tv Good Day DC FOX December 27, 2016 9:00am-10:00am EST
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♪♪ straight ahead a murderurr mystery unfolding in d.c., a yoga instructor and actress goee missing on christmas day.ay days later, her body is found. f we've got live update on this ts holiday horror. plus, mall melee. chaos erupts monday aftery a christmas at more than a dozenaz malls across the country. burgundy and gold one stepos closer to the playoffs. what needs to happen for them t clinch spot? good day at 9a starts
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♪♪ >> it's 9:00 o'clock.'k. >> good morning to you.ood mo >> thank you very much for youyu joining us on this monday,da december 27th i'm wisdom, erin como, steve chenevey maureenauen umeh. holly and allison they're out oo here. they're on vacation. >> good for them.hem. >> time off enjoy it.oy i we'll get to weather in little n bit.t. first though we do want to get g caught up on breaking news news coming out of dc. putting the ants together for you late details in missing woman's case that turned into aa murder investigation just winusi the last few hours.. local yoga instructor andinctor actress went missing oness went christmas day. her body was recently found andd a suspect apparently has been arrested.sted moment ago the dc policehe dpoli department just wrapped up appea press conference with a lot ofoo new information.. anjali hemphill is breaking it down for us this morning. morni. there was a lot of informationni to sort through there, anjali. make it simple for us. have they arrested someone andoe why if they arrested someone iss the mayor and police chief still asking the citizens the peoplehl out there for help in this case?
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>> reporter: they sure are. yeah, today dc police just now confirm wagon we've beenbn reporting to you all morning, yi yes, tricia mccall's body has been found. found. they believe it was found inside her car where the car was founds on m street late last night.tig it was towed away early this morning and y, they do have hav somebody in custody at thiss point.point. though charges, n charges have been filed but it is the same te man that they have been lookingg forever since tricia macauleyac went missing on christmas we do have photo that we canan show you now of this man that is in custody currently being questioned as we i can tell you they do not n believe that this suspect knewnw the victim tricia macauley.y. they do also say that they did d see that there was trauma too tricia mccall polls body wheny she was found.ou. they did not elaborate on that t any more and not released a namm of this man.hi they plan to release that latera on this afternoon but they do td need the public's help in all oo this much that's because theyaut believe that this man, this
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suspect was spotted several times in the city once triciaia went missing and believe he wass spotted driving their car car between midnight and 3:30. 3:3 he was spotted along georgia of a northwest later that morningog on massachusetts then sometime after 9:30 that0ha morning they believe that he went into a cvv off of fourthf u street where he tried to steal t some things and assaulted someem employees employees he then wenw on after that to several other r locations in northeast dc. dc police need the public toc t come forward because they needhn to know if anybody saw that mann that you saw on your screen atea any of these locations.ocns they're trying to peace together exactly what happened.tly again, because the aftermath of this was them finding the car oo m street late last night withit tricia's body inside.e again this man is not been charged they are currently questioning him and hoping for the public thiom come forward f you saw this man at any of thoso locations from christmas daytmay until early this morning y
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that's the latest for now. anjali hemphill, fox5 local5 lal news. >> a lot of questions still in l this case.e >> it sounds that's the onlydsty suspect they're looking forth though and they appareey'rntly e that person in custody.dy an anjali said no charges filedd yet. try to get more information from the public as well.ins we. also developing this morning arlington police investigating after a person was found dead d inside the ruth c steakhouse. a man found in the bathroom unrespd inonsive. batun still no word on hreowsp he died this was in crystal city. cit but police say the man's death'a does not appear to be suspicious. apparently it was a cleaning crew that found that body there. >> let's turn to it d od weathe. furious winter storm that swepts through the northern great gre planes on christmas day is days weakening.g. high winds, freezing rain and rd snow forcing large stretches ofr highways in the dakotas to shut down completely.. blizzard warnings ended yesterday but, know driftsw drts blocking some of the roads. roa. luckily we don't have any like e that around here. we've got warm weather.. who
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>> we have just the opposite. while they're doing winter we'r' doing sp >> we'll take it.e'll take it. >> let's do it. >> let's get it to. these ove>>rn>>ight let lows if we can call it that. tt. i mean we're watchingchin temperatures about 10 too 15 degrees above normal formal f normal daytime high.time 58 now in washington.n. 59 in richmond.ond new york, boston in the 50s, and you can see some of that coldere air maureen was mentioning off to our north and west. chic shock 25 32 in detroit.oit we'll tap into this cooler airoe later tonight.later tot but up ahead of it with a stronn southerly and southwesterly winn we've been really watching thehe temperatures bounce here earlyhr this morning, and we should beod in the mid to upper 60s, mid to upper 60s this afternoon enjoy y it. it storm tracker radar we're tracking mostly nothing at thisi hour. ur did have rain showers earlierarr all that is kind of push off to the east here. e east of the pay there might bb leftover sprinkle the next houru but the trend will be to bringoi more and more sunshine into the forecast area and again a veryer warm afternoon for this time ofo year.
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degrees above normal we'll go 6 here later today.. cooler air tonight and the sevev day has a little bit of of everything.eryt redskins game we'll talk about a new year's i'll have all the details onai o your weather coming up back to you. >> thank you very much, tucker.k well now 06:00 right now. n post christmas shopping turned violent at several malls acrosss the country last night in aurora colorado police were forced toet evacuate the mall after a quoteo large disturbance was reported. police later described it as a multiple skirmishes inside the they're also were similarilar incidents at malls in cleveland, ohio and fort worth, texas. police responded to shooting at the roosevelt field mall in nassau county just outside newuw rk city.y. police say someone yelled gun y but there was no begun. b seven people did suffer minor mn injuries in that chaos.os >> happening today japan's primi minister in hawaii for historic trip commemoration the 75th anniversary of the attack onn pearl harbor.a today prime minister abby is
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the 1941 he'll be joined by presidentrese obama.obam abby's visit comes six monthsix after president obama game became the first sitting president to visit higher row r seem ma japan.ema japa >> developing in russia, officials say they found one of the flight recorders from the t military plane that crashed inra the black sea.thblac 92 people were on board when ite crashed sunday.crhed 13 bodies have been recovered.ov the russian government is dismissing the idea that terror played roll in the crash because it was a military plane. pla instead it says that it was was either mechanical problem orem o pilot error.. also chaotic moments inomenn india plane skidded right offff the run day did a 360 before ite came to stop.op. there's the end result.esul knows down on the ground. on all of the passengers safely saf evacuated from the aircraft as a jet airways plane. pla. 157 passengers on board, 15 of,o them suffered minor injuries.. one passenger said she was surer glad the plane was still on thet ground when the incidentncen occurred.occu officials say it is quoteal unquote s asa technical glitch h the plane to veer offhe
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runway. >> all right. 9:07 is the time. you're w d9:ay07 at 9a at 9 and coming up -- >> finding redemption on the football field. we'll talk to to a semi pro football coach about the lessono he learned on the grid iron he n applied to his life. stay with us. good day atith 9a back after t. ♪♪ ♪♪ z27zrz zi0z y27zry yi0y
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y27zxy yi0y ♪♪ >> all right. we need to talk football right now. all right. think about this. all right. tal tou othf grace and redemption football probablel pl until the first image that comet to mind.ind. that's what happened for ourt neck guest.ha neck he was a sports writer andrir an sportscaster at the age of 29 jamie king was tapped to coach a new semi pro football the frederick generals.als. he rye lates in a book called ad game ball for frank. fra. he jones us now with one of hiss team he's a former football pro. we're happy to welcome markcomer mosley to the studio as well.e . gentlemen, always good to seen, you. alw thank you very much for coming in.veryco >> thank you, man.mi >> we appreciate your time. tell me abo>>utapprec the book t inspired to you write the book.h
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years ago. a so took little bit of time to write. it finally got it done.lly goit d i wrote it a way of dealing witt some of the issues i dealt witha as kid and early adulthood andhd got the coach's team and through this team i was able to find fin redemption and needed a kicker really bad and i thought, well, maybe this guy would be a good o substitution.titu got him down there. there. i leaned on him a little bit. >> he kind of cheated on this. >> is that right? give us the v truth.ut >> he enticed me with just beint a coach. that's what i was supposed to be. i was supposed to come in there and help him coach. coa i was 47, 48 years old. old and i was just supposed to helph him coach the special teamsal ts which i thought that would be be nice. my ego was kind of bent over bev little bit.litt bit [ laughter ] [ >> you are an mvp after all. a >> stepped down from the nfl too the minor leagues. leas. after awhile my better judgmentm took over and i septembered the opportunity, and after a couplec of practices, i realized wed didn't have a >> okay. >> we were struggling just tore smatrke an extra point
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so i -- jamie came to meek markm would you consider maybe helpini us out by kicking some? som >> and so i said okay.y we'll give it a shot because i still, you know, i was still wal carrying my kicking shoe my shom square towed kicking shoe in the trunk of my car to all the football games just in case. cas >> you never know when you maynm need to kick.ic >> you never know when the ner o kicker would get hurt and --- >> he said he would kick but hek asked for new tackling contractc >> i was not supposed to get hit.t. >> did you kick with your ring off. >> i took it off k butic iri woy cross.os they were getting me because off my cross. i never took tha t off. >> gotcha.>> >> it was great experience forg me. i enjoyed it.i joye jamie was great coach and we had great bunch of guys and it was d an exciting time i thinknk primarily because of the youngou people and their lives.iv i mean, i was old enough to beub most of their -- their father tr most of the guys. te guys. >> right. r >> and so when i came in, it'sn' like every word that i said thee were just all over. o you kno
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was great experience for me.ncfr i was going through some tough h times at that time myself. mys i had been out of football for crew years. yrs. most guys stumble around for few years before they find i wasn't with five guys at thatt i was still struggling. it was a great experruiencgge fr and it helped me to get throughr some of the trials and thingsthr that i had at that time as well as jie. jamie had personal things goingi on that most of us didn't realla know about. but it wasn't until aboutil halfway through the season thatg i was introduced toh hisis stepfather and we became kind oo friends and that's what this whole book is about that evolvee and helped him get to the pointi he is today. which -- whic >> the relationship between youe two you said you were gn oingng through some things. you wereth grooing through somem thing. th football was the common bond,d, though.ou >> exact. he had mentioned winning a men championship with us at thatsh point in his life meant as muchm or more winning one with theitht redskins. that was a very vital point ofao his life.e. for me, my stepfather contractee cancer he was my chief abuserbu gr
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him with game ball which is a a story pinnacle of the story. sto >> in the hospital.>> in >> handed him the game ball andd then he passed away a few days later. so for me that was my one chanca of redemption it came true whene he join us we won 22 games in 2a row never lost game. >> okay.>> okay. he was definitely more than a good luck charm. everything you could askould and then some. s >> when people get a hold ofoplt this book and star reading iteag what is it you hope they willthl take away from the relationshipt you guys had, the things that tt you've worry overcome? what dom you hope they'll take away fromm it? >> for me, i hope -- anybodynybo dealt with abuse, spousal, girlg friend, boyfriend, kids anybodyy that to understand there isan hope, there are people out ther that will help people out there that will dress your -- address your needs oreeo contact numbers in the book forf that. i hope people take away hope, h, redemption, second chances anddc the fact that, you know, the t everybody loved each other andda we got along and it took that tt group of men to win a nationalil championship led by ay 47-year-old former nflmvp which
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has never been done in the donee history of sports which i'm very proud of. of >> the great thing about itng at these young men and their love v for the i mean i saw that from the first day i came most of these guysuy were frustrated jocks that hadht played high school, a couple ofl them had played >> right. >> they had really -- they love the game of footbalrel they didd want to gift up. and this was their opportunitypu to show what they had, and whenw i kind of came in the picture all of a sudden i started seeine this love that they had foror football and how they -- theyy e lived on every word that i saidi i mean i can get in a huddle and not just special teams guys gutu butly whole team kama run.ama r it was great time and emotional. it was fun. fun there was a lot -- there weree w some sad things that we had one of the young guysuy that was a linebacker, her, h probably weighed 145 pounds, bu, he was like an animal out there. he just would go after thing eng tour his knee up on kick off. we went in bust the wedge up and tour his i never saw anybody with that wt much heart. i mean in all those years that i
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great athletes and guys thatt were, you know, that had it allt but this young man had that h ta heart that a lot of -- that i,ti you know, that you don't see ale the time.. and so it was exciting. eitin it was fun. it i think the b wook really bringg that out and it shows peoplews l there is hope and there's an opportunity for everybody anderd you just have to keep. >> keeping on keeping on.pi >> that's the way it is.ha i got knock down a lot of timt's myself.myself trying to get to where i was. iw everybody looks at your careeree and says you were great. gre well but they don look back, i , was cut six times and was told l they didn't want me. yet i cep fighting eventually ii got on with washington in fossns 74 and wept on to be an mvp.. >> we all get knock down you gog to keep on getting up. >> he's in the hall of fame inen the minor league. lea he should be in the hall of famf for the nfl for what he did for the redskins fans. >> thank you, gentlemen. >> thank you.>> tnk y >> all time scorer right l mark did you prove in those picturese they still make helmets with thw one bar on them?
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[ laughter ]laug >> that's what they need to gowd back to. we wouldn't have all these concussions going on.concus >> that's true.t's tre. >> you didn't tackle with youriy face too much then. >> not at all. >> we'll talk about icy hotoutcy while you go to commercial.ommea i wonder how did you that at 47t >> we can't wait to check outt h that book. 9:18. fans of singer george mychal mha still mourning his death plus as deadly holiday weekend innd in chicago and that is violentio erupts in the windy city wantitn would you do if you owed morewe than $1,000 in library fines? r we've got a check on what elseh is making >> plus do you need a jump stara in the new year? >> if you feel like do you, okay, we've got some answers for uou. got to -- a way to row make youu purpose in life.n life. stay with us.stay w more details after the break.ak ♪♪ ♪♪
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>> i'm going to walk in front ot the camera. >> when you're a lego en d you'lll take the opportunity. oppor you can't just let them leavem e the shot.ho >> you make time for a photo pho shoot. >> it's a fascinating story as y well. stories of redemption it doesn't get much better than that.ha >> i'm adding that to my wintere reading list.ading >> every day on this show.w. >> keep on keeping on.n >> speaking of keeping on, erini >> we have check on what is ak making headlines this let's go on and
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this morning. mor you won't believe some of theies stories making headlines.king hn first up it sounds like thet making movie plot. plot. six inmates broke out of a jailj day after christmas -- onas - christmas day actually for jaill break it happened in tennessee.. authorities have recaptured fivp of the six. one inmate phil still on thehis run. officials say the sixth escaped from thethe jail early sunday y removing a toilet from the wall and crawling through a whole thw behind it. also a deadly week mend men chicago. detectives are investigating that is more than two dozen shootings including monday -- m two monday morning.two nday in all 12 people were killed and 50 other people were hurt. h now the city has seen 745 murders this year and the total number of shooting victims has soared to more than 4200.200. chicago is on track to have more murders than new york city and a los angeles combined. cbi stars around the globe continuen to pay tribute to singer georgeg el
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himself with michael on o instagram saying, i have lost aa be loved friend.. actress goldy hawn rest in i peace, your music lived ourur spirits and paula abdul tweetedt i'm grateful i had the honor of core graphing his faith tour.ou such a kind man.. moving to sports. sport thanks to the dallas cowboys the redskins one step closer toro making it to the post season ana they control their own destiny.. check this out.check o last night the cowboys beat the lions 42-21.. the win means all the skins havh to do is defeat the giants on sunday and they are in the playoffs.offs. that's great news unless thes ut lions and packers, that game thm ties then the redskins would be out. so we're curious to see how that game shapes up finally a formerr maryland resident who lived ined the area 40 years ago is makingn things right with his formerr library.. former maryland resident checkdk out what he did.ouwhat he wanted to make sure the billl was taken care of, so he went hw back to the
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couple of books that were neverv returned by his late parents.. the total $1,552. $1, the man sent a check for that amount along with his letteret quest to go keep the borrowedwe books as a keep sake. sake even it's wonderful he wanted to keep the books and would you any take care of a library bill ofio over thousand dollars? >> i mean, he's obviously it's ' somebody who has the mean to dom that. >> absolutely. it's the >> yes. >> so i consider donation to tht library >> that might be a good way toto look at it.t. >> shouldn't he just return thee books. >> he didn't want to return the books. >> he wanted to keep the books. >> i'm surprised after 40 yearer the special library police nevev came out of them probably couldo have kept the books from that ia you have the means you can given the donation to the library -- >> good karma for thatrmfor gentleman. >> hopes it works out well. >> you'll have t iot t i don't a microphone.e >> coming up on good day whatt role does gender play in sports. one athlete says if she were a man she would have been declaren the best ever a long time ago. o do you have lost leftovers f
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there. >> you don't love it any more. l >> you don't love it any more. >> february plays away is thishs song. >> back in the day before goingg on i tunes and listening toningo everything.ever you got the album first andnd heard the track hadn't been hade released yet. yet. this one is going to be the jam. >> right. r >> and then it was awesome untit this happened then you start playing, wait a minute, i pickk it first. fir >> i don't care how many timesa they play this let me just break this down. this is the song that makes you feel good. el i don't care if you're in yourrr car, your kitchen, the studio, i it comes on you just want dance, right. >> absolutely right.bsutel the first 997 times you hear it. >> make it one more, k wisdom. >> at 999 i'm ready to move oprv with my life.wilif >> was the last one he had. h >> up town f >> up town funk. f >> hated that after i heard itri number 10. numb the tenth time. >> mash these two together, toge wisdom. >> a remix. rem >> i think we heard that the w other daye .otday >> that was pretty good. gd. >> i still like it.>> i still >> we're talking about our man l bruno mars because guess what? miss 24 carrat magic is in the house.
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mgm casino and national harbor. mars is said to do this linkhisk allison seymour is why, oh, why did she not invitet me to go along with her hearderh and sidney.and >> it would have cost them moree mo cney. >> i would have ponied 20 bucks0 for a tick.for a ck. >> 20 bucks. >> that won't even getting intov the parking lot.eng lot >> that won't cover parking. >> i'm all about the empassionep please here on good day. day camera, please. >> bruno mars -- >> three, two, one. >> mr. bruin 93 mars if you're3 in town and watching good dayd g right now, i ask you, i beg you, to please make one ticketict available for your best fan bt f maureen umeh to come to youror concert tonight. it wouldn't take up much space.. just me and in the front row row just me singing all your tune. and come and sit right here onen the couch. why you guys interrupting myti m plea. >> maureen, do don't it.reen >> no respect in this house. hou >> maybe during the next nex interview we can keep her in the bottom of the screen she'lln shl still be >> she'll be begging. >> this is my
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>> no shame maureen. m >> that's right. that' >> don't do it.on't do it. don't do it.don' >> i'm just going to siling. sin erin go ahead. go ahe >> i think there's a good chanca bruno might come on the show. >> really, err gin. >> we'll tweet him. why not?>> we' wh >> i'm not a gy ambling person n i would bet you that. >> i think this video means meas we're talking too much. >>0.:30. serena williams sharing her srir thoughts about her dominance inn the world of tennis. williams says if she were a manm she would have been considered n the greatest tennis player a pla long time ago.ego. being a woman is just whole neww set of problems from societym se that you have to deal with ash well as being so it's a lot to deal with. wh. she made the comments in an in interview for espn the undefeated.undefe >> she's right. >> she is right.ig>> added pressure on both frontsot but she rose above and she succeeded.sud. >> yes. >> she's amazing. >> she's great.>> s>>'s g >> passionate open letter iette would read it if you get the chance. chance. >> trance zenned her sports.ze she's good to go.nnshe's >> no doubt.good tdou. christmas may be over many people having a fridge full of o leftovers like me.e me >> i wish i did.
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if you're not ready to throwhr them experts offer tips ons making those leftovers last for turkey and ham experts sayer s carving the meat off the bonehen can help it stay fresh little lt bit longer. seafood peel the shells firsts s and then store them in freezer r for up to thee months nothing ni says great food like threeee months -- >> of frozen >> after it's been in theinhe freezer. >> don't heat it in thet t microwave.owave >> as far as cake is concerned k they can last in airtightt container in the freezer.. >> one of the benefits of goingi away for the holidays is not not doing ally cooking which ishi great but i do miss th leftovers because it's nice toca have leftovers.ushave lvers >> i didn't cook christmas and i miss theft will he leftovers.ef. i had a week if you feel it. fe. mack crone knee and cheese for s ysys. >> last day for leftovers in th martin while everybody is out today,ody i'll throw everything away. >> label the food in the fridgei trick most office do.eo. hi, tuck.,uc [ laughter ] >> tuck, get y
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>> go ahead, tuck.uc >> he's >> i'm like a dog. >> if you put the food in frontn of me i'll eat it. it. nc just dance. >> just dance. >> ahead. [ laughter ] >> please, this show needs a nee gong. >> it does. w. the gong sho >> gong yourself. >> i'm done with me. >> 24 carrat tucker i like it. c >> let's do the forecast.thcas video in the background made yoy look like you had some moves. >> now, not so much.. >> 57 dulles.le 58 in washington.ngton hey, we got warm temperatures tt look forward to.look that's the best part of thet pat forecast. mid to upper 60s later today.ody so we all win. yes, 23 the current winds inn 20 up in i'm showing you this because thb winds have been pretty strongprn here out of the south and west.n they're in the overnight hours u and this is responsible for the unseasonably warm air. a temperatures will be 20 plus degrees above normal little latl this afternoon had little rain early most of stage right here.r it's out of here. stage lef
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bottom line east of the ba andth out of here.out still a couple leftover lefve sprinkles north and west.and we. once we get those out of heref e the whole front will shift east and we should get clearing skies and again dry conditions.tion. the way this is working the cooler air there's plenty of iti cold air off to our north and ad west is lagging so we'll get an afternoon of these bonus b temperatures and then laterat tonight that cooler air will ail start to settle into the regiong and we'll be could closer to t normal as far as daytime highshs tomorrow.rr 3:00 o'clock, again, plenty ofaf sunshine later today, today temperatures 20 plus degreess above normal and overnight theht cooler air start to filter intoo the region nothing too extremere temperatures tomorrow in the 404 to about 50. a 50. there's your seven day. 67 today. and let me just point out a few features here.ese. saturday saturday new year's i think we'll be can'tly cool. chilly at night but dry rightht now. redskins game on sunday very ver very big game. at 4:30 in the afternoon couldeo be showers around with crsund temperatures right around 50 degrees and then cooler next week. it look like we may have coldavc
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week. all right. e thmusie music. i'm out. >> wow. >> hang on. >> there it is. >> ♪♪ >> yeah.>> yea getting on the road. >> that and the -- bad in the be entrance, bad in the let's improve thing. 2016 slowly come to close if you feel like you've lost yourpassi you can get it back.dou n our next guest is here to showw u us.s. her name elaine love. le. she's an author of creator oforo passion al will the a companyco that focuses on the art andthart science of bringing purpose andd passion into our daily lives ana this morning she joins us livele to help us reignite our passionn just in time for the new year. such a pleasure to have youe h here. >> thank you. ofm ohink again this time year everyone wants to reinventt themselves for the new year.he . find their purpose in life. l passion ality. aty what is that. >> it's really exactlyth that it the combination of personality,, purpose and passion all coming m together win you and all of us have passion ality. ali >> how do you know what yoursyo
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calledle my passion al will and with my passion al will the.como you can take an online survey se that helps you understand whatda your top three passions are. a they're actually 10. we all have 10 win us. >> we all have 10.ave 1 >> all of us have 10 of them win us to greater or lesser degreesg but if we understand our topourt three, we understand theand strengths we're liking to haveg because of our passions, the vulnerabilities, we'll be more r subject to because of them and d the environments in we're likinn to 35 and be happy.. >> what if someone says this iss all frivolity. pick job and do it. it why do you need to follow yourwu passion. >> more and more i'm finding iti absolutely critical for health h and well-being i'm working on new book called passionality i'm finding as i look at researchesc over and over again the suppress associate width not living ourdo purpose and passions does havete long-term he can effects it affects us mentally the. people are more depressing thann other who's are workingwoing passionately it affects our
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right down to the level of dna. there's something called teald a low mirror on the end of chromee know mow zones that's impacted c when we're living in stressful environment.vinment. you can pass that on.on not only does it affect you it i goes on to future >> is this something then thatt employers should be wary each oc their employees has a personalpo type they should help enhance tt if he perhaps ill less sit les t better performance. >> absolutely. we've been doing this work for f years with leaders and teams and companies across the world whata we found when leaders unthe u passions of their people, ppl they're better able to manageo a them, they're better able to create environments in thoseonmt people are likely to do their de best and 35, and when you'ren yu working from a place of passions you give a ton of discretionarya evident to the role that you'rer in. in. that the company can't afford ty y fofor. c >> absolutely i want to take us back to the personality test.its give me example.xamp what would ask uh-uh to help you figure out what your passion alit. >> we're couldn't traiting onou' the things that excite you most
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somewhat who has a creatorreat passion, loves art and beauty bt things that are aesthetic, veryy very important to them. t the someone who has a builder bld passion for example is going tot live big hairy i was dishesas ds goals that no one seems to thini could be achieved.ved. and they're going to go aftergoa them. and they're going to love're in working in environments where we they don't have restrictions wic they have the opportunity to t pursue goals. goals somebody who's a healer is going to love, taking somebody whoseoo in pain and discomfort andort ad helping them get to a betterte place. >> can your top three passionson change throughout your life oruo do they remain the same. sam >> we're finding from researchdg you tend to keep your passionsr throughout your life but theut e order in which they appear in i your top shift can shift s overtime based on opportunitiesr you have or experiences thattu u get exposed to. >> well again i know we startedt this time of year people want tt inn reinvent and fine out what'a their calling. how can we find this book howokh connect get nor informationorman about finding our passion p through your work.thro >> i would say go to my passion take the profilerle you'll understand what your topt
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from you'll have a sense of'll n where you're likely to 35 andse use that information as you makk decisions going into the new t n year. as you're thinking about am i i going to go this way or this waw with a particular job that i'mc in or ami going to get involvedv in pursuing work with a particular communityommu organization and ask yourselfyrl will there be room for my for m passion and if there's room for passion run.nun >> it's never too late.. >> it's never too late.too l no. in fact the older we get the more inclined we are to want to pursue our passions and have meaning in our life. if you're unhappy maybe p yasanu not doing the right thing.hi that's not your calling. elena love can help you find itt with passionalitty.litt >> thank you so much. thaou so h we're on the right track.on tck >> there you go.>> tre y >> pleasure meeting you. you >> pleasure. >> thank you. ove over to you guys. all right. i totally believe it when you're passionate about it makesakes everything little bit better. ll >> right. right. >> absolutely. absolutely. 9:38. in our fox beat kevin will sit s down with an actor you know frok the lion king, diehard with a vengeance injury my irons latess roll in a as sin's creed. ced
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she's here, you know. kno your mother's death notth n something a boy should ever be need see.n >> that's heavy. >> good morning. >> every time i see good mo micl fassbender i think mag neato. he's about to break out the magnetic stuff and take jeremy r irons out. >> i asked michael if it was character of assassin's creed ce and mag neato who would win, his assassin's creed would have toav have a non metal >> so he would lose.lde >> mag neato is the mostheos powerful of all the avengers.s >> he's not an avenger. >> in the marvel universe.. >> x-men.>>-men >> time out. gray is the most powerful.ow >> no, she's not. >> jean gray may be.aye >> she has the --
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>> the phoenix has risen.. >> i didn't know maureen likeik comic books.ooks i like x-men. >> talk about mag neato.eato carry on kevin. cawe'll carry on our discussion. >> jeremy irons one of the bests actors ever it's funny for me m growing up diehard three this ii the ticket stub i have with me 21 years now. n >> i'll show this to you. >> that's crazy.zy >> diehard three i don't know it we can show this on k camera bua this is diehard three and this t is the movie that jeremy ironses played the villain in -- $3 bacb in the day.. ever since that movie meant soo much to me because i had thisadi stub over the years jeremy ironr probably most famous for playinp scar in lion scar, probably fory the villain in lion king watch do you think he's most famousous for. >> diehard. >> diehard is amazing. die diehhaard is legit. lit i spoke to jeremy irons whoironh plays the character in this filf and michael fassbender character connect through his ancestors through this machine called animi. an is jeremy irons is workingorki
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the information he wants from his ancestor. >> it is a deep movie. iis a i didn't really care for it. for [ laughter ]ughter >> perfect. i did speak to jeremy ironsy i about the idea of having theingt most iconic voice and alsond playing in lion king and notg an being able to use your face ande i wanted to know what thehat the difference was for him.fferen pretty cool answer.pretty coo watch thisl .watcis >> i've been watching you for so many years and you have one ofav the most iconic voices i'ves i heard as an actor.n a your voice is so iconic. >> his name is calvin lynch.. we traced his blood line back 500 years to the assassin's >> i think it's interesting to i me because i lovet' ws atching u on screen physically because the voice plus the performance and the carnage terse even just inen voice work lie the lion king and scar, i'm wondering thering the difference for you in like the t idea of your voice and like howw much you think about that inhatn regards to when you're'r delivering a performance? ce? looking back at scar how hard hr was that to not physically be oe screen have to use your voice to
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act? >> i have done radio if the pass so i'm used to using a bit of me. i've also done a bit of mimes. i'm used to uses of me. we have various arrows in our quivers as actors and thend the important thing is not to rely l on any of them.on anyf th i never hear my voice. to me, just how i am. am. >> the way you talk.alk. >> yes.>> yes and if it happens to work, then great. but when you're doing ann animated feature like the lion l king, then you know that the colors you're putting into your voice will encourage the artists who are drawing the character,er creating the character to give g it breath and so you try to -- - and depth.d depth so you try to put as much colorl as you can into your voice.oi that's the only bit you're doind and they will then add and maked the character.
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it. >> jeremy irons. two things i want to say very importantly here. >> yes. >> very importantly.>> v >> one, diehard one which he'se' not in is a christmas movie it'' the best christmas movie of alll time.. >> it takes place on christmas.r >> i get that. >> he's trying to get back totri his the reason i mention that jeremr irons was in diehard three and r this is going to, die who areiea three better than diehard one. ea really? >> diehard three is the bestrd one. t jam jackson style. style. >> great conversation in today'e episode of what we really wantr to knowwe rea is, do you still h your ticket -- store your ticket stubs of a bet klee or by year.r >> this guy stays in my goodyoo luck thing.hing. every actor held this.his. they've all hell this tickets tt stub over the years. othe >> that's been around and totall good club symbol. >> to movie theaters out there,e step up your game with the ink.. the ink on tickets now days it goes away in like a day or
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>> steve he didn't answer theant question. question >> this is 21 years old..his >> are you going to answer hisis >> i keep them all in baseball l card collection. >> are they in numerical year of release order. >> no whichever favorite.whr sitting in there. sifirst one ever.. diehard three.hree. >> any others ones that stay iny the wallet. e >> i keep seven in the really disturbing. >> it is very disturbing. >> jumanji releasing new jumanji in december. decem i am trying to get to use my oly stub to get into the movie.ov >> it's he will don't do that.. >> i asked the rock for approval. 9:47 is the did you spend too much.uch perhaps santa missed something s on your wishet don't work saint nick is here te help you. >> saint who? w? >> be sure to enter the saint ti mick contest at you could can be the luck kerwir they are of $500.of50 go to
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now and friday at 11:59 p.m. ana enter for a chance to win.oin one winner selected by random ro drawing on january 2nd all all entrants must be 18 or older complete rules available >> mick new show preparing onprn fox. 9:48.48 over the year we've seen viral vitter crows but none have doned the most like this one.s we'll show you this one thisone morning that take the cake.ak >> plus pretty seamlessy s transition at the white house as one president leaves office andd another takes over, right.s ovet we'll show i was look behind the scenes what exactly goes into gn when this happens. stay tune. >> is that a moving truck? >> oh yeah. ♪♪
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♪♪ >> oh, great. >> all right. one more time. >> one more time and i'll be over it mor. >> 998 right now. now one more and it will be over. >> ♪♪ >> i do like that song.g >> just for now.r n >> for now. ..lcome back >> got whole routine.ou >> my daughter and i in the carr >> i like that. >> you work out routine. you wor we came up with one. >> you watch the x-men with herr too.too >> i don't watch such movies sus with a five year
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>> all >> we're back now 9:51. >> take a look at the other stos stories this morning erin.. >> president-elect donald trumpe will soon belect d moving into t white house.hous. >> what goes into the changingha of the guards. fox's joel waldman got a behindh the scenes look. what happens on inauguration dao is like a very fine tuned almost military precision moving. >> reporter: as we found out,ut, the white house changes handsngn almost as instantaneously as the presidency doe >> what people don't know is inn that six hour window that theydw have to move one president outdt and one president in, that there are 132 rooms in the white house and that's a ton of furniture fu that's a lot of momentos a lot of of things to think abouthi getting in and out. a out several hundred staffers who s work on this really carefullyuly orchestrated move.ov >> reporter: while the w inaugural ceremonies are gettini underway members of the white m house staff will be franticallyl moving out the remnants of the obama administration andnd preparing the residence andnd offices for their new
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starting that morning, everyry single item in the west wing isi moved out. the desks the paper the pap t computers everything. new paint is put in. i new carpet is laid. lai they'll bring in new pencils, pn new desks the whole nine. >> reporter: who exactly is in s charge of the changing of the guard.guard >> it's overseen by the whitete house chief usher they sort ofor understand where things arere te going, thou place but everyonery from the chefs to you knowyou resident staff is involved toafl get the kitchen stock torque geu the closets filled. f >> reporter: what about those wu hundreds white house staffouse s members that spent years servini president obama and hispresiden familiarly? >> the president has a politicat staff who come in with him on o his first day at the white house and they'll stay with him until he departs.epar. remainder of the folks at the at white house are what's callsal career staff and they'll staytaf from president to president.ress some of these folks whether it'i the butlers, the chefs, pay tree chefs, records management folksl some of these people have beene here for 30, four, 50 years. 50y >> reporter: what about theter:b
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officially stand down from theim job to protect president obama?? >> and so it doesn't matter whos the president is, whether thehe vice-president takes over forrek the president or new presidentwi is elected and comes in, the the secret service assign to thessig office of the president would wd remain with whoever the newew incomelying president is. >> reporter: back to the incoming president we're repmi p learning little more about wresw a trump white house might lookk like. >> the trump penn house ishemp filled with gold and very louie the 14th style, from what i whai hear, they're not going tong t replicate that at the white t house. however, i'm sure they mightheym make a few changes to suit their tastes a little better. bte >> after the obamas accompany am president-elect trump here torup the capital, they'll head off oo marine one for the very laster s time head to do an undisclosedil warm locations for vacation anda upon their return they'll move into a rental home just fewew miles from the white house in washington. joel waldman, fox news.
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9:54 and now to this viralil video and this may be the to end them all.. father in mexico zen out out invitation for his daughter's's 15th birthday party. party he didn't just send it tod it to friends and relatives he postedp for all of facebook to see. see. invitation clearly went viralenr and more than a million people l responded saying they plan to tend. although several uninvited u people did show off the party went ought without any major anr problems.. he must have quite the social tl sick circle to get that get tt invitation to go so far. far >> tragic update to this story. somebody did lose that are livee they got trampled by a horse, aa older gentleman.tleman but they mut have put out oney v facebook i didn't see theehe facebook post they must have put out like a performer will beill there. it was like the wisdom saying bruno mars will be at mybet my daughter's birthday party. everybody come out.y come they had huge stage.. >> yeah. >> like make a rock concert. rnt >> who her dad dad no. something is going on g that on
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school. no doubt about >> beautiful. it look like -- sad tragedy byy the guy who got trampled.. >> how does dad top there. ther. >> i said that for her wedding watch do you do. >> he is special physical h there's more than one daughter. >> if there's a younger oneis tt bar is set extremely high.h >> she's asking for car. >> yeah. >> the then some. 9:56 right now. 9:56 rign from a tony and pulitzer wine w wing play to oscar frontrunner,, kevin sits down with the one ana only denzel washington and thean cast of fences. first it's coffee time on good o day d.c. if you've been buyingg our good dc mugs we have a newew good day dunkin' donuts mug tou give awayt. perfect come for that greathat dunkin' donuts coffee. head to fox5 ors our facebook page at d.c. to.c. enter our mug contest.onst one lucky winner selected by by random drawing.wing. hurry you only have now until ut 11am to we're back in a moment. moment. ♪♪ ♪♪
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same nose. same toughness. and since he's had moderate alzheimer's disease, the same never quit attitude. that's why i i asked his dtor about once-a-day namzaric. (avo) namzaric is approved for moderate to severe alzheimer's disease in patients who are taking donepezil. it may improve cognition and overall function, and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. namzaric does not change the underlying disease progression. don't take if allergic to memantine, donepezil, piperidine or any of the ingredients in namzaric. tell the doctor about any conditions including heart, lung, bladder, kidney or liver problems, seizures, stomach ulcers, or procedures with anesthesia. serious side effects may occur, including muscle problems if given anesthesia; slow heartbeat, fainting, more stomach acid which may lead to ulcers and bleeding; nausea, vomiting, difficulty urinating, seizures, and worsening of lung problems. most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, dizziness loss of appetite, and bruising. (man) dad and i shared a lot of moments. now we're making the most of each one. (avo) ask about namzaric today.
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>> good day at 10a counting dowa to 2017.01 boy for a lot of people it cannot come soon enough. eug >> this morning we're sharing ag list of the places to be when the ball drops and five areive a dressing to the nines when the clock hits midnight. >> white house hypothetical.yp who would win if barack obamacka went head to head with donaldh a trump? does the question even matter? we'll tell was the current commander in chief thata had his replace many saying noan way.. >> rudy for the rifle paying off fans at the burgundy gold and a thanks to dallas the washington football team playoffs hope area now in their own hands. h
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