going use the hashing today hoho yes or hoho no a lot of you telling us you are you au have not finish your shopping. hoho nos are leading with 67%. so i asked you guys.. i already asked wisdom.dom. >> you finished.>> youin >> i could be done right i think i'm going to pick up -- >> did you get my gift.if >> you guys are all >> you're done. >> you guys are all done.>>aldoe >> you'll find out, yorks wanton to know i like to be surprised.s >> you'll final out friday frida probably.ably i might pick up a few more m little things for the most partt i'm done. >> awesome, steve. >> i'll give you a list. a lis >> okay, thank you. obviously, some people start shopping on september 1st i've i never done that but i haveav collected stuff over the years s if there's something that stands out for somebody.for sy. then you have people who waite o until the very last second ifecf you wondered why people waitplea until deadline day christmas eve or christmas morning to get their gifts --ts >> christmas morning. c >> tucker used to stop ahrt thet 7-eleven on his way in.n s wa >> that's true.hat'true >> 76%
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making holiday purchases righteg up until christmas and it turnss out people they're they're going to find keeps for a -- gifts for cheaper price.ce wrong. wron another reason they might notmit see the person they're giving gv the gift to after the holidays.. take advantage of afterf aft christmas sale.e. another reason people arere procrastinating they plan onlan getting a gift card before theyt gift it away they spend it on o themselves or somebody else. ee. >> that's hilarious. that's hil. >> i've never done that.e ver >> i either. i either. >> but i get it. but other reasons include overwhelmed a perfect any of thh and people work under the best t pressure. i will come clean on this. i did find a gift cardome thatt somebody gave me last year itit was like an amazon gift card. c. i did use that to buy somebodyod else a gift. gif >> why not? >> this year. kind of like --nd of li >> nothing wrong with that. tt. >> digital regifting.. >> so this is my is i worry about this i like to give you ties. right? but it's not a throwhrow away gift i really sincerelyrely like to do it i want to ask like the men is that -- that >> do we like it. like it. >> from you i like it because i y
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it. >> right. >> i point to this one you gavev me this one. o >> if you would have treasure it like i dd hoav. >> thank you. >> i have a section in my closet allison's ties.s t >> you know, it's kind of become a little -- >> i would more appreciate itcit from you i guess. gss >> than from like -- >> at the same time if you wanted to switch it upe sa thisa that would be okay. >> now he's really getting totio the heart of it.. >> hmm, okay.. >> yikes! >> get shopping if you haven't.n going viral the heavenly voice v of a woman belting out oh holy night at union station earlieroe this month. just listethnis. ♪♪ oh, hear the ain't voices, oh, night, divine, oh, night ♪♪ >> wonderful voice belongs togs tamara walker she's a's profeson
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las vegas actually.ctll she's been up and down in life e and through it all, she's heree in d.c. for performance early this month. month she started singing oh holy night at union station.ti video has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times and tamarr says this year she feels like a fresh start has been given to her and we wish her much luck.uc maybe there's a recordingin contract in her future. futur >> she gave me goose bumps.e bum >> i know. >> the acoustics making it sound wonderful.ful >> sounds great. gre he is special physical you'rephe waiting for the single track too arrive. >> right. [ laughter ] >> got nothing better to do. do. >> no doubt about it. no do sounds great.ubt 10:12 from one, f old to young u one celeb doesn't seem to be ini tune with today's stars or is ii just giant shade game? we'll ll have the details coming up. u >> who would it be? hmm.? hmm can love conquer all? rob's heartfelt apology and plea toa the mother of his child blacc chyna. ♪♪ >> we'll respect her. ♪♪♪♪
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>> ♪♪ now i can go.♪ time for good day celebrity dish.y di first up we have a whole lot off stars on this stage tonight
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>> is that what it was from. >> nobody got that from exceptmp me. let's talk about rob and blacnd chyna.chyn >> was it yesterday that we talk about the fact that theya werstw broken up and that rob and, youu know --know -- >> they were beefing.we bee >> moved out. and took the>> m baby. b baby dream. well guess what? rob has apologized.ologed. >> okay. >> he says that he's seekingeeki help for his emotional baggage that's really haunted himim throughout his relationship,ati, they say he's jealous and all oa that, and so he actually went on, um, i believe it wastas instagram maybe or twitter,tter instagram and he says i apologize i'm seeking help toelt deal with minus and my issues is please pray for me and i'm sorrs blac chyna.blac c. so he did this on social media.. you're a great mother to ourr to child and i love you. and so china accepted thishi apology and her mom, you know, , tokyo tony,/what?ony, >> jumped in it too.>> jped basically said --ai >> tokyo tony is her mom. >> tokyo tony is blac chyna'sacy mom. mo shout out to them i believe that they have local roo
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okay. so she says that, you know, she supports rob and her daughter du blac chyna and said that robha r just has to get over hisr feelings of insecurity andity everything will be fine. >> now, yesterday when we did this story there were somee som people raising their hands andas saying that this was all phonyho and fake.d fake. >> yeah.>> yeah. >> this was -- >> i don't believe that. don >> drummed up for the media or drummed up for the a uttp entio. >> ya'll still believe that wayy >> i think it was me and i it wa think -- >> i don't believe that now. >> it's hard to not believe that. >> i'm i'm on board with youn because it was so quick. >> we have seen robuse go thror his emotional ups and downs. >> he has. come o in to come out in this way, you know, this is the knowt culture. so they come out on social medim as opposed to keeping iteeng private. >> i want them to be okay butt m hahn t neverly i don't know aboo this relationship from the getpm go.go i think it might have been one of conveen >> i agree with that. wh that >> so i just --ust >> oy agree with that.agrewith a >> everyone here is touched inci some way.ay >> wasn't this the relationships trust me, i'm farthest thingestt from an expert on this, wasn't
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already in a dark place.lace. >> yes. >> she brought him out of it. o. >> right.>> r now they have this beautifuleaut baby girl together.he they're hoping he's hoping to hn get back and so he's -- they sas it basically picks a lot of lf fights because he's insecure and so she left. lef >> they're back.. >> i'm going on board -- on board with what they were sayins yesterday this atten grabber. yesterday it was like -- 24it w2 hours later it's like aww. aww >> you know how love is. lov i >> i want to root for these the people they make it dzhokhar.ha. honestly. >> i'm rooting for rob. for r >> do you know who is notyou kni getting back together. >> fifth harmony. >> who? >> fifth harmony>>. >> mariah, who? >> i know. >> i'm so sorry.. >> their girl band put togethere on the x factor just like 1d was. >> penn follow lee cruise cruz was in there. >> camilla left the t the roup >> i heard because she's going c to partner up with
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now. no >> shut up. >> camilla left the group.illa l i'm ignoring. igning. >> i see how you did that. >> does she not look like penelope cruz to you guys. >> no. >> maybe a little bit of. >> penn until lop pee cruzru sestine stunner g she's a she stunner. >> carry on allison. on aln. >> camilla she basically left -- >> she's dressed completely liky the rest of them in thisin t picture. ou you're right. steve i didn't pick up on that.t the fact she's not --ot >> they all walk over togetherr and she stayed off to the side.. that's a sign i don't want to bo with you.with look at me because i stan out. . >> look at her arms r the body language speaks volume. >> she's staning away from them. >> steve you are so right.. >> remember we saw the samehe s thing with harry years agoea a allison doesn't want to believeb it. >> all got on red.ed. >> you did your own thing.hi
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>> allison will like to give you the highs and in a minute to and take that single picture. >> camilla cabella left theef group and the group said what? we had no idea about this. well now -- >> did they just watch thisatchs deo.o. >> now she is basically firings back and saying thefi girlsir absolutely did know. she says they were aware of my y feelings throughout the tour. t that what i wanted to afterwarda and then she goes -- because the group sort of -- they throughth her under the bus really said wd had no idea and then at the endd camilla was real classy is hessi says i continue to wish nothingg but the best for them and allhed the success in the world andld true happiness.pine >> can i ask a question.n not knowing fifth harmony individually is camilla a star, like the lead singer. sge >> they all are. are in this vehicle they sort ofy st started out as solo even then te boys from one direction then thn they were put together. tet >> one of them stood out more s than the >> there's always somebodyre alw who -- >> was it camilla.. >> like michael jackson stood sd outwit jackson five or is sh
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>> or zane took stood out with t one direct.t. >> the guy from doran duran stood out and that's why they'ry still together.l toher. >> you weren't hear this is aera carry over from yesterday withrr wisdom. >> glad i missed it. >> how about kimye news.ews. >> how about do you kimye kneww since you're on the carrying cry train. >> kimye spotted out for the first time since all of the spot shenanigans broke loose. >> wow! w >> here is. bigll notice with kim theow thing here,.er >> not not as glamorous as she -- >> really?ly? >> he's farther ahead and he'ses back. i'm going to do my own thingn t now. you go ahead don your own thingg >> noticeably other than the fue coat she has very little makeup on, no jewels just has a plane e wedding band on but they stephes out for the first time inen several months and they went too a really popular spot in santa monica which is the on thing ont they wanted to nd of make o statement we're out here, we'ree fine. fi >> together. >> year not getting divorced.or. >> we're stelai run. r >
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>> i'm not feeling this. thi >> at some point and come back e and show that picture -- >> exactly.>> ectly >> that's when we knew. >> i'm a hopeless romantic.anti. you want them to walk out likeie this? >> yeah. as opposed to like this.. >> it's not like they don't knok the cameras there are. >> what's that song, beautifulif rnining? >> that one. that picture tells me only one n of them wanted to be out.ed to o >> you know how it is. you if i took k a picture look at yy body language.guage. >> that's a good point, allison. >> we're not married. >> well -- i'm just saying.-- in >> that's a good point, too. >> that's a good point, too. >> arms crossed. leaning that way.g th way steve is leaning this way.his w. allison i'm beginning to -- >> cross my legs.s we have twitter follow we arefoe who swears that steve and i neee to be couple. cpl >> what's the problem? >> we are onset.nset. >> we're getting off track herer >> we have time. >> now we're playing matchmakera let's talk about ma rye today rd cary instead.catead >> love her..
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>> we can get through thisgeroug quick.ick. >> we don't have to. fresh off the w>>ires w. mariah carey -- ooh. o >> we have a soundbite.oundbi they has a beautiful voice.. >> i'm just saying. saying. >> we have a soundbite. a sbite let's listen to the soundbite oo mariah carey because shese s apparently doesn't gnome dem mym lovato or an rianne today grande. >> demi lovato i don't know she kind of say the shaded you on social isay th she implied she made assumptiono about ariana grand day mariahiah legend and so talented but s disses people nasty the way shey treats jennifer. what would you say to jimmy. jmy >> i don't know her either andtd so i wouldn't say anything to her. she should come up and introduci herself to me.he say here's my opinion.pi what do you think about it? t i that's how you handle bleep. >> okay?? >> i'll be the first one thatsto will get on to celebrities i don't have a problem with that.. >> yes.>> >> what she's saying iif
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don't know me personally don'tyd put my business out >> exactly.. >> j.lo. >> did she say she didn't know who j.lo is. >> no. that was in previous story sheto had said she didn't know whono o j.lo was. they never met j.lo. met j.l >> i didn't see the whole thingg but i don't take from this she t doesn't know who she is.ho is. she's just saying i don't know o her. i never met this perp so why ary they trying to say what my m thoughts are. a >> you don't know me.on'tw me >> exactly. >> i'm okay with that. keep my nam ie out'm your mouthu >> i love mariah when you thinkt she's down and out she comes ini with the whip.. >> the reason they're talking t' about all this shade coming froo her. she had said she never met j.lo said they met couple ofoupe times. >> i feel like this. let her do -- do whateve>> ir yr want to do. d she doesn't know me.w i don't know her.w her. it's a turn off to me. m >> is it. i >> for mariah.arh she's at a place in her lifeerif just be gracious. who cares? >> she doesn't like these young whipper snappers coming
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invoke herring name in a a negative light.nega >> you don't have to get herti t down to their level.ev >> they put her in in it. >> we wouldn't have celebrity cy dish. >> fix your body lang watch. >> you would make acute couple.u >> we're trying to stay engagedg with you. >> i understand.. >> enough drama.noug dressing alike and everything.v. >> now we'll get back to us, mo, >> how about a little love? lov [ laughter ] >> what just happened? hpe >> of course, we mean the love -- >> go back to your oldck tyour positions. >> wait. here we go. he we go all right. r we're talking about rahim devonn spending holiday cheer in tonight. but first here's stopping by the fox5 loft to dish on his life hf and annual chair are the concern in d.c. tonight. >> a quasi love?ov >> quasi love. >> we'll retire that in 2016. no more quasi to be spoken about maureen. ♪♪
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♪♪ >> oh yeah, this is a classic.ic if you don't know this songson where have you been? of course rahim devon, welcome back too fox5 and good day d.c. at 10:288 looking good outside a little le chilly out there but tucker barnes he's going to talk aboutt our weather ahead and maybe a a warmup in our future. >> yeah. i mean you know what, maureen, n we'll be in the 50s around herer this weekend just in time foror the christmas weekend of courseu let's get started with a look at, hey, give you a heads upds u first day of winter arrivesr a tomorrow morning at 4:45. 4:45. there's a nice scene of winter.e
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locally yet this season and notd on our seven day forecast.. as our temperatures will besill trending warmer here over thevet next couple of days.ays. one day to win gets in here i hr tomorrow morning at 5:44. 5:44. plan your party celebrationsraon l riright. here your current number stiller chilly out there.chly o overnight very cold.erol lots of teens off to the northf and west this morning.. now 31 still below freezing here in theezin 32 annapolis.olis 32 in fredericksburg you see 202 in the mountains there. hagerstown 24 degrees.grs 27 winchester cold start to thee day and it will be a cooll be ao afternoon. we should be a little warmerme than yesterday.than yesterday. yesterday upper 30s.pe0s today we're thinking low 40s 4 with plenty of sunshine you canc see that satellite/radar is featuring quiet conditions atqu this hour.iet and it wil l be a pleasantas afternoon.oon. a dry afternoon just if you're r traveling later today or nextr t couple of days, generallyenal speaking the weather pattern isi quite one along the eastern eten seaboard high pressure will keep things nice and quiet. later today we get the wind out of the south and east and thatha will allow a gradual warmup.
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seven day forecast, near 70 -- near 70. near 50 tomorrow.. jump add ahead of myself. 50 tomorrow the first day of fif winter you can see temperaturesm stay on the mild side into ourpr weekend.. next week somebody asking meskgm playing golf go it for o monday. mild conditions 61 degrees with sunshine the day after ons 6 christmas. nice day to be outside. guys that's the latest 43 this day t t afternoon keep it dry for allora your shopping.ppin back to you.. >> tuck i will take it.ll tak i they call him the love king. kin and tonight he's bringing theine love and christmas spirit to tht howard theater all in the name of charity we're talking about a actor grammy nominated singer se friend to the show rahim devonev he is hosting his annual charity concert called rahim devon andod friends the event will featuretu performances from local bandsal and a list singers talking kelly price, chris set michelle, v boseman, tweet, much much moreur much the love king joins us inns the loft to tell us what's going down oo
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>> happy be lated birthday totho you. you. >> thank you very much. do you this every year. it gets bigger and better.hank t >> yhibi andeah. >> how do you assemble this cast of a mazing singers to be part r of this show year in year out.rt >> these are a lot of myse friends, you know, that i'vew, e known for years. some i met recently, too.oo they also do community work. so it's honor to have, you know, the wonderful guests that we'vee been able to blessed the stagehs with tonight.on we've done this -- this thes t third year we've done this, anda we've had a lot of cool guestsls in the past. >> you really have. have. christmas music or do you put -- >> it's not even christmas thing. you know, it's christmas,as kwanzaa, whatever it is youou celebrate.e. but more importantly, you know, this is time of the year that, um, you know, that people are in ne.d. >> yes. >> people are in need throughoue the year, too, as well.el so kind of way to thank the fans for supporting the foundationndo and all the efforts that we makk throughout the year, but to t also, you know, remind them, you know, that it'
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constantly we have to helpp pelele. >> yeah. >> to say thank to you the city because, you know, theank to noo often i don't think you be ablee to see all these acts in one one place in one night. night >> you know what i love aboutut you consistent doubt.ent ubt. not only doing music you're ye acting in plays and at the coree of it you keep this area in aa i mind. you're always doing things thata really let people know thatw tht you're still down with the dmv d and this is your home base andae you're going to do everything tt highlight it and to celebrate it. it >> i think it resonates just j like when he one we out in the n schools and building with tthee youth or doing scholarship fundn every year we do for the youth u through the foundation. it resonates more when you gooug you go one time, like the kids like, eh, keep going back consistently letting them know e you care it definitely makes aaa big difference.fe >> what's your favorite partpa about spearheading something like that when you call your friends up you're like heyadwhem doing this again, you want to bb part? what is your favorite part about that?rt aut t >> i think, um, my favorite parr is just, you know, the stufftuff that happens,
10:33 am you know what i mean? we'isve e been able through the love livei foundation we've been able too put send off seven kids to t college.lle. >> wow. >> books and supplies for entirt first year of college so far,o r you know, two years in the i making with that. we also doing spa day we toucheh 10 states we started that in dc first spread it out to maryland, baltimore, virginia, what havee you. u. our efforts to feed the homeless with jasmine crow here earlierli last year with that situationon sunday soul.. operation nourishment with tony lewis injury, i'm naming the t kitchen.he >> name them all.>>ame >> shout out to everybody.rybo >> naming a lot of our partnersr >> these are people that make ik work. so it's important that you shout them i know thet y work so tirelesslysl unrecognized so i'm glad thatad you're giving them theing em t recognition that they do need. >> definitely. >> aside from coming to the shoi people can donate by going to gt the foundation's website. web >> if you log on love live liv foundation dmv
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able to come out tonight or if f you're coming out tonight youto still want to make a donation an you can do so. s i mean, you know, all thehe proceeds tonight go towards thee foundation as well.ell. so, you know, buy a ticket, $400 you get to see rahim devon, crossroads, ross felton told mem to he will tell hello. >> hey. acts.he lot of wonderful >> 8:00 o'clock tonight.o'clock. >> doors open at 6:00.oo >> don't be late. don'te l people don't be late. >> ticket >> you got the informationhe inn there. it's for a good cause.d use since we have rahim devon in the house what kind of a show wouldw we be come with me. m >> ut-oh. >> if we did not ask him to sini along with us many. are you up for this.e you up fot >> i know you got a show tonight. >> i'm going to go along with wt you. >> here's the thing. we know you have a show we're h not going to task youhawer voico much. we thought we'd did a littleittl christmas medley in the spiritpi of the holidays. you got -- maybe sing a little l jingle bell rock.ngle bell ro are you game. >> come on in here.>> this will be the fox5 c ancomhos and rahim devon doing jingle jgl
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>> as long as he has the mike.ak >> does he have the mike.ike. okay.ay whenever our maestro is ready you'll hit it. >> we'll sing. >> here we go. ♪♪ jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock, jingle swing and jingle bell ring, snowing and blowing a bush shell of fun, now the jingle house has gun ♪♪ >> come on. jingle bell, jingle bell, jingll bell rock, jingle time and a jingle bell time, dancing and prancing and jingle bell swingli in the frosty ♪♪ >> what a bright time it's the right time to rock the nightht away. >> too fast. >> jingle bell time, it's a swell time, to go riding in a one horse sleigh.igh. hey.hey >> giddy up, giddy up --
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>> wait.>> >> wait, wait, way. >> allison, i can't see.n'see >> wait a minute.minu >> you know what, i am embarrassed. >> jingle a beat that's thet's jingle bell, that's the jingleie bell, that's the jingle bell rock! >> ♪♪ >> oh, no. >> rahim devon tonight howard hw theater 8:00 o'clock. tickets still available. thank yous st. [ laughter ] >> we'll leave that to the the professionals. back after this. >> oh, my gosh, wisdom. did you not.
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>> who else got in.>> w >> here's the -- this is the -- this yearthe -- rocking role hao fame class of 2017.7. >> okay. >> joan baez is in. i the electric light orchestra. >> elo. lo is in. the band yes. >> owner of the lonely hearts. >> yes. is in.. >> don't stop believing becausei journey in. >> yay
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>> tucker bare ritz. 2pac shakor in the rock and hall hall of fame. >> what? t' that's right. >> and pearl jam. award for musical>> excellence e nile rogers.niles. that's 2017 rock and roll.nd r >> is that it? i thought people nominate -- i thought blackughtb stone is in.e i in. was he nominated. >> stone is already in. >> -- sly stone. -- s. >> the ceremony will be april al september in this brooklyn par clay center in new york city. in nice. >> and actually make tickets mec available to the public if youcu want to go to the show.e show. >> how much are they? >> those details comin>>g how ot early january.januar >> okay. >> as far as the ticket information but that's your class of as faation 2017. 2 pardon me i was wrong i mustng m scene the nominees. >> okay. oka >> all righty. all ry >> that's it. there you go.ergo >> something for everybody.. >> okay.>> o we done talking now. >> sure unless you want tole w continue i was waiting for music. ♪♪
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>> woman minutes late.utes lat >> too little too late. okay. much like our show. >> should have played yes ownern of a lonely heart. >> i do like that with theo lik drums. >> yeah. >> that is pretty good. i like that.hat thlie only song i know.i k that's the only one i know, tooo pardon that video. tvideo. >> so true. >> we'll continue thell conversation because we havetion music now.. >> why not? to stop. >> just in time for the holidayd one of dc's hottest new restaurants rolling out a brandb new menu. rpm is the name unveiling a neww lunch menu and this morning erin has a sneak peek in the fox5 kitchen. that's what that was. >> ah! a >> yes. ♪♪
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♪♪ >> little mariah. >>chmas song istmas song is supposed to sound like.pposed t >> that's exactly what it'st's supposed to sound like f iex had to sing that i could have naile that one. o >> nail in the coffin more likek it one hoop star getting justtis what he wanted this christmas cs notre dame basketball player ger heart warming surprise duringe d last night's big game against colgate.lgat soldier reaches out fromier afghanistan to his brother irish guard matt farrell. farre take a look. >> for us home is wherever we'rw together i look forward to beinb home with you soon really really soon
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>> beau faell wasn't inu farrl i afghanistan.n he was in the tunnels of theel e arena and look at that. aww.. >> emotional matt farrell pointp guard moved to tears reuniting i with his brother. he wasn't supposed to comewi hoh until february as you see it was a very very happy family reunion there.e. aww.. >> these never get old. i don't care how you set it up. you know it's coming they don'td get old.t. ways s so real. >> i don't know that i've seen brothers like that is whole who other --otr >> right. >> the dads and moms come home. >> i love that. t the closeness of the >> i hope that was at the end of the game.the game. no way he could play after that. >> how cool was the brotherly br love and the fact you see thesee guys big time manly athletes yoy just shows you have the emotiono and brought to tears just like e everybody else.y e i was thinking i hope that wasas post after that you're emotionally spent nothing left in the tankin
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after that. >> that's how i feel a wftei thh s this show. >> emotionally spent. spent [ laughter ] >> monday through friday.ugiday. >> oh, my gosh. >> okay. really sweet. swe wisconsin post office zenningnig holiday cheer in a traditionra that goes all the way back more than 70 years in fact. post office located in rudolph known for the world famous fou rudolph for weeks people all across the globe have been sending their t male sending it to them just too get it stamped in the reindeer'' native city. the stamping tradition beganeg back in 1945. >> there's also a santa clauss wisconsin or somewhere -- one oo the northern midwestern statesws that people, have you ever done that or would you ever do that h to get the postmark? posar >> how dough do you get it backc >> you send it to stamp it.tamp >> you send it in anothern ano envelope. >> i see. >> i >> you just address it yourselfl put the stamp on it -- put theut information on it.ion it looks like it's male comingao from the north pole or santar nt claus or whatever it is.its thahat's cute. >> i'd be too afraid to do that.
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>> it's cute.te. dallas cowboys running backb ezekiel elliot's kettle jump jum stunt is paying off at least foa the salvation army which what it's meant to do. cowboys running back elliott elaborated a touchdown right rit here and he jumps in the big b fake red kettle that does haveav foam on it it looks like so in i case they do that jump.. his leap push the non-profitonro into the spotlight donations dao were down nationwide. but now they are up and they're' up 61% after being down sal s vague army says in the 12 hoursh after elliot's leap they raised $182,000 in online donations. do >> this was a night game thate t means those were donations thatt came in over in it as well whic is even more impressive. >> that was spontaneous.ntaneous he said earlier he was going toi do that. >> as we said yesterday it justt happens to be a big human sized kettle you can jump in rightig there. >> big neon sign jump in here.nh >> because he had gotten fined. >> here's the thing.hing the league ended the leagueeagu
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the league decided they weren'tt going to fine him.go he's going to make a donation, t he said he would match a fine if they fined him. he wears number 21 he's donating $21,000.$200 >> jerry jones says he would doe something. him jerryerague fined jones the owner of the cowboysbo would make a big donation asatia well. >> worked out for everybody.body >> he spotted that before he beh went in for that touchdown.oudo >> you don't know that it's knos open, right? >> he probably knew it.op kw i he probably did know. >> pre-game warmups he probably took a look in there.. he probably figure he would woud score.or they sal vague army banner on the side. i don't think they put it just for him to try the little stunt. in it work.k ry tittle it work. work >> he jumped on in there. there can you imagine.can u imag >> no. >> trying to do that. >> this weekend>> t kettlesry ay nfl >> exactly.>> exactly. >> despite that surge in onlinel donations the sal vague army vay says donations at its read kettles are downplaying wide with fox5 being a proud partner with sal vague army and nationai capital region we hope to getpeo the word out that please giveasv and what you give stays local. c
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ringers go ahead and help themee out.out. don't miss good day on friday fi when we team up with the salvation army and eastern automotive you know how generoug they are as well to make a local family's christmas muc brighter. >> do help out when you can. i totally get it with thelp cash oheas donations being down because ite used to be you would come out of the grocery storee and whatever loose change you have orr whatever.wh >> you put in there.>>ou put in. >> a couple bucks or whateverpl you have. but so many people just don'te u t't carry cash any more. >> i carry far less than i everi used to. i know some people that flat out -- >> never carry cash.>> >> don't carry cash any more. nr ifry you don't have the cash its harder to make it.ha i get why it's down that way. tw make your donations online or or friday we'll tell you how you yh can help out. >> show it will be awesome.. >> holidays all about family any good food, right? so if you'rer looking for the perfect place to enjoy both, one of dc's newest s restaurants unveiling a new lunch menu erin has a sneakneak peek. pe it looks delicious that's comins up next. ♪♪
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all right. r well this week is full of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and if you want to take a quick break from all of that t shopping, i have last minutestin shopping to do are for delicioud italian lunch rpm italian d.c.. has what you're craving.'rcr join to us talk about thebo italian spread and epic feast ot the italian fishes on christmas chef gabe thompson thanks so much for joining us today. >> thanke th you for having me.e >> being italian it's all abouto the fish this time of oa >> absolutely.bsol >> tell us what you brought in a to samplt eyo for your lunch me. we have express lunch menu m monday to friday we open 11:00 o'clock.:00 o'clock. eight minutes. biteefora bite before you're shopping.opng. >> exactly. >> it's pretty quick, >> aetbsolutely.>> so today i'm making our tuna bruschetta.ta >> tell me about tune ma bruschetta.. >> toasted ciabatta bread, toasted aooli.oo >> i would say it look like a l pesto. pesto. >> it does look like a pestoto very much an aioli.
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>> >> yeah. big eye tuna from atlantic waters usually off northfforth carolina or boston. local fresh basil.. >> how do we put this altogether. >> first we put down the base sell aiolit do.. >> nice heaping layer of thathea that looks really gyeood. christmas color g this wholes cs dish very christmas see. see >> you said on your -- for thost who are not italian or familiarm with the feast of the seven thes fishes this is a fish appetizerz tell me what you're offeringe this christmas eve.. >> we're really excited aboutito our menu for christmas eve for the feast of seven fishes much we're doing let's see, about a four little snacks for everybody. and then a couple of choices for appetizer which we have some nice tuna with caviar, roved sea scallops, everyone is going to get lobster course. we'll do a nice lobster course u and nice little entree if you're
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not super into fish we'll do oscar style filet which is --s >> you're not keeping it 100%% traditional.aditio >> there's crab for the filet. >> um-hmm. >> we're doing a dover for twoor and pasta dish,. dis >> this is l>> legitimate feast. >> you can still get reservations for christmas eve.e >> absolutely. autely. absolutely. >> that's i was m you toppeds y that with basil.asil >> basil leafs. lea >> i will say my sister does christmas eve every year i looki forward to it back in philly we never did the traditional sevens fishes there's a smell to saltel cod a lot of old school a lot of people have weeded out of their current seven fishes you're she doing a modern take on it. >> definitely doing a modernit take on it.el take all rpm is modern take on italian food any way. >> right.>> rht >> so -- i love that you go g there and still get the taste of seafood for the holidays. h for me it's not christmastime without it. you can come in for lunch andcha grab this i'll take bite of this. grab your lunch. quick lunch before you go shopping much this is messyses because it's thick good
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and amazing tuna i'll toss itt back to you guy where is i takew a bite of this because i'vee learned the hard way that you dd not want to talk with your y mouthful when there's green's gn stuff on here. here it could be nasty. rpm italian located on pennsylvania and mount vernon vr square. >> k street and >> k and massachusetts.assachus. perfect. k and massachusetts.etts go check them out out on thehe website if you want to go to the seven fishes. i'll pre-game before my sister's como versione saturdabey night. >> thank you very much. >> man gentlemen. >> sounds good. i'm justto ask you -- teasing. >> gotcha. gota. >> he gotcha.. >> hey. >> h >> i want to smell sauled cod. >> okay. oy >> as long as you don't smell ie right now. right >> it's over there if you like.k >> oh, my god. >> she said it's memorable.. >> what's wrong with you? >> seven day forecast.. >> oh, my gosh.. >> 43 this afternoon innon wash
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bit. winter starts tomorrow. >> you're insane. >> maureen he's bringings brging awkwardness to tv since 2004. >> wow! >> don't stop believing.
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live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." >> wendy: how you doin'? i have a great show for you! we won't judge, but we're judging. it's going to be juicy. [ cheers ] ♪♪ >> now, here's wendy! [ wild cheers and applause ] ♪♪ [ applause ]


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