tv Good Day DC FOX December 26, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EST
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♪♪ straight ahead, georgerg michael's last christmas.. >> ♪♪ last christmas i gave you my heart but ♪♪ >> legendary singer and sicknd s symbol died at just 53 years old. leaving the music world wld urnining. ♪♪ wake me up before you go-go ♪♪ >> this morning, we're lookingro back at his life and legacy and how he is being remembered. plus
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stranding thousands trying to get home on christmas day.ay a powerful winter storm pump srp link half the nation. while we strap in for what coull be roller coaster ride for theet last week of the wof t holiday argument ends with man n dead and a mother grieving.ri police opening fire afterire aft responding to a domesticsc violence call in d.c. we'll have live report.. and later, say it ain't so. redskins fans forced to root for dallas? well if they want to wt cheer on the burgundy and goal in the playoffs tndhey'll have v break down the possibilities ofo cheering for the silver and blue. blue. good day at 9a starts now. ♪♪ >> aww.. >> that's where it all startedla for george mychal.orge mycha that gave him credit all across the globe.the globe. we'll get into wham had one hade album out before this. kind of stayed pre internetne days.da stayed across theys pond. >> this came out the world suddenly knew who george michael was. >> the rest is history. hto >> got it.. >> thanks for staying with us oo good day d.c.
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allison and erin and wisdom.ido holly and maureen have thereen morning off. we might want enlist extra help. >> because it's monday afterondr christmas which is the holidaywc for us. we got a special guest in theste house joining us now on thehe couch this morning there he isre right there on tv analyst and a commentator with various forceor at fox force one he's alsos pre-game and post game show host with la clippers he's an airai force veteran.eter i don't think he's doing enough th his life.e. i'm just say [ laughter ] >> i think he can do more one of my buddies good friend of mine.m that puts him over the top righg there, right? >> we can all leave and let mikt and wisdom do this. >> mike >> mike hill in the house.n the. >> what's up? >> this is nice. this is nice. ]laughter ughter ] >> i love this. >> welcome. >> good to see you. >> hello. >> i feel like mike is slummingn today. >> no. i'm in the slumming at all.mminl >> we cleaned this lit
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>> had a little something on it. i'm sorry. >> erin made cookies and we ate them all. >> ate all my cookies. >> also there's a foot pedalted over there we'll bring to out to for you.r yo >> so you can run your own yourw prompter while you're w >> sad but true. that.emembehir >> how you doing. wis dollar runs the prompter foo us. we got it cover.cov welcome to the show.wew. >> thanks for having me. i'ham happy to bnke here. >> so to have you here.ouer >> i'm so happy to be here. that's really not in the teleprompter.leprompter. >> we dot to talk about weatherl first. we're off to pretty mile start e to the week of 2016 couple it's the last week of 2016? temperatures today could even top 50 degrees but we're thehe lucky ones around the dmv tens t of thousands of people acrosse r the country they got stuck in christmas blizzard.zzard. snow, freezing rain, ice and how long winds pounded the northern plains over the weekend bringinn holiday travel plans to standstill. authorities even had
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down some highways last night and issue travel advisoriesie still dozen of stranded cars cs blocking roadways andsnd intersections and snow totalss expected to top get this a footo for parts of the country and more winter weather could be ono the way and we want to know whaa to expect right her at tucker washington do you haveto for us?for u >> so wisdom your friends run rn fox sports.s my friends are between jobs. [ laughter ]hter ] >> you mean your roommate? [ laughter ]ht >> what's up with that?t? >> wow. >> i don't know, tucker. i don't know.. >> tucker is actuallyy flabbergasted by that.ha >> i made the wrong friends intn gh s school.g fr no doubt about it.t. >> reagan national 41 degrees. erin, i can't remember what you said but i'm going to follow up on it. it. dulles 42. bwi marshall 38.hall 3 here's the deal. dea cloud cover lot of that in thett forecast and a little lighte lig drizzle early.zlearly. you can see it believe it or not freezing rain the possibility in pennsylvania where they have w freezing rain advisory hereviso early and we'll be in for much c cloudier day than y
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stl bebe -- hi. still be on the mild side with t daytime highs about 50 or so.o but it won't be the bright sunny day we had for christmas quick look at the forecast, and, lots to talk about here for ourr holiday week.lidayeek. drizzle out there.he for the most part just cloudy cd conditions and daytime highs ing the low 50s. all right.all t. guys. >> more coming up.>> back to you.. thanks, tucker. oh, i'm going to need some words. thank you. th other big story today -- don't-d worry. i'm a professional. >> all righty.ll righty. here we go. sad news really i mean this washi was our guy, right? if you are likl me around my age especially this our sand track and and the worle was stunned by the sudden deatha of british pop star george geoe mychal on christmas day.asay the singer just 53 years old. publicist for michael says hes h passed peacefully.cefull he was surrounded by family andd friends.friends. apparently heart failure maylyef have played role here but b michael was known for a numberr of health issues also substancee abuse problems.ob. he rose to fame back in the '800 as one half of the pop duo whama but his success continued as a
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solo artist with hits like famee freedom, i want your sex ir sex forgot about that one, father ft >> don't forget about monkey. mn get the monkey off your back or something like that. >> i didn't know that. the faith album. i haveth known. >> we'll have to play a little a bit of that. >> let's play him all morning. it solidify his role as sex s symbol he maintains a presence p in the music scene despite despi personal issues and high profilp arrest in the '90's. forced him to come out and he became an active visit and ann advocate for the gay community. now this morning tributes to ths lay singer are just pouring in. so -- you know, it's like theike running joke, right, whatever we happened to the other guy inguy wham? he's around and he tweeted out really heartfelt hrt from andrew richly he said hearh broken at the loss of my beloved friend.. add gelation and sorry came onam twitter in scores from the entertainment, political and fan
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world elden degeneres applaudeda his brilliant talent.. james corden said michael wasicl ahead of his time. british parliament jeremy corbin praised mike kyle for his mike y support of lgbt rights. rht his publicist is he he had not been ill.. sr. rounded by family andamy friends at his passly. police don't expect foul play pa calling it unexplained but notun suspicious.suspicus. all we know right now heartow ha failure of some sort. but we do know that he had had problems as we mentioned beforee with drug in the past.heast but just wait and see what comet out there. >> i think the fascinating thing with george michael you can putc a label on his music.. >> not at all.ll. >> can't put a label on the fane who like his music. we tee teased wisdom for years a we catch him singing wham songnm in the break. kind of became -- we were all wa singing it on friday.da >> there were a lot of thingslof about wisdom i could tell you yu guys about he would never say oo television.televisi >> we'll stop the rest of the st show and talk about that of . >> i'm writing a book about
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telling everything all you havet our secrets in the past we started offhicr in fretesco knoo you're right about george mychaa no matter what kind of music you like, people who loved that typp of music still love georgee michael.. he appealed to everybody. >> yeah. >> book advertisements a live os wisdom arc live of wisdom.isdo >> a day in the life off mr. martin. >> oh, my goodness. >> let me tell you something.>>. >> no, no, no. >> how far can we go on thisn show? >> not that far. not tfar [ laughter ] >> i live in nashville forhv while. i used to hear the wisdom martin legacy. >> we lived in nashvillee together. >> you starred in fresntoo.resn >> started in pros know.os know. >> remember all those storiesr yostu hear about wisdom and thee other guy. that's the other guy.eruy >> there you go.. >> big joe joe dubin. dub. >> yeah, big joe on the go. t g >> he has inside dirt. dir >> what has happen.haspe >> i don't know. we'll don't need to talk about a nashville no more.e
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move >> time out and catching up cicially. get to do headlines.adline we have stories back here at het home we want to get up to dateo on. one of course a tragicrsa tr police involved shooting happened in the district overstr the weekend family members arebe still looking for answers muchns sadly it all began with holidayd the man's family spoke exclusive toll fox5 anjali hemphill live l in northeast with more an what t they had to say. >> reporter: steve, dc policeic officers who responded to the t scene were wearing body camerasr and right now that footage istae being reviewed as part of theart this investigation.on. meanwhile, the family of geraldl hall spent their christmas in shock over his death after theye say dc police shot him three t times in the chest. chest now take look this is photo pto gin to us by injury al hall's family. he was just days away there thit 30th birthday. his mother spoke to fox5ox5 exclusively last night from thee hospital. she tells us he was a five-yeare navy veteran and work as an a electrician he leaves behindvesn four children. chi one of them as young as fours fr
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hall's mother says he stopped ad his girlfriend's house around an 11:30 christmas morning to pickp up presents he bought for hisr h kids. it was at that home off wall nen street in northeast where an argument between the couple coul began. police say once they showed up,d hall had a knife and repeatedly ignored their commands to drop m the weapon and at least one officer >> i feel like that he didn't deserve this. thi um, he was going to pick upp christmas toys for his childrend he had just left my house and he said, ma, i got the toys for the can you wrap the toys for me? >> reporter: police say theyayhe did recover a knife at the a the officer who fired the gun he's been placed on routinene administrative leave penning ono the come of the investigation.ta live in northeast an lallyly hemphill, fox5 local news. >> 9:10. back to work this week fork f president-elect trump after aft short holiday break. b got lot of work left before hi
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he's also trying to muscle in oe the current administration attra least on twitter. twitter over the weekend he blasted thet white house's decision to let the yi the united nationsted nan criticize israeli settlement.sem he's also said u.s. should shoul expand its nuclear capability and at the same time trump alsoa announced plans to shut down tht charitable foundation to avoidat any potential conflicts of interest. but he needs to wait for new f york investigation in how the foundation' money has been usedu to wrap up before it can close.. time right now 9:11. star wars star cary fisher after the heart attack after the aft e middle of an inn natio flight. we'll update her current condition. >> wee we'll talk if the ball since mike hill is here with tht strahan of the west coast? coa >> you got it. >> i like that. football withttle .s. >> talking playoffs and skins? >> oh.h. >> wait a wait a minute.wait >> i'm just saying. that is what we're talking about. redskins -->> iis whag
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>> you going to need little fam in you're football fan in this i town you'll need a lot of faith. redskins keeping hope alive ovee christmas weekend but to make ik to the playoffs they need someee help. help. dallas has to win tonight burgundy and gold beat thed bt t giants on new year's day.ay. to make steps of this big play y off picture and the faith that'a needed for the burgundy and goaa we're turning to sports expert p fox sports one's mike hill,ik hl steve we're all we'll chat it up and talk little football.ot steve you broke it down earliera i can't remember all theremell how does it go? detroit -- dett >> for the skins to get in? in? >> yeah.y they have to win the last game.m >> the skins have to win. >> the big thing -- >> sigh see two thing.. big thing tonight what happensth between dallas and detroit.etit my question to you, mike, you, get the inns and outs of all the player etiquette and wheelingshs and dealings behind the scenesgh does dallas roll over tonight tn just to mess with the redskins.. >> no, no, no. n
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roll only because they're notse' going to rest their starters str because they got took rookiesoo leading the way for dax prescott and ezekiel elliot. elliot. >> they want the reps.want t rep >> they want to keep on roll. ol they came off a rin againstga tampa. tampa. >> you think dallas will comes m out plain hard.d >> they'll definitely come out d and play hard. been't think there's everef a team september the last weekee of the season when they want tot rest their players that willill just role over an allow a teamn to get in so that another team t won't get in witness washingtong redskin the thing is dallas dla cowboys they got young playersog on this team they p want tot couldn't to go not playoffs with that push. they want to go in there because they haven't won anything. they haven't done anything yet.g definitely come out and playt py tonight and then the skins righs now if you're a skins fan, can a you imagine rooting for the f t dallas cowboys tonight?ight? >> yeah. >> that's going to be so hard to do but that's what you need.ingn you got toee hd.ope that the detroit -- ooh mean the teamm wins tonight, and then they wini next week of course new yorkoune giants, my new york giants andis in order to get into theinto t >> same question there. same qus new york doesn't have muchti toh play for. do they rest o'dell
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in the last week of the season?? that could make things easierase for the skins.for thin >> they shouldn't that's theount problem witness giants.oblem tns the giants fans -- the giants some of the defensive players making -- ma >> you know how i feel aboutk eli. don't even get me started withew eli manning.anng. be quiet on that.uietn th >> throw four picks in the gamei if you have a supeckr bowl rink. >> oh, my god g that's thet' misconception about eli manningn i know we're in d.c. and i'm a'm giants fans.s. i'll look at eli manning and i'm get upset outside of those two o years when he won the superuper bowl, eli manning hasn't wont anything. he hasn't wouldn't play off game. game he's not gotten his team to thet playoffs they've been done oncec they got into the play off.ff >> let's focus on this team g t that's true.that's true. >> they got to get there first.t it sounds like -- i mean ifn i dallas wins tonight they're inye control of their own >> going up against new yorkew y they've already beaten new yorkt .nce. >> they beat new york earlier yr this year. the odds of them doing thathat again this time is going to bent at home.atom >> bottom line they need dallasd to win tonht if dallas does not win tonight,t then it's ov
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skins have no chance of gettingt into the playoffs.heyoffs. green bay or detroit will get wg in. then next week they got hope green bay knocks off detroit and skins got to take care of theirt business against the new yorkgan giants. you look at that game, the new w york giants they don't want toot face the washington skins oncenc again in the playoffs. >> right. right. >> that would be awful. tha you're talking aboutt the teams coming out there and playing ala their players o'dell beckham,am, injuries of the world want not t they want to keep the skins outs f dallas doesn't win tonight ant the skins still have a have a possibility of getting into thef playoffs next week, you best believe the giants will come ouu there and play who are in orderr to knock the skins out. ski o >> there are some people wisdom who every week just hating on ho the skins.. now, there are on the people who believe any given sunday.da nine days ago skins had ugly u lost. eight days ago or whatever it we was. that's it.. this team they're over of theve they dominate chicago.chica. not a good chicago team.m. they dominate chicago. ccago does help as the push goes inton another must win game thist n ga weekend? >> they're playoffs began lastnt week. their playoffs began over thisvr weekend when t
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chicago and matt barclay's five interceptions. >> it's great defense.. >> still barclay helped.. >> the skins.ns you know what, they're play offo began this week and so they goty to continue that role right nown so of course, look, bottom linen is you'll look back on theon t season, look at that gamehatame against cincinnati in london.don >> when they tied.d. >> that hurt.t. >> last ek before the chicagoe game had they lost against thehe carolina panthers.anth >> that was huge. >> you can't lose those types f games with your season on the line. they started the season off zero-two. they turn things around. aun kirk cousins has proven heroven deserves to get a long-termes t contract with this team he betet on himself. himself you like that, don't you?on't yu [ laughter ] >> throw that in there. >> but the thing is it's like, you know what, they've proven they have a good offense anden a once they get in, if they canf c get into the playoffs, they cane be a dangerous team.. >> okay.>> alrightht. here's what they have done. he e they made football relevantel again in december in d.c.n d >> which is something they neede in this town. because -- >> wizards ain't doing anythingt >> that's a whole -- that'a wh >> i'm sorry. i'm sor >> t
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conversation. >> nationals had a good season. >> they beat the clippers. >> they did beat the clippers. ls hady beat didn't they the clipp,? how abe >> it happens.>> it happens. [ laughter ] >> back over to you ladies. thank you appreciate it.t very much.h. 9:20 right now coming up it's aa national day of mourning inning russia. star wars princess recoverings r from heart attack and a warningw for anyone who got gift card for christmas. we've got a check on what else is makinga ch headlines next. plus vivian green act two thewot singer joins us live in the lofe for a special performance aerana little later. we'll be right back much it's 9:20. 9:20.
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♪♪ 9:23. celebrating the life of george li of george michael with his music this hiss morning on good day dc.c. let's check what else is makingg headlines.he first up overseas a day ofu mourning in russiaof.ia that's right. right this after a plane crash overve the black sea yesterday morning. the plane went down shortlyshory after taking off from sochi on i the way to syria.. 92 people were on board. some of them were members of arr you's famed military choir whoch perform during the olympics twoo years ago. a they were on their way to a neww year's concert for troops. no word on what caused the plane to crash put this morning diverg have recovering froms of the jet. actress cary fisher still ii the hospital after suffering sfe heart attack during durg international flight last weekte but her mom does say her s conditi
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stle.e. the 60-year-old fisher is best b known for her role as principali says lea in the star wars wars franchise.. this morning her coach stars ara wishing her well.ell. harrison ford and mark hamil just two fans who sent her senth messages hoping for a speedyy recovery. president obama spenting th holidays this week and in in honolulu. yesterday afternonoon the firste family visited u.s. marines anda their families on the base inasi hawaii thanking them for theirhe service.e he also called a group of troops serving overseas.. president end the night with aia trip out for dessert enjoyingnjn hawaii want shaved ice. i. finally it seems like a lot of o people give them, lots of peoplo get them, but believe it or nott many don't actually bother toote use them. us they are gift cards.t car one of the staples of the giftt giving season.ea industry experts estimate that wow 1 billion of the 130 billiol spent on gift cards goes unused. >> what? >> they actually say it's it' perfectly fine to regift thosese
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transferable g are you kidding d me? >> would you were you!ld y wer >> 1 billion. >> people don't use -- peo >> i don't get it.>> >> i love gift cards.>> i love i >> me too.ft >> now that they don't expire'te why would you not use them.uld o >> i used one i had this yearhiy that was from last christmas and it work just fine. >> sometimes you forget you havv them. em >> absolutely. >> i don't know who that is. >> it's exciting when you find one from the previous holiday.'. >> please. >> if somebody gives me one imeo immedydiatel gy put it in my wae >> so you remember.em >> every time i go in my wallete it's sitting right there. tre i use to use it right a me e too. >> my mine is so mind. mind. my mom gave me ma'am son giftso card i'll go on amazon and buy b something and forget i have thee gift card. c >> really. >> i've done that before. >> you fine the gift'v care do g there. there. could have used that $75 momma m got me.go >> have you you've it. hav >> i have not used it. i hno >> you got it in your wallet. >> allison, it's not for me.ot f >> slide it to me. slide it to . i got throw kids and we could c use it. us [ laughter ] [ >> there it is. it is >> big night tonight. >> >> tomorrow night.omorrow night. >> tom
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>> what's happening tomorrows ha nippght. >> going to seeen bruno mars at mgm. mg >> bruno and -- which one arehih the girls?irls? >> my sweet 16 sidney. >> it's contrary to popularopulr belief i am not equally asly as excited to go as she is.s >> you're more excited? >> at least your kids want toant see bruno mars. my kids want to see little yate. [ laughter ] >> i'm sorry. >> yachi.i. >> don't try to use mike'ss amazon gift card for drinks.s. >> sweet 16, steve.teve. >> that's tomorrow night.ha a story that some parents wert'r relate to your daughter bringsts home a boyfriend and you hate he him. coming up next i'll drink todrik that, bartender in here clinging glasses and that's true. tru you would -- we like anybody --- >> i'm so distracted by those models. we have somebody inmo here a a mixologist. any way kevin talk tolo the stae of the new christmas c
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called why him it's all wouldld boyfriend you don't like.lik >> i had one of those. i hadne h >> did you? >> which is all of them.l of tm >> pretty much.tty mh. all o of them. ain't going to like none off them. them they didn't like me when i wasks coming around. arod. >> mike told me some stories. >> we'll be back in a minute a t with the seven day forecast.oret the last week of 2016 right now it's:27.7. we'll be back in a moment. >> wisdom is a slick one. ♪♪
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fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we're offering incredibly fast 150 meg internet, just in time for the holidays. hurry, freddy, you're gonna miss it! coming. i can't believe he is doing this. it's so fast that in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record, held by gary watson... fly, gary, fly. ...his friend can download 13 different versions of the perfect song... ...his sister can live ream it... ...while his mom downloads how to se a dislocated shoulder, all at the same time. gary. only fios offers 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just 79.99 per month online for the first year, plus a 200 dollar visa prepaid card with a two-year agreement. visit or call 1-888-get-fios to learn more. that's 150 meg internet, tv and phone for 79.99 per month.
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♪♪ parents talking over here on the couch. >> parent talk.arent lk >> so sorry, i didn't have my icu in.ic >> we were getting into the talk. >> you get what we talk aboutk a off the air on the air and onnd the air off the air. >> teenaged daughter.d daghte >> you never knoll what you'll get. get. you're listening to george lisng michael's last christmas.tmas. we tease add wisdom few times he seems mad sometime. setim >> little did we know on friday as we were getting ready for tht holidays we had christmashrtm carolers in here.ere i said would it be nice foreor christmas if we had the carol hers sing last christmas and a maybe we could convince wisdomem to join jin we had selling along at the ende of the show. little dide know two dayss later we would lose george l michael. this is how we ended the show on friday.ay >> i would love it personally my christmas present to wisdom martin. >> oh my gosh.>> o
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>> could we do little wham? eah!eah! >> yes. >> can we do it. >> can we jam to wham?ham? >> okay, good. >> yeah. >> last christmas i gave you myy heart but the very next day youu gave it away. so this year i'll give you to someone special. speci >> i don't know the rest.'tnow [ laughter ] >> george michael, that's ourhar tribute to you mr. michael. >> not going to let that manha rest in piece there. it was pretty bad.. >> here's what we love about a wisdom and mike i'm sure you cao vouch for this every time we tr to get wisdom to do something. m no, no, no -- last christmas.hrs [ laughter ] >> yes. >> we'll do it. >> he procrastinate.te >> all in. in >> he's all in.. >> yes. >> that was cute you guys dids that. >> really nice. >> you never know, right.ou n. >> you never know.>> >> cck
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something we do know about is i the forecast itself because he'c working hard on that.rkg hard o hi, tuck. t >> right, steve.ste. yeah, 41 degrees now in deges nn washington. 37 up in gaithersburg. gaiersb lots of cloud cover out there early. temperatures later today we'llet actually see highs in the upperp 40s to about 50 maybe low 50s 5 for few spots this afternoon son actually for this time of yearef on the mild side. the m 41 in leonardtown.. 42 in fredericksburg.g. cloud cover plenty of that.ha light drizzle out here early yoy can see it kind of lingering lie there to our north up intop montgomery county and westernese howard county getting light l sprinkle i can promise we won'tt see a few spots of drizzle or or light very light sprinkles thiss afternoon as we start to get get some warmer air working in heree from the west. the big picture we got colde col front out to the west. bringing changes in the form ofm colder temperatures to spots ouo to the west and big snowstorm i think we've mentioning it all al morning up in the dakotasas blizzard continues for timeor t during christmas day.ring ctm this front will get into ouro o region overnight tonight earlyig tomorrow morning it will bringwg us a period of light shower
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six, seven, 8:00 o'clock we shall get east of us but here'sh the good news with this.. cool air is lagging far enough g to the west by tomorrow lateorw morning early afternoon we'llno' get clearing and we shall get a very nice warm day for the end e of december tomorrow with highs in the the there you go today. tay mentioned that early morninglyor shower activity the cooler air lagging far enough to the west s we'll get nice westerly wind tomorrow and get a chance to and warm things up. future cast lots of clouds thiss afternoon. not sure we'll get a lot of sunn later today.r y. with couple of sprinkles. coupl. watch the shower activity moveot in from the west it will best il pretty light.ig light showers tomorrow morningwo clear itw out and as prom miff tomorrow nice very pleasant warm afternoon. highs in the 60s. 6 highs in the 60 there is you go cooler weather for the end of o the week more on our new year's' eve forecast as we get closer ge much that's the latest. ♪♪
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you. so maybe we can take walk tomorrow morning.. >> okay.>> okay. >> okay cool. justine will you set ned an setd alarm for 6:30am. >> you got it alarm has been set for 6:30 in the morning. >> who is that. tt. >> that's justine. she's like siri but awesome. >> all right.ll well that's a clip from the new comedy why him stars james franco as rich and famous techec guru who wants to propose toropt this girlfriend on christmas das but he has to win over her dad h played by breaking bad bryan cranston. whenever bryan cranston isto involved so is kevin.. he got a chance to sit down witi the cast. >> i love bryan cranston.. that's reserved for your wifeif now. breaking bad is the greatest ist show in the history ofstory of television. i cannot imagine going to bryany cranston house and take hise daughter out. o his daughter is 23 years old heo name is taylor i spoke to him about whether n
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concern when he first startedta seeing her -- his daughter'sgh boririends. >> right. >> also, wait until you see the little baby in the movie it'sun' actually bryan cranston's realsa daughter. watch is. >> aww. >> photos we see you in the beginning of the movie. m. >> yeah. >> from the moment she's born a man'se mo dmeaughter is the cenf his universe. uve you give her love.ov you give her encouragement. you watch her grow into a strong, confident woman. wom. where they put in the characterr >> yes. >> is that really you with yourr daughter? like older photos ofo that? ? it't's a mix. sometimes it's a real pick her h that i brought in with my real l daughter and when she was babyab baby it was actually her.lly her >> that's her on screen. see >> that's my daughter with me on screen because it's a littles at infant. and then -- zoey brought in i pictures and sometimes we would replace my face, you know, with -- i mean we would put in my face picture of hers or putut
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sore something like just to tie it >> then one day you come face to face with the love of her life.l >> the flemings are in the house! yes! >> oh, my god.od >> is that something you worried about leading up to like --e -- >> no. >> like the first boyfriend orei something like that? is thatg e something -- >> that's something you thoughto about. i wonder what that's going to bg like but it's brief becauseefec they're little and then all of a sudden before you realize it, they're grown women going off tt college and you're scratching your going how the hell did that happen so quickly? it does. d it happens really fast. but, no, i've been very lucky that taylor has made choicese ci that are really smart and she's a very smart independent youngng woman. wo i'm real proud of her. >> you're keeping heisen bergseg dialogue in the back just inust case. >> just that case.ust >> i can pull it out at any time. >> i have a little surprise. ta-da is that our christmas cis card. >> all you. ys ht says happy holidays and everything. >> it says h
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>> yeah.>> yh >> oh. >> i gave the guy christmas harh of card.of card i didn't know he put happy h holidays on i guess that's on me foreverorer now. >> when you wear tattoos in a a film, do you get to keep them on throughout the production or doo you take them off every night? g how does that work?t w >> you put them on sort of likee sparsparent. first you design them. then there's -- there's a houseu that will make them for you anda then put them on transparentpart cease and then you put them on with water i think, andnd they'll -- if you go to a good g place they'll generally stay for about three days. d i mean, they'll stay longer butt then they'll start to start deteriorate and you have to tak them off and put them back on. >> i earlier you and mark haveah three daughters.ghters. >> yes. >> how he's feeling about asg ao they get older in regard tossego dating. i cannot imagine having three daughters. i can't imagine.i caim i k know. >> beautiful >> but it's awful basically basc basic you have to watch them gom off with somebody and they're
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not in the bubble any more.ble e >> i'm going to be stalking, sln following and stalking.g hey, steve chenevey. >> mike has two daughter. >> you have two daughters. >> wisdom has twavo daughter. dt >> two teenage >> how old are your daughters. u >> 17 and one will be 15 in an couple weeks. >> you're in it. .> going on 35, though >> she is. i'm just trying to keep her --e- >> i need advice. adv >> you don't want to get advicec from me. >> yes, i do. >> i just want to keep themeep locked up all the time. >> here's all you got toyou got remember allison and mike. mike. just don't let them do anythingg >> you have to do. d. >> these two are friends now. >> you'd be the same one se on complaining when they're 30 atwt home. >> at least wisdom has a son too help them out. out i don't have a son. >> you got me, mike. >> uncle wisdom. wis >> i got weapons. >> that's one of the reasons iof don't mind you being with the t nra. there you go.go >> we'll all call together andal celebrate next because we'llaull raise a toast to 2017 raising ag glass to the new year and yea a learning which kind of spirits i we shall fill those glasseshoses with. it is time for -- >> drinks!rinks >> i'm sorry.
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♪♪ >> nothing like four guys likfor sitting around a bar. the booze is real. rea the christmas is over and theved new year is almost here. >> it smells good, doesn't it.on >> counting down to 2017 and wed have cocktails that you mightoum want to upgrade to ring it in to help us theo rutherford. so male ya with
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family wine and spirits which ih the parent company some of the t brands they'll be using this moing.g. lives here, travels all over th country but thantrks for boeingi here for the holidays andor the sticking around to hang out witw us this morning.himorni >> absolutely. >> you don't mind if we broughto extras in here to to t. >> a couple of people lookinge l over there we'll make some foroe them as well.thems w >> we'll make sure they gethey g theirs.ei [ laughter ][ laer ] >> wonderful aroma. cinnamon and citrus we're we' smelling this. >> malt cidar i warmed up this morning for you guys. >> is that noncida amornlcoholic >> this is non n ac >> okay, all right.. >> so the good thing about new n year's eve you usual usuallyly probably having a party youty wanted to something you caned t gather around so what io did ww this malt cidar you cancir yo basically make a malt cidar bar you have your different kindsnts of -- i've got vodk whiskey. throw that in a mug have that on the stove for people to spoon t themselves and you have to not t worry about a thing except for r actually having your own fun.un that's what i did for you guys g here. i like that. the other ones i have what's newhat's year's without sparkling wine,pa
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right? the first one west one actually have pre made talk offf off cocktail which is a cocktait from kentucky from the seal bocc hotel in kentucky this is highig rye burr born with liquor 43 a citrus and vanilla liquor from f spain. whole bunch of bitters organizez ranch and old-fashioned bidder and sparkling wine.sparing super easy and super delicious s you can get your sparkling winew on and a little whiskey. >> cheers! >> that was the weakest little t drink clang.drinan >> look each other in the eye. e >> something about the ao >> nor for the next one -- >> i got to do it [ laughter ] >> ahh.>> >> for those that don't actualle like whiskey, more the vodka drinker type, throw a little ltl vodka in here potato sad todayay from poland call this fromm potatoes to pearls in the newn year you want to find youro find riches, right. ri >> okay. lemon juice, rosemary honey hon simple syrup i made at homet hoe simply just honey, warm
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and throw sprig of rosemary infe there let it sit for a couple of .ays. >> yes. >> i'm a vodka guy.>> i a v >> shake it up and look fancy at your party.yo party. >> got to shake it over the head. >> have to. >> i always wanted to do that.oa never been able to do that.e to. >> shake it. let me go ahead. >> does the hip swing come witht it? it [ laughter ] >> it's your own style.. that's what really matter glasss shake that a little harder. >> as long as you're in thee in batter's box doing it. >> we got fancy strainer asne a well. just so you don't get that lemon lemon pulp in there. there. because nobody wants to eat their cocktail theusye no want y drink it. >> you can have that.ha >> of course. .>> right. >> wisdom, this is non click,on, too. you can have a sip. >> would you like -- there'sn h vodka in the--re. the. >> it's not non-click. nonlick. >> we pro prosecco on top. >> yeah, okay.ka >> nice little bubble.e. >> putting that twist on thehe traditional new year's champagne.ampagn >> you want
9:45 am >> do manly cheer.>> do manly >> there you go. there g >> warm apple cidar for you thii morning. thank you. now i'm part of the group.up this is actually really good.aly that's hot. >>lly goy good. y. super easy. >> i can have burned myself.burs >> very refreshing i'll join you guys because why not? what i wa did a little redemption rye which is delicious, love it. throw malt cidar in there makett it look pretty if you want too for your pear.rea nice little orange cinnamon cinn stick in there and you're goodog to go. stays warm and your party is all set. >> before we let you where can e folks find you if they need more information.n. >> find more information we have web sites for this. we me on twitter,tt i instagram all of that.hat and booze bull system myul instagram it's kind of fully.ul >> booze bully. >> i like it. i >> big guy. g. i like booze. lik it's fun.. [ laughter ] [ la >> see the cocktails and alsoa just sort of see where i am. am. >> happy new year?r? cheheers! >> happy new years! >> i got a>> non-alcoholic-aoh beverage in here.e
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>> that's what they told you.. >> right. >> words will start movingill an faster. coming up next, singer vivianiv green she's going to be liveng t right here in the loft.t he in but first coffee time right herg onood d day d.c. if you've been eyeing our good good day mug we have new good go day d.c. dunkin' donuts mug touo give away the perfect cup for cp that great dunkin' donuts gre coffee. head to fox5 or facebook page at d.c. to enter our mug contest. lucky winner selected by random drawing.wing hurry up you only have from noww until 11am to enter.. if you win take a selfie withh your mug or post it on our facebook or twitter page. 9:46. back in a moment.
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♪♪ >> 9:49 is the time right now. she is the r and b song stresshb that took us s on an emotional roller coaster back in 2002. 200 she got right back to her baby.. i just added that in there forhr free.. >> aww. >> i'm just saying. a jt sayin i'm just saying.just saying. since releasing her debut albumb a love story she's been busy make herring mark on the music c
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she released a total of five albums and had string of hits including got to go, got too, gt leave.av get right back to my baby andy n beautiful. we're talking about vocal powerhouse the lovely and the talented vivian green.n green you can catch her live inh her i concert tonight when she wn performs at the legendary howarr theater but before she does does that, she's right here in thee loft to perform.errm and here she is.she is. ladies and gentlemen, viviann she's doing a couple of her hitt for us. ♪♪ so tired of you making love to me then disappearing so suddenly, yeah, ♪♪ >> ♪♪ up and down we go, we go g and i'm so tired of you pass p feig me with promises you knowno that you'll never keep, no, no, no ♪♪ >> ♪♪ round and round we
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am, ain't nothing healthy abouta you baby, hey, emotional, don'tn you know the loving you, loving you, loving you was never good for me, no, no but i can't get g along ♪♪ >> ♪♪ what did you to me this morning, had me late for workk i'm stressing, i missed my meeting all i'm thinking about is you, uh-uh, you, baby ♪♪
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>> ♪♪ i'm counseling the hourshe until i see you i wish i never had to let go ♪♪ >> ♪♪ time can't move fast enough until i get right back to my baby, get right back to my baby, get right back to my baby, get right back to -- oh, baby bb i'm addicted to every single part of you but the addiction is healthy, yeah, yeah, get ready,y i'm getting strong, ooh ooh,oh, wish i never had to let you go ♪♪ >> time can't move
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till i get right back to my m babe, get right back to my babeb get right back to my babe, i get right back to -- oh, i want toat give back to my baby, i want tot give back to my baby, i want tot give back to my baby, i want tot give back to my baby ♪♪ [ applause ] >> woo-hoo! >> great.>> g >> thank you. >> always good to see you.s go >> thank you.nk you. >> lovely strong oi >> thank you. >> awesome. awesome. awesome. >> thank you. >> you'll be popping. >> tonight.>> t >> howard theater.>> h >> at the howard >> 7:30.>> 7:3 >> can people still get ticketss >> yes. >> how can they get tickets.ts go to howard theater and get a g them, >> absolutely. real simple. then esimple math here on show. so tell us about your -- some oo your new things that you'reyou' doing. >> well, one thing i'm doing i'm really passionate about is my iy am different i am human campaign which is basically a psa tosa to build awareness the special sci needs >> yes. beus
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son syndrome people that suffer from special need or disability represent 19% of the population, 57 million peopleeo and i feel like they're noty're enough awareness out there for how vast the community and how important it is they are treatea like everybody else because the are i am difmferent, i am human andm we are launching in february. okay.y. really excited we already shotet the psa. the so it's about getting it out and getting on every possibleos platform i can. i'm really excited about it.plbi >>y.kay. >> yes.>> >> if people want to getoplet to involved and help and learn howa about it do they need to wait fort psa are a start right now.w >> he you kind of have to waitva for the psa.. we're launching everything inn january it will be i am different, i am wove get everything up and eryth going. >> get it rolling. >> yeah. uteverking about it everywhere.g >> music wise. >> working on my sixth album. >> number six.ber x. >> yeah. >> you don't look enough to havo six albums. >> thank you. thank >> you got the fountain youth. >> nice flattering. >> am i being nice enough to ouc niguest. eno gues >> wild
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[ laughter ] >> i'm going to tell your wife.w [ laughter ] >> album number six talk aboutut album number six.ber six. >> you know my last album was energetic and fun so i think i k want to keep that vibe goinge gg because it was really well received. very very well received and ived want to keep that going.t going. but i still want to get into maybe a little bit more organicc music so we'll do a lot of o instrument mission.ission. more so than last album i'm i'm always have heartbreak songs onn there for my girls.ere for >> we know the ledger dannygeday george michael passed away.y i was big fan. fan. >> yes. ormomous. huge. like every song you guys haveyou been playing in the green room i've been singing.thnging. yeah. >> you know any george mychalyc songs.sos. >> yes. of you give us 10 seconds any george michael song. song. >> sure. give me one of them. when i guess there will be b nights since i can touch your body, don't know anybody has got a body like yours. you but i got to think twic
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i give my heart away cause iyaue know all the games to playy because i played them too ♪♪ >> ♪♪ i need some time now from that emotion, time so hold myd m heart back off the floor, oh, baby, we consider -- reconsidere my foolish notion i need someono to hold me but i'll wait forwait something more, cause i got toot have faith. fai. >> faith, faith, faith. i got my par. par [ applause ] >> i did my >> vivian green. thank you very much. >> thank you.ank t conssnued success. >> thank you so much. t thank you.hank too..ove that song, >> my girlfriend' name is faith. >> thank you >> thank you.nk. >> thank you. >> thank you, mike. mike. ♪♪ ♪♪
9:57 am
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the same never quit attitude. that's why i i asked his dtor about once-a-day namzaric. (avo) namzaric is approved for moderate to severe alzheimer's disease in patients who are taking donepezil. it may improve cognition and overall function, and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. namzaric does not change the underlying disease progression. don't take if allergic to memantine, donepezil, piperidine or any of the ingredients in namzaric. tell the doctor about any conditions including heart, lung, bladder, kidney or liver problems, seizures, stomach ulcers, or procedures with anesthesia. serious side effects may occur, including muscle problems if given anesthesia; slow heartbeat, fainting, more stomach acid which may lead to ulcers and bleeding; nausea, vomiting, difficulty urinating, seizures, and worsening of lung problems. most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, dizziness loss of appetite, and bruising. (man) dad and i shared a lot of moments. now we're making the most of each one. (avo) ask about namzaric today.
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(upbeat music) hello everybody, i'm kevin mccarthy and i'm glad to be with you as you continue to enjoy the holidays. geekout >> i'm kevin mccarthy glad be toy were you as you continue to enjoy the holidays overters thet half hour i'll be geeking out ao with you about what's in theaters right i cit my favorite films of 2016 and also what i cannot wait to seew at the box office in thu let's kick off what is showingfh right now in the movie theaters you have to go see. first up the movie passengers. this is the sci-fi romance starring jennifer lawrence and chris pratt.nothpl this movie essentially deals with a spacecraft that's traveling to another planet on a 120 year wakup 9 the problem is chris pratt and jennifer lawrence characters wake up 90 years too early from their hibernation pod trying figure out how to go back to sleep if they don't they'll die, before the ship gets to the nexe planet i love the b
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the middle of this film. it's shot beautifully the chemistry work.s ofal chris pratt together., it starts off really strong.ilea the beginning and the middle are really well done puts in you acd world dilemma what would you do if you were your characters. it's directed by the guy whonote directed imitation games. iitid not like the ending ending it did not live up to what the movie was setting up. did not require that type ofrt m ending it became an action movie when i loved the drama and the romance part of it more. budefi matinee on my scale. not really worth paying full tick price to see definitely worth seeing if you love these two actors three out of five basically a c grade on my scale. next up a as sin's creed starring michael fast bender based on the video gamesystem ce franchise much it is new story. he plays leading character inons the movie system called through an miss able
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onnect back with one of his ancestors during the spanish inquisition ands, michael fast bender fantastic in the movie. marian, is great, injury my irons, michael k. williams you know from the the problem thee way action an, story are way too couldn't va lval lawsuited you saw him b thon machinep those scenes are awesome.hose ss those are the annie missy wednesdays. during though sequences you'rete actually being engage in the action as it cuts back and forth between the 1400s and presentwaf day. but other than that, i foul it way too confusing at times. and for me a movie that has to be well done has to trance zenao to all audiences not just theha. gamers i've gate 2.5 out of five. wait for the rental on that onei next up, movie called why him i'm so excited about thisint movie bryan cranston and james franco are starring in an ran rated raunchy comedy the ideabrn behind the film is that james franco's character is dating bryan cranston' daughter and hen wants to ask for her hand in marriage but he's not
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man that she was -- he was hoping she would choose. now, the movie itself very very r rated i was laughing outloud the entire tim again, not for kids. loveeighths really -- really funny film at times keeganut pfm michael key is great. i love griffin gluck as well so many stand out performanceswillg there are so many moments you will be laughing outloud and i love seeing bryan cranston in ki massive breakingnd o bad fan. cool to see him kind of switch back to malcolm in the middleki. type of roll. i gave 84 out of five. hilarious again not for kids. mr. denzel washington. based on the august wilson playa now the cool thing about this, denzel and viola actually didect this show on broadway together. nooundenzel directing the screen play. written by august wilson, and film revolves around a family in the 1950s in pittsburgh as the father struggles providing, trying to provide for the family keep everything together.n. incredible perfoan
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viola davis and denzel washington. this scene alone is worth seeini in theaters. it plays like a play. v it really does. feels like a play when you're watching it much it's veryes arm intimate. it's very important at times. i think the performances are a mazing. ass thi viola davis i think will win an academy award for supporting actress this year for this filmi denzel will definitely be nominated for best actor but i think it will go to casey affleck foreman chester by thene sea. i gave that pour point five out of five. is m finally hidden figures one ofe the most important films of 2016 this movie is exclusively opening up al regal galleryupler place on christmas day right here in d.c.onuary a couple other places around the country.the ory goes everywhere on january 6th. this is the story of three african-american the main brains behind nasa's first successful space mission specifically focusing on john glenn. a beautiful story at a rare row henson, octavia spencers, jonelle more ray, music by i cea pharell.
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emotional film. i'm not going to lie i cried att the end. r beold. a film that makes you feel great when you walk out. story that i can't believe hasde never been told. i new nothing about this story and neither did the cast members and we'll hear from them coming up here. i gave that movie a 4.5 out of . five. highly rem seeing that movie.res it's a very very inspiring film. by the way pharrell's music every song you wrote run, able r are fantastic.o 2016as b you'll definitely be singing them when you leave the theater. all right.l the wo 2016 another great year for me being able to interview all the world's hottest stars. one-on- one with the a list actors including denzel washington, bryan cranston, jennifer lawrence. stay tune.
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happy to be here with you, and i was very lucky in 2016 to head out to hollywood countless times, up to new york, overseas to europe, to interview some of the biggest stars in the world. and last segment, you saw me reviewing five films, now i'm going to show you my interview clips with the stars of those movies. first up is jennifer lawrence and chris pratt. i had a chance to sit down with them, in los angeles for their film passengers, and the scene you're seeing right here is chris pratt delivering a note to jennifer lawrence, hand-written asking her to go on a date. now, it reminded me when i was in seventh grade, i would pass notes to girls and i'd say would you go out with me? circle yes no or maybe. now, i just remember doing that, so i wanted to know if jennifer lawrence and chris pratt had that same experience when they were in middle school and high school, watch this. did you guys ever deal with that, when you were in middle school and high school? did you do the notes? yeah, oh yeah, of course. i mean, i feel like there's an art form to the love note, and it's sadly passed.
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everything is digital now, we text now-facebook, like there's likes and emoticons, but you know, there used to be like, a whole prison system for passing a note, you know, where you had to go through seven or eight hands before it would get to the other person. did you get them when you were in middle school, like the yes no maybe ones, you circle like would you go out with me? yeah, well, i mean, maybe always puts you in an uncomfortable situation, cause you're like well now if i say yes, i'm going to sound desperate. or, sometimes if it was no i would write, comma thank you. aw, that's nice. yeah. aww. me @kevinmccarthytv, let me know if that's something you went through in school. i'm sure a lot of people did, but i just remember it very specifically, i can remember the name of the girls i sent them to, when i was in seventh grade doing that. but that movie passengers is in theaters right now, and starring chris pratt and jennifer lawrence. next up is assassin's creed, which i just reviewed in the last segment, gave it a two and a half out of five. wasn't a massive fan of the movie, but michael fassbender is one of the best actors working today. i loved him as magneto in the x-men films,
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now, i had the incredible honor of traveling all the way to seville, spain, to try and re-create some of these stunt scenes that you're seeing in assassin's creed, that meant like diving off of a fake building, i guess if you want to say that, but also i was doing so many things, parkour, running, weapons training, it was very very cool. so i spoke to michael fassbender, and i wanted to show him some of my footage that i got when i was in spain, and i jokingly said that i'm trying to take his role in the sequel, this was his reaction. i'm actually auditioning for your role in the sequel. excellent. yeah, so i went to-- they told me they were going to replace me, i didn't believe them. (laughing) oh nice, roly poly. yup. (upbeat music) here comes the run on the rooftop. yeah oh that's good. (laughing) come on, you're scared aren't you? you're worried about it? yeah. it's okay. i like the commitment. (laughs) i was, i had the hood down and everything.
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oh, uh, i like it, oh nice. how was the leap? the drop backwards, impressive. did you do the backwards drop? i don't know if i did a backwards drop, you have one up on me. see? that takes, you know, you gotta sort of be trusting in that maneuver. you heard him say it, i have one up on him. so he's a producer of the assassin's creed films. i don't know if he's going to replace himself with me. i mean, those moves were pretty good, i gotta say, and he admitted that they were great as well. that movie's playing in theaters right now, that's michael fassbender. if you haven't seen steve jobs, highly recommend that, or x-men first class, two great films that he was a part of, also shame is an amazing film as well. next up is the movie why him? i reviewed that last segment as well, and i loved bryan cranston, i loved james franco and this is something i've asked actors before, but i've always really wanted them to know that if you watch the movie closely, there's some great moments in the film where we see bryan cranston's character with pictures of his daughter as the daughter's growing up. but you can tell these are actual real photos
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age, with his real child, so i wanted to know how they did that, how they do the face swap, but also are any of those photos of his real daughter? watch this. is that really you with your daughter, like older photos of that? it's a mix, sometimes it's a real picture that i brought in with my real daughter, and when she was a baby baby, it was actually her. that's her on screen. that's my daughter, with me, onscreen, because it's a little infant. and then zoey brought in pictures, and sometimes we would replace my face. i mean, we would put in my face, in a picture of hers, or put in her face in a picture of mine or something like that, just to tie it in. film is very very raunchy, you saw james franco sitting there next to him. he wasn't saying much there but the interview itself is in full on my twitter @kevinmccarthytv or facebook alright, so next up, denzel washington,
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i mean being able to sit down with this gentleman, one of the greatest honors, because i grew up watching denzel's films, like i think everybody did. and for me, training day and man on fire, man on fire's my favorite movie of his i believe, but fences he's actually directing and starring in the film. he played this character on broadway, but when i went back and watched some of the broadway footage, in the broadway scenes, this particular moment you're watching right now, there was some laughter from the audience because of some of the lines that he was saying. but when you watch it in the movie, it's very serious, very intimate, very in your face. and i wanted to know why he thinks it plays differently in front of a stage audience versus a movie theater, listen to this. you actually answered it, when you were asking the question. you said "in your face". yeah. because now we're here. ooh. see, in a play, you're sitting back, five rows, 20 rows, 50 rows back. both actors, like say you're the audience, we have to play it in a way
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s a little bit, right? as we talk, whichever configuration we're playing out. so the intensity now in the film, hmm, interesting. right. so if the two, you and i are talking now, and the audience is out there, there's less intensity, but when that camera gets here now, now it's like, it's a bit more intense, and it actually builds. and, i went a little harder. interesting that's what i, i had different takes and that's the one i chose, those are the ones i chose. yeah one of the greatest actors of all time, if you haven't seen man on fire, i think that's personally my favorite role with denzel washington. i remember the first time i ever spoke to him, they were wrapping me up and i said "i wish we had more time", which is a famous line from that movie, and he was so cool about it, he started laughing. he's just a really really awesome guy to talk to, knows film really well. we were talking about spike lee as well, and the shots that he did in malcolm x, and inside man, he's just been all over the place.
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it's incredible to meet him. fences is in theaters right now, also starring viola davis who also was onstage with denzel when they did the play on broadway. it's a august wilson play, by the way. taraji p. henson is the final interview clip you're going to see here. this movie hidden figures, i'm telling you right now, it's an important film. it's a film that everyone needs to see because it's a story that no-one knows. not even the actors behind the movie knew the story. taraji p. henson, octavia spencer and janelle monãââíe play three african american women who are the main brains behind nasa's first successful space missions including, specifically, john glenn's. so i spoke to taraji p. henson, and the cast about that and did they ever meet or know about these women? watch this. when i saw the film, i got teary-eyed at the end, and just knowing what these women had done, but, i'm just curious, before the movie, i'm sure you've been asked this, did you know anything about them whatsoever? i did not. no. nothing. i thought it was historical fiction. by the time i got the script,
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ted had already told me that, you know, this is a true story, and the first thing i wanted to know was is katherine still alive? he was like absolutely! she's very much alive. once the ink dried on my contract, i had to go meet her, i had to go and meet her. i mean you talk about 90 something, it's like i have to meet her now. (laughs) you know, and um, she's just amazing. her humility, she never said i, she never said "we", in fact, she was kind of looking like "what is all the fuss about?" i was just doing my job. alright so that was taraji p. henson, octavia spencer and janelle monãââíe for the movie hidden figures, phenomenal movie, definitely check it out. it's everywhere on january 6th, and it's playing over at regal gallery place right here in washington dc. so those are the interviews. i had so many more this year, you can find them on our youtube channel, coming up next, i give my top five films of 2016. tweet me yours @kevinmccarthytv i'll be right back. (upbeat music)
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(upbeat music) besides, nobody's getting hurt. (breaking glass) that guy was up there before we got here. yes, uh that is deadpool right there, one of my favorite films of 2016. in this particular segment you're going to find out where that falls on my top five movies of the year, but we're going to go backwards from five to one for my favorite movies of 2016. i saw well over 100 movies, tweet me yours @kevinmccarthytv. first up is moonlight, this film is number five of the year. barry jenkins, what a film this is. it takes place over three different sections of a young man's life while he's living in miami. i'm telling you right now, this film is so important. it is a beautiful movie but also a very devastating story as well, and i think that it really has the best poster of the year. if you haven't seen the poster, it has all three of the ages of the character we see onscreen.
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y poetic film, highly recommend seeing it. it'll really really make you think when you leave the theater. i really hope people see it. it's a very beautiful and important film. alright, next up is sing street at number four. you might be saying "i've never heard of this movie" because it didn't make hardly any money at the box office. this is available now, streaming on netflix by the way, and moonlight is in theaters by the way. and this is about a teenager who starts a band to impress a girl that he likes. very simple story but the music in this movie is what makes it so fantastic. it's wonderful, it's catchy, it's from the director of once. it's an irish film, and it's just a really wonderful film. i'm telling you right now when you hear the songs "riddle of the model", "drive it like you stole it", you might not know those right now but once you watch the movie, you're going to be downloading the soundtrack, i guarantee it. it's available on netflix stream, it'll put a big massive smile on your face. i love this film so much. next up is my number three of the year, i'm going backwards i guess
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is is three. la la land, this movie, incredible. ryan gosling and emma stone. this will win best picture at the oscars this year, no question. 31 year old filmmaker damien chazelle who directed whiplash, one of the best movies i've seen in years as well. this is about an aspiring musician played by mr. ryan gosling, who's really playing the piano right there by the way. he learned to play the piano for this role, and they were originally going to hire a hand double, but actually he learned everything. so they have shots in the film where it pulls out of his hands, it's very very cool how they do it. and emma stone plays an aspiring actress, this movie is a five out of five, it's in theaters right now. prepare to see this win best picture at the oscars in 2017 next year. alright, next up, arrival. love this movie, i've seen it twice now. denis, this filmmaker, is unbelievable. prisoners, enemy, sicario, he's doing the next blade runner movie, i have not seen a bad film from this director yet. this is amy adams and jeremy renner.
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amy adam's character is hired, she's a linguist, to try and translate what these aliens are saying and why they've come down to earth. the ending is still blowing my mind seven weeks later. i cannot stop thinking about this movie, i've been talking to my friends about it for a long time. it has the best film score of 2016 and i just really feel like it's a movie that just sticks with you, and that's the defining quality of a great film. alright, my number one film of the year, i'm sure you can guess it by now is deadpool. no question, deadpool is, to me, is why movies are so great. this is a movie that was made on a lower budget, considering the superhero genre, and it's, necessity is the mother of invention, so many things in this movie were done because they had a lesser budget. it's a brilliant script, it's funny, it's action packed, it's a passion project from ryan reynolds who plays deadpool in the movie, and it really is just a movie that works. the re-watchability on this movie is amazing. i've seen it eight or nine times, i loved it.
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also loved batman vs superman this year, the ultimate edition, doctor strange and civil war. it was a great year for superhero films. so, coming up next, we're going to look ahead to 2017, what are some of the films that i cannot wait to geek out about in 2017? there's one of em right there. you probably guessed which one that is. (upbeat music) ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
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obviously justice league will be on that list, we'll get to that shortly. first up, christopher nolan is back with dunkirk the world war two film. i cannot wait to see this, this is directed by mr. christopher nolan. you know him from some small films he's done like the dark knight, inception, dark knight rises, interstellar. this film looks incredible. i saw a full imax trailer for it before i saw star wars rogue one the other night, and it looks insane. over 100 minutes of the movie are going to be in 70mm film and this movie opens up on july 21st, 2017, and it's going to be awesome. can't wait to see that. next up is justice league, you just saw that in the last clip we bumped in, opens on november 17th, zack snyder. i was a big fan of batman vs superman, i know that it was critically demolished, but i loved the ultimate edition of the movie, it's a fantastic well made superhero film. this looks great, i love the casting here for flash of ezra miller,
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n there as well. that opens up in novembethe 17th. next up is a little film called guardians of the galaxy volume 2, opening on may 5th, 2017. chris pratt, zoe saldana, bradley cooper, vin diesel's playing little groot. i'm very excited about this movie. i loved the first one. it looks fantastic. the soundtrack with a leading star on the first movie, so i'm very excited to see what james gunn does there. and finally, as wonder woman opens up on june 2nd, 2017, gal gadot returning for this. the first trailer for this film was epic. patty jenkins is shooting on 35mm film, and chris pines also starring in the movie as well. i gotta mention this, we don't have any footage, or a title yet, but star wars episode eight is coming out in 2017. that's the continuation of, we just saw episode seven last christmas, i can't wait. alright, that's it for me now. i hope you're having a great holiday. it's been fun geeking out with you guys, and i'm looking forward to another great year of interviews and movies. i love all of you, tweet me @kevinmccarthytv.
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(funky music plays) there's always something going on. as a surgeon, my best days are operative days. we are not going to have the momentum of business before we had the flood for a while. let's keep it nice and tight. (radio chatter) we lead them through their daily tasks, make sure we're accomplishing our mission. we're harvesting corn. the joy of it is just seeing people that enjoy it. thanks for joining us, i'm tony perkins. over the next thirty minutes we are going to be showing you slices of life
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from all over this remarkable area. our phenomenal fox 5 photojournalists have done it yet again, crafting some very compelling stories that highlight why this is one of the best places in the world to live. we're going to start with an area that was devastated by fast moving waters several months ago, ellicott city, maryland. we're also going to take you onboard the uss leyte gulf navy ship for a close-up look at life at sea. but we start with ellicott city. (frantic shouting) we need to call... somebody got to that building over here. oh she's stuck. come on!
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day kind of day up until about 7 o'clock. i've talked to people that have lost absolutely everything, hundreds of thousands of dollars of merchandise down the river. years and years of business growth down the river, houses they lived at for ten years down the river. clearly it's overwhelming and we had to close down, so it went dark for a while because people didn't know what they could do or not do in ellicott city. and so the rebuilding aspect is a little daunting but it'll come. people will find out that we're open. very few people have ever expressed regret that they're part of ellicott city, expressed that they don't want to come back. maybe it's not feasible for them to come back, but that type of strength and resilience i don't think exists everywhere. ellicott city is a unique place, unique in that it's a community that supports itself.
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here and we're going to help you rebuild, and you're going to help us rebuild and we're going to keep on going and supporting. it goes from the bottom of the hill up to the west end. everybody's kind of helping everybody else work and deal with what they possibly can. there aren't very many places like ellicott city. i'm absolutely excited about being a part of something that's going to be bigger and better and stronger. i don't think there's a lot of towns that would wash away and every person wants to come back to it. there's some parallels between ellicott city and new orleans and it's a totally different scope of tragedies, a totally different thing. i think there is a parallel somewhere that, new orleans was too big and too great to be crushed by water. ellicott city is not as big but in the hearts of people that live here it's just as great and it won't be crushed by water. (violin music plays) (piano music plays)
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(radio chatter) (people talking) takeoff camel 1311, roger out. this is the uss leyte gulf, a world war 2 battle in the pacific, and this is a guided missile cruiser in the chesapeake bay just off annapolis. i've been in the navy for about five years now. onboard leyte gulf for about one year, and so far it's been a good tour of duty. getting ready to pull into baltimore for fleet week. this is a big ship, and we see maybe a dozen people here.
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making this happen. i think people would find that amazing, that if they see it from shore this ship has three hundred people. right, well it is a big ship. the cruiser is one of our biggest surface ships short of the carrier. and it needs three hundred people to run it, and it's a great team of professionals. what does this ship do for the navy? there's some weaponry on this ship. it is, and she is a warhorse of the fleet certainly, but you've got the 5 inch gun right here behind us. you've got vertical launch missile cells. we are standing by every day for the call if it's necessary. my crew of over three hundred people is standing by for that. do you want to bring it back a little bit? let's keep it nice and tight. we fight as one, one ship one fight is the motto. we make sure that we work, we communicate from the top down. that's from the wardroom with the officers
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welcome back. a tractor, a ferry, and a kayak. they all offer very different perspectives on life outside the concrete jungle. take a look. (cables whirring) this is one-of-a-kind, for today. (upbeat music) every day is different, it's always a challenge. [man] we don't like to run an empty boat. the boat is named after general jubal a. early and he crossed the river at this point going to washington during the civil war. it will always be here. i mean, we are a historical site. i don't foresee it going anywhere. a lot of your commuters'll say
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nutes of quiet time throughout the day. breaks up their commute. (upbeat music) it's nice to see somebody smile when you can tell they've had a bad day and the 3 minute trip across the river makes their day. that, i think, is the highlight of the day. (tugboat motor chugs) (wistful piano music) and i'm paul baker from dickerson maryland. and we're harvesting corn to feed the cattle. i'm 65 years old and i was born into it. it's a quiet kind of a lifestyle.
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there is a lot of stress involved with it because of the amount of work that you have to do. labor on the farm is hard to come by. folks don't want to labor on the farm anymore, they figure that that's an ancient type of a job, with a lot of hard labor. [interviewer] how much longer you going to do this? probably until i die. (plaintive piano music) so we're at little falls, on the potomac river, just north of chain bridge. this is the tidal break for the potomac river. (rushing water) so this is where chesapeake bay
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y meeting with the potomac river. everything below us is affected by the tide. and i'm surrounded by rushing, white water, and all i can see are rocks and trees and birds, and maybe some snakes. and for me, it's great to have this wild environment right in the middle of the city. this is also the boundary between d.c. and maryland. so, when we put in on the river we're in maryland, and when we take out, we're in d.c. and there's no sign of human civilization. i could be out in west virginia, or in a canyon somewhere, and i can completely forget that i'm 15 minutes away from metro buses and traffic and... politicians, and everything that's going on in the city, and i can just totally escape. the spot that's the most fun on the river, you can see the chain bridge come into view,
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and whether it's an early morning, before-work paddle, or an after-work paddle, i do take a little bit of pleasure when i snap back to reality and see that i am in a major metropolitan area, that there are people stuck in traffic, and i'm out here enjoying some amazing white water. in the zone, sort of in this flow where you can't think about anything else. so any other stresses of your daily life are just completely pushed out. the only thing you hear is the rush of the white water, and you just sort of, you're very much in that moment. and you can't think about anything else, other than what you're doing, and it's incredibly relaxing. if i'm really stressed out, kayaking kind of calms me down. if i'm really bummed out, if i'm really not feeling well, and i go kayaking, it kind of lifts me up. so it kind of brings me to this sort of,
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very happy middle state. you can't beat the river. like, the river always wins. the river is more powerful than any paddler is every going to be, and you can't overcome that. but what you can do, is you can learn how to work with the river, and use the power and the energy of the river, and utilize the features in it to get where you want to go. and so i think, sort of, that struggle, is applicable in a lot of aspects of life. (peaceful, thoughtful music)
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in 1999, the population in dc was about 570,000. in 2015, it was up to 672,000. this is a city of hustle and bustle and it's only getting bigger and i don't need to tell you, it can be pretty tough to get around, but when you do, it's really worth it. here's a reminder. (upbeat music) i am not a morning person.
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the coffee in columbia will not make me a morning person. always so tired. i'm usually in my zone. like, i have my headphones in and i'm just like got to get to work, got to get to work. there's always something going on. it's always booming and busting. it's always busy, but it's fun. traffic around here scares me. people in dc now are to the point where red lights are only a suggestion. it's scary out here in the mornings. (guitar strumming) i just stop sometime and just appreciate the beauty, the art, the architecture, everything.
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(guitar strumming) i love coming through the mall. i love seeing the monuments. there's an excitement about that. when you stop and think, you get blase, but when you stop and think, i'm in dc, i'm in the capital of the country. i'm in one of the most important cities in the world. look at what's all around me and that will kind of pick me up and get me going. (whistle blowing) i was on a street corner one day and president bush's motorcade went by and he looked over, i was the only one there. he waved and i'm looking around like who's there?
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so, yeah, you forget these things. you forget that you're in an important place. when you remember that, it's exciting again. (guitar strumming) i love being in this city. i've been doing this for almost 30 years now, coming to work, and there are times when i forget and you've got to stop and look around and see it again and the excitement comes back. when we return, the sites and sounds of the city. we'll be right back.
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my favorite instrument is the cello. 'cause you know what? you got the curves of a lady, right? the most intimate instrument that's out here. ("bennie and the jets" by elton john) it really resonates within me. it makes me feel like that i'm a part of the instrument. ("bennie and the jets" by elton john) i came out here today, to do a little bit of a music outreach. (upbeat cello music) i play cello around the city at different events, and i also hit up different metro stops. (upbeat cello music) it hits the back of this instrument,
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("hey ya!" by outkast) and the wood that they use on the bridge is very rich. so the sound that i'll usually get off of the amplifier, i feel it's like, really good (chuckles). (upbeat cello music) you find a lot of people in support of one another, and that's one of the most, i think, commendable things, that we have about our city. it's the fact that you do have so many people from different walks of life, and that they are able to come together. whether it be centered around music, or someone who's less fortunate. people come together, to make sure, in this city, that things run smoothly, and that, especially out on the street, that things continue to run smoothly. the change that we do get, at the end of the day, will usually be dispersed against other people in the cit, who may need it more than we do. i'm also grateful, because, the city allows me to take this change, and go meet people who may be lesser fortunate than myself, and that allows me to be able to help them out. whether, you know, it's to get food for that evening,
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or just make sure that they can go get the toiletries that they need, to be able to keep up with, you know, the things that we keep up with on everyday living. so, that's what i do when i come out here. ("let it be" by the beatles) a lotta people who do walk around in dc may not necessarily have the funds, or the time, to stop, and be able to give back to somebody. so that's where we come into play. we consider ourselves a musician for the people. ("let it be" by the beatles) what i see in dc, whenever i'm out here playing. i see a lotta love. i see a lotta support. i see a lotta people who are able to come together, despite adversities that are going on in the world right now, and we have a great city for that. ("let it be" by the beatles)
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as you can see, our fox 5 photojournalists really know how to capture a shot. they are the best in the business, and if you need more proof, take a look at this moving montage. i'll see you next time. ("living for the city" by stevie wonder) living just enough, for the city living for the city living just enough, for the city ain't nothin' but living just enough, for the city living for the city living just enough, for the city
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t the city living just enough, for the city living just enough, for the city living just enough, for the city living just enough, for the city ain't nothing but the city living just enough, for the city living just enough, for the city living just enough, for the city living just enough, for the city living just enough, for the city
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