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tv   FOX 5 News Special  FOX  December 27, 2016 10:30am-11:00am EST

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>> they're here to be sure wey'e usher in 2017 in style h our own very stylish guests i should say brandon weather be.wer be. good to see my friend.y friend. >> nice to see you. >> you're looking the party asen always. >> i'm a big fan of rue paul and i believe in the future of futur emergency and rue paul is thehe way. >> tucks doesn't heard things. let's be honest.let' >> rue paul is way more way m important than any tucks. that's my recommendation in my terms of style.s of unless you're supporting drag d queens are you even america a right now.
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of 2017. 2 port our local tag queens. >> what happens if we don't arep rue paul party to goen to this o year eve. eve we have to find other options. s that's why we enlist your help.h >> that's why i'm here g let'set start with big parties we haveae oval y choices, bands, concertss other entertainment.ta. staying at home whatever youg a want to do. let's start with the big parties par that are still available.le >> what do you like.>> >> if you don't really know whay you want to do, k i definitelyel recommend rock and roll hotel.. three level parties, djs and really good djs and they have t buffet but who goes to rock andc roll club for the buffet.fe that's hospital shouldn't theyun have. good for them. i really enjoy if you don't know what you wanted rock and holee hotel is. if you want to hide from from everything go to the third floor outdoor bar. >> i would think you would beoud the one person if you go to anga open bar you want buffet. >> understood if you're going tg open bar i understand it's newt' year's eve. eat befor d.dn don't pretend that you're goinge to eat an an open bar much bar that's a bad enough. eno >> fair enough. a couple of restaurants church c key is one. o
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blue jacket is another. ano different parts of town similarl offerings. >> i love both of these optionsh if you arees beer afficionado ao and want to be by navy yard youd go to blue jacket if you want tu be in 14th and p around thatroud area logan circle then you go to church key. both of them are all up all u conclusive packages 125 a piece -- 115 a piece.ce. and what's fantastic about themt church key has 50 options. oio blue jackass 25.5. you're not going to be able to o drink more 25 beers.ore 25eers. >> that's insane. you shall never do that.u so it'shs fantastic if you're a beer afficionado.nado. >> taking dog bee bags of beeree is frowned upon you new year'sea and otherwise.therwi >> i would like to see you try.t it's a fun >> let's talk about concerts. >> i absolutely love what theveh 930 club does every they're sold out.'re so o with tickets remain the old 97 9 at hamilton the old 97s are onea of america's best bands one of o america's most overrated under appreciated bands and they'vende done this before at the hamilton it will sell out getting close o
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get your tickets now if you havu any interest in that.erin tha >> hamilton is a great party grp vibe to begin with.beith. go downstairs get lots ofots chances to enjoy the music as ma well like you said bands that tt have songs about drinking whilen you're drinking tend to be he joyable as well.l >> they are prep 88. they they are american to a tea. >> if we want to go to dinner td you had a couple of options including one mexican restaurant. >> i love -- they're my favorite members cal specific restauranta of 2016. 2016. meghan barnes specifically the e beverage director meghan barnesr they've staffed and shocked that place where you will not go homm disappointed. i prefer the another jose andres restaurant which i've also recommended and if 2016 was youa think it will be hard on you iti was probably probably harder onn jose andres. that's one of the few f restaurants he has that still has reservations available hencn my recommendation of hala. you don't want to celebrateebrae standing out side wishing youisu can get watching every
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party haven't good time.rty the first one you referenced for the restaurants tonhee y're doii dinner and after party. party >> exactly. so if you want to go for theu wg dinner go for the dinner and that's fantastic. fantast if you don't want to stay untill 2:00 i understand.erst if you're in that area i likea i columbia room.columbia derek brown is one of the best bartenders in dc. d he's got a christmas bar i'm sure heard about this every eve packed -- pack every singlek evn night. you won't be able to get in abli there probably get into columbic room and that's a fantastic option just down the industry gg final thoughts on new year's to pass along to our esteenem views at home.e >> please drink lot of january 1st is the day you can1s go out and drink and pleaset e patronage these restaurants anda bars all through the year. december 31st is going to be to horrible if you have any reservations or fierce. by reser vations i don't meanean physically reservations.tis eat early, go home early spendpe it with someone you love and/or make new friends and supportuppo your local drag queen.
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>> you're paying for theyingor t experience. >> thank you my friend. best>> advic teha we're hearinga brandon always a pleasure gasurg thank. >> thank you for joining us. happy new year everynkbo ydy.ryy >> happy new year. >> we are still trying to makee our >> you were just on the tv. >> it's 24 carrat magic.ra m >> can i ask a question? ifn? f anyone knows my parents are in town.. >> yes, he was wearing a rueue paul sweater.. >> where can my parents go forag new year's year's eve >> to your kitchen. kitch >> to dinner. they want to like party. >> they want to party not justtt dinner.. >> exactly. >> no, my mom and dad are passes their raging age. age >> columbia room.olumbi that's very nice --ery ne >> i'm not giving their age.ingr they're over 50.ey i don't know that they want toy party with like 21-year-olds ans 30 year olds. yea >> like a 30 to 40 something soi crowd. >> you think so.>> >> your parents don't want to gn there.e >> there are number of n restaurants that are doing likel the one he mentioned mexicanan restaurant downtown in shaw.n s there are going to do some like dinners and then after dinner de type entertainment.. >> okay
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>> if you know --w >> they want to pay for the opeo bar or want a place where they can have the >> alln ha options are open. on. my mom especially she likes thet idea of getting dressed and doing something.ethi. >> the nicest thing when theirhe daughter actually sets it up for them g that's what i'm trying to do. >> you mean having an event atn my house. >> you can do that too. >> i did thanksgiving andid thav christmas i'm not doing anything at my house. at >> they can come out to my hoodo i'm charging a discount rate.t r >> we talk about it off camera.m >> all right then. t >> don't think i'm not going tom ask you. n okay.ok new year's eve poll finds that t americans are hopeful for 2017. the annual associated press poll finds 55% of americans polledcal believe that the new year willrw be better, please, be better. that is from last year. y about third of people answeringr the poll said things that worsew for the country in 2017 than 2015. only 18% said things got better. let's all be optimistic.ptimtic better days are always ahead.he >> i mean look no matter whatrha you thought of 2
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always an opportunity to just, j you know, start a new page.. >> get a fresh start. >> let's do it. forward.ward >> time now 10:37.37. coming up next in this fox beatx it's out in theaters now. n. fences is being called one of cl the year's best movies.. kevin mccarthy sits down withit the lead actor of the film. >> i watched that scene. s i cannot wait to see this film. powerful. >> ♪♪
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>> ♪♪ >> i never liked this song much laid backer lik singing ride thw horse the song about cocaine ane cocaine use. >> it took me forever to figureg out that's what they were w singing about. >> it did. >> y eah. thi>>s c yame out, wisdom. i'm younger than you, remember.m >> it's a ways back. bk >> you need to get into the g classic. >> i listened the beatles alltla the time. tim >> i wasn't alive in marvis gays put out a lot of his hits but it know his music. mus >> i know do you. really well. [ laughter ] >> he's a man o n fire today. >> he did it. >> i saw what you did. >> had you theying about itng at before he said it. it. >> how much marvin gay was aucmv part of your college and high ad school. >> only song he liked was let'ss get it on and sexual that's wisdom -- >> come and get to this. ts. >> exactly. exaly >> i like marvin gay a lot. lot. >> the girls are like what's go
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> ♪♪ >> this song defining song everyone's college and highig school. school. >> no, no, college. >> who's ever everyone. everyon >> have you seen him sink the t national anthem all star game sr back in the '80s. in th it's great.'s great >> it's good. >> if we can ever pull that up.a it's great. >> greatest national an themselves ever.r. >> that sounds good.ds g >> all >> kevin -- >> let's talk bowden sell.en s >> denzel who's awesome by theom way. wa another person i grew upheon i watching denzel washingtonenl wi directed movie called fences. f out in theaters right now thehte idea behind the film he play asa father in the 1950s pittsburghis trying to keep this family together.toge you're seeing here is ayou' recombination of footage of himn stage have i legal davis andnd footage of him in the movie you saw that scenerin younou mentioned the scene about the t idea him yelling at his son his because his son says, do you doy like me? how come you never y n like me?ke m >> what law on this planet sayst that i have to like you! >> exactly.>>ctly >> you sound like samuele sam jackson.
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impression.on >> no, no, no, he went through h it the other day it gets bettert you have to let him go.go >> sam this is sam jackson.on what law on this planet says its have to like you? >> that was what's denzel.en >> do denzel. dzel. >> we don't have time.>> we don >> that was pretty good samhatym jackson i'm not going to that was pretty good.thatas p >> that was pretty good.d. >> wow.. to get serious for one secondned you mentioned something about the idea of not liking someone.m i feel like growing up i dealt d with bullying one of things i tg dealt with in regards i wantedin everyone to like me. i guess one of the biggesthest things you learn as you get yrn older that's not everyone willvy like you. >> sometimes it's a th problem pr not you.ob >> no matter what you do, no matter how nice you are they're not going to likleem.matt yowou. >> i spoke to denzel about sde learning that lesson and infusing that into the story and he kind of said one of the linen from the movie, i'm sorry, ior, didn't mean to say that. watch this. >> line in the film you talk you about this idea of, upping, not, everyone is going to like you lk and that to me is one of
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biggest lessons you learn in len life because you want people top like you but not everyone ise going to like you. y that's the one -- you need to make sure people are doing righg about. >> can i ask you a question? ue how come you ain't never like me? like you? what law isaw there to say i got to like you? >> don't you go through livehroe worrying about whether somebody like you or not. ure thattbe mak aingbout s they're doing right by y >> talk about what that means ta for you as an actor going into this business and how importantt that lesson is for people because i think people reallytha think everyone should like themt it's not going to happen.appe [ laughter ] >> well, how old are you.ell, >> i'm 32. >> what's the number one thingnt people want now? what do youdoy mean? >> likes. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> living on likes. >> yeah. >> that's right. right >> it's true.>> it's true. >> what do you think about thatk >> yeah, you're >> i'm post this interview and get some likes. get some >> who the hell said i g lotik t like you? >> you mr. washington, thank you veryit much.
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>> let gnome when i said just sd who the hell said i got to like you that's a line from the playp >> that particular line for youy does that teach you a life a lif lesson going out in your regular life after do you seen like like that? that? >> absolutely. i mean that's something that my fatherha et'xpresss ed to me ata young age some people no matter how -- no matter if you're justs super nice or if you're warm tot everybody there's some people that just will not vibe with thh type of person you are and it's personalities that just aren'tue clicking. >> people who hate me.>> i'm eosuper nice to you.e to y why do you hate me? m >> i learn that long time.g t nothing you can do about it, a i man. i don't and what it is about you i just dod wh not like this guyg he's the worst. it's one of those thing the besb thing you can do is live yourvey life and try to be good tond tre people. pe >> this is like a film making m question i'm curious how the hot scenes work when you're ridingwu on the truck. tru because it's fascinating you'rer delivery the lines but like is l there an element of like i don'd want to fall off? >> there's definitely an element of i don't want to fall off.
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he had me ready to be latched od to the thing because he knew i n just had a hip replacement andca so and and so forth.orth he said if you have to, man,, we'll chain you to the thing and we'll cut. cut but i went through my rehab andh because he's so wanted to helpp me, it made me want to be able to do it.. but it was joy to be -- youou don't feel right if you don't d' it. >> i was sitting across froms f denzel he said that.d i was like, eh, eh it took me ae second to realize he's so right. we base everything in our livesv on likes. >> in out business, it wases like -- i mean just in general.. >> just the delivery what heer w said to you. you >> he said likes. lik it took me second. genuinely all time gut reactiono i didn't edit that at all. at i was like,, y >> very cool. >> we had the same reaction. >> he was like i'm sorry i'mry you've the line on you in the yn movie make sure you tell peoplep in d.c. i was saying line from n the film and not reall
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that to you. that's really cool.eally co. >> our man.>> >> thank you denzel.>> thaou d >> i want to see that film. fil man on fire best film he evere e made. made. >> whoa whoa whoa. >> malcolm x, training day. >> man on fire better thanetr t lcololm x. >> training day, malcolm x.rainm >> i loved malcolm x.x >> another conversation we gotot to have off camera.ave ofcame we need to get our own thing owi getting up here.g did you spend too much during mr this holiday season perhapsps santa missed something on yourny wish list.t don't worry, because saint mickc is here to help you out. o enter the saint mick contest at you could be the luckl winner of $500. of $ go to betweet now and friday at 11:59.1: one winner selected by random rn drawing january 2nd all 2 entrants must be 18 or older. o complete rules are available on >> i just got that all after ala tim time. saint mick. >> the show is called -- calle >> show coming out call mick. mc >> thank you kevin.>> tha k did did it. >> kevin explains the news nextx [ laughter ] >> play on word
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>> it's the new year approachess and instead of gala season geteg out pen paper because we've gote hot tips this morning how you'ru going to rock the red carpet ate this year's biggest what you need to know to be thee bell of the ball and the perfect song to accompany the segment. >> that would be right dead fred singing that song. >> thank you wisdom martin.
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i really like that about bassett. you really can custom make your furniture exactly how you want. it's all about customization. the possibilities are endless. you can get exactly what you want.
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♪♪ all right. 10:51. believe it or not gala season is upon us.up u soon you'll be getting invitesnt to formal galas exclusive inaugural parties award showsws and red carpet events. i'm al err inn fox5 d.c. on twitter if you'd like to extentt those. th seriously if you feel like yourr closet is missing key items to make you the bell of the don't worry about the good teama team we have you covered. patrice mc carry a personalerso fashion adviser at lord andand taylor is here with some very vr important tips to help you justs sleigh that next event. thank you so much for coming ini patrice. >> thank you so much for having me s.o mume >> let's bring in our fir modelm and talk about the style of t
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season. seas me o on in. >> first model is risa and she's wearing a very chic and beautiful yet symbol plaque plau calvin klein. haltered light neck line very v slim fitting and we added color. we have the badgley measure meae today bag as well as the shoe.ho >> i love the shoe and the bag matches. >> don't you love that.on't y l >> thaovt sparkle adds somethint special we added the earrings ag well that sparkle just continues. kate spade earring. earring. >> i notice lot of the dresse tf line is a lot simpler and more a lynn than it has been in theinhe past.past yeses it is. a little slim fit and it justt enhances your silhouette. >> the back less gives eightiveg little pop. >> that deep back does givek doe eight pop. >> that's buehl full look. >> we'll bring in our next model. she's wearing a gorgeous red gown. >> this is olivia and she is att the aiden mad diagnosis redosisd halter like inn is that's stunning dre lss a as wew two ra
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slim fitted and you're showingei little skin yet not too much.uch >> i like the jewelry and the accessory of the bag. b tell me about the shoes. ses i noticed they're closed toe.d e are you able in the winter galaa months to wear open toe for theo dress. >> yes, you are when you'reu ary dressing open it transcends season, temperature, everything and we joe's jessica simpson's nude pointed closed toe to just adddd accent to this dress. d >> if you're going to spend anda lot indulge an item are for a look, the jewelry, the gown,n, what is your best spendingndin point. point. >> go all out for the gown. get something that flatters youu shape and consider your hair and make up and goal all out with wt the >> i love these looks but i sayy if you're part of a couple, youu want to dress to compliment eace other. >> do you. e. let's bring in our coupl and show hour they're lookingng this green dress i want this thi look.ok the shoes, everything. >> this is melanie and alan, cac i say quickly they are from them
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washington, d.c. mel plan knee is wearing greenne sequins a little fur piece foruf fun, and alan is in our italia orange slim fitting plaid tuxedo you see guys you can step out so little with.le >> mick it up with the mail lool and separate. >> you can. you really did. yo turtleneck.. my boyfriend wore one to our christmas eve party. pty that's a hot look this season. s >> that's a hot look. that's a he looks great in itlo.okooksret >> i love the facial hair.he fa. what do you think the rule isk i for men and having a beard for f the winter going to gala. >> i keep hearing and seeingg beards, beards, beards., beard they seem to be the hot male hol fashion accessory.esso >> i noticed the pair the furr t with the sequin dress.ress. and that just looks beautiful with the satin.hein what do you think the rule is ii terms of park kell this season?? can you have the sparkly spark dresses. dr >> yes, you can.. not too much sparkly dress maybe go plane with the earring and the shoe and handb
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out with that sparkly dress. >> let's bring all our models ml back they're putting me to shame. sh. you're at lord and taylor and anybody needs patrice anyatriny advice. >> may i see quickly we are alll end hasn'ted by our wonderfulrfl cos me tick department at lordto and taylor.d ta please come over and go to yourr favorite counter they may helpep you. >> i love the pop of skin in thn red gown as well.el that's hot.ot if you have someone somewhere to go this season, gala,al inauguration ball, these areon l some of the looks that you canlt be on the look out for as you au dress and prepare to be the bell of the ball. or the sexy gentleman of the ball. >> stan out color that you say y we shall have this >> that's good question.ue black is usually it but we have this green sequin. suin. >> i like the >> color and a blush color. gown over there. there we have print.e we have quite a few options.ns so come on over. or i'll choose something out for of u.u. >> listen we already knowwe alrk they're fabulous this is our goo
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i'm telling you she'll do youl u right. patrice beautifully looks. l >> thank you so much. thank >> do you get everything off thf clearance rack. rk. >> oh, yes. quite a lot is>> in o clearancea the moment.e mont. >> she'll help you fine it. youf no j >> i'm talking about for my e wife. >> come on now. clearance for yourself>>.ourse. >> do you hear him? oh, my my >> so >> come on. >> if you want to get e comnte e look what do you think you shalt be looking to spend? you can dd it for about $400 with a lot of the incentives we have going onn in the store now.. the jacket happens to be 50 off0 i think i can say that. >> wisdom you could beware thate i can see you. >> you can do it. dit >> all right.. >> few more days to go until th new year. >> looking good.ood >> wait until the last minute. >> great choice of styles. sty 10:56 right now.10:56 t n that will do it for this editioi of good day at 10a today. much more for you tomorrow.orro keep an eye on all of our social media channels for the dwelling stories in dc. d is that number 1,000.,0 >> th
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♪♪ >> we're back toll. hope you are too. bruno mars tonight, mgm. if you go send us pictures.
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live from new york city, it's the "wendy williams show." how you doin'? we won't judge. but we're judging. it's going to be juicy. ♪ ooh h ♪ >> now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪♪ ♪ oo ooh ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> wendy: welcome t


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