tv FOX 5 News Special FOX December 27, 2016 10:00am-10:30am EST
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>> good day at 10a counting dowa to 2017.01 boy for a lot of people it cannot come soon enough. eug >> this morning we're sharing ag list of the places to be when the ball drops and five areive a dressing to the nines when the clock hits midnight. >> white house hypothetical.yp who would win if barack obamacka went head to head with donaldh a trump? does the question even matter? we'll tell was the current commander in chief thata had his replace many saying noan way.. >> rudy for the rifle paying off fans at the burgundy gold and a thanks to dallas the washington football team playoffs hope area now in their own hands. h
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spot. >> you're excited about sports today, mo.citeday, mo. >> celebrity dish britney spears not falling victim to 2016 oh no the popular the latest victim of online death hoax she's very'ser much ali. later kanye's colorful christmas the saint pablo rapper doesn'trn look like this any more. hit it. hit good day at 10a starts now. n >> just for you maureen.aureen. >> as soon as we start this shoo we have 10 songs we play for tht entire year.r. >> i'm telling you. >> this is one of them i'm. >> this guy, florida. flori >> this is maureen's >> here's the thing. t chris isn't even producing he h left a note for tammy.. >> play these song. >> everybody loves loves them. . maybe we should retire them in i 2016.2016. >> please. >> as we move forward to 2017.01 >> tweet us and let us know your song choices for 2017. 2017. >> i want to point out theseoint beautiful ladies.d do you think they look mazing. .
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y amazing especially on new year' eve. eve. we'll scholl you exactly >> okay. >> it's doable.>> o >> it's ble. >> okay. >> jeans help but it's doable. a >> all right. right >> more mazing than our faded fd poinsettias.ttias. >> exactly. pay no attention to the fire f hazard in the kitchen. >> erin i think on that note wen should ask people to tweet usets which songs they'd like tothey' retire in 2016. 2 >> i like that. >> never to be heard of again.fa >> we all have that song. son >> we played five of them this morning.g. yeah. >> retire them please.them >> thanks for staying it wuss for the 10a.r stfothe 10a. two minutes past the hour.heou i'm steve alongside wisdom, erii and maureen.en. holly is off this week. wk all right.ight let's check what's trending thih morning. mo. >> let's do it. dispute brewing over ar hypothetical election betweenale president obama and donald trump. seriously. on a recent cnn podcastle wit h david axelrod president obamanta said if he wouldn't again heine would win a majority. >> was he kirk cousins. >> if they make it
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playoffs. >> hypothetical. >> take listen to what president obama had to say. to ob >> i'm confident that if i, f ii had run again and arctic cute lated i think i could haveld hae mobilized the majority of thef e american people toly behind it.i >> donald trump disagreed he sounded off on twitter saying s president obama's record woulddu have prevented him from securinn a victory.tory. he cited the loss of us jobs,ob, affordable care act and the growth of isis. the white house declined toeclit comment on trump's tweet. >> this is so irrelevant.elevt. >> it absolutely is.. >> cannot happen. happen. it will not wt >> we do not need to --o -- >> why bring it up and whynd w respond it. >> like people is arguing who'so better kobe or michael.ichael >> or x-men or avengers or mag neato or jean gray.ray. ridiculous.lous >> jean gray is the postays th powerful mutant.ulut i forgot who tweeted us. u >> that's enough camera time for you. 10:03. let's talk about the dallas abod cowboys. [ laughter ]laught >> redskins one step closer tose make the post season theynhey contro
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detroit lions 42-21.. the win means all the skins havh toddy feet the giants on sundaya and they're in the playoffs.yofs it's that simple. unless the lions and packers end in tie.inie then the redskins would simply m be out of the playoffs. that's probably not going to happen. probably not going to be tie. t i think green bay will walk the field -- walk the floor withlo t detroit.troit >> could you imagine if thef the skins season was decided by twoo advertise this year.thisear >> that would be crazy. >> the would be cool. >> i think they're in the besths position that they can could bec in and the giants don't reallyor have a lot to play for. for so hopefully they don't bring'ti their best effort. >> they are rivals. ral >> they are.he >> you're saying a tie is highly unlikely but it happened.pened. >> it's possible.. >> given the way crazy stuffrazf happens witness teams here inea the dc region i can see it happening. >> you can see a tie. >> statistically they'll make il into the playoffs. myoff. >> listen to that. that >> here's the thing.
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i've ever said. sai >> green bay and detroit arend a rivals. green bay will beat them because they're the better footballbetto team. >> what do you want to happen.t. >> there you go. >> huh? >> what do you want to >> you got to >> it's in their hands. hds you win you're in.u win u're >> it's that simple.ime. >> all right. erere you go.>> >>e well, serena williams she's letting her opinion be known kwn about the dominance in the worln of tennices. williams says if she were a man she would have been considered i the greatest tennis player as pa long time ago.e a just being a woman is whole neww set of problems from society soe that you have to deal with as well as being plaque so it's a ' lot to deal with.lot tol wi she made the comments in an i a interview for espn the undefeated.defe >> i totally agree everythingryn that she had to go up >> right. >> it's not easy to do.s nosy t >> no. >> she's responded on the courtd and she haeds dominated in the t world of tennis. tenni >> over and over again. ain >> the tough part here, if she'e trying to say she's the greatess player of any -- of either sexhe of all time, the system isn't i set up for them top
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other.ot it's very hard to determine what that would be. absolutely no questionuest what she's done on the court. unbelievable.evab >> the letter she wrote to her r fans saying how she insecure ier before about her strength anden her parents wouldn't havete trained her that way she won the athlete she is.e i it's was really inspiring.ring. >> look at how many tennis tenns players retire at 21, 22 yearsrs old.ol she's still going and winningani much it's unbelievable.. >> completely dominant.ant i understand what she's saying.g but why worry about trying toryt justify yourself up against men you are the best. >> your track record speaks for itself. >> i mean not to exclude youe guys you follow sports a lot.ot if you look at other sports it's so hard to ever dictate who isei the greatest of all time.atest f >> that's true. >> like at tiger woods for so a long he was on track to be t tie greatest of all time.f all me. but then when you fade or youe y don't finish strong, now is it s somebody from the 50s, 60s the 70s the 80s that was the was the greatest of all time. >> it comes back to jordan and lebron. >> i'm taking it this way.way
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knocks in her career.r ee i think this just a chance forne her to say listen i'm owning. on i am the best. of course making the comparisono to a man may not be fair. i'm tired of people talking smack. smac let me own i'm freaking good ano i'm going to tell you about it.i that's what i hear her sayingayg either way you're serena you're awesome, we love youly own it at you are. >> it's so hard you're the bests and you played 10 years ago. now you're playing differentfe person is playing 10 years0ea later. >> look at jordan. with the bulls and then came here. forget all of that. t >> hypothetical debate.ypot >> it's all good. if you're good, you're good. >>he>> igood yes. >> if you're great, you're great. >> everyone knows she's great.o >> amen to that.>>men to george michael is great singer e and great philanthropist a lot l of people didn't know about thaa sized his life.isif his music has been pop landd spotify a lot of people streaming his tunes.g hines. music plays sky rocked by moreyo than thee thousand%.d%
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streaming of george michael.ofeg last >> yup. >> number one. >> careless whisper. celes >> yes. >> you can hear it in the background. can h that one you don't gr get tired of. o 30 years and still going strongn faith, freedom and wake me up u before you go go of course. cou >> where is my song.on >> knew you were waiting with aretha franklin.lin >> everything she wants.shnts >> yes. everything she wants. wants >> does that matter.r. >> it's fine.. >> any song wisdom martin mar doesn't like he loves some whama >> i was telling steve we werelg talking about friday about our favorite christmas song and a wisdom and i both said last las christmas steve and holly don'td care for it too much. much. >> not so much. so ch. >> yeah.h >> we cared enough to perform i on the air. a little did we know what would ppenen. we're learning actually more ant more about george michael'sel personal life, about his liveisv now in his death we're learningg about his life.ife. apparently extremely this goes back to that philanthropic as spec i was juss
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away millions and millions oflis dollars over the years to someom to actual charities to help children, cancer victims. v people who suffered from aids. in a couple of instances he turned over royalties from his s own recordings to charities andi provide add continuous source of income to them as a result.esul. tucker was saying earlier howow sometimes he would literallyly just overhear a conversation ono the street about somebody that didn't have money and just findn secret al way to get them money anonymously and walk away. away. >> it shows what a big heart hee had. had. >> rest in peace, georgein pce,e michael. you will be miff. now that christmasyou is over n of you may be wonder ugh what tw do with your tree.ree. if you live in the districtt they'll be collected in front o your own through january 27th. montgomery county you can putan your tree on the curb on your yu regular recycling day and in dai prince george's county treesy ts will only be picked up on mondays. waste collectors say it's important to remove all thecollk raises and also do not put theue trees in plastic or cloth bags.s >> this year alvi to worry about where to store it. it >> that's right. >> steve came on board.
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>> i bought into you guys systee you. >> don't have to beautiful pinef scent. >> i have to get a spray scent.t >> he got the pine sole spray. >> go buy it in the store. store you can spray that year round. u >> 10 past the hour. 1 still to come this morning0 wht are you going to go to ring innn the new year we got you coveredr from big parties, concerts and bars. bars. it may cost you as well. cel >> i got a big pillow for neworw year's. i'll be knock out.knocout britney spears still alive and well despite tweets to the contrary.contrary we've got dee days ahead on this morning's celebrity dish.h >> hey britt britt. bri ♪♪
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>> oh, yeah. >> wisdom martin number 999. nu9 he said he can handle this songs no more than 1,000 times. we're getting close.lose. 24 carrat magic on its way to mgm national harbor. bruno mars hits the stage stage tonight. allison seymour is goin tonight >> i'm so jealous.als >> she's taking her lovelyy daughter.daht we told her to take lot oft of for those who can't be therehe we'll live precarious by her. >> maybe she can get bruno marsr to come on and serenade us.s. >> i'm hoping out hope. >> wisdom, your
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>> all right. rig celebrity dish time, people. teo >> let's go.>> let go. we'll start off with sad news this m >> too much sadness this year. tl honestly. >> ricky harris comedian and and actor has passed away manager mn tells los angeles times thates a harris died yesterday he was 545 best known for his recovering rn roll in the chris rock tv everybody hates chris and appeared in the 1993ody movie poetic justice. he and snoop dog were childhoodd friends and they sang togetherah in the church rest in peace ricky harris. hri. he was the voice on a couplepl of --- >> he was the one talking in a i lot of these records. records. >> all right. >> while we play that ice cubece tweeted we lost ricky harris the world is little less funny rest in peace home. he snoop dog, see when you getou there like we used to do in church on the east side telle t nate as in nate dog to hold my note. long time referring to nate doge whorr used to be in with them t doing the music and everything..
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>> is it just me a lot of peoplo lost this year. yr. lost in early 50s. 5 i can't any more. 2016, please.le enough of you. >> wow. okay. >> it's been a lot. maybe in other years>> i otherss passed away this year there have been such seismic losses like prince and now of course withrsw george michael and the otherhe h names escape me just seems likek a lot. david bowie, my goodness, yes, so many. my >> how about you talk about britt >> this one luckily this is a hoax.ho britney spears tony music entertainment target of twitterr hoax on monday morning. morni they had several tweetsal tweets announcing that britney spearsps had died. >> what?>> w >> right. reatery were later deleted britney spears is not dead. dea the tweet actually said britneyt spears is dead by accident.en we'll tell you more soon.n. one of the posts read similard m bit was on bob dylan's twitter feed.feed mrs. spears manager adam liebere told cnn britney
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well. well the hacker group r mine tookk responsibility for this really really evil hacking and tweeting. they also hacked the accounts ot marvel and knit flicks and markk zuckerberg and other profilefile tech executives.tives britney spears okay she movedkav that picture you saw to her h twitter account letting peoplenp know, look, i'm alive and well w but not funny to joke about abot anyone did he mice.he mice. that's the worst of worst britney spears okay. >> they hack marvel but not d.c. -- >> i mean, wed. don't want to rr too much more into that.t >> maybe they just hadn't gottet to d.c. yet. yet maybe confident c has better bee security.curity >> you never know. or maybe because mag neato and o jean gray were fighting the badb guys were able to get in. >> exactly. >> mag neato won of course. >> let's continue.>>et's c >> talking more about brittorou britt because there are rumorsrm that she's got new man.. >> who? >> the rumor more couple firstof met on the set of britney's video for slumber those close to the legendaryry
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serious at least not they went on few dates a courseu told e news it's not as big as a people think.hi but you never know. who knows? what will happen inp the new year.the w ye >> um-hmm. >> all right >> did they just show it. i >> no.o >> okay. >> they look cozy.>> >> you use snap chat filtert fie together it's got to be seriouso >> is that where you cross the e line. >> when do you the deer the fill that says i'm all in.l >> all snaps from -- his name is sam. s ere you gogo. >> i want to know where sam ises from. fr i'll have to do research. >> please do.leasdo. >> do background on that.onha >> i want a full on picture note with the deer. d >> is he a dancer? we need toe know the story.ry >> that's tease go to your -- >> background dancers ared ance winning. >> they do. i don't understand it. >> j.lo. ma roy ra. >> outsourcing background.rod >> we want to talk about thishis bozo.bozo >> really? >> sorry. >> i can't with him any more.. >> i felt bad now i'm like'm lik you're back to your
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i love this it is the bomb.b. kanye west he had histine heisti wasn't doing too well in the wet hospital for while recovering.og so came out had this crazy blonb hair when he were enter to meete donald trump what's going on here? 39-year-old rapperrapper apparently changed up his look k again.agai now he's got new multi colored do that he's sporting. sport we saw it while he was headingdi to the movies on mondayy afternoon in los angeles.eles appears the hair is yellow, pink and white.te not sure what is happening here. perhaps he's experimenting withn his look perhaps, yeah -- okay.. >> this is kanye being kanye.ein do we >> let's talk about this. t because it started out as let me do this in story form. for i need music for this. give me any kind of music. mic it was just a semi averageve thursday night. 23-year-old young lady namedyam rebecca had gotten home fromomef work about to begin writing her monday blog.log. >> deer diary. he whe was watching this. >> gasoatch ahead. ahe keep going
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does dear diary i see christie tee again dancing in lovely redd dress she looks beautiful.ul deer diary will i ever own ar on dress hike this?s? >> here's what happened afterwhp that. th that same moment christie teetee again tweets popped up on herpn twitter feed. fd so she talked about what maureee just said and then guess whatt happened? christie tee again, okay, i'm done. >> let me. me. do your thing. >> serious whole you're doneus w with that red dress this week's spike can i have it please? >> so then christie tee again ta says i'm done. de direct message me your address. and win a short amount ofunt of time --me - >> wow! >> -- she zen her the dress.hez there's a picture of rebecca anc the dress right there. tre >> that is awfully cool.ul >> she was shocked.he sho >> i'll bet. b if that's all you got to do tott get a christie tee again dress,, steve, let's get on it.t. start tweeting. >> dear mr. zuckerberg.. >> she got from james packer. >> exactly.
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that money is no longer usefulsu to you. >> sam, model, rumore boyfriend posted them in bed together with heit the deer filter and then deletel it. >> in bed together. >> chose seeded up in bed that t was background of the snap. >> i -- or deleted after she said wait a minute. look at that picture -- you - y moved that picture.ic get that out of here. >> what about if you're lying ii bed with special someone andomeo they pull out the camera.amera you just let that go.. then all of a sudden you're likl oh, i didn't know you were being for real. i'm just saying.i'm >> got to be careful with that.. >> needless to say they lookedyo pretty comfortable. >> they're a little serious.erus >> and she's alive. >> 10:20. tis the season for balls andseas gaonlas. >> we've got you covered. you cd representative from lord and fro taylor joining us right here ono good day dc at 10a shown us the perfect gown for this year'ss galas and ball season. >> fine some galas a
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♪♪ we're back at 10:23 alle morning we've been followingbaci breaking news out of the dc d missing woman's case d.c. policp say is now a murderder investigation the woman a local yoga instructor and act stresses went missing on christmas.chmas. her body has been found suspectt has been arrested. fox5's anjali
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with the details.. anjali. >> reporter: i do want toant clarify one a man is inar custody and beingg questioned, no charges have been filed at this time.ime but about an hour ago, d.c. d.c police as well as the mayorheay expressed condolences here at d.c. headquarters during press conference they do confirm cfi tricia macauley's family wasily found inside her off m street se the same place where a man scene driving her car was taken intoai custody. i want to you take a look at lok this photo it's important.mpor this man is currently beingbei questioned regarding her death.h police are not releasing his h name but he's the same maname m they've been searching for since tricia she was last heard from aroundrd 4:30 in the evening on christmas day.y. but later never arrived to her h friend's house for dinner. dinne police then learned the man in n those photos was seen drivingee around in her car throughout the city. city eventually spotted off m streett late last night. >> after a media releasese relative to a missing person, we received a tip. officers imm
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to the 2200 block of m street northwest at approximately midnight last night.. they found 46-year-old tricia macauley of northeast washington, d.c. deceased in her vehicle.vehie. last contact with tricia was on december 25th at approximately 4:30 p.m. in the 2,000 block ofo north capital street northwest.. we currently have a suspect incn custody in the case. case. but we do need the public's help.he we have a timeline that we would like the public to pay p particular attention to. >> reporter: and that timeline d the reason police say they needd help is they say this man was spotted several times ines i tricia's car during the hoursou she was missing.e wa they mentioned several locations in this press conference innatei clueing a cvs off fourth streete they say around 9:30 yesterday morning, this man tried to steaa some items from that cvs and assa
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they are urging the public to to come forward if you think youhiu saw this man or that car any any time yesterday to please contact police. police. now of course there are still many questions that remainrse to what happened. police do say they don't believe that this man in custody and tricia new each other, at thist point they are not releasing how she may have died but they dohed say that there were signs ofns o trauma to her body. b for now that's the latest in northwest.rthwt. anjali hemly hip fox5 kneelne laos. laos. >> thank you very much, hally.a. another developing story from dc police. they're looking for a hit-and-run driver in northwesth that killed a woman the. the. it happened around 6:30 this t morning along the 3500 block ofo 14th street.t. police say the woman was walkinl near a crosswalk when an suv hih her. the car then took off northbouno on 14th street. stree police say they're looking for f black ford suv with a damaged front health. all tucker barnes g morning to you.. i've been saying i
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long. this is nice to have weatherce t this warm this time of the year. >> very unusual.sual. >> i'm a fan. >> how long is it going to to stickie round.ound. >> like three-hour special.ur [ laughter ] >> great. >> which three hours. >> thihis aftchernoon. i mean --an -- >> like 1:00 to 4:00. >> 2:00 to 5:00 when the sunun goes down it will start to coolo off. >> and the bot to the will dropl out. out. >> it will get cooler.. >> not bitter cold.ter >> all right. >> not like that. >> 59 now in washington.n. still 50 tomorrow.omorrow. 59 dulles look at annapolis 62 degrees.eges. leonardtown 61.n 61. fredericksburg 60.rg 6 culpeper 60.eper 60. here we wgo. everybody in the mountains thert climbing into the 60s as well.. martinsburg and winchesterr 61 degrees. all because of these wind out on south and west allowing unseasonably warm air to get inn here. and as mentioned for severaler hours this afternoon once we get that sun out it should turn into a beautiful afternoon andnd unseasonably warm afternoon.noon had showers overnight. very light showers most of thata pushed off to the east here ande we're trending towards s
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you can see the clearing skieski just off to our north and westns up towards hagerstown.own as that sun gets in here later r today there is cooler, muchr, mh cooler air.cooler air. pittsburgh in the 40s and we'ree in the 20s up in chicago.. that air won't get in here untie later tonight it will cool downd but for today, enjoy beautiful afternoon.rnn. 67 degrees. all right. cooler tomorrow. trow. still wisdom not terrible.erri 50 for daytime high tomorrow.omo guys, that's the latest weather. back to you. >> all right. thank you. th time right now is 10:28.0:2. coming up -- up -- >> getting you ready for 2017. 2 we'll share a list of new year's hot spots and making sure youure are dressed for the nines when the clock strikes midnight.idnit now you can handle this song. s. >> i can handle this song. >> prince is a favorite goingavt wrong. >> we saw your zip trip performance.ormae [ laughter ] ] ♪♪ ♪♪
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